#ash iron fey
ironfeybloggings · 2 months
Okay but do you ever wonder what happened when the courts found out Ash and Puck were friends? Like, they would have had some reaction. I can see Oberon turning Puck into a raven for a while or banishing him for a bit, but Mab? How is she even still allowing it?
Imagine word came out and she's just lol Oberon will be so mad you go son
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gewoonaardig2 · 15 days
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shallyne · 5 months
Ash from Iron Fey was my first ever book crush and I didn't even know at the time
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aroaessidhe · 1 year
okay I was asked about fey books I’ve read that Do stick to folklore a bit more than certain popular books - and actually looking at what fey books I’ve read  it’s a bit like.... books that stick to folklore closely I sometimes Don’t Love, and there are others that don’t stick to it as much but I like the overall narrative more? or some mix of that. 
so here’s a list of a few - a range of how much they stick to folklore (which of course is an amorphous thing) and how much I like them, but it’s something!
That Self-Same Metal - literally just read this, it’s about a Black girl who’s the stage blade expert for shakespeare’s company and can see fey, and they’re appearing more and more in the city. explores a bit of the midsummer night’s dream fey but also like “shakespeare was wrong” and general folklore. definitely the start of a series and has a lot going on but I thought it has some cool ideas!
all Holly Black’s books deal with them well! the Modern Faerie Tales companion/trilogy has maybe aged a bit by now, and I hate way the romance ended up together in The Folk of the Air (and the way the fandom is about it) but otherwise I do really like how it deals with fey and politics! also enjoyed The Darkest Part of the Forest. these are all intertwined/same world
The Buried And The Bound - a hedgewitch girl keeps fey away from her town, and gets caught up with two boys who are cursed. mostly deals with minor fey and a powerful hag
An Enchantment of Ravens - it’s been quite a few years since I read this, but I do remember enjoying it. It is a bit more of a romance focused story also, an artist stolen into the fey realm for painting a fey prince as if he was human(iirc?)
The Bone Houses - not directly dealing with fey, but like the aftermath of the ancient fey’s curses? welsh myth inspired. which I think is cool.
At The Edge of The Woods - about a girl in a religious/patriarchial village who starts to have strange dreams about a fey boy luring her into the woods. it’s not super focused on them, but they’re very much the classic ‘dangerous fey stealing people away for entertainment’ kind of thing
Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries - I sort of have mixed feelings about this - I really enjoy how it dealt with fey and the creepier folklore creatures side of it! the handling of the changeling was a bit iffy and not sure about the romance
The Wolf Among the Wild Hunt - dark fantasy novella about a wolf-shifter made to join the wild hunt to save his qpr. focused on the unseelie/wild hunt area
Silver in the Wood - gaslamp fantasy novella about the keeper of a magical forest, dryads and dangerous fey
The Wind City - a bit of a mashup of fey folklore and Māori atua in a modern NZ setting
Sinners/Veiled - very classic but also with the element of a modern setting where human pollution is like a drug to fey (and the MC is a drug lord.) (so kind of dark but also not dark in the sexy way bc the MC is aroace)
Under The Pendulum Sun - this is a gothic fantasy that has a bit of a new take on a fey world, but also definitely has some of those creepy folklore vibes.
Siren Queen - this only partly involves fey but I thought the way that it mashed up old hollywood and fey (aka shady deals for fame themes) was interesting!
Sorcerer to the Crown/The True Queen - my memory on this is hazy, but I believe it’s regency fantasy, with its own take on a fey world/magic (moreso the 2nd book)
Malice/Misrule - adult high fantasy lesbian sleeping beauty reimagining, this is kind of doing it’s own thing I guess (I don’t remember if they’re even called fey?) but definitely has a bit of the creepy creature/court vibes in book 2 especially
In The Jaded Grove - I was just looking up books to see if there was anything I missed and found this, which seems interesting to me!
I also haven’t read Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell (but I watched the show ages ago) and I believe that has the vibe too
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imagine-iron-fey · 5 months
Puck: *sticks his head into Ash’s bedroom*
Puck: Yo, I’m going to rock bottom. You need anything?
Ash: How in the HELL did you get in here?
Puck: I’ll take that as a ‘no’.
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artbycc12321 · 9 months
Iron Fey book series I am REACHING for you guys cause look I sketched Ash👉🏻👈🏻 I’m gonna colour and do final touches at some point but I just wanted to share him with someone
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ironfeythingz · 2 years
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i wonder how long its been since someone made iron fey fanart...
anyways, since theres not enough of it– here are my versions of the main trio!! it may not entirely be canon but it should be because im right and awesome🤬
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nessaiscute · 2 years
Ash: wait meghan likes me??
Iron horse:
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Ash: do you ever see something so amazing it changes your life forever
Meghan: I saw you
Ash: thats very sweet and i love you too honey and this is very embarrassing now cause i was bout to show a picture of Puck wearing a pixie costume
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hesperidia · 1 year
the iron fey as a series is very mid and the main characters are insufferable but damn if it didnt have the most original explanation for fae and magic in a modern setting i've seen, like having faeries being born out of the stories mortals tell and (in some cases) their own fears, and then having an entire set of iron fae appearing alongside technological advances as humans started to wonder more and more about it, and these fae they grow rapidly and start to take over the realms of summer and winter... and then the protagonist becoming the nexus between the old and new and achieving a balance between tech and nature...
