#as for the reason why avis loses all his memories
kath-trashh · 2 years
8 &/or 32 for the ask game :3
8. What did their masquerade outfit look like? Was their mask an animal, or something else?
(An excuse to draw it? Yea.) Also another read more because I think this is going to get long again because I cannot stop talking
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from left to right, rin, avis, mareike, and jaxen :)
Jaxen's the only one who doesn't have an animal mask, but that's mostly because his representative Arcana doesn't have an animal form...
32. Does their use of/skill in magic differ from canon? How so?
Absolutely for all of them, I think! It's important to note that for my headcanon of magic in the world of the Arcana is that magic is very hard to learn and requires specific types of hand movements / discipline.
Rin- In Rin's case, Rin's only really skilled at one specific axiom of magic-- fire magic. The peak of their arc involves them using too much magic, causing them to become a niffin-- something overcome by too much power to the point that they lose their human form entirely, having completely succumbed to their powers. They do get out of it eventually, but it's a scuffle.
Avis- Avis was once an incredibly skilled magician before they were sealed away and had their memories forcibly wiped. They were incredibly powerful and gifted, and that didn't necessarily go away after they were revived, but it does mean that they now start again from scratch, with things that they may never relearn.
Mareike- Mareike has like, latent magical ability that she doesn't really know how to use. It comes out in sparks and responds to her emotions, but she doesn't really have a handle over it.
Jaxen- Most, if not all of Jaxen's abilities come from his contract with the Hunger. Without that contract, he essentially only has physical brute force. With it, he's able to steal magic from others, imbibing himself with the properties of the things he's stolen. In a sense, he expresses infinite possibilities, a little like a certain Fool...
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docholligay · 4 years
Touch prompt, "after an argument," for Avital
WOW DID I SPEND A BUNCH OF TIME ON THIS ONE. We may argue, i suppose, that it’s a waste of time, given that it’s a third string character in my less popular universe, but I enjoyed myself, so, there is that. I actually like this enough I may add it to my canon! 2,500 words, roughly. Italics are Arabic. 
“You have absolutely no reason to deny me this.” Avital’s eyes burned as she looked across the table at her mother. “You’re being completely obstructive for no reason I can bloody well think of.” 
“I said the matter was closed, Avital.” Pharah looked back down at the chicken on her plate. “You will not go. That, is that.” 
Avital tossed her fork down on her plate. “Ridiculous, you are. Let’s take an accounting. I’m prefect, I have excellent marks, I don’t get into trouble, I am,” she gestured, looking for something, her face turning a bit pink, “INCREDIBLY responsible, Mum! Also, I’ve been on a class trip before! What could possibly be your reasoning? If it’s about the money, I can earn it.” 
“If it were about the money, your uncle would be giving it to you.” Mercy did not look up from her plate. 
She loved her wife, and she loved her daughter, with a power and strength that she couldn’t have possibly realized could come from her. It was never duty, to love them, but always joy. They were both intelligent, strong, capable women, born leaders with steel in their spines. Mercy never worried about either of them simply going along with things, of just following orders. They did not fear any judgment but their own, which was the harshest mistress. She was proud of them. She was in awe of them. 
She absolutely loathed when they fought. 
For it was all true that they were intelligent, strong, and capable, but they were also both so bull-headed and intractable, when they took to an idea, that it might be easier to separate the salt from the sea, than to talk them out of being right. She much preferred when they agreed, for the quiet of it if nothing else. 
Pharah glanced over at Mercy and her helpful statement and shook her head. “I am your mother. “ 
“Totalitarian regime, then? That is literally what your approach is going to be? Really?” Her face was going from pink to red, her jaw beginning to set. “You’re supposed to be a woman of logic, and rationale, and--Mutti, you can’t agree with this.” 
Mercy sighed. “When we were having you, we agreed, if one of us felt very strongly, we would be giving our support. I wanted to raise you Jewishly--” 
“Shutting down any kind of debate on the issue is not raising me Jewishly.” 
“Avi,” Mercy set her hand on Avital’s, “I know it can be hard understanding--”
“No!” Avital pulled her hand away and stood up, pointing her finger at her mother. “I have a right to understand why you think I don’t deserve this! You’re being completely ridiculous, and I deserve a fucking answer! I’m not one of your soldiers who just goes where you want her to go, I’m almost a fucking adult--” 
“Oh, you think you are an adult, that might be true.” 
“Don’t DISMISS me, God,” she stepped back from the table, “ I can’t stand when you do this, this, shut down thing that you think implies strength, but you know what? It only shows the obvious weakness of your position.” 
“Well luckily, this is a totalitarian regime, and dictators don’t need--” 
“Enough!” Mercy cried out, hands folded in her lap. “Please.” 
They both loved Mercy more than they were angry at each other, and so, for a moment, the storm calmed. Avital stepped away from the table. 
“I won’t be doing the tidying tonight.” She pushed in her chair and headed up the stairs to her bedroom without another word, back straight, steps clear. 
Mercy turned to Pharah. “You should be telling her. I know, you have--” 
“She’s right. You are being unfair, and expecting her to not to wonder.” Mercy set down her fork. “She is a very good daughter, Fareeha. You and I? Are spoiled.” 
Mercy got up from the table, walked into the kitchen, and left Pharah sitting there alone.
Avital paced around her bedroom, trying to quell her fury. Anger was not a friend, anger made it hard for a person to focus, to think, to act, and yet, as she thought those things, she heard her mother saying them, which only raised the flame higher. 
She should go stay with Uncle WInston. He would let her, even running the risk of making her mother angry. She flopped a bag onto the bed, and then immediately dismissed the childishness of it. To what point and purpose? To stay over at his house for a few days, and then come home, with nothing changed? 
Avital sat down on her bed, brow furrowed and leaned forward onto her knees. She had always respected Pharah. When she was a child, she had desperately wanted to be just like her. Her mother was a logical woman, who thought things through carefully, to the point where her Aunt Hana would tease her about having a pro and con list to order lunch. She rarely tried to hide things from Avital. Even when she had been very young, she had navigated difficult questions along with her. 
Her parents had always been so keen on understanding and wisdom, and now she was being treated as if she had no right to her own life. 
Tears stung her eyes. What was it about Germany that made her so angry? Pharah had happily allowed her to go up to Scotland, to France. She’d sent her to spend a few weeks in Canada, in Egypt, and those were much further than she was wanting to go now, and with much less supervision. Her grandfather would probably let her use a rocket launcher if she asked nicely, he was such a rose petal of man. 
Avital leaned back into her bed, trying to work it out in her mind. She wasn’t a poor read of people, by any stretch of the imagination, a skill she would only hone as she got older, but her youth and her frustration were covering all the things she should have been able to see. All that came to mind was her stubborn, impossible mother and her other mother acting as a doormat. 
There was a knock at the door. 
“I’m not particularly interested in talking to you just now.” Avital sat up poker straight, jaw firm, staring at the door. “But given that this is a totalitarian regime, I imagine I don’t have a choice.” 
“I deserve that.” Pharah opened the door, leaning against the doorframe. “Avi,” she closed her eyes, “may I come in, please? You may say no, and I will leave.” 
Avital let her shoulders relax, just a little, but watched Pharah warily. “Alright.” 
Pharah came in, and shut the door behind her, her voice controlled. “Would you prefer to have this conversation in English, or in Arabic?” 
Over the course of her life, particularly as she had gotten older, Avital and her mother had slipped back and forth into either, depending, of course, on who was around them, and how private they wanted the conversation to be, but based just as much on the way the wind was blowing that moment, or which language had a better description for the situation. She had not, to the best of her memory, ever been asked by her mother which she preferred. 
Pharah was offering up a type of contrition, trying to let Avital define the boundaries of her life, and as young as she was, Avital was still able to take it for the olive branch it was. 
“It doesn’t matter, Mum. Whichever one gets you to explain yourself.” It came off with an edge, and Pharah winced at the cut. 
“I deserve that, as well.” Pharah sighed. “Avi, I--here is the problem--I am--” she gave a weak chuckle, “Maybe if I keep switching, I never have to say anything.” 
Pharah leaned against Avital’s desk and stared up at the ceiling for a moment, gathering her thoughts, considering the pros and cons of each of them. Avital allowed it, simply sitting at the edge of her bed, waiting to understand. 
“I disagree with your school’s trip itinerary, and everything I think might come of it. What you will be taught.” Pharah looked back at Avital. “Some of this is only my own...I haven’t told you, much, about what happened to me. When I was captured.” she looked away, staring deep into the rug on Avital’s floor, trying to lose herself in the intricate lines of it. ‘When I was tortured.” 
“Mum,” she said again, and yet it seemed a completely different word, soft as a gentle touch, “Do you--do you want to sit?” 
Pharah nodded gratefully and sat next to Avital on the bed, silently for a moment, still staring her way into that rug. 
“You don’t have to protect me. I know more than you think.” 
Pharah put her hand on Avi’s knee. “I am protecting me. I still, sometimes...I struggle, to talk of it.” 
Avital knew many things. Her childhood was a happy but unusual one, and over the years she had patched together what had happened, never told the full truth and yet never really kept from it. She knew things her mother had never told her, she was perfectly aware of how badly she and Tracer had been hurt, how it was the thing that ended up killing Tracer, the reason her mother sometimes still couldn’t wear her arm. 
She even knew that sometimes her mother paced around the living room at night, trying to take a deep breath, trying to come back to the safety of her home. 
Avital didn’t speak of it, for two reasons. One, she loved her mother, even given how angry she was at the moment, and her mother clearly didn’t want to discuss it. Two, she had made a reasonable accounting in the world, that it was always wise to pretend you knew less of people than you did. 
But, wracking her brain, she still couldn’t find the answer. 
“You weren’t...you know, hurt, in Germany, though.” 
“No,” Pharah shook her head, “I was not. But, when I saw, that you were going to The Institute of Human Advancement, that they were offering a tour, that you would be spending a whole day--they funded Moira.” 
Pharah immediately got to her feet, hand to the back of her neck, and all the anger popped up there against. It was as if Avital could see the steam rise from her mother’s head. It had been almost twenty years, Avital would absolutely not say, and they have funded a hundred other projects, she would certainly not add, and didn’t Overwatch also fund her, she would not close with. Her mother was a reasonable woman on most topics, but on the subject of Dr. Moira O’Deorain, a thousand sort of petty hatreds and biased slights were permissible. Her tendency toward meticulousness was never better noted than in her ability to find new reasons to hate anything that had touched Moira. 
Someday, she would talk to her about that. How much energy had she given Moira over these past years? It seemed a waste. Her mother was more intelligent than that. 
“Mum, I don’t know what it is you want me to say.” Avital shook her head and stood, a rush of frustrated English spitting out. “Assuming they decide to offer up propaganda on a woman who has since been disavowed by the medical community, who killed one of the heroes of London, to a group of kids from London, I have the bloody discernment--” 
When we are in the thrall of youth, we occasionally forget that our parents are human beings. They are imperfect, and tender, and foolish in all the same ways they can be wise and loving and strong. When we are teenagers, our parents often become a cliff to be scaled, an obstacle to overcome on our climb upwards. 
But then, there are moments, frightening ones, where we see their humanity completely. 
“I want you to go.” Pharah’s voice was quiet surrender, and she did not look at Avital when she said it, sinking into Avital’s little desk chair. Avital wasn’t sure if she even heard herself. “I am very sorry.” 
Avital looked down at her mother, a twinge forming in her chest. Sometimes, she would reflect in her diary this evening, we get exactly what it is we want, only to discover that the getting it was less fun than we imagined. She hadn’t wanted to see her mother’s wound, still tender after all these years, all the pain she carried. Everything she had read about the incident suddenly seemed meaningless, nothing but bullet point facts, faced with her steadfast, determined mother quietly murmuring in a small wooden chair. She knew the details, but did she know how it had felt? 
She remembered how much gentleness she had shown her Uncle Winston, when he had cried recalling the day they broke them out. She was so tender with her mother when she cried about not being able to save Tracer’s life. Pharah had been there, had taken the torture for days, and Avital had assumed that it had simply been something for Pharah to remain angry about. A kind of historical inefficiency, same as her ranting about how London chose to do civic improvements. 
Her mother felt pain as keenly as anyone, and Avital felt a deep level of shame for not recognizing it. Her mother had been a goal of hers, once upon a time, but she had forgotten even as her goals had shifted to allow her to be fully human. Pharah was not an ideal. She was not a virtue. She was a nearly 50 year old woman, who loved her wife, who was generally an excellent mother, who worried and cared and worked, and, as it turned out, cried. 
Avital, quite without even realizing she was doing it, threw her arms around her mother, and held her tightly. She wanted to ask her to tell her everything, to explain what it had been like, she wanted to buy her mother a pint and have her recount the entire incident as it seemed to her. She wanted to hear about all the things that had only been hinted at over her childhood--the fear Pharah must have felt, the pain, the deep well of guilt she did not deserve, because Tracer had died, and she had lived--but she would not ask them today. Today, she would table every language she had ever learned, and hope the silent one of touch spoke loud enough. 
They were an argumentative and bullheaded pair, the both of them, filled with their own sense of righteousness and honor. Pharah had no reason to deny her this. It was all still true. But suddenly, Avital didn’t care too terribly much. Class trips were mostly a waste of money anyhow. 
There were a million other chances to see Germany.
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nightshadedawn · 5 years
Persona 6 Concept Part 5
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We’re getting down to it, guys. I ain’t got much more besides plot left to tell you. So, let’s get on with it.
And let’s be honest, I should really stop writing this at like, 1 in the morning.
So I figured that I should add this, because it seems important for the protag’s background. But where do I add in this scene? Who the fuck knows. I’ll figure that out… later. But I can’t make references to this scene without it being stated. 
At some point in time, you’ll need to take a trip down memory lane, and you’ll re-experience the things that happened a year ago. The reason why you’ve come to this teeny town in the first place. We already know that your mother died, and you’ve probably at least begun Yuuki’s social link, and know that your parents divorced over ten years ago due to too long split apart. But why were they split apart in the first place? What was your mother doing in Tokyo? And why was it you who went with her when she left?
To understand the answers to these question, we have to discuss it all. Let’s start back in the beginning, over ten years ago, when you were but a child of four or five. 
The first thing we must acknowledge before we delve deep into memory lane is that you, the character, will at some point retrieve a photo that you, the players, will not see until this memory lane. It’s a picture of a brown haired woman sleeping and holding two small children. A brown haired little boy and a white haired little girl. It’s your mother, you… and your twin. Both MCs! (This is how both will be able to become cannon and can simultaneously exist)
With that said, we jump right into the MC’s background, when both MCs were children, young, about the age in the picture. At this time, though almost everyone in town will claim that there’s been no death from the virus, that’s basically a lie. It’s just never been so close together before, and everyone who’s died before has always had another reason for dying (old age, other illness, ect). 
Everyone but the twin MCs. 
Mostly healthy young children, who quite suddenly got very, very sick. Their only symptoms that of virus. And considering that no doctor in town had bothered to try to find a cure for the virus, both children were quickly doomed to die, their young bodies unable to handle the virus’s violent symptoms. 
So your mother took you and your twin to the big city, trying to find a better doctor who could at least keep you alive until a cure to the virus was found. For a time, it worked. But then… your illness turned for the worse, and your twin died. 
This will be a fact I don’t know exactly where to add, either, but you need to keep this in mind. There are three ways your core will exist; black for ‘corrupted,’ green for ‘infected,’ and white for ‘healed’ or ‘uninfected.’ Healing a core is different from removing the corruption. Healing the core makes the MC weak, and if they were already weakened, it could kill them. (SO basically after every final battle… fun!) Basically, it sucks the life out of you to heal someone else. Give and take.
