belladonnadawn · 5 days
All For You
Isaac is willing to do anything and everything just to keep you by his side. Yandere!Isaac x Reader Content Warning: Mentions of violence, obsessive behavior, and yandere tendencies. Please, if you're not comfortable with the theme, dni.
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“I'm sorry for your loss, Isaac–”
“I don't know him,” He interjected.
You don't know if it's his fear of being vulnerable towards you or if he truly has no connections towards the man who just met his demise in a brutal manner; and you don't want to ask.
“The only reason why I'm bothered is because of the reason why he was killed. He knew something that he shouldn't and that's enough for them to end his life.”
It was a reminder that he never fails to put in your mind. You nod, understanding where he's coming from and his warnings. After all, he has been in this line of work for years now and in his eyes, you're still a student, new to this world.
Contemplative silence filled the room as if both of you were waiting for one of you to speak. Isaac straightens his posture, looking at you he breaks the silence, “That's why I decided to remove you from the Villega case.”
You felt as if the air in your lungs got knocked out. Shock filled your body at the sudden revelation. It was the first time that Isaac removed you from a case– most importantly, to a case that you're close to ending.
“What? Isaac, I know that you care, but I don't think that this is the right course of action.”
“This is for you, (Y/N). All I want is to keep you safe from harm.”
An unamused laugh escaped your lips, “Isaac, it was just about a daughter trying to expose his father's affair for her inheritance.”
There's a calculated look in his eyes that you witness every time he handles cases. It was cold, sharp, and precise. And for you to witness it felt as if the ground was swallowing you whole.
“If the daughter can go through such lengths to expose his father, imagine the lengths that her father would go through just to keep his secret. Take this opportunity to take a break and study. I'll inform you once I find a case that is fitting for you,” His voice unwavering as he talked to you. At that point you knew that you can't persuade him anymore.
Defeated, you sighed and left his study.
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The bold letters flashed along with a loud beep that echoed in the room. Your eyebrows furrowed, trying to rethink the code again, doing it slowly and surely– but you were still met with the same words and the same sound. With determination, you tried to do it again, and again, and aga–
“What are you doing?” A loud authoritative voice filled the room.
Startled, you turned to him, a small sigh escaped your lips as you faced Isaac. “You scared me. You shouldn't jump out of nowhere, you know?” You let out an awkward chuckle in an attempt to lighten the mood, but he only stared at you.
“You didn't answer my question,” Isaac walked towards you with furrowed brows.
“I just want to take a little stroll outside. Get some fresh air.”
Isaac doesn't seem to be pleased with that answer. He walked towards you with such demeanor, “If there's nothing important to do out there, then don't go. Whatever you want or need, I can ask someone to fetch it,” He closed the gap between you two, his cold hand caressing your cheek.
“Don't waste your time on nonsense. Just stay,” His voice gentle as he looked at you, his eyes determined as he pulled you closer; not wanting to let go.
“But I thought we agreed that I can go outside…”
He sighed, holding your hand. “Can I confess something?” His eyes filled with vulnerability, a sight reserved for you. “I am scared after seeing that man's mutilated body. Every night, I am haunted by those images thinking ‘what if it's you instead?’”
Isaac's grip tightened, “I only have you and I don't know what I would do if I lost you. So stay, please?”
You wanted to protest, make an excuse just to see the world yourself. But how can you reject a man who only wanted your safety and your company? Especially when he saved you from the life that put you on the brink of death.
With a soft reassuring smile, you nodded. “I understand, I'm sorry, Isaac. I didn't mean to worry you.”
Intertwining your hands with his, he gently kissed your knuckles, “All I want is for you to be here with me. And I'll do anything for us to stay that way.”
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You're familiar with the manor's nook and cranny. After Isaac stopped giving you assignments, you felt like you're back to square one, but this time as his lover.
Nothing changed, everything was painfully mundane. You spent hours reading and rereading books. Sometimes, you let yourself zone out and watch the red dot flicker on the corner of the room. Sometimes it flickers, sometimes it doesn't. It may be strange, but those became part of your entertainment in his house.
One evening, as you were exploring, you stumbled upon Isaac pressing the codes to the door. You intently watched him, memorizing the code as much as you can. Once you engraved it in your mind, you gently slipped away. Maybe this time, you can finally feel the fresh air, soft winds, and vibrant grass once again.
The escape was quick as Isaac was too busy meeting up with another client. You snuck out leaving no evidence behind, with a promise that you'll return home before he does.
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A wide smile broke out your lips as you felt the sun against your skin, the cold breeze in your hair, and the grass beneath your feet. Everything felt vibrant and new. Something that you yearned for– something that you needed.
Taking a small break, you decided to buy yourself an ice cream. A small reward after enduring those days in the manor. You hummed as you continued to walk around town, making sure to track the time.
As you passed an alleyway, a large hand grabbed you by your hair, covering your mouth. Before you could speak, you felt a punch hitting your jaw, causing you to fall. The other man immediately punched your stomach, knocking the air out of your body.
He was relentless– they were relentless, the attacks weren't that brutal but it felt unending. It was suffocating. All you could do is to curl up in a ball, trying to protect your body from their attacks. It went on for about a minute, then it stopped. Their voices muffled as you hear them scurrying away.
Your body shook with sobs as you felt everything: the cuts against your skin, the blood in your hair, and the dirt beneath your feet. Before you know it, you're back again in the alleyway– unconscious.
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You woke up feeling beaten down. Everything came rushing back to you, this time the pain was beyond physical.
The memories of you on the cold concrete, shielding your body, and feeling their relentless assault rushed in your mind. Everything felt like a nightmare came to life. As if the life that you turned away from came back to get you once more.
Summoning all the strength you had, you looked around your surroundings. Brows furrowing as you found yourself back in Isaac's manor. Your eyes landed on him, talking to someone on the phone. A groan escaped your lips as you tried to sit up.
The noise alerted Isaac as he immediately ended the call to rush to your side. “Careful now, you're still recovering,” He spoke gently as he assisted you.
“I-I'm here…” You managed to croak out.
“Yes, safe and sound. Questions are for later, just rest for now.” Isaac sat beside you, holding your hand. There's an unreadable look on his face, but you're sure that he's disappointed in how things ended up.
You mentally berated yourself. All you had to do is stay with him and not leave the house, but you put your desires first rather than what's right. There's a sense of humiliation after you put yourself and Isaac in this situation. For someone as disastrous as you, he has the patience of a saint.
Before you know it, tears fell down your face. You broke down right in front of him once again, “I-I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I should've listened, but I didn't. I'm sorry, Isaac. I swear I'll listen to you, I won't sneak out again!”
Isaac smiled, that's all he wanted to hear.
“It's alright, the important thing here is you're here now. Safe and sound,” He wrapped his arms around you, kissing your temple as you cried on his chest. Isaac continued to hold you, whispering sweet nothings as you slowly calmed down.
As he saw your peaceful state, he gently tucked you in. His hand caressed your cheek, soft smile on his face. Isaac hoped that this time you'll truly understand that all he does is for you, because of his overwhelming love towards you.
Finding you in his bed once more, your words continued to repeat in his mind. Maybe this time you'll stay with him once and for all. Maybe this will help you come around and see how dangerous the world is. And maybe hiring those men wasn't a bad idea after all.
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Divider: Cafekitsune
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hiddendreamer67 · 5 years
Enemies to Lab Partners to Make Out Session Associates
This is a commissioned piece for @eat-moar-veggis for their sanders sides OC ask blog: @ask-villegas-sides . 
Summary: When Flint, the science teacher and also Beckett’s dad, paired up Beckett with Reese on a group project to help them ‘grow closer’, he never could have anticipated how close the boys would actually grow. Also featuring guidance counselor Lev.
Commission info available here! Commissions are open! :)
“Dad, please, don’t pair me up with Reese.” Beckett begged, staying after class with his father, Flint, the high school Chemistry teacher. “He’s insufferable.”
“You seem to be under the impression that everyone is insufferable.” Flint mused.
“Well, it’s true!” Beckett said exasperatedly. “But he’s extra insufferable. No, he’s just extra, period.”
