#aside from . the dates but those were really just like friend vibes
transsexualprophet · 1 year
anyway i clowned too close to the sun
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vanishingstarrs · 4 months
twenty something
katsuki bakugo x reader, established relationship, just soft and pure vibes, down bad bakugo
( it was my bday on friday and i wanted to write something short and sweet, self indulgent for sure )
You didn’t care for birthdays.
You had never made a huge fuss over your own, anyway.
The last birthday party you remember having was back when you were still obsessed with fairy princesses and only spoke in broken sentences, likely only five.
Since then, it had really only ever been small dinners and hardly any presents. Your family never really had the means to do anything huge and you told yourself you never minded, that all you ever cared for was the acknowledgment of the day. And that was never skipped or glanced over, there was never a lack of love and you always felt grateful for another year.
It was true, you did feel that way and after the war those feelings only grew. You were more appreciative than ever, even more so for all the new friends and loved ones in your life.
Your boyfriend, Katsuki, especially.
And though you weren’t expecting anything, your boyfriend had other ideas. He’d come over the night before to make you dinner and give you a few gifts he’d gotten you. You swooned over his attention to detail, he cooked your favorite meal and got you things he knew you’d love.
“I know.” He sighed,“You might not wanna accept it, I know how you are, you think it’s too much, but I’m not returning it.”
He stood up, walking behind you and pulling the intricately detailed locket from the box you had just opened, he unclasped it and moved your hair aside to secure it onto your neck,“Open it.”
You listened, opening the locket and feeling your heart swell.
Your boyfriend had not only gone through the trouble to get both your initials engraved on the back of the necklace, but he’d already gone ahead and selected two of your favorite pictures. One was just your favorite photo of him and the second was one of you two together from the first date you’d gone on together. It’d taken you so long to convince him to take that picture with you and as a result was now one of your favorites.
“Thank you, my love.” You looked up and kissed his cheek,“I love it very much.”
“Just thought you should have something, just in case…”
You gave him a look,“We don’t think like that, love, but I appreciate the sentiment you were going for and I’ll cherish it, thank you.”
“You’re welcome, baby.” He gave you a small smile,“Alright, you can open the rest, this was the only major one, don’t worry.”
You smiled and shared another kiss before proceeding to go through the rest of the gifts he’d gotten you. You worked in the hospital and he’d gotten a few things that would be useful; a few cute pens, a new pair of comfy shoes you’d been wanting to try out since your feet were always killing you, and a brand new water bottle (your last one got crushed after you accidentally ran it over with your car) and with it he’d also gotten tons of adorable stickers to decorate it.
You smiled big when you pulled a Hello Kitty plush out of the next bag and he rolled his eyes like he hadn’t been the one to purchase it.
“Don’t think I’m feeding your addiction to that weird ass cat.” He scoffed,“Just thought this one was actually kind of cool.”
Cool was an understatement.
Hello Kitty was known for lots of collabs with many of your favorite shows and characters, but this one? This plush was dressed in your boyfriend’s hero costume and the tag on it had his hero agency’s name on it so it was definitely official and not just some knock off.
“Didn’t even know they made these.” He explained,“Don’t remember approving that shit.”
You blushed,“I might’ve seen the papers on your desk one day and signed for you…”
“What?!” He stood up, shocked.
You shrugged,“I didn’t know they were actually going to go through with it, Sanrio teases lots of collabs so when I never saw it in stores I just guessed they went a different route.”
“When were you even in my office?” He asked, curious instead of upset.
“About a month ago, baby, remember? You were asked to patrol last minute because Eijiro’s wife went into labor and we had planned to have lunch together so I ended up dropping off food just in case you got a chance to stop and eat. I think your assistant, what’s his name, dropped off the papers and since I saw the logo on it… and well, I couldn’t help peeking.” You told him the story, feeling slightly guilty.
He rolled his eyes,“You’re lucky I don’t give a shit about that kinda stuff, otherwise I’d—”
You gasped suddenly,“Oh. My. God! Baby, what if they ask you to do a photo shoot with Hello Kitty, herself?! Wouldn’t that be amazing?”
Your boyfriend couldn’t help chuckle at your excitement,“I suppose it would be, a little bit, and I promise if that happens you’ll be on set with me that day, don’t worry.”
“Thank you, sweetie.” You gave him a big kiss and he handed you one final bag.
“Last one.” He said.
You rose an eyebrow at him as you peeked inside,“A dress? Do we have an occasion?”
“Only the best day of the year.” Katsuki took your hand and pulled you up to give you a hug,“I wanted to celebrate with you today because I’m a selfish bastard and I like having you to myself.” You felt him check his watch,“It’s officially midnight and officially your birthday.”
He pulled away slightly, holding your waist with one arm and placing his other hand on your cheek, making you immediately lean into the warmth of his touch. The kiss he gave you was gentle and full of so much love, you already knew this was your favorite of all birthdays just for the fact that you were spending it with him.
You opened your eyes and his gaze gave you butterflies, you felt like you did on your first date.
“Happy birthday, my love.”
“Thank you, Katsuki.” Your cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling so much.
“And I lied.” He said,“I do have one more thing for you, but it won’t be until later. We’ll sleep soon, and I’ll have a few more things to take care of before it, but I’d like you to take my card—”
“Baby, no…” You began to deny, he’d already gotten you enough.
“Yes.” He insisted,“You have a dress, all you need to do is find some accessories. Get some shoes, buy a new purse, hell buy yourself the whole store, baby, go fucking crazy. I’m asking nicely, and I’ll make sure you get something, trust me. And I want you ready by three, got it?”
You knew arguing with your boyfriend was pointless, that was one bad thing about the both of you, you were equally stubborn and fighting only ended when you got tired of it.
“Fine.” You relented.
True to his word, you went to bed soon after the gifts. Your boyfriend brought an overnight bag and you were happy to have him hold you in bed. When you woke up, however, his side of the bed was empty and in its place lay a birthday card.
You picked it up, smiling at the design he’d gone with and pictured him standing in front of the display for a long time before deciding. You opened it and out fell your boyfriend’s credit card, you rolled your eyes and set it aside to read the contents of the note.
Happy birthday, my pretty girl. I know you’re new to celebrating, but I plan to change that soon. You deserve the world and more, and I’ll do my best to make sure you get it.
P.S. Please enjoy this breakfast (see nightstand) and be dressed by 9! Mina will be stopping by to ensure you shop for all your needs.
P.P.S. I love you.
You quickly turned and found the aforementioned breakfast, a cup of hot coffee, and a beautiful bouquet of tulips decorated your nightstand. You smiled and snapped a photo, sending it to your boyfriend along with a thank you.
He must’ve just left to take care of whatever he was planning.
You tried not to think about it or your nerves and overthinking would definitely kick in. You ate your food and sipped your coffee in bed while checking and responding to any birthday messages, picking up immediately when you saw your parents calling. You almost teared up when they started singing happy birthday and laughed along with them, asking if you’ll see them later in the week for your annual dinner. They agreed and you finished the call with ‘I love you’s’.
By the time nine rolled around, you were ready and right on time was Mina’s knocking on your door. You opened it and got greeted with a hug.
“I heard free shopping trip and here I am!” She cheered,“Ready to do some damage?”
“Not quite.” You blushed,“What do you know about his plans?”
She shrugged,“Sworn to secrecy, dude, sorry.”
You scoffed and laughed as you said,“Whatever happened to chicks before dicks?”
You’d met Mina as a result of dating Katsuki and ever since then you’d hit it off with her as much as you had your boyfriend, you never really had too many close girlfriends and she was a very welcome surprise into your life.
“Doing this for my chick.” She elbowed you teasingly,“So grab ya bag, girl, we have places to be and money to spend!”
You listened, grabbing your purse and reluctantly taking your boyfriend’s card as per his request.
It didn’t take long for Mina to decide which stores you should head into. It did, however, take more than a few for you to actually want to buy anything. It wasn’t that you didn’t see things you liked, but it was hard for you to accept your boyfriend was paying for you.
You’d been brought up to be independent and though you knew the importance of being taken care of, it was hard not being the giver for once.
A pair of shoes eventually caught your eye and Mina caught on quick, calling over an associate with a mischievous smile,“My friend would love to see these in a size seven, please.”
“Right away, miss.”
The woman left to find them and you sighed,“I don’t know, Mina.”
“Girl, please, your man literally is begging you to spend some of his money and you’re hesitating? These shoes are to die for and he explicitly stated you should get some to match your dress. We already got a few cute pieces of jewelry, I think these would match perfectly to those.”
In the end, Mina convinced you. Or the saleswoman did, when she revealed the shoes you were trying on would actually go on sale next week and that she’d be happy to adjust the price for your special occasion.
For once, you’d been happy to reveal it was your birthday and you walked away even happier with your bargain made.
“That was so nice of her.” You beamed as you followed Mina around a purse store she liked.
You definitely didn’t need one of those, but your eyes wandered aimlessly to pass the time.
“Mhm.” She agreed before holding up a bag,“And how hot is this bag?! C’mon, Bakugo would want you to have this.”
You regretted turning around as you actually really liked the one she’d been trying to show you,“Nope, got a bag, but thanks.”
“And you have shoes and jewelry, babe, the whole point of this trip was to treat yourself.” Your friend countered. She was right and you hated it.
You sighed,“I know, but I bought stuff already…”
“A few inexpensive sterling silver rings off that lady’s booth outside and a pair of shoes marked way down from the original price, this would be an actual treat.”
“Yes, but… I mean he already got me this nice necklace and the dress and all the other little things, plus he’s planning who knows what, I don’t think I need a new purse, mine may not be designer but it’s held up and it’ll be fine for a while longer.” You explained.
“He has the means to,” Mina walked up to you and pulled your current bag off your shoulder to replace with the one she was trying to convince you on,“Plus no one ever needs a new purse, it’s a want and it’s okay to have those, you know.”
You remembered the birthday card. You deserve the world and more…
Looking at yourself in the mirror, you sighed. Mina walked up behind you and wrapped her arms around you, smiling and raising her eyebrows,“So…? Whatcha gonna do?”
She drove a hard bargain.
“You need to consider you might be in the wrong field.” You pushed her playfully as she looped her arm through yours and led the way to the cash register. Your heart might have actually broken while swiping your boyfriend’s card across and your fingers were definitely shaking as you typed in the pin for it.
You knew your boyfriend received alerts for any purchases, especially big ones, and you were just about ready to turn back around when you heard your phone ping, assuming the worst. He had to be pissed at that one.
my love: Glad to see Mina’s doing her job, don’t you dare feel guilty. You deserve this and more 🧡
You looked up to find Mina glancing at you and smiling,“Told ya.”
The last purchase you made was with your own money as you’d run out of your favorite blush and needed to replace it. You enjoyed lunch with your friend and she drove you back home where she proceeded to stake claim on your bedroom floor to get herself ready with you.
“You’re really not gonna tell me?” You asked your friend as you applied a light layer of foundation.
“I’m sure you could guess…” Mina shrugged as she curled her eyelashes,“But I really can’t say, all he told me was to take you shopping and keep you busy until three. He’s having a car pick us up.”
“You don’t even know?!” You turned around, shock written all over your face.
Mina snorted,“No, I’m trolling you, I totally know.”
You got ready in silence, save for some music Mina decided to play from a small portable speaker she brought with her.
Once the clock hit three, you were officially an anxious wreck. Your phone pinged.
my love: Your carriage awaits.
You made sure Mina was ready and that you weren’t forgetting anything before heading out, finding your “carriage” was your boyfriend’s car and he stood by the passenger door, holding the door open for you with a lazy smile. He was wearing nice clothes too and your eyes stuck to him like glue,“Wow.”
“Wow yourself.” He gave you a quick kiss, careful not to smudge your lipstick.
Mina fake gagged,“You two are disgusting.”
“Shut up and get in.” Katsuki told her before turning back to you, eyes soft,“You ready?”
You released a deep breath,“I guess so… I mean what am I even ready for?”
He smiled,“Don’t stress, just go with it. You’re about to find out anyway.”
It was hard not to, and you were sure your palms were sweating more than his as Katsuki always held your hand while driving.
You were quick to recognize the drive back to his house and relaxed a little bit, deciding he was right. Enough was enough, why not just go with it? You had amazing friends and an even better boyfriend, you deserved to get treated nicely. And he would never plan anything you weren’t ready for or wouldn’t like, as proven by the night before and the morning of shopping.
You didn’t see any cars or anything parked outside his house and you narrowed your eyes at him,“What’s going on? Seriously.”
He said nothing as he got out and opened your door for you, extending a hand out and helping you out of the car in your fancy new clothes and accessories. “Close your eyes.”
Mina nudged you from behind and you obliged quickly.
He held your hand and led you with one hand on your lower back as you dutifully kept your eyes closed, you heard the jingling of keys and figured Mina must be unlocking the door for you.
“Watch your step.” Katsuki warned you and you felt him help you regardless as you stepped into his house.
Not one second of warning was given before it happened.
You opened your eyes immediately, hands going up to your mouth as you found your entire group of friends in your boyfriend’s living room, wearing party hats and blowing noisemakers. Streamers and balloons littered the room and a cake with your name on it sat on a designated dessert table. You almost cried when you spotted your parents and two brothers in one section.
“Happy birthday, baby.” Katsuki whispered in your ear before you were tackled by your family first, then your friends, and even some of your work family had shown up to wish you another happy year.
You felt a little overwhelmed at first, but slowly you relaxed. It hit you how happy you were, how much joy had been brought on by everything your boyfriend had done. You hadn’t experienced this type of celebration in a long time and it was nice to be seen by those who you held dear. Your boyfriend hardly left your side as you spoke and got around to saying hi to everyone. “Don’t let him go.” Your mother even whispered into your hair as she hugged you tight and gave you kisses,“Good ones are hard to come by.”
“He’s the best.” You agreed with a huge smile.
You eventually split up as you spoke with a few of your friends and even some of his, happy to catch up with Kirishima’s wife.
You held her son and spouted baby nonsense to him as she spoke your ear off about how her husband and Katsuki had been thick as thieves planning the day months in advance, and how she’d even been roped into calling people and checking on their availability. You thanked her for being part of it and looked up to where the two men now stood away, somehow still looking mischievous. You didn’t doubt they might even already be planning the next thing.
The night went by in the blink of an eye.