Anyway, your mother had the MC’s powers to heal corrupted cores (she never awakened to a Persona or visited the Velvet Room, but she visited the Endless Forest and healed people before, as long as she could get to them before their corruption killed them) (Why would she go through all the work of leaving if she could just heal you? Because there was two of you, and she knew that staying in town would give you the risk of being infected again, and Yuuki didn’t want to leave town)
Anyway, unable to bear the thought of losing another child after your twin died, your mother became desperate and used her powers to heal your core. You became well, but your mother became sick and weak and you didn’t return to the small town.
She survives for several years, hospital bills stacking up and doctors unable to find anything to help her even with monthly visits. But then we get to the scene you actively get to see in memory lane session (the rest of this may be experienced through cutscene dreams?)
This will be where we finally get to see the events of what happened nearly a year ago. The MC sits in a hospital room, wearing their summer weekend clothes, by a bed with a brown-haired woman in it, their mother. She’s delirious, feverish, and hardly makes sense over her coughing and wheezing. But basically she insinuates that she’s dying from the virus that’s infected your hometown, she thought they were all safe because she’d been gone so long, and she’s terrified now that she couldn’t protect the MC, even after what happened over a decade ago… 
After fighting it for years, the corruption finally takes over your mother’s core and kills her. Your mother’s heart monitor stopping right in the middle of her apologizing for leaving or something equally sappy, but regardless, she has died, right there with you in the room, and you reasonably freak out. The flashback ends with chaos as doctors rush in and enter the room.
That was depressing as fuck. But basically so is the rest of this game, and Persona games in general…? Moving on back to the main plot.
Reference of the mom
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Young female MC (kinda, but with green eyes)
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Young male MC
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June 10: Miyako returns to school and thanks the rest of the team for saving her life.
June 11: Celebration party! And news of a new transfer student?
June 12: News spreads around town that a child has died from the virus.
June 13 - 15: You’re free to do as you like.
June 16: Masahiko enters the fray, and Miyako isn’t happy about it.
June 17 - 21: Free days. One the 21st, you’ll be able to exchange in dialogue with Masahiko.
June 22: Miyako and Masahiko get into another fight. You are visited by The Plague in your dreams (I suppose you could say you’re Plagued by the, eh, eh?)
June 23: Unsettled by your dream, you head to the cave to check if Masahiko has a Palace. Masahiko follows you and awakens his Persona.
June 24 - July 8: Your allotted time to complete Masahiko’s Palace. 
July 10: Masahiko returns to school You’re unable to talk to him.
July 11: You get to talk to Masahiko. He and Miyako argue a bit, but make up afterwards.
July 12 - 14: Exam prep.
July 15 - 18: Exams days.
We return to the plot on July 18. 
As before, the MC will take the test for you and you won’t be answering any questions yourself. Instead, after the tests are over for the day, you’ll walk with Sayaka and Yūdai to meet up with Miyako and Masahiko.
Before you can find the second years, you’ll be faced with an unfamiliar student (unless you’ve been nosey and have gone down to the first year classroom and talked to some of them). Hoshiko is bright red, almost the exact same shade as the color of her hair, as she presents you with a letter and shouts “Senpai, I have a huge crush on you, please go out with me!”
It’ll cause a scene, though Yūdai’s reaction to the confession will differ depending on your gender (“Aren’t you worried about confessing to another girl for everyone to see?” if you’re playing as a female and “Wow, who knew this guy could actually get a girl,” if you’re playing as a male.) 
It doesn’t matter your preferences or gender or what choice you make, you’ll end up rejecting Hoshiko at this time. Sayaka will attempt to smooth things over and tell Hoshiko that she and the MC barely know each other, so maybe they should try to be friends first. Which would be a cool thing, if Hoshiko didn’t end up running off in complete embarrassment. 
The next day, you go to hang out with your friends to celebrate Masahiko’s release from the hospital and also the beginning of summer vacation. Sayaka complains that she wants a beach episode like in the animes, but Miyako argues that she doesn’t want to wear a bikini and she doesn’t do beach volleyball. Yūdai will be on Sayaka’s side, though Masahiko will claim he’s too refined to spend the day getting burned out on the sand and playing in the dirty ocean. Sayaka will ask you about what kind of swimsuit you’d wear, and if you’re female, you’ll get the option for a bikini, which will have the boys ogling at you and obviously imagining the sight. (This will result in the option to revel in the praise, ignore it, or smack them both for being perverts)
Anyway, moving on, on July 22, Avis will take you to the Endless Forest because there has been an influx of corruptions you need to take care of IMMEDIATELY. You’ll have a couple battles, but then you’ll come across The Plague. Too late to save his next victim, as their Shadow completely turns black and crumples until nothing is left but their shining black core, which The Plague takes and pockets.
There’s a scream of terror from behind you, and you turn to find Hoshiko has followed you into the Endless Forest. Which, okay, how did she get there in the first place, and when? (The answer; she accidentally wandered in just a few moments behind you and fuck, this kinda fear ain’t a good look on her)
So, obviously Hoshiko is terrified ‘cause she’s got no idea what’s going on, so she turns tail and runs through the forest, going deeper into it instead of out. Obviously, you go after her, and somehow you manage to get her out. 
Unfortunately, it isn’t that day that she awakens her Persona. She’s too scared, has a panic attack, and has to be carried out of the Endless Forest by one of the boys (or one of the girls, I’m not really picky).
The next few days revolve around you making sure Hoshiko is alright and keeping your secret. Well, trying to. Every time you try to approach her, she scurries away, almost in fear. (For someone normal, that’s kinda a normal reaction, right?)
It’s only after you notice that Hoshiko’s core has become corrupted that your team gets together and you all corner her at once. You briefly explain what’s going on and the situation and what you’re going to do, mostly in a way she can understand.
In a strange moment of bravery, Hoshiko decides to go with you to check out her Palace. The team warns her of potential danger, and Hoshiko’s resolve begins to crack, but she goes with you anyway. 
Her Palace is a haunted forest, with a haunted version of your school as the goal to get to. Out of all the Palaces in this game, Hoshiko’s will be the mostly aesthetically scary. The Shadows, before their ‘true form’ is revealed, will go around, looking like traditional Japanese style ghosts. The true form of Shadows you can find in this Palace will mostly be new, being horror creatures such as Bloody Mary and other popular characters from horror stories. This Palace is supposed to mimic Hoshiko’s unease and fear, after all.
The entire time you’re in the Palace, Hoshiko clings to your back. Checking out the school will lead you through familiar halls, looking absolutely terrifying. You’ll find Hoshiko’s Shadow, laying on her desk in the mimic of the first years’ classroom, the only desk in the whole room.
Hoshiko’s Corrupted Anxiety (also known as highly intense fear in some cases) appears, looking like a flippin’ ghost of all things (traditionally Japanese ghost, so double the terrifying, that shit scares me).
The Corrupted Anxiety separates the team, keeping them from Hoshiko’s Shadow. The only ones together are you and Hoshiko. It’s in the moment that Hoshiko awakens her Person. After the fight, you’ll have to find the rest of your teammates and get out of the school and Palace.
On July 27, you begin your official run through the Palace. You’ll have until August 12 to save Hoshiko or the virus will kill her.
At this particular point in time, I haven’t come up with any sort of exact puzzle or challenge for ANY of the Palaces, and really, I think it shows. But anyway, considering you’ve got some right chickens on your team, this is going to be a terrifying Palace for everyone. (Expect some banter between Miyako teasing and scaring Masahiko in the sidelines)
This being said, Hoshiko’s Palace is mostly opening up blockages to get to places you’ve already been to. There will be more mini boss battles than before, each signifying some part of Hoshiko’s anxiety. (Defeating them does not rid her of her anxiety, only prooves to her that she can stand up to it)
When it finally comes time to fight the Corrupted Anxiety, no matter who delivers the final blow, in the cutscene following the battle, it will be Hoshiko. She’s talks about how she’s tired of her anxiety controlling her and keeping her from experiencing life. This entire experience has taught her that. She doesn’t want to sit back in safety anymore, she wants to live.
So the Corruption is defeated, her Shadow is saved, and y’all get the fuck outta there ‘cause it starts crumbling down on you. After leaving the Palace, but before you can leave the waterfall, Hoshiko stops you. She explains that her anxiety isn’t just gone, but what she said is true; she wants to get better. So she asks for your help. This may or may not kickstart her social link, but it’ll be a big part of her social link in general.
Moving on, Hoshiko will check herself into the hospital that night and won’t be seen again until August 14, the first day of school. During the morning on your commute to school, either Masahiko or Miyako will acknowledge that they look forward to Hoshiko’s release, but aren’t looking forward to classes due to some troublesome students, specifically those whose suspensions ended over summer break.
We continue to jump right into the plot because that very day, you and your team go to welcome Hoshiko back and find her cornered by none other than Jun. (At some point in the past, there’ll have to be some cutscene or small exchange of dialogue somewhere about Jun, and how he’s such a prince, he’s so handsome, he’s so kind, so it was huge surprise when he ended up suspended. Because, you know, looks can be deceiving and we gotta get that across)
Jun asks Hoshiko out, still as amiable as ever, but Hoshiko turns him down, claiming to have feelings for someone else (that someone being you, as she just confessed to you maybe a month ago). Jun presses the issue, trying to pressure her. He grabs onto her wrist and corners her against the wall, his look getting more and more severe with every moment and absolutely terrifying Hoshiko. 
So, obviously, you have to step you. And you do so just in time to prevent her from getting hit when she denies Jun’s advances once again. Let’s just say that the encounter doesn’t end prettily, and Jun leaves upset.
Give or take a few days later, it’s time for Hoshiko’s release party. Unfortunately, the night is interrupted by Jun once again, though this time he’s fighting a guy in the middle of the restaurant.
But we’ll talk more about him and his issues next time.
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(1) “for once in your goddamn life, let me take care of you before you make it worse. ” for Hanin, (2) “you’re clearly not okay so stop bullshitting me.” for Cyrus, (3)“it’s fine— nothing i haven’t dealt with before.” for Katana, or (4) “if i die, i’m gonna haunt your ass.” for Maraas.
Elder Scrolls AU, in which Avi ( @lavellanlove ) had a bit of a run-in with the Brotherhood and Cyrus was the only one sulking around the hall at the time...
“You’re clearly not okay so stop bullshitting me.” Cyrus considered tempering his words, except that was ridiculous and he didn’t want to. For all her bravado, Avira looked about two steps from the gutter, rain-soaked and covered in filth, swaying where she stood. If he had to take a guess, she’d either been jumped by assassins or decided to take up a spontaneous career in mud wrestling. They might not be the closest friends, but he still had a pretty good idea of which was more likely. “Sit the fuck down and tell me what happened.”
“Maybe I tripped?” Avira seemed keen on playing coy, but at least she started moving towards the fire at the back corner of the hall. It was a minor victory, but one Cyrus would be mad not to accept. With unsteady hands, she unclasped her cloak, peeling it from her back and letting it fall by the firepit. “You know how uneven the cobblestones are around here. With the rain lately, it’s easy to lose your footing.”
Arms folded, Cyrus fixed her with a flat look as she lowered herself gingerly onto a chair. “Uh huh. Listen, if I didn’t know for a fact that you’re a member of the thieves guild, I might believe you. No one that clumsy survives in our line of work. So how about you tell me what really happened?”
The fire crackled gently, sending stray embers into the air. Avira’s eyes were closed, now. She was leaning forward, forearms on her knees, face turned towards the warmth as she breathed in and out, the movement slow. Exhausted.
She really did look like utter shit, which was admittedly a hard for her to achieve. Something must have really gone wrong, but Cyrus had a feeling pushing wouldn’t get him anywhere right then. So, with a grunt that he hoped signaled his frustration, he grabbed a bucket from the bench, filled it with water, and tossed a cloth in to soak. A better man might have heated it over the fire, but Cyrus had never counted himself among the better men, so he just set the bucket down by her feet. If she felt inspired to wash some of the mud off her hands, then so be it.
Cyrus, who had been in the process of stalking off to hunt for something to feed her, hesitated when her thanks lacked the sarcasm he was used to from most people. Then again, maybe most people expected luxury, while others expected nothing at all. “Yeah. Fine.” He chewed on his cheek as Avira dipped her hands in the water, a grimace flashing across her face. “Must have been one hell of a fall, to tear your hand up like that.”
This time, Avira didn’t respond. She was busy with the washcloth, dabbing at her left palm, brow furrowed. Craning his neck, Cyrus managed to get a glimpse of the problem between presses of the cloth. “That...”
“Needs stitches. Yeah, I know.” Huffing, Avira muttered darkly at the gash and shook her head. “I don’t suppose you have medical supplies around here? If it’s not too much to ask, of course. I could always head back to the market and---”
“--- Oh shut up.“ Cyrus was already at the designated crate, tossing off the lid and pulling out an overstuffed pack. “You seriously think I’m going to let you walk out of here to go hunting for gut and a needle looking the way you do? You’ve met the giant High Elf who owns this place. He’s got a hard-on for medical supplies about a mile long.” Hefting the pack up with a grunt, Cyrus turned back towards Avira. “Fuck, you could probably bring a corpse back to life, with the amount of shit he’s got in here.”
Avira’s chuckle was faint, but it was still comforting to hear. Deciding he was probably better suited to the task, Cyrus dragged over a stool and started rifling through the pack, pulling out rolls of bandages, tubs of salves, herbs, gauze, wax, ether, wood for splints. Hanin’s excessive nature was laughable, but Cyrus had to admit, the man was prepared for just about anything short of the apocalypse. It made sense, he supposed, given how many injuries they all managed to wrack up on a frequent basis.
“You right handed?”
“Great.” Grunting, Cyrus motioned for her injured hand. “Come on. Give it here then.”
It had been a while since Cyrus had last stitched a wound, but there was something about it - probably the pain - that cemented it firmly in his muscle memory. Normally he hadn’t had the supplies to do it properly, or someone had done it for him while he was out cold. Avira inspected the herbs, selecting a pinch of one to chew on, a pinch of another to rub on the skin over the wound to help numb the area. It was just as well she knew, because they all looked the same to Cyrus.
Cleaning the cut with the ether was always the worst part. Even Cyrus couldn’t help but wrinkle his nose in empathy as he poured it over the cut, holding Avira’s wrist as she flinched involuntarily at the burn. Upon closer inspection, Cyrus could see it was definitely a cut, clean and straight. “Pretty bad luck,” he remarked, reaching for the threaded needle, “to fall right on an upturned knife like that.”
He expected Avira to tense at the comment, but instead she let out a tight breath, the sting from the alcohol subsiding. “Brotherhood. As usual.”
Cyrus’ gaze flicked up. “Again? I thought you and Hanin got rid of the fuckers last time they paid a visit here.”
“There’s no getting rid of them. You know that.”
Some part of Cyrus wanted to argue, but it was an irrational, childish part that wanted desperately to ignore the truth because it was bullshit and unfair. So, instead, he busied himself with sewing her broken skin, trying to be gentle despite the futility of it as needle pierced flesh. “How’d you lose them?”
A faint smirk flitted across Avira’s lips. “Sewers.”
“Ugh.” Cyrus shook his head, but something of her amused satisfaction was contagious. “Well, good to know even the Brotherhood have limits. Wouldn’t want them to get a stain on their precious black robes.”
“No, no. That would ruin their entire image. They’ve got a reputation to maintain, remember?”
It was good, to hear her quipping again, even if it was from between hisses and clenched teeth. It seemed the herb only did so much to lessen the pain, but Cyrus sure as shit wasn’t going to apologise for it the way he’d heard the others do. What was the point? It was going to hurt no matter how well he did it. Better to just get it over with. “I’ll get a bath going for you, after,” he said instead, nearing the end of the cut. “See if Lyrene’s got any spare clothes in her trunk. She won’t mind, if it’s you.”
It must have been something he said, because Avira suddenly went very quiet, something subtle changing in the way she sat; something shifting in the tilt of her shoulders beneath her ruined shirt. Tying off the gut, Cyrus used the tip of his dagger to cut it free from the bundle and stowed it back away in its pouch. The needle would need to be disinfected, so he left it by the ether - a problem for future him.
