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Fudayl ibn Iyad رحمه الله said,
"You consider yourself to be something, while even an insect obeys Allah more than you do"
[Hilyat al Awliya Wa Tabaqat Al Asfiya 6/25]
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Hasan-ı Basrî'nin annesi Hayre'dir. Ve Hayre Ümmü Seleme vâlidemizin azatlısı ve hizmetkârı idi. Aynı zamanda Ümmü Seleme vâlidemiz Hasan'ı Basrî'nin süt annesi de olmuştur. Rahmetullahi aleyhim.
Hasan-ı Basri, öyle bir hanımdan süt emiyor ki, kaynaklarımızda şöyle bir anlatım geçmektedir: "el-Hasan'daki hikmet ve fesahatta bunun bereketi olmuştur." İbn Sad, Kitâbü't-Tabakâti'l-Kebîr
O öyle bir âlim idi ki, onun hakkında şöyle derlerdi: "Hasan'ı görsen; daha önce hiç fakih görmediğini düşünürsün." Ebu Nuaym el-Isbehâni, Hilyetu'l-Evliyâ ve Tabakâtu'l-Asfiya
Onun hakkında söylenen bir söz daha var ki, aktarmadan geçemeyceğiz. Şöyle söylenir: "Hasan'ın yanına girdiğimiz zaman, dünyaya hiç değer vermez bir hâlde çıkardık." Ebu Nuaym el-Isbehâni, Hilyetu'l-Evliyâ ve Tabakâtu'l-Asfiyâ
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People of truth have interpreted straightforwardness as avoiding all deviation and extremes, and as following in the footsteps of the Prophets, the faithful, the witnesses (of truth), and the righteous (in belief) in their religious deeds and daily lives. The verse: Those who declare: “Our Lord is God,” and afterwards are straightforward, the angels descend upon them (saying):
“Fear not nor grieve, and good tidings to you of Paradise which you were promised” (41:30)
informs us that angels will receive in the Hereafter those who acknowledged God’s Lordship, affirmed His Unity, and followed the Prophets in their beliefs, deeds, and daily lives. Such a blameless life will cause these people to receive the good tidings of Paradise at a time when all people will tremble with fear and worry on the Day of Judgment.
An individual’s conduct becomes straightforward by performing religious duties; one’s ego (inner self) becomes straightforward by following the Shari'a’s truth; one’s spirit becomes straightforward by acting in accordance with knowing God; and one’s innermost senses or faculties becomes straightforward by complying with the Shari'a’s spirit. The difficulty of being straightforward in all of these levels caused the Prophet, the most straightforward of people, upon him be peace and blessings, to say: Sura Hud and others similar to it have made me old, thereby referring to the Divine command:
Be straightforward as you are commanded, which is in sura Hud (11:112).
The Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, never deviated from the Straight Path, and was always straightforward in his deeds, words, and feelings. He guided Companions who sought salvation and eternal happiness to straightforwardness by saying: Declare: “I have believed in God,” and then be straightforward, a saying that concisely sums up all essential elements of belief and conduct.
If people claim progress on the path to the Truth but are not straightforward in their state and conduct, all efforts will be in vain, and they will have to account in the Hereafter for the time spent without straightforwardness. [ Muslim, “Iman,” 62; Ibn Hanbal, Musnad, 3:413. ] To reach the intended destination, an initiate must be straightforward at the beginning, maintain it throughout the journey, and be straightforward at the end of the path, as gratitude for being rewarded with knowledge of God. Being alert to possible deviation at the beginning, engaging in self-supervision during the journey, being closed to wrong thoughts and actions, and considering only God’s pleasure and approval at the end are significant signs of this state:
I know one among the people of straightforwardness:
He was the most distinct in the realm of guidance.
He sold his soul to the lights of (Divine) Identity,
And died purified of all the dirt of human nature.
