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ask-silverine · 3 years ago
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“Oh hello Sir. I don’t often run into Rear Admirals so forgive my manners. Can I help you with anything?”
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(made with picrew)
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asktrafalgar · 4 years ago
So, my brother's got a question for Bepo: "Hello, sir. What type of music do you like? I hope that's not too personal."
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..Good Job, Bepo. You answered the question.
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ask-monkey-d-tazz · 7 years ago
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//Decided to draw headshots of some of my favorite art askblogs to watch creep on! @ask-chiefsabo @askportgasd-ace @ask-the-hellbent-trafalgar @unlucky-marine @ask-lieutenant-wendy @askofficerwintel @ask-rear-admiral-roswell @askthebluebeast @ask-the-marimozoro @ask--sanji @ask-rana @ask-super-luffy @ask-young-garp @sfregiato-tramonto 
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ask-vice-admiral-smoker · 7 years ago
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[[ Managed to draw decently @ask-rear-admiral-roswell “interacting” with SMoker and probably more to come. Smoker accidentally came out pissed looking and no wonder Roswell it’s intimidated. Save him.
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el-gilliath · 6 years ago
To Be Near You
This is for my @hannah-writes​, and her prompt of Malex / Mylex : "Since I met you, I’ve felt abandoned without your nearness; your nearness is all I ever dream of, the only thing." (quote by Franz Kafka)
I know I said I wasn't doing a story for you, but I lied. I hope you like it darling .
“I miss you. I always miss you, every day, every hour, every minute. You’re part of me, you’ll always be part of me. Just like you’ve been since back then.”
The look on Michael’s face as he speaks the words is enough to make him want to cry. It rips his heart open in a thousand little pieces, scattering them to the winds of Michael’s powers. It’s painful to be standing in front of him, speaking the little truths he doesn’t want to admit. Michael isn’t his anymore. Maybe he’s never been truly his except for one fleeting moment when he was 17. The following ten years has just been fraught with heartbreak, abandonment and miscommunication, hurt feelings and anger. He’s walked away time and time again, afraid and worried of whatever his father would do if he knew he was with Michael. But the times he’s been back since he first left, all of them has been spent at Michael’s side. Feeling his warmth, rejoicing in having his nearness, his presence around him. Making him not feel so alone.
But he is alone. As always, he’s walked away too many times. Walked away and left the gorgeous being that is Michael Guerin alone to face the world. Walked away and let him think he wasn’t loved. When nothing could be further from the truth. He loves Michael, from the bottom of his broken, three quarters of a man, heart. Loves him enough to color the sky red, to take on his entire family and the entire US Air Force if he has too. Just so he can maybe, hopefully, feel Michael in his arms again in the future. Maybe, hopefully, one day when Michael has had time to heal from the pain he and his family has been the cause of. When he doesn’t feel as scared and worried about what his father would do if he knew he was still standing by Michael’s side. The one place he’s always wanted to stay. Forever.
“No. I just need you to know that I love you, Michael. I will never look away. Even when I walk away, I never look away.” He walks closer to Michael and presses a soft kiss to his cheek. “I’m going to walk away now. And you won’t see me again for a while. Please, be happy.”
“Where are you going?”
“I’m going to go make sure my father can never hurt you or your family again.” He smiles then, a smile he knows is filled with sadness. Filled with pain, maybe even grief. But he also knows that he needs to go away, needs to leave Michael alone to heal and worry about bringing Max back from the dead. Needs to leave him to be loved by someone who isn’t him. Someone who is brighter, happier. Easier.
“I don’t want you to go.”
“I know. But we both know I need to.” Michael nods, looking down for a second before he lifts his head to meet Alex’s gaze. Dropping all walls, they both stand there, looking at each other with all the love they feel for each other evident in their eyes. All the want, longing and admiration front and center.
“I’ll dream of only one thing,” he murmurs in the small space between them. He knows Michael recognizes what he means, knows the real quote rings as true for Michael as it does for him.
“Can I kiss you?”
He nods and closes his eyes as Michael’s hand cradles his face. The soft lips meeting his is perfection in many ways, a goodbye in the moment, a hello in the future. Right now, it’s exactly what it needs to be. Just two men sharing one last kiss, before they part for future’s unknown.
He breaks the kiss after both too long and too short of a time, opening his eyes to look into Michael’s hazel eyes. He commits them to memory and lifts his hand to run though Michael’s soft curls one more time. Then he steps back, breaks away, and once again walks away.
