#as far as the cat's concerned she probably has crystals again
demelzathemer · 3 days
I'm watching the Doom Patrol episode for the first time ever and LOSING MY MIND, why didn't anyone tell me this is GOOD??? It's written by Steve Yockey and it SHOWS because the dialogue is absolutely the same as in the netflix series
Crystal is so catty and Edwin is fed up with people while Charles mediates, they're the same characters just played by different people?? I'm gonna add some shitty screensnaps here to yell about it
Obviously spoilers if you care about that;
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Crystal <3 She looks closer to her comicbook self but has the same amount of sass as her netflix self
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I swear I'm so normal about this bit of dialogue. Crystal telling Edwin Charles will protect him (with a baseball bat, mind you, they're in the States!) and their responses, I wish I could see Jayden and George act this part.
(I can hear "I'd do it anyway, won't I?" in Jayden's voice... weeps)
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Edwin sassing out little girls again??? I lost it with the pose and voice
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(Jayden's voice again. I know you hear it)
He should've been allowed to drape himself over Edwin like this too. Why would Netflix do this to me
"Love this." EDWIN??? He's way too happy that they're gonna smack their client with a shovel.
And CHARLES (pulls it out without anyone asking, he knows what's going to happen next) HANDS IT TO CRYSTAL so she can be the one doing the smacking???
And she's way too eager as well. What is happening here. Though I love how seamlessly they work as a trio now. Even if it's for the purpose of knocking out their unsuspecting client
"The price to open the door to afterlife is pain, and I'm the only one who can do it."
With the door handle being a BABYDOLL HEAD. With HELL FLAHBACKS. What the actual fuck?
I thought the doll spider was netflix original character??
And Charles immediately being "you don't have to do it, we can find another way in" I might be crying
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Charles is afraid of water??? That's CANON?? It has to be, nothing has been changed about the characters so far!
Charles (with red-rimmed eyes): "I'm not scared! Just so you know."
Edwin (lying to make Charles feel better): "We know."
They're so in love. But what do you mean with "I'll make sure he's fine"? What are you gonna do, Edwin? Hold his hand on the boat ride? (They didn't show that part, so that's probably what happened.)
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They had ONE episode and they still had to make sure that we know Edwin's gay.
I'm OBSESSED with this line and this repressed version of Edwin, I don't have the words right now but I read someone's brilliant analysis about it. (Pls link if you find it)
"I used to think that, too. But it's not 1916 anymore, you know?"
"Well, I'm not like you. But thanks for the concern."
Edwin, oh my god that is so sad. What makes you think you don't deserve happiness? I need to study him under a microscope
...Then STRAIGHT INTO death flashbacks??? They didn't leave anything out, watching this one episode spoils 7 out of 8 episodes of the netflix series?!
"She's good." Edwin appreciates Crystal! I love that they genuinely are a trio here and the boys know about her quirks like they know each other
Also David lore is unchanged too and Crystal bonding with Dorothy was so sweet
...THE NIGHT NURSE IS HERE TOO?? I thought she was a netflix original character too (Cat King, Tragic Mick and Jenny are, at least?)
Her character is pretty different alright, and played very differently by the same actress??? And Charles just WENT FOR IT unprovoked?! Do they know about her in this universe, is she like a monster that's actively hunting them down and can be alerted by killing(?) I literally don't know anymore this is crazy
(Edwin was so cute jumping up and cheering lol. A bit jarring how much more he curses here though)
This is actually an insane episode, the trio with their huge amount of lore just drop in in the middle of already established group of characters and their lore and then, they're never seen again after this??
And they had flashbacks to both of their deaths without explaining ANYTHING about what the hell was that. Just five seconds of "being chased and covered in blood", teasing something about their relationship, Crystal dropping her goal of beating her missing memories out of a demon, no conclusion of wtf was "spider-face lady" aka the Night Nurse, etc etc. They needed their own show really badly huh
So netflix hurry up and give us a second season! After seeing this I'm blown away by the execution of Dead Boy Detectives and how Jayden and George really brought the characters to life. I'm so thankful we have that. Their chemistry really is what makes the show.
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brennacedria · 4 months
It's amazing how I never want to go ANYWHERE but the moment I can't wear a bra or shirt properly I want to be OUT of this HOUSE like, NOW. NO I DON'T HAVE ANYWHERE TO GO I JUST WANT TO LEAVE.
But I can't with how little I'm able to dress rn. Or at least, dress without pain.
Unrelated: cat, I don't know what's specifically wrong with you. Please either learn to communicate better or be quieter.
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n1xspaceshaker · 2 months
Expo's, Arguments, and Other things
I got a cat last week and she's a calico cat, with mostly grey fur with brown spots all over and a little random white patch underneath her chin. She's the most adorable thing I've seen, besides my friend's cats but those are theirs, so it doesn't matter that much to me. My mother and I had a fight about how to treat each other when she was the one being an ass and she threatened to take the kitten back with her. I told my sister if that cat wasn't there that morning, I would've disowned her. Yes, I would've. We kind of made up- kind of. The morning after, she basically said she was sorry but she was a little passive-aggressive about it and said, "I hope you treat everyone else like this." What it sounded like to me was that she wasn't really sorry but I let it go. I tried to complain to my dad about it twice but he was drunk the first time and the second time it got lost in the flow of conversation (probably on purpose- then again, that could just be me being cynical and negative). 
My brother and I went to the World Oddities Expo, and I got a muskrat pelt, a blue sandstone crystal, a plague doctor mask, and a pen with an embalmed tentacle inside. I wanted to buy this knife that was made out of crystal and bone but I would've ran out of money if I did that. Maybe I'll buy it off the web; I also have a few business cards from that event, so I should probably do something with those. My calico cat named Eris got her shot yesterday and for a little bit, she was lethargic and upon closer inspection, she was probably really sore and the effects of the vaccine were kicking her ass really hard, so to speak. Today, she is feeling so much better but she still can't chase her ball around, which is her favorite toy. She was so stiff and sore that I ended up moving the litter box and food and bowls into my room, where she was hiding as her comfort zone. Still can't pick her up, otherwise she'll meow in pain. 
I'm going to call up the vet on Monday and ask to reschedule Eris' appointment because I cannot cancel my camping trip. It's more or less a follow-up appointment and I'm sure she'll be fine. She really had me concerned for a bit but I should've known that everything was going to be all right. Let the wine flow forever and let us eat good food and be merry! I might watch Terrifier tonight or that documentary about the Satanic Temple by Dead Domain. I played PS1 mod for Minecraft and and it creeped me out when the T.V. static effect happened but so far, it feels like regular Minecraft. However, I watched a video about the mod and the thing is that it can get pretty creepy; it is awesome to see how much the game has progressed since 2016. I can't believe that was 8 years ago when I first started playing! I remember this slideshow on Tiktok and how it said how O.G. you were or how new you were- it turned out that I'm pretty o.g. Idk if it's just me but it seems that dogs are rare to find in minecraft nowadays but I could just be not looking hard enough. 
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vickysaurus · 3 years
What if season 5 was two seasons?
So watching through season 5, I kept noticing how fast the pacing had to be with the amount plot threads there were and how often I went ‘I wish we saw more of X’. So as I’ve mentioned a couple of times, I’ve started wondering if it might’ve been better if its story had been spread over two seasons rather than one. Now, obviously I understand that kind of change would not have been in the crew’s hands and no matter what they wanted would likely have been impossible. This is not intended as a ‘they should’ve just done this’ but as a thought experiment. Would a sixth season even have worked? So I’m gonna try and figure out how season 5′s content might’ve been done over two seasons in an alternate universe. In order to keep straight how far in the seasons we are, I’m gonna number the episodes 5-1 to 5-13 and 6-1 to 6-13 for clarity.
-5-1: We’re gonna start off immediately inserting an extra episode: The Fall of Bright Moon. Rather than a time skip, we get to see the first days of the invasion and the evacuation of Bright Moon in the face of overwhelming force. Micah has to switch back into being king, Adora has to deal with losing She-Ra, Bow has to deal with losing Glimmer. There’s a major subplot about Scorpia working up the courage to apologise to Entrapta and the two of them reconnecting. Perfuma probably helps her with that. That sounds like a pretty busy episode, but I think the first two Velvet Glove scenes from Horde Prime should probably be moved to it to not just leave Catra and Glimmer hanging completely.
-5-2 to 5-4: Horde Prime, Launch, and Corridors stay mostly the same. Since I moved the first Velvet Glove scenes to 5-1 and we can probably cut a bit of exposition from Horde Prime with the addition of that episode, these episodes get a couple minutes extra, which is split between an extra Glimmer and Catra in jail scene and some more of Scorpia and Entrapta’s friendship in Launch.
-5-5 and 5-6: An extra season gives us time for worldbuilding and more of the new characters, and since I like the Star siblings I’m gonna selfishly give them a bunch more screen time. The plan to save Catra takes more preparation in this version, leading Best Friend Squad and the Star siblings to go on an adventure on another planet after Stranded, one that is under Horde occupation but hasn’t been destroyed by them. They’re there for either information or some kind of device they’ll need to get on the Velvet Glove, but end up sowing the seeds for a local rebellion on the planet. We’ll see more of that plot later on.
-5-7: Save the Cat. It’s perfect as is.
-5-8: Taking Control’s A plot, enhanced with some scenes from Don’t Go into a full episode.
-5-9: This is where Taking Control’s B plot with the chipped Etherians goes. To go with it, Best Friend Squad is going on another space adventure after a rendez-vous with the Star siblings while they try and escape the Horde. I’m thinking maybe Hordak could be one of the clones searching for them, and while he doesn’t come face-to-face with Entrapta we could see some more of his conflicting feelings building in the course of this. Just a moment’s hesitation on his part allows Best Friend Squad to escape. Catra befriending Glimmer and Bow is a major part of this episode, and it basically bridges the gap between the little overtures between them in Taking Control and Catra as a part of Best Friend Squad in Shot in the Dark.
-5-10: Kyle, Lonnie, and Rogelio only get a cameo in season 5, and that’s something I really want to change. I want to give them a ‘Lower Decks’ episode where they’re basically just trying to go about their lives post-Horde but rapidly discovering the war is impossible to ignore. I feel like we don’t see enough of the normal Etherians in general, and I think these three are a great way to show how they’re doing.
-5-11: Perils of Peekablue. However, the scene at the end where it turns out Micah is already chipped and so are enormous amounts of Etherians doesn’t happen yet.
-5-12 and 5-13: So now I need to have a big season finale happen, and unfortunately Shot In The Dark, while a great episode, is also a little too low-energy to fit the bill. So what I’m gonna do is make it the B-plot of a finale two-parter. The A-plot is set on Etheria, and is basically some big climactic business where the Princesses, General Juliet, (remember her?) and many common Etherians take the fight back to the chipped princesses, and things go well until disaster strikes and Micah gets chipped. Pretty vague, I know. The ‘Lower Decks’ episode we did sets up a lot of the plot here; Lonnie, Rogelio, and Kyle are probably involved in it. The two-parter ends with the big ‘Oh fuck everyone’s chipped’ moment at the end of Perils of Peekablueas the big season-ending cliffhanger. After that scene, we switch to Best Friend Squad landing on Etheria, and that’s how season 5 ends.
-6-1: I think An Ill Wind would be a solid season opener as is.
