#ashley soma
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slugbeaker · 10 months ago
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face practice with soma characters, this one just of the folks from the past. jesse didn't have an in game pic to reference so i made one up bc as simon's bestie he deserves a face too, as do simon 2 and 3 ahshsdhdjf
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temporaltourguide · 1 year ago
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xkittzkornerx · 6 days ago
Auto Zone
ACE Hardware
Allegiant Air
Ashley Furniture
Bali Underwear
Bausch + Lomb
Big Heart Pet Brands
Bike Athletics
Molson Beer
Coors Beer
Brooks shoes
Buffalo Bills
Buffalo Wild Wings
Hardee’s/Carls Jr.
Champ Clothing
Cincinnati Financial
Dairy Queen
Dirt Devil
Discount Tire
Dole Foods
Dudley Sports
Fruit of the Loom
Frys Electronics
George Forman Grill
Home Goods
Hendrick Motorsports
Hobby Lobby
Horizon Bank
Keller Williams Realty
Leggs Pantyhose
Las Vegas Sands
L.L. Bean
Maidenform Underwear
Famous Pastry Shoppes
Miller Beer
Milwaukee's Best Beer
My Pillow
NAPA Auto Parts
New Orlean Saints
New York Yankees
Norwegian Cruise
Old Dutch Foods
Purdue Farms
Public Storage
Rail Vac
Shell Oil
Sierra Trading Post
Slumber Land
Soma Intimates
Black and Decker Hardware
Star Furniture
Stiletto Tools
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
The Popcorn Factory
Toast Master
Tractor Supply
Wynn Resorts
Smucker's Products
Act Floride
Procter & Gamble
Baskin and Robins
Omni Hotels
Wow Cable
Arizona Diamond Backs
Chiquita Brands
Jimmy Deans
Land o Lakes
Boost Mobile
Vanity Fair Paper Products
Grey Goose
Los Angeles Angels
Tito's Vodka
Turtle Wax
Wonder Bread
Urban Outfitters FREE PEOPLE
Enterprise Rental Car
Papa Johns
Young Brands
Garmin Sports Products
Alamo Rental Cars
Hershey Products
Blue Bell
Chobani Yogurt
Dean Foods
source(s): Goods Unite Us | OpenSecrets Donor Lookup
special thanks to @TellThePeopleSW1 on YouTube and @realprogressive11 on TikTok
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filhadaflecha · 1 year ago
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Combat, I'm ready for combat I say I don't want that, but what if I do?
TIERA SKOVBYE? não! é apenas DIANA AURORA SUMMERS, ela é filha de APOLO do chalé SETE e tem 26 ANOS. a tv hefesto informa no guia de programação que ela está no NÍVEL III por estar no acampamento há TREZE ANOS, sabia? e se lá estiver certo, Di é bastante SIMPÁTICA mas também dizem que ela é TEIMOSA. mas você sabe como hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
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Diana nasceu em Harrisburg, Pensilvânia, filha de Ashley Summers, uma arqueira olímpica, e o deus Apolo.
Desde bem pequena, ela sempre acompanhou a mãe em seus treinos, competições e Olimpíadas das quais participava. Portanto, seu relacionamento com sua mãe sempre foi muito bom, afinal, Ashley era tudo o que ela tinha, e por mais que tivesse curiosidade em saber quem era seu pai, respeitava a decisão da mãe de só lhe contar sobre ele quando ela fosse mais velha e capaz de entender melhor as coisas. Enquanto isso, ela se contentava com a mãe lhe contanto histórias fantásticas sobre deuses e monstros. Com sua imaginação fértil, Diana sempre se imaginava como parte daquelas histórias como uma heroína, e se divertia muito aprendendo sobre um assunto tão fascinante.
Aos oito anos, sua mãe também passou a lhe ensinar tudo o que sabia sobre arco e flecha, e para Diana, foi amor à primeira vista. Uma coisa era ver sua mãe praticando com um arco para suas competições, outra, era tê-lo em suas mãos e assim que o pegou pela primeira vez, nunca mais o largou. Arquearia se tornou uma coisa muito importante para a jovem: além de ser algo que a ligava à mãe, também a acalmava e era a única coisa na qual ela conseguia se focar de verdade e gostava de fazer. Por muito tempo, ela achou que era a única coisa na qual ela fosse boa de verdade, porque na escola… bom, ela era um caso perdido.
Levou uma vida relativamente normal até os onze anos, quando as coisas estranhas que lhe aconteciam de vez em quando começaram a se intensificar. As histórias que tanto amava quando criança pareciam estar ganhando vida de verdade. Muitas vezes, ela jurava que podia ver coisas que as outras pessoas não podiam. E então, viram os monstros. E os ataques.
Nas primeiras duas vezes ela conseguiu escapar por pura sorte, mas no terceiro, quando ela tinha treze anos de idade, sobreviveu apenas porque estava com seu arco e conseguiu atrasar o monstro que lhe atacava com suas flechas, por tempo suficiente para um sátiro a salvar, e conseguir fugir em segurança. Foi depois desse incidente que ela finalmente soube de seu parentesco divino. Sua mãe lhe contou sobre Apolo e o acampamento meio-sangue, e lhe disse que lá ela ficaria segura. Por mais que Diana não quisesse se separar da mãe, concordou em seguir o sátiro que a salvara para pelo menos ver como era esse tal acampamento.
E assim que ela colocou os pés ali, soube que estava em casa. Foi reclamada como filha de Apolo quase que imediatamente, e não demorou muito para que ela se enturmasse com seus novos meio-irmãos. Diana também não perdeu tempo com seu treinamento assim que chegou. Podia ser uma péssima aluna para uma escola normal, mas aprendia rápido quando se tratava de qualquer coisa relacionada a ser uma semideusa.
