#as soon as i saw the leg kabedon i knew what had to be done
heavenly-howl · 6 years
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Day 4- Au “So you’re the little mouse shadowing Akira...”   Y’all know I had to do Bayonetta like cmon.   Jeanne!Yusuke and Ryuji is a weird mix of Enzo and Luka. Ryuji is kinda intimidated by Akira’s tall friend. Enemy? Frenemy?? Whatever he is he’s kinda hot but he’d be hotter if he would STOP SHOOTING AT THEM!
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dudeandduchess · 4 years
Sanemi x F!S/O: Deliberate (Modern/Roommate AU, Slight NSFW Scenario)
Summary: Sanemi and (Y/n) are roommates; nothing really eye-catching with that fact, unless mutual emotions are thrown into the mix. One conversation leads to Sanemi getting jealous and, finally, being done hiding his own feelings after so long. Word Count: 1995
Warnings: There will be a kabedon in here somewhere, Language, Sexy Themes
“(Y/n)!” Sanemi bellowed from somewhere in the apartment, sounding so frustrated and at wit’s end as he stomped out of the laundry room with a bunch of knit sweaters bundled up in his arms. He wouldn’t have thrown a fit if they were his but, the fact remained, they weren’t— and they had been about to get washed in the washer.
Lazily, the aforementioned woman peeled her eyes off of the TV screen, pausing her series as she sat up on the couch. She then sat in wait, fully expecting her roommate to come barging into the living room at any given moment.
He didn’t fail her, however, as the silver-haired man came bounding into the sizeable room— shooting her an incredulous look, before lifting her sweaters up to bring her attention to them. “Were you going to wash these in the washer?”
(Y/n) made a face at her roommate, as if to say ‘duh’, then piped up, “That’s what the washer is for, isn’t it?”
Sanemi’s eyes widened at that, his jaw tightening when he gritted his teeth; all in an effort to keep himself from insulting her. He didn’t really hold her ineptness with house chores against her; after all, she had grown up in a well-to-do family— so that meant that she didn’t have to do any chores whatsoever. And if she had done them, she was only required to do the bare minimum, like wash plates or sweep the floor; at least, that’s what he had found out from her mother when the woman came to visit.
What he didn’t like was that she always let her laziness take the forefront of things, even though it meant ruining so many things that could have lasted a long time. Just like those old shirts that she had been about to throw away, all because she had been too lazy to sew the tiny holes in the armpits.
In the end, he couldn’t resist seeing so many— almost unworn— shirts go to waste, so he had painstakingly sewn them on his day off.
And, he would never admit it, but her grateful smile— and the hug that she’d given him— had been well worth wasting his Saturday morning.
“You have to handwash all of these.” He sounded exasperated, even to his own ears. And it also showed in the way that his hands tightened into fists around the soft material of her sweaters.
“Where, though? We don’t exactly have a handwashing area, do we?” (Y/n) answered cattily, picking up her iced coffee cup from the table and shaking it right at Sanemi— all with a mocking look on her face. “Take a sip of this and chill, why don’t you? You’ll get wrinkles that way.”
Instead of replying immediately, however, the silver-haired man gritted his teeth even tighter and closed his eyes— inhaling deeply, as he tried to let go of his need to shut her up. When he opened his eyes, he was considerably calmer. “Come with me, I’ll show you.”
With a nonchalant shrug, (Y/n) followed him out of the living room and down to the bathroom— taking dainty sips of her iced coffee all the while.
Once they were there, Sanemi made quick work of dumping her sweaters in, and filling the tub a quarter-way with water. Meanwhile, (Y/n) stood in the doorway, watching Sanemi’s pert ass in the air as he bent over and got a fresh packet of detergent from under the sink.
She found herself reaching out, about to grab a handful of his ass, when Sanemi straightened himself up and walked back to the tub. He then knelt down by the edge of it, unscrewing the cap on the plastic packaging and pouring an ample amount into the water.
He then took one of her wet sweaters, dipping it back in the soapy solution, before scrubbing the neckline together— careful not to stretch the material out too much.
All the while, (Y/n) took another sip of her iced coffee, and wandered further into the bathroom. She then perched herself on the other end of the tub, crossing one leg over the other as she leaned back against the wall.
“You know I could do that, right?” She mused coyly, finishing the rest of her drink before tossing it seamlessly into the trash bin at the other end of the room.
Sanemi paused in his actions, looking down at his hands before resuming scrubbing— if only to cover up the fact that he’d just realized that she could have done it by herself. His gaze then flitted over to (Y/n) tracing the columns of her bare legs, and lingering on her thighs, before going back to the task at hand.
It wouldn’t do him any good to get a boner at that moment; in fact, it would only spell disaster for him, as she would never let him live it down.
“I don’t trust you to do it properly.”
“They’re my sweaters, though,” She answered cheekily, biting back a grin when she saw Sanemi pause once more. He then resumed what he was doing, making quick work of scrubbing the material between his hands, before bundling the thing up so he could wring it.
However, before he could even twist the excess water out, (Y/n) grabbed the sweater out of his hands and wrung it out herself; bundling it up nicely, before setting it down on the lip of the tub.
The young man couldn’t help but be impressed with that, as she hadn’t forgotten how he’d taught her to properly wring water out of clothes. He didn’t comment on it though, choosing instead to grab a white sweater from the pile.
“What did you spill on this?” Sanemi’s upper lip curled as he held up the front of the shirt, eyeing the blue spot that spilled down the chest with blatant distaste. “And why didn’t you soak it as soon as you got home?”
“Giyuu said that it would come out even if I didn’t soak it,” She answered with a shrug, placing both of her feet down on the floor as she leaned forward, all to make a move to grab the sweater from her roommate. “It’s just a bit of juice, from when we went to the amusement park together.”
Even though he didn’t want to, Sanemi still found himself narrowing his eyes at the very mention of his co-teacher. He had made the mistake of introducing (Y/n) to Tomioka, on one of the days when he’d forgotten his bento at home, and she had taken an instant liking to the sullen PE teacher.
It wasn’t exactly a secret that they spent so much time together on their days off, but the secret was that Sanemi always felt jealousy rear its ugly head within him— whenever she so much as mentioned the other man.