-6-2 to 6-10: Yeah, I’m gonna take this whole block of episodes in one go, because this is where it gets complicated. Return to the Fright Zone and Failsafe take place in this block, but it’s beyond my ability to figure out the full plot developments of this entire season. While for season 5 I can keep to the structure of Best Friend Squad’s space adventure, season 6 is gonna be a lot more freeform, and would presumably have major plot elements added. Here’s my thoughts on these nine episodes:
-The chipped princesses get unchipped earlier. They provide good heartwrenching moments, cool bossfights, and allow for major villains ranking below Prime without having to introduce new characters, but I think ultimately it does the chipped princesses a disservice since they just don’t get to show character in the second half of the season. Just compare how well we know Netossa as a character with how well we know Spinnerella. So they get unchipped over the course of these episodes and get to be with the Rebellion again afterwards. Mermista and Spinnerella get unchipped the same way as in canon. Scorpia actually gets to talk while chipped and has a heartwrenching confrontation with Catra in which she basically responds in the worst possible ways to Catra’s regrets (the same way we saw chipped Catra basically being am expression of her worst traits) and they have a fight that’s super rough for Catra, but Catra manages to damage her chip and save her. They have a better chat afterwards, and that’s when they make up and hug it out. I think Micah is the last one to be unchipped, and I might actually keep him chipped until Heart, Part 1 so Glimmer still gets that climactic confrontation with him. Now, a possible concern is that this means there’s just not gonna be enough ‘bosses’ around to fight in Heart. Solutions to this could include for example advanced robots, chipped minor characters like Huntara, Dumbface Octavia, and alien monsters. Maybe Hordak? Though I definitely want him back on the Velvet Glove’s bridge in time to give Prime his date with gravity.
-So that’s sort of the major arc, but there are several characters and plot threads that I feel could easily be an episode’s A- or B-plot in this bunch:
*Catra is mortified when she realises she caused Angella’s death and has a big freak-out over it and tries to run away, Glimmer confronts her and they deal with their feelings on the matter
*Another Kyle, Lonnie, and Rogelio episode
*A Wrong Hordak episode where he discovers his own identity and picks a name, also feat. Entrapta’s attempts to reach out to Hordak
*Madame Razz episode where Adora tries to get her help, possibly involving the Crystal Castle and George and Lance
*Sea Hawk and Double Trouble drama kids adventure where they try to save Mermista (I think Mermista vs. Sea Hawk and Mermista being unchipped gets moved to the end of this episode). These two were delightful for the little time we saw them together in Perils of Peekablue and I want Sea Hawk to somehow rope Double Trouble into an adventure.
*All the space adventures and world building I put in season 5 coming to a head when some form of space reinforcements led by the Star siblings come to help.
*And of course Return to the Fright Zone and Failsafe.
-6-11 to 6-13: Heart is now a three-parter, deal with it. Horde Prime is beaten at the end of part 2, or more likely the start of part 3, and the rest of part 3 is that sweet dénouement I crave.
So with all that laid out, let’s return to the question: would this work? I think if it had originally been written to be two seasons, the story could have easily worked for two. As is, I’m retrofitting a single season to be two, so some of the stuff I’ve added sounds rather redundant or vague. There are certainly enough plotlines and characters to make a split work, but of course those would’ve had to have been written into the plot from the start to not feel tacked on. Of course, brevity is the soul of wit, so even if two seasons had been an option, it’s quite possible a single that has too little time is still better than two that have too much.
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
Happy New Year, and hello 1000 followers!!
Hello dear readers! Welcome in my writing nook, and welcome in 2021 - FINALLY!! 
2020′s been a long year. A sad year. A year that felt like March for 9 months straight. A year that left a little dent in my corner of the couch as I was huddled away, writing in the most awkward positions because my cats tried to get on my lap alongside my laptop (it doesn’t fit - trust me, kitties). 
But, it was also a fun year; I could spend long hours reading and writing to my heart’s content. Meeting new people, and discovering kinks and fantasies I never knew were even a thing. To that; thank you my fellow horny bitches, you gave me the perseverance to work on getting proper orgasms, buying a sex toy and making my boyfriend very confused about what-the-hell was going on with me. (thankfully the shock is now gone and he’s enjoying this new horny me far too much 😂)
In more fun news; I just noticed my once small reader tribe has crossed the 1000 follower-mark (WHAT?! HOW?! YOU GUYS AND GALS ARE AMAZING -- *bounces off the walls*) 
I don’t really know how to thank you all for your love and support in reaching this unique milestone. But to those who are just crazy about reading, let me share with you something from my vault of short stories - a little side project next to this blog, to practise my writing ❤️
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The Keeper
This new world order was hardly orderly.
It was dusty chaos, filtering in through the sole newspaper-covered window above the door that had just veered at the return of the Old Man, his persistent coughs making that same dust curl and swirl through the air.
Feeling my old bones crack, I took a moment, stretching out on my paper throne of Descartes’ body of work, before I jumped aside so he could add his new-found treasures to this grand collection of paper-bound napping nooks.
It was a good new stack. Six thick covers, the pages yellowed and musky in smell. Perfection, really. Old, gold, glorious perfection. But the Old Man didn’t seem to share my sentiment; his leathery face was wrinkled with concern, heavy brows furrowing like a thick hairy caterpillar above his gentle eyes.
Finding a new spot I swished my long tail, more dust swirling up in the single streak of light that caressed the silhouette of the Old Man.
I hadn’t seen him this worried since we met all those long years ago, his warm hands taking me to this dusty good place that I called my home. Our home. A home that oozed old world magic; thousands of books all lined up in ceiling-high cabinets, their vastness somewhat resembling the sky-high buildings outside; that is however where the comparison stopped. This place was warm, kind, soothing. It smelled nice, felt nice, housed mice - my favourite.
Outside, the world was cold, white, wicked. It smelled of chemicals and disdain, the presence of nature and animals one not wished for in its green, disorganised beauty. But the Old Man had been different. Had been. Right now he moved with the same hasty manner the men outside did, his heavy feet moving daintily past the hastily stacked collections, the structure in them long gone.
The same had happened to the ever structured and unchanging man I once knew; The Old Man was looking older each day, which was strange for a being I thought immaculate and immortal. In my long years of life I had never truly ever seen any differences in this man, his wrinkles ever wrinkly and his eyes ever curious. But, these past few weeks I started having my doubts. I never liked change, but change was suddenly here in abundance. I could hear it on the nervous streets outside. I could feel it in my aching bones and the knits in my pelt. I could feel it in the lack of scratches I received, the Old Man suddenly more occupied with the world outside than in.
This new world order was a terrible thing indeed.
Stretching up my aching back, I curled my tail around my paws, watching as the man passed yet again, his eye catching mine for just a second, his feet slowing down so he could give me a long overdue sign of affection.
“Hello Minnie.” He said gently, his warm voice making my muscles tremble in delight, “I’m afraid you’ll have to wait yet a moment longer. Duty calls!” And with that he disappeared once more, the door hastily closed behind him as he moved back out into the streets that no longer had names.
Everything was changing and I didn’t like it one bit.
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away - or actually a few streets from here - I lived a perilous life of hunting, fighting, mating and waiting. You see: I was not made for the streets I lived in, the large neon lit signs up above too bright for my eyes and the food too sparse to feed the real hunger inside of me. The hunger that goes beyond the growling of the stomach; it was the hunger that gnawed at my brain and my heart as I watched dark figures pass by beneath their umbrellas, their eyes not directed at me, but at my much shinier counterparts on those sky-licking white screens.
e-Cat, e-Book, e-Love..e-Life. The words sparked with promise on beaming backgrounds, luring in the attention of the drifting souls down on the streets. Luring them in to look up, up and away from the truth that could be found right at their feet. A truth that once, an age or so ago, was so very normal.
It must have been a good time then. With ear-scratches and hugs and real talking; I had once even seen humans talk so close to another that their lips touched. And they seemed to find it very agreeable indeed, their lips curling in what the Old Man had explained to be smiles.
Smile (verb)
Form one's features into a pleased, kind, or amused expression, typically with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed.
Humans are peculiar beings.
Then, one day, someone looked down, not up. A man, a dreamer probably, his step shortly disrupted from his travels as our eyes met and, just like that, I was invited into his life, his shovel-sized hands picking me up and stuffing my scrawny bones beneath his warm jacket.
The Old Man.
“Why..I thought you had gotten rid of this?” A new voice entered the small haven of books, the door swiftly closed again. Their hushed voices made me blink open my eyes, a flickering light turned on to brush artificial light over the Old Man and the new person. A Young Woman.
She was pretty I think. Her hair cut just beneath her ears and her body wrapped in a large, fresh smelling jacket. I liked her smell. She smelled of my creatures, two males I think. And so with a little more curiosity I yawned and stretched, welcoming the two back in my domain.
“Hi there Minnie.” The Old Man wistfully scratched me behind the ear.
His voice sounded fragile as crystal, his eyes looking equally translucent as they shimmered in the low light of the single light bulb.
“OH..what am I to do, Dee? It’s just..” He turned back towards the woman, her eyes still looking in honest amazement at the huge collection of books stacked up high to the ceiling.
“Well..this is more than a ..little problem, Badger.” She looked back at him, teeth biting down onto her lip in thought. Humans sure had a weird way of expressing distress. Why didn’t she just hiss or growl? Furl up that pretty mane of her? - At least she got the eyes right.
With a quick flick of her large pupils she looked at me, then the books again.  
“Alright. I’ll..I’ll see what we can do.” And with that she disappeared back out of the door, back into the mayhem of white light and clicking feet on cold pavement.
“Hahaha. Oh, aren’t you a happy little purr-machine?” His large hand stroked comfortably over my back, my legs stretching out a little further to give him extra length to touch and soothe.
“How about I read you something, hmm? Ever seen one of these?” He picked an object from one of the shelves, the thing foreign, but smelling of forests and sweat. I liked that smell.
“It’s a book. A very old, nearly extinct..book.” He shuffled a little in his seat, his hand scratching over my chin as he sensed my shock-surprise at being moved. And then he opened this so-called ‘book’, his deep voice sending warm vibrations through my body, my eyes closing slightly as I let him take me away to another world. A world with a thousand trees. And nymphs. And gods - which I think from his descriptions, are like humans but then ever older.
Every few minutes or so he would turn a page, a new whiff of smells entering my satisfied nostrils. I was warm, safe and quite content, my muscles vibrating along with the man’s words as he relieved the ache deep in my soul. I had never heard or smelled such words as his, but I liked them very much.
A loud crack burst open the door, that fierce white light burning my eyes as I quickly skedaddled, getting out of the line of sight of whatever horrific beasts were here to break into my sanctuary. Humans, their smells not to my liking. Too much rubber, plastic and other synthetic whiffs.
“Take him.” One spoke, the others following his curt instructions, the Old Man being mercilessly dragged from the corner where he trembled like a child, his large body not small enough to hide behind the books like I could.
It all happened so quickly that I wasn’t sure whether it had happened at all, the small room quiet and the dust settled before I dared to look again. I waited and waited. The night came and went, but the Old Man didn’t return. My hunger did though. The gnawing, aching emptiness made my bones clatter in their furry furbishments and I tried my best to understand the words the Angry Men had spoken.
“Incinerate elsewhere. Risk of attention. Incinerate elsewhere. Risk of attention.” The words had near eaten me alive when the dark door opened finally, the satisfying scent of two tomcats alerting me it was her. She was not happy though, my heart already aching for her before she could switch on the light, her tears muffled behind a pale hand.
“Oh gods.” She squirmed when the light bulb flickered on, her eyes roaming over a new trail that led over the floor, the smell reminding me of food..though I hadn’t found any, anywhere.
“Oh gods..Badger.” Her eyes started to rain, her lip trembling in pain as she cried out.
That is the moment when I crawled out of my hiding, my careful paws walking towards her until she noticed me, her lips curling up in what I learned was that good emotion. A smile. Though on her it looked a little weird - were there more types of smiles? 
“Minnie.” She whispered, picking me up to cuddle until our short interaction was roughly disturbed by a sound outside. “Shit..Fuck..Okay we need to go.”
And, again, I found myself in the insides of a jacket. This time hers.
From the insides of the nice smelling jacket I heard a million voices spinning around us. Some human. Some metallic. Some whispering, some loud. My ears were folded flat against my skull by the time the world quieted again, the two of us landing on a mattress in a mal-furnished room; there were simply too few comfortable places to lay on, the mattress the only surface that was to my liking.
The Young Woman got up, her nose sniffling with the threat of more tears as she conjured up some food and water. Strange food and water. The type that was the standard these days. Tasteless. Shapeless. Soulless food. And disgustingly sterile water. Blergh.
