#asmr plucking
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silentmacabre · 7 months ago
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how I sleep with my silly little phone beside me playing silly little noises
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breezysuffers · 1 year ago
I love him but why does he speak in RIDDLES???
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crapyoudontneed · 2 years ago
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Hair Pulling Fidget Toy!
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reikisthan · 2 years ago
🌀💫 Unleashing the Power of Reiki Energy Pulling: A Transformative Journey! 🔥🌪️ #asmr #reiki
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source Read the full article
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misasimagines · 6 months ago
bathtime w/ Jiro (Tokyo Debunker)
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included characters: Jiro (Yuri visits, but is not the focus)
rating: SFW but suggestive. Reader is Lustful.
warnings: reader is lustful but respectful. Jiro is naked. GN reader. Reader and Yuri are not necessarily besties.
First Tokyo Debunker fic after being a dead blog for months :thumbsup:
He looked worse than he normally did. It was hard to determine his state on appearance alone, given that he normally had dark circles, a pallid tone to his skin, an empty stare, and hair that was several nights past simple bed head. However, you were familiar enough with his movements by now, how calculated and deliberate they usually were, to tell when something was different, and today they were definitely different. You had positioned yourself in Mortkranken to keep an eye on him under the not untrue guise of hiding out from Romeo and Jin, both of whom were demanding your presence for various tasks you had no responsibility to complete. Your phone lit up constantly while Romeo sent you increasingly deranged threats for not answering him. You flipped it over, screen side down.
Jiro stood at the desk in the back of the room preparing Yuri’s tea. He had a teapot in front of him and a few small canisters of tea leaves he was mixing from. You'd watched him do this plenty of times before, his actions, the sounds, even the smell of the tea was like some kind of elevated ASMR video. Today though, instead of relaxation, you felt a grating sense of wrongness. He moved slower, like through something viscous and dense, and took several seconds to decide on what teas to use when it normally seemed arbitrary he was so decisive and instant. And then it happened. He did something you'd never seen him do before. He spilled tea leaves all over the floor.
You let out a soft gasp and sat up instinctively.
He stared, expression unreadable, down at the mess and you felt a little sharp prick in your heart at how absolutely exhausted he seemed. There was no way of knowing what he was thinking, but there was a universal sense of disappointment in that sidelong stare he gave the wasted tea leaves. He stood for a second more and then lumbered across the room for the broom.
“Let me help,” you offered, hopping up from your seat and hurrying over to him.
“Why? It's not your mess,” he responded in that monotone voice of his, grabbing the broom and turning back to clean up.
“Right. I don't have to help you anymore than you have to make Yuri tea every day,” you reached for the broom and grasped the handle, not quite prepared to wrestle it from the man you regularly saw hauling corpses to the morgue over one of his broad shoulders, but threatening nonetheless.
He stared down at you, his glasses sliding down his nose. “He'll complain if I don't. It's a hassle. I won't complain if you don't clean up after me.”
You frowned at his succinct, pragmatic answer. “Maybe I just want to help you because I care about you, then.” You tugged at the broom. To anyone else, you might have felt embarrassed being so forthright, but Jiro’s bluntness rubbed off on you in his presence. Besides, it didn't feel like a great revelation to share. You did care about him, and by this point, he'd have to be in serious denial to not notice it.
Jiro stared at you a few more seconds, then relinquished the broom. “I'll get the dustpan then.” He acquiesced in a way only Jiro could acquiesce. 
You scoffed quietly and started sweeping the mess into a neat pile while he shuffled back across the room to retrieve the dust pan. He returned and crouched down to hold it so you could sweep up the tea and a fair amount of dust. Looking down at him, you saw just how, dare you say, fucked up, his hair was. It was a bona fide rat's nest, there may have been rats living in it currently, and you weren't sure if the slight discoloration on his bangs was dirt or blood. 
Without thinking, you reached out and plucked a little piece of fuzz from his head and flicked it into the dustpan below. He stared up at you, utterly silent. You stared back. Seconds passed as you processed what you just did and he seemed to understand it no more than you did. “When was the last time you bathed?” You finally broke the silence. There was no point in beating around the bush with him, he surely wouldn't with you.
“Hmm,” he stood up and trekked over to a trash can to dump out the pan. “Before we autopsied that anomaly with 5 heads.”
“That was on Monday.” 
“It's Friday.”
He turned to look at you, “Oh. It's been four days.” 
Did he not know the date?? You took a deep breath and exhaled slowly to calm yourself. “And sleep? When did you last do that?” You pressed.
