emilierivers · 6 years
【MUSE 71】━━ is that CHLOE LUKASIAK? no, that’s just EMILIE RIVERS, the 17 year old FEMALE who is a HIGH SCHOOL JUNIOR. some say they’re INSECURE AND NAIVE, but their family and friends will swear they’re KIND HEARTED AND FORGIVING. when i think of them, i think of STUFFED ANIMALS, HEARTS DOODLED ON NOTEBOOKS, DISNEY PRINCESSES, FAIRY TALES. i wonder if their family know that SHE is hiding that SHE WATCHED SOMEONE AT A PARTY OVERDOSE AND HAS HAD PANIC ATTACKS SINCE THEN. – ( BEE && MST && SHE/HER )
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ok wow i had no idea i was gonna pick up another character so soon but im already in love w this rp so i had to bring my angel child emilie who by the way is literally the polar opposite from brinley
shes basically the embodiment of everything soft and pure and cute and innocent
shes 17 and has never said a swear word, never had alcohol, never done anything that the general public would consider ‘bad’
she has the worlds biggest heart okay
her entire purpose in life is to basically help people and if you let her start helping you she will not stop until youre like 111% happy w everything in ur life
shes hates seeing anyone sad???? seeing other people makes her sad and she doesnt really cope w being any emotion other than happy well
if shes practically any emotion other than happy, she just breaks down and starts sobbing and she kinda hates that she cries at everything
shes ridiculously insecure and thats a big reason she tries to make everyone else happy
emilie places her entire self worth into what other people think of her which is why she wants to be a nice person who makes people happy bc then people will think good things about her and then she doesnt feel like the worst person on the earth
shes very overly excited about a lot of things too???? she doesnt need a lot to be happy at all you could give her a pink piece of paper and just tell her that it reminded you of her and shes gonna cherish it forever and be happy for weeks on end
she doesnt truly believe that theres evil in the world like she purposely doesnt watch the news or try to pay attention to anything that would be evil
she just really believes that people are inherently good and cant wrap her head around the idea of people being anything other than good
shes super naive and that plays a big part into why she doesnt believe in evil shit
also shes so easily manipulated???? literally believes anything u tell her
but her naivety and innocent lil heart and how she believes everyone is good truly makes for such an awful combination of her being set up to get her whole world shattered around her
shes also dumb when it comes to forgiving people??? you could literally do the meanest thing ever to her and shes gonna forgive you because she doesnt believe in holding grudges
listen her thinking all people are good just really fucks her up
she truly loves anyone and everyone and definitely believes in love at first sight
shes gets crushes super fast??? like shes one of those girls where if someone holds the door open for her shes like wow thank u i want to marry you now
listen emilies happiest life moment ever was when she told someone her middle name was belle and they said ‘oh like the princess? thats so fitting for you’ she cried okay but also when doesnt she cry
she loves her family so much and even if her siblings are more wild than her she still loves them so much
and she doesnt even really have anything against her step siblings either she thought it was rad that she got a bunch of new siblings
uhhh so listen,,, homegirls life kinda got sucky not that long ago????
emilie does not go to parties ok they scare her
she doesnt like the loud music and shes never had a sip of alcohol and she just does not fit the party scene at all
but somehow one of her friends talked her into going to a party over summer and her friend said she didnt wanna go alone and emilie being a literal angel was like well ok
so they went to the party and after roughly a hour someone starts screaming to call 911
emilie runs out to investigate whats going on and basically someone had overdosed on whatever drug was big that night and was dying pretty much
but like,,,, the whole thing was really not Great and it was messy and even people who were party people were getting freaked out and then you have emilie who has never seen something like this and shes full on freaking out and doesnt know what to do
her friend saw that she was panicking and they left and went back to emilies house and her friend stayed with her because emilie was crying and shaking and she was so scared
and ever since that night shes had really bad panic attacks and nightmares and theyre so scary to her and she doesnt know how to make them stop and its kinda really fucking her up
and wow that was messy af and i know im leaving out a lot of her growing up shit i tried okay intros are hard ,,, but basically what u need to know is that emilie is an angel child and i love her but anways !!! i have a few connection ideas but like i said w brinley, give me drama and ill love u forever !!!!!
people she tries to help????
people shes a good influence on ????
someone who’s a bad influence on her????
uhhhh maybe some of fifty thousand crushes ?????
my brain is fried and i cant think of anything else but just give me drama or not give me some happy shit too just plot w my baby ok !!!!
