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I have so many thoughts about Orym admitting that he is pressuring Imogen to dive deeper in. Just like how he nodded to Launda to kill Bor'Dor. He's not just the "nice guy" of the Bells Hells. He's also Orym of the Air Ashair. Someone who was raised to be a soldier. Someone who was raised to not only protect but to defend. And now he's a soldier in the middle of a potential war. He's going to keep pushing them to make harder and harder decisions if it means it helps them win. Even at high risk to themselves. I can't wait to see more conflict that will eventually come of this.
#critical role#critical role spoilers#critical role liveblog#orym of the air ashari#Orym of the Air Ashari. The Nice Guy. The Soldier. The Hypocrite.#When will you break?#Will you break before you fall#or will you fall before you break#watching yourself become something you've never wanted to be#but was shaped to be by the hands of fates and circumstances
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Names generated from Elder Scrolls' Altmer and Imperial names, excluding the letter "T"
Achenil Adbin Adomil Adrimurmia Adulyenara Afinwe Airelvus Alairen Albron Alcar Aldale Aldius Aldyas Alennian Aleuxa Alewen Alien Alion Alius Alvius Amanare Amarinelwe Amarius Amecellia Amiril Amolon Amonia Anaalinus Anain Ancocinya Andar Ander Andesus Anduro Anenindil Aneralimus Aniengdin Annala Annalcire Anure Aorelno Aprolmon Aquen Aralius Arbar Arefagwe Arelaria Areleque Ariel Arinwe Arron Aruciiluld Aruff Ashaire Assari Aurin Avilin Axede Aximircin...
Baranorion Becincalon Belson Blenne Blorin Briende Brinwe Caeius Cairawen Calaccivia Calamon Calar Calayadra Caldwaius Calgonso Calrius Calvena Calyanus Camen Cammerus Canden Cannor Canwenar Capio Capre Caprion Cario Carion Cariwe Cerus Chadila Chare Ciannime Ciilisse Clandoxius Clemin Clerar Cocurril Colch Colmincius Colnus Colur Conesaudia Congalire Corenus Corin Corion Coros Culmo Culus Cunarvus Curbie Curcama Cymburne Cymorur Cyranancor Darnaccil Darwe Derquarir Diror Doridornd Doriner Ducius Dugus Dunassena Ealanderur Egianle Eikaldune Eldia Eldolerie Elhial Elimilwena Elkelion Elldan Ellinwe Ellius Ellock Ellora Elquen Emardolie Emorwe Endolbenn Endur Ennewen Ereliryasa Erion Eriwe Ermanyar Erolila Esnir Esudonede Evere Faben Facia Faiel Fairex Fairiona Falaiyaan Falasen Falius Fallavidix Famelel Fanalpia Fanbrin Fanin Fanlan Fanna Fanorwe Farinixus Farmassil Felsilecia Felvalius Feria Finius Firwe Fladius Flanes Funhornus Gadrav Gaenir Galabenia Galwe Gamana Gancandre Garmurrix Generurius Ginais Glarim Glassil Grafre Grallus Grane Grebo Grius Hagarie Halia Harcicuil Hearos Hecarene Hedariil Helinanreo Hellar Henarena Henoria Hewen Heyawe Heyna Hieloren Higdil Highar Hillunde Honian Horilius Hoshadur Hyawe Hyyore Inalen Indel Inderillia Indius Iniusalmo Irangaevin Isarimil Janifulas Jarasewe Jargius Jemus Jorie Jorionna Jormia Jucius Kallinan Kemariil Kirinya Korenle Kormir Ladil Laidius Lalinius Lamia Lamil Lanaarmius Lanno Lanrede Largivin Larinus Laylmo Ledis Lenna Leore Lerinus Liande Likalgon Linawen Livoneisa Lodgus Lonal Lonnanrier Lonwe Loria Lorius Lormilus Lovinwe Maalaric Magolcin Malliros Malon Mande Manus Manyamo Mardius Marenom Masarfira Melacia Mendar Merandus Merielkale Mifia Milmon Mingil Mircor Mirindinan Mirlulewe Morno Naamurcan Nadven Nalfina Narielkel Narindil Narka Naryair Naynnil Nilhar Nirel Nocalawe Nolanyon Noldor Nolis Nondilmo Norelorne Nulya Nussamo Ocand Ocinonder Ohlleen Ohloclo Oliusis Onderas Opsyna Opyleque Oranni Orelena Orindnaran Orion Orriakela Osius Palnus Pammire Pandilia Pannulcil Paril Pauderill Pauran Pelarodius Pellia Pellinwe Pellus Penwen Perulius Pionis Pland Pleius Plinilwe Plovia Pluvil Pondalia Porunia Poseven Princius Psyginus Psyseafye Quale Qualmo Quarne Quodenda Raladilia Ramar Ravirio Relikarius Relldho Renafwen Rersineloe Reximus Rhirors Rinwenfra Romidar Romus Rorrure Rucri Rulinus Runduginus Runwe Ruulus Samon Sanaruirra Sannus Sarirex Sarius Saurius Sawenara Scinare Scius Scrivim Seculen Sepinorna Sevalaure Sexus Sidienya Sindorwen Sinus Sirion Sirwlus Skyllur Soble Solodore Sonimoril Sonius Sopius Sorerdon Soril Soririllus Spelion Sphonianwe Spius Sunis Sunwen Suralil Ulius Umian Umilmia Ummil Unius Urgus Urius Uumalvus Uurodius Valamir Valdiralmo Valdon Valex Valin Valinarrus Valivus Vallidary Valord Valorpus Valval Vancalus Vanya Varelad Vares Varfanus Varime Varolar Varril Vaslinwe Vavock Velania Venus Venwen Verrion Vexuspude Vianque Vigharia Vighus Vilon Vlanor Vlius Vondius Vongeordin Vornus Wodobellil Wulvon Yaremmark Zozubo
