#ask box no jutsu
detectivestucks · 8 months
Anything to Save the Marriage
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18+ Content, Minors do NOT interact
Pairing: Kakashi x F!Reader x Obito
Summary: You are left missing your husband Kakashi while he spends all hours at headquarters busy with his Hokage duties. Obito sees how lonely you are and uses his new jutsu to save your marriage while living out his adolescent fantasy.
Warnings: NSFW, shibari, candle wax, unprotected penetration, mind control
Word Count: 5.9k
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“Hi Angel. What brings you by?” Kakashi asks his doting wife.
You gently set a boxed lunch down on his desk before giving his cheek a kiss. “I’m making sure you don’t starve while serving our nation.” you say, eyes softly staring back into his with a sweet smile gracing your lips. All while resisting the urge to roll your eyes at the silly question. 
“Will you be home for supper? I was thinking of making your favorite.”
“I’m sorry Angel. I can’t tonight.”
Despite your attempt to conceal it, Kakashi sees the pang in your chest at his answer. “That’s okay.” you say as you grab his hand. “I’ll bring some to you.”
Before you could so much as begin a real conversation with your husband of several years, a shinobi enters the room with a sense of urgency. 
“Lord Sixth, we have a report.”
Kakashi looks over at you with an expression of guilt, knowing he has to go back to doing his job. 
“It’s alright, I’ll stop by later.” you say with a gracious smile as you bow your head slightly at both your husband and the jonin, before you slip out of the room. 
It had been like this for months. No one said it was easy to be married to the Hokage. But you really missed how your relationship used to be. You missed the romantic dates, the bubble baths, sneaking around in the bushes during missions, and even sharing a night's rest together. Recently he spent more time sleeping at his desk than he did in your shared bed. 
You felt awful for having such selfish thoughts. He was working so hard and doing so much for the good of everyone around you. Your sacrifice was nothing compared to his. You shake your head to rid your mind of such thoughts as you walk to the market to pick up ingredients to make his favorite dish. If you can’t spend time with him, you might as well make him as happy as you can during your brief interactions. That starts with making sure he has something good to eat.
While clouded in thought you quite literally bumped into a focused Obito, kneeling on the ground.
“Oof” he says as you roll over the boulder of a man. His built figure didn’t even shift on impact while you fell over him like a rag doll, only landing back on your feet due to muscle memory left from your days as a shinobi.
“Y/N!” he exclaims with a bright smile.
“Obito!” you say as you go in for a hug. “What are you doing?”
“I was just exercising my sharingan.”
“Exercising it?” you say intrigued. You know that one of Obito’s many abilities is that he can replicate the jutsus of his fellow shinobi. So whenever he tells you he is ‘exercising’ his eyes, you know he’s up to something good.
“I’m trying to replicate the Yamanaka mind-transfer jutsu”
“Ohhh, that’s a fascinating one! Why didn’t you try that years ago while you were still out on missions?”
“I don’t know. Cause I’m thick and didn’t think of it till a few weeks ago.”
“A few weeks? It seems you’ve lost your touch.”
Obito gives you a half hearted glare. It was easy to mimic a jutsu while someone was doing it infront of him. His sharingan only needed to follow along. It was harder to recall the jutsu from memory let alone make it his own.
“I can do the mind transfer no problem” he says defensively, “I’m trying to improve upon it.”
“Oh? So you’re trying to develop a new jutsu?”
Obito begins to blush. He can see how impressed you are and he was never good at receiving your praise. You were the only woman who could fluster him, and you never seemed to notice how you did it with ease.
“Yes, I’m trying to develop a new jutsu.” he says with a scratch to the back of his head. 
“That’s marvelous Obito!”
“Uhh, thanks!” He gives you a sheepish smile. 
“Hey, uh, do you want to get together later?”
Obito gives you a look of great surprise.
You’d grown apart in recent years. You didn’t see him much anymore. You used to hang out all the time as kids and he was the best man at your wedding to  Kakashi but after that his visits became less and less frequent. His responsibilities within the Anbu kept him out on lengthy missions and home for only a few hours at a time. However, you noticed him around more recently. Kakashi had promoted him to director of the Anbu forces. He needed someone he trusted with his life, who also had significant experience to direct his elite team. 
“Don’t look at me like that!”
“It’s just, wouldn’t you rather spend the evening with your husband?”
“Well I would,” you say sarcastically, making light fun of him “but that hasn’t really been an option as of late.”
“I-I’m sorry to hear that.” he looks at the ground feeling pity for you.
“It’s fine. He’s doing his best and what he’s doing is important. I can’t ask for anything more.”
“Well you’re truly his Angel if that’s how you feel.”
You give a small smile at his usage of Kakashi’s pet name for you.
“So, wanna hang out tonight? I’m gonna drop dinner off at Kakashi’s office but after that I’m free as a bird.”
“I don’t know Y/N”
“Oh, come on Obi, please!” you say putting on your sweetest smile, trying to sway him. “Don’t make me spend another night by myself. I think I might go deaf from the silence.”
“Fine.” he says reluctantly. He could never say no to you. It was an exceedingly frustrating power of yours. “But only if you save some of whatever you’re making for Kakashi. I want a home cooked meal out of this.”
You smile victoriously at him before you say your goodbyes, continuing on your way to the market. Satisfied by your negotiation and excited to not have to spend another night alone in the isolating silence of your recent marriage. 
You open your front door, bags in hand. “Honey I’m home!” you sing pretending that your adoring husband will suddenly appear to take the bags out of your hands and give you a peck on the cheek. 
You let out a sad sigh as you gaze around your empty home. You really missed him. Everything about him. How he’d always greet you at the door with a helping hand. How he’d lean down to kiss you while you sat on the couch. How he’d massage your feet after a long day. How he’d make sure every Wednesday was a special date night. How he’d kiss you after your morning work out together. How you’d get a glimpse of his abs as he raised his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face. 
He was your favorite person in the entire world and he was the perfect husband. The village was indeed lucky to have him. They couldn’t be in better hands. 
Hands that were large with slender, dexterous fingers. Fingers that would graze your hips and slide up your sides as they found their way inside your shirt to grab your-
You shake your head again and wipe you drool opting to focus on the task at hand. You were sure he missed you as much as you missed him. The least you could do is support him by making sure he’s well fed. You busy yourself with getting out the pots and pans. No time to cry, you have a hungry Hokage to feed. 
Everything is made and divided out into containers. You cooked enough to last him a few meals and kept a couple helpings out for Obito. Instead of eating the dish you just prepared, you opted to make yourself a simple sandwich, wanting to save as much of the food for Kakashi as possible. 
You tidy your house (not that there was much cleaning to do given how devoid your home was of its occupants) before packing up a meal to bring to your husband. As you stroll over to headquarters you wonder how long of a conversation you’ll have this time. You wonder if you’ll get to tell him that Obito’s coming for a visit.
Or will it be a simple drive by like lunch?
You were thrilled to find him alone in his office, buried under a stack of paperwork. You sauntered up to his chair and put down his meal as you leaned against the desk. 
“Mmmm, did you bring dessert with my meal?” he says, eyeing you up and down, grabbing your hips as he stands up to tower over you. You lift your hand and slide your finger under his mask about to lower it for a kiss when the door opens yet again with three shinobi barging through. The two of you drop your hands and Kakashi sits back down in his chair.
“I’ll leave you to your work sweetie.” you say with a pat to his shoulder.
He lifts his hand to rest it on yours. “Tomorrow maybe.”
You give him a half hearted smile, knowing that ‘maybe’ means ‘no’ but you didn’t want him to feel guilty so you pretend that it’s okay and you quietly exit his office.
Once out of sight you let a few tears trickle down your cheeks. It had been days since you so much as kissed your husband. The loneliness was starting to consume you. Each interaction left you feeling more alone than the last. You felt a pressure on your chest. You couldn’t shake the feeling and it caused you to hiccup during your walk home. 
You stride up to your front door to see a mildly annoyed Obito waiting for you. You smile upon seeing him but his face drops into a look of deep concern.
“Y/N, what is it? What’s wrong?”
You realize he must have caught a sliver of your unhappiness before he had brightened your mood.
“It’s nothing.” you say unconvincingly as another hiccup follows your response.
“It’s not nothing. You know better than to lie to me.”
“It’s okay Obito. It’s not something that can be helped.” you say moving past him to unlock the door. Another hiccup betraying your attempts to seem fine.
The two of you step inside when Obito spins you around placing both arms on your shoulders. 
“You’re not fine. What’s going on?” 
He gives you a serious stare.  You fold and let out a deep breath. Feeling the tears brim along your lash line, you squeak out, “I- I just- I miss my husband.”
His heart ached. You were the sweetest little flower. Always so pure, with a heart made of gold, reserved just for Kakashi. Of course his absence would affect you more. How could it not? He had the distraction of taking care of the village while you were the one sleeping in an empty bed.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t think about how lonely it must be for you.”
“It’s silly, I know.” you say ashamed, wiping your eyes.
“It’s not silly. It’s human.” He gives you a hug. “Well…I’m here now. Care to do something together?”
“Yes please.” You speak into his chest.   
He laughs at how adorable your muffled request sounds before letting go.
You stride over to your closet and pull out a couple board games. “You interested in playing any of these?”
A malicious grin tugs at the corners of his lips as he looks up at you. “You’re really gonna let me choose?”
You laugh already knowing which game he is gunning for.
“Go ahead. You know you want to.”
For the first time in months laughter filled your home. Effortless conversation flowed between you and your old friend. Warmth that had been absent for weeks occupied the room. 
Obito was relieved to see you smile. Happiness suits you. You fill the room with joy when you smile, no matter where you are or what you’re doing. When you’re happy it infects everyone around you. Seeing you anything but happy brings an uncomfortable tightness to his core. 
“Y/N, I’m sorry I haven’t been checking in on you.”
“It’s not your responsibility, Obito.”
“Yes it is. I’m your friend and I work with Kakashi. I knew how much he’d been sleeping at the office. I should have come over sooner.”
