#ask macbetha
butchhamlet · 2 years
Maybe this is my personal opinion as a trans man who played the role myself but Banquo 100% has transgender swag. Yes i could explain but it might actually take the 5–7 pages
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caffernnn · 1 year
Free! Anniversary Fic Recs 🦋🐋🐬🦈🐧 Can you share your fav fics from each year (2013-2023) Free! has been around?
This is a very fun ask!! Lemme root through my bookmarks and see what I can find 😅
2013 - A lot of the stories I have saved from this time are shorter lil one-shots like “Never Leave” by Shimegami (classic mh hug-it-out interlude fic) and “The Sound of Settling” by teke (feelings realization stuff), but one other one I liked was “The Ocean You Gave My Heart” by miaoujones. Smut warning for that one (if that’s not your thing), but something about desert-bound Makoto learning to swim and indulge in water with Haru, thinking upon meeting him that he’s a wonder whether he’s really a mermaid or not, that’s neat!!
2014 - starting to realize the ones I kept any note of from the early years are some of the popular mh fics probably already recommended 10 times over, but there’s a reason why people sing their praises. If you haven’t checked out fics from tide tothemoon like 2/13189000 (mhtokyo my beloved), their writing is *chef’s kiss* delightful. Another AU I haven’t been able to bring myself to revisit was orihime’s reincarnation stories from “I cannot be without you, matter of fact.” There are two different stories, one where Makoto remembers their past lives and a follow up where Haru remembers, and oh that made me ache dude.
2015 - Speaking of suffering, have y’all checked out Heart’s Departure yet? I think we’ve referenced and talked about that story enough for it to speak for itself 🥴 heartbreaking circumstances but still cosmic and so so beautiful. Then, once you’re done crying about that story, hop over to “Shake the Heavens” by Ad_Astra to break down over (what I described in my ao3 bookmark) Makoto and Haru’s “inherently cataclysmic devotion.” I guess 2015 was the year of shoving the boys into tragic AUs and seeing how much they were willing to give up to get back to each other. A whole vibe
2016 - let’s goooo gamers, more AUs!! “I’d Create Oceans For You” by trashness is a fun fantasy adventure that has both tender moments and interesting action (and some banger art from donguris omggg). If you want something more future-fish-flavored that shows that happily-ever-after doesn’t save you from your grief, “Sublimation” by RedScribbler was great. You can find more of my thoughts on that one if you scroll back a bit in my “fic recs” tag — one of y’all sent it in and yeeees it was so up my alley!
2017 - Alright fellas, there are so many to choose from, because now we’re getting into the macbetha years! Who would I be if I didn’t mention “Eyes Wide Open All The Time” tbh?? It’s a long one with its own hard-hitting involved lore and world-building, but Beth builds this unique story in a way that pulls from the characters we know and love so effectively. I’ve sung the praises for this story multiple times (and could so do it again bro don’t tempt me) but I’ll end off with saying that if you’re fascinated in watching deeply-wounded people who’ve been put through hell learn how to make a life in the aftermath, there’s something special for you here. Aaaand, if you want something about 1/10 the length and not as heavy, “159 (Architect/Interior Designer AU)” by intoxicatedcinnamon has some fun moments 😌 that’s another one where you can find more of my thoughts somewhere in the fic recs tag (love when y’all send me stories 💚💙)
2018 - “Coral and Bone” by Macbetha my beloved!!!! Wanna play mermaids and fight the gods? Maybe try to find that summer magic that makes you want to keep going and accidentally fall in love on the way? I am puuushing you toward this story bestie. Everyone’s here and everyone’s having fun! OH ALSO I’m throwing in “Night Changes” by SEMellark because I love stories where Makoto and Haru actually figure out how to talk to each other. (Side note — a lot of these are probably gonna be things I’ve rec’d in the past, so feel free to scroll my tag for more details and consider this list an extra endorsement 😅)
2019 - (drops basket full of love for mutuals) OOPS OOPS OOPS!!! Don’t mind me, just popping in with some “Let’s Get Married” by sagesprouts and “Anthropocene” by testosterogna, nothing to see here but some classic natsunao shenanigans and one of the sickest elemental bender AUs out there 😌✨ I also have some fics from Svana saved from this year, but I’ll be mentioning her again later so hold on okay!!
