#ask yosuke and friends
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prrtnrr · 1 year ago
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Souji: Thank you for telling me. Yosuke: wait thats it?? Souji: I wasn't asking for any ulterior motive; I just like knowing more about you. Plus you're not the only person in the world with shitty qualities we all have ugly thoughts. Yosuke: pft not you Souji: Even me, I confronted Adachi alone. Yosuke: fair. that wasnt a good look- Souji: I also ditched everyone and ran after you alone. Yosuke: ugh yea that was dumb as hell, dont do that again- Souji: and I didn't tell you when I fake dated Ai Ebihara in second year because I also didn't want you to think I wasn't interested. Yosuke: yea- YOU DATED AI EBIHARA IN SCHOOL???? KOU'S FIANCÉE????? Souji: Fake dated. She needed help and she's a dear friend. Yosuke: but.. she said... what... thats nuts. im gonna ask her about it later Souji: Suit yourself. I think we should go to my room. Yosuke: aha and leave teddie a note saying to leave us alone bc we're "sleeping"? ur a total perv Souji: Yes and that he shouldn't try to enter either of our rooms or I'll electrocute him into oblivion. Yosuke: haha, wait, i was joking- you- i-if we tell him not to do smth it'll be the first thing he does Souji: Not if I write the note he listens to me more than you. Yosuke: yea okay im down <<Prev | First
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taldigi · 5 months ago
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retransmission souyos
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daily-hanamura · 1 year ago
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hypogryffin · 2 years ago
i cant believe i wasn't following u b4,,,,,ive just been silently scrolling through your blog for like a solid YEAR and just haven't even noticed????? n e ways what are tha thoughts on literally anyone in p4 being trans bc i live for that 🎤
the way my brain decided that this was asking for pronoun headcanons and did not reread to make sure that was what you were asking before drawing all of this…... well anyways
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the-midnight-stage · 4 months ago
"am I technically writing non-sexual subspace?" and other things I ask myself while writing this fic
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houndfaker · 8 months ago
bwoof. werewolf gang.
bworf. auorf. smacks you with my paw friendly style
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beantothemax · 1 year ago
3 times Yosuke feels he doesn’t belong and 1 time he knows he does 
Yosuke is 12 and living in Tatsumi Port when he realises. It hits him like a punch to the gut, except he thinks a punch would be better in this scenario. 
He realises that he doesn’t belong in this group, all rich and snobbish and definitely shunning him. None of them spare even a second glance as he slinks away, resolving to find the nearest pay phone that’d be still operating at this time of night. 
Eventually he makes a collect call to his mom begging for her forgiveness and quickly explaining that he’d lost track of time before catching the last monorail to the station by his house. His “friends” don’t call. They don’t ask where he’d gone at school the next day. They don’t care, and Yosuke knows. So he stops caring about them.
2. Yosuke is 14 and tired. He’s stopped attending school, too busy preparing to move to a whole new place halfway across the country. Inaba, his mom told him. He’s too tired to put up a fuss about moving. 
His “friends” from school still don’t call. They don’t drop by to offer help with packing. They don’t talk to him when they see him around town. 
His “friends” aren’t really his friends. He knows this. But that doesn’t stop it from stinging any less. He can’t count how many things he told them, how many secrets he’d whispered in the darkness of sleepovers, unaware that he was the only one really saying anything. 
But they also held him when he cried, they listened when he ranted about his dad, they stopped him from punching things when he became angry. 
Silver lining, Yosuke supposes. 
3. Yosuke is 15, and still tired. If anything, it seems to have gotten worse. His bones ache when he moves, his eyes feel heavy with a lead weight he doesn’t remember attaching to them. But his heart has been encased in concrete. 
Chie and Yukiko are nice, absolutely. But he doesn’t mesh with them like they mesh with each other. Because having lived here in Inaba for about a year now, he’s still the school’s exotic attraction. A city boy in a backwaters high school, with slender, gangly limbs and a face that he’d heard other boys describe as “girlish.” 
It’s unfair, really, how some people can blend so well with everyone, while he can barely blend with himself. Music is his only comfort, as pathetic as that is. The blaring from his headphones helps him turn his attention away from what’s bad in his life, and focus on what’s good. Like Chie and Yukiko not constantly making fun of him for how he looks. 