You saw friends you hadn’t seen in a while, learned the hard truth of standing awkwardly in front of a cake while everyone sang happy birthday to you, ate amazing food and cake, had a couple drinks, and lastly opened a few more gifts from those who had brought one. (You may or may not have received a few more Dynamite x Hello Kitty collab items).
Katsuki held you from behind as you watched your and his friends mingle together,“Did I do a good job?”
“I don’t know how I’ll top it for yours.” You said back, turning around in his arms, placing yours around his neck,“You did amazingly, I never thought I would have this one day.”
“For the rest of your life, I promise you will.”
You didn’t know why, but it felt much heavier when he said that. Like he wasn’t just promising you a lifetime of birthday parties, but like he was promising something else. You thought back to the way he smirked at you across the room when you saw him talking to Kirishima and your heart skipped again. There was no way. You’d only been together for a little over a year…
And yet…
You pushed those thoughts away and allowed yourself to be happy in the now.
In his arms.
You kissed him,“I love you.”
You really couldn’t have asked for a better day, surrounded by the people who loved you— or for a better boyfriend, who made you feel seen in both little and big ways. Who went out of his way to ensure you were always happy and loved. You might just have a new favorite day of the year and it was all thanks to him.
“Happy birthday, gorgeous.”
Yup, you officially loved birthdays.
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biteofcherry · 1 year
A little slice of something sweet&spicy for @alexakeyloveloki on her bithday! 🍰🎉💗
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A follow-up to Cherry
soft!dark enforcer Steve Rogers x female reader
warnings: soft!dark Steve; hints of power imbalance; hint of innocence/corruption kink; hint of breeding kink; explicit se*ual situations;
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You swallowed nervously as you walked up to the door of an expensive-looking house in the hills. The gate was wide open, two dark cars parked in the driveway. There was no sign of Steve's camaro, but maybe it was hidden in the huge garage in the separate building you passed.
The house looked like a renovated mid-century style and though you couldn't see it, you suspected there was a big swimming pool in the backyard.
The thought of which instantly created an image of Steve emerging from it - water dripping down his sculpted body, shimmering on the colorful ink of his tattoos.
You still haven't seen them, only the glimpse of those stretching up to his wrists and over his neck.
Jesus, you closed your eyes, once again feeling a wave of shame wash over you.
You met Steve two days ago. He was a complete stranger, with an aura of darkness that should make you run away.
Instead, you flew to him like a moth to a flame.
You allowed him to consume you the very first time you met him; hell, you were still trembling at the memory of the way he fucked you in his car, then right outside your apartment.
It could be just an adventure. A crazy one time thing you can brag about to your friends, for once having something really spicy to talk of.
But you kept the little piece of paper with Steve's address and dolled yourself up to meet him on the day he asked you.
Though the voice of reason yelled at you to at least have some doubts, you didn't hesitate for a single second as you put on a cute summer dress, a pair of bow sandals, and pink panties that already had a little wet spot, because you couldn't help thinking about what Steve was going to do to you on your date.
Nothing happened for a long moment after you rang the doorbell, your nervousness heightening in fear of being ignored. But then the door opened and you lifted up your gaze to look at a tall, bulky blonde man in what could be only described as surfer's style attire.
His long, wavy hair matched that vibe as well.
"Well, hello there." He grinned. "Whatever you're selling, I'm buying two of it."
A small laugh escaped your lips, which seemed to make the huge hunk's smile widen.
"I'm- um, I'm supposed to meet Steve," you explained, clenching your fingers tighter around your purse.
"Ah, the five o'clock meeting he wouldn't disclose the details of. Come on in." The guy moved aside to let you pass. "He's finishing a previous meeting, but I'm sure he'll be happy to know you're already waiting."
He led you through the sunny house to an ajar door, through which you could hear scraps of conversation.
Steve's voice you recognized right away.
He spoke firmer than when he was talking to you, giving clipped commands and harsh critique. You'd never want him to use that tone with you.
"Your next meeting is here." Surfer guy simply walked inside the office.
He moved to take a seat in one of the chairs, while you stood there in the open door like a deer caught in headlights.
You felt like that, too.
Because the moment you stepped in the doorway of the office, your eyes landed right on Steve.
He was sitting behind a desk, his dark green shirt unbuttoned halfway and the sleeves rolled up. More tattoos were on display, as well a tiny glint of a golden chain around his neck.
His blue eyes zeroed in on you; his gaze moved up your body slowly, taking every inch as if he was already imagining every single detail of what he was going to do to you and how will you look taking it all.
Then his attention shifted to a group of men sprawled on a couch on the side of the office.
"Your incompetence made me late for my date." He said to them and there wasn't even a slightest hint of playfulness to his tone.
He made it sound as if they did a severe offence to him and he was a step away from making them pay for it.
You had no idea what line of work Steve dabbed in, but it sounded like a serious business with dire consequences. Now you felt like you were an intruder who should leave, or else Steve's annoyance will shift to you.
However, when Steve's eyes returned to you, the steely glint in them morphed into softness.
"Come here, Cherry," he slid his chair back and motioned for you to walk over to him.
Your heartrate quickened as you felt eyes on you when you fully stepped inside. You tried not to glance at any of the other men in the room, instead allowing Steve to hold your gaze and lure you into his flame.
You let out a surprised gasp when Steve pulled you into his lap the moment you rounded the desk.
One of your hands touched his chest as you braced yourself at the sudden change in position. Steve's skin was warm beneath your fingers, dark blonde curls of his chest hair tickling your palm slightly.
You quickly moved your hand away, embarrassed that you touched him so openly while strangers were watching.
Steve didn't seem to mind it. He took your hand and lifted it to his lips to brush a soft kiss on your knuckles. Then he placed your hand back on his chest, while his own landed on your thigh.
Unabashedly high, almost slipping beneath your sundress.
"You're exactly on time, Cherry. You really are a good girl, aren't you?" He mused quietly, squeezing your flesh.
"Yes, Steve," your gaze dropped down and you tucked in your chin.
Steve studied you for a moment longer then turned his attention back to the others in the room.
"You have your orders and you better follow them exactly." Cold edge of his voice made you want to bury your face in the crook of his neck to avoid his wrath.
"Thor, make sure they make no mistakes this time. Now leave. All of you."
You didn't lift your head even after you heard the last footsteps fading away, your gaze lingering on the twirls of ink on Steve's chest as your own heart hammered in your ribcage.
You were acutely aware there was just the two of you now left. And as much as it was what you wanted, your nervousness bloomed.
Steve cupped your chin and made you look up at him.
"I'm sorry for running late on our date, Cherry. I promise that what I have planned should make it up to you."
"But-" suddenly his charming smile twisted into a hungry smirk as both of his hands slid to your hips- "those imbeciles have worked me up and I need to take the edge off before we leave."
In a swift single move he hoisted you up onto his desk.
"With how stiff and shy you are on me now, I think you need to get off, too."
He spread your legs apart - not that you put up much of a fight - and moved his chair closer.
Steve flipped the skirt of your dress up and traced his fingers across the pink cotton of your panties. He pressed his thumb against your clit, right above a small wet spot of your arousal.
"I see you're eager for our date," he chuckled, rubbing your clit harder and watching the wet stain spread.
Your hands clenched on the edge of the desk when Steve pulled the fabric of your panties aside and inched his mouth closer.
"I bet you're sweet all over, sweet Cherry."
He took a taste with a swipe of his tongue, licking between your slick folds and flicking the tip over your clit.
Your hips bucked and your head fell back when he repeated the motion, this time in three rapid strokes. Then his mouth descended on you, biting into your pussy as if it was a juicy fruit.
You weren't sure if you came when his tongue flicked between your opening and your anus, or when Steve's mouth closed around your clit and sucked. Or maybe it was two orgasms melting into one.
Your eyelids were clenched shut and your head swimming when his fingers curled around the front of your neck. With a hand around your throat, Steve pushed you back until you lied down on the desk fully, while he stood up.
A clink of a buckle being undone reached your mushy brain and your eyes fluttered open. Just to see Steve pushing his zipper down.
His cock sprang free; big and thick and veiny.
Your cunt clenched, hungry to feel the stretch of him leave you sore again.
Steve pumped himself a few times before inching forward between your splayed thighs.
"W-wait," your hand reached up as last, barely functioning brain cells reminded you of something important.
Steve paused, as you asked, squeezing his shaft tighter. The sight of it made you drool, your thoughts threatening to melt away. But you managed to stay focused for a second longer.
"Condom. Do you have- can you put one on?" You asked, looking up at Steve with uncertainty.
You wanted him to use one, but you weren't sure if you'd really be able to stop it all if he refused to. You wanted him inside of you too much.
"Condom?" Steve quirked a brow in surprise, studying you.
"Yes, please. I'm not on birth control," you admitted, gulping nervously.
Steve's blue eyes darkened as your words sank in. He stepped closer, bare cock inches from your dripping, unprotected pussy.
"Sweet Cherry, you let me take your pretty, tight pussy raw, even though you could've ended up pregnant?"
His voice was a sinful temptation and his dirty words made your walls clench around nothing.
"Yes," you admitted, ashamed.
"Why, hm?" He resumed slow strokes of his cock as he put his other hand right above your pussy, spreading his fingers wide on your abdomen and dipping his thumb between your folds.
Because I wanted you so bad.
Because I needed you inside me at any cost.
Because I liked that you branded me with your cum.
Because I didn't care what you do to me as long as you kept doing it.
"I don't know." You bit your bottom lip. "I wasn't thinking about the consequences. I wasn't thinking at all. I just- I want to be responsible now."
"What a good, smart girl you are," Steve praised, brushing his thumb along your clit.
He reached into his back pocket and withdrew a short strip of foil packets. He ripped one open and rolled a condom on.
His hand returned to your throat as he pressed the head of his cock against your slick opening.
"We'll be responsible, Cherry," he leaned over you and kissed you softly.
"For now," he added in a dark rasp while thrusting deep into you.
And then he took you, with the same unrelenting force that left you boneless and moaning. Steve praised that you sounded sweet and needy; you thought you sounded more of a whore. You didn't care anyway, because the way he was making you feel was maddening good.
You came around him once, the second climax Steve forced out of you with a hand choking the air out of you and a pinch to your clit.
He finished with a groan; lips parted and face flushed, possessive glint in his eyes as he watched you twitch beneath him.
If he wasn't planning on keeping to his promise and taking you out on a proper, nice date, he wouldn't empty into the condom, but instead withdraw from your sweet cunt and come all over your pretty sundress.
But Steve was a man of his word.
So he tossed the used rubber into the bin, helped you clean yourself up, then readjusted your dress and helped your wobbly legs walk outside.
He could ruin you more when he took you back home later.
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pedgito · 2 years
okay i had this idea of eddie and reader fucking in a closet or an enclosed space of some kind yk being real sneaky and shit. and the reader lets him finish in their mouth. then he kisses the reader with his cum in his mouth bc he nasty like that. sorry if this was a really specific request it’s been sitting in my brain for ages.
author’s note: full warning, if this grosses you out, don’t read. and i don’t want to hear how much you don’t like it in my inbox because i don’t care lol. but for those of you that do read this, enjoy my nasty eddie thoughts.
cw: 18+ (minors dni) semi-public (in a closet), voyeurism (if you squint), oral (m receiving), fluid play/bonding (idk they share eddie’s jizz yeah), established relationship, eddie is v gross but we love that shit, if i missed anything lmk
word count: 1.7k
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Eddie didn’t do parties, ever. It was just another spectacle and a place for him to be laughed at, wondering who invited the freak to drink and kill the vibe—but for you, he endures it. That and everyone knows to keep their mouth shut around you. It’s nice, Eddie can admit that—but it’s also damn near impossible for him to keep his hands off of you in public, not that you had a problem with it.
Dating Eddie hit you completely out of nowhere, ending up in an after school detention with him that left very little to be discovered about each other, both in your likes and dislikes, but also your bodies.
And so what if you fucked Eddie with only one twenty minute conversation under your belt—he was levels above most of the guys you fucked, even if he was a little bit inexperienced in the beginning.
He’s more surprised at how easily your perfect persona is tarnished in front of him—good grades, nice friends, always smiling at everyone who walks by. You were never mean to anyone, which is why no one ever said shit when you started your mornings cuddled up to Eddie at his locker.
They could look and stare, but no one dared to comment on it.
Eddie’s quick to feed into it, openly kissing you in the halls, grabbing at your ass under the short confines of your skirt or tight jeans—it would emit a few groans, but you didn’t care.
Not for a second.
He’s insatiable, really—and nasty to the core. You never really expected to like it as much as you did, settling for missionary and doggy style in most of your hook-ups, minimal eye contact, and getting straight to the point; not to say you didn’t enjoy it, but with Eddie, it’s kismet.
You could never say no.
“Hey, hey,” You murmur against his lips, his hands blindly reaching for the doorknob to shove you into Steve Harrinton’s bedroom, leaving the door open just a crack, “we can leave if you want—do you wanna leave?”
“Mmm,” Eddie shakes his head, breathing hotly against your mouth, “don’t think I can wait that long, wanna fuck you right now.”
You giggle softly, arms wrapped around his neck as he hoists you up, licking into your mouth with the same edge of depravity he always carried, growling lowly. His hands slip past the waistband of your jeans, contacting the bare skin underneath.
“No panties,” Eddie notes, “dirty girl.”
“Do you expect anything less?” You tease, squealing softly as he buries his face into your neck, nipping at the skin.
But, the loud ramblings of another pair of bodies stumbling down the hall has you both in a panic—Eddie nearly shuts the door close, but you’re hopping off of him to pull him into the closet before he can act, sliding the slatted, wooden doors close, leaving little light to leak through.
You force your hand over Eddie’s mouth, his features barely visible aside from the tiny spec of light that hits his face from the lamp on the table beside the closet. He blinks, confused.
It doesn’t take long for you both to realize that it’s Steve—and some girl you’ve only talked to a few times at school, who seemed a lot more familiar with Steve than you expect, hands reaching under waistband of his boxers from where his jeans hang open loosely, you avert your eyes quickly, connecting with Eddie’s.
He’s got that ridiculous smirk on his face, having caught you in the act of peeping, shifting the closet door shut tight—no more peeking on his account. His hands keep busy, whether on your neck, your breasts, over the expanse of your back, just touching because he wanted to—but you can feel how impatient he’s being, hard in his jeans from where’s pressed up against you in the small space.
“We can’t,” You whisper softly, feeling Eddie’s hands squeeze at the slope of your ass, pulling you in closer, “Eddie, I’m serious.”
