Explore tagged Tumblr posts
ask-ger-and-usa-states · 5 years ago
Tried out a new art style, do y’all like this one?
And should I use this style or the other one for the blog, or even both?
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ask-the-aph-california · 5 years ago
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((P E R H A P S))
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missmagicandlight · 5 years ago
Can we get the four corners for the ask meme?????
Marisol: aprons stained with pottery clay handmarks, calloused hands and chipped nail polish, the way it feels to stand on top of a mountain or after a rollercoaster- that breathless moment of fearlessness. 
Julian: the glow of a computer at two in the morning, worn-out sneakers, t-shirts with pet hair stuck to them
Emily: kitten heels and lace tights, vanilla-scented perfume, smile sweeter than sugar
Nate: smudges of flour on dark jeans, neon lights, wrists covered in friendship bracelets
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ask-50-nifty-states · 7 years ago
what happens when someone brings up the great depression?
It really depends on who it is that hears someone bring up this event. Some wouldn't want to talk about it and others just shrug it off.
However, the event has taken a toll on almost all of them and even if it didn't effect some states that much, they know it's a touchy subject but wouldn't overreact. Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, and Colorado were all hit by the Dust Bowl at this time and they all struggled to get through the storms; desperately keeping themselves from suffocating.
Oklahoma though was hit the hardest by the storms to the point where he wanted to go to California for safety. So bringing up the Great Depression will immediately give him flashbacks to when he almost died in the storms with all that dust going into his lungs. Still, that doesn't mean Texas, Colorado and Kansas didn't suffer any less than Oklahoma.
Mentioning this event would just bring painful memories of them trying to survive.
In order to survive, Nevada had to legalize gambling and divorce and even if this did caused organized crimes, it still worked. Now he relies on it as a job. Mentioning the Great Depression wouldn't effect him too much. He would just say that it was what makes him who he is today.  
Most states had to do things that they wouldn't normally do. Virginia was one of the states that wasn't hit so badly at this time. She was doing well the whole time, but was upset about how everyone else was suffering. If you brought it up to her, she would simply tell you that it's a thing of the past and is glad everyone made it through.
Still everyone had their own way of suffering during this time, so if you were to bring up the Great Depression, make sure it's for curiosity on their outlook on it and not to purposely open up old wounds.
... New York though... He as well as Pennsylvania had the highest amount of unemployment in the country at this time, but Penn managed to fight through it. New York was devastated by the whole situation. "I was supposed to manage the money." "I was fooled around and now look what's happened!" "This is my fault." He blames himself for what happened and just someone bringing up the Great Depression will lead him to remember his greatest failure as a state.
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s-hadow-chan · 7 years ago
Moving blogs + a reflection essay
tl;dr -- I’m moving my main blog. Because lots of my views on life have changed, my life has changed, and obviously my tastes in fandoms have changed. I’ll put the URL here later once I’ve made it. To see how I got to this position and where I am now, keep reading ^w^
Note: This is just my own opinion as to how I’ve seen Tumblr over the past few years. 