“Alright. Anything else fucked up?”
Avira just shook her head, strangely meek, her good arm tucked close to her stomach, the other resting, palm up, on her thigh. The stitches weren’t perfect, but they would do the job. Not quite believing her, Cyrus just stood for a moment, gaze lingering on the weary curve of her back. “You sure?” he pressed. “Because if you don’t tell me now and I find out later, I am going to be all sorts of pissed off.”
“Just some bumps and bruises, Cyrus. From times when I actually did fall.” She stretched out a leg, still scuffed and scraped, but only lightly. “Honestly? I’m more tired than anything else. A bath would be amazing. If you wouldn’t mind.”
Cyrus rolled his eyes. “I already said I’d do it.” He started moving, grabbing buckets to fill at the well. “Bath’ll be warm, too. Some mage Hanin met in Summerset inscribed shit on the side of it. Runes or something. I didn’t trust it at first, but...” Realising he was rambling, Cyrus flushed and cleared his throat. “It’s good. Convenient. So don’t go freaking out about me having to heat the water myself or anything.”
Finally, another smile managed to affix itself to Avira’s lips. “I see. That’s good, then.” It faded as quickly as it arrived, a pensive look once again rising to replace it. Cyrus was just about to ask her what the problem was when she spoke up again. “Lyrene... really wouldn’t mind if I borrowed her clothes?”
That... hadn’t been what Cyrus had been expecting. He cocked his head, confused. “No? Why would she? I mean, if I’d gone rifling around and stole a shirt to play dress-up, yeah, she’d be pissed, but not if it’s for you to wear.”
Silence. Cyrus didn’t understand what the big deal was, but Avira seemed fixated on it, turning it over and over in her head. Maybe she really did just need some rest. The sooner he got her into a bath and into a bed, the better.
As he returned to his task, heading for the well outside, her voice drifted through the hall once more. It was clearer than before. More assured, for some reason.
“So... you play dress-up with Lyrene’s clothes?”
“What? I--- no,” Cyrus sputtered. “It... that was just an example!”
“Uh huh.”
“It was!”
“I believe you.”
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yamigooops · 5 years
Avis Draconis - Chapter 3
Pairing - Gajevy
Type - Fairy/Dragon AU
Words - 2338
A loud noise was the first thing she registered. It was like metal spikes being dragged over stone, making her feel as if someone were pounding nails through her skull.
Then she noticed the pillows pressed to her cheek, the silken sheets beneath her skin. Her mind snapped to attention as she remembered where she was, and she felt her heartbeat pounding faster in her chest. She had awoken in his nest, the Iron King, "Black Steel" Gajeel. He wanted to take her as his queen in an effort to end the war and bring peace. And he terrified her.
But he also intrigued her, captivated her. She wanted to learn everything about him, wanted to know every part of him. So she lay there for a bit longer as the scraping continued, her curiosity nearly forcing her to open her eyes and figure out where it was coming from. But if it was in fact Gajeel there, she didn’t particularly want him to know that she was awake yet.
“How are your wings?” Came a gruff voice from beyond the walls of the nest. Of course he was here... This was his Aerie, after all, so it was somewhat foolish of Levy to believe he’d be elsewhere. Instead of responding, Levy merely opened her eyes and shifted into a fetal position against the mound of pillows she was propped against. She shuffled her wings slightly, only feeling faint soreness in her joints. The skin along the bones felt tight with the promise of new feathers within the next few days or so.
“Come on little fairy,” he called, his words followed by the muffled sound of rustling leather and a soft thud beside her a moment later. “I knew you were awake even before you did.”
Giving up the act, Levy slowly rubbed the sleep from her eyes, keeping her gaze fixed on the gold embroidery of the pillow beneath her cheek. From her periphery, she knew the dragon was sprawled next to her, one elbow against the side of the nest to prop up his head as the other raked through that unruly mane of his. He seemed so content, lying there with her, while she held her breath in anticipation for what he’d do next.
Using the hand that wasn’t beneath his head, Gajeel reached out to gently run the tips of his fingers along the top of her wing. Levy jumped at the contact, not expecting him to make such a bold move only two days after meeting her. She recoiled, moving away from him and glaring as she did. Not many among the Avis would allow someone to touch their wings so....intimately. Unless absolutely necessary, the only fae who allowed such contact were lovers, and he was certainly not that, much less even her acquaintance.
“What’s wrong? Did that hurt?” A look of pure confusion crossed his sharp features, as he surely didn’t know what he did.
“Please...” Levy muttered. “Unless I tell you otherwise, don’t-” her voice caught in her throat. The weight of her current situation seemed to crash down on her all at once, and her eyes teared up. Here was the dragon who had started the war that had killed so many of her kind, looking so...so normal and almost friendly. Yet his actions brought a very real fear into her mind that she had only glanced over last night: he not only stole her from her people, he stole her future from her as well. If everything went according to his plan, as it very well might, she would never get to have a future with Jet, or see her friends anymore. She wouldn’t be able to do most of the things she had always dreamed of, and it was all because of him. Curling even further into herself, she tried her best to keep the tears from falling, but nevertheless she felt the fabric beneath her skin dampen.
“What? Don’t do what? Why are you crying?” He sounded genuinely worried as he came closer, seemingly not knowing how to deal with a fairy crying on his bed. After a moment, his fingers came to brush back her hair as he tried to find her eyes. But Levy simply covered her face with her own hands, hating to show him how weak she could be. As her memories of the previous night replayed in her mind, she couldn’t hold back her tears any longer.
Gajeel made an attempt to shift her onto his lap, believing he could help comfort her at least slightly. If she wanted to be angry with him, so be it. But he couldn’t stand to see the little bluenette crying and looking so helpless. So when she shoved him away, he was more than a bit confused, and that confusion slowly changed to anger as she moved to the opposite side of his nest with a tear-filled glare.
“You took everything...” She choked out. Had it not been for his heightened hearing, he would have had difficulty making out what she said. But considering he could make out her racing pulse, her whispered words weren’t much of a challenge. “I was supposed to have a future, I had friends, a man who loved me. And you took that all away from me. I can hardly stand to look at you right now, much less even consider the possibility of marrying you. Even if it would save my people a hundred times over...”
Her words stung, made his heart feel things he didn’t expect to feel. Her declaration felt more like a dull knife slowly dragging across his skin, and he wasn’t sure why it hurt so much. He took a moment to consider all the ways he could respond, before deciding this wasn’t an argument for today. So instead, he stood once again and stepped out of the nest to return to his previous business.
Levy couldn’t help but stare in befuddlement as he simply walked away. It was as if her words hadn’t even phased him, but merely bounced off his steely exterior. She couldn’t help but wonder if he even heard her, though surely he must have. He calmly strode over toward the pile of treasure that ringed the massive space and picked up a wooden chest filled with scrolls and leather-bound books. Scanning the pile for something else, he shook his head and turned back toward her.
“I have things I need to attend to, but this all should tie you over until I return,” he grumbled as he made his way up the dias steps. “Hopefully you won’t find it too difficult.” He grunted softly as he set the chest down with a dull thud. It was solid looking, as broad as his shoulders and lined on all corners with heavy looking metal. The top looked as though it had been torn off, judging by the mangled hinges that connected to nothing on the back edge of the container.
“I’m sure it can’t be anything I’ve never seen before,” Levy mumbled, letting some of the tension release from her limbs.
“Don’t get too far ahead of yourself, little one. These are Draconic texts,” he chuckled.
“Please don’t call me that,” she demanded softly. That was what Jet always called her, and this dragon king had no right to the same courtesies as the love of her life. “Do you have anything in Fiorean? I can try my best to decipher these, but it would take me days to do on my own without your help...”
“Unfortunately, to get Fiorean texts, I’d have to go to Fiore. And the only times I ever did that , there was quite a bit of fire involved,” he responded in a snide tone. “Fire and paper don’t really go well together.”
Levy wrenched her gaze from the silk beneath her to glare at Gajeel. “Don’t patronize me, dragon,” she hissed.
“Then don’t test my patience, fae. Be curt and honest with me,” he growled, leaning down to place his large hands on the edge of the nest as his eyes narrowed slightly. “Dragons aren’t like you fae, we don’t twist our words and act without reason. If something is wrong, you’re going to need to tell me, because honestly you’re a bit hard to read. For instance, what was I not supposed to do earlier that upset you so terribly?”
Levy stiffened at his words. It was true, fae are often taught how to mask emotions and thoughts from a very young age, especially in higher tiers. She hadn’t been sure how to tell him about the meaning of such intimate wing touching before, but unless she told him he would likely never know of such a custom, and may try to do it again. “I apologise for not communicating clearly,” she began, trying her very best to keep eye contact to show her sincerity. “I was just overwhelmed by waking up to everything all at once. I got upset earlier because you...” Her voice trailed off as she began to lose her nerve. Her eyes drifted away from his, and he shifted before her.
“Did I do something wrong, princess?” The way he said her title made a shiver run down her spine. His wings rustled, the leathery sound causing Levy’s eyes to snap up to focus on them in unintentional curiosity.
“You...you touched my wings...” she whispered after a moment.
“And what’s wrong with that? I was seeing how they were healing,” he asked, sounding somewhat confused.
“It’s very...inappropriate. Touching someone’s wings without asking and receiving permission first is something reserved for family until reaching a certain age, and...” She choked on the last word, shifting her gaze to look at her hands as they rung in her lap. “It’s reserved for lovers,” she finally blurted.
She heard a soft, sharp inhale pass through Gajeel’s lips, and felt her face heat up. There was a moment of stunned silence before Gajeel let out a small sigh and let his head hang. “I apologize but I’m not very well versed in fae customs. I suppose there will be a lot we have to learn about each other in the future, won’t there?” He looked back up at her with a softer expression. “I won’t do it again, princess. Not until the day you give me permission.” With that, his lips quirked into a small, rakish grin.
As if I’d ever give it to you, Levy thought. “Thank you. I promise I’ll try to be more forthcoming with my thoughts in the future. Though it will take a little time. Being taught my entire life to hide my emotions makes it hard to break the habit,” she grimaced. Levy gently drew her eyes over the old, slightly worn parchment he had placed before her before meeting his crimson gaze. “Thank you for the reading materials, they should keep me busy for a while. Draconic texts are hard to come by in Fiore, even as the princess, so I look forward to trying to finally decipher it.” She returned his grin with a small one of her own.
“I’m sure it won’t take a bookworm like you too long to figure it out. It’s much easier than Fiorean,” he scoffed. “Like I said, the Draconis are a very direct people, so our language reflects that. If you have any difficulties figuring it out let me know when I return later today and I can try to help. I’m no linguist, but I know how to speak my mother tongue.” He straightened to his full height, but his eyes never left hers.
“That sounds wonderful,” she nodded, her voice coming out softer than she expected.
There was a pause of silence that stretched on for a moment longer than was comfortable, and Gajeel was the first to break his eyes away. He raised his hand to scratch the back of his neck, looking somewhat sheepish. “Well then, I’ll leave you to it. If you need anything just let Pantherlily know, he’ll be around. I’ll be out for most of the day so, uh... I guess you can feel free to explore if you’d like.”
“Alright, thank you.” Levy looked down at her hands once more. The tension in the air was growing unbearable. Just moments ago they had both been so upset, and now she didn’t know how to feel. She appreciated that he was trying to be accomodating, but she also felt anger, despair and a pang of loneliness at being stuck here without her friends. “I suppose I’ll... see you later then...” she trailed off, unsure of what else to say as he just stood there awkwardly.
“Yes, until later then,” he nodded resolutely before turning toward the steps of the dias.
“Gajeel,” Levy called as a thought crossed her mind. He stopped halfway down the stairs to look up at her, and she had to move to the side of the nest to see him fully, crossing her arms on the rim and resting her chin on them. “Should I stay away from all your treasures?” She motioned to the myriad of things on the perimeter of the room.
He hesitated for a moment, as if he were going to tell her yes, she should not touch anything in the Aerie, before he closed his eyes with a sigh and nodded. “I’d be willing to bet you’re going to explore anyway, given how curious your kind are, so no, I guess you can look around. But try to put things back where you find them. I have a system,” he grumbled as he turned back away and headed for the towering door.
Levy smiled to herself. At least if she was going to be stuck here, and with the king of the Draconis no less, she would have some entertainment between the scrolls and books, the treasure trove surrounding her, and exploring the caverns she currently had to call home.
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lavellanlove · 5 years
“You are very endearing when you are half-asleep.” for whoever you LIKE
Decided on a leettle Hanavira what-if, in which Avi isInquisitor and Hanin, as per usual, has found a way to be a self-appointedbodyguard.
(re: Fluff Starters)
On nights like this, so much resting on her shoulders, she couldbe almost razor-like, determination and sheer force of will propelling eachaction or hurried step. It was why he tried to join her, when he could. Left toher own devices, she would run herself into the dirt. It was a tendency hecould understand. Something she had talked him out of on numerous occasions.The least he could do was return that favor.
He was no stranger to nights spend watching and waitingvigilantly, but not from the comfortable vantage of a sofa by a crackling fire.He could be patient, give her space when needed, but she was losingsteam. It was obvious, watching her movements lose their edges, thoughtsstarting to fog as she forgot what she was trying to do halfway through. It didn’tstop her from shuffling around, though, as though something would spur thememory.
“Do you need a drink?” she asked abruptly, noticing him watchingher. “I can go get tea if…”
He shook his head softly at the deflection. She had alreadyoffered. Twice. 
“You are very endearing when you are half-asleep,” hemused.
“I am not…” she stifled a yawn, “I’m wide awake, Hanin. I justneed to finish…”
Hereyes caught on his, and his lips curved up in a knowing smile. “You need to rest.”
She groaned, the bed clearly beckoning, and rubbed her eyes,trying to talk herself out of it. “There isn’t time for that. I am so out of mydepth. There’s so much to try to learn…and all these damn books and missivesand…”
She looked down, voice almost hard to make out. “I amtrying my best, but it doesn’t feel like enough.”
Hewas not sure he had the right words, so he opted not to say anything just yet,patting the cushion opposite him. To be honest, he was bit surprised when shedidn’t protest, but melted down beside him. Counsel wasn’t what people soughtfrom him. But for whatever reason, she did.Maybe she was just desperate for some semblance of normalcy in a world gonemad. Maybe it was something else entirely.
When he found out the spy their clan had sent was captured, hetook it upon himself to go. Be there. Do…something, if he could. She seemedsurprised anyone even thought of her at all. As a trader and a city-elf bybirth, she was used to operating alone. But no one in the clan was truly alone.He hoped she saw that when he intimidated his way down to her cell back inHaven. Or at the very least, he hoped she saw it now.
“The Inquisition is no single person, Avira. It relies on all ofus. It is not your job to know everything about everything. You have advisers.An inner circle. People who came here because they care about you. Your role isto stay safe so you can use that mark to close the rifts. That is enough.”
The statement did give her a moment of pause. He could tellshe was trying to process it, chewing her lip as though it took effort. “It’snot though. It’s more than that. Gods…you heard them singing when I finallywoke up after Haven fell. I am a symbol to these people.”
He had, though he could barely register it. He had been inone of the search parties, thigh-deep in snow, unwilling to concede that a memberof his clan was dead and he had been unable to do anything to protect them. Itwasn’t the death of a symbol that haunted him those sleepless nights.
“You are a person. A very tired person. And if you’regoing to be anything else on top of that, won’t it be easier once you’rerested?”
She sighed, not so much in defeat as in relief, as thoughthe assessment gave her permission to finally just pause. Breathe.
She set her head on his shoulder.
He wrapped his arm around her, reaching up to stroke herhair.
“Thank you, Hanin,” she whispered. “I’m glad you’re herewith me.”
“You would do the same for me.”
“Of course I would.”
Before long, her breaths deepened and slowed as she was lulledinto a reluctant sleep. Her neck went slack, the full weight of her head now restingon him.