And to be a series written in the late 2000s, early 10s (i believe) it makes a lot of sense!!! i personally think there was a lot of influence of the cyber aesthetics of the time in these books
+ the series has amazing character design when it comes to the faeries who arent your typical tolkien-esque elf (see, the iron faeries) and i think thats awesome
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monstersdownthepath · 2 months
Monster Spotlight: Vexgit
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CR 1
Lawful Evil Tiny Fey
Bestiary 2, pg. 145 (Image from 2nd Edition's Bestiary 2, pg. 134)
Among the most dangerous breed among the Gremlins, the Vexgits are banes and blights in the civilized world, and can quickly spell doom for any structure they manage to infest, to say nothing of everyone inside. Every bit as weak and wimpy as the other CR 1 Gremlins featured on this blog so far, like all of them a Vexgit is not a direct threat to the party that pops out of the walls to battle them, but a background danger to the party's belongings, allies, and homes. They're not threatening the party with their hammer, they're threatening to knock out a support beam, trapping the party in a collapsing home with them!
Vexgit are not combatants, they're worse: saboteurs. They LIVE to rip apart and repurpose existing devices, turning everything from clockwork machines to simple wagon wheels into tools of inconvenience, harm, or even death. Their danger isn't in their attacks--they struggle to deal lethal damage with either their tiny warhammer (1d4-2) or bite (1d3-2)--but what they can do if they're not stopped before they settle in, using their +9 to Disable Device checks to jam locks, loosen wheels, strip nails, and generally make nuisances of themselves. While normally disabling any device is a time-consuming process, Vexgit are Speedy Saboteurs, lowering the time it takes to sabotage any device by one stage.
If you've never looked at the speed chart for Disable Device, take a moment to do so now. See how a 'simple item,' such as a normal lock, mundane hinge, or a rope and pulley, takes 1 round to sabotage? Vexgit can sabotage 'simple' items as a free action once per round as long as it's within their reach, letting them pull off malicious acts mid-combat if they so wish. While this typically boils down to jamming door locks after running through them so the party cannot follow (or becomes trapped), it does also mean they typically have the time to perform more elaborate follow-ups. Since they can perform simple sabotage as a free action, they can then use the rest of their round sabotaging something rated 'tricky,' such as a wheel, a larger item held together with screws or nails, or a simple siege weapon to hamper the party more severely than they would if they simply attacked with their weapon.
Vexgit prefer to lure opponents to them rather than the other way around, as their penchant for recycling disassembled items into traps either via their Craft (Traps) skill of +5 or the Snare spell they can use 1/hour makes any infested areas a death trap that requires extremely careful navigation. They're more likely to simply flee any fight they get into, and they have a good chance of getting away; they can easily scamper up any surface thanks to their 20ft climb speed, protected by their DR 5/Cold Iron, while their 12 Spell Resistance shields them from retributive magic cast by unlucky mages. Their DR is especially hard to pierce thanks to their 1/hour Rusting Grasp dissolving any weapon brought into their reach, so if only one party member has a cold iron cudgel, the group will be in for a... well, not a hard time, but a slightly more annoying time, because like most gremlins the Vexgit have only 8 hitpoints and a moderate 15 AC, going down in just a few swings from any weapon that deals more than 6 damage per round.
Easy for a party, less so for the common man. I've said this before about other gremlins, but their resilience makes them difficult for commoners and low-level guards to clear out, so they're perfect little horrors for a party to be sent after without making the local guards look incompetent. When the little bastards can reach out and turn your equipment to ash while you're dangling upside-down over a latrine, you'd probably be inclined to let mercenaries handle it, too.
Especially if there's a lot of them. Vexgits can form insanely dangerous Wrecking Crews in groups as small as six, bolstering one member's Disable Device checks from +9 to +19 if each of them spends their turn contributing to the sabotage, letting them rip apart almost anything in less than a minute... or swiftly reset any traps that may have already gotten sprung, making the trip out of a gremlin's lair just as painful as the trip in. While on their own a Vexgit is content with causing injuries and humiliation with their pranks, when a whole crew of Vexgits is present, it becomes a race against time to track them down and destroy them all, because full infestations aren't satisfied with anything less than full-blown death and mayhem, driven to destroy greater and greater structures until whole city blocks are crumbling to ruin because of them.
You can read more about them here.
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ironfeybloggings · 2 months
So in the language I originally read the books in, Puck did not call Ash a translation of 'ice-boy'. Instead, he called him 'Snowball' (translated back to English).
