#asot armin arlert
Hi there! I was literally so happy when i found out that you write for A Slap on Titan, I just had to request something! 😁 Could I possibly get prompt:
J- jolly your unusually happy today arnt you?
With ASOT Armin and a reader who loves Christmas and gets really happy around the holiday season?
Tysm if you decide to do this! Have a brilliant day/night either way of course! 💙
Of course I love the psycho version of armin
Request- Christmas promt J- jolly your unusually happy arnt You? Asot armin x gn reader who loves Christmas
Warnings- asot armin is a lil creep, can be seen as platonic or romantic
-A concerning amount of happy-
You loved this special time of the year more than anything! Everything was perfect there was music, gifts, cookie, even the titans seemed to calm down during the winter
Your home had been decorated since the day after Halloween. You always felt 19 times happier during the holidays. You were adding adjustments to the tree when you heard a knock on the door. You brush off your pants and open the door with a smile.
Standing in the doorway was No one other than armin he came over quite often probably because everyone was creeped out by him. "Hey armin! Happy holidays!" You smile giving him a hug. He gave you a weird look "did you happen to take some of reiners "special candy" Y/N?" you shook your head still smiling "just happy to see you!" He laughed "your so sweet I'll be sure to reward you when I take over this world as the God I was born to be" you sigh armin was always saying stuff like that but you didn't really mind "you should come help me decorate!" Without waiting for a reply you drag him inside your brightly lit abode "your unusually happy today arn't you?" He sighed with a small smile he would heed your request as a reward for always being so nice to him though he was still sure you were 100% high.
Thank you for the Request! All my request are open right now ^^
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eternal-armin · 3 years
sleepover headcanons.
because i really miss my friends and my boyfriend 😭😭😭😭 characters included: jean, sasha, armin, levi, hange, mikasa, annie, and asot armin.
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‧̥̥͙‧̥̥ ̥ ̮ ̥ ⊹ jean. ⊹ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̥̥‧̥̥͙
⋆。⋆༶⋆ dinner together is incredibly fun, usually it's pizza or something. he doesn't usually eat it but you basically bully him (excessive begging and pleading) into ordering some food
⋆。⋆༶⋆ sleepovers are typically hosted in the living room with the good tv
⋆。⋆༶⋆ mans got a good house sorry bout it
⋆。⋆༶⋆ he also got matching themed pajamas WHY IS THIS SO FUNNY TO ME
⋆。⋆༶⋆ but the moment you're in the house, it is pj time. no matter what. 3 in the afternoon? sleepover is starting now. get in your fuzzy jammies or istg
⋆。⋆༶⋆ favorite activity is to boot up some really bad b-horror movies, make a big batch of good popcorn, and yell and throw popcorn at the screen when people make stupid decisions
⋆。⋆༶⋆ you both end up cheering for the villain at the end. Who else are you gonna root for, the dumbasses on screen?
⋆。⋆༶⋆ your ribs hurt by the end of the second movie and you have to take a break
⋆。⋆༶⋆ so either it's trying and failing to cook or it's 2:40 am Taco Bell
⋆。⋆༶⋆ usually in that order
⋆。⋆༶⋆ and somehow it tastes like literal heaven and you spend 10 minutes in silence eating and staring at the city scape from a bridge
⋆。⋆༶⋆ when you finally head back home, it's way more chill than before, and you usually fall asleep within, like, 20 minutes.
⋆。⋆༶⋆ the house is a Mess when you both wake up
"ah fuck." "so, jean, i'm gonna head out-" "like hell you are!"
⋆。⋆༶⋆ turn on some music and make it a competition. kick his ass in cleaning and he has to pay for your dinners for two days, and vice versa
⋆。⋆༶⋆ you never cheat at that. but he does.
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‧̥̥͙‧̥̥ ̥ ̮ ̥ ⊹ sasha. ⊹ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̥̥‧̥̥͙
⋆。⋆༶⋆ fashionably late arrivals.
⋆。⋆༶⋆ texts 'omw! :D' when she isn't even dressed
⋆。⋆༶⋆ yeah no not fashionably late but just like... regular late
⋆。⋆༶⋆ "guys guys guys! you'll never believe it!" as she has found your favorite snacks. or ordered them online because she couldn't find them anywhere else
⋆。⋆༶⋆ you guys stay up playing games
⋆。⋆༶⋆ flipping the table playing monopoly, losing candy playing blackjack, ruining friendships with uno
⋆。⋆༶⋆ and usually people don't actually spend the night, leaving at like 1 am, but you end up passed out on the couch with your girlfriend, both sprawled not only on the couch but on each other
⋆。⋆༶⋆ it is the deepest, most rejuvenating sleep ever
⋆。⋆༶⋆ yknow how you feel when you're drenched in rain and change into your favorite hoodie and nothing else, and crawl under the blankets, and you're so warm and cozy that you immediately either fall asleep or basically purr?
⋆。⋆༶⋆ yeah, that's how it feels to fall asleep with her after all these energy-draining fun shit with friends
⋆。⋆༶⋆ and you usually wake up at.... 2 pm?
⋆。⋆༶⋆ ive done that before. on a school day. such fun.
⋆。⋆༶⋆ but when you do wake up you both just wanna stay there. still exhausted but in a good way.
"what do you wanna do for breakfast, honeybun?" "hhhhmmm... say it at the same time?" "order out!" "this is why i love you."
⋆。⋆༶⋆ and you eat as fast as possible so that some of us can show up to our work shifts without seeming deadass hungover
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‧̥̥͙‧̥̥ ̥ ̮ ̥ ⊹ armin. ⊹ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̥̥‧̥̥͙
⋆。⋆༶⋆ starts with greets, ofc, very bubbly moments. drinks are served and snacks, a little bit of catch-up time, yknow
⋆。⋆༶⋆ when y'all get older its typically wine or other alcohol you drink, maybe cocktails, or non-alcoholic mocktails
⋆。⋆༶⋆ after that, though, it's game on.
⋆。⋆༶⋆ multiplayer strategy games are super damn fun. armin tries to actually play properly, you play properly but also throw people off of the human fall flat map and keel over for twenty minutes, eren will also throw people off the map when they're just about to win, and mikasa will try to play properly and help everyone only to be thrown off the map
⋆。⋆༶⋆ eventually someone has to go home and so eren, mikasa, and whoever else is there leaves
⋆。⋆༶⋆ without fail, every time, armin is like "you can go too, seashell, it's alright"
⋆。⋆༶⋆ "like hell i will. i'm having too much fun to go home!"
⋆。⋆༶⋆ play rock paper scissors for movie-choosing privileges
⋆。⋆༶⋆ armin won't admit it but sometimes he purposely loses because he loves watching the movies you're most passionate about
⋆。⋆༶⋆ let's be real, mans has fucking memorized your rock paper scissors patterns
⋆。⋆༶⋆ you get some good snacks, or a meal depending on the time and hunger level, and snuggle up together under a blanket
⋆。⋆༶⋆ sometimes you've watched the movies so much you just talk the entire time, about random things or about the movie, criticizing the actors' choices and joking that you could do better
⋆。⋆༶⋆ neither of you could do better. that's not a read that's just projecting
⋆。⋆༶⋆ but sometimes you cry together at the endings to heartwarming or sad movies
⋆。⋆༶⋆ and armin will become incredibly cheesy and affectionate during romance movies, just loves seeing you flustered oml i love this man so fucking much
⋆。⋆༶⋆ you don't even know how you fall asleep, but you do, still leaning against him
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‧̥̥͙‧̥̥ ̥ ̮ ̥ ⊹ levi. ⊹ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̥̥‧̥̥͙
⋆。⋆༶⋆ basically just an extended hang-out sesh
⋆。⋆༶⋆ coffee at 8 pm because you wanna spend as much time together as possible
⋆。⋆༶⋆ extensive talks at the table about random things.
⋆。⋆༶⋆ sometimes about the job climate recently, sometimes about how bad/good the coffee is, maybe about where you wanna go for coffee next, how levi is better than all the cafes, how poor levi's sarcasm is, somehow the conversation gets switched to the recent science discoveries and the fermi paradox and the great filter theory
⋆。⋆༶⋆ and after those very enlightening conversations, and after having a light dinner or snack, you pull out the latest in terrible literature
⋆。⋆༶⋆ neither you nor levi are big on the tv-show scene, only catching some shows and none of them are usually on by the time you stop talking
⋆。⋆༶⋆ "how about we split open a bottle of vodka and read this book aloud until we're intoxicated by the bad writing and the 80-proof alcohol"
⋆。⋆༶⋆ and levi always agrees because it's just too funny to pass up
⋆。⋆༶⋆ put on some glorious orchestral tracks and lose your minds at the juxtaposition
"this is- this is fucking incredible. every feasible change that any editor would make involves fire! there is nothing redeemable about this trash book!" "did you know it was written by tyra banks" "WHAT"
⋆。⋆༶⋆ after thoroughly destroying your insides by laughing so hard, you put the book away in the fireplace and cuddle in front of said fire
⋆。⋆༶⋆ sometimes you fall asleep here despite the coffee and alcohol. it's just the best feeling to cuddle this cold but sweet man especially when he cuddles you back
⋆。⋆༶⋆ but usually you don't fall asleep, and you silently enjoy each other's company. you already talked a lot, and the silence is comfortable
⋆。⋆༶⋆ you hold him close and he holds your hand, strokes your hair
⋆。⋆༶⋆ sometimes you ask existential questions, like what happens after death, what the purpose of things are if humanity will go extinct anyway, if the big bounce theory is real and what if it isn't
⋆。⋆༶⋆ and occasionally he asks those questions
⋆。⋆༶⋆ you have a pretty informed and casual conversation, and usually fall asleep to each other's voices. the fire had long died, and it is comfortably warm.
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‧̥̥͙‧̥̥ ̥ ̮ ̥ ⊹ hange. ⊹ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̥̥‧̥̥͙
⋆。⋆༶⋆ deadass, throws THE best slumber parties.
⋆。⋆༶⋆ fully just- endless activities planned. video games, board games, poker, sometimes you end up doing a half-assed job at cooking, or going out and sitting on the roof of a car garage to look at city lights while eating a pizza with your friends
⋆。⋆༶⋆ too much to do, no one ever sleeps. except levi. just passes out randomly and you guys pull a 'weekend at bernie's'
⋆。⋆༶⋆ okay not really, but anyway
⋆。⋆༶⋆ the activities are so spontaneous. sometimes someone plays music and hange pulls you in to dance
⋆。⋆༶⋆ and once you guys start dancing it just starts everyone dancing
⋆。⋆༶⋆ it feels so cool when you dance to 'lay all your love on me' but like specifically this version (its a bop oml)
⋆。⋆༶⋆ once again except levi. but eventually you two (force) him to dance too, and even though hange's hands are only on you, y'all dance together
⋆。⋆༶⋆ after the excitement dies down and everyone is tired, hange will pull up some true crime docs or something
⋆。⋆༶⋆ lets be real, they love that shit
⋆。⋆༶⋆ but you do too so no dice
⋆。⋆༶⋆ honestly you can both fall asleep to those documentaries like babies to lullabies
⋆。⋆༶⋆ sometimes you do stay up to discuss some of the things that happen in the documentary or your own theories. and when you occasionally get nightmares or paranoia, hange is right there to comfort you
⋆。⋆༶⋆ usually with sleep butterfly kisses and quiet words of 'you're safe, i will always protect you, peanut'
⋆。⋆༶⋆ and you not only feel comforted but also loved
why do all the people i simp for (minus robin) frickin--- anime characters 😭
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‧̥̥͙‧̥̥ ̥ ̮ ̥ ⊹ mikasa. ⊹ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̥̥‧̥̥͙
⋆。⋆༶⋆ plays abba all night and you both cry to 'slipping through my fingers'
⋆。⋆༶⋆ but otherwise you're dancing. sometimes you play tokyo city pop and it is exhilirating and exhausting but so worth it
⋆。⋆༶⋆ you end up laughing together, both out of breath from dancing like no one was watching
⋆。⋆༶⋆ "hungry?" "hell yeah, let's get some food"
⋆。⋆༶⋆ once again, like with jean, it's either failing to cook or hopping in the car and looking for late-night cravings
⋆。⋆༶⋆ the longer you stay up, the more delirious and melancholy you both get. so conversations that were once sweet and wholesome turn into 'wanna talk about the infinite universe around us and how miniscule our lives really are'
⋆。⋆༶⋆ somehow it makes you closer
⋆。⋆༶⋆ maybe it's just because you're cuddling to reassure yourselves everything is okay
⋆。⋆༶⋆ and it is, for a while
⋆。⋆༶⋆ but you or her crack a ridiculous joke
⋆。⋆༶⋆ and it's all smiles and laughs for five minutes
"mika i love you so much" "i could say the same, but it doesn't capture how much i actually adore you, sweetheart"
⋆。⋆༶⋆ and she gets really cuddly when she's tired so you're in heaven
⋆。⋆༶⋆ you wake up to her making a quick breakfast so she can eat with you in bed. the only time. food is allowed in bed. ya heard???