Jiro blinked slowly at you. 
You were going to kill Yuri, but that was for another time. This time, you had a giant, dirty, and sleep deprived Jiro to take care of. “You HAVE to take a bath and get some sleep.”
He considered this long enough to give you time to take another deep breath and prepare to nag him. “Okay,” he turned and started shuffling towards the bathroom, only to stop suddenly and put his hand against the wall to steady himself.
Rushing over, you put a hand on his arm in case he collapsed. “Jiro!” 
He blinked away the dizziness, nausea, lightheadedness, whatever he was feeling in that barely reanimated body of his, and barely straightened up. He seemed to have the intention to respond to you in some way, but the energy to do so was missing. He shuffled another step forward and you went with him. If this was how it was going to be, you clenched your jaw, this was how it was going to be.
He regained enough strength on the way to the bath that you felt confident he'd be able to survive cleaning up at least. You rushed in and around getting the water up to a warm temperature, grabbing a towel, and pushing him the last few steps towards the tub.
“It would be faster to take a shower,” he commented, kicking off his shoes.
“Do you think you have it in you to stand in a shower long enough to get clean?” You retorted with a raised eyebrow. You lifted the glasses from his face and set them carefully next to the sink.
He let you take his glasses with the familiarity of having had you done it a hundred times before. A hundred times might have been a bit off, but you'd maneuvered them off his head a few times when he was nearly passed out over an operating table and when he had blood all over his hands and couldn't wipe them off himself. It was an action not unusual for you two, which is why the tilt of his head came so naturally when you reached for them. Lifting back up, he started unbuttoning his shirt. “Maybe not. I could also faint and drown in the tub.” 
“That’s why I'll stand guard to check on you every few minutes to make sure you haven't inhaled lungfuls of bathwater,” you promised, avoiding looking too closely at his scarred back as he shrugged out of his shirt. You grabbed it up before it hit the ground and set it aside on the counter.
“Because you care about me?” He asked.
If a person could turn to sand and crumble away or deflate like a balloon and fly around the room making a pitiful little whining sound, you'd have done either. It was one thing to say it yourself to nag and scold him for his poor self care practices. It was another to have it thrown back at you in a way where you couldn't tell if he was teasing you or just earnestly asking. Face flushed an deep red, you turned around to give him privacy (and hide your blush) and stood at the door. “Because I care about you,” you agreed, regardless of the embarrassment.
A minute or two passed and you heard the sound of the water sloshing as he got into the tub. 
You held his towel in your folded arms, facing the door intently. “Just make a noise or something every few seconds so I know you're not drowning, okay?” 
He was quiet.
“Any sound,” you insisted, drumming your fingertips over your arms.
He was quiet, the water was not sloshing.
“Jiro?” You called behind you, suddenly very tense.
He didn't respond and all you could hear was your own heart hammering in your ears. He'd passed out and was currently breathing in water and soap. You'd have to haul him out of the tub and try to perform CPR, but would that work? What if you broke his sternum, could he survive that level of damage when he was already so weak? A million visions of Jiro’s untimely death flashed in your head and made your chest tighten.
You spun around, already halfway towards him before you realized he was fine.
He was resting his head on the back of the tub, looking at you with the smallest curve to his lips, his eyes shut slightly in contented amusement. He might have let out a rare bit of laughter if only he weren't so drained.
Your chest tightened and you considered a few choice words to call him for scaring you like that, but they all caught in your throat. As sweet as he looked, that barely there smile on his face, he looked so worn out and fragile sitting in that tub that could barely even fit him. You took a few steps toward him and set the towel down on the counter. “You scared me,” you admit.
“Sorry.” He responded, his smile had started vanishing, less because his amusement faded and more because the urge to sleep was becoming too strong.
You watched him for a second more and he made no move to start scrubbing himself down or washing his hair. With a sigh, you rolled up your sleeves and crouched up on your knees next to the tub. You had filled it with an absolutely absurd amount of soap and bubbles, so there was no chance of seeing much more than the top of his chest and his knees that poked out over the water. “I'll wash your hair, so take care of the rest of yourself, alright?” You pushed.
He nodded.
You filled your palm with a bit of shampoo and foamed it up between your hands before diving into his mess of knotted hair. You had seen dolls at second hand shops with fewer knots and less tangled hair, and some of those had gone through the dryer or maybe a wind tunnel. You took your time, scrubbing down to his scalp with your fingers as tenderly but insistently as you could.
