#ask acepony
Pony prom 2020
The arrival- Featureing Aurora from @ask-acepony
The carriage ride to Silver Shoals was rather uneventful, all things considered. A landscape going by outside the window? All standard fare in the life of a Royal Guard that travels on occasion, but the destination for this one was far from uneventful. This year’s Pony Prom was promising to be its most romantic yet.
For the occasion, the guard wore his golden mane back in a braid and steeled his icy blue eyes on the pretty unicorn mare that was even now adjusting his blue suit and light pink boutonniere. A smile pursed his lips as his silvery magic affixed a lilac and purple corsage to her golden bracelets. Despite being ‘late’, the two were more than happy to take this time to make sure they looked their best before they arrived. It's a fashion pony thing.
His date’s multi-colored mane was already amazing as it usually was, no need for anything too fancy, not this time. He liked her mane in its natural state anyway. She agreed. Besides, when you have accessories as intricate as she wore, your hair is likely the least concerning thing. Her deep blue feather dress was ‘simple’, the gold accents were not. Not only did they look pretty, they also hid the secret harness she was wearing as well as her mane framed her face. Said harness was holding a pair of hoof crafted wings of their design. Blue bleeding into orange was the color of her feathers, and they twitched and moved like any set of pegasus wings should.
Before, they were but ‘simple’ accessories, but when the two Unicorns put their heads together they made something extraordinary and she has been wearing it a bit more frequently to get used to the feeling of having that extra weight swinging around. She gave it fashion, he imbued it with function. Together, they made functioning prosthetic wings that can look just as good as the real deal for pegasi, and for non ponies they made a fashion piece that had no equal!
Truly their partnership was able to flourish for those in the know, but alas the details had to be kept under the rug. This was a TUMBLR matter, so they had to be careful with it. But that didn’t stop them from trying them out and experimenting until they had perfected the design in their free time. Maybe someday the public at large in her world will know about these? But today was probably not that day.
No it was definitely not today, as they had a Prom to attend. It's not often their busy schedules allow them to meet up like this, much less spend at the very least two days together. That's why they took the time to bring out the best they had to offer. It was a special occasion for many reasons.
With her work done and them both satisfied with appearances, the two returned to their seats and let out a long sigh. They actually managed to finish preparations before they arrived! That was quite the rarity when it came to their conflicting schedules.
One unicorn turned to the other and commented, “I see you have gotten used to the wings, Aurora. Tonight will be the true test of their enchantments.”
The other unicorn, Aurora unfurled one of ‘her wings’ and examined it closely, “I cannot say I´m completely used to them, Platinum. Flapping them still feels awkward. It’s like having a second horn and third horn, except… Floppy.”
He chuckled at her remark, “That's a vivid analogy, but not inaccurate. It was like that the first time you wore them too, but unlike that time they won’t fall apart hours after the Prom ends. I made sure of it.”
She folded up the wing again and placed it firmly against her side where it belonged, “Your note said as much. Honestly, I am surprised it held up against the insanity of those anons. The box was so full of holes it rivaled Swiss cheese! But the wings were in immaculate shape.”
Platinum found himself smirking once more as he leaned in his seat, a hoof holding up his head as he looked her over for the fourth time tonight, “I spent weeks in the lab working on it. If they break again, I will eat my armor.”
“Knowing you, you probably could cast an edibility spell on it.”
His smirk became a grin, answering the question before Aurora had even asked it. The Unicorn was shameless when it came to his enchanting ability. Probably the only thing he ever gloats about. Otherwise he is always prim and proper, respectful of others. On his shoulders was the pride of his homeland, and he carried it with the pride only a true fashionista could. She admired that about him. Actually, she admired a lot of things, he just happened to be a lot of those things too. There were millions of stallions out there, her brief experiences with Tumblr worlds beyond her own through Ace suggested as much, but there was only one like him. Just like her, he was distinct, original. Bold!
She supposed that, if it weren’t him going to the prom with her, it probably would be another tumblr pony of sorts. Ever since she met Ace, there was hardly any looking back at the ‘normal’, It was all looking forward, sometimes literally. Not that she complained too much. She enjoyed the present she lived in and the future more than she did dwelling upon her past. She just sometimes wished there wasn’t that much crazy, but tumblr ponies like Platinum. 