“It’s Steve,” He murmurs, lips connecting with your neck briefly, “he won’t even know.”
Eddie was right—but the hesitation was still there.
“I’m not letting you fuck me in a closet,” You force out in a hushed whisper, “get over yourself.”
Eddie chuckles lightly, fumbling with the front of his pants carefully, mouth still busy against your skin, “Never said anything about that, but if I need to find a way to keep that mouth occupied, I can think of a few.”
You look at him sternly—Eddie can faintly read your expression, smiling confidently as his belt jingles quietly, slow to unzip his jeans.
“Because as much as I love to hear you talk, that mouth is good at other things,” Eddie says knowingly, “unless, of course, you’d rather watch Steve—“
“Fuck off.” You mutter, sinking to your knees with ease, yanking Eddie’s jeans down his hips impatiently and reaching under his boxers for his cock with a ferocity that has Eddie feeling for the walls, hands coming up to brace himself.
“Jesus,” He grunts softly, your grip tightening around the soft, velvet skin, his cock thickening to full hardness under your touch, “—a little warning next time, sweetheart.”
You scoff lightly at that, the deep hum of the music traveling upstairs and under the gap of Steve’s bedroom door—it didn’t help drowning out the sounds of Steve and the girl only a few feet away, but it did help muffle the sounds of Eddie, who couldn’t help his noise level when your mouth finally closes around his cock.
You lick at the tip slowly, right along the slit until Eddie’s reaching for your head, hand squeezing at the root of your hair. Eddie never tried to be soft, or caring—he always was regardless, but he was also just as intense.
“Fuck, take it, baby—“ He pushes a little deeper, forcing you to inhale on the push, moaning against him, “oh, fuck—“
It was easy to wreck Eddie’s ego, watch it come crashing to the ground every time you touched him. You bob your head with his movements, slowly until he’s holding you still, rocking his hips into your mouth with harsh, precise thrusts—fucking your mouth just like he would your pussy, reminding you just how devastating it was that he couldn’t have you right now.
There’s a creak on the bed that has you two pausing your movements, mouth still fully engulfing Eddie’s dick as footsteps approach. Eddie’s thumb pressing at your cheek gently, rubbing in small, comforting circles—almost a way to soothe or ease your worry.
“Hurry.” The girl giggles, followed by Steve’s ruffling through the drawers of the table placed beside the closet.
“I’m coming, I’m coming.”
And the double entendre of it has both you and Eddie forcing a laugh back down.
When Steve finally retreats a safe distance you feel Eddie rub at your jaw, urging you to continue.
You double down, shifting down to mouth at his balls, the weight heavy against your tongue as you swirl it gently over the skin—Eddie raises his fist in silence, biting down to stifle the filthy groan that almost escapes. It’s the easiest way to fuck with him, knowing how much he liked it—and you don’t stop.
Your hand pumps steadily, stopping to squeeze at the head occasionally, smearing the precum over the head and down, the friction unbearable as you made it your absolute mission to make Eddie come—fast and hard.
It doesn’t take long before he’s grunting softly, yanking gently at your head to pull you away.
“Need somewhere,” Eddie begs, “Steve’ll never forgive me if I use his shirt to clean up my jizz, sweetheart.”
“I don’t know,” You tease, “think it’s kinda hot, actually.”
It would’ve been easier for him to ask to come in your mouth, but that was a little too straightforward—he didn’t do it often, mostly because things would’ve led to sex by now, but it’s still one of his favorite things, your eyes wide and attentive on his face as he cums, thinking he might actually pass out from the feeling of it all.
“Your mouth, baby,” He finally says, voice strained, clearly holding himself back, “god, let me cum in your mouth, please.”
You smile widely, despite how hard it is to make it out in the poor lighting and nod, which he does feel.
You close your mouth over the tip, feeling his hand leave your hair to tug at his dick, jerking himself off with fervor, breathing harshly through his nose.
“I’m gonna come,” He forces out in a hushed tone, giving you the small warning you need to pull back, tongue pressed against the underside of his cock, as he lets out a litany of curses, “fuckfuckfuck—“ in the same deep tone that makes your thighs clench together harder, reminding you how greatly you were lacking his touch.
You flinch when the warmth of it hits your mouth, warm and pooling in the dip of your tongue as Eddie tries his best to suppress his groans, squeezing himself until there’s nothing left, the head of his cock dragging against your lips as he pulls away—your immediate instinct is to swallow, rid yourself of the musky taste and find the best route of escape, but Eddie stops you.
“Come here,” He urges, letting him pull you up, your face tilting in his grip as he closes your mouth with his thumb, rubbing the underside of your chin, “—how does it taste?”
You raise your eyebrows expectantly, gesturing to him before opening your mouth, beckoning him to get a taste—and Eddie’s never shied away from things like this, always willing to try things at least once. So, he does, his tongue dipping into your mouth quickly, the taste of him lingering between you two briefly as you hurried to swallow the rest.
“Dirty,” He repeats his earlier sentiment against your lips, “—fuck, if I didn’t like you so much I would never do shit like that.”
You giggle quietly, reaching up to press a gentle kiss against his lips, “I know.”
And you can say that with full confidence, because it’s true.
“Now, how do we get out of here?”
You shrug, “Don’t know—but, I got something that’ll keep you busy, if you want.”
Eddie was more than eager to please.
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livwritesstuff · 3 months
for @steddie-week day 7 (a day late bc sunday errands got a lil out of control)
this is a sneak peek of an upcoming fic (vibe is slow burn TV co-stars Steddie feat. denial of feelings, a betrayal, and chaotic misuse of social media) and I am Very Excited (that being said pls don't ask about a timeline bc I don't have a clue 😅)
tags: modern day, famous au, actor!steve, actor/singer!eddie, pre-relationship, fake dating (kind of)
The real point of no return in all this, Eddie knows, was the call with PR.
It – as in, having a little fun with the ridiculous dating rumors about him and Steve that had started floating around early on during the press tour for the TV show they'd filmed together last year – was all just a fun little joke until he woke up to a GCal invite in his inbox from the studio’s PR team and ended up on a thirty minute call where a bunch of random suits with fake-ass smiles laughed and said wouldn’t it be funny – wouldn’t it be a goddamn laugh-riot – if you guys played into the rumors? Just for the press tour?
(Just while we can profit off it?)
Yeah. Eddie knows the real motive here but his sense of self-preservation is, like, broken or something (defective at the very least) and he’s always down for a spectacle, so the second he sees Steve nodding his agreement, he agrees too.
It takes less than an hour for PR to send out an updated press schedule, one that now had Eddie paired with Steve at basically every opportunity, which…Eddie feels torn two ways about because, like, it’s an ensemble show. He’d actually really like to do some of this press stuff with Robin and Nancy too. On the other hand, all jokes aside, Eddie does have a pretty pathetic crush on Steve Harrington, so he sort of wants to clock all the hours with him as he can before the show comes out and all this comes to an end, when their paths will separate once again and remain that way probably forever (or until the show gets renewed for a second season, but that’ll be up in the air for a while).
And yes, Eddie sees the irony in the situation. Look – it’s not like he wanted to have a crush on this guy.
Their characters are practically brothers, and Eddie had been on enough sets to know that coming off a project even just being friends with castmates isn’t a walk in the park in and of itself.
Sure, Harrington’s cute – Eddie had noticed it the second they met, but he’d noticed it in kind of a clinical, detached way, like how he could hold an opinion on how good-looking one girl is from the next even if it didn’t do anything for him. He knew that Steve’s a good-looking dude, but more importantly, he’s an honest-to-god good person. Eddie wasn’t even thinking about being anything other than Steve’s friend because he could recognize the kind of privilege that alone is.
So, yeah. No crush on Steve Harrington in sight – not in the beginning, anyway, and not during the entire filming process. Then they started to film all the promo material, and the press tour had kicked off with an eight hour press junket, and after that very first interview (a fifteen minute sit-down with an entertainment talk show), Eddie had turned and asked Steve if he’d fucked up at all (because this is first time on a project big enough to have a real press tour and, seriously, he had no goddamn context for how any of this shit was supposed to go). Steve had just smiled and kicked his ankle and told him he did good and to stop worrying.
And something about that – the little kick to his ankle – had Eddie’s heart turning over like he was part of those trashy romance novels he outright refused to pick up (even though he’d put in a fair bit of time ogling the men on the covers as a horny, closeted teenager).
Oh, fuck, he’d remembered thinking.
Stop it, he’d tried to tell his heart or his brain or whoever else could be responsible for the feelings that were creeping in.
But it was already too late.
It only took a couple hours after the call with PR for Eddie to wonder if he might have made a mistake.
“You sure you’re okay with this?” Eddie asked after scrolling through a thread of comments on a clip of an interview that made its way over to TikTok (the thread started with i’ve never seen steve look at anyone like that before and he stopped scrolling after won’t waste my time watching now with an anxious feeling swirling in his gut).
“Huh?” Steve blinked at him.
“I mean,” he paused, “Not every straight guy would be cool with the whole world thinking there’s something going on between him and his gay coworker.”
And Steve had merely shrugged.
“I really don’t think the whole world is tuning into the press tour for some nerdy doomsday show,” he had replied, and then he’d added, “And whoever said I’m straight?”
As if that hadn’t blown Eddie’s whole goddamn mind.
So…fuck it. What’s the worst that could happen?
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tryanmybest · 1 year
whatever's supposed to happen in season 3 aside, i'm delusional
please enjoy silly ideas about what muriel, crowley, maggie, and nina get up to while aziraphale's gone :)
maggie and nina RUSH to crowley once they find out aziraphale left
both of them know the feeling of rejection and they support him as much as they can
they give him helpful breakup advice and check up on him periodically
over time, the three become good friends
maggie and nina are endlessly curious about the whole heaven/hell/angel/demon/universe thing and crowley answers what questions he can
since crowley's still not bound to hell, the three of them just vibe most of the time
muriel joins them on occasion, when they're not reading a new book
crowley, despite maggie and nina telling him it might be better to keep his distance from the shop for a bit, checks in on muriel and teaches them how to properly take care of the bookshop
as in, don't sell any of the books, don't rearrange any of the books, close and open whenever you want, etc.
occasionally, muriel, maggie, and nina will organize sort of "storytimes" where crowley shares some stories from his past
it starts with the ones without aziraphale. it's still a bit too raw to tell those.
but, eventually, he tells the story of elspeth in edinburgh. or the lost unicorn on noah's arc (which maggie swears she knew were real this whole time)
maggie and nina also teach muriel how to properly blend in with humans
they're not the BEST at it, but they're good enough that they can go get hot cocoa from nina's shop without people staring at them
crowley teaches muriel how to perform miracles. although, angelic miracles are just a bit different than demonic ones. so they both kind of figure it out together
muriel ends up miracling aziraphale's wardrobe to fit them. those are the human clothes they have access to, afterall.
and, besides, the style suits them.
crowley smiles at the look and doesn't comment on it. and nina gives him a reassuring pat on the shoulder.
muriel shares the stories they've read with maggie, who listens enthusiastically
nina suggests muriel write a story of their own
regular customers at give me coffee or give me death now recognize the bookshop owner often in the corner pondering a laptop
nina taught them how to use it. crowley whispers to them that if they tell the laptop what to do with a bit of miraculous energy, it's a lot easier
maggie shows muriel some music. it's so much better than the celestial harmonies that they've had to hear for all these years
they end up liking everything they're shown. from aziraphale's old classical records they found in the bookshop to the queen that plays from crowley's car
muriel adores the bentley. and the bentley eventually warms up to them.
crowley takes muriel to see more of earth, once
well, more of england anyway
there's one time during the drive that the queen melts into an unfamiliar song. something about angels and nightingales.
crowley puts a fist to the dash and it switches back to queen before muriel can grasp what it is
while they're far from the city, the stars are much brighter
muriel hasn't had the chance to see them until then
and crowley tells them another story. about nebulas and galaxies and how they're made. and how gorgeous they really are up close.
muriel doesn't understand why crowley gets so sad talking about something he loves
sometimes residents of the street ask where mr. fell went
maggie and nina will respond that maybe you should mind your own business and they're sure he has his reasons
muriel will smile and say that he's gone on to heaven. then get confused when people offer their condolences
crowley doesn't say anything.
ms sandwich can put together that aziraphale and crowley were an item, though.
and she can certainly see that they aren't anymore
eventually, after a few months, maggie and nina start officially dating
muriel happens to be reading some of aziraphale's romance novels, and they find nina and maggie's relationship utterly adorable
if they ever mention as much tho, nina will tell them to piss off while maggie gets flustered
once, muriel asks maggie and nina when they figured out that they had feelings for each other
crowley is around at that time
muriel, excited by maggie and nina's answers turns to crowley and starts to ask him when he realized he was in love with aziraphale. but they trail off
nina had told them that crowley's not great at talking about aziraphale all the time
they have to wait until he brings it up, okay?
muriel apologizes, but crowley waves a hand
he explains the experience of the first rain
and maggie GASPS
"the rain! back when you were trying to get me and nina together! that was YOU."
crowley just offers a half-smirk and a thumbs-up
that's all ive got for now.
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lawsvalentine · 2 years
Can I Have This Dance? • OP Men Scenarios • (SFW)
Characters: Luffy, Sanji, Law,
CW: None, Pure Fluff.
Cee’s note: I am soft™️ 🥺🥺. (Also I originally wanted to include Zoro but i literally cannot imagine him slow dancing sgshdj like my mind was blank trying to come up with something) But oh well, hope y’all enjoy!
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The straw hats had once again saved a town and in return, the villagers have thrown them a banquet. Luffy had already stuffed himself with the food from the banquet. What’s a better way to blow off steam than to do some dancing. He is quick to drag you on the dance floor with him, which you happily obliged.
You and Luffy were practically dancing like maniacs. You two tend to feed off each other’s energy, so it’s no surprise that you guys are in your own little world, just vibing off each other. It wasn’t until the music slowed and people were starting to couple up is when you both froze and stared at each other awkwardly.
You have always had a crush on your captain but pushed those feelings aside because you didn’t think he would be interested in dating. Also because you were practically best friends and you didn’t want to ruin it by expressing your feelings.
So it took you by surprise when Luffy suddenly wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. So close that your noses almost touched. Your face flushed at the closeness and you slowly brought your arms to wrap around his neck. You two start to sway to the rhythm of the music.
“This is kinda weird, right” you say to break the awkward silence.