⋆。⋆༶⋆ and you talk about what happened last night, what came up before bed, what you wanna do today, and you excessively thanking the increasingly-flustered mikasa, who always is just like 'it's fine, sweetheart'
⋆。⋆༶⋆ but you're always insistent on paying her back, be that with cuddles and kisses or anything else
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‧̥̥͙‧̥̥ ̥ ̮ ̥ ⊹ annie. ⊹ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̥̥‧̥̥͙
⋆。⋆༶⋆ very affectionate during hellos even though annie saw you literally three hours ago. lots of hello kisses and a big ol' leonhardt bear hug guaranteed
⋆。⋆༶⋆ you change into your pj uniform while annie prepares something to eat
⋆。⋆༶⋆ the amount of confidence miss ma'am gains when you're alone at a sleepover is criminal. i hc that, behind closed doors, annie is very flirty, but why is it stronger during sleepovers
⋆。⋆༶⋆ you accidentally play a song and she's like "wait that's awesome"
⋆。⋆༶⋆ and you end up recommending more songs and making playlists for like the next hour and a half
⋆。⋆༶⋆ joking and laughing and being completely surprised when a bad-looking song is actually a fucking bop
⋆。⋆༶⋆ and sometimes you groove together and collapse on the bed together
⋆。⋆༶⋆ "okay okay okay, that's- that's enough music. how aboutt..."
⋆。⋆༶⋆ you give her The Look
⋆。⋆༶⋆ and next thing you know, you're building a pillow fort. after convincing her for many minutes to join you, stealing the fairy lights to really make it grand
⋆。⋆༶⋆ every time she's like "okay. this is kind of cool."
⋆。⋆༶⋆ and you turn out the lights, boot up some good horror movies, and watch with only each other for comfort
⋆。⋆༶⋆ annie never gets scared. which is complete bullshit because you always get at least creeped out and at worst, seriously scared
⋆。⋆༶⋆ always, always, she cradles you like "aww baby you scared? it's okayy" and purposely honeys your voice
⋆。⋆༶⋆ you pout the entire time. but it does feel nice so you don't pull away, however you do make it known that you are very sour
⋆。⋆༶⋆ when you start yawning, she changes the movie genre so you don't get nightmares, and when you're like "hey why" she completely denies why she's doing it
⋆。⋆༶⋆ and then admits two minutes later because your gaze
⋆。⋆༶⋆ honestly you're like a teddy bear, she just falls asleep when she cuddles you laying down dont @ me
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‧̥̥͙‧̥̥ ̥ ̮ ̥ ⊹ asot armin. ⊹ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̥̥‧̥̥͙
⋆。⋆༶⋆ show up at his crib and lemme tell you it is a salem haven
⋆。⋆༶⋆ dude i long to have the level of almost-creepy, gorgeous decor this man does. bookshelves filled with old, beautiful books
⋆。⋆༶⋆ usually no one gets to see his home but you are his poppet, so you have the privilege
⋆。⋆༶⋆ it smells surprisingly wonderful, and he has many activities planned. starting with reading, then giving you a few lessons regarding your poor sewing skills, tending to the herb garden and checking the assorted herbal essences and salves
⋆。⋆༶⋆ and after all that is done, and harvesting some proper midnight herbs and such has been complete, you cook together. be it quick breads or desserts or something, it's sort of a ritual in and of itself, honestly
⋆。⋆༶⋆ you both do it together, every part of making it, and you talk and joke excessively
⋆。⋆༶⋆ and, in typical armin fashion, he will have plenty of innuendos and dirty jokes at disposal
⋆。⋆༶⋆ mr whiskers may make a few (not-so-) subtle appearances
⋆。⋆༶⋆ you sit together and eat. sometimes you sit upside down for the fun of it and he joins you because it's fun and neither of you know why
⋆。⋆༶⋆ now eating upside down is a different story
⋆。⋆༶⋆ after all this is out of the way, it's time to hang. boot up some action shows like alice in borderland, play some games like devotion and resident evil, and cue the even more excessive dirty jokes that i love this man so much for
⋆。⋆༶⋆ by the time you finish baking it's already like 3 am but these affairs are always all-nighter events so its whatever
⋆。⋆༶⋆ and sometimes other things happen, sometimes you play games until the sun comes up
⋆。⋆༶⋆ and then sleep the day away. because neither you nor armin can make it through the day without like passing out, so you might as well pass out while cuddling
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omg-we-are-cool · 3 years
ASOT Armin: Goodnight moon.
ASOT Armin: Goodnight tree.
ASOT Armin: Goodnight ghosts that only I can see.
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ao3feed-eremin · 2 years
How To Dominate A World
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/e0JFUsP
by Soanyways
Armin and Eren have different ideas of how they should deal with the people beyond their walls. Mikasa bares witness to the chaos as chaos does ensue.
Words: 1837, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Eren Yeager, Armin Arlert, Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss, Mikasa Ackerman
Relationships: Armin Arlert & Eren Yeager, Armin Arlert/Eren Yeager
Additional Tags: A Slap On Titan au, mentions of Hitler, Season 4 Spoilers, Eremin? - Freeform, Crack, don't take this seriously, Random thoughts puked into a fic, I miss ASOT so much
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/e0JFUsP
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eternal-armin · 3 years
always forever. [ male ver ]
ASOT armin and you split up for a little while in a bookstore, when you're approached by someone who tries to chat you up. cw: one-sided [uncomfortable] flirting, death threats, sexual references, innuendos. [i did my best, i haven't written many jealousy prompts before this]
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the bookstore smelled of parchment and ink marks. by now, what had once been a nostalgic scent had become incomprehensibly boring from smelling it so much. to be fair, this was, what, the sixth bookstore tonight? seventh? “if it isn’t here… i’ll be very upset. but it’s our last stop today,” armin promised. his eyes were glancing around, landing everywhere but on you for a moment. his hand was holding yours, tightly, fingers intertwined like they had been for hours. “i can’t believe this stupid town doesn’t have a simple book,” he muttered, animosity clear in his tone. “to be fair, it’s a pretty niche book. it didn’t have many editions.” your tired but reasoned voice earned a quiet sigh. “i’m still angry, poppet, whether i want to be or not. this is bullshit.” he kept his voice quiet so the bookkeeper wouldn’t hear him. you couldn’t help but giggle a little bit. his cheeks had become slightly tinted by red as the evening went on. you could never say it aloud, but it was somehow adorable. he walked through the aisles, and you followed faithfully behind him. bookshelves grew from the floor and up to the ceiling, stocked fully with books of all different sizes and colors. you glanced over all the titles, each word that captured your interest, until you found one that you simply had to look at. slowing down, armin glanced back at you, pulling the book carefully out of the cramped shelf. “i’ll catch up in a minute, love.” you gave him a gentle smile. even after months of dating, your sweet smile made him blush. he nodded, obviously trusting you on your own, and went off to continue searching the store for the book he was looking for. glancing over the book cover, the details in the design, and the lettering that stated the title and author, you were instantly entranced. it had a good weight, too. maybe 200 pages? you opened the book, greeted by another smell of new, clean, crisp pages. it was the first one you had opened this evening. the scent was greatly appreciated. delicate, semi-small type decorated the page. you began to read. the rhythm of the words drew you in. while armin continued to scrounge the shelves in the new age and demonology sections, you stayed in place, shifting your weight occasionally. a few pages in, you were interrupted. “oh, eartheater? that’s a pretty good book.” slightly startled from your concentration, you looked up, smiling at the boy who had approached you. it was not the same smile you had given armin. “i’ve never read it before, but yeah, it definitely does seem like one so far.” “i think you’ve picked out the best book in this shop, honestly. it’s beautiful. i would totally recommend reading the whole thing.” he returned your smile. “oh, cool. yeah, i’ll take your recommendation. thanks, man.” thinking this would be the end of it, you turned your attention back to the literature you held. but out of the corner of your eye, you saw him linger near you. looking at you. increasingly uncomfortable, you continued on and hoped that ignoring him would make him go away. but that did not work. his careful gaze on you, even for just one or two seconds, did not feel right. “i really like your fashion, by the way. you look really good. what’s your name?” too uncomfortable from the unwanted compliment to properly advocate for yourself, you laughed drily. “i’m [y/n].” hoping your tone of voice carried your abashment, but alas, it did not. or if it did, he clearly didn’t care. “[y/n]? that’s a perfect name. it’s adorable, just like you.” he was close enough to touch your shoulder and you felt like a statue next to him. okay, you thought, carefully shutting the book. you were about to make up an excuse to go and find armin, preferably as quick as possible, but you didn’t need to. book in his hands, armin had gone back to find you and leave the bookstore. “who. are you.” you had never been more relieved to hear his nasally voice, dripping with such anger that you could practically taste it. you didn’t want to see the glare armin was giving this stranger. “oh, hey. i was just getting to know
[y/n] here, nothing more.” even under the intensity of that glare of a thousand daggers, bucko over here sounded perfectly neutral, slightly smug as he always had. “really? forgive me if i don’t believe you, since you were just talking up my boyfriend. please just get away from him. you’re polluting his air with your putrid stench.” glancing at him, his sharp blue eyes were narrowed and unblinking, his face flushing just slightly with the weight of his annoyance. you found yourself blushing as well, but… for a different reason. it was a lesser detail, but his hands clutched the book so tight his knuckles were practically white. you knew him well enough to know it was so he wouldn’t punch the guy. “how was i supposed to know he was taken?” was the ever-humored response. he didn’t back away from you still. now you were the one trying hard not to punch or shove him to regain your personal space. “maybe align yourself with common decency and stay away from people who seem or sound uncomfortable, dickhead,” he began, his voice more of a hiss than anything. “now get away from my prince before i rip your head off and stick it so far up your ass it reattaches to your neck.” as much as the insult made you want to giggle, probably because you weren’t the one it was aimed at, it certainly did the trick. combined with the intense look in his eyes, it was no surprise that the guy took it to heart. although he seemed like he wanted to say something back- which you would honestly have loved to see- his fear outweighed his cockiness. he eventually turned and left. heaving a sigh of relief, your shoulders finally relaxed. “gods, i’m sorry about that, ‘min. did you- uhm, did you find the book?” your voice sounded more tired than you wanted it to. you didn’t bother to force some faux happiness. armin huffed. “i did find it. it isn’t your fault. so don’t apologize for his idiotic decisions. i’m gonna hug you.” he did just as he said he would, his surprisingly strong arms wrapping tightly around you. it was so comforting compared to the downright gross aura you had felt earlier. he snuggled into the crook of your neck, earning a giggle. armin couldn’t see it, but your cheeks flushed a rich red. he snorted, laughing quietly. “what? it tickled! you know i’m ticklish!” you whined to him. he continued to laugh at your adorable pouting tone. “it’s not my fault every touch makes you laugh,” he muttered. his hugs, for a self-described god of revenge and destruction, were, ironically, heavenly. especially when he held you so close. you rolled your eyes, resting one of your hands atop his. the other still held on to the leatherbound book, clinging to both it and you. “are you gonna hold me for the rest of the night?” it was not the first time he had done so. “i’m not complaining, i mean, that’s fine.” you added quickly. he grinned at the slight shyness in your voice. “of course i am. if i don’t, the next person who so much as looks at you will be my next sacrifice. i need to get rid of his touch anyway.” armin’s response was followed by a few kisses to your neck which one would be remiss to call chaste. without fail you still giggled at the feeling. “once again, i’m not complaining.” you turned to press a kiss to the top of his head, and into your skin, armin mumbled something you didn’t catch. “but maybe we should head home before we get filmed for a library porno,” you added in a whisper. “why would we? that sounds like the dream. i would love that.” you stifled your laughter. “so that people would see clearly ‘who i belong to?’” “i can feel you moving your arms. don’t put it into quotation marks. it’s true. you’re mine, my prince. no one else’s. i get more pissed when people disrespect that, so why not channel that into you.” armin’s words were slightly sharp against your skin, and utterly stern, but it didn’t feel bad at all. “you’re really cute when you’re jealous, armin.” “i’ll reward you with a kiss for every minute you go without saying that again.”
