#ask schmoode
callmeschmoodey · 2 months
Pls draw kinito having a silly bubble bath ty <3 - anomalocaris
yessir! i love these asks, bring more.. MORE!!! /j
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fervency-if · 4 months
Author, I was not kidding when I say I will start spreading this masterpiece to othe people because it's that good! 😤
My first victim is my friend and here are some compilations of her reactions that I think you would enjoy (I got her permission to send don't worry!) These are in no particular order.
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We both went to the Metropolitan route and romanced Audrey, because we have the same superior taste in men 🤝🏻 and got shocked by how much horniness they got in their system 😭 So most of these are just gonna be Audrey thirsts.
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Was committed to being a good person but then Audrey shows up and morality goes down the drain. Tsk tsk tsk.
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He got us hook, line, and sinker and we don't know how to get out 😭
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Our morals are basically non-existent at this route.
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Showing signs of early ✨ codependency✨
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Context for this is the one choice before all hell breaks lose in The First Feast where we can have a choice in eating/drinking him. And she got the jumpscare of her life. I avoided it in my playthrough and rightfully so 😌
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Read that there was an achievement by turning him on during the first painting scene and we found it. And we were not surprised. He's just a little freak.
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Not gore, not death, not murder, but hurting him is the only trigger warning we need.
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That scene was just that good 😭💯
This is basically just a yes or no question, but will we get Vampire/Anemiac Hunters in the later parts of the game? Because it doesn't take a genius to connect one point to another that there's basically something strange happening in certain parts of the cities and towns. And our fav murderers aren't exactly discreet about their victims. I'm guessing shit will hit the fan later on and I'm so worried for these blood thirsty fiends 😭
Second, did MC grow up in the same town? Because chances are Audrey and then already met. If so, what first impressions did they have of each other? 🤔
That's all for today author, thank you for coming to my tedtalk, sorry for cluttering your asks again. Don't worry we will recruit more and more readers for you!
Oh dear, this was so much fun to read! I actually laughed/chuckled out loud several times reading this... Thank you for sharing, and a big thank you to your friend as well, who let you share this! I was thoroughly entertained, no doubt about it...
Aubrey definitely agrees - you do have a great taste in men, both of you. He approves with all his wicked little heart.
"And then things escalated quickly." Yes, that's often how it goes...
Naturally. Good person, schmood schmerson, along with morals schmorals, who needs that?
Aww, cannot leave him for long. That's the result he would wish for, so he is definitely satisfied with the outcome.
"Author is absolutely unhinged for this I salute" was one of those things that made me laugh out loud. Oh. Oh. Perhaps I am... But aah, indeed - I can imagine it being a bit of a jumpscare, haha! Poor soul - it's good that one can save and reload, at least!
"He's just a little freak" made me chuckle as well. He might be...
I have actually heard that before - the blood and gore? No problem. Hurting Aubrey? Oh, for shame!
Let's call it that. But seriously, haha, I'm glad that it was appreciated! "These two are horrible on their own," yes, that's legitimate. Ah, truly, you're both so funny, you and your friend.
Now, as for your questions:
There might be in some paths, yes... (In one upcoming path, the main character themselves will be able to be one, even.)
And when it comes to the main character; it's up to the reader if the main character was born in the village, or if they came there a bit later on - but they've lived there for a while, at least, and gotten a feel for it, so to speak. I imagine that Aubrey has been curious about the main character, and wished to get to know more about them/get to know them better - there is a certain interest from the start from his side. As for why they haven't gotten close yet as the game starts, that's up to you to decide. Perhaps they simply didn't get the chance, perhaps there were things in the way for one reason or the other, and so on - but at least Aubrey did feel intrigued by the main character in some way.
And thank you. Oh, and never apologise for cluttering my asks - I adore getting asks, so feel free to do just that any time you wish! 🫶
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zdeno · 6 years
Unpopular bruins opinion; I love gooseboy too much and I’m crying
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katherinethorn · 6 years
🎁 (these are fun)
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bangcakes · 6 years
I’m loving all the text posts tonight. You’re adorable 💞💞💞
PLEASE !!!!!