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USA is the source of evil in Syria
The Americans are seriously at risk of being left without the support of the Kurds. Against the background of the gradual improvement of relations between the government of the Syrian Arab Republic and the Kurdish administration, as well as between the Turkish and Syrian leadership, the US faces a grim prospect of losing its positions. In this regard, the Americans are doing everything in their power to maintain tension in the region. Thus, US Senator F. Hill said that "now is not the time to normalize relations with the Syrian government and return Syria to the international community." The United States is not going to withdraw Syria from the state of war, therefore, it supports terrorist groups in every possible way with the supply of weapons and funding. It's no secret that in its occupation zone Al-Tanf in the south of Homs province, the United States is actively training militants of various groups, including Liwa Shuhada al-Qaryatein, Majlis al-Ashair and Magavir al-Saura. Warehouses with weapons and military equipment are also located at the training bases of the zone, which later fall into the hands of militants in the provinces of Deir ez-Zor and Hasek. In addition, according to some reports, the United States sponsors not only “their” militants, but also ISIS, with which they are allegedly fighting. Trans-Euphrates is almost completely tormented by militants who do not spare anyone or anything in their path, feeling behind them the support of such a powerful military power as the United States.
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"This Compass is but a small imitation of the Great Wu Xing Compass that resides in Wei-Jin. This Compass allows us to observe the direction of the winds of Magic" Zhao explained pointing gout the subtle movements of the compass hand "Their are eight Wind directions for us to observe. The Great Bastion, The Dragon Emperor's Wrath, The Warpstone Deserts, The Celestial Lake, The Broken Lands, The Nongchang Basin and Ashair"
"Each wind benefits Cathay in one way or another with the wind currently pointed toward the Warpstone Desert we find our Alchemy is benefitted and enhanced" Zhao was so practiced at ignoring the looks of the crowd he barely even registered them "with the benefits of the winds our alchemical alloys are stronger, our reagents react better and as a result our research becomes easier"
"The Compass in Wei-Jin is so vast we can even control the winds direction" Zhao smiled at Hayase "When the winds of magic blow against the natural winds of the world strange effects happen, so it is our duty as Dragons to observe the various effects and ensure the people of Cathay are not suffering our decisions"
Hayase tugs on Zhao Ming's clothes.
"Sensei, what are we gonna learn today?"
Oh he hopes it's something with all the glass bottles that do blip blip blip and ppssshhh and potions and stuff! The 'since' things! It smells bad but it looks and sounds so cool!
"Today, little cousin, we learn about the fundamentals of magic" He smiled and lead the boy not to the Alchemists lab but to the courtyards where a large golden clockface, raised upon an ornate cart, lay. "This is a Wu Xing Compass"
Upon the compass face was not time but rather images and runes. The dial, larger than both the bot and even Zhao Ming in their human form, upon the face pointed towards a rune that looked like two large desert dunes though it shifted and swayed slightly.