It’s a long time before he sets foot in Roswell again. Two years and counting. He’s been all over the globe at this point, tracking down Project Shephard leads and cleaning up his father’s mess. His father who is out of a coma, but down on his memory courtesy of Isobel. It’s the easiest agreement he has ever given in his life, when Kyle called him a year ago and asked if he was okay with Isobel manipulating his father’s memory as they brought him out of the coma. He’s had to deal with his brothers, forcing them to realize that they are out from under Jesse Manes’ thumb and are free to do whatever they want. Though they might not have had it as bad as him, they didn’t have it easy. He hopes they can all live better knowing that they’re finally free.
He’s kept regular contact with everyone in Roswell. Helped out from the other side of the globe as they finally brought Max back. Sent all the files and research he found at various Shepard sites back to the alien trio to help them understand themselves, their powers and their family.
He gave them their real names from a site in Germany. Zan, Vilandra and Rath. Twin children of the King and Queen of Antar, and son of the Antarian army’s general.
He gave them drawn pictures of Antar from a base in Finland, drawn from descriptions made by Antarians in capture there.
He gave them the name of their planet in DC, his first stop after Roswell. When he was missing Michael so much, he could hardly breathe.
He told them the planet was destroyed in a war a week after that, in New York.
He’s sent science experiments and theories to Liz, medical research to Kyle, arts and samples of music to Rosa. A cure for Maria and Mimi.
He’s sent spaceship parts and theories to Michael. But the biggest piece, the one he found in the wall of his cabin he still has with him. To remind him of why he’s doing this. To remind him that even if he misses Michael with a burning, they need space.
Still, the minute he drives past the Welcome to Roswell sign two years after he left, he breathes a sigh of relief. He’s home again. He’s near the person he wants to be closest too. And he knows Michael misses him too. Michael is 8 months out of a relationship that lasted for longer than anyone gave them credit for. Anyone but Alex. He knew that if Michael and Maria were going to try, they would do it completely. It’s why he left, so they could do it without regret. Without having him hanging over them.
But now he’s ready to be home. He’s ready to see his friends, so see his family. He’s ready to drink milkshakes and dip his fries in it at the Crashdown, he’s ready to go have a drink or five at The Wild Pony, he’s ready to have the lunches Isobel has promised him for when he came back, he’s ready to hang out with Liz, Rosa, Maria and Kyle like it’s 2005. He’s ready to be a civilian again, 12 years since the last time he was anywhere close to being a civilian.
He’s ready to kiss Michael again. Ready to feel him close.. He’s ready to know if they can just be Alex and Michael, not Captain Manes and Alien Guerin. And as he drives to the junkyard, where he knows Michael is, he smiles to himself. He’s already taken on the world. Now he’s ready to live in it.
Michael’s not alone when he gets to the junkyard, Maria’s with him. Then he notices Isobel, Liz, Max, Kyle and Rosa. The entire gang is there. It makes him nervous in a way he didn’t think he would be, makes him freeze in a way he never expected. The usual worry and feeling of not being good enough rears its ugly head as they all turn when they see his car. Though he doesn’t need to worry, if the smile that breaks out on Liz’s face is anything to go by. He hears her squeal even before he stops the car and kills the engine, and as he opens the door she has already run up to the car and is waiting not so patiently.
“Oh my god, Alex,” she says in a voice pitched so high it almost hurts his ears. But he still opens his arms and tucks his face in her neck as she hugs him. She’s sniffling in his ear, so he just hugs her closer. More arms surrounds them as Liz holds on, Rosa, Kyle and Isobel joining in. He hears Max laughing a joyous laugh in the background and Michael’s murmuring which makes Max laugh even more. He’s fairly sure he knows what Michael is saying. They’ve both been dreaming of nearness.
That means only Maria is missing. He lifts his gaze and sees her standing just next to them. She seems unsure of her welcome, and if there is one thing Maria should never have to be, it’s unsure of her welcome. He smiles, stretching his hand towards her. The smile that lights up her face assures him he picked correctly. She looks happier in a way she has in a long time, more safe and secure in her position amongst the group. She should never have been an outsider to the secret, and he’s glad she isn’t any more.
“I missed you,” she whispers in his ear as he she slots herself amongst the huggers. He squeezes her back, not angry or betrayed or anything any more. Just full of love for his friends.
