Mr. Reddington, how many people did you think you could kill before Elizabeth Keen would snap? Was it always your intention to push her this far? To make her a monster that would hate you to the point she'd be plotting your death and burning every healthy relationship she had, all for the sake of your death?
I misjudged Elizabeth’s attachment to that woman, but I don’t regret killing her. It was necessary, as I will explain to @askelizabethscottkeen when we locate her. 
Elizabeth is not a monster, but she is capable of acting recklessly which is why we need to find her, quickly, before she does something irrevocable. 
I need @askharoldcooper, @askdonaldressler and @askagentarammojtabai to put their personal feelings aside and to use their best efforts to bring her back as soon as possible, for everyone’s sake. 
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askdonaldressler · 4 years
How do you feel about Liz using you after sleeping with you? Are you okay?
Well, she didn’t ‘use me’ for the, uh, overnight part. That was consensual between us and both of us knew full well what she was saying when she wanted to spend the night and ‘rest’. Both of us wanted that.
And I dunno, I like to think I aided her, even while she was ‘using me’ to tell me which train station she was at. Why did I choose then to come clean to @askagentarammojtabai that she had called me (again)? Because I had already told her Agnes was at the Post Office, and if I’m honest, I knew she’d misdirect us and take the opportunity to retrieve her little girl.
So yeah, she did use me to get the task force out of the office, but I let it happen and I’m surprisingly good with that. @askharoldcooper asked us what it felt like to have aided @askelizabethscottkeen in taking $35m off @askraymondredreddington. So this was similar. Helping Liz get Agnes felt therapeutic too.
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You of all people should know that unless you've seen the body with your own eyes, it means nothing.
I was in a coma when they buried Tom. I trust my team. I trust @askharoldcooper who identified him and @askscottiehargrave who handled the funeral arrangements. I trust that Tom would reach out to me if he were alive. They have no reason to put me through losing him like that.
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Got any more Gnome buddies in ol' Coop's garden yet?
Oh, no. It’s just me in this lovely garden. Me, and all my rosebushes, and the little birdies, trying not to judge the hideous flamingo statue across the street. 
Actually, now you mention it.. It might be nice to have a gnomely friend to chat to. Sometimes the garden gets lonely when you’re by yourself all the time. 
Hey, @askharoldcooper, can we make that happen?
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Are you surprised that Cooper perjured himself for you?
A little.  I knew there was a chance it could go the other way.  The very integrity that I banked on to get him to provide a copy of my immunity agreement to the Court might have dictated a different result.  But I am grateful to @askharoldcooper for what he did today.
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askdonaldressler · 6 years
What are you feeling with Red about to die?
To be honest with you, Anon, I’m feeling a lot. The law says  @askraymondredreddington‘s crimes deserve the death penalty. But I can’t just ignore all the lives we’ve saved and criminals we’ve stopped by teaming up with this guy. I’m mad and disappointed about all the lives we won’t be able to save if he or @askharoldcooper can’t come up with a way to stop the execution.
This man has done a lot of bad things in this life, but he’s done a lot of good, too... I really can’t ignore how much he’s cares about @askelizabethscottkeen and @askdembezuma. I worry about how Liz is handling all this, and all the unanswered questions that are left after everything else she’s been dealt.. 
I can’t forget how much he’s done for me, after Audrey and more recently with Prescott... 
Mostly I’m sad, Anon. Disappointed, frustrated, and sad.
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Would it make a difference in how you handled it if the person who betrayed you was part of the task force?
I don’t know.  Perhaps, perhaps not.  It’s difficult to imagine being faced with that scenario.  It would mean that I’ve seriously misjudged someone close to me.  I’d like to think that @askharoldcooper, @askdonaldressler, @askagentarammojtabai, @asksamarnavabi and of course @askelizabethscottkeen have more integrity than to go the cheap route of having me arrested after everything we’ve done together.
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askdonaldressler · 5 years
I know this is a really late question but did you go to toms funeral? since liz was in a coma did you guys have a funeral for him since she couldnt?
I did. That was a pretty chaotic time and I don’t remember all the details, but there was a short graveside service. I’m not sure who arranged for it, just that @askharoldcooper came in and told the team what time and where. No matter what I personally thought of the guy, I know @askelizabethscottkeen loved him very much, so it was only right to go pay our respects since she couldn’t.