“Not really, I kinda like it”
Your stomach starts tingling at his words. This boy didn’t know the affect he had on you. Suddenly, Luffy let out his famous chuckle as he studied your body language.
“You know you’re cute when you’re nervous”
Did he just-
“You think I’m cute?” You say, with wide eyes.
“Of course, aren’t you supposed to when you like someone”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Luffy liked you?
“Wait, you like-like me? Like more than a friend?”
“Duhhhh!” Luffy said with a snicker. “Thought it was obvious, Y/N”
You couldn’t help but smile and giggle at his confession. Feeling all giddy, knowing your crush liked you back.
“I like-like you too, Luffy”
Luffy gave you a big toothy grin as he spun you around. You too giggling as you continued to dance.
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The banquet you and the straw hats were at was in full swing with people dancing and drinking and stuffing there faces with food. The music had slowed and people were coupling up quickly and slow dancing. You took a sip from your wine as you sat and observed people. You couldn’t help but notice Sanji get turned down by yet another girl who he had asked to dance with him.
You saw the saddened look on the cook’s face who slumped down in defeat. You felt kind of bad for him. Sure he could be a bit…much with his love for women but at the end of the day he had a good heart and he wasn’t bad looking in the slightest. You downed the rest of your drink, gaining a bit of liquid confidence and marched your way toward him.
“I’ll dance with you Sanji”
Sanji looked up at you, eyes widened and mouth agape. He couldn’t believe his ears, surely you must be mistaken.
You giggled at his dumbfounded look, “You coming or what?”
Sanji sprung up arms wide and eyes filled with hearts, “Y/N-SWA-“
You clamped your hand over his mouth muffling his voice. A few nearby strangers gave you two weird looks before proceeding with their dance.
“Listen, I’ll dance with you but none of that, got it?”
Sanji nodded his head frantically. He would be a fool to mess up this opportunity. You released your hand from his mouth. Sanji grabbed that same hand and placed the back of it to his lips giving it a gentle peck. It was almost like a switch was flipped, because Sanji’s entire demeanor changed from hopeless simp to Mr.Prince.
“Mademoiselle, may I have this dance?”
He bowed slightly as he said it. You couldn’t deny the butterflies you got from his gentleman-like actions. The boy can be quite charming when he wants to be.
You two made your way to the floor to an empty spot. You wrap your arms around Sanji’s neck and his hands found their place holding your waist. Your eyes were locked on each other as you swayed slowly to the music. You felt timid under his gaze. You have never been this up close and personal with Sanji. Was his eyes always this pretty?
His voice took you out of your thoughts. “I think you’re very beautiful Y/N”
You turned your head slightly to hide your blush. “You’re not so bad looking yourself”
Suddenly, you felt yourself be dipped down, Sanji once again having those heart eyes as he started basically asking for your hand in marriage.
You giggle at Sanji’s forwardness. “Slow down lover boy, how bout you take me on a date first.”
“As you wish, princess”
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You were reading a romance novel, back rested against the headboard of the bed, patiently waiting for your lover to be finished with his work. You didn’t mind though, fully enthralled with the story you were reading.
Law finally entered your shared private quarters, to find you giggling and blushing at the book in your hand. He gave you a perplexed look, before sitting at the edge of the bed facing you.
“What are you reading, Y/N-ya?”
“Oh it’s nothing, just the main character and her love interest are slow dancing at this ball. I dunno, I always thought it would be really romantic to be asked to dance.”
Law stared at you with an unreadable expression. You suddenly felt embarrassed at your confession, closing the book and setting it by the night stand.
“Forget it, Law, it’s stupid. Let’s just go to bed”
You were about to pull the sheets over you when you felt Law stand from his place on the bed and make his way to you. You saw his hand being held out in front of you. You look up at him with widened eyes.
Were you imagining this? Surely, this can’t be real.
Law smirked at your shocked expression.
“Dance with me, Y/N-ya���
You beamed at him, before placing your hand in his and standing up from the bed. He slowly brought you close to his chest as his other hand rested at your waist. You brought your free arm to wrap around his neck, playing with the hair at his nape. You two started to sway, creating your own rhythm despite the lack of music.
His golden orbs gazed down at you with a soft expression. It was rare seeing Law like this. Usually, he is not a big fan of PDA, so most of it is done in private. He may not be the most expressive when it comes to love, but it’s moments like this, where he shows you how much he loves and cares for you. Moments like this that make you fall even more in love with him.
You rest your head on his chest, enjoying being held by him as you both continued to sway to the imaginary music in your heads.
He places a chaste kiss on-top of your head before tilting your head up so he can look at your face.
“Your feelings aren’t stupid Y/N-ya, I would never judge you, my love”
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AITA for uninviting my friend to a concert after she bought her plane tickets and refusing to pay her the money she spent on the tickets?
Me and my friend both love a singer called Melanie Martinez. We have both been listening to her for years and her music has gotten us through a lot.
A year and a half ago I got my first job. As someone who has a disability and grew up with not a lot I pride myself on the money I make and how well I’ve been doing at my job. My friend knows this, she also knows I take how I spend my money very seriously. My friend does not have a job, but she lives with her parents who give her monthly allowances so she can do as she pleases until she gets a job. The amount they give her is not a lot but she does save up so she has quite a bit of money. She likes to buy small things while setting aside some money for something big she wants while I like to save up almost all my money and get one big thing every once in a while that I really want.
Melanie first announced her Portals tour she only gave US dates but a while ago she announced UK dates for the tour. The UK tickets cost quite a bit of money and travelling and a hotel would also be pretty pricey but I had been saving and decided that this would be the big thing I would get for myself. I really wanted to go but with my disability I didn’t want to go alone. I asked my friend if she was available for one of the dates and she was so I invited her. I bought both of our tickets for the London date and since I make the most money out of both of us, it was my idea and I was being nice for my friend I also booked the hotel (instead if splitting it like she had originally suggested), while she offered to buy her own ticket for the plane and pay for her own food while we were over in London.
We had everything set, she bought a new outfit to wear for the tour and we were so excited. She hadn’t yet bought her plane ticket but I wasn’t too worried because I hadn’t yet either (and honestly flying makes me so nervous that just buying the tickets puts me on edge).
When we talked about it with our other friends she bragged about going which I found weird but whatever she was excited y’know. But she started complaining along with her bragging like “you’d think that we could’ve gotten closer seats but oh well at least we’re going” or “the tickets were just so expensive we’ll be broke after this” which made me feel weird. I asked her if she had an issue with the seats I got since they were in the disability accessible areas the view was good but it definitely wasn’t the front so I was kinda sympathetic to her disappointment. She said she didn’t care were the seats were and she was only joking around. But she kept complain-bragging until she was just complaining. Like “its gunna so cold I’m gunna hate it” or “we better have to deal with those annoying fans with the signs or the bracelets” and on and on and when I asked her if she was still excited she said she was just joking and she was excited. I have a hard time understanding when people are being serious or not so I just took her word for it.I didnt want to cause any arguments between us.
So she shows me the outfit she bought and it looks great and I show her the outfit I put together and we buy those plastic elf ears to decorate we are having a great time. She would say that my outfit didn’t fit the vibe as well as her and I better not actually wear it and embarrass her and again she says she’s joking. I made part of my outfit so I didn’t find it very funny.
She didn’t really talk with our friends about the concert other than with me, because my friends were kinda over it which I get. But I got a message a week ago from one of my other friends he’d sent a lot of screen shots of the friend i was taking to the concert saying she’d rather be going with him because he’d be more fun but at least with me she’ll “get disability special treatment and get to skip the line” and that “it wasn’t her money so she might as well try to enjoy herself”. Firstly we are adults we are too grown to be talking shit on snapchat. And secondly i was so crushed. I’d really been looking forward to spending time with my friend on a fun get away to see an artist we adore and she’d been complaining the whole time and was only looking forward to it because with me she’d get “special treatment”.
So I sent her the screenshots and I told her if she really didn’t want to go with me then she wasn’t going I’d just take someone else. She sent me a screenshot of her plane ticket she had bought that morning being confirmed and was like “no u have to take me I’ve paid for my plane tickets” and I was upset and said I didn’t care I’m not going to waste a ticket I spent my hard earned money on someone who didn’t appreciate it and views my disability as a way to get a better deal for herself and wanted to go with someone else.
She said she was joking and that I was ruining things for her and that it meant so much to her to go and how dare I take that away from her.
I have invited a different friend. They also love Melanie Martinez and I hadn’t asked them originally cuz they had plans around the time of the concert but the plans they had fell through so it works out, I need someone to go with they need something to do and honestly they deserve a break and a good time.
My friend who I was taking originally is very upset with me and is demanding I either take her or I pay for the plane ticket she now isn’t going to use. I told her to just get a refund from the airport and she said she didn’t want a refund from them she wanted me to pay for the “emotional stress” of the whole situation. I even got a message from her mum telling me to just pay the money.
My other friends are either neutral or think I’m taking things too far over some “inappropriate jokes” and I do feel bad since she was very excited and I was excited to go with her. I was originally so sure in my decision to uninvite her and bring someone else but now I just feel so bad. I can’t uninvite my other friend and reinvite her but I also don’t want to pay her anything since she offered to get her own ticket herself it was her money to spend and I have already spent far more on this than her. She says I’m greedy. I’m hurt by her comments she’s been my friend for 8 years and I’ve never really seen her act this way and say these things.
I felt I was doing the right thing and now I’m not sure. I feel like I’m going to lose a good friendship over a situation I’m overreacting in.
Am I the asshole???? Help????
What are these acronyms?
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tteokdoroki · 2 years
𑊡˚+₊🍼✦ — be better, rookie + katsuki bakugou.
૮ ͈>◡< ͈ა warnings — fluff + sfw, gn!reader, pro hero!bakugou, he’s all scarred up so…manga spoilers? reader looks up to and has a huge crush on bakugou, small age gap sort of implied !! wrote this in an hour so sorry for any typos !! not beta read <3
happy new year everyone!! first little ficlet of 2023!! thank you all for sticking by me this last year, i hope this next one is full of positive vibes for you all 🫶🏾☁️
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aside from christmas, the new year has always been a time where crime was at its peak – whether it be pitpockets sneaking through crowds at Japan’s famed festivals or cruel individuals breaking into quaint little family homes while the occupants are out for the fireworks; crime always rears it ugly head during the dawn of a new year. for pro-heroes, working the patrol on new years eve is almost as bad as it gets, no one wanting to stick around for long hours amongst rowdy groups of fans, pranksters, and evil-doers amongst other archetypes of the general public. getting stuck with the new years patrol was prfobably the closet thing to bad luck, but this time around, you didn’t mind.
“what? got no plans for the new year, rookie?’
from your place crouched on a roof above the warm glow of the festivals below, you spare a glance up at your patrol partner for the evening and wet the swell of your lower lip, as if to warm it up from the onslaught of cold air drifting over it. “uh, n-no, not this year dynamight,” you stammer out, unsure as to why – is it because you’re cold? or because you’re spending the last day of the year working with a living legend? “all my friends are busy – not that i have many, and um…i kinda need the extra wages? so i volunteered for the patrol this year…”
his sturdy and intimidating presence looming over you while you hug your knees to your chest only serves to make you ramble on about the finer details you’re sure the older, more explosive hero could careless about. it all just…flies out of you, admitting your truth to someone you’ve admired for so long. katsuki bakugou was just shy of twenty-three when he started his own agency, shooting through the ranks for not only his zero casualties, zero failures work in the hero field but because of his brash, take-no-shit approach to life and obviously soul-damaging goodlooks. the first time you’d met the great and powerful dynamight, you were just a little ways away from completing your final year in the hero course at U.A, he’d come in for one of those alumni talks along with a few of his other succeszsful classmates from the iconic class 1-A. you remember nothing else from that day aside from bakugou’s words. 
‘havin’ a flashy quirk ain’t worth shit if yer not willin’ to push yourself past what you already know,’ he’d said, commanding your attention as you listened on with baited breath. ‘believe in what you can do, but don’t ever get comfortable, knowin’ that you can always be somethin’ more.’
now, seven, about to be eight years on – you still hold his words close to your heart, using it as motivation to strive to become a better hero…even if you are just a sidekick for now. you’re pulled from your thoughts when bakugou lets out a grunt while he flops down to sit next you, hot-blood red and silver-moon grey eyes focused on the buzzing celebrations below, his nose tucked into the collar of his winter-costume to keep warm. “got no partner t’kiss when the clock strikes twelve, hah?”  there’s not an ounce of care for how scandalous his question might be hidden in the blonde’s voice, in fact, he smirks from under his collar ( you can tell by the way his eyes crinkle ) when you squeak in response.
“n-no! nothing like that,” your voice shakes and rises in pitch as you vehemently deny katsuki’s claims – only making him laugh a little more, the timbre sound bristling right through you like the chill of an icy winter’s breeze. “i’m not dating anyone. i don’t really have the time to, i’ve just been focusing on becoming a good pro-hero…being the best i can be.”
bakugou knows those words like the back of his scarred hands, he knows the loneliness that comes with them too. they’re what’s gotten him this far, what got his face fucked up and his life hanging in the balance on multiple occasions. he knows them well, he wonders if you’re the same too.
“s-so…uh, dynamight–”
‘bakugou…bakugou’s fine,”
“bakugou,” you correct yourself quickly, daring to look at the man, your idol. “d-do you have any plans for new years eve tonight?”
your nervous squeals remind the aging blonde of someone he used to know, someone he’ll never dmit that he’s fond of, and bakugou decides then and there, that he likes you. this meek little rookie. he shakes his head. “don’ really care for this time’a year,” he explains simply. “but a couple of my old…friends are expecting me at a party by midnight.”
there’s a beat of silence, pocketed by your brief and meek sigh. “i-it’s almost midnight, sir.”
katsuki bakugou’s had a hard time accepting a lot of his feelings, not knowing when or why he should care…but tonight, he finds that he does. if he leaves now, with almost a few minutes to spare before the dawn of a new age, this rooke, the one that he hardly knows and only just met…will be alone. “s’bakugou to you, rookie.” and for some reason, his aching and turbulent soul just can’t handle that. “and i know, didn’t say i was goin’ to the stupid party, did i?”
the countdown below beings, with only a minute to go before another gruellling year will be upon you– your heartbeat is louder than the simmering excitement beneath you, the echoes of blood rushing through your ears deafening the anticipating crowd below. you want this next year to count, you want all of your hard work to mean something, you want the man that lead you here to know how much you owe him – so your body moves without thinking, racing ahead of the sixty-second timer that the whole world is running on as jumbled words tumble from your lips and you latch onto the dynamight’s right arm, desperatly, tearily.