But thankfully this new place brought me something good: the woman was more than eager to hug and cuddle, her body sinking down onto the mattress again so I could crawl up to her, her eye-water sinking into my fur as she held me close.
I wanted to speak to her then, and I did. I talked and talked and talked. But I’m not sure if she understood me. Why was all this water coming from her eyes? Was she the goddess of rain? I leaned in heavier into her warm chest and felt my muscles buzz with eagerness.
And then she found it. My greatest secret. The thing that the new world order was supposed to hate according to the Old Man.
Scratching my chin, I easily surrendered it to her, her fingers removing the small tube from my collar, unscrewing and finding two things: a miniscule piece of paper, reminding me of the smell of home, and some type of metal pill-tube-thing.
Silently she read the words, her lip trembling again with emotion, before they turned into a watery smile - happiness, love, good!
“Oh, I will..I will.” She mumbled.
Curiosity sparked in me and I spoke to her again, begging for her attention: “Please tell me what it reads!” -- And of course she couldn’t understand my words, but the sentiment was clear I think, for she now finally read it aloud:
“Code Minerva. Keeper of Wisdom. 112049 - Erase after uploading. Ps. she loves ear scratches.”
It was the day the new world order fell into true chaos.
I liked it very much.  
General Tagsquad: @harrysthiccthighss @tumblnewby @magdelen69 @thereisa8ella @mary-ann84 @darkbooksarwin @summersong69 @madbaddic7ed @luclittlepond @maroonmolly @just-a-normal-fangirl18 @hell1129-blog @agniavateira @tillthelandslide @elinesama @aletheladyinred​
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thanksjro · 4 years
Dark Cybertron Chapter 3: This One’s All About Skywarp. Honest!
It’s a beautiful day during Cybertron’s apocalypse, and Starscream is talking to a corpse to work through his emotions. He goes through a very brief rundown of what happened last issue, I guess because Swerve’s too busy being in space to do the Story So Far, and caps it off with an apology to Metalhawk over killing him. Rattrap watches this go down in the background, because this is Skywarp’s toy tie-in issue.
After this very incriminating conversation, Starscream goes out to see to the massive crowd standing outside, including Scoops’ little Targetmaster buddies.
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I don’t care for that man’s beard.
Starscream promises to go talk to the Titan, though he really doesn’t want to, and Rattrap catches up to him to touch base. The two of them go to see Megatron, who’s still trapped in the forcefield hamster ball Wheeljack stuffed inside his chest back in RID. Starscream teases Rattrap about trying to be conniving, comparing it to his own endeavors as the Decepticon SIC, and offers a bit of advice.
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Implying that Starscream hasn’t been flying by the seat of his proverbial pants since he became a main character in Phase Two.
Starscream, having met his daily quota of rubbing his success in Megatron’s face, goes off to see what he can do about this Titan situation.
Over at the Titan itself, the Autobots and Decepticons are duking it out, with the man of the hour gracing us with his presence.
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Outstanding, you funky little robot.
Arcee tries a little banter, but it falls flat, and instead she just decides to sword fight a cat. Bumblebee asks Soundwave just what the hell he thinks he’s doing, and Soundwave gives a complete non-answer in the form of Decepticon propaganda, because anything else would make things too easy. This is where Starscream shows up and has his little chat with the Titan.
Back over in prison, Rattrap’s getting the skinny on the dark prophecy Scoop introduced into the narrative last issue. Rattrap wants to know just how this information got passed around so well outside of jail, and Scoop suggests that there are people who perhaps have a vetted interest in what may or may not be happening with Starscream. Then Rattrap makes it weird by A) not being terribly concerned about the potential end of the world and B) being impressed by the idea that Starscream somehow planned said end of the world.
This Skywarp issue is really good.
Over with the Lost Light, Ultra Magnus has taken command, and the lads are about to make the quantum jump to chase after Jhiaxus. But wait! Something’s off! The ship’s moving in a way that it shouldn’t be! Very odd, that. Brainstorm calls with answers, asking Magnus to grab Getaway, for some friggin’ reason, and head down to the shuttle bay.
Getaway asks Magnus how it feels to be big man on campus, and Magnus seems to think it’s a bit overrated.
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Wow, someone needs to go talk to Xaaron about maybe thinking through his debate topics before he posts them, so he doesn’t get pegged as a space racist. The Universal Killswitch happened, like, last week, my dude.
The two of them get to the shuttle bay to discover that Metroplex’s thumb- which they picked up back in Spotlight: Trailcutter- is floating, and more or less pushing the Lost Light off-course. Getaway is pretty jazzed to see this thing on the ship, sort of missing the bigger picture. Brainstorm hypothesizes that Metroplex is using his severed thumb to guide the Lost Light to him.
Not sure why Getaway needed to be here for this.
Back on Cybertron, Everyone watches as Starscream flies up to the Titan. Arcee is ready to blast him out of the sky with a gun as big as she is, but Bumblebee wants to see where this goes. This pisses Prowl the hell off, and he starts yelling, but Bumblebee tells him to shut up. Bumblebee tells a lot of people to shut up in “Dark Cybertron”.
So we’ve got a team-up going on between the Autobots and the Decepticons- Bumblebee says it isn’t, but it pretty much is. Soundwave and Prowl get into a bit of a scuff, as Starscream lands and asks the Titan to chat.
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Yeah, that doesn’t really work out too well.
Starscream manages to escape the Titan death blast in his alt, as the poor bastards on the ground below begin to dissolve into black fizz.
But Skywarp’s okay, so it can’t be all bad!
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Yeeeeah, Skywarp.
Prowl starts yelling at Bumblebee again, as if he can’t see that the friggin’ death wave the Titan shot out of its face is still heading for Iacon, Starscream just barely managing to stay ahead of it. He lands as it hits, screaming about how Cybertron is his and he’s not gonna let some murder energy to steal his thunder, bracing his arms out as if that’ll do anything. Everyone watching him do this has about the expression you’d expect from witnessing such madness.
As the Iaconian populace gets dusted, someone else wakes up from the dead. It’s Metalhawk, and it’s time for him to become a tool of the narrative.
Metalhawk launches into the air and lands on top of Starscream, interrupting his personal diatribe to gripe about how he killed him. Still, there are bigger fish to fry, as he kicks Starscream through a wall and walks into the room where they keep Megatron.
Metalhawk releases Megatron from his hamster ball prison and carries him away, despite Starscream maybe insinuating that Megatron is dead somehow? It’s not super clear. Anyway, Metalhawk must do some pretty intense arm exercises, because he carries Megatron out and shoots into the air, holding him one-handed to his side.
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Eat your veggies, kids, and you too can kidnap an entire warlord.
As the city falls apart, Rattrap and Scoop enter the scene, the prison likely having collapsed in the aftershocks of the death wave. Good thing they’re giant robots who can’t be killed by mere crushing damage. Rattrap tries to connive, but Scoop is more concerned with the fact that many people are dying, because he’s a somewhat decent person. Some of these people have begun to turn on Starscream, who takes it about as well be you’d expect.
Back on the Lost Light, the lads have decided to go find Metroplex, and to hell with bringing Jhiaxus to justice. At least for now. Of course, Ratchet tries to argue that they should do what Orion wanted them to do, but Orion isn’t here right now, is he? And Orion isn’t the space pope at this present time, now is he? So yeah. Metroplex time. They quantum jump, ending up underwater, with said water swarming with robots. That might be an issue, especially since they don’t seem to be terribly friendly.
Back in the Crystal City with Shockwave, Metalhawk’s dropped off the package, and Shockwave reminds us that he installed a space bridge in Megatron’s torso. Scientists sure do like to shove random bullshit into Megatron’s torso.
Let’s talk about the NAILs for a second.
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This is Tappet. I’ve been calling him Hat Guy up until this point, but his name is Tappet.
Everything Tappet done in the last 20+ issues of RID can be explained without him being the subject of the sentence:
The Decepticons kicked Tappet’s ass. Prowl sent Tappet to prison. Metalhawk bailed Tappet out of prison. Metalhawk brought Sky-Byte to the trashcan fire to talk to Tappet and some other neutrals. Starscream takes off his top as Tappet watches.
The point I’m trying to make here is that Tappet doesn’t actually do anything. None of the NAILs actually do anything, other than die and fill out crowd shots. Sometimes they bitch about the current situation, but even then, a lot of the time, those more vocal NAILs were actually involved in the war at some point.
This is an issue, because we’ve been presented with this entirely new group that’s in direct opposition of the war caused by every character we’d met prior to The Death of Optimus Prime.
And they have zero agency within the story. Shit just happens around them and they react. In fact, one of the major point points of RID is whether or not the Autobots should let the NAILs have agency within the very government that rules them, and it is such a point of contention that it takes literal in-story months and several disasters for them to reach a consensus. A decision that barely involves input from Metalhawk, the guy who is a NAIL, and is meant to be their advocate. Metalhawk, who is supposed to be on the same level as Bumblebee in terms of sway in the narrative.
At first, he did- he was the subtly conniving bastard who would trip Bumblebee up in front of others to make him look bad, and then deny anything of the sort happened if questioned. It was an interesting dynamic with a character that was new to the continuity. Metalhawk was interesting.
Then Starscream got involved, and Metalhawk’s role was reduced to yes-man and character motivation to both of them, because conniving is Starscream’s thing, and obviously we can’t have two bastards gang up on poor, sweet lil’ Bumblebee.
Who had a remote control that could blow up people’s heads if they pissed him off.
You remember when Bumblebee was the kid appeal character? Because I do.
The point is, the NAILs exist, but their existence isn’t justified within the story. They’re set-dressing, not characters. And now Metalhawk in particular is a prop for Shockwave, and somehow I doubt the other guys are going to be doing a hell of a lot in this story.
I dunno, it just seems like a bit of a waste.
Anyway, Skywarp sure was present in his toy tie-in issue, huh? Remember when he did that thing? And the stuff? Ah man, that was so cool!
Yeah, someone probably crossed their I’s and dotted their T’s on this one, because I’m pretty friggin’ sure this wasn’t meant to be his, even if the exclusive cover says otherwise.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Signed, Sealed, Delivered, Chapter 1 (Crygi, Jan x Nicky) - Joley
ao3 link
“Mail call!” Crystal called out, even though it was only her and Jan in the apartment. She sorted the pile out between the two of them, ending up with two slightly messy stacks. “Looks like you got an international package!”
That brought Jan barreling out of her room, nearly slipping on the rug on her way in. She grabbed onto the counter to support herself, taking a gasp of air before standing upright. “Oh yay!” She grabbed the package with the enthusiasm of a kid on Christmas morning and took it back to her room along with the rest of her pile, not bothering to close the door behind her.
Crystal chuckled, looking over to see her cat perched on the couch, staring into Jan’s bedroom with something of a perplexed expression. “It’s nothing for you, Tic. But maybe she’ll let you play in the box,” she mused before her gaze drifted back to her pile of mail, sifting through what inevitably turned out to be nothing but junk. With nothing else of her immediate interest, she wandered into her roommate’s room, sitting on the bed while Jan was at her desk. “What’d you get?”
Jan carefully opened the box, gliding the box cutter down the tape seams so she didn’t have to rip and yank and risk tearing anything inside. She took the neatly folded letter out first, holding it to her face and taking a deep inhale. The scent of patchouli and vanilla wafted into her nose and made her smile. It was the smell she most associated with Nicky, every package and letter she sent came laced with the aroma of her perfume.
“Bonjour, mon petite poupée,” she started to read, ignoring the way Crystal started to laugh at her butchering of the French phrases. “I hope spring is as beautiful there as it is here. I have sent you a box of macarons—I enjoy them year-round, but my mother always loved to bake them the most this time of year. I wanted to send you some of hers, but hopefully bakery ones will suffice. I’d love it if you FaceTime or Skype me when you get them, I want to see your live reaction, and I sent you enough to share with Crystal, so be nice. Until then, câlins et bisous, Nicky.”