He swiveled and lifted his legs so he could lean back, andshe naturally curled in closer, draping an arm around him.
He hadn’t wanted to disturb her, true enough, but he alsocould not deny the unfamiliar warmth it brought to his chest.
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the-canine-king · 5 years
🌹🍁💦 for Ace, 🌾 for Virgilia or Emily, 🥀 for Johnson, and 🌠 for Egg Oracle - Avi
🌹 Where in the world does your OC feel most at home? Is there any reason why? If it’s not the place they were born, where were they born? Is there a certain somebody that makes them feel at home where ever they may be? What does home mean to them?
it’s mel, obviously, next questionno real “home” feeling esp since i haven’t come up w/ locations and names yet and have no idea about them in that aspect, but it’s mostly when they’re hanging out w/ the people they love and care for rather than an actual place. since they lost their memory and have no way of knowing where they were before, they think about the people and places they’ve been at and cherish every memory from there. if it’s someone or someplace they cherished as a good, pleasant memory and when they revisit it it makes them remember it and be familiar with it, it’s home to them. and of course this applies to mel 100%
🍁 Where does your OC go when they need to have some time to themself? Would they ever have their own “comfort corner” filled with all the things they like? Do they have a favourite spot outside that feels like its theirs and theirs alone?
hmm, the only thing i thought of was the balcony in the place they live at. they enjoy the outdoors, stretching their body instead of being cooped up, fresh air, it’s pretty much perfect for them to relax since it gives them time to think and keep to themselves
💦 If you as the writer could erase one traumatic event from this OC’s life what would it be and why?
GIRL, YOU KNOW WHAT BACKSTORY THEY HAVE SO LIKE, YOU KNOW MY ANSWER but i’m gonna water it down to “losing every memory of their life” versus “having a family that never respected and supported them” and honestly,, i don’t know which one of them i’d take away jdjdsjh bc i’m thinking of it like “change X, change the course of  the story”, so changing the family thing would take away the superiority complex they have, plus it could very much change the fate of the story in which ace has a team working together to actually and probably successfully hunt mel. but on the other hand, the whole losing their memory thing hurts like a bitch bc they forgot about the person they fully opened up to and felt like themselves for once and i love that trope. idk how good it’d be and how much it’d change if they never lost their memory, but it might. still hurt since it might get ugly when they see each other again and ace might feel that immense guilt tenfoldtldr; it’s hard to choose!
🌾 Describe your OC through the eyes of someone absolutely head-over-heels in love with them
🥀 How would your OC decorate a notebook or journal? What kind of things are written in there? Could you give an example of a nice entry?
bro,, everyone in my hunter story NOT named ace or melissa are so underdeveloped,,he wouldn’t really go for flashy or over the top kind of decors, he’s a very simple man w/ simple needs. it’s most probably just simple things like reminders or things to take note of in a recent news event that might correlate to ABs. idk if it’d be in character much, but it’d be pretty interesting if he were to write his thoughts on the whole situation about the Scandal he’s taking a part of (and no i can’t write things in character of my ocs, it’s hard and it feels weird when i do it)
🌠 On a scale of 1 - 10 how Baby is your OC? BONUS when asking this question rate the OC yourself as see if the reply matches up!!
15/10, 150% complete baby unless you purposely destroy eggs/ hurt chickens then. good luck.
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bbykpoper · 6 years
Bitter Sweet Symphony
Jae x reader
part 9 - expecto patronum
words: 1.2k (probably, i'm not sure i haven't proof read this people😂)
A/N: many hints for future works will be thrown here and yeeeeaaaah, enjoy 🤗
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Both Wonpil and Y/N stood with their brooms surrounded by more students in the same team robes. Her eyes slowly scanned over her team mates and she nodded satisfied.
"Alright ravens, today we play slytherin with all we have and all we can. I know they pkay dirty, but we play smart so I expect 100% of effort put into this game." Y/N spoke as her team mates nodded and faced the entrance to the field. "Stay clear of their beater Jihyo as well as their captain the chase JB. Our goal is to steer them clear of our seeker as well as our hoops."
They mounted their brooms as the curtains suddenly raised.
"Ravens! Take to the sky!"
The team of Ravenclaw flew out to the field, a well calculated formation already present in the sky. Not long after Slytherin joined, their snickers and smirks ever so present among them. Madam Hooch came out to the middle, her animal like eyes glaring up at the two teams.
"Now I expect a fair game from both teams! No faul play, no spell casting and most importantly NO PHYSICAL INJURIES!" Her voice was loud even over the roaring crowd. "Now then, begin!"
She blew her whistle as both captains glared at each other. The snitch flew off surprisingly fast and Wonpil was already gone, chasing it down and evading the Slytherin seeker. Both JB and Y/N went for the ball, but each time either one got it a bludger flew between them and the beaters roared with fury as the went to hit them. Y/N glanced at Wonpil to see him struggling to catch the golden little ball with speedy wings and was too slow to notice Jihyo closing in on her, her beater's bat in hand. A bludger was directed towards Jihyo and the girl smirked.
"Hey birdy captain!" Y/N eyes widened when she noticed how close Jihyo had gotten. "Be sure to treat our captain right after your team loses!"
She hit the bludger ball towards the Ravenclaw captain with tremenderous force. Y/N cussed under her breath as she got knocked off her broom falling down while it swayed next to her quickly. She grabbed it firmly and pulled it under her as she placed her feet on the handle and cut through the air to a stop. The crowd roared with heavy 'woahs' and the girl glided theough the air in a standing position, her blue quidditch robes casscading behind her. JB tried to keep up with her but the girl caught the quaffle and manouvered her way towards the hoops, scoring another 10 points for Ravenclaw.
"And the remarkable queen of the pitch, Jeong Y/N, scores another 10 points for Ravenclaw! Bringing this match to 90 points for the blue kids!" Jackson Wang screamed as the announcer, his voice ringing out around the field. "Slytherin better keep up if they wish to catch up with their 60 points!"
"I didn't know you can ride a broom like that!" Wonpil screamed as he passed Y/N. "Fucking show off!"
"Catch the snitch you bird brain! I wanna end this game already!" She stuck her tongue out after him.
Sunmi, Mark and Momo were loudly cheering for Ravenclaw as Wonpil passed them with a smile. He also noticed how the rest of his friends, the other four members of the dumb squad, stood to one side excitedly waving at him, acompanied by Suzy as well as one of Sungjin's friends from the duelling club; Baem.
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Jae's eyes continued to only follow Y/N as her body twisted and turned, still in a standing position on the broom. He was fascinated by the wind which kissed her hair and smiles that played on her face.
She really looked as if she enjoyed herself up in the air. She was reall in her element.
"Wow..." He whispered out.
Sungjin looked over at Jae and hardened his gaze as Jae seemed starstruck by the girl that had both their interest. He turned to him fully, steeling his nerves and calming his voice.
"Hey Jae?"
"Hm?" The blond boy turned towards him, the amazement still in his eyes.
Sungjin clenched his jaw in anger not believing his friend would actually do this to him. Not when he called dibs on her in the first place.
"I was wondering-"
Sungjin never managed to finish his question because Wonpil ricoshaded into the crowd above them, making harsh contact with a supportive pillar in the back. Svreams of terror sounded around them as the rest of the quidditch players began falling from the sky one by one.
"Wonpil!" Y/N jumped down from her broom, running towards her friend.
Jae saw the blood oozing from the side of her head and was quick to rush over to them both. Sungjin just stood there shocked as chaos broke out not understanding anything that was happening around him. He didn't even hear when Baem called him, worry clouding her voice.
"Sungjin snap out of it!" She slapped him across the face. "We need to help your friends."
Younghyun and Dowoon were desperately trying to heal Wonpil but both only knew basic spells. Y/N stood shaking with fear as she watched Wonpil's unresponsive body covered in blood just laying there, his broom broken in half. The professors kept yelling out to the students to calmly head back to the castle, but it was no use.
They've never seen these beings in real life. They've never had to face such foul souls. To be honest the professors were scared, not understanding what in the world was happening.
Why were dementors gathering at the quidditch pitch?!
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"Professor! What is going on?!" Younghyun yelled out as McGonagall came round to their group.
"We are in a state of emergency. Dementors are gathering at our school with an unknown reason and the students are in chaos." She spoke up, guiding the first years away from the chaos. "You all must return to the castle at once."
"Vulnera Sanentur." Baem whispered out softly as she gently brought her wand over Wonpil's body.
Y/N didn't hear a word leave McGonagall's lips as she stared at Wonpil. The small cut on the side of her head continued bleeding and nothing went theough her head. Not one spell to help her friend, not one spell to heal him.
A soft incantation followed the wand which healed her cut and finally she blinked. Jae stood beside her, towering in height, a soft worried expression on his face. Her eyes widened in fear as JB landed beside them, pushing them both out of the way as one of those black shadowy beings came towards them. He grunted in pain as the being came close to his face and started sucking out his soul through his mouth.
"Y/N! Jae! Run!" Both Sungjin and Dowoon tried to save the both of them, but more and more dementors kept surrounding them.
Y/N looked over to Wonpil and only saw Baem struggling with the dementor that reached her, tears streaming down the girls face. In the distance, light blue mists repelled these evil demons and that's what started making the gears work in the girl's head.
But alas, it seemed too late as she fell under the dementors kiss.
"Y/N..." Jae whispered out as he too felt the terror of that kiss.
Y/N's mind struggled to think as her memories clouded her vision. One in particular stayed before her as she focused on it with all her might.
She and her brother stood beside one another holding hands, a field of flowers spread around them. A large peach tree stood sbove them, shielding their little bodies from the raging sun.
"Oppa, wanna see a trick?" She asked him, her smile missing a front tooth.
"Of course!" The little boy mimicked her smile that reached his eyes.
"I read this in one of daddy's books and when I said it they appeared." She spoke enthusiastically. "Avis."
A flock of pale yellow birds appeared, circiling them with a happy chirp. Both kids giggled in awe and continued to watch them under the tree.
That was the only happy memory Y/N had with her brother. She was only six at the time, her powers barely awakening and he was 11. His powers never even showing.
Y/N somehow grabbed her wand and pointed it upwards to face the dementor before her. She focused on that memory which held her heart in peace as well as fondness and steeled her tired gaze.
"Expecto... patronum..."
Her wand spread out a light so strong it blinded most of the students around her. Suddenly the whole quidditch pitch was bathed in blue mist as it slithered around, wipping out every dementor in sight.
As the light subdued a little bit and most students and professors managed to clearly see from their eyes, a serpent like creature glided in the air, four legs guiding it towards Y/N. It's head had prominent eyes, antlers, and long whiskers dancing lightly. It's scaes possesed manes and it's large body wrapped around Y/N's, dispersing into the air as she fainted from exhaustion.
Jeon Y/N produced a patronus in the form of a Chinese Long.
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crazedfanatics-blog · 7 years
Something More Than Nice
So I was reading this book and there was this one character who’s main character trait was that they were nice. There was nothing else really to them. The thing was that they were one of the main group. That got me thinking. Whenever there’s a group of characters, there’s always the Nice One. Their defining and basically only trait is that they’re nice and they’re given no backstory beyond the basic they’re from *Insert place here* and they had a pretty good childhood. No appearent tragic backstory or anything. When you look at the fandoms they’re the charcters that are relegated to filler roles. Maybe the wingman. Maybe the one person that gets the snacks. Drives the car. They always seem to be the placeholders. There’s never really that many fics or fanart that show anything deeper than “sunshine child” or “the Nice One.” That train of thought gave me a bit of inspiration. With my rambling out of the way, here’s a glass raised to Hunk. Hope ya’ll enjoy!
He knows that he’s needed. He’s the Yellow Paladin after all. But it’s hard not to be overlooked. He knows that Lance craves attention. He knows his best friend needs it to counteract his self hate and doubt. He knows that Keith is quick to anger for a reason. He knows that it’s a side effect of Keith’s fear of abandonment. He knows Shiro suffers from nightmares. He knows that he puts on a strong face for everyone. He knows that Pidge wants to save her family. He knows that she cant lose them again. He knows that Allura has an unquenchable homesickness. He knows that she has a hard time adjusting. He knows Coran is lonely. He knows that he wishes this whole war was a nightmare he’ll wake up from.
He knows. He’s heard them cry. He’s the shoulder to cry on. He’s the one who’s not messed up. That’s all there is to him, right?
‘I shouldn’t bother them.’ He thinks to himself. ‘They all have enough on their plate.’ He doesn’t want to be too selfish. His problems will pass. Besides, there’s one place he can go.
The Yellow Lion stands tall and welcoming in the hanger. Hunk climbs into her cockpit.
“Hey girl.” He places a hand on the controls. “I dreamt about Mama and Tina last night.”
The lion doesn’t make a sound, but Hunk knows that she wants him to continue.
“We were in our house. It was the middle of March. There’s not really any holidays in March besides St. Patrick’s day, but we never really celebrated it. I was in our garage with the door open. Tina was in her garden and Mama was out doing some errands.” He could picture it. The sun was warm but a cold breeze would lazily pass trough every now and then. He could see his Tina with her river of curly, black hair hanging loosely. He had been in the garage with the door open so he could look out. The house was close enough to the town to not be considered in the middle of nowhere, but nor was it able to be considered part of the suburbs. He loved the smatterings of flowers that provided beautiful variety to the greens of the grass and the trees. His sister was off studying abroad. Last he talked to her she had said she had not a couple of weeks left until she came home. Knowing her she’d likely stay longer.
“Mama came back with the groceries and we went to help her. Tina found the chocolate chips and the other stuff to make cookies. She said ‘What’s this love?’ Mama said it was to make cookies. Tina was like ‘I know, but why? There’s nothing special going on.’
‘Exactly. If there’s nothing special happening why dont we make it happen.’ We spent the afternoon making cookies. We even gave some to the people living down the hill.” Hunk smiled at the memory. What he feels could only be considered bittersweet. He loved his family and home. He couldn’t wait to get back to them. Tell them stories about what he’s done and the places he’s been. But there are no guarantees in war. He thanks the Yellow lion for listening and sets off to make everyone dinner.
Lance and Keith had been fighting again. Keith stormed off to the training deck most likely. Lance came to Hunk.
“He doesn’t realize that what he does affects everyone!” Lance yells. Hunk sits on the bed. A sad smile on his face. He’s there for his friend. Lance goes on for longer than usual before hunk manages to sublely steer the conversation into something more positive. It eventually seems like there was no fight at all. Hunk goes to bed late that night.
The sweat sticks to the sheets. Hunk stays curled on his side, breathing heavily. Tears slowly make their way down his face. The image of his parents’ pained and frightened faces hover in his mind like a ghost. They’re bruised and bloody. Voltron had been too late. His Tina holds his Mama’s broken body. Mama’s face is stuck in a silent scream. He tries to shake it away.
He’s not getting anymore sleep tonight. Gingerly he leaves his room and heads for the kitchen. Tina would always bake when he was upset. He finds ingredients close enough for the cookie recipe.
In the morning the others wake up to a treat. Hunk has a smile on his face. They thank him. He says there’s no need. After all he’s supposed to be there for his friends.
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daddopenguin · 4 years
Bloody Affairs (Not the official title unless you guys help me with one or I think of something better)
Quiet, so quiet and dark. How long has it been like this? So tired, I'll just rest my eyes for few. Francis will keep an eye out for any danger as I sleep.
Chapter 1: The entourage
"You have your assignment, find Dracula and bring him here." an old scruffy voice said.
"Sir Hellsing are you mad?!" a raven haired individual yells in response. He doesn't understand get what he's thinking, but bringing the lord of all vampires and old nemesis of the Hellsing family here into his own home and headquarters of the hunters was something the younger man expected the elder one to know better of.
"I understand the risks of this assignment and the consequences were something to go wrong Nero." he replies letting out a heavy sigh.