He thought he was being so smooth with keeping his feelings a secret, but (Y/n) had always picked up on his sudden curtness whenever she talked about Giyuu— and she wasn’t above dangling him in front of Sanemi like bait, if it meant that he would crack first in their little game of cat and mouse.
Because she might have played dumb most of the time, but she had known way long ago— a month after she had moved in with him, to be exact— what he wanted with her; and she wanted the same with him.
Besides, no man who didn’t have romantic feelings for a woman would hand wash her clothes for her— nor would any other man visibly bristle at the mention of another man, unless they liked the person speaking.
She would be damned, however, if she gave in and admitted her feelings first.
“That explains why I never saw it, because I went home late that day,” Sanemi uttered smoothly, not once faltering as he tried to scrub out the stain on the white sweater.
“Oh?” (Y/n)’s eyes narrowed at the man, her lips pursing together briefly before she forced them into a neutral look. “Did you have a date?”
“Yeah. With that woman from the book shop.” The young man covertly glanced up at (Y/n), watching her legs cross themselves once more— which had his cock stirring within his sweatpants. He willed it away, yet the more he took the view of her legs in, the harder he got.
Thankfully, he was saved by the faint buzzing of the washer in the laundry room— indicating that the load he’d put in was already done. So, he dropped the sweater in the tub, blatantly ignoring (Y/n) as he made a beeline for the sink.
He washed his hands then, licking his suddenly dry lips as he kept his crotch pressed against the countertop— if only to hide his erection from (Y/n)’s shrewd gaze.
Unfortunately for him, the young woman had already seen what he was trying to hide— and had already risen from her perch on the tub; moving to stand behind him, smirking at him from her reflection in the mirror.
“Fond memory, Nemi?” (Y/n) teased softly, sauntering up against him and gently blowing on the back of his ear— which had Sanemi suppressing a shiver. “Or did you see something you like?”
Once he had turned the faucet off, Sanemi boldly turned around— not even bothering to hide his erection anymore— and pressed his front up against (Y/n)’s. Surprise took over her expression at that, making her step back the more that Sanemi stepped towards her— until her back was flush with the wall, and his cock was pressed flush against her abdomen.
Before she could escape from being pinned, however, Sanemi caged her in place with both of his arms against the wall— getting so close to her that their noses were touching, and if she dared to even move her face, his lips would be flush against hers.
“You think you’re being fucking cute, huh?” Sanemi whispered against her lips, sounding so calm and confident despite his heart hammering inside his chest. “Deliberately teasing me… all the fucking time.”
(Y/n)’s eyes widened at the blatant accusation, not even daring to open her mouth for a rebuttal— as she knew that she had already been caught. Her lips parted slightly, tingling when it touched Sanemi’s plump ones that still hovered above hers.
Sanemi smirked against (Y/n)’s lips, feeling so in control as he pressed his hips flush against hers— rubbing his cock against her, and reveling in the quiet sound of her gasp. “You’re just begging to be fucked, aren’t you?”
Silence passed between the couple— tense and thick, wrapping around them and making the air feel so charged around them. However, despite the heady feeling of having Sanemi grinding against her, (Y/n) struggled to regain the upper hand in their little exchange.
Because she refused to play right into his hands. Not after she’d worked so hard to get them to that point.
Slowly, her hands drifted up his shirt— trailing beneath the soft material and caressing his defined torso as best as she could in their position. “Are you going to fuck me, then? Or do I have to ask Giyuu to do it again?”
The heat in Sanemi’s eyes flared up at her words, as his lips briefly pulled down into a scowl, before he slammed his lips against hers— out of sheer frustration and jealousy. He took her mouth with abandon, roughly biting down on her bottom lip and sucking it into his mouth, before giving it a harsh nip with his teeth. “Fuck if he’s ever gonna touch you again.”
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pink-imagines · 4 years
a matter of strength
request: So I wanted a really self-indulgent fic with me and Todoroki. My friend started shipping us and now I can't stop thinking about it. Friend even got me to do some kabedon art and I don't remember what led to the discussion of kabedon but then I was like "Well I guess I'm drawing Todoroki trapping me against a wall." So I want a fic of my self-insert OC meeting Todoroki and whatever the hell leads up to him doing a kabedon. It's certainly preferable for him to like me back, but more than anything I want him to be in character. So if the kabedon is because he's fed up with me flirting or something, then so be it. (requested by @kawayuni​)
a/n: i hope i wrote your quirk in the right way!!
warnings: self doubt, a fight scene but nothing too gory
requesting rules
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If it wasn’t for the the fact that Todoroki was with you, you would’ve probably been dead. 
You really didn’t know what happened, you just froze. To think that today would finally lead up to this moment.
You woke up that morning feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day! Sure, maybe it was a bit hard to get out of bed but you did it eventually! Which is really all that counts. Around 7 am you were almost out the door to get to work and you were at the train station at 7:30. The station was crowded but you did your best to slink through to get to where you needed to be. 
Once you got to work you immediately went into the office to see if you had any paperwork you had to get done. “Good morning, Y/L/N.”, a familiar voice said from behind you. “It’s indeed a good morning, especially now that I got to see you!”, you jokingly said and smiled at the receptionist who walked past. “You’re too sweet, Y/N.”, she laughed and walked over to the break room. Without hesitation you got to work and finished what needed to be done, you really just wanted to get out to the action. You weren’t always needed out, since you were a rescue worker but sometimes you got to go out on patrol. Today was that kind of day! You were actually patrolling with Todoroki, which you were very excited about. You had first met him at UA during the sports festival, and since then you had developed a little crush on him. Who wouldn’t, really, tough?
“Ready to go, Y/H/N?”, Todoroki asked as you got out of the changing room. “Ready as I’ll ever be, handsome!”, you grinned at the way his face got slightly more red. You were what people would call a flirt. Really you just tried to compliment people in that way, and most people were fine with it. Todoroki was one of those people and you had a fun time teasing him about the fact that he would easily blush. Sometimes you’d get a smile or even a chuckle out of him, which is why you usually saved your best one-liners for him personally. 