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rcagans · 6 years
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hi!! i’m sammy and this is my bb reagan. she can be a lil shit sometimes, but generally she’s like “do ya thing bb”. here are a couple blurbs about her 
reagan was given up for adoption because her mom was fresh out of high school when she had her. it was a closed adoption so reagan didn’t even put in the effort to look for her birth mother. 
her general attitude towards people that don’t seem to like her is “i don’t need to be around this”
she can be a petty little shit. without hesitation she would do anything to prove someone wrong (or at the very least spite them). once she learned another language to insult someone in their native tongue
she’s not afraid of confrontation, but isn’t the type to hold grudges
100% the type that will make impulsive decisions and call it self care
she was very involved in high school, but performance was her favorite. she loves her cello and guitar almost as she loves dancing. all three of which she hasn’t really touched since she was expelled
contemplating if it’s worth going back to school for pre-law. kinda wants to be an fbi agent
always down for karaoke night (her go to song is (you make me feel) like a natural woman - aretha franklin)
there’s a pretty good chance she’s shooting finger guns at you
needless to say her idea of a serious relationship is giving up a drawer for the other person… which she’s never done
what she does love is her whiskey and stella rosa (but of course not together)
says weddings are her happy place bc of the drunk uncle that wrecks everything but secretly a romantic (just doesn’t believe it’s possible for her)
really just wants to experience everything
to expand on her secret: the professor’s wife found out her husband was having an affair and was the one that exposed their relationship to the dean. since then she hasn’t felt like anything more than a hookup is worth it. good luck trying to change her mind
some wanted connections can be found here and i’m working on moodboards/replies soon
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julianchand · 6 years
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【MUSE 14】━━ is that TYLER YOUNG? no, that’s just JULIAN CHANDLER, the 22 year old MALE who is a MEDICAL SCHOOL STUDENT. some say they’re DISHONEST AND STUBBORN, but their family and friends will swear they’re ATTENTIVE AND CLEVER. when i think of them, i think of COFFEE STAINS, SPONTANEOUS ROADTRIPS, AND BAKED GOODS. i wonder if their family know that HE is hiding that HE HASN’T BEEN ABLE TO SLEEP WITHOUT GETTING HIGH SINCE THE ACCIDENT. – ( SAMMY && CST && SHE/HER )
whaddup it’s me again bc i have no self control. this peanut is julian and i swear he’s trying his best
he’s v sleepy boy so there’s a good chance he’s running to a coffee shop whenever he can
also v adventurous and hates feeling “stuck”
bakes to destress
also gets baked to destress
genuinely wants the best for people and really wants to make them happy
butttt he’s been known to do things (hide certain things) to maintain a certain image
hence the accident
and baby boy feels soo bad about it because he (1) never meant to hurt anyone much less kill his best friend and (2) he couldn’t even own up to it so he blamed dylan who couldn’t defend himself
^ easily the shittiest thing he’s ever done and gets really bad flashbacks at night
so that’s when he realized the only thing that could get him to sleep was weed (or alcohol but he thinks that’s worse so that’s when it’s real bad)
bought himself a dog after he graduated from undergrad and named her lucy
he’s also been doing everything to keep himself busy bc he can’t let himself think about it
was the captain of his high school’s lacrosse and swim teams
also swam in college and still loves it
this it the most bare intro ever and im sORRY 
wanted connections here finally
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josshucng · 5 years
it’s  elle  with  another  muse  ,  jocelyn  .  please  excuse  her  theme  right  now  ,  i’ll  have  more  time  later  to  make  it  look  pretty  ( same  with  mina’s  blog  tbh ).
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    [ MUSE 89 ] ●● is that SONG YUQI? no, that’s just JOCELYN ‘JOSS’ HUANG, the 16 year old CISFEMALE who is a HIGH SCHOOL JUNIOR. some say they’re DEFEATIST & SECRETIVE, but their family and friends will swear they’re COMPASSIONATE & ECCENTRIC. when i think of them, i think of wild wavy hair, bright colored blouses, oversized sweaters that keep you warm and safe in a cold winter, make up products falling off her vanity and constant typos in text messages. i wonder if HER family knows that SHE’S BEEN STEALING MONEY FROM THEM. ●● ( elle && 21 && gmt && she/her )
jocelyn was born to a chinese immigrant single mother in washington. she never had much but the woman made sure to do everything in her power to provide for her daughter. being a single mother alone in a foreign country was difficult and frightening but the woman knew it was the best thing for her daughter.