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haknew · 3 years
zbdkdkssb hi it’s kub anon! it’s been over a month lol i’m so sorry for going mia... there’s been a lot going on in my personal life, so i’m finally back!
i didn’t realize how many song recs you got, so i’m so sorry if you were overwhelmed. but i’m so glad you liked the songs i recommended! i love recommending people songs and especially making playlists for people ;; it’s my favorite thing 🥺
anyways, i hope you’ve been well 💕💕
- kub anon
aww you’re all good i think i get it ;-;/ you can take all the time that you need ! just hope you’ve been taking care of yourself ! ^^ i cycle through periods of inactivity and too much activity depending on my mood so u.u you’re valid ! i hope everything’s been going okay T-T ✨
and that’s so cute of you please 😭✨ i’ve recently been trying to make more mood specific playlists but i’m so used to just playing certain albums on repeat haha :,) i appreciated all the recs ! truly 🤧✨ it’s really really cute of you i think music speaks a lot for us when you can’t find the right words so making playlists or recommending songs is a little like sharing a piece of yourself with others (omg i’m so cheesy) so i appreciated it a lot actually ☺️💗
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smokingtomas · 5 years
So how do you picture Soma and Erina confessing their feelings base on the manga !? I'm still salty how it went and just here to satisfy my cravings. Lol
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Warning: Trust me, this could be the (NSFW) ending you prefer. ;)
A Silent Conversation
It startled her when Soma pulled her arm to the side between the crowd of their friends just to say, “You’re staying for sake later, right?”
But what surprised her even more was her mouth slightly gaping and stuttered, “Oh, um, sure.”
So it happened just as it was planned– when all their friends are leaving, she waved them goodbye. Alice apparently decided to get out the door last just to grab her arm and whisper something that wasn’t on Erina’s mind.
“Good luck, Erina. And by luck, I mean you’re so gonna get a good load of it.”
This girl just knew how to embarrass her. “Goodbye, Alice!”
Nothing interesting occurred from the point she shut the door behind Alice. Not even when he swept the floor as she helped him wash the dishes. 
Erina kept thinking that Alice didn’t know what she was talking about. That her assumption was nothing but a mere tease in an orderly Alice fashion. Good luck, schmood luck– the girl had even managed to dodge his questions regarding the dish he served her. Thanks to her friends who fought to get a spoonful of his–
“Yo, Nakiri,” Soma’s touch on her shoulder jerked her out, “Ready for that sake?”
“R-Right, I’ll just have to wash this pan.”
“Nah, it’s alright. Leave it and sit here.” He said, opening up a bar chair for her.
She glanced at where he rest himself, just him casually filling her glass with sake. Just before she turned back, Soma looked up and chuckled.
“Cmon, what’re ya waiting for? This good sake ain’t gonna drink itself!”
With that, she set the pan aside. “Very well.”
The clinking of their glasses followed by the word kanpai had turned into a few more pours, episodes of travel stories, a series of laughs, and were spiced with some unapologetic grazes on arms and thighs. 
Both of them had realized how rare these kinds of moments are. Where they were alone in a room and only their voices echoed. Where Erina would start to notice new things each time he came back from his months of travel.
The corners of his eyes that crinkled when he laughed too loudly, or the recent knife cuts on his callous fingers, or that strong arm that reached through her to tuck a piece of her blonde locks behind her ear.
And how it never failed to heat her cheeks.
“Wow, your hair is really, really short now.” He pointed out.
“Long hair is tedious to take care of.” Erina brushed the back of her hair, “Do you not like it?”
“You kidding? I love it. Makes you ten times hotter.”
Now, this is an example where you need to stay cool, Erina. “Flattery and flirty remarks won’t change how I think of your dish, Yukihira-kun.”
He laughed at her remark, “We’ll get back to that, but I’m serious. You’re beautiful in long hair, and hot in short.”
