#ask o!Ciel
bitteraristocrat · 4 months
[position] - Sebastian catches Ciel in a compromising position
The kidnappers had done fine work, but did not take into consideration how easily the young lord's skin bruised; like white peaches almost too ripe; so ripe that if you touched them they marred.
The how and why was irrelevant, Sebastian had dealt with the perpetrators efficiently. Sebastian and Ciel had been chasing the idea of this game for awhile, but the latter of the two neglected the consequences. At the chagrin of his butler, the earl allowed visitors - patrons, competitors, and investors of Funtom alike - to take liberties he wouldn't typically have allowed. Having been a young man amid others four times his age, Ciel was often misperceived as impressionable and vulnerable. One such competitor was too arrogant in his judgement of the boy, and thought that the abduction of an orphaned little lord would go unnoticed. Thus, the game was set.
While the demon made quick work of the perpetrator and his cohort, he indulged in making a mess of their demise. The carpet and walls were stained in deep merlot and squelched beneath his shoes as he approached his charge, who was face down on his knees, bound and gagged.
Ciel knew that the powers-that-be of the underworld and the corporate titans of London were often the same lot of villains, and they took great pleasure in humiliation. What they would have done to him had Sebastian not come to his rescue threatened to ignite the prowling terrors of his past. Yet, there was an insidious part of him, buried in the marrow of his bones, that was thrilled by the threat of it all.
"My, my. What a mess they have made of my master," the devil crooned. Ciel only replied in a slow writhe to face the demon, one eye glaring ice into his wretched saviour. From where is mouth was bound with black leather, spittle drooled down his chin and onto the collar of his shirt. It was a pretty sight, if not equally infuriating. Sebastian had agreed to allowing his master to be kidnapped only because he knew that Ciel was never in any true danger. And the reward was the rare sight of that little masochist biting off more than he could chew.
"I warned you of the consequences of this game, my lord," Sebastian continued with a faux air of concern. "I had presumed you had grown out of your proclivity for getting whisked away when my back was turned, but I suppose hold habits die hard. And now you are here, ankles and wrists bound in the company of dead men."
To this, Ciel grunted and shook his arms, as if to implore that Sebastian cut the shit and set him free.
"It is not becoming of an earl to writhe, sir. Nor is it any aid to me, as I have not the slightest inclination as to what it is that you require." The devil licked his lips, stopping himself just shy of the shock of slate hair that spilled onto the floor where the boy's head lay. What a sight it was to see his lord in such a deplorable state. Sebastian's teeth ached at the "It seems that with your mouth occupied, you cannot very well bid me your orders."
Ciel whined and threw his head back so that the rest of his fringe fell onto Sebastian's shoe. The fresh blood clung to his hair and made it stick to the leather, as if connecting the two of them.
"Dear me, you are making a mess of yourself now." Sebastian knelt, the tails of his coat slapping wet upon the floor, and smoothed Ciel's hair back away from the filth of his shoes. The tenderness made the boy's chest well up in rage, and the crease between his brows twitched. Sebastian simply smiled, drunken fangs hanging past his upper lip.
"Did they hurt you, my lord?"
Ciel's eye flicked to the side and Sebastian gently turned his head to reveal an impressive bruise on his temple.
The demon tutted. "We shall have to ice that once we have returned home. It is good, then, that I crushed their skulls as a way of atoning for such treatment of my master."
The boy shuddered. Sebastian noticed.
"Does that thrill you, my lord? That they paid dearly for damaging my prey?"
Ciel's brows softened but the fervour in his eye never faltered. It only darkened, as his pupil became large and heavy with arousal. Slowly, he nodded.
"Did they touch you?" Sebastian's voice darkened. Upon no obvious answer, he reached forward to smooth his bloodied hand over his master's hip. "Allow me to be more direct. Did they touch you here?"
A sound that was undecidedly excited and irritated grunted from behind the leather in Ciel's mouth as Sebastian cupped between his legs. He shook his head in denial.
"Good," the butler drawled, circling his thumb around the warmth that began to bloom beneath his gloves. "This is mine to touch. I will not tolerate even the notion of anyone else defiling you here."
Ciel began to wriggle more beneath his butler's fondling, frustrated whimpers spilling from his chapped lips. His cheeks had gone ruddy with excitement, a flush that was almost too sweet for the company they were keeping.
"Allow me to assist you. I cannot understand you with your mouth full with that horrid thing." With a single motion, the gag fell away with stringing drool connecting it to Ciel's mouth.
"You bastard," the boy gasped, voice hoarse and tired. "Untie me and get me away from this filth."
"Come now, young master, no one likes a sore loser."
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luchigeon · 4 months
do you happen to have any dadbastian doodles or sketches about? i love those two sm
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I have this doodle ! An old idea, it stayed in my wips for so long
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oya-oya-okay · 7 months
What was Ciel and Sebastian's first encounter with their tsum lookalikes like? Did they randomly find them or did the tsums fall right on them.
