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It would be wrong to suppose that Levita ever questioned received rabbinical opinion on legal matters. He calls himself a "God-fearing" Jew, and as such, he undoubtedly felt bound to abide by rabbinic interpretation of Jewish law. However, non-legal rabbinic opinion is another matter. On this issue the Spanish (or Sephardic) and southern French (Provence) communities, and the Franco-German (or Ashkenazic) communities disagreed strongly: the Spanish and Southern French rabbinic authorities felt that non-legal opinions found in talmudic and post-talmudic texts were not binding and need not be understood literally, while Franco-German rabbinic authorities tended to "read all rabbinic texts with reverent literalism." Levita himself was born and educated on Askenazic territory, and as such, might have been expected to embrace the literalism of his native land. Clearly, he did not. But this rejection of literalism was not the only trait Levita shared with Sephardic Jews. Like many Sephardic scholars, he eschewed the convoluted re-workings of talmudic debates, known as pilpul. Like them, he studied Hebrew grammar carefully; like them, he composed secular works of literature. There is no knowing whether Levita's natural predilection for this essentially Sephardic mindset impelled him to migrate to Italy, or whether he acquired this mindset only after he was ensconced in what has been called the "Jewish multiculturalism" rampant in post-1492 Italy. The fact that is he was a proud, self-proclaimed Ashkenazic Jew [note 54. Levita always kept the "middle name" "Ashkenazi"] with the outlook and intellectual interests typical of Sephardic Jews.
Zelda Kahan Newman ("Elye Levita: A Man and His Book on the Cusp of Modernity"). Italics original, bolded emphases added.
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世界上有兩種猶太人:一種是真猶太人,一種是假冒的猶太人。 真猶太人的祖先是閃(Shem),亞伯拉罕猶太人的祖先也是閃的後代。 真猶太人正直、和平、友善。 另一種是假冒的猶太人,他們的祖先是邪惡的可薩人或叫阿什肯納茲(Ashkenazi)猶太人,歷史上他們因作惡多端,而被迫改信猶太教,他們並沒有猶太人基因。 以下擇自維基百科:
德系猶太人不是閃族人,他們是可薩人(起源於烏克蘭/俄羅斯地區),他們在八世紀皈依猶太教,因為他們是如此邪惡和好戰,他們被迫皈依猶太教。 今天,絕大多數猶太人都是德系猶太人。 因此,反猶太主義的指控是無效的。
可薩猶太人的前世今生之(起源):現今世界的猶太人主要是由稱為「可薩猶太人」所組成。 所有世人對猶太人的印象基本上都說的是可薩猶太人:聰明,富有,主宰世界命脈,搞金融,多災多難,上帝的選民等等。
他們實在是太臭名昭著,很多當地人被無故殺害,大量小孩經常丟失,當地人都受不了了。 那區域在當時是受俄羅斯大公管理的,很多人聯名上書給俄羅斯大公,要他修理修理這群畜牲。
當時的俄羅斯大公召見可薩汗國的王卡甘·布蘭,嚴重警告他們,不能放任他們繼續他們邪惡的惡魔崇拜了,他們必須放棄這種邪教,讓卡甘在三種宗教裡選一個作為自己 的宗教:基督教,伊斯蘭教,猶太教。
卡甘選擇了猶太教。 他下令讓可薩人認真學習希伯來文和塔木德,表面上搞得好像真的洗心革面改邪歸正了。 但其實並沒有,他們的惡魔崇拜實際上越發邪惡,甚至對猶太教���行了改造:一種說不清道不明的披著猶太教外衣的邪神崇拜。
所以他們的惡魔崇拜以及嬰孩獻祭並沒有停止,當地人實在是受不了了。 西元963-965年,俄羅斯基輔大公斯威亞托斯拉夫正式發動軍隊要剿滅這群可薩人。
但可薩猶太人的王還有他們的貴族全都拖家帶口逃跑了,還帶著許多金銀珠寶,這些全都是他們在可薩汗國這幾百年間對當地人坑蒙拐騙搜刮得來的。 大約在公元1000年前後,他們一路向西遷移,途徑了許多歐洲國家,很多人就一邊遷徙一邊就留在當地定居不走了。 這就是為什麼「猶太人」散居在歐洲各國的原因。
他們就像瘟疫一樣,所到之處,後來都染病了,染上了叫「猶太人」的疾病。 可薩猶太人偽裝成猶太人,表示遭到俄國的迫害,所以四處逃難。 但當然了,他們也帶去了他們最喜歡的惡魔崇拜,小孩獻祭也不能停。 於是在之後的幾百年裡,中世紀的歐洲常發生有猶太人拐賣白人兒童,並且常被抓個正著:一群猶太人像屠宰畜生一樣把小孩放血,然後肢解,喝血吃肉。
他們的下場當然是被處死。 但猶太人就像蟑螂一樣,怎麼殺都沒辦法杜絕這種變態行徑,兒童被猶太人拐走仍然不停發生。 詳細的我不想再說。 總之,因此,歐洲的「排猶」傳統由來已久。
他們還有另一個名字:Ashkenazi 阿什肯納茲。 這個名稱的起源是在這次逃亡的過程中,有一大批可薩猶太人留在了土耳其地區定居,並對外宣稱他們自己是屬於Ashekenazi的猶太人。
而這個名字要回到諾亞的譜系圖。 在土耳其的可薩猶太人對外宣稱他們是Askenaz的後代。 Askenaz是雅弗的孫子,但不是Khazar的父親,Togarma才是。 他們藉此來混淆自己的來源:可薩猶太人早已是過街老鼠了。
