#as much as i love them i can also acknowledge that they have harmed innocent ppl
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mesapies · 5 months ago
I think it'd be interesting to see iroh/zuko interact with ppl that don't and will never forgive them. And not in a villian trying to take revenge on them type of way. Ppl don't have to forgive the guy that burned down their village, was the direct or indirect reason their loved one died, etc just because they changed.
Especially with iroh living in ba sing se after the war, the same place he tried to conquer 10yrs prior.
There was this small moment in the iroh/june team up comic that came out a little over a month ago but the writing makes it seem like the guy was totally wrong for his hatred of iroh. Now I don't like how it's worded but I like concept of ppl acknowledging that iroh wasn't always a good person and what he has done did and still does effect ppl in their daily lives.
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I also wasn't a big fan of the writing here because it almost infantsizes iroh even tho he's a 60yr old man that was a general of a military for years.
Anyways, he lives in the same place where years ago he was the reason of death for ppls siblings, children, parents, significant others, friends. He walks past them everyday. He's probably seen memorials of the ppl who have died during those 600 days. Not even just the soldier but the citizens as well. It was 600 days long, over a year and a half of consent violence, ppl probably starved, especially those living in the outer area. They didn't know if the wall was going to finally crumble and that day was going to be their last. There's no way everybody is just gonna be ok with him living there after the war just because he's good now and sells good tea.
I think there should be ppl that don't like and will never forgive iroh and even zuko for the stuff they've done, no matter what they do to try to make up for it. And they shouldn't be villanized for not forgiving either. Like I said ppl don't have to forgive the guy that harmed them or the ppl they love physically, mentally, or emotionally just because they've changed for the better. Ppl can acknowledge they changed, but that doesn't take away the pain they've caused ppl. There gonna be ppl that forgive them no problem, ppl that don't forgive them right away but later come around, and ppl that won't ever forgive them. I just wish there would be more exploration on ppl that will never forgive them.
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hbpseverus · 2 months ago
for all that us snape fans say how we love his character because he is flawed and complex, i find it disappointing how many of us can't extend that line of thinking towards lily, while pretending that young severus was entirely innocent. i've noticed this a lot recently and it's been bothering me quite a bit so i've felt the need to defend lily, or to be exact, analyse the downfall of their relationship without basically giving her all the blame and instead looking at both characters and especially lily more critically.
so. let's talk about the conversation between her and severus after the werewolf prank. some snape fans harshly criticise her in this scene because she insists that james saved severus and doesn't acknowledge how serious this prank was, while insisting that at least the marauders don't use dark magic.
and i agree that she should have been more on severus' side in this case. after all he could have died or gotten seriously injured, turned into a werewolf etc and she downplays the severity of the situation and generally doesn't acknowledge how the marauders bullied severus very much. so yes, she could have been a better friend here.
but at the same time, from her perspective, she was already noticing that severus was spending more time with his housemates, all of them aspiring death eaters, how he had always looked up to lucius and was slowly heading down that same path. how he didn't truly disapprove of his housemates disgusting actions towards muggleborns - her own kind. even though it's not entirely logical, since we see through the marauders that light magic can be used to do harm aswell, this also explains her dislike of dark arts, which these (aspiring) death eaters all were fond of and using to do awful things to her friends (and hogwarts also pretty much teaches that dark magic is pure evil). by this point she had most likely also experienced discrimination at hogwarts for being muggleborn. she knew the situation in the wizarding world wasn't favourable for her, and now her best friend was starting to agree with those people?
the next notable event was of course snapes worst memory (sigh, here i go talking about it for the millionth time). and i really don't like how some people on our side of the fandom talk about lily in this scene (of course, this is not all of us, but definitely too many).
first of all we saw that she initially smiled upon seeing severus be bullied, and yes, this was honestly pretty bad. we know that severus saw this and was rightfully hurt, and this very well could be part of the reason why he snapped at her. but that is her only 'crime' in this scene. because she then does quickly turn against james and this entire crowd and defends severus. only for james to insult and threaten her, and severus to call her a 'filthy little mudblood'.
now, people say she should have done more to defend severus, that her attempt was quite half-hearted. i don't know. maybe she could have done more, but she did try go get james to stop. it's not fair to say she didn't try at all. some say she should have hexed james herself or bring up her prefect role (although i'm not sure it's even confirmed she was one at this time). but say she was a prefect, her job would be to stop fighting, which she tried to do, not to get involved in fights herself. and more importantly you can tell that james is entirely dismissive of her and clearly won't let her stop him no matter what, even threatening her in the process. lily also genuinely seems to still hate him at this point in time, she is described to have been disgusted with him to the point where even harry questions his parents marriage. so i don't believe it's fair at all to say she was just 'flirting' with james here and i find that interpretation just, really misogynistic.
furthermore, people believe she should have forgiven severus for being called a mudblood. i used to kind of agree that it wasn't that serious, but i feel differently now. because it wasn't just a word, it wasn't a one time mistake or a slip up or even the first time she noticed that he was slowly turning into a future death eater. that's why i brought up their conversation after the prank. lily knows that severus' descend into the death eaters arms had been going on for months, years even. being called - not even just mudblood, but hearing the words "i don't need help from a filthy little mudblood like her" out of the mouth of her former best friend was just the final nail in the coffin. it was her confirmation that severus was finally too far down that road, and she, as a muggleborn, could no longer justify surrounding herself with him. so she abandons him at the scene, and i can't blame her one bit.
of course this post is not meant to be severus bashing, he is and always will be my favorite character, but i don't enjoy pretending he was completely innocent, even his younger self. this is also not to excuse the marauders, as their bullying never had anything to do with severus possibly being a death eater and was really just for fun and, well, because they could, and because he was an easy victim. but i truly believe that lily deserves more grace here and also just to be analysed as a complex character like severus, rather than painting her as one-dimensional.
severus becoming a death eater is the tragic result of his background and surroundings, and when we analyse him we factor all of this in. lily was wealthier than him (not rich, but likely middle class), had a good relationship with her parents, was pretty, smart and popular and had a good support system in and out of hogwarts. she couldn't possibly understand why severus made the choices he did, and it's ridiculous to expect that from her. maybe as an adult she would have looked back and understood it a little better - not in the sense that she would then forgive severus, just understanding the factors that lead to him becoming a DE better. but as it was, she was just a teenage girl watching her best friend turn against people like her and not knowing what to do about that. and what's most important to me to point out is that it was not her job to try and stop this, to try and fix him or save him or whatever. it was first and foremost the adults in severus' life who failed him over and over again, never lily.
finally a lot of us can't understand how lily ended up marrying her former friends abuser and use this as an argument against her, but i honestly don't want to go too deep into this topic.. i personally strongly dislike this relationship, because james treated lily herself like shit too. we have to believe that he truly did change, even if there is not much... well, nothing really to prove this. and even if he did, i personally wouldn't have been able to forgive him. but i also don't believe that marrying james makes lily a bad person by extension or anything like that. ultimately, i believe she deserved to find happiness in this dark time and it seems she did, even if it was brief. i won't judge her for that.
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valzhanginator · 1 year ago
calypso having an emotion-centered character and being viewed & getting treated as the ‘evil woman’ is actually a reflection of how every woman's emotions are villainized when they’re shown vividly and are a main part of their character in popular media.
in general media and riordanverse specifically, women with emotions are always looked down upon because showing emotions is regarded as a dramatic act so when a female character shows and acts on their emotiotions they get degraded and instantly despised because of it. this is done with every single female character while male characters who show emotion are treated like saints and found worthy of self redemption. this happened with annabeth when she didn’t want to believe luke was the bad guy and wanted to try bring him back because she was manipulated by him her entire life, meanwhile luke, who did batshit crimes like causing hundreds of innocent deaths, manipulating little girls by flirting with them, admitting his crush to a 16 year-old at his ripe age of 23, is remembered as a hero and considered ‘redeemed himself’ after sacrificing himself while annabeth was called insufferable when she didn’t believe he was evil in the first place. let’s not forget piper, who’s a lesbian that was forced into a relationship with a man by a goddess and thought she was in the wrong for not feeling right with jason. during the entire relationship she was experiencing a very hard comphet and couldn’t figure herself out because of the fake memories, everybody was bashing her when she was acting confused, when she was, in fact confused. i have a longer post about this specific topic, so if you guys wanna check it out it’s right here. 
 coming back to calypso, first we need to clear out the misconceptions about her curse on percy that affected annabeth. she wasn't blind nor was personally attacking annabeth, her curse was to make someone feel like how she was feeling all time and that’s why percy and annabeth couldn’t reach out to one another while being right next to each other. annabeth’s blindness came from the titan she defeated in the sea of monsters and is actually the first curse to be put by the arai on them, so it has nothing to do with calypso. the curse was affecting annabeth because she happened to be the person percy loved and was right next to him. if percy was there alone either percy would feel alone and abandoned or the curse wouldn’t affect him at all, since there’s no person he can go back to save. and the curse itself wasn’t even a death wish type of curse she just wanted to be heard, be acknowledged and wanted free off her island. not to forget the curse wasn't harming or killing any of them yet it’s still demonized more than by literally every other thing that happened in the books. nothing luke has ever done is seen as evil as her curse just because it was by her and i’m pretty positive if something like this was shown in pjo by luke it would be glossed over and romanticized in the fandom. further proof of how a male character's actions get brushed off and forgiven easily but soon a female character does something even slightly questionable they get villainized on the spot.