You look at the board in front of you not wanting Obito to see your eyes mist up so easily at the reminder of your loneliness. He reaches over and grabs your hand.
“I’ll be back tomorrow. If Kakashi’s home I’ll leave you two be, and if he’s not, you can take your shot at redemption.”
You glare at him with a smile,“You little shit.” He always got so cocky when you played board games together, but the relief of knowing you would have company was clearly visible to him. 
You walk him to the door to wish him goodbye. He pulls you in tight and kisses the top of your head. “It’ll all be okay. It’s just temporary.”
“That’s what I keep telling myself.”
Though he felt genuinely terrible for you, he couldn’t help but savor the hug. You were so beautiful and Obito wished he could hold you like this all the time. 
You never knew about Obito’s feelings for you. He had them ever since puberty. You were always pretty, but you grew into a real beauty around the age of fourteen. Obito certainly wasn’t the only boy to notice you either. However, being your friend, he already knew which boy had taken a hold of your heart, and Obito knew from a young age that he never stood a chance. 
Despite what a little prick Kakashi was back in the day, Obito also knew Kakashi had feelings for you too. You were one of the only classmates he was respectful towards and he sometimes would give you a compliment or words of praise. Something his arrogant younger self did seldom. It wouldn’t be till much later that he actually began to pursue you. Obito never told Kakashi about his feelings towards you, but he’s sure Kakashi still knew. Shortly after the wedding he asked for an uptake in missions, not wanting to be around to witness your marital bliss. He needed space to get over you and the missions stood to occupy his mind while he did just that.  He would never do anything to jeopardize your relationship though. He supported you both. 
Yet now here you are, warm in his arms, body pressed up against his. He chuckles knowing his younger self would have fainted. Regrettably you let go of him and it was time to leave you be.
When Obito left you turned to face your empty house. The silence is as excruciating as ever. You clean the dishes and put away the boardgames. You brush your hair and teeth, dress in your pajamas and slip in between the covers to spend another night alone. You roll over to look at Kakashi’s side of the bed. You imagine him laying down next to you. Stroking your hand and kissing the back of it to say goodnight. You let out a deep sigh before closing your eyes and drifting off to sleep. 
The next morning you whip up breakfast, pack it in a container and go find your husband. You turn the knob of Kakashi’s office and open the door to find him asleep at his desk. Softly snoring with a small drop of drool wetting his mask; he looked so peaceful. You didn’t want to wake him so you quietly placed his breakfast near him before brushing his hair out of his face and planted a light kiss on his forehead.
“Maybe I’ll catch you at lunch, love” you whisper to him and with that, you retreat to your home. 
Obito catches you on your way out the building. He sees the defeated look on your face and knows, once again you were unable to spend time with your husband. He had never seen you look so sad. He started to worry about you. 
Predictably, Kakashi could not come home. He spent another evening in his office while you spent the evening with Obito. Not only could he see how lonely you are but he could see how badly you craved intimacy. Intimacy in any form. Be it a kiss, a hug, or just holding hands. He could feel the tension in your chakra. It was so thick that it started to stir desires in him that he had long suppressed. He needed to alleviate your frustration, to save your marriage. If Kakashi wasn’t careful he may lose you. You have needs after all. If he wasn’t going to pay his wife any attention, you may look elsewhere. Luckily Kakashi happened to have a friend ready and willing to help. 
What Obito told you was true. He could do the mind transfer jutsu just fine. He was adding onto it. Instead of just taking over the body while the other person sat passenger side observing what was happening, he was working to make it so that the mind of the possessed person believed they were making the choices of their own accord while Obito was in full control. Less of a mind transfer jutsu and more of a mind control jutsu. This would be a perfect time to test it out.
Your needy body would finally be taken care of by your absentee husband while he, Obito, did all the things to you he had always wanted to.
…for the sake of your marriage of course. 
While you turn on the television, he puts his arm around your shoulders and pulls you into him. 
“Don’t worry, Y/N, I’m gonna make sure he takes the night off tomorrow.”
“Pfff, good luck.”
“I’m serious. I’ll make sure of it. Even if I need to stay at the office in his place. I’ll make sure me and Shikamaru have it covered.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it, Obi” you retort as you lay your head against his chest, feeling the comfort of having literally anyone to lean against. 
He kissed the top of your head before facing the tv, allowing his mind to swarm with all the memories of things he’s wanted to do to you over the years. A cloying smile involuntarily splitting his face. 
The next afternoon Obito strutted into Kakashi’s office.
“Hey Obito, how can I help you?”
“You’re spending the night with your wife.”
Kakashi looked down, feeling guilt weigh on him.
“You haven’t been home in days and you smell. Go home and take a shower.”
“I just took a shower in the Anbu locker room this morning!”
“Fine. You haven’t been home in days and you have bags under your eyes. Go home and take a nap.”
“What’s up with you?”
Obito turns to ‘look around the room’ while he discretely weaves hand signs before turning back towards Kakashi. He faced Kakashi, leaning over the desk so his eyes were inches from him. 
“I think it’s a good idea to go home, can you stay behind and cover me, Obito?”
And like a hypnotized parrot Kakashi repeats, 
“I think it’s a good idea to go home, can you stay behind and cover me, Obito?”
Obito smiles as Kakashi stands up and walks around the desk. Obito had Kakashi shake his hand and leave the room. As he does, Obito takes a seat in Kakashi’s chair and closes his eyes to sit back and enjoy the ride as he steers Kakashi home towards your sweet arms. 
Standing outside your home Obito digs the keys out of Kakashi’s pocket and opens the door. He can hear the shower running in your en suite bathroom. He closes the door behind him just as you turn off the water. 
Obito’s heart begins to flutter. She’s already naked. He quickly strides over to catch you drying yourself off with a fuzzy towel.
 You look marvelous. More beautiful than he even imagined. Your perky mounds hanging just a little lower without the support of a bra, nipples stiffened from the cold air outside the warm shower, they stood at attention for his gaze. Your waistline cinched in before filling out around your hips where your glutes rounded your frame. Thighs plush and grabable thinning out towards your ankles where polished toenails adorned your feet.
“Babe?” you say in complete surprise as you look back at your husband staring at you more intensely than he ever has in his life.
“Oh hey baby!”
“Baby? Since when do you call me baby?" You say, still shocked that your husband is standing in your home and has the most bizarre look of hunger on his face.
“Sorry Angel, I’m just so tired. I forgot myself.” Obito says stretching Kakashi’s mouth into a warm smile
“Oh, if that’s the case, I’ll warm up some food so you can eat and go to bed.” 
You wrap the towel around your chest, walking towards Kakashi to get clothes from your bedroom dresser. Obito stops you with Kakashi’s arm against the doorframe.
“Actually, if I’m gonna eat, I can think of something I’d like instead.” 
He felt ridiculous saying it, but he’d always wanted to try a bold line like that with you. At least that’s how he imagines it in his fantasies.
You give him a devious smile through your lashes. Thank gods!
You lunge upwards locking your lips onto your husband's mouth, arms wrapped around his neck as your towel falls to the floor. Obito feels Kakashi’s entire body set on fire. He needed to be rid of these pesky clothes ASAP. Before he places his hands on you, he’s pulling off his jacket and tugging down his pants while you pull off his shirt. He wanted to feel your soft bare skin against his toned chest. 
Bodies completely barren, Obito cannot get enough of your taste as Kakashi’s body stands up to his full height. Hands greedily exploring your skin, Obito had never known perfection till he touched you. 
Pent up sexual frustration made you eager. You kissed down your husband’s body as you sank to your knees. Lips delicately kissing along each muscle during your descent. Obito could feel your warm breath on Kakashi’s chest. His heart was fluttering at the sensation and he almost lost himself with the excitement of what was about to happen next.
You settle on your knees before him, hand around his base and mouth kissing his tip. You take in only the head while your tongue toys with the slit. Obito’s eyes roll back into Kakashi’s skull. You were masterful with your tongue. You hand stroked his shaft while your mouth kept playing, focusing the suction on just his end. 
“Fuuuck, Angel.”
Your bright eyes beam up at him with a less than angelic gleam. You enjoyed this. You liked manipulating him with your mouth. You enjoyed how it was making his knees weak and causing him to lean on the wall. He did not expect this from you. 
He placed Kakashi’s hand on the back of your head, gently pushing you down on his length. You gladly accepted, allowing your nose to kiss his silver happy trail. Obito couldn’t help but give out a choked groan. It sounded so strange hearing him groan in Kakashi’s voice but you took him so well and the sensation of your throat tight around the end of his shaft was beyond anything he had ever dared to imagine. 
Without asking, you bobbed back and forth, dick sliding in and out with ease as you kept your mouth wide open. You let the slobber pool around your bottom lip and spill onto your chest and thighs as you sink back on your heels. 
Wanting you to go faster, he twisted your hair into a ponytail and guided you along at a quickened pace. The lewd noises of your throat closing around his tip over and over again rang through the air. His cock began twitching. He was about to cum. Dammit, not yet!
Feeling him twitch, you reach up and massage his jewels, only making it harder for him to contain himself. No amount of restraint could stop it from happening. He felt the seed gush out of his tip and swirl around your throat before you swallowed it. Your throat closing around his softening dick as you did. 
You stand up, a little bit of drool mixed with cum falling out of the corner of your mouth as you smile and wipe it off.
“Very good baby. You ready to give me round two?”
Round two?! Obito thought. Is this normal for them? Sure enough, as the thought formed, so did the erection swelling and pushing its way between your plush thighs. 
Thank gods Kakashi can go multiple rounds back to back. Now I can really play. 
He corners you in the room, caging you against the wall with his arms. You have a look of fear in your eyes that has excitement etched behind it.
“What are you going to do to me Daddy?”
Obito could feel Kakashi’s nipples stiffen at the pet name. He reached out Kakashi’s hand and enclosed it around your slender throat.
“I’m going to tie you up and abuse those beautiful holes of your’s.”
Your eyes were set ablaze. 
