#as real ones are dangerous to reptiles
scoriarose · 4 months
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Meet the newest member of the family, Sakura! I'm giving her the first name Sakura as her coloration reminds me of a cherry blossom, and when she gets older her adult habitat will be Japanese garden themed.
I wanted to give her a middle name that sounds nice together, and represents her well- but it's hard to choose! Maybe a vote can help me pick. Kurīmu is what I've been calling her, but not sure if that is her final name. She's white like cream! And the words creamsicle, cloud, and star didn't have quite the right ring to them in Japanese. Sakura Kurosawa is a fun play on names but I'm not sure it really fits her. She is extremely fast and nimble, and while most other snakes freeze she runs faster than a creature without external legs should be capable- Haia would describe that aspect of her.
Shinju means pearl, which can be considered a rock/gem which would let her name be the inverse of her sister's name (Scoria Rose = Rock Flower, Sakura Shinju = Flower Rock)
Himari means light and love. I'd been thinking of calling her either light or love and this name means both. She is white like light, and pink with love. And her life with me I only wish to let her know love.
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domnamewoman · 1 year
what would shang tsung, syzoth, smoke and rain be like with a gn!witch? who do spell with more natural things, like crystal, herbs, etc... imagine them being like "I found this little rock, maybe you'd like it" and their s/o picks it up like it's a goblin lol. I love your work, u are amazing 🌟
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Characters: Rain, Shang Tsung, Reptile, Smoke
Warnings: Witch!GN!Reader
Requests Are Open
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“Can you hand me the duck feathers?” You ask, reaching out your hand to Syzoth.
Syzoth picks up the feathers from the table and walks over to you, placing them in your hand.
“Thank you.” You grab the feathers and stir them into the brewing elixir.
“It amazes me that all these random ingredients can be mixed together to create magic,” Syzoth says in wonderment.
“It’s not so much the ingredients than it is the intention of the person mixing them.”
“Hmm, so the real power comes from you,” Syzoth contemplates as he wraps his arms around your waist and rests his chin on your shoulder.
“Yes, I guess in a way.” You nod, “But I can’t enchant someone without them being exposed to the potion in some way.”
“You seemed to do a pretty good job of enchanting me,” Syzoth mumbles into your cheek as he places a kiss there, “Making me fall for you.”
“You are so cheesy,” You grumble, loving every part of it.
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“I think I might pass out…” Zeffeero pants as he hovers over the toilet.
“I’m so sorry, baby.” You apologize as you rub comforting circles on his back.
“Why”–heave–”Why would you even need a p-potion that induces vomiting?”
“It can be useful to demobilize an enemy during a fight,” You reason sympathetically.
“Except I’m not an enemy who's trying to fig-” Zeffeero gets cut off by more contents getting expelled from his stomach.
“I mean it is kind of your fault. Why would you drink a random liquid you haven’t seen before?”
Zeffeero turns his head to you and glares, “M-My fault? I was thirsty. Why was your potion in the refrigerator?”
“The ingredients had to be cold in order to fuse together properly,” You sigh as Zeffeero is hit with another bought of vomiting, “Okay, I should have labeled it. I’m sorry.”
“H-How long is it s-supposed to last?” Zeffeero pants out.
You cringe, “Two hours…”
“Two hours!?”
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Shang Tsung stares at the potion you were brewing with repulsion. He leans over and takes a sniff before quickly covering his nose and holding back a gag.
“You know, I would be most delighted to teach you my sorcery. It is more sophisticated than creating vile concoctions like this.”
“Oh shush, there is more than one way to do magic, Shang. This is mine,” You say as you add five drops of toad’s blood to the cauldron.
“It’s tedious and ineffective in an emergency. You have to spend time brewing potions and then have someone consume it for it to work,” Shang Tsung argues.
“They don’t have to consume it, I can also put it in a bottle and throw it at them like a Molotov. Also, making potions isn’t tedious, I actually find it rather relaxing.”
“What could be relaxing about this horrid smell?”
You roll your eyes before turning to Shang Tsung and raising an eyebrow, “Well if your sorcery is so sophisticated, why don’t you zap away the smell?”
You and Shang Tsung stare at each other, your smile growing by the second. Shang Tsung pompously waves his hand before turning around and walking away.
“I thought so,” you chuckle as you turn back to your potion.
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You’re standing in your spell room, organizing your crystals and taking stock of potion supplies when Tomas excitedly bursts through the door.
“Baby, I got you something,” Tomas sings as he walks up to you with his hands behind his back.
“What is it?” You excitedly inquire as you try to peek around him.
“Something almost as beautiful as you.”
“Show me already,” You impatiently demand.
“Ta-da!” Says Tomas as he brings his hands in front of him and extends his fingers to reveal a rainbow-colored crystal sitting in his palms.
“Oh my gosh, Tomas-”
“It’s pretty isn’t it? I knew you would lov-”
“No, it’s dangerous.” You snatch it out of his hand and jog to the front door, throwing it as far as you can away from the house. “That is a lifeforce-draining crystal.”
“I-I just thought it was a pretty rock… I’m sorry.”
You shake your head lovingly at Tomas as you comfortingly rub his arm, “I appreciate the thought, anyway. Just leave the crystal scavenging to me.”
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kaijutegu · 10 months
As if you needed another reason not to listen to Jay Brewer/Prehistoric Pets
Of all the reptile influencers, Jay Brewer is my least favorite. Let's see what he is up to today!
Recently this colossal idiot pet store owner who pretends he has any real knowledge about natural history went field herping. He grabbed a wild rattlesnake and filmed himself popping its genitalia for field sexing, without having ANYBODY CONTROLLING THE HEAD.
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He just put his snake hook on top of it and popped out its genitals. In this incredibly unsafe video, he not only put himself and the snake at risk, but he claims it's educational- and that's why he did it.
Only thing is, he's wrong, and in fact spends time spreading misinformation. Let's take a look at some of his comments. This is the caption to his video.
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The "nodes" are the hemipenes. He says that if there was one, it would be a girl. Thing is, girl snakes don't have hemipenes. While they do have hemiclitorises, those don't evert like hemipenes do. If "a node" comes out when you pop (read: bend a snake's tail back at the cloaca, forcing the genitals to emerge), you've given your snake a cloacal prolapse. This can kill them, but mill-style breeder Jay Brewer does not care about the lives of animals. We've known this. He doesn't care about his own snakes- he cuts eggs for funsies, he keeps giant snakes in drawers, and he regularly puts peoples' safety at risk for viral videos. But he also clearly doesn't care about the lives of wild animals.
What else has he said?
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So here's a thought: Maybe your audience shouldn't know that they can pop a rattlesnake's hemipenes out of its cloaca because that is fucking dangerous. Not all information is good information to share in the Instagram format! Sometimes the general public shouldn't see you casually doing something dangerous without explaining what it is or why you're doing it!
Just wanting to know the sex of a snake in the field, when you're not actually doing any real research, is not a valid reason to do something this risky. Part of education is knowing what's actually educational. Another part is knowing how to appropriately frame dangerous activities so that you don't make your audience think that it's something anybody can go out and do. One of the things that makes me so upset about this video is the complete lack of context. It's not just that he has zero respect for a venomous animal, it's that he has zero respect for his audience.
Also, in the audio of his video, he doesn't call them hemipenes. He doesn't provide the most basic education he claims he does! He's just messing with an animal for the sake of messing with it!
He also promulgates a lie that popping doesn't cause the snake any harm, which is not what even most breeders say about it. Now, luckly, the snake seemed fine in this case. But there are plenty of people, mostly pet owners, who have lost snakes because they've tried to pop incorrectly and broken their snake's spine around the cloaca. Between the inability to eliminate correctly and infection caused from wounds, popping is one of the riskiest- and most unnecessary things- you can do to a pet snake.
Good breeders and snakekeepers do not take videos of themselves popping their snakes and put it on instagram and pretend it's educational. You pop snakes to guarantee the sex of the animal, and you do it ONLY when they are very young. Older snakes have more muscle control and it can hurt them pretty badly.
Even Spruce Pets knows that popping can cause your snake significant trauma, but fine, whatever. Let's traumatize random venomous snakes for Instagram views!
Also, he's just completely uninformed! Take this answer:
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Probably? No, the answer is an easy yes. Rattlesnakes lose rattles all the time. They lose rattles due to terrain, to genetic deformity (some rattlers never form them!), and to predation attempts. It's just keratin. They're fine without it. Any real herpetologist would know this. If he can't get basic facts right, how can he be trusted to get more complicated stuff right?
And yeah, maybe this whole post is a little unhinged. But I hate this man and his practices so much. I hate that he's the face of an industry that could be so much better if it weren't for people like him. I hate that he's getting a TV show. I hate that people encounter his media and think that anything he does is a good idea. At least Brian Barczyck tries these days and actually promotes good care and safety at the Reptarium, but all Jay wants is popularity. He has zero respect for animals, and I loathe and detest that he's the face of our hobby.
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https://twitter.com/shannonsharpeee/status/1630568238630461441?s=46&t=PGv7U5gYKFFvlwSQLEGoZw this has SO MANY likes and retweets how do you even go about combatting the misinformation :(((
Link for everyone - it's a video of a young alligator getting brushed with a toothbrush. The alligator's body is very tense, and they close their eyes and open their mouth.