During your patrol you kept it flirty and lighthearted, calling him by nicknames and telling silly pick-up lines. Todoroki didn’t complain, and simply went along with it, sometimes he’d roll his eyes but he’d always have a smile on his lips while doing so. “I appreciate you serving looks, but I’d also like to be served some food.”, you joked, “Wanna go out for lunch after patrol?” Usually you’d go out for lunch with the person you were patrolling with after doing your job, which is why you loved patrolling with Todoroki.  “Yeah, as long as we get back in time. I have some paper work to do.”, he nodded, ignoring the flirty remark you made even though his ears were turning slightly red as well as his cheeks. “Great what do you want to-”, you didn’t look at where you were going and bumped into someone, “Oh, I’m so sorry!” “Watch where you’re going.”, the man growled at you. “Sir, it was just a mistake. They apologiesed.”, Todoroki said in your defense. “Heroes these days... they’re so incapable...”, the man kept walking in the opposite direction of where you were going. You looked back at him for a while, there was just something that rubbed you the wrong way about him and you couldn’t get it out of your mind. “Are you okay? You know you shouldn’t take what he said to heart, right?”, Todoroki brought you out of your own head. “Yeah, yeah! I’m fine.”, you shrugged it off and decided to not focus your energy on a grumpy man.
Once your shift was over the two of you went out to get soba, still in your hero costumes mostly because you were to lazy to take it off but also in case of an emergency call. You could never be too careful, the only downside was people staring at you and the commotion around it. “We always end up eating soba when we’re going patrolling together.”, you commented at random, after there had been a long pause of silence where you had just been eating. “It’s my favorite...”, he shrugged and looked up at you, “... I like eating it with you.” Todoroki wasn’t much of a talker, he wasn’t a flirter either, but in some sort of way, in certain moments, his words would make your heart skip a beat. Maybe it was the fact that he usually didn’t talk much and that when he did it left a much bigger impact. Or it was the fact that he chose his words so carefully that each of them really meant something. Before you could respond to this with another one of your flirty remarks both of you got a stress call. It was an area near you, which is probably why you got it in the first place.  “Let’s go.”, Todoroki said, got up and threw some money on the table to pay for your food.
When you reached the scene it was a building on fire. You approached one of the medics helping out at the scene. “What’s going on here? What can we do?”, you asked. “There are already heroes inside, but there are still hostages being held.”, the nurse said stressfully, “Just try to get them out safely. There’s a villain in there- I don’t know what he wants-” “Alright, thank you!”, you said as the nurse ran off to help some other victims, “Let’s go!”
While Todoroki helped out in trying to put the fire out, you were helping people out of the building. “Not too many people at once!”, you told them, “Five is just enough! Don’t worry, I’ll get all of you down.” You got them down by lifting and sinking rocks, almost like an elevator, which is why they couldn’t all get down at once. With the best of your abilities you tried to focus on helping them, but you could also feel the steps of someone approaching quickly through the vibration in the ground. The only thing you could do was to hope that it was just another hero, or a hostage further in the building that had managed to escape on their own. “Y/H/N, the villain is approaching your area!”, you heard through your earpiece. “Got it!”, you answered. Shit... As you helped the next five people on the hovering rock you put up a stone wall against the door. “The door is barricaded, but I’ll need back-up. I won’t be able to hold it that long.”, you said to your mic. With one hand holding up your barrier and the other one slowly sinking down the five people, your energy was about to reduce faster than normal. Still, there were only three people left after this one so you told yourself to suck it up and finish the job. “Back up is on the way, but please keep the door barricaded!”, the sound from the earpiece startled you a bit, but you kept your balance. “Thank you.”, you answered shortly to keep as much energy as possible. You heard the door open and a familiar man’s voice groan, probably a reaction to your barrier. With a sigh you told everyone to keep quiet, hoping you wouldn’t get caught or that he wouldn’t bother. “Heroes these days... they’re so incapable.”, when you heard the voice say that your entire body froze. It was the man from before. You looked down the building to see that the people down there had gotten off. With as much power you could muster you brought the rock back up. When you turned to tell everyone to get on you were met with the villain smashing through your barrier. You dropped the rock to the ground and hurried to the three people left, creating a new wall around them. It was a wall that you didn’t have to hold up yourself, though you knew it would soon turn into gravel so you had to work quickly. You tried capturing the villains legs by incasing them with stone, but he just broke himself free. Every single attack you tried to stop him with failed, and you were slowly getting more and more tired. All the while you were trying to protect the innocent citizen from this delusional man he was mocking you. “What kind of training are they even putting you through nowadays? It doesn’t seem like it’s working.”, he laughed. You heard the agonizing sound of the wall around the people you were trying to protect crumble to the ground. You fell to your knees out of exhaustion and pure disappointment over the fact that you were uncapable of doing this by yourself, even if you were a rescue worker and not a hero. Out of the corner of your eye you saw a tiny figure. Your head snapped over there, only to see a child who had been in hiding until now. You hadn’t even noticed the fact that there weren’t only three people left. Because of the movement of your head, the villain followed your eyes. In a moment of pure panic you did the only thing you could think of; use the last of your energy to build two stone barriers, one around the child and the other around the other three people. “You’re just gonna leave yourself open for me like this? You do realize that I’ll just kill them after I take you out, right?”, the villain laughed, “You really are useless, aren’t you?” He raised his hand towards you, and as you were expecting the blow something cold appeared right in front of your face. A wall of ice had stopped the villain from giving you one last blow. “You’re alright, Y/N...”, you heard Todoroki whisper, “... come with me, the civillians are gonna be okay. We brought back up, it’s just a matter of time-” You blacked out.
When your eyes fluttered open again you were met with a bright light. It smelled like carbolic acid and a distracting hint of flowers. A slight beeping was heard every second or so. Once you got your vision back and looked around the room you understood that you were in a hospital. The slight smell of flowers came from the boquet on the nightstand next to you, and of course the beeping was from a heart monitor. A nurse came into the room with a relieved look on her face. “Oh, you’re awake!”, she smiled kindly. “Where am I?”, you muttered out. As you tried to rub the sleep out of your eyes you realized you were hooked up to a drip. “You used too much energy and blacked out. Don’t worry, it’s only been a few hours... and you should be ready to head out if you just rest for a bit longer.”, the nurse explained, “You’re recovering quickly, but I recommend you take a few days off work.” As the nurse left the room you thought about what had happened. You weren’t strong enough to take down the villain, and in return those innocent people probably got traumatized. With a deep sigh you put your head in your hands. If it wasn’t for the the fact that Todoroki was with you, you would’ve probably been dead.