Jiro relaxed into your touch, slumped so fully into the bath that you had to gently lift his head to reach the back of it. He let out a quiet hum of satisfaction when you raked your fingers up the nape of his neck. His eyes were fully closed now, his eyelashes thick and dark and brushing the tops of his cheeks. Without his mask hanging down around his chin, you could see the cute little beauty mark under his mouth. Droplets of water rolled down his neck, over the little star shaped scars, down his chest and-
His eyes opened slowly and he looked up at you. It wasn't particularly different from how he usually looked at you, and maybe that's why it felt so much more intimate than you were used to. If you let yourself get caught in these thoughts, it would recontextualize everything between you and nothing would make sense anymore. You felt paralyzed by him, by your thoughts, by your hands in his hair, by the slow rise and fall of chest and the shifting of bubbles. “You stopped,” he announced, his voice not betraying any real tone of displeasure, but you felt it nonetheless.
“Oh!” You got back to scrubbing, carefully working through the knots, carefully controlling your breathing. “Sorry,” you mumbled. You rinsed out the shampoo, dumping little rinse cups of water over his head, your hand over his eyes now both to hide his near unblinking watch and to prevent soap from getting into them.
You rushed through conditioner, getting as much of his hair as saturated as possible (you had no clue when he'd use it again, after all), and pulled your hand back to stand up. “Okay. Just finish cleaning up and then rinse that out and you'll be right as rain,” you lectured as robotically as you could. The bubbles had started to pop and dissipate and any glances down at him were revealing more that you thought appropriate to see at the moment.
He wrapped his fingers around your hand as you retracted it. His hands were wet and his fingers slightly wrinkled from being under the water for so long. He pulled your hand inward just slightly, enough to indicate he was asking you to come back, but not enough to force you or pull you down.
You settled back on your knees in front of him. He looked pitiful, in the cutest way possible. His hair dripped water down his cheeks, his entire body barely fit into this tub and still he was cramped down into it, reaching up for you like he could pull you in with him.
His lips parted slightly and the pins and needles feeling in your calves erupted.
“Jiro- AAARGG!” 
You shot up, Jiro's hand slipping from yours as you turned to see Yuri pointing at and screaming at you. 
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM?!” Yuri demanded, expression crazed with suspicion.
“I was washing his hair!” You insisted, guilt tinging your tone, and then realized you weren't at fault here. He was the culprit. Plus, he'd interrupted whatever moment you were about to have with Jiro. His second major offense. You clenched your hands into fists. “Which he hasn't done in four days since you never give him any time to take care of himself!” You snapped.
Yuri withdrew in indignation, “How dare you speak to me that way, worm!” His hand pressed to his chest, over his heart. “Jiro has 24/7 care from the world's best doctor and foremost researcher on anomalous medicine. He should be grateful!”
You were ready to throw hands when Jiro spoke up. “Yuri, I'll finish up here in a few minutes and bring you tea after.” If only he knew the amount of blood he just prevented from being spilled.
Yuri bristled and rearranged his lab coat. “You do that. I'll be in the lab and you,” he pointed at you again with distaste, “will be going anywhere but here!”
Waving an annoyed hand at him, you retorted, “Let me just wash my hands and I'll be on my way.”
Yuri glowered at you and opened the door to leave, “Don't forget my tea,” he commanded, slamming the door behind him
You positively steamed while washing your hands in the slightly cool water of the sink. You couldn't even ask “who does he think he is” because he had to announce it every five minutes. Dr. Yuri Isami, genius and visionary. Best doctor ever, blah blah blah. Distracted with frustration, you almost forgot Jiro was soaking in the tub behind you until you turned to dry your hands and leave and caught him sitting up and staring at you again.
He was running a washcloth down his shoulder and arm when he spoke, “I'll let you help me again.”
You snorted. It seemed so flippant a conclusion, and yet… you weren't ready to walk away without one last question. “You're capable of doing this yourself. Why would you let me help you?”
He considered this, wringing the washcloth out over his chest, sending a cascade of soap bubbles and water down his skin that you watched with nothing more than scholarly interest. He didn't even look at you when he answered, his voice as cool and apathetic as always, “It must be because I care about you.”
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months ago
Various HH characters x autistic!reader
Prize 1/5 for @coldsushisworld ! I hope you enjoy!