she is also despised because she doesn't let everyone's favorite man get away with his misogynistic stuff. calypso doesn't treat leo any worse than he treats her. whenever she starts arguing it is a response to something leo has said or done, which in the most case she's in the right but leo gets so much slack from his past and being fandom favorite to be held accountable for the way he treats people. he's always been written as a misogynist, he never treated any women with any respect. he always had some sort of disrespect for every female character he seems have some sort of closure with like piper, hazel, calypso, the list goes on, but yet calypso is always expected to be more 'tolerable and understanding' bc of his trauma, as if every single character in the series isn't written upon a single trauma they had and have their character built on it. and he always had a problem dealing with others and their emotions and instead of expecting him to be working to change that, calypso is expected to adjust his manners.
oddly enough, she's also expected to show some gratitude towards leo for saving her, when she never asked him to do so and not for a second believed that he was actually going to come back when he said he would. is she grateful that he came back and freed her? yes. should she feel any obligations to make him feel greater because of it? NO. everything leo did for calypso was his and only his choice and nobody else's. calypso is happy that he did so, but expecting her to tolarate every single thing he does solely because of that is wrong.
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mike-smh · 2 months ago
Chat, I have a lot of opinions on the hermitcraft fandom, specifically a lot of common headcanons or AU’s people have. So if you don’t wanna read them that’s fine this is just me rambling lol.
Grian is constantly portrayed as an innocent little guy who only ever did the bad things because he was possessed by watchers. I hate this because so many people infantilize him in order to make him look more innocent. He is a fully grown man with a wife. He is probably twice the age of the people who write him in this way.
I have three major issues with this. Firstly, he can’t be possessed by a watcher since within canon the watchers are just the audience. I know that in some people’s AU’s the watchers are godlike entities who can do possessions and control people. But if that’s true then why would they control Grian specifically and make just him innocent and make everyone else the bad guys.
Secondly, it’s unfair to ignore every single action he’s done that has hurt people. It’s unfair to force everyone to forgive him just because he “wasn’t in control”, possessed or not he still hurt people in so many ways. Everyone he hurt has a right to be angry with him even if he was possessed because he still hurt them.
Lastly, Grian absolutely knows what he’s doing, because he pulls pranks on hermitcraft that are a lot like the things he’s done in the life series. And canonically watchers aren’t on hermitcraft because they simply don’t exist there. People make AU’s where they do exist on hermitcraft which is whatever but still. Grian is still in control of himself when he does bad things, he is self aware and has made multiple points of being self aware when he has done harmful things to people.
I have so many complaints about fanon Scar. A lot of people also infantilize him and never acknowledge the fact he’s in fact manipulative, cunning, deceitful and a villian. People really only portray him as someone who’s in love with Grian and will just be a punching bag for the other life series members as if he doesn’t know how to stand up for himself.
I actually have five main points about Scar because although Fanon Grian is something I'm also passionate about, the fandom just does Scar dirty and completely changes him into someone unrecognizable.
So, firstly, I hate that the fandom makes Scar into a man who doesn’t know how to stand up for himself. They constantly portray him as someone who’s a people pleaser and just does whatever anyone wants. They turn him into a doormat and punching bag when in actuality he is very much the opposite. Scar is manipulative, he never says no to an idea if he doesn’t want to do it. He has many canon kills, there’s times where he’s killed people when he didn’t even need to, he did it just for fun. Or during 3rd life when he made Bdubs and Grian fight for their lives.
Many people make the excuse that he only did that because he was a red life but that doesn’t make sense because he’s done that on hermitcraft too. His persona Hotguy is literally a hero that kills whoever he wants, he just shoots people at any time and kills them. Also during season five, when Convex originated, he constantly killed others for his entertainment. And again, people make the excuse that he was controlled by the Vexes. Okay, that’s a valid argument, except when you remember he was a corrupt mayor in season seven. He was a swindler in season eight where he took everyone’s money so that they actually got a chance to live through the moon crashing and he helped King Ren in season nine.
Another point is that people make him way too forgiving. Especially towards Grian and everything Grian has done to him. When he has literally, on multiple occasions, referenced bitterly to all the things Grian’s done to him. He’s known to hold grudges against people in both hermitcraft and in the life series. It makes absolutely no sense to make him a constantly forgiving person, that is unless he is nothing but a love interest for Grian. So many people infantilize Scar just so that they can justify shipping Scarian, because they know that if they took all the canon information at face value that Scarian would never be a healthy relationship.
Taking that into account leads us to our next topic, people like to completely disregard any personality Scar has in favor of just making him into a shipping vessel for Scarian. Some people make his entire personality into just liking Grian. People like to make him forgive Grian for everything he’s done, even him cheating on Scar during Double Life, just because they like the ship. And honestly, it grosses me out. Seeing people completely disregard how toxic Grian and Scars relationship actually is and change them both into characters completely unrecognizable from canon just so they can have their ship.
I’m sure there’s so much more I can complain about when it comes to Fanon Scar but I’ll make just one last point. His disability. I’ve seen a lot of people make Scars personality revolve around his disability. People essentially making fun of him in a way, making him stutter every sentence, unable to read properly, constantly bringing up how he can’t walk, etc. Now, as a disabled person these inherently aren’t bad things, there’s nothing wrong with bringing these things up and talking about them. It’s just how you talk and bring them up is what’s important, some people talk about it in a way to mock him.
Making him the butt of the joke because he can’t pronounce somethings properly, mocking him because he struggles with reading. Which in my opinion, is disgusting. Yes the cc makes jokes like this with the other hermits, but the other hermits are his friends. You, as a viewer, are not his friend, you don’t know him and you don’t know if he’s hurt by random strangers making fun of him for things he cannot control and making his disabilities his entire personality.
Mumbo. My man, Mumbo K. Jumbo, the Redstone innovator, the man who made a house that can walk. What I’ve noticed about him is that he gets so watered down in Fanon, I swear people just don’t want to give him an ounce of personality. So I will be talking in detail about that.
First of all, people make his entire personality just being a silly guy, they give him no strengths, no weaknesses, they just make him an NPC I swear. They make him act all timid and clueless like he doesn’t know how to do anything at all, they make him helpless. When he literally isn’t, he’s just as villainous as anyone else. He does what he wants to, he kills who he wants to, he threatens people, he literally blew up his entire base just because he wanted to.
Second of all, I swear that it always somehow circles back to Grian, and I despise that. Because for some reason people again, forget everything toxic thing he and Grian have done and just ship them and make Mumbo into nothing but a love interest for Grian. It’s just so disappointing to see people give absolutely none of the other hermits any personality.
Third of all, Mumbo has pulled pranks with the intention of killing people. He constantly kills his friends or messes with them in ways to harm them or greatly annoy them. He constantly stands up for himself in situations and he manipulates people whenever he wants something. He is so much more than being a “spoon”, he is so much more than just being a silly guy who stresses over redstone. He’s not even just a redstoner, he’s a builder too but it seems that people also disregard that part of him as well because it just doesn’t fit into the vision of him being helpless.
So, in conclusion, people like making everything about Grian, people like making everything revolve around Grian. Scars personality? Changed and watered down so that people can have a “healthy” desert duo. Mumbo’s personality? Changed and watered down so Grian can have someone who supports him and constantly forgives him for all of the literal crimes he commits.
So, you might be asking, “Narrator, what’s the point of this? Why did you spend an hour writing about fully grown men who play Minecraft for a living?” Because I’m sick of seeing fully grown men being infantilized for a bunch of teens' enjoyment. Just so they can ship them together and make their favorite character (commonly Grian) be a better person and actually likable.
So what’s the point you ask? The point is that I fucking hate some of the hermitcraft fandom, specifically the people who don’t like people who don’t share the same opinions and or do any of the things I’ve listed. I’m not saying the people who do these things are bad people, just that I personally dislike them. In no way am I hating on the people, just the headcanons.
Okay yeah, I just realized I spent an entire hour of my life writing this and that’s an hour of my life I can never get back…
Also if I offended you, I don’t actually feel bad because I'm allowed to have opinions and so are you. By voicing your opinions you’re opening yourself up to criticism because not everyone agrees. And I know that, that’s why this is all in a first person perspective, these are my opinions and feel free to disagree all you want. I just don’t really care if you disagree lol
Anyway thanks for reading.
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altocat · 7 months ago
I know there's a lot of talk of genesis attitude pre and post degradation, but what are the main differences in your opinion? How much does his attitude actually change?