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eternal-armin · 3 years
daddy issues pt. 2 [ male ver ]
ASOT cw: creative insults, threats, a lot of curses, crude jokes, innuendos. perhaps the horniest thing i will ever post on this acc. for months, armin has had a vendetta against you. after a heated argument, you're forced to clean together. 1,890 words. neutral ver coming soon
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armin channeled his remaining anger into scrubbing everything clean. he still grumbled under his breath, cursing you and everything you were. not that that was very surprising or unexpected. why so sensitive about this? just take action already. “shut up, mr. whiskers. i have the right to be annoyed and i have the right to be annoyed without your stupid voice in my head! so be quiet and go back to your basket!” the whisper-shout was loud, but mostly inaudible through the wooden walls. out of breath from muttering so much, armin stood straight and took a long breath in, clenching and unclenching his fists. “what kind of action would you want me to take? i could murder him but then his blood would be on my hands, and that wouldn’t be very good. it would be satisfying, but i don’t think i would do well in prison.” instead of focusing on the task at hand, he found himself daydreaming about how to get you out of his life. obviously you don’t hate [y/n] that much, otherwise you would have just killed him. regardless of prison. “i told you to shut up, stupid cat, so stop berating me with your… logic!” he scoffed, crossing his arms tight over his chest. or are you being a total hypocrite and you like him? armin’s expression twisted ineffably. “i do not like him, mr. whiskers!” unconsciously, he began to pace. “i do not like him and i will never like him! stop thinking my life is some stupid tween fanfiction already!” he hissed right back, wanting to pull his hair out. “i told you to get back in your basket and leave me alone, why is it so hard for you to just stop talking!” his voice cracked and for a moment, got louder. loud enough for you to hear from across the hall. realizing this, both armin and the cat in his mind went silent. “you doing alright in there, snow white?” your sweetly sarcastic voice said from the doorway. looking at you, there was a hint of amusement in your expression and your slightly raised brow, but nothing of a smile. armin scoffed. “snow white? what an original nickname.” he responded with an utterly unamused voice and little change in his features. “why do you even care, mr. ‘damned-fucked-up-asshole’? leave me alone and go back to fluffing the pillows or whatever someone as small as you can manage to do. and i can go back to scrubbing the floors, including all the spots you somehow managed to miss.” the words, though not his cruelest, came out smooth, like a practiced script. it was kind of impressive, how he managed to channel his puzzling disdain for you into such creative insults. “why do you despise me so much, arlert?” you asked, leaning against the doorframe. “yeah, sure, sometimes i ‘get in your way’, and sometimes i do that on purpose, but otherwise, i don’t say or do anything to you. why do you have such a vendetta against me?” the curtness in your voice was a stunning juxtaposition to the catty tone you had employed a few hours earlier. all you wanted was answers, so you were cutting the crap. armin gave you a strange look for a moment before he just became angry again. “why do i have a vendetta against you? are you kidding me?” he began, his voice steadily gaining volume before he took a breath, forcing himself to quiet down. “why wouldn’t i? you’re annoying, you’re small, you act like you’re so innocent and kind when we both know you fucking aren’t! stop being so childish, grow up, and maybe then i won’t hate you! oh wait. i already do. it doesn’t matter what you do or what you become, i will always hate you! that’s why i have a ‘vendetta’ against you and your pretty, kind eyes and your stupid syrupy smile, and everything about you!” he spat the last words with pure venom in his nasally voice, and yet somehow there was an undertone of a relatively concerning affection. considering that you spoke with the same, it was no wonder you picked up on it. still, the mostly hate-filled tone he was speaking with compared to the words he was saying could’ve given you whiplash. you stood up off the doorframe, stepping toward him. “you hate me because i’m kind to people to cope? because i
say things a certain way? or do you hate me, once again, because you like me? ‘pretty eyes’ and ‘syrupy smile’—that doesn’t sound like words that prove you hate me. hmm, maybe you’re just barfing excuses on me to avoid confronting your feelings, pretty immature for my superior! i suggest that you shut your trap, grow up yourself, and get off my ass!” arguing so quietly was strange, having to reign your voice back in so much. it almost hurt your throat. “don’t try and tell me what to do, [l/n]! and don’t insult me by saying i like you! you are an immature boy with nothing better to do than fight me, and no common sense to know not to fight me! you have no room to say that i should grow up when you clearly never got past first grade!” now he started stepping toward you, pointing at your chest, emphasizing every word with a creak from the floorboards. instinctively, you backed up, just getting closer to the wall. “you are small and weak, even compared to me. i will never admit to liking you, so get that disgusting idea out of your head and stop failing to blackmail me with it!” even though you knew you were probably going to die, you simply couldn’t resist. “admit to liking me? admit? do you not think before you speak? or is this some twisted confession game, huh? if you want me to stop thinking you like me, stop acting like you like me!” in a swift movement, his hands harshly grabbed your wrists, shoving you against the wall and pinning your hands next to your head. “i. will. destroy you.” once again his blue eyes stared deep into yours. your heart felt like it was gonna beat right out of your chest as that same sense of excitement returned, and even stronger this time around. his eyebrow twitched when he saw a tint of red blooming on your cheeks. “is that a threat or a promise?” somehow, you managed to reply as cheekily as he should've expected. but your voice was so small. it was embarrassing. and once again, the excitement just rose at the embarrassment you felt. jesus, you were messed up, weren’t you. armin stared at you in subtle surprise for a moment. he opened his mouth as if to speak, but for a moment, he didn’t. “wow. and i thought i had daddy issues.”
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“armin, shut your mouth and let me go! if levi walks in on us-” “we weren’t loud. he would have no reason to. he’s probably passed out using a pile of paperwork as a pillow, [l/n], so why are you so scared?” his anger disintegrated. you tried to wrangle your hands out of his grip, but he just held tighter. “you’re not leaving until i get my answer. so i would recommend you talk to me, or we’re gonna spend all night getting real comfortable with each other.” “y’know, for someone so adamant to deny you like me and don’t want to be near me, you’re awfully quick to want to keep me… pinned against a wall,” you muttered the last part, keeping your eyes focused basically anywhere except armin. “and for someone so adamant that he dislikes me, you’re blushing an awful lot at me pinning you against a wall.” armin replied, as smooth as ever, grinning at you. even though he wanted to drop the grin as he began to speak again, he couldn’t help it. “once again, and for what i pray is the last time, answer me, [l/n]. why are you so nervous?” he sounded so cheeky, completely knocking your job to be the cheeky one. “good god, armin. alright, so maybe i like you or whatever. and i know you’re gonna use that to blackmail me, so forget about explaining that shit to me.” “mhm,” armin muttered, sounding dreadfully amused. “and what is it you like about me? body or personality?” you scoffed, rolling your eyes. after a moment you finally answered. “both.” you could just feel that his grin was growing. “why- why are you suddenly not angry after finding out i got flustered when you pinned me? i thought you would’ve slit my fucking throat ten minutes ago.” “that would’ve been satisfying as hell, that’s true. but why kill you when i can endlessly tease you?” armin responded. “oh, so now that you know that i like you, you wanna keep me alive,” you shot back, finally looking in his eyes. “awfully convenient for someone who claimed so adamantly that he didn’t like me.” armin rolled his eyes. there was the vague disdain you missed so much. note the sarcasm. “shut up or i’ll make you.” “make me? i would honestly love that. snow white.” your voice became thick with condescending sarcasm, which pleasantly hid the little tremble in your voice from, for lack of a better term, horny fear. finally you gained back your cheeky grin, tilting your head at armin as you looked him dead in the eye. “oh? is my god hesitating? are you too scared to kiss a boy-” your falsely confident taunt was cut off by armin pressing his lips harshly against yours. and in one swift motion you lost said confidence, and was simultaneously proven completely wrong. you felt him grin oh-so slightly against you, probably at the heat in your cheeks. unsurprisingly, you found yourself returning his kiss, though a lot gentler than him. what was surprising was how good of a kisser he was. his lips were soft, he had a rhythm to what he did to you, and you absolutely loved it. that combined with him still having you pinned close to the wall, it was no wonder that you were blushing so much. a little sound escaped your throat, muffled before it hit the air. it was returned with a deep chuckle. armin pulled away as quick as he had kissed you to begin with, leaving you just a little out of breath, and looking away to avoid his gaze. “does that prove to you i’m not scared, [y/n]? or do i have to do it again? i won’t hesitate.” armin’s voice sounded more like a purr. it was like he knew how to send endless shivers down your spine. after observing you for so long, watching every move, perhaps he had learned what to do. “i mean, it proves you’re not scared, yeah. but if you won’t hesitate to do it again, i won’t complain if you go for it.” you shrugged, as if to say you couldn’t care either way, when all you wanted was for him to keep kissing you. it was incredible how he managed to flip a switch in you. “mhm. what kind of god would i be to deny a desperate boy.”