This post includes: charlie, vaggie, alastor, Lucifer, adam, and lute
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Honestly I can see Charlie herself being somewhere on the spectrum! So she can relate to you in some way when you're having some struggles. Shes so so accommodating when it comes to your needs, quite literally bending over backwards to make sure the hotel is a safe space for you. Theres likely a sensory room somewhere in the hotel, where you (or really anyone!) Can go to unwind and just vibe. Protective of you, as she is with everyone else she cares about. You.. may have to get her to cool it if things get a little too heated. Warm and smells like apple pie, and I dont know about you guys but that's possibly one of the most pleasing and calming combos
Very quick to shut things down if someone tries to get on your case for your needs for whatever reason, same goes for anyone who does it without intending to be harmful/doing it unknowingly. Shes your guard dog, and shes going to make sure you're safe mentally and physically. Likely stands trying to choose between different fidgets to pack for an outing trying to determine which one might come more in handy. Packs both. Actually she definitely has a pack somewhere for you that has a bunch of items to carry on you to help you out (water, headphones, ect ect). Despite that she does think you're capable and will step back if her worries cause her to overstep and make you feel bad. Vaggie does tend to have trouble gauging how much effort and feeling into things
In the nicest way possible, he does not care. Obviously he doesn't care in the "I dont care that you're ND and I'm not going to avoid doing things that trigger you", it's a "I dont care because it is what it is", and besides hes got manners! Sometimes the static ambience around him can be comforting, like white noise.. sometimes he hums or softly plays music if you need something to focus on during an overwhelming moment. However if it makes things worse it's getting cut the second you say something. You're the only person allowed into his radio tower, if you need an escape
As stated above I headcanon that Charlie is somewhere in the spectrum so he already has an idea of what to do to make things easier and more welcoming for you! Thankfully his home isnt too chaotic and he doesnt usually switch up his routine so if routines mean a lot for you Lucifer is your man! Puts his crafting skills to good use and makes you personalized fidget toys! He loves talking to you but if you need him to be quiet for a while he'll be understanding and work quietly on his ducks. Similarly to his daughter he doesnt let anyone try to make you feel bad for trying to tend to your needs. Though hes less of a pushover/holds his temper a little easier than charlie, but hes still quick to shut anything down
In the beginning he can be a little.... how does one say this nicely? Not the best.. hes not at all educated so you're probably going to have to sit him down and find a way to get him to listen. Hes a little misguided when it comes to helping you moving forward but there is a new added effort in there. Takes you away from environments that are too overwhelming for you, or tells everyone to shut the hell up.. which might make things worse thanks to his shouting. He's got the spirit but his methods are not the best. His wings are soft and as long as you dont pluck anything out, he let's you run your fingers through his feathers. Would get sucked into those sensory and/or asmr videos with you
I can see her being on the spectrum too tbh but I dont think shes aware, so anytime you try to bring up the possibility of her being ND she kind of just dismisses it. "Everyone does that," mindset. While she doesnt totally understand all of your habits and needs, she still does her best to make sure you're satisfied. She can be callous with others, often causing conflict to those who choose not to listen to an exterminator.. though to heavens citizens what status to exterminators have..? Shrugs. Shes a little.. tense? Harsh? No harsh sounds mean. Shes not used to being tender for someone else, so this is all a learning process for her.. its going to take a while before she grows accustomed to you autism or not.. but shes trying, because she does love you even if shes not used to these feelings!
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halcyon-garden · 9 months ago
Cow grazing ASMR
Ok, tbh my phone mic is pretty far from asmr quality. But the sound of rhythmic grass plucking is quite soothing irl. Cow boys are Mochi and Little One.
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kurinhimenezu · 2 months ago
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“Why don’t you get on your knees and tell me how you really feel about me huh?”
Some shuffling sounds were heard and then a zipper slowly being pulled down.
“Yeah that’s it baby…now open wi—”
“Yo! Bitch I’ve been trying to get your attention for 10 minutes, what’s up?” Arrem sat down in front of her. Her books clattering on the quad table.
You gave her a slight grin and shut your phone off before she could see the screen. “Just listening to a podcast and shit”
Arrem narrowed her eyes, flicking open her book and pulling out a notepad. “Uh-huh…” Her eyes looked down at her notes before she smirked, “You’re listening to that asmr dude again huh?”
“You-I! Hell no..!” You spluttered, “N-no I wasn’t!”
Shoving your phone in your bag, you dragged her books back in front of you, trying to take in the notes or whatever the fuck the subject it’s in.
Your friend only laughed, tying up her short hair in a low ponytail before handing you a pen. “Maybe focus on our exam first before getting it on with your fantasy man?”
Snatching the pen, you stuck your tongue out and took out a piece of scratch paper. “Fuck ooofffff”
The exam really did kick your ass this time, but the time spent reviewing was worth it considering some parts of what you studied actually came up. You can’t wait to fucking graduate and get a job already. Only one more semester before internships.