Closing the fingers tighter around your throat, he leans down and whispers in your ear. 
“Now go get the rope, slut.”
You moan and try to crane your head to kiss him. He squeezes harder and tuts. 
“Not till you bring me your bindings.”
The weight on your throat is released. You scamper over to where you keep the condoms, lube, cuffs, and rope. You grab the bundle and return to a waiting Kakashi. Silver hair looming above you, scarred face looking down with lust, as his lips hungrily curl above his beauty mark. Your inner thighs were a mess, thick slick coating them in excitement.
You face away from him and hold your hands behind your back. He ties around your wrists and runs the rope in between them. You give a small moan as the knot tightens. Obito felt Kakashi’s pulse quicken. Maybe he could take this a step further.
“You like that don’t you.”
“Mhm” you whimper
Obito has Kakashi pull the rope tight around your elbows and torso, knotting your arms in a shibari pattern. 
When the fuck had Kakashi learned this?!
You were on the verge of cumming before he even touched between your legs. When he was done he pushed you down on the bed. Your face planted into the soft mattress and your rear was raised high in the air. Kakashi swatted your bottom and you let out squeals of pleasure. 
“Does my little slut like that?”
“Yes Daddy.”
“Well you shouldn’t!” he scolds with a heavy spank.
You scream in a mix of pain and pleasure.
“Look how wet you are for me. Mind if I have my meal?”
You nod with your face still smushed into the mattress.
Obito dives in anxious to know how you taste. It was sweet with a hint of a tangy aftertaste. How could it not be sweet? It was you. He could feast down here for hours. You had so much cum to lap up from your weeks of pent up desire. He hoped that he could keep a hold of Kakashi’s mind long enough to taste it all.
He licked your thighs clean first. Enjoying your moans as Kakashi’s velvety tongue ran up your sensitive skin. Then he tickled your bud as he pointed his tongue, letting it sink into your hole while it made its way from your clit to your rear, gathering as much of your sweet cream as it could. His tongue scoops out the white dessert from between your folds and he can hear you hyperventilate with pleasure. He looked down at your feet and saw how your toes curled. He did that. He made your toes curl. 
“Ah! Please! Fuck me Daddy!”
Obito had Kakashi flip you over, your body resting on top of your bound arms, your knees propped up and spread open. 
“Not till I taste every last drop.” He husks into your heat. 
A trail of goosebumps visible on your abdomen. He kneels on the side of the bed and pulls you down into his face as his nose nudges against your ticklish bud. Sucking and slurping you squirm from the stimulation. You scream praises and thank him for how he spoils you. His ears ringing with satisfaction. He starts rutting against the side of the bed, needing friction against the length between his legs.
Finding the will to stop, a large hand slaps down against your sex causing you to flinch. Your pitiful cry was enough to make precum leak onto the bedspread. 
Lining up with your slit, he pushes between your folds. His vision goes white and for a moment he thinks he lost control of the jutsu. But he can still feel you. No, he’s still in control. He takes a deep breath that is broken up by a shudder as your walls swallow every inch. 
I’m only marrying a girl if she feels exactly like this. How does Kakashi ever leave her alone? I don’t think I’d be able to leave the bed.
Vision coming back, he looks down on you. You’re biting your tongue anxiously waiting for his thrusts. A crooked smile twisting onto his face, he gives a punctuated thrust that scoots you up the bed. 
“Is that what you were waiting for?” 
He does it again.
You nod pathetically. 
“My little slut needed some friction?”
“Yes Daddy.”
His grin widening, he thrusts into you with all of his might. It was violent. How you were able to handle his passion amazed him. You should be split in half by this but instead your eyes roll back in enjoyment. Kakashi certainly kept this bit of information to himself. No worries, he knows your dirty little secret now.
Stacking your knees on top of each other, he lays you on your side, continuing his assault. Your sounds filled the room. He covers your mouth to hear how cute you sound muffled by his hand. His fingers feel as tears prick at the corners of your eyes. 
“Yes, take it.”
You allow your head to collapse onto the bed as a guttural groan falls from your lips.
Obito looks over at the scented candle lit beside the bed. He pushes your shoulder back down so you are on your back, legs sprawled. A mischievous grin graced his face before you caught the glint of danger that flashed across Kakash’s eyes as he reached for the candle. 
You bite your lip in anticipation of what happens next. Length still filling your needy walls, he tips the candle so that melted wax drips onto your chest. You feel it sear your skin as it drips to your nipple. He tilts again. Your hips buck up as you pull air between your teeth. Kakashi’s mouth grunts as he feels you constrict around him from the pain. Your eyes burn with lust, daring him to keep going but he can’t contain himself. Obito resumes his earlier pace as he watches the wax harden on your tits. 
All he can think as he drives into you is how can Kakashi stand to be away from you instead of doing filthy things to your perfect body? Sweat rolls down his arms and chest. Squelching emits from between your legs. Mewling from your lips. He couldn’t stop himself from dragging in and out of you, even if he wanted to. 
Fingers dig deep in your flesh as he grips you. Desperate to keep your hips flush with his. You preen at the depth of his intrusion while your arms go numb from your bindings. He leans down, needing his lips on yours. Slowing down his thrust so they were long but deep with each inward snap. 
You bit his lip, pulling back as you open your eyes to gaze up at him. You were happy. Your face was tired and fucked out, but you were happier than he’s seen you all week. 
“Am I taking good care of you Angel?”
“Mmm, yes Daddy, thank you.”
Obito begins to peel off the hardened wax while he casually thrust fore and aft. You squirm and clamp down around him as each piece releases. The feeling making him twitch inside of you. 
You gasp as he peels off the wax directly over your nipple. Like ripping off a bandaid, you wince, before his tongue licks soothing circles over your irritated nub. Soft moans of relief fill Kakashi’s ears, running circles of joy around Obito’s mind. 
His arms circle around you while he suckles. His fingers finding their way under the rope, gripping the intricate ties. You gush around him while his tongue flicked over your nubs made sensitive from the removal of the hardened wax. Sealing his lips around them and sucking in hard, you coo for him as slick drips onto the bed underneath where your bodies meet. 
“Mmm, you’re just a little slut, aren’t you? Cumming for me like this.”
“Yes, ah!”
Obito releases you and flips you onto your knees, face again shoved into the mattress. Lining the tip up once more, every inch finds itself buried inside of you. Your vulgar noises are lost in the soft bed as you’re pounded from behind. Thighs colliding with your rear, balls slapping against your swollen bud. You immediately cum, walls fluttering around the length inside of you. 
Obito doesn’t care, he continues to use Kakashi to rail through you, not giving your sensitive cunt a second to recover. You spiral into orgasm again. Toes curling as you screech from the over stimulation. You writhe under him causing him to lose control. Spilling Kakashi’s spend inside of you as he thrusts erratically, milking every drop into your tight hole. 
Still inside, Obito reaches over, grabbing the kunai from Kakashi’s nightstand and cuts through the rope, releasing your arms before collapsing on top of you. You close your eyes feeling comforted by the weight and warmth of his body on top of yours.. Obito peppered kisses on your cheek as you gave your husband the most radiant smile. 
He leaned up looking for the towel you dropped earlier and saw the white milk leak out of you. He groaned at the sight wishing to etch it into his memory forever. 
“Care for another shower?”
You give him a knowing smile trodding after him. You hold each other under the warm spray. Hands playfully exploring the other. Obito hums as you feel Kakashi’s built backside, digging your fingers in as you pull yourself into him. 
He wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on the top of your head and closing his eyes. Obito wanted to stay. He wanted to know what it would be like to lay with you, to wake up next to you, have you cook him breakfast, but he couldn’t risk someone catching him in Kakashi’s office. 
He released the jutsu, knowing Kakashi will sleep well in his bed next to his wife. 
When Obito blinks his eyes, he finds himself back in his own body. He looks down and sees that he’s made a mess of the front of his pants. 
Shit, really?! Well this was an unforeseen side effect.
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lale-txt · 11 months
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❈ 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞, 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐳𝐞 𝐰/ 𝐈𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢 & 𝐠𝐧!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
@nakunakunomi asked: Oh Lale, I am humbly and nervously shuffling into your askbox. Your writings are a true delight and never fail to make me smile, and with your multifandom box opening I just had to dig into my brainstorms and pick something out. Can I ask for something (any format that works best for you) with Itachi and a super clumsy /and chaotic reader? Reader can be fem or genderneutral. They try and organize / prep dates and surprises, but end up hurting themselves (never too bad), spoiling their own surprises, accidentally setting something on fire... just shenanigans all over the place, but all with the best intentions. Thank you so much already for your consideration! If you have any additional questions, or you need to bonk me over the head cause i forgot something, you know where to find me. I hope you have a lovely time writing!
a/n: Hazel! i'm gonna melt into a puddle from your sweet words, thank you so much! you don't understand how excited i was when i read your request, it was right up my alley, hehe. writing this made me fall a bit for Itachi (Uchiha harem when), and i hope i did your request justice! i always get a little nervous when writing a char i've never written before.
word count: 831
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“Does it hurt?”
Itachi holds your hands in his, his kind eyes studying the cuts and blisters on your fingers before he carefully wraps them in band-aids and gauze. Thanks to the soothing balm he applied (and his gentle touch), you aren’t really in pain anymore, but the guilt of almost burning down the kitchen still weighs heavy on your chest. Once you’re all patched up, Itachi helps you down from the kitchen counter you were sitting on and wraps his arms around you, his face nuzzled in the crook of your neck. Both of you let out a long sigh.
“I’m sorry for worrying you”, you mumble and close your eyes for a moment, inhaling his familiar scent while he embraces you. Your fingers run lightly over his back, as if to reassure him that everything’s alright. Itachi laughs quietly and shakes his head. 
“Maybe no kitchen experiments that involve open fire before you had coffee in the morning, hm?”, he teases and places a small kiss on your forehead. Itachi knows you were planning a sweet surprise for him before he had to leave the house; and he’s not mad, he just can’t help but worry because of your clumsiness. He saw you trip over your own feet more often than when he taught his baby brother how to walk, and your talent to set things on fire made him wonder if you had some Uchiha blood running through your veins, because surely this wasn’t just some Katon no Jutsu?