a lot of babysitters in their teens would watch her whilst her mother went to work. it was in these times that she picked up a little basic english. she was only young but would find herself speaking back to them. her mother spoke mandarin to her so this is the first language she learned. she didn’t have much need to actually understand people who spoke english when she was younger but would need it as time went on.
everything changed when she was six and her mother wasn’t breathing one morning. no matter how hard she tried to wake her up, the woman wouldn’t and this frightened her. she remembered to call the ambulance and was pronounced dead. her mother had a heart attack in her sleep so she had died during the night. jocelyn kept asking when she was going to wake up but she would soon learn that never was the answer. however, she likes to think that the woman is still with her.
going into the foster system at six was hard. she was still at the age where people would want to adopt her but she thought it was very strange. as a child, she would often tell prospective parents that her mother was coming to see her and she once refused to go on a day out with a couple because she felt like she was betraying her mother. the carers were concerned so took her to a therapist once but didn’t have the funding to keep it up.
joss was one of those children that lived in her own head a lot. the girl had an amazing imagination, one that ran away with her sometimes and she also loved to paint. the staff were so kind to let her paint freely on the wall on her bottom bunk. whenever it got full, she could just decide what she didn’t like and painted over it to start again. sometimes she wouldn’t be able to decide so did drawings and then stuck them up on the paintings to create more layers.
this kept her as happy as could be but backfired on her when she was fostered by a family and ended up drawing on their walls. disgusted with her, they turned aggressive and brought her back to the group home.
as time went on, she longed to be with a family more and more but they would always bring her back. she never tried to be something she wasn’t. she was creative, loud as she always wanted to put on a show of one of the stories she had written but adults were either not interested or the rest of the children in the house would bully her for it.
she had to learn to stand on her own two feet. instead of crumbling, she took a leadership role in the home and was the figure that the younger children would come to. joss was always one to tell a good story and it made them love her. it caused her to grow up in a way as the young ones depended on her to raise their spirits but they also raised hers.
it was very upsetting for her when they would get fostered or adopted. some would unfortunately come back but some, she never saw again. she was happy for them but slightly jealous as she thought that she had run out of chances.
she had been placed with another family but felt like she was only going to disappoint them; she started taking any loose cash around the house and storing it in a box in her backpack, making sure to distribute it to her school locker. joss could see it not working and she wanted to save so that she could get out of there. her foster father caught her stealing ten dollars out of his son’s jeans and it got physical. she picked up her bag and ran, thanking herself that she had done it as she would have been out of money.
it lasted her two days until she ran out and a kind woman picked her up from off the street and gave her a nice meal. the care workers came to pick her up. of course it was twisted but she definitely didn’t want to go back there.
she always tried really hard at school to better herself but it was very difficult for her to get help if she was unsure with so many other kids in her house. she was defeatist as she felt like she was at a disadvantage. she’s the type to frequently give up but pick herself up and try again.
after the mess of her previous home, she never thought that she’d find a home, a family. however, the townsends’ were taken in by her big heart and expressive presence that they couldn’t resist. she settled in rather well with them and no one ever tried to hurt her.
the move to ashcroft definitely upset her version of normalcy. in her experience, bad things would happen when they moved and she really hoped that this wouldn’t be a negative experience for her.
joss was never the most popular person at any of the schools she had ever gone to. she never had time to get friendships and the other children did think her outlook was a little odd. she seems all airy-fairy most of the time, spending too much time in her art and not caring what others think of her. however, there’s definitely a backlash as some have started picking on her for being ‘different’ ;  she prefers to live in her fantasy land than experience anything unpleasant. 
having these situations at school has caused her to feel more insecure about her place within the family. she knows that the two women love her and she’s so grateful but her past experiences make her feel like they can turn their backs on her at any point. she was never one for stealing but things changed her view on it at the old foster home; if she hadn’t have had that money, she didn’t know what she would have done.
the thing about joss is that she will never feel comfortable asking for money as it is, so she has started to take money again from her family. whether it’s to get a new shirt that people will find interesting at work, money to get an ice cream outside of school when they’re on sale, there will always be the possibility of them turning on her at the back of her head and this is her main motivation.