"Then you know what can happen to Avi too sir! You gave me the sole job of protecting him, even if I agreed to this who would look after him?!" Nero wondered what his master was thinking. After all these years he's worked for him he still can't get what he's thinking.
Sir Hellsing pushes his chair back then takes a stand at the nearby window looking out at the shining moonlight. Thinking of something to say without pissing the crimson eyed individual off, at least that's what he thinks.
"Xavier will look after him and tutor him while you and your friends carry out this job." He comes up to the young man and puts his hands on his shoulders to reassure him.
"With all due respect sir, I don't see why endangering them will help get the job done. Unless..... Don't tell me you're-" he pauses to analyze the lord's face looking to see if the feeling he has is right. Yeah, he has that look on his face, the one Nero hates. Ashe and Colt have given it the infamous title 'I need you to be supervised' face. His eyebrows furrow and twitch at the sight of it.
"It's so you don't do anything too reckless. You know how you get everytime I send you out to do anything involving vampires." lectured Hellsing.
Nero gives an annoyed groan as the older man walks back to his desk to grab the mission file.
"You are to bring him here awake or not. No attempting to kill him and no killing his servant."
"A servant too? Isn't the one vampire, the lord of vampires more than enough?!" the younger man asks exasperated from all of this. He start to fidget with his tie loosening it and tightening it, an annoying habit Nero got into ate the age of ten whenever he got tense.
"Nero, I need this to be done no matter what, things are getting tense between the old Royal vampire families. We need him to do damage control that we cannot do without sparking the flames of war." he hands over three copies of the file, he's not taking 'no' for an answer.
Nero reluctantly grabs the folders and tuck them under his arm to give Sir Hellsing a bow. "Of course sir, my apologies for earlier." And like that he leaves the office and makes his way towards the lounge room where Ashe and Colt were waiting the whole time. "Seriously the nerve of that man sometimes." he mutters as he make his way down the stair case before bumping into something or someone, just the young man's luck tonight. He reaches out and catches whatever bumped into him and falls down ending up lying against the stair railing. Opening up his deep crimson eyes he looks and sees a familiar figure in his arms pressed into his chest. "A-Ashe!!" he yells concerned, 'Dammit!' he curses to himself, he just had to bump into his closest friend on the way to go tell her about their job.
"Ah Nero! You were taking so long I wanted to see if anything was up." she said before realizing the position they're both in. "Oh uhhhhh....." she pushes away from Nero blushing from the awkwardness of the situation, her purple eyes fixated on his face.
"Oh right, sorry...." Nero awkwardly responds, averting his eyes and hiding the blush on his face as he lets go of her so she can get up.
"It's not your fault, if anything I was the one not paying attention." she says as she brushes her shirt and pants. "You want help?" she holds out her hand to offer assistance which he accepts, it's small and gentle but it also has a toughness to it.
"Thanks, but don't blame yourself I got distracted thinking about the briefing that's all." he says as he gets pulled up by her. He internally notes that she's been working out, she's able to lift him up easily now. The Raven haired man feels a small heat in his face, his mind wanders in front of his carmel haired crush before he snaps back to reality trying to hide his emotions before she notices.
"Nero are you okay?" 'Crap!' he thinks. She cups a hand on his face, the heat starts to build up more in his face, as he tries to think of a way to get out of the situation.
He grabs a folder of the mission assignment and hands it out to her. "Here......" he mumbles awkwardly. "I'll brief you and Colt on the details when we get to the lounge." She takes the file from his hand and starts to look over it, then gives out a small chuckle.
"Ah no more has to be said on this one." She jokes as she lightly smacks his arm. "The great lone wolf Nero Dazkar requires our attention once more!"
"Yep you got me! Now can you stop before someone overhears this? I don't want to hear it from anyone else." the man sighs knowing how much worse Colt is gonna be when he reads this.
"Only kidding around, now come on! Colt has been waiting around for long enough it'd be rude of us if we make him wait longer." she says as she grabs his hand and drags him to the lounging area. He wonders how long it's been since she held him like this, reminiscing a few years back. His mind snaps back to reality as they made it to the lounging area where Colt was tapping his foot impatiently as he sat on one of the two seated couches. He turns his head to check the doorway and beams at the sight of Nero and Ashe being there.
"Finally I've been waiting ages for you two!" He pulls them into a big hug then let's go. "Let me guess, you had an argument with him the whole time." he jokes as he grabs the file from Nero.
"Yes, this whole mission is a mess already considering what we have to do." he rubs the temple of his head still comprehending what that man was thinking.
"Oh haha!!" Colt bursts out laughing. "Nero do you need us to make sure you don't make a hole in the wall again?!" He joked.
"IT WAS THE ONE TIME COLT!!" he yells defensively. The both of them really know how to push Nero's buttons he swears.
"Yeah sure." he retorts back as he reads through more of the file. "Oh! I see why now. A job like this being assigned to you would mean that Sir Hellsing has great faith in your abilities, but your sense of control at times is questionable."
"Especially since it's the lord of all vampires being the target here." Ashe points out. "No offense, but you will definitely jump the gun if we don't stop you." God he hates it when she makes a fair point like that, but it's another one of her best qualities, her ability to call out people's bullshit, even his own.
"Fine, can we just go do our job now?" Nero barges out of the room and starts heading straight to the entrance of the mansion to get their car ready, this is going to be a long mission alright. He feels his hand twitch as he gets in the car, the same twitch he always gets with assignments like these, Nero doesn't hate vampires at all just at times with certain cases he loses his composure making him murderous and cold towards them. It's never been with every vampire, right now considering Dracula in a way is the source of them pisses him off just a bit.
"It'd be easier to kill him...." he whispers coldly to himself as he looks back to some old painful memories. "Why? Why should I care about these Royal families? They started this shit." he wraps his arms around himself as he sat in the driver's seat, Nero couldn't care less what happened to them their history has already given them too much blood on their hands, literally. The nobles wanted servants so badly they've done so much harm to humans in the past and to this day either killing and turning families themselves or have some low Vampire do the deed. It didn't matter to the young hunter, he knew the main reason why they did such things, to please their slumbering Lord Dracula.
*Tap tap* "Nero you good in there?!" Colt's voice calls out as he knocks on the window snapping Nero back to reality, his baby blue eyes filled with worry. Nero simply shoos him away from the window to signal he's fine. Ashe goes into the front passenger seat while Colt goes in the middle backseat ready to go.
"You sure you're fine?" Ashe asks worried for Nero.
"Peachy...." he responds half assed as he starts the car engine.
Tonight will indeed be a long night for them but it is only the beginning of a story that will go down as the start of a peaceful era between man, vampire, and werewolf.
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piddies0709 · 7 years
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-The High Priestess/ Azumi
Once in another life time, a loyal worshiper to the shogun of sorrow. With her deity gone and the timeline reset, the once High Priestess now turn ordinary woman named Azumi, spends most of her time running her families antique store by the docks. She is described by many to be like a dragon if you get on her bad side. Takes no nonsense from anyone and can be very quick tempered. Yet none of this was ever a problem to her (now dead) husband, as he loved her no matter what. Once a local fisherman and a far more patient man, it was said Azumi would never tolerate any other guy in the world but him. Azumi hadn't planned on having seven kids let alone the fact that they would all end up being girls. It just happen to be an unexpected surprise. Still this ended up being quite a help to her in the long run. As she now had extra hands to assist her with the shop. While she can be strict and hot tempered at times, Azumi does truly care for her daughters and only wants whats best for them. Hard to really say that for her past self.
Side note: I came up with the name Azumi for the High Priestess for a few reasons, I wanted to give her a name other than the mom so that it would further separate her from her past self more. Second was the fact that the voice actress of the High Priestess also play Azula from Avatar the Last Air Bender and both of those women were bat-shit crazy! So taking the name Azula and replaced the last two laters with an “m,” and an “i” since it would better explain why all the daughters names start with an “A” and end with and “I.” Sounds incredibly geeky I know...
The first to come into the world and the most unique out of her sisters. Ashi is the most curious one, often the first to wonder off, gets distracted by many things that capture her interest and is the most balanced out of the seven, both in her mother's temperament and farther's calmest. She has no idea what happened in her past life. No memory of training to kill a Samurai who she eventually falls for, no longer the daughter of a world dominating demon, just an ordinary girl, living a free and simple life. Though despite this, she still maintains certain personalty traits from her past self, such a her love of nature, fascination towards ladybugs and a fierce sense of energy. Ashi finds it tiresome to deal with her sisters and mother, so much so that she often spends time out doors, reading, meditating or just admiring the shore. Though she does care for her sisters very much, the only ones she really enjoys hanging out with is Ari, Ami and Ani the most. The only sister she seems to bud heads with from time to time is Avi, but no where near as bad as her mother. To further distract herself from her home life, Ashi studies hard the local university, hoping one day she can move out soon.
Side note: When designing how Ashi was going to look in this new time-line I had in mind the idea of taking everything she's worn pervious and incorporating those colors into the clothing she wears now.
Often called by her sisters as Spunky Bed-Head, Avi was the second to be born. She's often the rebellious one, always the first to sneak away when ever their mother needs someone to run the store. She enjoys R&B, Rap, Heavy Metal and Rock n Roll. Much like her Mom, Avi can be very hot tempered, stubborn, and the first to want to start a fight. The only other sister Avi spends the most time with is Aki, besides that, she mostly seen hanging out the streets with some pretty shady gangs. Avi still hasn't taken the death their father very well and often fight tooth and nail to get out of her mother's grasp. This goes for Ashi as well, as she only sees her as a clone of their mother at times.
Side note: Don't ask me how I know who each sister's name belongs to or how I know the other three. Truth is I don't know. These are just guesses based on fan speculation. So don't get on my case about it. Anyways, the spiky headed one, always made me think if she had ever developed a personalty. Punk rocker came to mind.
The most sporty and adventures one out of her sisters. Ami is best described self confident with an aggressive streak like her mother's. But unlike her mother and some of her sisters, she puts that aggression to good use in the game she play. Ami has played everything from soccer, to base-ball, to karate. Her other hobbies involve hiking and swimming. Sometimes she even talks her other sisters into joining her on some of her activities. These mostly include Ashi and Ali mostly. Though, when she isn't playing sports, sometimes she likes to bing on her favorite shows. Ami mostly does clean up duty around the shop.
Side note: She seemed like the sporty type to me. I don't know why.
Aki is the forth to come out. Often referred to as the “Moon Child” Aki likes to believe she has spiritual powers. Seen as the weird goth girl to the rest of her family, Aki is left to her own devises. Her hobbies mostly involve lying in her bed listening to her music, while writing poetry or reading. Aki is the third to inherited most of her mother's hot fuse. Though she always tries to hide her anger from others and maintain a stoic demeanor. She likes to wear a lot of black and is often hanging out with her sister Avi. Other then that, when she's not working at the shop or with her sisters, she mostly spends time alone.
Side note: Oh come on! One of them had to be a goth girl. I figured the one with the weird swooped up hair style, might have been the one named Aki, since it sounds similar to Aku.
Described by her sisters as the “crazy-creative,” Ali is always trying new ways to express herself. Wearing the most odd choices of colors together. She loves to paint, write, and read her comic books, but never seems to have enough time for it. Usually her mother has her work the cashier. On slow days she will dust the antiques as while dancing to music on the radio. When it comes to spending time with her sisters, Ali will mostly go on shopping trips with Ani or hiking with Ami. Ali has more of her father's personalty in terms of calmness.
Side note: Ali was the trickiest to come up with ideas for, if she were to have any character at all.
The brightest and most bubbliest member of the family, Ani is always looking to lighten up the mood. The most optimistic out of her siblings. Ani's favorite hobbies include shopping, doing make-up tutorials, singing to herself and cute fluffy animals. Ani is very close to all her sisters, especially Ashi, Ali and Ari. Ani has most of her father's kind nature, though she can be very picky with where her stuff should be and who should use them.
Side note: Well one of them had to be the fashion queen.
Finally there is Ari. Although the sisters where all born on the same day, Ari is still seen as the youngest sibling, as she was the last to come out. Unlike her sisters, Ari was born with a strange brown streak arcross her neck, a birth mark that resembles a scar. A mystery to her family, Ari often feels self-conscious about it. This made her a target for bullies. So much so that she started wearing turtle neck sweaters, and collar blouses to try and hide it. Ari is very sad and lonely, often writing in her diary, she still finds it hard to cope with the lose of her father. His death hit her the most. Once very talkative, now she barely says a word. Being the most vulnerable, Ari is always the first to be defended by her sisters. Ari knows deep down she can always relay on them.
