#as the ceo of looking after drunk people. it was a missed opportunity
coldarena · 2 years
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blows a kiss to everyone writing banika fic
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sexysadie23 · 1 month
The Old Boys Club | Rafe Cameron
Author’s Note: Hiii! This is depraved. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. You are responsible for your own media consumption. I was watching The Batman and I loved the aesthetic of The Iceberg Lounge so that was the inspiration, alongside a Selina Kyle-esque waitress. Please enjoy. A Part 2 is possible :)
Tags: innocent!reader x older!rafe, CEO!Rafe, sleazy!JJ, sleazy!Kelce, sleazy!Topper, naive!reader, smallchested!reader, wife!reader, pre-established relationship, daddy kink
Warnings : I mentioned reader having a small chest, Highly misogynistic behaviour, mentions of alcohol, drugs and sex, corruption kink, minor bondage, unwanted adultery ig??
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The lights were red and flashing, one blink after the other, blinding you for a millisecond when the flits of darkness overcame the haze of smoke and ignorance. The warehouse-turned-nightclub had so many people in it, too many, that there was no room for air. Each one surrendering themselves to the night. To the shadows which protected their guilty pleasures with a vengeance, hiding them from the shame that came with exposure.
Smoking, drinking, alcohol, drugs, sex. It was all blurred together into one unfocused scene where bodies became one and nobody cared for anything. Looking around at the mass of bodies and addictions, you realised why they clutched to the latter. For without them, the room would be unbearable.
You’d never understood the experience. Going to night clubs and staying out all night had never been on your radar, especially not with your conservative mother. She liked you in your room, cozied up with a book and tea.
That was all you had ever known. And it was something you came to enjoy. In college you were never the wild party girl, always too uncertain to feel safe at the scene. The rules your mother had set clung to you like a vine.
But that’s what he liked about you most. He’d had his days of partying to the point where he couldn’t remember his own name. He’d slept with the drunk girls who he’d regret afterwards every time. He’d done every drug under the sun. So when Rafe Cameron saw you, the sheltered, naive little doe that didn’t speak until spoken to - he was dazzled by what he saw - an opportunity.
That was unknown to you though. Rafe Cameron came into your life like a wrecking ball. A tall, strong, successful and welcomed wrecking ball. One that had you kept, that protected you and never left you wanting. You were wholly fulfilled now that you had met your soulmate, who worked day and night to provide a lifestyle that according to him, was everything you could need.
He’d been at the office since the early hours of the morning, too early for you to cook his breakfast and kiss him goodbye. It was a Friday night though which meant that straight after work, he went to Interlude. A lounge and nightclub that housed the city’s most notorious mob bosses. You hadn’t, and didn’t expect to see him until the morning.
That’s why you were surprised that his assistant called you, mid baking cookies, informing you that your husband wanted you to pay him a visit at the lounge tonight.
The request was odd, truly out of character. Rafe had laid down some ground rules, guidelines as he dubbed them - which you willingly obliged, and one of them was no alcohol, no drugs and no clubs. You could go to parties as long as he was in attendance.
Was this a test? You wondered for a second. But another rule was to trust and listen to Rafe. You figured it was better to go and find out than not go at all. Besides, you missed him already and it had been less than 24 hours since he was inside of you.
You got changed from your nightie into something more appropriate for leaving the house. You dawned a casual pink sundress, and slipped a black bow around your hair. Rafe preferred you in the feminine, and you’d come to enjoy it. You looked at your walk in closet and saw only flats. Another rule: No heels whatsoever. (He liked how small you looked beside him). You brought a jacket just in case. Having never been to a club, you didn’t no if it would be cold or not.
Yet when you made the distance from Rafe’s private driver into the club, it was then that you could feel the heat which controlled the room. It seeped into your skin and your lungs and you then decided that bringing a coat was a bad idea.
The lights continued to blind you until you saw someone, a waitress who was wearing a pink wig and, well, barely anything else by the looks of her diamante bra and mini skirt - which was more like a belt. You all of a sudden felt ridiculous in your sundress and became aware of how every woman in here was wearing sultry fabrics barely concealing their skin. Whereas you looked like you were ready for a picnic. These were the women Rafe saw on a regular basis?
The waitress’s eyes flitted toward your lost looking figure - doe eyes taking up half your face as your expression gave away that you were both scared and lost. They’d eat you up if you didn’t find who you were looking for. Lord knows you weren’t here for fun, that much the waitress could tell.
You could see her bejewelled heels clacking in your direction and you looked up to meet her eyes.
“You lost sweetie?” She asked, cocking her hip against the empty tray she held. Up close, you could see her bra stuffed with wads of cash.
“Um- yeah. I’m looking for someone. Do you know a-“ though you were cut off as a bunch of rowdy men in suits shoved you as they made their way through. You shrunk in on yourself while the waitress glared at the men. She smoky gaze returned to you,
“Sorry sugar. Guys in here can get carried away. Who d’ya need?”
You exhaled slowly before speaking again. “I’m looking for a business man. My husband. Rafe? Rafe Cameron? He told me to - to come here but I’ve been looking for 30 minutes and can’t see him.”
At the mention of the name Rafe Cameron, the waitress’ eyes dawned a screen of something. Something intangible. Like she all of a sudden knew something. She looked you up and down once more and nodded.
“Yeah I know him. He’s like our most important customer. You won’t find him in here though.” She nodded smugly as she looked over the balcony into the crowd.
You looked with her, disappointed. “Oh. Well do-“ you increased your volume, speaking over the club anthems and tilted your head up as she crouched to hear you better, “-do you know where I could find him, please?”
The waitress smirked and rolled her eyes. Of course Rafe married the girl next door type. You seemed sickeningly sweet. “Sure sweets. He’s in Havoc.”
At your confused reaction, she elaborated. “You know, the club within the club? It’s downstairs. Through those doors. Password is ‘10th Circle’. Say you’re with Rafe, and they’ll take you to’m.” She points you to a set of steel doors lined with 2 bodyguards.
You thanked her as she sashayed away. You approached the doors and the bodyguards looked you up and down - and laughed to one another. “No way, baby. VIPs only.”
You just wanted to see your husband. “10th Circle. I’m with- I am Rafe Cameron’s wife. He invited me.” You say holding up your phone to show your screensaver of you and Rafe at your small, intimate wedding. “See?”
The guards looked at each other with suspicion. Having the password must be enough though, because they opened the doors without any qualms. You heard something just before the slam of the seal shut. “Did you know he was married?”
You went down the stairs which was less crowded, but more sinful already. On the stairwell you passed men wearing suits whispering in women’s ears. Women who were blackout drunk, or close to it. Women who were being handed hundreds of dollars wearing fur coats and nothing underneath. Some of which looked to be enjoying it and some of them scared. You immediately felt unsafe.
You were cautious as you walked through; shoulders hunched as you tried not bumping into anyone, making yourself as unnoticeable as possible. Your out of place attire made that somewhat difficult. But then you were grateful, because finally someone, the one, recognised you.
“Fuck, here she is- Baby! I’m here!” Your husband shouted from a secluded corner. He was surrounded by other men, one with a girl on their arms. You recognised a few of them as being his associates. Topper and Kelce and JJ in particular.
You could tell he wasn’t drunk thankfully. None of them were as they focused on playing their card games. “Hi.” You said, not raising your voice for anyone else to hear. The music was much less quiet than the chaos of upstairs, much to your gratitude.
He grinned, pulling you towards his seated form, in between his manspread. “There you are, bunny. What took you so long?” You took his hand to intertwine your fingers with his, having missed his touch.
“Got lost, I thought you were upstairs but a nice lady helped me.” You said, basking in your husband’s gaze. “Aw honey. You hear that fellas? Lil bunny here got lost tryna’ find me.”
His friends laughed as they sifted through their cards. One sitting beside Rafe, JJ, looked up and took out his cigarette- effectively blowing it in your face. “Poor girl. You miss your husband, doll?”
Rafe barked out a laugh but you were distracted by lightly coughing out the smoke directed into your airways. “Of course she did man, can’t go more than a few hours without rubbing up on me. It’s like she’s an addict or something.”
You frowned once more. Why was he acting like this? Sure he’s usually controlling and has a more…masculine sense of humour. You usually didn’t mind, yet now you felt like everyone knew something you didn’t. But you supposed he wasn’t wrong. You weren’t ashamed to say that you loved your husband, that you needed him.
“Huh Bunny baby? You miss me? Who’d you miss?” His friends laughed a chorus of stifled chitters and some even “oohed”. Rafe squeezed your thigh, and you knew what he wanted.
“I missed you…” you looked around at his friends who waited for you avidly. Patiently. You felt like a fish in a fish-tank. “Daddy.” The private nickname had officially made its debut. You were embarrassed, but also more embarrassed by JJ who was now staring at your tits.
Rafe grinned which made you breathe a little lighter, your joints a little less coiled. He yanked you down to sit atop his leg, your own surrounding his right knee. His eyes flitted in amusement to his posse, “See that boys? Bet none of you got a bitch at home calling you that.”
“Nah, my girlfriend just told me the other day she doesn’t want kids. Like, what’s the point of us staying together then? Only thing a woman’s good for after all.” Said Kelce, with some large chested girl on his arm licking his ear. She laughed, along with Rafe and company, at his crude joke, which you found far from funny. “Well, maybe not the only thing,” he uttered before her hand gripped his knee.
“You gonna dump her then?” Asked Topper, Rafe’s CFO, who tilted his head as he assessed your legs. Your freshly shaved, shiny, short legs.
“Don’t know. She gives good head, so that’s definitely a factor. Maybe I should keep her around and until I try to find my future wife on the side, you know?” Kelce said taking a smoke of his cigarette. “What do you think?” He jutted his chin across the space to you.
In a weird synchronicity, everyone turned their heads to you, awaiting your input. There was a metaphysical spotlight on you and you tightened your hold on Rafe’s hand. He started to kiss up and down your ear, which was not helping how distracted you were.
“Um- maybe you could give her a chance? If you really like her enough to have her as your girlfriend it might be worth it to talk…with her.” You slowed, immediately regretting speaking at all as each man started to smirk and look at one another again.
“Jesus Rafe, where’d you even find this girl?She’s so…cute.” Settled Topper. You thought he was handsome, but nobody could compare to your husband. Rafe simply shrugged and chuckled in your ear before returning to his perusal. “Some dump she needed rescued from.”
Kelce sighed. “Why’d I even ask a chick? Not like they know anything. It’s either dumb, or dumber.”
You could hear Rafe huff out a laugh. “True. There’s nothing up here,” he tapped your temples, “except my name.”
You turned to ask him why he was acting like this. So not the sweet, protective Rafe you knew, “Raf-m!” Cut off, by Rafe shoving his tongue down your throat. You were stunned before you responded, avidly with passion.
At least one thing hadn’t changed about your husband, he still kissed you with the same enthusiasm. Perhaps, with even more than normal. When he eventually pulled away, you whined and your lips traced after him - uncaring of who was watching.
“That’s one way to shut em’ up when they get uppity. And that ain’t what you call me bun. How many times am I gonna have to remind you tonight? Cmon, use your head for once. Know it’s in there somewhere.” He held an intense eye contact with you.
“Give her a break, Cameron. She might need a minute.” Kelce slapped Topper’s shoulder as they both looked to you.
“Daddy…” You whined, then hid your face in your chest out of embarrassment. Rafe said that it wasn’t something you should call him in public, yet here he was. All gorgeous in his suit with his collar popped and tie loosened, commanding you as though you were in the bedroom back home.
The only indication that he was not mad at you was the pet names he bestowed upon you, ‘Bunny’ and ‘angel’ being your favourites. “Aw honey, Daddy’s just joking. Y’know you’re my best girl. Huh?” He felt you smile into his chest. “Huh?” He bounced his knee, digging into your pussy, and you nodded. You could feel your body clench.
“Rafe’s chick might have a point though Kelc. Maybe you should keep the broad around. She’ll probably change her mind about having kids.” Voiced JJ, whose eyes continually checked out your cleavage.
Rafe piped up as he massaged your scalp from the way you hid in his chest. “Yeah, girls hardly ever know what they want until we decide for them anyways. Plus, you’d have the kids and still get to keep the good head,”
“I mean look at Bunny here, she thought she was gonna be a nurse or something fore’ I came in. Only cost me two dozen or so grand to pay off her student debt and convince her to drop out n’ marry me.”
Every time Rafe brings that up you feel a sense of guilt. That was sooo much money. Maybe not to a multi-millionaire like him. But to small town you, it was everything. “Thank you, daddy.” In response, a kiss on the cheek.
Topper sat up, “Can you blame her? She’d be a good slutty nurse. Waiting on you hand and foot. There’s a halloween costume idea right there.”
Rafe turned to them, “As if she doesn’t already do that. Little girl knows where she belongs.” You didn’t have time to be confused as the sound and pain of Rafe roughly slapping your upper thigh sounded throughout the secluded corner. Your pussy wettened, and you wished you weren’t wearing thin underwear.
JJ, ever so wise with a big mouth JJ, had some advice. “Well the way I see it Kelce, you have options.”
“Uh-huh. And they are?”
“You could always switch out her birth control. Then she’s pregnant in no time and it won’t look like your fault, so she can’t be mad. Plus, chicks’ tits get bigger when pregnant. S’a win-win.” You couldn’t believe how awful the things that were coming out of these men’s mouths were. Were they always like this outside of work? Was Rafe like this outside of your marriage?
“You let your girl on birth control Kelc? Why?” Topper asked, genuinely perplexed at the notion of a woman controlling her own body.
“She had a whole bitchfit about it. Saying shit like how it helps her period pain and let’s her decide when she can have a baby or whatever. I don’t get it.”
They continued to drink and chat. “Hold on bunny baby,” Rafe shifted you side ways in his lap now so that your legs were fully facing JJ on his left. There wasn’t much room so JJ put your feet and calves atop his thigh, across his lap. You felt too shy to say no or remove them, and this genuinely was more comfortable.
Rafe noticed, but you didn’t, with all the shifting that your dress had twisted and was alarmingly close to revealing your underwear. You put your hands around Rafe’s neck and leaned in.
“Can I have a drink please? I’m thirsty.” You whispered in his ear. You were parched. Between the heat of the room and the heat building in your core you needed something to ground you.
Rafe smiled. “Sure. Hey,” he clicked his fingers at the girl on Kelce’s arm. “Double time. Vodka.” She left the area with haste.
“But Daddy- I wanted…you said I’m not allowed to dr-“
“Didn’t look like he asked for your two cents, princess.” Said Topper with a bored expression as he thumbed the neck of his beer bottle. You frowned. The blonde was usually nice to you at business events and in Rafe’s office.
“You speak when you’re spoken to around daddy’s friends Baby. Remember? Or do you need a reminder?”
Your eyes widened at the last time you were given a ‘reminder’. “N-no. I’m sorry I’ll just…”
Though his attention diverted from you as the shot was passed to your hand. “Now I know you’re just a girl, sweetheart. And you’ve never done a shot before so listen carefully. Can you do that for us?” Asked Kelce as JJ played with your socks. The condescension was not noticed by you.
You looked to Rafe, who nodded. So you turned your head to Kelce, careful not to spill the drink.
“Kay. So this stuff is really icky. You gotta drink it fast and swallow fast. You’ve had plenty of practice, so I’ve heard.”
You ignore the last comment and nod, looking at the clear liquid with determination. This is your chance to prove that you are a big girl and can handle things like alcohol. People always made fun of you for not drinking in college, so you needed the victory, even if just for yourself.
“Here, pretty baby. I’ll do one with you, okay? Ready? Go.” Your daddy said. Though you didn’t say it, you were grateful that he was supporting you.
To say the taste was awful was an understatement. It wasn’t so much the taste as the fumes that made your throat feel like it was on fire. You coughed, a lot. So much for proving you were a big girl and not some inexperienced baby unlike the rest of the sensual women around.
“Fuck, look at her. You alright dollface?” The insulting nickname flew over your head as you scrunched your eyes, though you could be sure it was JJ’s voice. He squeezed your ankle in a somewhat comforting gesture, but you could hear the guys and the girl laugh at how pathetic you were.
“Wh-why would you let me try that!” Tears dribbled down your face. The key word being “let”, as the guys noted.
Rafe growled, and laughed. “Don’t be such a fucking baby. In fact-“ he put his whiskey up to your pouty lips and made you drink it before you could protest. Again, disgusting. You sputtered some of it out and it dribbled down your chin and throat.
“Think she needs a bib boys?” Top jested, reaching over to chuck you under your chin. Other than Rafe, he seemed like the strictest of all. They each roared a laugh and you realised you were the butt of the joke. The punchline.
You continued to sniffle and leak some tears, looking around at what this truly was. You were an animal in the circus, simply there for entertainment. “Daddy, please…” you whined, tightening your hold on Rafe in the search of comfort.
“Don’t be sad sugar. If it’s any consolation, you’re even sexier when you cry.” Said JJ, as he took off your shoes one by one. He left on your white ankle socks, which he now noticed had love-hearts all over them.
You whimpered at the statement. Your throat felt raw and the wicked taste of mixing alcohols lingered in your mouth.
You were hyper aware of how wet you were in that moment, and couldn’t decide if you were whimpering out of pain, embarrassment or lust. You used your core to bounce on Rafe’s leg, enough to feel something yet too little for anyone to notice.
Rafe kissed your chin where the whiskey spilled. “That’s top shelf liquor you just wasted.” He licked your lip, groaning at the taste.
“S-sorry. Jus’ wasn’t expecting it. I’ve never really drank before.” You could feel your cheeks blush. Rafe loved PDA, and it had taken you a while to adjust to it.
“Hmm, you gonna make it up to me?” He teased. His hand travelled up to your braless chest and groped you, right in front of his friends. What the hell was happening.
“I don’t know,” said Kelce, looking at where Rafe’s hand was pressing your nipple. “I’m a fan of big tits. Not to the point where they look ridiculous, but definitely not as small as sweetheart, here.”
The guys all sounded as though they were heavily contemplating Kelce’s “insightful” comment and they turned to your chest, whereas you? You were just plain insecure now. You knew you didn’t have the largest bust, but was it really so much a factor?
“You’d be surprised,” said Topper. “Big tits can get in the way.” He scoffed, then returned to look at yours with a lustful eye.
“True,” JJ nodded, “plus small tits are just…I don’t know. They look more youthful. Perky, y’know? Definitely my preference.”
Rafe huffed out a laugh. “Me too, clearly.” You looked at him with a grimace, then down to your chest. “I have a theory that they’re more sensitive, though.”
“Oh yeah? What makes you think that?” JJ had toyed with your socks to the point where he’d taken them off completely.
Rafe eyed him, then gazed at you intensely before devouring your mouth in a kiss. You were confused, was there some mental signal he just sent to his business partner? How did that suffice as an answ-
“MMph!” You squeaked into Rafe’s mouth as pain overcame you. Rafe just pinched your nipples, with as much force as his hands could. His strong, manly hands… You were positive that your underwear had gained a wet patch on it now. You were less embarrassed about that than as to why you felt turned on in the first place.
You withdrew from Rafe’s mouth to stare at him, eyebrows scrunched in a hurt expression. Why would he do that? You looked at his lips and suddenly became distracted again. With your low tolerance, the alcohol was seeping into your mind and your impulse control was going haywire.
So, you jumped his mouth. Your tongue swirled around his as you let out a soft moan. His hand moved to slide along your inner thigh, and you panicked, moving it away in front of your too-keen audience.
Rafe loved how eager you were sometimes. You fucked like a rabbit, and your nose twitched in your sleep. Hence the nickname.
“Please not-not in front of them!” You whispered.
“Don’t worry. All friends here.” Said Kelce. “Nothing we haven’t seen before,” seconded Topper, who gave you a crude wink. Kelce high fives him and you were confused as to what they were referring to. Though you didn’t get to focus on the thought as you felt heaving tapping on your cheek.
“What the fuck did I say about speaking when spoken too, huh baby? You too fucked dumb from last night to follow a simple instruction?” Rafe said, growing annoyed. Sure, you were embarrassed. But that was nowhere near as bad as stepping out of Rafe’s meticulously drawn line.
“I just- I don’t know why you’re doing this in front of them. Don’t they all have girlfriends?” You wondered. Topper was married. Kelce had a girlfriend. JJ was, well he definitely had a girl. It was just a different one every week.
Rafe kissed your forehead, and said in a voice that was too saccharine- “I do it,” another kiss, “because” and another “I can, sweetie.”
A laugh bubbled from your throat at you squirmed, feeling a feather light touch as JJ drew his finger nails from the soles of your feet to your leg. You kicked a little, and turned in shock at the sensation.
“Come to Papa J, dolly.” He ‘come hithered’ with his fingers. “S’okay. Right Rafe?”
You looked to your husband, wondering exactly what was going on. Rafe grinned with that glint in his eye. “She’s all yours Jayj, careful though.” He said cruelly, before widening his manspread with haste. Effectively, letting you fall through his lap straight onto the floor between his legs. You yelped at the sudden motion and the sudden pain blooming around your tailbone. You wanted to say something, but you hadn’t been spoken to.
You used Rafe’s knee to stand up, barefooted on the plush rug of the club within the club. Blood rushed to your head. How drunk were you? You were now aware of how short your dress was. You weren’t sure what to do now.
JJ’s eyes traversed your figure head to toe. From the bow in your hair to your white pedicure. He looked hungry, like he was on a hunt. Were you being hunted? Is that what this was? Poached even, willingly by your own husband?
You thought of your marriage, of all the times Rafe had been sweet and the times were he’d been, dark. Salaciously dark. You knew they’d passed around ‘girls’ in the past, but just in the sense of sharing strippers. You were his wife. And JJ was his friend. They all were. Regardless of these mindless facts, you now knew who they were. Sleazebag playboys that objectify women. That use them.
And Rafe, your protector, was just going to throw you into the lion’s den with one of them?
Unless…you realised, looking at Rafe as he nodded for you to go towards his business partner, that your husband was one of them. That this whole time, your marriage had been the lion’s den.
You just didn’t know it until tonight.
Author’s Note: Let me know what you thought of this!
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dabifixation · 3 years
the importance of knocking
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dabi x fem!reader
summary: When Dabi told you to wait at the bar because he was going to "Take care of things" you shouldn't have humored him. You shouldn't have gotten drunk on a mission. And most of all you shouldn't have ignored your gut feeling by looking for the blue flame user and discovering exactly what he meant by taking care of things.
warnings: nsfw, smut, voyeurism, unprotected sex, squirting, MINORS DNI
word count: 2.4k
You really didn't like villains. They were temperamental bigots who were hard to work with and cared very little about their environment.
Blue eyed, flame wielding, two-toned nuisances were not the exception to this.
If anything, having Dabi tag along on your mission didn't really help with your dwindling impression of the man.
Said mission was going downhill very fast, losing your chance to achieve funds from your organization's formidable benefactors, all because somebody thought it was funny to set Mr Park's hair on fire after the man passed a comment on somebody's unprofessional attire.
You hated him for that. Truly hated him. However you knew he wasn't just messing up your mission for his own amusement. You weren't stupid, you knew a field test when you saw one. This mission was set up to see how well you'd do now that the Meta Liberation Army was under siege from the League of Villains. Dabi was your examiner.
And you failed the test.
So it came as a surprise to you when the bane of your existence suggested that he'd take care of things, which made you wonder if he was a comedian in his past life cause what could he possibly do to fix things.
You spent the next hour by yourself with an endless supply of whisky in hopes of coming up with a good plan in order to leave Japan undetected.
When the next hour passed by you began to wonder where your flame wielding partner went and how long he'd be. You were convinced that he was just hunting down one of the benefactor's and stole their suitcase filled with money. But you doubt killing someone took a full two hours, so you began to worry.
Not for him of course. That would be out of character for you. You were just worried about disappointing Shigaraki by coming empty handed and not on time. At the end of the day, you were a sucker for praise and didn't mind getting it from someone who ruined the goals and reputation of the Meta Liberation Army.
You had a serious problem.
Checking your wristwatch one last time, you decided now was a good time to phone Dabi. Snickering to yourself when you saw his contact was saved under 'If Menstruational Pain Was A Person'. You clicked on his contact, hoping he wouldn't be those annoying people who answered after the fifth ring on purpose.
He wasn't.
"Whoever this is, it better be important. I'm in the middle of something." He sounded slightly out of breath, and from the soft rustling of something in the background you could tell he wasn't in any danger. It made you sigh in relief.
"Where the fuck are you?"
"Oh it's you. Miss me already?" You didn't need to see him smirking on the other end, cause you knew he was.
You ignored his question, "Where are you?"
There was pause that lasted long enough for you to hear a muffled cry in the background and an unknown squelching sound. You didn't take him for someone that tortured his victims.
You learn new things everyday.
"Room 3406." You heard a groan this time, making you frown. Why was he dragging his torture session out so long, the least he could do was put the poor person out of their misery and take their money.
"You're still in the hotel. You damn asshole I thought you were dead in a ditch!" You raised your voice, not caring that people passing by gave you concerning looks.
"Didn't realize you cared so much about little old me." He let out a sound crossed between surprise and a laugh, which caught you off guard.
He hung up before you could give a response.
That was weird.
You looked down at your naked arms, noticing the goosebumps.
Yeah, very weird.
It didn't take you long to find the hotel room, thanking your lucky stars when you found out the room was unlocked and didn't require a key card.
Once you entered the room, you glanced around noticing that nothing was out of place or broken. There was no signs of struggle, which was a good thing. It made cleaning up easier.
Your eyes landed on a pair of familiar boots placed adjacent to a pair of red bottom heels that were laying on its side.
You picked the heel up, examining it to see if there was any blood on it. There wasn't.
That's strange.
Your head snapped in the direction of the main bedroom when you heard the sounds of someone whimpering in pain. The warning bells in your head grew louder when you decided to check out what was going on.
The bedroom door was slightly ajar but not enough for you to see what was on the other side. You heard a deep groan as your fingers brushed the doorframe, your heart in your throat at what you'd find. So you pushed forward expecting everything but what was in front of you.
You didn't dare move.
There Dabi was, hands gripping tightly on some woman's hips. The muscle in his arms flexing, and his legs out stretched beneath her. Her hands were buried in his obsidian locks as he set the pace for her, bouncing her up and down his cock. Each time he brought her down, she'd let out a R-rated moan. She swiveled her hips as best as she could, but from the way her thighs trembled from the pleasure, you could tell it was too much for her.
Dabi's eyes were shut in bliss, letting out a breathy moan when she opted for grounding on his cock instead. From her quick movements, you could tell she was close.
"Yes, yes, yes –oh fuck!"
Dabi immediately flipped her over, preventing her from reaching her climax. His heavy cock slapped against his abdomen, smearing moisture against his defined stomach. You quickly looked away, focusing on the woman instead.
It immediately clicked in. You knew who she was.
Yui Murukami, the 34 year old heiress and CEO to the company that supplied our friends in capes with support items. She was a rich and powerful woman known throughout Japan, and one of the benefactor's that pulled out their sponsorship after finding out that the Meta Liberation Army was infiltrated with "heretics."
The same heretic that's narrow hips she currently had her long milky legs wrapped around.
What a hypocrite.
You got a good look at Dabi for the first time tonight. Your eyes traveled down his lean form. What he lacked in muscle, he made up for in flexibility. The position he was in was a testimony to that.
The subtle red hair trailing down towards his impressive length caught your attention. So he was a natural redhead? That or he had some weird hobby of dyeing his pubes.
It made you shudder.
He pumped at his veiny cock, gathering the pre-come dripping from the pink and angry head, and used it to lubricate himself further. The golden piercings keeping his two skin types together stretched as he did so.
You thanked whatever God was out there for Dabi not noticing you. They surely had your back. Now was the perfect time to escape. Dabi was clearly lost in the throes of pleasure. But just as you stepped back, the floor beneath your feet decided now was a good time to announce your presence.
Dabi's eyes immediately snapped open in your direction.
Those ocean blues stared at you intensely without a hint of shame. You were frozen in place as you held his heated gaze, eyes falling to his lips when his tongue jotted out to lick them. It had you entranced and you almost missed the way his lips broke out into a full grin when he knew exactly what position he had you in.
Hook, line and sinker.
He was taunting you, waiting on you to storm out of this room in embarrassment and anger. Dabi was a sick individual who'd take any and every opportunity to test you and your loyalty to the Paranormal Liberation Front. If you walked out now, despite how badly you really wanted to, that would be the same as failing. You weren't about to fail twice in one night.
He raised an eyebrow when you didn't barge at his challenge. Shrugging, he guided his cock back inside the woman with a soft sigh. He broke eye contact first, looking down at where their bodies joined and bottomed out into her. She let out a ridiculously high-pitched moan.
He kept her thighs far apart as he continued his ministrations despite knowing you were watching.
Your face was hot as you clenched your fists tightly.
Slapping and squelching sounds filled the room as their movements picked up. The air growing heavy with the smell of sex. Dabi was rutting into her in a way that had her breasts bouncing in a particular rhythm.
There was something so enticing about the way she pushed herself back onto him every time he gave short deep thrusts. She clawed at his chest, trying to push him away but he wasn't having it. Instead he drove into her faster and more ruthlessly as a warning.
This moment was too intimate and private, but you couldn't bring yourself to look away either.
It was intoxicating.
Suddenly a long keening sound left her lips, hands digging into the once pristine sheets, almost tearing them apart. Dabi hit a special spot inside of her that neither of you could see.
Heat rushed to your belly in an all too familiar feeling.
He continued hitting that spot, her body violently shaking and writhing. The way his hips were angled, it brushed against the little button at the top of her mound perfectly.
That was the last straw.
She came so hard, no doubt clamping tightly around his cock. Causing him to throw his head back in eye rolling pleasure with a deep throaty groan. His movements began to filter in order to prolong the feeling, but he quickly regained his composure and picked up where he left off. Triggering her into squirting all over his abdomen. Not once, twice but thrice.