if she does something wrong, she automatically assumes that she will have no second chances and so gives up on the subject. if that were to happen with her family, she would be completely alone again and this time, they would not put her back in care as she’s over the age of 16. she would be by herself and needs money if she’s going to do that.
of course, she feels the sense of guilt that she didn’t with the other family; the townsends’ are good people and the other kids are like her, the ones that were given a very last chance; she doesn’t want to hurt them. however, there’s something inside her that tells her to be wary and this is her taking precautions.
joss is very loyal, if you do befriend her at school, she will love you to the ends of the earth. yes, she’s clingy like that but an amazing friend to have. she has no problems sticking up for people as she’s had no one up until now in her corner ready to fight for her and she doesn’t want anyone to feel like that.
she wears a moon charm necklace around her neck that was her mother’s and this is her most prized possession. if she misplaces it somewhere, expect a full on freak out from her.
she’s in the drama club, choir (an alto) and is still very passionate about the arts in general. joss has always felt at home being her creative side, even if it does make her a little rebellious at times but she’s never out to hurt anyone.
as joss has been on her own for so long, she can get very defensive so be prepared for that if someone criticises her.
when something is wrong, she’s one to carry on like nothing’s happened and reverts back to her very ‘happy’ personality. she would prefer that than break down and people feel sorry for her. she keeps secrets but doesn’t feel like they’re worth mentioning.
deep down, she knows that her stealing habits come from a place of insecurity but doesn’t want to admit it because she’s scared of it getting ugly... she loves her family as much as she loves her art and she’s scared that they won’t want anything more to do with her.
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faulkncrs · 6 years
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lila’s coming to you with her final character (pls don’t let me take anyone else!).
story time! ( tw: cancer mention)
don’t pretend you don’t know jude faulkner, because he’s one of those faces that the whole world knows. he’s the oldest son of parents that were already famous -- his father was a movie director and his mother an actress. 
he started acting when he was still a teenager (his first role was actually much younger in one of his father’s movies but that didn’t count), and almost immediately was promoted to the role of teen heartthrob. if you can find a teen magazine from the 90s you will find more than a few with his face in the cover.
he was only twenty when he met his future wife and for the heartbreak of millions of girls around the world was off the market. the two worked together in a movie and the chemistry was undeniable. they dated for a little more than a year before getting married when she found out she was pregnant with their first child. 
both their careers grew as did their family. over twenty years together, three kids and more successful movies than it’s advisable to count, the two were still very much in love (u know all that instagram banter blake and ryan have going on? they def had that) when was diagnosed with cancer. 
it was a long battle and they gave them all, but not even the best doctors and treatments could save her. it has been some months since she passed away and jude hasn’t been the same. she was the woman of his life, his best friend for over two decades and he’s just feeling a little lost without her.
his friends quickly noticed the changes. the way he started to withdraw from everyone and how he seemed to lose his temper more often and quicker than before, and of course no one could ignore that whenever they met him he seemed to always have a scotch in his hands. 
the final straw was when he got into a fight with some paparazzi that had been following him and asking questions about his wife. jude jumped on the guy and the only reason he doesn’t have a battery charge is that his agent paid the photographer off. after that, everyone that cared about him encouraged him to take some time away from los angeles. 
he was a little reluctant in the beginning, but he knew he had to think about his kids and be their dad and that’s how they all ended up in ashcroft. the town isn’t exactly where he was raised, but most of his summers growing up were spent there in his parents’ estate -- the same place where he’s living with his kids now.
he is a movie star, people. he has been charming his way into audience’s hearts for more than half his life at this point. very friendly and outgoing, he has a witty sense of humor and doesn’t take himself too seriously.
a nice guy who will stop in the traffic to help an old lady cross the street if needed. around hollywood he is known as the guy no one has anything bad to say about. he’s warmhearted and genuine.
despite being the good guy, he can be very assertive. he knows how to express what he wants and make himself be heard. very comfortable in his own skin.
a family man through and through. nothing is more important to him than his kids, especially now that he’s all they have. he’s trying to do his best to do right by them. can be a little permissive with his kids, definitely not the strict kind of parent. 
a guys' guy. you will probably find him at the sports bar watching a patriots game. though he has been drinking too much so that might not be the best.
wanted connections!
idk guys, give him some friends his age. maybe people he knew from when he was younger and spent his summers in ashcroft.
fans. have your characters fangirling over him lmao.
he is off market, can’t even think about relationships now poor dude.