A servant should seek straightforwardness, not wonderworking or the power of spiritual unveiling or discovery. God demands straightforwardness; however, a servant desires extraordinary spiritual abilities. When they told Bayazid al-Bistami about a man who walked on water and flew in the air, he said:
Fish and frogs also float on water, and insects and birds fly in the air. If you see a man float on his rug on water without sinking and sit cross-legged in the air, do not show any interest in him. Rather, consider whether he is straightforward in his state and conduct, and whether they are in accordance with the Sunna (the way of the Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings). [ Al-Qushayri, Al-Risala, 397; Ahmad ibn ‘Abd Allah Abu Nu'aym, Hilyat al-Awliya’ wa Tabaqat al-Asfiya’, 10 vols. (Beirut, 1967), 10:40. ]
What Bayazid advises is that a believer be straightforward and completely humble as a servant, not one flying in the atmosphere of wonders.
Straightforwardness is the last step on a three step stairway leading to nearness of God. The first step is consistency, where a traveler strives to embody Islam’s theoretical and practical dimensions. Success in this continuous effort brings one’s carnal self under control. The second step is settlement or tranquillity, where an initiate purifies his or her inner self of the vices contaminating the spirit and heart (e.g., show, fame, and vanity, all of which cannot be reconciled with servanthood), thereby purging the heart of all that is not God. The third step is straightforwardness, where the doors of Divinity and creation are slightly opened to the traveler, and the Divine gifts are bestowed in the form of wonderworking and blessings, although he or she neither desires nor seeks them.
Straightforwardness, the last station of the way, means living without deviation from loyalty to God and under His direct protection; it is an environment in which Divine gifts and favors are bestowed. Flowers never fade away and hills and slopes do not experience winter, for it is an environment of eternal “spring.” This is what is pointed out in:
If only they were straightforward on the path, then, assuredly We would give them to drink of “water” in abundance (72:16).
So long as people pursue straightforwardness on the path of belief in Divine Unity and fulfill their covenants with God and His Messenger by fulfilling the Divine ordinances, Divine gifts and bounties will flow abundantly.
Our master, upon him be peace and blessings, declares:
So long as the heart of a servant is not sound and straight, his belief cannot be true and upright; so long as his tongue is not true, his heart cannot be sound and straight. [ Ibn Hanbal, Musnad, 3:198. ] He also declares:
Every morning, the parts of a man’s body warn his tongue, saying: “Fear God concerning us. For if you are true, we will be true and straight; if you are crooked, we will also deviate.” [ Al-Tirmidhi, “Zuhd,” 61; Ibn Hanbal, Musnad, 3:96. ]
Finally, let us hear from As'ad Mukhlis Pasha a very significant warning:
Straightforwardness requires always being true and steadfast;
Fix one of your legs in the center, and let “the free arm of the compass” [your other leg] travel around. [ In other words, one is to be well-grounded in Islam and to keep the company of those who can provide proper guidance. ]
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İlahi! Hamdini sözüme sertac ettim,
Zikrini kalbime mi'rac ettim,
Kitabını kendime minhac ettim.
Ben yoktum var ettin,
Varlığından haberdar ettin,
Aşkınla gönlümü bîkarar ettin.
İnayetine sığındım, kapına geldim,
Hidayetine sığındım lütfuna geldim,
Kulluk edemedim afvına geldim.
Şaşırtma beni doğruyu söylet neşeni duyur, hakikatı öğret.
Sen duyurmazsan ben duyamam, sen söyletmezsen ben söyleyemem,
Sen sevdirmezsen ben sevdiremem.
Sevdir bize hep sevdiklerini, yerdir bize hep yerdiklerini,
Yar et bize erdirdiklerini.
Sevdin habibini, kâinata sevdirdin; Sevdin de hilat-i risaleti giydirdin
Makam-ı İbrahim'den makam-ı Mahmuda erdirdin.
Server-i asfiya kıldın. Hatem-i enbiya kıldın. Muhammed Mustafa kıldın.
Salât-ü selam, tahiyyat-ü ikram, her türlü ihtiram ona,
Onun Al-ü Ashab-u etbaına ya Rab!