You huffed, looking up at the cereal aisle, your favourite cereal box at the top of the shelf, teasing you.
Your fingertips barely brushed the bottom of the box and climbing the shelves is frowned upon and would probably result in you getting kicked out.
And you refuse to go out to another grocery store in the cold, when it's right there.
A large arm reached up from behind you and plucked up what looks to be the last box.
“Hey! That’s my cereal!”
Glaring, you turned around only to be face to face with a wall of meat. Chest hair underneath a sheer fishnet shirt, black leather jacket that has probably seen better days and meaty hands filled with rings and chipped nail polish.
You looked up and gulped, seeing a shiny fanged grin on a face that should probably belong to a douchebag, dangling your cereal just above your nose.
Fuck, why were you instantly attracted?
...Are those nipple piercings?
A loud click snapped you out of your thoughts just in time to see the stranger laugh at you, his fingers poised in a snapping motion.
“Damn baby, if I didn’t know any better, I would think you’re checking me out”
UGH, his voice even sounded hot.
“Shut…up..I was just..you’re so, god you’re built like brick wall! Of course I’d stop and stare!”
You winced, cringing at the weak excuse but it only seemed to make the stranger even more amused, not taking any offense at all.
“Well some bitches like’em big…” He grinned, making sure you made eye contact before winking.
Oh my god.
“Just hand over the cereal and nobody gets hurt” Huffing, you crossed your arms, glaring at the man between you and your silly little treat.
“Don’t worry baby, I saw you struggling and wanted to tease a little, here you goooo” He chuckled, “Name’s Adam by the way”
Taking the cereal from him suspiciously, you told him your name and placed the box in your basket, “Right…well..I’m gonna go..now”
You don’t want to go, you really don’t, he’s so hot and you’re really kinda? maybe? Lonely. Or bored. You really wanna know what those Y/N’s in those fanfictions you’ve read feels like. Sadly, this is reality and you could be kidnapped or something, and you prefer your organs attached to your body thank you very much.
“Alright, lemme walk you to the check out, I’m going to pay my shit anyway” Adam started to walk off and it only took you a second to notice he only has a pack of gum and a box of cigarettes in his hand before you walked after him.
Placing your groceries on the belt, you didn’t notice that Adam had already paid for everything before you could even hand your cash over to the cashier.
“Hey..wait! you didn’t have to do that” Your eyebrow raising at the black card and receipt the cashier handed back to Adam to sign. Holy shit…
Adam waved you off and began shoving everything in the bag before handing it off to you. “Naaah…it’s fine”
He grinned, slowly leaning down low to pluck the earbud from your ear, his breath so close it brushed against your cheek, giving your neck that tingly feeling.
“Anything for a fan”
The horror set in when you realized that the ‘podcast’ you’ve been listening to was still playing. And it was one of the more…intense ones from his Patreon.
“Baby if you wanna be discreet you better be careful with your volume control”
You grabbed your earbud and scrambled to pause the app. “Okay listen—”
Adam laughed as you booked it out of the store.
Slamming the car door closed, you groaned into your hands in utter embarrassment. You could cry at how humiliating that whole spiel was.
At the corner of your eye, you saw something scribbled messily at the back of the crumpled-up receipt.
‘If you wanna experience the real thing, call me’
+1 201-XXX-XXXX
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I needed to get this out before I lose it
May edit this 🤷🏽‍♀️
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brainrotss · 2 months ago
jason todd x gn!reader
heavily inspired by this
Jason slipped into the apartment like a shadow, careful to keep his steps light despite the solid weight of his boots. Patrol had been manageable—if by manageable you meant chasing down some street-level punks who couldn’t tell the difference between bravado and stupidity—but the tension still clung to him. It always did. He dropped his helmet on the counter with a faint clunk, shrugging off his jacket in one practiced motion, and glanced toward the bedroom. The faint amber glow of the bedside lamp leaked out through the crack in the door, the only sign you were still awake.
He pushed the door open softly, leaning his broad frame against the doorway. You were nestled under the covers, your head propped on a pillow, entirely absorbed in the glow of your phone. The faint blue light reflected off your face, catching the flicker of your eyelashes as you stared at the screen. You didn’t even look up.
Jason narrowed his eyes, the ghost of a smirk tugging at his lips. “Still awake?” he asked, his voice low and familiar, gravel-soft with the lingering chill of the night air.
“Mhm,” you replied, barely acknowledging him, your attention still locked on whatever was playing on your phone.
