rcagans · 6 years
☾ ––rclndisms‌:
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  “ okay listen to this – “  roland began sitting up a little straighter while setting down his mug. he honestly didn’t really care who was listening to his story, all he wanted was to get it off his chest. “ a man actually tried to use the excuse of lycanthropy as an albi. of course it didn’t actually hold up in court, but can you imagine trying to keep a straight face through that ? “ he laughed under his breath bringing his mug up to his lips to drink. “ i wouldn’t be able to that’s for sure. “ 
reagan glanced up and before she could make a sarcastic comment, she was caught off guard. of all the things she expected him to say, lycanthropy was at the bottom of the list. “he said what?! my god you would think people would be smarter than that.” then, after a moment, curiosity got the best of her and she asked, “what even was the charge?”
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rcagans · 6 years
☾ ––eric-meyer-coulson‌:
@rcagans said:☕
“Hm, there you go.” This felt a little weird. Eric had never had a real chance to talk to Reagan coming to think about it. She was not one of his students, but she knew what she was up fore, and the people she had been involved with. And as far as she seemed like a nice girl, he had to advise his co-worker to stop their destructive behaviour before someone else figured this out. And now he was bringing her coffee. Eric wondered how she would perceive him, if she thought he had something to do with his co-worker’s wife figuring it out (which he didn’t). “Can I get you milk? Extra sugar?”
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“Thanks,” she said quickly and took the drink. It may have been her natural distrust, but Reagan had some strong suspicions that someone tipped off his wife. Afterall she was careful and had no reason to flaunt the affair. There was just something about professor Meyer-Coulson that didn’t sit right with her. So she decided to come prepared to take the meeting in one of two ways: (1) openly accuse him of exposing the relationship or (2) get some academic advising from a third party. “I don’t need anything else.” After a quick sip she asked, “do you know why I asked you to meet me?”
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rcagans · 6 years
an extensive prompt masterlist pt. 2
"Are we really just friends, then?"
"Do you want me to leave?"
"I can't believe you!"
"I swear it won't happen again."
"What did you say?"
"I'm not jealous, why would you say that?"
"Why are you smiling so much today?"
"You're jealous, aren't you?"
"They were just a friend, okay? Nothing more."
"When you said you loved me, I thought it was going to be forever."
"I'm sorry I called you at 3AM. I needed you."
"Maybe I was wrong. I don't need you in my life."
"We can't keep doing this."
"I don't want to be your secret, anymore."
"I have the right to know what's going on!"
"The police are coming."
"I might have had a few shots."
"Are you sure this is legal?"
"Isn't this amazing?"
"I'm going to take care of you, okay?"
"I don't need your sympathy."
"I'll miss you when you leave."
"You have to believe me."
"I'm a monster."
"You shouldn't love me."
"Stay the night. Please."
"You can't die. Please don't die."
"Run away with me."
"It's about the baby. It's yours."
"I wish this could last forever, don't you?"
[text]: What do you want now?
[text]: So that wasn't you leaving the bar with another person?
[text]: Goodnight, I love you.
[text]: This is why you're my best friend.
[text]: Help, I'm lost.
[text]: Do you want to bet on that?
[text]: I miss you so much, you have no idea.
[text]: Guess who just got back in town.
[text]: So I might be in a hospital right now.
[text]: So... I just broke up with my boyfriend/girlfriend.
[text]: We're breaking up.
[text]: We can't keep doing this anymore!
[text]: Come on, come to the party!
[text]: Can you pick me up from the bar? Too drunk to drive.
[text]: You have no clue how I feel so shut up.
[text]: I can't believe I wasted my first kiss on you.
[text]: I overheard what you said. I didn't know that's what you thought of me.
[text]: I call bullshit.
[text]: You thought you could get away with that, didn't you?
[text]: There's nothing you can do to get me back.
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rcagans · 6 years
☾ ––xkairolockhartx‌:
Kairo looked up and smiled at the girl that walked in. He stood up, nodding at her. “Oh I have all the time in the world, it’s a pretty calm day today.” He paused, titling his head to the side. “How can I help you?”