2020 - alright, now the list is getting longer with everyone jumping back in during the early pandemic days 🏃🏻‍♀️SO FIRST OFF “green eyes, you’re the one I wanted to find” by infinite_always is an absolute FLUFF FEST of a soulmate AU! Unbearably tender moments but who doesn’t love that every so often? OH AND we have another one of my all-time ultimate fic recs here!! “Reaching” by CupNoodles55 has shaped and reshaped how I look back at Eternal Summer in the way I’d want any great canon-compliant fic to. Big love for interlude scenes and extra bits that help recontextualize or deepen what a moment could’ve meant in the show. Gonna end off 2020 with “The Sea Aflame” by Dizzydodo because even though this urban fantasy story is unfinished, I was super drawn in by the prospects of dragon!Makoto and whatever god stuff was going on with Sousuke. An interesting universe I love thinking about again from time to time.
2021 - Starting off strong with “love on the water, love underwater (and so on)” by rudimentaryflair because we love introspection here!!! Lovely writing style with lines that make me want to scale the walls. This take on Makoto is so so special. Also gonna rec “To Clear Away Today” by suhmayzooka (omg hiiii) if you want to be thrown into another hard-hitting intricate AU with loads of potential. Love exploring what we’ve got to see of the world so far 💞 and OOOH IT’S TIME!! “Extraordinary” by Svana_Vrika is basically canon to me at this point. Svana has a lot of sweet shorter stories with Makoto and Haru (look here, look here), but this one is everythinggg my guy. Similar appeal to “Reaching” mentioned earlier: a story of interludes that bring the story we already know to life in a delightful new way. Required reading for mhtokyo fans forreal. ONE LAST ONE OKAY!! “Teacher” by VeloxVoid is a great future fic with teacher!Makoto and artist!Haru (and I’m not biased just bc it was a gift exchange for me with details fit to my specific tastes wdym🧍🏻). Domestic blisssss
2022 - Ooh we’ve almost caught up y’all ☺️ gonna start with “All This and Heaven Too” by SocksAreArgyle because sometimes the bestie crafts a smorgasbord of smut with a delicious throughline of character/relationship development baked in. If you want your choice of spicy makoharus or some character exploration, you’re SET with this one. Next is “I Let My Heart Go” by martincrieff because sometimes the bestie looks at poor pining Makoto and goes “you know what would be messed up?” AND I JUST !!! So full of love and now full of flower petals. Hanahaki!Makoto my dearest boy!! Aaaand ending off the year with some tender mh (to Ikuya’s detriment) in “The Night Train” by Lizzyboo. They’re so softtt with each other and UGH this story is so nice. Love watching people take the crumbs from FS/FS2 and make a meal 💜
2023 - The year is young! And old! So here’s some more, with who knows how many bangers yet to come 🎉 First going to throw in the Makoharu Week 2023 collection for your perusal because I saw some fantastic stories emerge from that event. If you have twitter, I’d recommend also seeing some of the threadfics posted over there from the event as well 💚💙 and I thiiink I’m gonna close off for now with “just like it was always meant to be” by tonfea because they’ve been putting out banger stories that deserve all the love. Haru introspection is one of those things that isn’t always done very well (which is especially hard to reckon with in older fics) but tonfea’s stories all have an intimate understanding about Haru’s mind and journey that just makes sense.
