askdreamsandstars · 8 years
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Fanart for @askfriskflowey !!!
i kinda wanted to do it for a long time since i really love their art and blog in general!! but i guess now i found the perfect time to do it ;;;
your frisk and flowey is so cute ahhh i love em!! <33
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darklight515 · 8 years
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*Flowey seems irritated
A simple fan art for the blog @illtrytobegood and the creator @lovelyladyartist . Happy Lunar (Chinese) New Year - It was actually held on 28 January xD. Wish you and the blog nothing but the best and have a great year! And as always, stay determined. ^^
(Notes: The Mandarin word on Flowey’s pot is ‘fu’ which means ‘Fortune’ and the bottle beside the pot is ‘jiu’ a Chinese alcoholic beverage)
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askxara-blog · 8 years
// it’s taken chara an entire year to ask @askfriskflowey out,
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ask-temm · 9 years
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Happy askblog appreciation day! Thank you @askfriskflowey for running such a cute blog!
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askxara-blog · 8 years
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// I guess I’ve got some explaining to do for my previous absence?
Hello guys! I hope everyone had a happy New Year, and good Holidays! I’d first like to start off with apologizing for my lack of updates in the past few months, and also thank you all for 2k+ followers! 
I’ve taken the time to go through my ask box, and read all the messages I’ve received, so I plan on responding in this post all together! Q: Are you going to update the Charisk Valentines event? A: Myself and the mun of @askfriskflowey​ apologize for leaving the event like that! Both of us had gotten pretty busy around that time with schooling, so we had decided to put the event on hiatus. Although, we will be updating it  at some point! 
Q: Will there be more/new events with Frisk? A: Hopefully in the future! 
Q: Your theme doesn’t work! A: Okay, my ask box has been filled with this and I just haven’t had the time to fix the blog up properly. The theme should be working correctly now, with all links in the sidebar being up-to-date! 
Q: What happened to your art blog? A: I’ll be adding a link to my new one up very shortly! 
Q: Are you going to be updating again? A: Yeah! Going to try to be more committed to ask blogging like I use to!
That sums up about everything I hope, if you have any more mun-questions just shoot them by like usual! I’ll try setting up some ask here shortly, and dragging @askfriskflowey back into ask blogging, too!
Thanks for sticking around, everyone! - Mun 
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askxara-blog · 8 years
Streaming ended! Thank you everyone who showed up to mine and @askfriskflowey‘s art stream! We plan to start ask blogging again, and streaming more in the future! 
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darklight515 · 8 years
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*The sky is filled with bright sparkly colors, cheers can be heard throughout the city, joy is in everyone’s heart...
*...It is a beginning of a new and wonderful year, it seems like this year is going to be full of Hopes and Dreams....
* ... It fills you with D E T E R M I N A T I O N !
Happy new year to @askfriskflowey and the creator @lovelyladyartist ! Wish you an exquisite year filled with wonderful memories! I really appreciate your work and is inspired by it so... Keep up the awesome work! :D
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darklight515 · 8 years
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*Frisk placed a Santa hat on top of Flowey
Here’s a fanart made of pencil, pen and marker. Have a very merry Christmas Flowey, Frisk and friends ( @askfriskflowey )
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askxara-blog · 9 years
Frisk: Chara! Chara! I have a great pun! Look at your feet!
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Is there suppose to be something down there?
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