I definitely think his degradation warped him, or at least took the more negative aspects of his personality and increased them tenfold, or influenced him into doing things he normally would have never done, whether out of desperation or the fact that he's actually receiving literal brain damage from his sickness.
Before his degradation, I think Genesis was definitely arrogant, hotheaded, and occasionally kind of rough around the edges towards strangers. He certainly had a lot of messy aspects to his personality, whether that was his jealousy for Sephiroth or his occasionally spicy attitude towards other people. This was mostly born from a sense of insecurity, wanting to impress people, to be recognized and valued. More than anything, Genesis wanted people to acknowledge him, to see him as someone whose existence mattered. He was terrified of being alone, or being seen as a burden.
For all his negative traits pre-degradation, Genesis had twice as many positives. Genesis could be kind, even sweet, especially towards the younger soldiers who had yet to prove themselves (Genesis heavily related to the feeling). When he wasn't focused on his rivalry with Sephiroth, he was a loyal comrade and a courageous fighter. He could be teasing and mischievous, but never to the point where he'd take things too far, at least not intentionally. He loved pranks and contests, still viewed the world with some lingering sense of innocence. He believed in storybook heroes and fables. He wanted to BECOME one someday. He could be practical, borderline chivalrous when it suited him. He could even be ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of his friends. Genesis had many flaws, but beneath his fiery exterior, there was a good-natured person who wanted to connect with others, wanted to be the hero they deserved.
After his sickness, Genesis throws a lot of his better traits away. He becomes overly spiteful, openly provocative, completely willing to hit someone where it hurts. His feelings towards Sephiroth warp from a competitive friendship to genuine malice, wanting revenge. He still never meant for Sephiroth to DIE (or Angeal for that matter), but he DID want to show him up somehow. And no longer had the restraint to care about the methods used to do it. Genesis also became hyper aggressive, his temper explosive, his thoughts constantly clouded. He acted on impulse even worse than he ever had before. He just did what FELT good in the moment and didn't think about the consequences....
....Until he was cured. After being healed by Minerva, the full weight of Genesis' actions falls upon him all at once, reliving every ugly moment, every thoughtless, cruel, violent action. SEVEN YEARS' worth of sins to atone for. Seven years' worth of brutality and loss. Genesis is crippled, body and soul. He seals himself in his watery tomb not just for the sake of the planet, but out of regret. He remembers his friends, the things he said and did to them. He remembers everything. He loved them. He never wished to harm them. WHY did he do it? Was it the sickness? Or was it really him this whole time? He can't bear to live with those thoughts. It's eating him alive. He grants himself the mercy of sleep as a means of temporarily escaping them, letting them haunt his dreams as he surrenders himself to oblivion.
The Genesis that emerges years later is cynical, jaded, world-weary, but ultimately wiser and more subdued. He still has his sharp wit and poetic personality, but it's a lot more muted now. Mostly, he's just tired, going through the motions. He seems a lot quieter, gentler around people. Through his altered genetics, he will live an exceedingly long extended life, surviving long after all the others (except for Vincent) are gone. In that time, Genesis travels the planet alone, doing good where he can, but never forgetting what was lost.
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local-lamppost · 4 months ago
Act 2, Innitial thoughts, It's 4:30am
First of all: I really need to stop staying up late to binge this show...
Overall I feel a little bit of everything except happiness. It was all rather confusing and chaotic, which I think was meant to go along with the mess that the natural world is currently in, but is more likely a pacing issue. Act 1 could be quick in some places, but this act had far more 'trust me, happened off screen' moments and I'm not a fan.
Aside from that I liked it, my issue of pacing stems from me wanting to see more of these characters. Some were punished by pacing more than others. Viktor was fine, it was perfect A to B from where we left him to where we pick up; unlike Vi and Cait reconciliation.
Vi and Cait need a proper chat. I think Cait disagreed with Ambessa's plan of attack and would have found a way to disrupt things even without finding Vi. Cait's rage has simmered down it seems(still bringing up potential harm to innocents), her focus back on Jinx instead of the Undercity, so it makes sense for her to go against an assault on a peaceful settlement. Her finding Vi was just an added advantage.
The two of them haven't buried the hatchet. Vi must have something to say about what Vi has turned both cities into, and Cait has to acknowledge what her actions have done to her home and the woman she loves. I'm hoping them working together now is just a patch job for the bigger problem to be fixed in Act 3.
Vi and Jinx were adorable. I love that Jinx knew that Vi was pit fighting from the start, keeping an eye on her not out of care but just in case (maybe to get herself some money too, since she was betting on her sister) and that she immediately went to Vi after discovering Vander. The two of them felt like sister for the first time since season 1 act 1. Even their fight was less actively trying to hurt each other and more sibling brawl. It did work to show just how much of a mess Vi is, as she had trouble dealing with Jinx-who even on shimmer should be no physical match for Vi. I think Isha helped as a kind of filter between them, along with Vander. Jinx and Vi had to rely on each other for the first time ever, not even when Jinx was Powder did Vi rely on her. I think seeing Jinx older sister Isha put something into place for Vi. She sees that Jinx can love and care, and that give Vi hope.
And Isha... Isha who became a mirror of Powder, an off shoot of Powder that blows up an off shoot of Vander.
Non verbal characters in animation are always fun to watch because it gives the animators full control. Every gesture and expression has to add to something because there isn't any dialog to assist. A way to progress the story and give a character character through expression alone, and they knocked it outta the park.
Isha dying her hair, playing the monster game, drawing fake smoke tattoos, etc, all to imitate Jinx is adorable. I also love how she isn't just a tag along, but actively pushes Jinx into doing something to the point Jinx thinks she's in cahoots with Sevika. It's foolish to hope she lives, but god do I hope Isha lived.
Viktor is interesting. He is so unbothered by everything, with only the faintest sense of self remaining. I still think Sky is just figment of the Hexcore/Arcane, an avatar for him to play off of. His determination to help others at the cost of himself is that last strand that connects him to humanity, it's his hope and empathy.
And that's what Jayce kills, not the Arcane. There is not doubt in my mind the Herald survived, but Viktor is gone.
I know people are giving Jayce a lot of flack, but I'm holding out on learning what he experienced in his days/weeks spent inside the Arcane. It seemed to tear at his psyche, leaving him with the sole goal to destroy it's spread; and who was spreading it faster than Viktor?
We have yet to see Heimerdinger and Ekko return from the other side so, here's to act 3.
Confirmation on what Singed has been doing.
Lastly, Warwick. I loved the perspective shots with him, I loved his design and voice, and I love Vander. I did not realize just how much I've missed him.
The flashbacks with him, Silco and Felicia (Vi and Jinx's mom) were so bittersweet. Blister's a brimstone, what could've beens, and the promise of the future through children. The song and art for the sequence too was just heartbreaking; not to mention that Vander named Violet. It also seems to be confirmed that toddler Vi would hang out at the Last Drop with her folks, Vander, and Silco which is adorable.
I'm honestly not sure if Isha's attack will kill him, cause quite a bit of damage certainly, but he's been shown to regenerate quickly and from deadly attacks.
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see-arcane · 1 month ago
gahh I completely relate to everything you said in the tags of that post about the election and everything. I can't believe my parents can't just open their eyes and admit they're wrong
Depressing ramble under the cut
I genuinely can't get my head around it. I know, the most rancid part of Trump and co's supporters are the ones who are legitimately brimming with bigotry and violence. The kind of people to unironically tweet about the bishop being a serpent who ambushed Trump with her plea to show mercy and go on to call empathy a sin.
But it feels like there's a large amount of Trump voters who not only just slid down a rabbit hole full of online media ranting about how All Your Problems are Because of Woke and Pronouns and No-Fault Divorce and Bodily Autonomy and Vaccines and Brown People Coming to Take Your Jobs and Do Crimes!!1!, but had the key ingredient of being utterly incapable of accepting when they are in the wrong about a topic.
It doesn't matter what science you put in front of them. It doesn't matter what actual lived experiences and testimonies you have them sit through. It doesn't matter how their view and actions are proven to hurt and endanger completely innocent people. Nothing matters if it dares to Make Them Wrong About Something.
It's why so many of them foam at the mouth about marriage
(It's only between men and women! Ever! Everything else is just a courthouse union! No I will not acknowledge any dictionary definition or the fact that marriage rites have existed outside the Christian norm for millennia, fuck you.)
and genderqueer people, trans or otherwise
(Only men and women are real! Nothing else! Biology as I learned it in 4th grade is all that matters! Gender is sex and girls are pink and boys are blue and no one can change their name or take the Wrong Hormones because that automatically turns them into sexual deviants who wear dresses while having dicks so they can invade the Target bathroom and rape little girls! Being gay or transified is a LEARNED and INFLUENCED state, nothing to do with nature! No I will not acknowledge any of the extensive statistics and science and actual human history that disputes that, fuck you.)
These are people who encounter a Thing, form Their Opinion, and said Opinion is hammered in as law in their mind. Any time someone offers evidence or arguments that contradict that opinion and dares to point out how harmful it is gets taken as a direct attack on themselves and they immediately turn defensive.