“t-thank you!” you blurt out quickly, before you can even stop yourself. forty-five seconds left on the clock. “for everything, for being my hero, for going on when others can’t. for being the reason that i want to do better next year, b-be better!” you expect katsuki to recoil, to shove you off and when he doesn’t, you keep going. “even when the years would hurt you, you’ve never stopped. s-so thank you dynamight, f-for everything.”
the pro hero hates the way he almost gets choked up, nearly hates the way you remind him so much of the person who drives him to become better too. he blinks back the water lining his mismatched eyes, coughing to cover up the emotion in his voice. “did that idiot–” less than thirty seconds now. better, kacchan, be better. “did deku put you up to this?’ 
bakugou’s heart seizes in his chest when he realises – you’re just good, a little like deku, but good in your own way, in your own time. it makes sense why the number one had chosen you to be his sidekick. ten seconds. “no,” you whisper so sweetly, almost too quiet to be heard underneath the shouts of ‘five, four three two–!’ “that was all me. t-thank you, bakugou.”
the smile you give him is bright, further illuminated by the pops of colour from fireworks in the sky.
you’re pretty, both inside and out, showing katsuki an appreciation he’s only ever felt once, before. 
speaking again, you give his arm a squeeze. “happy new year, bakugou.” 
“happy new year,” katsuki parrots, constarstingly soft to his rough, bumped and bruised exterior. here’s to being better, rookie.”
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onsunnyside · 2 years
B1 for sleazy rockstar ari with the pop princess
𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 | sleazy rockstar!Ari Levinson x inexperienced!famous!reader [PR stunt fic]
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 | daddy!ari, soft dark themes and elements. only at the beginning: smut - minors dni, fingering (f), dirty talk, daddy kink. Reader’s stage name is Angel. 
𝗦𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 | You and Ari attend the premier of your new movie. 
Yandere Prompt: B is for... Brand 1. “I’m going to engrave myself into your very being.”
𝗪/𝗖 | 507
𝗔/𝗡 | a super tiny tiny peek into this verse. maybe i’ll announce this fic title and the band moodboards soon !! again, he isn't yandere but you get the vibe.
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The windows could be foggy, the limo could be rocking but you didn’t care. You couldn’t care about anything but the rush of tingles fluttering through your body, soaking down your thighs and all over Ari’s hand. 
“That’s it, make a mess for daddy.” He groans heavily, roughly rubbing your clit through the cotton, prolonging your high. “Look so fuckin’ pretty all dressed up. I couldn’t let this pussy think I forgot about her, hm?”
Shudders rock through your body as he traces over your wet panties, A-R-I… “You know how good my name would look here?” You branded with his name in dark ink—that was a fucking dream. He massages the inside of your thigh, continuing to write the rest of his name, claiming you with his touch. “One day, I’m going to engrave myself into your very being. Let everyone know that you’re mine.”
But you weren’t, not yet. 
“Are you relaxed now, princess?” He asks, licking his fingers clean, those chunky silver rings catching the light. It was exhilarating, introducing you to all sorts of things—tainting the innocence that defined you. 
“Y-Yes, thank you.” You squirm as the cool fabric sticks to you, already feeling uncomfortable. You’ll have to tolerate it until you go inside because there was no chance you’d walk the carpet without underwear. 
“Good girl. Now put on a big smile for the cameras.” You grin, hoping the warmth on your face will calm down quickly. “And remember what I told you earlier.” 
After growing up in the spotlight, it should be easy to fake smiles and glee. But you hadn’t always been in the limelight, only recently you were shoved into the public’s view, all to further your career and live on in the legacy of your famous parents. 
“Tonight is about me, and I shouldn’t let anyone make me feel inferior.” 
Sometimes, you found yourself believing the lie too. Pushing aside the relentless orders from your management team about staged appearances or calculated social media activities, you could fade into that heaven of fame, white flashes and young love. In those daydreams, you and Ari were really dating and madly in love—not just two people caught up in the world of tabloids and rumours, and definitely more than friends. 
He beams, kissing your knuckles. “That’s daddy’s little star. You’re gonna knock ‘em dead, and be the prettiest gal on the carpet.” He goes to open the door and be the perfect gentleman that will have the world swooning, but you stop him. 
“W-Wait, Ari, your—your thing.” You nervously point to the tent in his slacks, they were tight enough and clung to his thick thighs, but his excitement was awfully visible. 
He smirks, “You wanna take care of it, angel?”
“No—not here. We have to go.” You frown, “is your team okay with you going out like that?”
“Mhm. Not like the world hasn’t seen my dick before. Plus, everyone will know just how much I’m into you.” As they say in the industry, any publicity is good publicity.
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twstjam · 1 year
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"Lili? Raising children?! HAH! That's priceless. I wouldn't trust him to care for a rock!"
You've seen young Lilia, now get ready for YOUNGER Lilia with LONGER hair!!!
This is brought to you by a design I found in my files that inspired me to think about Lilia (and Mallenore) before the human invasion happened on Land of Briar. I came up with it just now but I hc that Lilia and Mallenore BOTH liked to dye their hair and would often match (because they were besties your honor)
Anyways Thoughts time: I think that Lilia was/is really popular among the fae nobility considering he was the princess's best friend and also a very promising soldier. I also wonder though... If he was popular because of his looks and if he had lots of admirers and suitors and people interested in him romantically, but aside from hook-ups and such he wasn't all that interested in relationships because they were too demanding (also there's the thing where a lot of people wanted to have kids and at that age he Very Much Did Not).
In his suitor suit lines I think he mentioned that he can date whoever as long as they can respect each other's interests or something. That and based on what we've seen in Chapter 4 I get the vibe that he's the kind of guy who likes doing what he wants and when he was younger he had much less patience with people ordering him around too much. (he still follows orders but he's not COMPLETELY happy about it, based on how he complains about Mallenore)
Those are just MY interpretations though, also I haven't fully read Chapter 4 because full english translations haven't come out yet so some of my info here might be off oops
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yuzukult · 2 years
yours, but not yours 04 || csc & reader
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title: yours, but not yours 04 pairing: choi seungcheol x fem!reader/oc genre: angst, fluff, smut, fake dating!au, bad influence!seungcheol, nice guy syndrome!namjoon, mechanic!seungcheol wc: 7.1k summary: when a nice guy gets too overbearing, you’re stuck with the option of having a fake boyfriend. warnings: profanity (as usual), mentions of death a/n: hi im back :D
He hasn’t said a single word. 
It causes you to grow anxious; shivers run up your spine as you watch him outside of your, well, his garage. Frankly, you’ve never watered your plants before—if any of these are plants, some of them don’t resemble anything you could name off the top of your head. You briefly recalled Chaeryong nagging about how you somehow manage to treat the weeds better than the actual greenery you have, but in your defense, it was a bit hard to differentiate them! With a sigh, you turn the knob to shut off the water and toss the hose aside after filling up the watering pot. Just like Seungcheol in your thoughts, it overflows just barely, spilling from the sides.
That night didn’t really go as you’d hope it would. 
Seungcheol—of course, it pretty much goes without saying—slept beside you without much of a counter argument. He didn’t say much, he didn’t probe, he didn’t pry, and what felt worse was that he never asked for an apology. Instead, he slept quietly on his side of the bed, the soft snores pouring into the cool, summer night, leaving you lying flat with your eyes open, gaze tracing the tiles of ceiling above. He continues to say he isn’t mad at you, but the vibe you got from him that night states otherwise. 
Breakfast the next morning is rowdy with your friends, and despite all the events, Seungcheol remains doing a good job of being your boyfriend by sitting next to you at the table, dousing syrup on your pancakes, and calmly wiping the table when you knock over your glass of water. Of course. Seungcheol puts on a good show as always. Your friends don’t suspect a fake relationship; all they see is a sweet loving boyfriend who’d do anything for you. 
“You two are cute,” Chaeryong nudged you as you were dabbing your shirt and Seungcheol was already shuffling through your bag for a clean one. “Treat him well, and keep him around. I’m beginning to be Team Cheol instead of Joonie,” she winked playfully. Everything was falling into place—people were slowly opening up to the idea of you being more with someone who wasn’t Namjoon, even though it required a fake relationship to get there. The plan is working–but why do you hate it?
When you arrive back home from that eventful weekend, Seungcheol still doesn’t bug you as usual. He doesn’t smirk, nor does he lean on one of the cars he’s been working on, rag on his shoulder with a soft chuckle and the words, “Headin’ out, love?” don’t escape from him. The six times you’ve passed the garage, no smart comment peeps out of him. 
You roll your lips. Why hasn’t he said anything?
The clang of his wrench against the concrete rings your ears, startling you in the midst of the stillness. Why didn’t he come out when he heard your footsteps coming down the stairs? Why hasn’t he gone out of his way to sneak in a sleazy pickup line with those alluring eyes of his? 
Puffing your cheeks, you skim the area nervously. There’s this weird tightness in your lower stomach, a mixture of compression and whirling, and the longer you continue to deny that his avoidance is affecting you, the worse the symptoms get. Maybe you should… make the first move. You upset him, and if anything, the only person who should be apologizing is you. But… it’s Seungcheol. He’d never make you do something you don’t want to. Even if the right thing to do is to apologize. 
Inhaling in a deep breath, you drop your little plastic watering can (the one you used to bathe your weeds in), clenched fists by your side as your chest juts out barely to showcase your confidence (there isn’t a lot of it).
Okay. One step. Two steps. Three steps—why the fuck are you taking so long? But each time you try to quicken your pace, it increases along with the beats in your chest. Your palms grow clammy in unison to the heat rising to your cheeks, stomach queasy because you’re finally going to confront Seungcheol and yet you aren’t sure what to say or do. Do you say sorry? Do you… talk to him about his feelings? What are you supposed to do?
Just a couple more steps.
Taking in another breath, you squeeze your eyes shut briefly. Whatever happens next might determine whatever it is you have with Seungcheol—do you want more? Or are you just concerned about his perception of you?
Seungcheol slides out from underneath the car the same time you turn your head to the familiar voice.
Why now!
Your mom stands there—with her little curls and a wide grin, bags of food at her side as she gently puts it down onto the asphalt. Waving eagerly, she’s already rushing to you with her arms wrapping around your frame, smacking a huge smooch on your face.
Her hands cup your cheeks, frowning along with your pursed lips. “Jesus, hon. You’ve gotten so thin—have you eaten? Actually, don’t answer that, I’ve bought some stuff to whip up for you. Have you been ordering out? Also, I saw the weeds in your garden—”
“Mom!”you exclaim, and before you could stomp your feet, you could hear Seungcheol chuckle softly from behind.
Both of you divert your attention to Seungcheol. 
He looks… charming like this. You haven’t seen his face like this in a couple days after that incident, and just the sight of his smile is enough to swell your heart again. He wipes his hands onto the back of his overalls with a grease stained cloth over his shoulder, and he attempts to fix his disheveled hair as he walks closer. 
“Hi, um, I’m Seungcheol.”
Your mom glances at you before looking back at Seungcheol. “Oh, wow, you’re handsome. I’m the mom—of course. Are you two—”
You and Seungcheol lock eyes.
Did… Did you just tell your mom ‘yes’?
“I—” Seungcheol laughs, rubbing his nape shyly; how is it that his laugh is fucking sweet? He makes you feel like you’re drowning in honey—wait no, no. He’s not yours to fall for, and the reality is that you two don’t work well together. You’ve already established that. So why are you suddenly not okay with that? Scratch it. You need these thoughts out. “Sorry. I didn’t think she was ready to tell you yet but uh, yeah. We’re together.”
You didn’t think you were ready. 
But… together. Why does that sound so… comforting?
Something within you takes over because in that moment, you don’t even realize what you’re saying. You’re the one who told your mom that you’re together, not Seungcheol. Either way, Seungcheol plays in with the lie, yet another lie—one you aren’t so proud of—but at the same time… you sort of want to see how this plays out. Is Seungcheol a good enough fit for you in your mom’s eyes?
Speaking of your mom, she doesn’t forget to whack you a couple times as you cower in fear. “A-Ah! Ow! Mom! What’s that for?”
She grabs onto the top of your ear. “You didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend!” Your mom turns to smile at Seungcheol adoringly while still pinching your ear. “Come upstairs, will you? I’ll be making dinner for you both. Do you handle spicy food well?”
Seungcheol grins in amusement. “Yeah, I do. Lemme clean up a bit and I’ll see you two upstairs.”
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“He’s handsome and nice, what’s wrong with you!”
Truthfully, you could list a handful of things, but when your mom flicks the side of your head again, all you could let out was a whimper.
“I didn’t know how to tell you!” Not entirely a facade—how do you explain to your mom that you’re fake dating a guy that you might want to really date? Or do you not? You’re still trying to figure that out but that’s besides the point. Rubbing your ear with a pout, you step back from your mom. “Plus, you barely met him for like three seconds. How do you know if he’s nice?”
“Because,” she says, returning to the pot of stew, stirring it with a wooden spoon she found in your kitchen. “Do you see that?”
You furrow your brows. “See what?”
She points out to the window above your sink; shifting the sheer curtains to the side, you spot Seungcheol standing in the driveway—hair pushed back into a half pony because it wasn’t long enough, hands clean from the oil, and clearing his throat as if he’s practicing something. 
“He said he went to clean up but instead he ran down to the market a block away to grab me flowers.”
“Oh.” Oh is right. Was he always this sweet?
He’s at your front door in moments, a bouquet of flowers in hand with a twinkle in his eyes. “I got your mom flowers.”
You’re rolling your lips, forcing yourself not to give away a smile too easily. “What about me?” you ask, taking the daisies from his hands. 
“You said you didn’t like flowers,” he retorts blankly, lost with the joke going over his head. “I did get you a weed killer though. Why were you watering them earlier?”
… So, he noticed you?
Even when he’s clearly upset with you, he notices you. He doesn’t forget you, and you’re not wiped from his mind conveniently, especially when he harbors these feelings for you. He’s unconventional in how he expresses his emotions—what kind of guy gets a girl they like a fucking weed killer instead of flowers? But the simple act alone gave away more than you could ever ask for and it leaves you wondering what it’ll be like to actually be his.
“… They’re pretty.” Just like Cheol. 