"Elmalılı Hamdi Yazır"
#gecenin duası
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Satan and the family
Satan harries everyone in accordance with their capacity. He primarily deals with people who are held in esteem by a certain number of people. He tries to conquer the top first. He rejoices at success since it pleases him to spread evil on earth. In a relevant hadith, the Messenger of God stated: “The Devil sets his throne on water: Then he sends his forces here and there to do evil.” Some of them succeed at making people become involved in usury, some provoke the eye to look at forbidden sights, trigger bohemian feelings and make people act upon their lust. Some of them control the mouth and make it lie, backbite, or slander others. It can be said that each one of his aides does what they will according to their special ability to tempt. “The nearest to him in rank are those that cause the greatest dissension. All of them go to the Devil to tell him what they did. One of them comes and says: ‘I did this and this.’ But the Devil tells him, “‘You have done nothing.’”
Actually, the Devil is pleased with every sin committed, for in every sin there is a path to unbelief. Every sin brings about a dark spot on the heart. At the same time, a person committing a sin is taking a step to distance him or herself further from God. However, the Devil expects more from his aides. “Then one of them comes and says (something about a common problem in our time): ‘I did not spare such and such man until he broke up with his wife.’ The Devil calls him to come nearer and compliments him: ‘You have done well!’”
What is it that makes Satan rejoice like this, and why did he make such a hearty compliment to his aide? Because the home is the molecule of a society; disintegration begins there. It is beyond our power to correct anything in society that is corrupted at such a level. When all of these are taken into consideration, we see that Satan ranks the evils he will do according to their degree of importance. In his strategy, he first tries to topple “heavy-weight” people who have influence on others. When he succeeds at toppling these people, those in the lower category become easier prey for him. Some of them will already come running with a simple beckoning. For this reason, Satan harries the respected Prophets first, and then the scholars of purity (asfiya), the reputable saints (awliya al-fiham), and the great scholars of sound judgment (mujtahidin al-izam). Those devoted to glorifying the Name of God are also among his primary targets.
He will not leave them alone and keeps striving to make them dizzy, avert their gaze, and busy themselves with unnecessary things.
May God enable us to see truths and save everybody from wrongdoing and unfairness.
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Introduccionándome al sufismo. «En las oraciones y en los ayunos no vi sino el cansancio del cuerpo y el hambre del estómago»
«Quienes beben los cálices de su amor, se sumergirán en los mares de su intimidad y, alcanzando un verdadero conocimiento de Él, en su magnificencia, se vuelven perplejos e inconscientes de sí mismos».
En su artículo «Bāyazid Bastātmi. El rey de los gnósticos», Mahmud Piruz traduce y recopila algunas sentencias del sufí persa presentes en Tazkerat al-Oliā (‘Attār) (Teherán, 1975) que reproduzco a continuación. Bāyazid rechaza el ascetismo más extremo, pero, al parecer, Abu Nuʿaym al-Isfahani cuenta que se lavaba la boca antes de recordar y repetir el nombre de Dios (dhirk), en una obra que no he conseguido encontrar más que en árabe (Hilyat al-Awliya' wa Tabaqat al-Asfiya').
El sufismo de Bāyazid es un sufismo amoroso y apasionado, que lejos de las prácticas ascéticas de la mayoría de los sufíes de los primeros siglos del Islam, se apoya más en la gracia divina que en los propios actos devocionales. Cuando preguntaron a Bāyazid acerca del ascetismo, contestó: «Para mí el ascetismo no tiene valor. Yo fui asceta durante tres días, el primer día, rechacé este mundo; el segundo día, rechacé el otro mundo; y, el tercer día, rechacé todo cuanto no era Dios. Y preguntó: ¿Qué valor tiene este mundo para que uno lo rechace?». En una época en que toda virtud y bienaventuranza del hombre se resumía, según las autoridades religiosas, en la estricta observancia de la Ley, en el número de las oraciones, ayunos y peregrinaciones y, en un permanente y absoluto temor a un Dios trascendente, Bāyazid aclara: «En las oraciones y en los ayunos no vi sino el cansancio del cuerpo y el hambre del estómago».