Jan smiled broadly as she finished reading the letter, noticing the lipstick kiss print that Nicky signed off every letter with, and gently set it aside. “Okay, it’s like nine at night where she is, she’ll still be up,” she said as she took the pastel box tied neatly with a white lace bow out of the package. “Oh look, this is so cute.” She took out another piece of paper where Nicky had hand-drawn each macaron and wrote the flavor next to it, making a color-coded guide. “Isn’t she so sweet and thoughtful?”
“She told you to share, so yes.” Crystal chuckled, running her hand through her hair to look presentable while Jan called Nicky on Skype.
Nicky answered the call right away. “Hi Jan! Hi Crystal!” She greeted them with energy even though she was dressed for bedtime, wearing a black tank top and white cotton shorts (the latter not being visible in the frame). Her hair was damp, air-drying, and draped over her desk chair. “Did you get my mail?”
Jan nodded, holding the box up for her to see. “Just did. Thank you so much, Nicks. That’s so sweet of you.”
“Of course, I’m still making my way through the gift basket you sent for my birthday. I have opinions on all the different Oreo flavors.” Nicky giggled. They had gotten into a discussion about all the different flavors of the cookie, and she had become obsessed with the idea of trying the variety. So, when her birthday rolled around, Jan had painstakingly arranged a cookie bouquet (along with a few other treats) with as many flavors as she could find.
In the year they’d been communicating, Nicky had both come to expect Jan to go the extra mile and would still be surprised every time. The university course that had brought them together through its pen pal program certainly didn’t require an exchange of presents, but it started with Jan not being to help herself and (unbeknownst to Nicky) progressed into an ever-present desire to impress her.
“We can get to that next, I’m really excited to try these. Which one is your favorite?” Jan asked as she took the bow off the box without untying it and opened it up. “Oooh, it still smells fresh-baked.”
Nicky grinned as she watched her, opening up a bottle of rosé and pouring herself a glass. “I am partial to the red velvet and the apricot.”
Jan licked her lips. “You know I love red velvet.” She plucked the deep red cookie from the box before handing it to Crystal, who was making grabby-hands at it. She waited for her friend to choose and set the box down on her desk. “On three.” She counted down, then took a bite. “Holy shit.” She covered her mouth, not wanting to talk with her mouth full. “Nicks, these are delicious. You’re gonna have to send these on the regular.”
Crystal was enjoying herself just as much. “Is there a word for like, food horny? You know, like it tastes so good, I’m kind of turned on?”
Nicky snorted and Jan looked down and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Just say you like it, Crystal.”
“I do,” she confirmed, then looked down at her phone. “Anyway, gotta go. Bye Nicky, thanks for the cookies!” She waved at the screen before darting right out of the room.
Jan chuckled, knowing exactly what propelled Crystal out of the room so quickly and shouted “Tell Gigi I said hi!” after her. Then she faced forward again, her attention effortlessly returned to Nicky. “Anyway, how have you been?” “No complainings,” Nicky hummed, aimlessly strumming her fingers against her glass. “Did you get around to listening to that study playlist I sent you?”
“Oh my god yeah, I forgot to say anything because I kept listening to it after I was done studying and fell asleep,” Jan admitted with a laugh. “You have impeccable taste.”
She twirled her slowly drying hair around her manicured finger. “Tell me something I do not know, darling.” She winked.
Jan’s breath hitched in her throat and she covered it with a cough. Nicky exuded a seductive beauty so effortlessly and it didn’t take much for Jan to get flustered. If their friendship wasn’t exclusively long distance, her crush would have been impossible for Nicky or anyone else to not pick up on. Hell, Crystal only knew because she had been aching for the release of gushing about her feelings and her roommate lent a willing ear. “Last time I did that, we ended up talking about juice boxes for an hour,” she retorted once her body had unclenched.
Nicky chuckled softly at the memory. It was so easy for them to go off on tangents about the smallest things. It was probably her favorite part of her conversations with Jan, everything flowed so easily, awkward silence simply didn’t exist between them. “That is true,” she conceded. “But I’ve got to go eat dinner. We’ll talk tomorrow, yes?”
“Go eat.” She never quite grasped how Nicky always ate dinner so late at night, but she had all but memorized her schedule by now. “Au revoir,” she cooed, just because she knew it would make her laugh, and waved as she ended the call.
When Crystal got the text ‘come hang out, im done with class,’ she was out the door before she even sent ‘ok.’ Gigi was a junior while she and Jan were seniors, but all of them going to the same university had their schedules aligning relatively often. But she and Jan were living off-campus, so she didn’t want to waste any time on getting to her.
“Hey.” Gigi smiled, greeting her best friend with a hug. “Come on, we’re going on a coffee run,” she said, leading the way. Her direct nature was something Crystal had appreciated—she didn’t ask questions, she made statements, and it came off as harsh to some, but Crystal was terrible at making daily decisions, so she was happy to leave it in her hands.
“Sounds good. You should come over soon, Jan got these amazing French cookies from Nicky. I think she’ll let us steal some,” Crystal mused, linking their arms as they walked.
“Cool.” She nodded. “Has Jan told Nicky she’s in love with her yet?” It had come up in conversation in the past, leading to Crystal giving the entire backstory of Jan and Nicky’s relationship. Luckily, Jan hadn’t held it against her and could live with one more person knowing the truth.
Crystal laughed softly and shook her head. “Nope. But, you know, you can’t push someone to admit how they feel if they aren’t ready.” Her tone was a bit strained in the remark, looking straight ahead as she spoke.
But Gigi didn’t notice the shift in her voice anyway. “That’s stupid,” she said flatly. “They’re like, four thousand miles apart, what’s the worst that could happen?”
“Feelings are feelings.” She shrugged as they entered the café. Of course, she could relate to what Jan was going through, but as far as she was concerned, her situation was worse. A pen pal could be out of sight and out of mind, she reasoned. But having a crush on your best friend made day-to-day life excruciating. She was constantly torn between the desire to distance herself so her emotions didn’t overwhelm, and the powerful urge to spend as much time and be as physically close to Gigi as possible. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the latter would always win. “So, how’s your final project going?”
Gigi let out an exasperated groan. “God, I’m killing myself making a dress for the wedding I’ll never have,” she lamented. “I never want to see white lace again once I’m done with it.”
Crystal winced, averting her gaze. “You don’t think you’ll ever get married?”
“Not the takeaway here, Crys,” she rolled her eyes, but there was still fondness in her expression. “Listen, I’ve made it this far in life without a relationship, maybe that’s just my destiny. I’ll just be far too busy taking over the fashion industry to worry about it.”
It wasn’t a personal rejection, but it was painfully difficult for Crystal not to take it as one. Her heart ached and her chest felt heavy with a sudden sadness, coupled with her active efforts not to let it show. “No, yeah, I get it.”
Gigi rubbed her arm gently. “Don’t let my cynicism ruin that hopeless romantic in you. It gives me hope in this cold, dark world.” She looked into her eyes, silently offering the apology she was just a little too proud to verbalize.
Crystal lightened back up, though she was embarrassed that Gigi had such a hold on her emotions without even realizing it. “I’ll do my best.”
Crystal returned to the apartment just as the sun was setting. Coffee had turned to dinner and time had just slipped away from her. But when she got inside, she went right over to knock on Jan’s door, bouncing on the balls of her feet.
“Come in!”
“Jan, I had an idea!” Crystal let herself in and sat at the desk, as Jan was now in bed with her laptop.
Jan closed the laptop and set it aside. “I’m scared already,” she joked.
“No, no, no, I’m totally serious, and it’s a good idea,” Crystal insisted, shifting to sit cross-legged on the chair. “You and Nicky are like, a million miles apart and that really sucks, right?”
“Yes, thank you for reminding me.”
Crystal waved the comment off and continued. “So here’s the plan—you tell her there’s a big event that you’re going to this summer and you want her to come to visit. Dunno what the event would be, but we can worry about it later.”
The brunette tilted her head to the side. “Like graduation?”
“That’s not enough time. It has to be something that’ll happen in like, a month or something,” she explained. “But you guys will just be so excited to be together that you’ll forget about the event entirely, problem solved.”
Jan stared blankly at her friend, wondering if she had become delirious from too many all-nighters. But then she shrugged, what did she have to lose? “I’ll talk to her about it in the morning, then. It couldn’t hurt to bring up…”
“That’s the spirit!” Crystal clapped her hands together. “Let me know how it goes!” And with that, she left the room with a spring in her step.
And Jan did sleep on it, weighing out the pros and cons of creating an elaborate ruse just to get the girl she was pining after to travel overseas. It wasn’t that they hadn’t talked about visiting each other, but they could never ‘justify’ it, there was always something else they needed to focus on, or the finances just wouldn’t allow it (she wasn’t about to ask her parents to send her to France when they were already paying her bills). The more she thought about it, the more it seemed like a decent idea.
After breakfast and a shower, Jan called up Nicky on FaceTime. “Are you busy? I’ve gotta ask you something.”
“You have my undivided attention,” Nicky assured.
Jan smiled, sitting down on the couch. “So, I’ve got this big event coming up next month, and I know we haven’t been able to arrange a visit yet, but I think this would be the perfect opportunity. I really want to see you.”
Nicky tilted her head in curiosity. “I want to see you too. What is the event?”
“A wedding,” Jan answered confidently. She had decided that it would make perfect sense for the time of year.
“I love weddings.” Nicky’s face lit up. “Whose is it?”
Fuck. Why hadn’t she planned one step further? “It’s…” At that moment, she somehow forgot the name of everyone she had ever known for a brief moment, and she wanted to yell at Crystal for giving her this stupid idea in the first place and—
“Crystal and Gigi’s,” she blurted out.
Nicky knew Crystal had a romantic interest in Gigi just from passing conversations, but she had never quite pieced together the nature of their relationship. She was a little surprised at how serious it apparently was, but decided there was no need to question it. “Oh, good for them. I’ll have to double-check, but I think I will be able to be your plus one.”
Jan didn’t realize she had been holding her breath until she exhaled in relief. “Great! I’m so excited, I’m sure Crystal will be thrilled to hear it.”
“Send her my good wishes, I have to get to class, though,” Nicky replied, exchanging goodbyes before the call ended.
“What am I gonna be thrilled to hear?” Crystal asked as she tossed her bag into her bedroom. The door was always left open so TicTac could go in and out as he pleased. She had just returned from class, dried paint splotches still staining her fingers and palms.
Jan’s face froze. Yet another issue she had not accounted for. “Nicky is going to come visit.”
Crystal beamed triumphantly, getting ready to rub her brilliance in the other girl’s face. “See? I told you it—”
“She’s visiting for your and Gigi’s wedding.”
She blinked, looking at her incredulously. “Mine and Gigi’s what now?”
“Look, I panicked, it was the only thing I could think of. And this was your idea anyway, so if I’m going down, you’re coming to hell with me,” Jan got up as she spoke, pacing around the room as she desperately tried to figure out what to do next. “Just go with it, please.”
It had taken another moment for Crystal to fully process the information. How was she supposed to tell Gigi? What was she going to do if she couldn’t get her on board? But she didn’t want to compound Jan’s panic and make everything worse. “Well, Gigi does have a wedding dress in the works…” She looked over at her friend who was still on the verge of an anxiety attack and rushed to her side, wrapping her arms around her. “Listen, we’ll make this work. I don’t know how, but we will, I promise.”
Jan took a few deep breaths, allowing herself to be calmed down. She hugged Crystal tightly, hiding her face against her shoulder. “Where do we go from here?” Her voice couldn’t reach above a whisper.
Crystal chewed her lip as she rubbed Jan’s back. “I guess first thing’s first—I have to tell Gigi we’re getting married.”
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scribblesofanaricat · 4 years
Crossed Out
(an older version has been posted here before, but I’ve finally gotten round to making a fully edited version with an altered ending (and hopefully a bit more of an explanation), so I hope you guys like)
It’s not a crime to be curious.
