#ask Desirus
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askrastrither · 7 years ago
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Desirus: “Don’t worry unlike you I’ll make sure you have a fun end~”
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an-amalgamation-of-bros · 8 years ago
*Offers all the muses hugs if they wanna*
Out of all 13 muses 3 step forward to hug the cute.“Of course human!! The Great Papyrus would love to give you a hug!!” Paps proclaims as he lifts you up, and spins you around like a maniac. Then he gently sets you down, and steps aside for the next muse.Desirus steps up next, and kneels before you. He places a kiss onto your hand before standing, and pulling you into a gentle hug. After an adequate amount of time he pulls away, and offers a shy smile, and a small pink blush. He shoots another smile to Paps, and attempts to stand more in his shadow.Finally Cye steps up, and the elemental shoots you a smirk. “I’ll give you a hug~” He hummed, and did just that. He pulls you into a firm hug, and places a kiss onto your cheek before pulling back, and ruffling your hair just to mess it up. 
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bugintheruins · 2 years ago
ty for the ask!!!
THE CHARACTER (drumroll)
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Tessie Oakbloom!!!! age also unknown, somewhere in the tousands ;w; halfling/tiefling, married to Morel!! head barkeep in the most popular pub in Capstone and potion brewer extraordinaire
after herself and morel are ensnared in a really fucked ul circus, she encounters the deity known as Blight for the first time. shunted back to her abandoned pub with no sign of morel, shes at a loss. she reopens her pub and trys her hand at the bakery, however with too little hands and time, and also her utter inability to bake, she lets the other half rest, in hope morel will come back.
after a few years of monotony and grief, she needs a change if pace and sets off for the city of desirus, largest city on eternis(the world this is set in). she opens a small potion shop there and gains a position in one of the royal orchestras on cello (though her instrument is bigger than she is akkshdjdhshhs). she makes a life for herself there.
eventually makes her way back home, morel too and they tearily reunite.
she and morel go potion ingredient hunting, find a prince guy and take him under their wings and stuff, and OH ALSO i think his name was basil but i cant remember, he was the assistant bartender in the pub at one stage, helped tessie open the pub, and sometimes managed the desk for the inn.
after morels death, tessie trains as a paladin and works alongside moss to put an end to blight, who dissapeared some time after morel escaped from it.
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sciatu · 8 years ago
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Ora ti cuntu nu fattu. C’era un paisi unni a miseria e a gnuranza ficinu veniri a guerra e a guerra puttoi timpesta i bumbi e ragnola i ghiummu. Nta stu paisi c’era na famigghia  e chi risto nto menzu da motti e du focu. U patri muriu mentri ciccava pani pi figghi, a matri finiu sutta cimentu e matuni. Prima di moriri ghiamo so figghiu ranni e ci dissi “Potta a to soru chiù nica a ciccari a filicità nta n’otru paisi unni i to cugini ti spettunu”. Iddu pigghiò so soru e ncumincioi a camminari passannu furesti e disetti, mucciannusi quannu rivavanu i figghi da motti chi vulianu mazzari o quannu c’eranu i latri di animi chi vulianu rubbari. Rivaru nta na città a riva u mari e a carusa spiò o frati u ranni “è ca a filicità?” Ma u ranni rispunniu “no è chiù avanti”. Nta stu paisi u frati ranni travagghioi e a picciridda ciccava a limosina. A fini ficiru tanti soddi e quannu u frati ranni ci mustroi a nica, chista ci spioi “è chista a felicità?” E u frati ranni ci rispunniu “no ma putemu cattari nu postu nta na bacca e annari nto paisi da filicità”. Accussi si misiru in fila pi nchianari nta na bacca cu tanta autra genti d’ogni culuri. Patteru all’abba e annaru nto mari pi nu jonnu e na notti. Poi u tempu cancioi e u mari gridava e si isava e calava. A genti nta bacca si ittava i buci pu scantu. A bacca si inchia d’acqua e u frati misi a soru nu sabbagenti che avia cattatu pi idda. A bacca leggiu leggiu stava nfunnanu. U mari si facia sempri chiù fotti e i cavadduni eranu chiu ranni da bacca, a genti gridava e ciancia. Unu i chisti visti ca a carusa avia nu I sabbagenti e cicco mi ciu scippa. So frati u visti e u firroi mi ci misca, i dui ficiru a coppa finu a chi non caderu nta l’acqua e nta nu minutu sicunu scumpareru. A carusa muta muta incuminciò a cianciri picchi so frati nun putia chiù vidiri a filicità. U sabbagenti a tiniu a galla mentri u mari pari chi si stava cammannu. Cumpariu na bacca ianca cu omini vistuti i iancu chi parravanu stranu. A pigghiaru e sa puttaru cu iddi e da bacca a puttaru nterra, nta nu postu cu tanti letti unni omini vistuti i iancu e a vaddavunu nta tutti i patti : nta bucca, nte ricchi. Idda allura ci spioi si a felicità era da. Ci dissiru di no e a puttaru nta n’otra banna e da spioi ancora si era da a felicità e ogni vota ci diciano no e a spustavanu ancora e accussi tanti voti chi piddiu u cuntu; ogni vota chi spiava si a felicità era da, ci rispunnianu di no, tantu ca fini no spioi chiù. Nu jonnu cumpariu na