Ciel and Sebastian meet their tsums!🐰😈
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blondeaxolotl · 2 months
Sebastian being literally cat coded in your version I love it, i wonder what else he does besides purr :3
He purrs, he mrows, he mrrps, he hisses, he sheds, and he sometimes full on just shapeshifts into a cat with his evil goop demon powers and then sits on Grell's desk in order to stop her from doing work and pay attention to him and only him
Did I mention this behavior is in the family tree, Sebastian literally got this from his father. The obsession and hyperfixation on cats runs in the family on his fathers side
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grelleswife · 3 months
Sometimes I just forget that the end game of black butler is ceil is going to die, like there will be no timeskip where he gets to grow up and marry Lizzie or have kids. He’s just, gonna be dead by Sebastian’s hand.
Me when I’m lost in the sauce of my Dadbastian/Mombastian delusions but this harsh truth crushes my fantasy yet again:
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And then I obstinately return to seeking solace in fanon because Yana can’t keep me down! ✊
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darkspellmaster · 3 months
there something I had been thinking about its about how realciel treated lizzy and his comment that hes scared of strong girls this might be interpreted in how he liked his idea of someone but not the real thing
Yeah, straight up, it's one of the reasons I find him fake regarding his feelings for her. He plays with Lizzie, but he doesn't enjoy it since he says over and over he would rather be with O!Ciel, and playing with him. I think that while he probably cared about his cousin, he never really loved her. I think you're on point here that he liked the idea of her being a play thing, a toy, but not as a person. His aunt is scary to him because she's strong and can stand up to him. It seems to be true to of other people, like he expects Undertaker to be his butler and Undertaker is like...not happening, so he gets annoyed.
If you notice O!Ciel let's her pretty much do whatever, even if he doesn't say he enjoys it. I mean...can you really picture R!Ciel letting her pile on That many stuffed animals on him?
You know...he kinda reminds me of Hans in a way.
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psych3-delic · 3 months
I adore your Phantomhive family au <3 to the point that while making a scrapbook I had the thought of Sebastian and Ciel taking Charlotte to the Phantomhive manor years after leaving and then coming back to England. Maybe it’s a historical museum now and take a tour or go in after hours. They take their daughter back to her childhood home and show her around while also mocking any information on the house that’s absolutely incorrect.
Also I’d love to hear what they actually do with the manor in your au.
Hope you don’t mind this, but it made me smile and I felt like I should share.
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Ahhhhh sorry for the late reply. I had been sick for 2 weeks and my grandma died lol (here’s a Charlotte WIP for you 😘)
I think the Phantomhives in general go around the world and mocks misinformation in museums/books as a hobby. Sebastian and Ciel started it; and then Charlotte just kinda joined in. They’ve all lived so long.
Ciel would start picking up several languages as well. He enjoys translating literary works and does it in his free time to keep his mind from being idle. He also watched every adaptation of Sherlock Holmes on TV and in Cinema as soon as they came out, but he’s rather ruthless in his critique. (His favorite iteration is the Granada version, ofc!)
As for the estate, it remains under the Phantomhive’s ownership still. Some forged paper here and there passing it down to imaginary descendants to keep it in the family; but it is never lived in. Rumor has it that the mansion is haunted. Despite never seen lit from the inside, the place remains in pristine condition. The grass is trimmed and watered. Flowers bloom. Some teenagers attempted to vandalize the place all came back scared, feverish and uttering nonsenses. Local knows better to meddle with it. Occasionally, ghost hunters broke into the premise for some viral footage; all of their equipment somehow malfunctioned. Those who were brave enough to spend the night talks of seeing a man in butler outfit holding a lit candelabra politely asking them to leave, only to wakes up finding all their luggage packed and themselves halfway through the main entrance. In the end, they all settled to admire the Phantomhive’s seat from afar…
…Until a fortnight ago. On one stormy night, neighboring houses reported seeing light shining through the Phantomhive’s windows; and not just from a few rooms like someone was trespassing, no. The whole place lit up in all its glory like the palatial structure that it was in its prime. And look! Smoke rising from the chimney, welcoming its beloved Lord or Lady’s return.
Another fortnight went by before the rumors made it round around the small town: The Phantomhive’s manor residents consisted of a Child, a Black-clad man, and a fine young lady.
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delusinaldreamer19 · 16 days
what are your thoughts on r!ciel? I honestly love him
I feel like r!ciel is a bit of a…how should I put it…controversial character? Theres a lot of different opinions ppl have on him and the whole twin plot twist. Oddly enough, he’s not a character that crosses my mind often, but I do have some thoughts on him.
Not everyone likes the twin plot twist, I can understand why. But (regardless of how bad s2 was and that it wasn’t cannon) I feel that an integral part of this series, or necessary beat to hit, is putting Ciel & Sebastian up against another child + supernatural being pair. In s1 it was Victoria (not a child but Lolita you get the gist) and Ash, in s2 it was Claude and Alois, and now in the manga is r!ciel and Undertaker. Basically I like the plot twist, I think it shook this series up nicely after having a pretty consistent structure of arc to arc.
But onto r!ciel’s actual character…
I don’t necessarily like him, but I also don’t think that it’s really…him.