“Well, if you start using proper hair products, I’m sure you would… not look half bad.” She hesitated.
“I’d take it as a compliment. Cheers.”
Once again, they took another shot.
“So how long will you stay this time?” Erina asked.
“Uhm… a while, I think. Haven’t booked a ticket anywhere in the near future, so I’ll just be here in Yukihira. Updating the menu and serving ‘em to our regulars.”
She couldn’t help the release of her long breath she didn’t know she’d been holding, but it was no secret that she acknowledged the relieve.
“I see.” She took a sip from her glass.
“Aren’t ya gonna ask why?”
“Yukihira, you just said you wanted to update the diner’s menu.”
“Technically, that’s what I’d be doing in the time being.” Soma corrected, “Go ahead, ask me why I’m staying.”
“Ugh, fine.” Erina rolled her eyes, “Why do you plan on staying so long?”
“‘Cause I miss cooking for you.”
Her heart skipped a beat.
“Y-You do?” Then as if something jolted her, she shook her head, “I-I mean, hmpf. It’s always cooking with you. Isn’t there anything else you want to say to me?”
He slowly cocked his head forward. “Like… how I know you’re looking forward to eat my cooking too?”
My God, he hadn’t changed. “No! It’s– ugh, nevermind.”
He laughed once again. Damn, those crinkles making him look cute.
“Cmon, Nakiri. Y'know how I feel about you.” Soma ruffled her hair. “You already forgot that hell of a kiss before I left the last time?”
Of course she hadn’t. It had intoxicated her brain and left her sleepless for a week.
She remembered said moment as if it was photographed. 
He’d placed his palms on her cheeks and pressed his lips gently against her. When he’d deepen his movement, it was silence. There were no passerby with luggage, no crooked voice announcing it was his flight’s last call, or the thought of him leaving her again for months.
Even just thinking about it, that tingling sensation on her lips and butterflies in her stomach came back.
Wait a second– she did know how he felt. Yes, he kissed her well, alright. 
Was it her that hadn’t said or did anything?
“No, Yukihira. I remembered well.” Erina finally said, “But do tell me if what’s coming is better.”
It might be the alcohol taking charge, or it could be her plain desire, but as she lifted herself from the chair and grab his cheek, her body wasn’t aware that her lips were already on his.
Yes, she was trembling. Yes, her heart was jumping out of her chest. But none of it mattered when the feeling from that autumn came rushing down like a waterfall. Lips were as soft as she remembered and she wouldn’t know what to do if he’d kissed her back at this moment.
So before he had the chance, she pulled away and opened her eyes slowly, revealing how he’d been mimicking her movements.
She gulped, wiping her lips as she rose completely and headed through the door, “Goodnight, Yukihira.”
In her mind, saying that goodnight meant she’d rather go home and overthinking what just happened, or even worse, what could have happened if she’d stayed.
But a good grip on her arm stopped her from taking another step.
“Y’know it’s rude to kiss a guy like that and walk away, right?”
Soma’s voice was an invitation and her soul would want to be an attendee. All it took was another step from him and a good pull of her waist back into his arms, drowning into that deeply familiar kiss that swept her feet away.
The feeling was welcomed with her lips’ slow dance, reciprocating the gentle brushes he kept on gifting, and she didn’t mind his fingers that crept up through her back to finally end up tangling her short blonde locks. 
To her, it wasn’t just about the growing heat, or that tongue of his that had started invading her mouth making her gasp for air, it was also their buried feelings– the newfound emotions she only recognized ten years after a pair of golden eyes started haunting her dreams.
So when Soma got hold of both her legs around him, she let him lift her off the ground and hooked her arms behind his neck.
The dance continued as soon as Erina was rested on one of the dining tables, but it was cut short and the sensation had moved to the junction of her shoulder. A small whimper escaped her, but the urge to remove his white t-shirt was bigger.