signura chi dissi chi era so cugina e sa puttó cu idda nta n’otru paisi luntanu. Arrivaru nta na casa unni c’eranu i figghi da signura e tutti a strinceru e baciaru e ci desiru vesti novi e tanti giucattuli. Allura a carusa spioi a signura si da c’era a felicita chi ciccava. Idda a pigghioi e a strinciu e ci spioi chi sintia e a carusa ci dissi che sintia cauddu nto cori u stissu caudu di brazza i so cugina e chi ci vinia i ridiri da cuntintizza. A signura ci dissi “ u vidi chista è a filicita, è intra i nui comi nu ciuri chiusu e quannu semu cuntenti stu ciuri si apri e ni quaddia u cori” “e picchí prima na sintia?” spioi a carusa, e a fimmina rispunniu “picchi u ciuri nasci nto cori sulu c’è paci” a carusa pinsoi a so frati a so matri, o mari e ai tanti che lassoi areti a idda e strinciu a so cugina chiù fotti picchi puru pi iddi chi nun c’eranu chiù vulia anticchia I filicità”. “Ora fa a nanna - ci dissi a cugina – chi chistu è nu fattu e tutti i fatti finisciunu ca genti che ridi cuntenta, ma cu ni leggi sapi, chi nta vita vera nun è accussi, nun è accussì”
Ora ti racconto una favola. C’era un paese dove la miseria e l’ignoranza fecero venire la guerra e la guerra portò una tempesta eterna di bomba una grandine continua di piombo. In questa paese c’era una famiglia che rimase nel mezzo della morte e del fuoco. Il padre morì mentre cercava il pane per i figli, la madre finì sotto cemento e mattoni. Prima di morire chiamò il figlio grande e gli disse “Porta tua sorella più piccola a cercare la felicità in un altro paese dove i tuoi cugini ti aspettano”. Lui prese sua sorella e incominciò a camminare passando foreste e deserti, nascondendosi quando arrivavano i figli della morte che volevano uccidere, o quando c’erano i ladri di anime che volevano rubare. Arrivarono in una grande città in riva al mare e la bambina chiese a suo fratello grande “È qui la felicità?” Ma il fratello rispose “no è più avanti”. In questo paese il fratello grande lavorò e la piccolina chiedeva l’elemosina. Alla fine raccolsero tanti soldi e il fratello grande li mostrò alla piccola e lei gli chiese “È questa la felicità?” e il grande gli rispose “No ma possiamo comprare un posto in una barca e andare nel paese della felicità” Così si misero in fila per salire su una barca con tanta altra gente di ogni colore. Partirono all’alba e andarono per mare per un giorno e una notte. Poi il tempo cambiò e il mare incominciò a gridare, a salire e scendere. La gente nella barca gridava per la paura. La barca si riempiva d’acqua e il fratello mise alla sorella un salvagente che aveva comprato per lei. La barca piano piano incominciò ad affondare. Il mare si faceva sempre più forte e i cavalloni erano più grandi della barca, la gente gridava e piangeva. Uno di questi vide la ragazza con il salvagente e cercò di prenderglielo. Suo fratello lo vide e lo afferrò i due si picchiarono fino a che non caddero in acqua e in un secondo scomparvero. La bambina in silenzio incominciò a piangere perché suo fratello non avrebbe più visto la felicità. Il salvagente la tenne a galla mentre il mare si andò calmando. Comparve una barca bianca con uomini vestiti di bianco che parlavano in modo strano. La presero e la portarono con loro sulla barca e dalla barca la portarono a terra, in un posto con tanti letti dove uomini vestiti di bianco la visitarono: nella bocca, nelle orecchie. Lei allora chiese se la felicità fosse lì. Le dissero di no e la portarono da un'altra parte e li chiese ancora se la felicità fosse li. Le dissero di no e la spostarono ancora da un'altra parte e così tante volte che perse il conto; ogni volta chiedeva se la felicità fosse li, e le rispondevano sempre di no; alla fine lei non lo chiese più. Un giorno comparve una signora che disse che era sua cugina e se la portò con lei in un paese lontano. Arrivarono in una casa dove c’erano i figli di quella signora e tutti la strinsero e la baciarono le diedero vestiti nuovi e tanti giocattoli. Allora la bambina chiese alla signora se li ci fosse la felicità che cercava. Lei la prese e la strinse forte e le chiese cosa sentisse e la bambina rispose che sentiva caldo nel cuore, lo stesso caldo che avevano le sue braccia e che le veniva da ridere per la contentezza. La signora le rispose “lo vedi questa è la felicità, è dentro di noi come un fiore chiuso e quando siamo contenti questo fiore si apre e riscalda il cuore” “perché prima non la sentivo?” chiese la bambina “Perché il fiore nasce nel cuore solo se c’è la pace” La bambina pensò a suo fratello e ai suoi genitori al mare e ai tanti che aveva lasciato indietro e strinse più forte sua cugina perché anche per loro che non c’erano voleva un po' di felicità. “Ora fai la nanna – le disse la cugina – che questa è una fiaba e come tutte le fiabe finisce con la gente che ride contenta, ma chi legge sa, che nella vita vera non è così, non è così”