“Is that a slang term?” Flint asked, stacking a few student’s papers on his desk so it appeared more orderly.
“Yes, dad, it’s slang, and in this case it means bad.” Beckett groaned. “Reese is the epitome of everything wrong with the world. He likes crowds, and people, and things.”
“You like ‘things’, as you put it so delicately.” Flint was clearly fighting the urge to roll his eyes.
“Yeah, but not theatre things.” Beckett stuck out his tongue. “Or jock things. He’s probably gonna end up shoving the whole project onto my plate, and if that happens I’m not doing it so I need a new partner.”
Flint paused, putting a hand to his chin as if he was considering the proposition. “I always wondered what it would feel like to fail my own son.”
Beckett immediately paled at his words. “Dad, you’re…you’re not serious, right?”
“I’m always serious.” Flint assured him, gesturing to his necktie as further evidence to his serious nature. “Beckett, it’s a group assignment, not the end of the world.”
“Sounds the same to me.” Beckett muttered.
“Beckett, I will not be having any more disruptions in my class.” Flint said, his voice turning stern as he glared down over the bridge of his nose. “You and Reese have been solely responsible for three interruptions in my class in the past week. I will stand for it no longer. Pairing you two up is my last warning for you two to get. Along. If I don’t see the two of you growing close over this assignment, I will be forced to report your behavior to the school board and fail you both for this project.”
“Dad!” Beckett’s jaw dropped, shocked at how harsh his dad could be.
“My word is final, Beckett.” Flint gave a nod to the door. “I trust you heard my declaration as well, Reese?”
Beckett turned to see the theatre athlete standing in the door frame, looking as though he was about to knock. Reese lowered his hand, looking sheepish. “…clearly, Mr. Flint.”
“Good.” Flint seemed pleased with this resolution. “Then I trust you two will spend the rest of your study hall getting started instead of moaning to me about how unjust my decisions are. The library should be an ideal place to set up.”
“The library should be an ideal place to set up.” Reese mocked, only for his eyes to widen in horror as he realized he said that out loud. “I mean, uh, meet you there!”
“No running in the halls!” The counselor’s called from the hall, the sounds of frantic footfalls slowing only slightly on the tiled floors.
“Guess I better go after him.” Beckett muttered, shoving his hands into his hoodie pockets and trudging down the hall.
It wasn’t fair. His dad shouldn’t be able to force Beckett to behave with Reese as if he could just shove them into one of those two-person ‘get along’ shirts. This was totally embarrassing! Beckett didn’t even care about the stupid grade in the first place, having planned on bailing the second he figured out his partner, but now he had to actually make- ugh, an effort- so that he didn’t end up on the gallows in front of the entire school board.
“You’re late.” Reese commented the moment Beckett arrived, setting the teen’s teeth on edge.
“Well, you cheated.” Beckett growled. “And you’re a prick.”
“Ah, I see you’re just as pleasant outside of daddy’s class as you are inside.” Reese rolled his eyes with a smile. He held out his palm. “Give me your phone.”
“What the hell? No.” Beckett frowned, considering this to be the world’s worst mugging attempt.
“I’m not stealing it.” Reese rolled his eyes again. He seemed to do that a lot. “I’m just going to put in my phone number.”
“Why can’t I have your phone, then?” Beckett raised an eyebrow.
“Uh, and get your weird witchy cult vibes all over it?” Reese looked like he was pretending to gag. “No thanks.”
“You shouldn’t insult me if you want something.” Beckett argued.
“You walked in here and immediately called me a prick.” Reese deadpanned.
“Well, you said I was late.”
“’Cause you were.”
“Maybe you were just stupidly early.”
The two were quiet for a moment, irritated energy practically seething off of them both.
“A truce, then.” Reese decreed, pulling out a pen and paper. He wrote down his number, sliding it across the table to Beckett who typed it into his phone. Reese’s own phone dinged a moment later, and he pulled it out to check the message.
B: Hey stupid.
Reese rolled his eyes, not even bothering to reply as he tucked the phone back into his pocket. “I don’t just hand out my phone number to everyone, so treat this as a privilege. Don’t abuse it.”
Beckett raised an eyebrow, a silent challenge. “You got it.”
A moment later Reese’s phone dinged again, so he pulled it out.
B: Made ya look. ;p
“Oh, real mature.” Reese huffed, putting his phone back and not deigning Beckett with a response. Beckett seemed content to keep staring down at his phone, a series of chimes coming from Reese’s pocket again. “Beckett, I swear on Evan Hansen himself I will block your number.”
Okay, yeah, maybe Beckett was being a little immature. But watching the steam metaphorically blow out of Reese’s ears when he saw the stream of penguin emojis he kept endlessly sending made it all worth it. Who knows? Maybe messing with Reese wasn’t his dad’s intended goal of this pairing, but it was certainly a nice side effect. Eventually, Beckett stopped sending penguins long enough to agree on a time to meet up after class, the bell indicating their study period was over.
B: You’re late.
Beckett tapped his foot impatiently, trying not to let his anxiety overwhelm him while he waited. This was where they always met, having started meeting up regularly a month ago. He had already checked, double-checked, and triple-checked their meeting spot twenty times on his phone in the last ten minutes. There it was, plain as day: Reese had said to meet at the library at 4:00 today. Now it was 4:20 (holla), and Beckett was considering ghosting Reese for the rest of existence.
But no, that wouldn’t work. With his luck Becket messed up which library they were supposed to meet at and Reese was going to be mad at him and then Beckett’s dad would think he wasn’t trying to make this work and they’d both fail and Reese would hate him forever-
…wait. Why did he care what Reese thought of him?
Beckett scrambled for his phone, hearing an almost silent ‘ding!’ in the foreboding silence of the library.
R: So sorry, practice is running late. Be there in five?
Practice? Practice for what? Beckett couldn’t even begin to guess. It seemed that Reese had a habit of signing himself up for quite literally everything the school offered. Beckett could never keep track of all that, and he never wanted to either; who needed all that unwanted pressure? High school was bad enough, thank you.
Beckett bounced his leg, nervously watching the clock count with agonizing slowness. It felt weird, just sitting here alone in the library where anybody could be staring at him. He knew the others were judging him. Beckett could feel their stares on the back of his neck, and took solitude in trying to distract himself with his phone. The battery was dying.
4:29. No sign of the jock in sight. Should he text again? Was that rude?
Beckett shook his head. This was ridiculous, he wasn’t the rude one. Reese had practically ditched him after making this plan in the first place.
B: You’re still late.
Even knowing he was in the right, Beckett held his breath as those three little dots appeared, indicating the thespian was typing.
R: Sorry!! This might take a while. Mind meeting me at the football field?
Yes, Beckett did mind; he minded very much. The football field was where kids like Beckett got beat up- not that Beckett went there often enough for that to happen, but cliché teenage Rom Coms never lie. Still, Beckett had nothing better to do, and he needed Reese to pull his weight in this project. It was with no small amount of grumbling that Beckett reminded himself that Reese was a… surprisingly competent partner. For a jock, anyway.
B: Be there in five.
Unlike Reese, Beckett actually meant it. His anxiety wouldn’t allow him to be tardy for fear of disappointing someone, even if that someone was a theatre kid with his gigantic head stuck in a football helmet.
He wasn’t going because he wanted to, in fact frankly Beckett would rather be just about anywhere else. Of all the activities he refused to participate in, sports was at the top. He couldn’t imagine exhausting himself, all eyes on him as he put his body through strenuous situations of his own free will. It was suicide. Not to mention, people got so invested in sports games; how did the players deal with all that pressure? If you missed the ball, you were letting the entire school down. And, even if you won (highly unlikely, given their football record the past few years), the opposing team would still hate you for making them lose. No matter what, you ended up sweaty and boo-ed. Yeah, no thanks.
But, as he turned the corner, Beckett’s eyes widened at all the muscled high school boys, realizing they were divided into shirts and skins. His heart rate increased, and he wasn’t sure if it was a good or bad thing that Reese was part of the half that was shirtless because on the one hand oh my god he’s so hot I’m too gay for this- and on the other hand how dare he look that hot I’m supposed to be mad at him.
…so maybe not all aspects of sports were inherently evil.
