#ask north korea
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ask-north-korea · 1 year ago
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안녕히 계세요.
Once more, for nostalgia's sake.
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read-marx-and-lenin · 6 months ago
Hi, I’m sorry to bother you. I’ve been attempting to unlearn what I’ve been taught about the DPRK from western outlets, but I’ve gotten stuck on a facet that you can, perhaps, speak to. As is often harped on here in the west, there seems to be a dynastic quality to the leadership, namely the Kim family. Now the fixation that the people have on their leaders I can understand, we can observe the same kind of obsessive fervor in many countries in the west (especially the US). I guess I don’t fully understand the political structure of the DPRK, nor the people’s relations to it. I apologize for the vagueness of this question, and thank you very much for your time.
It is understandable that most people will have no idea about the political structure of the DPRK, and the title of "Supreme Leader" can be confusing if you don't understand how the DPRK's government works.
The political structure of the DPRK is based around democratic centralism, similar to the USSR. Kim Jong-un was elected to the positions of general secretary of the Worker's Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs Commission, which grants him the honorific title of "Supreme Leader" and makes him the representative of the state. However, he is not the head of government. That would be the premier, Kim Tok-hun (unrelated to Kim Jong-un, Kim is simply a very common surname in Korea.) Kim Tok-hun also serves as the vice president of the State Affairs Commission.
The highest organ of the DPRK, meanwhile, is the Supreme People's Assembly, which is a multi-party legislature that votes on laws and constitutional amendments and is responsible for electing both the Premier and the President of State Affairs, among other positions. While there are multiple political parties in the DPRK, the Worker's Party holds a privileged position under the constitution. So while the position of General Secretary does not confer any formal governmental powers, it is still a powerful political position in the country.
The Premier is the head of the Cabinet, which is the administrative and executive body of the DPRK. While the SPA creates laws, amends the constitution, and decides the budget, the Cabinet administers the implementation of them.
The SAC directs the orientation of state policy in the DPRK. While they do not write laws directly, they can issue directives to guide the SPA in determining which laws to write. However, the SAC is ultimately accountable to the SPA and not above it. The SPA is responsible for electing the SAC in the first place and has the authority to recall its members. So while the SAC is not directly elected by the people, it does not hold greater power than the SPA whose members are directly elected.
Members of the SPA are elected by all citizens 17 and older alongside members of local assemblies (compare governors vs senators in the US.) Elections are conducted via secret ballot. Anyone has the right to run for election regardless of party affiliation, which is why there are multiple parties represented in the SPA as well as independent members.
You can read more about the DPRK governmental structure in the DPRK constitution here:
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wistfulpoltergeist · 4 months ago
I've never considered just seeing model renders of a game character would make me want to play the game, but here we are 😶‍🌫️
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Aww, you're welcome! I would definitely recommend you to play Sherlock Holmes Chapter One. It's fun and dramatic, entertaining, heartbreaking and gay ;D
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ceiling-karasu · 9 months ago
Other Countries in the Squirrel and Hedgehog AUs, Part One, Plus OCs
Chaand Hadia (Moon Gift, Urdu)
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For my AUs, I will have Flower Hill (North Korea) be very close to the country of Chaand Hadia (Moon Gift), located the left of the country. I'm ignoring the distance in between them for now, because this is fiction and I have decided it.
Location and Geography: Shares a border with Flower Hill. Plains, plateaus, mountains, rivers, fertile valleys, and ocean make for varied regions.
The Farmhouse Villa for Lily Bell in the Thorn Thicket most likely takes place a few hours from the border between Flower Hill and Chaand Hadia.
Government: democratic parliamentary federal republic but local cultural rules specific regions.
Economy: The economy is largely based off of herbs, medicines, and dyes, with large exports of textiles. Essential medical compounds are grown in villages around the country or on mountaintops. Herbalists are seen as an essential job, and doctors that travel between small villages and neighboring countries are commonplace.
Flower Hill provides a lot of silk to Chaand Hadia, and receives essential medicines, dyes, and weapon components (in secret) that they may not have been able to grow or find themselves.
Demographics: hog deer, goats, sheep, boars, mongoose, Indian pangolin, striped hyenas, black and brown bears
Culture: Each province has it’s own rules and specific clothing styles based on the standard. Important families carry a detailed pocket compass to identify themselves, although the meanings can vary, and the presence of one can be a coded message.
