The Heart Drowns
Reader x Charlotte Heywood (and the Parkers) (platonic!!)
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Sometimes being in Sanditon seemed like a curse. The town was beautiful, and of course you loved it and it’s people dearly… but everything kept going wrong for you, you were often miserable. As the latest victim to Edward Denham’s mind games, your heart sufficiently broken in the process, you headed for the only place that could provide you peace and solace. The beach and the calming waves of the ocean never failed to make you feel better.
Of course, such a simple plan was going to go so horribly wrong for you. The wind picked up dramatically as you walked along the edge of the ocean, your dress billowing out and your bonnet almost falling off your head. Your instincts told you to turn back, but as the tears continued to flow, you deemed your heartbreak more important.
The heavens opened down onto you, your dress soaked in just a few short seconds, the rain and sea combined and hellbent on making you a true tragic heroine. An urgent shout caught your attention, turning towards the safety of the town to find your friend Charlotte Heywood pointing frantically at the sea, the Parkers just behind her waving you back to the land.
You looked where Charlotte was pointing, gasping as you saw the biggest wave you had ever seen coming towards you. Trying to run away, it was already too late. The sea swept underneath you, and you were thrown under the cold, harsh water. You could only vaguely hear the screams of worry coming from the shore, your own heart pounding loudly in your head. It was difficult to hold your breath as the ocean tossed you about.
Your bonnet now lost to you, it floated up to the surface, to the horror of the Parkers. They had, along with Charlotte, run down the steps onto the beach, yelling out your name as they tried to find a glimpse of you. Tom and Arthur were already removing their tailcoats and cravats to jump in and extract you.
It was Charlotte however you reached you first, as you struggled to find the surface to take a breath, your hand just barely breaching the surface. Your lungs ached and you felt the world slowly fading to black when a frantic hand grasped tightly onto yours. Charlotte tugged you to the surface, Tom scooping you up in his arms as your head finally breached the surface of the water.
The trio rushed up the beach back onto the safety of the shore, laying you down on your side. The water you had swallowed came rushing back out of your mouth on the street, as you loudly hacked and coughed your way through your first breaths since rescue. “Y/N, can you hear me?” Charlotte asked, rubbing your back softly, as the Parker brothers decided who would fetch the Doctor.
You vaguely nodded, the air burning your chest and throat. Heavy tremors wracked through you, from the cold air and the shock of the ordeal you’d been through. Tom ran off to find Dr Fuchs, leaving you in the care of Arthur, Mary and Charlotte.
“Let us get her inside before she catches her death out here.” Mary quietly instructed the others, who nodded sharply in agreement. Charlotte and Mary gently helped you to stand, the former putting an arm around your waist to steady you as you swayed. Arthur took off his coat, handing it to Mary as she wrapped it around you. “Thank you, Mr Parker.” You rasped, barely audible. “Don’t try and speak, dear. Save your strength.”
You softly nodded to show you understood, as you took tentative steps towards Trafalgar House. Even with heavy assistance, you had to stop often, doubled over coughing and spluttering and your legs acting like you were a baby deer. Despite Arthur’s coat covering you, your soaking wet clothing was chilling you to the bone and you were heavily shivering. Charlotte felt that she was having to hold you up more and more. She turned to Arthur with a half pleading, half concerned look. He instantly recognised what he wanted her to do. “May I, Miss Y/N?”
You were gathered into his arms before you could blink, and you clung tightly to him as the trio speedily made their way home. They burst through the doors of Trafalgar House, rushing you up the stairs into the guest bedroom. Arthur laid you down on top of the bed and left, before Charlotte and Mary began helping you out of you soaking attire.
“I’m sorry, Charlotte.” You croaked, wincing at the burning sensation in your throat. “It’s okay, Y/N, really.” Charlotte paused, placing a hand on your shoulder for a moment before continuing. “What were you doing out there in this weather anyway?” She asked, undoing your stays to pull your clingy undergarments away from your chilled skin.
“I needed some fresh air and a walk to… muddle through my murky thoughts.” Mary brought over a nightdress for you and helped to put in on. “Has something happened?” Charlotte pressed, watching your face fall as you chewed the inside of your cheek.
“Recently, I meddled with the wrong person and… had my heart sufficiently hurt in the process.” You lowered your head, as the pair pulled back the covers and helped you settle down onto the pillows, which propped you upright. “Oh, Y/N. I am so sorry, I didn’t know.” A sad smile appeared as you fiddled with the edge of the blankets. “It’s okay, I really should have known better given his reputation.”
You doubled over coughing again, and Mary rubbed your back soothingly as she raised an eyebrow at Charlotte. There was only one person they could think of. “Sir Denham?” Charlotte quietly asked, as you flopped back against the covers. A tear slipped down your cheeks, confirming everything.
“The right one is out there for you, Y/N. I just know it. You are wonderful, kind and a good friend.” You smiled up at her, eyes brimming with more tears at hearing such lovely words about you. “Thank you. And… thank you for saving my life.”
Your companions both smiled, Charlotte giving your hand a squeeze before they both moved towards the door. “You need to get your rest, the doctor will be here soon.” They shut the door behind them, and you settled back into the pillows. A hopeful little smile present despite everything. The encouragement was just what you needed.
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ask-nijivinsmoke · 4 years
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seabreeze-musings · 4 years
Teach me how to art
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[[ i’m,,,, not the right person to tell you that oof- ]]
“ Ignore them they’re just a baby. “
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ask--zoro · 5 years
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"Do you have something better than a cake for my birthday?"
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ask-pandazoro · 4 years
PZ: Oh hell no. GET YOUR ASS BACK DOWN HERE 💢 *stares up at PJ*
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ask-trashy-law · 5 years
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No. Bad demon-ya.(ーー;)
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ask-flame-emperor · 5 years
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//In this blog at least @ask-the-hellbent-trafalgar
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chocolate1721 · 5 years
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This is my avatar dressed up as Demon Law. I got permission to draw and post this. 
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carminequeen · 5 years
Commission done for @ask-the-hellbent-trafalgar. Thanks for commissioning me! Female and Male demon version
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ask-mafia-luffy · 5 years
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Am I Kawaii? @ask-sanji
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ask-child-perona · 6 years
Smol demon Loof: Excuse you! I am cute!ヽ༼ ಠ益ಠ ༽ノ
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Aren’t you that Straw hat kid? You look weird!
If your name is Straw hat then where’s your hat?! 
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ask-monkey-d-tazz · 5 years
For every 👀 my muse receives, they’ll remove a piece of clothing
She chuckled and wagged a finger, “I believe that’s technically cheating. Going straight through wouldn’t be any fun now, would it?” With that, she grabbed the bottom of her shirt and pulled it over her head before dropping it to the floor.
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ask--zoro · 6 years
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He bite, careful
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askyuivalanaki · 5 years
🎂 I’m late...
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ask-pandazoro · 4 years
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"Your point?"
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ask-trashy-law · 5 years
Idk why but I imagine Trashy doing that.
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