As his top flew across the room, she didn’t have much chance to admire his physique. Even in the split second he undid her blouse, she knew he’d spared some time to work out.
His lips never left hers. His hands wouldn’t stop grazing her exposed thighs. And she found it hard to hold back her sweet noises when they left to roam around, touching and nibbling on her other sensitive flesh.
That was before he suddenly lifted a knee to hover over her. Ragged breath fanned over her like a tempting sin.
“Nakiri,” He whispered, “Should I stop?”
She shook her head quickly before pulling him in for another kiss. It quickly turned into a blur when she found him buckling his fingers to the hem of her skirt.
He looked up to her for confirmation, and when she responded with a nod, he slowly pulled every single fabric covering her most sensitive areas before landing his lips back on hers.
Erina’s head rested on the table’s hard wood and she was weak. Her knees had been trembling, and it trembled more when his fingertips gently tease her inner thighs. She didn’t react when she felt his lip dropped. All she squirmed to was the feeling of his digits, finding that spot that felt too eager for him.
Moans after moans went into his mouth. Mirroring the rhythm he set was her arched back that continuously bucked at his thumb. He’d kiss her at times to suppress her noises, but he’d be the only one to end up groaning. She knew he enjoyed sketching away his feelings this way– in a delicious, circular motion. And the harder his finger pushed, the louder her moans had gotten.
And when she was on the edge, he stopped and fished his wallet.
“Wh-Why did you stop?” She panted, obviously disappointed.
“Condom,” He told her, “No way I’d leave you like that.”
She smiled and rose up to help him free, watching with anticipation as he rolled the rubber on himself.
It didn’t take long for him to finally dipped inside her, colliding their warm skin that melted into one. He kissed her goosebumps, before kissing her lips once again. He tasted so sweet even when it was only their breaths that meld, and she couldn’t stop the crave her god tongue desired.
She never understood the words she wanted to say to him because what she felt was deeper than its surface. It had been eating her alive, and she’d die if he’d never known of it.
With that feeling, with every thrust he stroked, gentle or rough, she pulled him deep. Maybe the only way he’d acknowledge it was only by the desperate moans of her lungs whispering his name in his ear. He’d know these voices, the peak she had reached, only belonged to him.
This was that silence conversation: where only their bodies spoke, and their heart listened.
And as he hushed and cursed her name repeatedly, his throbbing strengthened, that was where she knew he felt the same.
“Yukihira,” Erina mumbled as he zipped up her top, “It was good.”
He chuckled, kissing her shoulder, “Are you talking about my cooking or the sex?“
“I’ll let you figure it out.” She said, "Thank you for today, Yukihira.”
“Pleasure’s all mine,” Soma responded.
He held her in his arms for what felt like a long time. Long enough for her to notice and not minding the seafood smell intact on his t-shirt. All she felt was that warm embrace she had missed.
“Sweet dreams, Yukihira-kun.” She pulled away and gave his cheek a peck.
“Wait, Nakiri. You’re leaving?”
“W-Well, it’s 2 am. I wouldn’t want to get in the way of your rests.”
“Oh…” He said dejectedly.
Strange– she’d never heard that tone before, “Wh-Why? What’s wrong?”
“Don’t you… wanna stay? I mean, you just had a drink and it ain’t good to drive after all that sake you just drank, y'know.” Soma persuaded. “And I got a great breakfast recipe I’d make ya in the morning! What a deal, eh?”
“Yukihira, I have my driver waiting for me. I’d just have to give him a call.”
“Aight. Then stay for me.”
She blushed.
“Don’t go, Nakiri.” He pulled her into another embrace, “Stay for a little while, will ya?”
“For how long?”
He paused and caressed her hair.
“If I say forever, would you do it?”
Erina swore her heart was about to burst. It was the first time he spoke something somewhat heartfelt. No food. No recipes. Just him as a man, showing his vulnerable side.
She knew she needed to say no more– she knew he meant it.
“I… suppose I can arrange that.”