Which utterly baffles me coming from my parents who are, respectively, a multidisciplinary artist and one of the hardest working and most intelligent men I know, both of whom came from large poor families who experienced shitty upbringing while destitute. They have been under the boot before.
And yet, here they are. Still on the Trump Reich's side. Because surely they can't have been wrong about him!
(My dad told me and reassured me and laughed me off. "Trump doesn't know anything about Project 2025! He said so himself!")
((This is the same man who has an eagle eye for con artist phone calls and scam flyers. This is the same man who only isn't watching TikTok sprees of men complaining about women when he's watching another World War II biopic.))
What do I do with that?
What does anyone do with people they love and who they know to have such a sharp mind in so many other ways, but are also...like this?
A day is going to come when we see Trump on TV, red capped and arm banded, giving the same salute Musk did. And my parents will say to me, dead serious, that it was just a fluke. A mistaken gesture. A satire. Stop worrying so much.
Because to say or believe anything else would mean admitting they'd made a huge and awful mistake.
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flymmsy · 11 months ago
I might be wrong but did Gortash only torture women? Just thinking that I don't remember there being any man brain in a jar. Must be because of his mom but his father is not innocent either. Very typical to only blame the woman.. Why do I still love him? Like it does not even matter in the end, cause I am so smitten with him.
Actually when thinking about it, the whole dead 3 (kethric not so much, I think?) is a bit misogynistic, very clear with how they treat Orin. Sarevok calling her murders "girly" and that durge did proper murder unlike her, like ok...
We definitely have some evidence in game of Gortash threatening men, and you could argue that The Emperor was tortured by him, but yes - the number of women he tortures is much larger. And, as you said, all of the brains are women - which is definitely pointed.
I agree it’s connected to his mother and I find his relationships with his parents endlessly fascinating - the fact that he seems to torture his father less is 🤯
However I will pause here because it is important to say that it does matter. Violence against women is a very huge problem in our world. We all love Gortash here but it’s important to also understand everything he represents. His existence as a fictional character is the reason we can focus on other things, but we should never wave it away or say it doesn’t matter.
I’m also saying this because BG3 has a wide age range of fans. It’ll come as no surprise to anyone reading this that when I was younger, with the affinity for characters I love, I really could have benefited from someone who made it explicitly clear that you need to accept the terrible parts of an evil character, even if you don’t focus on them. The effect of *you* as a real person ignoring these traits *can* harm you beyond whatever form of media you’re engaging with - in the real world.
TLDR: Yes Gortash is disproportionately violent against women as opposed to men and let’s be sure to acknowledge that. And, if you ever see a man exhibit any degree or inkling of violence against women in real life, run in the other direction so fast.
P.S. - My first playthrough I was actually excited to see Sarevok and thought how cool and then the second he called Orin’s actions girly was the exact second I knew he needed to die.
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puppiekit · 1 year ago
To celebrate my Lion au post, here are some notes / hcs:
Lionblaze, Jayfeather, and Hollyleaf all have arcs that tackle different themes throughout the arc.
Jayfeathers arc tackles the prophecy-oriented side of things. His character changes the least. I do plan to tweak the way time travel works though (it will be more directly connected to their present - day tribe). Will keep up to date in that regard....
Hollyleafs character is, obviously, altered to an extent. She tackles the code-oriented side of things. She does not murder Ashfur, however..:
Hollyleaf is still driven mad by the truth of her heritage. She is angry at Leafpool first and foremost, viewing her as the root of their problem, as Leafpool was the one to break the code by having kits in the first place. She still confesses the truth at the gathering. She does not run into the tunnels, instead, somewhere more far off.....
After Ashfur is murdered, Lionblaze, wracked with guilt, confesses the crime to his siblings. Hollyleaf, blinded by her code-obsessed rage, later exposes the truth of what happened. Brambleclaw covers for him, similar to how Bramble covered Holly in the books.
Lionblazes character is altered the most (no surprise there). Lionblaze tackles the family-oriented side of things. He is very close to his parents, and you can see most of their drama / conflict through his perspective.
Lionblaze is a character who is simultaneously well-meaning, impulsive, and a bit self-focused. Similar to his grandfather he cares greatly for doing the right thing, even if it means breaking the code (much to Holly's disdain). However, what differs the two is Lionblazes hyper-awareness over his own reputation. Firestar is a cat who will do the right thing, no matter the slack he gets for it, no matter the enemies he makes. But Lionblaze is a cat who needs to be liked.
Due to the nature of his power, Lionblaze becomes increasingly insecure and hyper-aware of the cats around him (he views it as an inherent flaw ; a reason for cats NOT to like him). After his run-in with the Dark forest, he grows paranoid of accidentally harming / killing innocent cats. Frequent nightmares. Battle training sometimes induces panic. Bad habit of bringing home half-shredded prey. He wants to be a good cat, he wants to protect his clan and his family -- but his power only leaves him feeling like a monster. A ticking time bomb. All he's good for is doing the most damage possible, and that's scary to him.
Lions dynamic with Ashfur is expanded upon A LOT MORE. Now, in my au their dynamic is a bit of a mixed bag. They have their bad moments, days where Ashfurs resentment seeps through, but its not all bad. If you know the kind, you know -- The type of adult who will yell at you for a simple mistake, beat you down, but then 10 minutes later praise you and take you out for dinner as a treat. Its complex, it's hard to accept it for the toxicity it truly is, because "They're good sometimes, too". Lionblaze acknowledges that Ashfur was mean, but the attachment is still there. They had their good, genuine moments -- so it's hard to accept the fact that his mentor is a horrible person. Could it be? Could the mentor who told him funny stories about his parents, truly hate them that much? He can remember a time Ashfur peered down at him, smiled and said, "You know, Lionpaw, you're kind of like a son to me." In the moment he felt warm, it felt good. Did Ashfur really care for him that much? Now that same memory sends chills rippling through his fur.
Speaking of, Lionblaze is definitely the most attached of the three. He's incredibly close with Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw. When the truth is revealed, he is easily left the most (emotionally) devastated -- but he is also the first to forgive. He feels hurt, angry, betrayed, but he cannot deny the love he feels for his family, and he cannot deny the love they gave to him. It breaks his heart keeping his distance, seeing the hurt in his mothers eyes while he avoids their presence. He can't keep it up for long. Jayfeather, on the other hand, cant bring himself to forgive as quickly. He is a cat who has difficulty accepting vulnerability - he trusted his family, and that trust was betrayed. (Lion definitely has a bad habit of getting involved in his parents arguments later on lol hes emotionally invested)
The big change: Lionblaze kills Ashfur. You would think he does it out of anger, out of hatred, but no... He does it to keep his family safe. He can't let the secret get out. He can't allow Ashfur the opportunity to harm his littermates, his mother, again. Killing him was the only way, and yet, it leaves him with too much grief and guilt to bare. His entire life he shuddered at the idea of another cat dying at his claws. He was a monster, too strong for his own good, and killing would be nothing more than proof of that. It isn't long before it becomes too much to bare, and he confesses to his littermates. The grief, most of all, is what catches him by surprise. Ashfur was awful, he tried to kill Lionblaze and his littermates! It was wrong to feel this grief, wasn't it? But it isnt long before Lion realizes he wasnt grieving over Ashfur - he was grieving over who he thought Ashfur was; not only his mentor, but a tom who cared for him, despite the short attitude. Not only is his heritage, his upbringing a lie - but so is the very nature of his entire apprenticeship. It is a lot for him to handle.
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deathbxnny · 2 years ago
hiii :)) can i request hi3rd men (kalpas,kosma,kevin,su) with a child/young teen!herrscher reader?
basically they got captured by fire moth but they still have humanity in them, so they are not dangerous unlike the other PE herscherrs
make it platonic thank tyouu
A/N: Hello Anon! I love this idea so much, so thank you for the great request!<33
Content: Fluff, angst if you squint, platonic, fatherly relationships, child Herrscher reader, mentions of battle, kinda unserious at times, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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When Kosma was assigned to taking care of you, he couldn't help but sigh softly. He already had a little sister to take care of... and now he also had to deal with a young Herrscher child too? He didn't know what to do with you at first, yet decided to not treat you any different than he treated Griseo. Even if he was still distant, until he began warming up to you.
He was able to easily see past you being a Herrscher, mainly because it was obvious that you were still human deep down and were practically harmless. He sometimes even forgets, that you're a Herrscher because of it. He just sees no reason to treat you any differently than a child, even with you being a supposed "monster", that you were obviously not.
Despite everything however, he still keeps you out of trouble at all times and often keeps you close to Griseo, so that he can keep an eye on you two. He may not talk or interact with you much, but you can still tell that he does care about you alot. Griseo does too, in her own way.
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Whoever decided to assign you to him, must've really not liked you. And he didn't either, at first at least. He made it very much known too, until he made you cry. He panicked, not knowing what to do, before he just patted your head a little harshly and told you to knock it off and that he didn't mean it... kinda.