When you got back from the hospital you didn’t take those days off that the nurse recommended. Instead you went to work and did paper work. You would’ve gone out on patrol but that was too far according to the agency. On top of that, you had been avoiding Todoroki like the plague. Whenever you looked at him you just felt helpless, and you didn’t want to show your face to him after what had happened. You didn’t want to face him because you thought you were too weak for him.
Sometimes, even though you weren’t allowed to patrol, you’d just take a look at your hero costume. You missed getting to go out, but you had to fully get better before you got to do so.  One time when you were in the changing room for your break, looking at your hero costume, someone opened and closed the door quickly behind them. “You’re back?”, a familiar voice asked. When you looked back to the voice’s owner your face blossomed with different colors of red. Todoroki walked closer to you. “I got back four days ago.”, you muttered out and closed the locker door, ready to walk out of there. “You didn’t think of stopping by my desk? Maybe say ‘hi’?”, Todoroki wasn’t usually this forward, “I was worried about you, you know.” “You shouldn’t have been.”, you sighed, “It’s not like I’m that important to the agency.” When he tried to take a few steps closer you backed up, but was met with the cold material of your locker behind you. “Y/N, what are you talking about?”, the way he said your name so softly made your heart flutter, but you couldn’t give in. “I’m just saying that I’m not as powerful as the rest of you, so I’m not important to-” Todoroki’s hands slammed down on the locker behind you, his hands were right by your head. “Did you ever think that I’d be worried about you for selfish reasons? Or do you think I’m some sort of machine?”, he walked just a bit closer to you and let his forearms lean against the metal behind you, “You don’t think I take what you say to me to heart?” You had never been this close to him before, he could probably hear your heart beating out of your chest. You really didn’t know what happened, you just froze. To think that today would finally lead up to this moment, a day that seemed so normal as if it was any other day. “I talk like that to everybody, Todoroki, I-” “Look me in the eye and tell me it’s the same.”, he said with a low tone. You finally met his gaze, his piercing eyes were almost unbearable but you kept yourself steady. “I can’t...”, you admitted. “So why can’t you believe me when I say that I was worried? I don’t care if you don’t think you’re strong enough to matter. To me you matter, and what you did during that mission was nothing but strong.”, he had calmed down a bit and now talked in a softer voice, “I’d really like for you to see that too.” “Todoroki...” “Please call me Shoto.”, he said. “Shoto...”, you tried the name out, “... Shoto, you matter to me too and hearing that from you means a lot... but could you maybe back up a bit?” At this point you could feel Shoto’s breath against your lips and your face had become increasingly more hot every second. “Right! Sorry...”, Shoto backed away from you, and you’d be lying if you said that you didn’t miss his warmth. “... so you’re saying you... knew that I like you?”, you muttered and he nodded, “And you like me back?” Shoto nodded again, and that tiny motion made your heart burst with fireworks and butterflies and your head was buzzing as if you had just gotten drunk for the first time. “No more mindless flirting?”, he held out his hand to you. “No more mindless flirting.”, you took his hand gently. As soon as you did so he started walking out the door, dragging you with him.  “Wait, where are we going?”, you blurted out. “I’m taking you out for a coffee, so that we can finally have a date.” “You don’t think that could wait?” “No.”
“How did you find out that I like you? I mean I act like that around everyone.”, you asked and took another sip from your cup of coffee. “I didn’t know...”, he admitted, “I was talking to the receptionist and she kinda let it slip, actually.” “Are you serious!?”
permanent taglist: @theoceanphoenixhasrisen | @raven-r0ses | @darkbeautyswife | @sondering-thoughts | @gowoneandonlyone | @bnhabadass | @queenblackcat | @jayetheanimefreek101 | @witchy-anna | @cutest-celestial-princess | @missymysa | @karebear5118 | @weebartistinc | @crystal-lilac |
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sweetiejunie · 5 years
Why did you do that?
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Summary: you tease him all night and he’s home with one thing on his mind
Genre: smut
Yeonjun x reader
“Why did you do that y/n?”
You felt helpless as you backed away from the approaching boy. Yeonjun was still in the outfit he had worn for the night. A plain white button down, paired with beige dress pants and brown shoes, and obviously he looked stunning. He always looked stunning.
You let out a small yelp the moment you felt the cold wall hit your back. Yeonjuns arms were at either side of you. He had you against the wall kabedon style, holding you there. You shuddered when you felt his breathe against your face as he spoke.
“Do you know disastrous everything could have turned out?”
You looked down, afraid of what you see if you made eye contact, but yeonjun wasn’t allowing that. He simply bent down to your level, tilting his head up, forcing you to look at him.
“It was an important dinner with my managers and the boys. I told you I’ll be back as soon as i could, right? Tsk, baby girl couldn’t even wait for me that long?”
You had no where to run. You couldn’t run. You were stuck between his body and the wall of cement behind you, and you’ve never felt smaller beside him.
‘Junie when are u coming back? I miss you’
‘I’m so wet for you. I want to make you feel so good’
‘Junie dont ignore me i can see you’ve read my messages’
‘Oppa i really need you’
From memory, Yeonjun started quoting all the text messages you had sent him through the night. It was as if he was studying and, this moment right now, was his test.
He grabbed your chin, turning you to face him as he stood up to his full height. This entire time you didn’t dare say anything. You felt as if you were a mouse that just got thrown into the lion’s den.
“You meant to send every single one of those texts, didn’t you,” he stated, he wasn’t asking a question. “And that picture you sent… you know how i hate being teased y/n.”
All of a sudden, you noticed something in his eyes darkened.
“On your knees.”
You obeyed his orders while he undid his belt. The delicious sound of clinks hit your ears, spending chills down your spin. You always loved the sound of a belt buckle being undone, something about it was just so… enticing.
You watched as he pulled down his pants, along with his breifs. His dick was only semi hard, but that’s what you were there for.
“Let’s see just how good you want to make me feel baby girl. You won’t go back on your words will you?”
You nodded your head as an answer but yeonjun wasn’t having any of that.
“Use your words.”
“I’ll make you feel so good oppa,” you pumped his length a few times, loving the feeling as he grew harder in the palm of your hand.