Aos dezesseis anos, juntou-se às Caçadoras de Ártemis, o que por muito tempo a deixou extremamente animada e honrada. Ela amou a oportunidade de fazer parte do grupo e ainda por cima trabalhar ao lado de sua tia. Era a coisa que ela mais gostava de fazer. E foi assim por alguns anos, até que o desgaste da caçada lhe atingisse. Acabou deixando a caçada aos 24 anos, por uma soma de motivos, mas o mais importante, porque se apaixonou em uma de suas missões e percebeu que talvez não quisesse viver a vida inteira sem isso como antes pensava. Apesar de ter deixado as caçadoras com a permissão de Ártemis, sua saída não foi isenta de uma punição por parte da deusa. Diana notou logo na primeira noite que além de ter perdido a imortalidade, perdeu também a capacidade de usar seus podres durante o período da noite e, como sempre se apoiou muito neles, teve que reaprender a se virar com sua nova condição.
Por dois anos ela se virou praticamente sozinha. Lutou contra muitos monstros, ajudou muitos semideuses pelo caminho, até que recebeu a mensagem de Dioniso, e se viu de volta ao acampamento, um lugar do qual ela sentia muita falta.
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As habilidades que se destacam, além da aptidão para arco e flecha são sentidos aguçados e reflexos sobre-humanos
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Ainda em construção, mas a Diana é uma pessoa calma. Não é do tipo que procura problemas, apesar de que eles parecem lhe encontrar com facilidade. Ela tem um humor fácil, está quase sempre sorrindo e é muito cheia de energia. Tensa ser simpática e amigável com todo mundo igualmente, e essa sempre disposta a ajudar seus amigos.
Mas ela também tem um certo problema de arrogância. As vezes, ela tende achar que é melhor que os outros, especialmente quando o assunto é arco e flecha, o que pode fazer com que ela se torne um tanto quanto competitiva. Quando ela fica brava/irritada, pode se tornar um problema. E as vezes, ela tende a se colocar primeiro, especialmente quando está com pessoas que não conhece muito bem.
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Um arco laminado (bladed bow), ou seja, um arco longo com laminas, que pode ser usado tanto como arco, ou como duas espadas curtas ao se desconectar no meio. Foi um presente de seu pai, quando ela se juntou as Caçadoras de Ártemis. O visual é esse (tentei procurar um gif de como ele funciona mas não achei)
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Diana é co-líder da equipe vermelha de arco e flecha e também participa da esgrima, na equipe azul.
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Seu nome é uma homenagem à irmã gêmea de seu pai, mas ela só foi descobrir isso pouco antes de chegar ao acampamento.
Os poderes mais voltados para a cura de seu pai a erraram completamente. Ela não consegue se curar mais rápido e é uma péssima curandeira. Ela sabe se virar quando é necessário, mas não chega aos pés de muitos de seus irmãos.
A mesma coisa acontece com seus dons artísticos. Ela ama musica, mas não tem o dom para ela. É uma péssima cantora e não sabe tocar nenhum instrumento... ainda. Ela está determinada a prender pelo menos o básico de violão. Quando tiver a paciência necessária pra aprender.
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athetos · 9 months ago
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My ridiculous, unrealistic smash dream roster
This was a lot of fun!
Some specific thoughts under the cut:
I cut some of the more uninteresting duplicate characters, like Dr. Mario. He does play differently than regular Mario, but not enough that I think he warrants a spot on the roster.
I would love for more sonic characters, I think shadow minimum, preferably knuckles too, and in my wildest dreams tails is there also. Shadow in particular I think would be really fun, with floatier physics than sonic. Knuckles would also be a good fit for the game, I think his moveset would translate well and with his recent surge in popularity it would be perfect.
Paper Mario would be very distinct from regular Mario; he’s a character I’ve wanted on the roster for ages. His hammer would be used in combat, he could use a spring jump for up B, and his final smash could be the star spirits from the n64 game assisting him like they did in the final bowser fight.
I’m craving more Zelda rep, and I think Ghirahim is a great choice for a more original swordfighter. However, any of the sages from botw/totk would also be a blast. I think a Rito character would be the least interesting, but I would be fine with a Goron, a zora, or a Gerudo. Sidon and Urbosa are my favs, so I would give them preference.
As much as I don’t think we necessarily need another jrpg swordfighter, I love Chrono and he could replace a fire emblem character. He also can use light magic, which would help him stand out more. His final smash could be a triple tech, I feel delta force or delta storm makes the most sense, but would feel a bit bad only 2 of his companions get used. So maybe his regular tech Luminaire instead?
In addition to Alucard, while he wasn’t on this tiermaker, I would love for soma Cruz to be an option. He has a very versatile moveset in the sorrow games, so there’s a lot of flexibility with making his attacks. Both him and Alucard could turn into bats for recovery, perhaps?
There are many characters I don’t particularly care for if they make it in the game one way or another, such as doomguy, Rayman, waluigi, etc. but I think the push for them to be added from the fandom is great so I would include them just for them.
Cuphead + mugman purely because I want them animated like their games and it would be a very cool stylistic choice
Earthworm Jim is an absolute legend and I would do anything for him to be added. It would be hysterical.
Most of the assist trophies are characters I like, but don’t think they’d translate as well to fighters, like Spyro, crash, or Ashley, but still have cool powers that would make them fun to summon.
Dixie, Jeanne, and Pauline would be echo fighters. Would that mean Peach has 2 echo fighters? Sorry Daisy, you have to go then…
Dr. egg man would be such a fun story mode boss! I mean it! He was made for this!