His abdomen glistened with her juices and his added sweat. The way his hair fell into his eyes and clung to his neck had your heart skipping a beat.
"Does this make you feel good?" He asked her as his hips bucked up. Voice deep, too deep.
Fuck yes.
She responded in a tired moan.
"I could have you like this underneath me every night if you just–" he snapped his hips into hers to accentuate his point, "–begged nicely."
She continued to mewl, clawing into the sheets as she neared her second orgasm.
"All you got to —fuck— say is please and I'll be scratching every itch inside of you that those fingers can't reach." He toppled over her, dropping both hands on either side of the her head.
"Uh huh." She let out, eyes squeezed shut in concentration.
"I don't like being ignored." He looked at you this time, making you jolt. One of his hands reached out to grip around her throat, making her gasp as he controlled her airway.
When she responded in a broken moan, he ignored her and kept his eyes focused on you instead. He narrowed his eyes, something dark flashing in them before he looked back down at her. A deep growl in his throat.
He was talking to you the entire time.
You rubbed your thighs together to ease the aching between your legs.
It didn't go by unnoticed, as much as you hoped. Dabi gave you a look that made him seem so vulnerable at that moment. All his walls came crashing down and for once you could read his facial expression. He desperately wanted you to be the one underneath him.
"Touch yourself." He commanded, hips bucking in urgency.
He was close.
Yui was long forgotten as it felt like it was just the two of you in the room. You did as he said, ignoring the voice in your head that was calling you a 'fucking idiot.'
You unzipped your pants, enough to give him a view of the shape of your pussy and the increasing wet patch at the center of your lace panties. You pushed your hand into your pants, while the other bunched your shirt up. The moment your fingers brushed against your drenched folds through your panties, you closed your eyes and let out a silent moan. Everything felt hypersensitive. You didn't care that this wasn't enough to send you over the edge, all you cared about was imagining it was him touching you like this, rubbing your clit in tight circles as he fucked you into next week.
"Fuck." He let out after a long time of being silent. "Good girl, just like that–"
A loud groan ripped out of his throat before he could finish his rambling.
Not too long and the rhythm Dabi started with began to stutter when his hips bucked up irregularly. The woman underneath him putting on a whole performance but he continued to ignore her in favor of you.
He gave you a needy look as he gave one last sloppy thrust, waves of pleasure being sent to your pussy.
Dabi let out a moan that was so guttural and so deep as he came inside of her wishing it was you instead. He chased his high in quick juvenile thrusts, making sure every last drop was emptied inside of her.
His hips continued to twitch from his intense climax, a pained hiss leaving his lips. The oversensitivity finally catching up to him.
He gave her a slow open mouthed kiss after they regained their breaths. Pulling his softening cock out of her with a wet pop. He nuzzled his face into her neck, causing her to giggle and hug his form closer to hers. And he allowed it.
He looked back up at you, an indescribable look passing through his eyes. It was quickly gone as it had come, being replaced by a smirk and knowing wink that said everything you needed to know.
Dabi was an incredible actor and you were just another one of his victims.
You left just as Dabi started getting hard again, obviously he could go for another round, a round you wanted no part in witnessing.
You weren't going to be used by him again in order for him to find a quick release. To hell with him and his twisted version of testing someone's loyalty. You felt utterly humiliated and dirty. All you wanted was to go back to the PLF hideout and crawl into your bed and forget this all happened.
How could you be so stupid. He had this all planned out from the start. No wonder he was so quick to help you when the mission started going downhill.
You hated him so much.
You wanted to scream when you realized he told you the room number on purpose despite being in the middle of that. He wanted you come up and catch him in the act, and that's why he had no problem in you watching him do those things to her. He wanted to see what you'd do in that situation. This was all one big joke to him.
Yet you couldn't understand why you were still so horny and soaking wet.
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doyumacy · 4 years
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*gif not mine
SUMMARY: You, at such young age made your way in business becoming a successful one. With that a lot of jealousy and rivalry came. Your mother finally convinces you to hire a team of security just in case someone tried to hurt you. And that’s when Donghyuck becomes your personal bodyguard, following you everywhere you go. You don’t mind at all since you find him very entertaining and nice. What you don’t know is that he’s the one that has been hired to keep you close and kill you.
PAIRING: reader x bodyguard!donghyuck
WARNINGS: mentions of jaemin and taeyong. swearing, blood (i’ll let you know when there are parts with blood mentions), smut, violence, angst
7 am. Wake up, take a shower, have breakfast and rush to the office. That was your daily routine and you were used to it. But no that morning. You were getting ready to go to your interview with the TIME Magazine. They were working on an article that would be called “Women Under 30 Are Leading the Pack in Entrepreneurship and Innovation.”
4 years ago, you’d wake up around 9, get ready to go to class and have lunch with your friends, but how does time change, right? Now you were a CEO of your own company with no time for your friends or even yourself. It’s not like you hated it, you liked being a CEO and being recognised by your hard work. It made you proud and wanted to show people that if you really want something and if you work hard for it, you’ll get it.
At the main entrance, you were greeted by the staff and one of them guided you to the room where they interviewed you and took some pictures of you.
That wasn’t your first interview, but you couldn’t feel nervous because you wanted to say the right words to encourage other people.
“Lia, I will be back in ten minutes. Can you sort this papers out on my desk?“
“Okay, Boss.”
It was a beautiful sunny day and the office was busy as usual. You were reading the contract at the table trying to get some order into them when the door opened. Nobody just walked into your office without knocking, so of course it had to be…
“Hi mom...” you greeted her.
“Hi sweetheart,” she smirked at you. “How are you?”
“I’m great,” you nodded and placed the papers on the table, “what brings you here, mom?”
“I can’t visit my beautiful daughter?” She put her right hand on her chest.
You giggled. “Of course you can, but I’d love you to call me first.”
You stood and walked towards her, hugging her. “You want some coffee? Water?”
“I’m fine, darling. I just had brunch with a friend,” she smiled and sat in one of the chairs in front of your desk. “Speaking of which, she told me something that got me really upset at you.”
“Why?” You frowned and sat in front of her.
“Why didn’t you tell me you’re getting death threats, (Y/N)?” She looked at you.
You sighed. “Because they don’t matter. You know I don’t pay attention to that. It’s pointless.”
“We’re not talking about hate comments, (Y/N). Someone is threatening you with killing you.”
“Mom, you don’t have to w-“
“Of course I can, and I will. That’s why I contacted an old friend who used to be the Prime Minister’s bodyguard. He’s gonna meet you tomorrow,” she informed you.
“Tomorrow I can’t, I have a meeting.”
“Then you better make some space or you’ll be seeing me here everyday,” your mom smiled. “This is serious. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you. You’re my baby.”
“I can take care of myself, mom. Please, I don’t want a full team of bodyguards,” you sighed.
“You will only have 2 and you won’t even notice they’re there,” she said and placed a hand on yours. “Please.”
You stared at her for a couple of seconds and then sighed, nodding. “Okay, fine. But it’s temporary.”
“We’ll see about that.”
Later that day, after going home you went to the supermarket to get some groceries and went home. You loved cooking, but you weren’t exactly the tidiest when it came to prepare your delicious meals.
After you ate, you checked your email and realised that your mom’s friend had sent you a file with the two people that would be working with you. Somehow you expected an army of people and that annoyed you, but you thought you could with two people. You didn’t even bother to check the profiles since you knew what their work would be.
You closed your laptop and went to your bedroom. Sometimes you thought your life was boring because you barely talked to someone else. Your last relationship didn’t end well and you were still a little bit hesitant to know someone else. Or scared.
And friends? You didn’t have many, but Lena, Taeyong and Jaemin were always there for you. And so were you.
You knew Lena since you were a toddler, your mother was good friends with her parents and you two got along very well. You met Taeyong in high school when you were trying to find the science room and since he was a senior, he helped you. Everyone used to think Taeyong and you dated, but in fact, you never loved Taeyong that way. You saw him as your older brother and he as his younger sister. And last but not least, you met Jaemin through Taeyong.
At first both of you didn’t get along well since he was all an extrovert and didn’t quite understand you were a little introverted, but he with time understood and stopped forcing you. Then you became the crackheads of the group, always laughing and going out and sometimes getting drunk.
You loved college days.
And love? You met Jaehyun during your first year of college, he was in your economics class and you couldn’t help yourself falling for him. He was charming, funny and so handsome.
Jaehyun was your first everything: your first love, your first boyfriend, your first kiss and the first guy that broke your heart.
You two dated for almost 2 years, but ended when he told you he didn’t love you anymore and didn’t want to hurt you and left.
Months after that, you took the opportunity to go as an exchange student to Japan where you met Yuta. You were never a thing, but both of you had feelings for each other but never went official since you would stay there only for 6 months.
You came back to Korea and graduated, and had no time for love since you were too busy starting your business. But Yuta would come on business trips to Korea sometimes and meet you.
But the last time you saw him was a year ago.
The next morning, a tall man showed up to your office holding a black folder. Everything about him was intimidating and you knew he was your mom’s friend.
“Good morning, Miss (Y/L/N). I’m Kim Hyunwoo,” he extended his hand.
“Hi,” you greeted and you shook hands with him. “Yeah, I’ve heard about you. Please sit.”
“Thanks,” he said and sat in one of the black chairs in front of your desk. “I sent you an email yesterday, did you read it?”
“I saw it, but didn’t read it. Sorry,” you apologised.
“It’s okay, that's why I brought this,” he placed the black folder on the desk and tossed it to you. “These are the files of the people that will be working with you.”
“Why is it important to check them out? I mean, they’ll be around me 24/7.”
“Because I want you to know their abilities and their tasks.”
You sighed and grabbed the folder opening it. You saw the first man around his 30’s, no emotions showed in his face. Kang Sungho. According to his file he was specialised in driving and trained in evasive driving techniques, such as executing short-radius turns to change the direction of the vehicle, high-speed cornering, and so on.
You passed the next page and saw a picture of a man with tanned golden skin, brown hair and dark eyes. He looked intimidating. He was trained in pretty much everything, from every type of knife to every type of gun.
Suddenly, the door from your office opened and the air left your lungs momentarily when his eyes met yours, dark and calculating. You expected him to offer you a polite smile as most people do, but his face remained in a stern mask. You somehow prayed he wouldn’t be your bodyguard because the less thing you needed was a distraction.
“Miss (Y/L/N),” the voice of your Hyunwoo forced you to switch your gaze to him and you shoot him a questioning look. “This is Lee Donghyuck” the boy nodded slightly in your direction at the mention of his name, “he’s your new personal bodyguard.”
You couldn't help but let your eyebrows raise comically. The world somehow hated you.
“You would not even know I’m here, Miss,” Donghyuck said.
You nodded.
Donghyuck awoke to the steady patter of rain upon his window, droplets yet to scatter the nascent rays of the rising sun. He realised he had awoken up ten minutes before his set alarm, which made him grumble.
He got out of bed and walked to the bathroom, took a cold shower and after that, Donghyuck put on a black pants and before putting the white shirt, he put on a bulletproof vest making him look thicker and then continued with a white interior t-shirt, a white shirt, put on his tie adjusting it and lastly, he slipped on the black jacket.
Donghyuck gave himself a quick look in the mirror and sighed. He placed his hands on the countertop and asked how did he end in that position?
Yes, he was an assassin.
No, he didn't kill women.
But the money he was offered to do so was such a big amount that was almost repulsive. And he needed the money.
Donghyuck had never pretended to be someone else before, he just showed up and took down his task and then left. Now he was stuck with some random woman and follow her until she was in love with him and kill her in the worst way.
What was with people these days? He didn't want to know.
Jeno was already awake and had made breakfast, “you gotta eat well today in case you die protecting your boss,“ he  joked and sat down in front of him.
Donghyuck and Jeno had known each other for many years and were roommates. There was kindness in his smile, a good man. He knew what ‘Haechan’ did for a living, but decided to ignore it since he rather thought his friend was also a good man.
Donghyuck rolled his eyes. “I cant believe I'm doing this.”
“You can't still say no, you know?” Jeno looked at him.
“I know, but I need the money,” Donghyuck said and had a sip of coffee, “I will retire after this.”
“Yeah. I don't wanna do this anymore,” Donghyuck shrugged.
“Well, then get the job done and get those millions,” Jeno said and then shook his head, “that sounded awful. Ignore it.”
Donghyuck laughed. “Are you sure you don't wanna work with me?”
“One hundred percent.”
A perfectly collected black-haired woman, dressed in a skirt under her white knee and a pale pink blouse appeared in the room. "Good morning, you must be Lee Donghyuck, right?" She asked kindly.
"Yes," Donghyuck replied, "Hello, you are....?"
"I'm Yun Somin, Kim Hyunwoo personal assistant," she smiled nicely. “You’re the new bodyguard we hired a few days ago.”
"Nice to meet you,” Donghyuck expressed.
“Please, come with me so I can give you  your equipment,“ Somin said.
Donghyuck followed her to a room that was an office painted beige and champagne, and it had only one wall-sized window, which faced the buildings. On the dark brown desk sat a desktop computer, a notebook lying open, and a stack of papers sitting under a turtle-shaped paperweight and there was a swivel chair in the middle of the office. A bookshelf, bursting with books was behind the dark brown desk.
Somin opened a desk drawer and pulled out a black box that contained a small stainless steel knife, a Beretta Px4 Storm and finally a earphone for a walkie-talkie.
Donghyuck put the earphone on his ear and the walkie-talkie on the waist band. He put the gun away by placing it on the waist band as well and the knife inside the inner jacket pocket.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N)’s codename is Sunflower. Whenever you’re public, that’s the name you’ll use,“ Somin informed.
Donghyuck nodded, “Sunflower. Got it.“
Somin opened the door for him and let him in. You were if anything was better looking than Donghyuck expected. Your face told of a leaned body beneath your wintry garb and your expression was serious but not unkind.
You were hot.
Fuck. Donghyuck thought. He was so screwed.
“You would not even know I’m here, Miss,” Donghyuck said.
You nodded and cleared your throat.  “Well, let's keep going. We have a long day coming,“You said, walking to the door.
Donghyuck walked behind you and raised his arm above his mouth and spoke into the mic, “Sunflower's going out.“
You were the smile, or at least that was what Donghyuck thought of you. Everything about you was a soft and understated joy as you greeted each person at every event. You really cared about the people and their interest and could see in your eyes your uprightness. People loved you and Donghyuck didn't quite understand why someone wanted you dead. Your kindness couldnt be the reason, could it?
“So, Donghyuck, what do you think?”
He turned back to Sungho. “She's different from every shark out there. Yeah, I’ll bet they’re lining up to off her.”
“Well, someone’s been sending some pretty disturbing emails. The NIS can’t pin the guy down.”
“They’ll find them.“ Donghyuck addressed.
The eventful day was over. You all spent the day going to different meetings with several people. You were exhausted but you were happy to see your friend Taeyong, after not seeing him for almost two months.
The black car stopped at a red light and you took the opportunity to take out your phone and reply to some text messages. You realised Donghyuck was looking at you and Donghyuck quickly looked straight ahead. “So, Donghyuck? You have been doing this for so long?”
“Not really, ma’am,“ he responded.
You considered him. He didn’t look like his concept of a bodyguard, big and beefy. He wasn't that tall. Slimy built, with a very attractive face, enigmatic yet intelligent dark eyes and dark hair. “And what did you do before?”
“I… used to train some people at a boxing gym,“ Donghycuk lied.
“Cool,” you smiled. “Maybe you could show me some movements.”
You quickly regretted saying that because of how red your cheeks got. Donghyuck smirked without looking at you.
Upon arriving at the restaurant, Donghyuck got out of the car and opened the door for you and you entered the restaurant with him following you.
"Sunflower's in," He spoke into the mic.
A young woman, with loose hair dressed all in black, took you to the restaurant's private lounge, where Taeyong was already waiting for you.
You hugged your friend and smiled, "The Bahamas suited you."
"Thank you, Woman-Under-30-Leading-the-Pack-in-Entrepreneurship-and-Innovation" Taeyong beamed and looked at Donghyuck, who stood with his back to you right at the glass door, "who is he?"
You looked at Donghyuck  and spoke as you sat down, "It's my personal bodyguard."
“Why do you have a personal bodyguard? Did something happen? ” He asked worriedly.
"Don't worry, everything’s fine," you calmed him down and grabbed the menu, opening it.
He sat in front of you and still looked worried, “how do you want me to be calm? Something is going on and you don't want to tell me. "
You smirked a little and shook your head, "really, Taeyong, everything is under control. There’s nothing to be concerned about.“
Taeyong sighed and nodded, "Okay, I will believe in your words."
You smiled satisfied and began to read the menu. Taeyong did the same. Jaemin stood in front of the door of the restaurant's private lounge but Donghyuck prevented him from entering.
"Identify," Donghyuck demanded, looking at him.
"Na Jaemin, owner and chef of this restaurant," he replied, frowning, "who are you?"
Before Donghyuck responded, you opened the door and looked at Jaemin, “I'm sorry, he's my new bodyguard. Lee Donghyuck, all right, he will have dinner with us too. "
Donghyuck nodded, “understood. Enjoy your meal, guys. "
“Thank you,“ Taeyong  responded as Donghyuck closed the door.
“I can't believe the two most influential people of Korea are here in my restaurant,“ Jaemin joked as he sat.
You chuckled, “let’s see if it’s as good as people say.“
Softly splashing water droplets hit the car windows as Sungho drove onwards. You watched the raindrops race down to the windows. You had been with Taeyong and Jaemin for almost three hours, and now you were on your way to your house.
"Sorry for staying there for a long time, you haven't even eaten," you  apologised.
“It’s fine, ma’am. It's our job,“ Donghyuck replied.
“You can call me (Y/N). We’re almost the same age,“ You said
“Even so, you’re my boss. It’s not right,“ he responded.
You chuckled and looked at him in the rearview mirror, "Well, then as your boss, I order it to you."
Donghyuck smiled and you noticed it, “I'll try it.“
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jiminrings · 4 years
would you (III)
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pairing: jimin x y/n
wordcount: 6k
And when you look at him with the same hint of bleariness in your eyes, and his shoulder feels the brunt of your tentative squeeze and sees the lightest of smiles on your lips —
Jimin knows everything that he needs to know.
or the one in which love isn’t one-sided anymore, jimin realizes his feelings, and yearning for you is what keeps him awake.
would you by pink sweats
part one | part two | part three
Both oddly yet unsurprisingly, Jungkook’s become a constant in your life.
For starters, both of you were lonely and needed someone, even if it’s by the sidelines. The equivalent of white noise and an extra pillow to put by your side so you’d feel surrounded.
Funnily enough, Jungkook’s as good as a mainstay in your life as you are with him, providing company and warmth with no question. It’s as if he’s always been your friend and you never met each other in such desperate measures.
Given that, sure, maybe you and Jungkook don’t fuck each other as often and it’s only occasional now at this point, but the conversation stays and lasts. It’s the routine of him pounding into you as he talks shit about the pressure he feels fron rival companies that aren’t even worth his time, and you talking about how thankful you are that he’s accepted you into his company and that you can’t be any more pumped to start.
That’s his cue to (very nicely) threaten you to shutting up if you still want to cum, and him talking in between broken grunts that you’ve earned the job both for your credentials and skills and of course the potential — not some dumb luck of having him as the CEO of the very company you’re chasing after, being friends with benefits with to the title of best friend.
To put it simply, Jungkook’s your platonic boyfriend of some sort. The both of you are dead sure that you don’t like each other in that way, and that soon enough, the two of you swear to flush out the libido so you’d stop hooking up.
It doesn’t necessarily mean that he’d stop cracking “that’s what you said” jokes and you teasing him about his whining.
The two of you are so compatible that it makes you forget about your dynamics with Jimin and how you’re even more compatible with him. His name’s only thrown around carelessly for good measure and not for drunk half-sobs from yourself.
It’s why Jungkook’s forcibly sat down on your floor as he eats his chicken wings, banned from the couch because you swear on his life that he’d regret his whole existence once he stains it. He has absolutely no choice but to pout and sit on your rug you haven’t vacuumed in awhile when he could easily buy you a new and better one if he does stain it.
You’re too engrossed over a movie because you don’t want to listen to Jungkook and his surprisingly strong moral compass, him already knowing that you’re deflecting this altogether so you could attempt to avoid the inevitable.
“Ignoring Jimin doesn’t mean you’ve moved on from him — do you know that?”
More than he’d likely admit, maybe Jungkook does have a taste for the emotions and the dramatics. He’s always been more in tune with it, but it had no place in the real world. Instead he gets his fill and spends almost all of it with the people he’s comfortable with — his family and a select amount of friends.
You’re the closest thing in real life he could ever relate to a reality show (although you always deny that your life is as eventful as it is), and Seokjin’s running to replace you in your spot because he always seem to get him even though they bicker the most, always smiling with his hyung because maybe, just maybe, Jungkook likes being taken care of.
Of course he’s observant. He wants to know you emotionally because knowing you physically so well doesn’t exactly coincide with the fact that you’re moving away from that phase in your relationship per se. He should absolutely know what’s with you furrowing your brows outside of the bedroom, know what’s tinkering with his best friend’s mind and not only relate it to when he hits your sweet spot from down under.
As soft as he sounds in contrast to his obvious demeanor from being in such a place of authority and growing up with everyone’s eyes on him, Jungkook’s grown to take care of you. It’s massive growth in his part for the past month because he learned that maybe he shouldn’t really take all of his life alone. Maybe he needs someone.
He’s not rushing for marriage and to be honest, if only the two of you weren’t platonic and you weren’t the farthest thing from being in his likes in that way, that would be the only time he’d look at you beyond as a friend. Companionship doesn’t need to equate to romantic relationships and that’s perhaps one of the many things he’d been lacking.
You like Jungkook as an addition to your life. You’re no stranger to strikingly-handsome best friends — Taehyung and Seokjin and of course Jimin are the living proof, but only the last part is who you’re unsure of.
And maybe yes, maybe Jungkook’s right. Maybe you can’t always avoid Jimin forever but you know that but you’d die on that hill because you can’t see yourself caving soon. Missing him yet not wanting to see him are the things you juggle with.
“Either side with me or you can get out of my apartment.”
He sputters when you slap his hand away and take his portion for yourself and audibly complains of how come you can sit on your couch and he can’t, forgetting that it’s your apartment and your couch that he’s talking about.
You’re also forgetting that he’s your boss, your superior, and your CEO. Although it becomes official by Monday, you come to your sense and sheepishly hand him half of it back.
You’ve quit the bartender gig but that doesn’t stop you from dropping in to work sometimes. Because maybe Jaehyun misses you a little that he pretends not to see when you sneak in a drink or two free of charge, and Seokjin misses you and his pride nowadays doesn’t deny him from saying that he misses you.
Jungkook kinda panics at that because not only does he not want to go home to his massive penthouse by himself where he can eat all that he wants on his couch, but he also needs the company and watching a crappy movie with you would give him a good night’s sleep.
“Look, look! All I’m saying is, from dude to dude or whatever, is that anyone could see how much he misses you.”
It’s your turn to slightly panic and you don’t know what to take from that, visibly caught in a daze as Jungkook takes the sweet time to slither from the floor to the couch.
He’d know that actually, because two weeks ago when he came over after a long tiring day and he just wants to be buried in you, Jimin just happens to aiming for you door too.
Jimin was second-guessing the whole day whether he should come over to your apartment unannounced and how you’d take it, but once the urge to visit overpowers, he certainly didn’t expect this guy.
He didn’t come empty-handed and there’s an outrageously tiny boquet he’s sure that you’d like because you found them obscene and adorable right inside his backpack. He doesn’t have the slightest clue inside his mind why you haven’t been yourself lately, or maybe it’s just because he refuses to believe it as it is.
Jimin’s cocky at first and that’s what Jungkook can clearly see, not resisting the amused scoff leaving him at the aura this other dude gives off.
“You two fucking?”
Jungkook laughs at that, both because he’s taken in surprise and also because it’s the clear answer.
“You wanna know?”
Actually, he’s starting to realize that maybe fucking you isn’t the only thing he’d like to do. You honestly seem pretty cool for a person, and he wants to befriend you! You’re level-headed as far as he knows, and the argument that’s flowing in his head is clearly different from the one in Jimin’s.
The older boy’s visibly frustrated, pinching his nosebridge as he tries to be civil.
“Look, I don’t know-...”
To put it simply, Jungkook has the knack of messing with people from time to time. Now may not exactly be the best time for it but he still takes the opportunity, ignoring the way Jimin’s gaze at him burns him down enough.
“I’m down for almost everything. Though I’d have to ask if Y/N’s game for a threesome or-“
“God, no! I-...”
Jimin resists the urge to bite back a snarky remark, opting to crack his knuckles using the same hands as he wants to be as level-headed with this as much as possible.
Namjoon coming out of his own apartment would be very convenient right now to diffuse the tension even if he’d feel it himself, yet your blue-haired neighbor doesn’t come out any time soon and neither will any of them back down.
He’s still a reasonable distance away from Jungkook who’s still standing in from your door, staying there because this whole scenario intrigues him that he figures that his desperations could wait a few more minute.
“Has she been eating properly? Sleeping? Still working?”
That’s a surprise.
Jungkook’s pleasantly taken aback with Jimin’s sentiments when it comes to you, a gentle smile on his face that maybe he’s not as bad as he thought of him.
Granted that yeah, he’s not the one who harbors unrequited love for him unlike you, but from what he can observe does he think that sometime along the way — of you going out of your way to get out of Jimin’s, is his change of heart
“Mhmm. I think. I don’t exactly live here.”
That’s all the silent reassurance he needs that you and him aren’t a thing, the relief in his heart unexplainable because the last time he checked, friends aren’t supposed to be this relieved for the other’s lack of a partner. It’s almost as if Jimin wished and prayed that Jungkook wasn’t your boyfriend.
He has his hands on his pockets as he twitches where he stands, Jungkook’s eyebrows raised because he knows all too well when someone’s hesitant to leave.
Jimin thinks it’s for the better if he retreats for now even if it pains him, planning to come back another day in better circumstances. Pondering about it, maybe this is a good thing. Keep his thoughts organized and his mind running, then try not to think about what’s probably going to happen as soon as Jungkook enters your door.
“Bye, Jungkook.”
This whole encounter truly cracks him up, finding it amusing as he leans against your door just to prof further.
“Searching me up? Dropped by the company? Don’t tell me you bought the latest magazine with my face on it.”
Jimin scoffs and he could tell that the both of them have atleast loosened up to each other and he doesn’t feel the urge to throw him down the floor like what he learned. But scoffing doesn’t take him away from the fact that yeah, okay, maybe he did exactly what Jungkook implied.
“Not like I wanted to spend my money on an overpriced issue. ‘Course I need to look out for Y/N.”
He pleasantly hums as he brings out his phone, about to text you to suddenly open your door right now with no questions asked. “That’s not your job.”
“And it’s yours?”
He shrugs at the condescending tone Jimin gives him, taking note to tell you about this interaction sooner than later.
“Never said it was mine.”
Jungkook backspaces his text until it’s blank, wanting to type a new one yet he stops in his tracks just to listen.
“Well then good. Because it’s mine.”
Jimin sounds so sure despite the ruffling his backpack gives when he readjusts it on his shoulder, swiping underneath his eye that he’s done out of habit and effectively taking out the last bit of eyeliner since he went here straight from a shoot.
You never actually said it was his, but he feels this obligation; this pull.
It’s a commitment he’s given himself, suddenly whispering to himself when all he’s done in the past minutes was to be accusatory with his sharp voice.
“It’s always been mine.”
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bar this weekend? it’s also jin’s birthday soon and i’ve got some free shirts from this shoot that’s his size
we can put both our names on the card, i won’t tell :D
then split a sundae and some brownies, my treat!!
i’ll crash at ur place tho i still have a sweater or two left there
Jimin sighs to himself, making the makeup artist for a second that she’s the reason why he’s so huffy and the dabbing of the sponge to his cheeks don’t do anything to make the situation better.
He’s sighing, not because he’s run out of pride. Not because he used to find double-texting an ultra desperate move. Not because he now doesn’t spend a second longer thinking to send a message. No. He’s sighing because he feels that you’re so out of his grasp.
He can’t do anything about it currently, now that he’s in a shoot the director had to beg him to be in because in the past week, all that Jimin’s done is deny one offer after the other.
Normally he’d feel ecstatic that he’s becoming even more in-demand, but in truth, none of that matters when you’re the only one he’d be eager to have a meeting with. He’d take you over a designer shoot anytime without skipping a heartbeat, even if that means Yoongi, his agent, lose his shit over before curling up into a ball.
He’s booked yet he lets the chances slip from his fingers. Nothing could be any more important than you.
He’s hanging on by an insistent line of desperation actually, taking the time to skim through his phone’s camera roll and his Instagram archives to look for you, put you on his story, and leave people wondering.
If he was lucky enough then you’d add it to yours, and if he wasn’t then he’d be faced with nothing and a hundred other reactions that didn’t come from you, a full day left to soak in the pain that he doesn’t have your undivided attention.
Jimin knows that this was wrong -- knows that it’s selfish of him and his approach isn’t always the best, but he’s piss-poor clueless. His moral compass is clouded and just by you distancing yourself away from him is enough to drive him over the edge.
He’s so lost in you consuming his thoughts that sometimes he gets lucky, the frustration of trying to get where he went wrong and you went cold sets a distant and steely look on his face and it’s exactly what the photographer needed for the shoot.
You only feel half-sorry when your phone dings with multiple texts again from Jimin in the middle of trying on work outfits for your first day, despite your cold resolve that you want to keep up; and additionally, despite Jungkook’s insistence that you should wear the grey pencil skirt because it would be the perfect last outfit the two of you get to fuck each other in, and apparently, it should be in his office.
He’s unbearable, but he’s not half-bad you suppose.