He hissed at the contact as you licked a strip up his shaft, placing a kiss at the tip.
“Get on with it baby girl. The more you tease, the worse you’ll have it later.”
Taking him in your mouth, you bopped your head back and forth. Listening to his melodic groans as you did so. Every groan was sent straight to your core as you started to soak through your panties. With each bop, you took him further, teeth lightly grazing his sensitive skin, tongue licking as you went.
“Fuck,” he moaned, grabbing your hair, keeping you in place, shoving himself down your throat, to the point your noise could touch his lower stomach.
You tried fighting back your gag reflex, but yeonjun loved when he could feel your throat close around him, struggling for air.
“Poor baby, am i being too harsh?” He asked between breaths, only to start fucking your throat harder. “Well, you’ve been a bad girl, you’ll just have to take whatever i give.”
You moaned a response, vibrations cuasing yeonjun to let out another groan. With a few more thrusts, he came in your mouth, cock still shoved far down your esophagus, leaving you no choice but to swallow whatever he released.
When he finally pulled out, his now softened cock, you were both panting, lungs struggling for air. His once crisp white shirt sticking to his body from the sweat, practically see through by this point.
He admired as a string of saliva follwed his cock out, still linking it to your mouth.
“What a good girl,” he carassed your cheek, thumb running along your bottom lip.
He held out his other hand, helping you stand. He placed a kiss on your lips, ignoring the fact that he could taste himself on your tongue, hands playing with the hem of your shorts before slipping in, palming your heat. You moaned into the kiss, causing yeonjun to smirk.
“Needy, aren’t we? Just how badly do you need me baby girl?”
“So badly, I’ve need you since you left. Please, junie,” you admitted, voice breaking, kissing him again.
You could feel yeonjun smile into the kiss, hooking one of your legs around his waist before pushing you panties to the side. Without warning immediately slipping two fingers into you, not giving you time to adjust as he started pumping at a ruthless pace.
“Fuck yeonjun,” that’s all you would mutter out as you held on to his shoulders as if for your dear life, keeping yourself balanced.
“You’re so tight baby, are you going to cum for me already?” He ask, noticing how you were clenching around his fingers.
Yeonjun curled his fingers, messaging your sweet spot as you leaned against his chest, letting out a breathy moan as you came undone. Yeonjun slowly pumping in and out of you, helping you ride out your high.
He pulled out his fingers, admiring how they glistened with your juices before putting them into his mouth, licking them clean. You watched his every move, trying to catch your breath. Whimpering when you saw his fingers enter his mouth.
“You always taste so good baby girl, and i think you owe me a rather big dessert after the company dinner you so rudely interupted,” he stated, grabbing your chin, lifting your head from his chest when he saw your blinking get slower.
“You’re in for a long night. You better not be getting tired too early,” he hissed into your ear. “Now strip for me.”
At his command, you removed your shirt, followed by your pants, and finally your panties, tossing them to the side.
The next thing you knew, yeonjun was on his knees, your leg now swung over his shoulder as a licked a strip up your core. You trembled, still sensitive from your last orgasm. You leaned back against the wall, palms flat against it, desperate for your legs not to give out. Yeonjun continued his assult, speeding up his actions with every whimper that escaped your mouth.
“Junie slow down, it hurts,” you moaned out from the oversensitivity.
Yeonjun didn’t reply, only to continue at his meriless pace, darting his tongue in and out of you and every now and then, stopping to suck at your clit through his teeth. Before you knew it, you were quickly approaching your second orgasm of the night.
A fimilar heat pooled at your lower stomach as your moans and whimpers got louder, repeatedly screaming his name as if it were a chant.
He held your hips, to prevent you from falling as you came for the second time in the span of a few mintues. He continued sucking and licking, not caring how much you whinned as he cleaned up every last drop you released.
Placing one last kiss on your clit, he looked up at your fucked out face, his chin covered in your cum. He stood up, hands still on your hips as he kiss you, forcing you to taste yourself.
“Dont’t think we’re done yet. Im craving more than just two courses,” he smirked, so much venom in his words as he spoke.
You shouldn’t have teased him so much, you knew that, but there was a part of you that loved it.
No comments about this one really 🤭😳 just hoped you liked it!
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noyasenpaii · 4 years
do you write for ships? if you do then can i request for a scenario where hinata tries kabedon on kageyama but gets very embarrassed afterwards cause kageyama is very tall lol
Anon i'm so sorry this took such a long time. Writing for someone else is harder than I thought haha. But anyways thank you for requesting Kagehina 🙊hope you like this😥
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Pairing: Hinata Shoyo x Kageyama Tobio
A Kagehina AU! This story takes place 3 weeks after Kagehina's physical fight in season 2.
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Swearing
Wordcount: 2.2k
"Kageyama," Daichi Sawamura said as he walked into the club room, taking off his shoes,"Are you feeling okay?" Kageyama tensed up. Nishinoya glanced at Hinata. 'What happened' he mouthed. Hinata furrowed his eyebrows and just shrugged. 
"We don't talk anymore," the boy whispered to his senpai. Since the fight, each passing moment the two 1st years were together, the tension was undeniably strong. Hinata couldn't help but feel responsible for the distance between them, so he always wanted to know if Kageyama wasn’t feeling okay. The guilt was overwhelming… but he just didn't know what to do. He cared too much. No matter what, he couldn't give up on Kageyama. His teammate. 
Even if he thought that way, his actions towards the setter spoke differently. Hinata would lie to get Kageyama out of his sight. He would run away as soon as he saw his signature blue eyes. All he dreaded was another collision. He didn't want another fight.
He sighed. 
Stop thinking about him.
"I'm fine." Kageyama looked away, ripping open his duffel bag. "It's nothing." He said while mercilessly unbuttoning his black school uniform and quickly changing into the white volleyball t-shirt. Hinata started to change while Nishinoya and Tanaka were taking turns drinking from a water bottle. 
"You know," Suga hesitated, "you can always go home early. There's no shame in rest-"
"I SAID I'M FINE." Karasuno froze. Tanaka opened his mouth but Nishinoya stopped him. Kageyama grit his teeth. "Just leave me the fuck alone." He punched his school uniform into his bag and tossed it to an empty spot behind him.
What the heck? 