Jason huffed a quiet laugh, stepping inside and letting the door creak shut behind him. He leaned his shoulder against the wall next to the bed, crossing his arms as he looked down at you. “No ‘Hey, Jay,’ no ‘How was patrol?’ Just... this?” He motioned toward your phone with a tilt of his chin, his voice carrying an edge of mock indignation. “What’s so important that I don’t even get a kiss?”
Still, you didn’t look up. “It’s nothing,” you said vaguely, brushing him off.
Jason’s brows furrowed as he shifted closer, the springs of the mattress dipping under his weight when he perched on the edge of the bed. “What are you watching?” His voice was sharper now, playful but probing, and before you could stop him, he reached over and plucked one of your earbuds free.
The sound hit him immediately—a voice, low and accented, dripping with theatrical seduction. “Mi amor... step closer, and let me show you the eternity you were destined for...”
Jason froze, staring at the tiny screen as though it might explain itself. Then his head snapped toward you, disbelief etched into every line of his face. “What the—are you listening to some guy pretend to be a vampire?”
“It’s ASMR,” you said simply, as if that clarified everything.
Jason’s eyes narrowed further. “ASMR? This guy’s seducing you like it’s prom night for the undead, and you’re calling it relaxing?”
“It is relaxing,” you said, finally glancing up at him with an amused smirk. “He’s got the whole vibe down.”
“The vibe down?” Jason repeated, his voice pitching higher with mock outrage. He pointed at your phone accusingly. “This guy couldn’t vibe his way out of a coffin.” His tone turned defensive as he straightened up. “I could do better.”
You raised an eyebrow, skeptical. “Oh, really?”
“Yeah, really,” Jason shot back, leaning in slightly as if to prove a point. “I got range. Watch this.” Clearing his throat, he pitched his voice low, adopting a softer, more deliberate cadence. “Mi amor... come with me into the night, where the moonlight... uh, whatever.. shines? No, wait. Shadows. Shadows are better.” He faltered for a second, but recovered quickly, his expression deadly serious. “Together, we’ll... I don’t know, drink some wine? Dance in graveyards or something”
You tried to stifle a laugh, but it broke through anyway, soft and breathless, filling the quiet room. Jason’s confidence cracked as he leaned back, his brow furrowing with mock annoyance. “What?” he demanded, though the corner of his mouth twitched, betraying him.
“You were doing okay,” you said, barely managing to get the words out between laughs, “until you mixed up goths and vampires dancing.’”
Jason groaned, running a hand through his hair as he fell back against the bed. “Whats the difference?” he muttered, though the faint blush creeping up his neck said otherwise. “At least I don’t sound like Señor Sparkle over there.”
Still laughing, you leaned over him, grinning as you pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Don’t worry,” you teased, your tone light and mischievous. “I’ll only choose him when you leave me all alone.”
Jason’s head snapped toward you, his expression caught somewhere between shock and betrayal. “You did not just say that.”
Before he could protest further, you reached over and clicked off the lamp, plunging the room into darkness as you giggled uncontrollably. “Goodnight, Jay,” you called sweetly, burying yourself under the covers.
Jason groaned again, though you could hear the faintest trace of a laugh in his exasperated tone. “Unbelievable,” he muttered, sliding into bed beside you. “I save the city, and this is what I come home to.”
Still grinning, you nestled against him, feeling the tension ease from his body despite his grumbling. “You’ll always be my favorite,” you murmured, your voice soft now.
“Damn right I will,” he said, pulling you closer. “But don’t think I’m letting this go.”
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alluring-eclipse · 1 year ago
Hola! Can I have headcanons of the dr1 and dr2 characters (you can choose which ones, but pls add Nagito) with an s/o who is the Ultimate ASMRtist? They make all kinds of ASMR, from role-playing to triggers to stress/insecurities relief. They basically are the best at all ASMR.
As part of the stress/insecurities relief, they like to also make videos addressing both talented and talentless people. For example, one of their videos could be for talented ppl and Ultimates, where they pluck away the listener's/watcher's insecurities of having pressure and expectations on them as the talented, along with praising them softly for their effort and who they are inside.
Then, for the talentless, one of their videos could be of them touching the camera softly while also praising the listener/watcher and comforting them for their insecurities of not being adequate, and telling them they're beautiful for who they are inside.
They also love doing actual, physical ASMR on their boyfriend/girlfriend, massaging their head, whispers, triggers, etc. 🥰
Hello darling! That's a unique and lovely concept! Let's dive into some ASMR headcanons for the Danganronpa 1 and 2 characters
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**Danganronpa 1:**
1. **Makoto Naegi:**
- Makoto would find your ASMR incredibly soothing, especially after a stressful trial.