There are good and bad aspects about everywhere, Yosuke has figured out. Chie and Yukiko are good aspects, definitely. 
Yosuke is 17 and living in Inaba when he realises. It hits him like a punch to the gut, except he thinks a punch would be better in this scenario. 
He walks in a field outside Inaba, shoes discarded behind a bush by the roadside. The sky above a deep, dark blue, with black clouds rolling by lazily. A cool breeze drifts by in the warm air, carrying the sweet scent of summer and ruffling his hair. 
Beside him walks Yu Narukami, his partner and best friend. It’s been a year since the Inaba murders were solved, by them no less, and now Yu is back, and Yosuke feels gobsmacked by how much his partner has changed. 
Yu is taller now, the baby fat in his cheeks burned away to make way for handsome features. He’s taller now- Yosuke has to look up to see that Yu’s grey eyes are darker now, more stormy than steely, and his hair has grown out a bit, though it remains the soft grey it was last year. Yosuke finds that the urge to card his fingers through it has only gotten stronger as time passed. 
“Yosuke. What would you say...” Yu begins, turning his head to look at Yosuke. They both stop walking. The sky turns even darker, and Yosuke breathes in the sweet air, listens to the cicadas in his ear. 
“If I told you that my parents are letting me stay in Inaba for this school year, too?” 
Yosuke feels like he’s been punched in the gut twice. Once because his best friend is staying here again, his best friend will be within arm’s reach once again. 
Twice because Yosuke realises he likes Yu as more than just a best friend. 
It’s a terrifying realisation. But it’s one he welcomes. He knows where his place in the world is. He’s known it ever since Yu placed himself in their lives, made himself comfortable in the spaces of their hearts and made residency in Yosuke’s head, whispering soft things that make way for yearning that makes his entire body ache. 
His place is at Yu’s side, so that’s where he places himself. Hugs his partner so tight he hears bones popping into place, slots himself comfortably in the space between Yu’s arm and side, resting his head on Yu’s shoulder. The fabric of his shirt is soft and comfortable, and Yosuke makes a mental note to steal it from his partner the next time he spends the night. 
“I’d welcome you home, partner.” 
holy shit gay people real………………..
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sunset-bridge · 2 years ago
hellow kibou :) i played like 10 minutes of p4 the other day
HI FAE . noooooo wayyy this is not true this is ai generated this is NOT happening !!!!!! play moreee
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petorahs · 2 years ago
i'm just gonna: ☀️ anon. There.
Anyway: I can see where you're coming from and like I said it has been forever since I played the Answer and I don't /hate/ it. But I guess I always had an issue with Yukari, because she seemed to me needlessly mean to others sometimes? Like she was right and others are wrong so its fine if she can be mean? But that is just what I /remember/. And while yeah, characters are allowed to be mean and not perfect and allways kind, especially female characters, because GOD FORBID women do anything- it also doesn't mean I have to LIKE her. I guess it's because to me Yukari felt like someone who would unironically call someone having fun "cringe", which for me personally is a dealbreaker. But Persona ALWAYS had this issue with having the male bestie be the buttmonkey of jokes, some kind of pervert and dunked on by the other characters and Junpei is still having it the best?? (Yosuke, Ryuji, you boys deserved so so much better).
In any case, I guess I couldnt give her as much leeway or credit because her personality didn't really mesh with me. But now being older I also think that it is BECAUSE of the writing. Persona Games have all extremely low points and extreme high points. The entire first palace is great in persona 5, Persona 4s social links with the Dojima family are really gripping and persona 3 is still one of my faves because it just came at the very right time in my life. (Who would've thought that a game about DEATH as its core theme would SAVE me.) But the writing is not always very consistent and the characters really suffer for it, usually for very stupid reasons like """""humor""""". I guess I am just trying to say that I get what you mean, but Yukari is just not my fave so I guess it is easier for me to lose patience. Like there are characters I'd go to war for in the persona series, so its easier for me to see the GOOD writing aspects, while others might greatly dislike them and therefore have a far easier time seeing the writing from more negative perspectives.