Well, it’s the start of a New Year. I haven’t been active much in 2017 but I’ll try and be active this year. Thanks to all the people who’ve helped and supported me this year and the following people who have made my life on Tumblr : *a list of people I rarely talk to anymore*
....Is what I would have said perhaps a year or two ago. I’m still glad I’ve joined this site and had conversations with some KnB fanatics like I was. However, I haven’t talked to them in a year. The only people I usually talk to on this site are basically nonexistent. I mean my friends from high school technically, but I talk to them irl during classes and lunch. The truth is that I have not been active on Tumblr for the past year. And my activity on the site was starting to wane in 2016 as well when I accidentally deleted my main blog last year when I was actually trying to delete a side blog I was working on. But that’s besides the fact as to why I’m moving. I’ve changed quite a bit since 2014 when I first joined Tumblr. My views of the world have changed, my life has changed, even the tiniest things such as my fandom tastes have changed. Because of this change, I’m moving to a new blog. Since you’ve decided to keep reading, I’m going to write a long detailed essay about the three things that have changed with me: my taste, my views on the world, and my life in 2014. You have the complete freedom to click out anytime ^w^
The fourteen-year-old me has a different shit taste in anime than the shit taste I have in anime now. Obviously, no one person can stay the same. If you’ve reblogged the little posts I’ve reblogged from other blogs (try saying that five times lol) notice how there’s barely any Hetalia or Kuroko no Basket or Haikyuu for that matter. Even when I’ve been active for the past few days, it’s been more positive posts, memes, and occasional anime of Hero Aca and such. So really if you want to know what I’m into at the moment, it’s Honeyworks, Hero Aca, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (Your Lie in April), food, study things, any Makoto Shinkai film (doesn’t have to be Your Name but it can be) and always memes. And getting off from the high of finishing Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches, I’ll be looking for that too. Also, notice the decline in squealing yaoi fangirl that used to squeal in the tags section about two dudes cross-dressing. Ah, yes. The Hetalia days of where I’d ship APH America with everyone and just had a huge obsession with APH America. The title of my blog (on mobile anyway) is still a quote from the dub haha.  To be fair, that squealing, yaoi fangirl did have a brief revival when Yuri on Ice was still airing. I still have a soft spot for the anime as it was very good (and still is, Phichit will forever be an angel) and I absolutely LOVE Makkachin still. But for the most part, I have mostly lost the whole yaoi fangirl that I once was in Freshman year of high school who still loved shipping countries together. Why I deviated from Hetalia is another post unto itself.
I mentioned how I haven’t been posting a lot of kurobas lately. Yes my interest has waned in the show, but I still appreciate what it’s done for me in my high school years. I still have a quote from Aida Riko back in the earlier chapters of the manga hanging on my wall as I work on homework: “I want you to have a big concrete objective and the will to achieve it.” I won’t deny, KnB really helped me set the mentality I needed to tackle high school -- to keep pushing myself to become a better person. Whether I fulfilled that expectation or not is debatable. But as always, the inspirational quotes of KnB will undoubtedly carry me onto college too.
Now don’t get triggered when I say that Tumblr can really take leftist ideology to the extreme. It’s definitely right to treat everybody equally no matter their skin color, gender, sexuality, shape, size, disability, etc. Basically, everyone deserves to be treated equally. That’d definitely fine and it’s the right way to live life after all. However, it first hit me in Junior year that Tumblr was getting annoying. The whole “the straights are terrible” and “white men should burn in hell” preaching gave Tumblr the black and white views of the world without any grays (or greys however you spell it) in between. Now I’m a straight CIS female. I’ve got good friends who are asexual, bi, lesbian, etc. I will say this, but I doubt it will be heard by the screams of hate against a straight CIS gender like myself: I DON’T CARE WHAT YOUR DAMN SEXUALITY OR GENDER OR COLOR OR WHATEVER IS AS LONG AS YOU ARE A NICE PERSON! If you are a trans, gay Hispanic (an example, not pointing you out) who treats other people terribly, that means I will flip you off and beat your ass (to some extent of this statement). Not all straight people are bad and not all gays are good and it goes for every demographic that exists ever.
Though it may seem that I am blaming all of Tumblr for acting this way, I am. But I can’t forget that I too, once had a black and white view of the world. As a fourteen-year-old who was very much shielded from the world because of a private Catholic school with conservative parents who are very well off, I had an inkling of what the rest of the world was like. And I feel like the people on Tumblr were just as uneducated about the world as I was. By no means do I know everything about the world now. A seventeen-year-old who hasn’t even finished high school will never know how the me from four years from now feels. I am just saying that my opinion from leaning so far left a damn tree would break has become more moderate. This website made me think: gosh being straight and CIS is uncool and being a normal functional being with no anxiety or depression isn’t normal too. I need to be bi and genderfluid! That was stupid thinking. Right now, I’m completely fine with being a straight, CIS female with no mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety who will gladly respect your pronouns.