It takes one beat, two beats before you will yourself to type out a reply, a little hitch in your breath and you’re not entirely sure if it’s just misplaced nervousness or because your high-waisted pencil skirt is literally too constricting and pencil-y for its own kind.
wish i could :(( would go to the bar at the weekend but i already promised another friend and he’s planned it weeks before
You already know that it’d be impossible and Jimin will most likely turn down the invitation altogether, even if what you said this time is entirely true.
Taehyung’s finally finished his studies abroad and he’s coming home at last, having already set up living arrangements and even interior designs months before he even got a ticket back home. One of the many plans he’s made was the both of you to go back to Jaehyun’s bar that was the witness to every miniscule thing (whether to celebrate or destress) back in college. And of course, since Tae exists that he has to be treated like royalty after having studied oh so long abroad, you’d have to treat and indulge him of course!
Those went along the lines of him saying he wanted to go to the aquarium, and then him pretending he didn’t plant that idea in your head, then breaking character for a brief second to tell you that you should surprise him with the tickets. 
great! he can tag along with us then
Jimin replies as soon as he got ahold of his phone the moment yet-another mundane shoot ended, not even an hour from when you last sent in your text that has him breathing sharply. 
It’s not a mistake with how he worded it, because after all, nobody could be anymore compatible with you, right? Jimin sometimes feels like he knows you more than he knows himself, and he could only assume that you think the same.
He’s not exactly pleased and he wouldn’t say that he’s a little hurt knowing it just wouldn’t be the two of you together nor you cancelling said plans with this other guy he’s highly suspicious of, even more suspicious than he could get with free shipping on a non-holiday.
Whatever it is you subject him to, it’s okay.
It’s okay.
Jimin would take whatever he can get.
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“Promise me you’d behave.”
It’s an empty warning that goes through Taehyung, still grinning as he completely disregards what you’ve just said and leans to squeeze in your face once again.
He’s missed you — he truly did! Random things would remind him of you all throughout his time abroad, and the way he brought home souvenirs and goodies for you is all-telling. Well for one, he did bring home a plastic bag to you that he claims is filled with the air of where he stayed, but you’re still doubting if he’s just blown to it with his own breath. There’s the license plates and the mugs, and the more endearing ones were blankets and custom shirts he’s managed to snag for you.
The familiarity home brings gets him drunk and unsurprisingly, he’s already managed to befriend Jin despite knowing each other for less than an hour.
Tae just had to compliment Jin on his earrings, and he just had to squeal in delight because apparently you were too slow to notice them.
The two of you were already here in the bar an hour early before what Jimin said, and you decided on that with the reasoning that maybe you needed to be a little bit more intoxicated upon meeting him again after quite some time.
“It’s not like I bite. You told me we were similar or something like that.”
Taehyung finds it nice that you did get a best friend while he was away, because he’s the same with Hoseok who he’s also met and they just automatically clicked that they were roommates in the next week. He’s keen on you branching out, but he’s not exactly sure what to feel that he just had to be a little similar to this friend of yours.
He’s still your original, first, best close friend that no one can take the throne of.
“That is my point, Tae. The two of you are competitive over things and you haven’t even met each other yet.”
He hums at that, once again ignoring what you’ve just said as he pokes and pokes on your cheek.
Maybe it’s your bad luck, but you just have this pattern of having really handsome guys and only have them turn out as friends because neither have the feelings, and maybe you’ve also been so affection-starved that you think Taehyung poking your cheeks is domestic.
“Hmmm,” he hums indifferently, this time in a tune and even runs his thumb on your cheek incessantly, “what moisturizer do you use?”
It’s your turn to ignore him this time, having to physically shake Taehyung by the shoulder so he’d get to focus and won’t be in a trance with your moisturized cheeks that he likes attacking.
“Need to tell you some things,” his attention’s piqued yet he doesn’t jump into conclusions, his shoulder a very warm crevice that you surely missed which is why you’re immediately burying yourself into, not wanting to look him in the eye.
“I know there’s a lot of things.”
What Taehyung didn’t tell you is that he had some people then and there to after you, from some friends and to some family he sent every once in awhile and he simply couldn’t believe that you thought they were all coincidences and you just happened to bump to his mother in the grocery even if she lived in the next city.
“Tell me the most important ones in a single sentence. I’ll ask and we can catch up with everything later.”
He has a hunch on what said things could be but he doesn’t say a word, not sure if he already wants to precede wanting to know if you really do prefer cheese popcorn over butter and what would his reaction be if you-
“I just wanna tell you that Jisoo’s in town, I’m in love — used to, I think — with Jimin, and the two of them are together.”
Taehyung stares off into the distance, his gaze into nothingness unrelenting are you’re actually nervous if you’ve broken him already.
Five beats, six beats, and Tae blinks. He’s finished trying to tie all the ends of your statement altogether and surprisingly, made peace with what he says a few seconds later.
“Doesn’t matter. Moved on long ago.”
Taehyung smiles but the rigidness of it isn’t his facial structure, but rather the slightest of pain behind it, an unexplainable glaze on his eyes that he blinks soon enough.
“W-well me too! I moved on too!”
His sudden confession, if it was even the truth in the first place, suddenly makes you do the same that it reminds him of an eager puppy he’s always wanted to get.
He snorts at that but doesn’t question the validity of what you’ve just said. Taehyung’s always known that you’re a bit fragile and he lets it pass — you atleast need something sembling control over your life.
“To let you know, I even sleep with-...”
“Oh my god, Y/N-...”
You’ve grown but you never really strayed, always wanting to prove something that you didn’t care about obviously giving too much information and crossing boundaries.
He’s giving you noogies and you let him, the tipsy lull of the shots that Jaehyun gave you taking its course.
Jimin’s more nervous than excited to stroll into the place, hands in his pockets that effectively crease his pants but he doesn’t mind.
It doesn’t take another second longer to find you even with your back turned to him, quickly weaving in between the sea of people to get to you. He’s probably gotten a curse or two, but none of those matter.
“Hey!” Jimin patters as soon as he sees the back of your head, taking you into a massive bear hug from behind you widen your eyes on.
He’s unbelievably gotten warmer than before, and you would’ve lost yourself if he didn’t squeeze you in earnest and if Taehyung didn’t take a once-over of him.
“Hi,” it’s the only one you could muster, two pats on his arm that you’d only reserve as a silent sign for him to let go and he knows that, but doesn’t take notice.
Taehyung’s the one that breaks it, a cold stare on Jimin that he only returns as icy.
“Park Jimin. Y/N’s best friend.”
You have no time to purse your lips over that, because Tae raises his eyebrows at it as if he’s either challenged or surprised, but he offers his hand nonetheless, noticing how much bigger his hand his that he instinctively squeezes it a little tighter like how he’d do with you.
And if Jimin is hurt, he doesn’t show it.
“Kim Taehyung. Y/N’s best friend since high school.”
That one’s something Jimin didn’t expect, head tilting to analyze if this Kim guy is actually serious and if he was, then how come you never told him?
His jaw clenches for a second, a forced smile on his lips that he’s practiced for his career day and night.
Not that it matters.
Taehyung and Jimin engage in conversation by themselves, and you don’t pay attention enough to know that their “conversation” is just them trying to boast, the other to be condescending, and trying to one-up each other in their knowledge about you.
“Bet you don’t even know Y/N’s favorite fruit.”
“What, as a child or the one she likes now? Better yet, do you even know the fruits that she hates?”
“Hmm, you mean practically almost everything? Nice try. Bet you don’t know how in second semester, she-“
“Took a tutoring class with Min Yoongi? The other intelligent dude that she used to have as a sworn enemy? Christ, it’s not like you even try.”
Your attention span has long been faded, instead turning your focus to Seokjin who hasn’t moved from his spot for washing the glasses for five minutes because he’s eavesdropping at the conversation, and he is certainly entertained.
“Are we getting wasted for your birthday?”
Jin has to blink away the sleepiness from his eyes that has since been disappearing ever since he dropped in to listen to the bickering, promising to himself that he should be well-rested and not have three hours of sleep for the days that you’re gonna come over the bar and have two best friends fighting over for a title they’ve made up themselves.
“Might be. Although I’m not inviting any of those two that look like they’re gonna claw each other debating what’s your favorite drink.”
Jin feels like a breath of fresh air, and in another tipsy haze, if only he had feelings for you and vice versa, he’d totally be your boyfriend by now.
You admire him but not in that way.
He fascinates you because you’ve figured that Jin’s always been more than well-off from the start. No one in their right mind would come to work in Gucci mules and in a Rolex wristwatch for their bartending job.
He’s explained it to you a couple of months back. Just so happens that Seokjin’s actually a heir to his dad’s company, and he just got this job to humble himself. Perhaps he’s the one born with a silver spoon in his mouth and had too much control, that he’s taken it upon himself to put him down a couple of notches.
That explains to how Jin just takes whatever schedule he can get and doesn’t complain, or to how him and Jungkook have always seemed familiar with each other and had too much in common, contributing factors were that he was Jungkook’s senior in business school and that they were born in the same elite circle. Also to how Jin applied to Jaehyun, and the guy must have found it ridiculous considering they both have the same situations, and immediately hired him right away.
Jin’s just always been there in a way, from how he’d offer you atleast half of his salary when you’re in a tight spot, to talking it out with Jaehyun when you insisted on coming to work with half a mind and a handful of cramps.
“You’re the best.”
That came out of nowhere, and so did the sudden poking of your finger to Seokjin’s bread smile, but he takes it.
Meanwhile, that’s gotten Jimin’s attention.
He’s been on edge and having Taehyung, who oddly seems similar to him, is insulting that he wants to deck him with his rings.
He doesn’t like feeling second. Doesn’t like feeling second to something he knew he’d be the first at, and the concept of not being the first meaning that you’re last makes him frown.
The thoughts consuming his mind are just too noisy to let go, taking advantage when Tae’s by the bathroom and Jin’s flagged down by a customer.
“Y’close with Taehyung?”
Jimin whispers as if it’s too shameful to be said aloud, and he thinks that it is, but you only roll your eyes at him playfully and it gets him in a deeper frown because you were only taking this lightly.
“I have other friends too, y’know.”
Yeah, he’s forgotten about that. And if he pretends hard enough, he could be the only one.
There’s no time to dwell on it, not when he’s already drowned in it too deep. He wants nothing but to be selfish and it’s a thought so massive that his ego seemed superficial.
“Jimin, you need to know something.”
There’s a light tap on his forearm but he was already long alert before that, his eyes widening with how you’re looking at him.
You’re looking at him like you used to and for some reason, he’s excited. He’s jittery and nervous at the same time, and he doesn’t know what for, but he wants you to say it.
“Y-yeah? What is it?”
His mind flashes back to when you confessed to him when you were drunk, and he thinks you’ve forgotten it. He’s forgotten about it too, actually. But the situation was so similar again but this time he wasn’t cowering from it nor laughing at your face.
This time he’s the one who’s nervous and hopeful, the tips of his fingers trembling as he looks deep into your eyes.
“Taehyung’s ex is Jisoo, alright? He already knows about the two of you. Just thought you needed the transparency.”
Your stern statement withers into a mumble at the end, Jimin’s stare so intense that it makes you cower.
Instantly, you think that he looks dejected because he’s already known for the start and the truth you’ve just dropped on him confirmed it.
Jimin’s absolutely crestfallen because it’s the furthest thing he’s ever expected for you to say, feeling your hand give him some consolation pats on his back.
One inhale, one exhale. Maybe the gnawing feeling of emptiness he’s feeling would be gone tomorrow, now that you’ve sprung an unknown truth of his current girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend happening to be your friend.
But that’s not the case.
“Yup. Needed that.”
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It’s okay for Jimin to look for you.
It’s okay for him to only hum when Jisoo hugs him and buries her face in his chest. It’s not as warm as yours when you embrace him, and the scent that stays on his shirt isn’t of you. She doesn’t nudge her nose on the middle of his chest, and poke at his sternum and ask him to stop getting ripped.
It’s okay for him to only smile when she kisses him when used to giggle and actually love it. He’s never kissed you but he wonders everyday, and you’d probably taste as sweet as you look. If he ever did kiss you, you’d be his only fixation he can’t stop drinking out of.
It’s okay for Jimin to only smile when Jisoo tells him that she loves him, and if he ever does say it, there’s no I preceding the reiteration.
He’s not sure whether she means it or it’s out of habit, something developed when he said it so often and out of the blue. Even then, he can’t feel the saccharine feeling of being drunk in love anymore. Atleast Jimin knows that whenever you told him you loved him, you did actually mean it.
This is okay.
It’s okay for him to buy your perfume and spray it on his pillow, and if he closes his eyes hard enough, he could think that the comforter enveloping him is your warmth instead.
Jimin’s lost and he lets himself to be.
It’s okay to fall out of love with Jisoo.
Jimin from three months ago wouldn’t have thought that it was possible. In fact, he thought that it was the most impossible thing underneath the sun and he often confesses it to the moon, because he’s never fallen as hard.
Jimin from two months ago thought that he’s at his happiest, and everything that’s been happening ever since he’s laid his eyes on Jisoo is serendipity.
Jimin from a month ago thought that he was rotting from within. He felt as if he’s the most frustrated he’s ever been and it got him wondering whether his hair is actually dyed grey or if it’s from his stress.
Jimin now, is someone that has never been hurt before as he’s hurting now.
He finds himself in this same godforsaken bar he’s grown to both hate and love, and the start and end of what seems to be the things that make and break him as a person.
It’s clear as day when under the simultaneously soft and harsh lighting, that maybe Jisoo’s never been his.
No one between the two of them actually made the initiative to break up with the other, but it seemed like words weren’t needed.
She’s perhaps always belonged to Taehyung who has the tightest of grips on her waist. There’s no grinding, no libido. Embracing each other in the middle of a crowd tells him everything he needs to know.
Jisoo’s slipped away from Jimin’s grasp and into Taehyung’s who’ll she will always come back to. Tae never wavers and he’s holding onto her as if she’s his lifeline, and that wouldn’t exactly be wrong.
Jimin’s girlfriend is slipping away from him but it’s not what pains him.
Jimin’s eyes are bleary, and he’s unsure whether it’s because he’s drunk or because he’s crying. Whatever it was, it’s not because of Jisoo — it’d never been her.
He rests his head on your shoulder and you let him. He feels so defenseless and looks shattered that you don’t question him nonetheless, a magnanimous feeling of pity rolling from every circle you rub to his back.
“You’re really beautiful.”
He says it out of the blue as if it’s a confirmed thought, looking up at you in stride.
“Don’t say things like that,” you could only murmur as you try to look for a bottle of water within your reach, sooner or later having to haul Jimin home.
He doesn’t have a slightest clue why you’d dismiss it, but he persists as he always does.
“I’m really lucky to know you,” it’s an irrevocable fact with how he says it, making you think for a second if he’s actually sober and could come home by himself. That’s not any of his worries, because this time his mind works as fast as his mouth does. “But I think I’m the luckiest if I can have you.”
As Jimin comes to realize, it’s not Jisoo that he should’ve fallen for. He got burned as fast as he crashed, and it was love like that he’s always tried seeking.
It’s the easy short-lived warmth he got from a candle, but never the hard yet lasting warmth he got from a fireplace.
Your love for him was built steadily over the years and never all at once. It was from a spark to a fire in the making you took the chance being burnt from, and how long it was built meant no match to how short it was extinguished.
“Am I too late?”
Jimin’s as vulnerable as he can get that he doesn’t realize he’s already crying and it’s not drunken blues anymore.
He loves you so much and it takes an avalanche to make him realize that every moment with you shined.
His heart’s a muscle and he couldn’t believe that he’s only realized now that you’re it’s one true memory, having trained to be with you so much that no one could quite compare all along.
You don’t need anything to be the light; you don’t need to do anything to be the center of attention. It’s always been you yet he’s dismissed the thought that maybe it was just the bias of having known you.
But now, it’s about who he would and wouldn’t be if not for you.
Jimin can’t live without even the concept of you.
“If I told you that I’m falling for you, what would you do?”
And when you look at him with the same hint of bleariness in your eyes, and his shoulder feels the brunt of your tentative squeeze and sees the lightest of smiles on your lips —
Jimin knows everything that he needs to know.
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cheri-translates · 4 years
Headcanon - when he’s drunk, he still loves you
This work, 醉后夜超级喜欢你, was originally written by 喵小柒吃很少 on Weibo, and she has given me permission to translate it 🌸
Gavin’s drunk?
The man who has never liked drinking much in public is actually drunk?
You open the door, confusion etched on your face when you see Minor supporting Gavin upright. He couldn’t even find his way home. Just how much did he drink?!
While lugging your husband into the house, you cast a doubtful glance at Minor. “Is this your fault?” 
“Of course not!” Minor shakes his head vigorously as he explains. “It’s all because the two of you got married! The others found out about it today, and they blamed Gavin for not telling them earlier. So they got him to drink to make up for it.”
You chuckle internally. This man... there’s nothing embarrassing about getting married!
“Boss!” Minor grins at you. “For all my hard work today, shouldn’t I get a raise?”
You push him out of the door. “This is a personal matter, so there’s no salary involved!”
Gavin is lying on the bed - even though he isn’t wearing a uniform, he still exudes a heroic aura. Because of the amount of alcohol he imbibed, his face is especially red. His handsome eyes are closed, and you subconsciously lean in closer to him, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek.
His eyes suddenly flick open, and he sees your face right in front of him. “You... what are you doing in my house?”
He scoots to the side to put some distance between the two of you. “I’m already married. You...”
Has this man lost his memory?
You give in to the temptation to tease him. “Oh I see... Is your wife a good person?”
At the mention of you, a gentle expression surfaces on his drunken face.
“Mm. She’s very kind, very tender, and very brave.” He pauses, and he tilts his head to the side adorably. “I... love her very much.”
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You pick up the phone call while brushing your teeth. “Goldman?”
“Lady Boss, please open the door. I’ve brought CEO Victor back...”
Brought him back?
You toss the toothbrush aside, wipe the foam off your mouth quickly, and rush to the door.
Goldman strenuously heaves Victor into the house. “You should make something that can help sober him up.”
Supporting Victor, you ask: “What happened? Why did he drink so much?” 
From what you remember, Victor isn’t the type to get drunk easily.
“I'm not sure,” Goldman confesses. “I’m guessing it’s because of you, Lady Boss. CEO Victor seemed melancholic today, so he ended up drinking a lot...”
Hearing this, you finally have an inkling of what happened. Because of a small quibble yesterday, you’ve been giving him the cold shoulder since this morning. You didn’t give him a good morning kiss, and you didn’t send him a single text the entire day.
After Goldman leaves, you sit beside Victor. While staring at him, Victor’s eyes flutter open. In a daze, he asks: “Who are you? Why are you in my house?”
Is this how he plans to break the impasse?
“Where else could I be aside from your house?”
He rubs his forehead, trying to ease the throbbing ache. “I have a wife. Please leave immediately.”
Ah, so he’s drunk silly. 
“Mm. Your wife must definitely be a very nice girl!” You bite back a smile, teasing him.
He’s silent for a while. Then, he sighs. “She’s a dummy.”
Before you can retort, you hear a small voice adding: “But I still love her very much.”
This man and his charm...
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“Teacher’s Wife, are you at home?” Ah Ming stammers from the other end of the line.
It’s already 11pm and Lucien hasn’t returned.
“I am. Is Lucien with you?” You hurriedly ask for information pertaining to your husband.
“Yes...” Ah Ming pauses. “But Teacher seems to be drunk.”
Drunk? That man doesn’t sleep, doesn’t lose hair, and doesn’t get drunk, right?
A knock at the door interrupts your train of thought. 
You open the door to reveal Ah Ming, as well as... Professor Lucien.
“What happened?” You ask frantically, helping Ah Ming support Lucien into the house. Even though the two of you are carrying him, you sense that Lucien is leaning towards you.
“I’m not certain.” Ah Ming knits his brows. “Professor Chen from the neighbouring office brought his one-year-old daughter to school, and I saw Teacher Lucien playing with her. Later on, he got drunk...”
After thanking Ah Ming profusely, he leaves. You walk over to Lucien, taking his chin in your hand: This man still looks so handsome when drunk.
Mired in your thoughts, you’re caught off guard when he suddenly pulls you closer to him.
“What are you doing?!”
“...mm.” Lucien mumbles. “Today, I saw a very adorable Little Lady...”
Little Lady? You recall what Ah Ming said earlier. 
“She was really cute.”
“Hm?” You decide to tease him. “Do you not love me anymore?!”
Lucien chuckles gently. “Of course I love my wife. I love her very very much... But what I meant to say is... I really want a Little Lady too~”
Is Lucien pretending to be drunk?!
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[ KIRO ]
“MC, open the door!”
Seated cross-legged on the sofa, you’re in the middle of scrolling through your phone when a sudden voice at the door gives you a fright.
“Savin?” You open the door in confusion, only to see Savin holding Kiro’s jacket in one hand, and the other supporting the man himself.
You assist Savin in lugging Kiro into the house.
After tossing him onto the bed, you ask Savin: “Why did you let him drink so much?” 
“It’s a long story.” Savin explains. “Because of your honeymoon, Kiro had to delay several collaboration projects. Today, two partners came over, so we had two rounds of drinks, and this happened.”
Savin waves goodbye and heads off, leaving you to stare blankly at a completely inebriated Kiro. Looking at him, you don’t know what to say. “Are you stupid?”
“...hmph.” Kiro grunts in his stupor. Seeing his rosy cheeks, you can’t resist but to give them a pinch.
“Ahh, who’s pinching me!” He opens his eyes halfway. “...hmm? Who are you!”
He sits up instantly. “How how how how did you come in? I’m telling you that I have a family!”
Finding his reaction adorable, you decide to toy with him--
“It’s already so late but you aren’t back with your wife? And you still claim that you have a family?”
“Hmph I don’t care. I do have a family...” The alcohol has clearly not left his bloodstream. His eyes flutter shut again. “...Kiro is Miss Chips’ superhero... Kiro likes Miss Chips...”
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[ SHAW ]
“...open the door!” Shaw’s voice drifts from outside.
The moment you open the door, you’re left stunned - Shaw’s face is abnormally red. There’s an intoxicated look in his eyes, and he’s leaning on the doorway.
“What’s wrong with you? Come in.” You fling the door open fully, supporting him into the house.
“I’m fine!” He waves a hand in the air, while the other hand rests on your shoulder, leaning his full weight on you.
“You’re so heavy! And you reek of alcohol!” You toss him a look of distaste as you toss him onto the floor. 
He brings you along as he falls.
“That hurts!” You hammer his chest. “Why did you drink so much!”
Seizing this opportunity, he grabs your arm, pulling you towards him.
“Because I missed you~” He grins, and your face reddens.
“You’re so annoying...” 
Just as you try to escape, he grabs you again.
“Don’t go.” His amber eyes are wide open, and he doesn’t look drunk at all. “Who was the man with you today?”
At his words, you think of the playwright who came to the office today to discuss a collaborative project. The both of you had gone to a cafe near the office to talk about it. And Shaw saw it?
“You were watching me?”
“I happened to pass by. Aren’t you going to explain yourself?” The way he’s looking at you makes your heart grow fuzzy.
“It’s just a normal working relationship, so there’s nothing more to say!”
“Oh? Is that so.” Shaw traps you between himself and the floor. “Since you’re not being honest, I won’t hold back...”
More translated and original works: here
[ Permission to translate ]
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喵小柒吃很少: Hello~ Firstly, I’m really touched that you like them, I feel very honoured~ You can translate the works! If more people who like MLQC can read them, I’m very happy too 💝 Thank you!
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wiyodreamz · 3 years
𝑽𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒅 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 | 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑺𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒉𝒘𝒂 [05]
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⌜Nari is a college student at Seokhye University. One day she got off on the wrong foot with Seonghwa, throws her coffee on him and curses him out. Later that day she learns about the internship she signed with Hwa Corp. That same day, she learns that the same guy she threw her coffee at, is the CEO of that company! How will things go for Nari if she has a target on her back from that encounter? ⌟ Office AU
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05
Contains: fluff, angst, smut, alcohol drinking, cursing, and more as the story goes on.
Tag list: @seonghwaskitten @reeateez
Warnings: slight cursing, dani making me want to punch her through the screen, seonghwa and yunho being total sweethearts
A/N: the next chapter will be the last chapter of this series
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Nari stirred in Seonghwa’s bed as the sunlight from his windows started to peer in from his bedroom. She turned her body to face him, still asleep. She smiled slightly and then looked at his clock on hid bed side table and that smile soon faded.
The time read ‘12:15 P.M.’ She jumped up and ran her hands through her hair.
“Fuck.....” she trailed off silently as Seonghwa stirred in his sleep and then opened his eyes.
“What’s wrong?” He asked as his voice was still full of sleep.
“We overslept Hwa! I was supposed to be out 6 hours ago, before anyone sees me” she said and he rose up instantly.
Nari gathered her clothes as she put them on in a rush. Seonghwa then came out of his closet with a black hoodie and a black bucket hat.
“Put these on, they’re going to be a bit big on you, but no one should really notice you” he said as he handed them to her.
She put on the clothing items he gave her and walked out his room. Once they were outside the gates of his house, a figure popped out from the corner.
“Mr.Park!” Dani said as she appeared. “I came to talk to you at your company, but your assistant said you weren’t here. So I figured out where you lived and drove here” she said and then noticing Nari’s figure in the black clothing. “Oh, and who’s this?”
Seonghwa got in front of Nari and glared down at Dani, crossing his arms “That’s my sister and she doesn’t want anyone seeing her without her makeup on.”
Dani didn’t buy it and rolled her eyes. She pushed Seonghwa out the way off guard and snatched the bucket hat off of her head, revealing Nari.
“Oh look who it is” she said in a mocking tone. “It’s Moon Nari. Now I know how you got the internship, and the others will too.”
“Dani, it’s really isn’t like that! We truly do have feelings for each other!” Nari pleaded as Dani shook her head.
“I told you Nari, you’re going to regret it and I mean it” Dani said and then dropped the hat on the ground, walking away towards her car.
Seonghwa then went to hold Nari’s trembling body, as tears were threatening to spill from her eyes. “Shh, it’s okay, it’s okay! She’s just bluffing, Dani doesn’t really do as she threatens, trust me.”
Nari trusted him, but she will soon regret listening to his words, despite him trying to cheer her up.
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The paid internships don’t really start, until a week after graduations. So Seonghwa just wants the others to focus on exams and graduation.
Nari walked down towards the courtyard of the school. It’s been months since she’s actually been in class than having the lecture recorded and emailed to her. As she was walking in, people were pointing and whispering things at her.
She was confused on why people were whispering about her. She walked inside the school and Yunho immediately spotted her and grabbed her arms.
“You really need to see this” he said as dragged her over towards the crowd.
“Looks like our guest has officially arrived” Dani said as the other students turned towards her, some angry with her. “So how does it feel to steal a spot for someone who was more fit for the job?”
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about” Nari said nervously, as her hands started to sweat.
“I mean you did spread your legs to get that spot right?” She asked accusingly as she started walking towards Nari slowly. “No wonder Mr.Park liked you. You guys probably planned to make it look like you hated each other in the first place, right?”
“What you’re saying is all wrong! I told you we really do have feelings for each other! I didn’t use him!” Nari said as tears were welling up in her eyes. “You just like to spread rumors on anything you see.”
“Because you Moon Nari, I lost a perfectly good opportunity, you bitch” Kim Ara, a girl who was going up for the internship interjected with a glare. “We can’t have nothing nice because of girls like you!”
Before tears were about to fall on her face, she tried to leave the crowd, but people stopped her from doing so.
“Oh look she’s going to go cry since we figured out what she was doing.”
“She’s just a fucking crybaby!”
“She’s really going to ruin the name of this school.”
“Let’s see if the principal lets her graduate once he figures out what she’s done.”
Nari finally gained enough power to push the people away, with tears falling down her face. She ran away and noticed Sunji far away from the crowd, watching what happened.
“Nari! Wait up!” Yunho called out as he ran after his friend.
After a few minutes of running, he finally caught up to her and turned her around.
“What do you want Yunho?” She asked as she wiped her eyes from the tears.
“Nari-ah, are you really dating him?” He asked.
“What if I am? Are you going to shame me like those others, because of the lies Dani is spreading?” She asked as she sobbed. “If you are. Leave me alone!”
Yunho pulled her into a hug. He felt Nari relaxed in his hug. “Nari you know me. I’ll never shame you in anything. You are my best friend and I’ll be damned if anything happens to you. You really love him and there’s nothing wrong with that.”
Nari just sobbed into his chest. “I just want to go home. Please take me home.”
Yunho just nodded and led Nari towards his car. He drove in front of her apartment and she immediately rushed out the car and went inside the apartment and was planning on not coming out for days
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Seonghwa was worried about Nari. He’s been trying to call her, but it kept going to voicemail. He assumed she was too busy studying for her exams, but she would check her phone for any missed calls or texts. He didn’t want to barge over there, so he called Yunho.
“Yunho. I’m worried about Nari. She hasn’t been returning my texts or calls. Is she busy studying for exams?” He asked into the phone as he was signing some papers.
“About that. Dani wasn’t bluffing and told the whole school some lies about Nari saying that she seduced you into giving her the paid internship. And if Nari shows her face here at school, she will be ridiculed to the point where it will get physical. Luckily it didn’t get physical a few days ago” Yunho explained.
Seonghwa’s grip on his pen tightened. The look on his face could kill anyone. Seonghwa also blamed himself on telling Nari not to worry.
“Where is she now?”
“She’s been stuck in her apartment. She hasn’t come out for anything, but I do sneak over there and place meals on her doorsteps if she hasn’t eaten” Yunho said. “But it’s going to be over for her once the principal overhears about it.”
“I’ll go over there once I finish my job here. You should probably go study or go to class if you have one” Seonghwa said and then hung up.
Seonghwa was going help Nari anyway she can and clear up her name, even if that means getting his hands dirty.
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“Yah! Kang Sunji! Come back here!” Yunho said angrily chasing after the girl.
“W-what do you want Yunho?” Sunji asked frightened by his tone.