Since he's now stuck with you, he at first tries to avoid you, only watching you from afar for a while with a grumpy expression, until he concluded that you were indeed not dangerous, which confused him a little. But alas, it also made him quite curious, despite his initial annoyance, which made him eventually warm up to you a little.
In other words, he sees potential in you becoming stronger and therefore trains with you often, so that he can strengthen your abilities as a Herrscher. This actually makes you two bond alot quicker and proves even further, that you aren't evil. Perhaps you weren't all that bad... not that he'd ever tell you that.
》Kevin Kaslana
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Kevin was sceptical about you at first and even nearly decided to get rid of you himself... until he noticed that you were very much harmless. You had the humanity that Herrschers usually lacked and that made him immediately find interest in you. Though, mostly only for selfish reasons at first.
He only ever saw you as a weapon for the organisation, until he eventually began seeing you nearly like an actual child, the more time he spent with you. It was hard not to, when you looked and acted like one.
It may seem like he doesn't care about you, but he does, just not in an obvious or direct way. He takes care of everything you may need or gives you anything you want. He claimed it was to keep you calm and obedient for the organisation. But it was really just because he couldn't help but feel satisfied and warm, when he saw your innocent eyes gleam with joy, everytime he gave you something nice.
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He just immideatly accepts you into the organisation and makes sure to make you feel as welcomes as he can. He completely overlooks the fact that you're a Herrscher, mainly because he already knows you're harmless. He's calm and patient with you and doesn't mind, if it takes you a while to adjust to everything.
He acknowledges, that you're just a child and therefore treats you as one. He keeps you out of harms way and provides you with everything you may need. Ofcourse, he still keeps an eye on you, just in case your abilities get out of control. But he'll help you with those too eventually.
Su will also makes sure, that the organisation doesn't use you for anything dangerous and that you're always close to him. He becomes quite protective and gentle with you overtime and perhaps even sees you as his little sibling or child. Either way, you're in good hands with him.
A/N: I hope this is okay! Thank you again for the request!<33
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burr-ell · 10 months ago
🤍, 🖤?
🤍: Which character is not as morally bad as everyone else seems to think?
So this is gonna seem contradictory to my reblog of blorb's post; this is not intended to be read as a counter to it, but as a complement: Percy.
If I'm being honest, one of the things that kinda bothers me about C1 group fanart is when I see everyone else in the party at their fully developed state, like with their Vestiges and powerups and everything, and then Percy's out here...with Orthax. Whom he expelled from himself with a natural 20 wisdom save, for the record, in episode 35. He spent more time without Orthax than with him!
It is objectively true that Percy invented the gun knowing what harm it could do but did it anyway. He once permanently maimed an innocent boy because he wasn't giving the answers he wanted. He gave Grog a cursed sword and didn't tell anyone because he didn't want it to be his responsibility and he thought Grog could handle it. It is also objectively true that he expressed doubts about what he was doing even during the Briarwood arc and admitted he was scared of who he was becoming and outright asked the group to stop him if they thought they should. He publicly apologized to Desmond and admitted his wrong and assured him recompense in both money and job security. He participated in a resurrection ritual for a child he didn't know who got caught in the crossfire of a battle. He fought to provide the people of Westruun a safe haven in their city, while still encouraging people to leave if they wished, because he wanted to honor the fact that what they had built there was important to them.
I think Percy is one of those characters that people view as either a silly little Human Disaster™ or as Vox Machina's Token Evil Teammate (the audience who projected onto him as the Facts and Logic guy seems to have dissipated after it became clear that he was. very much not doing that), and neither of those things are true. When Laura remarked that she looked at Percy and said "I can fix him", it was very clearly a joke, but I think people take that seriously and think Vex is the only reason he's not Lawful Evil or something. (Taliesin once said that without Vex's influence Percy could potentially have turned out Lawful Good—Laura's reaction was "eugh".) Percy didn't believe he could EVER be worthy of Vex and never once intended to act on his feelings; the change in him between episodes 35 and 68 was because he personally chose to be better, over and over again—even through several instances of him having Fucked Up Big Time—for its own sake. His forgiveness of Ripley is what inspired Vex, and I don't think people acknowledge that enough.
🖤: Which character is not as morally good as everyone else seems to think?
I kind of alluded to this in the ship question but to be clear at the outset, I think Vax is a good person*, but I also think his flaws tend to be overlooked. He gets Soft Boy'd a lot, and while I don't think characters who operate on emotion are bad or stupid by default (my favorite superhero is Starfire), I think fandom tends to assume people who operate on emotion are good by default. Vax does a lot of reckless things that he's repeatedly called out for by everyone in the group, and he generally lets it roll off him because his metric for success is "but did you die". He saw a kid that he thought needed some tough love, and his first response was "bludgeon him over the back of the head and instantly knock him unconscious". He ran into a trap that nearly got Cassandra killed and never once apologized to her. He ran after Raishan and attacked, an action that actually did get Vex and Scanlan killed, and not only did he never apologize to them, he openly said in front of them that he didn't regret doing it (after being rightfully angry with Percy for getting Vex killed and having seen some proof that Scanlan might not be doing great!).
Like, to be clear, again, none of those things make him a bad person; I think overall he's a good person, and I think they're good character choices!* What I'm saying is that he has some genuine rough edges to him, and I think a lot of that gets ignored or sanded down in fanon to make him "the nice twin" or a perfect YA Hero love interest for a Keyleth who is being projected onto, and that simply isn't the character Liam played.
*I wouldn't normally put in that kind of good-person caveat—I don't think the end-all be-all is whether or not a fictional character is a good person—but a) this is a question about morality and b) some folks are weird about Liam.
unpopular opinions asks
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mocharoll · 2 years ago
(Ominis/GN!Reader) The Fools
An Ode to Young Love and Recovery
Summary: Two years post-game. Your final year at Hogwarts calls for early celebrations at the Three Broomsticks as you continue to struggle with your past. Only, you're slowly starting to learn that it is not enough for you to try and bury your memories, but to nurture them instead so one day they can become trees.
Rating: Mature (Implied sexual content, aged up characters)
Content: Angst, romance, humour, (self-)acceptance, trauma recovery, insights on growing up, raging hormones of young adults, a lot of fluff and a lot of love.
No real spoilers for the end of the game and spoilers for Sebastian's questline.
Link to the series: The Gaunt Who Loved
It was a mild September's evening, with the molten gold hues of the sky getting even warmer as the sun stretched over the horizon and across the evergreen hills surrounding Hogsmeade. Despite summer having ended some time ago, nature was showing no signs of grogginess so far. It's as if the Sun had not yet realised that it was indeed autumn, and missed the memo that he was supposed to be going to sleep earlier. Maybe today he wanted to watch all the ruckus that was going on, down there in the Three Broomsticks, for just a while longer. You approach the lively pub with a soft smile and tranquil spirits, having arrived a bit earlier to have a private celebration with your partner.
You are about to begin your last year in Hogwarts. It has been two years since you embarked on your fateful journey and your life took a rather jagged turn, going so rapidly in-between ups and downs that on a graph it must resemble overused scratch paper. Since all you've been through with your friends in foiling Ranrok and Rookwood's plans, the rest of your time has been quite relaxed and uneventful, at least by Hogwarts standards, so much so that one might suspect it to be early retirement.
When your fifth year had come to an end, Sebastian and Ominis were at an impass. Not only due to their strained relationship and their hesitance in approaching the other in fear of overstepping their boundaries, which was especially true for Sebastian, who did most offense albeit meaning no actual harm, but also due to Anne's refusal to have anything to do with her twin immediately after the incident. All of a sudden the boys didn't have anywhere to go. As such, it was only fair that you and your family opened your doors to your first ever friends in Hogwarts, who welcomed you with open arms when you were expecting a cold welcome as a relative outsider. Your parents, who were incredibly glad to not having to be scared witless for the the safety of their only child, who was miles away from them and in constant danger, did not hesitate for a single second to accept the fold into their home. Your friends were ever so grateful to be given the opportunity to heal and reconnect in a place where they didn't need to constantly be on their guard. Even so, everything that has happened in your fifth year seemed like a memory that couldn't stay in the past where it belonged. With every year that passed, the more randomly the remnants of all that has transpired resurfaced from your collective memory, and at unpredictable intervals.
"A year ago today I nearly became dragon kibble," said with mock indignance, petting the family cat that had just gotten used to the presence of more than three people being present at once in the house.
"Can't believe we all managed to get dragged into all sorts of trouble soon after we met you," said fondly with a twinge of melancholy, listening intently for any cues of positive or negative reactions, yet finding only melancholy palpably reflected back at him. Melancholy for what, nobody really knew. Loss of innocence? Although none of you had the innocence of what was expected in a typical teenager. The acknowledgement of lost innocence, perhaps.
