Thank you.
In July 2017, during the summer hiatus between seasons 4 and 5, I took over as mun for this account. I had never RP'd before, I had never made gifs before, and I was excited, and at the same time terrified, to try both. I asked the moderators of the @asktheblacklist RP group to allow me to keep my main blog identity hidden even to others within the RP group because I was afraid it would color people's views if they knew who was wearing the fedora. I'm sure some people figured out my identity along the way. I'm sure to others this news will come as a surprise.  
It has been my great honor and privilege to voice Red in answering your asks and engaging with the other members of the Ask The Blacklist group these past four years. It’s not easy to play a character who knows all the answers when the mun knows none of them! You have all challenged my creativity, kept me guessing as to what Red would think or do, and kept me researching brands of scotch and favorite books and exotic locations. I especially enjoyed creating the two Lizzington AU weekends with the previous mun who played Liz back in 2017 (Christmas in Vienna) and 2018 (the Miramare treasure hunt).
Given the events of the S8 finale, and the decision of the group as a whole to dissolve, I think it is time for me to hang up the fedora and put this account on indefinite hiatus. 
Again, thank you all so very much for all of your entertaining and thoughtful asks and comments. It has truly been a joy.
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OOC:  Thank you @asktheblacklist for all you have done in creating and running this group. It’s been a pleasure. I’ll put up a separate post shortly.
Thank you.
I’ve started and stopped this post multiple time, just trying to find the words. This RP started over six years ago with a Reddington RP’er and a Tom RP’er who absolutely loved this show. Since then we’ve seen so many talented muns come and go for AU weekends, episode responses, and all the questions you tossed our way.  It’s been a gas, it really has, but they do say everything has to end eventually.
That said, in light of the S8 finale, the Blacklist RP team is disbanding. That means that this page, while it will remain up, will not be coordinating events, posting open accounts, etc etc… Disbanding the team doesn’t necessarily mean that the individual muns that are running the RP accounts will choose to step away. That is 100% their choice. All I’ve asked as the mod is that they let you, their followers, know if they’re going to stay and run their account as an indie RP account or choose to mark their account as inactive and step away. I’ll make sure to reblog those announcements here as well.
It’s been a wild ride just know that we love and appreciate the community of fans here more than any of us could ever say. Thank you.
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What you're secret
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Charm. It never fails me. Well, almost never.
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Do you think Anne’s the one? You’re soulmate if you will? You two certainly seem perfectly matched for each other. She seems to be the constant calm to your storm even when the storm’s after her.
The one, a soulmate, all of that sounds quite romantic but at the same time, naive. I don’t believe there’s only one person we can love in our lifetimes. I may be somewhat of a cynic, but I’m definitely not a fatalist. Anne loved her deceased husband wholeheartedly. I have no doubt that were he still alive, she would never have given me a first glance, much less a second. 
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Anne and I have only known each other a short time and now my life -  my current and present and treacherous life - has come to the forefront as I always supposed it inevitably must. I don’t welcome that turn, but I want Anne to be safe. I know I’ve been selfish about that, but that needs to change. And yet, even knowing and admitting that, I find it hard to stay away from her. We’re all mortal, aren’t we?
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How have you been feeling since you’ve started seeing Anne? Lighter? More relaxed? Not as tense as before? I really hope so, because we all want you to be the happiest you can be.
When I’m with Anne, I feel like the person I was rather than the person I’ve become. It’s a rare feeling and one I treasure. I hadn’t realized how much I missed that side of myself until I met her.
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What are your music interests? Do you enjoy older music or newer music?
Mostly older, I suppose. I still keep up with contemporary jazz. But I love vinyl and the radio so most of my listening happens in more traditional ways.
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I appreciate your continued attention, and your friendship @askmarvingerard​. even more than you know. I’m sorry I was hasty and leaped to conclusions and caused you pain. You deserved better than that from me after all these years.
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Don’t expect me to show any mercy, however, to that traitorous underling of yours, Skip. What a silly name for anyone, and especially a lawyer. I should have known from the name alone that he’d be trouble.
How are you doing after the whole goat incident? Do you think you can forgive Red?
I haven’t responded to this as I’ve been trying very hard to keep a low profile. Things are getting a little contentious and my voice is the last that needs to be heard. @askraymondredreddington needs my full attention—and I will continue to give it to him.
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What is a dish that you absolutely despise, and what is a dish that you simply love?
Besides the green juice? There are few foods I would say that I truly despise, but anything involving liver would have to top the list. The flavor, the texture, both are simply unbearable no matter how much the scientists try to sell me on the health benefits. 