“Why don’t you say anything about Dani? I know you have stuff against her that can clear Nari’s name!” He asked angrily. “You can actually help her.”
“I’m just scared. Dani has some stuff against my family which can hurt my future. It’s already bad since she uses me for information” she said as she tightened the grip on her bag.
“You really going to cower in fear, while Nari might not even have a future?! The word already got out to the principal and the board and they’re thinking of not letting her graduate and expelling her for ruining the schools ‘name’. She might not even have a future if you don’t speak up” he said angrily. “But oh I forgot. You have to protect your future while another ones get ruined.”
Yunho stormed off and left a stunned Sunji. She never thought about it like that. If she kept the truth in, it would greatly affect Nari. But if she does, she can help Nari.
“What should I do?!” She said to herself as she bit her fingernails nervously.
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Seonghwa made it towards Nari’s apartment. He knocked on the door, hoping she would answer. Five minutes passed and she hasn’t answered the door. He took the liberty to push in her code and went inside her apartment.
He walked inside and saw the meals Yunho brought to her, uneaten. It looks like she hasn’t left for days, since her curtains were closed. He opened her curtains slightly and made his way into her room.
Seonghwa walked in and saw Nari wrapped in her blankets, while staring at the blank wall. She turned over and saw Seonghwa in her door way.
“What are you doing here? Haven’t you ruined my life enough?” She asked in a hateful tone which hurt him.
He sat on the other side of the bed. “I came here to check on you. Yunho has been worried for you, I have been worried for you. I’ve been wondering if you ate, drunk water, or went outside.”
“Well I’ve done none of those things. Now thanks to those lies, my future might be in jeopardy. I regret letting you kiss me at that party! I regret falling in love with-“
She was cut off with a kiss by him. She responded to the kiss instantly. He felt tears coming from her, wetting his face. He leaned away from her and saw her puffy eyes that shown she’s been crying a lot.
“I don’t regret falling in love with you” he said with a smile as he wiped away her tears. “What have those people been saying to you?”
Nari got up from her spot and went to her laptop and handed it to him. He scrolled through multiple emails from people bullying her and even as far as death threats. He took a USB from his pocket and put it in her computer.
“What are you doing?” She asked curiously.
“Just something your other graduates are going to regret” he said and then finished with the USB, taking it out of the computer.
Just then, he received a text and pulled out his phone from his pocket.
From Unknown [2:15 P.M]: Hello Mr.Park Seonghwa, I’m Principal Han from Seokhye University. Can you please come to my office at 8 AM sharp? I would like to talk to you about a relationship between you and a student enrolled here? Thank you.
“Who is it?” She asked.
“It’s your principal, but don’t worry I got everything covered” he said with a smile. “Now let me make you something. You must be starving.”
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It was the next day and Seonghwa walked into the school. People instantly recognized him and started whispering, but he didn’t mind. He was going to get justice for Nari.
He walked inside the office and the principal noticed him.
“Hello Mr.Park. Please have a seat” Mr.Han said as Seonghwa took a seat. “I would like to discuss the relationship between student Moon Nari and you.”
“What is there to discuss?” Seonghwa asked as he crossed his arms and Mr.Han looked offended by that question.
“W-what’s wrong?! What she did was basically cheating. That internship should’ve went to a student who actually deserved it and not some girl who sleeps around to get ahead” Mr.Han said angrily. “I was being nice and inviting you here to break up with her, before I go through the process of expelling her. Besides your age gap is too big!”
It was Seonghwa’s turn to get angry. “I hope you know those students are sending her mean comments and death threats to her email! She did not sleep around to get the internship, she worked hard to get it than the person who’s spreading these rumors! And now you’re expelling her without looking into the rumors? You’re basically going off of lies! Besides our age gap isn’t that huge, she’s 24 and I’m 28!”
“And who is responsible for these rumors that you say aren’t true?” Mr.Han asked.
“Jung Dani” he said and then gave Mr.Han the USB. “You probably want to look at this since your students are, ‘oh so innocent’!” Seonghwa said.
Mr.Han plugged in the USB and his eyes immediately widened at the comments. He didn’t think it got that bad, he just thought it was just some small bullying and whispering. Not actually sending death threats and threatening of coming to her house or other things.
“B-but these could be-“ Seonghwa cut him off.
“If you let them graduate hook free, I will expose these to the media and they won’t have to worry about their future, because it’ll already be ruined by me, especially Jung Dani. I will also expose you as well and you won’t have a big freshmen class in the fall” Seonghwa said in a threatening tone. “And you can repay Nari by letting her graduate and not letting her take her exams, her knowledge can back her up. I’ll be leaving now since you’ve wasted my time.”
Seonghwa left out the office with a big smile on his face, he knew threatening Mr.Han with bad exposure will get Nari the justice she deserves.
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Dani was now crowded by a group of people, hoping to her more lies about Nari.
“Dani-ah? Did she really do that to you?” A classmate asked.
“Yeah, but I heard she’s getting expelled so karma is hitting right back at her” Dani said in a smug tone. They heard the sounds of shoes angrily heading towards them. Dani looked and saw Sunji and Yunho.
“Oh looks it’s Sunji! Tell them more things about Nari’s real attitude” she said.
“No” Sunji stated.
Dani was shocked, she stood up and tried to intimidate Sunji. “Did you just say no to me?! You know what I can do right?”
“Cut the bullshit Dani! You’re not innocent, Nari is innocent. The first day we tried for internships, you tried to ruin her reputation! But those people didn’t pay no mind because they hate people just like you! You said Nari slept with Mr.Park just so she could get it, don’t act like you also didn’t plan to do that also. You were going to do way worse and you’re mad that he fell in love with Nari. Just admit it Dani. You’re jealous of Nari and all of her success, aren’t you?” Sunji said in a smug tone.
Whispers started to form around Dani. She was seething in anger, she didn’t plan for that to happen today, before she could get a hit on Sunji, people crowded her.
“So, you were spreading lies? Wow I can’t believe I believed you. I should’ve known you can manipulate people into believing anything” another classmate said in a disappointed tone. “I wish I could take back those emails I sent to Nari.”
Classmates now started to curse at Dani. Yunho grabbed Sunji’s hands and led her away from the classmates who are now angry at Dani.
“You did great, Nari is going to be really grateful of you” he said with a smile. “Now let’s go before any chaos happens.”
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A few days later, after all the chaos. Dani couldn’t graduate and got expelled the next day after everything was exposed. All the other classmates, except Sunji and Yunho, had received punishments. Nari was able to go to school without any obstacles, and people soon started apologizing to her.
Graduation was only a few days away and things were going crazy. But Nari was happy that her life is going back to normal like it should’ve been.
“Are you ready to graduate?” Seonghwa asked.
“Hmm I’m not sure. I’m not really that ready to step out in the real world” she said as she twirled her pencil around her fingers.
“Don’t worry, you can move in with me after graduation” he said.
“Are you sure?” She asked and he nodded.
“Yep” he said and then pulled something out of his pockets. “Here”
He slid the extra pair of keys across the table. It was the key to his house. She took the keys gratefully and smiled at him. “Thank you for helping me through this mess.”
“You’re welcome” he said with a smile. “Let’s go get you home, you have to prepare for graduation.”
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angloie · 3 years
(4/?) pt. 1 || pt. 2 || pt. 3 || pt. 5
> Annabeth would rather not have her ordeal with some of the world's biggest malefactors exposed. Not when her multi-million dollar company could be on the line. But a certain sea green eyed assassin had a little thing out for her-- things consisting of attempting to eventually kill her.
> Assassin! Percy x CEO! Annabeth.
> Warnings: angst + fluff, some violence. Mentions of alcohol.
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Annabeth should know better. Really.
How could she be as stupid enough as to fall asleep- intoxicated- in his car? Percy was a very dangerous man. She should know better as to where she should fall asleep. As of right now, Annabeth was at his mercy. His. So technically, Percy had the upper hand. What would his next move be? Kidnap her? Beat the information out of her? Worse?
No, of course not.
He wasn't someone who went around torturing people. No matter how rich or snotty they may be. In some extreme cases, yes, but Annabeth wasn't someone he would call extreme. Not quite yet.
So he waits it out a few minutes as the sirens permanently leave his hearing, looking at Annabeth's pockets. Her phone buzzes contiuously staining the dark interior of the car with light. Percy picks it out of her pocket in one quick snatch. Annabeth mumbles something and continues snoring, the side of her lips twitching slightly. He can't unlock it, but he reads the notifications.
Thals <3
Where the hell are you?
You got caught up in something or what?
yeah. ill be back soon. maybe tomorrow morning, maybe?
Thals <3
Seriously? That long? Luke and I are waiting, y'know.
Percy smirks to himself. There’s both a fingerprint and facial recognition system, so he grabs a finger from Annabeth to press it against the screen. It unlocks after a few tries, give or take.
Thals <3
Whatever. just be safe.
got it! but do you mind telling me what we were meeting up for again? my manager is asking me for some sort of excuse and I'm a little tipsy. im pretty sure he has a stick up his ass.
those drinks that the bartender makes are super strong.
Thals <3
You must be really fucking drunk as to forget huh? You seriously don't remember anything? We literally just had a talk about your little plan. just tell them you met up with a couple of friends or smth
My 'plan'?
Thals <3
Okay, just how far down are you???
mount olympus, july 16th? 10 pm? me, u and luke?
any of this ring a bell?
alright. I think I remember now.
Thals <3
alright luke is pestering mewjmshSHEBWKANAZJ61hehsnso9whsJSKA:&#*@
yeah, see you later.
"Ngh..." Annabeth turns, groaning quietly. For a second Percy freezes- thinking that she had woken up- but he sighs with relief when she went back to her slumber. Hes quick to delete the quick conversation completely. Percy laughs to himself. If she weren't his target, he'd maybe think more of her.
He starts the car bitterly. He has two options now: take her back to his own hotel, or alternatively, take her to her own place.
"Hey," Percy taps Annabeth's cheek. "Miss chase, you've fallen asleep."
She jolts awake, her eyes wide with surprise. "Wha- Oh!" Annabeth looks around. Percy gives a fake smile of comfort.
"Do you have a ride? Or perhaps you'd like me to drive you to your own h-"
"No!" She drawls, words slurring together. "No, my manager will kill me if he sees me like this. My assistant is..." Annabeth trails off like she's distracted. "She's no better than that pain in the ass manager!"
Annabeth is now rambling on, her breath reeking of alcohol. Percy wants to hurl at the smell. Well, even if he did, the drunk woman before him is much too drunk to notice. It seems rather unprofessional of Annabeth; being irresponsible in the hands of a random man. But she's drunk, and Percy knows she doesn't know any better. A perfect opportunity to take advantage of her.
Okay, not like that.
"Just take me-" Hic! "Somewhere else!"
"Is it alright if I take you to the place where I'm staying? Its a hotel nearby."
"Ungh... yeah. Whatever."
Percy frowns a bit. “Lightweight,” He mutters under his breath.
“Excuse you! I'm no lightweight!”
The streets of New York are quiet. It kind of surprises him, he's been used to all the traffic and honking of cars. Not to mention the usual unsightly person walking around wearing something rather... Unusual.
The streetlights illuminate more than the moon in the big city, big billboards and talk buildings taking the spotlight. The soft and steady hum of the car is soothing to Annabeth- who's mind is spinning from just the slightest bump in the road. They arrive to the Grand hotel in much less time than expected.
“We’re here,” Percy announces. He parks the car swiftly as Annabeth starts to awake. She rubs her eye with one hand.
“Hold onnn...” He takes her phone out, eyes squinting, trying to adjust to the bright lights. She takes a picture of the hotel. “In case you're here to murder me. My friend will be seeing this! Hic!” Her words slur together as before-- if not her words are even more unrecognizable.
He laughs. “Alright.” Percy leans over to unbuckle her seatbelt, ignoring the tiny slaps on his hands from a certain someone. Gods, he wants to leave her on the side of the road already. Percy walks over to the side of the car to open it, revealing Annabeth folded like a chair.
“Come on, now,” He picks her up. She grumbles something but doesn't protest further. “Lets get you out of there.”
People are sure to recognize her.
Percy frowns at that, so he rummages through the car's compartments until he finds a small case. A pair of sunglasses sit inside, dark tinted lenses just a little too big for her face. Percy then starts to carry her, bridal style, and pulls her head into his chest. She mumbles something he doesn't bother to decipher. The dark sunglasses are now settled atop her face, providing at least some disguise for the woman.
The hotel is brightly lit; yet empty. More like deserted. The receptionist must be away at the time. Well, it was well past midnight. that wasn't much of the shocker.
“I’m going to take you to my room, Miss Chase,” Percy says. “Is that fine with you?” Its not like Percy's waiting for an answer, because even if she protested, he wouldn't listen. Why would he in the first place?
Annabeth slurs out something and nods her head. (It sounds like a groan, really.) “Mhm...”
One swipe of a key card later, Percy and Annabeth are standing in the long hallway of his hotel room. The lights are off, except for the dim lightings coming from the chandelier in the living room and kitchen. It cold in there. He should adjust the temperature later.
“You-” She giggles. Annabeth's face is a weird shade of pink. “You’re certainly are the looker, aren't you?” Her lips twist into a sappy smile, breath laboured and choppy. Percy looks down at her.
“Im... sorry?” He asks. uh oh. Percy knows this stage. Every fibre in his body is telling him to run, run and leave her as fast as he can. though it's not that simple when you're the one holding them. Annabeth giggles once again, eyes not quite focused on him.
“Mmhm.. C'mere,” She pulls his neck closer. So close, in fact, that her breath fans across the exposed skin. He shivers.
“I-im not sure if you want to do that,” Percy reassures with a nervous laugh.
He reels his face away from hers and looks away. He starts to pick up the pace in which he walks to his bedroom partly because his face is starting to get warm, and partly because he's sure that Annabeth will try something else. It almost feels like he's been sitting in direct sunlight for too long.
Annabeth squirms in his grasp like a fish on a line. Percy places her on top of his bed, covers wrinkling and dipping from her weight. It might seem a little irresponsible as to have someone in your room as an assasin- personal belongings and all. It's definitely no better if that person is your target. Lucky for Percy; his weapon arsenal is hidden in a secret compartment stashed away.
“You feel nice,” She remarks lowly. Annabeth blinks at his figure. he's leaning over her now, hands on either side of her body. She can feel the heat emitting from her thin dress. Annabeth isn't sure why, but she bucks her hips towards him, trying to feel more of him.
What was she doing here, again?
She can feel and hear someone. right above her, trying to place her into a bed. Her bed?
From what Annabeth can sense, there's no force or aggression about the person's movements. They place her down, tugging the comforter over her body and right abover her neck. Soft. Gentle.
It makes her heart swell. This stranger is treating her with such care; and why? How the hell did she even get there?
But before Annabeth knows it, she’s already falling asleep, drifting away into the darkness.
Ow indeed. That's what she first notes when she wakes up from a what- 8+ hour long slumber?
Annabeth’s head is pounding like crazy. And her limbs are sore in all the worst possible places. Throat? Sore. Eyes? Stinging. Hair? A rat's nest.
She jolts up. There's two huge windows on both sides of the room, light seeping through the blinds. Beside her on the bedside table is a glass of water with advil. Bed sheets are sprawled on the bed, much like her, and-
Who's clothes are these?
Gods, her heart is pounding way too fast right now. And did her heart just do a flip? There's about ten thousand things running through Annabeth's mind. What about her company? Thalia? Luke? Was she kidnapped? No, a kidnapper wouldnt have as much hospitality as this! so it must be-
Annabeth's train of thought is derailed by the welcoming smell of breakfast that wafts through the closed door and into the room.
First things first. Find out whoever the fuck had bring her here.
She’s thankful for the water and advil. They had toned down her headache a bit, but certainly not enough when Annabeth doubles over in a sudden wave a nausea. It takes a while for her to go back to standing up straight, groans wracking her body.
The floor is cold on her bare feet, giving her a little wake up. Its a good thing Annabeth planned for taking a break from her meetings for the next week or so. She wasn't someone who was very... What? Unorganized? No, maybe irresponsible.
A penthouse? Annabeth thinks, silently walking to the source of the smell. Her feet pad on the ground. A hotel. All the signs are there. The interior that seems like it's been touched by no one, (part from the luggage in the living room,) furniture pristine and modern. Bleh. She's seen it in magazines and showrooms everywhere, and to be honest, she’s getting tired of the simple black and white.
A gentle humming is coming from the kitchen, the aroma of bacon and pancakes making Annabeth’s mouth water. She just hopes whoever is in there isn't some psycopath. The figure standing in front of the oven doesn't really seem like one, but who could be sure of it?
“Morning, Miss Chase.” His- she's assuming- voice rings out. The guy didn't even turn around yet.
“Um,” Annabeth scans her eyes across him, and then the food. “Where am I? And how did I get here?”
“Do you not remember?” The guy asks. Sea green eyes click across hers. His comforting tone, she notes, doesnt reach his eyes.
“Remember wha-"
Oh! The- The bar, and the gunshots, and... Them driving away. Annabeth getting drunk and ending up in his hotel. It all was coming to her now, much like a freight train.
Percy Jackson's hotel room.
She wasnt exactly familiar with him. But judging by the fact that her remains we're thinking scattered in a ditch right now, he wasnt some chainsaw murderer.
“I-im sorry.” Annabeth immediately apologizes. “Did I say anything weird?”
Percy pauses to take the pan off the glass stovetop. The bacon sizzles, glistening in the morning light. The apron he's wearing reads Kiss the chef, the smiling face of a creepy pig plastered on. How cheesy.
“Yeah. You did. Something about your manager and assistant being pains in the ass?” He laughs. “You were really pissed about it, too.”
She flushes red. “Fuck. Please just forget about that.”
He grins. “You looked pretty stupid also.”
“I said forget about it!”
“You don't have to tell me twice,” Percy puts his hand in the air in surrender, eyes looking towards the food.
“How about we eat breakfast first?”
Oh, how Annabeth loved it. The eggs, and the breakfast sausages, the bacon and French toast. The bowl of strawberries tasted just heavenly. The coffee wasn't half bad either. Two creams and one sugar, just how Annabeth liked it.
“I hate to ask this, but,” She starts, finishing munching on some bread. “But how did I get in these clothes?”
Percy wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. Theres a whole stack of napkins beside them, but whatever. “I changed you myself. It looked pretty stuffy in that right dress.” he bluntly states. Once he hears how obscene he's sounding, Percy stumbles over his words. “Don’t worry! I had my eyes closed the entire time, and I didn't try anything funny.”
Annabeth narrows her eyes. When she woke up, all her undergarments were still on her. No sign of any contact. He better not be lying.
They finish up soon enough, their plates sitting at the bottom of the sink. Percy points to the shower at the end of the hall because apparently 'She stinks.’ And fuck him because he's right.
At one point Percy gives her some of his clothing after her shower. A cotton shirt that seems just the right amount of oversized, and sweatpants that are light on Annabeth's skin. Her hair is thrown over her shoulders nearly and in orderly fashion, as per usual.
“So.” Percy says when Annabeth is in his living room, scrolling through that phone of hers. The phone had practically been blown up by texts and news from a shooting at a exclusive bar. The one they were at. “What’s your plan now?”
“Leave soon. Probably call my driver and head back to my own building,” They walk to the large doors of the room. “Why?”
“Its nothing.”
She looks at one of the shelves hanging on the white walls. They hold a few pictures frames. Percy's all in them. In one, his arms are warped around a middle-aged woman with brown hair and blue eys. A warm smile can be shown. On another one there's him with a group of people in front of a pool. He's younger in that photo, a bright smile lighting up the whole frame. His high school swim team, maybe?
“Pictures?” Annabeth asks, tilting her head.
“Yeah! It felt a lot more honey when I placed them there.” He says. Sorry, is it weird or-?”
“Not at all. You were part of a swim team or something?” Annabeth turns to look at him.
“Goode high. Here in New York, actually. A good team.” Percy laughs. “You curious or something?”
“I guess. It reminds me of my own high school days.” She sighs. “And that other picture. I seriously miss my mom. I-I mean! That is your mother, correct?”
“Yep! And I couldnt agree more.”
Percy hums in approval, getting up from his own seat. The two walks to the door until Annabeth is standing under it, her dress in a bag. It reeks of alcohol.
“Well then, Miss Chase-"
“Please. Annabeth is fine.”
“Annabeth,” He corrects himself. “This is where we part.”
“It certainly is.”
“I suppose I'll see you at the auction.”
“Wha- Oh, right! I'll be sure to return your clothing by then.” Annabeth shakes her head. “Thank you for your hospitality.”
“Its nothing, Really. Just make sure to not end up drunk in someone's car, alright?”
“Ugh, dont remind me.”
Percy gives a lopsided smirk. “Have a safe trip!” He remarks in a falsetto tone at Annabeth's retreating figure. She gives the finger in reply, laughing to herself as she reaches father into the hallway.
To be honest he doesn't care whether she gets to wherever she need to go safely. She's just a target, no more. Her being in danger would actually be better for his little mission. Much better, in fact.
But.. It might hurt him just a little when she dies by his hand. Maybe they relate to each other just a but- bit who have a rats ass about that? It wouldn't matter in the end.
Percy just hoped he could kill her off soon.
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I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I might edit it and little later for any typos/gramatical errors. lol  (´・ω・`)
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bittersweetmelxdy · 4 years
the other end of my scarlet thread...
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Words: 4,255
Summary: Every year at midnight of Christmas Night, everyone is able to see the red string of fate connecting them to their soulmate. Y/N has spent the last few years, chasing hers with no avail and is just about to give up, and simply spends her Christmas at the LFG company party, and then goes home alone. Victor has known who his soulmate is since the first year Y/N joined the company, however that was also the year he heard Y/N say in a drunken ramble (due to spiked punch) say that in a tier list of ‘who she’d date in LFG’, Victor didn’t even make the list. This year he plans not only to get on that list, but to be her only option.
Merry Christmas @chibienvychan03​, I’m your Secret Santa, I hope you enjoy it <3
Standing in the lobby of LFG, you tried to psyche yourself up to deliver the report to Victor, it would be your last report this year and you and your team had spent countless sleepless nights writing and refining the report so you could hopefully end the year on a glowing report. However, knowing Victor’s nitpicking tendencies you had literally stressed about this all night and even on the drive up to LFG, you had practiced the report with Anna, adding answers to questions you felt Victor would ask. However, the time had come, and Goldman walking up to you signaled that Victor was ready to see you.
“You look like death warmed up.” Goldman said as he got close to you.
“Gee, Goldman glad to see you too.” you replied playfully.
“I’m serious, you look even worse than the very first Christmas party you attended at LFG and you were so drunk.”
“Remind me, not to trust the communal punch bowl again.” you groaned, rubbing your forehead as if to banish the memory from you.
“Though I have to say, I didn’t think you’d have even less of a filter drunk than you did sober, it was pretty entertaining.” Goldman nudged you, as he laughed, “I mean that tier list, I didn’t even know you knew the main employees at LFG.”
“Of course, I do, I make a point to know all the people I interact with.” you said in a prideful tone.
Goldman scoffed, “Sure, you’re such a model business partner, you should give lessons.”  
“I think you’re just mad I only put you as a ‘B’ on my list.” you stuck your tongue out at him.
“I wouldn’t date you if you paid me.” Goldman threw back, at your scandalised gasp, “I think everyone was more shocked our CEO wasn’t even on your list.”
“There is no way I’d go out with a man who doesn’t even call me by my own name.” you pouted.
“Don’t you think maybe it’s just affectionate teasing?” Goldman asked.
“You’re on thin ice Goldman, keep talking and you won’t be getting away of my famous gingerbread.” you threatened, pointing a finger in his face, as you both stopped in front of Victor’s office.
Goldman grabbed the finger lightly, moving it from his face, “Alright, alright, I’ll stop. Go and give your report.”
You turned your head, noticing you had reached your destination, and quickly stepped away from Goldman. Fixing your appearance and taking a deep breath, after throwing a final glare at Goldman you raised your hand and knocked thrice on the door. After a minute you heard a deep “Come in.” and you stepped over the threshold to accept your fate.
After you finished your report, having answered ten grueling questions from Victor, and barely stuttering through the questions that despite your careful planning you somehow hadn’t prepared for. You now stood with bated breath, wondering why Victor hadn’t let you leave yet, as you shifted your weight from foot to foot as the silence grew between you. Watching Victor shuffle his papers and sign documents you kicked the floor slightly with the toe of your shoe, the slight noise alerting Victor.
“Hey, take a seat, I’ll be done in a minute and I’ll give you a lift back.” Victor gestured at the couch in the side of his office, and without waiting for your response went back to work.
Swallowing the barb dancing on the tip of your tongue, you walked over and plopped down on the couch, pulling out your phone to watch some videos whilst you waited for Victor. After a few minutes, you suddenly felt your phone being pulled slightly out of your grasp, and looking up you noticed Victor hovering over you, already dressed in his coat.
“Come on Dummy, let’s go.” Victor called and then stood back to his full height turning around to walk back to his desk to pick up his briefcase and file folder.  
You couldn’t help admiring the fine figure Victor cut in his winter get up, checking him out but quickly averting your eyes when he faced you once again. Standing up, you smoothed your outfit and then followed Victor, thanking him as he opened the door for you to exit the office. Passing through the corridors you passed Goldman, who seeing you with the CEO raised an eyebrow at you, but just as you took a deep breath to yell at him, he quickly called out.
“Remember, I don’t eat peppermint.” Goldman said patting you on the shoulder before leaving quickly before you could retort.
Shaking you head, huffing out a laugh and rolling your eyes as Victor behind you furrowed his brows casting his eyes between you and Goldman in confusion. However, he didn’t breach the subject until you were both sitting in his car and as he drove you home.
“So... what did Goldman mean?” Victor coughed once and glanced at you almost bashfully, but all this was lost on you as you kept your eyes on the scenery outside of the window.
“Oh, I bake a whole batch of gingerbread every year for my friends and stuff. And I do different flavour combinations for different people depending on their taste.
“You bake, does it taste good?” Victor said, and sadly his intended tease fell flat at your response.
“It’s good enough for people who aren’t gourmet chefs at least.” you threw back spitefully, and Victor winced slightly, deciding to change the topic instead.
“Anyway... you got any plans for Christmas?” Victor asked.
Deciding to cut him some slack, you humoured him in the change of subject, “No plans, apart from the LFG Christmas Party.”
“No... no plans with your soulmate?”
You laughed bitterly, raising your left hand to stare at your pinky finger, “I’ve spent years chasing after them and he obviously doesn’t want to find me, I think after this year, I’m just going to give up.”
Victor choked on his breath as he stopped outside your apartment building, turning to look at you with slight panic in his eyes, “What if he IS looking for you, right now?” he asked. You shrugged unbuckling your seatbelt and hopping out of his car, not answering his question you then shut the car door, turning to enter your building, missing how Victor stared at your retreating figure with determination in his eyes.
A few days passed and you found yourself navigating the supermarket at an ungodly hour of 1am so that you it was finally quiet and the only people accompanying you were tired college students and insomniacs. You picked up a basket, yawning as you walked through the automatic doors, before first navigating through the fruit and veg aisles, to pick up fresh ginger, oranges and other ingredients. You snapped a quick picture of the empty aisles, uploading it to your Moments with a yawning and sleepy emoji as the caption alongside the words, ‘Night Owl’, as you entered the dairy section. Crouching down in front of the various pots of double cream, you unlocked your phone to check the quantities you needed when you felt a cool sensation atop your head. Looking up, to your surprise, was Victor standing next to you, still dressed impeccably, a stark contrast to your very casual outfit. Grabbing the appropriate double cream containers and carefully placing them in your basket, you stood, and Victor placed a can of tea in your hands, before bending slightly and picking up your heavy basket with ease.
“You need anything else?” Victor asked softly, and you tilted your head as you once again saw the rare appearance of “soft Victor”, something that never failed to make you heartbeat race.
“Ah... um...” You stopped and collected your thoughts under Victor’s amused gaze, “No, I think I got everything. How come you’re here I thought you preached “8 hours of sleep a day”, and “if you don’t get enough sleep, you’ll continue to make stupid mistakes”.” during your quotations you deepened your voice to mimic Victor, before realising that it wasn’t the best idea to mock the prime investor of your company and you covered your mouth with your hands.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.” you apologised quickly, looking in the opposite direction of Victor.
Victor sighed, switching the basket to the outside and reaching out he placed his larger hand atop your head, ruffling your tresses affectionately, “If you have time to practice impressions of me, you should instead put that energy into proofreading your report.” you looked up and stared as Victor smiled softly at you, but you chalked it up to your sleepy state, and you spent the next half hour wandering the aisles of the deserted supermarket with Victor, picking up various ingredients and supplies, and finally once you reached the checkout, as you fumbled in your purse for your wallet, Victor took the opportunity to swipe his black card and pay for your groceries.
Leaving the supermarket holding the lighter of your bags, you turned to Victor to admonish him for his act, “Victor, I could’ve paid you know!”  
“I know that, just thought I’d help you out.” Victor shrugged before raising a hand to halt your open mouth, “No, you do not need to pay me back,”
You shut your mouth, and after a couple beats of silence, you erupted in giggles as Victor watching you also began to laugh at the silliness of the whole situation. Your combined breaths swirling around you both in white whisps, as you both calmed down. Once you had both regained your composure, you extended your hand out for Victor to return the bag to you so you can go home. But to your surprise Victor shook his head silently at you and then grabbed your right hand, leading you over to his car. As you walked the short distance in the still night blanketing Loveland City, you furrowed your brow as you felt a weird tingling feeling in your left pinky and looking down there was no visible change but shaking you head you dispelled such thoughts and simply followed the CEO with full trust.
A few more days passed, and you were window shopping in the New Light Mall, looking for a dress for the LFG Christmas Party. You had planned to just recycle a dress you already owned with a different jacket and some new accessories, but to your horror you noticed it had a stain on it, and it was in a pretty noticeable spot. Taking it to the drycleaners, the workers sadly informed that due to the holiday season, they would be unable to get it back to you before the Christmas Party date, knowing it was a fruitless endeavour, you apologised to the workers but still left the dress with them so you could at least have a clean dress for the next fancy function.  