A/N: YEAAAA so I haven’t written this kind of thing in a pretty long time so… feedback would be greatly appreciated :) and the only non-anon in the bunch @lisa786786, hope this helps and good luck if you decided to create it!
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icecoldbloodtype · 4 years
What do you think of CALM? If you wanna, track by track thoughts?
Being asked? For my? Opinion? This is twice in one week! I’ll go track by track, basis for 1 is money, base for 10 is moving along/vapor.
Moral of the story: Still love my boys, but this ain’t it for me.
Red Desert- Harmonies on point. Sounds like a western...3/10.
No Shame- My favorite of the singles we got. Very fun, still love it. 8.5/10
Old Me- This one has grown on me since I first heard it. It could’ve been the video. But solid song about growth as a person. Relatable kings. 7/10
Easier- Least favorite of the singles we got. Still only fuck with the Charlie Puth Remix. Gave us the cool symbols though. Still, Cal’s bassline goes off. 4/10.
Teeth- Took until I saw it live to like. Again, rhythm section goes off. Michael goes off. The chorus still sounds like they mashed Shut and Drive by Rihanna with Love So Soft by Kelly Clarkson... 6.5/10
Wildflower- I like this one. The production is sick. This one is gonna be fun to yell live. do not like the “tell you what i like”. The punches of that one thing (i wanna say synth)...8.5/10
Best Years- Cute song, cute lyrics, slow as heck. 5.5/10
Not In The Same Way- First of all a SCHMOOD. Again with the harmonies, love to hear it. Don’t like the chorus. 6/10.
Lover of Mine- I can’t get into this one. the guitar? in the chorus is cool. Like the lyrics tho (go luke and sierra) 3/10. 
Thin White Lies- LIES it was LIES this whole time??? I don’t really like me anymore SAME. 6/10
Lonely Heart- Like the verses. Love the bridge, Lonely, it ain't nothin' newNothin' new to me, nothin' new to you. 6/10.
High- i need to stop letting me down, oof HITS. still slow. 5.5/10
Overall, 5.5/10 (mathematically, it’s a 5.83). I’ve seen a lot of people saying it’s their best album, cannot agree it is my least favorite SOS album. I’m happy they’re happy, but I’m not. The lack of variation in the singing. I think they put all the variation in the production because no two songs sound the same. I love Luke, recognize that he is the lead singer, but I would have liked to hear the others for more than just choruses, harmonies, and Cal’s one song. Where the hell was Michael’s voice? Of course, musically they played the hell out of their instruments. V good lyrics. I wanna see how they accommodate for luke singing every song, and his constant falsettos and fast singing. Bc they keep it up like this, he’s gonna always be on vocal rest or fuck his voice up.
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lesbiheon · 6 years
No one asked but I’m making an emo ck playlist for his bday and the v first song is Alien by Tokio Hotel to set the schmood
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bloodydamnit · 6 years
if you have time, can you talk about your writing process? like, chapters planing, plot, etc (get well soon!)
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Hello there! So, I’ve gotten this question a few times and never had the proper time to write this out… or even really think of an answer? I’m sorry for the late reply by the way to one of you anon!
Okay, my writing process. Im not really sure I have a process? In high school and college I was notorious for refusing to write and use outlines. To the point where one year, instead of writing one of my essays, I wrote about why I refused to write an outline LOL. 
But with that being said, when I start a new project, I discuss it in deep detail with anyone that would listen (including myself). So for example, when I had the idea of BloodSport, I probably stewed over it for two weeks. I talked about it with friends, but the only thing I really wrote down was how the sport was going to be incorporated into this world. 
I found that rather than me writing down ideas on my own, going over it with people helps me a LOT. Things start to fall together as I spitball and all of a sudden, I’ve got a concept. That’s what happened with Cracker Dust. @fuckyeahdisreputablekibeth and I sat our asses down and just fucking.. spitballed. All of a sudden, we had a fully fleshed idea and then, it was only a matter of writing. 
But that’s just getting started. 