Alright hello we made it to the end!!! Might’ve thrown in more than expected but I hope makoharu enjoyers find something on this list that fits their fancy 🥲 (and if anyone wants to rec something or ramble about a story here that they loved I’m all ears)
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macbetha · 4 years
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hi! to nobody’s surprise, i went over the wordcount in curious cat to answer this question, so, i’m answering it here.
short answer: i'd love to. long answer (seriously, i've had this typed out for a while):
i hope that i've always been clear about my stance in regard to the system: how i've seen it, in multiple instance in my personal life and also in a broader sense, be self-serving. how i have personally and systematically been effected is something that i've always hoped to share because i'm not alone in that. i don't believe in the system and i want to make a statement of that through writing.
situations in all my stories come from my own awareness, and thus, transform into commentary on the predicaments i'm seeing around me. the situation in my country specifically, and its system, is not new. above all else, i always want to be respectful. even if i'm still writing graphic, explicit things, i want to be careful - not in terms of censoring, but in terms of having the awareness that these situations are real and the effects / damages of them are very, very real.
i take this respect so seriously that when i decided to go back to school this summer and i needed an elective, i chose criminology in order to better understand how i can transfer the information properly and with care in mind in my stories. seriously, i have really, really battled with this behind the scenes. of course i wanted to better understand the system in general, but giving commentary on it in my work was a big part of why i chose that elective.
with the state of the system and learning even more about it, i promise that i've never had more to say about it. i intend to always do so regardless of the medium, but of course, writing is a big outlet for me.
i have already changed a lot of the plot for chasing the dragon. what you think might have happened probably isn't what actually happened, but i looked over every single detail to ensure i could get the message across in an even more respectful and concise way. the changes don't censor / hide the original message; it's all in the name of hoping to be sensitive. it's hard to put into words, what i'm trying to say, but - having your readers be effected by angst is completely different than portraying a real-life situation that is so horrible, you can hardly believe it's real. that's just the state of the system.
i intend to get the same message across with intense awareness of care and thought, but onto the next thing -
ok like. i'm super anxious about sharing this and i’m about to start repeating myself a lot so, my bad. it feel stupid. please, please don’t get offended by this because i’m not referring to hits or kudos or comments or anything like that - only my own anxiousness. i know ewoatt is my most popular work but i'm just being honest when i say i'm not sure people even want it anymore. it's been a good while since the first installation of the series and i only posted two chapters of the sequel. i would LOVE to continue the series and i have been even though nothings been posted. i mean it when i say the series was ALL i thought about while i had covid because the thought of sharing new developments made me that happy. but ewoattverse takes a lot of work and it's hard to dig that deep. i'm sure it's a lot to keep up with as a reader. i don't know if people are willing to re-learn all that information and plot for the sake of the sequel. i've thought of many fun ways i can summarize and make it easier to cram everything lol but yeah.
so, i'd love to continue it, but i'm anxious because it's been so long. i've got so much ready that i've just been too nervous to share in the name of "do ppl still want this". i understand that might sound dumb and i'm repeating myself a lot but that's just because i'm like. super nervy about this lol. not the material of the work itself but whether or not it's something ppl still want. it's just something my brain has decided to be anxious about and i just have to deal with that.  thank you for reading all that, seriously. i hope everyone is well and staying safe.
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drblackgaard · 7 years
tagged by @amerraka
Rules: tag ten people you want to get to know better.
relationship status: Tragically perpetually single
favourite colour: Blues of all shades and depths
lipstick or chapstick : neither tbh, having stuff on my lips, I can’t fight the compulsion to wipe it all off within 5 minutes
last movie i watched: Fear Town, USA. As far as every Troma film I’ve seen in Theatre Mode, this one was probably the best (which says oh so precious little)
last song i listened to: the opening theme of Please Like Me 32 times bc I just finished binging it
top three shows: Adventures in Odyssey, Free!, The Adventure Zone
top three characters: Tachibana Makoto, Roxy Lalonde, Nanase Haruka
top three ships: Makoharu, Sourin, Natsunao (sorry for only one show, blame it on @macbetha‘s incredible writing)
@sufficientomniscience @moss-effect @echoofmidnight @tanosoka @pathogeniic @messed-up-polkadots @vulcan-highblood @macbetha @writingpikachu
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wanderyears · 2 years
a (modern) OFMD rec list
or, do it again, but make it *au*
a small adventure by gangnamstiles @sassygwaine “So, you’ve seen the Stede Bonnet shit,” Jack says, plunking down his tankard and straddling the stool.