But your analysis has really given me some food for thought. I will definitely try to pay it more attention on a replay!
It always felt like Yukari was pushed as a sort of "main love interest" which always kinda felt off to me when persona games do that. maybe its because i am gay and therefore see myself more representated by same sex couples/queer couples, maybe its because the persona developers believe men and women cant just be friends it always has to be something romantic, maybe its because the romantic writing always seemed forced and reliant on little events like in a romance shoujo manga- idk, but that was also something that rubbed me the wrong way. But that has been issues in P3-P5 throughout. And i feel like p3 got it the worst??? At least in later games you could opt for just a friendship even tho the writing still made it APPARENT THAT THE GIRLS ARE IN LOVE WITH YOU SPECIAL BOY!!! Sorry Yukari, that's not really your fault, thats a systemic fault.
yoo valid as hell though i get wym. if the character isnt for you then they arent for you and again, im not here to convince you otherwise of anything!
when you say it like that i can see why yukari's a bit of a mixed bag. i still like her tho she kinda a baddie and as a guy i like when girls are kinda mean to me so agree to disagree
ah yes the persona lovers arcana girl suffering from pushed "main love interest" syndrome.. i havent played any other aside from p3 and p5 but i heard rise gets worse. but like you said it is a systemic fault. to be real with you none of the romance options in p3 really enticed me despite 3 being hailed as ""the best dating sim"" out of all three modern games. maybe i just need to play portable. or be able to romance ryoji as makoto lmaoo (i saw a screenshot with ryoji saying he'd like you regardless of gender and. 😭 thanks for nothing i guess atlus?)
hard agree on the persona series as a whole having a tendency of doing something really good but then!!........ not. sticking the landing at all. theres so much to be said about it god these games are a hot mess on average its funny. as much as i adooore it, p3's pacing was so ass that i got severe tonal whiplash on oct 4. couldnt even begin to grieve cause i was so shocked
if you ever replay the answer (which. godspeed to you thats a whole grindfest i wouldnt wish on my worse enemy) i hope youre able to have fun and find new things about it to like! overall we can agree that its good so theres that. talk to you soon o7
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fiilemade · 2 months ago
“ Considering the stories I’ve heard, I was expecting someone scarier. ” (from Kanji to Yosuke) (from herotheisms)
▻ random dialogue prompts ( accepting! ) @herotheisms
"'Stories' -??"
You would think someone as hung up on trying to keep up some semblance of 'self respect' as Yosuke would've found himself biting at the ( unintentional, and admittedly minor ) insult first- and frankly, he would've expected that from himself too.
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..But there's bigger fish to fry here, starting with yet another knife in the back he didn't know about. ( Of course, of course-! It's not bad enough half the town has him pegged as a black dog, they just HAD to add- by the sounds of it -nasty rumors to the pile. Whatever man, this is old news, he's over it.. )
"What kind of stories do people around here need to spin if THAT'S what you were expecting?" Sure, he was infamous- but not like that-!
"And- augh, whatever, I don't think I even wanna know where you heard that, either..."