"It's been two years since Solomon died," said abruptly, the monotonous tone betraying deep and persistent hurt, only a few minutes after you all had been laughing about Garreth's antics at Potions class. It had felt like someone poured a bucket of ice water over your head, freezing you with the same paralysing dread as when you realised what had happened. That Solomon had died in his sleep, peacefully.
You wince at the memories and all the lies you've had to tell in order to cover up those memories, albeit to little success. Your eyes instinctively close shut, yet it barely stops the part of your brain that is still terrified yet intent on replaying all that has happened, nor is it effective in distracting you from the faint prickling at the base of your skull that has been reoccurring in short bursts ever since you were hit by the Cruciatus curse, like a muted cascade of static electricity.
It's been getting better, you reassure yourself, because you don't yet know what to make of the other alternative, which is that you've only gotten used to the sensation. Of course, your friends have been of tremendous help as you healed, both physically and mentally, and for a while they were the one grounding factor that kept you sane. That is, after they knew how they could effectively help you better when you finally relented and told them you needed their help. You are forever grateful for them; for their support, patience and compassion. It is then you became aware of how incredibly lucky you were to be surrounded by so much positivity and tenderness. Perhaps you needed to survive such a calamity to realise how loved you really are.
"Are you intent on standing there any longer?" You hear a familiar voice ring out behind you, the musical lilts brimming with amusement. "If so, please be so kind to step aside so at least one of us can enjoy the butterbeer that you had proposed we get." You can't help but smile to yourself and at the warmth spreading out from the centre of your chest, which promptly dispels the remaining dark clouds behind your eyes. Normally it takes way more effort for anyone, let alone you, to pull you out from the eye of a storm like this, but that's just the effect this guy always had on you; the kind that passes through your defences as gently as the foam of sea waves caress the farthest edges of the sand. His influence over you has never alarmed you, and frankly you allowed for it, because you are well aware that the disgust he misplaces in himself due to his family's reputation and how utterly wary he is of his capacity to hurt others makes him that much more careful not to betray the trust of those he cares about. Hence you've never hidden your positive reactions from him when he's around, even before you were together, because your trust in him helped him build trust in himself.
With that, your eyes flutter open, your otherwise heavy eyelids showing no resistance, and you blink rapidly to clear the remaining fog to see the reflection on the door. Surely enough, you see none other than Ominis standing behind you, wand resting at his side, his bemused expression otherwise displaying calm patience.
"Hey, you!" You sigh in relief.
"Hey." He lifts his gaze from the ground and brings it up towards the direction of your voice, smiling warmly. He lifts his other arm slightly and curves his hand inwards, beckoning you to come closer.
You don't need to be asked twice. You step into his space in practiced confidence that still gives you butterflies and wrap your arms underneath his, your head landing right underneath his jaw as he wraps around you. Ominis didn't use to be too big on hugs, mostly because they startled him if a verbal warning wasn't given beforehand and, well, he's not used to the gesture all that much. Or rather he wasn't, because your inclination for showing affection through physical contact, which he found endearingly tolerable at first, became something he greatly enjoyed and eventually gladly initiated. You swear every time you tuck your head in the crook of his neck you can feel how tall he's gotten since the last time you hugged, especially considering the first time around you were almost the same height! Each hug feels a little different than the last, although the reason for that is completely unrelated to height.
After a few blissful seconds, or more (you can't really tell at this point), you lean your head back a tiny bit to look at him. Despite the mature sharpness of the lines of his face and the slight hollowness of his cheeks that was a temporary side effect of growth spurts, you could still see the softness in his features and in his unfocused eyes that were somehow able to see all of you at once. He is getting more handsome with each passing month and you'd be lying if you didn't enjoy making him blush with your attestations of just how attractive he is. As for you, while your height was guaranteed to remain the same by now, the excess fat right below your cheekbones that you irately tugged at in your early adolescence got smoothed out, just like your mother had assured, and the bridge of your nose that you inherited from your father started to get more prominent, which he had jokingly forewarned you against when you were a kid. He made light of it by telling you that you'll be able to smell things a lot better, yet given your experiences around noxious and pungent materials that were an inherent reality of the 'authentic Hogwarts experience', you don't see how that could possibly be a good thing. Nevertheless, you were glad to be growing and accepted the changes your body was going through as best you could. Besides, the way Ominis was holding you already made you feel like you were the most gorgeous thing ever.
"How did you know it was me?" Your voice is reduced to little more than a whisper.
He opens his eyes, their corners crinkling at your sudden discretion. "I was right behind you, you know." He says matter of factly, also whispering. "I recognised your footsteps."
You chuckle softly, sliding your arm out from under his, and run your fingers through his hair. "Figured as much."
"Mhm." He arches into your touch and hums lowly, grazing his nose against your cheek with a smirk he doesn't care to hide anymore. He leans in closer, his soft breaths making your skin feel hot red. That is your cue to face him, and Ominis gladly meets your lips in the middle. You stand there for a moment, entwined in each other, swaying gently with the early autumn's wind that feels like cool lemonade, and when you finally deepen the kiss you feel him inhale sharply, his brows furrowing with intense focus. His grip on your robe gets tighter as he pulls you closer until you're flush against his body and you feel him pressing tightly against your thigh.
Ever since the incident, Ominis and Sebastian have been trying their best to mend their strained relationship, and Sebastian had been focusing on reconciling with Anne in order to make up for precious time lost after he had ironically neglected her in pursuit of cheating death for her. As such, you and Ominis ended up spending more and more time together, making up for time spent chasing after Sebastian and not around each other. After getting over the shock of the revelation that you like liked each other after your admissions of mutual affection, you started to get closer and closer. The playful glances became tentative touches, and those became bold caresses as you got older and grew more comfortable around each other. And now, it just so happened that he was pinning you against a wall.
The muffled buzzing of the bar is almost completely snuffed out as your senses centre around him and nothing else, until you barely notice that you're backed against the wall and your kisses have started to get urgent and desperate. And then Ominis breaks away from the kiss, pressing his forehead against yours as he grounds himself and tries his best to calm himself. His eyes stayed closed, like opening them would mean losing the clarity of you. You gasp at the sudden loss, swollen lips gaping pathetically. You feel dizzy, intoxicated, even, and it doesn't help that his face is only a few inches from you, yet you silently hold onto him while you wait for your head to stop spinning. He's drawing this out and you know it. A part of you appreciates it, despite it being positively excruciating.
Once you've both caught your breaths, it doesn't take long for the position you're both in to finally dawn on you, and how the steps of incoming and departing patrons seem to falter, pause, then continue hurriedly in the opposite direction as you. You thought you could even hear the cheer of a particularly tipsy patron that sounded old enough for you to avoid eye contact at all costs lest you see him in class someday. A jolt of panic shoots up your spine when you feel Ominis trembling and you worriedly turn back to check on him, but you see that his shoulders are simply shaking in silent laughter. His face is scrunched up in equal amounts of delight and embarrassment, and also the reddest you've ever seen it. It's not long until you join him as well, cupping his cheek and chuckling uncontrollably. Your laughter eventually goes up the wrong airway and turns into a massive snort, which prompts Ominis to practically start wheezing.
"Okay, okay!" You plead after you feel tears collect at the corner of your eyes. "Please. I'm about to pee myself."
Ominis can only manage to bury his face into your shoulder, shaking his head as if to convey that his efforts to stop are ultimately for naught. You are left to pat the top of his head and fix his once carefully groomed hair as you look up and wipe the tears from your eyes. This is one of the things you love most about yourself. That you can find, pluck, and bring joy wherever you go. You've found that people bloom in your presence, that your friends are not only motivated to reach their potential in terms of academic success, but in being the best they could be. The most passionately impulsive guy you've known realised he could find the peace he was desperately searching simply by slowing down and enjoying the time he has with his loved ones. The reserved guy who exercised unprecedented self-control over himself to the point of neurosis is a bubbly laughing mess in your arms.
I turned out okay after all. You smile to yourself, closing your eyes peacefully and burying your nose in Ominis' hair. Ominis, who has significantly calmed down by now, peppers your neck with kisses in return of your gesture.
"That was nice," he mutters elatedly.
"It was," you brush your thumb across his cheek, "...and we can do it again, later."
He nods and turns his head, planting a quick kiss on your thumb before standing straight, hands searching for misplaced or fuzzy strands in your hair. He finds plenty, so he starts to gently comb them out with his fingers. You also fix his tieless collar and realign his dark grey vest, and run your hands through his hair one last time to ensure it looks close to how neat it look before your make out session ruined it. He doesn't seem to mind it in the slightest.
"Perhaps not outside of the single most crowded pub in town, yes?" Ominis raises a teasing brow.
"Indeed. You're ravishing, by the way."
Ominis brows shoot up at that, almost to comical proportions, but he recovers quickly enough. He instinctively checks the collars of his shirt and smooths the front of his vest.
"You don't think the vest is a bit too much?"
"I think it's perfect. And you left out the tie so it looks relaxed enough. You look like you're just here to get a drink."