Yeah, this isn't cute, and this isn't what a happy alligator looks like. This is one of those cases where it's really easy for people who don't know about reptiles to anthropomorphize - it can look to the untrained eye like the alligator is "smiling."
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I think the best way to combat misinformation like this is to provide people with the tools to tell on their own if a crocodilian is feeling content. This video is actually a perfect example of what to look for in a stressed crocodilian - tense body, open mouth, leaning the head back, and clenching the eyes shut are all signs of stress and fear in crocodilians.
A content crocodilian will look much different! They'll be laying loosely, often with their limbs splayed out. The mouth will usually be closed (though they might open their mouth to thermoregulate) and their body will look very relaxed.
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Another thing to look for in videos like this - is the crocodilian's mouth taped? No real professional will ever handle a crocodilian without taping their mouth shut, because of the danger crocodilians can pose to humans. Taping the mouth doesn't hurt the animal, and it helps keep everyone safe. Even small crocodilians should always be taped when they're being handled.
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In short, this video combines a misreading of crocodilian body language with a lack of common-sense safety precautions - it's an accident waiting to happen!
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redsrooftopprincess · 17 days
Disability HCs
Not all mutations are going to be cool and hot, and let's face it, the world wasn't built for our boys. Here are some things they struggle with...
CW: Mental and physical disabilities, but thought that was obvious. 😅
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Weight/Chronic Pain. The harness that he wears strapped across is chest isn't part of his battle gear. Being the biggest of his brothers, his shell is also the heaviest, and no one was ever meant to carry that much weight. Without support, he's likely to shatter bones jumping from rooftop to rooftop. Donnie designed a harness for him that distributes the weight evenly, but he's still in constant pain. He works out not just because he enjoys it, but because his muscles have to be able to carry him, and the more he can carry the less pain he's in.
Bipolar II. His highs are pretty chill, but his lows get DARK. Depending on where his head is when they hit, he'll either double his patrols or lock himself in his room. Violence or isolation are his go to. The only thing that seems to take the edge off is pressure therapy. He's a physical guy and the combination of physical touch, pressure, and being held by someone who isn't disgusted by or afraid of him, makes hugs the most effective and ready available option. Just don't ever point it out, he'll deny it forever. His brothers will plan a movie night that will inevitably end up in a turtle-pile (except for D, because "someone has to make sure you idiots don't knock over the popcorn").
Poor vision (duh). Degeneration from working in less-than-optimal lighting conditions and staring at screens for hours on end.
Hypermobility. He grew the fastest and the tallest of his brothers, which caused extreme hypermobility. His height, weight, and the addition of hundreds of pounds of gear means he's always in danger of dislocation. He wraps his joints tightly and meticulously before heading out, and wears flexible leg braces under his pants that he designed himself.
AuDHD as FUCK. Doesn't like to be touched, other than by his person, and even then only when he's expecting it. Has safe foods and will go without eating for days if they run out, but will completely forget to mention it to whoever is sending the grocery list to April. He's passed out more than once. Hyperfocus is an issue and the rage is real. His brothers have to sometimes force him out of the lab to eat or sleep. He can be very efficiently cruel when interrupted.
Chronic Depression. Covers it well with being the "party guy," but once everyone else goes to bed, the smile fades. More than once he's had to drink or smoke himself to sleep. Cabin fever makes it worse. His brothers know it's getting really bad when he starts taking shots at himself, and plan something fun to do to get him out of the lair.
Cold intolerance. He's more sensitive to temperature than his brothers, and, being a reptile, hypothermia is a real concern. Keeps a (very stylish, tyvm) jacket or hoodie on him at all times, usually tied (very stylishly) around his (very stylish) waist. He forgot one night and almost fell off a building when he passed out. Since then, Donnie always carries a (not as stylish) spare.
Migraines. Sudden and powerful. He knows that once he starts seeing auras he has about 15 minutes before they hit. Peace, quiet, and dim candlelit rooms are his best friend. Blue light makes them worse, so he tries to avoid Donnie's lab when he can. Nothing really helps, so mind-over-matter is really his only option, especially if they're in the middle of patrol.
OCD and it's a problem. NO ONE is allowed in his room. Everything has a place and everything is IN it's place and that is where it will STAY. Has daily rituals that must be adhered to or his anxiety his the roof. His anxiety exhibits as toxic control and the others know when he's in a bad place because he can be a REAL dick. Meditation is the only thing that really helps.
Lactose Intolerance. All are allergic to dairy, Mikey doesn't care. Everyone else does.
MBD. The lack of UV light means they're at risk for Metabolic Bone Disease. They take calcium and phosphorus supplements that Donnie mixes up for them
Hypothermia. While Mikey is the most at risk, hypothermia is a problem for all of them, especially in the colder months. Donnie invented a device that distributes heat across the inside of their shells after a near-fatal outing during a blizzard, but they still bundle up to keep the heat in.
Dehydration. As semi aquatic reptiles living on land, humidity levels are important. During the summer it's usually not an issue, but during the winter months Splinter is constantly reminding them to drink water, and they all have their own water bottles. Mikey's has stickers.
Shedding/Skin issues. Shedding is
They only shed their scutes once a year (and thankfully not at the same time), but they would rather land shell-first in an ant hill. For 2-3 weeks the unlucky one has a basically non-existent fuse, and more than once when they were younger the frustration and discomfort brought them to tears. Occasionally, it still does. Loading up on Vitamin E and keeping things a little more humid in the lair helps things move faster. They also have sensitive skin. The water at the lair is all UV filtered, but when they have to grab a quick shower at April and Casey's they're itchy for days.
If you want to hear more HCs or anything that lmk! Love you! 💚
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magicrainbowkitties · 1 month
Hyperfixations are insane bro.
Anyways here's my "MK1 Roster By How Good Of A Hugger They Are" tier list
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Not Pictured:
Shang Tsung: A
Reiko: B
Explanations under the cut if you want them.
S tier:
Smoke/Tomas: Great arm strength, super sweet and cute in his intro dialogues, definitely goes for head pats. Also big ups for the smokey smell.
Scorpion/Kuai Liang: Arm strength, sensitive and protective in his dialogues, and very warmb. Perfection.
Johnny Cage: You cannot tell me this version of the guy is not absolutely INSANE at hugs. Arms, emotional sensitivity, words of affirmation if you need them, and LOVES giving them. CageCon attendees attest he hugs like a giant teddy bear.
Sindel: She doesn't give them often, but when she does it's the absolute Best. Mom hugs are best hugs, you can fight me on that. But her big up is the prehensile hair. Mom hug + more hug from hair? FUCK YES.
Reptile/Syzoth: I mean this for both reptilian and human form btw. Because in one case, gigantic croco-man being extra careful to not to nick you on claws and scales, and on the other, nuzzles and contact. BOTH have the ups of strength, dad hugs (his son may be dead but I will attest that no matter the status of the child, the ability to give dad hugs remains with the father in question) are also best hugs, and a tail. Also being cold-blooded he'll probably try to seek warmth from the person he's hugging. So more physical contact. Which is Amazing.
A Tier:
Raiden: Very sweet and kind, just BARELY didn't make S tier. Only because the lightning probably means he's got static everywhere and even if his amulet is turned off, he's still gonna accidentally shock you. Which for some people is negligible, but this is my list. Still great at hugs, but with a fatal flaw.
Liu Kang: Also a very near-miss for S tier. He's got a lot of the same ups as Kuai Liang, except he's a good deal less sensitive than the latter dialogue wise, and he strikes me as the kinda guy who feels a little awkward hugging people. Not bad in the slightest, but he prefers other methods of affection.
Kenshi: He's not a very physically affectionate person, before or after blindness, and probably has a few issues recognizing when it's necessary. However, when he does give hugs, (more likely that he's the one being given the hug), he's very sweet about it. Probably goes on for a while longer than originally intended, very good for touch starvation. Just don't expect it very often.
Kung Lao: Would be an S if he TOOK OFF THE FUCKING HAT. Look man, I'm tryna get physical affection, and you're real nice and sweet when you wanna be, but I am NOT tryna get decapitated by that fuckin table saw super-glued to your head! Good arms, tho.
Shao: Yeah this one surprised me too. But, big guy, leans down, and DEFINITELY a fan of head pats. But he's a near miss for B because of the fact that 1, definitely not a hugger, and 2, he's an asshole. He probably gives side hugs if absolutely necessary. Definitely hugged Reiko when he was a kid, tho.
Shang Tsung: OK HEAR ME OUT. Absolute BOTTOM of A tier, but DAMMIT that fucker is a convincing guy. He's spent years and years hawking fake cures and things, you think he doesn't know how to use physical means to make his sales pitch more convincing? He's actually very, very good at hugs and making people feel better about themselves, and that's part of what makes him so damn dangerous.
B Tier:
Kitana: People are gonna hate me for not putting her higher, huh? Well I speak naught but the truth. Bc my girl is NOT a hugger for anybody except her family. Just not really her thing. She prefers a handshake and good conversation from her friends and allies. She gives decent hugs when called for, and is a good person to hug in crisis, but she'd rather be there either in a group hug or on the side talking someone through it while one of the S or As handle the Actual Hugging Part.
Tanya: Same kinda deal as Kitana, but mostly for maintaining professionalism as an Umgadi. She's very sweet and understanding, but prefers to pat shoulders and give affection through presence unless you're very, VERY close to her (cough Mileena)
Ermac: Total wild card. Countless souls within the body mean countless possibilities for hug affinity or quality. So direct middle of B tier, just to be safe. Based on story mode, however, Jerrod is a solid S.