Leading you to the current predicament, aimlessly wandering through the shopping centre, window shopping and hoping something would catch your eye. After an hour of searching, you were just about ready to give up when a simple dress caught your eye. Approaching the window, you noted that although the dress seemed simple in its cut and style, the choice of slightly shimmery satin gave it an air of elegance, and even better because of the simple but fashionable cut you could easily rewear the dress and change the look with different accessories. Casting your eyes to the side of the mannequin you saw a small plaque with the pricing of the dress, and your eyes lit up seeing it was an affordable price. Entering the store, you prayed silently that the store would carry your size, and lo and behold, it did. You held the dress up against your figure, as you watched yourself in the full-view mirror, giggling lightly and swishing out the skirt to admire the cut.  
After purchasing the dress, you noted the sky had grown dark and as you left the shopping centre you decided to take a detour through Creek Ancient Street where you knew there was a light display, before heading home. Just from approaching the bridge that led into Creek Ancient Street you could see the steady stream of people and the faint glow of the Christmas lights. Skipping your way past the colourful market stalls and following the pathway of lights, you found yourself in front of a large tree in the middle of the crossroads. The silver lights twinkled in the branches and in the darkness, it looked like scattered stars and casting your eyes to the side you saw that for a small price you could purchase a small ornament which you could attach a written wish to and then you could hang it on the tree’s branches. Walking towards the stall vendor, you examined the rows upon rows of Christmas ornaments, before spotting a small, cute snowman that wore a simple santa hat and a red sparkly bow around its neck. Pointing at it you asked for the vendor to take it down for you, when the vendor’s comment made you pause.
“Miss, this snowman comes in a pair would you like to buy the other one too?” the vendor handed you the smaller snowman, and then retrieved the snowman’s counterpart, a taller snowman with a deep red scarf, black hat and thick eyebrows, and showed him to you.
Looking at how well the pair looked together, you felt awkward in splitting them up, so you were about to hand the snowman back when a large hand appeared over your shoulder and plucked the snowman out of the vendors hand, replacing it with money to cover both ornaments. Turning your head quickly, your eyes widened as the sight of Victor, who simply thanked the vendor, who smiled in thanks for the purchase, and then he spun you around and led you over to the tree.
“Victor, what are you doing here?” you questioned.
“Just passing by.” Victor coughed into his fist and averted his eyes, and you could be mistaken but in the low hazy lighting you were almost certain that the red on the tips of his ears was out of embarrassment rather than the cold.  
You squinted in skepticism at Victor’s response, with how far away you were from LFG it seemed unlikely that Victor was simply “passing by”. But shrugging you turned your eyes to the ornament and after running over the snowman with your thumb, you uncapped a pen from the jar on a table next to the tree and thought about your wish.
“You not going to wish to meet your soulmate?” Victor asked.
Noting this was the second time in the last week Victor had brought this up you queried him, “Why are you so interested in my soulmate?”
“Maybe finding your soulmate will make you better at your work.” Victor teased, poking you directly in the middle of your forehead.
“Hey!” you rubbed your forehead pouting, “What about you?”
“What about me?” Victor asked, not watching you but instead finishing to write his wish.
“Is your wish about finding your soulmate?”
Victor stopped looked at you for a few seconds, before reaching up and hanging his ornament on the tree branch before answering with a simple, “Something like that.”
You hurriedly finished your wish with hopes of the coming year to make your father proud, and whilst handing the ornament to Victor your fingers brushed his palm, and as he turned to hang your ornament next to his you felt that tingling sensation in your pinky finger once again. Thinking it was simply pin and needles you rubbed it with your other hand until the feeling faded once again.
Stepping into the rented, lavishly decorated rented hall that was the location of the LFG Christmas Party, you marveled at the decorations, snapping pictures of the decorations to quickly add to your Moments. When you felt a hand on your shoulder, and you jumped with a small yelp.
“Goldman!” you called, spinning around, and seeing the drink in his hand you looked around for a waiter.
“Don't even think about it, the waiters know not to give you any alcohol.” Goldman told you.
“Come on, one glass.” you pouted.
“Talk to me when you stop being a lightweight.” Goldman deadpanned, despite your sad puppy dog eyes, “Anyway don’t you want to spend one party sober so you can find you soulmate?”
You scoffed, “Fine, but when I don’t find him, you owe me.” you pointed at him accusatorily.
Goldman nodded and then you and him after a short conversation, you both parted and you spent the next few hours talking to various employees of LFG, and taking some fun selfies with Kiki, Willow and Anna. Finally, as midnight drew closer your social battery was running low and you made your way over a deserted balcony, and you sighed leaning your arms on the railing.
“Please tell me no-one gave you alcohol.” a deep baritone cut through your reverie, and you opened your eyes to watch as he approached you and at your shiver Victor began to take off his coat, reaching to put it around your shoulders.
“Shouldn’t you save this behaviour for your soulmate?” You teased.
“Be worried about a certain Dummy’s health isn’t something my soulmate would get mad at me about.” Victor threw back, his tone softer than usual but you felt this was due to the festive period.
You sighed, casting your eyes to the stars twinkling above, “How come you’re so calm?”
“Most people your age seem more concerned that they haven't found their soulmate.” you mused.
“My age?” Victor teased, standing next to you and placing a hand next to your elbow, so he could lean over you slightly, “Am I so old to you?”
“You know what I mean.” you rolled our eyes.
“Aren’t people YOUR age still full of hopeless fantasies about your soulmates?”
“Yeah, some of us aren’t.” you sighed, drawing a circle on the stone railing.
“Really, with an imagination like yours I’d expect you had your whole future planned out by now.”
“I did once,” you smiled, rested your hands flat against the railing and leaned backwards, “I still have the scrapbook I made with my high school friends, it may seem silly but it was really fun at the time.” you didn’t know why, but you suddenly felt you had to justify embarrassing younger self to Victor.  
Victor reached out and placed it on your head, stroking your hair gently, “It’s not silly, not at all.” his soft tone, caused a heat to prickle under your cheeks.
“Thanks Victor, you’re really sweet when you want to be.”
“I’m glad even someone like you can see my good points.”
You scoffed, “You’re a good guy Victor, anyone would be lucky to have you.”
“Even you?”
You laughed, “Yeah even m-”
The clock struck midnight, and you looked down seeing a bright scarlet thread materialise around your left pinky finger, a neat little bow adorning it. Following the thread with your eyes, to your absolute horror for the first time in your life you saw the end of the red thread, neatly tied around Victor’s finger. You felt like ice cold water had been poured down your back, and you felt faint, stumbling backwards as you realised the only one who was shocked was you.
You lifted your trembling left index finger, pointing it Victor, “Y-y-y-you knew?”
Victor realising this was going south, tried to placate you, “Listen y/n-”
“How long?”
“How long, Victor!”
“... the first year you collaborated with LFG.”  
“It must have been real fun for you, to string me along whilst you laughed behind my back.”
“No, that’s not it.” Victor took a step towards you, but you shook your head, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes, stepping back once more, you ripped his jacket from your shoulders throwing it haphazardly at Victor’s face, before fleeing the venue.
Reaching home, you threw yourself on your bed not bothering to take off any of your clothes and started sobbing into your pillow. It wasn’t that you were disappointed in WHO your soulmate was, in fact part of your tears were full of relief, knowing that the guy you were beginning to fall for was your soulmate. Now the guilty feelings that were beginning to surface, that you were betraying your soulmate could be put to rest. You rolled over onto your back, teary eyes staring at your ceiling and hugging your pillow tightly to your chest. ‘What am I going to do now?’ you wondered closing your eyes and slipping off into a dreamless sleep.
You had spent the last week, avoiding Victor at all costs. If you had a meeting at LFG, Anna subbed in for you, saw him in the corridor, you hid behind a potted plant until you were certain he had gone. you had even recruited Goldman to give you updates on Victor’s movements, and although he had no idea what was going on, bless his heart he was still helping you avoid his boss.  
You sighed, leaning against the wall of an empty hallway in LFG on New Year’s Eve with Goldman staring at you confused.
“So... why are you avoiding the boss?” Goldman asked, passing you a water bottle from the vending machine.
“Hah... I... Goldman I-”
“So, you found out?”
You whipped your head up to look at Goldman where he stood next to you taking a sip of his own water bottle, “Y-y-y-you knew?”
Goldman shook his head, “Not for definite but I had a feeling, most of the office did, there’s still an active betting pool on when the two of you are going to finally get together.”
You felt the heat prickle in your cheeks, “A-a-are you part of it?”
Goldman snorted lightly, and offered no response, which meant he was definitely in on it, “Do you like him?”
“Who? Victor?”
“No, the other CEO who’s your soulmate.” Goldman deadpanned.
“I... I do, it’s just he never-”
“For someone who runs around talking about how everyone has different love languages, you really fail to see when someone’s speaking yours.” Goldman pushed off the wall and stood in front of you, “I know I poke fun at you at lot, but I mean it when I say please don’t do that thing you do when you run away from your problems.”
“I don’t-”
“Y/N.” Goldman said sternly.
You sighed again, watching out the window at the city lights blinking as the city prepared to celebrate the new year. “I’ll think about it.” you finished the conversation there and made your way into the streets of Loveland City.  
After aimlessly walking around the streets of Loveland City, your heart twinging with sadness every time you passed a happy couple snuggled up to each other whispering softly to each other in the wintery air. In a strange coincidence you ended up back at the large Christmas tree where you had bought the ornament. As you approached the tree you noticed that the shop vendors were taking down some of the ornaments and by chance the vendor you had bought the snowman from the first time spotted you and waved you over.
“Miss!” he called smiling at you brightly.
“Hello.” catching his infectious energy you smile brightly in return, “How come the ornaments are coming down?”
“City Council wants to take down some of the ornaments, so we don’t harm the tree, but I’m glad I caught you.” he then handed the two snowman you and Victor had bought over to you.
“Um, this one isn’t mine...” you started.
“Could you pass it to the gentleman that came with you?” the vendor smiled and then ran off before you could clarify to the vendor that you and Victor weren’t like that.
‘Yet’ your mind whispered, and you shook your head vehemently as if to shake it out of your head.
Stepping into the square, you saw that the minute countdown had started for the new year and you stood stock still amidst the happy people anticipating the new year, caressing Victor’s snowman with your thumb, before the crinkling of the paper caught your eye. Your curiosity winning over your conscience, caused you to turn the paper over to see in Victor’s neat handwriting.
“Please let Y/N, love me back.” a deep baritone voice was heard above you, and you looked up in surprise to catch Victor’s soft eyes.
“Victor?” you whispered, as he approached you, his large hands reaching out to hold your cold cheeks.
“You never let me finish, before you ran off.” Victor said, “I’ve known since the first year, but you got drunk and wouldn’t even put me of your list of people you would date in the company, I’ve spent few years trying to get you to see me in the way I see you.”
“You like me too?” you said in disbelief, the multiple times that Victor was sharp with you flashing through your eyes before overlapping with all the times he was soft with you.
The countdown hit zero as Victor rested his forehead against yours, and as the cheers of the public became background noise around you as the only thing you could hear was Victor’s deep voice saying sincerely to you.
“Dummy, since the moment I met you, I’ve been waiting for you to see the light.”
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snelbz · 4 years
The Ranch {5}
An A Court of Thorns and Roses, Nesta x Cassian, Modern AU, fanfiction.
Collaboration: @tacmc x @throne-of-ashes-and-beauty
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The air was thick in the kitchen as Nesta stirred the sauce she was simmering in the skillet on the stove top. It was her secret recipe, one that won her the hearts of many overseas.
Feyre was seated at the kitchen table, sipping a glass of wine, staring daggers into Nesta’s back.
Nesta could feel her sister’s stare and she didn’t want to turn around to meet it.
Elain was supposed to be there.
She was running late.
“So,” Nesta began, clearing her throat. “I’m glad you came.”
Feyre said nothing.
Nesta stared into the skillet. “I plan to have a reopening for the B&B. Hopefully near the end of the summer. I was hoping you and Lainy could help.”
Still nothing.
Nesta’s jaw clenched as she dumped a stack of noodles into a pot on the back burner before turning over the breaded chicken on a separate burner. 
She could keep trying, but she would only be wasting her breath. Feyre and her hadn’t talked for years, Nesta knew it would be rough. But, she couldn’t live in Velaris without trying to reconnect with the only family she had left, which was why she had invited her sisters over for dinner.
If only Elain would hurry the fuck up.
Nesta reached for her own glass of wine and took a full swallow, turning and staring out the window.
She’d taken to cooking in the main house with its gorgeous up-to-date kitchen. It was the best way for her to still have a little piece of her old life. But the only problem with that meant that she couldn’t get away from him.
And as she gazed out over the pastures, the sun setting on the other side of the farm, she caught sight of his tanned, inked, muscular back as he led his horse back down towards the stables.
He’d shown up at the main house the day after their conversation, asking to talk to her. He had been almost bashful and seemed apologetic, but she’d barely slept the night before.
The last thing he’d said before he’d walked out kept repeating in her mind.
And to think I thought your own sister was wrong about you.
Nesta sighed, not meaning for it to be quite as dramatic as it was, and took another drink of her wine.
“So what made you decide not to fuck him?”
Nesta stilled, wine glass still lingering in front of her open lips. She cleared her throat, “What?”
“Cassian’s more open with Rhys and Az than you are with your own sisters,” Feyre said, hostility lacing her tone. “And, contrary to popular belief, he’s not the best at keeping his feelings hidden.”
Nesta slowly turned to face her youngest sister. She was sitting at the table, golden-brown hair high in a pony-tail. Her arms were crossed, her chin raised high, those gray-blue eyes that mirrored her own full of distaste. 
“That’s none of your business,” Nesta replied, shortly.
Feyre scoffed, shaking her head. “You wanted me to come over so we could start over. Well, I’m here, and I’m asking questions. You’re not off to a very good start in mending our relationship.”
Nesta wanted so badly to tell Feyre to fuck off, to get out, but she knew it was just the sudden rise in emotion talking. As her body filled with discomfort, Nesta turned back to the stove, nodding slowly. 
She continued to stir her homemade sauce as it simmered.
“It wasn’t right,” Nesta said, simply, words clipped. “I was drunk and got carried away.”
Feyre snorted. “Blame it on the alcohol-.”
“I was as drunk as I was because my sister slapped me in front of a fucking bar full of people,” Nesta snapped.
Feyre kept silent, and Nesta didn’t dare look back over her shoulder. It was true - true enough, anyway. Nesta had deserved to get slapped, no matter what she had told herself up until that point. But, it didn’t erase the fact that it left her embarrassed in a room full of people and shamed among her own family and friends - if they could even be considered friends, which, Nesta was pretty sure they couldn’t. 
“I’m sorry I slapped you,” Feyre said, at last, “but, I’m not going to apologize for being pissed.”
Nesta nodded, curtly, staring into the skillet.
A minute passed before Feyre asked, “Wanna talk about it?”
This time, Nesta did look over her shoulder, brow raised.
With tight lips, Feyre shrugged. “I’m trying too.”
After a deep breath, Nesta decided that she should take the opportunity while it presented itself. If she didn’t, the opportunity might not come again. 
“He intrigued me,” Nesta began.
Feyre snorted. “Yeah, he has that effect on people.”  
Shaking her head, Nesta leaned back against the counter top. “It wasn’t just the alcohol. Maybe some of it, but he did….I was intrigued. He’s handsome, obviously, and he was being kind. And we were alone, and I haven’t been alone with a handsome man in a long time, Feyre. But, then it all started, and I… Everything came back to me.” Her voice had become hushed, and she was staring at her crossed arms, at her index finger drawing circles around a freckle on her elbow. “The last time I was with a man was in college, and everyone knows how that turned out - including, apparently, Cassian, judging by the self loathing in his eyes when he tried to come in here to talk to me this afternoon.”
To Nesta’s surprise, some of the tension faded from Feyre’s shoulders and her eyes softened. “Cassian is a good guy, Nesta.”
“I’m his boss,” Nesta said. “Nothing good ever comes from that.” 
“He does this work so he can keep his house and do something he loves,” Feyre began, cocking her head to the side as she watched her sister. Nesta felt bare and vulnerable beneath that gaze. “He makes the money he lives off of elsewhere. You’re hardly his boss.”
Nesta disagreed, but she kept the comment to herself. Instead, she asked, “What does he do?”
Feyre hesitated. “That’s not my information to give out.” There wasn’t any rudeness to her voice, just fact.
Nesta tried to keep the frustration from her tone, but the small laugh that left her sounded bitter even to her own ears. “Yeah, all I keep getting told is that it isn’t illegal, and with all the secrecy, I’m starting to wonder.”
Feyre sighed. “Does he seem like the type to sell drugs, Nes?”
Hearing the familiar nickname from her baby sister’s lips melted whatever ice had hardened between them at the change in subject and Nesta turned, sitting down in the barstool next to Feyre.
“We should...talk,” Nesta said, carefully.
Feyre, eyes wary, took another drink of her wine. Nesta could practically see the shields raising again. “I thought that’s what we were doing.”
“I know, we are, but I just-.” Nesta sighed. “We need to talk about me leaving.” Feyre clearly wasn’t expecting her to bring it up so directly, because she physically flinched. Nesta pressed on. “We need to talk about why I left, and how you felt, and what exactly happened. It’s been almost ten years. We’re big girls now, and I-.” Nesta hesitated again. “I want my baby sister back…”
Feyre’s eyes, the twin to Nesta’s own, softened and she opened her mouth to reply, but the back door burst open.
“I’m so sorry I’m late,” Elain said, eyes darting between them both, a look of sheer panic on her face.
Feyre looked at Elain, at their sweet sister who was so concerned with their relationship, who just wanted to see her sisters back to normal, and turned back to Nesta. A soft smile graced her lips. “Let’s get coffee one day this week.”
Nesta nodded, a breath leaving her body as she said, “Okay.”
“What did I miss?” Elain asked, pulling out the stool next to Feyre’s.
“Everything,” Feyre assured her.
Elain frowned as she sat. “Even the Cassian thing?” she whispered, even though she was fully aware that Nesta was sitting right there and could hear perfectly clearly.
Feyre grinned as Nesta rolled her eyes. “Yes, and I’m not repeating any of it.”
Nesta pushed herself out of the chair and went back to the stovetop. Behind her, Feyre said, “We’ll blame Azriel, I assume it’s his fault you’re late.”
Elain’s cheeks had reddened when Nesta turned back around. “He came home on his break. He works late tonight.”
“Thought you both had the day off?” Nesta asked, reaching up into the cupboard for a mix of seasonings and spices.
Elain sighed. “Low man on the totem pole once more. They had two mechanics call out, so they needed him to come in and cover.” Feyre poured her a glass of wine and she nodded her thanks before taking a healthy sip. “On the plus side, it’s all overtime. So, we’ll take it.”
“Was Az hammered when he got home last night?” Feyre asked.
Elain snorted. “No, but he smelled like a frat house.”
“Rhys did, too!” Feyre laughed. “I made him shower before he could get back in bed.”
The two girls giggled and Nesta couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy. At the familiarity, at the ease of conversation, not just about their relationships, but with each other.
All at once, Nesta was hit with just everything she’d missed.
She felt guilty, as she had a thousand times before, but it was different now, being with them as they chatted about their lives. Meanwhile, Nesta didn’t know Rhysand or Azriel, didn’t know anything about either of her sisters' relationships - just that they were in relationships with good men.
She cleared her throat and turned. She smiled and said, “Dinner is ready. Help yourselves and I hope you enjoy.” Both Feyre and Elain looked at her with their brows raised. “What?” She asked.
Elain said, “That was so…”
“Formal,” Feyre finished for her.
Nesta chuckled. “I’ve been cooking for prime ministers and dukes and millionaire CEOs. It’s a habit.”
Nesta felt a little lighter as her sisters grabbed a plate and filled them high. Once she had her own, Nesta sat with them at the table and asked, “So, tell me about Rhys. He proposed? How?”
“In our backyard,” Feyre said, chuckling as she swallowed a mouthful of pasta. “Holy shit, this is delicious.”
“Thanks,” Nesta said, grinning, “Now continue.”
“Right,” Feyre began, setting down her fork and clapping her hands together. “In our backyard, which may not seem very romantic, but I definitely sobbed. I got home from work and I could hear him playing in the backyard, he’s a musician. Well, in his free time, anyway. So, I follow the music to the backyard and he has the porch lit up with string lights. He was already down on one knee, playing his guitar, then he started singing. I was crying before the song was even finished, and it was a full on ugly cry by the time he asked me to marry him.”
Nesta chewed, slowly, eyebrows raised. “That’s incredibly romantic.”
Elain just rolled her eyes, but she was grinning. “That’s the story we all hear, anyway, but we’ve known Rhys for a long time….”
Feyre laughed. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Azriel swears it’s all made up,” Elain said, piling her fork high with noodles. “He swears Rhys doesn’t have a romantic bone in his body.” 
“Either way,” Feyre went on, “it happened and Azriel and Cassian have given him shit since. They also beg to hear the song he wrote that he sang when he proposed, but that would only force them to give him more shit.”
Nesta laughed, quietly. “He sounds great. Rhys.”
“He is,” Feyre said, eyes growing soft as she took another bite.
“And Azriel?” Nesta asked, turning her attention to Elain.
“He’s great.” Elain said, smiling, repeating what Nesta had just said.
“I know he’s great, but tell me about him.” Nesta laughed. “I have ten years of things to catch up on.”
Feyre blinked a few times and said, “You really don’t remember any of them, do you?”
Nesta blushed. “I don’t. I feel awful, but…” She sighed. “You both know how I was in high school. I paid no attention to the people around me unless they were you two-.”
“Or Tomas Mandray?” Feyre cautiously asked.
Nesta’s teeth clacked together as her jaw hardened.
Before she could respond, Elain said, “I think there may be a few yearbooks in my closet. Let me look!”
“Please, don’t-.”
But Elain was already hurrying up the stairs, to her old bedroom, where her stuff was stored in a stack of tubs in the closet. Nesta let out a long breath as Feyre, completely humored, continued to eat her pasta. 
Elain had come back down the stairs a minute later, the yearbook from Nesta’s senior year held tightly against her chest.
“Okay,” she said, sitting back on her stool, plate forgotten for a moment. She flipped through the pages, to where the freshmen were listed, and displayed Feyre’s picture proudly.
Nesta laughed as Feyre groaned. “Bangs were not my thing.”
“I thought they looked cute,” Elain grinned, turning the page. “Ah, and here is Rhys, before he got all bulky and tattooed.” 
Nesta looked at the picture closely and huffed a laugh. “Ten years did him well.”
Feyre didn’t disagree.
Elain flipped through the book and a wide grin spread across her lips as she pointed to Azriel.
“He wears glasses?” Nesta asked.
“Contacts,” Elain said, nodding. “He doesn’t like his glasses.”
“I think they’re cute,” Feyre said, perching her chin on her fist atop the table as they all looked through the book. “Especially on prepubescent Az.” 
Nesta snorted as Elain flipped to the next page. “Ah, here’s Cassian.”
Nesta took a good look at the boy on the page. She could tell it was him, he was definitely familiar, but she didn’t remember him from then. His hair was a lot shorter, not at all close to the shoulder-length it was now. His face was clean, he probably couldn’t even grow facial hair then. But those hazel eyes were still full of mischief, even at seventeen as he stared into the camera. 
She didn’t remember any of them, though.
She had been too busy living in her own little world. 
The back door to the kitchen swung open, and as if he had known she’d been thinking of him, Cassian entered through the doorway.
He paused, hand still on the doorknob, as three sets of eyes shot his direction. Nesta’s heart began to thump wildly against her chest.
His chest, however, was bare, as Nesta assumed was the norm, and glistening with sweat. His hair was shoved back, tied behind his head. 
He blinked, and cleared his throat, “Uh, sorry. I just...was going to grab a bottle of water.”
“Do you ever wear a shirt?” Feyre asked, no doubt, Nesta assumed, trying to break the tension. 
She could hear the cheeky response before he said it, knew it would be something that would rag on her little sister as if she were his own. She’d bet, at this point, she practically was.
Instead of saying anything though, he pulled open the larger of the two fridge doors, and grabbed a couple of cold bottles of water. His eyes fell on the six pack in the door and as he turned, his eyes caught Nesta’s.
She couldn’t describe the emotions she saw roiling inside. Regret. Shame. Sadness. Anger. Frustration. Longing.
He looked like he wanted to say something, looked like he was going to ask her to talk. Nesta opened her mouth, to ask to do just that when he turned and said, “I’ll start on the stables tomorrow,” and left the kitchen without another word.
“So…” Elain said, sliding the yearbook to the middle of the kitchen table. “You want to tell me what’s going on between you two?”
Nesta stood, taking her still near full plate and scraping the contents into the trash, walking to the sink as she said, “Nothing. There’s nothing going on between us. He’s a ranch hand and I own the ranch.”
She didn’t turn as she turned on the water and began rinsing the plate.
There was a pause. “Doesn’t mean you two can’t be on friendly terms, right? I mean...that was…”
Elain’s words faded away, but then Feyre supplied, “Awkward as shit.” 
“Yeah…” Elain muttered.
“That’s not necessary,” Nesta said, opening the dishwasher and putting the plate inside. It was clear he didn’t want to talk to her, didn’t feel the need to discuss what happened that night, or the day before when she blew up at him in the kitchen.
Which, she shouldn’t have. She threatened to take away a job he loved, the home he lived in, and that wasn’t fair, no matter how pissed and mortified she was. 
“So, you’re just going to go along working together, and every time you’re in the same room, that’s going to happen?” Feyre asked. 
Nesta sighed, her face falling into her hands, her elbows leaning on the counter. “I don’t know,” she muttered.
Elain had hopped off her stool and was walking up behind her big sister. “Cassian’s a reasonable guy, Nesta. He obviously feels just as awkward about it all as you do. You should talk to him.”
She would rather stab herself in the eye.
Although, if she did that, she couldn’t see him riding through the pastures without a shirt on, and that would be a damned shame. 
“I don’t know,” Nesta sighed, leaning her hip against the counter and crossing her arms. “We both said some pretty bad stuff. I mean, sure, I want a civil relationship, especially if he’s going to work for me. Sure, I wish I could take some of the things I said back. Sure, I-.” Sure, I’d love to see if the rest of him is as delicious bare as his chest is.
The final thought slammed through her, and she cleared her throat before she could voice it out loud. “The point is, not only did I say some stuff out of line, but so did he and-.”
“And he came and apologized.” Feyre said, looking at her as she refilled her wine glass. “Can you say the same?”
Yes, she should apologize, but she really, really didn’t want to. “Apologizing has never been a strength of mine,” she muttered.
Neither sister said a word.
Nesta groaned, again. “I don’t know-.”
“Bring him a beer,” Feyre suggested, taking a sip from her wine glass. “Beer is his love language. Oh, or whiskey. Yeah. Do that if you’ve got it. A nice bottle of whiskey goes a long way with that one. But do that later, you’ve got the beer now.”
“I can’t-.”
“Come,” Elain said, pulling on Nesta’s hand, dragging her toward the backdoor.
“I can’t!” she yelled, trying to pull her hand away.
Elain rolled her eyes, but now Feyre was standing in front of the backdoor, arms crossed.
“Cassian is one of our closest friends, we can’t have the two of you bringing that shit into our circle,” Feyre grinned. “Lainy, fix her boobs.”
“My wh- Elain!” Nesta cried, as Elain fixed her bra so that her breasts were pushed up, peeking out from her tank top.
“What?” Feyre blinked. “Beer and boobs. Two things you’ll have that Cassian can’t stay mad at.”
“I’m not going out there,” Nesta protested.
“Yes, you are,” Elain went on, hands on her hips. “And you’re going to apologize, because you want to, and because you should. And, because we want you back in our lives, Nesta...and Cassian is a big part of our lives. He’s a good man. Things need to be set straight, and made right.”
Feyre held up a can of beer from the fridge, where she was slowly walking back from. “The beer of peace.”
Nesta decided that Feyre was a little tipsy if she was being this nice, no matter how much progress they had made that evening. Either that, or she knew Nesta apologizing would be a disaster and she wanted to watch the show. 
“This is a conversation the two of us need to have by ourselves, I’ll stop by his cabin later-.”
“No, I don’t trust that one bit,” Elain said. “I won’t believe it if I’m not here to witness.”
“I’m the oldest,” Nesta snapped. “I don’t need you two treating me like a fucking child!”
Feyre just grinned wider as Elain looked at her older sister with big, pleading eyes. 
“Fine,” Nesta said, the word clipped. “But if I make things worse, I’m coming in here to kick both of your asses.” 
“Oh, we’ll be waiting,” Feyre assured her, although Nesta didn’t feel reassurance, whatsoever.
She snatched the beer out of Feyre’s hand, half tempted to shake up the can as she walked out towards the round pen he'd headed for when left. As she approached the half open gate, she glanced down at her chest, and toward the vast expanse of skin, ink and back muscles in front of her as Cassian brushed down one of the horses.
She set the can down on top of one of the fence posts, and listening to Elain and Fayre’s advice, adjusted her bra, lifting her breasts until they were damn near falling out of her top.
She wanted to fix them, to stuff them back down into her tank top, put on a hoodie, go back to the house and crawl in her bed. But even without turning around, she knew that both of her nosy, couldn’t stay in their own business sisters were currently staring out the window at her. And Cassian had noticed her and was heading this way.
Nesta picked up the beer and cleared her throat, stepping through the gate and into the pen.
His boots kicked up the dirt of the pen as he walked towards her, stopping just a few feet away, and Nesta did her best not to watch the bead of sweat that ran between his pecs and towards his abdomen.
She held out the beer. “This is for you.”
Cassian blinked. “Is it cold?”
Nesta rolled her eyes. “Does it matter?”