Foreign Relations: Balanced and outwardly neutral, although getting more and more friendly with Flower Hill. Very friendly with Chambelli Koh.
Relation to Flower Hill: Alongside regular trade, secretly smuggles extra weapons and medicines into Flower Hill, possibly even up to weapons of mass destruction. After all, if Flower Hill falls the the Weasel Unit, their own coastlines will be next. Will not do anything overtly to support their neighbor, though, unless pushed.
Traditional Clothing Style (Not military attire): Shalwar kameez, hijab, Niqab. Clothing used to be more plain until they began acquiring large amounts of silk from Flower Hill.
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OC Character: Soor-Hiran (May appear Briefly)
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Rei-Does-Stuff mentioned the idea of a goat that could smuggle weapons and such into Flower Hill, and to Geumsaegi. I made a joke about the deer I had made in Lily Bell in the Thorn Thicket, who does kind of do that. They responded with the concept of the Pakistani hog-deer, with absolutely no hesitation. Later, they discussed how Pakistan was such a close ally of North Korea, to the point that they smuggled nuclear weapons into the country. Well, that was also a background plot (not a spoiler), and the deer smuggling weapons and poisons may be a larger plot-line in the current AU. So, we got to talking.
As such, I would like to formally dedicate my Hog-Deer Smuggler, Soor-Hiran, to @Rei-Does-Stuff.
Gender: Ambiguous.
Country: Chaand Hadia (Moon gift, Urdu)
Alliance: Chaand Hadia
Attire: Hijab, loose trousers and shirts (Shalwar kameez), but province styles are blended together.
Skills: Herbs, medicine, espionage, deceit, eavesdropping, eidetic memory of mountain paths and plants, and schematics.
Weapon: Poison needles.
Day job: traveling herbalist, doctor. Is allowed to travel between Chaand Hadia and Flower Hill, and works with the commanders in Cherry Valley, as permitted by their own government. Alongside medicines, they bring materials for weapons, schematics, and messages pertaining to Weasel Unit movements and acquisitions. Their village is next to the border of Flower Hill, so it is easy to travel in between.
Works with: markhor goat group of apprentice herbalists and couriers. But they may be more than they seem to be...
Secret Job and backstory: While they will happily accept requests from Flower Hill, Soor-Hiran's group secretly works as a black market smuggler. Other weapons, foods, stolen items, jewels, and information are sold to those willing to pay the price. So far, the Weasel Unit has been unable to afford their cost, but how desperate will they get until they are willing to pay?
Likes: Silk, moths, flowers
Dislikes: being belittled for their culture
Personal Item: Beloved family antique pocket compass/sundial. This specific heirloom allows them free entry into Flower Hill.
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OC Character: Pangulggot
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Gender: Male
Country and Alliance: Chaand Hadia
Attire: loose trousers and shirts (Shalwar kameez)
Skills: medicine, ignoring things that don't apply to him.
Weapon: nothing other than his scales and claws. Is far too mild mannered to fight back if attacked for the most part. His scales prevent him from being harmed.
Day Job: traveling herbalist and medicine worker, bringing important medicinal components to Flower Hill
Works with: markhor goat group of apprentice herbalists, guards, and couriers
Likes: his job, Lily of the Valley flowers
Dislikes: People trying to eat Lily of the Valley Flowers. They are poisonous, but yet...
Backstory: They do very much love their name. However:
Pangulggot is aware that authorities act strangely when they say their name, and tries to hide it, since there is something going on that they probably should not know. Possibly a dangerous individual with the same name, or a military code word…?
Whatever it is, they sure notice that it gets them pulled into empty rooms while going through customs and checkpoints as ‘randomly selected,’ for extra questioning that sure sounds like they contain specific phrases for a specific person he is not.
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Compilation of slutty sweaters that Possessed Jun-oh/Do-ha wears in Moon in the Day:
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(I don't know if this is a sweater or a shirt or both, but it belongs here)
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taiwantalk · 4 months ago
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peonycats · 11 months ago
can i also ask for amekor + nkcuba???