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inexplicably-spookified · 4 months ago
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friend asked me to draw daisuke from mouthwashing and yosuke from persona 4 'hanging out'
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prrtnrr · 2 years ago
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Yosuke: WE'RE NOT DATING??????????? Teddie: YES U ARE NANAKO TOLD ME!!!!!!!! ISNT THAT TRU SENSEI???? Nanako: ooo h no Souji: We're not dating. Nanako- Nanako: i'm so sorry!! i was talking to my classmates about you two and how you're partners! my classmate said that means you're dating!! it clicked in my head! i really thought you two were!!! im so so so sorry i thought everyone already knew too even chie, rise, and kanji thought so!! Teddie: wait wait wait so ur telling me im not getting yosukes room- i thought you two were sure to be sharing a room by now
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daily-hanamura · 2 years ago
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#p4#persona 4#p4g#hanamura yosuke#yosuke hanamura#anyone that says yosuke is nothing but mean and awful to Kanji should meet me in the parking lot#we're not going to throw hands im just going to show you my 100 slide powerpoint presentation on their complex dynamic#for me one of the most appealing things about yosuke is how human and realistic he's been written#he is simultaneously capable of immense empathy and care towards his friends while at the same time struggle with his own identity#combined with a difficultly in self expression that results in him making tactless and hurtful remarks at times#thats not to say it makes those remarks ok - far from it!#but i think reducing yosuke to just those remarks makes him a rather empty caricature#which is such a shame especially considering that his entire personal narrative arc has been about confronting himself so he can be better#but anyway yes he cares about his friends he cares about their well being so much#he didnt have any obligation or a responsibility to look out for his juniors but he did so anyway without anyone asking#and it's so!!! because kanji does not look like he needs babying at all. hes taller than both yosuke and yu and he looks way older too#kanji has taken care of biker gangs by himself and is known to be intimidating#not that any of that fazes yosuke? kanji is his friend now hes one of them and therefore yosuke immediately wants to look out for him#god hanamura yosuke you so!!!#AAAAAAAAH#he's good with his queue
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taldigi · 5 months ago
They're talking about living together after highschool and Yosuke's talking about just looking forward to Yu's homemade cooking all the time. Which leads to housewife jokes, of course, which is fine bc their friends agree, think it's funny too so it isn't weird. And then Yu starts joking that he should be Yu Hanamura then. And that's. That's fine. Weird, but Yu's weird and that's just how he is, and Yosuke wouldn't change that. And it makes him feel—well it doesn't upset him. The first time he hears it his brain kind of short circuits maybe but haha y'know it's just cuz it's so. Weird. And every time after it makes him feel kinda warm and well ha obviously he's just happy his partner feels comfortable enough to joke about something like that with him! Obviously!!!
One day when he's a bit older and wiser and living with his boyfriend he'll think a bit more about family, and how Yu hadn't really had that before Inaba. And he'll just kind of thoughtfully ask if he really wants to be Yu Hanamura. He won't understand why it's so quiet though, not until he turns to look at his partner in the middle of some mundane task, like reading a book or doing the dishes, and sees him looking suddenly shocked for some reason, like. Like his best friend lounging on the couch just broke the silence with a marriage proposal shocked. And then Yosuke would realize it really sounded like he was proposing just then which is crazy because it's not like—they can't even, not legally anyway—but well they could always go overseas, but—but WHAT is he talking about, talking because his thoughts are just kind of spilling out of his mouth and he can't stop it and he feels so hot in the face but then Yu is laughing, and that's just about the best sound in the world. So then they're both laughing and smiling and Yu's looks more like a smirk now and he's moving closer but his eyes are so fond and sincere and he just says
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houndfaker · 11 months ago
hihi quinn!!! did you have fun at the con?
HI AXELLL!! I did I did :3 I was at fanexpo this Saturday
Admittedly I kinda wasn’t as Into It as the past few years (it was hot in the center and our group kept splitting up) and I was really bummed about my yukari cosplay not arriving but I still had so much fun!! I saw a lot of cool cosplayers (didn’t get many pics but was jazzed about the soul eater group i saw, saw aba with a real nice paracelsus prop, an extraordinarily well-done pomni tadc, to name a few)
i was hoping reload would mean id find more p3 stuff in artist alley this year but i only found one person selling anything (admittedly a really good thing though! a double-sided charm with both protags and the whole main cast :]) which was a bit of a bummer. but honestly? for the best for my wallet !! I got out of this con with maybe the smallest haul ive ever had (I spent like under $50!!)
i didn’t end up meeting or signing with anyone but charles martinet and roger craig smith were there which was really dope!! don bluth too (right next to bitch fartman who had an empty line compared to bluth at the time we walked through which made me chuckle)
it was a good time!!! if all works out ill hopefully have yukari all set for next year. maybe someone who’s actually voiced in reload will be there this time 😭
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beantothemax · 2 years ago
oh so the investigang is discussing the possibility of rise being the next victim and as soon as kanji asks for clarification on something, you decide it's okay to talk down to him. i see how it is, yosuke.
exploding yosuke one million times and sending him to The Shadow Forest for a billion years. hate you yosuke
ignoring the worst character in the game ‘the investigang’ is a way better team name than ‘the investigation team’ I love that a lot
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