“See, you all keep saying ‘shit’. That’s so vague. Be specific for fuck’s sake,” Edward says, locks his phone and tosses it on the table in front of him.
“This pompous little amateur had the nerve to ask for a review on his new podcast,” Izzy spits the word like that’s not what they’re doing.
had we lived by nasri Izzy is always the first one to arrive at the pub, signing off on shipments and taking stock, and if Edward shows up it will be just before last call, when Izzy is dead on his feet and can’t say no to a single thing. Truthfully, though, he rarely can.Every day starts and ends exactly the same way, until a particularly chatty history professor begins sharing his morning commute.
like a flower in bloom, how the ink flows over your skin by changethecircumstances Stede finds that being a convicted felon makes job searching near impossible when the owner of a flower shop takes pity on him and gives him a job. It starts as just Stede fulfilling the requirements of his parole. He certainly didn't agree to the offer with the thought the business and the people around it would change his life.
squid-life crisis by nerbert Ed begins to tell fun facts to the strange fancy man who visits the aquarium each day.
dealt a soft hand by mintly @mintly “Are you sure you’re not married?” Stede swallows. Something is tickling the back of his mind, a memory or dawning realization or the hangover exasperated by the flashing lights of Las Vegas spilling onto the disheveled bed. Stede pulls at his left glove, alarm coiling in his gut.
Ed snorts in amusement. “Yeah I’m sure. I think I’d remember if I got hitched.”
“Would you?” Stede says shakily. He holds his hand between them. Around his ring finger is a band matching Ed’s exactly. Brand new, without a single scratch on it, golden and lovely.
we should just kiss (like real people do) by al_ex_an)d_er_hamiltons @al-ex-an-d-er-hamiltons “I mean, I can read a little.” Ed continued, his tone defensive, setting his books down and throwing himself into the chair beside Stede. “The basics, you know. C-A-T is cat, whatever. But big words trip me up, and sometimes the letters get blurry and move around the page.” Ed ran a hand through his hair, clearly frustrated. Stede watched as Ed tried to gather his thoughts, unable to keep himself from admiring his dark eyes and long, salt-and-pepper hair.
“And when is the exam?”
“In four weeks,” Ed said miserably, slumping over the table.
“Ah,” Stede murmured. “Well, we’d better get started then, eh?”
clean slated state by justkeeptrekkin @justkeeptrekkin Stede is ready to 'get back out there' after his divorce, but he's more than a little bit intimidated by the concept of online dating. After a series of truly terrible first dates, he's close to giving up on love altogether. Perhaps he's too old for all this Grindr nonsense.
And then, along comes a bartender called Edward Teach.
on an aisle in the sun by macbetha @macbetha When Stede formed Lighthouse Wedding Planning, LLC, the last event he imagined himself organizing was his ex-wife’s wedding to her long-standing boyfriend, Doug.
then the smilin’ starts to hurt by bayaningbituon Ed is trying to relax on the beach, and gets interrupted by two kids and their handsome dad.
this tired world could change by gangnamstiles @sassygwaine One summer day, two unlikely paths cross in the alley behind Bonnet Group’s towering skyscraper: Stede is at the end of his rope, and Ed’s just taking a smoke break. Of course, after they’ve become inseparable, Ed’s past catches up to him as Stede tries to find a way out of his own obligations, and the solace they’ve found in each other is threatened.
i wanna take you (to a gay bar) by tenely He was honestly quite flattered the fellow had messaged him, despite the circumstances. Too bad he’d have to let him down. Since this wasn’t Stede’s kind of thing. He was only on the app as the result of a prank, after all, even though he couldn’t see the humor in it for the life of him.
awake and unafraid by animosities Five times Ed borrows something of Stede's and one time Stede borrows something from Ed.