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turkuzb: i lurve them they're so funny and i love pan-turkic turanist turkey trying to charm uzbekistan and her going 🤨they are so dear to me...
nkcuba: I actually think it's super cool how many ties cuba was able to establish to other socialist countries through their outreach programs like sending medicine and doctors and soldiers :3c i can def see those two together, they have similar down to earth and humble natures i feel hehe
uzbliet: I know I already joked about this but uzbliet to me is just making awkward eye contact across the table at the soviet union meetings like
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whereismycaffeine · 2 months ago
*anon appears from magic* Tweeks gonna explode from the nukes in his body placed by North Korea *dissapears*
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genlosscharliie · 6 months ago
what do you think about north korea x syria
any ship with syria in it (minus russia/syria. and the other one) is a 10/10 to me automatically. they both aligned themselves with the ussr when the cold war was going on, and are still allied in the modern day—and the singular nuclear reactor that syria was ever building was that of a north korean model. they have some ground to work on from the syria perspective (i can't say about north korea's, i have yet to read up on it beyond the basics), if you have any thoughts on them i'd love to hear them, though? :D
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read-marx-and-lenin · 6 months ago
Sorry if you've been receiving too many questions about North Korea, but this was something I was wondering that I couldn't find an answer to. If Kim Jong Un isn't really the head of the North Korean government in the same way the President of the USA is, why is he the "face" of North Korea both in and out of the country?
The "face" of a country is its head of state. In presidential systems like the US, the head of state is also the head of government, but that is not the case for every country. For example, in the United Kingdom, it is the king or queen who is the head of state while the prime minister is the head of government. In the DPRK, the President of the State Affairs Commission is the head of state, and the Premier is the head of government.
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itstokkii · 1 year ago
35,46 and 50 <3
35: Post a Hetalia sketch or draft you want an excuse to share
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this was for a soojin-based playlist! I'm still working on it...so many songs I wanna cram here. for now, accept it as a march 1st movement art piece!
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also this! it's part of an au idea i was cooking up of turkey being a streamer and desperately trying his best to break through vampire uzb's mansion to explore it. she shooes him every time.
46: Who gives the warmest hugs?
surprisingly, north korea? when either of the korea twins needed emotional support due to working and living in the courts of goryeo and joseon, the other would be happy to give it. but one thing still remained and it's that north korea's hugs are soft and warm and comforting. to this day, when soojin/yongsoo's experiencing breakdowns, the one thing they miss is suho's hugs. warm tea or a nap works less and less each time.
50: Repost your favorite work (that you created) and say why
my favorite work...omg...do I have one??? I don't know! but it seems like everyone loves my vday yongsoo art so I'll repost that one!
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dlstmxkakwldrlarchive · 5 months ago
where to watch that whole show jinki was so good im crying i wanna watch it
before clicking here, get an ad blocker, like the ads go crazy fr 😔😔😔 but these two are the fastest sites to upload variety eps first site second site (the first one already has ep 3 idk if the second abandoned it but ep1&2 are there so let's wait?)
for the subs, we need to wait for tomorrow, & since there are a lot of fanbases following it, we'll definitely get a translation
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comradecowplant · 1 year ago
Goal for 2024/j113 is to convince every one of my followers who like & reblog my gay jokes and art images but never interact with the communist posts to consider the possibility that the DPRK isn't an evil comic book villian country, and if we can achieve that & open our minds enough, maybe even convince you that stalwart resistance to global imperial hegemony that has survived for decades despite the world's superpowers doing everything to literally starve them out of existence is actually pretty damn cool 🇰🇵
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keii-starz · 1 year ago
google can be so annoying sometimes
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melonisopod · 10 months ago
Too wet, and not creepy enough.
i saw this headline
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and decided to look up pictures of this allegedly creepy water park
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it’s a fucking water park. these pictures could be in any country in the world. fuck are you talking about, the washington post?
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emfrots · 4 months ago
the encroachment of tan kies and genocide deniers (if you'll forgive the redundancy) into queer spaces is actually the most irritating thing in the world. every week i have to block a popular account bc they reblog a post sucking a genocidal state-capitalist dictator's dick. like. if u think uyg hur genocide survivors are paid actors, or support for ukr aine is a CIA psyop. please. please read any news source other than the gre yzone
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