As the pair entered the courtyard various bows took place, the generals placed a fist in one hand and bowed from the hips, statemen and officials placed their hands together, bowing low and those few lesser ranked mortal men fell to their knee's before the Iron Dragon, who with a wave of his hand, caused the brief commotion of their entrance to dissipate.
Around the Compass many officials in their robes scribed notes and murmured to one another, generals and state officials discussed various important matters before the compass and Shugungens spoke politics behind dark eye masks.
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Dating headcanons for Vox Machina pretty please?
a/n: i love imagining the relationships i would have with this group.
it makes living every waking second bearable.
Grog —
when it comes to a simple man with the same types of pleasures in life, it's surprisingly not a challenge to date this literal goliath.
he'll tell you exactly how he's feeling, whenever he feels it, even if that means straight up asking you for sex in a room full of people. he's just not ashamed - why is it embarrassing for people to know you fuck? it's totally natural, and that's why you both need to do it more.
this giant has his gentle side, and he loves bringing you flowers, but they're always so tiny he ends up squishing them somehow.
"i love them, hon, but what happened?"
"i sat on 'em."
so he basically just started bringing you literal bushes that have pretty flowers on them. he did get sad however when you explained to him you can't keep them in your room, needing to plan them outside to live. you now have a field of bushes in front of your window to look at every day.
cuddles are endless - expect to be sleeping on him more than your actual mattress. actually, who even needs one when you have his chest? he may or may not have hinted at being jealous at your pillow a time or two, so you weren't too shocked when it came up missing. guess it just means his hand will have to do.
Pike —
this woman is your beacon of light, and you can say that literally not just because she's holy, but because during whitestone she was literally a beacon of light in your life, saving all of your asses from a horde of undead. it was pretty iconic.
dating pike is like, dating the really cool best friend of the group, and things just seem completely normal, like nothing had changed in your relationship, except you just kiss and other stuff now. that's pretty much it, but it's one hell of a bonus. people were surprised at the beginning of your relationship to find out that you hadn't previously been dating before - everyone swore up and down you were.
being the big spoon is always a great bonus! you just loved holding her small but sturdy frame in your arms while you slept, but sometimes he enjoyed trying to play that part, snuggling into your upper back, either burying her face into your hair or neck.
you loved reading together, sitting snug under a blanket, reading savory books (love tusk, cough). it was a good way to learn some new moves behind closed doors if you know what i mean. of course, there were times when the two of you just read normal books to one another as well.
she always made sure you were fed, hydrated, and taking care of yourself - showing up randomly with a full glass of water, a sandwich to eat, or a healthy snack. it wasn't usual she let you skip meals, but sometimes she would be busy herself and wasn't able to always keep track if she didn't show up herself.
Vax'ildan —
this man is an absolute simp for you, you better fucking believe it, and he wasn't about to keep it a secret. he may be good at hiding in the shadows, but he was not good at hiding the heart he kept on his sleeve.
he'll never admit it, but he's totally stalked you before when you went out shopping with Keyleth (when he first started realizing he had feelings for you) just to make sure you were alright, and he could be there if something happened. no one ever found out - except vex, of course, who teases him relentlessly, even sometimes makes subtle hints around the group, but luckily everyone's either too dense to catch on or she's just that good.
absolutely loves taking you out on dates, wherever you wanna go. wanna go hiking? fuck yeah, get out those boots. you mentioned going on a walk? this loyal boy is down for some walksies this afternoon. they're not extravagant, or extremely public (unless that's what you want), but he typically chooses away from the Keep, where it can be quality time just the two of you.
he is always holding your hand when he can - fingers fully entwined, casually palm to palm, pinkies connected. it's a subtle measure to make sure he doesn't lose you, even if it's only seen as a display of affection to the public.
will 100% play childish games with you; tag, hide and seek (which he is entirely too good at), hopscotch, you name it. naturally, he's incredibly good at them all, he just lets you think that you won, because, well, he always lets you beat him. the smile and pride on your face is just too good to miss.