Ominis nods, satisfied. "That is my intention." He tilts his head, smiling. "And you're absolutely breathtaking."
You chuckle, shrugging with quasi-modesty. "I try."
His smile turns cheeky as he traces the side of your neck with his fingers. "Really? I didn't notice."
You sigh incredulously, shoulders raising so dramatically that it makes Ominis smirk. "Shut up before I back us up into a corner again. And this time we're not stopping."
His expression shifts at that and his hand halts at the base of your jaw. "Who said I will stop?"
"Don't, please." You say without a trace of your bratiness earlier, voice thick with desire and desparation.
Ominis freezes at your tone, his jaw tensing up as he takes a few deep breaths. You realise he's doing his utmost best to not pounce on you right there.
"Later," he manages, extricating himself from you with sheer willpower. He retrieves his wand from his pocket and mutters something as he sways it gently, seemingly fixing the appearance of his trousers.
"Later." You agree, peering into the pub momentarily. "There's a lot of people."
"I noticed. It's alright." Ominis clears his throat, looking somewhat sheepish over his apparent loss of control, but later on when he recalled this moment and your initial reaction, he would think back to it with great pride. He extends his free hand. "Shall we head inside?"
You happily take his hand, swaying them gently before resting them at your side. "Right this way, then." You step forward to open the door and a cacophony of rowdy chatter and trills of laughter bursts out in a giant tide, hitting you straight in the face like the heat of an oven when you first open its door. It's as if you turning the handle was but only a simple catalyst for this vibrant eruption, and you feel giddy at the sensation. You look over at Ominis and see that his brows are slightly furrowed due to the sudden loudness, but is too basking under the warmth. By now the Sun had already started to give in to fatigue, and blinked at the people of Hogsmeade one last time before setting to meet with them the next morning as he so promised to the Earth at the dawn of the universe. You step inside right after Ominis, tapping your feet against the magical rug that gladly gobbles up the dirt from your weary shoes.
It's not going to be the easiest job in the world; moving forward, reconciling with your restless memories, your occasional sleepless nights and your survivor's guilt. But it is going to be easier than it otherwise could have been, with your loved ones at your side. You will just have to remind and allow yourself to take it one day at a time, not only because that's the right thing to do given the traumatic circumstances you have faced at such a young age, but because that's the only thing you can do. Step slowly but surely into the future, staying together, acknowledging the importance of your combined strength to overcome whatever difficulties you might face from the past and beyond. Perhaps that is all you really need.
Ominis slips his fingers between yours, brushing his thumb over your knuckle, as if he could tell that you had gone elsewhere and wanted to remind you that he was there for you. You squeeze his hand in return.
I'm back. I'm back and I know you're here and I couldn't be happier to have you.
The tenseness in his brows completely dissipates as his expression lights up and he blinks softly at you with great affection. Sometimes you really wonder if he can hear your thoughts, or whether your boyfriend is actually a cat. You chuckle at your thoughts and nod at him, tugging your hand in the same rhythm to say you're ready to move. Ominis smiles and moves ahead as you slip inside into the centre with him, the door shutting gently behind you.
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songsofbloodandwater · 11 months ago
RE: people online talking about how Mercury Retrograde affects them negatively or urging others to do protection work because of this and that eclipse or trine or conjunction or stellar event of your choice. May I bring a different perspective to the table?
I haven't personally felt any negative repercussions. I have felt pressure and shifts here and there, but I wouldn't call that negative or malevolent. I actually only felt a surge of energy recently and, in fact, even did a money working on the day of the last eclipse!
Put down the pitchforks, I am a witch but I'm not senseless. I simply don't see any stellar events as inherently beneficial or malevolent. I find that reductive. Movements, conjunctions, eclipses, anything about the luminaries... is all part of the wider spirit ecosystem and part something else. Part warning and part lesson, and part opportunities that you're invited to take... or resist. It all becomes subjective when you take into consideration who these events are affecting and what the person is doing in relation to that.
You wouldn't call a wildfire inherently malevolent, yet it is destructive. It's simply nature finding it's way. It is an important part of many ecosystems ensuring fertility of the land and the correct sprouting of those seeds that need warmth and ash to grow. Same thing with those considered "malevolent" stars... they're wildfires or, given the current placement of certain Luminaries that seem to worry some of you so much, perhaps you can see them more as floods. A big flood. Where you can learn to go with the current or try to go against it and keep doing whatever it was you were doing before the flood happened.
So, forgive my ecologist brain for having no better way to explain this but see, if you're a very dry soil acclimated plant with no tolerance for salty marshgrounds, you'll obviously see this spring tide as malevolent. You could even argue that the sea is out to kill you, and you're a poor little innocent land plant. Evil Ocean. But other species thrive in the intertidal. I'm having the time of my life.
Assess your current situation, in all that is material and mundane and also in all spiritual fronts, consider what Spirits (up among the Stars, or related to them) may be working with you or against you, and how. You'll likely find more allies than enemies. That by itself is a reassurance, and you'll do good staying by their side until your "problems" are solved. Reorganize and restructure your plans accordingly, with the help of these allies. That could look like protection, yes, but hiding away in a little magic bunker isn't the one solution to everything that presents a challenge to you, or that could potentially be harmful to you and yours either. Sometimes it means walking away until the tide is gone instead of burying yourself in the sand. Sometimes it means learning to swim.
Sometimes it means an orca could get a taste of mouse for the first time. Or Moose, or God Forbid! even a Wolf! Who would've thought. What a great opportunity for the otherwise unthinkable to happen. What a sweet reminder that these are things that not only do happen, but happen more often than we think, and acknowledging it could serve us...
Yes, orcas have been known to eat moose occasionally. Get with the program. Terrestrial mammals prey on sea life all the time, why wouldn't we turn the tide? (very bad pun intended)
The "Cunning" part of witchcraft people talk so often about is exactly that, not letting anything step on you, instead use it as a stepping stone. Do you want to be the plant, the moose or the orca?
I don't think any particular stellar events demand doing more protection work from me than any other regular time. You should always have protective measures around your loved ones. But specifically to those practicing magic in any way? Protection wouldn't be my first thought. Put those shifts to good use. Don't just aim to leave unscathed. That's not doing you or yours any favor.
One of my favorite astrologers made a post a while back saying "The stars impel but do not compel". I wholeheartedly agree and I believe specially us, as magical practitioners, should be able to rise above these events. Whatever that means to you and your spirits.
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d-trammell · 4 months ago
It's been a minute, so here's a rant (:
I was sitting here thinking, and the beauty of humanity seemed to be a lingering thought. However, I don't define the beauty as kindness, curiosity, etc. The beauty in humanity is the destruction. But when we initually think of destruction, it’s often in a negative light, like wars, environmental damage, self-destruction, etc. But there’s also a certain rawness and a truth to it. It’s like humanity exposes its most primal instincts, its vulnerabilities, and its drive when we face these forces of destruction. Destruction can tear down, but it also transforms. It's like a cyclical process that gives space for something new to emerge, whether in society, art, or even within ourselves. There’s beauty in the scars we bear, in how we rebuild, or in the chaos that uncovers parts of us we may have otherwise hidden.
We are not born to be violent or destructive in the ways that we are. We start as these blank slates, untouched by the world, and then life happens to us. For example, babies are born with such purity, untouched by the complexities and conflicts of the world. They don’t arrive with intentions to harm or the capacity to understand destruction; they’re just bundles of raw potential, full of curiosity and trust. It’s only as they grow and absorb the world around them, it's norms, expectations, fears, and pains, that they learn about things like violence, anger, and even the need to protect themselves from others. In a way, that initial innocence feels almost sacred, like it represents who we might be in a world without influence. But as we experience more, it’s like layers get added, and we start to build defenses, form judgments, and mirror the behaviors we see. So much of what we call “human nature” is really just layers of experience, society, and culture molding us over time. We experience, we adapt, and we absorb lessons that push us in different directions. It’s almost like we’re a blend of intention and inevitability, of innocence and experience, and there’s something admirable in how we navigate it all. Humans are endlessly adaptable and creative, sometimes to heal and sometimes to harm. Even when people end up hurting others or falling into cycles of destruction, it says something about our desire to survive, to have purpose, or maybe even to connect in ways we don’t always understand. Some things are so woven into the fabric of who we are that rather than picking them apart to find answers, maybe the best we can do is observe and acknowledge the mystery and the messiness of it all. There's something humbling about standing back and seeing humanity as a tapestry of contradictions, both capable of love and harm, sometimes within the same breath. In a way, it’s almost like appreciating a piece of art that feels vulnerable and unfinished, maybe even unsettling depending on how you look at it. We can see the brushstrokes, the flaws, the rough edges, but that’s what makes it compelling. It’s something you can’t quite wrap your mind around but can’t look away from either.
To be continued?...
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amyyythestarry · 2 years ago
Who do you think gave Amane his bruises?
Y’know I’ve been pondering on this for so long. Like I just don’t know really, I have my small little theory so I’ll share it.