There’s a man in Ed’s poetry seminar who equally baffles and intrigues him. 
kiss my lipstick on by vera_dragonmuse @dragonmuse Ed stumbles into a drag bar, then a relationship. He might as well fall into a fresh understanding of himself while he's at it.
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oikawas · 7 years
You have the best marvel aesthetics I've ever seen! 😍✨
Aaaaaa thank you so much omg that’s so sweet!!!
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tachinanabananase · 6 years
makoharu fic rec list? 🙏
Oh gosh, where do I even begin with this!! So many fics I love, and sooooo many amazing authors, some who I’ve even been lucky enough to become friends with! I’ll do my best to include as many as possible and that I remember (it’s been a while since I went through my favorite fics, and I’ve read so many that keeping track is difficult. Like you really have no idea. there’s 24 pages of history in my AO3 account, and that doesn’t include one’s I’ve read while not logged in. So you can imagine, it’s hard to separate them all in memory).
But first, a few quick things:
 1. These are in NO particular order, just as I found them in my history :)
2. Sorry this took me so long to answer, I got caught up re-reading a few of them while I was trying to refresh my memory...
3. Don’t be surprised most of them are NSFW. I tend to filter my fics specifically looking for it because I’m a shameless hoe so sue me
4. My descriptions are super unhelpful and mostly just my thoughts about the fic but not actually a summary of it. I recommend reading the summaries and tags as they’re listed on AO3 for more details and sensitive content warnings! 
Here we go!
Frenzied by Thesis - I always always ALWAYS recommend this fic. It’s one of those ones I still go back to and read sometimes. It’s wonderfully suspenseful, so angsty and full of delicious smut and has a happy ending, so like, what’s not to like? 1000% a favorite fic of mine.
Dead Reckoning by furiosity - lol my AO3 history says I visited this fic 55 times if that doesn’t say how much I love it I don’t know what else will 
I drove all night (to get to you) by maybeillride - This one is short, but I really like the way it reads, it has a great flow and overall the tone is just super captivating. The dirty stuff is brief at the end but it’s just descriptive enough to get you all warm and tingly inside :))))  
Winter in the City by relativestranger - This fic. I followed its updates religiously and the chapter titles are a gem. I really enjoy how this author takes the time to create a world and really paint the picture of each scene, plus I love college AUs that don’t try too hard to overdo anything. Also, slowburn is the key to my heart
Coral and Bone by @macbetha - Okay sorry if this one is obvious but Macbetha is a fic writing god in this fandom and honestly, I like this one of theirs best. Talk about mermaid AUs. Very immersive, well written as usual. I’ll be honest, I haven’t had the chance to read the last few chapters, but I’m sure they’re just as good as the rest of it. 
tomorrow, you might love me by nezumiprefersdanielleovershakespeare - Alrighty so I didn’t remember what this one was and I reread it and wow holy shhhiiiiiiiit this is something else. Mostly canon compliant with their high school storyline and domestic af. Plus the way this author writes is so captivating and also very Haru, it’s like spot on. Gives you the major feels, some healthy angst, and of course a wonderfully happy ending. 
Just Friends by FruitsOfPassion- if you know me and read my fics, you KNOW this is my kind of fic. Sloppy drunk mistake hookups that lead to lots of miscommunication and angst before they both realize they’re in love with each other. Also if I remember correctly, this one is v dirty ;) 
Touch Me by Gemmiel - okay there are so many good fics in this one series alone so I just recommend reading them all. The author is 10000000000%%% and there’s a really nice balance of smut and fluff and everything in between. Honestly just read everything by them it’s worth it! 
connotation by magicianprince - this freaking fic. This is the fic that deadass inspired me to write my whole Hot for Teacher series. I have no other words, it holds a special place in my heart because of that :) 
Can You See Me? by choking_on_roses (orphan_account) - another fic that heavily inspired me. I love Rockband AUs with all the glam and drama and of course, angst. Once again, fair warning this one is unfinished and I’m pretty sure abandoned (I know, I’m still sad about it too), but it’s a damn good read still.