“I wanted to prepare you a bento for today’s mission so you’ll think of me”, you pout slightly and hide your face against his chest. This way you also don’t have to face the pile of dirty dishes in the sink and the half-burnt bento box that you left too close to the stove while you went out in the garden to grab some fresh herbs. Luckily Itachi, light sleeper that he is, had woken up prior from the sound of plates clattering downstairs (and your hushed curses when you cut yourself again) and was quick to put out the small fire when it got suspiciously quiet again in the kitchen.
“Oh, darling”, Itachi sighs. “Look at me.”
With a finger under your chin he slowly lifts your head up, making you look him in the eyes. His gaze was warm and gentle, and you could see all the love Itachi held for you in his heart. It’s as if your name was written all over his heart walls, leaving no room for doubt that you were the only one for him. If only he could carry you with him in the safety of his heart, then maybe you wouldn’t end up clumsily hurting yourself over and over again–his heart was already ablaze for you, anyway.
“I’m never not thinking about you”, he mumbles before pressing a small kiss on your lips, leaving you yearning for more. His voice is low and husky and one hand is still holding your chin up, while his other pulls you closer against him by your hip; no room left between you. “Whether it’s about that sweet smile of yours”–another kiss–”or all the ways you call out my name”–one more kiss, this time deeper–”or when I get to kiss you again because I’m missing your lips on mine always.”
Itachi kisses down from your jaw to the side of your neck, making you melt under his touch and affection. He’s so tender with you; as if you’re the most delicate thing in the world. Sure, you might have tendencies to cause havoc with every step you take, but still–you’re the safest place for his whole heart. It’s you, always you. And if he’s gonna wrap you up in gauze and band-aids for the rest of his life, Itachi will happily do so, because it means you’re by his side and he can hold out a gentle hand to catch you, knowing you’ll always take it.
“Kiss me again, will you?”
And with kisses this sweet, no pain will linger for too long…
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mixelation · 1 year
on the hiraishin in reborn au ->
this isn't necessarily the "canon" i'd use for every fic but: i decided the hiraishin markers can only be used by minato, and also he can only use ones he makes himself. i think with the way i set things up in plasticity, it's probably a chakra compatibility thing, so someone else could paint one using his chakra and then he could use it (and that person couldn't). so During The War kushina was helping him put them on kunai en masse, but "minato can only use ones he makes himself" is how most people understand it
also, the marker itself isn't the technique. it's only a guide for him to use the technique. tobirama's markers look different, so i think the shape of the marker is pretty malleable? he doesn't necessarily have to get every brush stroke exactly right, so he can make them on the fly, but he'd have to retrain himself pretty thoroughly to start using a new type of marker.
i'm going with these rules bc it explains why he left a bunch of markers that never fade all over the place without any anxiety that anyone would steal the technique. it's because it'd be like trying to reinvent a plane using the runway as your guide, and then it wouldn't even be able to use the same runway. like, if you were going to manage it, you were going to manage it regardless of if you'd studied the runway or not, and you'd have to build a new runway to boot.
okay, so. does tori reverse engineer the a plane with just a runway? no, that's nigh impossible. she does something worse. :)
so for mutagenicity i want tori to be a little bit fascinated with time-space jutsu, because they're one of the more complex branches of fuinjutsu, and she's never explored it before. like storage is technically space-time stuff, but also not really. she doesn't know a lot about it.
when she's little and living with the utano clan, someone brings back one of minato's kunai and sticks it in a chakra-proof box they have. and i'm thinking after all the clans merge into a village and orochimaru slowly starts picking off former leadership so he can be the undisrupted ruler of otogakure, tori manages to steal the box. she spends some time studying the kunai and its marker and she's like: hmm yeah if anything this is like 0.8% of a technique. disappointing. she does go to orochimaru and is like: hey when u stole a bunch of konoha techniques did u also happen to steal the hirashin. and he's like omg wtf no. lmao. you tihnk i'd be here if i knew that?? and tori internally is like: hmm yeah he would have killed hiruzen already if he could teleport. or at least be off bothering anko once a week
she gets to learn more about space-time fuinjutsu with kushina because they're using one to transport ibiki. and she's like well why SHOULDN'T i ask about hiraishin what else would a twelve year old do. and kushina is like AAAWW yeah everyone wants to know <3 but it's top secret and also way out of your league baby genin :)
and at the fallout of the mission, when she and deidara have to manually drag ibiki out of the village because the only transport jutsu tori knows requires one other person and that person was kidnapped in front of her and itachi is off saving her, tori is pissed. so she draws minato's marker on a wall and the message "can you find them all? ;)" which is pretty funny psychological warfare in that it makes iwa desperately search every inch of itself for markers that don't exist, but also minato doesn't actually gain access to iwa. (i know, less fun)
but i decided tori doesn't know this when she did it, so when someone explain it to her she's like "WELL WHY CAN'T HE USE OTHER PEOPLE'S CHAKRA" because her whole thing is hijacking other people's chakra. but at this point she has not adequately demonstrated or explain this to kushina OR minato so she gets what they feel is an age and skill appropriate answer and she feels is a deeply condescending non-answer. also minato makes her cool genjutsu proofing seal forbidden >:(
years pass, tori opens up and learns to trust, minato has to forbid a bunch more seals and every day gains more white hairs, etc etc. and i was thinking "if her arc is about learning to trust, we need some moments to Test Her" and "what could give tori a melt down"
so i decided it might be fun to play around with a mission where her teammates straight up leave her for dead. i'm still rotating details, like what exactly happens and how bad it is emotionally. (is it malicious? just a cowardly call? someone picking the mission over tori?) but i have decided it's some other inconsequential non-canon team, and she's "left for dead" but still has enough time to sit there and contemplate that this happened to her but also can't get out. think locked in an underground room slowly filling with water or something.
now, tori is a creature who runs on stress and spite. so these are actually the ideal conditions for her come up with her best ideas. she knows minato's hiraishin markers work as a homing beacon for a transportation jutsu, she knows a shit ton more about transportation jutsu now, she knows the specific properties of his chakra and has done extensive research on how to adjust fuinjutsu to work with different types of chakra, and also she's been spitefully rotating this problem in her brain like a rotisserie chicken, so she's like. actually i can hijack minato's hiraishin.
she draws up his marker and makes a truly cursed seal around it, concentrates on konoha, and voila! she manages to teleport to a forest in fire country.
also, halfway across the country, she's just scared the every loving shit out of minato, who immediately shows up to investigate, rasengan waving.
tori: (SCREAMS)
minato: ???? prove who you are >:(
tori has been freaking out and will continue to freak out for several more days, because she was finally feeling safe, like she had a home, and she just nearly died because actually you CAN'T trust people you haven't thoroughly vetted, and also the goddamn yellow flash just nearly murdered her, and and and---
luckily minato calms down much more quickly once tori stutters out her verification codes. yes, okay. tori figuring reverse-engineering hiraishin was nightmare #1, but actually his TRUE fear should have been someone hijacking his markers because they're in his home and on his family, but that should have been impossible, so thank you tori for showing him true fucking fear. but actually by this point he low-key figured learning True Fear would come from someone on team 4, if not his own family, so why not. so he listens to her barely cohesive story about being betrayed by her team.
because she solved her problem via teleportation, she actually beats the rest of her team home by a week. so minato is like: okay, I believe that you are telling your truth, but as hokage I have to investigate and listen to both sides of the story. so why don't you lay low at my place and we'll wait and see what your team says when they get back. so he dumps her at his house and then goes to look up the new seal that she hooked up remotely??? and yes she did do that, and she DID do it in a cave now completely submerged, and he destroys and at teleports back and has to rethink his life.
(while this is happening, please imagine tori curled up n the uzumaki-namikaze house angrily drinking a juice box while naruto explains a comic he's reading to her)
and i think the eventual conclusion is minato decides he should have been retooling his marker every once in a while and he wants to have konoha-only ones so enemies who've seen his main one can't exploit that flaw, even if the chances of anyone repeating what tori did are EXTREMELY low. unfortunately that does mean he has to basically reteach himself the technique
minato, clapping tori on the shoulder: we can do it..... together <3
(also i haven't decided what happens to Team Traitor, in part because I haven't 100% decided what they do lol)
and so tori's trust in various people is reaffirmed but them acting totally cool even after she broke the hiraishin so bad that minato has to remake it for village security. also her jutsu gets so forbidden they're not even going to make any sort of record of it <3
naruto while they're waiting for minakushi to finish making dinner: why's my dad teaching YOU hiraishin?
tori: i hacked the cloud
naruto: he won't teach ME hiraishin
tori: do you want me to teach you to hack the cloud?
minato, in the kitchen: I HEARD THAT
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yowyowyaoi · 1 year
*Madara and Hashirama, taking their little brothers trick or treating*
Madara: God, what a pain in the ass …
Izuna, dressed as a princess: Quiet, big brother. You know Father said you had to do this.
Madara: I’m honestly surprised thats he let you out of the house wearing that …
Hashirama: I think he looks great! Doesn’t he, Tobirama?
Tobirama, dressed as a ghost: *mumbles something that sounds like “Yeah sure.”*
*the two younger ones go up to a house with a group of other kids, leaving Madara and Hashirama on the sidewalk*
Hashirama: Gotta say, Mads, for someone who claims to hate Halloween so much, you put on a great costume!
Madara: *looks down at himself; he’s wearing a plain white t-shirt that has a half dozen mini cereal boxes glued to it, with plastic knives sticking out of them. red paint is streaked across the shirt like splatters of blood, and across the top is written “Cereal Killer”*
Madara: Better than yours, anyway. What are you supposed to be? A giant turd?
Hashirama: No, you asshole! I’m a tree!