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dreamerdoesthewritething · 2 years ago
Just making a note about my adept Survivors in DBD so I know later what the order was.
Detective Tapp (July 9, 2023)
Leon S. Kennedy (July 10, 2023)
Ashley J. Williams (July 11, 2023)
Ada Wong
Rebecca Chambers
Feng Min (July 12, 2023)
Yui Kimura
Mikaela Reid
Zarina Kassir
Kate Denson
Cheryl Mason
Vittorio Toscano
Adam Francis
William "Bill" Overbeck
Dwight Fairfield
Claudette Morel
Nea Karlsson
Meg Thomas
Jake Park
David King (final survivor I had woo~!)
Nicolas Cage (July 25, 2023)
Yun-Jin Lee (October 6, 2023)
Sheva Alomar/Jill Valentine (November 2, 2023)
Thalita Lyra (November 7, 2023)
Ace Visconti (November 17, 2023)
Renato Lyra (November 21, 2023)
Jane Romero (November 26, 2023)
Elodie Rakoto (November 28, 2023)
Haddie Kaur (November 30, 2023)
Ellen Ripley (December 22, 2023)
[honorary] Nancy Wheeler (January 5, 2024)
[honorary] Steve Harrington
Jeff Johansen (January 9, 2024)
Felix Richter (January 13, 2024)
Jonah Vasquez (January 16, 2024)
Gabriel Soma (January 29, 2024)
Alan Wake (February 1, 2024)(currently final survivor I have)
Sable Ward (March 12, 2024)
Laurie Strode (April 5, 2024)
Quentin Smith (April 8, 2024)
Yoichi Asakawa (April 10, 2024) (last survivor that is in the game rn)
Aestri Yazar (June 3, 2024)
Lara Croft (July 16, 2024)
Alucard/Trevor Belmont (August 17, 2024)
Taurie Cain (November 28, 2024)
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voices-in-the-fog · 1 year ago
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Who will You choose . . . ?
[ Voices in the Fog roster ]
SURVIVORS who remain . . .
Dwight Fairfield, the Nervous Leader
Meg Thomas, the Energetic Athlete
Claudette Morel, the Studious Botanist
Jake Park, the Solitary Survivalist
Nea Karlsson, the Urban Artist
Laurie Strode, the Determined Survivor
Ace Visconti, the Lucky Gambler
William "Bill" Overbeck, the Old Solider
Min Feng, the Focused Competitor
David King, the Rugged Scrapper
Quentin Smith, the Resolute Dreamwalker
David Tapp, the Obsessed Detective
Kate Denson, the Hopeful Songbird
Adam Francis, the Resourceful Teacher
Jeffrey "Jeff" Johansen, the Quiet Artist
Jane Romero, the Influential Celebrity
Ashley J. Williams, the Alone Wolf
Nancy Wheeler, the Aspiring Journalist
Steve Harrington, the Former Jock
> Jonathan Byers
Yui Kimura, the Hardened Streetracer
Zarina Kassir, the Plucky Documentarian
Heather “Cheryl” Mason, the Veteran of Terror
> Cybil Bennett
> James Sunderland
> Lisa Garland
> Alessa Gillespie
Felix Richter, the Visionary Architect
Élodie Rakoto, the Occult Investigator
Yun-Jin Lee, the Self-Interested Music Producer
Jill Valentine, the Founding Member of S.T.A.R.S.
> Claire Redfield
> Sheva Alomar
Leon Scott Kennedy, the Rookie Police Officer
> Carlos Oliveira
> Chris Redfield
Mikaela Reid, the Young Mystic
Jonah Vasquez, the Mathematical Mastermind
Yoichi Asakawa, the Brilliant Marine Biologist
Haddie Kaur, the Brave Podcaster
Ada Wong, the Mysterious Secret Agent
Rebecca Chambers, the Gifted Medic
Vittorio Toscano, the Endless Wanderer
Thalita Lyra, the Competitive Kite-Fighter
Renato Lyra, the Analytical Jack-of-all-Trades
Gabriel Soma, the Resourceful Engineer
Ellen Ripley, the Nostromo Warrant Officer
Alan Wake, the Bestselling Author
Sable Ward, the Gothic Occultist
Luis Serra (Resident Evil)
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KILLERS left to claim . . .
Evan MacMillan, The Trapper
Philip Ojomo, The Wraith
Max Thompson Jr., The Hillbilly
Sally Smithson, The Nurse
Michael Myers, The Shape
Lisa Sherwood, The Hag
Herman Carter, The Doctor
Anna, The Huntress
Bubba Sawyer, The Cannibal
Freddy Krueger, The Nightmare
Amanda Young, The Pig
Jeffrey Hawk, The Clown
Rin Yamaoka, The Spirit
The Legion
Frank Morrison
Julie Kostenko
Susie Lavoie
Adiris, The Plague
Danny Johnson, The Ghost Face
Demogorgon, The Demogorgon
Kazan Yamaoka, The Oni
Caleb Quinn, The Deathslinger
Pyramid Head, The Executioner
Talbot Grimes, The Blight
> William Birkin
Charlotte & Victor Deshayes, The Twins
Ji-Woon Hak, The Trickster
Nemesis T-Type, The Nemesis
Elliot Spencer, The Cenobite
> The Chatterer
Carmina Mora, The Artist
Sadako Yamamura, The Onryō
Druanee, The Dredge
Albert Wesker, The Mastermind
Tarhos Kovács, The Knight
Adriana Imai, The Skull Merchant
HUX-A7-13, The Singularity
Xeomorph, The Xenomorph
> The Xenomorph Queen
Charles Lee Ray, Chucky
Unknown, The Unknown
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mz-elysium · 2 years ago
vtm: wormwood ; clan bingos of povs
[link to blank bingos]
Masika (new!)
rest of the bingos and commentary under cut bc uh this got kinda long lmao
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ofc Monroe got a bingo. God Complex might be strong, but definitely Saviour Complex. Does wayy too much shit. Also, had a weird bit where he genuinely had quite a bit of respect for LaCroix as an enemy...before he was killed. Shame. Also, had a lot in common, as disgraced childer of unsuccessful military backgrounds.