He understood how crazy their worlds can get. He has seen it. That’s probably why she is this at ease around him. Not only do they have complimentary professions, but he understood her in a unique way that a lot of ponies just can’t even begin to describe, including herself. His looks were also a contributing factor, but his understanding perhaps held far more weight to her.
As the carriage rolled on, she couldn’t help but wonder what kind of ponies she will get to see this time around. What other ponies can share in their understanding? What unique ideas can inspire her this time? He was just as eager as she was to find out as they sat together and looked out the window at the Port town appearing off in the distance.
They would be arriving soon...
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ask-acepony · 4 years
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it’s Asexual awareness week!!! (and halloween soon) So everyone be ready to get spooky even if it is just at home this year! Get some popcorn, put on a costume and stream some spooky movies with some friends >:D
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thedragenda · 6 years
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Aurora: O__O
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jrspore · 7 years
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It’s just so fashionable ;)
Frost trying to look his best :P 
featuring @ask-acepony
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askmovieslate · 2 years
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Look! Look!
We’re doing the thing! The thing with the thing that was a thing a year ago and now nobody remembers! It’s the thing!
It was a pretty good thing, tho.
Featuring cameos from: @askseriousrainbow @ask-king-sombra @AskTheStudentsSix @askflufflepuff @ask-acepony @equestrian-post and Some Random Pink-haired Alicorn.
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rainsask · 7 years
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RainDrop: To be honest with you- I hate cake.  RainDrop: I just don’t want to hurt anyponies feelings. RainDrop:....I like cheesecake though.
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awthredestim · 4 years
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Collection of WiPs for this week’s Movie Slate update.
It’s been forever and a half since I’ve drawn @askseriousrainbow and @ask-acepony. And this is the first time I’ve drawn @ask-wiggles Llama Mod.
Llama Mod has long legs XD
Actual update coming soon!
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calebtyink · 5 years
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What happens in the world you know that you once live in the city... But what if all that change when...
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A giant Ailcorn comes out of nowhere in your city and he's is colossal enough to out height and out tall enough on anyone and building and andany ship... and you are screwed and doom... Because i'm that Ailcorn... So... Because why? You shouldn't mess with me or geargrind or both because we are to much to handle because you should have known about what when you mess me and the well happened...
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So many of you might have ask you this? if you mess with a 2nd rate time Turner or this alicorn what happens next? This... So it's up to you survive from me or else you well become another part of... Well you don't want to know to mature and insanity graphic also part of my shoes as well (same thing...)
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And you better watch out so if you hide underground i might try to find you... And some of you might get spare and... Also beware that i can do tons of stuff because that i know of... so i can do on everyone but geargrind... (Because she's my love...) ... Don't ask
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... So you to all of you ...
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You have been warned...
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... For unknown reason to some of you...
don't mess with this Ailcorn and he means business or else he well turn your world upside down or something else... So Good luck out smart him...
And everyone else...
And also@omg-fluttershy122
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Last minute business...
Featuring Ace and Aurora from @ask-acepony
Hearth’s Warming eve was here once again and everypony was spending time with their families and friends, save for a unicorn clad in dark purple armor. He trod through the ice and snow as he held fast to a neatly wrapped gift held aloft in his magical grasp. It was wrapped in green wrapping paper and tied up with a pretty looking pink bow with white hearts stamped all over it.
Normally a package like this would be tucked away in his saddle bags, but that right now had its lips pursed, barely able keep its contents from spewing forth. He had to walk slowly to just keep everything under wraps. Regardless of his pace, it was going to take him a little bit of time to reach his destination as he had a bit of a harder time finding his way around due to all the snow. Large open expanses of white just seem to confuse him, though unlike his last snowy excursion, he was smart enough to have a map with him this time.
He eventually came upon a house and rapped on the door. However, the pony that greeted him at the door was not the unicorn mare that he was expecting, but a hot pink earth pony with a mane of multi colors that baffled him even more than trail of snow behind him. He cleared his throat and addressed the mare, “Umm… Hello ma’am? I’m here for a Miss Aurora. Is she home?”