“Alright! If everyone can unhand the Alex and get the fuck out of my junkyard, I would appreciate it.”
He can’t help but grin at the indignation in Michael’s voice. Maria is shaking in silent laughter, as is Kyle at his back.
“Jesus, Michael. Try to be any more impatient,” Isobel says snidely as she peels herself gracefully away from the hug. Rosa, Kyle and Maria follow until only Liz is still holding on to him.
“Don’t worry, I’m here to stay this time,” he whispers in her ear. Which must be the correct thing to say as she moves away from him right after, her eyes filled with happy tears.
“You better,” she replies. A part of him wants to keep them all there, close after two years of hearing their voices and grainy pictures through facetime when time zones lined up. There will be time to reconnect with everyone the way he wants later, the way he has been hoping to for a long time. But as he turns to look at Michael, he knows all of that will have to wait. Because looking at Michael, jeans, dirty t-shirt, boots and black cowboy hat on his head takes his breath away. He knows that he wants Michael more than he needs to reconnect with everyone right now, texts, phone calls and grainy images is never enough when it comes to Michael.
The distance between them all of a sudden becomes too much, he needs his nearness. He yearns to hold him in his arms, to smell the scent of oil, sweat and sunshine that is so typically Michael. And Michael is looking back at him, his gaze filled with the same longing to be near Alex knows is showing in his own eyes.
He’s aware of everyone else leaving in his peripheral vision, he’s aware of the catcalls and laughter in his ears as they do. But he only has eyes for Michael now. The dream of him is so close, he can’t wait any more. And like he’s done a million times before, before he has inevitably walked away, he walks closer to Michael who welcomes him with open arms. He lifts his hands to run them through Michael’s curls, lovingly tugging them as Michael wraps his arms around him and holds him close. They both know that this time he isn’t walking away, he’s here to stay.
He can’t help but smile as he snuggles into Michael’s arms, his nose deep in the crook of his neck so he can smell him. But he smiles even wider when he hears the words Michael whispers in his ear.
“You don’t need to dream of the only thing anymore. I’m right here.”
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opask-directory · 6 years ago
OC Characters
Looking for a character? Just use the keys Ctrl+F for Windows or Command+F for Macs to search a character’s name.
Up to date as of 01/27/2020
📝does some lit RPing  💀dead blog  ⏰inactive 5+months  📅inactive 1+year  ⭐Cannon involved  ⌚Hiatus  🔞18+ content  📁archived blog  ✨au blogs
Andreis Marga    @ask-andreis-marga ⏰
Angora    @ask-miss-angora (*due to this blog being “hidden”, I am unable to check last active date)
Astra Bishop 
   @ask-the-three-eyes 📝📅
The Balance Pirates    @ask-balance-pirates 📅
Beldam    @ask-beldam-the-precious-witch 📅
Cloud Cafe    @ask-cloud-cafe 📅
Cosima    @ask-cosima 📅
Cutie in the Sea (I can’t find the characters actual name)    @cutie-in-the-sea ⏰
Davy Jack    @unlucky-marine  
Echo    @askthecursedswordsman 📅
Elin    @ask-small-and-angry 💀
Enas    @askenas 📅
Ezra    @ask-ezra 📅
Flaminions    @ask-flaminions-army 📅⭐
The Fringehead Pirates    @ask-the-fringeheads ⏰
The Gold Digger Pirates    @the-gold-digger-pirates ⏰
Hanako Hood    @askthelongnosedsniper ⭐📝🔞💀
Hani Banana    @ask-banana (old blog @ask-bananadile) 📅    @ask-banana-arc 📁
Iris    @the-flying-mermaid 📅
Isolde    @ask-the-eccentric-botanist  
Jana    @ask-jana-chan 📅
Jenny/Jhonny    @ask-death-soul-jenny 
Juniper “June” Cypress    @ask-jun 📅
Kasmai Solaris    @ask-kasmai-solaris 📅
Lace Fletcher    @ask-marine-pr ⌚
Lady Lamm    @ask-lady-lamm ⌚
The Lantern Pirates    @ask-the-lanternpirates ⏰
Lily-chan    @ask-lily-chan  
The Lucky Pirates    @askluckypirates  
Luther    @asktheoilmarine 📅
Maso & Sadi-chan    @asksadisslave ⭐💀