*the younger ones come back to them and they start walking to another house*
Madara: I guess lack of creativity runs in the Senju family, eh? This fool here just threw a white sheet over his head. 
Hashirama: Tobi doesn’t care about costumes or trick or treating … He just wanted to see Izuuuuna. *clasps his hands together and puckers his lips, making exaggerated kissing sounds* Isn’t that right, Tobi?
Tobirama, blushing beneath the sheet: Shut up, Hashi.
Hashirama, to Madara: All night long, it’s “Izuna is coming, right? What do you think Izuna will be wearing? Can you ask Madara what Izuna’s favorite candy is, so I can save all of the ones I get for him?”
Madara, laughing obnoxiously: S-stop Hashi! I’m gonna piss myself! And anyway you’re probably about to make the kid cry!
Hashirama: What? He knows I’m teasing him! Right, little brother?!
Hashirama: *goes to hug Tobirama, but when his arms close around him, Tobirama seems to disintegrate into a puddle and disappear into the ground*
Madara, startled: What the fuck?!
Hashirama, panicking: Oh my god oh my god! What —
*Izuna suddenly disappears in front of their eyes*
Madara: HOLY SHIT WHAT THE HELL?! What kind of voodoo is your brother working?!
Hashirama, in tears: I don’t know but we have to find them or our parents will kill us! 
Hashirama, running down the street yelling: Tobi!! Izuna!!!
Madara: Oi, wait for me!! *runs after him*
*when they’re gone, Tobirama and Izuna emerge from behind a tree, unscathed*
Izuna: Tobi … that was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen! What do you call that jutsu?!
Tobirama: I call it, “Scaring our jerk big brothers shitless no-jutsu.”
Izuna: Well, I love it! *timidly reaches out his hand* Want to finish trick or treating until they figure it out? I bet we can hit up the whole town before they find us!
Tobirama: *blushes and takes Izuna’s hand* Absolutely.
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wing-ed-thing · 1 year
Sasori’s Apprentice Relationship Headcanons
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𓆃 As much as Sasori would hate to admit it, he’s a bit of a sucker for flattery. It won’t get you far, but it might make you think twice before striking you down on the spot
𓆃 He’s rather forgiving when it comes to his craft; in fact, he might even offer you his expertise without you asking. But even then, approaching Sasori for guidance in any sort of capacity is very all or nothing.
𓆃 Puppetry is a more niche sort of Jutsu and Sasori’s main fixation, so showing interest as another creator is enough to gain a sliver of respect. But you would have to be something brilliant for Sasori to take you on.
𓆃 Approaching him and stating who you are and your intentions is enough for Sasori to allow his curiosity to overcome him and get you a match to show your skills. You heard of his skills, and you want to learn. 
𓆃 Innovation. Creativity. Feats of engineering completely unique to you. It is that simple and yet all the more difficult.
𓆃 Even if he bests you in battle, he might offer you an opportunity if you’re impressive. But don’t be confused— it’s your skill and the potential of your art. Not you.
𓆃 If he’s impressed, he would have no issues taking you on. He might even humor you by asking about the specific mechanisms of your puppets. Sasori would show you broken parts of yours and his creations alike, pointing out minuscule details to pick your brain.
𓆃 He has his own form of jargon, so you’ll eventually have to learn his shorthand. Sasori also has a very specific organizational structure for his things which you will also have to learn. 
𓆃 Sasori approaches engineering like a puzzle, taking great amusement and satisfaction in solving complex problems. He takes an almost non-traditional approach to his work in order to form shortcuts. 
𓆃 For someone so analytical, he thinks very much outside the box. His thoughts are oftentimes difficult to follow as a result.
𓆃 If you find two different methods to come to a conclusion, most times Sasori will insist that his is more efficient and better. 
𓆃 To your surprise, he breaks things down fairly well but is prone to leaving out steps or getting frustrated when your brain doesn’t work as quickly as his. 
𓆃 He will not give you answers. Sasori will show you techniques, but when it comes to engineering, he will leave you to figure things out on your own. He believes in struggling, and if you can’t figure it out, “that’s your own goddamn fault”
𓆃 But you can’t be too good. Any perceived true threat will have you struck down the moment you challenge him. 
𓆃 Uninspired. Dangerous. Sasori will pass judgement on you and your creations, and if they don’t meet the standard you’re both being cut at the strings. 
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
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uchiha-namikaze-spawn · 6 months
A type of fanfiction I need that is extremely rare to find is how used the characters are to something.
Like, jutsus, for an example, imagine Boruto (I'm going for Naruto: Next Gen for a better understanding) watching Sasuke and Naruto do signals with their hands too fast for human eye to capture and he stops and just thinks how difficult and how many times these shinobi had to use these hand signs in order to be able to even make it one handed - as its Sasuke case, in which he can even use another person's hand to use jutsus - and Boruto just ignores Kurama, sharingan, etc., etc. and focus on asking Naruto if he even knows what he is doing.
After awhile it must become muscle memory, right? You know you want the result to be a huge tower of water and just effortlessly acts on it, your brain not having to think it through, think about every detail so you don't end up with a small water puddle instead.
I know that Boruto is used with "the fastest you can hand sign the more skilled the shinobi" yadda-yadda but- imagine he has a moment to think out of the box as he analyses his father dueling with his sensei just for the sake of it-
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catwyk · 3 months
long overdue intro post!!!!
🦞general info🦞
im cat (she/her)!!@!!!! i am 18 and im a multifandom artist :p!! i speak english and am learning french, but this account will most likely be only in english
i love love love to talk and i am very active on here and instagram (same user) !!
ask box: OPEN
messages: OPEN
commissions: OPEN ✅️✅️✅️
hit the read more for some more info about myself and whats on this account!!!
🦑some info about me🦑
im bisexual and cisgender :p
im a practicing christian (i dont post about this particularly and i will tag it if i do!!)
ive been drawing since i was maybe 10, digitally since 2018
i live in england (that's as specific as im getting)
i have 4 guinea pigs !! i love my girls so much :)
🐟media i like 🐟
🦀the silt verses
📼the magnus archives
🎮pretty much any indie horror game if theres a video essay on it im into it
✝️faith: the unholy trinity
🥦mob psycho 100
🆘️chainsaw man
🍔dungeon meshi
🦞my non-media interests🦞
🐟marine biology (i plan to do a masters!!!)
🥋ju jutsu (i have been practicing japanese ju jutsu since i was 11!!!!)
🍪baking and cooking
🏋‍♀️weightlifting (dont worry i dont really post about this LOL)
🦐my tagging system🦐
i do not post explicit NSFW images, but i do post gore and nonsexual nudity as well as occasional NSFW textposts which are trigger tagged
all fandoms are tagged with the full series name
catwyk.txt - me talking generally
.txt - general suffix for textposts (eg [the silt versee.txt]
siltposting - silt verses shitposts
yellowposting - malevolent shitposts
pelagicposting - anything related to the ocean!!
my art - self explanatory!!
mutual art - also. self explanatory
mutual oc - once again self explanatory!!
"MAPS" or whatever pedophiles are calling themselves
"loli/shotscons". see above.
transphobes/homophobes (duh)
AI "artists" (you are lying to yourself pick up a pencil)
eating disorder or self harm centric accounts that are not based around recovery
people who are against christianity (unless its for religious trauma reasons!! additionally if you are not vocal about your opinions on christianity i dont mind you interacting with me, i just dont want to be in a space where people are actively hating on my religion lol)
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indigosabyss · 5 months
Dr Stone x Naruto: Senkuu's Side
"Hey, Shiraishi! Can you even pick up that big bag?"
"Did you get your chakra coils transplanted?"
Since the first time Senku was seven years old, he had one go-to method to dealing with bullies: science-ing them away. Preferably with electrical fields.
It was harder to get the components needed in this world - their technological advancement was very inconsistent - but after improvising a little, and making some of them from scratch, he managed it all.
With little ceremony, he set the burlap sack down, letting the contents clank loudly as he whipped the sack off.
The two snickering children leaned closer to the ugly metal box, now gaping.
"The hell is this?" One asked.
"The closest thing to a friend you have?" The other grinned.
Senku grinned, unhooking the funnel attached to a tube that led into the box. He ran one hand over the set of dials and controls on the top.
On twitch, and he pointed it straight at the two bullies. Electricity burst out, bouncing off the walls, and making the two scream and convulse.
It was only for five seconds, no time to do any damage, before Senku was turning it off. Already braced for the scolding that was sure to follow.
Maybe he shouldn't have done this in the school playground, right after it let out. But he couldn't bring himself to regret it.
Except... no scolding came. The teacher was watching him. Eyes flicking between him and the electrified preschoolers lying on the ground.
He ended up being dragged to the Ninja Academy, while his (civilian, he was meant to be on Senku's side here!) teacher ranted excitedly about the device.
"Bottled a jutsu into a metal box! This is incredible potential!" He could hear the ravings from inside.
Senku sighed deeper and slumped down into the chair he'd been pointed towards.
"You look surprisingly upset about being given a special enrollment into the Ninja Academy." One of the passing teachers laughed, "Most people don't get that after failing to meet the enrollment requirements."
"I only did that because my 'parents' made me." Senku replied glumly, "I don't wanna be a ninja."
"Why not?"
What reason was there to enter? But he couldn't exactly say anything that could get qualified as treason, so he noncommittedly mumbled, "Chakra doesn't make sense."
"Oh?" They asked, clearly amused, "Thought a genius like you would have a handle on it already."
"No, it literally doesn't make sense." Senku cut in, feeling his scalp tighten in an almost familiar pain.
People probably thought that he got so worked about chakras because he was so obsessed with engineering. Or maybe, if they had known him before he was Gaku Shiraishi, back before the Green Light, they would say that he was bad at accepting new rules.
This wasn't true. Senku was all for new rules of the universe. Science was reliant on having open minds about possibilities. If those possibilities would be consistent.