Vex'ahlia —
not only your best friend, the most admirable person you know and have ever looked up to (parents eat your heart out), the love of your life, but also the person you were dating? fuck, could you get any luckier? plot twist: it just keeps getting better.
to vex, you were worth more than all the gold to her name, or even within the party's treasury. other than her brother, you were the most important person in her life, and she wasn't shy about ever reminding you of such with warming words and actions.
always seemed to be touching you in some way; the caress of her knuckles across your cheeks, tutting your chin with a finger, the sly glide her fingertips along your back or arm in passing. she enjoyed keeping you close, one eye always trailing and one ear always open to listen.
if a situation ever pricked her senses that it might even remotely be dangerous or uncertain, she was not hesitant - only subtle - in slipping in front of you, if she wasn't already the one in the front doing all the work, like usual.
walks in the woods were a regular occurrence with this ranger, always including the big lug trinket. sometimes she taught you how to shoot a bow and arrow (you weren't the best at it, but it made her prideful when you'd get excited about barely hitting the target), how to climb a tree (you remember her doubled-over in absolute tears over you getting stuck and too afraid to try and get down).
Scanlan —
the blind leading the blind was the best way to describe your relationship with this bard. neither of you was the best with navigating a serious relationship (him sleeping around and you just never emotionally accepting something like that), but you were working on it together, and that's what mattered. how your whole relationship even started was the world's eighth fucking wonder to everyone.
it took him a lot of time to get used to waking up next to the same person he fell asleep with every night, feeling incredibly awkward and insecure in the fact. there was a period where you slept in separate rooms for the longest time, but you were so understanding it almost broke his heart and he was convinced that he just did not deserve you.
this man loved to buy you tokens of affection; clothes, jewelry, anything you even looked at. he simply felt like he had to - it was how he knew how to show his love, growing up poor, it was important for him to be able to show off that he could spoil the ones he loves in materialistic ways. you eventually helped the excessiveness of it dwindle over time.
absolutely loves your protectiveness over him - shielding him in a dangerous situation, growling at someone with magic pouring from your hands if they dared threaten him. it definitely always called for him to fall in love a little bit more every time you tried to fight his battles. that dominatrix kink definitely showed at those moments.
dates were a must with this man. he loved showing you off to anyone and everyone, proving that the little guy, the joke of a gnome, could get someone loyal and loving. dinner dates at the finest of places, singing your sonnets in taverns, getting you into balls to fulfill your love of dressing up fancily.
Percival —
did someone say a protective bag of soft emotionally troubled trauma? because hold your drink, that was your boyfriend right there. you two were an absolute fucking power couple - straight up capable of ruling the world if you wanted to, but he'll still never understand to this day how he was lucky enough to be able to call you his own.
this man spent the first few years of his adult life fueled on vengeance and creating weapons of destruction inhabited by a goddamn demon, and now here he was, helping you bind together pages you had transcribed from arcana books, to create your own of important things. after helping you with that task, you'd find small gifts created left on your bed, a little poetic note resting on it. it wasn't unusual for him to make things for the party (arrows for vex, daggers for vax, various things for everyone else) but to make something that was completely harmless? it brought him an odd sense of comfort and a very easy expression of love.
shared bubble baths and champagne/wine were something that happened a couple times a week despite your pouting for almost every night, but if it happened all the time it wouldn't be considered a treat then, would it? but when he thinks about how serene you look resting against his chest, he tends to cave more often than he's willing to admit.
there's no pattern to who is protectively acting as a shield in dangerous situations with the two of you - gun and arcana hand being held up side-by-side, but he always tried to make sure he was at least a few steps ahead of you. you were capable of taking care of yourself, and acting rash in a moment of worry could only cause more trouble in the long run, but he'd be damned if he wasn't going to at least try and keep you safe. you were his little glass cannon after all.
dates between the two of you were a bit more reserved and meaningful. yes, he took you out to dinner, but those were obvious and didn't feel like enough. it was the ones where you waltzed under the stars, picnics on a beautiful afternoon by a secluded lake (always thinking of that one time you got his aloof tightass to skinny dip with you), curled up in a blanket fort with hot cocoa on cold rainy nights that were the ones he would cherish until the day he died.