He huffed a laugh, although it didn’t meet his eyes. He walked closer to her, then, and took the can from her outstretched hand, just as Nesta leaned into the railing.
As he popped the can open, his eyes had stopped on her overly-exposed breasts. They lingered, for a second too long, before he brought the can to his lips. 
“Thanks,” he said, after a minute.
He turned to walk away but Nesta blurted, “Do you need a hand?”
Cassian froze, one thick eyebrow raised. He slowly looked down at her feet. “You’re barefoot.”
She hadn’t had a second to put on her shoes before her sisters pushed her out the door.
Nesta shrugged. “Daisy’s calm enough.” She looked at the nearly all-white mare that Cassian was brushing. “I’ll be careful not to step in shit.”
Cassian chugged the rest of the can and set it back on the post before saying, “Why are you out here, Nesta? Have I done something else to make you disapprove of me?”
She rolled her eyes, frustration filling her. “I don’t even know why I came out here.” She turned to go back into the house.
“So you run?” Cassian asked, the volume of his voice raising slightly. “When something happens that you don’t like or you can’t control, you run.” Nesta paused where she’d been taking a step to go back to the house. The window where there’d been two nosy heads moments earlier was blessedly empty now. “Apparently you’re real good at it. This is the first time I’ve gotten to see it, you know, since you snuck out while my back was turned last time. But it seems to be your go to.”
Nesta had turned back to him, not speaking, just letting him get whatever this was off of his chest.
“What are you going to do when you decide you want to run from the ranch again, Nesta? Huh? Cause you’re coming out here, offering your help, tits out, no shoes, but I don’t even think you know the first thing about this place. What are you going to do when you have to help me bury a still born calf at four in the morning? What about when we have another year where we have to burn the entire field of crops?”
He grabbed the beer can and threw it across the pen. It bounced off the wooden fence with a ping!
“I’ve run this ranch on my own for the past four years. If you’re going to up and run out on me one day, I need you to go ahead and tell me now so I can decide whether or not this is the future for me.”
Nesta hesitated for a moment, unaware he was going to blow up on her like that. Although, she shouldn’t have been surprised. And she shouldn’t blame him. “And if I’m not?” 
Now it was Cassian’s turn to hesitate. “If you’re not what?”
“Going to leave,” she said, simply, chin raised. “Because I’m not leaving. My dad… Well, he left me this place and I intend to do my best to ensure that his legacy lives on. So, no, you giant ass, I’m not leaving. And, you’re right, I have no idea what I’m doing. I’ve never been iinterested in ranching, and now that I own this shithole, I suppose I should, shouldn’t I?”
Cassian was watching her, perfectly still, as the the words poured out of her.
“I have no idea what I’m doing,” she continued, shaking her head, but she wasn’t looking at Cassian, not anymore. “I have no idea what I’m fucking doing!”
She knitted her fingers into her hair and leaned forward, groaning as she did. “I’m in so far above my head that it’s not even funny.”
Cassian stood there, watching as this woman who’d done nothing but plague his thoughts, day and night, proceeded to break down inside the round pen.
He didn’t know what to do. Whether he should leave her be or step forward and comfort her.
This strong, beautiful woman, who was more frustrating than any horse he’d tried to break and more confusing than them either.
He took a tentative step forward. “Look, we-,” he paused and scratched at the back of his neck. “Nesta, we got off on the wrong foot. Let’s- Can we start over? We’ll forget my stupidity and the other night and the times where you were a bit of a bitch…”
He looked at her to gauge her reaction to his joke. When her head snapped up and he saw a spark in those stormy eyes, he knew he’d struck home.
“When I was a bit of a bitch?” She laughed. “What about when you were a complete and utter dick?”
“I was going to leave that part out of my argument,” he murmured, but he was grinning, because the second she laughed, he couldn’t help himself. “You’re right. I was a dick, and I’m sorry.”
“I am, too,” she said, quietly, a small smile lingering on her mouth. “What I said out of anger and embarrassment….well, I said a lot that I shouldn’t have, and didn’t mean. I know you love this job, Cassian, and you’ve made a home here. I wouldn’t take that away from you. You know, unless you really piss me off.”
Cassian laughed, quietly, looking down at his boots. “Fair enough.” 
Nesta nodded, slowly, then looked back over her shoulder, where Elain and Feyre were once again watching through the kitchen window. She scowled.
Cassian noticed, too, once he looked back up, because he shook his head and laughed. “Alright, city girl,” he began, handing her a brush. “You wanna help? If your sisters are watching, at least give them a show.” 
She grabbed the brush from his outstretched hand and took a step toward Daisy, but Cassian was laughing, quietly, as he watched.
She froze. “What?”
Cassian just shook his head. “We’re going to have to get you some boots.”
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life-rewritten · 4 years
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So here we are, Dalmi has finally found out the truth this week in Start Up. Her reaction is understandable and it even hurts even more to see the people involved in her heartbreak and sadness. Dosan and Jipyeong. This episode was show casing their own emotions, as we’re about to get a change coming soon, something is about to push our characters away from each other so that they grow and mature and rediscover who they really want/love. But before we get to next week’s separation and Dalmi’s first choice, let’s look at the symbols for this episode. 
The title for episode 9 was Risk( Doing something with the possibility of loss)  and Episode 10 was Demoday (an event where business owners show case their achievements in hopes for investments/promotions)
So from these two titles you can already see how this revolves again around the love triangle. We have to look at how the guys connect to these two titles when it comes to Dalmi. So let’s look at all the symbolisms/ meta used this episode. 
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Risk: The possibility of losing 
Both guys are both at risk of losing everything. In my previous analysis I talked about how Dosan percieves he’s at the losing end every time it comes to being percieved as someone worthy, but also Jipyeong showed in episode 9 that he felt it was unfair that he could lose everything he cares about and wants when he’s been involved from the beginning. For Dosan the main thing he was losing was Dalmi’s love and respect for him. He was in love with her, and he’d finally entered a relationship with her since their kiss. They’ve become intimate and close and she saw him as her life partner. (co owner of her 71% shares). For Dosan, Dalmi was everything to him, the only thing he didn’t want to give up on. But if you noticed apart from looking how he felt about Fate being in his way because of his guilt of cheating when he was young, he still was making progress slowly and had accepted that he had to tell her who he was. He now understood it was time despite how afraid he was (he was so scared he drank to run away from his problems) but he still chose to make that risk. In the show the sandbox CEO lady talks about risk to In Jae, she explains what it means to make a choice that has a possibility of loss, she understood and empathised with those who had lost something. 
It's the same with Dosan; it might seem like choosing with the possibility of losing can lead to him losing everything if this girl finds out who he is, but in business terms sometimes risks lead to reward/success, risks lead to something finally happening, and sometimes risks can be hurtful and can lead to a loss. Thing is Dosan thinks he's the one who will lose everything, but honestly the storm is the Risk that leads him to his success. Another sad point for Jipyeong who seems like he's not really at Risk because he's the original Nam do san, but he's ironically the Most at Risk of losing everything he wants; Dalmi and the grandmother by his side. Because you could see it when Dosan took them on that date that he'd been replaced and he'd been cast aside.  Jipyeong believed that by telling Dalmi how he felt; he’d have her open to finally choosing him and liking him the way she already did before. In fact it’s probably done the opposite it’s made Dalmi realise her fantasy with that letter and its made her compare it to the actual relationship and person Dosan has been to her. It might not seem like a risk for him for Dalmi to know about him but it ended up being one. This brings me to the next title
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 Demo day
The person who Dalmi said she wanted to show up was Dosan, yes it was the version of her fantasy Dosan: the ideas she had about him; he'd still be a genius, rich. modest, successful etc. But it was still Dosan she wished for to show up when her world crumbled. With Jipyeong she realised he cared but she was bothered because she felt guilty and burdened by the fact that she was now into the other Dosan, that now she had her real Dosan revealed to her but he wasn’t the person she had started to invest her feelings in. Remember title is demo day, the boys are putting on a show for Dalmi’s investment, for her to promote them as her choice. Dosan feels like he has nothing to offer but his hands but he still shows her he cares, he advances (whilst people thought it was stalkery Jipyeong was doing the same but it isn’t about the stalking you need to focus on its about who’s showing up) he shows up when she’s drunk, he shows up in the morning straight away to see her after their fight, he shows up directly to her face,  at the end to tell her to let go of her fears and trust in the company. 
What he says about her being CEO is also about himself, its a metaphor, nothing about him was fake, she was right to trust and believe and be confident about their relationship. He was genuinely in love with her. JIpyeong also shows up sometimes, he shows up at the restaurant and admits to her how he feels but he still lags behind, he still avoids her directly, yeh he tried to be a mentor for the CEOs to see her and he did tell her to have her confidence and go on stage choose the right investors but it wasn’t showing up directly, it was again to everyone hidden as an advice, we might see what he’s doing but it wasn’t as obvious or direct and it didn’t have an effect on her sorry I just have to say it and  it doesn't still doesn’t do anything to help her confidence, he is helpful (the questions to help her feel confident but again its Dosan he gives that to not her directly do you see what I mean.) The only direct thing he did was tell her he likes her and that he went to see her in that far away town because he likes her. That’s nice and all but we saw more than one time when Dosan went to Dalmi directly. Jipyeong waited for opportunities to find a reason but Dosan forced opportunities to be there. And sadly the last time for him to show up (Plan B) is blocked by Dosans friends. And I feel bad for him because he’s waiting for an opportunity to show up for her, but he’s stopped and so he’s behind yet again.
 But for Demo day just remember the person Dalmi said she wanted to see a show from was Dosan, he’s one she wanted to invest her feelings in, he’s the one she wanted to return back to (the moments she spent with him that day he showed up in the suit), its also Dosan who tries to put on another show (by running to go wear the suit when she’s drunk) he misses the opportunity but again he’s the one who’s showing/demoing his feelings for her the most. But also the person who we learn about his achievements; the origin, his opinions, his feelings is Dosan. He’s the one who we just watched the previous episode talk about his winnings. He felt like he had none but we know thats wrong. Alex shows up to show him he’s worth investing in. He’s the one who is being invested in for his qualities/ achievements in an episode called Demoday. That’s how I saw the metaphor for demo day. Okay for symbols:
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Gust of wind vs the storm:
It's a fascinating symbolism. In this episode it's linked to Dosan. But I can't help but remember it was also mentioned to Jipyeong by Yeongsil as his fortune in episode 1; Dalmi was the gust of wind that was entering his life again. I think this symbolism is another painful ironic metaphor for both Dosan and Jipyeong. Also I want to mention that it wasn't just a metaphor we also saw a physical image of this happening, its the rain towards the end of episode 9 (rain symbolises an impending storm /disaster is coming). Dosan was not hit by the rain, Jipyeong was. Let me explain further:
Dosan says that the wind is actually a storm to him, its causing harm and its always pushing him away and always leaving him with just devastation, but actually its Jipyeong who the wind is cruel to. Hear me out, the wind represents Fate, so we already know the wind is on Dosan's side, it provides him with the answers, it gives him Dalmi, it provides him all he wants but he thinks its by deceit. He is apprehensive and is always guilty waiting for the storm to hit because he believes its a punishment when he receives these rewards, but he doesn't see that the storm is not a problem to him.
It may seem like it because he's losing his family's love and respect (once they find out the truth,)  Dalmi's love and respect (once she finds out the truth), he feels used by the wind but discarded in the storm because he doesn't deserve anything. But the storm is there to actually to push him to get and keep all that he has been given: The storm leads him to finally opening up to his dad, but really his dad is going to realise he's still a genius, he's still going to have Samsan Tech be successful because of Dosans hard work and Noongil. Dosan is going to be forced to prove that he can be a genius; the storm moves him to achieve those rewards for real finally. It's on his side.
For  Dalmi; the storm finally eliminates that bug (remember that tiny issue that can ruin all they have, that he mentioned he wanted to eliminate) He's been wanting to remove that bug. So Fate did it for him, it may seem like its caused him to lose Dalmi but we all know it hasn't instead now she sees him, and she now realises who she likes, Dosan is closer to actually being with Dalmi because of this stupid storm. The storm is not there to hurt or discard Dosan; it's there to push him forcefully to the end goal of his desires, it's giving him what he wants forcefully he just doesn't realise it.
It’s Jipyeong who that gust of wind is actually hurting, it’s Jipyeong who is being discarded in the storm, he's the one who's even left behind, it's like great that Dalmi returns into his life, it leads him to back to wanting to fulfil his debt to the grandmother, that's his wants before Dalmi came about in his life, the wind provided him with a way to do so with Dosan, but then he crossed the line, he started to become an obstacle to Fates plans, and so it seems like the wind is pushing Dalmi to him. Still, it's not, its a storm, it's going to hurt, he's going to lose everything just like he was the one who was hit the rain, he's actually in the one in the storm, left behind and discarded. Dalmi had left to give Dosan the umbrella remember? Dalmi was already on her way to protect Dosan from the storm, Jipyeong only had the grandmother, and she had just told him that he was going to have to be left behind. Cruel right?  
Honestly writing this makes me hurt for him but the show has decided who's the main character, and who's the one for Dalmi, as much as Jipyeong is going to be hurt by all this, he's destined for something else, and whenever that person comes, he'll be shielded from the storm.
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The road ends here/Taking a wrong turn
Like with the storm, Dosan and Dalmi drive for a while and reach a sign saying the road ends here, this is foreshadowing there is no other place Dosan can go now in their relationship. Fate has brought them together to manifest both their dreams. But now its time for them to separate for now. For their goals to be met, for them to be equal again to each other, or perfect for each other again, they need to end this saga. Whilst this seems like a storm again because they both lose each other for a while, I don't think it is. 
Dalmi is on her way now to realising she's the girl of Sandbox and now she's going to be on her way to becoming the very CEO she was destined to become, the very vision of Sandbox. She's destined to become great and fulfil her father's dreams, this is important because you can see that with Samsan Tech she's not fully reaching her potential (I wonder if she'll stop being CEO and start to make a new idea or if she'll become a better CEO of the company as Dosan is away) this is why her sister has a go at her and mocks her for really not living up to the image of the girl on the swings, she's still lagging a bit on her destiny. Dalmi needs to learn what she wants for her self, and not just rely on others anymore, its time for her to become the boss and find her voice and find her own choices. Dosan needs to be separated from her to refind her self again. But this is why Fate has set up a way for them to do that: Alex.  
For Dosan we all know he needs to become the fulfilled version of his potential, the suit guy, he needs to go now and learn, become experienced, become knowledgable but also become successful because of his own reputation. He needs to see how good he is. So he'll return and become the guy Dalmi begged him to show up as, that same guy that took her breath away, the same reputation she had of him before, and the ideal guy that he's meant to be. And he also needs Alex, a mentor who believes in him and knows his strengths to do so. So you the see the road does end here for Dalmi and Dosan. Maybe Fate has done what was needed for both of them for their destiny, now perhaps they won't be perfect for each other anymore, and now Jipyeong can show up and do something else. But I still think these two are meant for each other; I still see Dosan showing up three years later as someone who is Dalmi’s soulmate this time himself, no guilt, no lies, no luck involved, this time all just him. And I still see Dalmi seeing him as her partner no matter what growth/regressions they go through. However, this does mean there is a chance Dosan can finally not be endgame; it depends on how he changes.
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Fixed star vs moon
But then we come back to this metaphor/symbolism that makes me change my mind and decide that no Dosan is the endgame. The fixed star, Dalmi calls Dosan as they look up at the stars. First of all the star metaphor points to all I've already been saying, Dosan feels insignificant to the moon (Jipyeong), feels smaller, not noticed, not as appreciated I guess. Still, then Dalmi tells him that no he's a fixed star, and he’s bigger than the moon even if it seems brighter and bigger on the surface/visually, the star is bigger to her and its more important that its fixed. It matters more to her if he sticks around and that those stars do have meaning and importance. The fixed star though foreshadows he won't be going anywhere in her heart; he'll stay fixed, he'll stick around no matter if they separate. 
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Jipyeong vs Fate
Which brings me back to symbolisms used in this episode to show all these points further. The thing I can only mention is, it really does suck for Jipyeong because Fate has already decided on a winner; Fate has used him as a tool for these twos path. And that's why I keep repeating that he was destined to play a mentor/older brother to these two, each time he tries to cross that line, it's not useful, it's not important, and it's not needed. Although you can argue that his Plan B for being Dalmis savior/investor is necessary but now we have 2STO, so he's not needed again, you can say that all his advice is required in order to make Dalmi feel confident and secure, but it doesn't she's still worried and insecure until Dosan tells her to just trust her self. You can argue he's needed to make Dalmi happy but again he's replaced by someone who does that automatically. 
It's sweet all his efforts and energy towards trying to be useful and needed, but unfortunately, he comes too late. If he's not late there's an alternative, he's always there; he's the advice for the recording, he's the introduction to Dosan, the one he wrote the letters, the grandma's good boy by her side (yet he doesn't know about her blindness), he's the guy who went to get Dalmi from that far away town, the one who provided her with new shoes, he's the owner of Yeongsil,  but unfortunately he's just the tool not the solution/ he may be there and be of use but its not the final thing needed.
He's like a spark of an idea, he's important and useful and leads to things to happening but he's not the final product/final creation. He's the idea/spark for her ideal guy but Dosan is the fulfilment of it, Dosan is the actual version of it.
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 It really sucks and this is why I would have a second lead syndrome for him, because whilst it's really obvious to everybody that he is there for Dalmi. Still, Dosan is the one Fate chose but Jipyeong is actually also appealing, needed and useful just not enough. It's ironic because just as Shaha said Jipyeong is the surface choice,  when really we all know he's suffering because he's been pushed from the beginning never to be the choice.
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gaiapaia · 4 years
Kermit and Friends: Forgiveness
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New Kermit and Friends = New Rules. That’s what we learned at the start of this week’s show. If you want to be on KAF, you have to get there early and agree to have your likeness shared with the Universe... it’s as simple as that!
After going over the new rules, Elisa had a talk with Sugar about the latest book from this week’s special guest, Susan Shapiro. The book is titled, The Forgiveness Tour: How to Find the Perfect Apology (you can purchase it here). Elisa claims she has never received an apology. Obviously she’s being a little hyperbolic, but I think Elisa meant no one who truly hurt her ever acted like they were sincerely sorry for their actions. That’s pretty sad, and it explains why Elisa has so much trouble forgiving people.
Thankfully Susan Shapiro not only blessed the World with her book to describe how we can come to grips with forgiveness even when your enemy doesn’t seek it, but she also graced us with her presence on Kermit and Friends to share even further details about her experiences on this important topic.
Susan has written a total of 13 books! Even if her family hates all 13 of them like Susan claims, writing and publishing 13 books is a heck of an accomplishment. Susan is also a teacher, getting hundreds of students published over the years, including Elisa herself back in 2016. So Susan is one impressive woman, to say the least.
Elisa and Susan discussed The Forgiveness Tour at length. Susan opened up about the troubles she had forgiving a close friend after years of dishonesty and backstabbing. Susan also eloquently explained things a person could do in order to receive the apology they feel they deserve. For example, apologizing first. Susan told a story about how she apologized to her father for not attending her grandfather’s funeral in order to open the flood gates so he would acknowledge his misdeeds and apologize to her as well. 
There was some humor mixed in with a question from Eric, and an appearance from Kleenex. Eric asked Susan what could he do to get Elisa to forgive him for not wanting to marry Elisa anymore, which then led to Susan possibly setting Eric up on a date with Susan’s cousin! And Kleenex joined in to awkwardly share his past (perhaps present) obsession with Elisa, mentioning how he wanted her to have his kids.
Elisa also wanted to get Susan’s advice regarding the recent drama revolved around the Kermit and Friends Wrap-Up Show hosts, Corey and Wendy. Elisa played a clip of Corey yelling at Wendy, threatening to replace her as co-host. Kenny TV, a new friend of Kermit by the name of Aaron, and Corey were all pulled up after the clip as Susan explained why people should forgive, giving an example from her book of a person forgiving a drunk driver who killed his wife and 2 children.
Overall it was a very fascinating conversation that everyone could learn a little from. I have to give a lot of credit to Susan... she wasn’t rattled by anything thrown at her. I’m sure she deals with wacky students on a regular basis, so it doesn’t surprise me. Bravo, Susan.
More clips from the recent Wendy Pack shows would be played, such as Corey getting screamed at by a drunk Cuban goldfish. A small discussion took place on the treatment of Corey as of late, and everything seems pretty much resolved between Corey and Wendy. If you would like to check out Wendy’s show for yourself, you can subscribe to Wendy Pack by clicking her name. Make sure to subscribe to Corey Beffert on Youtube as well so you never miss the KAF Wrap-Up Show or any time he and Wendy go live together.
William Quigley popped on during Susan’s interview to mention he once hung out with Susan’s husband. He would stay on to give more stories later of him hanging out with cool people, only for Reverend Andy Dick to yell at Quig for it!
Apparently, Andy was not a fan of last week’s bickering between Elisa and Quigley, so he decided to start fighting with Quigley himself. Andy didn’t like Quig’s stories and even verbally took a dump on a painting Quigley did of Andy some years ago. I felt bad for Quig when Andy did that... ungratefulness should not be in a Reverend’s repertoire! With any gift, it’s the thought that counts and I’m certain Quigley put his best effort into that painting. That said, it was a hilarious back-and-forth between those two. They have good chemistry and I hope to see more friendly fights amongst them in the future.
Elisa’s second special guest this week was none other than Pixie Paula. Paula is the founder of Local Choice Spirits, an alcohol beverage company that has won over 70 awards and is looking to expand much further in the future, possibly bringing Kermit and Friends along for the ride. That’s right, Elisa dropped the bombshell that there may be a Kermit and Friends wine coming out this year. I’m not a big drinker but I would 100% buy a bottle of that!
Back to Paula... she was very inspirational. Her ambition is off the charts. Her positivity and upbeat attitude is contagious. You could understand within a minute of meeting her how she’s become so successful (on top of owning Local Choice Spirits, Paula is CEO of the first women’s magazine based in Charleston, South Carolina.. Skirt). Paula and Elisa discussed a variety of topics, including leadership, self love, building brands, the beverage business, etc. Just a very delightful interview. Can’t wait to see more of Paula in the future!
Unfortunately, we didn’t receive a sermon from Reverend Dick like he promised, but we did get to welcome back Trumpster Bob on the show!
Larry King passed away last week and I cannot think of a more fitting tribute than by having Trumpster Bob interview Elisa in Larry King-style fashion. Elisa gave Bob that opportunity and man, did Trumpster Bob deliver in a way only Trumpster Bob ever could.
Here were Trumpster Bob’s hard-hitting questions to Elisa...
How did Benjy get the name Benjy?
Is your non-existent relationship an open relationship?
Are you straight or bisexual?
What were the differences between Connecticut School of Broadcasting and Berkley College of Music?
Do you know Jon Ryan from the band Iced Earth?
Did you name Kermit and Friends after Kermit because you did Sharknado together?
Can you show us your belly?
Have you or Benjy ever had sex with Howard Stern?
Would you accept a pedicure from me while wearing a pink dress and no panties?
If you didn’t watch the show, I’m sure you’re dying to hear the answers to these spectacular questions. I, for one, cannot blame you. It was the greatest interview of all time! Please check it out and all the other stellar moments from this week’s awesome Kermit and Friends episode, Forgiveness.
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wroteasongabouther · 5 years
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>> Darling <<      part 4 ➭ harry tequila always wins
fic page // talk to me about it!
warnings: smut, alcohol, cursing, and maybe some second-hand embarrassment
authors note: if you started reading this fic over a year ago and are here for by far the latest update ever thank you deserve a gold star. lets hope the next update wont take me so long. buckle up boys and girls, it’s a long one.. hope u like it xx
December 3rd, 2021
To be a great business woman meant you also needed to be a great sociallite.
Parties were being held nearly every weekend here in New York by the wealthy business men and woman. And with it becoming a younger crowd year by year, the parties got bigger and better. Tonight’s theme was a white out party. You suppose it worked out well as the first snowfall of the year hits the city the very same night.
It’s no surprise that your stylist outdid herself. You wore a bralette styled top, high waisted white pants, white heels, and of course a flare of your extra self with a white faux fur jacket. With your freshly highlighted hair blown out by the cold winter wind and a dark red lip, you knew you were the hottest one to walk into the party. The long stares from both men and woman told you so too.
Upon your arrival, you waste no time give your very expensive jacket to coat check before making your way to the bar. The alluring feel to be all wide eyed and enjoy these parties were long over for you. No, instead you needed nice buzz to actually make it through any of these events.
���You look amazing tonight,” a fellow business woman from Westbrook Atlantic grins as you approach an awaiting group.
“Thank you,” you smile, “crazy how it’s snowing today, right?”
The handful of people you had the attention of all nod and give you the usual fake-interested look you were getting used to now. But then suddenly their gaze all fall to the new addiction to the group. Looking to your left, you see you won’t be avoiding Harry tonight.
He had spotted you and made his choice of socializing tonight it seems. You roll your eyes as everyone asks Harry about his newest deal. Stupid deal may you say, he was going to lose a shit ton of money in the end result.
“You’ve made better choices,” you state with a tight smile before bringing your drink to your lips.
“Oh really?” He challenges you, raising a brow.
“Yeah, I met with Vanessa just last month actually. Sure she’s got the assets but does she really have the brain to carry out such a deal she proposed?” You say.
Harry catches onto your play of words immediately, the others around maybe not so much. While they have questions, Harry simply gives you the slightest glare. If he really expected you to be the same girl who shut up and agreed with him while around business talks, he was sadly mistaken.
You didn’t see the harm in poking some fun at him. This Vanessa girl probably dressed as she did when you had her come to your office too. You didn’t think her boobs could be pushed any higher and her butt screamed fake. Something you’re sure Harry liked about her proposal. It wouldn’t surprise you if he signed with her and then fucked her right afterwards. 
Anything to get his dick wet, you knew his damn ways.
“I’m not sure that’s a way for a woman in your position to be speaking of other woman in the business,” Harry says, his lips just twitching to curl up into his well known smirk. “Are you insinuating that Vanessa couldn’t hold up a good deal, because she’s a woman,” he’s playing one of his stupid games, and earning spectators around you two. 
“That’s not at all-”
“You’d think that you’d be jumping at the opportunity to help woman in this business, not to try and tear them down,” 
“I’d say the same thing if it was a lousy man giving me the same proposal that she did,” you state through gritted teeth. 
How could he start such a conversation? He knew damn well that the people around the two of you would start rumours off any little lie he made up. He also knew that you once scolded him for the very same thing. Back when you worked for him. You always knew a part of him didn’t think a woman could handle any serious CEO business - but you also proved him wrong each and every day.
“Quite the statements you’ve made tonight, miss,” Harry smirks, “I should go speak with Mr Griffen, please, excuse me.” 
And then he’s wondering off. Not before turning to look over his shoulder at you with that same devious smirk on his face. He knew what he had done, planned it rather quickly on the spot too. 
You didn’t get a chance to talk to Harry again the whole night. No, instead you were playing damage control to the mess that Harry started at the beginning of the night. Woman were coming up to you, bickering your ear off about how disrespectful you could be for saying a woman didn’t have the brains for this business. Then you’d have to repeat over and over again your apology for the misunderstanding Harry had of your words. And as you did this, Harry always stood a fair distance away that he could catch your gaze every few moments.
And now here you were at the end of what had to have been the least fun you’ve ever had at an event before.
You’re tipping your head back and feeling the burn of liquor drain down your throat. It was unlike you to do a ton of shots though, in fact you’ve only gotten truly wasted three whole times in your life. And that’s what you were planning on doing, getting so freaking wasted that you’d forget about the horror of a night tonight turned into. You think back on the other times you’ve gotten wasted in your short life time.
The first time was at the fresh age of 16, Peter McDonald had stole a bottle of some brown substance and brought it over to some party - letting you grip the neck of it for most of the night. Thing was, it was your first party you ever attended. You didn’t know when to put the bottle down.
Plus, Peter was just trying to get into your pants. 
Too bad you puked all over them before the night was over and ended up being yelled at by your parents for days on end over the whole ordeal.
The other 2 times were because of the very reason you knew you were downing your fifth shot in the past ten minutes. His green eyes taunting you from across the bar. Why hadn’t he left yet? You think as you glare at him. A shiver runs across your skin as another shot of tequila burns down your throat.
“Give me another, Darren,” you order the bartender the moment you shot glasses hits the bar top. 
Flashbacks to the first time you had legally gotten black out drunk came flooding back as the familiar middle aged bartender poured you another shot of tequila. 
December 14th, 2018
“I need this,” you say. It sounded like you were trying to convince yourself as you stared at the reflection staring back at you.
“Babe, you like so need this,” your best friend, and roommate, Samantha states from where the bathroom she’s currently made a mess up while getting ready.
You really freaking needed this night out on the town with your girls. Breanne and Chelsea were meeting you two at the club, the three of them had this master plan of begging you to come but after the first month of working for Harry had passed by - you needed this. So you did yourself up, curling your hair and putting on maybe a bit too much highlighter. Samantha let you borrow her newest black lace bodysuit - clearly meant to be a piece of sexy lingerie.
You wondered if Harry liked lingerie.
Shaking your head slightly, you focus back on your reflection as you touch up your lipstick. Before sliding it into the front pocket of your leather material pants. On second thought, you take out the lipstick seeing as the pants were too tight for anything to really fit in the pockets. So you open your closet and find the small white purse you kept hidden away for nights like this.
“Okay, Bre and Chels are like hailing a cab down now so we should leave soon too in order to meet up in line together,” Samantha explains, eyes cast down on her phone before looking up. Her eyes go wide at the sight of you all dressed up. “Or maybe we can skip the line all together if you just like pout those pretty lips at security,” she smiles.
“Oh shut up,” you roll your eyes and walk to where your phone was charging to unplug it and slip it into your purse. “Should I wear the boots or the open toe heels?”