“Mm, kinda cute you find something pretty that everyone sees as a burden,” he then gestures to your house behind you. “So, you gonna let me in or you gonna let me stand out here and eat outside your house like a bum?”
Cheol sitting at the stable with good posture and manners is definitely a view you didn’t think you’d ever see.
He’s polite; says his please and thank yous, offers to make some tea for your mom in your own home, and when she serves dinner, he’s overflowing with compliments. Everything she puts in front of him—he eats. Seungcheol doesn’t complain, in fact, he looks… happy. Eager to be here, almost like it wasn’t something he was dragged into, instead, as if he wants to be here.
After dinner, he’s at the sink as your mom hands over the dirty dishes. Rather than the grease and oil marks that tinges the color of his hands, they’re now bubbly, lavender scented from the dish soap you purchased on sale from the supermarket nearby. He tells her things about his life that you never knew about—his mom sells clothes for a living and his dad owns a business. Seungcheol doesn’t go into the details, but just that alone made you realize something.
You don’t really know Seungcheol.
And truthfully, you never really have him a chance to talk about himself.
He always made things about you… you, you, you. Everything was about your comfort, what you wanted, and how you wished to be seen with him. If you were to throw random questions about yourself in his way, he’d be able to answer in a heartbeat. No hesitation.
But you? You can’t say you know anything about him other than he likes fixing up cars, likes you, and was known to be a fuckboy. 
“Would you like some leftovers?” Your mom queries, scooping out the remnants of the stew into some glass containers. “A growing boy like you needs to eat.”
He chuckles; voice so ginger and delicate, almost like he’s more careful because he’s around her. “No, it’s all good. There’s always food at home for me.”
She clicks her tongue, insisting on him a couple more times, but Seungcheol is adamant about not bringing any with him, and eventually she concedes. The two of you walk her out by the time the sun begins to set, watching as she hops into the car with your dad who just came out of work. (Not to mention that menacing stare he gives Cheol before loosening his expression to his usually happy one, hollering something along the lines of, “let’s meet again soon, son-in-law!” You're beginning to think this was a mistake).
Once your parents’ car drifts with the sunset, so does Seungcheol. He turns almost immediately, making way back into the garage, ready to resume back to what he’d been doing prior to being called out to play pretend boyfriend. 
As he’s grabbing something from that crimson red tool box of his, he’s acting as if he didn’t just win an Oscar for the role of Best Significant Other. 
“Hm?” He responds, brows raised as he halts his movements. There’s no pet name that follows, just a hollow, open ended question without anything to finish it off lovingly.
You sigh; it’s slightly embarrassing for you to cave in like this, his name slipping from your lips, weighing in ambiguity because despite that brief intermission, you’re not entirely sure of what you’re going to say.
“I—” you clear your throat. “I… I’m sorry.”
Intrigued, he stands up straight with his arms across his chest. “You’re… sorry.”
“Um… yeah.”
He nods, lips half pursed before he licks his teeth with a smack. “Alright. Sorry for what?”
You blink blankly. What are you sorry for? That you hurt his feelings? That you were too quick to push aside his opinions and perspectives, that although he respected your boundaries, you didn’t do the same with his? 
Well, yeah. Everything. You’re sorry for everything.
“Do you know what you’re sorry for?”
“I—” You do, so why can’t you bring yourself to say it? “Cheol, please. I said I’m sorry, and I really don’t like this awkwardness between us. Can’t we just sweep it under the rug and call it a day?”
He scoffs. “What? Call it a day? I’m not mad at you, we’ve discussed this. I’m just a little bummed out is all. You can’t tell me what you’re sorry for, and it’s making me assume that you don’t know.”
“I do know!”
“Then tell me.”
You’re not even certain as to why you decided to leave it off as that or why you chose to remain quiet despite him wanting to know how you feel, but you did it anyway. There’s a part of you that’s a bit fearful; concerned that maybe everything Namjoon says about Seungcheol is true or that all you’ve assumed him to be ends up being exactly just that. How much of his outburst was genuine?
Would he love you better than the others did? And did he really develop those feelings for you? And if he did, this question continues to gnaw on your insides because well–why… you? What did you have to offer that those other girls he’d been with in the past didn’t?
But before you could swallow your pride and push your anxiousness aside, he’s already shutting the door of the garage. Slipping his arms into his biker jacket, he then adjusts the straps of his leather gloves and pops on his helmet. It wasn’t like he was in a rush or anything, but with all that extra time you had while he was gearing up, you could’ve said something… anything, really, but you don’t. You find yourself standing there, looking like a complete idiot because Seungcheol is nothing but patient for you, and yet you can’t offer anything in return. 
“I’m headin’ out, mkay?” He looks balked, torn even, because you don’t respond with a single word. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
And you don’t say goodbye in return.
Watching him leave, you’re slowly hating yourself. Why did watching him ride off in his motorcycle hurt?
You hate to admit it, but Seungcheol is plaguing your mind. He’s like a disease you can’t find a cure for, and the treatment you’re trying to give yourself only seems to worsen the symptoms. You already apologized and he said he wasn’t upset—so why do you still feel like shit and why does everything you do remind you of him?
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There’s no engine roaring from a Harley at 5:48am.
Your alarm is set to 6:00am, early enough for you to start your morning routine: brew coffee, shower, have a cup of joe while doing makeup, a brekkie snack, and get dressed for the day. But ever since Seungcheol came into your life, you’ve added an extra step before it all—groggily hop out of bed at 5:50am because you could hear his motorcycle rolling into the driveway. You’d peek out the window with tired eyes that barely peel open, finding yourself watching a man who stands on the asphalt with a cheeky smile that spreads across his face with a wave.
Today wasn’t one of those days.
In fact, when Seungcheol is running late, he catches you at the tail end of your routine, never failing to greet you with that look on his face. But oddly enough, even when you’re pulling out of your driveway, he’s not here.
A part of you grows worried. He’s never been like this before–and maybe, just maybe, you deserved this. What if Seungcheol decided that he didn’t want to rent a garage from someone who continues to lead him on, and that he wanted to call it quits? Or worse, what if something bad happened to him?
You should shoot him a text. Yeah, a text. Harmless, right? After all, he said he wasn’t mad. 
You [9:45AM]: are you still coming today?
Locking your phone with a click, you set it aside and inhale deeply. Seungcheol always replies to your texts, so it shouldn’t be too long before he responds back yet… right?
Spoiler: he doesn’t reply.
This is eating you up inside. When you get home, you check your phone constantly, every minute interval involves you pressing on the home screen and seeing nothing. There were a couple times you found yourself nearly jumping at the sight of the screen lighting up, only to be disappointed that it’s not his name on the contact.
As you’re boiling the water for your ramen, your eyes stray away momentarily to check outside. His bike isn’t there, and neither is  he. Why do you keep glancing out the window this often? You’re on edge, leg shaking underneath the table along with your fingers tapping against the wood as you're slurping your noodles, and hopelessly sliding down the notifications bar to see if he’s responded back to you.
Maybe you’ll look at his social media. Yeah, normal people do that, right?
Only that he hasn’t been active. No new stories, no new posts—nothing. Nada. 
Okay, well, maybe it’s best to keep yourself distracted! How about celebrity news? Love Island was on last night, so maybe you’ll skim through the twitter hashtags to see what people are saying. Trash TV is always a good diversion, so it may get him off your mind, even if it’s just for a little bit.
You get bored quickly—only because you keep thinking about Seungcheol. It’s been barely three minutes.
How about the news? That has a lot of interesting content—surely, it’ll be attention grabbing and you’ll forget that Seungcheol hasn’t responded to your text in like fourteen hours.
The first article that comes up on the local news website has your heart racing and dropping to your ass in seconds. It reads: DEADLY MOTORCYCLE CRASH KILLS FOUR PEOPLE.
Panic washes over like a tsunami. Seungcheol rides a motorcycle. Wait—let’s not overthink. That’s one of the flaws you have, and one of the things you planned to work on. Clicking on the article, you barely even have time to skim through when the fucking advertisement blocks the way. Tap tap tap, what the fuck do you mean 1 of 2 ads viewing and each is 30 seconds long? The love of your life could be fucking dead and you don’t even know about it—hold up.
Not the love of your life, he’s just a guy who rents the garage underneath your house. Slept with him a couple times, yeah, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be concerned about him.
Fuck, skip, bitch. The first advertisement about pull-ups finally ends but another one pops up except this time it’s Hello Fresh? You thought that this whole thing with websites selling your personal data meant that it’ll send you ads that are more targeted to your preferences? What is this?
When it closes, you’re faster than the speed of light to read the article. Four people… dead… and one of them was a male that rode a Harley.
Seungcheol rides a Harley.
He rides a Harley! And you haven’t seen that eyesore all day. He hasn’t responded to your texts or even looked at the chat, and you know because he mentioned once that he didn’t know how to turn off the read recipient. Jaw tightening, you drop your phone and quickly snatch the hoodie off your coat hook. Maybe you should run to the hospital—the article mentions where the victims have been transported to, so maybe Seungcheol is there.
Oh, god, what if Seungcheol was there? What if he’s… dead? And you never even got a chance to tell him how sorry you are and why, how much you appreciate him, and… how much you liked him. Was this the end before the beginning?
You’re not even thinking twice. The only thing you grab is your keys, phone, and wallet; house slippers still on with your tiger print pajama bottoms, shirt that matches, and slippers as tears are streaming down your cheeks as you shuffle down the concrete stairs mounted to the side of your house. 
Seungcheol, Seungcheol, Seungcheol. If he’s gone, then the last thing you two exchanged was an argument. He continues to chase you, tell you how much he likes you, and in the end, you remain completely indifferent about his advances when in reality… you reciprocate his feelings. You’re scared, as much as you don’t like to concede to the realities of your vulnerabilities, but you’re afraid of getting heartbroken by Choi Seungcheol. Even so, now… there’s a chance that you won’t even get the opportunity to feel what it’s like to let him love you.
You’re sobbing. Wiping the tears that formulate in your eyes with the sleeves of your hoodie, the snot that flows from your nose is uncontrollable. It’s hard to breathe; you’re at the point of hyperventilating as you’re struggling to open your car door. Is Seungcheol really gone? Did you lose the last time to tell him how sorry you were for not respecting him and his feelings? Why does it feel like someone grabbed your heart from your chest cavity, tore it out and stomped on it?
Suddenly, a car stops at the front of your house.
Now isn’t the time! They need to get the fuck out so you can get the fuck out of here and see that stupid boy one more time.
That is, until you see that very stupid boy step out of the black Cadillac. It heads off into the distance, but Seungcheol stands at the end of your driveway, half unbuttoned white shirt, his blazer over his shoulder, and tie loose around his neck. Hair disheveled, he looks… tired.
But not dead.
He spots you and his body straightens at the sight of you weeping. “Baby, are you… crying?”
You run. Dropping everything on the ground, you immediately rush to him. He stumbles back a bit on the impact, arms out in confusion, but he lets you embrace him. Face nuzzled into his chest, your hands clench onto the fabric of his dress shirt as you begin to sob quietly, full of gratefulness that it wasn’t him involved in the crash.
“Baby,” he reiterates the pet name, the one you used to despise in juxtaposition to the love you have for it when you finally hear it again after withdrawals. He reaches over to pull you closer, his nose digging into your hair before he pecks the crown of your head. “What’s wrong?”
It’s not the same without him, you’re beginning to realize, because hearing his voice in this way and not in short, blunt responses is something you’ve grown accustomed to and learned to adore.
When your heart slows down and your breathing evens, you lift your chin up to get a better look of his face.
Gaze soft, it’s warm like hot coffee or tea on a cold day. The two of you haven’t moved off the driveway, standing where you bolted to him. He’s so patient, so loving, and so kind, leaving you contemplating as to why you listened to Namjoon and those rumors in the first place. He’s a different person now, he even claims himself to be, but you’ve continued to be apathetic about his feelings. 
If he’s different now, you can be, too.
“I thought you were dead,” you say, mid-gasp as another tear falls out the corner of your eyes. He sighs worriedly, thumbs brushing against the highs of your cheeks before cupping your jaw. “I-I thought I lost you.”
“I’m not dead, love. Where did you hear that?”
Patting down your pockets, you freeze when you realize your phone is on the ground by your car. Sniffling, you’re almost on the brink of crying again. “I saw on the action news website—there was a Harley, two other cars, four dead—”
“Mm,” he hums, hand on the back of your head to bring you closer to him again. “Got it. We didn’t talk the whole day, you saw there was a Harley—”
“You didn’t answer my text, you ass!” you exclaim, fist slamming into his firm chest. He doesn’t flinch though, not that you expect him to, but after a couple hits, he grabs onto your hand. “You didn’t respond, and because of that, you led me down a spiral.”
Gingerly, he kisses your knuckles and rubs them soothingly as if you weren’t the one who hit him. “I’m sorry. My phone died. I didn’t get a chance to charge it with how hectic today was. I didn’t think I’d worry you.”
With another soft sniffle, you rest your head comfortingly against him. “What… What were you doing today?”
He lets out a heavy breath, almost like he’s been holding it back all day. “I… I’ve been at home. My mom hosted a gala, and well, she wanted her son there—but the son she expects me to be.”
You furrow your brows. “A gala?”
Seungcheol clears his throat and his body vibrates against yours. “Um, yeah. We hosted a gala at my house.”
You lift your head. “Your house… is big enough to host a gala?”
He scratches his ear with an awkward chuckle. “I—Yeah. It—It is. I… I don’t really wanna talk about it.”
Stepping back from him, that’s when your fists tighten by your side, and you inhale in the deepest breath of your anxiety and release it from your body. He almost died today—well, not really—and you have come to terms that you can’t continue to do this because life is too short. 
“I need to talk to you,” your voice is stern, expression stiff, and Seungcheol crosses his arms in perplexity. Weren’t you just crying on him not long ago? His shirt is still wet with the mixture of both your drool, tears, and snot, so why are you so quick on your feet to be serious all of the sudden?
“I… wanna date. Officially. No more of the fake dating stuff—I’ll tear up the contract if I have to. I wanna be your girlfriend—learn things about you like your parents and your home life, what you like and what you don’t like. I wanna be yours.”
Seungcheol remains quiet for a moment. Tongue poking the inside of his cheek, he doesn’t say much for a while. “I… I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”
Truthfully, you expected him to be through the roof. He’s been so persistent in trying to make you his, but why is it that when you determine that this is what you want, he doesn’t? 
“I… I’m sorry, I’m confused. Do you… Do you not like me anymore?”