Side note: The birth mark is obviously the slash mark of what killed her in her past live, but of course she and her sisters don't know that
(All characters)~Genndy Tartakovsky
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redvalravn · 7 years
Lisamouthfilter.exe has failed to install
Mom: isn’t it amazing your cousins both have brown eyes and their baby has blue eyes? Me: that’s called recessive genes Mom: you used to have blue eyes like your cousin Me: and then they turned green, and my hair turned darker and you were upset Mom: what can I say I like what I like. I have preferences that doesn’t make me prejudiced Me: you are prejudiced. You make racist comments. Mom: I am not racist. It’s not like I’m a member of the kkk or anything Me: you don’t have to be a member of the kkk to be racist. Mom: that’s not true, I think it’s someone’s actions that make them racist Me: that’s not what racism is Mom: look I just think that statistically minorities commit more crimes Me: that’s generalizing, that’s racism Alex: well like think of it this way, if me and a person from the Dominican Republic apply for the same stockroom job, the guy doesn’t speak much English, we have the same qualifications though, but I’d still get the job Mom: because he doesn’t speak English Alex: but it’s a stockroom job, English isn’t required. Mom: it’s a matter of being educated. Yeah minorities have a harder time but they can rise above their circumstances. I have a black kid on my bus who is very nice, very smart. Alex: but black people and other minorities have a history of generations of shit like redlining and being passed over for jobs for white people Mom: so they have obstacles but it’s totally possible to rise above that Me: do you drive mostly black kids or mostly white kids Mom: white kids Me: because you live in CT, a rich state and it’s so much harder for a minority to live here as opposed to white people Mom: look okay I just don’t think it’s a mindset that makes you racist. Listen we got a nice brand new bus, very nice bus. There’s another black kid on my bus that cut up the back of a seat, and when we asked him why he did it he was like I dno... Me: why are you holding the actions of one kid to his entire race? Have you seen white kids get in trouble? Mom: of course Me: then see you’re basing your opinions of an entire race around 2 individuals. That’s what racism is Mom: don’t you want to live in an Area with more educated people and people like yourself? Me: no I don’t give a crap if people of other races live around me. Alex: you say this, yet we live in Boston, which is still very white and segregated Me: true Mom: Boston is still segregated? Alex: yes it is. Very much so. Mom: but Boston is a liberal city Me: that doesn’t mean anything, you can be liberal and still be racist. Alex: gran torino was an excuse for Clint Eastwood to be an old racist grandpa. Mom: what? But that was such a good and heart-wrenching movie. Me: I’ve never seen Gran Torino Alex: Clint Eastwood spent most of the movie calling the Asian family next door various racial epithets. the plot of the movie is that this poor Asian kid gets forced by a gang to steal Clint’s car. Clint goes all ptsd on him pulling out his old rifle and chances him. Clint then grudgingly tales the kid under his wing while continuing to insult him at every turn. After the gang rapes the kids sister. Clint decides to get rid of them by ticking them into murdering him because the only reason police would put a gang away is they killed a white person. Mom: but that doesn’t make Clint Eastwood a racist. Hollywood tends to be full of liberal people Alex: Mel Gibson is part of Hollywood and he’s still an asshole Mom: oh well Mel Gibson is the worst don’t get me started on Mel Gibson Me: well yes see mel Gibson is an actor and he’s still an anti-Semite, because he made anti-Semitic remarks Mom: I dno. I don’t have all the answers. Speaking of which what do you guys think about trump naming jerusalem as the capital of Israel? Me: I think it’s a move to please his base that think that it will encourage the rapture and the onset of the apocalypse Mom: The UN is anti Israel and keeps attacking them. Israel is trying to the right thing but no matter what they do they are attacked for it. Alex: the Israelis are more trying to appear to do the right thing while doing nothing. I think the UN picks on them because they are a democracy and there for can be influenced unlike say Saudi Arabia Mom: look jews were killed during the holocaust Me: what does that have to do with anything? Alex: see this is what I hate about people arguing about Israel is that someone brings up the holocaust when it’s completely irrelevant to what’s happening now. Mom: Well the Israelis are not murdering families while they sleep and stabbing people. Alex: that’s a minority of Arabs that do such things and there are conservative israelis that have attacked Palestinian settlements. Also the Israelis have killed far more Arabs than the other way around. It’s like a child fighting an adult. Until Israel shows restraint this will continue. Me: I’ve been to Hebron, in the area where it’s mostly Arab and the area where it’s mostly Israeli. The Arab area is full of soldiers on duty with guns. Mom: aren’t there soldiers everywhere in Israel? Me: yes, because everyone is required to serve in the military, but I’m saying that in areas that have more Jewish people it doesn’t feel like a police state Mom: Well I just see all these videos that Palestinians put out that they teach their kids to hate Israel and their government pays stipends to the families of suicide bombers. Did you go to the golan heights? Me: yes Mom: did you know that the people on the other side used to shoot Israelis from across the border Me: yeah because they felt like their land was being stolen, which it was Mom: My cousin Avi who is in the Israeli defense force says they show restraint when they can and they even warn Arab people by dropping leaflets that they’re going to attack the area Me: yeah for all the good that does Alex: *laughs* but they still destroy the area. The problem I also have with that is that a lot of them dont have the means to get out. They also don’t say when they’re going to attack so people will try to get out at the wrong time and they end up being caught in the attack and they die anyway. Mom: Well it’s just that what your cousin said...btw I read that Palestinians use their children as human shields and then make videos that say they killed our children to foster hate. Me:...are you saying that they deliberately herd their children into the line of fire for the express purpose of being able to say look they killed our children? Mom: look I’m just saying that I believe what [some woman I don’t remember] says that there will be peace in the Middle East when Arabs love their children more than they hate Israel (She kept talking but at this point I got up to go to the bathroom and because I needed a minute) Mom: what did your tour guides have to say about this Me: I felt like we were being fed a lot of propaganda Mom: look any group of people will say what they need to say to survive, it’s only natural that they would put out propaganda. Me: of course they would only say good things because they want us to move there. Alex: yeah that’s the whole point to increase the Jewish population in the area by getting more Jews to move there Me: yeah it’s so they can increase the percentage of Jews and decrease the percentage of Arabs living there Mom: well the Arabs do a good job of killing themselves off don’t they? Alex: ...what the fuck?? Me: see THAT was a racist comment. Also you keep saying Palestinians plural, like it’s the entire group, when really it’s only a few Arabs that do this. Mom: well the Palestinians... Me: see you keep doing it. Mom: I mean the few Palestinians that stab people and suicide bomb Jewish areas Me: then say that. Say “the ones that do these things” because it’s more accurate Mom: okay fine Alex: also, there are a few Jewish extremists that attack Arabs Mom: no. There are Jewish people that stab Arabs? Alex: no, they shoot them. Mom: you’ve read this? Alex: yes, I’ve read this. Again, it is only a small portion of Jewish people that do it, just like it’s a small portion of Arabs that stab people and suicide bomb people Mom: okay fine, I get that they feel like second class citizens but I just see all these articles about the UN being unfair and your cousin Avi posts these articles on Facebook about Arabs stabbing families and how hamas pays stipends to the families of suicide bombers Me: that’s your problem, reading articles on Facebook. You’re supposed to google these things and fact check them *mimes typing* gee maybe the UN has reasons for condemning israel Alex: because Israel has done shitty things Mom: they’re trying to survive while all the countries around them think they don’t have a right to exist Alex: yes, the most extreme hardliners think they don’t have a right to exist. A lot of Arabs living there just don’t want to be treated like second class citizens and resent the fact that they don’t have a voice in the Israeli government that’s very conservative right now. I guarantee you that if Netanyahu were to stop acting like they’re in a constant state of war with these people then he would lose a lot of power. Mom: but a lot of Arabs kill each other like saddam Hussein, colonel gaddafi Alex: Hussein killed a select subgroup of Arabs yes. But you seem to be naming Arabs who the US has backed that killed other Arabs Mom: what? Alex: yeah, we’re the problem Mom: okay fine I’ll try to read more about this it’s just it takes so much time to look up all this stuff This is all paraphrasing and the order of which topics were talked about may be inaccurate because this happened last night and both our memories are fuzzy but the main ideas were definitely said.
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iztarshi · 7 years
Story and Song -- Episode 68
Judging by the intro the three major plots for this episode are, Merle and his Deity, Magnus and the Power Bear and Taako and tacos.
Ooh, it's not just the song being broadcast into the journals too. So now everyone knows the whole story. And I do mean EVERYONE.
"Griffin: They’re just, they’re just gone. After sort of spreading their messages throughout the world, um, they— they are not here anymore. Travis: [Distressed] Are they okay?!"
Travis and his character are both DEEPLY ATTACHED to those Voidfish!
"And it’s now floating in the air. And three figures spring forth from the sphere, and you recognize them quickly. There’s the shape of an enormous owl, a wolf, and a bear. It’s the Royal Beasts from all the way back in the animal planet. Only they’re different now, their forms are entirely comprised of that black material, but they’re still twice your size. And they are moving towards you with ferocity."
Oh no! It's not just that they're huge, at least one of them was almost a father figure to Magnus and now he's got to fight.
*laughing* And apparently what Istus gave him was the answer to the quest for tacos.
"Royal Bear: You’re telling me what it is to be strong, that’s not what strength is. Why do you want to be strong, Magnus? Magnus: So I don’t have to lose anyone."
Aww. Yeah. That's really close to the core of Magnus right there.
"Avi: No dogs on the moon."
*laughing* So we get resolution to both Magnus persistently being refused a dog AND Taako's quest to invent tacos.
*laughing harder* Taako's explanation of prophecies about tacos, which he realises sounds crazy.
That's a BIG bag of necessity.
Time might be moving faster for Taako, but can Barry and Lup still see him? Did they just see him pull a stage coach out of a bag and start cooking? In fast forward?
"But I’ll say this, if anybody has a shot at stoppin’ it, it’s us, as hard as that may be to believe."
That's nice, actually. Considering how far we've come from "haven't they got more competent people who could be doing this?"
Ooooooh. I think… I think it's the magic of bonds? That Joaquin is being affected by? Because he and Taako, even if they couldn't pass anything physical through, formed a bond by cooking together, cooking the same thing, and by cooking something that was, for some reason, really important to Taako.
Whoo! The gods are back!
Merle talking about the importance of bringing a new life into the world… it's probably really good he didn't give up that memory in Wonderland.
Oh. Merle trying to save John and John trying to give Merle one last message -- one last HOPE really -- that there IS a way to get everything back out of the Hunger. That's really touching. It may be the only selfless thing John's ever done in his life.
Awwwww. His OWN GOD is apologising to him, he's just talked to and tried to save a COSMIC HORROR and Merle still figures, well, he can't really be that important to Pan.
"Pan: You’re not from this world. And, so, technically speaking, that means I’m not your Pan. Griffin: And he’s almost gone now. And he says, Pan: But you will always be my Merle."
Ee! Dryads!
I hope all of THB get to meet them later -- I guess Merle will since they now know his kid -- because they were all very upset about the resolution to that.
Noooooo, not Noelle!
"Taako: So, I just wanted to be honest. I’m— I didn’t wanna catfish you or anything."
Aw, Taako.
"Taako: That was actually a test, your face is a skull half the time,"
*pfffft* Suuuuuure.
Kravitz is so cute. I'd ask how Death could be that cute, but I've read Discworld AND Sandman, so I think maybe it's inherent.
"Lucas: [nerdily] My laaab! [:(]"
This time it's the transcribers making me laugh.
"Kravitz: You... know we’re gonna have to talk about the fact that your sister’s a lich, right? Taako: [inhales] Yeah, I assumed."
It will probably be okay. Probably. Kravitz has been bending the rules a little for Taako, but not nearly as much as some of the gods have been.
Yay! Purple worm! I love how much the things they managed to save are coming back. If they'd killed the worm they'd be in worse trouble now.
Apparently they've heard who Taako's boyfriend is by this point. And Merle doesn't mind about the arm.
"Angus: I thought he died. Magnus: Uhh, no. That was a clever ruse."
Surprisingly, it actually was.
"Taako: We could close ourselves off, and we could run. There’s a third option though. Lucretia, your spell, could it keep the Hunger bound? Could it... cut the Hunger off?"
Oooooooh. I'm not sure that's where we're going. The chess game, that seemed to be indicating they could UNDO the bonds of the Hunger. But this is a good option, a good idea. Better than the ones they've got.
On the other hand, even if that wasn't the plan Griffin was intending, he might use a plan one of his players came up with?
Aw, hugging Lucretia.
Except Taako, who's still mad.
"Taako: Am I…? I’m not going to lose you again."
*pfft* Taako's goodbye to Angus being basically "you still like me best, right?"
Lup is getting tired of the goodbyes 'cause we kind of started with the actually touching ones.
It is touching, though, that THESE guys have, by this point, so many people they genuinely want to say goodbye to. Considering how they started.
And with that, I really am caught up, and waiting for the Last Battle with the rest of the fandom.
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bloodyshadow1 · 7 years
Blood of the Covenant
After the Hunger is defeated, Lucretia has only one last task to complete.  One last act to make up for the things she’s done, both to the world and to her family.
 It’s rushed and unedited since I wanted to get it out before the last episode airs since I can’t upload it at work.  Will be cross posted on archive later, but I don’t have time to format everything. Warning for suicide, dark thoughts, and language.  Adventure zone spoilers obviously.  Bout a 4500 word read if your interested
               It was over, it was finally over.  Over a hundred years had passed since that day they left their own world.  It had been far from an easy journey, the seven of them had all died more times than they could remember, suffered more hardships than any other beings in a hundred universes could have faced, but it was over.  
Lucretia just stared out at the remains of the ruins of the Bureau of Balance headquarters in disbelief, her home. The massive ship that had once looked like a second moon had crashed to the earth during the battle. It had been an intentional maneuver to help destroy the Hunger and had paid dividends in the end, but still, for the former leader of the Bureau of Balance it was hard to see home for more than a decade destroyed.  It had never felt the same as the Starblaster, but it had been safe and it had allowed her to do what she thought needed to be done.  It turns out that it wasn’t her spell though, the one that would cut off the world from Hunger as well as anything else, was needed, but instead faith in her friends, her family.
The Hunger, John Merle insisted, was gone, not quite dead since it was an abomination of anti-life, but gone, gone for good.  They had defeated it, the seven of them along with their friends and allies, they had done what no one would have thought they could do and won the game of cat and mouse.   But they did, they beat the Hunger, it was an epic battle combining strength of arms, arcane brilliance, and willful words and that will all that will be spoken of that.  After all what matters is that the Hunger was gone, all the different worlds it absorbed have been restored and Lup finally defeated her archenemy Greg Grimaldis and liberated her $15, so why go on about a battle that was over.  
Still, in trying to stop John, Lucretia knew she had done unforgivable things to her family, stripping away their memories, tearing apart their bonds, placing them in dangers for reasons they didn’t know because she made them forget…, in the end it amounted to nothing.  She knew that what she had done to Taako and Lup, what she had done to Davenport…what she had done to the three of them was the worst of it.  Perhaps if her spell did work to defeat the Hunger than she could at least justify her actions, but no, it turned out that much like the Grand Relics her Bulwark Spell was unneeded.  All that was required was faith in your bonds, three surprisingly competent goofballs, and a whole lot of luck to defeat the devourer of worlds.  
               But now wasn’t a time to look back now was a time to move forward, and for Lucretia that meant making things right.  While everyone else celebrated and embraced over their joy of being alive the former director sifted through the remains of her office searching for something important.  
Normally, she wouldn’t risk scavenging a ruin like the Bureau of Balance Headquarters, it looked like the whole thing was going to collapse any minute, not with her few remaining hit points at least.   Luckily for Lucretia though low hit points weren’t something that concerned her at the moment.  Also lucky for her, her office was whole for the most part though a mess.  If she had the time to think she would have made a note that it would definitely need a thorough cleaning if it was to ever be used again.  But Lucretia knew that it would never be used again, at least not by her.  After a few minutes of scrounging she found what she was looking for, a small white oak box with silver trimmings and a platinum lock. She knew it would survive even the apocalypse with the amount of money she spent on it, it was something even Garfield couldn’t get his hands on for her, she had to go elsewhere.  Other than the strength of the wood and metal protecting what was inside Lucretia cast numerous powerful nonlethal spells upon it that would spring and trap whoever tried to open the box without permission. As of now there were only four beings in the world, in all worlds that could open this box, save for Lucretia: Merle, Magnus, Taako, and of course Davenport.  If she had ever found them she would have added Barry and Lup to the list as well, but the point was moot seeing as the box was a contingency for if Lucretia had died before she had a chance to make things right.  But now since she survived the apocalypse the contingency part was no longer needed and she could finish things herself.  
She opens the lock easily, it popped open as soon as her fingers touched it and opened the chest to reveal its bounty.  Inside were a neat stack of letters bound in twine two small black diamonds, and a dagger with seven birds on the hilt.  The second diamond had been the most recent addition to the chest, once the need for other seekers had proven pointless she had suddenly forced to deal with a surge of new regulators.  After all, just because the former seekers were unable to do their duties didn’t mean that they had to be unemployed, or that Lucretia could allow them to run around freely with all the Bureau’s secrets.  If she had they might have used their skills, they acquired under her employment and sought the relics out without her being able to keep an eye on them.  That left Killian, Carey, and NO-3113 time to take care of a special project for her, which lead to the creation of the second diamond.  
The letters were the oldest of the items in the chest, at least at first they were.  Originally there were six letters, one for each member of her family, she hoped against all hope that once everything was over the other six members of the IPRE would all be alive and reunited with each other.  Each letter held a brief explanation for why she did what she did for the good of the world and an apology.  The explanation was the same in all of them, she didn’t want to highroad herself, she was wrong and even if it was for the greater good what she did to her family was still evil and could never be forgiven.  The apologies were each unique though just that she was sorry for what she did and that she had to make sure that they knew, even if they didn’t forgive her.  She put those letters in the chest over ten years ago, thinking it would all be over in a matter of months, but it didn’t.  Try as she might the years stretched on and on and as the years grew so did the letters left in the box.  
Originally when she realized she couldn’t gather the relics alone she tried to remain detached to her employees, establishing early on the lines between employer and employee.  But even as she wore the mask of Madame Director she couldn’t stop being Lucretia underneath it all, the scribe who spent a century on a ship that was powered by bonds, with six people she loved more than anyone else in the world.  Such a thing changes a person, makes them crave the closeness and joy they get from even a small smile on the face of someone they care about.  It forever left her unable to become distant and cold towards people on the inside at least. There were letters for Carey and Killian who had become practically her left and right hands as time passed, for sweet Avi and poor Johann, for Patrilda who could fry anything and did so with a smile on her face, a letter for Robbie more of an apology for locking him up for something he didn’t have control over, for Leon who despite whatever the boys put him through remained loyal to the B.O.B.’s ideals which was more than could be said for Garfield, the traitor.  There were even letters for the dead and the damned, to Magic Brian (Lucretia had seen the writing on the wall with that one and wondered if it was the drow’s similarities to Taako and Lup that made her believe he could be trusted), poor Leman who deserved more than to be another notch on a serial killer’s belt, to Captain Captain Bane a good man who she put in harm’s way like so many others.  She knew she should have taken the letters addressed to the dead but just the first attempt had torn her heart out so much that Lucretia had surfaced and reflected on all the bad the Director had caused.  