“Heels, you’re already going to be cold in that top so might as well freeze your perfect little toes too,”
“My toes aren’t perfect,”
“Oh yes they are,” Samantha huffs while sipping up her thigh high boots. She went for a mini skirt and crop top look tonight, obviously looking hot as hell. Didn’t take much effort from her though.
“Ok you perv,” you chuckle.
Samantha laughs along with you and within minutes you’re both downstairs making minimal effort in hailing down a cab. Of course Samantha makes another comment about how your “hotness” got them a cab right away on this busy Friday evening in New York. But it was New York, there was cabs everywhere you looked.
You’re flipping your hair out of your face while looking down the line at the club when someone from behind the ropes steps up to you. He’s wearing a navy suit with a white button up under - the top two buttons undone, a gold chain barely visible around his neck.
“Hey,” he says, a grin upon his face. And it’s a nice face. He must be Lebanese if you had to guess. Perfectly Styles black hair, with perfectly trimmed facial hair and piercing blue eyes.
“Hi,” you reply.
“How many are in your party, beautiful?” He slides the compliment in smoothly. You can’t help the blush that creeps to your cheeks. At this point you notice the ear piece and thin wire that is tucked nearly behind his ear before disappearing under his shirt.
“Four,” you answer with a smile.
“Perfect, I’d love to escort you in,”
“Okay,” you nod.
Samantha doesn’t waste any time grabbing onto Breanna and Chelsea and pulling them from the line, all three of them picking up their pace in order to cut in line with you. The gorgeous man smiles at you all before unhooking the rope and letting you through.
“Told you so,” Samantha is singing in your ear as you all stick close together in the buzzing club.
You quickly figure out the man that let you in is one of the managers of the establishment. He orders a round of tequila shots, then a few drinks too. At first he’s friendly to the four of you, but then he’s turned his back to your friends and is asking you questions.
“So what do you do for work?” He asks. It’s a regular old question, but one that causes your stomach to turn and heart to pick up its pace.
“Um, I’m an assistant for a pretty big businessman I guess,” you answer with a shrug before bringing your drink to your lips and taking a generous sip.
“Oh nice,” he smiles, “do you like it?”
“Uh, yeah, sure,” you stumble on your answer, eyes drifting over his shoulder to where your three friends were now taking shots with some other girls.
“Suppose work isn’t a great talking subject for you, huh?” The man teases. “Did you want another shot?”
You nod, giving him a tight smile before he waves over the bartender again. Just as your tipping your head back, the manager seems to be called away as he presses a few fingers to his left ear in order to hear what’s being said into the earpiece in his right ear. Next thing you know he’s telling the bartender to put your drinks on his tab, brushing back your hair off your shoulder gently to whisper into your ear.
“Enjoy your night off, hopefully you’ll stick around long enough for me to escort you out,” he says, leaning back to give you a wink before he’s slipping away from you at the bar and into the crowd.
“Did you get his number?” Breanna asks as the three of your friends walk up to you.
“No,” you shrug and slowly let the corner of your lips curl upwards, “but I got our drinks covered for the night,”
“Oh my god!” Chelsea shouts, her mouth wide open in shock.
“That’s it, you’re coming out with us all the time now, you hot bitch,” Breanna exclaims before pushing her chest into the bar, her breasts nearly spilling right out of the top she’s wearing, as she waves down a bartender. “We’ll get eight tequila shots, please,” she shouts out with a grin.
“Oh, we’re so getting wasted tonight,” Chelsea smiles, pulling up her phone to take a video of the bartender pouring the shots - of course turning the camera to you after, causing you to giggle and hide your face.
“You need this, Y/N,” Samantha repeats her words from earlier in the night, “you’ve been working like a damn dog, now let’s let loose and enjoy this night,”
After downing the two tequila shots each, Chelsea is leading the way to the dance floor. The thumping of the bass, with the crazy light show and within seconds you can feel all those shots you just took. You’re jumping up and down, grabbing onto Samantha’s shoulder to shout out the lyrics of the song playing around you. And for almost two hours, you never once think of Harry.
That is until you’re sitting alone in a booth, pulling your phone out for the first time tonight to see a ton of messages from your boss - and your potential booty call? No, you tell yourself as you read the texts.
Harry: I need you to change my schedule for next weekend, clear all meetings. I will still take phone calls.
Harry: I also need my dry cleaning picked up before noon tomorrow.
Harry: Coffee and breakfast by 7.
Harry: And don’t wear any underwear.
Harry: Hello?
Harry: Y/N look at your damn phone.
Harry: Call me right when you get these messages.
You sigh before typing away at your screen.
Y/N: I don’t think I’m fit to call you at this moment, Mr Styles..
Harry: What do you mean by that? And why are ignoring my texts?
Y/N: I mean that I am currently unable to talk on the phone. Not in the best state of mind for a quick chat with my boss.
Harry: What the hell do you mean?
Harry: Are you drunk?
You rolls your eyes at your screen. Before you can even type out your response, Harry has sent another message.
Harry: Where are you?
Y/N: it’s none of your business actually
Harry: Actually it is completely my business, if you value your damn job I suggest you tell me what the hell you think you’re doing.
Y/N: I’m just living my life Harry. Let me live.
And with that, you slide your phone back into your purse. Your hearts racing as you stare across the booth. A hiccup passes your lips. Then all of a sudden you don’t feel so good. Slipping out from the booth you push your way past the people in VIP to get to the bathrooms. Once the door of the stall is shut behind you, you’re leaning over the toilet and taking deep breathes. Nothing comes up, thank god, but it was a close call.
Maybe that feeling in your stomach wasn’t the threat of tequila coming back up. Maybe it was because you just told off your freaking boss.
You groan and lean your head back against the cool metal of the stall. Tequila made you do some dumb shit.
You don’t remember how long you stood in the stall before someone knocking and asking if you’re alright. Then you’re back in the VIP section and unable to find any of your friends. Pulling out your cell phone, you go to unlock it and call up Samantha but instead you’re bombarded by incoming calls from Mr Harry Styles.
“And somehow you look just as stunning with a frown on your face,” you turn at the voice of the bar manager. “What’s got you frowning?” He asks, stepping up in front of you now.
“I-I don’t know where my friends are and my stupid boss is bugging me,” you explain, not even realizing that you’re pouting afterwards.
“I could check the cameras for your friends, if you wanted to come to the back with me?” He’s peering at you through his lashes. Something that maybe a couple hours ago you’d find sexy, and maybe you would go to the back with him for a quick fuck. But now all you could picture was Harry’s stupid green eyes and stupid stupid face.
“I think I’m going to go home,” and with that statement you turn on your heels to head out of this place. Only you seem to have forgotten in your foggy drunken state just how unstable you are, falling forward straight onto the floor.
“Shit,” the manager cursed as he kneels down beside you. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you grumble while brushing your hands on your thighs, leaning back on your feet as you sat on the dirty bar floor. Suppose these pants were trash now, you think while looking at the scuffed material at your knees.
“Here, let me help you find a cab,”
“I need another shot,” you order while taking his hands and getting back to your feet.
“I think you’ve had enough-“
“No,” you snap, “I need another damn shot now,”
“Okay,” he nods and leads you to the bar instead.
Maybe it’s the powerful tone you used. Or maybe it’s cause he still wants to fuck you. But the bar manager nods and leads you to the bar once again. One shot turns into two as you try to blur out the thoughts of Harry. God where did Samantha go? You think while glancing around the club.
“I’ve got to go back to work,” the bar manager tries again. You sigh and close your eyes, resting your chin in the palm of your hand as your elbow rests on the sticky bar top. “Keep an eye on her,” he says to the bartender.
It doesn’t take long before another guy is slide up next to you. He’s cute, got that typical ‘I’ll fuck you then never talk to you again’ hair cut that’s shaved at the sides and long at the top. Clean shaved and sporting a coy smile.
“Dance with me,” he say.
You’re about to grab ahold of his hand and let him lead the way when you suddenly recognize Breanna and Chelsea walking towards you. A grin spreads across your face at the sight of your friends.
“Hey!” You shout while wrapping them both in for a hug.
The fuckboy seems to get the clue you’ve lost interest in him and walks off without you. It’s probably for the best, you’d look like an outright fool trying to dance all sexy out there. Tequila made for some sloppy dancing from you.
“We’re about to head out,” Breanna states, rubbing your back which brings a soft smile from you.
“Have you seen Samantha?” You ask.
“Not since she started making out with that guy back on the dance floor,” Breanna says.
“Pretty sure she left with him,” Chelsea adds.
“Nice,” you smirk and lean your head on Breanna’s shoulder. “Well, I for one had a ton of fun with you girls tonight,” you’re shouting out the words with maybe a bit too much excitement. Breanna and Chelsea laugh, hugging you once more before asking if you were ok by yourself.
You had hope a certain gorgeous bar manager would be making his way back to the VIP section.
After your friends have left, you’re walking back to the bar and leaning over it slightly as you go on your tip toes in order to get the bartenders attention. He’s watching you in between pouring a few shots for some other customers. Then as your pushing your cleavage together he’s resting both hands on either side of where you were leaning towards him, head tilting up with a smirk.
“You’re trouble,” he states, voice much lower than you expected. He’s hot. Like slightly older guy kinda hot. He’s got a nice moustache, a few lines around his grey eyes. Hell, he’s like really hot for his age - you think while biting down on your bottom lip.
“Maybe,” you counter back. “I’d like another shot of tequila, please,” you order with a smile while slowly leaning back from the bar.
The bartender doesn’t move at first, instead his eyes are drinking you in. Suppose this bodysuit - or lingerie or whatever - was really working for you. Then all of a sudden his grey eyes flicker over your shoulder. He stiffen immediately, then stands up straight and tall. What in the world-
“Actually she won’t be having any more tequila,” you could recognize that voice anywhere. Harry was here. Like right here, stepping up beside you in the same suit he was wearing earlier today. The same suit you had your hands wrapped around as he fucked you in the janitors closet. “Seems you’ve given her enough tonight Darren,” Harry adds with a dark look to the bartender.
“Um, no,” you pipe up, leaning back over the bar quickly to grasp the bartender - Darren’s attention. “Tequila, now,” you demand this time.
Darren looks from you, back to Harry, then back to you again to give you a small smile. And then he’s walking away. What the hell, you think.
“What are you doing here?” You question, turning a bit too quickly to face Harry as you sway a little bit. Harry reacts by grabbing your arm to settle your drunken movements. You shrug from his grasp right away. Seems Harry doesn’t like it, eyes narrowing in at you before his hand is back by his side.
“I’m here to take you home, think you’ve had enough fun tonight,” he says the word fun with more of an angry tone.
“No?” Harry raises an eyebrow at you.
“Yes, no,” you say while lifting your chin up.
“Not making a lot of sense, darling,” he mutters. You notice how his jaw is clenched, eyes hard before they wander around the VIP section.
He seems to find who or whatever he’s looking for as he takes a few steps behind you. This is your chance, you think with a smile as you turn back to the bartender and flip your hair from your face. He’s standing back in front of you as you give him a wave.
“Tequila, please,” you sing.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea-“
“Look, Denis,” you pause as your eyes narrow into small slits. “If you don’t pour me another double shot of tequila so I can continue on with my night, I will make your life a living hell,”
“Put the claws away, Y/N,” Harry’s back standing behind you. “No more to drink, you’re leaving now,”
“No!” You shout at him as you turn to face him maybe a bit too quickly. Your stomach sloshing at the movements. “You’re not the boss of me,” you add.
“Actually, I am,” he smirks. Bastard, you think as you glare at him. “Put her tab on my card, Darren,” Harry says, his eyes not leaving yours as he places his credit card on the bar.
“The manager was covering my tab tonight,” you state, lips curling up into a smirk to match his.
“Actually, I fired him,”
“Fired? What do you think you just own this whole damn city?” You question, crossing your arms at your chest.
“Well, I do own this club,” Harry says, “so, yes, he’s fired,”
“Bullshit,” you roll your eyes as the anger seems to be rolling off you now. Your drunk was no more happy all thanks to your crazy boss.
“Thank you,” Harry says to Darren as he takes back his card, eyes skimming the receipt briefly. “Jesus, were you trying to drink yourself to bloody stupidity?” he asks before shoving the receipt into his pocket.
“Well my friends were with me, so like they had some drinks too obviously,” you shrug and lean back against the bar.
“Where are your friends now?”
You shrug again and find yourself watching him through your blurring vision. Didn’t matter how many men here tried to make a move. Harry Styles was by far the hottest most sexy of them all. Maybe it was a good call to not have another shot of tequila so you could fuck the-
Your thoughts are cut short as you feel sick suddenly. Running past Harry, you push open the bathroom door, locking the first open stall in sight before clasping to your knees and throwing up into the toilet bowl. Your ears are ringing as you barely make out the sounds in the bathroom around you. Some girl is shouting, then your heads in the toilet again as you gag out more contents of your stomach.
“Y/N,” Harry’s voice is soft from the other side of the stall. You close your eyes and lean against the side of the stall, the metal was cool like it was earlier too. “Are you okay?” Harry asks.
“I’m fine, Harry,” you answer in a sarcastic tone, smiling as you look over to see his favourite YSL boots on the other side of the door.
“Unlock the door,” he orders.
You roll your eyes and stand on your wobbly heels. Placing both hands on the door, you let out a deep breath before whipping the door open and pushing passed Harry. You needed to rinse your mouth, you think while stepping up to the sink. After doing so you look up into the mirror. Your eyes find Harry in the reflection right away. He has his back to you for a few moments, shoulders rise up before falling slowly back down to his composed posture he always has. When he turns around to face you, taking the step steps towards you, you can see the anger in his eyes.
You fucked up.
“Don’t yell at me,” the words slip past your lips before you can stop them. Then suddenly you’re pouting at him too.
Damn tequila.
“I want to do a lot more than yell at you, pet,” Harry says through clenched teeth.
It’s the first time you’re alone with him now. Glancing around you notice that Harry had kicked everyone out of the bathroom. You brush your hands against your hips, the lace rough before you touch the cool leather of your pants. Harry looks at you through the reflection in the mirror, he’s towering over your figure - so close you can feel his hot breath on your neck. 
“Like what?” You question, your tone once again taken over from the tequila in your system - what were you doing teasing your boss after you just threw up only moments ago? 
Harry doesn’t answer - verbally. Instead he grips your hips with both his hands, his touch rough and firm, pulling your body into his. You react with a quick gasp, then he’s lifting one hand up to your throat. Harry gently squeezes, while you widen your eyes and stare at him in the mirror once again. There’s no denying how your core is pulsing between your legs. There’s also no missing the hardness pressed against your lower back. A glimpse of desire crosses Harry’s face. Lips spread into a wicked smile, his eyes hooded as they gaze back at you through the reflection. 
“I want to fuck the recklessness out of you,” he speaks as though he’s craving the mere idea of it. 
Harry tights his grip at your throat as his other hand snakes around to the front of your pants. There wasn’t a doubt in your mind that he would do exactly what he just stated he wanted. Harry Styles made it pretty clear over this past month that he always got what he wanted. 
“I want you to know who’s the boss of you,” he continues, “I want you to stutter over my name as I show you exactly who’s the boss of you,”
A whimper gets caught in your throat as you ache to be touched. You had learnt over time that Harry had a way with his words - and he knew it too. The way he’d just simply reword something to sound more seductive in the office, it always got to you. 
“I want it,” you utter the three words Harry loved the most. 
He pops the button of your pants undone, sliding down the zipper before running his fingertip over the lace that was apart of your bodysuit situation. The motion causes you to quiver under his touch, you moving only results in Harry’s grip tightening - both at you throat and your hip. 
You don’t even realize that you had closed your eyes as they flutter open once more and catch Harry’s dark greens in the mirror. His chest is rising and falling at a faster pace than normal. In that moment it’s almost as though you read his mind.
“Please,” you say just above a whisper. 
Harry has your pants to your knees in only two swift movements, and that’s impressive considering just how tight the leather material was. He rips the material of the bodysuit just as quick, the veins in his hands pulsing as he does so, and you barely have a second to think of how upset Samantha is going to be you ripped her lingerie. Your bare bum is lifted up to the damp counter top, your hands falling back to grip on of the sinks while your head smacks back into the mirror. Harry’s hands are at his own body now, but only for a few moments as he slips his hard cock out of his pants. 
Your stomach feels like giants are stomping inside, while you can hear your own pulse in your ears loud and clear. There’s no sound coming from your mouth but it’s open, maybe in shock or maybe in anticipation - you were too drunk to really know. 
Harry only brushes the tip of him between your soaking slits once before he’s pushing himself into you - hard. You gasp, a burning feeling overcoming you between your legs. But then he’s moving, fast, pounding into you in quick hard meaningful thrusts. With each thrust a gasp escapes your lips. Harry moves a hand back to your throat, which you react by leaning back more in order to give his hand more room to choke you. The warm feeling in the pit of your stomach grows quick as Harry fucks you hard on the bathroom sink. 
You lose it when he rubs your clit, not soft in any way, no he wants to get your release out of the way almost. And when your body is pulsing under his touch, waves of your orgasm rippling through your entire body, he slips out of you completely and flips your body so your stomach is flat against the counter. Harry positions himself between your legs again before entering your warm wet cunt. You moan at the sensitive feeling as he fucks you some more. 
Lifting your head, you meet your own glassy eyes first. Glassy from the drinks you’ve downed tonight, and from the pleasure you’re feeling right in this moment now. Just has Harry’s thrusts begin to slow, you raise your gaze to look at him instead. What a sight, you think as his eyes are closed and his mouth is open. Within seconds you feel him finish inside of you. Warm and oozing between your thighs as he slips out slowly. 
You shut your eyes for a moment as you focus on your breathing. This was by far the quickest fuck you and Harry have had. Maybe even the roughest. And it was definitely hot. God, just thinking about how his hand felt around your throat made you want to pull him in for another round. 
“Pull up your pants,” Harry demands. 
Your eyes flutter open, meeting Harry’s serious eyes. Standing on wobbling feet, you reach for your pants and pull them up to your hips again. You have to tuck in the ends of the bodysuit, while you could still feel the wetness between your thighs. Suppose Harry didn’t feel like helping you clean up today. 
“Where are your keys?” Harry’s questions causes you to turn and look at where he stood now. He was by the stall, going through your purse. 
“My roommate has them,” you answer. 
“And she is where?” 
“I, I don’t know,” you reply sheepishly. Eyes cast down to the floor as you realize you’ve made yourself look like even a biggest fool in front of Harry. 
“Suppose you can stay at mine,” Harry mutters. 
You nod while brushing your hands through your hair. There was this feeling at the pit of your stomach. Tonight was gone to absolute shit. Harry was going to fire you. Let you sleep at his house, and then fire you tomorrow morning. There was no way in hell any of your behaviour was acceptable tonight. How you told him off, ignored his messages, and then somehow managed to fuck him in the public washroom. Your thoughts are running a million miles an hour as Harry leads the way from the bathroom to where he had a car waiting for the two of you outside the club. 
Harry doesn’t speak in the car. So neither do you. In fact the cool feeling of the window against your cheek causes you to close your eyes and nearly doze off to sleep. But you’re still aware of the situation you’re currently in, so you force yourself to stay awake till you got into whatever sleeping arrangement Harry had for you. 
You steal one glance at Harry during the car ride. The lights from the city night casting into the car and lighting up his high feature of his face. He’s got his knuckles pressed against his lips, something he did while in deep thought quite often, you had taken note of it over the past while now. His eyes are focused forward, but you know he’s zoned out in whatever thoughts are clouding his head. Maybe it was how he was going to fire you tomorrow. You open your mouth for only a second, thinking of slipping out a quick apology, but instead you press them tightly closed once more and look back out the window beside you. Right now you wanted nothing more than to go to sleep and get rid of this foggy feeling all that tequila gave you. 
“You can sleep in the guest bedroom, first door on the left down that way.” Harry states, pointing to the hallway at your left as the private elevator for his penthouse opens up. 
Harry walks out into the open concept quick. Obviously over the wow factor his home held. It was stunning. The living room, dining room, and kitchen were all one big room. Floor to high ceiling windows across from the wall with the elevator gave him and his guests the best view of the city you could ever imagine. It was decorated with minimalist taste, only greys and blacks - absolutely no colour besides the deep chestnut wood of the floors beneath your feet. You especially liked the dark cabinets and granite that complimented his kitchen beautifully. Harry’s standing at the biggest stainless steel fridge you’ve ever seen. 
He closes it and has one bottle of water and one bottle of blue Gatorade in his hand. You begin walking to where he is now, impressed by the appliances in the kitchen. He had a freaking high quality espresso machine that you’ve seen in a Starbucks.
“Drink this when you wake up,” Harry says. He meets your eyes for the first time since leaving the club. “There should be Advil in the cupboard of the en suite too. And drink some of this before you go to sleep,” he orders while placing the Gatorade down first and then the water bottle. 
“I know how to help a hangover, Harry,” you state, “I was once in university, you know,” 
“I do know,” he nods, “was just thinking you spend that time and all those student loans on your education, not partying,” 
“I didn’t always party,” you mutter under your breath. Harry stares at you across the island that you stood on the other side of it. “I just, I needed to let loose and have some fun tonight. I’m sorry that I got you involved in my personal bullcrap of a night,” you finally say half of whats heavy on your chest. 
Harry nods once. Then his eyes fall to where a clock was in the kitchen. You follow his gaze and catch sight of the time too. It was nearing 2 in the morning now. A yawn escapes your lips. 
“Have a good sleep, darling,” Harry says softly before he’s walking out of the open room and down one of the two hallways. 
Sadly he walks down the other hallway, opposite to the one he directed you to where the bed you’d be sleeping in was. You imagine sharing a bed with Harry again like you had the one time back at the hotel, the first time you two had had sex. Since that night you hadn’t fallen asleep beside him since. He fucked you at the office, in the back of cars, and even in the bathroom of a club now.
You ignore these thoughts and grab the two bottles that Harry had gotten for you before finding the bedroom you’d be sleeping in. There was nothing more you wanted right now than to get under the blanket and sleep. Well, maybe you wanted this night to have never happened - then you would be able to sleep peacefully knowing your job wasn’t about to be done for. 
The next morning you woke up to the sun shining in your eyes. The first thing that you notice as you sit up are how your clothes that you had left on the floor are now gone. Then your head begins to pound, letting out a deep breath you reach for the Gatorade. But sitting beside it is a note.
‘come into the office whenever you start feeling better- Harry’
You throw up in the shower. It’s not by any means your best moment, but it happens, and after getting nice and clean - in one of the greatest showers ever - you walk back out to the bedroom. Harry’s guest bedroom. Your bosses guest freaking bedroom. You shake your head at yourself and turn to see another note tapped to the closet door. 
‘got you a few things to chose from - Harry’
He was buying you clothes after last night? You sigh and open the door to reveal the decent sized walk in, you couldn’t imagine what the master bedroom was like if this was only a guest bedroom. Inside you see a few items hung in the otherwise empty closet, as well as a pair of shoes sitting on the floor neatly. 
There’s two dresses and a blouse and skirt hung up. All tags say Gucci on them, which honestly makes your head spin just thinking of how much they are worth but it could also be the killer hangover you were nursing while sipping on the Gatorade Harry had gotten for you last night. With little to no want to even be standing right now, you grab for the first hanger and put the simple cream colour dress with green and red stripes on. It zips completely up the front, from bottom to top. Suppose Harry would like the easy access of this dress, you think. Too bad he would no longer be your boss after the crap you put him through last night. 
There’s no underwear, that should be noted, but you’re not really that surprised that Harry hadn’t gotten you any sort of under garments at all. He wasn’t a fan of underwear at all really. You decide to throw your hair up as it’s still a bit damp, then you find your purse and walk to the bedroom door. The heels click against the hardwood flooring while you walk to the large open concept living space of Harry’s home. 
He’s not home, obviously, hence the first note you had read this morning. Going into the office so early on a Saturday only meant that things were just as busy as ever - business didn’t even stop for the holidays. You take another generous sip of the Gatorade and check your phone for the time. 
Suppose it’s better to get this over with, you think. It was only 8 in the morning, only an hour later than when you’d typically head into work. You ignore the text messages from your friends, only making sure there wasn’t any new ones from Harry. There isn’t. You let out another sigh and head towards the elevator that’s inside Harry’s house. Because who doesn’t have a private elevator right? You take in the view one last time with a longing look - you wanted this view. You wanted this life. And yet you managed to fuck up your only passage into this lifestyle by drinking far too much tequila and fucking your boss. Your professors would be so proud. 
“Miss,” you recognize Harry’s driver as you enter the lobby. He’s waiting for you it seems, standing from one of the couches as you walk towards him. “Mr Styles has told me to take you into work this morning,” he states. 
“Well,” you pause, swallowing back the threat of vomiting for the third time this morning. “Let’s get going then,” you say with a tight smile.  
You nearly fall asleep on the short ride to the Styles Enterprises building. Harry’s driver opens the door for you, which you simply give him a smile and short thank you in return. Maybe he’d like to give you a ride home to your crap apartment after, stop by a few cafes on the way home to find a new job too. You let out a sigh and ignore the rest of the people around the building that do recognize you. 
This was by far one of the worst hangovers of your life, you think while finishing the rest of the Gatorade and tossing the bottle in the bin under your desk. Harry’s office door is closed. As it always is. Checking the calendar on your desk, you make sure he’s not in a meeting or on an important call. There’s nothing written down, so you drop your purse off and walk to the large doors. 
“Come in,” Harry calls from inside after you knock. 
He’s sitting at his desk, his back straight as a board as he types away whatever business stuff he had to attend to at this hour. God you were too hungover for this. You stop only a foot in front of his desk and wait for him to look up. It takes only a few breaths before Harry’s gaze falls to you. He lets his eyes draw up the length of you, from the black heels to the mess of hair upon your head. He probably notices the few small bruises at your knees from whatever you did last night. Or maybe he notices the small red marks at your neck. You remember what those are from, 100-percent, you’d never forget it. 
“Did you not read my note?” Harry questions.
“Yeah, I did,” you nod, pausing to lick your lips, “just thought I’d get this whole losing my job thing over with,”
“Losing your job?” He raises a brow, pushing his chair back a bit from the desk. You raise your eyebrows as well, tilting your head at him. 
“You really expect me to believe you’re not going to fire me after what happened last night?”
“You were enjoying a night out with friends, I admit I was being pushy with my text messages,” Harry says as he stands from his desk. You stay silent at his words. You rarely hear Harry ever admit he’s wrong. In fact you can’t think of a time, work related or not. It may also be because your brain’s working a bit slower this morning. 
“You’re being serious?” You ask, “I’m not fired?” 
You watch Harry’s every step as he makes his way around his desk and towards you. There’s not missing how your heart rate picks up again. Damn him, you think. He looked so good today in his grey suit and baby blue shirt. The top two buttons were undone which makes you think he must really be having a tough morning. You wonder how you can help. 
“Miss, if you could get me another coffee, and make sure my next weekend is freed up,” Harry says. 
“Of course,” you nod. 
Harry reaches forward, the backs of his fingers gently touching the marks at your neck. You hold your breath. He blinks slowly, eyes still on them as he probably recalls last night in the bathroom. Then he’s reaching up to your hair, tugging at the elastic that was keeping it up. You reach up to help, letting your hair down. 
“Maybe it’s best to keep your hair down, darling,” he says, a sly smile curling at his mouth. 
“Right,” you breathe out. 
Harry’s so close. So close that you can’t help but look down at his lips. 
“Coffee, please,” he smiles. 
You nod again and turn to walk out of his office. And maybe stop by the woman’s washroom to empty out your stomach yet again this morning. The mere thought of vomiting makes you feel even more sick. 
“Y/N,” Harry calls. You turn back around, lifting your brows as you fear opening your mouth would resulting in vomit ending up on the floor of Harry’s office. “Make sure your calendar is clear for next weekend too, you’ll be joining me” he exclaims. 
“Is there an issue?” Harry questions, his eyes barely raise from where they were looking down at some papers in his hands. 
“It’s nothing, just had some plans-”
“Another night with tequila?” 
“Good, then cancel your plans. Or I’ll think about that whole you losing your job thing again,” Harry says. You can only nod before you turn away and walk out of his office. 
These past 24 hours have been the wildest of your entire life, you’re sure of it. You try to forget about it all as you sit at your desk and begin to clear Harry’s schedule for the upcoming weekend. What for? Well that was the burning question now, seeing as you were to join him. You hoped it was to travel somewhere nice - you could enjoy Hawaii in December. 
December 3rd 2021
You catch sight of Harry in the thinning crowd of the night. Though you hadn’t done much socializing after trying to cover yourself from the load of crap Harry started earlier in the night. While Harry had been buttering up anyone and everyone. You especially didn’t like the attention he was giving that blonde, her hair looked fake for Godsake. 
“Lovely coat,” Harry says as he steps up in front of you. 
“Oh shut it, before I kick you out of my club,” you spit back. All these drinks in your system meant you didn’t have the time to put up with him right now. Truthfully you just wanted Michael to get here and bring you home. 
“Such a petty move, by the way, buying this bar,” he states, eyes wandering around the room. 
“Thought that bar manager deserved his job back after your jealousy got him fired after all,” you ramble back at him, tightening your coat at your chest as the front doors open a few feet away from you. “Besides, you put it on the market, I just saw a good business opportunity,” you add. 
“Questionable statements, all of them,” Harry says. 
You don’t have a response. So instead you press your lips together tightly, eyeing Harry for the millionth time tonight. God you wanted nothing more than to hit him. Maybe you’d hire someone to do it. A few ideas came to mind as big bold letters reading ‘PAYBACK’ flashed through your head. You pull your mouth up to a smirk, crossing your arms at your chest now. 
“I didn’t realize we were going to be playing these games so soon, Styles,” you say. 
“Thought you knew the business by now, darling,” Harry’s smirk matches yours. It was like fighting fire with fire. And you loved it. 