Hard no’s: *claps hands*, Loyalty > Approval (Monroe not-so-secretly craves being admired), Owns a Crown (but he DOES own a sword...), Undisputed (uh yeh, very in dispute)
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b-b-bingo. Maybe a bonus bingo, since he does eat food in text sometimes, but I never gave their char sheets merits. 
Hard Yes: Red Lipstick (any colour, dark or sparkly preferred), Never Makes Art (comically useless at it), Siren, Narcissm, Would Sparkle, Anne Rice (literally Spike and Lestat)
Hard No: Humanity 8 (cackles in Humanity 4, which is him on an upswing), Rotten at the Core (...maybe, but he does have some redeeming factors)
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Unsurprised that she got no bingo, and was denied by Leather Jacket! ahh loser. Atypical Brujahs don’t get bingos. Urban Ventrue ghouls don’t make good Brujahs, who figured.
Hard No: Leather Jacket, Motorcycle, Good Music Ended in the 90s (um, actually the 80s, but she would listen to almost anything), Respects Smiling Jack, Brawl 5 (not anymore), Bros Before Sects/Obvious Anarch (fuck the Anarchs)
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Bingo, and not even a free-space one. Probably the hardest one to fill out, though. Charlie’s Cobweb radar is decent and she can sorta make sense of it sometimes or use it to harvest info, but never that useful.
Also, her Great Ideas are mostly unrelated to her Malkavianisms and mostly due to just being a wiseass and smart guy.
Hard Yes: Paranioa, PREMONITION, “Did anyone else hear that?”, Don’t “ugh, a Malkavian” me!
Secretly, she likes that Bedlam calls her a fish. She knows its true. She just grew legs one night and crawled out onto the shores, but she has a natural habitat somewhere that she can’t go back to. Not that anyone wants to hear stuff like that.
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Jack’s earliest drafts were Brujah and that might still show a bit. He’s not as rough and tumble wilderness dude. More City Gangrel. He has the leather jacket and wants a motorcycle.
But he is a dirt boy animist and part-time rock sorcerer in love with his shapechanges, so maybe he’s Gangrel enough.
Hard No: No Driving License, Becketts (Jack never knew Beckett enough, but he would probably be put off by his obnoxious snide British-isms), Smells Funny (he bathes!), Survival 5
Hard Yes: DONT pet me (sore spot, as a Gangrel), Wants a House in the Woods (kinda has that...), Hell yeah NATURE
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Ahhh, a better Brujah gets better shapes and multi-bingos AND doesn’t need the free-space. Such a Brujah. Very Brujah. Too poor for a new leather jacket and probably burned their old one 8yrs ago.
Hell No: Surprisingly High Humanity (middling, at best), Quotes Philosopher (you kidding me, they can barely quote themself), Motorcycle (lives in SOMA)
Hell Yes: Everything is Political (risks them friendships), Fuck off (just...everyone), Band T-shirt, Good Music Ended in the 90s, Starts Combat, Obvious Anarch (see above)
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New POV. A very Tremerey Tremere, apparently. Very excite about her.
Hell Yes: Smartass (more of a deadpan), Getting Lost (new girl!), Secret Reads (probably, but more of a Discworld and Dark Tower girlie), Absolutely Terrified of Fireball (zero combat exp), SUSPICIOUS (fellow Tremere are always up to something, but not her!), Misses the Pyramid (Tremere loyalist)
Hell No: Oops, Forgot to Ward (never forgets, never oops), Secretly Wants a Gargoyle (a WARCRIME? a breaking of the sacred montmartre pact??? never!), Guilty of Most Things (has never done anything wrong in her entire life)
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ancient-immie-blog · 2 years ago
Anime Characters Living Rent Free
Okay this is going to be updated every so often as I remember all my favorites. Its not limited to one gender or the other. These are in no particular order (yet). This is probably going to a long post (
I’ve watched a lot of anime
) heavy with gifs. Youv’e been warned.