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"I’m glad to hear that. I might have a weird request if you’re up for it.”
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rcagans · 6 years
☾ –– lifewithderrickk‌:
As soon as Rae mentioned her food the waitress walked up. Knowing the girl was a waitress herself it was probably annoying waiting on someone else to bring you food. “Your wish is their command Rae,” he chuckled before finishing off his burger.  “Don’t start,” he pointed at her with an amused look on his face. “For your information. I have stopped that relationship. I just hope I still have the job. You know I hated doing that, but it has something to do with my future,” the whole situation made him feel bad. Yeah his parents would have paid for his own law firm, but no one wanted a lawyer straight out of school.
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Rick was one of the few people that wasn’t shocked that she didn’t empathize with other restaurant workers. She has always believed that no one is entitled to tips or that sitting with an empty glass for more than five minutes is acceptable. Plus, she knows first hand it’s not that hard - gross, sure, but not insanely difficult. “Thank you,” she smiled briefly at the waitress before taking a bite of her sandwich. “It’s my lucky day then.” 
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At his news, she shook her head. “Rookie mistake. If you ever use sex for a job, you have to get the job before you call it off. After that they need a legit reason to fire you. Otherwise they can call it off and say ‘you’re on your own’.”
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rcagans · 6 years
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rcagans · 6 years
I don’t need a significant other just a significant income
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rcagans · 6 years
☾ ––alexcndrics‌:
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lex shrugged, “ i couldn’t really think of anything else and this happened to be on my mind. ” she turned to reagan as if she were crazy once she said rachel would’ve been better with joey. “ absolutely not, ” alexandria disagreed, “ joey and rachel were weird together. like, there was no chemistry; too much of a brother-sister relationship. i agree that she shouldn’t have ended up with anyone, though. she should’ve ended up in paris. ”
“you desperately need a hobby.” although it was meant to be kept to herself, she didn’t apologize for the comment. she figured it would do the other girl some good to realize it isn’t healthy to obsess over characters of sitcom that ended before she was in preschool. “excuse me?” reagan began what she knew could be a long argument, but deciding to sum it up. “monica and joey had no chemistry. joey always supported rachel, they have a solid friendship to build off of, he made her happier than any of her exes, and he was one of the only ones that reminded ross he didn’t own rachel because he saw her as a person. she really didn’t deserve paris after everything”
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rcagans · 6 years
☾ – xkairolockhartx‌:
Kairo sat on the reception desk at the tattoo shop, drawing some random things on his little sketchbook. It was a pretty calm day, they had a couple of costumers that had made an appointment but that was about it. So Kairo had time to play around with his sketchbook, coming up with new drawings and thinking of new ideas for his costumers. When he heard the little bell on the door ringing, indicating that someone had walked in, Kairo spoke without lifting his head from his sketchbook, not seeing who it was. “Welcome to our humble shop, how may I help you?”
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For the past month or so Reagan found herself returning to the same tattoo shop hoping for inspiration. She knew after her first one that she wanted more. When the guy behind the desk greeted her, she flashed a smile in his direction. “That depends on how much time you have,” she replied leaning forward to rest her elbow on the desk.
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rcagans · 6 years
☾ –– fcktilly‌:
“—look, i know i’ve gotten fatter, there’s no need to stare at me for it,” tilly snapped from underneath an oversized sweater. she was so defensive, self conscious about it ( the other person probably hadn’t even been staring ). she saw the extra weight on her face, on her thighs, everywhere where others wouldn’t even notice ( but hey, chances were if they didn’t notice the weight gain, they wouldn’t guess the reason why she was gaining ). “i just like cheese and crackers, alright ?? i’ve got more reason to stare at you than you do to stare at me if this is about being fat, anyway.”
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for a moment reagan’s eyes widened at the accusation. then it was replaced with an all too familiar feeling of irritation. “who the fuck are you? you’re the worst kind of self involved person to think that everybody’s gawking at you like you’re goddamn miss america.” reagan was always the type that would go off in the case that she was accused of something she didn’t do which was a frequent problem when she went to school. “not that i owe you anything, but here’s a tip to get people to ignore your evidently many insecurities. don’t fucking draw attention to it. it’s that simple. even three year olds could grasp that concept and they still shit themselves.” just as she was about to walk away, she stopped and looked over her shoulder at the other girl. “now that’s a reason to stare at someone.”