Just because he's angry, doesn't mean he can be rude. Suga uttered a sad apology and the Karasuno boys left the club room. Hinata narrowed his eyes. Standing up to Sugawara san would be okay, right? 
"Kageyama," Hinata lowered his head, "show some respect."
I don't want another fight but here I am.
The blue haired boy spinned to the origin of the voice. Of course Hinata had a say in this. Of course Hinata couldn't mind his own fucking business. Like a child, unable to keep his hands to himself. Kageyama never felt so annoyed seeing Hinata's face. 
Ignore me like you usually do.
In the corridors, assembly hall, the volleyball court and in between classes, they would act like they didn't know each other. With their eyes looking straight ahead, they would walk past, unacknowledging the other's presence. That is, unless Hinata ran away first. Eye contact to its bare minimum, they were still able to get by during practice. For the time being, they were able to make it work. 
Why can't you ignore me like you always do?
Kageyama sneered. "Says the guy who keeps running away from me."
"Not everyday someone falls down the damn stairs, Kageyama kun." Hinata bit his lip. "We're just worried about you." 
Don't lie. Don't lie to me.
"Worried?" Kageyama bared his teeth. "You call that worrying, Hinata? You say that but you run away every time you see me… you cared so much that you couldn't even stand the sight of me alone?! Staying away from me, keeping your distance from me, ignoring me all the time. What am I to you? Some kind of monster?!" 
Hinata stepped back. 
Does he even know how much he is affecting me? Does he even know how much he is affecting the team just because he wants to do a different quick? An impossible quick just so he can feel better about himself while I'm the one who has to go through all the trouble to practice a fucking falling toss? Does he even appreciate that I'm working so hard just for him?
Kageyama couldn't keep all his emotions at bay. With every second, he felt the frustration deep inside him turn to rage. It was nauseating that Hinata was able to lie that he cared. In a split second, all the rage building inside of him vanished. Fear took its place.
Kageyama's voice trembled, softening. "How long are you planning to keep this up? Until you find someone better who can toss to you like I do? Until you find someone else that you won't...need me anymore?" 
No that's not it.
Hinata looked up to see a glimpse of Kageyama's dark blue eyes glassy. Seeing all the pain written all over Kageyama felt sickening. Seeing this vulnerable side of Kageyama made him feel worse compared to anything he's ever felt before. The overwhelming guilt in his system made him feel responsible for all this hurting. Hinata's whole body quivered, facade breaking into pieces. Tears slipping into every area on his face, Hinata's heart burst from his overflowing emotions.
"Hinata," Kageyama sobbed through his tear stained eyes,"you're shit at showing how much you care." He wiped the liquid running down his face and walked towards the door.
"I just, I don't want to," Hinata choked on his tears. He slumped down, gripping the ground tightly. Kageyama stopped in his tracks. 
If you knew how much I care about you. If you knew the feelings I have for you. If you knew why I chose to keep this distance from you. I just don't want to hurt you.
Kageyama pushed the door handle down, clasping it tightly to keep his tears from falling. Just as the door opened, Hinata slammed it shut. Kageyama turned, his back against the wall, eyes widening.
"I don't wanna see you hurt again, Kageyama kun!"
What the hell is this position?
"Everytime you look at me, everytime I see you... there's always this expression you make. Just looking at you makes me want to cry. Seeing you like that," Hinata whimpered, "I don't wanna make you cry, Kageyama. I'm sorry that I ignored you. I'm sorry that I ran away from you. I just didn't want to fight you."
"You fucking idiot," Kageyama embraced the boy just so he wouldn't see all the tears rushing out of his eyes. "I fucking hate you! You really *sob* put me through this bullshit and you still can't look me in the eye. I waited so long for you to just say one word to me. One word without you running away from me. I swear to god you didn't want to hurt me by fighting with me and instead you hurt me by keeping your distance from me. Fuck you *sob* Hinata. I will beat the shit out of you, I hate you so much you fucking dumbass!" 
"Why are you being so mean to me," Hinata bawled in Kageyama's arms. "Even when you're crying you're still a big fat bully."
"Fuck you Hinata. Next time use your fucking head and we wouldn't be in this *sob* mess."
"Maybe you should be nicer to me so I won't ignore you anymore."
"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY? YOU LITTLE SHIT YOU-" Kageyama pressed his fingers down Hinata's skull, both still a crying mess. 
"Kageyama! I still have things to say you know?!" Kageyama released his fingers from the boy's scalp and Hinata placed his hands on the door, encasing Kageyama in the middle. Hinata felt woozy after Kageyama pressed his pressure point and hugged him. 
Kageyama tilted his head in confusion. 
Does he have no shame? Kabe don twice in a row...I need to step up my game.
"Look I d-didn't mean to do it. I didn't mean to ignore you. It's just if I look at you… if I look you in the eyes I get really scared." Hinata gasped and let go of the door with his hands dangling by his side. His nose turned bright red and he looked down at his hands. 
If only I was taller than Kageyama.
The setter raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"
"I just- I feel like we, um you I mean I really," Hinata sighed. "I can't even look at you." Kageyama huffed, getting impatient. Hinata takes too long.
"Just do it." Hinata stiffened. "Look at me when you have something to say." With a finger, Kageyama lifted Hinata's chin and their eyes met. "See? You can do it." Hinata's heart stopped. His cheeks burned, breath caught short.
Kageyama's eyes are really, really blue.
 A small smile danced on the setter's lips. He finally figured it out. Shortening the distance between their lips, Kageyama guided Hinata's chin with his fingers. He scanned Hinata's eyes for a reaction and smirked. Brushing his lips briefly against Hinata's, he heard a soft groan. 
This reaction only means…
Unable to contain his excitement he whispered in the small boy's ear.
"You're too easy to figure out," he chuckled. 
Hinata blinked.
"That's called sending signals? I can't believe the genius Kageyama Tobio took so long to figure it out." He rolled his eyes while Kageyama looked alarmed.
"What? You never sent any indication-"
"Remember that time where I always wanted to walk you home. Also the annoying 'toss to me toss to me' thing I always do? I'm also weirdly clingy? Seriously? Nothing? Gosh Kageyama no wonder you get bad grades. Your brain's too slow." Kageyama leapt onto Hinata and they fell on the floor. 