“Hey, Beckett!” Reese gave him a wave, jogging over to meet him with a smile on his face. Beckett’s own face flushed, and he burrowed further into his oversized hoodie. How did Reese manage to look so comfortable in his own skin when he was only wearing half his clothes?! Totally unfair. “I’m so sorry about all this, coach just wants us to run a few more plays before we’re done for the evening. But I figured it’d be best if you were here, so we can get started as soon as we’re done. Do you want to watch?”
I would like that very much. Beckett gave an awkward cough, shoving that thought into the far recesses of his mind. “Uh, yeah, I could do that, I guess.”
Reese gave a nod of acknowledgement, jogging back to his team as they did…a sports thing. Beckett couldn’t really comprehend what was going on, but the men seemed to be running back and forth a few times across the field.
Beckett looked up at the bleachers, deciding to take a seat while he waited. A few friends of the football players were up here as well, including a scattering of girlfriends. Beckett let them keep the front few rows and instead climbed his way to the very top where he could avoid having a social interaction ever.
The autumn wind was chillier up here, and Beckett pulled his jacket tighter around his chest. How was Reese not freezing out there? Granted, he was running around and sweating up a storm, but he was still shirtless. Why was the coach being so cruel? Would Reese catch a cold? That would be awful, especially since Beckett didn’t know how to cook soup to make him feel better- THE PROJECT! It would be awful because Reese wouldn’t be able to help him with the project. That was most certainly the only reason.
It was times like these Beckett truly loathed his dad for trying to force him to get along with the annoying hot popular guy. The world was already in love with Reese, so what did it care what Beckett thought? Beckett was nothing. He was the discarded gum that got stuck to the bottom of people like Reese’s shoes, only to be scraped off at their earliest convenience. People in high school shouldn’t be put up on a pedestal, and Beckett used to have no qualms about putting Reese in his place because Beckett was so low on the food chain he had nothing to lose.
Now, Beckett felt like he was on the brink of losing everything he had never gained in the first place.
“BECKETT!”  The emo jumped, startled out of his depressing thoughts when he heard his name being called. He glanced down, seeing Reese at the bottom of the bleachers, a towel wrapped around his shoulders. The idiot was still shirtless. “PRACTICE IS OVER!”
Did that mean Beckett should come down? He assumed so. Carefully he descended the stairs, feeling uncomfortable at the sensation of being watched. Reese was definitely watching, and a few other bystanders turned to give him curious glances as well. Beckett must be the first cryptid to ever show up to football practice.
“Put on a shirt.” Beckett muttered, not looking Reese in the eye when he finally got to the bottom of the stairs.
Reese blinked, seeming surprised by this statement as he glanced down at his bare chest. When he looked up, the smirk on Reese’s face made Beckett want the earth to swallow him whole. “Why? Like what you see? Is my herculean frame too distracting for your mortal presence?”
“You’re gonna catch a cold.” Beckett huffed, which only seemed to make things worse as Reese let out a sort of squeal.
“Aww, I knew you care.” Reese cooed, and now Beckett wanted to die on the spot.
“Yeah, because a dead lab partner doesn’t do me any good.” Beckett said defensively, his shoulders hiking up to his ears. “But a partner that ditches isn’t any better.”
Reese paused, the smile on his face quickly falling. “I- you’re right, I’m sorry-“
“Whatever.” Beckett cut him off. “Just get your clothes on and let’s go.”
Reese nodded, quickly pulling on his shirt and letterman jacket, red in an obnoxious way that made his eyes pop. He fell in step beside Beckett, the two walking in a tense silence as they headed back towards the building.
“I really am sorry.” Reese spoke up softly. “I wasn’t thinking, I forgot about practice, but I thought it’d be fast enough that you wouldn’t notice. I should have texted you earlier.”
“Yeah, I get it, you’re too busy.” Beckett shrugged, trying to act like it wasn’t a big deal.
“No, that’s no excuse.” Reese said firmly. “Your time is just as important as mine, and I wasted it. I need to make it up to you. Do you like coffee? I can take you out sometime.”
“What, like a date?” Beckett teased, trying to keep his tone light and not as hopeful as his traitorous heart would believe. “If you wanted to get into my pants you could’ve just said so.”
Now that was the wrong thing to say to your growing crush. Even worse was the way Reese froze up, his face turning brighter than a cherry tomato.
“No, that’s not-!” Reese stammered, looking offended, and Beckett’s heart plummeted at the thought of being rejected even in a joke. “I would never be so crass, or forward, especially without- I mean, your intentions are important too, I wouldn’t just force myself on you like that, I was trying to be a gentleman about it-“
“Wait, what?” Now it was Beckett’s turn to blush tomato red. “Are you- you’re serious? About the pants stuff?”
“NO!” Reese’s shriek of indignation was so high-pitched Beckett could have mistaken it for a girl. “Certainly not off the bat. But- the ah, the date? I mean, maybe? Oh Lin Manuel Miranda, I never even asked if you’re into guys-“
“I am.” Beckett interrupted, a bit too suddenly for his own good. “Into you, too.” Was this a joke? Was Beckett being pranked? He didn’t exactly love the idea of a bunch of popular guys deciding to gang up and craft a plot to break his heart. Still, even as his anxiety tried to suggest such a nefarious scheme, Beckett couldn’t picture Reese being part of it, especially as the thespian had been reduced to a blushing, stammering mess at Beckett’s feet.
“Maybe…” Beckett swallowed, hoping he was making the right decision here. Good lord Romance was not his department. “Ugh, this is just… let’s start with coffee, okay?”
Reese visibly relaxed, as though a huge weight had been taken off his shoulders. “Coffee it is.”
So, they had started with coffee dates.
And then coffee dates turned into regular dates.
And then came the hand holding, the soft kisses, and then… more.
Beckett wasn’t actually sure if Reese was his boyfriend, but there certainly should be a shorter title than Lab Partner who Occasionally Disappears Into the Back Room With Me For Super Hot Make Out Sessions.
Unfortunately, the privacy of the back room came with the unspoken caveat that while Beckett had access, it was truly his father’s prep room, and it was only a matter of time before they were caught.
“You know, while I did express that I wanted you two to grow closer as individuals, this is a bit closer than I anticipated.” Flint deadpanned, flicking on the light.
“Dad!” Beckett frantically shoved away from Reese, trying in vain to disguise the fact that moments ago his hands were wandering beneath the jock’s shirt while Reese ran his fingers through Beckett’s hair. (Beckett was pleased to note Reese’s chest felt as good as he imagined ever since that football practice).
“Professor Flint!” Reese said hastily, his face ashen as he looked like a frightened doe. Goodness gracious did Beckett just want to kiss that adorable look off his face. It was a pity his gay thoughts would not assist the situation at hand.
“Reese. Beckett.” Flint’s tone was eerily calm, the kind of scary dad tone that indicated he was about two seconds from blowing up. The teacher took in a long, tense breath, seeming to be calculating something in his mind. “I think you should both count yourselves grateful that I have discovered you on school property, and thus have an obligation to follow the necessary procedures.”
Uh oh. Beckett was tense, stepping forward to follow his father as he gave a wave of his hand. Reese moved to follow too, Flint pushing the high schoolers apart so that they stood on either side of him and had a few feet of separation.
“Where are we going?” Reese asked timidly, more nervous than Beckett usually heard him.
“The guidance counselor.” Flint’s tone was clipped now, clearly more annoyed at Reese considering he was the one discovered making out with Flint’s son. “You both have behaved wildly inappropriately.”
Reese and Beckett exchanged a glance, both thinking the same thing: We’re screwed.
Flint raised his knuckles, raping on the hardwood door. There was a pleasant “Come in!” spoken from inside, and Flint’s posture seemed to relax somewhat as he opened the door.
“Good afternoon, Lev.” Flint smiled, and Beckett found it strange to see his father acting so laid back in his greeting. Beckett didn’t know his dad even knew the counselor. Did they talk behind his back?
“Oh, heya Flint!” Lev, the guidance counselor, greeted him in turn. “Nice to see you too, Beckett. And who’s this young man?”
“This is Reese.” Beckett jerked his thumb towards the guy he makes out with sometimes.