The earth pony mare raised an eyebrow at him and stated, “Yeah, but she’s kind of busy at the moment. May I ask what she did?”
A wave of realization crashed into him, though it was more like a truck, as he remembered that he was here in armor. There was no doubt in his mind that a random guard coming up to your door asking questions about those in your home would raise some suspicion. She even gave off the feeling that this wasn’t the first time any guards have came knocking on this door. For the sake of both of their sanity's, he quickly dispelled the air of trouble, “Oh, no ma’am, you have me all wrong here. I am just here for a friendly chat, but if she’s too busy, can you tell her Platinum came by to drop this off?”
He levitated the present into sight and held it out to the mare, “I’ll be back after the holidays are over and she has more free time.”
The earth pony mare accepted the gift and acknowledged him, “I’ll let her know. Thank you.”
Before she could close the door and allow him to leave, a familiar voice could be heard behind her, “Platinum?”
The pink mare was gently shoved out of the way as the unicorn mare stepped into the doorway from within the depths of the home, “Thanks for getting the door Ace, I will handle things from here.”
Ace, the earth pony mare with the odd mane looked between the two of them briefly before seeming to look through him, an act that he was not lost on as she dismissed herself, “Not a problem. I’m going to go put this gift with the others.”
As the mare left the two of them at the door, she gave him one last look as she vanished into the background. He asked, “So that is Ace, she is a lot more… Interesting, in person.”
Aurora nodded as she looked at where Ace had slunk off too before looking back at the guard, “She’s not normally like that, actually. Do you think she knows?”
He shrugged, “About us? Unless you told her, I am not sure how she would. As far as she and everypony else should be concerned, we are just friends.”
Aurora frowned, “I haven’t told her yet… Not sure when really, if at all.”
“I understand. Take your time, I am willing to wait for you.”
Aurora blushed lightly, getting nearer and nearer to the shade of red of her Hearth’s Warming themed coat, “Thank you. I’m happy to hear you say that, and may want to hear more, but i’m afraid we’re all a little busy right now. In a little bit, we’re going to be taking a train to Manehatten to spend time with my Uncles and spend the night over for Hearth’s Warming.”
He sighed, “I figured you’d have plans for the holidays. Wish I was able to get time off sooner, but things have been swamped in the archives.”
He was going to give another reason why he was late to their appointment yesterday, but she put a hoof on his mouth to silence him, “Don’t worry about it, I understand how hard work can be, but at least you made an effort to be here.”
Now it was his turn to blush as she removed her hoof from his mouth. He was going to speak, but his words were caught in his throat. Noting his silence, she motioned for him to come in, “You know, I can’t exactly send you back out into the cold after you came all this way just to see me, come inside, we can talk over a little tea, but then I am afraid I must be off.”
Platinum was surprised by her offer, expecting her to be too busy to ‘have a chat’, a sentiment he made known as she left his horseshoes at the door, “But what about your train to Manehatten, you’ll miss it!”
Aurora shrugged as she lead him into the kitchen, where she levitated a pot over to the sink and started to fill it with water, “There is a reason why we leave early in the day, or at least try to. There will be other trains I assure you, but as for meeting with you, the window is already small enough, is it not?”
He relented, though he still held onto a pinch of guilt as he was taking up her precious preparation time, “Business before pleasure with you then? Let’s get through this quickly, I don’t want to eat much more of your time.”
As the pot met the stove, Aurora asked, “You mentioned in your letter that you wanted to discuss the paperwork for the magic wings?”
He nodded as he placed his saddlebags on the table. Off came the latches and out came the very same wings they were discussing as well as a folder no doubt filled with all the legal documents they would be discussing. Thankfully, he assured her that they won’t need to go through all of this, “I just about have everything done, I just need to make clear some of the concerns the guard had with their design and obtain some signatures.”
The mare chuckled, “Is that all? I don’t see why you’re so worried about time then.”
Platinum sighed as he opened the folder and pulled out a piece of paper, “I’ll start with probably the most baffling of documents.”