Ashrah: Again, not much of a hugger, but gives decent ones when necessary. Isn't used to physical affection in the slightest, but overtime may graduate to an A as she comes to understand touch as something that doesn't have to hurt.
Takeda: I... Really don't have an explanation for this one. I just. Very mid vibes.
Reiko: Affection is for weak losers, man up and get over it, why don't you? What do you mean touch doesn't have to be hostile, that's crazy talk, leave him alone. Nevermind the fact that he will probably break down sobbing if he gets a real hug he can't push away, and will probably come just this side of crushing the hugger's ribs in return, what? Didn't happen, if you speak of this, you lose your jaw. Why are you bringing the General into this?
C Tier:
Rain: Not a hugger, not good at it, doesn't want to be. Also VERY sweaty. Or maybe that's just his water magic. Either way not good. The only thing keeping him out of D tier is he's got a decent amount of strength to it.
Havik: Will absolutely detach his entire torso in the middle of a hug so the other person freaks the fuck out. He thinks this is funny. It's not.
Peacemaker: Cop mentality and insensitive. The ONLY reason he's not in D is because I am told John Cena is amazing at hugs, so he has some trickle-down skill from there.
Mileena: Was a solid A before getting Tarkat. Very sweet and physically affectionate, and one of the things she mourns the most from before the infection. She especially wishes she could hug Tanya and Kitana more often, but they're also the last people in the world she wants to get sick.
D Tier:
Sub-Zero/Bi-Han: Ew cold hands. Also believes that physical affection is a weakness and refuses to do it. How in the hell is he related to Kuai Liang???
Li Mei: Is a fucking cop. As a rule, cops are bad at hugs.
Quan Chi: Why would you ever want a hug from this fucker? Unless you're Shang Tsung. And even then it's probably not great just because he doesn't get the point.
Baraka: NOPE. Even if you don't care about Tarkat, he does, and will refuse hugs of any kind ever. Even if it wasn't contagious, he's very spiky and awkward with it. Ask Syzoth.
Omni-Man: Just as likely to crush your ribcage as to awkwardly pat the back, more either way depending. Best avoid this fashy fuck all together.
Geras: He is very sweet and a good emotional rock. But a hugger he is not. He refuses hugs with a similar fervency to Baraka, but without the urgency ofc. He hates hugs, and asks that you please respect his boundaries. Also he'd get sand all over your clothes.
Homelander: Do I even need to explain.
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dreamerwasntfound · 1 year
Kpop Writers and Fic Recs
List of Kpop Fanfic writers I follow and the fic I found them with (if there is one)!!
Warning: Very Long List :)
✎ ♡ ➤ 🗨
━━━━━━━ ★ ━━━━━━━
With Specific Post
✎ @remedyx > Boyfriend for Hire (Series) ♡ BTS OT7 x Reader # N/A ➤ n/a 🗨 Unsatisfied with your life was an understatement. Being under the thumb of your father can have that effect. He wanted someone capable of running the company, but you wanted to pursue your passion. Countless unwanted blind dates and the threat of losing your freedom drives you to seek help from a group of individuals you’d least expected.
✎ @bebejungkook > Gym Bunny (Series) ♡ Jungkook x Reader # N/A ➤ Toxic friends, reader learns to love herself, cuss words, accidental boners, some mean comments about reader from her friends and Kooks bestie who hates YN. 🗨 After being tired of feeling insecure you decided to take your friends advice and hit the gym. The only problem is you don’t know what to do, but luckily the very muscular and scary guy next to you offered to teach you a couple things. He just also happens to be the sweetest man you’ve ever met and not scary at all. You catch yourself falling in love with him on your journey of self love, but old insecurities stop you from doing anything about it.
✎@your-daily-biaswrecking > You sit on his lap in the car and he cums in his pants + but, check out their m.list ♡ Kim Namjoon x Reader # Drabble ➤ n/a 🗨 Like the title says ;)
✎ @m-yg93 > Solace ♡ Kim Namjoon x Reader # 13.5k ➤ Brief blood mention from a cut, mention of minor character death (sickness), fingering, hand job, big dick joon, belly bulge, unprotected sex, mentions of choking, creampie, dirty talk, inconsistent POV 🗨 Namjoon thought getting used to a new roommate would take time and adaptation but you fit yourself into his apartment with ease. He swears he only landed in your bed to keep you safe in his arms when you get spooked by the storm. Surely he can blame the eventual lack of clothing on the summer’s heat stroke.
✎ @joonsytip > Anonymously Yours ♡ Hong Joshua x Fem!Reader # 18.6k ➤ Fluff, Angst, Humour (broken coz mine), high school au, enemies to lovers au, strangers to lovers au, anonymously yours au. 🗨 After an accidental text message turns into a digital friendship, you and Joshua start crushing on each other without realizing you both see each other frequently in real life.
✎ @peekaboongi > Snake Kisses (& Defense Against the Dark Farts) ♡ Yoongi x Reader # 8.5k (& 2.2k+) ➤ Licking kink? masturbation, voyeurism, exhibitionism (kinda?), slight? biting kink, dom!yoongi, sort of aphrodisiac? idk his spit makes you kinda sorta sensitive does that count as a spit kink? fingering, oral (female receiving), orgasm denial, degradation, name calling, spanking, pet names (he calls her princess), cumplay,  unprotected sex, humiliation, handjobs, choking, creampie, like mild cum inflation? overstimulation. oh dear god this is more than I thought it was. (& dom yoongi but also soft yoongi, one tiny possible spoiler for the very last harry potter movie, sad danger noodle yoongle, oral (male), handjobs, yoongi has two dicks, one (1) spank, yoongi spits on her hand, unprotected sex, degradation, name calling, pet names (he calls he princess), tiny bit of begging not really, i think that’s it) 🗨 You are grossly unprepared for the snake hybrid that enters your life. Yoongi is quiet and sneaks around you but eventually, even the cold reptile warms up to you. (& While trying to get Yoongi to take the full Pottermore sorting quiz, you discover something that he’s self-conscious about. Lucky for him, you love every part of him, snake bits and everything. ↳ defensive snake farts are a thing, apparently)
✎ @whatifyoulivelikethat > (seven) days a week ♡ jungkook x reader # N/A ➤ rated M (18+) for language (reader swears a lot); strangers-to-lovers; vague allusions to a loveless childhood and bad parenting (no specifics); JK might be insane and you do tell him that he is; slight crack; fluff; smut (fem reader, fucking with clothes on and off, m and f-receiving oral, light hair pulling, fingering, nipple play, choking, penetrative sex, handjob); non-idol!BTS – persistent!Jungkook x noona, def tsundere!reader lol ft instigator-cupid!Park Jimin setting them up 🗨 It only takes seven days (a week) for Jeon Jungkook to get you in his bed to fuck you right. And showing up in weird places. And kissing in the rain. He’s crazy. Okay, it’s kinda complicated.
✎ @httpjeon > lovebug ♡ jimin/reader # 12k ➤ spider hybrid!jimin, hybrid mistreatment/bullying, love self esteem/self-worth, arguments, crying, physical altercation between jimin & reader, name-calling, attachment anxiety, possessiveness, kissing, scenting, dom!jimin, manhandling, size kink/difference, fingering, dirty talk, cunnilingus, sensitivity kink, wet & messy, lots of cum, cumflation, jimins duality 🗨 hybrids are lovable companions for humans. unfortunately, most people simply want a cat or dog with which they can cuddle and love on. while looking for one to adopt, a lonesome hybrid of an unusual breed catches your eye.
✎ @solemnreads > Way Back Home (Series) ♡ jungkook x reader # N/A ➤ parents au, single parent, coparenting, chaebol, ceo jungkook, assistant reader, jeon twins, one of the babies has a weak heart, smut 🗨 "please tell me this isn't what i think it is" he asks you with tears in his eyes. you look down at the sight of your son with an oxygen mask on his face while your daughter is sleeping on the couch near the wall. you look into his eyes, broken and sad. you've dreamt of this day for years, wondering how he would react. but here you are, hoping he could've meet the twins under different circumstances. "yes...they're your children."
✎ @dovechim > the singularity theory (m) (Series) ♡ yoongi x reader # N/A ➤ posted on each chapter 🗨 in your last year of undergrad, you find out what a gloryhole is at the expense of your final year thesis. it’s a classic example of a psychology experiment that went way, way wrong. but how were you to know that a certain min yoongi would be sticking his dick into your life?
✎ @jeonstudios > drown for you (Series) ♡ siren!jk x f reader # N/A ➤ posted on each chapter 🗨 there was something in that enormous tank, hidden in the murky water. all you knew was that you weren’t allowed inside the room and that it used to hold something dangerous.
✎ @barbika1508 > Lacuna (Series) + M.List ♡ Hybrid!Jeongguk x reader # N/A ➤ posted on each chapter 🗨 posted on each chapter
✎ @btssmutgalore > Nude (Series) ♡ Taehyung x reader # N/A ➤ smut 🗨 You accidentally send a nude to Taehyung, a fuckboy you definitely shouldn't have been thinking about, despite already kissing him. The fact that he's your roommate's best friend doesn't help your situation at all.