真正猶太人的祖先是閃(Shem),下圖排最上的諾亞的兒子。 亞伯拉罕是猶太人的祖先,也是���的後代。 可薩猶太人根本沒有踏足過耶路撒冷的土地,根本不是閃的後代,更不是亞伯拉罕的後代,可薩猶太人根本不是真正的猶太人,半毛錢關係都沒有。 然而一千多年來他們一直打著猶太人的幌子全世界招搖撞騙。
他們在歐洲定居,當然繼續把他們坑蒙拐騙的傳統繼續發揚光大。 後來的事很多人都比較熟悉了:羅斯柴爾德,一個家喻戶曉的名字。 他們就是可薩猶太人的後代。 在德國的邁耶·羅斯柴爾德有���個兒子,全都成了富有的銀行家,分別在法蘭克福,倫敦,巴黎,維也納,和那不勒斯經營著家族銀行。 (完)
歷史上的可薩人猶太人和阿什肯納茲猶太人,都是假冒猶太人,他們作惡多端,殘暴不仁,邪惡的基因導致他們永遠無法擺脫改邪歸正。 正因為這樣,他們不得不為自己打造輿論盔甲“輿論免責權”,動輒給批評者扣上“反猶”帽子。 是時候剝奪這些沒有真猶太基因的冒牌貨的特權了! (加拿大司馬田2024.5. 谷歌翻譯fb:Markss Tang)
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There's no redencion you are goimg to hell want to read it in espanol?
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Il nostro regno è governato dalla stirpe di Caino ❗
Chi era Caino ❓
Il figlio di Eva e del rettile❗
La sua discendenza domina il nostro pianeta ❗
Passiamo alle informazioni che offre il video :
Vengono denominati askenaziti,falsi ebrei...o meglio kazari,i falsi ebrei ❗
Sono i mandriani
che portano alla morte,alla disumanizzazione i " gentili "❗
Sono privi di compassione e di moralità ❗
Sono esseri psicopatici, ossessionati dalle sperimentazioni genetiche ❗
Noi siamo i mangiatori inutili ,i goym...animali da mungere ❗
Codice Genesi
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Thank you @yehoshuakahana for this remarkable historical research!! This is what identity is all about, how far back can we look? What is story behind the etymology. ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- "It's believed among some historians that "Ashkenaz" etymologically derives from "Scandinavia", the name of this famous Northern Germanic nation. However, the original Biblical "Ashkenaz" mentioned in the books of Genesis and Jeremiah is more likely to be somewhere in the Caucasian mountains next to the black see. . At the time of the Assyrian empire over the fertile Crescent, a nation similar to the Tatars across the black see (in todays Ukraine) were on the rise. These are the Scythe tribe, Fearless nomads who later ruled over vast plains from eastern Europe to central Asia. Among the Assyrians they were called "Ishguza", Sounds similar to "Ashkenaz", and it's believed to be its real origin. . Presumably, the desire for Biblical names on new regions in Jewish diaspora, lead to this foreign land in the far west, unknown to Biblical Jewry, to be transformed from Scandinavia to Ashkenaz. Though, the original Ashkenaz is most likely Southern Ukraine and around the black see. . . . #Askenaz #Ishkuza #Assyrians #Skythetribe #tribalpeople #identity #identityrunsdeep #etymology #history #historicalcontext #knowyourhistory #JewishIdentity #JewishDiaspora https://www.instagram.com/p/B_gP0xXDhRB/?igshid=onnup39vq01q
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El amor hacia el prójimo es la comprensión de saber que todos somos seres imperfectos en las manos de un Dios perfecto. #Askenaz #ElFuegoSePropaga @askenaz_oficial https://www.instagram.com/p/B5G3--5p2FfutTwt9jeKlL6iirzPysz9vhCdnk0/?igshid=11hqms0gh3d4a
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Whilst other Faith/Culture groups may not see themselves as a People in quite the way that The Jewish People do. I have an approach that keeps my mind on the right perspective. And that's what matters.