That simple fact is what’s led him to end up stuffing his knapsack with an assortment of things that normally have no business being in there. Normally. A scarf that just so happens to be ideal for somebody who’d rather their face went unseen. A chunk of nut and raisin-infused bread snuck- borrowed from the loaf his mam keeps wrapped up in the kitchen (which he can never resist sampling at the best of times). And the battered old woodcutter’s axe he can barely raise any higher than his shoulder - just in case.
That bag’s been packed for days now, wedged out of sight in a corner of his clothes chest. He hasn’t been able to bring himself to do anything more than that. Until now, that is.
His teeth clench at every telltale creak of the floorboards under his bare feet, even though he isn’t really doing anything wrong…yet. He gives them a hard prod with his toes all the same. Traitors.
As he fervently hoped, the front room is clear of any mother-shaped obstacles when he slinks his way downstairs. Just the rough-hewn table and chairs sitting in their usual corner and the mismatched sideboards pushed up against their usual walls, although one of them now has what looks like fresh creamy milk waiting patiently atop it.
Right on cue, a distinctive voice swells from beneath the threadbare carpet.
“Arlo, that milk was just delivered this morning! Don’t you go drinking it straight from the bottle!”
“No, Mam,” he half-mutters, setting down the glass bottle he definitely hasn’t just been raising to his lips.
This is okay. Perfect, really. If she’s down in the cellar, that means she’s probably busy making preserves to sell at the market or something again. By the time she notices he’s neither in the house nor working in the garden, he’ll be well away. And then…then he’ll have some answers, whether she likes it or not. Satisfaction curls in his chest like a languid cat.
Arlo inches out of the door shoulder-first, lifting and lowering the latch as noiselessly as his fingers can manage - the same fingers that nearly drop the scarf twice when he knots the stained grey fabric over the lower half of his face, cursing the pit of his stomach for the uncomfy feeling spreading through it like so much spilled mead. What does he even have to feel guilty about? It’s not a crime.
Enough of that. Enough of it all.
He darts one glance over his shoulder, back at the rusty rooftop and their patch of garden, a weather-beaten face spotted with a mishmash of flowery freckles (except for the bit with his mother’s favourite lilies arranged on it, obviously. Those, she keeps spick and span and never lets him go anywhere near, though he has no idea what she thinks he’ll do to them). Then he starts to run. His legs set about their task in earnest, without taking directions from his mind. He already knows the kinds of places where he can find them…not that it’s any huge secret anyway. Or rather, it’s a secret to everybody; the type little kids hear all about as soon as they can toddle a few steps. Then they get their ears bruised with dire warnings to stay well away from it. Stupid. As if that won’t just put ideas into their tiny heads.
He’s not a kid anyway, Arlo reminds himself, puffing his chest out a little despite how short his bursts of breath are growing. This is no daft childish game. It’s something important. Something that goes hand in hand with the way he’s been jolting awake lately. Gagging around a yell jammed in his throat; a weird sort of dread tying his insides into hard knots. Or opening his eyes to find a stupid wetness spilling down his cheeks…or (he stifles a groan at the memory, heat rushing to his face) soaking his bedsheets.
He doesn’t know if he’s having nightmares...hallucinations, terrors, whatever. How can he? They float away like soap bubbles on washing day every time he tries to latch onto them. But it feels familiar to him, in all the places where it shouldn’t. One morning, he even woke up with the ghost of a name on his tongue and of blood suffocating him with its metallic tang. That’s all they were, though. Ghosts. And they vanished just like that, leaving nothing behind but a dragging weight in his chest.
Arlo just doesn’t know. Yet he’s sure- he’s sure he remembers, no matter how dimly.
To make matters weirder, talking to his mam hasn’t been any use whatsoever. No sooner do the words leave his lips than she butts in to set him some chore or another, or else shifts the topic in a way that curls his hands into fists. The last time Arlo tried to ask her about it, she had her own grilling ready for him – “Who have you been talking to? Who’s put all of this in your head?” – and something in her tone, something strange and strained, made him drop the subject like a hot coal.
He supposes some part of him wanted her to laugh at these dreams that he can’t even remember and at him for ever confusing them with real memories. That’d be better than having this brush-off tossed his way instead. Anything’s better than that.
So this is all her fault, if anything. All she has to do is be straight with him, just like she is with everything else…but no. Instead, he’s been left to flail in the dark. And driven to a straggle of shacks, several miles apart from any other dwelling.
At least, any human dwellings.
Arlo’s foot chooses just the wrong moment to catch on a particularly mean-spirited tussock. He stumbles as gracefully as a sledgehammer in a knife fight, the scrubland sailing up to greet his face. It’s not until after he clambers back up (along with a muttered spate of the words his mam indulges in when she thinks he’s out of earshot) that he gets back to reflecting on the rumours that’ve flown thick for as long as he can remember.
The Hexes. The…things that hushed voices regularly call witches, demigods, monsters, spirits, fae, devils and everything in between. And the only ones in this world who can shed any light on what’s happening to him.
As far as Arlo’s concerned, Hexes are the sort of stuff that everyone acts so certain about, like they know everything that is to know. Yet when they’re asked if they’ve ever even seen one for themselves, their faces flap like fish caught up in a net. And that’s the thing with all these rumours. His mam’s market customers insist they’ve spoken to others who’ve seen Hexes melding with slivers of moonlight and devouring the stars. Somebody has a relative whose neighbour knows someone who swears blind that the lot of them are descended from the legendary Ironflayer clan – that kind of thing.
None of them really know anything.
Before long, Arlo will.
Their shadow’s just slightly out of sync. Maybe it’s the gloom playing tricks, or maybe all those tales have made Arlo ridiculously paranoid. But he could swear that the very silhouette of the Hex is something a little too slow, a little too disjointed. Something that breathes.
Arlo tries to keep his head fearlessly raised, his eyes darting from corner to corner as the Hex breathes life into a candle wick, birthing yet more shadows, and shadows of shadows, from everything it casts its azure-tinged flame upon. The grip on his bag tightens all the same, clenching around the long bump of the axe’s handle.
He can’t make out their face. Not really. Every time he attempts to get a glimpse, it melts away somehow. In the end, he resigns himself to running his fingers in a weird erratic rhythm along the splintery surface of the table, not unlike his mam’s at home. He has to wrench his mind away from the thought of what her face would look like if she knew where he is right now.
Arlo doesn’t see the Hex placing the mixture down in front of him. One moment there’s nothing there but the elaborate symbols (probably occult-y hieroglyphs or something) carved into the tabletop; the next, kaleidoscopic light spills out over its surface from inside a vial. Specks of gold dance in its contents, rising and falling, swallowing the colours and spitting them back out.
His brow furrows, one hand coming up to rake through damp hair.
“You want…me to drink that?” The question rasps in his throat.
The shadow opens its eyes, two acid-green spots burning into Arlo’s face. But the Hex doesn’t so much as turn their head, let alone halt. ‘Not a crime, neophyte, I’m sure?’ they ask at length, words emerging as though they’ve drawn them out from some deep well. They echo off cold damp stone that isn’t there; they drip down his neck like icy, brackish water. ‘And neither are such answers as you seek. Drink.’
Arlo stares at the unknown mixture. Just like the Hex’s shadow, it stares back, pressing spectral hands against its crystal prison. Drink.
He shouldn’t.
He has to. Doesn’t he have every right?
His fingers obviously agree. Despite the stupid tremor running through them, they greedily close around the vial and prise out the cork, letting loose vapours that ghost over his skin.
The brew blazes its way down his throat and sets his stomach alight. Cough after cough rattles deep in his chest. He isn’t sure whether he’s been forced to his knees or not. Those gold spots have returned to swarm his vision, scratching out everything before him.
Arlo’s head rolls from side to side, trying to find where the Hex has disappeared to, trying to get some sign that this is what’s meant to happen. All that comes out is a mangled noise (has his tongue always been this heavy?) before it snakes into his head and swallows him whole. And the floor beneath his feet - or is it the entire world? - caves like a house of cards…
and tips him down, down, down into a slough of phantoms lurking,
waiting to snare him in its murky waters. A quicksilver voice sings him to his fall.
‘Memories don’t sleep, neophyte. They only like to pretend that they do.’
Cold. Cold biting at his skin like a million tiny pinpricks. Cold tendrils creeping around his heart, around the very flow of blood through his veins. And the kind of silence that comes when time itself is suspended.
Even so, the masses of limbs and soulless white eyes watch him.
He watches them right back, as empty of fear as they are of flesh and blood. How can they live here? What do they feed on?
Whatever your head offers us, is their answer, as they bare bloodied teeth in a gory grin.
As if in explanation, the golden scratches swimming at the edges of his vision fall away, only to be replaced with a face he feels like he knows. A face that cradles him in its familiarity yet crushes him beneath the expression etched deep in every line of it. He can’t place that expression. But the voice belonging to that face (didn’t that voice once call something to him about a milk bottle, a million years ago?) drips with it.
“What’s going to happen to him?”
Him. Him, him, him.
He stares at the place where that disembodied face hangs long after it’s flaked away like a butterfly drawn on a wall. Is he the reason for that shattered look in her eyes?
That’s when a twisted symphony – blurry and broken but somehow sharp enough to pierce him over and over again – awakens from the depths of some excruciating black hole spreading through his head.
Screams of a name. That name isn’t his own. It’s a name that once slept in a little bed next to his and proudly showed him the worms it had dug up with a stick behind the house. Once. It’s gone now. But also not gone at all.
It’s still there, out in the garden - only this time, it’s below the earth. He never saw that happen. A whisper in his heart knows it did, all the same, and knows exactly where (don’t ever touch the lily patch).
A wasted limb ending in long yellow claws stretching out from underneath his mattress…its grey splinter teeth, the smaller body leaping in front of him and trying to wrestle its grip from his ankle…the blood. So much blood, splattered so far. He remembers wondering how such a small person could hold that much.
He remembers.
And everyone kept it hidden from him, she kept it hidden from him, his mother- no, their mother, theirs-
That clawed arm, those teeth-
It’s coming back.
It’s coming to finish what it couldn’t before.
His cry seems to come from across an ocean. The pain explodes, taking every spectre with it, as his fingernails dig into his scalp like they can tear it away.
Gone is any idea of who he is, where he came from, what he was searching for in the first place. All of it is crossed out, scrubbed from existence, until only a blank wall remains. With one thing painted on it in burning black letters.
It’s coming.
It’s not a crime either, to want to be sure. To have to be sure, to know. The second the rough wooden lid is prised open with numb fingers, something cold and black grips his heart anyway - and he wouldn’t care if it struck him down where he stands.
The lid slips, joining the shovel on the lilies beneath his feet. Its fall could almost be called soft, if that wasn’t so wrong. But how could anything be more wrong than- than this?
He isn’t sure how long his gut chokes him, burning his throat, nostrils, eyes. When they finally give up, he drags a sleeve across his mouth. Huddles in the hole that seems to be opening into a bottomless chasm even as he clenches himself against its side, blurrily aware of the damp earth pressing into his forehead. Just like the nothingness seeping through his soul.
Little by little, one arm raises until barely two inches separates it from the arm in the box. One so alive. The other so grey, like the shadow they’ve become to him. And small. And folded with withered flowers over a sunken chest.
The gashes. So many. He wonders if it’ll do the same to him.
(It’s coming.)
Those phantoms laugh. Play in his head.
(It’s coming.)
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missjanjie · 4 years
Signed, Sealed, Delivered | (1/?)
Title: Signed, Sealed, Delivered Summary:   Jan is in love with her French pen pal, Nicky. Her roommate, Crystal, is in love with her best friend, Gigi. A (perhaps ill-thought out) plan emerges: give Nicky a reason to visit by inviting her to Crystal and Gigi's wedding. With a month to pull the scheme together, no one knows how this will end up. Word Count: 2.8k (this chapter) Relationship(s): Sportsdoll (Jan Sport/Nicky Doll), Crygi (Crystal Methyd/Gigi Goode Rating: T (so far)
Read on AO3
also, thanks to @janssports and @imalwaysaslutfordrag for beta-ing xo
“Mail call!” Crystal called out, even though it was only her and Jan in the apartment. She sorted the pile out between the two of them, ending up with two slightly messy stacks. “Looks like you got an international package!”