Updated: 1/30/2025@11:16
List of Anime Characters Living Rent Free in my head:
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Dan Da Dan : Momo Ayase | Ken Takakura | Seiko Ayase | Turbo Granny |
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Jujutsu Kaisen: Nanami Kento | Megumi Fushiguro | Yuta Okkotsu |  Nobara Kugisaki | Kasumi Miwa | Panda | Maki Zen’in | Toge Inumaki | Yuji Itadori | Shoko Ieiri | Kiyotaka Ijichi | Takuma Ino |
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Haikyuu!! : Asahi Azumane |  Koshi Sugawara | Daichi Sawamura | Ryunoske Tanaka | Yu Nishinoya | Tobio Kageyama | Shoyo Hinata | Kiyoko Shimizu | Hitoka Yamachi | Keishin Ukai | Ikkei Ukai | Ittetsu Takeda | Yui Michimiya | Makoto Shimada | Yūsuke Takinoue | Ittetsu Takeda | Saeko Tanaka | Tetsurō Kuroo | Kenma Kozume | Yasufumi Nekomata | Kōtarō Bokuto |
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Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Yaiba): Tanjiro Kamado | Nezuko Kamado | Inosuke Hashibira | Zenitsu Agatsuma | Mitsuri Kanroji | Muichiro Tokito | Shinobu Kocho | Kanae Kocho | Kanao Tsuyuri | Kyojuro Rengoku | Sakonji Urokodaki | Tengen Uzui | Kiyo Terauchi | Naho Takada | Aoi Kanzaki |
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Ichigo Kurosaki | Uryu Ishdia | Renji Abarai | Kon | Don Kanoji | Kiske Urahara | Yoruichi Shihōin | Jushirou Ukitake | Shunsui Kyoraku | Toushirou Hitsugaya |Hiyori Sarugaki | Rangiku Matsumoto  | Soi Fon | Restu Unohana | Nano Ise | Mayuri Kurotsuchi | Yachiru Kusajishi |Shuuhei Hisagi |Hanataro Yamada | Yumichika Ayasegawa | Sajin Komamura
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 My Hero Academia:
Shouta Aizawa -  Eraserhead | Keigo Takami - Hawks | Taishiro Toyomitsu - Fat Gum | Hizashi Yamada - Present Mic | Chiyo Shuzenji - Recovery Girl | Sorahikio Torino - Gran Torino | Anan Kurose - Thirteen | Ochako Uraraka - Uravity  |Tamaki Amajiki - Suneater | Rumi Usagiyama - Mirko |  Ryuko Tatsuma - Ryukyu | Mirai Saski - Sir Night Eye | Emi Fukukado - Ms. Joke | Jin Bubaigawara - Twice | All of Class 1-A (this includes Tesutesu & Shinso )Except Mineta | Eri | Kota Izumi |Mahoro Shimano | Katusma Shimano |Mei Hatusme | Fuyumi Todoroki | Yokumiru Mera | Mitsuki Bakugo | Inko Midorya
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Full Metal Panic:
Kaname Chidori | Souske Sagara | Melissa Mao | Kurz Webber | Teletha Testarossa |
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Sailor Moon : Hotaru Tomoe - Sailor Saturn | Setsuna Meiou - Sailor Pluto | Haruka Tenou - Sailor Uranus | Michiru Kaiou - Sailor Neptune | Ami Mizuno - Sailor Mercury | Rei Hino - Sailor Mars | Makoto Kino - Sailor Jupiter | Minako Anio - Sailor Venus |
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BlackButler: Sebastian Michaelis | Baldroy | Finnian | Mey-Rin | Tanaka | Grelle Sutcliff | Calude Faustus | Soma Asman Kadar | Ran-Mao | Lau | Undertaker | Mina
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Peacemaker Kuragane: Tetsunosuke Ichimura | Sōji Okita | Toshizō Hijikata | Susumu Yamazaki | Ayumu Yamazaki | Keisuke Yamanami | Sanosuke Harada | Shinpachi Nagakura | Heisuke Tōdō | Saya | Hotaru | Saizo | Suzu Kitamura | Hajime Saitō |
One Off Series:
Samurai Champloo: Jin,  Mugen | Cowboy Bebop: Edward, Faye, Spike | Space Dandy: Meow, QT | PaniPoniDash: Mesosua, Rebecca Miyamoto,  Ichijo & Little Sister, Rei Tachibana,  The Aliens, Lord Cat & Giant Salamander | Azumanga Daioh : Sasaski,  Ayumu Kasuga/Osaka, Minamo Kurosawa | FruitsBasket - Tohru Honda, Shigure Sohma,  Momiji Sohma, Kisa Sohma | Girls und Panzer: Ayumi Yamagou, Katyusha | Assination Classroom : Nagisa Shiota, Manami Okuda, Kaede Kayano, Kirar Hazama, Rinka Hayami, Toka Yada, Ryunosuke Chiba, Tadaomi Karasuma, Korosensei | Sgt Frog: Tamama, Giroro, Kururu, Dororo, Aki Hinata, Garuru | Red Garden: Kate Ashley, Rachel Benning, Claire Forrest, Rose Sheedy, Lula, Jeremy Charles Ferhlan | Okamisan & her 7 Companions:  Ryoko Okami, Taro Urashima |Uta No Princesama:  Tokiya Ichinose, Otoya Ittoki, Cecil Aijima, Masato Hijirkawa, Syo Kurusu, Natsuki Shinomiya, Ichinose Tsukimiya, Harauka Nanami | Urmaruchan: Umaru Doma, Taihei Doma, Kirie Motoba, Nana Ebina, Sylphynford Tachibana | NANA: Ryoko Kawashigi, Yasushi Takagi, Nana Oskai, Shinichi Ozakai, Nobuo Terashima | XxxHolic: Yuuko Ichihara, Kimihiro Watanuki, Mokona, Modoki, Maru, Himawari Kunogiri, Zashiki | Hetalia: Italy, Holy Roman Empire, Japan, Russia, Norway, Denmark Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Canada, Hungary, Poland, Turkey |
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slugbeaker · 3 months ago
Thinking about the "It's green..." dialogue Ashley says in Simon's intro nightmare sequence and how Simon probably missed going through the light immediately after it turned green by only few seconds because he was distracted by the convo with Ashley, likely about to confess his feelings to her, and how a lot of his guilt probably stems from wondering how different things could have been if he'd made it through that intersection just a few seconds faster even tho it's absolutely not his fault the other driver ran through THEIR red light and T-boned them 🥲🥲🥲🥲
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seraphsredemption · 9 months ago
Updated Profile Introduction!
Unfortunately a Riddle RoseHeart kinnie (。•́︿•̀。)
Games I love + my faves:
Punishing Gray Raven:
Lee, Noan, Kamui, Camu
Code Vein:
Louis, Yakumo, Eva
God Eater
Hugo, Soma, Julius, Ciel, Kota
Resident Evil:
Leon, Ashley
Ain, Add, Noah
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poshfind · 1 year ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Laura Ashley Light Tan Embroidered Dot Mule Slipper Sm 5-6 NWT.