I am the type of person that is intimidated by a blank page. Seeing a white document scares me and then I stress. So… I just start writing. Whatever I have in my head, I let it out. When words start to play with me, I strip everything down to the bare essentials. 
For example, with every chapter, of every story I write, I come to a point where I get stuck. There’s a block that I simply cannot get past. I just.. can’t. My self-assigned deadline creeps closer and closer and there’s still no improvement and I don’t know what to do and I’m frustrated - because I know what I want to happen, I just don’t know how to say it. 
This is going to sound weird, but when that happens, I get really comfy and I close my eyes. I think of what I want to happen, I see it so clearly in my head. And then I start writing what I see. Everything’s fragmented, sentences are simple. Sometimes a pretty jumble of figurative language sticks in my head and I write it out. I can get the rest of the chapter written out in less than two hours. I dont read it over, i dont even really look. I just fucking let it out. And when I’m done, I go back, I put a good few lines between where I left off before I got stuck, and my drabbled rest of the chapter, and I start rewriting it. I add in figurative language, I clean things up, flesh out ideas, etc. 
That is probably the best thing that I have started doing for my writing.
As for planning chapters? Ho buddy, I don’t. I have a big issue with chapter planning. the reason why is that for me, it limits my ability to roam in my own (or borrowed) world. I change my mind about a lot of things and by wasting my time planning what’s going to happen 2, 3, 4 chapters from then, stops me from improving on ideas. 
For example, BloodSport was originally in a COMPLETELY different planned place. The end of chapter 3 was in a TOTALLY different direction. At that point, I knew what I wanted to happen and I had the future planned. Then I talked to my beta @jyajyan . They noticed I was struggling and talked me through how to get past it and all of a sudden we came up with what we did and it changed the ENTIRE course of the fic. The same thing happened with the last chapter. I have an idea of whats happening in the one coming up, but its no where near fleshed because as I write, ideas come and change and concepts twist. Does any of this make sense?
I talk to a lot of friends to help me get ideas down and honestly, shout out to them. I cant tell you how many times I’ve reached out to them in the middle of the fucking night with a ‘BUT WHAT IF’ tagline tbh. so shout out to my betas and friends, @fuckyeahdisreputablekibeth , @jyajyan , @fuzzballsheltiepants and @seabearthirteen lol. You all do so much for me and kudos to yall for putting up with my banter. 
Anyway.. I’m a pretty free writer. I dont really have a set THING that I’m going to do. I have an idea and i run with it. Wherever it takes me? It takes me. 
I went to a book signing for Pierce Brown’s book Iron Gold (part of the Red Rising series, which everyone should read). And someone asked a similar question. he said that when he wakes up, he has his coffee, and he writes in a journal or scrap pieces of paper what he wants to get accomplished in the chapter he was going to write that day. He fleshes out ideas, writes them down, then abandons the journal. He goes upstairs and starts writing. People were like DONT YOU FORGET?!?!?! And his response was, if I forget an idea, then it wasn’t really a good idea to begin with. And what a fuckin schmood. 
Wow, this is really long winded. Woops. I hope this makes sense??? I’m sorry it’s not some… sophisticated method or something.. It’s just.. me being extremely disorganized, working under stress and excitement, and a lot of spotify playlists lol. 
If you want to know anything specific, I’ll try my best!!!  I know I’m missing out a lot of things.  This entire thing actually looks like how my fics look before I edit. I couldve organized this nicely, but then it would look be an outline and ew ;)
Thank you again!!!
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jawllines · 6 years
liv.... livvy..... liver n onions............ u inspire me to write harry fics and i wanna WRITE SOMETHIN but I DONUT KNOW WHAT and so im here to ask u what the h schmood is tonight............. like college besties who kinda realize they're in love and start dating on accident?????? harry the ceo and the SOFF florist y/n who loves bees and helps him make bouquets for his mum????? y/n who paints things for h's friends and he falls in love with her art and then with her???? H E L P
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crewneck · 6 years
psst,,, u should put together a list of songs that are this summers schmood ;)) bc i love your taste in music a LOT
i was actually thinking of putting together a ~summer 2k18~ playlist so your ask has me thinking about it more!!! idk when i'll FINALLY get to it tho....im prone to laziness (also thank you for liking my wild taste in muzik!!! it's always nice to know that people enjoy it lol✌️)
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zdeno · 6 years
ok so re: tuukka thirst night. you can't convince me that his jaw isn't good for sitting. just saying.