"You all say chakra's a type of energy, but it's clearly not. When you use jutsu, what type of push or pull are you using? Ninjutsu maybe I'd give a pass, if you consider the magnetizing effect it has on some natures, but how does genjutsu factor into all of this? Don't even get me started on the Yin and Yang chakra thing. Physical chakra. What is that? Power taken from your muscles?? But how??? What energy is being stored inside?? And as far as I can tell the chakra coils aren't physical, it's all metaphysical, so-"
In the end, Senku gets so worked about it his five year old body started sobbing. And this random chunin instructor started crying too.
Thought he was teasing a little kid but this mf came with receipts.
Anyway yh his reincarnated name is Gaku Shiraishi aka the initial name he had before it got taken away for being "too academic".
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blackbriarsparrow · 4 months
Sakura stood in the doorway of the armory, biting her lip as she gazed at the gleaming weaponry neatly arranged on the wall. There were shelves of shuriken, rows of kunai, boxes full of sharp senbon, another shelf with carefully arranged explosive tags. Short swords and long swords, chains, and ropes, and so much more. She took a step forward, palm sliding over the rack of gray armor vests that were custom among the ANBU. She was already wearing a slim pair of black leggings, and the same single-sleeved black shirt that showed off the ANBU sigil on her right bicep. She still hadn’t reversed the jutsu, and absently touched the mark she had given herself as she contemplated her next move. The armory was quiet, tucked within the mountain walls, and lit only by lanterns that threw a blue-colored light against the weapons. She half expected something to leap from the shadows.
She startled at the irony, but only a little, and turned to see Riku standing behind her in the hallway. He was wearing his lab coat, and pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “What are you doing down here?”
“I could ask you the same,” he said. Riku was not an intimidating man judging by looks alone; she surmised he had been drafted into ANBU on account of his laboratory and medical experience. He’d told her the ANBU handled their own medical needs (unless they were severely injured,) but Sakura rarely saw any of them in the hospital.
Sakura balled her hands into determined fists and squared her shoulders. “I’m going to Rain.”
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Thanks for looking!
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ircn-mvn · 8 months
ItaNaru 1
What if Naruto got kidnapped by Itachi and Kisame...
tw: Stockholm Syndrome, sort of
Naruto had been fourteen when Itachi and Kisame found him. When Sasuke and Jiraya were too late to stop them from kidnapping Konoha’s Jinchūriki.
He was eighteen when Itachi came back from some secret Akatsuki mission, hurt, and chakra depleted, and still ordered him to spar with him. 
He asked Naruto to attack him, over, and over again, despite the fact he barely had enough energy to move, little less avoid Naruto’s jutsus. 
It truthfully distraught Naruto to see Itachi like this. He wanted nothing more than to stop this nonsense and take the other shinobi to one of their secret hideouts. One the other Akatsuki members didn’t know about. One of the many things Itachi was keeping from them.
Naruto felt panic claw at his chest when one of his moves hit a little too well and Itachi ended up practically unconscious on the forest ground.
“We need to -” he started.
“The seal,” Itachi whispered. “It’s going to break. You need to leave. Now.”
Naruto didn’t understand. A quick check had him realize that yes, the seal bonding him to Itachi was on its last limb affected by the man’s depleted state. And yet he couldn’t bring himself to take the opportunity. 
Because, also Itachi did his best not to clue Naruto in, he wasn’t completely stupid. He had picked up on all the time Itachi voluntarily failed Akatsuki missions. On all the times he had convinced the others to not straight up kill Naruto. And the ones where he knew the others had wanted to target Konoha and Itachi had diverted their attention towards other goals. 
Itachi had been a demanding sensei but a gentle caretaker. 
The one time Madara had hurt Naruto, Itachi had walked around exulting a murderous aura for days. 
That and that one time when Naruto had found his old ANBU mask, Itachi hadn’t lashed out or said anything about Konoha. No, he had reverentially put the mask back into its box and hiding place. 
So no, Naruto couldn’t just leave because despite everything he knew deep down that Itachi was still a Konoha shinobi and had always been one.
“No -”
“Naruto,” Itachi interrupted him. “You need to. I won’t be able to protect you this time.”
Hearing Itachi verbalize what they had always kept hidden was a shock.
“You need to go back to Konoha,” he added. “Now, Naruto.”
His heart trying to escape from his chest, Naruto opened and closed his mouth multiple times. He didn’t want to leave. But the rational part of his brain knew Itachi was right. Staying might put them both in more danger than faking an escape. 
It made no sense for him to stay if the seal was broken. 
Naruto nodded, tears building in his eyes. He got up from where he had been kneeling next to Itachi and took a few steps before he said:
“I’ll come back for you. I promise.”
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chidoroki · 1 year
For the queen who killed her father, it's in one of her flash back
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but you were right, it wasn't the king who was with Julius, but it's not clear of "when" it happened.
I thougth that it was just after the promise because she doesn't seems to be the kind of demon who make compromises (even her brother Leuvis is more easy to talk with and it's already a lot)
I'm actually surprised that she waited 1000 years to try to take a genious kid from The One. I don't think that Norman was the only one genious in 1000 years \_(:/)_/ I know that genious are kinda rares but in 1000 years, there had s had a lot of children, some must have been very smart. maybe because now they were more equiped to detect kids like Norman?
Also for Ray's watch, i think i read it in a interview where people asked if Isabella had given gifts to the other children, like she did for Conny, and the answer were yes and that Ray had had a pocket watch and Emma a music box. But sorry i can't find again the link of the interview =(
Ah, you're completely right. Looking back, that's from ch152 and something I clearly had no memory of until now.. oops. It's that flashback of Julius from ch142 that threw me off since he mentions making the deal with the queen, so I thought the demon he faced in those panels was just a younger version of Legravalima, not her father.
Pfftt, Legravalima is definitely the most selfish out of that entire family. Emma was brave enough to try and reason with Leuvis back at Goldy Pond, can you imagine if she had the chance to talk-no-jutsu the queen? It would be the shortest conversation ever. Leuvis entertained Emma's ideas because she brought back some excitement into his life and wanted a thrilling hunt; the queen would straight up just eat her with no questions asked.
It is kinda hard to believe that during all those 1,000 years that no other child managed to reach the level of intelligence that Norman had. I would think that maybe the royals weren't aware of such premium quality meat since they're always offered up to the demon god instead, but there are so many children born each year in order to keep up with the hungry demands of the demon society and Norman is the highest grade ever? Crazy. (Isabella raised him well.)
Ohh, I vaguely remember hearing about Emma getting a music box too.. kinda bummed we never saw it in the manga/anime. It's alright that you can't find the interview! Isabella giving gifts to her children is believable enough.
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mixelation · 1 year
okay i wrote a scene from the reborn au. here's team disaster
Tori sat in the grass, her water canteen propped up between her knees. A stack of mismatched bento boxes Kushina-senei had “lovingly” filled with food sat next to her. Kushina-sensei herself paced the grass in front of Tori, occasionally blocking her view of Deidara and Itachi beating the snot out of each other.  
Tori had been aware, in her previous life, that Itachi and Deidara were simply on a different level from other ninja. Now this knowledge was even more acute. Itachi’s form was perfect and deadly. Deidara’s style was more lax but just as quick and lethal. They frequently blurred in front of her, moving too fast for her eyes to track, and she knew this is just them fucking around because Kusina-sensei told them to spar. She couldn’t imagine a world someone like her could keep up. 
Kushina pouted as she paced, occasionally shooting Tori a look like she expected Tori to do or say something. Maybe she wanted Tori to ask questions, or to demand to be taught the crazy spinning kick Itachi just used to knock Deidara over. 
Tori smiled back at Kushina. It didn’t bother her too much that she wasn’t some sort of genetic freak like Itachi and Deidara. Sure, she’d like to be able to keep her own in a fight if one happened to happen to her, and using ninjutsu would be cool, but her motives for becoming a shinobi of Konoha had very little to do with wanting to kick ass and a lot more to do with wanting a soft, safe bed at night and a whole research department to exploit during the day. 
(Also, Kushina’s cooking was pretty good. The free lunch was a nice bonus.) 
Besides, if Tori decided she wanted to kill some ninja that was out of her league, she’d figure out her own way to make it happen. She’d done it before with less. 
Itachi finally cracked a tree trunk with Deidara’s head, and Kushina-sensei paused her pacing, propping a hand on her hip. Her brows furrowed minutely, but it wasn’t out of concern for Deidara. No, Tori was positive that Kushina-sensei was frustrated because Itachi and Deidara needed no coaching or teaching from her whatsoever. 
Tori felt a little bad for her. Kushina-sensei was kind of pushy and loud, but she enthusiastically presented them with a homemade lunch everyday, and she’d seemed so excited to teach them that first day. It wasn’t fair that she got handed a team with two ninja that were secretly S-ranked missing-nin instead of cute genin who actually needed her guidance. That was why, when Kushina-sensei shot Tori another look, Tori hopped to her feet and clapped her hands together in the world’s worst applause. 
“Nice hustle, Itachi!” she called. 
Itachi turned to stare at her over his shoulder, like she’d said something a little bit stupid. If she didn’t already know him, Tori thought this expression would be a bit intimidating. Unfortunately for Itachi, she’d met infinitely scarier people. She clapped harder. 
Deidara was mostly unharmed, except for maybe his ego. He shoved Itachi as they walked up the hill to meet Kushina-sensei and Tori. 
“Next time we use jutsu, yeah!” Deidara declared. “Then you’ll be eating bark.”
“Uh-uh, not unless we get a higher clearance training ground, you know,” Kushina-sensei chided, now with both hands on her hips. “Okay, since Itachi won, he spars Tori next.”
There was a long, awkward pause.
“I’d rather not,” Tori said. 
Kushina-sensei just raised her eyebrows at her. “Well, you’re gonna,” she replied. 
“I won’t break anything,” Itachi added solemnly. 
“I don’t want to,” Tori insisted. “I don’t see what the point would be.”
She was just going to make a fool of herself. She’d be okay with a proper teaching spar– the kind where the more experienced shinobi carefully guided the spar. She didn’t trust Itachi or Deidara to have the slightest idea how to do this. Kushina-sensei was ordering her to go let Itachi kick her ribs in for no reason. 