"Oi!" The voice brought the two boys back to reality. "Are you done fighting?" Tanaka opened the door to see the 1st years on the floor. Dumbfounded, he slowly closed the door with wide eyes. "What the fuck," he said and walked back to the volleyball gym.
"Kageyama." Hinata rolled out of his grasp. "If you hated being ignored so much then why did you ignore me too?" They sat down, cross legged facing each other.
"Because you ignored me first. I wasn't gonna lose to you, asshole," Kageyama looked away, knowing well that ignoring Hinata back was childish. Changing the subject was something he wanted to do. "So. Do you like me?"
Hinata gagged on a mouthful of air. Is this guy serious? "Don't be shy Hinata, just spit it out." Hinata scowled at his teammate, unwilling to give up his dignity.
"You first, Kageyama kun." As soon as those words came out of his mouth, Hinata regretted it immediately. An unusual smirk made its way to Kageyama's lips and he began to crawl on all fours slowly towards his teammate. Hinata backed away with his hands. "Kageyama what are you doing?!" 
"I'm giving you my answer," He taunted. "Hinata it's not like I'm gonna hurt you." Gently taking Hinata's hands into his own, Kageyama leaned in. "You want this don't you?" His fingers reached and ran along Hinata's face, caressing his hair down to his cheeks. Ears red, Hinata tried to look away but he couldn't. He wanted Kageyama to touch him a little bit more. 
"Kiss me," Hinata blurted. A soft glimmer sparked in Kageyama's eyes.
"Gladly." Their lips collided softly and he smiled. He never felt so delighted. Tilting his head, Kageyama inserted his tongue and Hinata whined. With his hand on Hinata's neck, he pulled away, beaming. "You're turn."
Hinata's eyes fluttered open. He scratched the back of his head and pouted. "I asked you to kiss me and you still question my feelings." Kageyama yelled at him to stop complaining and just do as he says. Hinata hesitated, still pouting.
"Everytime I look at you? There's this emotion inside me that makes me feel like gwaah? I don't really know how to describe it but it makes me feel- I don't know? Really uncomfortable anywhere near you? Even looking in your eyes makes me feel so scared. It's seriously like? I mean, you know, I'm not stupid enough to not think that I don't? Not? Have a crush… on you? B-BUT that's crazy because I'm not like, I like girls! That's what I'm saying! But I think there's a big, big possibility that I might be- that I might have fell in. No! I mean I might like. Like you. A lot. " Hinata attempted to look in his eyes but chickened out.
"Okay."  Kageyama stood up and walked towards the door, Hinata's words having no effect on the setter.
"Let's go practice. We've spent enough of our time in here." Hinata opened his mouth in disbelief. He followed Kageyama out the door.
"That's your reaction?! No wonder I ignored you for 2 weeks. Kageyama is bo! ring!" Hinata ran inside the volleyball court, picking up a stray ball.
"2 weeks? You're so stupid." 
"Then if you're so smart how many weeks has it been huh? HUH?!"
"3. 3 weeks." Hinata frowned.
"How would I know if that's true?!"
"Because I'm better than you in math, dumbass." Kageyama tossed the ball, perfectly reaching Hinata's point of impact. The ball fit in his palm and Hinata slammed it down on the court. 
"But you still failed didn't you?" Kageyama looked around picked up Hinata by his collar, embarrassed that his senpais were listening. 
"Ah," Ennoshita sighed, looking fondly at the two first years who were late to practice,"it's so nice to have them back."
"I can't believe I missed their conversations." Suga grinned. Daichi picked up the volleyball behind Sugawara's feet.
"I guess the silence won't bother us anymore."
The Karasuno boys watched as Hinata and Kageyama practiced their new quick, yelling at each other just like usual. With the two troublemakers present, they felt at ease knowing that they finally fixed their relationship. 
"They finally went back to normal." Yachi teared up.
@yunggumii @blobbyx2blobfish @daiseukis @noyapai @letshaikyuu @gulfwanq @blkjackals @heccingdead @baby-boy-taichi @bokutokoutarou @dateko @maple0bwawe @allywritesimagines @chasin-l @1tsnoya @hihiq
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galileosunshine · 7 years
Up Against the Wall
Written for Day 1 of ChikaRiko Week! Prompt: Role Reversal / School
Rating: General Words: ~1600 Fandom: LoveLive! / Love Live! Sunshine!! Pairing: ChikaRiko Summary: Chika tries to understand why Riko likes kabedon so much
Read on AO3
“I’ll never understand why you like this kinda stuff,” Chika said.
The corner of Riko’s lips twitched as she forced a smile. “It’s…just a hobby, ok?”
Chika picked up one of Riko’s kabedon comics by her thumb and forefinger and held it up to her face, as though she was examining a curious specimen. “Yeah, but…don’t you think it’s kind of silly?”
“Weeell…” Riko dragged out nervously, unsure of what to say in response. Or rather, she was holding herself back, because she wasn’t sure if she could stop if she got started.
“You just see it so much in manga and in movies now that it feels…ridiculous, y’know?”
“It’s the feeling of helplessness!” Riko scratched out. “And the possessiveness that the other person is showing. They desire you so much, and they can’t let you get away, so…”
“Context is really important! To really make the scene poignant, oftentimes the person being trapped is about to leave for something else, or for someone else. And the other person feels like they can’t let them go no matter what, or they’ll lose them forever! They grab on to their wrist as their about to leave, but there’s resistance; the other person tries to pull away, so then they have no choice but to trap them against the wall! The kabedon is an expression of the chaser’s longing, their desire, their desperation, their–”
Riko stopped, realizing she was getting louder and louder, and that she was getting carried away.
“Wow, I didn’t know you could get so worked up over this.”
She quickly turned away from Chika, who’s smirk was driving her crazy. Riko’s face was as scarlet as her hair, and she could feel her ears burning. This may be even more embarrassing than when Chika first discovered her secret obsession. At least then, Chika had been comforting, in assuring her that her hobby wasn’t anything she needed to hide. But as time went on, and Chika grew more and more interested in it, so began the endless teasing.
“Oh hey, this page is dog-eared,” Chika’s voice came from beside her.
Riko’s heart lurched, and she spun around to see Chika opening the comic. Riko knew exactly what that page was. She had marked it so she could come back and look at it whenever she liked, to savor it. The page depicted a girl being pinned to the wall, as per usual, but the way the girl was pinned was nothing like she had seen before.