“How do you know Beckett?” Reese blurted.
“Oh, he comes in here all the time.” Lev explained with a wave of his hand. “I love having him as company.”
Beckett shuffled his feet. “Lev helps with my anxiety.”
“Be that as it may, I think it will be more beneficial to get to the matter at hand.” Flint remained standing, watching the boys sit like two properly scolded school children. The analogy was quite accurate. “I have just apprehended these two boys engaging in… suggestive acts within my lab prep room.” Lev stifled a giggle, causing Flint to frown. “What’s so funny?”
“Sorry Flinty, I know this is serious.” Lev put on his serious face, making Flint’s lip twitch up. “Now boys, care to explain your side of the story?”
“No.” Beckett answered honestly, shrinking in on himself as he tucked his knees up to his chest.
Reese sent him a glare, which clearly was meant to say ‘Don’t you dare abandon me now, you traitor.’
“Ah…that would be an accurate description.” Reese conceded. “Beckett and I thought the privacy was, um, ideal, for… kissing.”
“Just kissing?” Lev clarified, immediately making everyone else in the room twice as uncomfortable.
“Yes, just- just kissing.” Reese looked ready to spontaneously combust. “With some touching, but clothed, and-“
“I do believe we have an accurate image of the event.” Flint raised his voice, cutting Reese off before the image could get more engrained into the poor father’s head.
“Yes, agreed.” Lev nodded. “Boys, I think you’re both smart enough to know that acts of PDA are not allowed on school grounds, especially to that extreme. Save it for when you get home.”
“Or not at all.” Flint couldn’t help but tack on. Beckett rolled his eyes, but this seemed to be a very poor choice as Flint gave him the dad glare. “Do you disagree, young man?”
“…no sir.” Beckett winced, his eyes soon staring down at his lap.
“With all due respect, I do disagree.” Reese spoke up, and Beckett’s eyes snapped to him instead. The jock had puffed out his chest, clearly acting with a confidence he didn’t fully possess. “I think I have a right to physically show my appreciation for my wonderful boyfriend, in moderation.”
Boyfriend. He said boyfriend. Beckett couldn’t help but grin like an idiot. His now-boyfriend was such an idiot, and Beckett loved him so much. Hopefully he wasn’t about to die by his father’s wrath.
The room was unbelievably tense, Reese and Flint caught in a staring match. Flint was cold and unyielding, while Reese was firm but polite. Jeez, what had Beckett ever done to deserve such a gentleman to stand up for him like that? Even if it was about something as trivial as steamy make out sessions, Beckett couldn’t help but feel his heart swell.
“They’re just kids, Flint.” Lev spoke up softly, going over to put a hand on Flint’s arm. Flint broke away from the staring match, looking into Lev’s eyes with an unreadable expression.
Lev turned back to the boys, giving them a small smile. “Now, since this is your first offence, only a verbal warning is required, so don’t let the two of us catch you making out in any more closets.”
“Yes sir.” Both boys spoke in unison, the tips of their ears turning red in embarrassment.
“Reese, I do believe the two of us will need to have a chat, off school grounds, about the nature of your relationship with my son.” Flint spoke up, in full dad mode.
Reese gulped, giving a stiff nod as now he was properly shamed. “Understood, sir.”
“Well, sounds like everything is working itself out!” Lev clapped his hands happily. “You boys are excused, have fun you too.”
“We will!” Reese assured him, flinching at Flint’s gaze. “Ah, an appropriate amount.”
Beckett hurried out the door after him, nearly missing the way Lev was asking Flint to grab coffee with him. Wait, was that a coffee date? Beckett definitely needed more details about that later. In the meantime, though, Beckett had a super hot idiot to thank for defending his honor.
Beckett fell into step beside Reese, slipping his fingers between his boyfriend’s and leaning close to whisper in the thespian’s ear. “Want to get off school property?”
“Sweet mother of pearl, yes.” Reese said breathlessly, the two racing each other to the door.
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des-draws · 5 years
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Commission for @ask-villegas-sides !! Thank you for commissioning me ^v^
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blank-ace · 6 years
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Requested by @eat-moar-veggis for their ask blog @ask-villegas-sides
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Someday, Somewhere, Somehow
Summary: Beckett has always been cursed, or so he believes. Every time he tries making friends, he either ends up getting too attached and being hurt, or just pushing them away out of fear of getting abandoned. His dad Flint gives him an ultimatum: he has to find a friend before the end of the school year. When he meets Lev and Reese, two kids from his English class, he thinks he’s going to screw everything up again. Maybe, just maybe, they can prove him wrong.
Commission from the lovely @ask-villegas-sides ! i had so much fun writing for their characters and working with them on this story. check out their blog, it's really cool!!! thanks for the commission <3
Warnings: feelings of inadequecy and self hatred, implied past toxic friendships, a panic attack
Beckett was cursed.
Yeah, he knew how stupid that sounded. Sure, he could be edgy sometimes, but he wasn’t usually the kind of person to attribute his (many) problems to some fantastical curse or some shit like that. But this… this problem was different.
He couldn’t keep a friend.
And you’d think, y’know, that that’d be because of his personality — he was hardly charming, after all — but it didn’t make a damn bit of difference what personality he used. No one ever stayed. He was always too… something. Too much, too little, too loud or too quiet; too kind or too foreboding, too stubborn, too unpredictable. A walking contradiction, a patchwork mess of personalities, mask after mask after mask in the hopes of finally finding the one people would like.
But no matter how he acted — no matter who he was — they always left.
So. He was cursed. What other explanation was there? Could he really just be that… that unlikeable?
It didn’t matter. It didn’t, okay? Sure, it hurt like hell sometimes, that gnawing emptiness in his chest — that longing, deep down, for something, someone, to tell him he was okay, he was worthy — but he was fine. Sure, he was terrified of the oncoming school year — oncoming death sentence, more like — and the loneliness it would bring, but —
It was fine. He was fine.
And maybe if he told himself that enough, he’d begin to believe it. He was fine as the first day of school rapidly approached, a harbinger of doom looming on the horizon. He was fine, the night before — and he was fine, the morning off, standing in the bathroom with his fingers curled around the sink, unable to meet his reflection’s eyes, begging begging begging for something to change, for this year to be different —
No. No, he was fine.
“Are you ready?” his father asked as Beckett came downstairs. He sat at the kitchen table with a black coffee in one hand and a newspaper in the other. Beckett shrugged, hands shoved deep in the pockets of his checkered hoodie.
“Sure,” he said, as convincingly as he could manage — in other words, not convincingly at all. His father raised an eyebrow, raising his head to look at him.
“Beckett,” he began, setting his newspaper down, and oh boy, Beckett could practically feel him gearing up for a lecture. Flint Villega was, among other things, very fond of lectures. “I understand your reservations about high school, considering your past experiences. However, I hope you won’t allow said experiences to prematurely sully the coming years. Primarily, I… I hope you will at least attempt to make friends.”
Because he obviously hadn’t been trying before. His hands closed into fists in his pockets. “Sure, dad,” he said shortly, because if he spoke any longer it might all burst out, and he refused to let that happen. His father was practically allergic to emotions; he didn’t wanna send the old man into anaphylactic shock with his bullshit.
“Don’t dismiss me,” his father said, voice sharp. He sighed as Beckett brushed past him, shoving his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “You cannot isolate yourself forever. It is unhealthy. I’m… worried about you.”
“I’m not isolating myself,” Beckett said, rolling his eyes as he searched the pantry for a granola bar to shove in his backpack. “The world is isolating me. Not my fault, not my problem.”
A sharp exhale; his father was reaching the end of his remarkably short patience. “So you’ve said. Beckett, you cannot truly believe that your… socialization issues are the result of a ‘curse.’”
“I can do what I want.”
“Not when it could so drastically affect your development,” his father said, turning to face him. Beckett could taste the suggestion in the air, the word ‘therapy’ sharp on his father’s tongue. “I want you to view this new school as a new beginning. I… I don’t want you to be alone. I know things have been hard —”
“Dad,” Beckett cut in, holding up a hand. “I get it.”