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eternal-armin · 3 years
period comfort
gender-neutral reader (as usual) characters included: jean, sasha, armin, levi, hange, mikasa, erwin, asot armin
modern au because (i was going to end that sentence but it works) this is a bit long so i need to get in the habit of doing this more
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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙  jean .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• was really not that educated at first ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• but understood the ways that you explained it ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• despite it he was still awkward about it all for a little while. eventually you both got comfortable and he was fine ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• usually brings you comfort objects and favorite snacks ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• jean always has pain meds for your cramps and headaches ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• prepared to cook and clean for a few days so you have nothing to stress about at home ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• for school he helps you out, if it gets really bad he'll help you write an email to your professor saying you may miss a day ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• understands your mood swings and never takes things personally ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• used to be nervous about purchasing hygiene products but just really doesn't care anymore ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• all he is is buying necessary things for you to get through a tough time ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• and that's pretty manly in his opinion ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• gives you plenty of hugs and kisses if you want them and will leave you alone if you need him to. ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• your dynamic is essentially the same no matter what's going on with you ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• the normalcy is greatly appreciated
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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙  sasha .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• obviously completely understands ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• heating pad? plugged in. bathroom drawers? plenty of supplies. medicine cabinet? filled with midol. kitchen? filled with good food. (not just cravings but also healthy food) ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• sasha cooks for you unless you want to ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• but she understands if you give up halfway through ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• (she does the same sometimes too) ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• surprises you sometimes with fresh-baked goods that you haven't had for a while. her cooking skills have improved so much its incredible ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• you take the free time to browse cookbooks and recipe books, bookmark new recipes, and make alterations to old ones ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• watch a lot of movies and funny videos ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• like b. dylan hollis vintage cooking tiktoks ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• and you are unashamed to admit you watch a lot of minecraft videos from assorted creators ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• if it works, it works. no judgment ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• takes time to get used to how sensitive you are to headaches ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• but after a day or so she adjusts ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• lots of cheek and forehead kisses ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• whenever you're writhing with the heating pad she'll get you tea, crackers, and ginger ale ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• or something akin ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• she knows how easy it is to get nauseated
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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙  armin .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• after the first cycle you had when dating him, and armin being completely unversed in what to do, he did plenty of research in what happens and the ways to help you through it ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• bought a well-reviewed heating pad for your cramps ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• keeps the best-working pain meds for you in the medicine cabinet ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• gives you his futon <33 ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• plenty of cuddles ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• he also checks your temperature a few times ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• just to be sure that you aren't showing symptoms of a cold or anything since you're more susceptible during your period ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• makes your favorite meals every day ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• or just orders out when you ask him to stay in bed instead ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• you get so self-critical on your period ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• spill a cup of water and you're like "I AM USELESS TO THE WORLD AND THE GROUND I DESERVE TO DISINTEGRATE" ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• but he never hesitates and is never impatient. he will reassure you and tell you that it's perfectly fine to make a mistake and that you are worth no less than you were before ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• can recognize the signs of when you want to be left alone and will leave you alone. checks on you every once in a while though ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• even if he just wants to see your gorgeous face ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• dont even try to disagree you are gorgeous x
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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙  levi .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• sympathetic ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• how could he not be you bleed for like a week once a month ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• still not incredibly accustomed to the mood swings you have so he gets a little snappy ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• but apologizes very quickly afterward ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• refuses to let you eat too much junk food ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• gives you plenty of drinks though, from water to tea to hot chocolate ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• and coffee because you always ask ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• you barely get any sleep on your period, so you're basically like him any other day ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• it's a lot more time spent together ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• you watch a lot more movies, or read, or just talk ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• no specific subjects or anything ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• just whatever comes to your minds ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• which often leads to some very interesting conversations. not dirty or anything just weird or extravagant. like discussing the end of the entire universe ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• or yknow other normal post-college stuff ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• surprisingly more sensitive/intimate with you during your time of the month ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• sweeter, gentler ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• you may or may not tease him for it after ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• but you love it, no matter what you say
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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙  hange .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• fawns over you but now they FAWN OVER YOU ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• everything you need is there magically (not so magically) ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• will cuddle you whenever you ask. plenty of kisses to go around ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• completely doesn't mind when you don't answer them, when you sleep till noon, when you get kind of snappy, etc ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• you wake up with a glass of water, a light breakfast, and some meds on the bedside table ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• the heating pad never leaves the drawer unless it needs to be cleaned ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• speaking of, hange keeps things clean and neat (the best they can) because it annoys you easily and they're trying to keep you as happy and comfortable as possible ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• you watch emotional movies and hange will happily be your shoulder to cry on ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• you are practically glued to their side unless your cramps say fuck you ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• praises you so much ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• and tells you "i love you" until it doesn't sound like words anymore ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• it's kind of funny actually, you love it ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• lots of hugs ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• too many (jk there's no such thing as too many) ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• shares some of your emotions because they are contagious. but it helps you to not feel alone.
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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙  mikasa .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• once again she completely understands ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• her own period is not bad but yours is hell on earth ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• so she is content to take care of you because she has an idea of how bad it gets ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• lets you sleep in as long as you want. sleep and hydration are crucial to health so you get plenty of both ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• kisses your cheek to wake you up ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• "good morning, lovely. how did you sleep?" ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• such a sweet voice ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• like waking up to an angel <3 ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• you both spend time in the kitchen while your meds kick in and she makes breakfast ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• knows how easily you get nauseated on your period so she makes the meals light and healthy ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• but sometimes you sneak a craving ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• if it makes you sick, she doesn't get angry at you, but does gently scold you ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• mikasa still understands though ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• buys some ginger ale the first day you get it for the rest of the time ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• will watch your favorite netflix show/anime with you over and over because she knows how happy it makes you and how much you love it ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• you also go into new movies and video games ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• but mostly stick to tried and true media ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• she kisses your temple often because she knows it's comforting to you
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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙  erwin .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• being as organized as he is, he can usually prepare ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• very kind but not completely pampering ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• he knows you enjoy having a level of independence so he respects your space unless you ask him to do something ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• every time he greets you (whether he returns home from work or he goes to see you from the other room) he kisses your cheek or your forehead. this isn't very different from usual but i didn't mention it before so i am now ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• for someone the embodiment of him during this time is Smile by Carpenters (my mind is abstract im sorry) ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• perfectly willing to give you a back rub when you need it ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• he is sympathetic to how tough this time can be ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• had a basic understanding of what a period was and how people tend to cope but mostly learned and adjusted his knowledge to fit you specifically ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• erwin is surprisingly romantic ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• or not surprisingly depending on your perception of him ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• very sweet to you, never gets pissy when you do ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• even when he's stressed he tries his best to be patient with you and keep his mind steady and clear ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• knows that him being exasperated would worsen things for you ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• happy to cuddle you whenever you ask, or just to go to bed ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• tells you how much he loves you no matter what ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• you get really proud of him too, and you express it more than you usually do ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• seeing the happiness in his eyes makes your heart flutter
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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙  asot armin .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• thinks that periods are actually gifts from demons so he treats you like a complete king/queen/monarch (please circle one) ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• basically glued to you unless you ask him to leave ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• hugs you close and tight ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• mumbles sweet nothings and assorted blessings he made specifically for you ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• basically makes your room like a holy (unholy?) space ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• incense, herbal medicines ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• it surprisingly works to numb the pain of cramps and headaches ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• only gives you the best foods you have in the house ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• never lets you do any chores or anything, doesn't want to stress yourself even slightly ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• his utter devotion to you, no matter what mindset or train of thought it comes from, is admirable to say the least. the look in his eyes too, it makes you blush ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• cuddles/spoons you most of the time ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• absolutely loves being near you, just like you love being near him ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• kind of overprotective and does not let others go into your room or even see you unless he has your specific consent for them to do so, no matter the situation ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• is absolutely sure you hydrate, eat, and sleep ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• he trusts you but he must be sure ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• constantly compliments you and tells you he loves you ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• the way that you react with a version of "you too" or "i learn form the best" is how he knows you're the perfect one for him ⭑*•̩̩͙⊱• yet another reason why he treats you like an emper/or/ess of the land
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eternal-armin · 3 years
daddy issues. [ male ver ]
ASOT cw: creative insults, threats, a lot of curses, crude jokes, innuendos.
for months, armin has had a vendetta against you. after a heated argument, you're caught in the mess hall by captain levi. 1,620 words. female and neutral versions coming soon.
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armin found himself glaring at you more than he was eating. of course, that was basically the norm by now. what could he say, it was easier to steep in anger and annoyance than it was to ‘move past it’ or whatever hippie shit people said. wasn’t like the food would go to waste when sasha was around, anyway. it wasn’t anything specific about you that ticked him off, no. it was everything. oh-so often you managed to annoy him. maybe you got too close or got in his way just when he thought he had a clear path. the innocent smile you always had, even in the direst of circumstances, was saccharine. in a bad way, he would always have to add. the way you spoke, kind with so much slang, and saying so many inappropriate jokes—even though he liked innuendos and used slang himself, something about you saying it just irritated him. your voice was so sweet and nice to listen to, and you threw shade so easily with said voice and made it sound like a compliment somehow- armin shut his eyes tightly, banishing that thought. this was supposed to be anger, not sexual tension! god damnit, shut up mr. whiskers! when he reopened his eyes after the offensive barrage of hisses and meows, he was slightly stunned to see you staring at him. your pretty eyes—ahem—your eyes looking inquisitively into his soul. and deep down in that color was a little bit of judgment. in response, he scowled at you. while it was a withering thing to see, you still gave him a little smile. syrupy-sweet, unsurprisingly. armin fought back the urge to curse you out then and there. it felt like a pot was boiling over in his chest. “stupid [y/n] with his stupid grin and stupid fucking eyes,” he scoffed under his breath, finally looking back down at his barely-touched plate. “what did you say, armin?”
“nothing, eren. shut up.”