Me gusta el proceso que plantea de rechazar el mundo terrenal y luego el espiritual (pues la esperanza de entrar en el Cielo también es una forma de apego); y, en última instancia, no sé si entiendo del todo el rechazo hacia el rechazo a todo lo que no es Dios. Supongo que cuando entras en contacto con lo divino, cuando tocas el absoluto, no sientes la necesidad de rechazar el mundo porque no se rechaza lo que nada ofrece. El rechazo al mundo se vuelve irrelevante si el mundo no tiene ningún poder sobre ti ni dádivas que entregarte.
Claro que la segunda cita solo la puedo encajar si lo que critica son las oraciones y ayunos como fin en sí mismo y no como medio para alcanzar un estado superior. Algún rezo y algún ayuno habrá que hacer, digo.
E insistiendo en que: «La perfección del gnóstico es su ardor y aniquilación en el amor del Amigo. Los peregrinos giran con sus cuerpos alrededor de su Casa en busca de la vida futura; sin embargo, los enamorados, giran con sus corazones alrededor de su Trono en busca de su encuentro». La compasión y el servir en este sentido llevan a la liberación de su propio «yo», de su propio ego; pues no hay otro obstáculo en el camino del sufí hacia Dios que su propio «yo» relativo. Bāyazid cuenta: «Vi al Señor en mi sueño y le pregunté: «¿Cuál es el camino hacia Ti?» Me contestó: «Abandónate a ti mismo y habrás llegado a Mí».». Y por eso Bāyazid aclara: «La recompensa del gnóstico es de Dios a Dios».
El abandono de toda subjetividad parece contradictorio con la propia idea de mística, pues leyendo a autores cristianos queda muy claro que para ellos el misterio se alcanza por dentro, no por fuera. Es decir, para poder llegar a ser Dios es necesario un intenso trabajo personal para potenciar el ego en el mejor sentido; o quizá el ego más perfeccionado es el que tiene tanta seguridad, rigor y voracidad que se desprende de sí mismo.
En la senda de Bāyazid todo lo ritual, vacío del amor y presencia del corazón, carece de valor y no conduce a la experiencia de Dios. Por ello insiste: «Recordar a Dios con la lengua, es signo de estar desatento de Él».
Entonces, ¿por qué se lavaba la lengua? Muchas preguntas y, por desgracia, pocos textos traducidos a un idioma que conozca.
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Fudail bin Iyad رحمه الله berkata:
- “Engkau menganggap dirimu sebagai sesuatu, padahal seekor serangga pun lebih taat kepada Alloh daripada engkau.”
[Hilyat al-Awliyah wa-Tabaqat al-Asfiya | 6/253]
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Don’t Forget Akhirah (10.11.2023)
Allah ﷻ has destined these days for us. Praises and Shukr to Allah ﷻ. We must make Shukr for the favors He ﷻ gives us. The greatest favor is Iman as we always say. There cannot be a greater favor than Iman, because no matter how many people there are in this world, they will all die. They will die, and this world will not last forever. There is nothing eternal in this world. There is a time frame in this world. Whoever is done with his time passes away. Everyone has a lifespan that is as long as Allah ﷻ wills it to be. As long someone’s lifetime is as much as it lasts.
There is war and destruction now. So many people are dying and some become Shaheeds. Those who die, die because their lifetime is complete. It is same with Shaheeds. Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla has ordained it so. There is nothing like they could have not died if they were not murdered. Allah ﷻ has decided that their death came this way.
Therefore, what’s important is to have Iman. Having Iman is the greatest favor. However they die, they will be raised up as such, says Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla. If they die with Iman, they will be raised up with Iman. If they die without Iman, they will be raised up without Iman. And that will be bad then. May Allah ﷻ not separate us from Iman. It is a big favor.
We are now in the end of times. Mankind is immersed in this world. They think about nothing but Dunya. They don’t think about Akhirah at all. When something happens, they get upset very much. They get upset for worldly things. It is not worth getting upset for worldly things. Of course, people feel sorry, and Allah ﷻ doesn’t leave the grief of Mu’mins unrewarded. The reward for that grief is goodness, Thawab and ranks. They will be increased in rank. But for people who don’t know about Akhirah, all their grief and suffering go in vain.