He rolls his lips. “I… I meant what I said before. This,” he gestures between the two of you. “… is a test run. Not just for you, but for me, too. After that trip, I realized how much I liked you, that it was blinding me from my respect for myself. I like you—fuck, I really do, but I don’t know if I can be with someone who doesn’t… take things I say seriously.”
Heat rushes to your cheeks and tips of your ears. Of course you ruined everything for yourself. 
“But um…” he starts off again, bouncing on the tips of his toes. “I don’t wanna end this, and I still wanna give it a shot. So… let’s continue to keep a front for your friends. I’m also still concerned for you in terms of Namjoon, since it seems that even when you clearly state you got a boyfriend, he still won’t back off.”
You purse your lips. Right, Namjoon. That’s how this whole thing started. Part of you wants to thank Namjoon; the reason why you two started this whole shenanigan was because of his nice guy syndrome—yet at the same time, you blame him for being that voice inside your head that makes you doubt Seungcheol.
“So… you don’t wanna date.”
“No, I do wanna date, I just… don’t know if I can if it means you’re not in it for me but because of this guilt in you when you found out that I might be dead.”
You don’t know what comes over you but you’re bold today. “I’ll chase you this time.”
Intrigued, Seungcheol quirks a brow. “You’ll chase me? Baby, you don’t needa do that.”
“I don’t need to, I… I want to,” you confess, fidgeting with your fingers. Why does he make you so nervous? Your palms are perspiring, causing you to wipe the moisture off onto the fronts of your pjs while tapping your foot against the asphalt. “I want to prove to you that I’m all in for this. I wanna chase you, and show you that I want this.”
He smiles softly but you can sense the pain behind the facade. “If you were in this, it would come naturally.”
Before you can squeeze in another word, he grabs you close again before benevolently pecking your forehead. “Don’t… don’t force yourself to try to love me. It should come easy, and it shouldn’t feel like such a burden. At least, that’s how it feels for me,” his eyes don't meet yours when he says that, and it leaves you queasy. Did you take too long to realize what you’ve always been wanting? “Anyways—I’m… Imma head into the garage. Kinda tired, just wanna sleep.”
As he makes his way to the garage, this time, you don’t let yourself hover in silence anymore. You already did it once, and you were contrite with the actions you didn’t take. “You… you can shower at my place if you want. Sleep on my couch. It’s cold tonight, I don’t think you wanna sleep down here.”
He stops in the midst of his steps. You’re ready for a no, mostly because even though he’s never turned you down other than just now, you think he still wants to keep his distance.
But Seungcheol is a simple guy who is hopelessly head over heels for you.
So it’s no surprise when he takes up on your offer.
Usually, the invitation up to an apartment with ramen included in the proposal insinuates sex. But for you and Seungcheol, it doesn’t mean that. 
He sits across from you at the dining table, hair slightly drenched with a towel around his shoulders as he rustles it against the ebony strands that drip. There’s something about Seungcheol after he showers—was it the freshness of the body shampoo scent that wafts the room when he walks in? Or was it the way he seemed more… homey. Like he wasn’t just some guy who hit on you whenever he got the chance, or some fuckboy with a smirk on his face, hanging by his motorcycle with a cigarette hanging at the corner of his lips. He reminds you of comfort.
Like home.
He wears the spare clothes he keeps downstairs, a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants, disparate from the leather jacket he slips on for drives or Carharrt overalls for when he’s working on his car. In a moment like this, when he’s just casually twirling his ramen around his chopsticks with a piece of radish kimchi in between, he’s an epitome of domesticity. 
You don’t exchange many words, other than a soft ‘thank you’ that comes after him handing you a pair of chopsticks.Did you really hurt the Choi Seungcheol’s feelings? The guy who everyone seems to portray as someone without any regard for others, just getting his dick wet and drinking his nights away?
Saying another apology won’t solve anything, you’re starting to see that clearly now. Seungcheol is a man of action—which means if you want to prove anything to him, you need to climb out of that shell of yours to show that what you said wasn’t just something in a moment of panic.
You… like Seungcheol.
Maybe it’s his persistence or the amount of respect he has for you, but he hasn’t shown you any reason as to why you shouldn’t pursue him. With Namjoon, it came without effort to list all the things about him that only pushed him away from you. But Cheol… it’s harder to whip up something like that for him. 
You don’t hate the way he displays his affection for you. Although you’ve always been indifferent, constantly brushing it off your shoulder, he’s never gone past the boundaries of what you’re okay with. He even goes as far as asking, “You sure you want this?” before doing anything—sexual or nonsexual. 
You’re in this. You know you are, and it might’ve taken some time trying to break the barrier of Namjoon and Yubin’s opinions, the people who you valued the words from so much, but that moment where you jumped to the conclusion that Cheol died—without it, it wouldn’t have led you to be bold enough to take a step in this direction.
“How’s… the ramen?”
“Good,” he answers. Glancing up at you, he grabs a couple of the cubed radish and places it into your bowl. “Eat this with the noodles. It tastes even better.”
Seungcheol demonstrates by picking up one for his own, lifting it up to showcase it before twirling it into his plastic container to pick up the noodles. Giddily, he takes a bite with a crisp, loud crunch before gesturing to you to do the same. Without hesitation, you do what he suggests.
This… is it. 
It’s not the tangy flavor from the kkakdugi that awakens you, nor is it the gochujang drenching the diced pieces either–it’s this moment right here, the one that’s making you warm inside the pit of your stomach and the broth of the ramen isn’t the cause of it. To everyone, home is a different definition. Words could describe what it feels like, but to you, it’s the how. 
How your chest tightens when he looks up at you with an innocuous stare, like he’ll never hurt you and you’re the only one he sees. When he tears off a napkin from the roll, leaning over to wipe the splatter off the corner of your mouth, he manages to be the reason for your heart to stutter in its beats. Why didn’t you realize these feelings you’d been harboring? Why’d you let someone influence you when you didn’t care for their opinions anyway?
You like Seungcheol. Of course you do—he’s the guy that causes your blood to boil while at the same time cooling you down. He challenges you in ways that will help you grow and improve, for you to make your own decisions on what’s better for you, and it’s not him dictating that.
Seungcheol is good in spite of his past, but people are allowed to change. You weren’t letting him, and you didn’t even get him a chance to show himself even when he’s been doing it all along.
You want to do this. You want to do this, not Namjoon wanting you to, not Yubin wanting you to. 
Chewing down on your bottom lip, you’ve never been… anxious around Seungcheol like this. He’s different to you now; underneath the shitty florescent lights in your kitchen, or even in that one creepy closet with the flightering bulb that he keeps reminding you to change (then offers to do it himself), he looks… angelic and soft, in contrast to his devilish charms.
Does he really mean it when he says he still likes you? Even though you’ve hurt him—you, the one who was afraid of him doing the very thing you did? 
The question is practically answered when he kisses the crown of your head before grabbing your bowl before putting it in the sink with his. 
His back facing you, you can’t help but admire his features. His bushy hair, floppy ears that peek between his dark locks, his plump, pomegranate stained lips and how he wears the left sweatpants leg higher than the other. “Helps with ventilation,” he says, and it only triggers you to roll your eyes but smile nonetheless. 
If you succumb to your temptations right now, your arms would be wrapped around him from behind, face nuzzled into the fabric of his hoodie and inhaling in his natural scent. Maybe he’d even turn around, share that sweet, sweet smile of his before leaning in and—
Instead, you’re startled from your daydream because someone decided to slam their fist against your front door. Seungcheol doesn’t look over at you because your arms are hugging his frame, he does it because who the fuck would be knocking on your door like that at this hour? 
“Were you expecting a guest?” He asks, brows furrowed.
You purse your lips. “No,” and usually, your friends would give you a heads up before coming over. “I can go check.”
As you’re standing up from your seat, both your bodies freeze when you hear a whiny voice from behind the door. It calls your name—well, cries—and it’s a familiar sound that you wished you didn’t hear, because she’s ruining the night you finally get to be alone with Seungcheol without the fake boyfriend label and she’s the person who didn’t want you to be with him in the first place.
“It’s Yubin,” she wails, sniffling outside your home. “I had to climb up the stairs just to talk to you.”
“Mm, coming,” you call out before gesturing to Seungcheol to go to your room. In confusion, he angles himself to look at you with confusion written on his face. “Go, go,” you hiss in a whisper. “I don’t want her to know you’re here.”
He wants to ask why, but Seungcheol doesn’t and rushes to your room anyways with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and soapy hands. Again, Choi Seungcheol never fails to do what you want—other than be your boyfriend—but now isn’t the time to dig into that.
While swinging the door open, Yubin nearly tumbles in. She’s got only one side of her heels on, the other loose in her grip, hair disheveled and lipstick smeared to her cheek. Even with her singing a greeting from a distance, you get a whiff of the whiskey that saturates her breath. 
“Jesus,” you’re covering your nose with the back of your hand. “What the fuck happened? I needa call you an Uber or something—you can’t stay here like this, Namjoon might be worried about you.” You’re only really throwing her out because Seungcheol is hiding in your bedroom—and she’s your best friend. Sort of. Admittingly, the more you see her in a less-than-preferable state, the easier it has been letting her go.
Plopping on the couch, she whimpers like a lost puppy. “I need to talk to you,” she reiterates herself, body curved forward like a semi-circle. “It’s important.” 
“Mm, I’m sure it is,” you reply, but your eyes are glued to your phone. UberX? UberXL? Actually, maybe you should do this on her account in case she throws up in someone’s car and they leave a bad review. You still need five stars, after all, in case you want to go out drinking without your car. “Talk now, then. I’ll try to catch you a ride.”
Just then, her hand aggressively wraps around your wrist. Perplexed, you’re finally looking at her—glossy eyes with mascara that smears underneath, most of her makeup has faded away from a long day but she still looks like the same old Yubin. 
“No,” she gulps, this time with her bottom lip jutted out. “It’s about Seungcheol—it’s important.”
You slowly put your phone down. “Um, okay,” you back away slowly, a couple steps taken to keep your distance. “Shoot then. What’s so important about Seungcheol that you hauled yourself all the way here to tell me?”
She inhales deeply—it’s one of those inebriated ones where it’s choppy yet probably feels as crisp as the brisk cold air on a winter night. “You’re gonna need to sit down for this,” Yubin warns, and although you’re completely dumbfounded by the situation, you do as you’re told anyway and drop yourself on the couch beside her. Her hands grab yours, cupping them on top as her lips pull into a straight line.
“You’re not gonna love to hear this… but… the reason I don’t want you to be with Seungcheol…”—where’s she going with this?—''isn't just because of Namjoon. I mean, yeah, it does, but there’s more to it. You see, to me, Seungcheol isn’t your boyfriend. His label is something else, something more, and you’re not going to love hearing this but… you’re… the other girl.”
The… other girl? Isn’t that the term people use for the person someone cheated on with?
“To me. You’re the other girl to me. I’m in love with Seungcheol, and he’s in love with me, too.”
Hold on. Wait, what?
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starbylers · 1 year
Nothing is more headache-inducing than when people say ‘Give me a single piece of evidence that Mike likes Will romantically’ because you just know what they’re looking for is simple, easily summed up and understood statements like overt flirting and obvious verbal hints etc. But this is a friends—best friends—to lovers story. Set in a completely different time period. It’s obviously going to be more nuanced than that?
The other couples on this show did not start from the same basis as Byler. Byler have been best friends since they were tiny. They’re also both boys. It’s also the 80s. Lumax, Jancy and Jopper were pretty much obviously romantically entangled from the minute their stories intertwined. (They are friends to lovers, yes, but the platonic side of their relationships was not hugely explored before their romantic interest became obvious, although they were still all friends before dating/kissing which is why they work). They are also all heterosexual couples.
Is it not obvious that Byler is probably going to look a little different in terms of its build up? Is it not obvious that it’s not as simple as ‘Mike likes Will and is 100% aware of it and cool with it and therefore treats him exactly as he would a girl he fancies’? Can people not consider context such as hmm if Byler was going to happen as they say, that means Mike would like boys, in the 80s, which would probably be a pretty difficult thing to navigate and come to terms with so maybe his feelings for Will aren’t going to be as in your face and overtly romantic as I might expect from the other pairings. And is it also not obvious that given M*leven is a canon couple, Byler happening would have to be intended as a plot twist, a twist which would be redundant if they gave obvious hints that Mike is in love?
But even keeping that in mind, Jancy, Lumax and Jopper have behaved in very similar ways to how Mike and Will have consistently done aka intimate heart to hearts, confiding in each other about their problems and fears, really emotional scenes that build the bond between them. And even aside from those glaring similarities that go right over peoples heads:
Mike confides in Will in a way he just doesn’t with El, there’s a deep sense of trust there
Mike pays extremely close attention and takes care of Will hinted in s1 and shoved in our faces in s2, a desire to protect that rises way above the rest of their friends
He treats Will with miles more maturity and compassion than he does El in s4, and is in fact made to look and feel really happy by Will’s literal (disguised) feelings in the van
And those are just a few examples of how strong and close their bond is on Mike’s end. People just brush this stuff off as platonic because well, yeah…they are friends. But it’s friends to lovers!! And a slowburn plot twist at that! Their relationship for the entire show builds the foundation for a realisation that the perfect person has been right in front of him the whole time! We might not see Mike giving Will apologetic M&Ms or calling him pretty, but what we do see over and over is how the two of them work really well together, as a team. A million times better than Mike does with his own girlfriend.
The only real difference with Byler and the other couples is that the obvious romantic vibes for those couples began way early on. Because they could. Because there was nothing really preventing them from realising and acting on their feelings other than ‘we’re attracted to each other but oh I’m dating someone else or oh we’re scared to take that next step’. When it comes to Byler, Mike and Will and Mike specifically have much bigger barriers to contend with. Mike may not understand what he feels for Will is actually love. Mike may not even realise he likes boys, he’s had a gf this whole time after all. Mike may be really scared to even subtly act on his feelings if he is aware. And these people expect Mike to be smiling all lovesick at Will, staring into his eyes, saying romantically coded things? (The biggest joke of all is of course that these things actually have happened but when they do? It’s oh they’re just good friends stop being delusional!!)