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jcaquins · 6 years
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【MUSE 6】━━ is that DIEGO TINOCO? no, that’s just JOAQUIN SERRANO, the 16 year old CIS MALE who is a HIGH SCHOOL SOPHOMORE. some say they’re CALLOUS AND TEMPERAMENTAL, but their family and friends will swear they’re RESILIENT AND INDEPENDENT. when i think of them, i think of BRUISE KNUCKLES, THE FAINT SMELL OF CIGARETTES, WORN OUT LEATHER JACKETS, SCARS INSIDE AND OUT, DISTRUSTFUL LOOKS, A BOY TRYING TO BE A MAN. i wonder if their family know that HE is hiding that HE’S PLANNING TO RUN AWAY AFTER HE SAVES SOME MONEY. 
lila here finally bringing you guys the one and only joaquin miguel serrano! i totally changed his age from 17 to 16 just so he can be a scorpio why am i like this?? anyway, he’s 16 but he’s turning 17 soon.
i forgot to add triggers asgdhajd
tw: mentions of drug abuse, drug overdose, violence, physical abuse. 
story time, guys.
so, joaquín, sometimes known as q or quino was born (and raised) in boston to parents that had no business putting a child in the world and that apparently didn’t know how to work a condom. his mother was a junkie who was out of it for most of his childhood, and his dad was an abusive asshole who happened to be part of one of the most violent gangs in the greater boston area. nice. 
growing up he was surrounded by violence, and that was ultimately what turned him into an orphan. his mother died of an overdose when he was eleven and his father was murdered by a rival gang when he was thirteen. after that, he was put in the foster system, but only a month into his first placement (a group home) he ran away. and every time cps would get their hands on him he’d run away again.
he didn’t have anyone who could trust or anyone he thought had his back, so he learned how to make on his own. and ended up doing not so legal things, especially during the times he was on the streets. stealing is the easiest way to get money in those circumstances shh.
when he was fourteen (almost fifteen), one of his father’s old friends (read gang pal) recognized him and asked if he didn’t want to join the gang with all the promises of money and family and people who would look out for him. he knew it was a very very very bad idea, but his options were very few and desperate times call for desperate measures. so, at fourteen he became a prospective member which meant he got to hang around and do whatever the members told him to.
mostly, it was stealing and selling drugs and getting into fights with rivals gangs and they did give him a place to stay, he had food and he even got into one of the leaders’ good graces so it wasn’t that bad. but some months later it started a conversation of joaquín becoming a full member and that meant probably having to murder someone and that’s when he drew the line because this boy couldn’t do that.
the problem is that once you’re in that circle, getting out is not something you can do. which, nice again. but then enters detective nathan armstrong just at the perfect time. if there’s one thing he learned growing up is that he should always look out for yourself and that’s what he did. joaquín sang like a bird as soon as nathan offered him protection. he did not expect that to come in form of opening his house to him, but he’s not complaining.
for the past month, he has been staying with the armstrongs and trying to keep a very low profile. he’s happy to be out of boston and a little away from the gang, i mean, he doubts they’re going to look for him at some affluent suburb. he does feel bad about being there, though. he knows it’s dangerous for all parts involved and these are the nicest people he has ever met, he doesn’t want to be the reason something bad happens to them.
he’s trying to be the best houseguest he can and not overstep his boundaries. help around the house, stay out of trouble do well at school (this boy dropped out after his freshman year ok, he was supposed to be a junior), but it’s all too different and sometimes it can be a little overwhelming. add to that having to look over his shoulder 24/7, he has a lot on his plate right now.
personality, maybe.
joaquín is truly a result of his environment. he is extremely independent, resourceful and resilient. no matter what goes down or what’s thrown at him, he will find a way to survive. he has been fighting for as long as he remembers and he will keep on doing just that.he is very pragmatic, there’s not a lot of complaining. shit happens and all you can do is find a way around it and fix it.
a bit of a cynic, though. the world is a dark place and people are intrinsically bad, that’s what he thinks. has a lot of trouble seeing the good in people or expecting them to do anything out of the goodness of their hearts. everyone always wants something in return. 
he doesn’t know how to act when people are just nice to him tbh. the armstrongs??? he can not understand why they’re doing this. he knows nathan is keeping him around because he’s important to the case but the rest of the family?? no idea. it’s not like he deserves to be cared about and for, right?