Aurora gave him her full attention as he continued, “It would appear that there is some competition in similar wing designs used by a Mister Borealis. Have you ever heard of them?”
Her curious and overall positive expression immediately soured at the mention of that name. She was outraged, and rightfully so, but not at him. She gritted her teeth and took the offending document from Platinum so she can see it for herself, “What the buck is this?”
At least she wasn’t mad at him… Though she was still mad, “I thought I had been rid of that name for years.”
“Care to explain?”
She glared daggers at him, but as she noted his worried expression, her features softened. Clearly he didn’t know about this, as it was a part of her life she was purposefully keeping hidden, but of course it would come up in some way, it always does…
She sighed, “I am Borealis. Or rather, I was. That part of me is long dead, and yet it still haunts my every hoof step.”
Aurora tossed him the paper which he promptly placed it back into the folder, “I see…”
The mare took a seat at the kitchen table and looked over the beautiful looking wings that the two of them made together what felt like so long ago and stated coldly, “Platinum, I would like that name removed from my documents. I don’t want to have to deal with it again in the future.”
He nodded, clearly seeing just how much this bothered her, “I’ll do what I can. Being an archivist has its privileges.”
“Thank you.”
The two of them stayed there in silence for a few minutes more until the pot on the stove started to whistle. This prompted Aurora to rise from her seat and prepare their tea cups, at which point Platinum elected to continue their discussion, “Ok… The next concern that needs to be brought up is the worry of possible magical radiation given off by the complex layering of spells and enchantments the wearer my encounter.”
As she poured a cup for the two of them, she asked quizzically, “Radiation?”
He chuckled softly as if he expected her to know what he meant, “I know right? My enchantments are air tight, but they still wanted to be sure to tell you about that. It’s silly, really.”
Seeing as he didn’t explain it outright, she figured it would be best to just drop it. After all, he says there is no trouble there at all, so why worry about it? She blew upon and took a sip of her tea, savoring the flavor of ginseng as it passed her lips. Setting her cup down gently on it’s trey, she asked, “What other ‘absurd’ worries do the guards have?”
Oh no, perhaps there actually was something to worry about. She raised an eyebrow at him and motioned for the stallion to continue, and continue he did, “I was able to deal with a lot of the paperwork myself, but there was one thing I really could not do myself. They asked if these wings could be used as prosthetics.”
Thankfully for her, she had some time to think about this as Rarity had mentioned it a while back, she knew just what to ask him, “If a pony were to wear them, is there any string of spells or enchantments that could allow them to be used as such?”
Platinum nodded hesitantly, “Actually yes, though, Earth ponies and Unicorns lack the proper muscles and natural magic to do that. There is also an issue of durability, as I doubt these ones could match up with the rigorous conditions a Pegasus would be using them in.”
She glanced at the wings resting on the table briefly before looking at him again, “But it is doable? I see.”
Platinum extended one of the wings and looked them over, much like the day when they had their first date, “Of course, all of these things can be dealt with during the enchanting process, I just need to know before hoof if they are meant for fashion or function. My question to you is, would you be fine with such an option, as I have little doubt it would bring a lot of attention our way.”
He was right! Creating a new wave of realistic prosthetic wings that can match the durability of the real deal would take equestria by storm. There may be no turning back if they go that route. In fact, even these wings as they are could cause a buzz too. Can she handle the pressure of the public eye she sought so hard to escape now that she is more experienced and older? She nervously sipped on her tea as she thought this over.
Noting her behavior, he went over to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder and offered her some words of comfort, “Listen, Aurora. As a friend, I would encourage you to think long and hard about this. As a business partner, i would encourage you to do whatever it takes to stay relevant in the industry. But…”
He drew her close so that way they would be muzzle to muzzle, “As somepony that cares for you very much, I want you to know that no matter what choice you make, I will support you all the way.”
A blush grew on her muzzle until she was a bright crimson, at which point the two of them leaned in and exchanged a long chaste kiss. By the time it broke, their teas had gone cold. They didn’t care, as they were in good company, though they were not truly alone. The Pink Pony before, Ace, was standing in the entryway to the kitchen. Just how long she was standing there the couple couldn’t tell, but judging by the expression on her face, it probably was a while.