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year ago
survey #190
Did you enjoy high school? In some ways yes, in many others, no. There were days in high school where I wanted to be dead, like I was extremely depressed, but I also enjoyed having a social life. I miss old friends, I cherish times we laughed together and were just kids, but I would also never go back. I had good relationships with my teachers, too, so that helped.
What’s an unusual food combination you like? Waffles lightly slathered in peanut butter with normal syrup on top of that. It's fucking heavenly.
What’s the longest stretch of time you’ve spent completely alone? A few weeks, somewhere close to a month. This was when my mom went to New York while her mother was dying. I can't remember what it was, but it was a new YouTube hyperfixation that let me get through such a long period by myself; I tend to get lonely if I'm by myself for merely one full day, but I was totally fine during this period because I was into something.
Did your parents allow you to drink soda when you were a kid? By a certain age, but definitely not regularly.
Did you ever go through an emo or goth phase? Emo for sure, but I still consider myself a goth at... heart, lol, because I definitely don't have the money to dress like one, nor do I wear makeup. My heart's there though, haha.
How many times have you stayed at a hotel in the past year, and where? Not even once.
Do you take a walk every day? No.
Who was your favourite musical artist when you were 15? Do you still listen to them? Ozzy Osbourne, and yes, he's my favorite artist of all time.
When was the last time you ate at a food court and what did you get? Oh jeez, I have absolutely no idea.
How do you like your eggs cooked? Scrambled, especially with cheese.
What's your favourite place to go on vacation? I don't go on vacations enough for this.
Have you ever done your own compost? No.
Would you ever get a tattoo on your hand or foot? Yes; I already know I want some on my hands, and feet will probably happen eventually, at least little stuff. I've never really seen foot tattoos I like, but with how many I want one day, it'll likely happen.
Do you open your doors and windows on warm days? We tend to keep our back door out onto the porch open if it's nice out, because it's a meshed-in porch that Roman absolutely loves sitting out in. We'll open windows if there's a nice breeze and we're kinda hot.
Are the blinds/curtains in the room open or closed right now? I keep them open during the day because it helps my depression to feel less closed in.
Were you mean to anyone in high school? No, I minded my business and treated others how I wanted to be treated.
Have you ever accidentally started a fire? Not me specifically, but as a child, we once tried doing that over-the-stove popcorn and it set on fire; I remember Mom or Dad had to use the fire extinguisher.
What is the last note you edited in your phone's notes app? One where I have gift ideas for Girt.
Who is your favourite coworker? You can tell me about one from your past if you don't have one right now. I have so little job experience that I don't really have an answer.
Do you know anyone who's adopted a child? I have an old school friend who was adopted, but I don't know anyone who did adopting. Well, my sister's husband legally adopted her daughter from another relationship, but I don't think that's what you mean when talking about adoption.
What was the last video game or board game you purchased? I think the last game Mom was kind enough to buy me was SOMA.
Are any of your siblings taller than you? Bobby's way taller than me, and Ashley is a bit taller than me. I think Nicole is right about my height. I know Misty is shorter, and I thiiink Katie might be too?
Name a song that reminds you of a past relationship: "Another Life" by Motionless In White. Once upon a time I couldn't listen to it, but I can now, I just feel an ache.
Have you ever seen a building on fire in real life? Yes, a house burned down in my childhood neighborhood.
Have you kissed anyone and their first name started with an F, D, or L? A "D."
Have you ever been in therapy for anything? I've been in therapy since the 6th grade.
Is there any part of your sexual/romantic history that you have not told your current significant other about or that you will not tell future partners about? "I mean, I haven’t told him every detail, but not because it’s a secret or anything, it’s just not relevant to our relationship." <<<< This, it'd be weird if I just dumped random details on him that had zero bearing on our relationship. I wouldn't keep anything secret though, I think couples should be very open about their sexual pasts for safety reasons.
Have you ever developed feelings for someone whose sexual orientation was incompatible with yours? HAHA YEAH, kinda. In middle school I think I mighta liked this guy William, who ended up being gay. I was never totally sure if I liked him more than a friend, though.
How many relationships have you been in that actually got sexual? Three-ish, barely.
Who performs the most random acts of kindness out of everyone you know? My mom, easy.
Who’s the most romantic person you ever went out with? Jason.
Last person to tell you that you smell good? Probably Girt.
Last person you told that they smell good? Girt.
Who did you have your first kiss with? Do you remember what color his/her eyes were? Jason when I was barely 16, and yeah, brown.
Which edible flowers have you tasted? None that I know of.
What was the last video you added to your favorites on YouTube? It was some photography advice.
Do any of your family members have an upcoming birthday? No, no more birthdays in the family 'til mine next year.
Is your favorite animal endangered? No, oh my god I don't think I'd be able to function if meerkats were endangered, lol.
What is the middle name of the last person you texted? Marie.
Have you ever come close to drowning? No, thank goodness.
What’s the cutest thing your S/O does, but denies it’s cute in any way? He's such a scaredy-cat with horror stuff and it's honestly adorable, brooding six-foot man can't get past the first Necromorph scene in Dead Space 'n' shit like that lmfao.
Have you ever dined alone at a restaurant? No.
Have you ever changed in front of the last person you kissed? No, I'm too self-conscious.
Have you experienced any severe side effects of medications? Yes; a few have made me vomit, and a certain form of Wellbutrin makes me manic and also causes frequent bodily spasms for me.
Have you ever had a big YouTuber reply to a comment you left on their video? I don't think so, but I do know I've had some heart or pin a comment.