What I love - well, that’s harder because I truly love so many foods. As with drink, it’s about what the memory evokes, a plate of Carciofi alla giudea in Rome, Fugu in Japan, saltfish accompanied by a warm breeze in the Caribbean. My mother’s blini and stroganoff. Brimley’s Apple Brown Betty!
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What is your favourite drink
I wouldn’t say I have a singular favorite drink. Certain drinks are more appealing than others depending on the location, the time of day and the company. I enjoy a robust pot of coffee in the French press to start the day. A crisp lemonade on a hot summer afternoon. Some wine or a light aperitif in the evening depending on the season. A cocktail with friends. Straight whiskey for a nightcap.
Let’s not discuss the green juice.
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Do you think Elizabeth will ever manage to see the light? I hope so, for it’s gut-wrenching to see her spiral downwards like she is doing now.
I hope so. I truly do. But some days, I wonder if @askelizabethscottkeen is already too far gone into the darkness. I hope she will eventually let those of us who truly love her reach her before that happens.
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What do you think about Liz and Ressler?
I think both @askelizabethscottkeen and @askdonaldressler have entered turbulent waters. If I were Donald, I’d watch my back. It’s difficult to maintain a friendship, much less anything more with a woman on a singular quest for revenge. As for Elizabeth, I hope she remembers her own words that some things are unforgivable. Some things will change you in ways you can never recover from.
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This feud between you and Elizabeth has been brewing for a long time. She should have cut ties when you lied about the bag of bones that resulted in Tom Keen's death. Your lies lead to this point. Do you have any regrets on what truths you should have revealed to Elizabeth to avoid all of this?
So it’s about Tom Keen again, is it? Some things are are better left buried.
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Mr. Reddington, how many people did you think you could kill before Elizabeth Keen would snap? Was it always your intention to push her this far? To make her a monster that would hate you to the point she'd be plotting your death and burning every healthy relationship she had, all for the sake of your death?
I misjudged Elizabeth’s attachment to that woman, but I don’t regret killing her. It was necessary, as I will explain to @askelizabethscottkeen when we locate her. 
Elizabeth is not a monster, but she is capable of acting recklessly which is why we need to find her, quickly, before she does something irrevocable. 
I need @askharoldcooper, @askdonaldressler and @askagentarammojtabai to put their personal feelings aside and to use their best efforts to bring her back as soon as possible, for everyone’s sake. 
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@askelizabethscottkeen​ You have crossed lines that even in the criminal world, we don’t cross. Have you forgotten that Marvin Gerard was responsible for your freedom after you shot Tom Connolly and faced the death penalty? He’s the reason you didn’t give birth to your daughter in a cell. Loyalty matters, even in this world. 
Bombing a public hospital just to get at me? You nearly blew up your own partner, never mind how many innocent members of the public. Where was your loyalty to him? To the law you took an oath to protect? Don’t put this all on me, Elizabeth. You want to be a criminal? Accept the consequences of becoming one and take some responsibility for your own actions. And stop the damage before it’s too late.
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Why were you so quick to believe what Liz told Ressler? Couldn't you have just taken Marvin off the accounts without torturing him?
I could have. I just - 
She was honest with @askdonaldressler before and in the moment it all seemed so clear. And then, suddenly, it wasn’t. 
I hope Marvin will forgive me someday.
What is clear to me now is that none of us can trust @askelizabethscottkeen.
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Why were you so quick to believe what Liz told Ressler? Couldn't you have just taken Marvin off the accounts without torturing him?
I could have. I just - 
She was honest with @askdonaldressler before and in the moment it all seemed so clear. And then, suddenly, it wasn’t. 
I hope Marvin will forgive me someday.
What is clear to me now is that none of us can trust @askelizabethscottkeen.
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I know you don’t want to hear an explanation @askelizabethscottkeen​ but I promise you that what happened in that park is not as simple as it seems. The very last thing I ever wanted to do was to cause you pain so I’m sorry you had to witness that. 
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As for @askdonaldressler​, I’d be careful if I were you about becoming entangled with a woman who professes to be on a singular quest for revenge. In my experience, such relationships can become quite messy awfully fast.
are you and ressler dating?
@askdonaldressler​ is.... He means so much to me. My island of calm. He’s been there for me through the good and the bad, and most days I wonder why he keeps coming back. Why he’s willing to have my back no matter what happens. I can always rely on him.
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But @askraymondredreddington just killed my mother. I saw him. I watched him do it and there’s no half truth he can tell, no story he can spin that changes that.
I’m not thinking about dating anyone. All I’m thinking about is how I’m going to make him pay.
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When are you bringing a new case to the taskforce?
Oh, I think they’ll be hearing from me very soon. 
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