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i want to crush his jaw under the weight of my love (and ass)
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heterophobicdaniel · 6 years
i saw two really cute guys as i was studying in the library and i felt the ol Gay Anxiety™ come back to me again. i cant deal with boys im literally that spongebob meme 😓😓😓😓😓
schmood me with girls (actually me with boys too im a useless bisexual all around) but i hope soon you meet a cute boy that you hit it off with and feel comfortable around!!!
send me gay asks for pride month!
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vaebaee · 7 years
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lol k so in typical fashion i forget to answer all my asks oof, but yo here we gooooo u can read them all under the cut and learn all abt me yay !1!
lmao this is my writing when i dont write cursive so iss hecka uglee  
AHAHAJ REMEMEMBER when i psoted sum shit thas like ask me questions !! well i deleted tht but forgot to rememebr what the questions asked were so major oof :// buttt i remember some (surprising since im a whole mess) 
k so we gonna go back to my expert organizational system organized by asker (so smurt)
@winterbjorn ->   wrow im in love w u (andddd)  ✨💛 This is the Amazing Person Award! Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and out 💛✨
ajsdklasjdla 🅱️ROOOO i lUV u so mUch ooMf like my luv so strong i go into cardeeyak arrest , theres zer0 words in the english languuage 2 explain my feels 4 u so 
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anoN0nomYs -> hey i hope ur alright nd i hope u start feeling better soon!! we love u :)
this is the kyootest shit it has made my whole life omg i legit did my uglee gross smile irl when i read this ,, fjakf i wanna give u all the heart emojis
@dust-bubbles ->  16 and 17 ILY
aHHHHHHHHHHH I LUHH YOUU OMGGGG i legit forgot what qeustions these were and like  im sos sorry oops but ur the coolest bean omg
@katie3467 ->  2. (anddf) Hahah oops that meant to be 20 and anon. I was going to ask random questions but ya know. 
LMAODAOISD SChMOOD when u tryna b a ll sneaky and shit byut u forget anon lmao, wed b terrible fbi agents (rip my dream job), ia aslo forgot these questions tooooooo so rip in pieces :’/
k but i remeber the questions just not the numbers for thte most part, so im pree sure one of them was like favourite ~something( i forgot~, 2 lit ass facts , or whatevr u want (i aint know what dat means so ooferz) but here we gooo
--my favourite color (i ask like evryone this question) is reddddd for like ever, like i literally just realized but any of my clothes tht arent b&w are red, so like i can always match but theres so much red, and ive dyed my hair red like 3 times so im lowkey obsessed lmao
--two lit ass facts uno: i got this real bad habit of like stealing ppls voices and mimicking them or shit they say, like i do it subconsciously, so my voice changes a LOT during the day and i dont have liek a regular voice, cuz its always switching, and then it gets worse when ppl have accents and i h8 it cuz i feel like i sound so annoying  deux: im clumsy as heckie so i got a lot of bruises like 25/8 , but im used to it by now so ik how to fall lol and its made me pretty flexible cuz i often fall into da splits so ayeee, catch me at the 2020 olympics doin sum gymnastic shit,
i aint know how 2 end this loong asss shit so heres a pic of me falling off a sk8boardd (avril lavigne wud be so disappointed)
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haknew · 3 years
could you gif Eric in the breaking dawn jacket shoot? i know he doesn't have a lot of screen time but he looked sooo good :(
I AGREEEEE ANON and of course ^^ ! ask and you shall receive heh  here !   hope you like it :)) !
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