✎ @joonberriess > Jock!JK (Series) + M.List ♡ jock!jungkook x reader # N/A ➤ posted on each chapter
✎ @dreamescapeswriting > BTS Reactions + M.List
✎ @taesbetch > To Own A Hybrid (Series) + M.List ♡ Jungkook x Reader # N/A ➤ posted on each chapter 🗨 the hybrid world was one y/n never really involved herself in; however, after certain events, she is tossed into a world of uncertainty in the company of a particularly rude hybrid. 
✎ @gothvkth > sensitive ♡ Jeon Jeongguk x GN!Reader # 2k+ ➤ self conscious jk, sensitive jk, nipple play, pussy pocket, vibrator, dirty talk, whiny jk, orgasm denial, sub jk, dom reader, pre-discussed kinks and wtv, safe sane and consensual, jk hugs a pillow to his chest like a cutie, a hint of dacryphilia, jk cries but he loves it. 🗨 you two have been friends since the beginning of time. after finally getting together, you guys had a miscommunication problem regarding your sex life in concern that jeongguk didn't want you but truth is, he's just a sensitive boy, too sensitive.
✎ @taleasnewastime > Purr-haps I like you ♡ Yoongi x Reader # 11.6k ➤ An abandoned cat; the cat gets ill at one point. 🗨 You have a no pets policy where you live, but when you find a tiny kitten in a box on the side of the road, what can you do but bring it home with you? The only problem? The landlord who made the no pets rule, also happens to be your flatmate.
✎ @kookslastbutton > Too Late to Dream (Series) ♡ professor!jungkook x fem!artist!Reader # 16.5k (TBA) ➤ 8-year age gap, professor-student relationship (oc was a Masters student), lots of family drama, fighting, pent-up issues/desires, jk has daddy issues, therapy, sexual content + more specific warnings per chapter 🗨 You did it. You married your college professor. You even bought a house together. Against all odds, everything had fallen into place. But after two years of marriage, you begin feeling something was missing. You want a baby but your husband can’t say the same.
✎ @stylesluxx > Eight Years (Series) ♡ poly!ceo!bts x reader # N/A ➤ angst (and more, posted on each part) 🗨 in which they fall out of love
✎ @jcwriting > There's A First Time For Everything ♡ idol!namjoon x reader # 2.8k ➤ swearing, oral (m receiving), face fucking, choking, reader has a painful thigh kink (don’t we all), overuse of the word thigh 🗨 namjoon has never had a blowjob before. you’re about to change that.
✎ @minnochu > Lustrous (Series) ♡ Hybrid!Kook x Reader
✎ @appreciatethefoolishness > Bunny Trouble (Series) ♡ jeongguk x reader
✎ @numinousher > Combined Beings (Series) + M.List ♡ mafia/ceo!bts x chubby!reader # N/A ➤ cursing, a bit of mature content ( English isn’t my first language so just to warn you all 😭),  deep conversations based on beauty standards, body dysmorphia, mental health issues, harassment/bullying, gore/violence 🗨 You are bullied on a constant because korea’s beauty standards do not fit girls on the heavier side. The bullying gets worse once a ceo is attracted to you and he mentions you to the other 6.
✎ @secretbangtnn > Until I bleed out (Series) ♡ poly!BTS x hybrid!reader # N/A ➤ mentions of sexual assault and sex trafficing, violence, mentions of homelessness, mental problems, panic attacks, reader is scared of everything, bts just wants to help, smut later, mentions of abo, to be added… 🗨 Hybrids always were discriminated against, the laws passing over years changed nothing, collars still needed to be seen on those innocent necks like some kind of label. Cruelty was something the hybrids faced on daily basis, sex trafficing or illegal fighting it still felt as if those humans treated everything like pets. Situation you however found yourself in, was kind of different - not worse not better but still so bad you did not know if the next day would be yours, and when the winter started coming with big steps it was only a matter of time when the freezing cold would eat you alive. Unless one silent night a little too loud striped tiger decides to break your calm nap with a clumsy package of long limbs after him who just could not leave your tired and scared self alone…
✎ @20moonchild21 > Sehncucht - Discontinued? ♡ Hybrid!BTS x human!female!oc # N/A ➤ fluff, angst, humor, smut (later), mentioning of sexual assaultment, abuse, violence, friendship, love, dark themes 🗨 Hope is your average New York college girl, who is only one step away from reaching her big dream and becoming a lawyer for Hybrid rights. Never would she have thought, that one night, where she heard a whimpering coming from a dark alley, could turn her whole word upside down.
✎ @strlstlvr > skz finding your old fan tweet for them (hyung line linked, also maknae line version available) ♡ skz x reader # N/A ➤ smau, crack, a wee bit suggestive in changbins🫣 🗨 of course you were always their biggest fan, too bad they took a deep dive and found out how obsessed you actually were
✎ @alternateafterthought > Golden Time (Series) + M.List ♡ hybrid!jungkook x reader # 30k+ ➤ posted on each chapter 🗨 Y/N has been rescuing and recovering hybrids her entire life. Now she has inherited her grandparent’s hybrid sanctuary. It was a normal rescue, get the hybrid, recover him and give him a choice, stay on the sanctuary or find a life for himself. Why was this one so different?
✎ @idkcantthinkofaname > It takes time (Series) ♡ bts x reader # N/A ➤ posted on each chapter 🗨 after finally getting the house y/n always wanted, she find a hybrid hiding in an old shed. Unlike most people who find strays, y/n doesn’t turn him into h.c mainly because there was a lot of shady things that happened with the hybrid control in the area.
✎ @jiminrings > 4-7-8 (Series) ♡ jungkook x reader # N/A ➤ semi-heavy angst (pls take a break when necessary!!), emotional constipation, no cheating happens here btw (neither physical nor emotional), self-loathing, miscommunication, based on the moral dilemma of whether or not it's okay to be friends with ur ex, intense yearning + specified tags in each installment! 🗨 you're secure when it comes to loving jungkook, knowing that your husband loves you beyond words. what you aren't so secure about is his first love - someone who isn't you. alternatively, jungkook's married to you, but he still celebrates his anniversary with his ex out of sentimentality.
✎ @ya9amicide > Redamancy (Series) ♡ ot7 x ot7, ot7 x oc # N/A ➤ posted on each chapter 🗨 Hybrids were accepted in society to a certain degree. To some, they are for entertainment. Used as sex and money tools. To lock up and abuse whenever and however they please. Something to have control over. To others, they are companions. Just like regular animals are used for therapy or simply companionship, hybrids are too. To the rest, they are just like everyone else. Someone with their own life who deserves the same freedoms as your everyday John or Jane Doe. Wren is one of these people. She hates the idea of owning a hybrid. She has nothing against those who own them for medical or companionship reasons. Just the rest. But, when a ragtag pack of seven mismatched hybrids somehow ends up in the woods behind her home, she takes them in and does the one thing she never thought she would do. Own them. But, she also does something she didn't even think was possible. She fell in love with each and every one of them.
✎ @sue-bts > Teething ♡ Bunny!Jungkook x Reader # N/A ➤ much smut very sin wow, biting, pet/owner (he is of age, hybrid stuff makes the developmental process- i.e. teething- a bit slowed but he’s 19) 🗨 (Requested) Can you do one where hybrid Jungkook is going through his heat and he just needs dom!y/n so bad, but she just loves to see him beg and practically dry hump her leg. Can you add dirty talk in there too. I don’t care what he’s mixed with.
✎ @eternal-mikrokosmos > Stubborn Hugs (Series) ♡ Hybrid Namjoon x Reader, occasional ot7 x reader, ot7 x ot7 # N/A ➤ posted in each chapter 🗨 After helping out a koala and bunny hybrid, your bring them home with your other hybrids to adjust. But a certain koala doesn’t seem tho get the concept of being cared for without a catch. Having your own set of secrets, it already proves difficult to gain their trust and getting them to stay with you at the same time. Your hybrids already know everything about you and are willing to sacrifice whatever it takes to keep you safe.