- He often requests personalized sessions, asking for comforting words and encouragement.
2. **Kyoko Kirigiri:**
- Kyoko appreciates the logical and calming nature of your ASMR.
- She secretly listens to your videos when investigating late into the night.
3. **Byakuya Togami:**
- Byakuya may act indifferent, but he low-key enjoys your ASMR to unwind from the pressure of being the Ultimate Affluent Progeny.
- He'd never admit it, but he may have a dedicated playlist of your videos.
4. **Toko Fukawa / Genocide Jack:**
- Toko appreciates your ASMR's calming effect on her alter ego, Genocide Jack.
- Your videos help Toko manage her intense emotions and stay focused.
**Danganronpa 2:**
1. **Hajime Hinata:**
- Hajime, being more reserved, finds solace in your ASMR during moments of self-doubt.
- Your encouragement helps him embrace his own talents.
2. **Chiaki Nanami:**
- Chiaki enjoys your ASMR as a way to relax and recharge her gamer spirit.
- She often falls asleep listening to your comforting whispers.
3. **Nagito Komaeda:**
- Nagito is deeply drawn to your ASMR, finding a strange sense of hope and luck in your words.
- He may leave cryptic comments under your videos, expressing gratitude for your existence.
4. **Gundham Tanaka:**
- Gundham surprisingly enjoys your ASMR, especially the role-playing ones involving fantastical scenarios.
- He may even incorporate your videos into his ritualistic routines with his Four Dark Devas of Destruction.
Your significant other in this scenario would be showered with affectionate ASMR sessions. Nagito, in particular, might view your ASMR as a form of divine guidance, leading him through the chaotic path of hope and despair. 🌙✨
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nana2359-blog · 8 months ago
Self care day with Devaneio!
First, let's take care of our claws nails.
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🎀: Girl what the actual f happened to your hand ‽
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🎀: Aaaand... done!
Now, let's treat ourselves with a little snack to please the PCOS demons.
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🎀: Sometimes I crave a sweet and salty treat more than I crave war crimes
What about a facial and eyebrows design?
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🎀: Take this moment to appreciate your favorite songs. You can also listen to some ASMR or your favorite mantras while you curse at your eyebrows being painfully plucked!
End your day cuddling with your favorite plushies ♡
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🎀: Pink has been my best friend since I possessed this body
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veryberryjelly · 1 year ago
yo, I hope you're having a great day so far! I am requesting a twister round from your sleepover thingy if that's alright, but I fully understand if ya don't feel like it. Okay, so the preferred fandom is Percy Jackson (cause Charlie Bushnell as Luke is so hot that it's ILLEGAL)
I'm female, bi, and a damn bookworm. I've been RAISED by Lord of the Rings, Percy Jackson, and the Hunger Games. I love literature, and I love music even more. My favorite artist is AURORA, and Hozier is a close second, but I also listen to Metalcore, Folk, and literally everything but country (if we leave out Dolly Parton, she is an icon)
I'm pretty good at singing, and I also play the electric guitar. I also like to write short stories, though mine are full of dark humor lol.
I've been diagnosed with HSP, which means I'm highly sensitive, not only to the rude words of other people (which I sadly have to hear often, I'm kinda trying to survive bullying rn lol) but also to the noises around me. When I'm eating with people, I get the ICK. It sounds like those weird chewing ASMR videos...
Oh, I also do martial arts (Tai Chi, to be specific), and I've been doing that for seven years, so that's cool.
Thank you for taking the time to read this!
i ship you with...
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lucy gray baird !!!
playing with the coveys in district 12 -
i just know if anyone was slightly rude to you then lucy would kick their ass.
i picture the two of you laying down at the lake, you writing stories and her just plucking out strings for a song she's writing.
it's all just too soft- i can't.
and the fact that you listen to folk music just makes it, ah! perfect.
she is literally the softest person on the planet and i think you two would just thrive !
ik you asked for pjo but this was too cute, i couldnt.
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eddiesxangel · 1 year ago
Do you have any headcanons for eddie who listens to asmr?
Oh yes 😌
Thought it was so stupid and gross at first bc he thought it was just chewing noises and couldn’t understand why people enjoyed that.
Then he discovers the tingly tiktok accounts of the girlies pampering and soft whispering and is transported to this whole other realm of feeling goosebumps on his head. He still didn’t understand but he knew he liked it.