Have you ever given a lap dance? No.
Do a lot of people tell you that you are funny? I wouldn't say a lot.
Have you gone to a tanning bed lately? I've never been to one once and I never will.
What did you do on the Fourth of July? Mom, Girt, and I made hot dogs with corn on the cob, we later made s'mores outside, and we watched some Black Mirror.
Do you have nice legs? No.
Have you ever been to Ohio? Once, yes. That's where my dad is from.
Do you like The Goonies? I remember nothing about it now, but I did like it when I saw it.
Do you prefer hardly toasted at all or burnt toast? Very, very barely toasted.
Do you have any unusual skills? Not really.
Do you have any bug bites right now? No.
Is there anything annoying you at the moment? No.
Are there any forms of art you personally find pointless? I don't think they're objectively pointless, however I personally don't get a lot of abstract art. Like, stuff that looks like random paint splatters on a canvas and costs thousands of dollars and stuff.
Do you have any projects on the go right now? Not really, no.
Are you a hat person? Nah.
Has anyone ever approached you in the street and asked to take your picture? No, I think that would freak me out, though from a photographer's perspective I know it should probably be a compliment lol
What song's stuck in your head? None currently.
Do your feelings get hurt easily? Kinda, yeah.
Have you ever seen a cougar in the wild? No.
When was the last time you took a selfie? Idk, it's been a very long time.
Do you have any nieces or nephews? I have quite a lot, but only three are regularly in my life. That doesn't disqualify the others or mean I don't love them too, but my relationship with Ashley's children is definitely different than, say, Misty's.
Do you have a good relationship with your cousins? No, I barely even know my cousins.
Are there any upcoming events for you to look forward to? Yeah, this weekend Mom and I are going to a family friend's surprise party.
How many siblings does your significant other have? One sister.
Have you ever done three or more shots in a row? I've never done shots, I know I'd absolutely hate it.
What was the last zoo you visited? Sylvan Heights Bird Sanctuary, if that counts.
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companionwolf · 1 year ago
"what happened?" "we fell in love" aka that one cutscene in SOMA but it's Jay and Jacob (except the latter isn't Real + it's actually like. some horror attempting to trap Jay in its .. dream? false reality? idk in SOMA its the WAUs louts eater machine sorta thingy)
'which horror is doing this' I don't know, I'm purposely avoiding reading lore but one of em could do this probably? idk
anyway I have. major brainrot I think 😔
if you'd like more context -- the scene I'm talking about is under the cut (spoilers for SOMA lol):
Ashley is the friend who died in the car crash that left the protag Simon with brain damage, which kicks off the events of the game -- Simon goes to get a brain scan, to help support his recovery. It's very much a thing he has a crush on Ashley, although I don't remember if that's explicitly said.
Anyway, this bit happens after one of the proxies, the monsters made by the WAU, catches Simon but doesn't kill.
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braintapes · 1 year ago
Oh this is really good, I'm very much here for aroace Simon, I think it fits him really well and I love your analysis!! This got me thinking and I wanted to add to your points a bit, if that's alright.
In regards to Ashley, I personally think his relationship with her is much more interesting if it's not romantic.
It makes him more of an Everyman Regular Guy, y'know? In his twenties, not really established or with any particular direction to go in life, working at a bookstore and he's got his hobbies and is in the process of making friends, or at the very least hanging out with his coworkers....
But then all that gets ripped away with the accident. And the less close he and Ashley are the more tragic it is. The more it hurts, because of course Simon feels a LOT of guilt over those events, or at least they weigh heavily on him. Someone he was friends with, coworkers with, getting to know and on good terms died right next to him and he got to live (even if only somewhat longer).
For an aroace reading of the second dream sequence, I wonder if the fantasy there is not necessarily their romantic involvement, but of Simon's life returning to a remembered rough ideal of normalcy. Part of that being one, that the (up until his awakening in Pathos) worst event of his life which resulted in the awful death of someone he cared about didn't happen. That all the physical, emotional, mental pain, that suffering, didn't happen. And on top of that, the suffering that came with his journey through Pathos also didn't happen. He didn't die in 2015. The world wasn't destroyed. He isn't under the ocean as a robot brain scan copy and everyone is dead and there's not crazy robots and monsters everywhere.
Maybe it's a combination of his mind scrambling for the Most Normal Situation he could think of and overcorrecting. Like. Yeah he is clearly confused in that scene when Ashley says they're a couple. She insists on it, he doesn't go along with it. So it could be a line of thinking like 'if everything hadn't happened and I was still in Toronto what would've happened?' And with Ashley having such an important place in his memories, it all got put together that way.
Is that a stretch? Maybe. But It's how I'd interpret it combined with your point about Simon likely not having the knowledge or words for different identities. He might think that's how things were Supposed to end up, not because he wanted them that way but because that's just how it was expected to be.
I haven't played SOMA in a while so I'm a little fuzzy on it admittedly, but I also think it would also parallel nicely with his interactions with Catherine if Ashley was more of a work friend or acquaintance - someone he wanted to be friends with, close with purely platonically, but never got the chance to.
I always got the feeling from Simon and Catherine that Simon was more invested in cultivating a friendship (and also leaning heavily on her for emotional support) than she was, and I wonder if part of that is due to some lingering feelings from how things ended up with Ashley. I know that him latching onto Catherine is primarily due to the isolation and disorientation of his whole. um. catastrophically awful situation but like I said I like imagining the parallels
i wanna hear about the simon aroace beam pls
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(Tumblr is apparently trying to silence me because this is the second time I'm writing out this answer. Anyway.)