✎ @arrianna21 > Hybrid!Taegi Masterlist + M.List ♡ cathybrid!yoongi/doghybrid!taehyung/reader # N/A ➤ posted in each chapter
✎ @gimmesumsuga > Pink Panther ♡ Jin x reader # 13k ➤ Graphic descriptions of sex, oral sex (female receiving), impregnation kink, unprotected sex, dirty talk 🗨 ‘The one where your boss, Kim Seokjin, tries to show you how beautiful you are’ - Hybrid!AU
━━━━━━━ ★ ━━━━━━━
Without Specific Post
✎ @borathae > Masterlist
✎ @tasteleeknow > Masterlist
✎ @ffsarchive > Masterlist
✎ @guess-whos-now-a-mood > Pretty Moodboards
✎ @taetae-tea > Masterlist
✎ @yeontanismypresident > Masterlist
✎ @jinniesboy > Masterlist
✎ @baepsaets > Posts in General
✎ @secret-kpoplibrary > Masterlist
✎ @thereaderstea > Masterlist
✎ @jamaisjoons > Masterlist
✎ @ahundredtimesover > Masterlist(s)
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darushi-chan · 2 years
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MORE HOTD REPTILES AU 🤗 EDIT: After I took a nap I checked the post on my phone and the quality of the image looked like crap, dont know if it is my damn phone or what, but just to make sure I divided the strip in parts, now it looks fine in my phone, I like looking at Vhagar the komodo dragon in good definition ok xD? Also Arrax with his cute little crown. Im in pain, I commited myself and finished this in almost 3 days, never again lol. Headcanons time: -If you follow my other posts you know Aemond and Luceyrs are roommates, Aemond lied and said Vhagar “was friendly” so Luke will stay with them, he had been very careful and nothing happenned for like 3 weeks, but the one time he went jogging and didn’t make sure Vhagar’s enclosure was properly closed something happened.  -His “Lucerys it’s in danger” sense tingled and he came back in time to prevent disaster, but Luke saw Vhagar in his room. -Lucerys knows Vhagar its not “friendly”, but he also wanted the roommates situation to work, so he feigned ignorance and trusted Aemond, after all Vhagar did listen to him, most of the time.  -Vhagar did want to have snack time so bad 😞, but she also loves her almond, so no eathing the tiny dragon, Arrax its “her friend” now, and shes also a new member of Luke’s youtube videos! Plenty of new subscribers thanks to that 😂. -Yes, their silly costumes are a little bit of an hommage to their HOTD real characters, after all we do love to make Luke and Aemond queen and king (Or kings) in a lot of fics 😋. -Also also, yes Luke its wearing crocs with cute charms on them, I also love jogging pants, very comfortable 😌. -Vhagar its inded as tall as Luke when she stands, she’s a full grown Komodo, my doberman its as tall as me when he stands, so I think that makes it possible, I’m like 1.60 m,  5.25 feet, so yeh. -After this Vhagar and Arrax become really good friends indeed, they take walks together with Luke and Aemond, they sunbathe, Luke makes videos with both of them from time to time, they also play catch and chase together, this scares Luke a little, but Vhagar will not hurt Arrax, they are important to her know, Aemond likes them, so does she. -The costumes and videos are a little bit tedious, but Luke makes sure to never do something she hates, and Aemond always gives her special treats and cuddles after them, she also gets a fanbase that sends her gifts! Luke says she’s a star now 😘. -MOre lore that keeps me awake at night: Targ special pet companions Need to be a reptile or amphibian+ blood magic with a Targ blood family member sample, usually blood+ some other secret enchantments. Usually, the parent will bring their baby or child and be shown a wide variety of options, specifically eggs, and if there’s a connection with one or more, they are taken and can go through a series of trials and blood magic rituals, and the one that hatches at the end it’s the one that goes with the client. This process can take some time and specially lots of money from the client. Also, it can only work with people from Valyria, the only ones that can really afford this type of thing are the Targs and their blood family members. They may or may not also have a very restrictive contract with the dragon keepers for this kind of service too, hehe. Driftmark incident and bonding with Vhagar!: Alicent lets Viserys have his way with Aegon and Helaena, they got their pet companions since very young, she agreed since both were also relatively safe options, but then he started to get sick and wasn’t as able as before. She never liked this tradition the Targs had, just looking at Rhaenyra’s Syrax, or even worse, Laena’s Vhagar, the seven forbid one of her kids bonds with a monster like that, so with Aemond she gets more control of what her son get access to bond with, small geckos, frogs, turtles…safe and/or small companions, but none of those take, time passes and then Aemond decides he wants to have a big crocodile like his father, Alicent hates the idea, she wasn’t a Targaryen, so she really didn’t believe it was safe. But no matter what other small safe reptiles Aemond was shown none of them reacted. Aemond knew why, he didn’t want any of those “safe” companions, Aegon and Jace won’t stop bullying him with one of those, he needed something that commanded respect, not something “small and safe”. More time pases and Aemond still doesn’t have a pet companion, Alicent stops trying, and he gives up a little. The day of the funeral the kids dare Aemond to go into Vhagar’s enclosure. He accepts and goes into Vhagar’s room at Daemon and Laena’s house, there he finds this really big lizard he has never seen before. The dragon keepers haven’t shown him anything like it, and even if it’s not a croc, he knows this would definitely do, his excitement goes away when he kind of feels the creature’s sadness. He starts to sing her a Valyrian lullaby (The one Daemon sings to Vermithor), and this catches Vhagar’s attention, she goes out from her enclosure and Aemond touches her snout (Like in how to train your dragon, hehe) while he says Lykiri and Dohaeras (Like in the show!). Vhagar can sort of feel the connection, but we still need the blood for it to be completed. Cue the other children. Aegon and Jace can be a little bit mean and feel kind of “attacked” (Inferiority complex it’s that you?), that Aemond it’s getting a good reaction from Vhagar, they weren’t expecting that after all, and because children can be little shits they enter the room and try to make fun of Aemond for singing Vhagar a lullaby, Vhagar has never seen this other children before and doesn’t like all the noise so she goes back to her enclosure. Rhaena and Baela are not vibing that much with the bullying, neither does Luke, but then Aemond gets mad and lashes at everyone, telling them they have lame companions, how they wish they could have something as cool as Vhagar, especially the idiot Strong bastards. Luke and the girls are sad and crying and answering their own mean things to Aemond and then everyone its fighting. Aegon knows their parents are gonna kill him if something happens, so he runs away in search of the adults. There is some stuff used to feed Vhagar in the room (Gloves, scissors, thongs and stuff like that) and in the struggle those things end up in the floor with Aemond and Jace, Aemond grabs the scissors and slashes them around in desperation and ends up cutting Jace a little. Its then that Luke, that was comforting Laena and Baela after they got punched in the squabble, sees this and gets scared, and ends up pushing Aemond, he trips around the mess and pierces his eye with the scissors, by then the adults arrive and all hell breaks loose. While everyone screams, Vhagar gets close to Aemond and licks some of his blood from the floor, Laena its dead, and she likes this feisty hatchling, so the bonding gets completed. Still, the adults are fighthing, but the kids get to say the truth about the taunting and the mean words and Alicent, Rhaenyra and Viserys see the damage that has been done through the adults mean remarks and hatred. So yes, they are all very mad, and are not in the very best terms then, but they all decide to start going to family therapy, so not everything goes to shit in a couple of years, this way Lucemond and Jacegon can still be a little bit toxic, but nobody needs to die, ok? Also Alicent freaks out and almost passes out when she sees the monstruosity sitting at her son’s side, that makes everyone go back to their rooms, lol. 
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grapefacegrfa · 2 months
Mortal Kombat 1 Trailer Animalities
Mortal Kombat isn't my current hyperfixation (at least not the main one), but that new trailer has me super hype for September. I know my usual content is fan art, but when I saw the animalities, I started thinking. We saw Mileena's is a Praying Mantis, but what about the other animals we saw in the trailers? Whose are those?
TW: Some of the images past the Quan Chi section have blood. I tried my best to avoid gore as much as I could, but I couldn't do so with the Wolf or Pufferfish animalities. I apologize. :(
Also, before you read the rest, please note that I'm not at all an expert on the franchise. It's one of my special interests, but I don't know everything. Additionally, this is more of a ramble post, but I did do my research. I'm merely speculating here. If your thoughts are different, please feel free to let me know what you think! I wanna hear what other people have to say too! :D
Since I'm doing these in the order as we see them in the trailer, let's start off with the hyena. My first thought was Havik, and that was before I even decided to look at it closer. Mainly because hyenas are known to be skilled opportunistic scavengers (they aren't just scavengers though), and I thought it fit with Havik because, while I don't know that much about the character, I feel like his characterization kind of fits with the hyena. Hyenas can symbolize cleverness, but they also symbolize greed, stupidity and viciousness. That was my first thought. Then I watched the trailer again to look at the hyena a second time and that's when it became obvious.
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Notice it?
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Similar, if not exactly the same, facial disfigurement. I'm fairly certain the hyena is Havik's animality. Moving on to the next one, we have the hippo.
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I think this is Geras. My first thought was because of the glowing blue eyes, which makes sense as Geras is the only character on the MK1 roster with glowing blue eyes specifically and I'm pretty sure real life hippos don't have glowing eyes (/lh /s). Not only that, but even the saliva resembling sand (or maybe it is just straight up sand; it was hard for me to tell) and the odd looking veins (I think??) on the side of the head with a pattern resembling the face plate looking things on Geras's body and the color resembling his tattoos.
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Hippos are symbols of great skills in problem-solving, confidence, self-reliance, and strength. Also, in ancient Egypt, the hippo was a symbol of power and fertility. Not only that, but the hippopotamus is said to have the strongest bite of all land animals at about 8,130 Newtons per square inch. They are herbivores, but if disturbed by humans, they can be very dangerous and cause fatal injuries (according to ifaw.org). Next is one that's honestly given quite a bit of trouble.
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A gorilla. I'm having trouble figuring out who this might be. My first thought was Shao Kahn given that the fatality is done brutally with just the gorilla's hands. Gorillas are stronger than 10 or more adult humans combined. They're also known for being incredibly destructive and ferocious in fights. Their behavior and strength lead me to believe this is Shao Kahn's animality, but I'm not entirely sure because this could also apply to Reiko? Kind of??
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While there was an animality involving a large primate in MK3, that one belonged to Reptile. It's possible that the gorilla animality could belong to Reptile again, but I highly doubt it. It doesn't fit Syzoth's character. Plus, if all the past animalities were the same in the new game, that would mean Scorpion's is a penguin again and, while that could be cool as a reference and for comedy, I don't think the devs would do that.
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Then we have a fossilized T-Rex. Now, there has been a T-Rex animality before in MK3, but that one belonged to Stryker (if you ask me, it should've been a pig /lh /hj).