Misa    @askmisa ⌚
Mitsu Murata    @ask-marine-mitsu  
Miu the Wandering Pirate    @askthewanderingpirate  
Mochi and Shark    @ask-mochi-and-shark 📅
The Moonpearl Pirates    @ask-moonpearl-pirates ⏰
Monkey D. Tazz    @ask-monkey-d-tazz 📝⌚
Nana    @ask-the-marine-sheep ⌚
The New Soul Pirates    @ask-the-new-soul-pirates 📝⌚
Nica Nabila    @asknica-theonepieceharpy 📅
Nisse LaVoie    @ask-thepurplemarine ⏰
Oberst Alfred Warner    @ask-captain-oberst 📅    
Oculus D. Gato & Carla    @askallseeingbrothers 📅    @askallseeingfamily 📅
Orz    @ask-orz 
   @ask-fishman-petti 📝⏰
Racci Dovan    @ask-welder-racci 📅
Rasbor Payaku    @ask-the-fisher  
Redwood Forrest    @ask-officer-redwood 📅
Rosetto Vanwinkle    @askrosetto  
Rear-Admiral Roswell    @ask-rear-admiral-roswell ⏰
Sakazuki Leora    @ask-leora ⏰
The Salamancas    @askthesalamancas 
Salih Avilés/ Vice Admiral Tsuki    @ask-vice-admiral-tsuki 📅
The Scale Pirates    @ask-scale-pirates 📅
The Sea Wolf Pirates    @ask-the-sea-wolf-pirates 
Serena Todd    @asktheseawitch  
Shion    @ask-redhorns 
Stardust Crew    @ask-stardust-crew ⌚
Sutekina O. Aldonza    @ask-sutekinaoaldonza ⌚
(Project) T    @askproject-t 💀
Tay Micheals    @ask-tay-micheals 📝📅
Vali    @valis-vengeance 📅
Vinsmoke Brothers    @ask-the-vinsmokes  
Lieutenant Wendy    @ask-lieutenant-wendy  
Wintel    @askofficerwintel 📅
Rear-Admiral Zekai    @askzekai ⏰
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asktheseawitch · 7 years ago
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‘I agreed to so much at this Gala to challenge myself to draw faster’, I remind myself.
This starter is beyond late and I am incredibly sorry for that. Feel no pressure in the slightest to respond to this; it was mostly because I promised I would and that it was already started. 
In the background: @ask-rear-admiral-roswell and @ask-smoker-the-white-hunter
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ask-captain-oberst-blog · 7 years ago
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// @ask-rear-admiral-roswell I’ll draw it just for you, just like Roci
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ask--sanji · 7 years ago
The “I want to know you better” Tag
Rules : write 10 facts about yourself and tag 10 followers you wants to know better !
tagged by : @ask-this-zoro (why u doing dis to meh)
1. I’m awkward and get involved in awkward situations almost all the time. Sometimes at night, I can’t even sleep because I remember all those awkward situations and that alone keeps me awake. 
2. I’m super shy. I just can’t go to ppl and talk to them if I don’t know them yet. So making new friends is kinda hard for me, I just wait until someone talks to me. But once we are good friends I start talking like a waterfall
3. I blush a lot. 
4. I’m an introvert. But I do have many friends, and it’s all thanks to all the extroverts who adopted me.
5. I’m studying at university (Japanese, French and Education Sciences). it’s ok
6. I speak 8+ languages
7. I love memes (lol who doesn’t), watching animes, chocolate, talking to my plants, cooking (even though I can’t cook), fashion, cats, dogs, Onigiri, my hometown Osaka,.
8. Whenever I’m drawing for my Sanji askblog and need a reference, I just pose in the mirror and draw myself (also my face expressions). This helps a lot. Actually I could just google some references but I think doing it yourself in the mirror is better and pretty handy
9. I hate Honey and Ketchup
10. I’m running out of ideas sorry
 Tagging: (Idk almost everyone did this .. sorry if you get tagged even though you did this already)    @askrosetto, @ask-first-mate-zoro , @ask-the-skellyman , @ask-rena-the-psionic , @ask-theportgasfamily , @ask-officer-redwood , @askofficerwintel , @ask-lfufy , @ask-the-marine-sheep , @ask-rear-admiral-roswell , @ask-marine-mitsu , @ask-mosshead-zoro
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ask-monkey-and-dog · 7 years ago
Hey, have you checked out ask-rear-admiral-roswell? Just curious.