“Huh, funny enough I thought I’d find you here,” a familiar voice that was equal parts arrogant, ridiculous, and endearing broke through the silence of her office.  “The world’s saved, all worlds really thanks to us, mostly me, Magnus, and Merle, but I mean all of us did something,” Taako said checking his fingernails trying to appear super casual, despite the fact that Lucretia’s back was turned.  “We’re hurt and exhausted, I’m almost out of spell slots even the ones I got back after we drank Baby Fisher’s stink water, but for the first time in over ten years the seven of us are together and we’re all still alive.  Well not Barold or my twin sister who I just remembered a few hours ago, thanks for that,” he added venomously.  “They’re you know…, sort of dead sort of alive,” he added losing himself in his tangent, “is gonna make things really awkward when the BF comes around.  But like I was saying the seven of us still alive after defeating the thing that’s been chasing us for over a hundred years, destroyed our home dimension, and killed us all several times, we should all be celebrating or at least relaxing, so imagine our surprise when our local introvert on board wasn’t around,” he said sarcastically.  They all knew she wasn’t one for large gatherings, and after all she had done they knew she wasn’t exactly excited to face them or anyone again.
“So we all split up to find her, you know for different reasons some of us,” he emphasized by tapping the The KrEpStAr against his shoulder ominously. Lucretia’s Staff, the Bulwark Staff had been left dead and barren after she used her spell to seal the Hunger away for good, she still had a cheap wand, more fit for the hand of Angus McDonald than her own, but she knew she wouldn’t need it.  Her dagger would suffice for what happened next.  
“Barold went with Magnus seeing as they’re more neutral and forgiving side of things.  Lups around her somewhere, but I left her behind, she’s not really used to being in a fleshbag again.  Rude, I know but I wanted a few moments alone with you before she could interrupt.  After all she’d be all like, ‘Taako don’t be an idiot, you can’t kill or maim Lucy, she did what she thought was right and didn’t mean to hurt anyone,’ and I don’t feel like being mature about this right now. Merle and Davenport made up the short guy coalition and are searching along the ground. Captianport is still really steamed after what you did, I can’t blame him, I mean I still think what you did to me and Barold was worse,” Lucretia had known Taako long enough to know when he was lying, but respected that he wouldn’t be able to ever believe someone’s pain was worse than his own. “But still he must have been in hell.  I mean really Lucy, lobotomizing our dear captain and then making him your butler, that’s really messed up.”
“I didn’t mean for that to happen,” Lucretia said softly, her voice full of guilt and regret, “I never meant for any of this to happen.  I thought it would have been a matter of weeks, a year at the most to keep you in those amnesiac states-,” but she just stopped before she could finish.  “No, no more excuses and trying to highroad people,” she said turning to Taako and placing her box on her desk, “what I did was wrong, I thought what I was doing what was right for the greater good, but I was wrong all the same.  I hurt the people that I loved and I’m sorry,” she said meeting Taako’s gaze.  Surprisingly the other wizard didn’t look angry, more annoyed or upset, but it wasn’t anger that flowed out of Taako’s eyes.  
“Why Lucretia,” Taako asked, but as soon as Lucretia opened her mouth he waved her away, “no, I mean I know why you did it, but still dammit why did you do that too us,” tears started to run down his face as he pointed the KrEpStAr at her. Surprisingly the Umbra Staff was far more intimidating, probably because Lucretia was fine with dying, even knowing she deserved to be killed, but that was before she could work her magic to protect this world. Now, it was just something that needed to happen one way or another.  “We were you family, I know we weren’t blood or anything gross like that, but after a hundred years of thinking of everyone else as dust I started thinking of you as my sister.  So why, how could you do that to us,” Taako was a proud male elf, he didn’t beg for anything, and he certainly didn’t do it now.  And if you asked him about this moment later on he would deny it, even if it did sound a lot like begging.  
“Taako, you know no answer I could give would be good enough,” Lucretia said simply.  “What I did was wrong, even if I had the best intentions it doesn’t change that I was wrong, and everything I did ended up being for nothing.  I won’t blame you if you want to kill me, and I won’t try to stop you either, she said opening herself up for whatever spells Taako wanted to cast on her.
“Gods dammit Lucretia why do you have to always be such a dramaqueen,” Taako shouted in frustration.  “I mean I only wanted to fucking talk to you and you have to pull this sacrificial superficial redemption crap.
“You’re the one pointing your very powerful magical object at me Taako,” Lucretia shot back just like she would have during their voyage on the Starblaster.
“I’m Taako, I’m supposed to be dramatic and junk, it’s my thing.  You’re the boring bookworm side-character that everyone seems to love despite not talking much.  Stop trying to steal my gimmick,” he said wiping his eyes ineffectually the tears just kept falling.  “I don’t know if I’m going to kill you alright, so just stay there until I figure things out,” he gestured with his glaive for emphasis.
“What the hell,” another familiar voice said breathing heavily, “is going,” she started to say but she was breathing to heavily to complete the sentence she wanted to get out.  “Holy shit I forgot how lungs work and am really regretting running here after this one took off,” Lup finally managed to get out after panting for a good minute and gesturing to Taako as he and the former Director stared at his sister. “No, but seriously,” Lup said finally managing to stand up straight, “what the fuck is going on here you two. Why are you pointing a your Krav Maga at Lucy over there,” she said pointing at her brother, “and why are you just standing there with your hands in your box ready to take it,” she said angrily gesturing to Lucretia.  She paused for a moment before realizing what she said, “okay for the record, that wasn’t supposed to sound dirty, I know I’m the master of the innuendo but it’s not the time for that, just like it’s not the time for more violence and death.”
“Way to make things awkward there sis,” Taako said lowering his glaive a bit, his wizard arms weren’t exactly made for holding things up for long periods of time anyway.  “Besides, we were just talking.”
“Sure you were just talking after abandoning me in the Bob Ruins and pointing your gaudy spear at Lucy,” Lup shot back.  The two loved each other of course, being not only siblings but twins, but still being so similar they were bound to fight.  Taking advantage of their little spat Lucretia saw her chance and picked up her dagger and did what had to be done.  It had hurt, not nearly as much as the Hunger’s final form had, but slitting one’s wrist did tend to hurt regardless.  Still, even low on hitpoints she could take a lot of bleeding damage even if she refrained from purposely stabilizing, no it was the dagger’s affect that would end things.
Her slight wince broke up the conversation between the T-Twins, quiet as it was, “what was that? Lucretia did you say something,” Lup asked curious.
“Nope, nothing,” Lucretia said rolling a 1 on her bluff check, “just going through some things in my private chest-,” and before she had the chance to regret those words.  She could have said anything else and they might have bought it, but bring up something private or a secret and Taako and Lup were all over it.
For a good few minutes she was bombarded by, ‘what’s in the chest, what’s so private, does it have anything to do with me, what’s in the damn box already woman,’ before she held up her hand to silence them.  “They are my personal affects, I started to add to the chest after founding the Bureau of Balance, they were for after the Hunger was dealt with.” Luckily, she rolled a nat 20 on her sleight of hand check so she was able to palm the dagger into her robes. Letters, mostly to those who mean a lot to me letting them know my feelings, though some have instructions on how to proceed once everything was over.  I wasn’t planning on giving everyone their memories back until after the relics were destroyed and my shield was up so they are a bit out of date especially since there are those who are you know dead with letters addressed to them.  As for your question Taako, yes, there is something in here for you,” she said turning the small chest so the twins could see into it.
“Those are some pretty nice diamonds,” Taako admitted, “but unfortunately I’m dating someone.  Oh and I’m mad at you, plus it would be like marrying my sister, and have you seen my sister, gross.”
“Oh come on Lucy, two diamonds for this chucklefuck but none for your real favorite Taaco sibling, how could you,” Lup said dramatically.
“You wish Goofis.”
“To be frank,” Lucretia interrupted and continued before they could make their normal ‘I thought you were Lucretia,’ joke. “One of them was for Magnus, his was easier to track down than yours, but I had Team Sweet Flips track him down for you after you came back from Refugee.”
“What,” was all Taako could say, “who,” I stand corrected.
“The other person who took everything from you,” Lucretia said picking up one of the diamonds and gave it to Taako.  “One drop of your blood will release the prisoner trapped inside the crystal.  I knew I couldn’t make up for what I’ve done, but this is all I can do to make up for what happened,” she said weakly, the blade’s curse and the bloodloss was starting to take effect.
“Sazed,” Taako said softly and more seriously than he had ever said anything in his life.
“And a man named Kalen,” she said gesturing to the other diamond. “I tracked him down myself when I came upon the ruins of Raven’s Roost when I checked on Magnus.  I didn’t realize that Sazed was the one to kill all those people when I checked in on you at Glamour Springs.  I just assumed there was an accident in the cooking, I must have checked every corpse I could find begging for you to not be one of the victims,” she mused.  Unfortunately that was when Lup took notice; the blood on the diamond didn’t help.
“Lucretia, what have you done,” the elf lich said grabbing Lucretia’s arm and tearing her sleeve down to reveal the cut.
“You know,” Lucretia said lightheaded from the bloodloss, “I’ve been asked that so many times today that it’s sort of lost meaning from all the shitty things I’ve done.  You’re going to have to be specific.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you,” Taako shouted.
“Again you need to be more specific, oh, my wound.  I promised you I would answer for what I’ve done once the world was safe, I’m a woman of my word if nothing else.  I wasn’t sure if you wanted revenge or not so I used the artificing we all learned to give the dagger special properties so that I would fall eventually.  I would never make you bloody your hands if you didn’t want to, but I didn’t want to take away the option of giving you your revenge if that is what you wanted.”
“I-I didn’t want this,” Taako said panicking.
“Dammit Lucretia my idiot brother’s right, you are a drama queen,” Lup said tearing off a piece of Lucretia’s robe to make a bandage for Lucretia’s arm to stanch the bleeding.
“It’s not poison if that’s what your worried about, I know how traumatized you’ve been of poison so I wouldn’t do that to you.  I learned how to place curses on objects from a witch in exchange for a kiss during the decade we’ve been here.  It’s a powerful one that will kill me within a few minutes if left unchecked, but it’s no less than I deserve.”  
“What the hell Lucretia,” Taako yelled again feeling helpless, “I’m angry and junk, but I don’t want you to kill yourself.  I wanted to berate you for a couple years until I finally stopped being pissed, you can’t die now.”
“I deserve this Taako, too many people hurt because of me, too many people lost their minds because of what I tried to do, the Hunger almost destroyed another world because of me,” she said stubbornly.
“We’ve all done horrible things, remember the robot world that we almost destroyed on my suggestion.  I mean yeah we knew the Hunger was going to destroy the world anyway, but it didn’t give us the right to do the Hunger’s job for it.  I’ve lied, I’ve stolen, I’ve been horrible to my beautiful magic boy, just a bad person sometimes, but we’ve also done a lot of good.  It doesn’t make it right, but living means you can make up for the bad, so stop this dumb making things right by killing yourself shit, it’s not funny, it’s not cool, it’s just another death on our feet.”
“That’s epic Taako, but I’m a monster, not sure if I lived I wouldn’t sacrifice more lives for my beliefs,” Lucretia said before doubling over in pain as the curse started to take effect.
“No seriously stop talking like that Lucretia, this is bullshit,” Lup said panicking realizing that the bandage she was using to try and keep Lucretia alive wasn’t working. “Screw it,” she said picking up her wand and blasting a wall out with a tongue of flame.  “There’s a reason why wizards don’t do healing, we need our cleric.”
“If you keep blasting like crazy the HQ is going to fall apart even worse, the two of you could get hurt.  Stop this foolishness before you get yourself killed,” Lucretia protested.
“The fact that you don’t seen the irony in what you’re saying vs what you’re doing astounds me,” Taako said as he put on his imaginary thinking cap over his wizard hat.  “I’m getting you to Merle, he’s going to heal you and take that curse off of you, then you’re going to get some r&r for a few days while you recover and once you do I’m going to slap the shit out of you for being so stupid.  There’s only one room for an idiot wizard on this show and it’s already filled.  If you already knew about Sazed than you know I don’t share.”
“T-Taako,” Lucretia started to say, but Taako didn’t let her finish.
“You know what, Taako might have taken this shit, but I’m not Taako anymore,” Taako said and before Lucretia could say anything he doubled in size and she was surrounded by darkness.
  Lucretia’s head was pounding, which was strange since she should be dead, she didn’t get what was happening, but all the hells in existence couldn’t hurt this much which logically meant she was alive.  Her throat was raw and her eyes watered as they opened she saw the other members of the IPRE around her bed.  “H-how,” she started to say, but once again Taako didn’t let her talk.
“I cast polymorph on myself and became Dupree, a T-Rex, and carried you out of the HQ in my mouth.  Brought you to that asshole,” he pointing to Merle, “who healed your wounds and removed your dumbass curse you inflicted on yourself because he has a great relationship with his god now, glad he didn’t have it on our adventures, but whatever. As angry as I am with you Lucretia, I don’t want you to kill yourself you dumbass, so don’t do it again.”
“B-But,” Lucretia started to say, but once again no one let her.
“Nope, we’re not getting into anything right now,” Davenport said incredibly gentle for someone who was so angry at her.  “We’ll resolve things later when you’re strong enough to be yelled at Lucretia.  Until then just get better, we can’t afford to lose anything else, not after we’ve finally won.”
It wasn’t forgiveness, not that Lucretia was expected to ever be forgiven, but it showed they cared.  That was going to have to be enough for now, “fine, no more crazy stunts, I’ll get better so you can yell at me,” she promised, and she always kept her word.
  Okay, so I know the ending is a bit rushed, but I wanted to get this out before the final episode.  I hope you enjoyed it. It might be a bit sappy, but after everything everyone’s been through, not only do they deserve a bit of wrath, but they deserve years of happiness.
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silversong79 · 8 years
Arrivals (Argument Chapter 12)
( @kaminoanbat I bet u didn’t think I’d finish the next chapter so fast did you? ^-^ Enjoy a whole lot of new characters everyone!)
Rogue said nothing when Doriana followed Rowan outside. In fact he tried not to react at all,  though he did see Switch roll his eyes and mouth 'finally' to Cat. He swallowed and looked down at his datapad again, burying his other hand in the purring tooka’s fur. When the two came back in, any fool could see how close they were standing. How red Rowan’s face was, and how dark Doriana’s stripes had gotten. But nobody mentioned it. Well, Damyan whistled under his breath, but that was just him being a brat. Of course they were being completely obvious about it, but he knew Rowan at least wouldn't like people noticing. Rogue kept pretending to read, and while he did smile slyly at Rowan and Doriana, his mind wasn't really in it. Everything about being around other clones- especially Cat - and seeing Rowan and Doriana do the same dance he’d done once (the glances and smiles, the sneaking around and thinking nobody would notice) - all he could think of was Winger. His Winger, his heart. All he could think of was him, and he hurt.
Rogue huffed and shook his head, his silver earrings jangling. It wasn't fair of him to be depressing and moping around when everyone else was so happy. He’d just spoil it. So he took those thoughts - those precious memories - and buried them deep in his heart where nobody could see.
When he looked up again, he could see it hadn’t worked. Dreu was watching him with her arms crossed and looked like she wanted to smack him, which was her way of showing worry. Draake had much the same expression, if slightly less aggressive. He smiled and shrugged as he looked at them, and then away. He’d sort of expected those two to notice.
What he didn’t expect was Cat noticing too.
“How’s it hanging, Witcher?” Cat swung down from the beam he’d been perched on and dropped into Rogue’s lap, grinning at him.
Rogue rolled his eyes and pushed him off so he fell to the floor with a huff of laughter.
“It’s Rogue, you little miscreant,” he said affectionately. “And I'm pretty sure you're the only one hanging around here.”
Cat popped up from the floor, pushing his curly hair out of his eyes and grinning. He wasn’t at all bothered by falling, it seemed.