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Haven't you stopped to think about the task force's safety? They're the only people Red is likely to suspect of setting him up. You've practically painted a target on their backs.
There won’t be any evidence. Even if @askdonaldressler is happy that it’s over and @askharoldcooper gave me the option of ending it, there’s no proof that they or anybody else on the Task Force set it up. 
The only people that knew where he was going were @askdembezuma, his weird little German bomb maker, and.... me. 
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I won’t let him hurt them. I just need time. 
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How can you justify lying to your friends once again after everything they have done for you?
I’m protecting my friends. How many people have died so that @askraymondredreddington could keep his secret? Sam, Mr. Kaplan, Tom.... Do you think I want @askdonaldressler, @asksamarnavabi, Aram, or @askharoldcooper to be next? 
I hate what I’m having to do right now, but I won’t let anybody else I care about die for that secret. 
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I have some intel for you - your husband's death was faked. He's alive Liz.
Do you think that’s funny? Trying to make me believe Tom could be alive? 
I loved my husband. I’d do anything to change what happened, but it did happen. Garvey killed him and @askharoldcooper identified his body. @askagneskeen and I have to live with that reality.
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So unless you have something that can prove otherwise, this just sounds like a cruel joke. 
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Raymond I've missed you so much this summer. Will I get to see you soon? And is there anything that you need since you are now illiquid??? Maybe a good home cooked meal or a night out at the ballet?
Well aren’t you thoughtful, my dear. I’ve missed you too, but I must admit I’m actually enjoying myself. There’s something very freeing about shedding responsibilities and just taking a moment to sit in the sun and read a good book.  But don’t worry, you’ll be seeing much more of me soon. I have to work on raising some cash, after all, and @askharoldcooper  is growing a bit impatient to have me back on the scene.  Your offer of a meal or a night at the ballet sounds heavenly. I’ve never been able to resist a good cook.
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asktheblacklist · 8 years
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It’s our first AU event of 2017, so we thought it’d be appropriate to welcome back Agent Elizabeth Keen to the FBI!
The Blacklist RP team didn’t get a chance over the Winter Hiatus to join in on any of our usual AU Weekends, so even though the show’s not technically in hiatus, we thought we’d make the best of a night without a new Blacklist episode by joining together for a Mini AU! Check out the details below:
What is it?
A mini AU isn’t something that we do often, but it’s a one-evening event that may or may not fit exactly into canon, so we consider it in the same category as an AU Weekend, just shorter. The Blacklist RP Team will be coming together in a Post Office party to celebrate the return of Elizabeth Keen as a full-time agent with the FBI!
When is it?
Since the Blacklist is airing a rerun episode this week we decided to take the opportunity to have a little fun. RP’ers that are joining in will be on and off TODAY (Thursday January 26) towards the afternoon/evening/night as their personal schedules permit.  
Who is participating?
As of when this post is going up, the following RP’ers have confirmed that they plan to pop in at least for a bit on Thursday: @askelizabethscottkeen, @askthomasvincentkeen, @askagneskeen, @askdonaldressler, @confidxnteveryday (Samar Navabi), @askharoldcooper, @askdembezuma, @asknikkorpal (we promise Red won’t come after you, Nik!), @ask-dr-ellie, and maybe even @askhudsondog. @askmisterkaplan will also be joining us, but anyone that finds out she’s alive will go back to the usual canon Friday morning. In addition to our usual #blacklist rp tag, we’ll also be tagging the posts as #AU.
As always, don’t forget to mark your questions as AU or they may wait until Friday. If you’ve kept your Thursday evening open and are going to be missing the Blacklist as much as we are, why not come join us for Liz’s Welcome Back Party?
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Do you ever think you'll see Daisy again?
I don’t know, anon… I hope so, but I doubt it. She still sat on the shelf across the aisle from mine at the Home Depot when I was whisked away. Who knows where she could have ended up after that? She could be two doors down from me, or some dozen blocks away now.
But oh, how I pined over her… And how much I miss her now. Perhaps one day I’ll see her again. Maybe one day @askharoldcooper could launch an investigation to track her down so that she could stand beside me and we could guard his rosebushes together…
Though, that might be asking a bit much, I think.
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