Therefore, we must pay attention to these things. Don’t believe in the words of this and that, and don’t be estranged from Akhirah. Don’t forget about Akhirah, because Akhirah is for everyone whoever you are. As they say, “Live long, you still will run into death.” People of old times used to say so. They always understood it and were prepared. Nowadays there is no preparation at all. Therefore, they have a lot of sorrow. Whereas if they pass away to Akhirah with Iman and goodness - people certainly feel grief of separation, but as there will be a reunion, this grief is not that big. But the rest feel upset as they think they will never see each other again. They feel much more grief.
May Allah ﷻ give Iman to all of us. May Allah ﷻ give guidance to people, because there are many people who go astray and go out of the way and who think they are clever, whereas clever is the person who knows that the actual life is not this life. May Allah ﷻ give this understanding to all of us. May He ﷻ strengthen our Iman insha’Allah. Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.
There are recited Qur’an Khatms, Surahs, Yasin Shareef, Ayats and Surahs, Tasbihat, Tahlilat and Salawat. We gift all of them to the presence of our Holy Prophet ﷺ. May they be accepted. We gift them to his ﷺ Ahlu l-Bayt and Sahabah, the souls of all Anbiya, Awliya, Asfiya and Mashayikh, souls of our late relatives. For goodness to come and evil to be gone. May Allah ﷻ send us Sahib to take care of the Ummah. Li-Llahi Ta’ala l-Fatiha.
Mawlana Sheikh Muhammad Adil ar-Rabbani
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/mawlanasultan
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Ey büyüklerim! Ey alem-i islamı ayakta tutmaya vesile nurani sütunlar!
Medet! Himmet eyleyin şu acize!.
Nefsim ile yalnız bırakmayın beni!.
Yek bir bina gibi olan şu alem-i islamı görüyorsunuz muhakkak. Parçalarımız etrafa dağılmış biz de toplanmaya çalışırken bir tuğla da siz ekleyin.
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#Sahadfam I think there are some qualities we have inherited from our sajlobeanz @sajalaly @zaranoorabbas.official @asadsidofficial @asimazhar • • • #sahad #sahadkishaadi #sajalaly #ahadrazamir #asfiya #zaranoorabbas #asimazhar #asadsiddiqui #bushraansari #yks #aangan #ReadersDiaryMag . . . . #karachi #islamabad #lahore #Pakistan #pakistanistreetstyle #karachibloggers #isloodiaries #lahorestreetstyle #travelbeautifulpakistan #trending #magazine https://www.instagram.com/p/By1ol5vhJ6z/?igshid=cih11hbfnlgg
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Fudayl ibn 'Iyad رحمه الله said:
“You consider yourself to be something
while even an insect obeys Allah
more than you do”
[Hilyat al-Awliyah wa-Tabaqat al-Asfiya | 6/253]
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With the beautiful background score, this scene is pure bliss ! 😍 😘
#feels everywhere#this is uber cute#asfiya#asfandyar#zubiya#yakeen ka safar#pak drama#type: gif#maatikikhushboo#telly blabberings
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Scars, Demons and Shattered Hopes.
“Tumhe Zubiya pasand hai?” When Asfandyar turned to him - the moment of acceptance and recognition. That yes, he might be just in love with her and this moment; this very moment is when he realised, that what they have isn’t just their reality but others as well.
1 am. The authority and with sheer haq she talked to him. How could Asfand not consider it her love and care for him? He even explains himself; shows her that she means something to him, that he’ll answer her every query, every worry. “Pur sukoon bhi hoon.” He’s sharing his demons, his feelings with her. Under the blanket of stars and darkness around him, they’re their most vulnerable. Bearing their most vulnerable self for the other. “Zahir hai.” And the way he laughs, damn! He was finally getting what he deserved. What he wanted. Justice. Love. Happiness.