That brought Jan barreling out of her room, nearly slipping on the rug on her way in. She grabbed onto the counter to support herself, taking a gasp of air before standing upright. “Oh yay!” She grabbed the package with the enthusiasm of a kid on Christmas morning and took it back to her room along with the rest of her pile, not bothering to close the door behind her.
Crystal chuckled, looking over to see her cat perched on the couch, staring into Jan’s bedroom with something of a perplexed expression. “It’s nothing for you, Tic. But maybe she’ll let you play in the box,” she mused before her gaze drifted back to her pile of mail, sifting through what inevitably turned out to be nothing but junk. With nothing else of her immediate interest, she wandered into her roommate’s room, sitting on the bed while Jan was at her desk. “What’d you get?”
Jan carefully opened the box, gliding the box cutter down the tape seams so she didn’t have to rip and yank and risk tearing anything inside. She took the neatly folded letter out first, holding it to her face and taking a deep inhale. The scent of patchouli and vanilla wafted into her nose and made her smile. It was the smell she most associated with Nicky, every package and letter she sent came laced with the aroma of her perfume.
“Bonjour, mon petite poupée,” she started to read, ignoring the way Crystal started to laugh at her butchering of the French phrases. “I hope spring is as beautiful there as it is here. I have sent you a box of macarons—I enjoy them year-round, but my mother always loved to bake them the most this time of year. I wanted to send you some of hers, but hopefully bakery ones will suffice. I’d love it if you FaceTime or Skype me when you get them, I want to see your live reaction, and I sent you enough to share with Crystal, so be nice. Until then, câlins et bisous, Nicky.”
Jan smiled broadly as she finished reading the letter, noticing the lipstick kiss print that Nicky signed off every letter with, and gently set it aside. “Okay, it’s like nine at night where she is, she’ll still be up,” she said as she took the pastel box tied neatly with a white lace bow out of the package. “Oh look, this is so cute.” She took out another piece of paper where Nicky had hand-drawn each macaron and wrote the flavor next to it, making a color-coded guide. “Isn’t she so sweet and thoughtful?”
“She told you to share, so yes.” Crystal chuckled, running her hand through her hair to look presentable while Jan called Nicky on Skype.
Nicky answered the call right away. “Hi Jan! Hi Crystal!” She greeted them with energy even though she was dressed for bedtime, wearing a black tank top and white cotton shorts (the latter not being visible in the frame). Her hair was damp, air-drying, and draped over her desk chair. “Did you get my mail?”
Jan nodded, holding the box up for her to see. “Just did. Thank you so much, Nicks. That’s so sweet of you.”
“Of course, I’m still making my way through the gift basket you sent for my birthday. I have opinions on all the different Oreo flavors.” Nicky giggled. They had gotten into a discussion about all the different flavors of the cookie, and she had become obsessed with the idea of trying the variety. So, when her birthday rolled around, Jan had painstakingly arranged a cookie bouquet (along with a few other treats) with as many flavors as she could find.
In the year they’d been communicating, Nicky had both come to expect Jan to go the extra mile and would still be surprised every time. The university course that had brought them together through its pen pal program certainly didn’t require an exchange of presents, but it started with Jan not being to help herself and (unbeknownst to Nicky) progressed into an ever-present desire to impress her.
“We can get to that next, I’m really excited to try these. Which one is your favorite?” Jan asked as she took the bow off the box without untying it and opened it up. “Oooh, it still smells fresh-baked.”
Nicky grinned as she watched her, opening up a bottle of rosé and pouring herself a glass. “I am partial to the red velvet and the apricot.”
Jan licked her lips. “You know I love red velvet.” She plucked the deep red cookie from the box before handing it to Crystal, who was making grabby-hands at it. She waited for her friend to choose and set the box down on her desk. “On three.” She counted down, then took a bite. “Holy shit.” She covered her mouth, not wanting to talk with her mouth full. “Nicks, these are delicious. You’re gonna have to send these on the regular.”
Crystal was enjoying herself just as much. “Is there a word for like, food horny? You know, like it tastes so good, I’m kind of turned on?”
Nicky snorted and Jan looked down and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Just say you like it, Crystal.”
“I do,” she confirmed, then looked down at her phone. “Anyway, gotta go. Bye Nicky, thanks for the cookies!” She waved at the screen before darting right out of the room.
Jan chuckled, knowing exactly what propelled Crystal out of the room so quickly and shouted “Tell Gigi I said hi!” after her. Then she faced forward again, her attention effortlessly returned to Nicky. “Anyway, how have you been?” “No complainings,” Nicky hummed, aimlessly strumming her fingers against her glass. “Did you get around to listening to that study playlist I sent you?”
“Oh my god yeah, I forgot to say anything because I kept listening to it after I was done studying and fell asleep,” Jan admitted with a laugh. “You have impeccable taste.”
She twirled her slowly drying hair around her manicured finger. “Tell me something I do not know, darling.” She winked.
Jan’s breath hitched in her throat and she covered it with a cough. Nicky exuded a seductive beauty so effortlessly and it didn’t take much for Jan to get flustered. If their friendship wasn’t exclusively long distance, her crush would have been impossible for Nicky or anyone else to not pick up on. Hell, Crystal only knew because she had been aching for the release of gushing about her feelings and her roommate lent a willing ear. “Last time I did that, we ended up talking about juice boxes for an hour,” she retorted once her body had unclenched.
Nicky chuckled softly at the memory. It was so easy for them to go off on tangents about the smallest things. It was probably her favorite part of her conversations with Jan, everything flowed so easily, awkward silence simply didn’t exist between them. “That is true,” she conceded. “But I’ve got to go eat dinner. We’ll talk tomorrow, yes?”
“Go eat.” She never quite grasped how Nicky always ate dinner so late at night, but she had all but memorized her schedule by now. “Au revoir,” she cooed, just because she knew it would make her laugh, and waved as she ended the call.
When Crystal got the text ‘come hang out, im done with class,’ she was out the door before she even sent ‘ok.’ Gigi was a junior while she and Jan were seniors, but all of them going to the same university had their schedules aligning relatively often. But she and Jan were living off-campus, so she didn’t want to waste any time on getting to her.
“Hey.” Gigi smiled, greeting her best friend with a hug. “Come on, we’re going on a coffee run,” she said, leading the way. Her direct nature was something Crystal had appreciated—she didn’t ask questions, she made statements, and it came off as harsh to some, but Crystal was terrible at making daily decisions, so she was happy to leave it in her hands.
“Sounds good. You should come over soon, Jan got these amazing French cookies from Nicky. I think she’ll let us steal some,” Crystal mused, linking their arms as they walked.
“Cool.” She nodded. “Has Jan told Nicky she’s in love with her yet?” It had come up in conversation in the past, leading to Crystal giving the entire backstory of Jan and Nicky’s relationship. Luckily, Jan hadn’t held it against her and could live with one more person knowing the truth.
Crystal laughed softly and shook her head. “Nope. But, you know, you can’t push someone to admit how they feel if they aren’t ready.” Her tone was a bit strained in the remark, looking straight ahead as she spoke.
But Gigi didn’t notice the shift in her voice anyway. “That’s stupid,” she said flatly. “They’re like, four thousand miles apart, what’s the worst that could happen?”
“Feelings are feelings.” She shrugged as they entered the café. Of course, she could relate to what Jan was going through, but as far as she was concerned, her situation was worse. A pen pal could be out of sight and out of mind, she reasoned. But having a crush on your best friend made day-to-day life excruciating. She was constantly torn between the desire to distance herself so her emotions didn’t overwhelm, and the powerful urge to spend as much time and be as physically close to Gigi as possible. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the latter would always win. “So, how’s your final project going?”
Gigi let out an exasperated groan. “God, I’m killing myself making a dress for the wedding I’ll never have,” she lamented. “I never want to see white lace again once I’m done with it.”
Crystal winced, averting her gaze. “You don’t think you’ll ever get married?”
“Not the takeaway here, Crys,” she rolled her eyes, but there was still fondness in her expression. “Listen, I’ve made it this far in life without a relationship, maybe that’s just my destiny. I’ll just be far too busy taking over the fashion industry to worry about it.”
It wasn’t a personal rejection, but it was painfully difficult for Crystal not to take it as one. Her heart ached and her chest felt heavy with a sudden sadness, coupled with her active efforts not to let it show. “No, yeah, I get it.”
Gigi rubbed her arm gently. “Don’t let my cynicism ruin that hopeless romantic in you. It gives me hope in this cold, dark world.” She looked into her eyes, silently offering the apology she was just a little too proud to verbalize.
Crystal lightened back up, though she was embarrassed that Gigi had such a hold on her emotions without even realizing it. “I’ll do my best.”
Crystal returned to the apartment just as the sun was setting. Coffee had turned to dinner and time had just slipped away from her. But when she got inside, she went right over to knock on Jan’s door, bouncing on the balls of her feet.
“Come in!”
“Jan, I had an idea!” Crystal let herself in and sat at the desk, as Jan was now in bed with her laptop.
Jan closed the laptop and set it aside. “I’m scared already,” she joked.
“No, no, no, I’m totally serious, and it’s a good idea,” Crystal insisted, shifting to sit cross-legged on the chair. “You and Nicky are like, a million miles apart and that really sucks, right?”
“Yes, thank you for reminding me.”
Crystal waved the comment off and continued. “So here’s the plan—you tell her there’s a big event that you’re going to this summer and you want her to come to visit. Dunno what the event would be, but we can worry about it later.”
The brunette tilted her head to the side. “Like graduation?”
“That’s not enough time. It has to be something that’ll happen in like, a month or something,” she explained. “But you guys will just be so excited to be together that you’ll forget about the event entirely, problem solved.”
Jan stared blankly at her friend, wondering if she had become delirious from too many all-nighters. But then she shrugged, what did she have to lose? “I’ll talk to her about it in the morning, then. It couldn’t hurt to bring up…”
“That’s the spirit!” Crystal clapped her hands together. “Let me know how it goes!” And with that, she left the room with a spring in her step.
And Jan did sleep on it, weighing out the pros and cons of creating an elaborate ruse just to get the girl she was pining after to travel overseas. It wasn’t that they hadn’t talked about visiting each other, but they could never ‘justify’ it, there was always something else they needed to focus on, or the finances just wouldn’t allow it (she wasn’t about to ask her parents to send her to France when they were already paying her bills). The more she thought about it, the more it seemed like a decent idea.
After breakfast and a shower, Jan called up Nicky on FaceTime. “Are you busy? I’ve gotta ask you something.”
“You have my undivided attention,” Nicky assured.
Jan smiled, sitting down on the couch. “So, I’ve got this big event coming up next month, and I know we haven’t been able to arrange a visit yet, but I think this would be the perfect opportunity. I really want to see you.”
Nicky tilted her head in curiosity. “I want to see you too. What is the event?”
“A wedding,” Jan answered confidently. She had decided that it would make perfect sense for the time of year.
“I love weddings.” Nicky’s face lit up. “Whose is it?”
Fuck. Why hadn’t she planned one step further? “It’s…” At that moment, she somehow forgot the name of everyone she had ever known for a brief moment, and she wanted to yell at Crystal for giving her this stupid idea in the first place and—
“Crystal and Gigi’s,” she blurted out.
Nicky knew Crystal had a romantic interest in Gigi just from passing conversations, but she had never quite pieced together the nature of their relationship. She was a little surprised at how serious it apparently was, but decided there was no need to question it. “Oh, good for them. I’ll have to double-check, but I think I will be able to be your plus one.”
Jan didn’t realize she had been holding her breath until she exhaled in relief. “Great! I’m so excited, I’m sure Crystal will be thrilled to hear it.”
“Send her my good wishes, I have to get to class, though,” Nicky replied, exchanging goodbyes before the call ended.
“What am I gonna be thrilled to hear?” Crystal asked as she tossed her bag into her bedroom. The door was always left open so TicTac could go in and out as he pleased. She had just returned from class, dried paint splotches still staining her fingers and palms.