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However, given it's a T-Rex's skeleton being manipulated here, I believe it's Quan Chi's because. Well. Necromancy.
Next image contains blood. I couldn't avoid it. :(
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This one's Kenshi's. I don't have a doubt about it.
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While Kenshi didn't debut until Deadly Alliance and didn't have an animality but Nightwolf did, whose was a wolf, the addition of the transparent wolf resembling the appearance of Kenshi's ancestors gives it away.
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Do I even need to say anything here?
No, but I will anyway.
This is obviously Scorpion's animality. In MK3, this one actually belonged to Sheeva and Scorpion's was a penguin, but given they made Reptile's a chimpanzee in that game, I suppose that isn't too surprising. As for why Scorpion's was a penguin, I'm not sure.
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It was most likely for comedic effect because you wouldn't expect Scorpion's animality to be a small creature associated with freezing temperatures. Thankfully, this was changed in the next game because Scorpion's animality is a scorpion in MK4.
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Plus, the way the animality ends is similar, with the giant scorpion stabbing the opponent with its stinger.
Next image has blood too. Sorry. :(
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The last one we see aside from Mileena's, which we know because we see her transform into a Praying Mantis in the trailer, is a pufferfish. Specifically a purple one. This is Rain's. Not only because it's an aquatic creature, but the color matches Rain's attire.
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In MK3, Rain's animality was an elephant, which was most likely also for comedic effect, but it could've also possibly been because, with enough pressure and concentration, water could be strong enough to cut through skin. Pressure washers have this capability since their force is usually around 1600psi, yet it only takes about 100psi to puncture human skin. Of course, cutting skin off is different from simply blowing it off of someone's body, but while the water could easily cut through fat, muscle, and tissue, I'm pretty sure most pressure washers aren't able to cut through bone. That doesn't mean water couldn't do that, but the fact that the elephant blows the opponent's skin off rather than simply piercing right through their body is kind of similar to how much damage pressure washers could do. I don't know, I'm probably looking too much into it because MK3 had some goofy animalities and Rain himself as a character is inspired by the song "Purple Rain" by Prince, so maybe I'm just taking it too seriously.
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Anyway, back to the pufferfish situation. The pufferfish is often seen as a symbol of adaptability and resilience. However, it also has negative connotations, as people who are associated with these animals tend to overestimate their abilities or talents. They may have a knack for making their voice heard and getting their message across, even if they have to project a prickly persona (meaning they lose their temper and/or get frustrated easily) in order to do it (according to whatismyspiritanimal.com). I think the negative qualities suit Rain. He's known to be obsessively ambitious and, from my observations, rather prideful, even in MK1.
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And that wraps up my analysis! I spent over 2 hours on this post, but I love doing research of my special interests, and getting to do that for some cool animals and the Mortal Kombat series was super fun! Again, feel free to correct me and/or share your thoughts! I hope you enjoyed reading this and I hope you consider reblogging if you did. ^^ /nf
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eevylynn · 3 months
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That Boy is a Monster
Sterek || G || Creature Stiles || 1836 wc
Derek almost blacked out at that point, that is until he felt two hands grab him and force him back up towards the surface. Gasping for air as soon as his head broke the water, Derek moved his eyes towards the left to see who his savior was. “Stiles?!” He yelped, “You’re a–”
Made using the prompt "Glowing Eyes" for @sterekbingo
I don't know what came over me, but I just cranked this whole thing out in the course of one afternoon. That never happens, but I was like a woman possessed with this thing, so here you go!
Also, yes, I acknowledge the irony that I didn't use a different square for this story, lol.
“Stiles, run!” Derek yelled, frantically turning to push him away from the giant reptile creature. That split second of making sure the human ran to safety proved dangerous for Derek because the humanoid lizard thing whipped its tail, scratching the back of Derek’s neck.
Almost immediately, he felt the difference the paralytic venom made on his senses, muffling them. He had a vague thought of wondering if this was how human hearing worked. Derek heard Stiles’ voice say something, but it felt like his brain was working sluggishly, almost like his body was putting everything into fighting off the venom before it seized hold over him.
It took Derek a second to register Stiles slipping under his arm, helping him run around the pool, and away from the creature.
“Where is it? Can you see it?” Stiles asked.
“No! Just Hurry!” Derek said briskly. “Call Scott!”
They needed help. Erica was knocked out, Boyd was busy, and Derek wasn’t going to put Isaac in danger of getting arrested by coming onto campus. Not to mention he was too far away. Scott was close. Besides, even if Derek wasn’t Scott’s favorite person (for whatever reason Scott decided on this time), he’d come to save Stiles at the very least; Scott’s very human best friend.
Stiles had his phone in his other hand, frantically trying to call Scott for assistance. In classic Stiles fashion though, he fumbled the phone, dropping it to the ground, releasing his grip on Derek in the process–
“Stiles!” Derek shouted desperately as he fell. “Son of a –”
If Derek thought things were muffled before, there’s nothing like being paralyzed in a pool. He was barely able to take a breath before submerging completely. Derek felt the paralysis take full hold of his body by the time he hit the water.
That’s how Derek felt as he slowly sunk to the bottom. He couldn’t even move his head, much less do anything to save himself. Maybe it was what he deserved for everything that has happened in his life. What Derek deserved for what he had done.
Derek’s head felt fuzzy as he lost the oxygen in his brain. His vision was starting to get fuzzy…
Then, he saw it.
Two bright, seafoam green orbs floated towards him.
Derek almost blacked out at that point, that is until he felt two hands grab him and force him back up towards the surface.
Gasping for air as soon as his head broke the water, Derek moved his eyes towards the left to see who his savior was.
“Stiles?!” He yelped, “You’re a–”
Holding him with surprisingly strong arms, the younger teen looked very different from the human Derek thought he knew. His pale, speckled skin had taken on a greenish sheen. His shorn hair was the color of seaweed, and his eyes, sure enough, were a glowing seafoam green. On each side of his long, graceful neck, right below his jawline, were real life gills, opening and closing as the water Stiles was treading entered them. The hands holding him had a thin web of green skin connecting them together.
[continue reading on ao3]
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In Reptile Boy, once again the Angel relationship takes a step forward in an episode about older sexual predators preying on high-schoolers; like Teacher's Pet, the appeal of an older partner is recognized and questioned, and the dangers they represent are confronted. And Angel continues to stress the age difference between him and Buffy as a problem. I really didn't pay much attention to it when I was younger, but the show is way more aware of the issues here than I realised.
Also, yeah, the "When I kiss you I want to die," line is a complete non-sequiter - hell, they've barely even kissed. It might make some sense in Season 3, but it really doesn't fit where they are at this point in the series, and it really sounds way more like a reason to end a relationship than to begin one.
There is however a much more natural connection to her death drive when she expresses a desire to be swept up in an out-of-control romance - it's the "Seize the day, because tomorrow you might be dead" thing again. She wants to embrace passion now without regard for any possible consequences, because on some level she's deeply aware that she might not live to see those consequences; and if she denies herself now, she might not live to see real passion. I'd argue that both her vampire romances are defined by her inability to imagine a future for herself, simply taking whatever love or pleasure she can get right now - because the present is all that she can really believe in.
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clobertina · 4 months
Fellow Dino Nerd ruining y'all's prehistoric childhoods lol
-its not scientifically backed up that raptors hunted in coronated packs. They most likely hunted in an unorganized mob behavior and likely even killed eachother over carcasses.
-Group hunting is not the norm.
-Ceratopcid dinos could not ram into things like rhinos, otherwise it would have shattered their skulls.
-Dinosaurs could not roar, but can make bellowing sounds etc. Roaring is a mammalian thing.
-The raptor's sickle claw was not used for disembowelment, it was only sharp enough to puncture the skin but not slice it. It's been theorized that it was used to pinning it's prey down as the creature ate it's prey alive as well as for helping them climb.
-Most dinos didn't have protruding teeth like you always see in media, they had lip coverings, otherwise their teeth would dry out. One of the few creatures like Crocodilians who do have their teeth protruding out; their skulls and teeth do not match with those of dinosaurs. In fact, most skulls of carnivorous dinos have these little holes above their teeth, something found in animals that have lip coverings.
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-Troodon is a Nomen dubium, meaning that it is not a valid genus. Sorry to all the Troodon fans. This is because Troodon was made from a single tooth, causing many scientists to lump in all things with similar teeth into that genus, causing major problems in the long run. It is now refered to "an Arctic Troodontid" instead of just "Troodon".
-The Brachiosaurus you see in most dino movies, (mainly Jurassic Park/World) is NOT ACTUALLY A BRACHIOSAURUS. The dino you keep seeing is ACTUALLY a Giraffatitan!
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-It is unclear if Triceratops (and I mean Triceratops specifically) lived in large herds. It is more believed that they lived in smaller groups.
- "Pterodactyl" is not a real word, dinosaur, or a real genus. The real classification is called "Pterosaur". In fact, Pterosaurs are not even dinosaurs lol. Pterosaurs are actually reptiles and it's even been found from fossilized eggs that they layed soft-shelled eggs like snakes!
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-Spinosaurus looked like this (at least as of now, this Dino keeps changing fr lol)
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To make up for that, here's cool prehistoric facts.
-feathers make dinosaurs more dangerous believe it or not. Feathers can break their fall, make them more silent, protect them from the cold, and more.