And just... I find it so much cuter😭
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gewoonaardig2 · 19 days
Reading the iron prince from the iron fey series SPOILERS BELOW (And don't spoil anything for me in the comments or smthng pls :3)
Just finished chapter six where ariella says that "a lot can still happen" 🤨🤨🤨 (might not have been her exact words, im reading the book in a diff language) EXCUSE ME? I THINK SHE'S GOING TO BECOME A VILLAIN. IM SCARED ASF CAUSE I LIKE HERRRRRRR like ash if ur going after meghan ill take her 😽 BUT DALNNDNNDNFNLFMG'NNNNMMMMM
also, a tip to all readers! Before reading, look at some pretty, vibrant concept art. The mental images ur head will be creating after that are FANTASTIC.
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evenlarksandkatydids · 3 months
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niallermybabe · 11 months
There is nothing in the world — any world — like a dragon. 
When the grandmothers used to tell of the Goddess Esta creating the world, Aadhana, they say that she wrapped a star in flames and melted the core, shaping and melding and twisting the lava into a world worth living. When she was done, she scooped up the ashes and breathed them into life with a name, Gyrah, and magic entered the world. 
The first humans stood and watched enviously. All around them, the animals were receiving gifts of Gyrah-magic; horns and healing and levitation. Still, Esta passed them by. 
Finally, she stood in front of the first man, Rel. His family clustered around him, their animals still and silent. 
“Do you have anything for me?” Esta asked. 
“Goddess,” he replied, “you are the gift-giver.”
She sighed. “Yes. But you are the thief.” 
All the creatures watched as Rel took his hand out from behind his back, and all saw the glint of the stolen Gyrah, the core-fire embers, shining from between his fingers. 
It was too late. 
His body exploded in shards of bone and bright flame, burning away to nothing but a final, sparkling ash. 
Esta picked up the ember. She turned it over in her fingers, looking at the first pain, the first lie. There would be many firsts on this day, and none would hurt like this one. 
Esta gave the last spark of Gyrah to the dragons. She pulled scales over their hearts and placed fire in their lungs.
 “There will be nothing,” she said, “Like a dragon.” 
 They were Esta’s youngest-born, guardian of Gyrah’s ashes. The strongest. The last. And there was nothing, in this world or any other, like them. 
As the grandmothers said, Esta knew that if humans could produce fire on will, they would blow up the world in a matter of decades. 
They were right.
It was the beginning; the start of the hate and fierce jealousy between dragons and humankind. Humans are jealous of anything more powerful than they. For the ones in power, the solution to possible inequality has always been death. 
Thus began the war. 
Thus began the end. 
The world moved on. The humans multiplied, pushing the magic-bloods to the forests, to the mountains, to extinction. They invented things — guns and trucks and waffle irons, factories and toothpicks and time. They built things (houses), made things (fire-proof clothes), and burnt things (rainforests). The grandmothers no longer told their stories. The humans pushed themselves farther and farther from Esta in an attempt to convince themselves that they didn’t need Gyrah, and they never had — they were smart, resourceful, and in love with little green pieces of paper. 
If they couldn’t burn the world, they wouldn’t burn with it. They would scorch it and shape it into something imaginable, self-made and self-born. They would use machine guns, smoke, bombs, and belief. And they would win.
It was so easy to hunt the magic. Those born with Gyrah weren’t blessed; they were cursed. But most importantly, they were all so vulnerable. 
Those who were not in Rel’s family, and so were given magic: selkies, fey, and elves. Gnomes. Cyclops. Dryads. 
The unicorns. Griffins, chimeras, mermaids, phoenixes.
The ones who couldn’t talk  — at least, to humans — died first. The humanoid creatures — dryads and fairies and elven — tried to disguise themselves. Those who didn’t die went into hiding, climbing deeper and deeper into Aadhana. When the humans tore down the forests for the factories, Gyrans swarmed to the cavernous rivers; when the rivers were dammed, they took to the mountains; when the mountains were mined, the war was almost won. 
They hunted the dragons. First with spears, then guns. Because dragons had not only their own blessing but Rel’s, as well, they could hide themselves for longer. But their time was running out. There were only seven left.
The humans didn’t have Gyrah. They didn’t have magic. But they had the world, and they pretended that was better. 
Gyrah’s fire was almost out. 
Esta stole the embers >:(((((
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imagine-iron-fey · 5 months
Imagine convincing Glitch, Ash, and Puck to go with you to a rage room. Puck, of course, is all for it, but Ash and Glitch aren't too convinced this is necessarily the best idea.
"You've been kind of tense lately," Glitch says, eyeing you almost warily from his position on the couch.
"Exactly!" says Puck enthusiastically. "They need to blow off some steam! Besides, it'll be fun."
His eyes glint a little too wickedly at the word for Ash's liking.
He exchanges a long look with Glitch, who shrugs in defeat.
"Fine," he sighs, pinning you and Puck with an icy silver stare. "But at least TRY not to go completely ballistic. I don't want to have to bail you out of jail."
"Again," adds Glitch dryly, back to scrolling on his phone.
You and Puck agree not to end up in jail (again).
Though, as Puck points out much later--after getting kicked out of the rage room, and spending nearly six hours being berated by Ash, Glitch, and even Meghan, "He never specified how we were supposed to stay out of jail. I figured running from the cops was a totally valid option. They need to be clear about these things, y'know."
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