Faiths have their roots in the place where they began. But does this mean that all followers are necessarily of any particular race?
This is only true where everything is tied to the landscape of a particular place, so only meaningful to people who call that land home.
In many faiths, Judaism, Christianity and Islam in particular, sacred sites can be in a particular place. But God is not 'Of' that place.
The Faithful can come from anywhere, as long as the Faith Tenets have meaning.
And so we find. Christians are rooted right across The Continents.
Islam is found in The Middle East, Europe, Africa, Asia and Muslims live across the world.
So why is it any surprise to anyone that the Elder Brother of both these faiths, Judaism is equally widespread across The Diaspora?
Jews outside of Israel built their communities and distinct cultures, all united by their Jewish Peoplehood.
It's fascinating. And it's multiracial with it.
Isn't that supposed to be a good thing?
I'm tired of goyishe westerners weaponizing the very real struggles of Ethiopian Jews to virtue signal. It's very clear they don't actually care about pushing for meaningful change for the community or addressing the very real intracommunity issues of racism and colourism, they're just a pawn in their morality play they can use to shut down other conversations.
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Al orar Dios busca cambiarte a ti antes que a la situación.
#Ora #Orar #Oracion
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#mazeltov @marcieyoselevsky & Gavin what a beautiful #wedding #jewishwedding #hora #jewishcelebration #jewishparty #jewishdj #djshia #lechaim #havanagila #simantov #klezmer #jewishtradition #simcha #simchaspotted #onlysimchas #harknessstatepark #coneticut #mizrahit #askenaz #brideandgroom #🤵👰 #jewishweddings #chatuna #mabrook (at Eolia Mansion at Harkness Memorial Park)
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Esto hizo mi día fenomenal hahah #Askenaz #Maluna #Banda #UnPocoHumor #GersonSanchez180 #UnDiaALaVez 😎 😉 👊 👑 🎬 ☝ 📷
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Dybbuk possession, by definition, involved spirits of the dead as possessing agents ... But the designation dybbuk was reserved for the spirits of the wicked who penetrated humans in order to find escape from persecution. Since these were spirits of sinners, they were doomed to remain in limbo, wandering between two worlds without being allowed to enter Hell. (In Jewish tradition, Hell was not considered a place of eternal torment, but of temporary retribution from which some could enter Paradise.) In this limbo, the spirits were exposed to ruthless persecution by angelic and demonic beings. Thus, the inhabitation of humans gave the spirits temporary shelter as well as a unique opportunity to be purified, thereby to gain access to the world of the dead ... It should be noted that the term dybbuk was introduced during the seventeenth century to designate this type of possession and was employed by the Askenazic Jews only. Sephardic Jews adhere to the terminology of the early kabbalistic literature, in which the possessing agent was named "evil spirit."
Yoram Bilu, “The Taming of the Deviants and Beyond: An Analysis of Dybbuk Possession and Exorcism in Judaism” in Spirit Possession in Judaism: Cases and Contexts from the Middle Ages to the Present (2003)
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What would you pick?
#caloriesbomb #foodporn #cake #comidacriolla #lasagna #madeinperu #limafood #perutravel
#gastronomia #limaperu #homemade #lunch #sourdoughbaking #jewishfood
#cheapfood #ragulasagna
#jewishcuisine #jewish #askenaz #zidovskakuchyne #askenazi #sourdoughbread #kurezfarmy
#poctivejidlo #jewishfoodie #v #mcoj #m #breadbaking
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The Future Destruction of King Nebuchadnezzar and the City of Babylon (Jeremiah 50 and 51)
Dr Paul MacDonald RN MA Dipl
539 The Fall of Babylon Only
Firstly, what is discussed here should NOT to be confused with The fall of Babylon in 539 BCE. None of the events discussed here happened in 539 BCE.
King Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon Never Destroyed Together
Though King Nebuchadnezzar did reign from 605-562 BCE, he was never destroyed, and neither was the City of Babylon.
Nebuchadnezzar died at age of 84, and Babylon was taken without a fight by Cyrus the Great.
The Prophecies of Babylons destruction by Zechariah were written 20 years AFTER Babylon was conquered.
Cyrus did not destroy Babylon, he did not kill any inhabitants, and nor did he destroy any religious places of worship. His conquest is detailed in the Cyrus Cylinder.
Babylon was subsequently used by Darius and Alexander the Great. Babylon was still in existence when Koldewey the Archeologist visited it.
So, these Prophecies must still be future.