He loves the personal attention ones. Poor baby is so deprived of affection and being doted on when he discovered them he is addicted, can’t fall asleep without it. It is so relaxing for him, takes his mind off of everything.
Loves the face tapping and skin care ones! oh and especially hair care ones. He even learns a few things on how to take better care of his waves.
I think he would also enjoy the plucking ones and tapping on specific objects.
He keeps only a secret bc he shut on it for so long now he can’t go back on his word.
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flamingspitballs · 3 months ago
ASMR fellow anti-AI leftist plucks away your weird art essentialism and pro-intellectual property ideas and replaces them with arguments surrounding worker's rights and the mass pollution (layered sounds)
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sylvia-forest · 2 years ago
[CN] Shaw's 5th Anniversary ASMR - Sweet times
⚡Warning: This post contains detailed spoiler's for an ASMR which hasn't been released in EN yet!⚡
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“In each other laughter, the sweet and sour taste was lost in the heart”
[stepping on grass sounds]
Walk carefully.
You were about to hit your head against a tree.
You were working overtime.
How can you bump into a tree while walking during the day?
Let me see…
You've got dark circles under your eyes.
You look like you’ve stayed up for three nights without sleep.
We're here, there are many oranges.
Wait, I will pick more.
To give you some Vitamin C.
[continues to walk] 
Why did I bring you to pick fruits on the weekend?
Didn't I say that on the way?
This is the orchard of a friend's grandfather's house.
The fruit produced this year was good.
Plus the suburban scenery here was also pretty good.
Those guys from the band suggested camping.
A few days ago, didn't you say that you worked overtime for half a month?
You've been staying in the office building, but you didn't have time to relax.
Now you've got the chance.
I'll take you out to experience a farmhouse.
[Shaw takes a deep breath]
Don't you like this the most?
To have zero distance with nature. Do you feel it yet?
Now that you know my good intentions…
Just leave the work and all that stuff to the back of your mind.
[MC trips over something]
Follow me and you'll be fine.
If you don't want to fall again, just follow me.
Give me your hand.
[Shaw grabs MC hand]
Don't bother about those guys in the band.
They will come later.
[snapping of twigs and leaves rustling sounds]
Let's pick the best oranges first.
Let them eat sour ones.
[Shaw exhales lightly]
That's right, smile more.
We're here to relax ourselves. 
[Shaw stretches himself]
Anyway, it's just us here now.
[Snapping of twigs and wildlife sounds]]
Here you go.
If you want to pick it, just pick it.
I was kind enough to pick out the best ones for you.
You don't know how to appreciate goodwill.
How can you tell it's delicious?
Well, of course.
These oranges grew on the top of the tree.
At first glance, they look bigger than other oranges.
The colors are the best.
I'll pick some more.
We'll eat these oranges when we go back to the tent.
Why are you fighting with the oranges by peeling them off with all the juice? 
It splashed onto my face.
There was no orange peeler.
Isn't it here?
It's right next to the table.
What are you doing
Suddenly getting closer to me?
Okay, you wipe it.
[sound of shaw's breathing]
Tsk, have you wiped enough?
It's time to eat the oranges.
[peeling of oranges sounds]
[Shaw started speaking while eating the oranges]
Is that all the skill you've got?
Don't peel it. 
Here, I'll give you mine.
Sweet or not sweet? 
Yes, I just tasted it, it's very sweet.
This seems to be some jelly orange.
Just relax and eat it.
[MC takes the orange from shaw's hand and put it in her mouth but start spitting it out]
You trust me so much.
You really ate half an orange in one go. 
What I gave you earlier was
Randomly plucked from the tree.
I took a bite  
I almost lost my teeth. 
I just wanted to tease you. 
Who knew you would trust me so much?
[MC beats the crap out of Shaw]
All right. 
That way, even if we all eat limes
Everything will balance out, how's that?
Why are you still angry?
[Shaw laughs]
How about this?
You go and get another lime.
I'll also eat it.
So, let's call it even.
Still not satisfied?
So, how about this?
This winter, the oranges you eat
I'll buy them all.
As an apology for cheating you into eating limes. 
OK, it looks like you agree. 
Wait, don't move. 
You seem to have gotten orange juice on your face, too.
You just didn't pay attention to it. 
Now it's all "cleaned up". 
⚡ASMR texts
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euphoricfilter · 1 year ago
i have somehow stumbled down a rabbit hole of funky asmr… 🤨 first it was plucking bugs out of santa’s beard (you are santa) and now suddenly it’s dom teacher takes care of you when you’re sick 🧍🏻‍♀️
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