I already made a post about my aroace Simon headcanons several years ago, but I'm more than happy to talk about it again. (Also I'm not sure if you specifically ever beat SOMA, so you're probably unfamiliar with some of the points I made in the aforementioned post. I'll do my best to explain.)
(Continued under the cut)
Simon is an interesting character because he's an everyman. I often joke about how he's Just Some Guy who's having the worst day ever. He's had a pretty average life (aside from the recent loss of his friend and traumatic brain injury), and it doesn't come up often in the text of the game. He brings it up sometimes, but it isn't the focus of his dialogue. He was thrust from an unremarkable life in 2015 into Undersea Robot Hell and is forced to make some serious decisions about the fate of the human race, so he has other priorities.
His characterization as an everyman combined with the fact that we don't actually know a lot about his life before the events of SOMA make Simon a very easy character to project your own experiences onto. This makes him a good fit for a video game protagonist because it makes it easy for the player to relate to him. It also means that it's easy to fill in the blanks of his characterization with your own ideas. I've personally seen lots of different interpretations of his gender and sexuality; I've seen people headcanon him as straight, gay, bisexual, etc etc. His gender is also an entire can of worms; I've seen people make compelling arguments that he's a trans man, a trans woman, and even nonbinary and agender.
Anyway... this was all preface for my thesis that Simon is aroace. The easy explanation is that I, an aroace person, find it easy to project my own experiences on to him in a way that makes sense to me. I've talked to a few other aroace SOMA fans about this, and they've agreed. (This is what I mean by the aroace beam. I simply enjoy headcanoning characters I like as aroace, because I, too, am aroace. I'm hitting them with my beam attack. Metaphorically. I've now rendered the joke unfunny by explaining it.)
(Side note- there's a running joke in the SOMA server I run that many SOMA fans are asexual. There certainly are a number of them in that specific server, however this also might be confirmation bias, because I haven't done a fandom-wide survey or anything like that. It also might be because I promote the server heavily on my blog, and as an openly aroace person, I probably have a statistically significant amount of aspec followers who are then compelled to join the server I help run. More research is required, I guess.)
The longer explanation for this headcanon is that, within the text of the game, Simon doesnt' appear to be very concerned with sex or romance.
In the dream sequence at the beginning of the game, Simon tells Ashley he wants to tell her something, and she responds with "please don't make this weird". A lot of people tend to interpret this as Simon working up the courage to tell Ashley he has a crush on her. The scene ends abruptly before this can be confirmed. However, there are a few unused voice lines in the game files that extend the scene a bit. Simon was originally supposed to say "I'm sorry" to Ashley before the dream ended. This implies that he wanted to apologize to her for involving her in the car accident that ended her life, not confess a crush.
There is another dream sequence later in the game, the context being that Simon is under the influence of the WAU and is being shown an idealized version of his life. He sees Ashley, alive and standing in his apartment, where she declares that the two of them are in love. Simon seems confused about this and wakes up shortly after.
I will admit that this scene implies he has romantic feelings for her. However, in the post I made a few years ago, I talked about how a common experience for a lot of aroace people is not being able to distinguish between different types of attraction and how this can lead to aces convincing themselves that they have a crush on someone when what they really desire is a platonic relationship:
I think what sells it the most for me is that, during the dream sequence with Ashley, when Ashley tells him that they’re a couple, he sounds confused. You could interpret this as general confusion (he doesn’t know how Ashley is suddenly alive again or why they’re suddenly in a relationship), but I like to think that he’s conflicted about his feelings for her. He knows he wants to be close to her, but he’s not sure if being a romantic couple is exactly what he wants. If the dream sequence is supposed to be an idealized scenario, then why is he conflicted about the thing he supposedly wants?
Simon strikes me as the type of guy who isn’t super informed about LGBT stuff. He probably knows a little bit about general LGBT stuff, but maybe hasn’t learned about asexuality, or he doubts that it could apply to him. He might think that, because he wants to be close with Ashley, that the next logical step would be a romantic relationship, even if his feelings are actually just platonic. (I know from personal experience growing up asexual that I would sometimes invent crushes on people, when in reality my feelings were just platonic and I actually just wanted to be their friend. From what I’ve heard, this is a common experience for a lot of aro and ace people from before they learned about asexuality/aromanticism.)
I recognize that this interpretation might be bending canon a bit. Occam's razor would imply that he simply has a romantic crush on Ashley, but that's no fun.
SOMA is a game that is, overall, pretty uninterested in exploring romantic or sexual relationships. It also features two main characters of different genders (Simon and Catherine) who develop a strong platonic relationship over the course of the game. I, personally, find it a breath of fresh air, especially when a lot of science fiction and cyberpunk stories have a heavy emphasis on sex. (I'm definitely not bitter about all the weird sexism present in cyberpunk novels like Neuromancer, for example...)
I suppose it makes sense, then, that the game would have a sizeable amount of aroace fans. I personally think there is something inherently queer about the game- although not explicit in the text, transhumanist stories like SOMA can be read as metaphors for queer experiences. Questioning one's identity and humanity is something that a lot of LGBT people do on a regular basis, so it makes perfect sense that they would relate to a character from a game exploring those topics, albeit through a science fiction lens.
Anyway. Very, very long story short, I hit Simon with my aroace beam attack because I think it's fun. He means a lot to me and I like thinking about him.
(Don't get me started on what I think about his gender. He's got so much going on in that department and absolutely no time to come to terms with it all. That's a post for another day.)
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk, I hope you enjoyed reading, etc etc. I'm going to go back to rotating Simon in my brain now.
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soma-shitposts · 4 years ago
Simon: I feel like my brain’s on fire.
Jesse: oh my God
Simon: yeah, it really hurts -
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