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rcagans · 6 years
☾ –– lifewithderrickk‌:
Chuckling he set his shake down to eat some of his fries too. “When are you not hungry?” he teased as he picked up the burger. It was about as big as his hands. It was probably why he had to hit the gym all the time. “Me give up burgers? Hell no. I liked football, but I didn’t see the reason to make a career out of it. Other then maybe a model girlfriend.”
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Reagan flashed him a grin as she took another fry. "What can I say? A girl’s gotta eat. Speaking of eating how long does it take for people to put three ingredients and a bit of mayo between some bread? I mean come on” She asked looking around hoping to spot the waitress with her food. She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t notoriously impatient, but Derrick was a nice distraction. “A model girlfriend, huh. Would she be another girl you’d have to juggle or would she finally be the one to make you an honest man?”
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rcagans · 6 years
☾ –– alexcndrics‌:
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“ god, you know what really pisses me off? ” the girl began, “ rachel green had a plethora of opportunities to get over ross geller; some guy she was infinitely too good for, yet she still continued to pine after him for ages. ” she pouted and crossed her arms, unsure of why this had been bothering her as much as it did and how much she’d love to focus on more important things, but this question was too pressing. “ like, what about mark from bloomingdales? he was cute, they had similar interests… i mean, sure, paleontology is cool or whatever, but he only focused on dinosaurs, ” she whined, “ i mean, what about the paleozoic era? marine life then was just as cool, if not cooler. like, what kind of paleontologist was he? anyways, that’s besides the point: rachel was an idiot with clothes way too cute for someone with that little of a brain, and that’s what i’m mad about today. ”
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“no, but i have a feeling you’re about to tell me,” reagan looked up and hoped that it would be at least mildly interesting. “this is what you’re mad about today? of all things, really? rachel had horrible taste who needed validation so obviously she’d keep going back to the guy that’s been smitten since she was in high school. she would’ve been better off with joey - no dinosaurs, no distrust, and that boy changed for the better because of her. if you ask me she shouldn’t have ended up with anyone after she turned down her fucking dream job in paris”
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rcagans · 6 years
☾ –– opvnarms‌:
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       she knew walking in that her fit would disrupt the people around her but inez knows that she couldn’t go home & get upset there. her foster family would ask questions & she’d be forced to lie to them— again. before living with the townsends, she didn’t have a reason to lie because nobody cared; but this family ? they were different. ❛ i don’t want attention ? or at least  …  it wasn’t my intention. ❜ the girl expressed truthfully, eyes looking upward at the girl. ❛ it’s my science project — it was due yesterday but i’ve been struggling in the class so my teacher gave me one extra day. looks like i’m not going to get a grade after this though ! it’s ruined. ❜
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reagan scoffs at the girl’s reply as she remembers the kind of girls she went to high school with. “hun, no one makes an entrance like that if they want to be invisible.” her eyes continue to examine the project in front of her. “i’m going to need you to stop being dramatic. it’s salvageable and it does not take that long for paint to dry.”
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rcagans · 6 years
☾ –– alcman‌:
“no like, does it look professional? someone said my normal handwriting looked like a third graders, so if it doesn’t look like an adult’s than it’s over.”
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"well if you’re trying to get yourself out of gym.. sure. it’s not like gym teachers care. otherwise it’s clear that you’re thinking about the letters too much.”
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rcagans · 6 years
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☾ –– 🇷​🇪​🇦​🇬​🇦​🇳​·🇸​ 𝓰𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓵 🇲​🇴​🇴​🇩​🇧​🇴​🇦​🇷​🇩​ (1/?)
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rcagans · 6 years
☾ –– alcman‌:
“hey,” and he looks over to the other who was probably not the best person to ask but gray was never one to really think before he speaks. “wanna tell me if this handwriting looks believable?” 
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“believable? like real? the only step there is to literally get it on paper, gray”
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rcagans · 6 years
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