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armin cracked his knuckles, reentering the mess hall. predictably, you were sitting down, reading, as if nothing was wrong. he couldn’t help but scoff at that. “fancy seeing you here,” he greeted passive-aggressively. well, mostly just aggressively. you looked up at him, and to his vaguest surprise, you looked annoyed. armin didn’t think he’d ever seen you annoyed at anyone, let alone him. “did you really miss me that much?” you replied, smiling cheekily at him. “i was so intrigued by your… glaring.” armin scowled, and still you didn’t show fear. “i’m not here because i miss some stupid boy like you. i’m pissed at you and i want to tell you the hell off, so let me!” the giggle that came from your lips just further irritated armin. he slammed his hands down on the table in front of you. “don’t give me that, damnit! you are so annoying. everything you are and everything you do—you dare to get in my way, the future ruler of this world? do you have a death wish? i would be glad to fulfill it!” he shouted, and you leaned back slightly from the volume. “of course i have a death wish, arlert, that’s why i joined the survey corps,” you replied, crossing your arms over your chest. his cheeks twinged red from all the words he didn’t say. your cheeks twinged red for a different reason. “why are you so annoyed at me, of all people? just because i ‘get in your way’? maybe try being tougher so it isn’t as easy!” you yelled right back at him, shutting the book, standing up. “don’t you dare talk to me like that! i am your fucking god as far as you’re concerned!” armin grasped onto your wrist and squeezed, and you had to admit—though of course you didn’t—that it stung. “you are not leaving until we come to a fucking agreement. that you leave me alone! i don’t care what i’m gonna have to do to shut you up, but whatever it ends up being, i will do it! even i have to tear your vocal chords out through your pretty little neck!” although his voice made your ears ring, you felt your cheeks warm further, and this time, you scowled. “oh, you would like that, wouldn’t you? fucking pervert! you sure you haven’t been staring at me because you want me? huh? i wouldn’t put it past you, damn fucked-up asshole!” armin laughed. it sounded like a cliche witch laugh, which somehow suited him perfectly. “you think that i, a god among men, would fall for you? a stupid boy who doesn’t have the mental capacity to understand when someone doesn’t like him? or when they mean the insults they say? if i had the materials and the damned time, i would send as many demons as possible to make you die the most painful and slow death imaginable! i would rather lick a stalagmite in the lowest cavern of hell than waste my attention on you! you think i’m a fucked-up asshole? i’ll show you how fucked-up i can get!” in all his tirade, his eyes stayed glued on yours, looking for any more sign of defiance. when he saw that you were about to fire back, armin prepared to stop you short. but he didn’t need to. “by the walls, you two are loud as hell.” levi scoffed, arms crossed, glaring at you two from the doorway. your gazes immediately tore away and toward the captain. you wrenched your wrist out of armin’s grip while he was distracted. you didn’t need to look at him to know he was scowling again. “i was just defending myself, captain,” you protested, stepping away from the blonde in front of you. “oh, bullshit, [y/n]-” “shut. up. both of you.” levi cut him off, curtly, and while armin steamed with anger, he did so. “i don’t give a fuck about what you were doing. some of us have things to clean. or maybe some of sleep, i don’t know. point is, you disrupted those idiots’ sleep, which means i’m gonna have to babysit a bunch of even dumber brats.” you furrowed your brow slightly. he sounded annoyed, and you could guess where this was going, but levi wasn’t usually one for monologues. “since you two seem fine staying up all night, why don’t you clean the entire second floor instead of me.” he proposed, though the lack of inflection made it an awkward
not-question. “are you kidding? i have to clean the second floor with this asshole?” you protested. levi completely ignored you. “and if i hear another word above a whisper, from either of you, for the rest of the week, i will have your heads on pikes outside of my room. got it, brats?” well, levi was certainly talented at making people shut up with as few words as possible. “no more arguing. i want to sleep. so do the rest of the scouts. so shut your tiny asses and get to fucking work. don’t make me ask twice.” levi glared at the both of you, and when he was met with disgruntled silence, he spoke again. “well hurry up, damnit, and go to the second floor!” you scoffed, walking out of the mess hall, with armin following behind you. you were about as happy to have him trailing you as he was to be second in line—not happy at all. all this happened because armin arlert, the demon of the 104th, just couldn’t keep his mouth shut. in all fairness, neither could you, but he was the one who started it. being so close to armin, of all people, in such a heated argument, was probably the strangest thing you had ever done. and considering your line of work, that was definitely saying something. “this is bullshit,” you muttered, pulling on a pair of gloves. “for once, we agree on something.” armin hissed in reluctant agreement. you groaned. “i can’t believe i agree with you of all people. god, how low have i stooped.” you only vocalized the extreme thoughts to fuck with armin. honestly, of course you were intimidated by the man, but you also had to admit, his anger was exciting. while acting innocent was fun, what was more fun was making armin endlessly irritated. sometimes you didn’t mean to. sometimes you did mean to. but it was always extremely entertaining. “the only thing worse than being forced to clean something i will own in the future is cleaning it with you.” armin barked back, just managing to keep his voice low enough for levi not to hear. you gawked at him. “that hurts, armin.” your incredibly false tone of voice only made him more annoyed. “after all we’ve gone through?” and now you broke into a grin- you couldn’t help it. it was just too easy. “what do you mean, all we’ve gone through? i haven’t gone through anything with you. i never want to. i would rather hang myself than spend any more time within a hundred kilometers of you.” he shot back through gritted teeth, shooting you a glare that could crumble a mountain. for the first time, you didn’t respond, and an incredibly awkward silence settled thickly over the two of you. “i’ll take the left side of the hall. do not talk to me, do not look at me, do not perceive me.” your parting words were drawn out and only vaguely sarcastic. you lifted a bucket filled with cleaning supplies, not even glancing at armin as you hauled it down the corridoer to the first room. you didn’t wait for him to respond, either. you felt his eyes on your back but pretended you didn’t.
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eternal-armin · 3 years
asot armin catch-up
leave me be i love this insane scary man
long story, that's for another time
a slap on titan- for those who dont know- is an awesome youtube parody of attack on titan and armin is the most insane character in cinematic history. watch it if you havent, but if crude, dark, and offensive humor isnt for you it probably isnt the best choice x
also subscribe to Insomniac Productions on YouTube they are LITERALLY THE BEST and i love their work sm xx
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reading together headcanons
☆。 it is very chaotic lets be real
☆。 often in a very entertaining way
☆。 he is not afraid of cursing (not just swearing) the characters in his book
☆。 most often for blatant dumbassery
☆。 he rants about things they could've done and, to be fair, the things he suggested were sometimes better than the idiocy in the pages
☆。 maybe you should stop buying armin parody books
☆。 you barely get any of your own reading done because you're either laughing or listening to his detailed instructions
☆。 sometime's you're the one to get pissed at a character and your only sign is mumbling "oh my fucking god.."
☆。 to which he will threaten said character
☆。 it's so funny
☆。 whenever he likes a line or it gives him an idea, violent or not, he will write in the book and underline/write a note in the margins
☆。 if armin is reading a book about violent magic, he's more likely to tear out a page than to write on it. this usually just goes for advice or pictures, but sometimes also notable prose
☆。 if you're reading a book about violent magic, he'll go "oh! lemme see that right now" and tear out the page.
☆。 you're used to it by now
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nighttime cuddling + comfort headcanons
♡*:・゚ spooning position
♡*:・゚ wraps his arms and legs tightly around you
♡*:・゚ armin's face usually ends up buried in your hair or in your neck
♡*:・゚ very touchy lover so you often cuddle
♡*:・゚ mumbles a lot of random things, like things he likes about you or other.... less pg-things
♡*:・゚ he knows what he's doing, i'll put it that way
♡*:・゚ runs his fingers gently along your knuckles or up and down your arms
♡*:・゚ it rarely ever gets too warm which is kind of surprising
♡*:・゚ you fall asleep very quickly most times
♡*:・゚ but if you don't he'll quietly tell you stories or repeat the plans you know so well
♡*:・゚ will also press many kisses to your head or nibbles to your neck
♡*:・゚ it tickles more than anything
♡*:・゚ if you've had a hard time then he is extra pampering
♡*:・゚ after all, who else is going to be his monarch beside him?
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taking care of you when you're sick
✧・゚: kinda begrudgingly at first
✧・゚: "you are such an idiot. i told you multiple times that this would get you sick and you completely disobeyed me. do i pity you? no. but no one would do half as good a job as i can."
✧・゚: to be fair, he does take good care of you
✧・゚: regularly checks your temperature
✧・゚: makes sure you drink plenty of water
✧・゚: and if you say no he threatens you
✧・゚: as much as he denies it you know it isn't serious
✧・゚: you asked him once to tell you a story
✧・゚: "what are you? five?" but told you a story stemming from his knowledge of demonology
✧・゚: you ended up falling asleep to the story
✧・゚: so it became a thing when you fell ill
✧・゚: he would tell you a story before bed so he knew damn well you would be asleep
✧・゚: he would stay awake and watch you for a few hours to make sure you don't vomit and suffocate or something
✧・゚: always there in the morning with food that he stole and amulets for your health
✧・゚: you thank him and he says "you know damn well you'll be paying me back when this world is mine."
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love theme(s) and my reasons behind them
Little Dark Age MGMT
⇆ㅤ ||◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷||ㅤ ↻
✧・゚: the kind of distorted sound (thats what it sounds like to me at least) fits him very well
✧・゚: dark undertones are his forte
✧・゚: there are both magical and horrifying aspects to this song which i believe are perfect for him even in his love life
✧・゚: it sounds like how his affection would feel (does that makes sense? idk)
✧・゚: armin and you would probably be partners in crime and i think this is perfect for him
i would've gone for something from get scared but changed my mind after relistening to this song
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playing videogames with him
⋆ ˚。 EXTREMELY competitive when playing multiplayer games
⋆ ˚。 horror games or bust
⋆ ˚。 specifically psychological or gore horror like resident evil, corpse party, siren: blood curse, and devotion
⋆ ˚。 however he does like puzzle-horror like detention and little nightmares
⋆ ˚。 loves theorizing about the series and often monsters in said series are inspiration for his... assorted interests
⋆ ˚。 if it's a fighting-type game, it is damn well brutal
⋆ ˚。 and yet very well strategized
⋆ ˚。 if you're the one with the controller he will tell you what to do and is usually right
⋆ ˚。 but sometimes you have good ideas and he is very proud of you
⋆ ˚。 will occasionally let you rest on his lap while he plays
⋆ ˚。 but won't apologize if he knocks your head a bit when playing
⋆ ˚。 if something scares you, like genuinely frightens you to the core, he will comfort you, but is kinda a tsundere about it because... he would be
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his favorite part of you (sfw)
*:..。 your skin.
*:..。 sounds creepy. kind of is
*:..。 he loves how soft your skin is
*:..。 whenever you hold his hand or he lets you play with his hair, it's like the touch of a divine entity. usually he doesn't mess with those but he would gladly mess with you (take that as you will)
*:..。 you even smell rather nice
*:..。 the healthy look of it, the way you flush when you work out, the way you blush when he teases you or flirts with you, the gorgeous tone, perfect blemishes
*:..。 everything is so attractive to him
*:..。 other than your skin, he loves your hair
*:..。 it's the perfect length, the perfect texture, the perfect everything
*:..。 good god this man is crazy for you (and in general)
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how he confessed to you
☽˚⁀ the moment he saw you he was confident that he had to have you
☽˚⁀ so he was confident enough to tell you fairly soon
☽˚⁀ you had been, to be fair, oddly enamored by him too
☽˚⁀ but you figured it was just a passing fancy
☽˚⁀ he pulled you aside after you left the mess hall
☽˚⁀ unbroken passionate eyecontact that made you very flustered
☽˚⁀ he tells you about his feelings and his need for you
☽˚⁀ armin seemed confident that you would accept his feelings, but was also still surprised when you did
☽˚⁀ it wasn't that awkward of a moment much to your surprise
☽˚⁀ grabbed your hands, held them tight, and passionately told you the detailed plans you would both carry out
☽˚⁀ you agreed almost immediately
☽˚⁀ he knew he chose right
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how he would comfort you when you're crying
*:✼✿ kind of apathetic at first
*:✼✿ but you don't cry that often so he's a little bit concerned
*:✼✿ when it becomes clear that you're genuinely distressed he lightens up a bit
*:✼✿ embraces you quickly but is way more angry than sympathetic
*:✼✿ will hurt whoever hurt you and use their heart to summon satan
*:✼✿ no one will ever hurt you once the world is his
*:✼✿ armin promises you that whatever happened, it won't anymore. he is tall enough to reach anything, with some assistance from underworldly forces if need be
*:✼✿ completely devoted to comforting you
*:✼✿ whatever you need, he'll most likely get or give you
*:✼✿ his words are silky-smooth in your mind and in your ears
*:✼✿ whispers sweet words and gives you plenty of kisses
*:✼✿ brushes your hair, plays with it
*:✼✿ and disappears in the middle of the night for a while
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how he says goodbye
⋆✦⋆ absolutely furious with every scout leader, especially erwin for essentially sending you to your death
⋆✦⋆ he went to see you immediately, no matter how angry he was
⋆✦⋆ armin ranted to you for a little while about what he was going to do to the people who caused this
⋆✦⋆ he soon realized that that was not what you needed right now
⋆✦⋆ "i promise, poppet. i will avenge you. you aren't going to stay in that afterlife if i have any say in it. i'll rise you back up from the grave. they'll suffer in hell for what they've done."
⋆✦⋆ you won't be gone for too long
⋆✦⋆ but you're still scared of figuring out what's beyond the grave
⋆✦⋆ "don't you dare fret. i have enough contacts that you will be taken care of. no one will ever touch you again aside from me."
⋆✦⋆ squeezes your hands to calm down
⋆✦⋆ as time goes on, he becomes a bit more grounded
⋆✦⋆ genuinely starts comforting you in a good way
⋆✦⋆ makes sure your last hours are comfortable and filled with love
⋆✦⋆ when you do die, he does not grieve.
⋆✦⋆ he prepares.
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eternal-armin · 3 years
damn how you find a soulmate au for someone like asot armin
red string of fate would be very interesting, but cliche.
ink stain where your soulmate first touches you would be almost as interesting, but perhaps strange to execute.
drawing on your flesh and it shows up on your soulmate's skin would be kind of fun but not sure how to do it.