Now life is really crazy. It was crazy in 2016, and it was crazy in 2017 too. I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned that I’m from Las Vegas, Nevada now did I? Times have changed man. I don’t think I would have said that when I was 10 on a website lol. But yeah if you’ve somehow been scrolling this far down I commend your efforts. And I’m sure you’re getting really strained rn. So get some water, take a break, I’m sorry if you can’t get to a laptop or computer right now. Don’t read this in one go. If you’ve returned or decided to read straight on through welcome back or good for you respectively. Now I’ll repeat that again. Yes, I live in Las Vegas, Nevada. Right where Stephen Paddock decided to shoot from the 37th floor of Mandalay Bay onto the Route 91 Harvest Festival where over 500 people were wounded and 50 people were killed and where three students from my school were at on Sunday night (they were unharmed physically I believe). I found this out when I was tucked in bed at home, far from the strip checking my friend’s snapchats before I fell asleep. For the largest mass shooting in modern US history to take place in an area where my family would take our extended family to dinner or where we once had a New Years Eve celebration at the Vdara, is sickening. My cousins and I used to go to Mandalay Bay and hang out at the pool and stay the night because it was Spring break back when we were in middle school. My mom’s 40th birthday was at the Mandalay Bay. It’s terrible. I know how those people in Orlando and Colorado and everywhere else in the world feel when a mass shooting happens and completely disrupts your life. I’ve barely even been to the strip this year. The fact that a terror attack happened in my own backyard is beyond words. It makes me angry that some bastard decided to fuck up the lives of everyone in my city by ruining a good time at a concert. It makes me sad when I read a Washington Post later about a group of girls who went to a Lutheran school were affected by this event mentally and some even physically by this event. And that in turns makes me pissed off that some dude ruined the lives of teenage girls exactly like me, who were worried about the SAT and ACT and AP Classes and college. Fuck him.
So that’s my feelings on the shooting a few months late. But remember that I live in Las Vegas. You can’t just forget a mass shooting that happened in the city you live in. I’d mention how people would disagree with me that other events on the strip have happened such as a robbing at the Bellagio (it’s always the Bellagio man! That’s my fave part of the strip with the dancing waters and the seasonal garden inside like man they don’t deserve that) and etc. but feel free to disagree with me when you submit an ask dear anon.
Now on a somewhat lighter note, high school will forever be stressful. Going to the best high school in the state is stressful when all your friends have a nonstop grind to be one of the valedictorians (apparently you can have more than one?? I had no idea until I went to high school). Though I am nowhere near becoming a valedictorian, I still have plans to graduate with high honors ( wearing white for graduation) because half of the people graduating will wear white because it’s a magnet school dammit we’re kinda smart. AP classes have been part of my workload since Sophomore year which is right when I deleted my blog, but I managed to keep my activity up somewhat. Junior year slumped in my activity big time. APUSH is hard you guys. That’s it. I believe I posted a reflection at the start of 2017 detailing a bit more of this. But the difference this year is that I’m a senior in high school. That means college and scholarships. As I’ve mentioned before, I live in Nevada. I either stay in Las Vegas and attend the university there or I head up to Reno, which is like a 6-hour drive from home or just an hour flight. That means living in a dorm away from everything I’ve known. And that includes my boyfriend.
The biggest change in my life between Freshman year and now is that I’m taken! And honestly, it was the biggest fucking plot twist of 2016 (and the largest failed segway of 2018 thus far). I’m dating the largest weeb at my school ever and I’m happy dammit. Most of the time. I’ve learned a lot from being in a relationship like how to shut the fuck up and listen and appreciate more in life. By no means was my relationship perfect either. We’ve had a lot of fights. I’ve mentioned this in my reflection of 2016 at the start of last year so the rundown is that we’ve been together a year and a half now. I’m in a healthy relationship. Then college comes in and says hi. Now my boyfriend has decided to go to the university here in Las Vegas. I’m still very unsure as to where I want to go next. After all, the decision as to where to continue my education lies with me and I’m running out of time (I’m procrastinating on the decision right now lol). Four years ago, I had dreams of going out of state to either a UC school or the United States Airforce Academy in Colorado, until I learned that school outside of my state is expensive so I decided to stay within the confines of Nevada. 
And honestly, that’s where I’m at right now. Thanks for reading this long ass rant. I spent an hour or two typing this up. I just have a lot of feelings haha. I hope everyone has the best year ever. If this is after I’ve posted my new URL, go follow me there. But for now, thanks for all the support thus far and especially for reading this long ass rant. See you!
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goldenavocado · 10 years ago
*tackle hugs to help her calm down* "Calm down girly!"
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ask-missouri · 10 years ago
Excited for Halloween?
Ah'd say so. After d'cidin' t' dress up this year Ah couldn' d'cide between one costume er the other. Luckily Ah've got somethin' in mind though.