he is an introvert and likes to keep to himself most times, especially around ashcroft where he feels incredibly out of place. he’s the kid at school that’ll spend lunch by himself with a sketchpad. but he isn’t shy, he just doesn’t like to talk when he doesn’t have anything to say. he absolutely hates small talk, those just leave him without knowing what to do with himself.
he will always stand but for the little guy. if he sees a kid being bullied at school you can bet he will give up the whole lay low/don’t get into trouble and get into a fight. and he will not regret it. his means of conflict resolution are fists. that's it.
he doesn't do any drugs and doesn't really like getting drunk. he has very bad memories about any mind-altering substances so he’s just not a big fan. he does smoke, though. a lot. mostly when he’s nervous or when there’s someone bothering him. 
he loves to draw. doesn’t show it to anyone, but loves to do it and is actually really good at it. not that he thinks that or that he would believe if anyone told him that. 
actually a softie and just needs a hug or fifty. 
wanted connections.
i’m getting some heavy ryan atwood (and some jesse mariano) vibes here so i'd love if someone could give me his own seth cohen (eyes that armstrong boy spot) and marissa cooper (princess falling in love with the outsider? yes pls).
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blaspherny-blog · 6 years
hey ya'lls ! i’m trying my best to get this done while i still have a little bit of motivation, because that doesn’t happen — ever. i will highly likely be unable to join the actual opening because hey, i’m trash ! but that doesn’t mean i’m not here in shishter shpirit.
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【MUSE 22】━━ is that BRANDON FLYNN? no, that’s just MILES FAULKNER, the TWENTY THREE year old CISMALE who is a SOCIALITE & ACTOR. some say they’re SHALLOW & AGGRESSIVE, but their family and friends will swear they’re KIND & TRUSTWORTHY. when i think of them, i think of SLEEK CARS, LOUD PUBLIC SCANDALS, TRUSTING FAKE FRIENDS & NO LIMITS. i wonder if their family know that HE is hiding that HE’S TIRED OF THE RICH KID FACADE HE HAS MASTERED. – ( S && GMT && SHE/HER )
let me tell you a fun fact... whenever i have a new character and have to make an intro, i almost instantly lose muse for them. it’s so friggin weird, which is why i’m gonna do my best to make this short and if you need more info on him, just don’t hesitate to ask. 
family info will be added later when i’m able to talk to other members of the fam, since i don’t wanna god mod too much, but i have some basic things for miles figured out. when he was a child their mother attempted to force him through school, but he always ditched and had other projects to work on,  so he ended up being homeschooled. never really regretted that decision because he absolutely hated being forced to sit in class.
has a highschool diploma, but uni is not really for him tbh. 
has been lowkey acting since he was little, because of his father, and been in the spotlight since he was a wee baby, so he’s used to the limelight. modeled a little on the side as well, loves that for himself. mostly labeled as a socialite, despite having a few movies under his name. nothing has really sky-rocketed his career as much as his fathers name. lowkey taking inspo from lily-rose depp, u feel. 
doesn’t know how to act with his money. he invests a lot of his income into real estate and stuff like that, but also likes to spend way more than he should. spoils his friends too much. wears too many designer items.
also has trouble reading people, when it comes to people being fake. got hurt quite a few times, still doesn’t learn.
at a point he had a boyfriend who kind of brought out his bad side — he started rebelling, getting into fights, abusing alcohol and whatever anything else you could find under the sun. it didn’t last long, but it got him attention, and his publicist really liked that. it’s a bit of an issue now, miles is tired of what he has become and what is happening to his image, but it’s hard to back out from what’s bringing you media attention and potential contracts. 
i’m always really bad at this exact point of introductions ... fuckin hell.
i particularly want people who are fans of him, or people who know who he is but aren’t really fond of him.
also i have one wc on the main that is REALLY wanted which is kind of for a person who miles very highkey wants to date/smash, but they’re only around him for the clout
miles only very recently moved to ashcroft, so i want very current connections !!! friends !!! enemies !!! sexual tension !!!!!!!
yall i want all the hook ups..... tbh. miles is pretty gay but he actually sleeps with women sometimes or just hooks up for paparazzi photos and stuff like that ????
also if u have a baby from a rich fam, and u’d be down for an ex bf plot, i’m here for IT !!!!
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