“No, you don’t,” he said, and — oh, wow, was that an Emotion™ on his face? Beckett had forgotten his father knew how to experience those. He seemed genuinely worried, lines of concern etched across his sharp face. Beckett held up his hands placatingly, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah, I do,” he said. “Look, I get that you’re worried about me. I don’t know what to tell you. This stupid curse…”
His father sighed, and Beckett trailed off. “Listen. I’ll make a deal with you,” his father began. “I want you to make every attempt you can to make friends this year. If you are unsuccessful by the time this year ends, I will admit that perhaps your ‘curse’ isn’t as fictional as I currently believe, and I will do everything in my power to reverse it.”
Out in the hall, the clock began to chime. The bus would be there any moment. “Sure, dad,” Beckett said, if only to have an excuse to leave. It wasn’t like he was actually going to make an effort; he didn’t care whether his father believed him or not. 
He shouldered his backpack, gave a two-fingered salute, and ducked out the back door before his dad could say anything else. The bus was just pulling up around the corner; he took a long, deep breath, hid his shaking hands in his pockets, and stepped inside.
He didn’t talk to anyone. He didn’t look at anyone. He sat in the back — on the bus, at orientation, in every class that came after — and pretended to be fine, all the while wishing, praying for the final bell to ring so he could just go home already. And all throughout the day, his stupid brain couldn’t stop thinking about that stupid conversation with his stupid dad.
It didn’t matter that he didn’t have any friends. It didn’t! His dad should have been happy; fewer friends meant fewer distractions meant better grades. His grades sucked regardless, but. Still.
But he couldn’t stop thinking about it. Why couldn’t he stop thinking about it?
He fell into a seat in the back of English, yanking his hood up over his head and slouching in his chair. It was his final class before lunch — which he really, really wasn’t looking forward to. Sitting alone was a surefire way to feel as un-alone as humanly possible; all eyes would be on the newest case of social suicide, the reject sitting in the corner.
“Lev. Lev! Lev!”
Beckett raised an eyebrow, shifting his head ever-so-slightly to get a look at the nuisance that had decided to sit beside him. A Perfectly Pretentious Popular Plastic with his perfectly pretentious, perfectly expensive sneakers propped up on his desk, his chair leaned back on two legs.
The kid on Beckett’s other side giggled. “Yeah, Ree-ree?”
“Did you see that kid in Algebra today? The one with the weird hair?”
The other sighed. “Reese, that’s mean,” he said sternly, sounding more like a father than a 14-year-old dork. “I saw him, and I thought his hair looked lovely.”
“You’re too good for this world, Lev-ly,” Pretentious Plastic said with a laugh. “That’s not the point, though! He tried to copy off some other kid’s quiz. I pretended to drop my pens so I could stay behind while Mr. Berry chewed him out. He dragged his ass! It was so funny.”
“Reese,” Lev scolded. Beckett rolled his eyes and dropped his head into the crook of his arms, blocking out their conversation. Class would start in a few minutes, thank god. Then they’d have to stop talking. He —
He jerked away from the sudden touch on his arm, swatting away the hand. Reese burst out laughing and Lev yanked his hand back as though he’d been burned, his eyes widening. “Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare ya!” he said quickly, holding up both hands in a show of peace. 
Beckett shoved his hands in his pockets and shrugged. “‘S fine,” he muttered, though his heart surely wouldn’t stop pounding for at least ten minutes. Thanks, adrenaline. “Did you need something?”
“I just wanted to introduce myself!” Lev said. He held out his hand again, slower this time, as if he was afraid Beckett would bite or something. “I’m Lev. I don’t think I’ve seen you before.”
Beckett raised an eyebrow. “Beckett,” he said. “I’m uh. New.”
“I figured! It’s nice to meet you, Beckett.” Lev smiled earnestly. A flicker of warmth burst through the darkness in Beckett’s chest and he stomped it back down and set it on fire for good measure. He didn’t have time for that shit. “This is my best friend Reese!”
“Charmed, I’m sure,” Reese said, swooping a hand through his ridiculously fluffy hair with a flourish. Beckett simply stared at him, and was pleased to see his over-confident expression falter in the face of Beckett’s deadpan one.
“So I was wondering —” The teacher stepped into the room, cutting Lev off. He shared a look with Reese and pulled out his books, and Beckett propped his head up in his hand and blocked out the class. He just wanted to zone out again, speedrun the day until he got to go home —but his brain wouldn’t shut up. What was Lev wondering? What did it have to do with him?
What if he was wondering if he wanted to be their friend?
No. No, no, no. Full stop, end scene, exit stage left, pursued by a bear. Even if that was what Lev was going to ask, it didn’t matter. Whatever friendship Mr. Perfect and Mr. Pure would try to strike up with him would die out in a matter of days, like every other relationship he’d ever had in his life.
Class came and went, and he shouldered his bag and left as quickly as he could, before Lev could stop him. He ignored the twinge of guilt he felt at leaving him behind, snuffing it out as he stepped into the overcrowded, overwhelming cafeteria. Oh, he hated this place.
He dopped into a table in the corner, as concealed as possible, and dug a granola bar out of his bag. In the middle of searching for his headphones — all the better to ignore all the eyes on him with — someone dropped into the seat across from him.
“Hi!” Lev said cheerfully, as Reese sat beside him. “You looked sorta lonely over here, so we figured we could give ya some company!”
“He figured,” Reese said, raising an eyebrow at Beckett’s hunched form. “Personally, I thought you looked just fine on your own. It fits your… emo aesthetic.” He waved a hand through the air, gesturing to Beckett’s jacket. 
“Thanks,” Beckett deadpanned.
“Anyway!” Lev clapped once, making both Reese and Beckett jump. “What’d you get on the math quiz today?”
“Uh. I — I didn’t check,” Beckett said. Lev slipped into conversation so easily, like he’d known Beckett his whole life. “I don’t really care, so.”
“I can’t believe he sprung a pop quiz on us on the first day,” Reese said, rolling his eyes. Everything about him — from his voice, to his enunciation, to the way he moved — screamed theater kid. He was so dramatic. “I’ve always said math is the devil’s work, and now look! We have Satan himself for a teacher!”
Beckett snorted. He hid it behind a cough. 
“Aw, c’mon, it wasn’t that bad!” Lev said, giggling into the back of his hand. “It was just a review, anyway. I got a 96.”
Adorable and smart? Beckett raised an eyebrow. Reese laughing, digging his test out of his bag. “Twinning!” he declared, proudly showing off the bold red 69 on the top of the paper.
“Nice,” Beckett quipped, shooting finger guns on instinct. With a snort of surprised laughter, Reese finger-gunned back, and Beckett realized with a dawning horror what the warmth in his chest was.
He was getting attached.
“What?” Lev asked, looking between the two of them. “I don’t get it.”
“Tell him and you die,” Reese threatened, and Beckett lifted his hands placatingly.
“I would never.”
“Well! I’m confused,” Lev said with a laugh. Beckett felt a hint of fondness lace through the warmth in his chest as Reese laughed, and he stomped it down. This — whatever this was, this fluke, this mistake — it wouldn’t last any longer than lunch. The bell would ring, they’d go their separate ways, and —
And —
And they’d walk with him to their next class, which they also shared, and they’d exchange phone numbers before they left, and they’d wave to him as they parted ways for the day, and they’d leave him with an overwhelming sense of warmth that crawled up his throat and choked him to death.
It won’t last, his mind whispered, again and again and again, until every last bit of that hope had been crushed back down into the darkness. Even if they hung out with him the next day, and the day after that — no matter how many times they tried to break down his walls — eventually they’d see that it was a pointless venture.
Apparently not. A week passed, and then two, and though Beckett tried at every turn to push them away, they didn’t leave. Reese seemed as reluctant as he did, at times — but Lev, impossibly stubborn Lev, stupid or brave or maybe a bit of both, he was determined to make Beckett his friend. And that terrified Beckett in ways he hadn’t thought possible.
Being alone sucked. But somehow, somehow, having friends was worse. It was so much easier to brush off rejection if he was already at rock bottom. But Lev was dragging him up, up, up out of the hole the world had dug for him and onto a pedestal of friendship that would never last. It would crumble, and he would fall, and the impact at the bottom would break him.