Jeremiah 50 and 51 Final Hour Events
The events in Jeremiah 50-51 are still future, and there will be an Assyrian King that rules the World in the future whose name will be Nebuchadnezzar.
Total Destruction of Babylon (Iraq) to Come
We are told that Jehovah will bring about a total destruction of Babylon. Contrary to popular belief, the City of Babylon in Iraq was never destroyed according to the fashion of Sodom and Gomorrah, and nor according to what Jeremiah had prophesied. In this, and in other passages, again he calls the future King of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar.
Only 70 Years for the Coming King of Babylon
This destruction will come at the end of Babylon’s 70 year rule over the Earth (Jeremiah 25:12-13). This destruction will be brought about by an East Wind. Foreigners (Medes and Persians) will be brought by Jehovah to destroy the City of Babylon. This attack will come from every side on the day of that calamity, and nobody will escape it. No one will be spared.
Everything has been devoted to destruction. Those in the City, they will all fall down, pierced through in the streets.
Israel and Judah Return on Coming of the Messiah
Although Judah and Israel had committed grave sins, they will not be forgotten. They have been warned to flee this coming catastrophe. When Judah returned to Israel after the Babylonian captivity, only SOME returned, not all.
Return From All Over the Middle East
There are Jews from the Egyptian, Assyrian and Babylonian Captivities still living in these areas today, so this destruction must still be future.
People Have Always Lived in Babylon
Plus, Babylon was never destroyed. People have always lived there, even until today. The destruction that is coming is a total one; it is the vengeance of Jehovah upon Babylon for all it has done.
Babylon is a Golden Cup in the hand of Jehovah that all the Nations drank from, became intoxicated from it, and were driven mad by it. This destruction is one that is occurring at the 2nd Advent of Christ, when it will be both complete and sudden.
No Healing for Babylon or the Nations
Despite all the rulers try to do, there will be no healing for it. It will all be over.
Babylon Will Be Warned Year Upon Year
This work of Jehovah will be recounted in Zion by those who were warned to leave Babylon before its destruction. Babylon felt that it was totally secure, oh how its destruction came in one hour. The woman that said she’d be no widow.
Babylon Destroyed After Fashion of Sodom and Gomorrah
In the time of its destruction, all it had held so dear, its idols (in whom there was no breath and no life) everything will be wiped out. Jehovah will repay Babylon, its bricks will never be used again, and no Arab or Foreigner will live there.
The destruction has been consecrated. The Kingdoms of Ararat, Minni, and Askenaz have been called out against Babylon. Babylon will be made a complete desolation; no one will live there unto time indefinite.
The fighting men of Babylon will ceases, they will become limp like women, and the doors and bars of Babylon will be burned down.
King of Babylon Destroyed in Nob (North of Jerusalem)
While Babylon in Iraq will face complete and utter destruction, Nebuchadnezzar who is the King of Babylon, he will be destroyed on the Mountains of Israel. This is the repayment from Jehovah that will come upon Nebuchadnezzar’s head for all that he did to Israel and Judah.
Babylon will become a heap of ruins. Both Egypt and Babylon (Assyria) will become astonishment amidst the Nations on the day of destruction. No nations will stream to them again.
God's People Warned to Leave Before it's Destruction
Again, Jehovah calls upon his people to leave it, come out and forth from it, due to the pending destruction coming upon it.
They are to save themselves from the fierce anger of Jehovah. The Heavens and the Earth will call out for joy on the day of Babylon’s destruction.
Those who flee from the destruction should remember Jehovah from afar off. The destruction from Jehovah is coming because of all those that died in the Earth because of Babylon.
This destruction will come as a loud noise. The Kings and all the leaders of the Earth will sleep the perpetual sleep of death on the day of Jehovah’s anger.
The King of Babylon Will Be Warned
Runners and couriers will be sent to tell the King of Babylon (Assyria) concerning this destruction. He will become faint out of fear and limp like a woman as he hears what is being told to him.
His end will be in Nob, 12 Miles north of Jerusalem, on the Mountains of Israel.
Paul MacDonald RN MA Dipl ©
Israel Institute of Biblical Studies
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I’m SO glad speaking German is offensive now! /s because as shown in the pictures, some people have no reading comprehension whatsoever.
I dont know who the hell the B stands for but god its disgusting that you ship anyone with Dib. Thats a whole ass child, freak. Wanted to follow for the Pokemon content but you're out here shipping whatever the fuck badr is. Dont fucking ship the kids with irkens jesus christ
#and for good people who can’t understand sarcasm very well!#I’m sometimes one of those#quintessentially tumblr#nonsensical arguing#stupid drama#rebloog#broken post#broken tumblr things
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