I have no idea what was up with his parents during his middle school days ( Last middle school days ), I’ve heard theories that maybe Amane’s parents were absent, and I can see why they think that. He was probably one of those quiet kids that nobody payed much attention to so I don’t think he was bullied.
AND TSUKASA, ever since that ‘Tsukasa SA’s Amane’ theory went viral I just deny any theories saying Tsukasa maybe hurt Amane. I’m traumatized ok 😭.
BUT, I’m trying to be realistic here and say that, maybe, just maybe Tsukasa did cause the injuries. But maybe not on only his account.
When speaking of his ‘abuser’ Amane was really forgiving about the situation, he said that he didn’t care and that he’d put aside all of the violence.
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I don’t think he would have said this about anyone else for hurting him. It has to be someone he’s close to, someone he cares about, loves, and cherishes. And I’m pretty sure the only person he feels that way about back then was his only sibling.
But it’s also confusing to think that it would be Tsukasa because of how he acts around Amane. He doesn’t act violent or anything. Tsukasa can be violent though, like with Mitsuba, or apparitions and whoever poses as a threat I guess, but he’s never been even a little bit violent with Amane.
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This is just a way that Tsukasa shows affection. He wanted Amane to see the stars, and probably wasn’t aware that he was pinching Amane cheeks too hard.
He’s really cute like that y’know. I believe sometimes he can just innocently, accidentally, hurt someone by being intrigued curious and excited. He’s very non-self aware.
So using the term non-self aware is what I actually imagine him to be most times. Not knowing he’s doing bad things to people, probably until someone tells him he is. Like when Sakura told him to be gentler to girls seeing how he was with Nene the first time.
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He looked a little absent there at first, didn’t he? Even while he was about to bash her head he was looking forward. When she stopped him from feeding Mitsuba he just sat there for a minute. Maybe not even acknowledging what he was doing? Just doing it. Like a reflex? Then stops what he’s doing, carries her like a gentleman, apologizes and puts her to sleep so she wouldn’t have to see him shove a bird heart down Mitsuba’s throat ( At least he listened to Sakura ).
I imagine he just came back to his senses when he realized he was about to hurt Nene. Like his brain told him “Hey dude, I need you to stop dissociating, you’re about to become really misogynistic if you don’t gain some self control” ( Lol ).
But yeah. Maybe that stuff happens to him on a daily basis, like he’s not fully aware and mentally there but he’s physically there.
If he was actually the one to cause harm to Amane when they were human, I could see that dissociating thing being the case.
ALSO, he has that wish granting supernatural in him! Like they’re one and everything, being present in the the same body.
I think that supernatural may also be the reason of the abusive Tsukasa back when he was alive ( If he was abusive to Amane ).
Maybe it was like that cartoon ghost possession rep where the character possessed by the ghost switches up every now and then because the ghost is apart of them too.
Him randomly dissociating, not feeling like he’s in his own body and accidentally hurting his twin brother, then coming back to his senses and realizing what he’s doing. I could see that.
Since Amane is his older brother, Amane forgives Tsukasa for the random outburst. Or maybe he notices something is wrong?
Whatever the case might be, I hope in this arc we can at least see more of the Yugi twins’ backstory, especially more of Tsukasa POV.
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noellashes · 1 year ago
hiiiiiiii! feel free to ignore this ask but what do you like about noelashe? :0 I really like them too but I don't exactly know why myself... the parallels perhaps? the care? the potential? either way, I'm asking you how you feel about them! And I hope you have a wonderful day! :)
so so sorry for the late response but
anon you don't understand how long ive been waiting for someone to ask me this exact question
this may be extremely long depending on how much i feel like talking about so i apologize
spoilers inbound after this point!!
there are many, many reasons ive fallen in love with them and their dynamic, but ill try to condense them into a more readable format
the sections will be as follows:
 their parallels and how they compliment each other
their kindness and affection towards each other
how they treat the other differently to the others in the mansion
more surface level dynamic things i like
the things that got me attached to them in the first place
i feel like every noelashe fan understands their parallels somewhat but im insane so im gonna go in depth
they match and contrast each other in so so many different ways, down to even design (i actually made a post about that before it shouldnt be too hard to find)
their personalities are one thing, energetic and tired, extroverted and introverted, loud and shy, cruel and kind, fake and genuine, manipulative and naïve, i could go on but thatd be WAY too long so i'll just mention these
but thats just on the surface, they actually match each other a LOT more than you think
how ashe is more introverted than what meets the eye, not liking people out of distrust, and noel being tons more talkative and social, adoring people and barely being able to hate anyone
noel being smarter than he appears, willing to lie and manipulate for what he wants, and ashe being really easy to fool sometimes, immediately believing anything he thinks can bring back his family
and of course the obvious, their wishes
the same wish, the same pain, they go through such similar trauma with different ways of dealing with it
or so you think, their coping is very similar and this is acknowledged in sirius's conclusion, the only real difference being if theyre violent or not. noel, has sworn off harming people but he's still not above using backhanded methods for his goals. ashe, despite doing awful things for his wants, still has noble(ish) reasons for why he does these things
neither are entirely innocent, but neither are completely guilty
they both just want the people they care for to live peacefully, alive
but both do some pretty fucked up things for this wish, noel lies to sirius and uses dorothy as a ploy, ashe well- i think we all know. ashe commits multiple varied crimes that range from theft to murder and noel's own negligence can be considered a crime in some cases.
they have an understanding no one else does and it creates a lot of interest towards them and develops them as individuals too
they care so much for each other its insane
noel has trouble seeing ashe as anything but kind and ashe cant help but feel attached to noel even if he doesnt want to, which makes them get close each time and it makes them feel for each other a LOT more than they need to
the times where noel is sick and ashe takes care of him, ashe saying he lied so noel wont feel bad, noel letting ashe confide in him and ashe even trusting him enough to say his worries in the first place, the list goes on
they just have an instant bond bc they want someone to care and help them (even if both have trouble admitting it) and they want to help each other, which just makes them care more
it always ends in kindness between the two and it's one of the ways we get a happy ending
special treatment
i could put this in the kindness section but i think it deserves its own section bc its so damn cute
it does have a little less to go over tho as it doesn't happen much
im also gonna start adding screenshots and such
noel seems to really admire ashe and his abilities so much more than anyone else its adorable
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hes so amazed by him literally just cooking and he doesnt comment on anything to do with precise stuff that isnt smth ashe does, i may be wrong but i dont think ive ever seen him comment on smth like sirius drawing talismans which is highly specific but will ALWAYS think about how impressed he is with ashe
he also just
treats ashe in a similar way to claire, like he just casually says ashe saved him which is such a strong word to him with no thought and he LITERALLY SAYS HE TRUSTS HIM UNCONSCIOUSLY BC HE REMINDS HIM OF CLAIRE if that doesnt say smth i dont know what does
and ashe always opens up to noel so much more than anyone else like noel has gotten ashe to talk about himself unlike anyone else, the only other character he talked to about things was claire (technically sirius too but he was drunk off his ass so im not counting it) and that was like once he doesnt even say anything that isnt surface level
ashe also just refuses to harm noel and i dont think anyone has noticed this before
it makes sense if his killings are during the day bc noel literally just isnt there but some other times he has no excuse
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surface level things
as much as i love the incredible lengths of their relationship, i also like more simple things that im just gonna put into a little list
theyre so sun and moon guys
their color palettes look nice together
babygirl and wet cat
loves to cook and fucking awful at cooking
smartass x dumbass
mutual healing
their symbols being hearts and stars those look so cute together
"i care about you!!" "why??", mutually
little bitch and sweetheart
both are affectionate but neither can handle it
emotionally repressed x the one who wants them to grow again
bfs who rant about their interests
same trauma
very strange guy x doesnt care
"im a disgusting monster" "HOW?"
the black and white good evil thing is very aesthetically pleasing for them
angel and devil (kinda)
why i fell in love with them
theres a lot of reasons why i love them but theres a few very specific things that got me attached
most obvious is that theyre both my favorites, im extremely attached to ashe and i loved him from the start, i didnt start liking noel until a tiny bit later but he very quickly gained my love
i also relate to them both heavily so seeing them care so much for each other gave me comfort
its a huge pattern that most of my ships are of the character i got immediately attached to and relate to and other character i relate to who cares about the first character
the fate line. its just so gay i was like "thats kinda gay" and while i didnt always think of it like it was super important it always stuck in my head like "yeah i could ship them"
but the real thing that started this all was the wine scene
its when i realized how much they cared for each other and then the floodgates opened, and here we are now!!
its still by far my favorite scene of the two it just makes me so happy its so adorable
i have an extreme love for noelashe and just seeing them can make my entire mood better
i dont think many people have analyzed them as much as me so its sad to see how much stuff with them goes unnoticed
theyre genuinely so great for each other, platonic, romantic or anything in between, they deserve to be happy with each other
im so sorry for this being so long and maybe really hard to understand but i adore them so much
if you read this all thank you so much!! have a great day
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