ironfeybloggings · 5 hours
-I am so ignoring so much stuff from so many characters because otherwise they Suck
-Rereading makes me realize how rushed the romance was like Ash really goes from 'I dont care' to 'I am willing to betray my court for you'. Like why not wait until after the whole Iron kingdom? Then they had at least some trauma bonding and Ash could've been like 'omg someone cares for me'
-Puck was done so dirty in the Evenfall series come ON (everyone was tbh)
-I don't get the hate for characters lol. I love them all because they all have problems and I ✨️ignore✨️ them (not character flaws problems, jusr writing problems lol)
-Mab is amazing and I love her subtle character building
-Rereading makes me so sad about Puck's character because I'm noticing so much more I don't like :( So we ignore even more.
-Worldbuilding is still amazing (except the final 3 books... it's... acceptable)
some headcanons/opinions
the cast is not cishet at all. idk what they are yet... but i will find out
none of them are neurotypical either. like if you're telling me puck doesnt have some level of adhd or add. you are out of your MIND
for a protagonist, meghan's character development was weirdly paced in the first 3 books? at no point did i ever feel really attached to her character... idk mane it makes me want to rewrite her to be a realistic teenager since this is a book for teens (or maybe its because it was written like 10 years ago?? BFMSHD)
in the iron raven i feel like the structure was also weird... like it was kinda embarrassing to see puck all like. angry and threatening but never actually doing anything about it?? also. why is his whole thing being spiteful of meghan and ash when im pretty sure theres so much more he could be mad at??
i never really liked meghan and ash's relationship initially, it wasnt something i rooted for– i didn't even like the whole meghan and puck thing either, it just felt very... strange. puck and ash are both really old fey, and meghan just turns 16 at the start of the series (i think) and i dont see how they could realistically be attracted to her?? like yeah they both look and kinda act like teenagers but they still have the experience of someone way older while meghan is naïve and also very inexperienced so.
now having said that i also think that puck was better as a brother figure and meghan's story shouldve focused more on herself than her love life !!
let me know what yall think!!
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ironfeybloggings · 19 hours
Lol plz
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is this anything
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ironfeybloggings · 1 day
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The Most Iconic Duo at Elysium
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ironfeybloggings · 1 day
I'm pretty sure there were a few lines talking about how Puck got Kierran into trouble a lot too lol. So much trouble
Okay. How often did Puck had to babysit Kierran?
Cus we have the regular, scheduled babysitting, last minute babysitting (tho that mostly fell to other iron fey I believe) l, "babysitting" where Kierran came to puck after a fight with ash or Meghan, and babysitting like in the iron traitor books where Meghan or ash called puck (somehow) to let him know their boy run away (again) and if he could please find him, make sure he doesn't do too much chaos and bring him home once he cooled down.
I believe the last happened a lot and is the main reason Oberon seems annoyed at Kierran cus he just always drags Puck away from court.
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ironfeybloggings · 3 days
So like
How does banishment work?
Because if you're banished, you'll fade away. Okay, sure.
And when Mab banishes Ash she says that all trods are closed for him. So maybe that's literal, as in he literally can't go through them. But I doubt Mab has that power, since this is about everything in the NeverNever.
And she says 'if he's seen in the NeverNever, he is to be hunted down and killed'.
So it seems they can go back, they're just not allowed.
Then like, if you're fading, why not go back. Like yeah it's now allowed but rather risk it and then leave again then just die, right?
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ironfeybloggings · 15 days
What I find so sad about the Winter court family is that they're obviously awful, unhealthy, and abusive, but still has this 'nobody hurts them but me' kinda thing going on. (You know, until Rowan went a little crazy).
And Ash's inner dialogue in his books just breaks my heart.
"I killed Rowan in the end, avenging Sage and the rest of my kin, but retribution cannot bring either of them back.
It's only me now. I am the last, the only remaining son of Mab, Queen of the Unseelie Court.
And I'm already dead to her."
Especially the "but retribution cannot bring either of them back". Just 💔.