Byler is just a very complex and nuanced relationship, you can’t take the same approach to analysing it as you would M*leven like oh proof Mike likes El? That one scene where he called her pretty. He said he was scared she’d leave him. He said he loved her. It’s very easy to cherry pick and point to these moments, but to understand Byler you have to look at the bigger picture and not everyone’s willing to take the time to do that I guess 🤷🏽‍♀️
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thebestofoneshots · 1 year
✩ Star :
very funny/makes jokes, sarcastic, can be closed off but only about backstory, sweet, can be cute but mainly sarcastic
slim with freckles on my back, 5’6-5’7ish [people putting they’re elbows on my shoulders like they’re a table or stand is shockingly hot okay 😭], short black hair, shockingly blue eyes that are apparently pretty
writing [fanfiction omfg], reading [romance novels]
open to polyamorous relationships
If you want to participate in "TBOS' 400 Followers Celebration" too, you can look at this post for all the options of prompts you can choose from <3
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I ship you with Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. You have been friends with the boys since you started Hogwarts. You really enjoy hanging out with them, and they equally enjoy your company, especially because they find you absolutely hilarious, yet also very small? Sirius used to say you were like an evil squirrel, too cute to pose a threat, but with claws sharp enough to blind someone.
"Hey Moons," you said one day while chilling with him, both of you engrossed in reading your respective books, both of your feet rested on the boy's lap. Sirius lounged nearby, lost in his music.
"Yes, dove?"
"What do you think about poly relationships?"
"Poly… what?!" Remus asked, confused, peering up from his book.
Sirius laughed from the side, “Means you’re dating more than one person at the same time. Of course everyone is aware of it,” he explained. "Why the sudden interest, Fluffs?"
Sirius had playfully given you the nickname shortly after likening you to a squirrel. Originally it had been "Flufftail," but he thought it sounded to much like Wormtail and he didn’t want to aoscieate you with him, so he switched it to Fluffs.
"Oh, it's just this book," you said, indicating the one you held, "It's about a poly relationship. Seemed like an intriguing conversation starter."
"Well, I'd give it a shot," Sirius chimed in.
"Shocking!" you teased.
"Only with the right people, though."
"I've seen you hook up with plenty of girls, what do you mean 'the right people'?"
"Hooking up isn't the same as having a relationship, Fluffs. You'd know if you tried," he said, smirking and gesturing for you to come closer with a suggestive smile. Instead, you threw a pillow at his face.
"I guess I’d have to test it to give my opinion," Remus replied with a nonchalant shrug, returning to his book.
"I guess it's the same for me," you mused.
Suddenly, Sirius had an idea, a metaphorical lightbulb illuminating his brain. "Let's do it!"
"Do what?" you asked, perplexed.
"Let's test it, the three of us."
"Like a throuple?" you questioned with a slight frown.
"Exactly, a throuple!" he affirmed. "We'd be exclusive with each other and see how it goes."
"For how long?" you inquired, setting aside your book.
"Three months."
"You won't last three months without hooking up with someone."
"What do you mean without hooking up? I'd have both Remus and you! I could kiss your pretty faces whenever I want. Sounds perfect to me."
"Now you're just trying to charm me into it."
"And is it working?"
"A little," you admitted, smiling. "What about you, Remus?"
"Count me in," the boy responded, a playful smirk gracing his lips.
Long story short, those three moths extended into six, and those 6 into a year, and eventually you all decided that you'd just stay together, you just didn't want to go back to how things were before. Becasue this, this was perfect.
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A/N: Hope you like this darling, I had lot's of fun writting it!
Sending you great vibes, Lilly xxx
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banned-for-horny · 2 years
Bad Dog
Kylar tries to be a brat tamer.
wrote this as a spiritual successor to those sydney one shots i wrote. i honestly dont remember what kylar likes in canon, but i just took the idea and ran with it :3
Trying to ruin Sydney might have been a bust, but it did have its perks, Kylar thinks.
For one, he is now completely stocked up on every sex toy one could own in this stupid town. Vibrators, strap-ons, restraints, whips, masks, you name it. And he actually knows how to use them! Who knew becoming Sydney's personal fuck buddy could be so useful?
Still, as Kylar tightens the pink dog muzzle around Whitney's face, he can't help but think he might be biting off a bit more than he can chew.
At least with Sydney, they'd been good friends. Even after the incident with Dr. Harper, Sydney never tried to hurt him or harass him or threaten to shove a broom up his ass. Sydney was a rational, kind masochist who just so happened to be interested in Kylar's beloved. Sydney could be reasoned with.
Whitney? Well, Whitney is unconscious and naked in Kylar's basement for a reason.
Kylar still doesn't understand what you see in the delinquent. Whitney bullies and harasses you almost every day. He even steals your clothes like some kind of creep.
(Kylar pats the little baggie of your underwear in his pocket at the thought. How terrible it would have been if Whitney had gotten his hands on them!)
And, worst of all, you don't seem to mind it, either! When you go on your study dates with Kylar, you mention Whitney taking you out for drinks and how fun the pub is. It's wrong, Kylar thinks. He knows you would never do something like that. You're not that kind of person, obviously. The only reason why you'd ever say those kinds of things is because of Whitney, but he can fix that.
The leather strap nearly snaps from how hard Kylar pulls on it. He'll make sure he fixes that soon.
Kylar circles around the naked Whitney, a bubble of jealous rising in his chest. Whitney is...basically everything Kylar isn't: strong, tall, and confident. And also pierced in the nipples. He leans down to eye those and frowns. Are you into that kind of thing? He...could try, if you were.
"Might hurt, though..." Kylar mumbles as he shuffles back to his box of goods. He'd made sure to give each one a thorough wash with warm water and soap, and he sets aside the anal beads in favor of the self-pumping fleshlight. After another glance, he grabs four bullet vibes out of the twenty pack (which Sydney had insisted they use all at once before, only to discover that he and Kylar are horribly ticklish). "But, anything to make my beloved happy..."
Right. This is for you. You need to see how easily broken Whitney could be.
Kylar swallows down the nerves in his throat as he grabs Whitney's flaccid cock. It's definitely thicker than his own. Sydney's is still in its cage, but he feels safe in assuming Whitney outsizes him, too. Tearing off a packet of lube with his teeth, Kylar dribbles the cool liquid all over the shaft, gives it two quick pumps with one hand (that doesn't quite reach all the way around), and crams it on.
Somehow, Whitney does not wake up from the rough handling. Kylar really hopes that the dosage he hit him with wasn't too high.
He tapes two of the vibes on either side of his balls, then finishes with two over his pierced nipples. Everything is a soft, blushing pink. Coupled with the dog muzzle and fluffy pink ears, Whitney looks almost adorable like this. The set DID come with mitts and a tail, but he'd rather not push his luck just yet.
"Now, where's the remote..." Kylar pats down his pockets, then returns to the box. "Could've sworn it was-"
Kylar freezes. The chair creaks as Whitney begins to stir, face twisting with exhaustion. He's tied down, the teen has to tell himself. Whitney's tied down, and he can't harm you here.
He exhales and forces himself to search, even as Whitney's shifting grows louder and more frantic. The first step in asserting dominance is by remaining calm when the other panics. The second is by asserting your power over the other in the situation. So when the chair starts to scuffle and Whitney lets out an enraged shout through his teeth, Kylar picks up the remote for the pump and turns it on.
"Mmphf!" Whitney jolts in his chair, hips bucking wildly in an attempt to dislodge the toy.
"I-I wouldn't," Kylar warns as he turns around. "T-Those toys, they're very expensive. And...and you wouldn't want to break them and upset me, r-right?"
Stuttering is definitely not how to assert dominance, because Whitney glares at him and outright snarls like some wolf from the woods. Had it not been for the padded dog muzzle, Kylar's sure he'd be spewing all kinds of mean words his way.
"Hey, bad boy!" Kylar shouts and turns the dial. The pump picks up speed, squelching with each suck, and Whitney's snarl cuts off as he returns to thrashing. It takes lowering the speed for him to finally stop. "If-If you k-keep on lashing out, I'll turn it up all the way to max."
Whitney's eyes burn with pure disdain, slightly mitigated by his ears, dog mask, and absolutely erect cock.
It's a start. Kylar mentally pats himself on the back before trying to recall what else those guys at the dog pound had said when it came to taming feral dogs. "G-Good boy," he says. "You...you don't have to worry. I'm not gonna hurt you."
'But I'll fucking kill you,' he can almost hear Whitney spit. The delinquent's eyes are darting between the four walls and the smattering of sex toys, his chest heaving when it finally returns to Kylar. 'Oh, you are so fucking DEAD.'
"H-hey, bad boy," Kylar warns. He reaches for the remote again, catching the way the delinquent twitches. "I'm...we won't be using any of the bigger things today, b-but if you keep on misbehaving, I...I'll have no choice but to punish you!"
Whitney snorts and rolls his eyes. 'You? Punish me? Hah-' His body jolts as Kylar turns on the vibes, another snarl echoing from his mask. With how tight the ropes are, the most he can do is thrash his head and shout.
Kylar decides to turn on the pump, and Whitney's skin flushes against the rope as he strains to break free. "Bad boy," he repeats, just a bit louder to be heard over Whitney's own wailing. He watches each twitch of the delinquent's muscles, each inhale coming faster until-
He shuts off everything. Whitney chokes and bucks his hips up into the pump. Without the friction, he doesn't orgasm.
Kylar almost feels bad. Sydney does it to him all the time. He knows how terrible that can feel to get so close and not release.
But then Whitney starts swearing, audible even through the muzzle, and his pity disappears. He digs through the box and produces a fuzzy pink collar, one end weighed down by a black box. He shuffles towards Whitney and dodges his violent headbutts, using the momentum to clamp it around his neck.
'I'll kill you!' Whitney's eyes scream as Kylar fishes another remote from his pocket. 'I'll FUCKING KILL Y-'
He hits MAX for all three remotes.
Whitney's eyes roll back as the machines get to work. The pump is the loudest, overpowering the hum of the vibe bullets with a loud slurp from the lube. The collar itself isn't designed to do anything worse than a light zap, but Kylar still catches the delinquent's body tightening from the shock. He wonders if the aphrodisiacs he'd put in the lube makes it feel better or worse.
His first orgasm hits, and Kylar sets the remotes aside and watches as Whitney's rage begins to crumble. He bucks his hips wildly as the pump milks him dry. He twists his chest and head, but all it does is cause the pretty pink bullets to peep through the tape. His eyes begin to water, spilling down his cheeks as his body starts to tremble.
Overstimulation. Another one of Sydney's favorites.
Kylar finally relents when the pump wrings another orgasm and a scream from Whitney. The delinquent's body shimmers with sweat, going slack in his chair as he struggles to catch his breath. It looks safe enough to approach, but he keeps one hand on the collar's remote at all times. "Are you done misbehaving?" he asks slowly, ironing out his stutter as best he can.
Whitney's chest heaves. His head rolls to one side, eyes shiny with tears. In the low light of the basement, he looks almost perfect. Not in the same, ethereal way Sydney sometimes look when he's smiling at Kylar and patting his head, no.
He looks dangerous. Vicious. And there's a little flutter in Kylar's stomach when he holds up the remote and catches a flicker of defiance in the delinquent's eye.
"Bad dog," Kylar repeats and thumbs the remote's dial. "Very bad dog."
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hey. How are you?
Well this is not really an ask but I just wanted to share something. If we're talking about jkk Or tkk then let's for once forget about romance and just focus on friendship.
IMO I believe that jk and tae are good friends but they are not really best friends. Meanwhile jkk are close and we all know that both jm and jk are very private, so just because they don't share it on SM doesn't mean they're not close. There were a lot of instances where if we wouldn't have got a picture then we would never know that it even happened.
Now what I wanted to share :
Okay so I have two college friends. And I have one best friend who isn't in the same college. So I am with my two college friends almost during the whole college time obviously, I hangout with them a lot too. But my best friend has been busy for the past few months but that's coz she's preparing for an entrance exam. Now I only hangout with my college friends and me and my best friend rarely hangout these days( we still talk obv)
But even though I hangout with those two friends, I still wouldn't say that they're my best friends. Everyone in our college thinks we're bsf but I know that we're not. It just doesn't feel like that, like I don't actually feel the connection with them but I still hangout with them because it's cool we don't have to be best of friends with everyone yk.
While my bsf, though we rarely hang out these days but whenever we meet it's like nothing has changed. We vibe perfectly well together. It's like she understands the real me and I understand her and the distance has done nothing to ruin our friendship. We don't meet regularly these days but when we do, it's just like old times.
And that's what I'm trying to say, let's keep the romantic ships aside for now. But we all have seen that jm and jk are very emotionally connected to each other and these types of bonds doesn't fade away that easily unless they had a huge fight which we can clearly see is not the case.
I'm not saying tkk are not close, they are. But imo their relationship is different from jkk. Like it's not even a comparison. Tkk are like those buddy friendships where they hangout, play games and all. But jkk has that deep emotional type of friendship where they can have those heart to hearts and a deeper conversation.
I think the reason why jikookers are insecure about tkk is not because they actually see something in them both but because of the way the whole fandom overhypes literally the smallest thing that tkk do. Tae and jk both have done much more things with other members but nobody even bat an eye but the moment tkk even stands next to each other everyone goes psycho like what's even the big deal?
Anyways everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I just wanted to share mine.
Btw love your blog. <333
Let's for once forget about romance and just focus on friendship.
Lets keep romantic ships aside for now.
Ngl anon... thats gonna be hard for me
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Forgive me anon but I wanna use your ask to say something then I'll go back to your ask. If you're new u will notice when I talk about Jikook, it sounds like their relationship has been confirmed. I, believe Jikook is real. They are a couple. They kiss, they fuck, they do everything under the sun that couples do. I, believe this to be fact. I, will not be using words like if Jikook are real when I talk about them. I, will not be saying things like; assuming Jikook are a couple bla bla bla. Nah, fam. I, believe they are a couple and have been a couple for a long long time. I, do not have a 1% doubt left for just incase. In my eyes Jikook are together 110%. No, ifs, no maybes, no buts. In future if they come out dating other people, I will read that as them having broken up (God forbid) not that they've never been together. I'm sorry but any other alternatives don't make sense to me. Not when they do shit like this. Alright? We together? Good ☺☺☺
Back to anon. I agree with every single thing that you said. 1000%
-Just because we don't see it, doesn't mean it ain't happening. Facts.
- Tkk are definitely not closer than Jkk. True.
-Jkk didn't see each other as often as they used to when Jimin was working on his album. But when they reunited it's like they were never apart. True
-Tkk is overrated. Agreed.
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Thanks for sharing Anon. I'm glad u like it here 😘
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