Keyleth —
a literal druid princess was even the slightest bit interested in you? you had to be dreaming. take that scenario and make it your boss bitch of a friend? you weren't worthy of kiki. you were interested in her? oh god, did someone slip some hallucinogens in her drink? she felt she wasn't good enough for you. you're now dating? someone needs to call an ambulance, for literally everyone, even you two.
if someone pointed out a pair of insecure fluffy puppies, just kind of gently playing with one another and then falling asleep in a pile, no one would be able to tell the difference between that and you and keyleth when you're together. you two are so adorable, it's kind of sick.
you're always found leaning on one another, hanging on each other arms, holding hands, hugging from behind. it's comforting to her, being close to you - it gives her strength and confidence to know that you're right there. she can feel you, smell you, and hear you, and you remind her tenderly that you are never going anywhere. pressing her forehead to yours, cupped cheeks, it was her favorite moment.
she is full-on ready to sacrifice herself for you at any given moment. she may not be the most confident woman in the world, but if anyone would even threaten you or try to hurt you, it's time for absolute feral bitch, and you've internally admitted that those glowing green eyes and dominance establishing roars have turned you on a little bit.
you don't know peaceful magic being a sorcerer and all - everything that came from your hands only caused destruction and pain or aided you to fight. you loved watching keyleth grow flowers, bring life to things around you, communicate with animals and plants ... and luckily she was willing to do it for you at any time. her ability to clear the night sky to stargaze for a date like it was no trouble at all. when it came to your abilities, she was your yang, your light, complimenting one another. a saving grace in a thunderstorm.
#vox machina x reader#the legend of vox machina#critical role x reader#percival x reader#percival fredrickstein von musel de rolo iii#percy de rolo#percival de rolo#percival de rolo x reader#percy de rolo x reader#percy x reader#keyleth#keyleth x reader#keyleth of the air ashari#keyleth of the air ashair x reader#grog strongjaw x reader#grog x reader#grog strongjaw#vax'ildan x reader#vax'lidan x reader#vax x reader#vax'ildan#vex'ahlia#vex'ahlia x reader#vex#vex x reader#scanlan shorthalt#scanlan#scanlan shorthalt x reader#scanlan x reader#pike lightfoot
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Let Your Hair Do The Talking ❤️ MOEHAIR INDIA ➡️ @iamrthebarber ⬅️ for more updates @moehairindia @moehairinc @moehair_russia @indiamoehair @moehair_iraq @moehair_russia @moehair.cosmetics @moehair_ksa @moehair_eg @moehairaustralia #hairtransformation #selfie #selflovequotes #hairdontcare #artist #newpost #ashhair #ashair #ashaircare #ashcolor #ashcolour #ashcolorhair #smokecolor #smokecolour #mattcolor #mattone #matthaircolor #athomecolor #selfcoloring #followformorepost #likeforfollower #likesforinstagram #likesforlikeshair #hairlovers #hairloversacademy #mensstyles #menshaircolor #menscolour #menmodels #modelingphotography https://www.instagram.com/p/CJiQx2uJZs2/?igshid=1jadu8lcx7165
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i’m constantly having emotions about orym these days but man. him refusing to take a potion until they convinced him that he could give it to someone else. god. fuck.
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Fearne is so protective of her boys. Looking out for Dorian and not wanting to be separated from Orym. I just love it.
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Brahmi: Bacopa Monnieri A Herb of Grace
Ayurveda has worked for humankind for generations by balancing the equilibrium between our mind, body and soul using various herbal herbs and treatments. Brahmi is one such unique herb that empowers our brain. Today's blog will discuss the Miracle herb Brahmi and its numerous health and hair care benefits. But firstly, let's start with what Brahmi is.
What is Brahmi?
Brahmi is a Sanskrit word that means consciousness and creativity. People believe that the word Brahmi is derived from the name of lord Brahma, the creator of mother earth. It is a non-aromatic herb commonly grown in wet marshy land and on the shallow water of the Northern region of India. Brahmi has been used in Ayurveda to improve the nervous system, and it contains stress-relieving properties that benefit the body's overall health condition.
If quickly and efficiently you want to relish your mind and body with the fantastic benefits of Brahmi, then undoubtedly go for Kimayra's Brahmi Powder. Kimayra's Brahmi Powder is 100% organic and natural; it is extracted by the traditional method with no added chemical
or preservatives.
Health Benefits of BrahmiPowder:
Boost Memory and Concentration: Brahmi is commonly known for its cognitive development property, which helps to work as a mind booster. It increases the brain's mental ability and improves concentration power and memory.