Had we but world enough, and time by anditwasstinky (thewicked) - Mermaid au, hella long and an emo rollercoaster ENJOY
His Camera by LensMind - Makoto has a very dirty secret, and Haru happens to find out and simply cannot get enough of it. Very much a guilty pleasure fic, sooo juicy and the actual epitome of sexual tension and just ugh. I’d definitely consider it a favorite of mine...
Take Me Home by otp_tears - This one is really cool. A bit of sci-fi, memory loss, and a hell of a lot of angst. Basically Haru’s consciousness is transferred to a new body after he “dies” from an illness, and he has to deal with remembering who he is and his relationships while Makoto has to deal with separating the Haru he knew from the Haru he is now. It’s very sad but also a super interesting concept, the author did a good job tackling a difficult fic like this! 
2/13189000 by tothemoon - this fic is the ultimate rec. I see it in everyone’s posts, but i can’t NOT recommend it because it’s amazing. So there you go enough said just read it k thxbye 
Finger Slip by thoughtless_dreamer - phone sex fic ENOUGH SAID 
safe landing by heinsou - I found this on my fic-rec tag on my blog. It’s the way that the fireworks scene SHOULD have gone. Emotional rollercoaster but wow soooo worth it because this author makes you feel shit real good
A Kingdom For You and Me by @datheetjoella - I have an unending amount of loving words for this fic and this author. Joella has been a fic writing inspiration for me for I don’t even know how long. I can pick out her writing style without even looking at this point. She’s incredible, and has written plenty for than just this fic which I also HIGHLY recommend (and not just because one of them is a special gift for me :3)
Me Too by Flightless_Bird - Ohh ho ho I remember the first time I read this, it gave me major goosebumps. Basically Makoto shows up for one of Haru’s swim meets and there is hella sexual tension right before Haru’s race  It’s one of those fics that makes you wish there was a 10,000 word sequel for... other things...
Between the Raindrops by westgate - Makoto is home alone during a rainstorm and Haru is his knight in shining armour! I’m weak for protective Haru and first kiss fics, and this one is certainly a gem.
The Voltage of Our Heartbeats by @datheetjoella - another Joella fic (not surprising lmao) but this one really gets me because coincidentally, her and I were both working on power-outage fics at the same time when she wrote this. I really loved hers though, so I couldn’t resist putting this one down too hehe
Okay I’m running out of patience and quickly realizing theres so many fics I love I could work on this ask for days so here’s a second Fic Rec post I made a while ago with some repeats and a few others that are definitely worth a mention. It might be more helpful too because when I made it I actually was currently reading some of them or remembered a lot of them better.
I hope this is some sufficient reading material for you, anon! And please don’t forget to check out the fics of yours truly as well hehe 
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21, 30, 38, 39, 42! sorry if thats a lot lol
hoo boy. That’s a lot. Here we go:
21: A domestic fic
Toy Sailboats and Tiny Sailors by neptune_bound (@neptune-bound​ sorry for tagging you again MY BAD)
Domestic fics and established relationship fics aren’t exactly my cup of tea, but this one is just plain adorable and perfect. And relatable. And real. 
So yeah, I’m into that. Sue me. 
30: A fic you stayed up all night to read
Eyes Wide Open All the Time by Macbetha
Shocker of the year, I know, but this thing is almost 400,000 words and so fucking captivating that I pulled two all-nighters to finish it. I was a mess afterwards and so sleep-deprived, but I didn’t care. Worth it. 
38: A fic with a writing style you like
our doubts are traitors by astoryaboutwar
I’m a slut for nonlinear storytelling and unreliable narrators. That is all. 
39: A fic with dialogue you like
Fire, Walk with Me by Khirsah
Oh... my... god. This fic is everything to me. The dialogue is flawless and in-character, and I think it’s one of the best fics I’ve ever read just in general. It’a also hella long, which I’m 100% here for.
42: A fic from an old fandom that you still think about 
Life Signs by tarysande
Made me cry. Made me bite my nails. Made me panic and worry about how the characters were going to survive. 