“What’s with the sour face, brother? I thought you liked it here.” He hopped up nimbly onto the chair beside Rogue, perching with his knees up like some kind of unholy Acklay hybrid.
Rogue sighed, rolling his eyes and setting the datapad aside. Obscure Rylothian witchcraft rituals would have to wait, apparently.
“I know you weren’t part of Topple very long,” he said in a low voice, leaning closer. “But I know you remember Winger.”
“Course I do,” Cat said, losing some of that bright cheerful spark he had. It almost looked like the whiskers on his cheeks were drooping.
“Well, he and I, we….” Rogue swallowed. “Before the tank -”
“I know.” Cat hopped over to share Rogue’s chair and leaned against him. “He wouldn’t shut up about you even back then. Gods, he was so annoying.”
Rogue tried to smile past the lump in his throat, blinking back the tears that stung his eyes. Witcher! Where are you? The echo of a scream from long ago rose in his mind. He wrapped an arm around his brother’s shoulders.
“I miss him so much,” he whispered, voice cracking slightly. “I don’t even know if he’s alive. What if he doesn’t even remember me?”
Just saying the words out loud sent a chill of horror through him. He touched the fortune charm around his neck and whispered a spell to ward off evil things.
“That would never happen.” Cat sounded totally certain, and even a bit defensive. “Winger would never forget you. Ever. Just like I would never, ever forget Mouse.”
Rogue blinked at him, raising an eyebrow. “You and Mouse were together?”
Cat shifted over and rested his chin on his knees, staring moodily at the dinner table. “Nah. Never got the chance to be.” He sounded casual, but there was weighted sorrow behind the words. “But….I would have, if he’d asked.”
Neither of them said anything for a while.
“Dori told me I’d see him again, once,” he murmured finally. “Read my palm and everything. I dunno if it’s gonna happen, but….well, who am I to argue with Fate?”
Cat sniffed and stood up, stretching. “We’ll see them again,” he said. It didn’t much sound like he believed it, but Rogue appreciated the sentiment anyway.
Crow was the first one to notice it.
The Erithuda house had a spectacular roof for being lookout, a high spire with a flat top that looked out over the Lothian landscape for miles. So when the a shadow descended through the mint-green clouds, he was the first to see it, and hear the rumble of a ship coming through the atmosphere.
He watched the shadow warily for a minute, wondering why, exactly, it should make him afraid to think it might be the Republic. Shouldn’t he want to go back?
He huffed and shook his head, his hair falling in his eyes. He pushed it back impatiently. Whoever the hell was in that ship, he should probably tell someone before they landed.
He swung down off the roof, running over shingles and dropping from railings until he hit the ground right in front of Dreu’s garage.
She and Ligara were talking, and the twi’lek pilot looked just about as delighted as Crow had ever seen her - home, working on her ship with a wrench in hand and talking to her girlfriend.
She looked significantly less delighted when Crow walked into the garage, stopping just short of snarling at him.
“Is there something you want?”
Crow was the best out of his squad at hiding his emotions and keeping his face neutral. He crossed his arms and blinked at her, looking unimpressed.
“There’s a ship coming,” he said lazily, as if it was of no concern to him. “Thought you might like to know. Since this is your house and everything.”
She narrowed her eyes at him and stomped outside to look at the green sky, then groaned and swore. “Great. It’s the Asha’ra’m.”
Crow followed her, arms still crossed over his chest. “Is that dangerous, or….?”
“No,” she snapped. “Just annoying and very, very rude.”
“You must get along great,” he muttered slyly.
“What was that?”
“I said that’s great.”
He watched as the ship descended and landed right in front of the ship, and two people stepped out first: a chiss woman with a drink in one hand (tiny pink umbrella and all) and her other arm around the waist of a pretty pink twi’lek girl, who was whispering in her ear and giggling.
“Dreu!” The chiss laughed, descending the ramp. “Babe! Hi. We were in the system and needed some repairs. Also fuel. You mind taking a look, sweetie?”
Dreu threw down her wrench and crossed her arms. “Can you maybe fuck off with the cute nicknames, Aurren? You can’t call me babe anymore.” She looked at the woman beside her and smiled warmly. “Hey, Alyea. You wanna go warn my dad and sister that the horde’s descending?”
She giggled and kissed Aurren’s cheek before heading inside.
“My sister is here too,” she said to Dreu on her way past, with a thick Ryloth accent.
Crow wasn’t paying attention to Dreu and the chiss anymore - clearly they had history, but he wanted to know what the twi’lek meant by “hordes descending.” Because these people looked a hell of a lot like pirates.
First a zabrak - Dathomirian by his tattoos, Crow though. He looked scary, but he had a medkit at his belt, so he probably wasn’t that dangerous.
A weequayan came next - guy with one eye, who looked a bit familiar. He was pretty sure he’d seen him - wait.
Oh, hell. That guy was Doriana’s ex.
The next guy off the ship was a blind Mirialan with long hair, who was laughing over his shoulder to the last person on the ship -
Crow wasn’t really sure why, but he felt something….warp through the world when she stepped out. She was probably the sister Alyea had mentioned - another twi’lek. She didn’t look much like Alyea though. She was white as a seashell, with pale green eyes the same color as the Asfaloth sky, and a very large, fierce-looking Mandalorian screech hawk on her shoulder.
Crow backed up into the shadows of the garage, still watching her coo to the bird like it was a baby tooka. He caught a snatch of Dreu’s argument from behind him.
“- and I bet you weren’t planning to go home and see your mother while you’re on-planet, were you?”
“You leave my mother out of this!”
Crow looked back at the bird woman. He caught his breath. The hawk looked right at him and screeched.
She turned her head slightly, curious to what her hawk decided warranted a shriek that had given it its name, only to be distracted by a tiny pantoran darting out of the ship. She was smudged with grease from head to toe and didn’t even pause when she tripped over her too big boots. The twi'lek watched her go for a moment before glancing thoughtfully back at Crow's hiding spot.
“Is there a reason you’re skulking in the shadows?” she called out to him, smirking. She had the same thick accent as her sister. “Or are you just shy?”
He felt another jolt - he was the best at hiding. The spy, the assassin, the knife in the dark. Nobody found him as quickly as she had.
He swallowed and stepped out into the light, thumbs hooked in his pockets. “Just watching,” he said lazily. “Gotta make sure everything’s safe.”
She nodded, smiling with one side of her mouth. “Fair enough. I’m Avis Deryn, by the way.” She poked the screech hawk in the wing. “This crybaby here is Turtle.” She whispered something to the bird and fed him a strip of dried meat.
“Crow,” he said, ducking his head. “Or CT-3791 if you want to get technical.”
She clicked her tongue, and when she shook her head her lekku swayed behind her. “Now where’s the fun in technicalities, Crow?”
He wondered where exactly the strange little thrill in his stomach came from, when she said his name. That had never happened before.
“So, I was going to go for a walk,” she said. “You know, clear my head. Let Turtle stretch his wings a bit. You want to show me around?”
“Ah - yeah, sure. Love to.” He led her around behind the house to the path that wound along the edge of the cliff, in some places extended with a boardwalk that looked like it was held together with duct tape and spite.
Turtle trilled happily and flew off her shoulder to circle above the ocean. The sound of waves from below was becoming familiar, and the breeze blew Crow’s hair back from his face.
“You weren’t here the last time I visited,” she said. “How long have you lived here?”
“Me? Oh, we don’t….” His voice trailed off.
Did they? Was it really likely they’d ever go back? Crow didn’t think so, whatever he might say to the boys. Besides, everyone he cared about was here.
“Here? Just yesterday and today. But we’ve been on the Ebinor for the past month or so.”
He crossed his arms and looked out at the ocean. With the borrowed shirt he was wearing - shorter sleeves than he was used to - the tips of his wing tattoos could be seen, just about down to his elbows.
She nodded. "And that's why I haven't met you yet. I've spent the last two and a half months on Confederate planets, petitioning and out in the field, helping native avian species." She shook her head, narrowing her green eyes.
"Sentients only think of themselves when they fight with no concern with the other creatures they share their home planets with. Too many birds are nearing extinction because some fool started a fire in a patch of their only food source - no offense."
"Oh, none taken," he said, raising his hands. "I agree. I mean, they don't even care about other sentients, let alone animals. Look at me." He shrugged his shoulders, the neck of his shirt slipping sideways so she could see more of his tattoo. "Don't tell my brothers I said this, but I've figured out by now we were born slaves. If they don't even care for their own precious army, why would they care about anyone else?"
She’d been listening and nodding along at first, but then her eyes fell to his tattoo, and she tilted her head, reaching out one hand to lightly stroke the feather patterns.
“Impressive,” she said. “That’s excellent work.”
"Hm?" He glanced at her, distracted.  "Oh. Thanks. My brother did it for me, to match my name." His dark eyes glittered as he smirked slightly. "You should see the rest of it."
"I'd love to." She winked back at him boldly, smiling that half-smile that showed the dimple in her cheek.
His eyes widened slightly, like that wasn't at all the reaction he was expecting.
"Ah - yeah, sometime, probably," he said, a faint flush on his high cheekbones. "I mean - sorry."
"For what?" She grinned and whistled, calling Turtle back to her to feed him.
"Nothing. I guess. I just - I'm fine, how are you?" He winced and shook his head. "And there's your answer. For being a total idiot."
She laughed and shook her head. “If I’d known clones were so cute when you’re flustered, I’d have come back to Republic space sooner.”
He huffed out a laugh, narrowing his eyes at her - a you did this to me expression. “You wanna see the view from the roof?” he asked. “It’s even better than the one from the cliff.”
“Lead the way, pretty boy.”
Switch had just finished painting his face - and hands and arms - when the ship landed outside. It was just as beat up and sturdy as the Ebinor, and he was pretty sure he recognized some of the people.
While he was trying to figure out where he’d seen them, the mirialan in front of him - he’d assumed he’d just move aside, even if he was walking backwards - crashed right into him.
“Hey, watch it!” he said automatically, scowling as he stepped back. “Watch where you’re going, mate!”
The mirialan turned around, carrying a crate of spice or something. His eyes were closed, eyelids mottled with scarred skin.
“Well, you know, I would,” he said seriously. “But I can’t find my eyes anywhere.”
Switch held back a laugh, hoping it wasn’t rude to stare. “You’re blind?” he asked stupidly.
“Nope.” He grinned at him. “I just can’t see. What do they call that again?”
He did laugh that time, and took the crate from him. “Well, someone’s snarky today.”
“Thanks, cutie. I try.”
He was glad the mirialan couldn’t see the sudden flush across his face. Switch shook his head, clearing his throat. “Switch,” he said, shaking his hand. “My name’s Switch. And how do you even know I’m cute?”
“Clones are hot. Everyone knows that.” Without warning he put both green hands on Switch’s chest and felt over his shoulders and neck and face. “Mhm. Just like I thought. Gorgeous.”
Switch almost choked on his tongue trying to respond without being an idiot. “And you are?” he spluttered, blushing furiously.
“Single,” he laughed. “But I’m Vadii, if you want my name. Technically it’s Vadiian Lenrahi, but nobody calls me that. Ever.” Something in his voice told Switch not to ask, so he didn’t. It was probably the same as calling a brother by his number, he reasoned. You called people by the names they chose. Not a difficult concept.
“Wait a second,” Switch said, narrowing his eyes (not that Vadii could see that.) “Didn’t you try to rob us a while back?”
“I honestly don’t fucking know,” he shrugged. “I’m a pirate, we rob tons of people. And I have no idea who most of them are.”
“Rowan screamed at you,” he prompted. “That weequay with one eye was hitting on Dori.”
“Oh, that was you!” he laughed. “Sorry, I couldn’t see what was going on.” He paused, raising his eyebrow. The effect with his scarred eyelids was kind of startling. “That Rowan guy is terrifying. Hot, definitely, but kriffing scary.”
“Right on both counts,” Switch laughed. “And he gets scarier when he loves someone. You should see him and Doriana now, they think they’re being subtle and it’s hilarious.”
“For his sake, I hope he treats her better than Hokair,” Vadii snorted. “She might rip off something more than his eye, if she cares that much.”
From somewhere nearby there was an obnoxiously loud screech, and something huge with wings swooped down and startled Vadii, knocking him forward so he and Switch both fell to the ground, with the mirialan sitting on Switch’s chest.
“Could’ve bought me dinner first,” Switch grinned. He gasped slightly when Vadii’s hands brushed carefully over his face again.
“I like when you smile,” he said. “It makes your voice sound even hotter.”
He was trying to think of a response when the screech-hawk landed placidly on his shoulder, nibbling his ear like it was expecting a treat. Switch looked up to the roof where it had flown from, just in time to see Crow and the white twi’lek woman duck their heads down behind the railing.
He pushed Vadii off his chest and sat up, then leaned close to his face. “My brother’s trying to play matchmaker,” he whispered in his ear. “Wanna return the favor?”
“Definitely,” Vadii purred. “Avis needs to get laid, and Turtle will do anything for a bit of meat. Not unlike me.”
Switch snorted with laughter and rolled his eyes. “You’re terrible, you know that?”
“So I’ve been told.”
It was hard to act like nothing had changed. But these pirates were the last people Rowan wanted to know about he and Doriana being together. He was watching from the door to the house now, keeping an eye on his brothers to make sure nobody died or exploded anything. And he was very, very glad Doriana was in the kitchen with her father and Draxo and some of the visitors. A part of him wanted to go in and help her too - he could be close to her, help her get the work done faster, maybe sneak a kiss or two when nobody was watching. But that was the thing - people would be watching. Including Draake. Rowan didn’t know if he knew about them, but he was expecting a scary lecture from the old twi’lek any minute now.
What he didn’t expect was the one-eyed Weequay Hokair to come right up to him and lean against the wall, as if they were friends or something. Rowan looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Something you want, pirate?”
“I dunno,” he shrugged. “Is there something you can give me, clone?”
“Don’t call me that,” he snapped, crossing his arms over his broad chest. “And no. Because if you mean what I think, you’re going to wish you hadn’t spoken in a minute. People aren’t things to give and take.”
“Don’t you think I know that?” Hokair scowled at him, narrowing his eye. “Don’t think I can’t see what’s happening. It’s pretty clear what her choice is, and I don’t get another chance.”
“Well, that’s up to her, really,” Rowan said, softer now. Though he felt a flash of panic in his chest thinking of her not wanting him anymore. “But as of now, you’re right.”
The pirate ducked his head and sighed. “Just take good care of her, yeah? She’s above both of us. And don’t tell her this, but I do still care about her. So take care of her.”
“I will,” Rowan promised, but Hokair had already walked away.
He was running out of places to hide. It had taken literally lifting Draxo onto the highest shelf in the garage to get the boy to leave him alone. He didn’t seem to trust a single word Rowan was saying when it came to his sister.
So by the time Draake approached him, Rowan was fairly fed up with sentient beings in general. But he was still Draake’s guest, and besides, he didn’t want any bad blood between him and Doriana’s family.
He smiled tiredly at the twi’lek man, standing up straighter. “Hello, sir,” he said, nodding. “I...suppose you’re here to talk about Doriana?”
There was a faint spark of amusement, and steel, in his yellow eyes. He could see where Dreu got it from now. “I am,” he said evenly. “Came to warn you, actually.”
“I know,” Rowan said quickly. “I know, and I swear I’ll never hurt her or leave her or make her cry or -”
“Slow down and let me finish,” Draake snorted. “I appreciate all that, but on the off chance you ever do -”
“I know. You’ll toss me off the cliff?” Rowan guessed.
Drake smiled at him. He had the same razor teeth as his children. “I’ll be second in line, lad. Did you happen to meet Hokair?”
Rowan dropped his head into his hands and laughed. “Of course, yes. I know.”
The Twi’lek’s smile was considerably warmer now; he wrapped Rowan in a crushing hug. “Then welcome to the family, son.”
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