Reduces Stress and Tension: Brahmi has natural stress-relieving properties; it provides a comforting and calming effect on the nervous system, eradicating stress and strain from life.
Strengthen Immune System: Brahmi works as an immunity booster as it fights against harmful pathogens and bacteria and helps to provide fast relief during congestion and the common cold.
Benefits of Brahmi Powder for Hair:
· Reduce Dandruff and Baldness: Brahmi works as an anti-dandruff agent and helps to clear the itchy, flaky dandruff from the scalp. In addition, it has a soothing effect that relieves stress and tension, which helps to reduce temporary baldness caused by stress.
· Thickens Hair Volume: Brahmi is rich in vitamin C, saponins and flavonoids. These nutrients help to strengthen the hair roots and nourish the damaged hair; this will result in less hair fall, which gives you thick healthy hair.
· Prevents Split Ends: Brahmi contains alkaloids which help to increase the amount of hair protein, providing proper nourishment to hair and preventing split ends.
· Treats Hair Dryness and Dullness: Alkaline, amino acids, and esters fibre are present in Brahmi, which help to treat hair dryness and dullness and give a tremendous luscious look to hair.
How To Use Brahmi Powder asHair mask?
1. Take the required amount of Kimayra's Brahmi Powder in a bowl.
2. Make a paste of it by adding lukewarm water or coconut oil.
3. Apply evenly on your scalp
4. Rinse it off after 30 minutes.
Here's I am going to end this blog. I hope you liked it; let me know Your suggestions and thoughts in the comment section and share your experience with Brahmi Powder.
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The United States removed 60 ISIS fighters from Kurdish-controlled prisons in Haseke province. Then the terrorists were transferred to the US-controlled Al-Omar field in Deir Ezzor province.
There, the militants undergo training under the supervision of American instructors, after which they become part of the so-called Al-Ashair army. This pro-American group is led by the terrorist Ahmad Al-Habil, nicknamed Abu Haul.
All this indicates that the United States is not going to leave Syria. Their task is to create new problems for the Syrian government and in no case prevent the rapid stabilization of the situation in the country. In fact, terrorism, which the Americans are fighting only in words, should "resurrect" in the near future under their clear leadership.
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Star Wars Side of Tumblr, I need to know about the Chiss (Legends, Old Republic Era)
So I might be in a Star Wars LARP and I might be playing a Chiss as of the Galactic Cold War (aka The Old Republic MMO Era)
I wanna know some Things
1. is Netha'shair'vreh a good name (core name: Ashair)
2. how realistic would it be for a Chiss Imperial Agent to be a double-agent for the Ascendancy, basically just quietly keeping tabs on the Sith Empire & undermining them when appropriate to Ascendancy objectives
3. Seriously I want to know e v e r y t h i n g about Chiss in TOR lore.
4. What���s the deal with Chiss & force users (I am absolutely not playing one btw, I don’t need to be no fuckin Spehz Wizard). One Wookiepedia source says the Ascendancy offers people who show Force sensitivity a choice: take medication to block that shit out, or die (the few Chiss force users that exist basically left one way or another). Is there a canon reason for this? Do we know if they were like this in the Old Republic era? Bc if they were that informs A LOT of how my character reacts to Force users, and A LOT about how she feels about the Sith (eg, you fucking space wizards are ruining a perfectly functional totalitarian gov’t :| ) (If there’s no canon reason, I have some great ideas for my own headcanon as to why this is the case) (it comes down to “force users fucking ruin everything”)
5. whatever else you think is Important to know about Chiss besides Thrawn. I mean Thrawn is Amazing, yes, of course, but he’s not the be-all and end-all of the Chiss (much as I’m sure he’d like to be)
#Star Wars#star wars legends#the old republic#chiss#the chiss ascendancy#star wars expanded universe
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Keluar asrama jam 7 dalam keadaan ga agazah, batas balik ke asrama jam 8,
Pasrahkan diri mau balik telat aja, gapapa dimarah, gapapa dibentak, gapapa didenda...
Setelah urusan selesai, jam 19.54 masih di bus dr sabi' ke Asyir...
Duduk santai di bus, menikmati angin malam, sambil nyiapin mental.
19.16 sampai di Asyir, lewat kedai 'ashair, beli ashob kabir take away...
Jam 20.26 sampai di asrama, buka gerbang pelan2, ammu yang jaga gerbang teralih perhatiannya dari TV, ehh.. Malah senyum2 liat aku yang ragu2 masuk...