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eternal-armin · 2 years
responses to homophobia roulette
jean: if your argument is "adam and eve, not adam and steve" then you should adam and leave.
mikasa: go on and live in constant fear that if you saw a vagina, you might like it.
eren: well, it's a bi-ble not a straightble.
armin: i'm sorry you're upset that gay marriage sets the bar too high for what a loving, long-term, committed relationship looks like.
reiner: shut the fuck up and get the fuck out. im gonna fuck my boyfriend now.
hange: there's a reason why it's called 'straight to hell' and not 'gay to hell.'
levi: "love the sinner, hate the sin?" more like "i'm going to pick and choose which parts of you i tolerate while at the same time condemning you to an eternity of unfathomable horrors if you show the parts of you i don't like." what a horrible person you are
annie: sweet. So you're what i'd like to call incredibly ignorant and a horrible person
sasha: ohhhh so we're 'evil' for wanting basic human rights and to be respected as another living breathing human being. Guess that's too much to ask for
conny/ie: wait...but the main focus of christianity is to "love thy neighbor," right? what if your neighbor is a man? fellas, is it gay to love thy neighbor? is it gay to live for jesus because i'm living for a man?
erwin: so do you want to talk about the abundance of evidence that says that the one line 'referencing homosexuality,' man shall not lie with man, is actually mistranslated from 'man shall not lie with boy' because there weren't many literal translations from the original hebrew and religious people just inserted their own bigoted ideas and passed it off as the word of god? or are you just gonna keep whining that people are doing something that does not affect you at all?
asot armin: kiss boys do crime
moblit: im sorry, i didn't give you permission to speak. stop talking and do not talk for 180 hours.
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eternal-armin · 3 years
date headcanons
characters included: jean, sasha, armin, levi, hange, mikasa, annie, asot armin
im sorry for forgeting mikasa for so long ;;; semi-modern au.
cw: mentions of alcohol
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⭒❃.✮:▹ jean. ◃:✮.❃⭒
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ absolutely loves to show you off.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ so usually you go out for a date. go to a restaurant, walk around town, try on clothes you will never afford, end the night at a bar or something.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ and usually he has his arm around you the entire time
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ although you spend the majority of your time out on the town, it's still intimate, like for a little while the world is yours and yours alone
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ while you both love to go out, you are definitely not strangers to staying in. cooking together, watching a movie, binging a tv show, cracking open a bottle of wine and reading some terrible books, all that good stuff
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ no matter what you end up doing, the night is filled with laughter and chaste [and sometimes not-so-chaste] kisses and embraces
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ he always finds it fun to tell you his worst pick-up lines. they usually still work on you even if they are really just...
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ "my friends bet me that i couldn't start a conversation with the most gorgeous person here. so, how do you think we should spend their money?"
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ "are you home depot? because you're sporting the goods."
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ "jean. i love you, but these are horrible."
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ whether you spend the night in or go out, you always end up tired, cuddling in bed under the covers.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ instead of talking like you would any other night, you simply enjoy each other's company, basking in the grey light of evening.
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⭒❃.✮:▹ sasha. ◃:✮.❃⭒
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ as expected, almost every date to do with this angel involves food. make her some baked goods- muffins, cupcakes, macarons, cakes, pastries, anything- and she will sit right beside you and eat with you for hours
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ because of this, the dates you have together are usually spontaneous, but still very fun
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ but sometimes, sasha will prepare a full dinner for you
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ your favorite cut of meat (or fish, or substitute), your favorite sides, fresh fruit and veg, desserts, your favorite wine- she will go all out.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ while she insists she's just messing around with what she learned in culinary school, you know [and she knows you know] that she's doing it just because she loves you and wants to thank you
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ so, with your favorite flowers in a vase, you both will sit down to a candlelit dinner and eat together
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ joking, laughing, holding hands across the table, cheers'ing to each other and the life you live together. plenty of little kisses as well, of course
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ once you're both full, you always insist on doing the dishes. she was the one to pour her heart in soul into cooking; she shouldn't have to clean too
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ and, eventually, sasha will concede
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ But. she will hug you from behind the entire time you wash the dishes. you cannot escape, i'm sorry. notthatit'sevenabadthing-
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⭒❃.✮:▹ armin. ◃:✮.❃⭒
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ will go all out on the planning aspect. for a week before the date day, he will try and see how you're feeling, how your health is, how your energy is, so he doesn't plan something you feel you have to force yourself to do.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ he likes to surprise you with the all-day plans he makes. the stars in your eyes when you show up at the first place, it makes every moment worth it
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ the day will usually start with breakfast in bed. happy early morning talks after he wakes you up with kisses and soft words
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ not like he doesn't do this every day, honestly
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ you get dressed and head out together. usually he plans 2-3 things for the day, so you can spend the whole day relaxing in each other's company.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ going to a museum, an aquarium, a restaurant, walking around town, driving a little ways to experience a new culture in a new town. going out to see a movie, or binge-watching a show at home. or perhaps a bakery, a flower garden, a lepidopterarium, a national park, building snowmen in the winter, going ice-skating
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ even when you do the same activity, armin makes it feel new and refreshing.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ you thank him over and over again with kisses and hugs and constant vocalized compliments and words of appreciation.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ when you plan the date, you think more about nostalgia factor than new experiences. what armin loves doing, and also hasn't done in a while. specific places, like his favorite cafe or restaurant, going to his favorite bookstore, visiting his favorite exhibit, going to a pet shelter, visiting childhood neighborhoods. having a picnic on the shore, despite how sand somehow ALWAYS gets in the food.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ having a picnic in a field in the summer, watching the clouds, having some wine. and when that perfect day brings some rain, dancing in it.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ one time, for his birthday, you took him scuba diving. he still insists on doing something extravagant for you as well.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ you both end up tired at the end of the day. whether you got drenched in rain or frozen half to death by snow, you end up curled up together on the couch, sharing a blanket or three, drinking your favorite tea and talking quietly until you doze off on his shoulder.
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⭒❃.✮:▹ levi. ◃:✮.❃⭒
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ not a romantic, really. on that we can all agree. but he does have moments where he is incredibly intimate and close to romantic.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ he's not big on the date scene. doing something extravagant is just not his place.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ he prefers to ask you directly what you want to do for a date, so both of you have an equal say. while it does remove the surprise aspect most times, it feels more special that he cares enough to ask
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ sometimes it ends up just doing some daily task together. reading together, working out together, playing games [card games, tabletop games, occasionally you convince him to play video games], putting togethe a puzzle, watching childhood films
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ or sometimes, when you both have the energy to go out, you tour around
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ enter a sweet shop or a bakery,
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ check out the library,
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ check out a game cafe and play chess until the cafe closes.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ these small things, just spending time together, is not only comfortable and lo-fi for the two of you, but still somehow intimate and private.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ it usually takes place during the evening, so they're more quiet activities, usually with music playing in the background
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ and while sometimes there are gaps in conversation, they aren't awkward, and neither of you rush to fill them.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ the dates you have are the few times you can hug him or hold his hand whenever you want.
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⭒❃.✮:▹ hange. ◃:✮.❃⭒
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ obviously spontaneous.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ "it's so beautiful outside! oh, you know what? let's go on a date! come onnnn, let's go!"
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ and you'll leave with them to take advantage of the day. you do whatever you feel like doing; go out to dinner, break out the grill and have a nice barbecue and mix some drinks, head to a seasonal festival, an oceanfront park like the salem willows. window shopping in town, making jokes about how rich people have no taste
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ or perhaps head to a convention or a movie festival. sometimes they hookup a projecter to a taught sheet outside so you can watch your favorite movies, or your favorite shows, by light of fireflies and torches.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ in all cases, snacks are always a must. late-night snack runs have become an almost daily occasion. sweets, chips, gum, drinks, anything that may fit the occasion
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ while they're very spontaneous and "let's go, don't think about it too much!" you're more of the planner
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ for at least a day you'll think of something.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ no matter what you think of, hange always loves it. without fail.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ making a fort in the backyard, stringing it up with fairy lights, telling stories by flashlight and watching the stars abandon the sky.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ or, starting a campfire late at night, cuddling by the warmth of the flame and making smores until your stomachs ache. you just love watching the stars with them, making up constellations with each other. falling asleep together by the hot coals is perhaps the safest you've ever felt.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ hange always gushes about you when you spend time together. pressing kisses to your cheeks, complimenting you, teasing you in their typical hange way. no matter what you end up doing together, if they can make you flustered, it's automatically a sucess.
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⭒❃.✮:▹ mikasa. ◃:✮.❃⭒
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ your relationship is private ofc, so you usually stay in
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ cook for each other, play tabletop games, watch movies, doing crafts and art together, redecorating is always fun
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ so whenever you go out on a date, it feels more special
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ you're both more on the introverted side anyway, so going out a lot would be draining. and you get to save money so when you do go out, it's not just stopping at a shake place and walking around
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ though, to be fair, you've done that too
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ dates are very sweet and intimate with mikasa. arms always linked, sharing the food/drinks you get, watching the sunset together, walking around your favorite park together
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ you go to the gym together and workout beside each other. while this is mainly more of something you do together out of habit, it could be considered a date. going to get something healthy afterward and jogging home afterward could be too
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ dates, for you and 'kasa, are more of intimate times to share with each other than they are searching for new experiences or chasing adrenaline
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ during winter, you go out more often. both of you love the snow. whether that means ice skating, making snowmen, having snowball fights, touring the snow-covered park scenery, or something else, depends on the day and your moods
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ or maybe you just stay in, curled under blankets, sitting in front of a fireplace, sipping hot cocoa and enjoying each other's company
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⭒❃.✮:▹ annie. ◃:✮.❃⭒
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ annie doesn't seem to be that big of a romantic. definitely the tsundere type, even when you're dating.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ but surprisingly, this quiet and broody lady is pretty romantic. while only some of your dates could be considered romantic dates, she still manages to make you blush.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ and whenever she does, she grins proudly.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ sometimes you work out together, annie standing beside you and talking as you do your thing, and vice versa. or taking a run on the treadmill, talking, while she compliments you on what you're able to do. while she doesn't get mushy in public, when you're back at home, she states how proud she is of you. she gets a bit flustered when she says it.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ when she does feel more romantic, it is very clear. annie doesn't see romance as a public thing, so it's usually indoor activities you do together.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ drinking wine and talking while you watch movies, or cuddling in bed while watching some sappy show.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ occasionally you'll cook for the two of you and, when you do, she will hug you from behind and never let go, mumbling about anything and everything. but mostly just thanking you and complimenting you over and over again.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ usually you would end up in her lap, her strong arms wrapped around you, while you enjoyed each other's company and snuggled into each other.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ once reiner walked in on you two cuddling like that and annie threw pillows at him until he left, shouting threats at him if he should ever tell anyone. you were, understandably, cracking up the entire time.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ both of you end up falling asleep together. obviously. and when you try to escape her bear hug and say 'what about the mess in the kitchen?' in response, annie will just say "leave the cleaning for me. for tomorrow. sleep, sweetheart."