I fuckin’ loved it. 
fic asks
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nanzse · 8 years
happy birthday! :)
thank u(#^.^#)
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cyanotiger · 6 years
4 and 20 for the fic writers ask thingy :)
4. Are there any other fic writers you admire? If so, who and why?
Oh, so many, but I’ll try to keep this list short
@shions-heart her characterization is killer, even in the most far-off from canon AU (seriously, a fucking super-soldiers AU, characters still feel like their canon counterparts). I also love her pacing and all the subplots in her fics.
@newamsterdame writes scenes with so much emotional impact they take my breath away. Her world-building is excellent, too, and I’ll gladly admit I’m quite envious of all the emotion she manages to pull from her readers. Every time her current fic, Quote Love Unquote updates, I drop everything to read it.
@pitviperofdoom‘s fics have made me cry more than a few times (same goes for all the writers here, really). Got me even more invested in TodoDeku, and I have to say, her plots are so intriguing to me!
@ellessey-writes One of the first writers I read from regarding haikyuu!! Her most recent fic, Like A Song, had me anxiously waiting for every Saturday. Love, love, love how funny and emotionally charged (in the good way) her works can be at the same time
@macbetha holy hell. I absolutely have no words, for real. I love everything about her writing style. Plot, prose,  character development, emotions (oh my god), tone/atmosphere…Seriously. I remember leaving such long reviews in Eyes Wide Open All The Time (read it. that’s an order.) because I simply had to gush about it. The way she describes the setting completely immerses you in the fic, and I must say, apart from the fact that nearly every update of EWOATT made me cry one way or another, I was so…stunned? when it was over. Like, I legit had to sit for a few good minutes and contemplate “Oh, god. It’s really over.”
Like I said, there’s a lot more fic writers I admire, but I tried to keep this short by including in this the people that actually inspired me to start writing fic. (Highly recommend you go through their ao3 and read everything and anything.)
20. 4 sentences from your work that you’re proud of
my conceited ass: 4 lines from just one of my fics???
Okay, so I couldn’t really pick one, so you get two
Rin flinches at his remark, but Sousuke’s dam has been torn down, and years’ worth of frustration and unrequited love, and pining, goddammit, just come pouring out.
“I’m not gonna hold it against you, or be weirded out, or anything like that, so let it go! You were just drunk!” He takes a deep breath, and tries to ground himself, gripping the counter like his life depends on it.
“You were just drunk,” he repeats, because that’s the bitter truth, and there’s not a single fucking thing he can do about it.
That one’s from Ruby Red Heart, the first serious fic I ever wrote, and, surprisingly, I still like it. I really like emotionally charged scenes like that, and I think I conveyed the emotion here pretty well.
“Maybe I had a harder childhood than you did.” Todoroki looks straight in his eyes, his gaze hot enough to burn holes in Midoriya’s skull. “So what?”
“But, surely, it must sound to you like I’m complaining…” he starts, fighting to swallow the lump in his throat.
“Suffering is not a competition, Midoriya.”
This is from Your Solace Gave Me Hope. It was unplanned at first, but ended up probably being my favourite scene from the fic.
Thanks for asking!
Cool asks for fic writers
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bentostudy · 7 years
10, 14, 29 for the asks!
Hey hey hey!!!!
10. Do you like your name? Would you ever change it?
I’ve never liked my name. It’s never sat right with me but lots of people call me by my surname, mostly my close friends and that makes me feel more comfortable because it’s less personal in a way? Idk I’m weird abt it. I don’t think I’d change it though, for the simple reason that I don’t really care what people call me. I’m down for whatever other people prefer to call me!