Jan’s face froze. Yet another issue she had not accounted for. “Nicky is going to come visit.”
Crystal beamed triumphantly, getting ready to rub her brilliance in the other girl’s face. “See? I told you it—”
“She’s visiting for your and Gigi’s wedding.”
She blinked, looking at her incredulously. “Mine and Gigi’s what now?”
“Look, I panicked, it was the only thing I could think of. And this was your idea anyway, so if I’m going down, you’re coming to hell with me,” Jan got up as she spoke, pacing around the room as she desperately tried to figure out what to do next. “Just go with it, please.”
It had taken another moment for Crystal to fully process the information. How was she supposed to tell Gigi? What was she going to do if she couldn’t get her on board? But she didn’t want to compound Jan’s panic and make everything worse. “Well, Gigi does have a wedding dress in the works…” She looked over at her friend who was still on the verge of an anxiety attack and rushed to her side, wrapping her arms around her. “Listen, we’ll make this work. I don’t know how, but we will, I promise.”
Jan took a few deep breaths, allowing herself to be calmed down. She hugged Crystal tightly, hiding her face against her shoulder. “Where do we go from here?” Her voice couldn’t reach above a whisper.
Crystal chewed her lip as she rubbed Jan’s back. “I guess first thing's first—I have to tell Gigi we’re getting married.”
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atinytokki · 4 years
𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐀𝐥𝐥
Chapter 10: Crossroads Pt. 1 
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(Warnings: Violence and blood)
The morning sunshine that filtered through the trees was much softer than the light that blazed through the porthole of Yunho’s room back on the ATEEZ.
Still, he found himself wishing he was waking up in his own comfortable hammock instead of this massive net that dug into his sides and made his neck prick with aches and pains.
As Yunho carefully shifted to stretch his leg, a soft groan from next to him reminded him to check Eden’s wound.
“Is he awake?” Jongho’s whisper from across the net startled him but he shook his head in response.
“I don’t think so. His pulse is so weak.”
It made Yunho bite his lip with worry. Blood had soaked the netting underneath Eden and dripped onto the ground far below. He wondered if it would attract more predators.
“There’s... nothing we can do...” Jongho hiccuped, tears freely rolling down his cheeks.
His gaze was locked on Eden’s face, pale as a sheet with a layer of sweat covering it. The older pirate was unmoving and barely breathed.
So much blood had been lost, it was a fool’s hope to think that he might survive, even if help arrived this instant.
“Eden? Eden, please, just stay with us a little longer,” Yunho shook him gently, paling at how lifeless he was. The bandages had soaked through with blood, even as he rushed to clamp his hand down on the wound.
There was no telling how long he had left.
“I’m sorry, so sorry...” 
Eden’s tired mumbles went on until his eyes twitched open, a faraway look deep within them. “I’m sorry for hiding the truth...”
“What’s he talking about?” Jongho wondered aloud, freeing his limbs from their positions and trying to move closer.
Yunho could only shake his head helplessly. “No idea.”
“It’s alright, Eden,” he directed his words at the fading pirate. “W-We forgive you.”
Jongho was shaking Mingi awake and scrubbing at his face. He wasn’t sure why exactly he was crying so hard. He barely knew Eden, it wasn’t as if he was a particularly sentimental type. 
Mingi stirred from his sleep and quickly pieced together what was happening.
“How do we explain this to Hongjoong?” He said quietly after a few moments had gone by and Eden had fallen unconscious again.
Yunho swallowed his fear and met his gaze, eyes shining with worry nonetheless. 
“Oh, not you lot again.”
An annoyed voice from far below broke their melancholy spell. It was the woman they had come here in search of, crossing her arms and glowering up at them. She looked exactly the same as she always did, beautiful and ageless, with a glint of amusement in her eyes. “What are you doing up there?”
Jongho spluttered and craned his neck to catch a glimpse of the witch. “Well, excuse me, but—”
“Thank the heavens,” Yunho cut him off, gripping the net with one hand and clutching Eden with his other. “We really need your help.”
Wooyoung bit back the instinct to complain as he hoisted San’s unconscious form onto his back for the trek to the old seaside carpentry shop.
He and Yeosang had confirmed that the old couple’s house was above it, just as San said it would be, and the least dangerous way to get San there was to knock him out and carry him with them.
So Wooyoung kept his grunts to a minimum and led the way up the dirt path.
He and Yeosang were again elected to be the spokesmen for the little group, and with a deep breath, Yeosang drew up to his full height and knocked to the door.
Whatever this was, it had better work.
“Just a moment! I’ll be right there.”
The voice of a young woman floated down from the second story and Wooyoung’s shoulders relaxed. This must be his sister.
The door squeaked open to reveal a bright-eyed lady probably around their age, who immediately took on an expression of horror at the sight of a sleeping San draped across Wooyoung’s back.
“Oh my, is he alright? Can I help at all? Would you like to bring him inside?”
Her rush of concern had Wooyoung wishing he had a quicker tongue or at least a backup plan and then throwing a questioning glance back at Hongjoong.
Hongjoong tilted his head.
It was almost imperceptible, but to Wooyoung, it was a clear order.
Don’t bring him inside. There’s too much at risk.
Wooyoung cleared his throat and smiled at her before taking a slight step back.
“Actually, I’ll stay out here with him. The, uh, the sea air will... benefit his health.”
It was a poor excuse and Wooyoung had to strain to keep the cringe off his face but the woman nodded seriously and opened the door wider for the others.
Yeosang smoothly took over the talking. “You must be surprised to have a group of strangers turn up like this on your doorstep! We don’t mean to intrude, but San has always talked about going back to see his sister and—“
Yeosang faltered at the pure cluelessness in her voice. Had they come to the wrong house?
“You’re San’s sister, aren’t you?” Seonghwa asked quietly.
For a moment, recognition washed over her face and then she smiled, leading them upstairs to a living room area and motioning for them to sit while she explained.
“Oh! No, no I’m not. I’m the new owner of this shop, I’ve been planning to turn it into a bookstore actually. But I was warned by the old couple who lived here prior that a certain Choi San might drop by one day. None of you would happen to be him, would you?”
Yeosang’s mouth opened and closed until Seonghwa swooped in again to save him. “Pardon me, but, was there a young woman with this old couple? Did she move off the island too?”
The lady took a seat and a thoughtful frown formed on her face, brows pinched together as she tried to remember.
“No, actually... there was a young lady but...” Here she looked up at them and shook her head. “That lady died. Her death was the reason they sold this place.”
Yeosang felt a chill wash over him.
San’s sister was dead then.
He exchanged a warning glance with Seonghwa and Hongjoong both before politely smiling and getting to his feet.
The young woman started after them, stuttering something about offering them tea, but Yeosang gracefully cut her off.
“My apologies, we really don’t want to bother you,” he turned on his most charming smile and bowed as the others exited behind him. “The person we were looking for seems to be gone.”
“I’m sorry,” the woman said, sincerity shining in her eyes as she bowed back and showed them to the door. “Feel free to come back if you need anything at all.”
The moment the door was shut, Yeosang couldn’t hold back his sigh.
Wooyoung had been waiting, and quickly stood, pulling up a semi-conscious San who had been laying on the grass next to him. “Finished already?” 
Seonghwa cleared his throat and answered him even as his eyes lingered on San.
“We have some bad news.”
The temple looked exactly as Mingi remembered it.
Reddish-orange wood beams masterfully assembled into a high pagoda, a bright beacon that stood out in contrast to the surrounding foliage, and the majestic waterfall that stole their glances to the cliffside. It was as breathtaking as it was when they had been there last, a group of six.
Nothing about this place had changed, but Mingi felt as if he were different.
“How have you been?” He asked awkwardly, clearing his throat when the woman didn’t seem to hear him.
“Well, as good as can be expected. One of my cats was killed last night.”
Jongho blinked as he realised what the mystic was hinting at.
“So the jaguars are yours?”
She turned around and smiled at him. “They protect the island, yes.”
“You have magical powers,” Mingi scoffed, mostly to himself. “What do you need guardian beasts for?”
The woman’s smile fell and she ascended the steps gracefully, ushering them in. “My eyes are often elsewhere,” she said simply.
She gestured to a sofa in the main room and went about gathering things from the adjacent pantries while Yunho laid Eden down as gently as he could, trying not to jostle his leg. He listened for the shallow breaths he had come to recognise and exhaled with relief when they came on schedule.
“I’ve been following the proceedings of the royal family from my watchtower,” the woman mentioned. “I didn’t know of your arrival here, so I apologise for the hasty actions of my cats. Although, to be fair, it’s been a long time since anyone has taken the eastern path.” Here, she stuck her head back out to smirk at Mingi.
“Why are you here, boys?” She finally asked, returning to them with all her medical herbs and supplies.
Mingi and Yunho glanced at each other, thinking the same thing. Where do we even start?
“You remember San?”
The mystic hummed in agreement, even as she whispered some chant and rubbed an unfamiliar substance into Eden’s wound. He didn’t stir from his slumber.
“Well,” Jongho took over the explaining. “He’s possessed and we need your help banishing the demon.” He went to hand her his little book of incantations but it was waved away while she continued to sprinkle a mysterious powder over the wound.
“He showed no interest in dark magic when I saw him last, as a new officer on your ship,” she responded, still somewhat distracted with Eden. “What happened?”
Jongho sighed and turned the small book over in his hands. “He got mixed up with Babylon’s spellbook and summoned the demon accidentally.”
“I’m surprised you don’t already know about this,” Yunho mumbled. “What with your crystal ball and your prophecies and your watchtower and everything...”
“Demons are exceptional at disguise,” she tossed back over her shoulder as she stirred various wild plants and substances into a jar. “I knew Babylon was stirring up trouble, I didn’t know about this particular development.”
“There’s a chant in here,” Jongho explained, bringing forth the book again. “None of us can read it so we thought to ask you...”
“Why didn’t you simply bring him here?” She interjected.
Mingi sighed. That would have been the preferred alternative, but this was their best chance, he had to keep reminding himself.
“The demon was threatening to kill him,” he said softly. “San bought us some time by setting out for Namhae. They’ll arrive in about a week and a half.”
The mystic halted her stirring and sighed, mumbling something to herself. “I’ll search for him later,” she decided, transferring the contents of the jar into a mug and motioning for Yunho to prop Eden up. “Make sure he drinks all of this. He’s been on death’s doorstep for a few hours now. It’s a miracle death hasn’t come to collect him yet.”
Yunho nodded and watched her bandage the leg wound with clean cloth. “There are rooms for you to rest in through there,” the woman pointed out past a balcony to an upper wing of the temple. “Rest while I gather my resources. What you ask of me is no simple magic trick.”
All three of them nodded and graciously thanked her before following her directions, Yunho keeping an eye on Eden should he regain enough consciousness to drink his medicine.
There was a balcony with a view to the waterfall, and its misty spray was sweetly scented in a way that reminded them of their island in the east. An unclaimed utopia they could lose themselves in.
Jongho sunk into one of the plush beds that waited for them, his long, uncomfortable night in the net catching up with him. Still, something was on his mind.
“Why does it feel like we’re sacrificing San for Eden?”
Mingi looked up from where he was emptying his bag. He had found it hard to ignore the same thought, but sighed and resumed unpacking. “We’re still days ahead of the ATEEZ, don’t worry.”
“And besides,” Yunho smiled over at him. “We can trust the mystic. She’ll do what she can for both of them.”
The trio quickly learned that time worked differently on the island. A few hours’ nap lasted until sunset, and Mingi was startled to have slept the entire day away in what felt like no time at all, but the woman reassured them when she entered with plates of food that it was normal to have to adjust to the fleeting notion of time. 
Still, it made him anxious to know what had been discovered about San while he was out like a light.
“It was easy to find San due to the concentration of mystical energy around him,” she reported, settling in a chair and watching Eden intently. He still hadn’t woken. “But I can’t cast a spell on him if he’s not in one place.”