He couldn’t let that happen. He had to leave them before they left him. It would hurt like hell, but… it was better than the alternative. So — three weeks exactly from Lev’s first attack on his walls — he vowed to avoid Lev and Reese at all costs. The nuclear option: the cold shoulder. He faked sick and stayed home from school, much to his father’s chagrin, and he ignored every worried text sent his way.
Or, well. He didn’t ignore them. He stared at the notifications flying in — “are u okay?”s from Lev and “where tf are u”s from Prince Perfect — and wanted so, so badly to open them, to respond, to explain. Every ding from his phone was another spike through his heart.
He put his phone on silent, shoved it under his pillow, and rolled onto his floor for good measure. He couldn’t break now; he had to stay strong. Isolation was the only way he could stay safe.
But he couldn’t hide forever. He’d have to go back to school at some point — probably tomorrow; he doubted his father actually believed he was sick — and then he’d have to face Lev and Reese. Would he be able to ignore them, face to face?
He had to. He had to protect himself.
The day passed in slow, endless agony. He barely slept that night. The next day loomed like a titan on the horizon, a beast poised to crush every last bit of hope Lev and Reese had inspired.
A beast he had no choice but to face.
His heart pounded against his ribcage as he rode the bus to school, a frantic beat to accompany him as he marched off to war. His thoughts swirled and swirled, growing more erratic as the day went on, as English grew closer and closer — and they reached a panicked crescendo as he dropped into his seat in English and shoved his headphones over his ears.
“Hey.” Reese sat beside him, one eyebrow quirked. “Where were you yesterday? Lev was worried sick.”
Beckett bobbed his head, pretending to listen to the nonexistent music playing through his headphones. He didn’t even glance at Reese; he couldn’t let him know he’d heard.
“Hey!” Reese shoved a hand against his shoulder, his eyes narrowing. Beckett shifted away, turning his head and propping it up boredly in his palm. This was safe for the ten seconds it took for Lev to enter the room and sit on his other side, his face lined with worry.
“Beck, what happened yesterday?” he asked softly, and in the split-second before Beckett turned away, Lev’s confused expression almost broke him. “Are — are you ignoring me? Did I do something wrong?”
Ow. Beckett silently prayed for class to begin. He couldn’t take much more of this. 
“No, you didn’t do anything wrong, Lev-ly,” Reese said with a sneer. “I guess someone thinks he’s too good for us now. A weird hill to die on, really, considering we’re his only friends.”
Ow^2. Beckett’s heart dropped into his stomach and shattered into a million pieces. He ignored the pain, ignored the way Lev’s voice faded, ignored Reese’s angry scoff, ignored ignored ignored until the teacher finally arrived and class began. And the moment it ended, he bolted out of his seat and vanished into the crowded hallway outside, striding right past the cafeteria as quickly as he could. He didn’t think he could handle the sheer noise contained in that hellscape right then.
The hallways emptied. Silence fell across the world like a thick, suffocating blanket and Beckett leaned against a locker and fell to the ground, dragging his knees up against his chest with a log, shaking sigh. This pain was all-too-familiar; this wasn’t the first time he’d distanced himself. Still, he preferred this pain to the burning agony of being abandoned. He just hoped no one found him out there.
But hope was a deceitful bitch, and he was found within minutes — by the two people he least wanted to see. Reese slammed a hand against the locker Beckett was sat against, making him jump to his feet in shock.
“Oh no you don’t,” he said, grabbing Beckett’s arm before he could run off. Behind him, Lev lifted his hand, as though he was going to admonish Reese for being so forceful, but his eyes never left Beckett’s face. The shattered remains of Beckett’s heart crumbled to dust and choked him.
“Beckett,” Lev began, his voice ever-so-soft, “if you don’t want to be our friend anymore, that’s okay. You don’t have to stay with us. But —”
“But you have to tell us why,” Reese cut in, his eyes narrowed. “You owe us an explanation, at least.”
Beckett shook his head, trying to wrench his arm out of Reese’s grip, but it was no use. Reese was twice as strong as he was. His grip only tightened the harder he struggled. Lev stepped forward, his face a kaleidoscope of doubt-worry-fear that made Beckett’s heart clench. “Please,” he said, far too gently, and Beckett yanked his arm out of Reese’s hand and stumbled backward as words he’d never meant to speak yanked their way out of his throat.
“Because I don’t want to lose you!”
It was ironic, really, how deafening silence could be. It crawled down Beckett’s throat and stole away his words, everything he could have said to brush off the painful truth of his statement. Reese blinked, eyebrows furrowing.
“You’re leaving us because… you don’t want to leave us?”
Beckett’s hand curled towards his chest, tangling in the fabric of his shirt. His breath quickened, sharp, erratic bursts through his lungs. “I don’t — I don’t want you to leave me,” he managed, and immediately wished he hadn’t, because god, were those tears in Lev’s eyes?
“So you’re leaving us first,” he whispered, understanding swirling through the hurt in his eyes. Beckett nodded slowly, lowering his head to stare a hole through the floor, his face burning.
“Too — too many people have, y’know. Left. I’m… I’m not the easiest person to be around, I-I guess. I couldn’t — I can’t —” He cut off, shoving his hands into his pockets to hide the way they shook. His eyes began to sting. “I knew it was only a matter of time until you —”
Something crashed into him, and it took him a long moment of panic to realize that he wasn’t being attacked — he was being hugged. Arms wrapped tightly around his middle, so tightly that he could barely breathe — or maybe that was just the disbelief, welling up in his chest, tangling in his lungs and stealing his breath away.
“L-Lev?” he managed, hands hovering awkwardly out to his sides. Was he supposed to hug back? Was that how this worked?
“I wasn’t planning on leaving,” Lev whispered into his chest. “Ever. Never ever. Neither of us was.”
“Yeah,” Reese said, his eyebrows furrowed, something angry shining in his eyes. “I don’t care what the idiots you used to hang around with told you. You’re ridiculously easy to be around. And even if you weren’t, you’re worth hanging around anyway.”
Beckett didn’t respond. He didn’t move, barely even dared to breathe. He didn’t find his voice until Lev pulled away just enough to look up at him, his eyes red-rimmed and hopeful.
“I… I’m a handful,” he said, because how could he re-enter this friendship fairly without warning them first? He had to, at least, let them know how deeply he felt things. How badly things could hurt him, and how badly he could hurt others. He opened his mouth to say more, but Reese rolled his eyes.
“We’ve got four hands, dumbass,” he said, as Lev pulled away to do jazz hands in Beckett’s face.
Beckett couldn’t help it. He laughed — snorting giggles dissolving into full laughter dissolving into tears. He wiped at his face with his sleeves and shook with something between giggles and sobs.
“Are — are you okay?” Reese asked, sharing a look with Lev, who only managed a few moments before breaking out laughing too.
That day, for the first time in years, Beckett brought friends home after school. He caught his father’s eyes for only a moment before Reese dragged him upstairs, excited to see how “horrendously emo” his room could be, and in that moment he felt a weight lift off his shoulders that he hadn’t even realized he’d been carrying.
His curse was broken.
His father smiled.
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mortdesigns · 5 years
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drew some art after having a look at the ocs of @ask-villegas-sides
tbh happy buddy looks like the type who would get hyper XD
17 notes · View notes
So... @ask-villegas-sides asked me to do this literal months ago and... most of the attempts were bad and then time and then writer’s block and now here!
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Reese came slinging into the room at top speed. “Guys I’ve had an idea!” he shouted.
Flint didn’t look up from his planning. “What is it?” he asked, disinterested. “And it’s just me in here, by the way. Don’t expect to find Beck lurking in the corner under a raincloud or something.
Reese held his hands up. “Picture this: mountainous adventure fantasy!”
Flint blinked. “Uh... doesn’t Riley have... important stuff to do today?”
“Yeah, what’s your point?”
“We can’t distract them with a fantasy all day if they have stuff to do.”
“Sure we can!”
“No, Reese.”
“But I’m booorrreeed.”
“I said no.”
Reese scoffed. “Well luckily you’re not in charge. Lev is the father figure here.”