14. Do you consider yourself a romantic?
ABSOLUTELY NOT *hides the romance novels cramming my book shelves* *closes 500 tabs of fanfic* *closes the curtains to shut out the sunset which is NOT encouraging cheesy romantic, poetic daydreams* *deletes entire Spotify playlists dedicated to romantic moods*What the hell’s romantic? 😳
29. Do you like reading? What was the last thing you read?
I do like reading, (mostly romance, heh). I don’t read enough books, but recently I read Sputnik Sweetheart which I really enjoyed and I’ve started to read Alone in Berlin. I’m about 30 pages in and already it’s probably the most depressing book I’ve ever read. I read a lot of fanfic, and the latest one was (for the third time) Eyes Wide Open all the Time by @macbetha. If you like the anime Free! then definitely check it out. It’s my favourite story, counting both published books and fanfic. It’s a bit dark and heartbreaking but it’s really beautifully written, and the happy moments make up for it!
Thank you for asking! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
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caffernnn · 3 years
👀👀 did you say coral & bone? Any thoughts you would like to share on it. It’s definitely my fave fic by Macbetha and I love all her fics.
Coral & Bone is deeeefinitely one of my favorite makoharu fics! I’ve come back to it time and time again, and I always cry at least once before the end (I blame the song “The Night We Met” at this point; it gets me every time). It’s such a fun universe, like the camaraderie between everyone at Trident’s point and the joys of an invincible summer are so palpable and enjoyable. The connection between all of the couples, especially Makoto and Haru, is completely intense and all-consuming and I eat it right up every time.
I think the biggest draw for me is Makoto’s growth and revelations throughout the story when it comes to balancing the past, present, and future in a way that honors your grief. Seeing the story from his perspective, it shows how much the love and grief he holds for all of the best and worst moments of his past weigh him down. He’s stuck hanging tightly onto a rose-colored nostalgia and all of the good he has now in Iwatobi that he can’t move forward, and seeing him grapple with accepting himself and accepting that there’s a beautiful future waiting for him once he lets go... it’s a journey that feels so personal. Goodness, I could ramble about this fic forever, but I’ve already said enough in the chapter comments on ao3 lmao
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macbetha · 6 years
hi! I was wondering when you plan to update Coral and Bone? thanks!
When the semester is over in a few weeks.
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bms408 · 8 years
So I was tagged by @pomp-adourable a few days ago and finally had time to fill this out.
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 15 blogs you want to get to know better.
Nicknames:  I have a lot of different nicknames from different people, but I usually just go by Bri.
Star Sign: Aries
Height: 5′6″
Time right now: 8:59 PM
Last thing I Googled: “fancy rat breeders philadelphia pa”
Last movie I watched: I’m not gonna lie to you, it was Meet the Robinsons
Last TV show I watched:  Worst Cooks in America
When I created this blog?: Sometime in 2012 I think...
Why did I choose my URL?: It’s my dA url that I’ve had since 2010 and it’s really just my initials and birthday. I originally made this blog for art but we see how well that went.
Gender: Female
Hogwarts house: idk. I was never into hp
Pokemon GO team: Valor!
Favorite color: Purple
Lucky number: 8. If I see 8 on a lotto ticket, I know I’m winning.
Favorite character: Tachibana Makoto and Shirogane Takashi. You cannot expect me to choose between team mom and space dad...
Number of blankets I sleep with: Usually one even though I have like 6 blankets on my bed.
My 15 people are…
(I’m just tagging some followers. Y’all don’t have to do it)
@mindishadikku @macbetha @moonshadow34 @trashy-boo @trashyskywalkers @vance-vance-revoluti0n @killjoy121710 @ask-the-iwatobi-gems @lordpresodenttimelordtabitha @viktuurisvictory @aguzztiinahh @lalo-5sos @thesmolestking @de-repente-empezo-a-llover @omg-its-natalie
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macbetha · 6 years
I am really enjoying doab so far! I can't wait for makoto and haru to meet ahhhh you write their love so well
Aaah I’m blushing thank you dearheart 🙈✨
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macbetha · 6 years
Dude did you hear? B99 just got cancelled 😔😔😔
Yes and I really cried. That show is just… so much good? Lol. The representation and humor and just - everything about it was a staple for what stories should have: humor, realism, all of it was so inspirational.
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