I know the blog but I don’t follow it nor I have ever interacted with it (super social anxiety here), I follow the mun’s ask-Sir Crocodile tho and it was one of the blogs that got me into opening one myself.
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ask-sir-crocodile · 7 years ago
Do you happen to be also ask-akainu's Mun?
((Nope! But I do run into them at cons sometimes! 
If you haven’t already seen them, @ask-akainu and @ask-mingo are really cool blogs with gorgeous artwork. 
My only ask/rp blogs are: @ask-sir-crocodile, @ask-rayleigh, and @ask-rear-admiral-roswell))
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ask-marine-mitsu · 7 years ago
Ingram, Jinbe, Franky @ask-oven
Igaram - Are you an early bird or night owl?
Mun: “I’m a ‘sleeps whenever there’s a perch’ kinda bird.” 
Mitsu: “What she means to say is that she can’t take care of herself well enough to maintain a proper sleep schedule.” So many eye rolls from the marine.
Mun: Grumbles and glaring. “At least I actually sleep more than once every four days.”
Mitsu: “OI WHAT WAS THAT YOU SHIT-HEAD?!?!?” And thus the mun started running.
Jinbe - What country do you live in?
Mun: “Well right now I live-” Muffled sounds as Mitsu slaps a hand over mun’s mouth.
Mitsu: “Shut it mun! Haven’t you ever heard of privacy!” Muttering “Idiot americans I swear…”
Mun: Sweatdrops and says nothing.
Franky - What are some of the SUPER awesome blogs that you like?
Mitsu: “Oh god please don’t unleash the fangirl…”
Mun: “TOO LATE!” Squealing of joy intensifies. “All these blogs are absolutely wonderful people, whose content I truly enjoy seeing on my dash any time I log on! I can honestly say most of these people inspire me to continue writing Mitsu and also to improve on my art as time goes on. Despite the continual struggles I’m dealing with in my real life, I hope that they will continue to be a source of enjoyment in my life, thank you so much for being on this site and I adore each and every one of you!”
Here’s a small list of my favorite blogs! Drumroll please, introducing….
@sfregiato-tramonto - Dude, dude, DUDE! This guy is honestly one of the most interesting characters, especially once you really get to reading some of his posts, it’s just, agh! to die for!
@ask-monkey-and-dog - *FANGIRLING INTENSIFIES!* Okay but honestly the art here is amazing and this blog is singlehandedly responsible for making me adore the Borsa/Saka ship!
@ask-sir-crocodile- Is there anyone who doesn’t know Sir Crocodile? If there is, you oughta fix that right fucking now!
@ask-sanji- Out of all the Sanji blogs out there this one is quite possibly my number one favorite. And no it’s not JUST because they gave me the best green puppy ever!
@ask-super-luffy - Ask super cutie more like! All the art here is adorable and so heartwarming, and any time I see a post by them it makes me squeal in joy.
@ask-lieutenant-wendy- Wendy is bae, that is all. If Wendy was real, I would marry her. End of story.
@askthebluebeast - Oh you mean you want more aside from great art an awesome character and epic powers???? Well come right on in because you’ll adore this dude and all his daddy issues.
@marineduo - I adore Coby and Helmeppo so having a blog around that roleplays and answers asks as BOTH is simply spectacular! All the writing is top notch too I gotta say.
@smoke-em-ifya-got-em- Smoker, but as a bratty as teen, and it is absolutely as wonderful as you would imagine such a premise could be!
@ask-the-vinsmokes- I hate you for making me actually like those damned Vinsmoke brothers. And all the expressive and adorable art is certainly not helping things.
@ask-ropeman-paulie - I laugh so often because of this blog, and the art is immediately recognizable to me as well! Each time I see a post from here I get genuinely thrilled to bits for all sorts of reasons!
@ask-rear-admiral-roswell - Yes I know Sir Crocodile also runs this blog, no it is not a coincidence that I also adore it, and yes Roswell is awesome. It’s honestly great having another marine character around that doesn’t rely on a devil fruit, and this goofball seems to fit right in with the whole community.
@askrosetto - It’s hard to be a part of this community and not eventually come across Rosetto, she’s absolutely unique and fascinating, and the art is to die for and I honestly look to her for inspiration both in character creation and artistically. Things may have slowed down a bit recently, but I guarantee you that this blog is still absolutely incredible and inspiring in so many ways!