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⭒❃.✮:▹ asot armin. ◃:✮.❃⭒
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ doesn't have a good grasp on traditional romance, but honestly what does he have a good grasp on
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ he does have the candles down, though. the colors, the scents, everything, very well-versed with incense and candles.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ no matter what you both end up doing, it's filled with sexual innuendos and not-so-chaste embraces.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ he enjoys doing things at night. the moon and the stars are typically associated with love goddesses, yet another reason to go out at night. sometimes you end up walking around a beach, swimming in the calm water under the night sky.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ or maybe go pub crawling. visiting different bars, getting steadily drunker- he is far from a light weight and you've become the same- until you both just decide to go home.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ escape rooms are also one of his favorite activities.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ you both are great with strategy, but also competitive, which also means that playing chess is a riot.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ or playing poker in a bar surrounded by your friends, where everyone starts shouting when you or armin win
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ planning to eat on a dock that doesn't belong to you. picking up your favorite blanket, some candles and some flowers, you either pack your own food or pick up some takeout, depending on what time it is. both of you are essentially nocturnal so it's a bit difficult.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ dagger shopping or going shopping for magical supplies is especially fun. doesn't happen often, obviously, but when it does, it's extremely amusing.
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ armin is usually very touchy with you, so it's no surprise that he's basically attached to you the entire time you're out
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ very playful and horny love honestly. man's is crazy, what do you expect
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ this is an sfw blog so i wont get into anything else
⭑*•̩̩͙⊱ whenever you go out, he allows you to fall asleep on top of him or beside him. oh how he grins, even when you can't see it.
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eternal-armin · 3 years
daddy issues. [ fem ver ]
ASOT cw: creative insults, threats, a lot of curses, crude jokes, innuendos.
for months, armin has had a vendetta against you. after a heated argument, you’re caught in the mess hall by captain levi.
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armin found himself glaring at you more than he was eating. of course, that was basically the norm by now. what could he say, it was easier to steep in anger and annoyance than it was to ‘move past it’ or whatever hippie shit people said. wasn’t like the food would go to waste when sasha was around, anyway. it wasn’t anything specific about you that ticked him off, no. it was everything. oh-so often you managed to annoy him. maybe you got too close or got in his way just when he thought he had a clear path. the innocent smile you always had, even in the direst of circumstances, was saccharine. in a bad way, he would always have to add. the way you spoke, kind with so much slang, and saying so many inappropriate jokes—even though he liked innuendos and used slang himself, something about you saying it just irritated him. your voice was so sweet and nice to listen to, and you threw shade so easily with said voice and made it sound like a compliment somehow- armin shut his eyes tightly, banishing that thought. this was supposed to be anger, not sexual tension! god damnit, shut up mr. whiskers! when he reopened his eyes after the offensive barrage of hisses and meows, he was slightly stunned to see you staring at him. your pretty eyes—ahem—your eyes looking inquisitively into his soul. and deep down in that color was a little bit of judgment. in response, he scowled at you. while it was a withering thing to see, you still gave him a little smile. syrupy-sweet, unsurprisingly. armin fought back the urge to curse you out then and there. it felt like a pot was boiling over in his chest. “stupid [y/n] with her stupid grin and stupid fucking eyes,” he scoffed under his breath, finally looking back down at his barely-touched place. “what did you say, armin?” “nothing, eren. shut up.”
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armin cracked his knuckles, reentering the mess hall. predictably, you were sitting down, reading, as if nothing was wrong. he couldn’t help but scoff at that. “fancy seeing you here,” he greeted passive-aggressively. well, mostly just aggressively. you looked up at him, and to his vaguest surprise, you looked annoyed. armin didn’t think he’d ever seen you annoyed at anyone, let alone him. “did you really miss me that much?” you replied, smiling cheekily at him. “i was so intrigued by your… glaring.” armin scowled, and still you didn’t show fear. “i’m not here because i miss some stupid girl like you. i’m pissed at you and i want to tell you the hell off, so let me!” the giggle that came from your lips just further irritated armin. he slammed his hands down on the table in front of you. “don’t give me that, damnit! you are so annoying. everything you are and everything you do—you dare to get in my way, the future ruler of this world? do you have a death wish? i would be glad to fulfill it!” he shouted, and you leaned back slightly from the volume. “of course i have a death wish, arlert, that’s why i joined the survey corps,” you replied, crossing your arms over your chest. his cheeks twinged red from all the words he didn’t say. your cheeks twinged red for a different reason. “why are you so annoyed at me, of all people? just because i ‘get in your way’? maybe try being tougher so it isn’t as easy!” you yelled right back at him, shutting the book, standing up. “don’t you dare talk to me like that! i am your fucking god as far as you’re concerned!” armin grasped onto your wrist and squeezed, and you had to admit—though of course you didn’t—that it stung. “you are not leaving until we come to a fucking agreement. that you leave me alone! i don’t care what i’m gonna have to do to shut you up, but whatever it ends up being, i will do it! even i have to tear your vocal chords out through your pretty little neck!” although his voice made your ears ring, you felt your cheeks warm further, and this time, you scowled. “oh, you would like that, wouldn’t you? fucking pervert! you sure you haven’t been staring at me because you want me? huh? i wouldn’t put it past you, damn fucked-up asshole!” armin laughed. it sounded like a cliche witch laugh, which somehow suited him perfectly. “you think that i, a god among men, would fall for you? a stupid girl who doesn’t have the mental capacity to understand when someone doesn’t like her? or when they mean the insults they say? if i had the materials and the damned time, i would send as many demons as possible to make you die the most painful and slow death imaginable! i would rather lick a stalagmite in the lowest cavern of hell than waste my attention on you! you think i’m a fucked-up asshole? i’ll show you how fucked-up i can get!” in all his tirade, his eyes stayed glued on yours, looking for any more sign of defiance. when he saw that you were about to fire back, armin prepared to stop you short. but he didn’t need to. “by the walls, you two are loud as hell.” levi scoffed, arms crossed, glaring at you two from the doorway. your gazes immediately tore away and toward the captain. you wrenched your wrist out of armin’s grip while he was distracted. you didn’t need to look at him to know he was scowling again. “i was just defending myself, captain,” you protested, stepping away from the blonde in front of you. “oh, bullshit, [y/n]-” “shut. up. both of you.” levi cut him off, curtly, and while armin steamed with anger, he did so. “i don’t give a fuck about what you were doing. some of us have things to clean. or maybe some of sleep, i don’t know. point is, you disrupted those idiots’ sleep, which means i’m gonna have to babysit a bunch of even dumber brats.” you furrowed your brow slightly. he sounded annoyed, and you could guess where this was going, but levi wasn’t usually one for monologues. “since you two seem fine staying up all night, why don’t you clean the entire second floor instead of me.” he proposed, though the lack of inflection made it an awkward
not-question. “are you kidding? i have to clean the second floor with this asshole?” you protested. levi completely ignored you. “and if i hear another word above a whisper, from either of you, for the rest of the week, i will have your heads on pikes outside of my room. got it, brats?” well, levi was certainly talented at making people shut up with as few words as possible. “no more arguing. i want to sleep. so do the rest of the scouts. so shut your tiny asses and get to fucking work. don’t make me ask twice.” levi glared at the both of you, and when he was met with disgruntled silence, he spoke again. “well hurry up, damnit, and go to the second floor!” you scoffed, walking out of the mess hall, with armin following behind you. you were about as happy to have him trailing you as he was to be second in line—not happy at all. all this happened because armin arlert, the demon of the 104th, just couldn’t keep his mouth shut. in all fairness, neither could you, but he was the one who started it. being so close to armin, of all people, in such a heated argument, was probably the strangest thing you had ever done. and considering your line of work, that was definitely saying something. “this is bullshit,” you muttered, pulling on a pair of gloves. “for once, we agree on something.” armin hissed in reluctant agreement. you groaned. “i can’t believe i agree with you of all people. god, how low have i stooped.” you only vocalized the extreme thoughts to fuck with armin. honestly, of course you were intimidated by the man, but you also had to admit, his anger was exciting. while acting innocent was fun, what was more fun was making armin endlessly irritated. sometimes you didn’t mean to. sometimes you did mean to. but it was always extremely entertaining. “the only thing worse than being forced to clean something i will own in the future is cleaning it with you.” armin barked back, just managing to keep his voice low enough for levi not to hear. you gawked at him. “that hurts, armin.” your incredibly false tone of voice only made him more annoyed. “after all we’ve gone through?” and now you broke into a grin- you couldn’t help it. it was just too easy. “what do you mean, all we’ve gone through? i haven’t gone through anything with you. i never want to. i would rather hang myself than spend any more time within a hundred kilometers of you.” he shot back through gritted teeth, shooting you a glare that could crumble a mountain. for the first time, you didn’t respond, and an incredibly awkward silence settled thickly over the two of you. “i’ll take the left side of the hall. do not talk to me, do not look at me, do not perceive me.” your parting words were drawn out and only vaguely sarcastic. you lifted a bucket filled with cleaning supplies, not even glancing at armin as you hauled it down the corridoer to the first room. you didn’t wait for him to respond, either. you felt his eyes on your back but pretended you didn’t.
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eternal-armin · 3 years
romantic nicknames & why
characters included: jean, sasha, armin, levi, hange, mikasa, annie, asot armin. nicknames for specific genders will be tagged [m], [f], or [n]. majority will be neutral.
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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ jean. ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
calls you babe.
🙤 · obvious choice but it's the tone he says it in. 🙤 · can fluster you with just one "hey babe" 🙤 · or make you feel loved with the same 🙤 · incredibly loving whenever he says it nonetheless
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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ sasha. ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
calls you muffin or honeybun.
🙤 · completely cheesy and sickeningly sweet, but adorable 🙤 · bake her muffins or honeybuns and she will be all over you with puns and compliments 🙤 · i mean, they're some of her favorite foods. how could she not 🙤 · whenever she calls you by a nickname, it's followed by at least two kisses on your cheek or forehead
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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ armin. ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
calls you seashell | pretty boy [m].
🙤 · he sees you as precious and otherworldly, and that's what seashells are to him, too 🙤 · took a long time to get the guts to call you pretty boy but it was so worth it you were so cute when he first said it 🙤 · gets too flustered to say them aloud in public but will mumble them to you while he hugs you 🙤 · loves seeing the look in your eyes when he calls you seashell 🙤 · so he calls you by the nickname fairly often.
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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ levi. ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
calls you darling.
🙤 · simple but sweet and affectionate, which is why he chose it. 🙤 · whenever he says it, no matter the situation, his tone softens and sweetens 🙤 · still stern with respect, but obviously filled with compassion 🙤 · the little smile you get melts his heart
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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ hange. ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
calls you peanut or duckie.
🙤 · kind of childish nicknames, but so is hange, so bust 🙤 · they [the nicknames] are adorable though, and you always smile at them 🙤 · usually followed by a barrage of cheek-kisses 🙤 · when it's celebratory, hange will hug you and kiss you over and over in absolute pride.
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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ mikasa. ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
calls you sweetheart.
🙤 · she says it so sweetly and gently, you just about melt whenever she says it 🙤 · a little smile, all of it is pristine 🙤 · mikasa is honestly so in love with you, and it seems like the only nickname worthy of you 🙤 · plus you blush whenever you hear it. double points.
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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ annie. ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
calls you gorgeous or angel.
🙤 · gorgeous is a gender-neutral compliment dont @ me 🙤 · both of them are true. you are absolutely stunning and you are an angel 🙤 · she would call you 'love of my life' but does not have the confidence yet 🙤 · your most fond memories is her saying "morning, angel" with her morning voice as you wake up together *sobbing crying*
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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ asot armin. ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
calls you prince [m] | princess [f] | poppet
🙤 · uses a combination of prince/poppet for boys, etc 🙤 · obviously you're gonna rule by his side, so the royal nickname is just necessary 🙤 · poppet is an endearingly sweet term for a sweet, adorable person, and also something used in withcraft 🙤 · the way he says it is just skfnbdhsjk. with a little grin, quiet, just to you, it makes you blush so much and he knows it.
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eternal-armin · 3 years
daddy issues pt. 2 [ neutral ver ]
ASOT cw: creative insults, threats, a lot of curses, crude jokes, innuendos. perhaps the horniest thing i will ever post on this acc. for months, armin has had a vendetta against you. after a heated argument, you're forced to clean together. 1,890 words.