And in the Iron prophecy as well.
“But…” He sighed, looking out the window again. “There are some things that I miss. I lived here such a long time, I knew the Winter Court better than almost anyone. I still do. But now…” His brow furrowed. “Now, when I look at Tir Na Nog, all can I see are the missing pieces. The family who’s no longer there. Sage is gone. Rowan is gone.” His eyes clouded over, and I could feel his regret, the gnawing ache of remorse and guilt. “I never thought I would miss them,” Ash mused in a soft voice. “I never thought…I would be the very last of my line.”
Just the complicated feelings or people who hurt you deeply, and are not good for you, and yet... yet there is longing for better times that were also there, something that was always familiar, and now is just gone.
(And this makes me want Puck's thoughts on his relationship with Oberon but irrc his books don't really touch on that...)
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ironfeybloggings · 15 days
Oh yes, that comparison to Oberon is so good!
This is why I just really like Mab, she seems a bit more complex than Titania, for example. She has a lesser role than Oberon, but what we do get on her is just so great. She's awful, she's the Winter Queen, of course she is. But she still cares for her family (in a very unhealthy winter queen way lol).
I remember from one of the Ethan spin off books where Titiana was about to kill Kierran and she stops her, saying something like 'you won't be the one killing my only grandson from my last remaining son' and just my heart.
Yeah she's awful but she's so cool
You know what's sad?
Mab has her sons, and for centuries that's that. All is fine. And then over the course of... however long the Iron Daughter is, she loses all of them.
Like damn.
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ironfeybloggings · 15 days
You know what's sad?
Mab has her sons, and for centuries that's that. All is fine. And then over the course of... however long the Iron Daughter is, she loses all of them.
Like damn.
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ironfeybloggings · 16 days
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Puck: But you love me tho <3
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ironfeybloggings · 16 days
I feel like there were things where he did that... but my memory of those books is so terrible lol, if there was I'd remember it... right?
But y e s. Just... so cool and that would be so fun because he's Ash's son and grew up with Puck like???
Man this is why I just didn't like the final books all that much. I missed the dynamics so much. We could've gotten so much cool shit with different pairings! Meghan and Kierran teaming up was pretty nice though, but that's about it.
It's also why the iron knight is just my favorite. Characters who have known each other forever, and you can see it in everything; how they talk, interact, fight, care for each other, it's just so awesome.
Nah but like, the Iron Knight showing Ash and Puck using their magic together and even Grimalkin being ' yeah that's good stuff' is just so cool. I wish we saw more of that in the other books as well, they've just spent so much time together, their fighting styles are so in sync, it's just... so awesome.
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ironfeybloggings · 16 days
Nah but like, the Iron Knight showing Ash and Puck using their magic together and even Grimalkin being ' yeah that's good stuff' is just so cool. I wish we saw more of that in the other books as well, they've just spent so much time together, their fighting styles are so in sync, it's just... so awesome.
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ironfeybloggings · 1 month
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This is me getting back into the series, and it's been like a decade since I've read them. There is so much good stuff. But I'm going to pretend so much doesn't exist lol. For... some characters more than others.
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ironfeybloggings · 1 month
Puck's 'what is Ash's mood based on what he calls me' chart
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ironfeybloggings · 1 month
worst way to kill a fey?
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(Inefficient; they won’t let me hug them when I go clank clank)
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ironfeybloggings · 1 month
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Puck introducing himself to Ash like
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ironfeybloggings · 1 month
Summer's Crossing by Julie Kagawa - A Review
Summer's Crossing
Legendary prankster Puck and his arch-enemy faery Prince sh must join together on a journey that may end in betrayal and will set them both on an irreversible path.
Favourite Quote (if any):
'Because. He fell in love with my princess.'
This mini-story from Puck's point of view was *chef's kiss*. I love his perspective and getting to know this character further. The more the series progresses, the more wonder-struck I am by the world building. I, for one, would love to live in the Nevernever... but I think I'd keep my eye on Puck.
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ironfeybloggings · 1 month
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Their first meeting be like
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