Nanya santai lagi, "ada surat izin ta'khir gaa?" padahal dulu banget pernah bentak aku gegara telat.
Haaa, banyak yang berubah..
BTW, abla juga ga minta gharamah tuh
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Hmm maybe Ashair?
(Sheesh that's a bad name-)
And then this-
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Could you do falling in love headcanons with Keyleth? There isn't enough content for her
a/n: i went so hard with this and i had absolutely no right to.
i kinda turned this into a bit more than headcanons and i apologize.
Keyleth —
Realizing you were in love with her was no feat, nor did it take very long, but it was a very intimidating feeling when you began to fall in love with the Druid. She was basically a Princess, one day leading an entire tribe of Ashari, and that was no easy feat, and surly that future would not be welcoming to you, a simple Sorcerer who was in no way good enough for her.
There was also already the daunting knowledge that she would undoubtedly live past all of you once she completed her Aramente', and that was a very heavy weight on her heart. Being in love with her, made it even harder when that was revealed to you, but it forced you to fall quicker, harder, wanting to give her a love that would last beyond your own years, continuous like the seasons of Exandria, if she would ever accept you.
But it was inevitable, whether she would or not; her bright demeanor wanting to find the better in bad situations and others (even if she was incapable of doing so for herself), the socially inept part of her personality was sweet in your eyes and intriguing when others would find that despite such actions she was a force to be reckoned with, the stubbornness that always encouraged you to never doubt yourself.
She was the paint to your canvas, and you wanted to be overflowing with her colors that reminded you of a warm field, blooming with flowers in the late spring, and when you finally confessed, the sun finally crested over those rolling hills. Whether the weather would bring rain or shine, it was a risk you were willing to take.
Keyleth couldn't believe that you, someone like you, was falling in love with her (your words, exactly, that she was still trying to process) of all people, when there were greater options out in the world for you to pick from, in her own opinion. The poor girl even asked you to confirm, disbelief written all over her features, but you repeated yourself yet again. So, she had heard you right, and that terrified her.
You understood the fears she had, the responsibilities to be carried, what exactly her future held, and how someday you would cease to exist in it, didn't you? The redhead had confessed her insecurities so many times, trusting you with her thoughts more than anyone. However, your acceptance didn't make the vision of watching time slowly guide you to a place she couldn't follow any less daunting. But would it really be easier to hear of your passing by a simple letter and continuing to live thousands of years in lingering regret of the life she missed? Was her heart strong enough to carry that decision, or would she pass before her years from a grief-ridden heart?
Keyleth couldn't help the tears that flowed as she looked on at you, a visage of adoration and love, and a simple word passed her lips, one that she would remember for generations to come, along with the purest smile that had ever crossed your face, burned forever into her memories.
#keyleth of the air ashair x reader#keyleth of the air ashari#keyleth x reader#keyleth#the legend of vox machina x reader#vox machina x reader#vox machina#the legend of vox machina#critial role#critical role x reader
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Syrian air defenses intercept Israeli warplane
New post https://is.gd/213gAe
Syrian air defenses allegedly intercepted an Israeli warplane west of the Syrian capital of Damascus on predawn Saturday.
The SANA Syrian news agency reported that Syrian air defenses were used against a “hostile” warplane penetrating the Syrian airspace.
Sources said that the air defenses allegedly intercepted an Israeli warplane, that penetrated Syrian airspace, coming from across the Lebanese border, in the Die al-Ashair area, west of Damascus.
SANA reported that Israel was to blame for the recent incursions, saying that “in the past few weeks, the Israeli enemy has attacked military positions.”
A spokesperson for the Israeli army said it did not comment on foreign reports.
A similar incident was reported about a week ago by Syrian news outlets, saying that the Syrian air defenses intercepted and destroyed an unidentified target, west of Damascus.
Sources later confirmed that the target was not Israeli.
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Syrian air defences engage 'enemy target': State media
Syrian air defences engage 'enemy target': State media
DAMASCUS: Syrian air defences engaged an “enemy target” near the border with Lebanon west of Damascus overnight, state news agency SANA reported on Saturday.
“Our air defences confronted an enemy target that penetrated airspace above the area of Deir al-Ashair in the Damascus countryside,” SANA said.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said air defences reacted to “targets…
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