Like the current version of him we’ve seen so far a is just zombie version of him, causing some differences to his personality. In the flashback he wants to protect o!ciel, none of this “I can’t wait to fight him.”
Idk honestly, I think he’s a good a interesting antagonist. But I don’t love him for him…if that makes since 😅.
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so-bitya · 6 months
As someone who likes the character of Elizabeth and well to some extent Cielizzy. I think something people should take into account is that they both don't know each other deeply and only have an idea of ​​what the other is.
I think what happened from Lizzy's "betrayal" to Ciel is important. Because first he makes Ciel deal with the consequences of lying to everyone he knows. Yes he have good reasons to lie but that doesn't mean people will be any less upset with Ciel because He openly LIED to their faces and even more so considering that he used the identity of his "dead" brother.
Lizzy makes sense in feeling hurt and betrayed because first they lied to her face and played with her feelings. But it is necessary because she must finally question why she "loves" Ciel. And what meaning does her indentity and life have next to Ciel (who she really doesn't know at all) I hope Lizzy can finally decide what she wants for herself and not what she expects from her and decides to return to Ciel (or Sirius?) and maybe finally THEY CAN SPEAK THINGS WITH THE TRUTH And well, maybe Lizzy will finally decide BY OWN DECISION to love Ciel/Sirius.🩷 And as for Ciel, I'm not sure how things will be on his side, but maybe he'll finally know and understand Elizabeth, and well, who knows, maybe he'll appreciate Lizzy more. 💙
Although knowing Yana I have the feeling that this could end very badly and painfully 💔But well just my thoughts I love your content of Elizabeth and Ciel 💕hasta aquí mi reporte Joaquín 👍
YES! this is everything I find interesting about them. that Ciel and Lizzy only know an idea of each other. they both hide behind masks and rely on each other for their identity as "Ciel" and "Lizzy". they've both been using each other to play their roles, but that's what makes their bond so strong to me? because that constant devotion, even when it comes to sacrificing themselves, is their sense of love.
And the betrayal!! that's what i don't understand fandom, the betrayal was incredibly well-written! fans just place the burden of the relationship on Lizzy constantly "oh she should've just asked first, how could she not trust him?" um... why would he answer her. why would she ask him?? her not trusting him is what kicked off this arc! how could they ever be honest with each other when this whole time they've been playing pretend!
and that's what im trying to get to here, that Lizzy's just like Ciel. she placed all her pride on being a fiancee, made an identity out of it. "how could Lizzy lie? how could she not trust him?" well just like how Ciel lied! like how Ciel didn't trust her, she's mirroring him! she repaid him for how he lied to her for all 4 years in one fell swoop! people cry about her not communicating, but this was the best way for her to communicate. how it felt for all those years not to matter, the humiliation of being lied to, the betrayal.
and im looking forward to them meeting again and speaking honestly for once. i like how you pointed out, it wont be just Lizzy coming to understand Ciel (the burden still falling on her) but Ciel coming to understand her too! how tragic it'll end up, i cant say for sure, I feel like Kuro kinda lost it's edge (i know, snake and agni, but an even more prominent character needs to die before i change my mind) ...and yana does have a soft spot for Ciel and Lizzy. however it turns out, as long as the characters are giving justice im happy.
anyway thanks for enjoying my writing lol, its kinda all over the place lol, but im planning more bigger posts in the future. i hope you'll enjoy them 🤞🏽💕
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ruttama-art · 7 months
Imagining how funny it would be if o!Ciel is taller than Sebastian as an adult and then remembering that there's ZERO chance this kid is gonna grow up to be an adult in the first place
Pr*ship DNI
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bapydemonprincess · 4 months
So uh I have an.......... "edit" I do not recall when I made.
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bitteraristocrat · 5 months
No rest for the wicked, I see, my lord. Whatever has you up at this hour?
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The earl lifted his gaze from the depths of his work, which took the form of papers strewn across his desk—abandoned after Ciel decided reading for leisure was far more interesting than tenant ledgers. Frowning at his butler, the book snapped closed as he reclined into his chair.
"You should know better than anyone that I am too familiar with sleepless nights," Ciel sighed. "Although, it seems I've lost track of time, and my eyes have become altogether useless. Take me to bed, will you?"
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luchigeon · 4 months
i miss my girl Lizzy. I wonder what she is doing?
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she went for a walk with Ciel !
(now I draw her with a lil tooth gap because of this headcanon, it's way too cute)
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oya-oya-okay · 9 months
Man I'm just picturing Azul trying to get Ciel to sell his soul (for some reason) and Ciel telling him he already did.
I wanted to turn it into a joke....
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blondeaxolotl · 5 months
I can't help thinkin if Frances saw how skinny af Sebastian is despite hating him she'd order him to be force fed LMAO. PUT MEAT ON THOSE SKINNY BONES. ((it never works ????))
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If you think Sebastian is bad, you should see Othello
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grelleswife · 10 months
remember when sebastian and ciel comforted snake on being himself on the campania? YEAH 😭 that was nice times.
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