Now I'm telling you a fairy tale. There was a country where misery and ignorance made war and war brought an everlasting bomb storm a steady hail of lead. In this country, there was a family that remained in the middle of death and fire. The father died while he was looking for bread for his children, and the mother due to a bomb, came under concrete and bricks. Before dying, she called his older son and said, "Bring your little sister to look for happiness in another country where your cousins are waiting for you." He took his sister and began to walk through forests and deserts, hiding when the son of the dead wanted to kill them, or when there were the thieves of souls who wanted to steal them. They came to a big city by the sea and the little girl asked her older brother, "Is happiness here?" But her brother replied, "No, it is not here" In this country, the big brother worked and the little one begged for alms. They collected so much money and the big brother showed them to the little girl and she asked him "Is this happiness?" And the big one replied, "No, but we can buy a place in a boat and go to the land of happiness." So, they got in row to go on a boat with so many other people of every color. They left at dawn and went to sea for a day and a night. Then the weather changed and the sea began to shout, to climb up and down. People in the boat screamed for fear. The boat was filled with water and his brother put a sister's life buoy he had bought for her. The boat slowly began to sink. The sea was getting stronger and the waves were bigger than the boat, people shouted and cry. One of them saw the girl with the life buoy and tried to take it. His brother saw him and grabbed the two of them banging until they fell into the water and in a second disappeared. The little girl in silence began to cry because her brother would no longer see happiness. The life buoy kept her afloat while the sea went calm. There was a white boat with men dressed in white talking strangely. They took her with them on the boat and the boat took her to the ground, in a place with so many beds where men dressed in white visited her: in the mouth, in the ears. She then asked if happiness was there. They told her of no and took her to another side and she asked them again if happiness was there. They told her of no and they moved her from another side and so many times that she missed the bill; Every time she wondered if happiness was there, and they always answered her not, so in the end she did not ask for it anymore. One day a lady appeared who said that she was her cousin and she took with her in a far country. They came to a house where there were the children of that lady and they all shuffled and kissed her and gave her new clothes and so many toys. Then the little girl asked the lady if there was the happiness she was looking for. She caught her and squeezed her tightly and asked her what she felt and the little girl said that she felt warm in her heart, the same warmth she had in her arms and that she laugh and she was happy. The lady replied, "you see this is the happiness, it's inside of us like a closed flower, and when we're happy this flower opens and warms up our heart" "Why did not I first hear it?" Asked the little girl. "Because the flower is born in heart only if there is peace "The little girl thought of her brother and her parents to the sea and the many she had left behind and squeezed her cousin stronger because even for them that they did not find, she looking for a bit of happiness. "Now you're going to sleep," said her cousin, "this is a fairy tale, and like all fairy tales end up with people who laugh happy, but whoever reads this story knows that in real life it is not so, it is not so."
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an-amalgamation-of-bros · 8 years ago
OKAY SO FIRST OFF THEY ALL DESERVE GOOD THINGS!!!! um. Vince is a good older bro, maybe he wasnt always but he really is now. Jale needs someone to mother hen him, but he's a good leader and I'm basically always proud of him. EROS DESERVES BETTER and needs more soft things in his life. Desirous is a good pap but I'm worried af for him. Loke. Poor Loke. Needs to find a balance between disillusionment and idealism without... Losing himself. ALL I WANT FOR CERIN IS A HAPPY FAM DAMNIT. Grandpa!Sansy
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askrastrither · 7 years ago
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Aezvynia: “Basically just a demon who’s more powerful than most is normally top rank and in Charge for Sin Demons and Sex demons. Just Sex Demon Lords tend to have different abilities so they get their own special snowflake name. Some don’t have any ranks though, like Blood Demons or Banshees. They’re more a ‘you’re on your own’ sort of deal.”
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an-amalgamation-of-bros · 8 years ago
**agressive waving at the mun and muses**
Mun awkwardly waves at first, but gets more into it after a few little waves, eventually waving back with as much, if not more enthusiasm!Under again: Sansy offers a half wave with empty socketsPaps is too shocked to think much, just waves blankly....Cerin Waves shy, and smilesGaster is still not really paying attention to anyone.MobFell/WolfFell:Vince smirks a bit, and ofers a half wave as well.Jalé gives you a strange look and gets back to workLýkos waves back, and wiggles his tail at you.SwapFell:Deirdre/Deir offers a distracted wave only to be polite.Loke waves with a smile, but you feel as if its fake.Ret continues to lay there. He doesn’t realize you can even see him.UnderLust:Eros winks, and blows a kissDesirus waves shyly, but soon begins waving with maximum effort!Cye offers more of a nod than a wave, and continues setting up the club.
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