“Zubiya jaisi aap ko nazar ati hai, jaisa aap usse samajhti hein wo waisi nahi hai, Aunty. Wo Asfandyar ko deserve nahi karti.” This internal monologue was a peek into what Zubiya goes through everyday. People have ruined her image of herself for one adolescent mistake of hers. They’ve ruined her belief in love for herself. They’ve ruined her to an extent where she doesn’t even imagine that she deserves someone like Asfandyar. That goes to say a lot about our society, doesn’t it? People became the judge and the executioner. Years later, she still carries the scars of her execution.
“Tumhe hi yaad karraha tha. Kiya haal hein?” This time around he didn’t push back his chair and be professional and attentive. No, he was perfectly content with their informality. He stayed the way he was; didn’t push back his chair or change his posture. His body language says a lot about his comfort with Zubiya and how he has already accepted her as an integral part of his life. “Mein hum donon ke baray mein baat karne ayi hun.” And his shy smirk, the way he looked down and smiled this small smile of his. He just doesn’t take his eyes off her; he stares at her without any restraint, as if she’s already his.
“Mein aapko wajah batane ki paband nahi hun.” The stammer. The hesitation. Looking away. “Lekin, Zubiya, kya masla hai? Mujhe batao. Mere saath share karo. Agar meri koi baat buri lagi hai, meri family ki koi baat buri lagi hai tou mujhe batao, mein sab kuch theek kardunga.” He’s just so hopelessly in love with her. And he wants it to work out. This is the old Asfi. Asfi who expresses and shares and talks it out. Asfi, who expresses his emotions without any regard for anything. This wasn’t Asfandyar. It was Asfi, the whole time. Asfi, who didn’t know tragedy. Asfi, who was beginning to believe in love again.
“Hum donon aik dusre se mohabbat karte hein. Mein tumhe pasand karta hun.” And there we have it; the simplest, subtle and an absolutely stunning confession. The way she swivelled her eyes around. Avoiding his gaze. Avoiding his crestfallen expression. Avoiding the emotional display he had unknowingly put on for the love of his life.
“Attraction or infatuation hojati hai.” Apparently, synonyms for true love have been invented by Zubiya Khalil. Zubiya didn’t just break his heart; she destroyed hers as well. In the vicinity of herself, she couldn’t hold it together. She knew what he said was true. That she was in love with him. But she claimed to be undeserving of Asfandyar. One can fight against people; how do you fight against yourself? How do you fight your deepest scars without making it worse? She needs to bleed before she can heal. But for that, Asfandyar needs to be there. To give her the assurance that it’s only human to bleed and to break down. And that he’d be there for her. Always.
She had the possibility of having family, love and respect. But she was forced to let it go because of her demons. Because of past mistakes she had suffered enough for. Apologised enough for. Allah tou maaf kardeta hai, but insaan nahi karta. Zubiya is the one who hasn’t forgiven herself.
#Zubiya darling#I love you#Asfi darling#I love you too#please don’t let each other go#you two are beautiful.#and perfect.#Yakeen ka Safar#Zubiya Khalil#Asfandyar Ali Khan#Asfiya#Ahad Raza Mir#sajal aly#SaHad#YKS#YKS27#I’m emotionally exhausted.#writing this helped.
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"Musibetinden kimselere bahsetme, acılarını kimseye anlatma ve kendini temize çıkarmaya çalışma... "
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Beautiful Pakistani Celebrity 👉@sajalaly ❤️ . . . #humtv #yumnazaidi #love #tagwagai #danishtaimoor #sajalali #mahirahkhan #karachi #asimazhar #hareemfarooq #yasirhussain #iiqraaziz #mawra #humayunsaeed #asfiya #bpakcelebrities #pakistanicelebrities #fahadmustafa #hiramani #sajal #pakistaniwedding #yakeenkasafar #sarahkhan #hinaaltaf #bilalabbaskhan #alizehshah #bilalabbas #naimalkhawar #sadafkanwal #ushnashah @beautifulpakistanicelebrities (at Pakistani Dramas Offical) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCI5f9khmgL/?igshid=1c2lwrlz0w45
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