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ask-the-aph-california · 5 years ago
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((my son, he is doing well))
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actual-cross · 11 years ago
dibs (from Mattie and Ruby blogs)
send me a 'dibs' if you are ridiculously attached to me as an rp partner and get jelly when someone who has the same muse as u rp/talk/breathes in the same room with me
{KJFKAJFKLJADFJSD *hands you dibs as well cause yessu.*}
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goldenavocado · 10 years ago
❤ How long have you been RPing?❥ How long have you been RPing this character?유 Who was your first muse?♋ What drew you to this muse?☮ Is there anything you don’t like about playing this muse?✌ What is the easiest aspect of playing this muse?☏ What is the most challenging aspect of playing this muse?
❤ How long have you been RPing?
Oh man not that long, a little less than a year?
❥ How long have you been RPing this character?
Again, a little less than a year
유 Who was your first muse?
Angel, actually
♋ What drew you to this muse?
um UM I had seen so many weak CAs like people who don't realize that Valley Girl culture died out in like the 80s (?) and just make her such a flat static character and it made me very ashamed so I was like 'damn aight lemme just read all about her history then I'll start making a muse' and it happened for some reason
☮ Is there anything you don’t like about playing this muse?
✌ What is the easiest aspect of playing this muse?
I know her history like the back of my hand uwu
☏ What is the most challenging aspect of playing this muse?
She's a bitch but I want to make people like her??? but then I realize most people can't stand her???? it's not their fault at all just California is kinda a bitchy state tbh
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poolsideidentity-blog · 11 years ago
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ask-ger-and-usa-states · 5 years ago
Colorado, what do you think of your boyfriend.
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ask-the-aph-california · 7 years ago
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Cali: We’re friends and high 
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missmagicandlight · 6 years ago
Since it's "make fun of colorado for weed hahahahahaha" day, can we have co being soft and cute and not smoking weed.
i’m sorry i forgot to answer this before i fell asleep last night and then easter chaos today so:
The dumpster is meowing.
Jules frowns. Well, it's more like mewling. Meowing but tinier.
He drops his trash bag and climbs on a crate to see into the dumpster.
There's a bag- one of those drawstring ones- wiggling around.
Jules closes his eyes and sighs. "I'm gonna regret this so much."
And then he climbs into the dumpster.
He regrets it slightly less when he's at home with a box of kittens and after a shower.
Poncho sniffs at the kittens curiously for an anxiety-inducing minute where Jules holds his breath, but ultimately he goes back to lay in his bed. Margarita has disappeared, once again. She's probably in his closet, getting cat hair all over his clothes. Lucy licks the back of his foot once he sits down at the couch and Jules barely flinches before he reaches down to pet her as she wiggles out from under it.
He found one of the boxes left from when he moved apartments and dumped the contents on his desk. He'd stuck an old blanket in it, and they seemed pretty happy.
There were three of them, and Jules didn't know much about cats (Margarita doesn't count. He thinks she's part slug.) but he was pretty sure they weren't the same breed.
They're really tiny. Smaller than Mittens was when James had first gotten her.
He reaches down and pets them. The fluffy one bats at his thumb.
"I have no idea what to feed you," He tells the kittens. The one with the pretty brown eyes meows at him.
what do cats eat? Jules texts to Kit.
Kit responds a moment later with the ever helpful: cat food?
i have three kittens what do i feed them???
they sell kitten formula at pet stores i think 
Jules rubs behind the grey one's ears. "Well, I guess we're going to a pet store, now."
There is a reason James says he shouldn't go to pet stores alone, and it's because he buys so much junk for his pets.
He went in for kitten formula and came out with three bags of assorted treats and toys plus the formula.
Jules feeds them, and then they huddle together in the corner of the box and fall asleep. Jules sends a picture to James and smiles when James texts back more animals? really?
The next morning, he wakes up to find Margarita curled around the kittens and Poncho laying beside the box with Lucy laying half on him, and he grins.
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actual-cross · 11 years ago
Send me a symbol depending on how I portray my muse
☆ - Perfect
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Frank found himself sobbing upon seeing her dead, lifeless body. He knelt down next to her, closing her light violet eyes gently. "S-sweet dreams, Rose... I hope the afterlife is kind to you."
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