Flint just pursed his lips as Reese ran out of the room. He got to his feet and went over to the window to Riley’s life, looking through Riley’s eyes. “Okay... breakfast. That’s good at least. Got off to a good start.
“Fliiint!!” Lev shouted. It was distinctly Lev’s voice because there was none of Reese’s over-the-top dramatic tone to it.
“What?” Flint shouted.
“Why did you say no fantasy today?”
“Because Riley has important stuff to work on! We can’t distract them!”
Lev appeared in the doorway. He approached Flint and set a hand on his shoulder. “Please?”
Flint narrowed his eyes. “No.”
Lev turned on the puppy eyes. “Pleeeaaase? I wanna play with Reese too. I bet I could even get Beckett to join!”
Flint tried hard not to give in to the puppy eyes. If he gave in now, Lev would just use them again later. Again, and again, and again. He’d done it before and Flint always caved. It was hard to resist getting stared at by that pleading look. But Flint was trying to be stronger. Riley was getting older and therefore had to be more responsible. They didn’t have time for—
“Okay. One hour at the most. Riley still has stuff to do.”
Lev cheered. “Yesss! Thank you Flint!” He threw his arms around Flint and then ran out of the room. “REEEEEESE! BEEEEECK! Flint said okay! He’s not gonna shut it down!”
Reese’s cheer was heard down the hall.
Flint plopped down to let the other three have their fun while he planned out the rest of Riley’s day so that it’d be ready for when Riley got done getting distracted by Reese’s fantasy.
“What the—?! Is this the Jumanji jungle? Reese!” Beckett’s voice shouted.
“Of course not! It’s Never Land!”
Flint perked up. Never Land? Huh. He set his planning off to the side and followed the voices of the other Sides.
Before he even reached the end of the hallway he was swallowed up by trees with thick vines hanging off the branches. “Uh... guys?!” he shouted. The silence of the woods seemed to press back on him. “GUYS?! Reese? Lev? Beck?”
Nothing. The misty fog drifted through the air in gentle swirls, suppressing all the sound.
Flint cursed and pushed forward faster. “Reese? Beckett? Flint?” he called. “Guys where are you?!”
He came out into a clearing.
Reese slowed to a stop. “Guys! Guys Flint came!”
Lev perked up and cheered. “Flint came! Flint came!” he chanted. “I’m gonna go get him!”
Beckett grabbed Lev’s wrist. “Hang on. I have a better idea.”
“Beck,” Reese warned.
“C’mon, Reese. It’ll be hilarious.”
Reese sighed. “Fine. But this is my fantasy and my day—don’t ruin it.”
Beck smiled. “I’ll try.”
Flint looked around the clearing. “Alright, guys! This isn’t funny. Come on out. Beck, I know you’re gonna jump out and scare me.”
He paused and waited, turning in slow circles to see if there was movement in the underbrush—just waiting for Beckett to leap out with a scream. Lev and Reese might back him up but it depended on the situation.
“FLIIIIINT!” a voice shouted from...
Flint whirled.
Beckett and Lev were dive-bombing him. Flint swore under his breath. “Never Land. Of course,” he muttered.
Beckett grabbed one arm and Lev the other, hoisting him into the air.
Ignoring Flint’s shouting, they lifted him up into the sky. “Hey Reese! Little help here!” Lev shouted.
Reese glided over with a laugh and sprinkled glitter into Flint’s hair. “What the—hey—stop it!” Flint protested.
“C’mon, Flint!” Lev insisted with a dorky grin. “Just think happy thoughts! Then you’ll fly!”
“I don’t... really... do the whole emotion thing,” Flint pointed out.
Reese chuckled. “I’m aware. That’s why I modified the pixie dust for you. You just have to trust us and believe you can fly.”
Flint took a deep breath and closed his eyes.
“Hurry it up, will ya? We can’t hold on forever,” Beckett complained.
“Fine then.” Flint yanked his arm out of Beckett’s grip—the sudden change causing Lev to slip and let go.
“FLINT!” three voices shouted as he plunged toward the ground.
I believe I can fly. I can. I trust Reese, Lev, and even Beckett. I can do this, he thought.
His falling momentum was arrested abruptly.
When Flint peeled his eyes open, he was mere feet from the treetops.
“You did it!” Lev called from above. “Come on! Come up here!”
Flint smiled, twisted, and ascended. He came to a hover surrounded by the others. “I did it,” he said.
Lev cheered and threw his arms around him. “You did it! C’mon! Let’s go exploring!”
Flint chuckled. “Right. But one hour, remember?”
“Yeah, yeah. Got it. Whatever,” Reese said. “Let’s go!”
Lev grabbed Flint’s hand and the four of them shot through the sky. Flint’s, “Aaaaahhhhh!” echoed across the entire imagined Never Land. He wasn’t used to the height or the speed. He felt like his organs were going to fly out his toes.
Lev laughed. “You’re doin’ great, Flint!”
“Thanks?” Flint shouted over the wind roaring in his ears.
“Isn’t this fun?” Lev called.
“Ye... yeah!” Flint shouted.
Reese whooped and swooped around, twisting and showing off, laughing his head off. Beckett was grinning but not talking. He seemed to be enjoying it too.
Flint ended up so distracted that they wound up fantasizing for several hours instead of just one as he set the time limit.
But for the bonding and the fun they had, Flint was willing to overlook the lost time.
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deceptivelyanxious · 6 years
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Finished @eat-moar-veggis‘ request of their sides from over at @ask-villegas-sides! Hope you like it! I love these lads.
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forsesam · 6 years
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here are some doodles of the lovely @eat-moar-veggis‘s ocs  (check them out on @ask-villegas-sides they’re super cool)
I hope you like them!! :D
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sapphirebluluvsu · 5 years
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eternallyfearful · 6 years
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This was requested by @eat-moar-veggis for their ask blog @ask-villegas-sides
If any one else wants to make a request I would be happy to do it for you!
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sandersscribbles · 6 years
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Day 1: Flint (Intellect)
A request for the @ask-villegas-sides blog! More to follow!
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preyed-llama · 6 years
Human standards
An: first of all this was a request, the first time i’ve ever written fanfiction that wasn’t sanders sides based, so I hope you’re proud of yourself. These are the characters from @ask-villegas-sides who was the one to request the story. I hope I managed to capture them to some degree. 
Summary: Flint shouldn’t have to abide by humans standards of living, he was a figment of Rileys personality and mind.
warnings: sickness/fatigue (let me know if I missed anything)
Flint had his nose buried in a Japanese textbook, his eyes studying every aspect. He could hear Reese singing just outside the room, far too loud for anybody’s liking. He glanced up at the clock, he assumed fourteen hours of nonstop studying wasn’t healthy, he wasn’t human, merely a figment of Riley’s mind and personality.
He stood up anyway and walked towards his door, his mind running through the possibilities. He considered getting something to eat and continuing to study, but Reese’s voice was grating on his nerves.
He stepped out of the room regardless, a book in his arms. He could see Reese posing with the song. Flint elected to ignore it and walk to the main room. Beckett and Lev were on the couch watching a movie, baked goods sitting in front of them. He watched it for a few moments to work out the movie. Unsurprisingly it was Disney. Dumbo if he wasn’t wrong. Peculiar.
The kitchen almost felt peaceful. The singing was non-existent, and he could barely hear the movie, it felt like a blessing.
After looking through the cupboards he settled onto crofters and toast. He supposed he should consume some valid food and maintain some degree of a healthy habit. A drink sounded like a good option. He made himself a cup of coffee, if he was to get through his day and not get snap at someone, he required it.
He carried out the food and drink and settled at the table. Looking around, he settled on watching Dumbo. The hot liquid warmed him to the core as he basked in the sweetness of the jam.
Flints body felt tough and heavy. He probably required more sleep and food to sustain a healthy lifestyle, but between his chores and hobbies, he couldn’t help but dismiss them. He wasn’t human after all. He need not abide by the same rules.
The plate was empty when Flint moved from his thoughts. A yawn escaped his lips as he collected his things and moved to the kitchen. The plate clattered to the counter as he rubbed his eyes.