She had her arms held behind her back by her captor, and her body was arched, so that only her shoulders really touched the wall, her pelvis was held close to her captor. The girl trapping her braced her other arm on the wall above the pinned girls head, which only intensified the sense of dominance she was exuding. And last of all, the wall trapper was leaning down to steal a kiss…
“Don’t look at that!” Riko screeched as she lunged for the book.
“Whoaa, that’s steamy! I wonder what–” Chika wasn’t able to finish her sentence before the comic was quickly snatched from her hands.
Riko threw the book under her bed, then threw herself on top of her bed, covering herself in blankets.
“You can go home now, Chika-chan.”
“Aww, no! I’m sorry!” Chika hurried to apologize. “I wasn’t trying to make fun of you, I just saw the dog-eared page and got curious!” Chika sat on Riko’s bed and hugged the lump that was Riko underneath.
Riko only groaned and shook her head in response.
“Ok, from now on, I swear I won’t read any of them unless I have permission, ok?” The lump was silent. Chika laid her head on top of what she supposed was Riko’s shoulder.
“Please, forgive me?”
Chika was pushed away as Riko emerged from underneath the blankets. “You know I can’t stay mad at you,” Riko said with a sigh.
“I love yooou!” Chika shouted and hugged Riko again, without sheets of fabric between them, and they fell onto Riko’s bed haphazardly. “Even with your silly hobby.”
“Stoop!” Riko said, but her heart wasn’t in it. She mumbled out a quiet, “I love you too.”
They laid in bed for a while, arms and legs entangled, enjoying each other’s warmth. Riko wondered if Chika had fallen asleep with how uncharacteristically quiet she became, until she spoke again, breaking the silence.
“I really do want to understand though.” Chika shifted so she could look into Riko’s eyes.
“Hmm? Understand what?”
“Why you like kabedon so much.”
Riko exhaled, partly a sigh of defeat, and partly an amused laugh. “You don’t have to understand why. Just understand that I do.”
“No, but I feel like I’m close!” Chika suddenly sat up. “What you said about desperation made sense.”
“Oh…?” Riko slowly sat up as well.
“Yeah! Sometimes, when I listen to Guilty Kiss songs, I get all…tingly. The lyrics there are really desperate, too.”
Riko could feel the heat rising in her cheeks again. But besides her embarrassment was a small trace of excitement. If Chika could come to like the kabedon genre as well, then...she didn’t have to read alone and in secret anymore, or go to doujin events by herself, and they can reenact scenes too, which by itself contained a host of possibilities.
“Ok, so…what else do you want to know?” Riko voiced.
Chika closed her eyes and rocked as she thought. “Hmm, I think to really understand the appeal, I should experience it for myself!”
“….huh?” Riko said, taken aback.
“I want to feel what it’s like getting pinned against the wall!”
“No, I get that, but…” To be quite honest, Riko had hoped, even expected, that Chika would be more inclined towards doing the pinning, instead of being pinned.
“Oh! I have a great idea! You can pin me, Riko-chan!”
“Say what?” Riko sputtered. Riko groaned internally. This was ending up just like Guilty Kiss meetings, where Mari and Yoshiko always forced her into something embarrassing under the guise of getting into her role. She hated to admit it, but it usually worked.
“C’mon! We have a wall right here!” Chika scooted herself up against the wall to which Riko’s bed was pushed against.
“It doesn’t work if you do it yourself!”
“Ahhh, sorry.” Chika scooted forward, then held her arms out in an invitation. “Ok, push me.”
“I…can’t,” Riko said, blushing intensely. How could she do something so aggressive? What if she pushed too hard, and Chika hit her head?
“Don’t worry, I’ll watch my head,” Chika said, as though reading her mind.
Riko hesitantly placed her hands on Chika’s shoulders, backed her against the wall, then placed her palm next to Chika’s head.
Even she knew that she had done it too gently for it to count as a real kabedon.
“You have to put more force into it!” Chika said back.
“Okay, okay, let me try again.”
Unfortunately, they were interrupted by the voice of Riko’s mom, calling from the floor below. “Chika! Your mom is asking for you to come back!”
“Aww, we had such a good mood going,” Chika whined. Riko thought otherwise, but she didn’t say so out loud. She was, however, disappointed that Chika had to leave so soon. It might’ve been her one chance to show Chika the appeal of kabedon, and she had spoiled it with her own bashfulness.
“Let me try again, real quickly,” she said.
“Ahh, I can’t,” Chika said, rubbing the back of her head. “I promised Mito-nee that I’d help watch the counter tonight.”
“Chika!” Riko’s mom called again.
“Coming!” Chika shouted back, and slid off the bed. “That was fun though! Maybe some other time, Riko-chan.” Chika gave her a goofy grin, then turned to leave.
“Wait!” Riko said, and got up from the bed too. In her haste however, her foot caught on the edge of one of her blankets hanging off bed, and she tumbled forward with a shout.
“Waah–!” Chika cried out too, as Riko knocked into her and they both fell crashing into the ground.
When Chika opened her eyes, Riko was on top of her, and both her hands were by the sides of her head. Riko’s hair trailed down like curtains, obscuring the ceiling light overhead, and yet her eyes seemed to be gleaming. The warmth of each breath Riko took, she could feel tickling her face.
“Sorry, are you ok?”
Chika gulped. “Ah…yeah.”
Riko finally moved away, and Chika let out a breath she didn’t she was holding.
“Sorry, you can go, Chika-chan. I didn’t mean to hold you up.”
“It’s ok. Um, I’ll see you later!” Chika helped herself off the floor, and quietly left the bedroom.
Riko sank onto her bed again, sighing. The afternoon’s events more than exhausted her, and she wished she had tried a little harder at the kabedon earlier. But she put it out of her mind for now. There’ll be other opportunities.
Unbeknownst to her, Chika stood right outside, leaning against the wooden frame of the door. Her breathing was quick, and a shade of red was dusted on her cheeks. Chika fanned her face, trying to settle her heartbeat before heading downstairs. She absolutely could not let her mom see how worked up she was and wondering why. Or else, she might have to explain that it was because a certain redhead had just pinned her against the floor.
And worse, that she had enjoyed it all too much.
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