@asktheoilmarine- Luther stands apart from the crowd, and it aint just for the bright pink hair yo! I swear this character already has sent me on an emotional rollercoaster and I absolutely ADORE him! 
@ask-the-hopeful-ones- Honest to god one of the first people I properly interacted with on this blog, and they are fantastic! Each character truly does feel like a real part of the crew, and seems just fresh and fun in every way!
@ask-the-innocentbystander - Lili fucking ambushed Mitsu in the middle of an emotional moment by stowing away in a random barrel and then providing blankets and hot coco. And that’s somehow the most normal part of befriending Lili. To say she’s one of a kind would not be doing her, or her art, justice. 
@ask-the-marine-sheep - Not going to lie this blog is one of the first ten that I followed when I started and has been a huge inspiration to me, Nana is absolutely the cutest thing ever! SHEEP POWEEERRR!!!
@strawhatjinbe- Jinbe is JINBAE! I’ve not seen another Jinbe blog that does the character this much justice while also having spectacular artwork for him!
@ask-mitsu-the-mermaid- I found you on accident because I forgot my blogs name in the early days. I aint lying, that’s why I found this blog. Best. Mistake. EVER! Mitsu is the sweetest little mermaid, 10/10, Ariel wishes she was this good.
@ask-the-fringeheads- Duuuuuuuddddeeeee!!! Some creative ass crew right here! I don’t think i’ve gotten quite as close to anyone as I’ve gotten to this blog, and one of my favorite ships ever has blossomed because of it. Not to mention I am literally learning from this chick right here how to do art, so CHECK EM OUT!
And last, but absolutely NOT least: 
@ask-offduty-borsalino- This fucker got me into this community. Without him, I never would’ve made Mitsu, never would’ve found all these other blogs, and never would’ve had the time of my life on here. So like, check out the man, the meme, the legend: Borsalino, off duty form. (Just don’t eat his pie.)
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ask-the-king-of-hearts-ii · 4 years ago
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// Been a sec (like 5 years) since I did a tagged art meme. Blank meme. tag: @ask-rear-admiral-roswell​
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I really wanted to do this! I thought it was really fun (*´▽`*)
I tagg: @ask-vice-admiral-roci @ask-the-germa-wolves  @ask-the-marimozoro @ask-waiter-bellamy @ask-trebol-and-diamante @ask-sutekinaoaldonza @luffy-party
Only do it if you feel like doing it ♥ don’t worry if you don’t want to.♥
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ask-monkey-d-tazz · 7 years ago
For every @ I get, I have to tag someone I love/look up to!
//Oh, wow.. Okay, let’s see if I can get eleven blogs… Under a cut because of length!
There’s @sunfirekid​ because he’s a really good friend that I feel like I don’t deserve and his sunshine boy is one of my favorite muses to interact with (HiruxTazz for lyfe)
There’s also @valiantbcrn​ because he’s got an amazing Usopp and while I’m not in the Fate/Zero fandom, is great at Iskandar ^^
Another would be @ask-oven​ since they have an interesting take on Oven and I like our interactions.
There’s also @ask-lieutenant-wendy​ because Wendy is a total sweetheart and a babe and the mun seems very kind!
@projectjakekeir​ because Anh is super cool and a great writer! JakexTazz is one of my favorite ships!
@ask-sir-crocodile​/ @ask-rear-admiral-roswell​ (same mun) because her OC and portrayal of Croco-boy are just *clicks tongue* Noice™. I’ve followed basically since I made this blog and I love interacting with her ^^
@ask-young-garp​ is also someone I enjoy seeing on my dash because I love how they portray Garp and their art is amazing ^^
@bottlebattler​ is also someone I like interacting with and I love the sisterly relationship between Absinthe and Tazz!
@chiefxfstaff​ because I love their Sabs and even our OOC conversations.
@unlucky-marine because Davy is an absolute cutie and I love seeing the shenanigans that go on with them.
And finally @bearxclaws/ @devilslcg because I find Anita to be an extremely interesting character and Ariel’s version of Sanji is fascinating to me!
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ask-vice-admiral-smoker · 4 years ago
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ask-rear-admiral-roswell · 8 years ago
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From the gal behind @ask-sir-crocodile, a new blog for an old OC!
Roswell is a rear admiral at the G-2 Marine base, though he spends most of his time travelling for various missions. You can read more about him [HERE].
Ask box is open now!!
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