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-Mosasaurs are not dinosaurs and are, interestingly, a distant relative to Monitor Lizards, they even have a forked tongue!
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-T-Rex was pretty intelligent, had incredible vision, incredible since of smell, and can run as fast (or slightly faster) than the average human. They where the irl Mary Sue fr lol. That said, they weren't unstoppable and just an animal. (I'm side eyeing the T-Rex fan boys so hard rn lol).
-Fossilized chemicals give us an idea of some dinosaur's actual colors! Sinosauropteryx is the most common example!
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-T-Rex was an ambush predator and would be much scarier than the Hollywood counterpart. This is because they would be much more silent and would stalk their prey instead of immediately making it's presence known.
-Tyrannosaurids start out leaner, faster, and weaker than their adult counterparts when a juvenile or adolescent. This is because they filled a different niche. Once they age, they grow chunkier, slower, and stronger to fill in their new niche of hunting bigger creatures like Triceratops.
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-Even though it is not supported that raptors hunted in packs. It IS actually supported that Albertosaurus did! While with raptors, their group remains are mostly found near other fossilized animals, Albertosaurus Fossils have been found in LARGE groups of numbers of other Albertosauruses.
-Smilodons actually had smaller brains compared to modern cats
-Dimetrodon was related to mammals
-Irrirator (a relative to Spinosaurus) had a split jaw to swallow bigger prey whole.
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DISCLAIMER: Science is ALWAYS progressing, so some of these could be disproven in the future. It is always important to make your own conclusions.
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tinkabelle24 · 6 months
Raph's Workout Playlist
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I remember curating one of these early on into my old TMNT-centred blog; figured I'd bring it back cos I remember having a lot of fun 😊
For those on Spotify, here's the playlist. Not all songs listed below are on there however, as they weren't available.
This should go without saying, but...
This list contains songs with explicit language.
UPDATED: Aug 29th, 2024
AIN'T SO (thatboykwame, Arno Faraji)
Astronaut in the Ocean (Masked Wolf)
Bass (Merkules, Tech N9ne, Hopsin)
Bate Forte e Dança - Super Slowed (DJ Ritmo55)
Beast - Southpaw Remix (Bob Bailey & The Hustle Standard, Busta Rhymes, KXNG Crooked, Tech N9ne)
Bezerk (Big Sean, A$AP Ferg, Hit-Boy)
Big Dawgs (Hunumankind, Kalmi)
Big Gangsta (Kevin Gates)
Break Ya Neck (Busta Rhymes)
Can't Be Touched (Roy Jones Jr., Mr Magic, Trouble)
Cinderella Man (Eminem)
Come On (Bonecrusher)
Confident (Tasman Keith)
Crank That (Soulja Boy) [Travis Barker Remix] (Soulja Boy, Travis Barker)
DNA (Kendrick Lamar)
Erbody But Me (Tech N9ne, Bizzy, Krizz Kaliko)
Get Up (50 Cent)
Godzilla (Eminem, Juice WRLD)
Go Get It (T.I.)
Goosebumps - Remix (Travis Scott, HVME)
Grindin (NF, Marty)
Higher (Eminem)
HUMBLE - SKRILLEX REMIX (Kendrick Lamar, Skrillex)
I Don't Dance (DMX, mgk)
If I Can't (50 Cent)
IV. Sweatpants (Childish Gambino)
King Sh*t (Yo Gotti, T.I.)
Kings Never Die (Eminem, Gwen Stefani)
Kumbaya (Hopsin)
leavemealone (Fred again.., Baby Keem)
Leave Me Alone (NF)
Let's Go (Trick Daddy, Twista, Lil Jon)
Like I Ain't (Tech N9ne)
Lucky You (Eminem, Joyner Lucas)
Mask Off - Marshmellow Remix (Future, Marshmellow)
Mount Everest (Labrinth)
Movin' Bass - GTA Remix (Rick Ross, JAY-Z)
Never Enough (Eminem, 50 Cent, Nate Dogg)
New Level (A$AP Ferg, Future)
No Excuses (NF)
Not Like Us (Kendrick Lamar)
Numb / Encore (JAY-Z, Linkin Park)
Outcast (NF)
Phenomenal (Eminem)
POWER (Kanye West)
Push It (Rick Ross)
Real (NF)
REEL IT IN (Aminé)
Reptile's Theme (Skrillex)
Rip Your Heart Out (Hopsin, Tech N9ne)
Ruff Ryders' Anthem (DMX)
The Search (NF)
Shell Shocked (Juicy J, Wiz Khalifa, Ty Dolla Sign, Kill The Noise, Madsonik)
SICKO MODE - Skrillex Remix (Travis Scott, Skrillex)
Till I Collapse (Eminem, Nate Dogg)
U Don't Like Me - Datsik Remix (Lil Jon, Diplo)
Warm Up (NF)
The Way I Am (Eminem)
What's Up Danger (Blackway, Black Caviar)
When I Grow Up (NF)
Who Run It (SWIDT)
Wolves (Big Sean, Post Malone)
You Should've Known (Hopsin, Dax)
I'll add more as I go 😅
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What myth about snakes makes you most upset? Personally I hate all the "Well there's this story about a guy who's pet snake..."
I'm with you there, any story about how pet snakes are inherently dangerous really annoys me. I was 13 when I got my first snake, and people would be like "oh, aren't you worried it'll hurt you?"
My first snake was a baby cornsnake.
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Shakin' in my boots, mate.
Other than those, the ones that upset me and worry me the most regularly now are myths about field cures for snake bites. I'm the reptile head at my wildlife center and we stock pamphlets on what to actually do if you're bitten by a hot snake because the sheer volume of people who tell me things like "oh yeah you should try to suck the venom out/try to cut the wound" got to be extremely concerning. They're less annoying, maybe, but they're prevalent enough that there's real potential for people to get hurt for believing them.
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kieran-granola · 1 year
A Curious Reptile
Let’s start transcribing Discord campfires to Tumblr with a JayTim Fantasy AU, feat Tim finding a strange little black salamander in the Alley on one of his evenings spent photographing Batman and Robin.
It’s a cold autumn in Gotham, full of icy sleet, and Tim really shouldn’t be outside, but he at least made sure to be super extra bundled up before sneaking out of his house. In fact, he’s so warmly dressed that he doesn't notice the poor little creature that burrows its way into his heavy sweater while he’s lying in wait to spot Batman.
It’s only when he arrives home that he realizes that he picked up a scaly hitchhiker. It’s a small, black salamander (he thinks), and well. He thinks about returning it, he really does! But he's not sure of where he found it, and anyway he's pretty lonely. A pet might be... Nice?
So instead of abandoning his new buddy, he does his research to buy food and equipment, and starts taking care of it.
At first, everything seems to go well! Tim's new pet grows bigger at a steady rhythm. It seems to take a real shine to Tim and accompanies him to school, curled up against him or hidden in his hair/bag/coat/sweater pocket. Tim even finds a name for it that it seems to accept. (Thanks @strawberryjei for the name!)
The strange thing, though, is that Caesar Saladmander keeps growing WAY past the size of a normal salamander.
Tim is pretty chill with that at first. Caesar is still super friendly and affectionate, and he doesn't try to hurt Tim. He even stays hidden from anyone else without Tim needing to ask. Tim figures that his herpetology skills just aren't that great, and what he thought was a regular salamander is actually a giant salamander...
A few months later he's like, "Whoa. I really SUCK at herpetology and Caesar is maybe just a very slim komodo dragon?"
Eventually, though, he has to admit the truth: Caesar is definitely no regular reptile. Caesar is long and thin, with horns that just started coming in, a long snout, and whiskers. In fact, Caesar looks...
Caesar looks like an East Asian dragon.
At this point, Tim figures that he REALLY needs to tell someone about the pet he acquired in Crime Alley. If only because he's not sure what Caesar is going to eat if he keeps getting bigger. Do dragons eat teenage boys?? Tim is eleven, thirteen isn’t that far away!
The thing is, Tim isn’t sure who could be qualified to deal with draconic difficulties. The only person he can think of who might be remotely competent is Batman so... One evening, after disentangling himself from Caesar's snake-like body, he goes out to "take pictures" and ends up stopping Bruce to very politely ask him if he can help him re-home Caesar to a good place where he can keep growing and roam around instead of being stuck in Tim's bedroom.
At first, Bruce thinks that the Drake boy has an overactive imagination. He's about to scold him for wasting Batman's time and putting himself in danger—hell, Drake is his last name, it's not even a very creative prank—except Tim shows him All The Pictures, and okay.
Either that boy is a Photoshop genius or there really is a dragon growing in his bedroom.
(What the hell is up with Gotham, and how did this become his life?)
Poor little Jason was recently homeless and starving when Tim showed up close to his sleeping spot. He hitched a ride just to warm himself up and ended up falling asleep. When he woke up, Tim had already adopted him. He figured that it was better to lay low and stick around for food, just until he was strong enough to survive on his own.
That was the plan, except Tim turned out to be so nice and adorable. He kept taking Jason to school which meant that he could catch up on what he'd missed when Catherine was deathly sick.
Hell, thanks to the food, warmth, peace, and quiet, Jason even started catching up on his stunted growth! With all this in mind, Jason figured he could stay a little longer.
Needless to say, by the time Tim takes Batman back to meet him, Jason has grown comfortable with his new life. Comfortable enough to shift back into a boy during the day to do Stuff (TM).
Just a few days more.