“Kid, I am your Jounin sensei, you know,” Kushina-sensei told her, eyes just a little incredulous. “You have to do what I say, no matter what.”
Deidara was looking at her the way he would right before she did any sort of fuinjutsu, like he expected her to accidentally set the grassy field on fire or something. Was talking back to a teacher really so scandalous? 
“Do you need a pep talk, girl to girl?” Kushina-sensei pressed, eyes lighting up in a way that Tori did not want to deal with. 
“Fine, fine,” Tori grumbled. Meeting Itachi’s eyes, she said, “If you do break something, you owe me dinner for a week.”
Itachi faced her the way Deidara had looked at her sometimes, when they’d been renegade ninja buddies for a month. It wasn’t that he thought she was weak or delicate, or even that Tori couldn’t be incredibly dangerous under the right circumstances, but more that he’d already sorted her into a category of non-combatant. There was an uneasiness in his body language, imperceptible to anyone who wasn’t used to reading him. Itachi still thought of her as a civilian, and one he theoretically liked. Fighting her hand-to-hand was as inconceivable to him as it was to her.  
He did proceed to fight her with kiddy gloves on, she thought, because she saw every hit coming even as she failed to dodge. The fight ended with her limping back to the pile of bento, sweaty and bruised all over and slightly embarrassed. This would have almost been better in her old life, where expectations for her taijutsu were in the negatives. 
“Okay!” Kushina-sensei cried, sounding more excited than she should be. “Let’s analyze what happened!”
The analysis was basically just Kushina waving her arms and listing things Tori needed to improve, because Itachi’s taijustu was borderline perfect. Tori opened her canteen and took a long chug of water while Kushina-sensei babbled. A couple of insights were useful, but most of it boiled down to “Itachi is just better than you in every way.” It would be humiliating, Tori thought, if she were actually twelve or if she didn’t already have a history with both Itachi and Deidara. 
It wasn’t completely not embarrassing, though! For once maybe they could do an exercise Tori would excel at, like having a pleasant conversation with a stranger, or what to do if the scroll you stole was sealed up tight. 
Deidara turned his head to hide a smirk at her expense. Tori considered chucking her canteen at him. 
“Oh,” Itachi suddenly said, head whipping round from where he’d gotten bored and turned to watch a dragonfly. “Tori, I’ve been meaning to tell you. Your tree-walking is all wrong.”
Tori stared back at him. “What?”
Kushina-sensei practically exploded with joy at the chance at a teaching moment. They were all ushered down the hill and over to the tree line to watch the incredibly mundane sight of Tori walking up a tree. 
“What, because she’s slow?” Deidara asked, watching as Tori flipped herself over to stand on the bottom side of a branch. The long braid she’s tied up her hair in dangled centimeters from brushing the grass below.
“I think I’m doing fine,” Tori sniffed. Kushina-sensei too seemed confused about what the problem was. Sure, Tori slipped or mistimed the jutsu sometimes, but it wasn’t like she wasn’t getting better and better with practice. 
“No, you’re…” Itachi trailed off, staring at her. Unlike for their spar, he’d activated the sharingan. “You might be doing that in the least efficient way possible. Who taught you?”
Tori glared back at him. She was barely using any chakra to stick herself to trees and buildings nowadays, thank you very much. If she was expected to be even more efficient then she might as well just quit being a ninja now. 
“No one taught me,” Tori replied. “It’s just the leaf exercise but on your feet, isn’t it?”
Kushina-sensei’s eyes widened in horror, and Deidara burst into hysterical laughter. 
“What?” Tori demanded. She was standing on a tree, wasn’t she?!
“Oh, Tori….” Kushina-sensei said. 
As it turned out, tree walking wasn’t just activating and deactivating the leaf exercise to stick plant matter to yourself as you hopped around in a tree canopy, carefully timing sticking and unsticking yourself to the tree with every step. Apparently that was an insane way to do it, and Deidara kept spontaneously choking on his own laughter over how insane a thing to do it was. No, tree-walking only required a thin layer of chakra on the bottom of your shoes, and you could easily stick and unstick yourself without having to constantly adjust it. 
It was a team effort to explain this to her, everyone talking at once. Apparently if you’d already solved a problem in the most cursed way possible, everyone wanted to correct you. Still, she managed to parse what she should have been doing from the cacophony of noise. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Tori demanded of her feet, glaring down at her sandals as she walked up a second tree, this time with about a million times the ease. 
“Wait,” Deidara wheezed, straightening up from where he’d had to lean against another tree he was laughing so hard. “Tori, how have you been water-walking?”
Tori stared back at him, expression dead. “You don’t want to know.”
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senjutsunade · 3 months
Tsunade and Minato Head-canons
Note: Brought to you by the inhabitants of Narnia. Shared with @minaa-munch's Minato, exclusively. Penned by TQ and CI.
❈ Tsunade is Minato’s third cousin from the Yamanaka side. The first time they became acquainted was through an unruly forest sprint at Inoichi’s Genpuku ceremony [see thread]. Ever since then, she is forever known as ‘Tsunade ane’ (or forest onni, depending on when you ask) and he is known as the shrimp (and during moments when she is feeling a tinge of fondness - gremlin) who was Nawaki’s first ever supporter (read: minion) in his bid to become the Hokage.
❈ After Nawaki’s death, she had never expected to have any interaction with the Namikaze. Yet she found herself staring into those familiar and startling empathetic eyes not long after the incident, the young Namikaze seeking her out at the hospital, his silent offering of a box of dango and a hesitant smile somehow making her invite him into her office. It hurt - the reminder that his presence brought. But it was an odd sort of comfort too. 
❈That one interaction somehow turned into them somehow often crossing paths. Once Jiraiya took on a gennin team, it was like Minato somehow decided he had the license to bug the konoichi every chance he could find. His eventual friendship with Kushiha only added to his almost constant presence in her life, somehow. The day she returned home and saw the brat visiting her grandmother, she wasn’t even surprised. Just excessively annoyed. Somehow the gremlin seemed to be immune to her forehead flicks - an excessively annoying ability to have for a gremlin. Ranting about his presence was a recurring theme at the sannin get-togethers for the following weeks. 
❈ Everyone knows Jiraiya has a penchant for spying on females when they least expect it (read: when they are taking baths). As a loyal deshi, Minato would be roped into it too - and was especially useful in bailing his sensei out of trouble (cue the perfected wide blue eyes and quivering bottom lip no jutsu). However, Jiraiya could never spy on Tsunade while Minato was around - every time he tried, he would find his vision blocked by hasty digits followed by a spluttered “that’s my cousin, sensei!”
❈ That isn’t to say that Minato didn’t ship the two. He has tried to play matchmaker multiple times - his attempts only ending when Tsunade threatened to rip his eyebrows off that one time. 
❈ With how often Jiraiya was away from the village, the (annoyingly intrusive) Namikaze somehow had the ability to always find Tsunade (and Orochimaru who had the misfortune of accompanying her) when she was off duty. His questions about fuinjutsu were endless and the two sannin often ended up dealing with fulfilling their annoying teammate’s responsibilities. Minato’s questions were truly endless though and Tsuande often did not have the patience for them after the third one. Ironically it was Orochimaru who was willing to sit through those questions and answer them. Tsunade often mocked the snake sannin over that.   
❈ Minato was one of the few people who would actively visit Tsunade after Dan died - even though the village was still at war and he was often deployed to different units on a periodic note. Tsunade for her part was bitter and angry to the point that almost no one wanted to be in her vicinity (apart from Shizune). Jiraiya was already not in the village and with Tsunade off the active roster, Orochimaru ended up landing more missions and was not in the village long enough to look after her. Where Shizune stayed with Tsunade to take care of her, Minato would come around in the evenings to talk to her and ‘convince’ her to come back. Since both of them would need to coordinate at times, Shizune and Minato maintained a form of correspondence through his summons. 
Minato happened to be the last person Tsunade saw before she and Shizune left the village later one night, unable to face his sympathy or his belief that things could still somehow get better. 
❈ Tsunade is Rin’s first counsel when the Genin expresses her desire to become a medic nin, but is unwilling to drop out of her genin team to officially join the medical division. Tsunade and Rin talk for hours, and Rin eventually leaves the conversation with some of Tsunade’s scrolls and notes. 
❈ A lot of things happened at once after Tsunade’s departure from the village; Obito and Rin died but Konoha won the war. Orochimaru left soon afterwards and Minato was expected to take on the title of ‘Yondaime’. Through it all, Minato would often send little notes and messages through his correspondence with Shizune, only to get no replies from the Senju herself - just Shizune’s responses and assurances that they were alive and well, and would visit when they got the chance. 
❈ The day Tsuande got the news of Minato becoming the Yondaime, she laughed like a maniac. Then she wept bitterly. She wanted to be happy but there was too much pain within her that she couldn’t be rid of. Jiraiya’s presence was, for once, a blessing. It was one of the few nights the female Senju truly got drunk. The second time that happened was the night she got the news of Minato and Kushina’s death. That night she couldn’t even cry. She simply felt numb. Her dreams were haunted by whispers of ‘Tsunade ane’ for months to come. 
❈ The moment Tsunade saw Naruto, she knew exactly who he was. And the sight was like someone stabbing her. Her anger towards Naruto was indeed because of his idealistic view of the world and his proclamation of becoming the Hokage that kept grating on her nerves - it was because the words were haunting but also because Naruto did not understand how those were the exact words Kushina had often screamed at her nor how when Naruto would look at her in contemplation or concern, he was reminding her of another blond she wished she had been kinder to.
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leesakuweek · 2 years
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LeeSaku Week 2023 (March 20 - March 26)
Love is blossoming in the first week of spring! Come participate in LeeSaku Week 2023 to celebrate this underappreciated ship!