“Oh you taught me plenty about this side of the business, don’t you worry,” you say, taking one stop forward and bringing your fingers up to the collar of his white dress shirt. You smooth your fingers slowly over the material a few times. “I’ll play dirty,” you pause and lean towards him till your lips brush against his ear, “if that’s what you want,” you say. 
You think for only a second that you’d stunned him to silence. But you never had the upper hand. A gasp pushes passed your lips as he places a hand at your lower back and presses you flesh against his front. Turning your head, you meet his gleaming eyes and devious smile. 
“You’ve always know exactly how dirty I like it, darling,” he says. 
He’s only close for a few seconds. As you’re too tipsy to push away immediately - or maybe too turned on. Either way, you give him a quick look before bringing your hands to his shoulders and pushing away from his hold. There’s no more words to be exchanged, you think as you walk to the front doors and find Michael standing there with the door open waiting for you. You don’t miss the questioning look in his eyes. 
“Take me home, Michael,” you hiss at him. 
Of course, you’re not angry at him. Oh no, it’s the mischievous green eyed bastard of a man that has managed to weasel his way back into your life - even after all the damage he’s done to you.
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mattsyrmiller · 4 years
( ✩ - ARON PIPER, MALE, TWENTY-ONE, HE/HIM ) have you seen MATÍAS MILLER around campus lately? HE is a SENIOR studying as a BUSINESS MAJOR. they remind me a lot of covered-up tattoos, cigarettes, endless streams of coffee and business agendas, probably because they are LOYAL & TACTICAL. HE is living OFF CAMPUS at the moment! ✩ beti, 21, CET, she/her. – )
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hello hello! i’m beti and this is my fav child Matt!! i tried do a summary of his bio but it ended up so long i added a summary to the summary lol,, scroll to the bottom for that. also hmu for plots and connections, either here or on discord!
matt was the result of an unplanned teen pregnancy
his dad’s parents disowned their son upon learning he fathered a child at seventeen and denied him any and all financial support, which among other things meant he would no longer be able to attend an ivy league business school he’d already been accepted into
his mom’s parents helped with the bare essentials for raising a child, but never gave more than absolutely necessary, oftentimes leaving the young family struggling to pay their bills
his parents started having a lot of relationship problems but stayed together for the sake of their child, as soon as his mom realized matt was the only thing keeping the family together, she “accidentally” forgot to take her birth control and gave birth to twin boys and later a little girl
when matt was 8 his parents had a nasty split, dad moved to new york and completely cut ties with his family, matt was the only one to keep in contact with him
the reason his dad moved to NY was because of a once-in-a-lifetime business opportunity that skyrocketed his venture capital firm and made him a prominent name in the world of venture capital
Matt has spent his whole life trying to be like his dad, he always pushed himself to be at the top of his class, had to be the president of every club he found himself in, attended all local business talks (first as a visitor, then as a speaker) and has been working on getting his name out there since he was basically a child
he ended up graduating high school a year early (partially cause he knew it would look good on his resume and partially because he really wanted to get out of his hometown,,,, his mom remarried soon after his dad left and yes, her new husband was actually a very cool guy, but the whole family tried to pretend like matt’s real dad didn’t even exist and the stepdad was the only guy in their life and that just,,, irked matt a lot and caused a lot of fights in the household)
he moved to California when he was 17 to major in international business at Columbia
his dad’s net worth had reached the millions by then, he didn’t really care to share the wealth with his ex-wife and kids, but he did start sending generous checks Matt’s way once he started uni
with no financial troubles to weigh him down, matt spent his undergrad years as a library dweller by day, party animal by night, his ability to balance a thriving social life and a successful academic career probably his biggest talent of all
at the beginning of his very last undergrad semester, his dad fatally injured himself while rock climbing, leaving all of his shares of Miller Ventures to Mat
matt became the majority owner of one of the biggest firms in the country basically overnight with his net worth now just shy of $700 mil
miller ventures came under fire when news broke on then 19-year-old matt being the new guy in charge, most people didn’t even know his dad had a child and so they weren’t too trusting of the decision to leave this huge company in the arms of some unknown kid
matt became terrified of ruining his dad’s legacy, he quickly appointed one of his dad’s business partners a CEO and told everyone he would remain a hands-off owner until he completed his degree and got some real-life business experience
hard work has always been his means of distraction and so he managed to graduate top of his class at Columbia and even get himself accepted into NYU’s business MA program that very same year
he lives off-campus, in a manhattan penthouse he inherited from his dad
at the moment, every decision he makes links back to the firm and his fear of doing something stupid that could ruin its reputation
if he’s not good friends with people and doesn’t feel 100% comfortable around them, there’s about a 99% chance he’ll be extra fake when interacting with them, mainly because he’s afraid of cancel culture and doesn’t want to do anything stupid that would reflect poorly on the value of his firm
for that same reason, he doesn’t have a real social media presence and is super cautious about how much he shares with strangers 
he used to be a huge party animal, but stopped going out as much after inheriting the firm (again, because he doesn’t want to be labeled as a reckless young drunk who’ll just run the firm into the ground). He’s still very social though and loves to host events, one of his favorite things is to just get together with friends and do game nights (he loves event hosting!)
In general, he’s just really hardworking, really cares about his image and will be super fake nice to everyone, though he’ll revert back to the outspoken, direct, flirty kid he’s always been with people he trusts
he’s pretty much just a walking identity crisis, split between being a serious businessman and a twenty-one-year-old carefree daredevil
Also! After his dad died, his mom refused to go to the funeral or even let her other kids attend it, she asked Matt to give up the firm and come home instead, they had a huge falling out over it and ended up cutting ties with each other
Even though they don’t speak anymore, Matt still loves his mom and is thankful for all the sacrifices she’s made, he misses her and his siblings very much, but is too stubborn and too proud to go home. If anyone asks, he’ll just say his family is happy back in Atlanta and won’t even hint at any family drama
His mom is Spanish and she made sure her kids grew up around Spanish media so Matt is bilingual, but I don’t really speak Spanish so please don’t test me on that………… he also speaks fluent german and is attempting to learn mandarin cause ykno its good for business
His full name is Matías Sawyer Muratalla Miller but he dropped his mother’s last name after the falling out so he goes by Matías Miller in public/business settings and by Matt Miller in private.
Idk that’s it I think? He’s a dog person, hasn’t seen most major blockbusters in the recent years, deleted Netflix cause he wants to be more productive but ironically still has cable, one of his goals is to open a board game cafe though it's more of a hobby for him than a main business type of a ting, he loves sports, huge soccer fan, loves to work out, loves being outdoors, prefers to be with people than alone, he’s definitely an extravert and a big social butterfly
that’s all i can think or right now but hmu and we can do plots and connections and i’ll let you know if i think of anything else!!
He’s a business boy who used to be a party boy until his dad (his #1 role model in life) passed away and left him with a huge venture capital firm, now he’s in a constant state of an identity crisis, split between not wanting to take life too seriously and always being afraid of doing something stupid that could ruin the reputation of his firm, he’s a lil paranoid about how people perceive him and what kind of an image he gives off to the world. He’s the biggest extravert you’ll ever met and n e e d s people around him at all times, needs at least like five friends to talk about life and feelings with (but is also a bit paranoid people only want to be friends with him for his money so that sucks) uhh yeah idk he’s doing his best i know he seems fake at first but idk give him a chance he’s a very loyal friend and fun to mess around with when he forgets to give a shit abt his reputation
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cheri-translates · 4 years
Headcanon - his kiss doesn’t count as a dare
This work, 他的偷亲,不算冒险, was originally written by 喵小柒吃很少 on Weibo, and she has given me permission to translate it 🌸
Eli grins cheekily as he rushes into Gavin’s office, slamming his palm on the desk. “Let’s grab dinner after work. Treat it as a celebratory feast for solving this big case.”
Gavin looks up, glancing at Eli. “...okay.” 
Over the past month, Gavin and Eli had led the team in working tirelessly to resolve a major criminal case. With the mission finally completed, the team is preparing to head out to celebrate over beer.
Tipsy from the feast, the young policemen commence a game of ‘Truth or Dare’. Likely attributed to the nature of their work preventing them from relaxing and cracking jokes under normal circumstances, everyone is fully immersed in the game.
Gavin doesn’t seem to be interested in such a meaningless game. He sits at quietly, taking sips of beer while watching as everyone gets engaged in lively discussions involving each others’ gossip.
Male gossip is pretty scary too... Gavin thinks to himself. 
Suddenly, Eli exclaims. “Eh? Gavin hasn’t had his turn, right?!”
In just a moment, everyone’s eyes are focused on Gavin. He sets down the glass in his hand, the alcohol leaving a faint reddish hue on his face.
“Ahem...” Gavin subconsciously rubs his neck. “That’s right...”
“Eh~ It isn’t interesting enough for you, Captain Gavin? Come come come, let’s play!” An officer stands up, stumbling over to Gavin and patting his arm. “Captains have to lead by example, don’t they?”
“Hey hey! Captain Gavin, pick one - truth or dare?” Eli asks excitedly.
“...dare.” Whatever can be settled using actions don’t require words.
“All right!” Eli becomes even more enthusiastic. “Let me suggest one! You have to promise that you won't refuse!”
“Kiss Sis-in-law! You have to take action once you reach home. This is an order!” Eli pats Gavin’s shoulder, rocking with laughter. “You can’t refuse! If you’re truly a man, you’ll post it on Moments as proof!”
The faint flush on his cheeks seems to deepen in colour at Eli’s words. Slightly embarrassed, he turns away. “...okay.”
By the time Gavin returns home, the house is very quiet. The tender moonlight seeps through the gaps of the curtain, illuminating the girl who is in a deep slumber.
You’re lying on top of the blankets, hugging the pillow Gavin gave you.
“...why are you asleep this early?” He slurs, worry surfacing on his face. He lifts you up, carefully tucking you underneath the blankets.
“Today... ahem...” Gavin stammers as he looks at your sleeping form. “I...”
After struggling internally for a while, he leans down. When his lips are just about to touch your forehead, he suddenly stops, his face as red as a steamed crab. “Does this... count as taking advantage of someone?”
He thinks for a moment. Finally, he decides to leave a gentle kiss on your forehead anyway. “Goodnight, my girl...”
The next day, you see a picture of yourself sleeping (with a horrible posture) on Gavin’s Moments, accompanied with the caption: “My mission has been completed. It doesn’t really count as a dare.”
You: Gavin! What in the world is this???
Gavin: Ahem... n-nothing... [his face turns crimson when he recalls the secret kiss last night]
You: Are you hiding something from me?
Gavin: No... I just... kissed you... that’s all...
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[ KIRO ]
“Cheers~ Everyone has worked hard!” Director Yang shouts. Kiro and the crew members, including Savin, raise their glasses.
Everyone is enjoying themselves to the fullest during this feast dedicated to celebrating the finalised manuscript for the new movie. In the midst of it, Kiro has downed several glasses of beer without realising it. 
Savin attempts to stop him. “Kiro, stop drinking. Your mistress of the house wouldn’t like it.”
“Ahh Savin~ I’m just so happy today (// ▽ //) ~” Kiro sounds upset as he pushes past Savin half-drunkenly, snatching his glass back.
At this point, a voice interrupts Savin’s nagging -- “Hey, we’ve spent such a long time drinking. Why don’t we play some games?”
“Sure! How about ‘Truth or Dare’?”
“All right, stop drinking. Go and join them!” Savin finally seizes an opportunity to grab the glass from Kiro.
Kiro purses his lips as he gets pushed to the middle of the group unwillingly. 
“Truth or dare - Kiro, pick one!”
“...ahh.” Kiro scratches his head. “I pick dare.”
“Okay! I'll give you a task!” Director Yang volunteers. “I heard that Kiro recently announced publicly that he has a girlfriend?”
“Oho~” The surroundings burst into an uproar.
Kiro is stunned for a moment, but returns to his senses soon after. A smile reminiscent of sunlight surfaces on his handsome face.
His voice is tinged with pride. “That’s right~”
“Wow! What a lucky man!” The rustling of voices drift in the air as everyone starts whispering to each other.
“In that case, your dare today is--” Director Yang pauses dramatically. “To go home and kiss your girlfriend. You also have to post a picture on Moments! This way, you can't think of squirming out of it!”
Kiro chuckles. An even more brilliant smile appears on his face, which is currently flushed from alcohol. “No problem~ I promise to complete this task!”
When Kiro returns home, you’re already asleep. He doesn’t turn the lights on. Based on his familiarity with the layout and the numbness of his yet-to-be sober mind, he staggers into the bedroom. 
“Miss Chips~” His voice is very soft and exceptionally gentle. “Are you asleep?”
The steady breathing in the air gives him an answer.
“It’s okay even if you’re asleep. Today, I’m incredibly happy~” He leans down slowly, drawing closer to you. “I’ll tell you more in your dream...”
After saying this, he plants a kiss on your lips.
The next day, you see a picture of yourself sleeping on Kiro’s Moments. The room is dark, but you can still vaguely make out your profile. The caption reads: “To Superhero Kiro, there’s no such thing as a ‘dare’~”
You: Kiro? Why did you post this???
Kiro: Because I had to complete a task~ Hehe...
You: A task? 
Kiro: Does Miss Chips want to know what it was? I’ll tell you if you give me another kiss~
You: In your dreams! (hold on... why did he say “again”?)
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[ SHAW ]
“Come on bros! Tonight, we aren’t going home till we’re drunk!” The band members are currently gathered around a table in Live House. 
The performance that night was a resounding success. As such, the band members decided to have a small beer gathering to celebrate.
“Eh? What’s wrong with you, Shaw?” You’re drinking so little today - it’s not like you!” A man with purple hair asks, staring incredulously at him.
“What drink? Hurry up and serve dinner already! I’m heading home after that.” Shaw impatiently waves away the beer bottle offered by the band member.
“Oh? You’re going home early? Is it because someone’s waiting for you?” The man teases. The other members start hooting.
“What ‘someone’? You’re thinking too much. I’m just tired, so I want to return home to sleep.” Shaw answers casually, nibbling on the chopsticks.
“You don’t? What about that Sister who watches our performances often?” The purple-haired man pipes up again, clearly unafraid of death.
“Her name’s MC!” Shaw has reached the limits of his patience. “Tch, why do I even need to tell you!”
Everyone at the table starts laughing. 
“Since you’ve already brought her up, I don’t think you’re in the mood for eating. Just go home! We won’t miss you anyway hahaha!” The man says relaxedly.
“You said it yourself. I’m leaving.” Shaw immediately sets down the chopsticks. Grabbing his jacket, he turns towards the door.
Before he can take a step, the purple-haired man continues. “You can leave if you want to, but you’ve got to kiss your girlfriend and post it on Moments! Or else we won’t let you off tomorrow! Got it?”
“Tch...” Shaw scoffs. “It’s just a kiss. What’s so difficult about it?”
“Oho~” The group of people once again start hooting from behind him.
When Shaw reaches home, you’re already off in dream land. He tosses his jacket onto the sofa, then heads into the bedroom. 
The night is incredibly quiet, and the air is filled with the rustling of his clothes as he walks over.
You’re sleeping on your side, your head tilted upwards slightly, revealing your neck. Shaw casually squats down next to the bed, staring at your sleeping face--
“Hey, MC? Are you asleep?” He asks.
“Why do you look so terrible when you’re asleep?” He shifts closer, carefully observing you.
“Forget it.” He arches his brows. “Why did I even notice such a dumb and troublesome woman?”
Despite what he says, he leaves a deep kiss on the side of your neck...
The next day, you see a picture of yourself sleeping on Shaw’s Moments. The caption reads: “This is called a ‘dare’? How boring...”
You: Shaw? What’s the meaning of this?! Care to give me an explanation?
Shaw: The words are clear enough. You can’t read?
You: I’m asking why you posted a picture of me sleeping?! It’s so ugly! Delete it immediately!
Shaw: Why should I? I don’t want to!
MC: Shaw!
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At a LFG gathering, several rounds of drinking result in everyone having the Dutch courage to start joking around with CEO Victor...
“CEO, want to play a round of ‘Truth or Dare’ with us?” Goldman is clearly intoxicated, swinging a glass in his hand while posing this question to Victor, who is sitting alone at the corner of a sofa.
Cindy immediately tugs at Goldman’s sleeve, and even shoots him a glare. “Hey, are you out of your mind?!”
In a hazy state, Goldman responds: “Hm? I... No I’m not...”
Before Cindy can celebrate the fact that Victor didn’t get angry, the man himself suddenly stands up and says: “Okay.”
Everyone, whether they are drunk or sober, are left flabbergasted. Victor actually agreed???
“CEO Victor, you have to promise to do a dare!” In a rare display of boldness, Goldman exclaims, “I want... a raise!”
Victor glances at him. “That’s all?”
“No no no!” Cindy rushes to cover Goldman’s mouth. “Let’s change it to another one!”
Goldman suddenly has a new idea. “You... have to do it when you get home!”
“...what are you saying?” Victor’s brows furrow slightly.
With a gradually softening voice, Goldman elaborates. “You have to kiss the Lady Boss... and post a picture on Moments as proof...”
Everybody at the scene stops breathing. Time seems to halt as well, and no one dares to say a word.
Victor sighs, setting down the glass in his hand. “I’ll do it.”
By the time Victor returns home, you’re already asleep. He changes into a new set of clothes, treading into the bedroom quietly. The room is pitch black. Borrowing slivers of moonlight, he sits at the side of the bed carefully.
“Dummy, are you asleep?” He asks softly, as though he’s talking to the air.
A lack of response is an affirmation that you’ve been asleep since a while ago.
“I’ll do it without your permission this time then.” Victor leans down, planting a kiss on your cheek.
“Goodnight, my dummy.”
The next day, you see a picture of your silhouette on Victor’s Moments. The caption reads: “My task is complete. It doesn’t count as a ‘dare’.”
You: What’s the meaning of this? Why did you randomly post a picture of me, and when I was asleep...
Victor: ...no reason. A dummy wouldn't understand.
You: Why are you calling me a dummy again??? You’re the dummy!
Victor’s mind: I am a dummy. Or I wouldn’t have agreed to the game...
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The latest experiment conducted by the research centre has succeeded. To celebrate, Lucien and his fellow researchers have gathered for a meal. Of course, he also brought his competent assistant, Ah Ming.
Because this experiment was incredibly difficult, the research centre spent more than a year to obtain success. This propelled everyone to down a few more drinks than they typically would. 
At some point, someone suggests a game of ‘Truth or Dare’--
“Professor Lucien, want to play?” A colleague teases.
“Just forget it. Lucien definitely wouldn’t play these types of games hahaha...” Another colleague at the side chimes in.
“...I can participate.” Lucien looks at the colleague who had invited him to the game, a hint of a smile on his lips.
Ah Ming, who is seated next to Lucien, almost spits out his water. He splutters, turning to Lucien. “Teacher, are you sure you want to play?”
“Mm. Is there a problem?” Lucien tilts his head and smiles.
“No no no!” Ah Ming hurriedly responds.
“I pick dare.”
“Okay! In that case, Ah Ming will think of a dare for his teacher.”
“Huh? Me...?” Ah Ming frantically waves his hand. “It’s better if you do it...”
“It’s all right, just suggest something.” Lucien chuckles. He is as calm as always, though his cheeks are tinted with a faint reddish hue from the alcohol.
“Hmm...” The cogs in Ah Ming’s brain turn as he thinks of something that can make his teacher happy so his thesis doesn’t get scrapped and yet is a satisfactory answer for the others present. “Then... give Teacher’s Wife a kiss when you get home?”
Everyone suddenly grows quiet. In the entire room, only Ah Ming’s gulp can be heard.
Lucien’s smile is even more evident now. His long and slender fingers tap the glass cup before him. “All right, I’ll do that.”
The air remains still, until one of his colleagues breaks the silence. “You’re not allowed to back out! Post it on Moments as proof!”
By the time Lucien returns home, you’re already asleep. But... you’re sleeping at your desk. Probably drained from amending a company proposal, one of your hands rest on the keyboard, while your other arm acts as a makeshift pillow for your head.
Lucien walks over to the desk quietly. When he sees your sleeping face, he releases a gentle laugh. “Silly Girl, you're able to sleep even in such a position...”
He shifts to your side and leans down to your ear. “Are you really asleep?”
Silence is his answer.
With a laugh, he tucks some stray hairs behind your ear. “...silence is consent ^_^~”
And he kisses your ear lightly.
The next day, you see a picture of yourself draped on the table on Lucien’s Moments. The caption reads: “The difficulty level of this ‘dare’ doesn’t seem challenging enough.”
You: Lucien, why did you post a picture of me sleeping? And sleeping at the desk! It's so ugly! Delete it!
Lucien: It is? I think it’s very nice~
You: Yes yes yes! It looks terrible! But... why would you post such a random thing on Moments?
Lucien: Do you want to know? [laughs] Come closer and I’ll tell you...
More translated and original works: here
[ Permission to translate ]
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喵小柒吃很少: Hello~ Firstly, I’m really touched that you like them, I feel very honoured~ You can translate the works! If more people who like MLQC can read them, I’m very happy too 💝 Thank you!
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totalconway · 4 years
Drinks at the Pub, ends in short film opportunity...
So a little back story first, I started performing stand up comedy in 2012 and by 2013 I was lucky enough to win the state leg of Australia’s largest open mic competition Triple J RAW Comedy and headed to Melbourne to perform on the ABC.
Following that experience I was given a lot of opportunities to perform support spots purely based on that RAW comedy credit.
One case of this was performing at Rottnest Island for their Rottofest summer comedy which was held every Friday during the summer. Rottnest Island is a hot bed of local and international tourist, and the Island’s Gov’s Tavern where the gig is held would often sell out (120+ People) the crowd was always a mix of high profile people and obnoxious drunks (most of the time both)
On one particular Friday night, I was performing, and not to brag blowing the roof off the joint and in the crowd was none other then the President of my favorite sporting team the Fremantle Dockers Football Club.
At the time, the Fremantle Dockers board was facing backlash from the supporter base because they wanted to move the Dockers training ground from their spiritual home of Fremantle Oval to a state of the art, purpose built training facility in Cockburn (Yes Cock Burn) which is about a 30 minute drive up the road.
So after the gig on Rottnest Island, I get introduced to the president of the Dockers with the intro line “Hey Sean, tell him what you think of the Cockburn move” and you can see his look go from chilled and calm to “I seriously got to deal with this shit on my holiday”. I just told him “I’m pumped for it” and I was, its been a good move for the Dockers and I started reeling off the benefits for the move etc etc. We hung out had a few beers and the whole night I was spun out that I was hanging with the president of the Dockers.
I went back to work on Monday telling people I got to hang out with the President of the Dockers, with a bit of fake bravado swagger to jokingly let them know I only hang with A-Listers now! After a couple of days I didn’t think anything of it and went back to gigging and working.
A few months down the track I get an email from the booker of Rottofest Summer comedy asking if I’d be keen to Star in a short film for the Dockers. Its not paid but if the film is one of three winners of the competition I’d receive one of the tickets to the USA which was up for grabs. Honestly, they had me at “Star in Dockers short film”. 
Apparently the opportunity was between myself and a Perth duo called Henry & Aaron. Henry & Aaron are film makers/comic actors who pretty much went viral on youtube with every film they made (Talking millions and millions of views) and they lost out to my RAW comedy set that had about 12 views purely because I had a few too many beers with the president of the Dockers. 
When I got the call to go meet them about the project I was incredibly nervous. I had a whole pitch prepared about why I was the best candidate for the job “I fucking bleed purple” because I was still thinking I had to audition for the film but essentially I had already been cast in the film. Their only concern was whether or not I could fit in the costume because I’m a big fat dude they had to see if I would be able to squeeze into it. The whole time I was terrified of ripping it because it’s a $3-$4K costume.
Once the costume fit (just) it was straight to work. It was a great project to work on because they gave me a lot of creative control of my character, and I really wanted to portray a David Brent (The Office) like character, like a really fat black sheep in a white herd.
So we started filming in September of 2013, just after the Dockers had beaten Geelong in an away game in the first week of the finals. So the Dockers had a weeks break before they played Sydney in Fremantle’s first home preliminary final in two weeks time. This was a huge moment for the club because If we win this it will be the first Grand Final the Dockers have ever been in. 
The first day of shooting was super intimidating, not because I was meeting some of my football idols but because the night before the first day of shooting I watched a documentary called Catching Hell about the Chicago Cubs fan Steve Bartman who was blamed for the Chicago Cubs not winning a game that would of sent them to the world series. Not the best film to watch when you’re about to work with you’re sporting idols on the eve of the biggest game in the clubs history. To say it made me super paranoid the whole shoot is an understatement, and it didn’t help that the first shot of the day was with the Dockers marquee player Matthew Pavlich. The scene was me jumping on his back, FUCK RIGHT OFF. I’m twice the size of Pavlich and you’re dreaming if you think I’m jumping on his back. If you watch the scene I take the “mark” and I’m nowhere near Pavlich.
It was a great shoot because everything was time sensitive, the players had their other appointments so we literally only had 10 minutes for each shot with the players so we flew through the script. 
I got to meet a lot of the players I was fans of like Ryan Crowley, Nat fyfe, I didn’t get to meet Michael Walters but the scene he’s in, my fat is hanging out of my footy jersey and I did hear him say to David Mundy “That dude looks like a bag of oranges” which was funny, but Ideally I would of preferred he made the joke to me so I could of gained a fan when I busted his balls back, but unfortunately it wasn’t to be.
The last shot of the film was me gate crashing a press conference with Michael Barlow . Barlow did the interview and the CEO at the time did a big speech thanking the media for their support throughout the year and if they wouldn’t mind hanging around for 10 minutes so we could get our last shot. We smashed out the shot in 2 takes, boom we’re finished, I’m told not to tell anyone about the film until it airs the following week, easy enough right.
Wrong, the next day I’m back at work and people are looking at me like I’m the biggest piece of shit in the world, because one of the media outlets had filmed me gate crashing the Michael Barlow press conference, and passed it off like I was genuinely gate crashing the press conference. 
I had to tell people it was for a film which didn’t help the situation because they thought because I do comedy it must have been some Jackass type movie I was doing. It also didn’t help the situation that Radio talk back shows were crucifying me saying how unfunny I was and how big of a dickhead I was for gate crashing the Barlow press conference, but I didn’t care too much because I knew the film was coming out the following week. It didn’t stop my Mum and my sister writing a long scathing letter to the radio station about how they should do their research before they try to shame their baby boy on the radio. Luckily I was able to stop them from sending it out.
The film came out the following week as well as the entries for the other films that we were competing against, the winners would be based on who had the most likes, shares and views. The first film we were up against was by the St Kilda Saints who managed to get Eric Bana to star in their film, it still makes me chuffed to think I starred in a film that went head to head with an Eric Bana film. The second film was by the Melbourne Demons which was a documentary about a child fan who was very sick, third place was us, and the rest of the films were Essendon Bombers which was fucking terrible and a few other teams who I can’t remember.
The film was released the night the Fremantle Dockers played Sydney Swans in a game which would determine who would be playing Hawthorn in the grand final the following week. Literally the clubs biggest game in their history at that point so the game was sold out and 50,000 people got to see me make an ass out of myself and it was humbling how much the Dockers supporters loved it.                     But more importantly the Dockers smashed the Swans and were headed for their first ever Grand Final.
Being the Dockers fan I am, there was no chance in hell we were missing out on seeing the Dockers play in their first Grand Final. I had cousin’s overseas who cut their holiday short to make it back in time for the Grand Final. It was such an amazing experience heading over for the grand final, and thanks to the film I was a bit of a star amongst Dockers supporters. I was flying over with my dad and at the same time One Direction were flying in and all these young preteen girls were waiting for them with signs and screaming for One Direction. I’m chilling with my dad waiting to board our flight and a family of Dockers fans came over and asked for a photo. All of these young preteen girls were looking at me with a confused look on their face wondering who I was and while they were distracted by me, One Direction walked past the crowd of fans with out any of them noticing.
The morning after we arrived in Melbourne we went straight to the Grand Final Parade which is one of the biggest events of the AFL Grand Final week. All the fans line the street to watch the two competing teams drive through the streets of Melbourne and ends with a big speech on the government steps and the captains of each club holding the trophy in front of their screaming fans. When the event finished all the Dockers fans turned to walk away and saw me in the street. Everyone stopped to shake my hand and to get photos, treating me like a full blown celebrity, even a girl who I had a crush on in High school asked me for a photo and I got to experience all this with my family watching. It was a very surreal and amazing experience to say the least.
The next day was the Grand Final, all the Dockers fans met at Federation Square before the game so we could march to the Melbourne Cricket Ground like soldiers marching to war. It was a sight that Melbourne people have never seen by an interstate club, which made me incredibly proud to be a Dockers fan. Being apart of the film, Dockers fans continued to stop and cheer me as we all marched to the MCG. 
When we got to the MCG I was starting to get anxious for the game, my cousins could see me becoming more anxious, which is why they started screaming out "Look it’s the Unsung Docker” every 5 minutes. I had Dockers fans lining up to get a photo with me and then Hawthorn supporters and famous AFL commentators would walk past with a look on their face like “Who the fuck is this guy”
The Dockers ended up losing the Grand Final and we headed to the Dockers after party which felt more like a wake. After the Dockers lost the game I also found out that we also finished fourth in the film competition behind the Essendon Bombers who got the fucking Janoskians to pump out their film amongst their fans and got their views up with comments like “I’m only here because I like the Janoskians” (I’m still bitter about it). In one afternoon I managed to see my favourite team lose the ultimate prize and have my payment for the film pinched from me by some shit head kids, it was a rough way to end what was otherwise a truly amazing experience.
I wasn’t too disappointed though, the film helped me get an acting agent in Sydney which has lead to some amazing acting opportunities. I’ll share some more stories down the track. The Dockers unfortunately haven’t made it to another Grand Final since 2013, but hopefully one day I’m at the right bar at the right time to have a drink with the new president of the Dockers and we can get the wheels moving on The Unsung Docker 2 
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