Okay, weeks.
...Maybe a few months???
(Now that he's too big to follow Tim to school he's got to keep himself busy, and the Drakes have tons of things to read. Also, he no longer fits in the bathtub in his dragon shape, and he needs to soak up occasionally for his health, so... Teenage boy shape it is.)
When Tim talks about handing him over to Batman, Jason is like "What the fuck, absolutely not. No one is parting me from my Timmy!"
He goes as far as to spray water at Batman, something he’s never done before. His panicked reaction makes pretty clear to Bruce that the creature in Tim's bedroom is sentient so... He asks Tim to reason with his dragon
At first Jason stubbornly refuses to listen, but Tim sounds so worried and sad that he ends up paying attention. He realizes that Tim sought Batman out because he's concerned about him. Tim doesn't think he can give him the best care and environment he needs so... He's giving him up for the sake of his happiness.
That's when Jason decides that the jig is up. He uncoils himself from around Tim, gives him one last gentle headbutt with his snout... Then he changes into his human shape in front of him for the very first time.
Voice rusty, he explains that his name is Jason Todd. He's an orphan, and he doesn't want to be spirited away to the boonies. Tim saved him! He wants to stay with him and to protect him.
“While I understand your position, you can’t remain here as a boy without the approval of Timothy's parents,” Batman says softly, “and I doubt you will be able to stay here as a dragon either. You're almost too big for the Drakes' home already, and Timothy told me that you’re still growing.
“If Caes—I mean if Jason wants to stay close then maybe he could stay at Wayne Manor? The grounds are definitely big enough,” Tim blurts out.
Jason blinks. "Wayne? The billionaire? No thanks, they're all sociopaths, he's gonna hunt me for sport."
"Don't be silly, he would never do that. He's a hero! Right, Mr. Wayne?"
Batman freezes. "I'm sorry, are you talking to me? I'm not—"
"Robin can do quadruple somersaults, he's totally Dick Grayson,” Tim interrupts. “Which means that you're Bruce Wayne. It's pretty obvious."
There’s a silence, then Jason sighs. "Oh great, that means he's gonna hunt me for sport while wearing a fursuit."
It takes a while, but eventually Tim convinces Bruce and Jason to give each other a try.
Jason agrees because he wants to stay close to Tim and Bruce promises to put him in the same school as Tim so Tim can make sure Jason hasn't been eaten in sushi. ("Are you even a fish?" "I'm a water creature." "I don't think that's enough to qualify as an ingredient for sushi." "I don't know, I've never had any. Too expensive.")
Bruce agrees because Jason is very endearing and he really wants to keep an eye on the DRAGON that has apparently been living in Gotham without his knowledge. Oh, and on that Drake boy too. He's too smart to be left all alone. That's how villains are made.
Bruce goes through all the hoops to adopt Jason and gets Alfred to coax a bit more knowledge out of Jay so he can set up anything he needs. That's how he ends up getting contractors to build Jason his very own cave next to the lake... complete with space to grow because, oh dear, East Asian dragons are quite long, aren't they?
And Tim gets a new classmate, a gangly teen named Jason Todd-Wayne who very suspiciously takes a shine to the weird Drake kid and drapes himself all over him whenever they're not in class
Tim, who got pulled into Jason's lap and is now stuck in his arms: "People are staring."
Jason, pleased as punch because he can FINALLY snuggle with Tim as a boy: "Good. Let them. Everybody needs to know you're off-limits."
Tim, squeaking: "Off-limits for what?"
Jason, shrugging: "I don't know. But you're mine. I can feel it in the water."
Tim: “Yours? Like a pet?”
Jason: “More like... a boyfriend? That is, if you want me?”
Tim, blinking: “You’re a dragon. And training to be Robin!”
Jason: “...Sorry?”
Tim: “What do you mean ‘sorry’, I was trying to say that you’re way too cool for me.”
Jason: “Now that’s just bullshit. You saved me when I was going to die in the cold, and you found me a family. No one is cooler than you to me. You’re my hero.”
Tim: “Oh.”
Jason: “Yeah, oh. So. Will you be my boyfriend?”
Tim: “...Yes, please.”
[Jason flushes a happy pink... and the sky opens as warm rain starts pouring down]
Tim, gawking: “...”
Jason, mortified: “...” Tim: “...Did you do that?”
Jason: “...Please don’t tell B.”
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lordsovorn · 9 months
Horror of Shapes
I am OBSESSED with borders and angles, with the language of shape and form.
There is nothing quite like the admiration I feel for the art of dissecting and then reassembling the core sensory components of different things.
I do not mean cosmetic coatings or costumes. I do not mean stiching together equally recognisable, pure parts, like a griffin or a furry. No, I mean the shapes and borders, the silhoette, the weight, the sound envelope, the motion, all talking directly with your reptile brain - and saying different things. Using the language of recognisable forms - but mixing them to say something new. And more often than not, something disturbing.
Our brains don't like things between categories. If they are absurd enough, that's funny, that's just a combination of normal things - but if the contradicting parts are interwoven properly, that's just... real. A wrong, stressful kind of real that doesn't contradict itself, but rather, contradicts our deeply ingrained sensory and emotional catergories.
So it's not at all surprising that this kind of shape mixing - successful or not - is especially common in horror media.
One shape speaks human, and the other doesn't. And it is moving in your direction.
For example.
And that's why we're all here - to talk about the Stalker from Amnesia: The Bunker a bit.
(Medium-heavy spoilers for Amnesia: The Bunker)
(I'm discussing in detail the design of THE monster of the game. You'll hardly get a good look at it normally, and I will also inevitably reference its nature a bit. Without any story or gameplay spoilers)
When you think of the Beast and its defining shapes, what comes to mind first?
Long, terrifying claws? Rows of needle-like teeth? A twisted, contorted visage, from which a snarl of unprecedented hate emanates?
I think of its neck. I'm in love with that fucked up neck as a subtle, yet powerful design choice. If you're surprised you've never really noticed it - google its model and marvel at the huge, thick, long neck of the Beast.
And think for a moment what it means in terms of silhoette.
The unnatural length of the neck is invisible from the front - the direction you're most likely to *really look* at the creature when you are cornered and have to shoot. When it stands up to howl before dashing, it keeps its inflexible neck behind the head as well - but the head appears disjointed and disproportionate, moving in a way it's not supposed to in a humanoid creature.
The Beast is quite front-heavy - with huge claws and massive head. This is only emphasized by the perspective trick at play - the head looks bigger because it is actually closer to you than you think, thanks to the neck.
From the front it looks humanoid, like a monstrous gorilla, standing on its knuckles. But when you look at it from the side, while it crawls along the half-lit corridors, you see just have elongated it is. The neck ruins the humanoid silhouette, breaks the shoulder line, lowers the head and emphasizes the arched back, creating an image of a predatory, confident beast.
But the two bayonets sticking out of its spine disrupt even this image. Of course, you're unlikely to even distinguish that those are bayonets in normal circumstances - it's just two strange spikes, breaking up the smooth line of the predator.
The back is different too - it is the least deformed part of the creature. Its legs are almost... normal, in the proportions at least, and it's from this angle that you clearly see the ragged remains of torn clothing on a disturbingly hunched back.
It kind of makes sense that from the least dangerous angle in the gameplay sense, the Beast looks the least threatening. Almost like a big, awkward, miserable human - more comfortable with this part of itself than with the huge claws in the front, but incapable of balancing itself any other way.
The claws deserve attention too, as they are the first thing you see as it reaches out from its burrow. They are grotesque in their absurd size, that suggests something huge is about to emerge from this tiny hole.
They are bigger than they have any reason to be - it is very clear how awkward moving with them is, as the Beast constantly switches between full-palm run, knuckle-walk and standing on its two legs.
It is the claws that disrupt the "beast vs human" duality - no beast needs such unwieldy claws that are good only for killing. No beast prowls constantly and leaves dismembered, not eaten corpses. No beast constantly vocalizes its anger and frustration in uncontained growls and hisses as it hunts.
Finally, this contradiction is also true for left vs right, as the right half of its face is torn and twisted into an almost crocodile-like form. This lateral assymetry, visible also in its uneven shoulders, sends a very clear message - sickness.
Nature is symmetrical - this monstrocity isn't. It is distinctly not natural - not even in terms of lore, but in terms of basic shape language.
Normally, the game does an exceptional job of hiding the Beast - even when it kills you. This contradiction of unwieldy mass, dangerous length and terrifying speed; of awkwardly human, confidently bestial and sadistically demonic never goes away - precisely because the Beasts' very proportions read differently from different angles.
Devs at Frictional seem to have been searching for this image for quite some time. The contradiction of human and unnaturally demonic is visible in the concept art of The Dark Descent, but, I dare say, not in the game itself, where enemies look like wax torture mannequins.
A Machine for Pigs tried to do it more explicitly, but failed to properly bind together the disparate shapes, and instead created ugly furries. SOMA did monster design wonderfully, utilizing the strengths of the engine and avoiding its weaknesses - but, of course, not in THAT way. While Rebirth put the horror of shapes back a bit, focusing on ramifications and pacing.
The Bunker seems to be the culmination of this search - a rather elegant solution, one that must have taken a lot of time to get just right. And in the end it is not just simple - it is persistently hidden.
It is the culmination for Frictional of the art of hiding the monster, while letting the shapes do their thing - speak terror into your mind in the most basic language possible.
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