Daily Prompts
Day 1 ~ Promise || Free Day
Day 2 ~ Dreams || Jutsu
Day 3 ~ Seasons || Healing
Day 4 ~ Bloom || Mission
Day 5 ~ Any AU || Tears
Day 6 ~ Dedication || Swap
Day 7 ~ Strength and/or Weakness || Heart
We have two prompts for each day of the event. Please choose between them, combine them, do them both separately, skip days entirely, repeat the same prompt more than once, whatever inspires you! (Day 1’s Free Day prompt means you can do whatever you want for that specific prompt.)
All LeeSaku content is welcome, in any form and medium. We look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with!
Please see our Rules/FAQ before participating and send us an ask or message if you have any other questions!
If posting to AO3, here is our AO3 Collection.
Late entry period is until April 16th. (But posts will still be reblogged until the last day of spring June 20th.)
Please consider reblogging this post to spread awareness of the event! Thank you!
If you are on Twitter, we would also appreciate a retweet to spread the word there too!
Follow our Tumblr blog for pre-event activities!
See below the cut for additional event information and the Bonus Bingo Board:
We have a Bonus Bingo Board to go with the Daily Prompts if you want to make things a little more interesting. This part of the event is optional.
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For each Daily Prompt you complete, you can check off one box off the Bonus Bingo Board! Turn in your Bonus Bingo Board to us at the end of the event if you complete a whole row!
(Are things getting hard trying to match the Daily Prompts with the Bingo Board boxes? As a hint, we left an exploit in the rules so you may use Day 1’s Free Day or any other prompt multiple times if you wish.)
Daily Prompt Champion & Bingo Board Champion
If you are able to create something for each one of the seven Daily Prompt days, you will be awarded the title of Daily Prompt Champion. If you get at least five in a row in the Bonus Bingo Board, you will be awarded the title of Bingo Board Champion (and extra bragging rights if you get more than one row complete).
For both titles, we will create a showcase post of all of your work you submitted for the event and tag it as “#leesakuweek champions” where there will always be a part of the blog to show you off. If you wish, in this post we can also plug any of your socials or anything else you wish to show our support and appreciation. :)
Art Assets Credit: jynosawffuenp, aegisowl
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
I think you mentioned once that Shisui actively sucks at real magic, but gets results anyway by using it like chakra, can you expand on this? I am a massive sucker for magic systems and also pretending you know stuff but you're just faking it in fics. Are there certain things Shisui can't do with magic? are there certain things that Shisui's weird technique allows him to do that magic normally can't? Does Hermione ask for a description of his spellcasting and his description makes her even more confused about Shisui than before? Also, does Shisui just know enough jutsu he can slap together it in a way to match the spells? Is that just how he does stuff????
I think it's like a Venn diagram? So you have chakra and magic and where they overlap...it gets...messy
So shisui doesn't have chakra any more, right? And magic works differently, you can't augment your muscles etc in the same way, so Shisui knows it's different. For magic that is totally new, like idk cleaning charms, Shisui learns the proper way to do the spell and it's all okay.
But where it can overlap, where he does have memories and instinct to do these things another way... It's harder. A mental block, in some cases, and a shortcut in others.
Note: chakra fills the body through channels like veins and has been proven to expell through the skin wherever it's focused (with hand signs). Magic, however, is more centered and wild and therefore usually requires a focus, mainly a wand or staff, to direct it like a stream tapping into a well of energy rather than energy circulating on its own. Accidental magic (you don't get accidental chakra really) is an outburst caused by high emotions.
a cheering charm. Shisui was a master of Genjutsu even without the sharingan, so casting an illusion of a feeling would feel much more natural and he would struggle not to give into that for the same result.
A stunner. This is more hands on, since Shisui would want to use either physical force or an illusion to force unconsciousness.
Elemental spells. Aguamenti... Even fiendfire would be dangerously easy to someone like Shisui because he is very familiar with elemental manipulation.
Transfiguration, like a bird into a water goblet, would be hard. It's new material, technically, but the temptation to make it a Genjutsu of another thing? Shisui would probably start doubting his own senses after a while haha
So, basically, Shisui is a normal if powerful student for everyday things but the moment spells could be made more effective... Or sabotaged... By his memory of chakra manipulation, then things start getting messy.
Hope that helped, I was making it up as I went!
Edit: Hermione is absolutely losing her tits over Shisui's 'tripping-balls-but-gets-results' grades holy shit is the rat really a snuff box or has he just manipulated perceptions of reality again 😵🤬
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justalazywriter · 2 years
Hi! hope you are well, I saw your ask box was open! I was wondering could you make a fem! reader x kakashi, with a mix of both fluff and angst? A plot could be the fem! reader having nightmares about her traumatic past and her near death experience and kakashi comforting her, and the fem! reader rejects out of trauma response, but kakashi calms her down (by saying he also had nightmares, etc..) and they have a cute intimate ending where the kids and hug and fem! reader cries and smiles she’s finally at home safe with the man she is deeply in love with!
Thank you! I thought it was a nice story I haven’t seen people write on!
Soooo i don't like kids so I'm gonna leave that out lol . Anyways a really nice idea but I'mma change it a bit .
Requests open
Tw: near death experience, mention of wounds and blood
A/n: I'm sleepdeprived and I'm not too happy with the result but lmk in the comment or in requests how you liked it or what i should improve
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The battle was going to be lost . They can't win , no it's impossible. They were not only outnumbered by a kind of Shinobis they've never seen before but also badly wounded from they fight they had yesterday .
While Y/n blocked an attack she quickly glanced over to Kakashi who had enough trouble keeping up with the 3 foes (enemies for those who don't know it) and his broken arm and wounded leg didn't make it any easier . She glanced back to her enemies , one busy doing a jutsu but she couldn't figure out Wich one it was ,as a pain in her left upper arm distracted her and actually managed to make her lose balance. A kunai stuck in it but before pulling it out the other who who was busy "casting a jutsu" actually stormed to her with a greats word in his hand . She was able to dodge the enemy with quickly rolling to her side Wich violently got the kunai out and getting up.
She saw the enemy throw something at her and automatically dodged it but luck wasn't on her side . The one who stabbed her with a kunai stood behind her now and held a middle long knife , half the size of a rapier at neck . After weird weapon for a Shinobi to carry around but there was no time to wonder as she now was trapped and a wrong action could cause her death .
Kakashi noticed that and his guard dropped for a split second enough for him to be tackled and made him eat dirt but that didn't matter for him at all this moment.
The other 2 casually strolled over to you while the third one just gave Kakashi a warning :" you move , she's dead" the man holding him down hissed .
You were speechless , the cold steel on your neck , right at one of the most important vein , scaring you . However the other shinobis weren't that speechless ...
" tell us where that kid with the fox beast is and we'll let you live" , the one infront of you spoke . But you couldn't do that , you saw Naruto as your brother .
As you tried to shake your head some other shinobis emerged from the bushes and from a tree one shot a needle (those things used next to ninja stars) right into the arm that held the knife at your neck but out of shock the enemy accidentally cutter your neck and blood started to flow out .
The enemies fled, even the wounded one after recollecting himself , not wanting to deal with the other five Shinobi.
You fell to the ground . You lost enough blood yesterday when a kunai was stabbed into your led striving a vein and in this fight too so the strong blood flow from the cut on your neck didn't take long to make to weakly fall to the ground , still conscious but not able to put any strength into getting up.
You saw Kakashi running to you as you vision slowly faded to black , you heard him scream through some sobs your name .he held you as you mind started to shut off. Then another voice , you didn't hear what they said , you blacked out with the last thought "i guess this is where it ends" .
You were woken up by Light and muffled voices . A soft mattress beneath you and a blanket over you with something heavy on it.... You opened your eyes slowly. They fell shut multiple times , they felt so heavy but after few seconds you managed to make them stay open. First staring at the ceiling , seemed like a hospital then you looked down to your stomach slightly lifting your head , a pain reminding you that there once was a wound on your neck . You saw grey hair on your left side , Kakashi slept on you . Well halfway on you . You slowly looked to your right and noticed narutos head more on your lap . He was definitely sleeping , you heard him snorring . Then you looked more to your right side and saw Sasuke sitting on a chair next to Sakura but he was starring out the window .
Not for long tho as he felt someone other than Sakura watching him , he turned to you and said "y/n you're awake!" In a slightly happy tone getting Sakura's attention back to you . She was the one to wake Kakashi and Naruto by saying your name a little too loud . Sasuke was the first one to stroll over and hug you since Kakashi and Naruto were busy waking up fully even tho Kakashi was faster than him. "Y/n!" Kakashi cheered hugging you , a little too rough but it was clear by that alone how he missed you . Sakura followed and last but not least Naruto woke up fully and finally realized you're awake.
He literally jumped on you to hug you . Oh that sweet yellow haired kid . After some talking the three students decided to leave you both alone to give you a chance for a private talk . "I was so scared you would die... Luckily there was a healer with them who was able to close your wound before you lost enough blood to die." The explained while holding your hand . "Do you still remember the fight ?" Your partner asked and you slightly nodded " a bit" you added in a whisper
"okay . Well I'm glad you are finally awake now " he smiled and countinied " , you were out for 2 days and in that time they found out what those Shinobi were" kakashi explained . "And?" You asked voice a bit louder now . "They are called black hunters and are a bunch of Shinobi. Pretty dangerous , they have their own Justus , are pretty good in battle and they are after Kurama " he spoke while looking at were your wound has once been :" they would've killed you if we weren't lucky enough other Shinobis found us" he whispered
You smiled :" don't think about that , I'm here now alive and ready to get out of here." "No not yet , the doctor said to may have to stay 24h after you wake up for further observation " he explained before pulling down his mask :" but I'll keep you company " he kissed you and you heard a gag coming from the door. Naruto was spying and you both laughed before kakashi pulled out his book and covered your faces from narutos view as he kissed you longer :" you have no idea how much I'm thankful that healer saved you"
Let's just say Naruto was getting sick of gagging and left to get some ichakaru ramen . One day later your were able to go home , Tsunade gave you and Kakashi a week off wish was spent cuddling and reading or cooking together
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