The two of them chuckled nervously as she spoke, “I hate to ruin this moment, but everything is packed up and Bee is starting to get anxious.”
That is right, Aurora didn’t tell them about the plan to wait! They are waiting for her! She stood up and sighed, reluctantly shrugging off Platinum’s grip on her, “Sorry. I’ll be right there.”
Ace nodded and slipped away leaving them alone once again. The taller mare groaned as she sat the cups and pot into the sink, “I am sorry Platinum, but we’re out of time.”
He chuckled softly as he started putting all of ‘his’ stuff away in his saddlebags, “Don’t worry about it. We both knew our time together was limited this time anyway. Have fun.”
After a few moments and quick thinking, she asked, “Hey Platinum, why don’t you come with us? You said you don’t have any other business for the holidays, right?”
He nodded, seeming to pick up on what she was throwing down, “Yeah, I’m free… I would be honored to spend the holidays with you.”
He bowed, leading to an embarrassing moment where he accidentally fell over due to his loose saddlebags shifting its weight around, prompting Aurora to giggle lightly as he flailed around, “Here, let me help you.”
She helped him to his hooves and he gave her a kiss on the hoof in gratitude, “Many thanks my princess~”
Now there was a pet name that wasn’t thrown around all that often, but every time it left the stallion’s lips it brought a blush to her face. The fact that he would address her as such despite not being royalty spoke volumes as to how he felt about her and was really touching. He continued as he pointed to the exit, “Allow me to repay your kindness by paying your way to Manehatten.”
Normally she would have insisted on paying for the trip herself like the independent mare she is, but she got the feeling she wasn’t going to win that fight, so instead, she stated, “Why thank you… We can finish up business once Hearth’s Warming is over.”
They nodded in agreement and headed out of the kitchen and soon, the door to the house.
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ask-acepony · 4 years
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Just please stop fighting over them.
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thedenofravenpuff · 7 years
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Have a fresh batch of chibis from the empty spaces on my sketch pages, just ‘cuz.
@ask-acepony, @askthenightguards, @unhinged-mod‘s Buranky, @ask-dazed-timid and @pyrodarknessanny. 
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ponynumber2 · 6 years
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fanart for ask-acepony 
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thedragenda · 6 years
May we send you head-canons about Ace, Aurora, & Bee? You can say whether or not you agree w/ them~! If so, would you prefer them on here, or on Ask Acepony?
Send me all the headcanon questions your heart desires!For just silly quick head canons it would be best to send them here on the modblog :D@ask-acepony is very update centric so only thing being answered there is the classic type of asks ^^;
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emmett-time · 6 years
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Decided to make a horse based on @ask-acepony, but a non binary horse instead! Meet Enna!
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askmovieslate · 4 years
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Seriously though, I've never seen something so good make me so angry.
I don't have a lot of documentaries in my collection, but I've seen enough to tell that this one was well put together. It has very good pacing in showing the background and buildup to the “event”, and even though a lot of it is exposition I never felt bored. That being said, though, just seeing how many people worked so hard just to be swindled out of their time and effort was very upsetting.
I did hear that a fundraiser was done for that poor restaurant owner that managed to save her, but other than that silver lining there is nothing but tragedy. If you ever want to see how to not run an event, or learn about the Fyre Festival disaster, this is a good film on the subject.
And now, if you'll excuse me, I need to have a word with Sunny here. If he thinks we are getting in swimsuits to sell his next festival then he needs to read the room.
With cameos from @askseriousrainbow @ask-wiggles and @ask-acepony
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arya-jaeger · 7 years
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Reindeer Games 
Every Year; Tech Talk, Loom, Pun, Ace and Movie Slate gets turned into Reindeer for the Reindeer games!~ - Idea and Character  - TechTalkPony / @techtalkpony​ Drawn by and Character - breIoom Character - securitywyrm / @askpun Character - jamescorck / @askmovieslate Character - TheMoveDragenda / @ask-acepony
More Comics!
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