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armin channeled his remaining anger into scrubbing everything clean. he still grumbled under his breath, cursing you and everything you were. not that that was very surprising or unexpected. why so sensitive about this? just take action already. “shut up, mr. whiskers. i have the right to be annoyed and i have the right to be annoyed without your stupid voice in my head! so be quiet and go back to your basket!” the whisper-shout was loud, but mostly inaudible through the wooden walls. out of breath from muttering so much, armin stood straight and took a long breath in, clenching and unclenching his fists. “what kind of action would you want me to take? i could murder him but then htheir blood would be on my hands, and that wouldn’t be very good. it would be satisfying, but i don’t think i would do well in prison.” instead of focusing on the task at hand, he found himself daydreaming about how to get you out of his life. obviously you don’t hate [y/n] that much, otherwise you would have just killed them. regardless of prison. “i told you to shut up, stupid cat, so stop berating me with your… logic!” he scoffed, crossing his arms tight over his chest. or are you being a total hypocrite and you like them? armin’s expression twisted ineffably. “i do not like them, mr. whiskers!” unconsciously, he began to pace. “i do not like them and i will never like them! stop thinking my life is some stupid tween fanfiction already!” he hissed right back, wanting to pull his hair out. “i told you to get back in your basket and leave me alone, why is it so hard for you to just stop talking!” his voice cracked and for a moment, got louder. loud enough for you to hear from across the hall. realizing this, both armin and the cat in his mind went silent. “you doing alright in there, snow white?” your sweetly sarcastic voice said from the doorway. looking at you, there was a hint of amusement in your expression and your slightly raised brow, but nothing of a smile. armin scoffed. “snow white? what an original nickname.” he responded with an utterly unamused voice and little change in his features. “why do you even care, little ‘damned-fucked-up-asshole’? leave me alone and go back to fluffing the pillows or whatever someone as small as you can manage to do. and i can go back to scrubbing the floors, including all the spots you somehow managed to miss.” the words, though not his cruelest, came out smooth, like a practiced script. it was kind of impressive, how he managed to channel his puzzling disdain for you into such creative insults. “why do you despise me so much, arlert?” you asked, leaning against the doorframe. “yeah, sure, sometimes i ‘get in your way’, and sometimes i do that on purpose, but otherwise, i don’t say or do anything to you. why do you have such a vendetta against me?” the curtness in your voice was a stunning juxtaposition to the catty tone you had employed a few hours earlier. all you wanted was answers, so you were cutting the crap. armin gave you a strange look for a moment before he just became angry again. “why do i have a vendetta against you? are you kidding me?” he began, his voice steadily gaining volume before he took a breath, forcing himself to quiet down. “why wouldn’t i? you’re annoying, you’re small, you act like you’re so innocent and kind when we both know you fucking aren’t! stop being so childish, grow up, and maybe then i won’t hate you! oh wait. i already do. it doesn’t matter what you do or what you become, i will always hate you! that’s why i have a ‘vendetta’ against you and your pretty, kind eyes and your stupid syrupy smile, and everything about you!” he spat the last words with pure venom in his nasally voice, and yet somehow there was an undertone of a relatively concerning affection. considering that you spoke with the same, it was no wonder you picked up on it. still, the mostly hate-filled tone he was speaking with compared to the words he was saying could’ve given you whiplash. you stood up off the doorframe, stepping toward him. “you hate me because i’m kind to people to cope?
because i say things a certain way? or do you hate me, once again, because you like me? ‘pretty eyes’ and ‘syrupy smile’—that doesn’t sound like words that prove you hate me. hmm, maybe you’re just barfing excuses on me to avoid confronting your feelings, pretty immature for my superior! i suggest that you shut your trap, grow up yourself, and get off my ass!” arguing so quietly was strange, having to reign your voice back in so much. it almost hurt your throat. “don’t try and tell me what to do, [l/n]! and don’t insult me by saying i like you! you are an immature prick with nothing better to do than fight me, and no common sense to know not to fight me! you have no room to say that i should grow up when you clearly never got past first grade!” now he started stepping toward you, pointing at your chest, emphasizing every word with a creak from the floorboards. instinctively, you backed up, just getting closer to the wall. “you are small and weak, even compared to me. i will never admit to liking you, so get that disgusting idea out of your head and stop failing to blackmail me with it!” even though you knew you were probably going to die, you simply couldn’t resist. “admit to liking me? admit? do you not think before you speak? or is this some twisted confession game, huh? if you want me to stop thinking you like me, stop acting like you like me!” in a swift movement, his hands harshly grabbed your wrists, shoving you against the wall and pinning your hands next to your head. “i. will. destroy you.” once again his blue eyes stared deep into yours. your heart felt like it was gonna beat right out of your chest as that same sense of excitement returned, and even stronger this time around. his eyebrow twitched when he saw a tint of red blooming on your cheeks. “is that a threat or a promise?” somehow, you managed to reply as cheekily as he should've expected. but your voice was so small. it was embarrassing. and once again, the excitement just rose at the embarrassment you felt. jesus, you were messed up, weren’t you. armin stared at you in subtle surprise for a moment. he opened his mouth as if to speak, but for a moment, he didn’t. “wow. and i thought i had daddy issues.”
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“armin, shut your mouth and let me go! if levi walks in on us-” “we weren’t loud. he would have no reason to. he’s probably passed out using a pile of paperwork as a pillow, [l/n], so why are you so scared?” his anger disintegrated. you tried to wrangle your hands out of his grip, but he just held tighter. “you’re not leaving until i get my answer. so i would recommend you talk to me, or we’re gonna spend all night getting real comfortable with each other.” “y’know, for someone so adamant to deny you like me and don’t want to be near me, you’re awfully quick to want to keep me… pinned against a wall,” you muttered the last part, keeping your eyes focused basically anywhere except armin. “and for someone so adamant that they dislike me, you’re blushing an awful lot at me pinning you against a wall.” armin replied, as smooth as ever, grinning at you. even though he wanted to drop the grin as he began to speak again, he couldn’t help it. “once again, and for what i pray is the last time, answer me, [l/n]. why are you so nervous?” he sounded so cheeky, completely knocking your job to be the cheeky one. “good god, armin. alright, so maybe i like you or whatever. and i know you’re gonna use that to blackmail me, so forget about explaining that shit to me.” “mhm,” armin muttered, sounding dreadfully amused. “and what is it you like about me? body or personality?” you scoffed, rolling your eyes. after a moment you finally answered. “both.” you could just feel that his grin was growing. “why- why are you suddenly not angry after finding out i got flustered when you pinned me? i thought you would’ve slit my fucking throat ten minutes ago.” “that would’ve been satisfying as hell, that’s true. but why kill you when i can endlessly tease you?” armin responded. “oh, so now that you know that i like you, you wanna keep me alive,” you shot back, finally looking in his eyes. “awfully convenient for someone who claimed so adamantly that he didn’t like me.” armin rolled his eyes. there was the vague disdain you missed so much. note the sarcasm. “shut up or i’ll make you.” “make me? i would honestly love that. snow white.” your voice became thick with condescending sarcasm, which pleasantly hid the little tremble in your voice from, for lack of a better term, horny fear. finally you gained back your cheeky grin, tilting your head at armin as you looked him dead in the eye. “oh? is my god hesitating? are you too scared to kiss someone-” your falsely confident taunt was cut off by armin pressing his lips harshly against yours. and in one swift motion you lost said confidence, and was simultaneously proven completely wrong. you felt him grin oh-so slightly against you, probably at the heat in your cheeks. unsurprisingly, you found yourself returning his kiss, though a lot gentler than him. what was surprising was how good of a kisser he was. his lips were soft, he had a rhythm to what he did to you, and you absolutely loved it. that combined with him still having you pinned close to the wall, it was no wonder that you were blushing so much. a little sound escaped your throat, muffled before it hit the air. it was returned with a deep chuckle. armin pulled away as quick as he had kissed you to begin with, leaving you just a little out of breath, and looking away to avoid his gaze. “does that prove to you i’m not scared, [y/n]? or do i have to do it again? i won’t hesitate.” armin’s voice sounded more like a purr. it was like he knew how to send endless shivers down your spine. after observing you for so long, watching every move, perhaps he had learned what to do. “i mean, it proves you’re not scared, yeah. but if you won’t hesitate to do it again, i won’t complain if you go for it.” you shrugged, as if to say you couldn’t care either way, when all you wanted was for him to keep kissing you. it was incredible how he managed to flip a switch in you. “mhm. what kind of god would i be to deny a desperate poppet.”
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eternal-armin · 3 years
eternal-armin masterlist.
on hiatus.
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arcane masterlist. | stranger things masterlist. | request guidelines.
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attack on titan character headcanons.
1. how they would comfort you when you cry.
2. nighttime cuddles and comfort.
3. taking care of you when you're sick.
4. love themes & my reasons.
5. playing videogames.
6. their favorite parts of you [sfw].
7. how they confess to you.
8. how they say goodbye.
9. cooking/baking with them.
10. period comfort.
11. the demon you summoned.
12. holding hands with them.
13. jean, levi, connie - their love languages.
14. annie catch-up, part 1.
15. annie catch-up, part 2.
16. coming out to them [as gay].
17. discord tags.
18. very specific love languages.
19. date headcanons.
20. nicknames.
21. jean - wedding/marriage headcanons.
22. not saying 'i love you' back prank.
23. sleepover headcanons.
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armin x reader - drabbles, headcanons, and fics.
1. asking armin to bake cupcakes with you. | very short drabble
2. whatever god there is. | angst
3. "of course i'll help you!" | modern study au
4. saying goodbye was never part of the plan. | angst
5. headcanons - reading together.
6. asot armin - headcanon catch-up.
7. the only thing i needed. | armin x stressed reader
8. halcyon. | armin x male reader, angst
9. turning page. | armin x male reader, angst
turning page. | armin x neutral reader, angst
turning page. | armin x fem reader, angst
10. turning page ii. | armin x neutral reader, angst to fluff
11. daddy issues. | ASOT armin x male reader, enemies to lovers
daddy issues. | ASOT armin x neutral reader, enemies to lovers
12. daddy issues part 2. | ASOT armin x male reader, enemies to lovers
daddy issues part 2. | ASOT armin x neutral reader, enemies to lovers
13. don't let the good life pass you by. | armin x male reader, fluff. FT. important message.
14. to give my all and everything else. | armin x male reader, big fluff
15. chandelier. | armin x merman reader
16. chandelier ii. | armin x mer/man reader
16. class of 2013. | armin x neutral reader, angst w/ hopeful ending
17. alway forever. | ASOT armin x male reader, jealousy fic
18. city ruins, rays of light. | armin x neutral reader, angst w/ hopeful ending
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levi x reader - drabbles, headcanons, and fics.
1. it's time we got back to each other. | angst/fluff
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hange x reader - drabbles, headcanons, and fics.
1. shine on harvest moon. | slight angst to fluff [cw: discussion of self-harm]
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annie x reader - drabbles, headcanons, and fics.
1. oh no! | annie x neutral reader, fluff
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first kisses saga.
part one - jean kirschtien.
part two - sasha braus.
part three - armin arlert.
part four - levi ackerman.
part five - hange zoe.
part six - mikasa ackerman.
part seven - annie leonhart.
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random funny things.
1. aot cast trying to assemble IKEA furniture.
2. discord tags.
3. i'm not a bad person, i'm a rad person. | gift for atomicrobin3
4. inspirobot quotes.
5. not saying 'i love you' back prank.
153 notes · View notes