About four steps towards the door he collapsed. He blinked his eyes open moments later, letting out a groan. He would require water and sleep if he wanted this to pass, but that would interfere with his plans for the rest of the day.
He rolled his eyes and fixed himself up, straightening his glasses and wiping the dust off himself. Such a hassle, he would much prefer to curl up somewhere with a book. In fact, he had been intending to reread the book. An activity like that wouldn’t put too much strain on himself and therefore would be an appropriate activity.
He settled at the desk in his room with the book in front of him. Another cup of coffee sat next to him, a bottle of water at the other side of the table. He took sips of the coffee as he read the story, completely unaware of the world around him.
Once the book was finished, the completely empty cup and bottle of water at the side, he stood up. He collected his things and walked out of the room. He wasn’t sure when Reese had stopped singing. The hallway was empty. He entered the main room and paused, the others were gathered on the couch with movies still playing on the tv.
He huffed and moved towards the kitchen again. After several moments he was on the ground, a shattered cup next to him and panicked shouts from the couch. He tried to stand up, the world spun again as his stomach started to churn.
Arms scooped under him and lifted him up. He groaned and tried to worm out of the grasp.
There was a cushion under him. He tried to look around, but the world was darkening and turning. He grasped the nearest object, a warm hand. Part of him wanted to give up and relax, but some dark part of himself was scared to show weakness. He wasn’t sure why it was there, but it boiled under his skin and twisted his stomach into tight knots.
Voices filled up his head as the others talked to him. He looked in their direction and watched their faces appear and disappear, turning and tilting with the world. The movie seemed to be frozen, at least he couldn’t hear it anymore. Soft hands cradled his head as he let his eyes fall closed.
He hadn’t intended this to happen, he didn’t perceive it as a possible outcome. He would find it unfortunate to discover he had ruined their moment, but in that particular point in time, he couldn’t help but selfishly lap up the attention.
The world went dark as the voices faded away, to his disappointment. He hoped no one would bring the incident up when he woke up though, unfortunately he already knew that wasn’t going to be the case.
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virgilsanders72 · 6 years
You know you want to
Hey there! So once again, I’ve written a mini fic for @eat-moar-veggis, and their sides (@ask-villegas-sides)! Inspiration was taken from this post, I saw it and thought it would make a fun little story, so here we are! I hope you enjoy!
It was a normal Thursday evening, the sides were lounging around, not really doing anything. It was, after all, Riley’s downtime, and not much brain power was needed to watch TV. This meant that the sides got some time to themselves, instead of having to help Riley. And to Reese… it meant annoying the will to live out of Beckett.
“I’m telling you, you’d have to pay me millions, yes, millions, to lick your foot. I don’t care if you say you’ve washed it, it’s not happening.” Beckett was protesting loudly as Reese shoved his foot in Beckett’s face.
“You know you waaant tooooo…” Reese teased, as he laughed manically.
“I’d rather kiss you square on the mouth before I lick your stupid foot.” Beckett replied jokingly, but that made Reese hesitate.
“H- hah, you wish! I don’t stoop that low.” Reese joked, trying to pretend he hadn’t.
“Hmmm, I’m detecting a hesitation right there, Flint back me up buddy.” Beckett smirked.
“While I live to contradict those who are incorrect, I must, this time, concede. Beckett is correct, Reese.” Flint confirmed seriously.
Reese could feel his cheeks burning. This was so not cool. He had to think of some way to get out of this. But, Reese thought, as an idea struck him, who said he couldn’t have a little fun while doing so?
“Alright then, odds on me kissing you? 1 to 10.” Reese hoped to all omniscient beings out there that Beckett wouldn’t test to see if Reese was bluffing.
Beckett raised his eyebrows. He hadn’t expected Reese to actually go through with it. Maybe he was bluffing. “Ok, fine then.” The truth was, Beckett was pretty pleased with this situation, because believe it or not, the anxious side had fallen quite hard for the fiery passionate side. This would at least be fun, if anything.
“Ok, 3, 2, 1…” Reese cursed himself but counted down nonetheless, and picked a number, as Beckett did the same.
“8.” Two voices said the same number, followed by a horrified gasp from Reese and a chuckle from Beckett.
“I bet you were bluffing, weren’t you?” Beckett’s chuckle turned to a snort as Reese nodded, still in shock.
“Well, a deal’s a deal, isn’t it? Beckett stood up and placed himself in front of Reese, who was still standing, paralysed, mouth hanging open in shock.
Reese had not planned for this. This was not good. Not. Good. But, as Beckett had said, a deal was a deal. He blinked, and turned to meet the intense eye contact of Beckett’s deep, dark eyes.
“Are you sure you-” Reese squeaked, before he was cut off by Beckett, more specifically, Beckett’s lips.
The kiss was brief, hardly a kiss, but it was enough. Beckett pulled away, smirking, but Reese on the other hand, was not ok. He was red as a beetroot, and looked frozen again. He noticed Flint make a quick exit from the room. Poor guy, someone should’ve warned him.
“What? Am I honestly that bad?” Beckett suddenly felt embarrassed. What if he was a bad kisser? What if his breath smelt? What if-
“No. You’re not… you’re.. you’re...” Reese had recovered again, and was now looking up at Beckett again.
“You’re.. Amazing.” Reese breathed.
On the inside, he was screaming, but on the outside, Beckett remained calm. He might actually have a chance here. He had to play his cards right.
“Better than any old foot, I’d say” Beckett whispered back.
The two moved closer again, as if magnetically attracted to each other. They were so close that their noses were almost touching.
“I take it you do stoop this low?” Beckett murmured, not taking his eyes off Reese.
Reese’s mouth curled into a smile, “It appears that, yes, I do stoop this low. And honestly, I’m glad I do.”
No more words were said, the pair kissed again, except this time more passionately. Reese definitely hadn’t calculated the fact that he would trip and fall this hard for Beckett, but holy hell was he glad he did. Nothing could beat this feeling, right here, right now.
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transromansanders · 6 years
Disaster Gay
A/N: This is a tiny piece I wrote for @eat-moar-veggis's ocs, which you can find on the blog @ask-villegas-sides! I love The Boys, and Riley's pretty darn great too, very gracious and nice if you get the chance to interact with them! I suggest checking out the blogs for sure!
Warnings: None. It's pure fluff.
Pairings: Flint/Lev (They need a ship name, so I'm combining Intellect and Humor to make Intemor, which... admittedly might need work.), mainly Reese/Beckett (Using the same method, with the words Passion and Borderline, I'm going with Passerline, which I like better than Intemor.)
Words: Probably less than my blurb about pairings–it's 214. 214 words in this drabble. The blurb has 43 words. I'm bad at estimating numbers.
Summary: Beckett laughs. (Alternately: Reese is a disaster gay.)
Beckett laughed.
When Beckett laughed, really laughed, like, let himself laugh, unrestrained, loud, from his stomach, everything else faded out.
At least for Reese.
It faded eventually, into a softer sort of laughter, even though there were tears still rolling down his cheeks. He was struggling to catch his breath.
Reese slowly became aware that Lev was laughing too, and even Flint let out a chuckle. But Reese was too awestruck.
Finally it was just soft giggles as he wiped at his eyes with his wrists, face red and breathing still heavy.
Lev was still laughing loudly, though. And Flint was looking at Reese with a certain level of curiosity.
Beckett finally finished with a loud, exaggerated sigh, his face still pulled into a wide, genuine smile.
“You've gotta stop making me laugh like that, Reese's Pieces. You're gonna kill me.”
No response.
“Hello? Earth to Passionista?” Beckett waved a hand in front of his face.
“I think you broke him,” Lev gasped between giggles.
Beckett sighed again, rolling his eyes, then leaned in to kiss Reese's cheek.
“Wh–huh?” Reese asked, shaking his head.
“You're hopeless,” Beckett responded simply. But he was still smiling that wide, genuine smile that made his cheeks hurt. He was happy with his disaster gay. And that was that.
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majoringinclownery · 5 years
Tumblr media
A little gift for @eat-moar-veggis since he made a writing request for his blog @ask-villegas-sides back in November 2018 and I didn’t finish it until now! Sorry for the wait my guy, but have a little doodle of your boys! 
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