Yunho froze in the middle of chewing his bite of fish. “You... what?”
“He’s currently in motion,” she tried to explain, sighing at the difficulty of it. “Sending a spell to someone while he sails... it could go terribly wrong. It has in the past.”
“So this was pointless then?” Jongho moaned, the bread fisted in his hand looking decidedly less appetising.
“No, there is still something I can do,” the woman smiled at him and tilted her head towards her watchtower. “I’ll call up the incantations now, remotely, and when the time is right they will come into effect.”
Yunho scoffed at this. “When the time is right?”
“Yunho, is it? Clearly you know nothing of the rules of sorcery. Rarely are solutions so simple,” she shook her head with amusement. “I need the cooperation of whatever part of San is left. This spell locks onto human emotion, and if San regains enough control over his emotions to activate it, the demon will be banished from him.”
Silence stretched over them. Somewhere deep down, they all knew it would come back to San.
He had summoned the demon, and it was his responsibility to drive it out.
But Yunho would not let this trip be in vain. “San’s emotional enough, that’s for sure,” Yunho smirked, trying to raise their spirits with a pinch of optimism. “He’ll present the right opportunity soon.”
But this meant they had to wait. And waiting was not something they were good at.
It was a week and a half of flipping through books that didn’t make much sense to them, watching Eden sleep and waiting for him to wake (the mystic said he had to be convinced), exploring the immediate area of the island but pointedly avoiding the “cats”, and sleeping off as much time as possible.
Time was swinging over their heads as anxiety pounded into them.
Every day, the mystic checked San’s position, and every day the answer was the same; at sea. No development. It was a blessing and a curse.
Until one morning, when the mystic shook them awake and summoned them to her watchtower. The crystal ball pulsed on the table in front of her.
“I’ve found him. He was sleeping soundly for awhile but has last awoken. Now his soul is... it’s in agony.”
Mingi spluttered at the choice of words. “What? Agony?”
“He is experiencing extreme sadness, the strength of which is temporarily overpowering the evil entity in his body,” the woman returned like it was obvious.
“You can overpower a demon with negative emotions, too?” Jongho whispered, fascinated, before quieting again so the woman could continue.
“If both of us try hard enough,” the mystic promised, eyes glazing over as she prepared to begin. “Yes.”
San didn’t know what to expect, but it was not this.
Wooyoung’s face appeared, separating the fog in his mind, and his lips were moving. The sound reached San but he blocked out the rest of it because he did not want to know what followed those heartbreaking words.
More heads popped up, Yeosang’s concerned eyes and Seonghwa’s pained expression, but San couldn’t focus over the ringing in his head.
Someone was screaming and it sounded like the voice of the demon, but when he paused he noticed his voice was raw.
It flashed white hot and then burned him, a molten pain that ripped his insides apart. He was separating the demon from himself.
A new voice came to him, whispering in his head, and he was tempted to throw it out too but he hadn’t heard this one before and it was a friendly, encouraging presence.
I’m with you, she said. Keep fighting, you’re almost there.
When he opened his eyes again, Hongjoong was in front of him, pulling him off the main road and into a cluster of trees. His eyes darted around, afraid someone would hear screams and be curious.
“It’s... I’m almost...” San choked on his words, inhaling sharply at another pain in his head. “He’s almost gone.”
He didn’t see their reaction to this declaration, eyes rolling back in his head as the fight in his mind intensified.
The demon was being snuffed out, his resistance weakening and his assets spread thin. 
His trembling voice promised everything San could ever ask for if he only let him live, let him stay. Simultaneously, San could feel him trying to jump out and into someone else even as his presence was ground to dust.
San clung on to whoever’s hand was in his and remained firm. The blackness drained from his veins as he hammered down again and again on the demon. He wasn’t banishing it, he was destroying it.
Aided by a sudden surge of energy, the help of an outside spell being granted to him, he swung his blade down on it one last time, the agony of its dying scream escaping through his own mouth and the pain rendering him unconscious.
Yeosang rubbed his arm until he awoke.
Tears were on his face, and they flowed freely as he grasped each of them in a hug. Save for his own sobs and the gentle ambiance of the seaside, things were quiet. San had never been so grateful for the quiet in all his life.
“I’m so glad you’re back,” Seonghwa whispered into his ear as he held him tightly, blindfold cast into the wind without a care.
San could only nod against him and cry harder. He had missed everyone, more than he could bear.
“Drinks are on me,” Hongjoong said with a bright smile as he pulled away. The road back to the inn was quiet but bursting with joy. San was among them again— mind, body and soul. The serene contentment that had settled over them would not be disturbed. Not for now, at least.
It was one thing at a time when they pulled up their chairs around the table they had claimed in the corner of the pub. San was famished, probably thanks to the demon stealing any of his enjoyment out of the food he had consumed while possessed. 
When he slowed down enough to look around at the faces of the people around him, it gave him pause.
“Everything alright?” Wooyoung prompted carefully. He kept looking at him like he was afraid he might get struck by lightning suddenly. That probably wasn’t going away any time soon.
“Yes, I was just remembering,” San responded after a moment. “Drinking together after your promotion. We were wasted but you told us your story, and I told you mine.” It seemed like ages ago now.
His face fell as he let the loss of his noona wash over him again.
“Haneul... she’s really gone, isn’t she?”
Yeosang met his eyes and hummed in response. “I’m so sorry for your loss. The woman living there says your grandparents moved away. Maybe we can track them down somehow at least...”
San’s eyes misted over and he gazed forlornly into his cup. “I think I’ve known for a while, deep down. She was marked for death ever since I was a child, but... but why couldn’t she have waited for me? I got the money for her medicine now, maybe she would have survived.”
Seonghwa rubbed his back tenderly as soon as tears began to roll down his cheeks again. “It wasn’t your fault,” he soothed him. “You did everything you could, San.”
Everyone at the table agreed.
When San crawled into bed and Yeosang and Wooyoung both crawled in with him, he finally let the floodgates of his emotions open.
A small smile remained on his face as he drifted off. It was a messy outpour of feelings, but he hadn’t felt anything in so long, he would allow himself this night. 
It was nearing midnight, but Yunho felt compelled to open his eyes.
It wasn’t because of San. The mystic had assured the trio that he had won his battle and vanquished the demon, so that couldn’t be it.
“It’s Eden,” her voice floated to him from the other side of the room as he rose and groped for a robe to cover himself with. She was so calming somehow that she hadn’t startled him by answering his silent question, but she beckoned him over just as urgently as she’d awoken him. “He’s awake.”
“What took him so long?” Jongho whispered as he rose.
“Eden is still young in body, but his soul is old and wearied. I think part of him wanted to keep sleeping.”
“Why now, then?” Mingi asked, scratching the back of his head. The three approached Eden’s bed quietly but full of anticipation.
The mystic turned to him and smiled. There was a twinkle in her eye, even through the blue veil of midnight.
“Your presence gives him hope.”
With that, she swept away to mix another drink for her patient, and the boys directed their attention on Eden.
His face contorted with pain as his eyes blinked open. Yunho rushed to offer him the drink, and Eden relaxed as he sipped it and strength gradually returned to him.
“We made it?” He finally croaked out.
Jongho chuckled and slapped Mingi on the back, a little harder than he was bracing himself for. “Mingi saved you,” he explained. “And defeated the beast.”
Mingi blushed at the praise and Eden’s eyes on him. “It didn’t do much for you in the end. We were stuck in a net the whole night.”
“I remember,” Eden hummed softly as it came back to him. “How long have I been out?”
“Just over a week,” Yunho sighed. “Although it doesn’t feel like it. Time passes strangely in this place.”
Eden nodded. He had visited before and the hazy blend of days was no surprise to him.
“When we came with Hongjoong-hyung we barely stayed a couple of hours,” Mingi pointed out.
“San? Is he...?”
“Taken care of,” Jongho told him quickly. “The demon was destroyed and he’s himself again. We were only waiting on you.”
A flash of guilt passed over his face and he sunk lower into the cushions. “You did well,” he finally said, a heaviness to his voice. His eyelids drooped lethargically and in a moment he was asleep again.
A universal sigh was released as Eden stilled and returned to his dreams. They had never even broached the subject of whether he would be able to walk again, but there was some comfort in the fact that he was alive and with them.
Fireflies glowed in the air outside the balcony and Yunho peeked behind the shade to watch them float, sailing up and down invisible waves of their own.
While it was this peaceful, Yunho couldn’t help but wonder what was on the horizon.
Just like usual, Hongjoong was half asleep on the floor with a hand on his gun concealed by his pillow.
Something twinged in the back of his mind, tickling his senses and sending him bolt upright. Immediately he conducted a headcount.
San, Wooyoung, and Yeosang were all tangled up in a mess of limbs, squeezing onto a single bed having fallen asleep holding each other.
Hongjoong didn’t resist the small smile that appeared on his face as he watched them breathe deeply, lost to the world but safe in slumber.
Then he looked for Seonghwa.
His bed was empty. 
Silently, Hongjoong stood and approached it, just to be sure. The blankets were all disheveled, as if they had just been thrown off for a trip to the outhouse or a midnight snack.
Seonghwa’s bag was still there, leaned against a small table. So he intended to return.
But his gun was missing.
Hongjoong didn’t want to pry, not when it came to Seonghwa’s brother and his complicated heritage. But he had taken his gun and gone alone. Which meant he might need help.
He holstered his own gun and crept downstairs to see a single attendant waiting, half-asleep, at the desk for late night travellers. 
“Did a member of my company leave just now?” He asked, approaching the desk and suppressing his smirk at the way the man started awake and stared at him in surprise.
“Oh, y-yes, a young man your age. He took a room key and said he would be back.”
Hongjoong had figured as much, so he nodded and retreated back upstairs to wake the others.
What was Seonghwa thinking, sneaking off to meet the crown prince when he knew the others would support him and come if he asked?
Hongjoong didn’t get a chance to consider it any further before half a dozen bullets blasted through the window, shattering it with a deafening bang and tearing holes in the curtains.
Hongjoong pressed his back to the door and drew his weapon. A few more steps and he would’ve been riddled with holes himself.
With a whirlwind speed, Wooyoung tumbled out of bed and drew up next to the window, out of sight of their unseen enemies, but close enough to return fire.
Hongjoong mirrored him on the other side of the window, but not before checking that San and Yeosang were alright.
They had dove off the other side of the bed and hurriedly loaded their own guns.
“How many?” San called, poking his head up over the bed. It was impossible to tell who was even firing at them through the mess of cloth and glass that was the window.
Wooyoung grabbed the bottom of the tattered curtains and yanked, pulling down the entire rod and leaning out of the way of the bullets that shot through, embedding themselves in the wall.
He swivelled and returned fire. Both shots missed, but they hadn’t been meant for anyone in particular. He turned back around once he had seen what he had to.
San blanched. “Who sold us out?”
“I paid all the dock hands off,” Yeosang insisted. “It can’t have been any of them.” 
“I don’t think you paid them enough, Yeosang,” San quipped, vaulting over the bed and joining Wooyoung.
The sudden motion was detected and another wave of ammunition was fired through the hole that was the window.
Yeosang leaned out from behind the bed and fired three rounds blind in quick succession. Judging from the screams, at least one hit its mark.
“Well done,” Hongjoong praised, impressed that Yeosang’s marksmanship had improved so much. 
“Seonghwa?” Yeosang asked haltingly as soon as he had surveyed the room fully.
“He just left the building,” Hongjoong reported, taking aim at the right flank of men he could see from his vantage point and firing. “I asked the innkeeper.”
“Seonghwa...” Yeosang repeated, a lilt of realisation in his voice. “It was him, he must have been seen leaving the inn. Why else would they choose now to attack us?”
Hongjoong jumped to deny it, but he had a point. The Admiral would never have waited to pounce. The moment he knew they were in his grasp, he would catch them. They had enough of of a history that he knew not to play with them.
A bullet grazed Wooyoung’s ear while he reloaded and he sunk lower with a gasp. That was too close.
“We can’t take them, Captain,” he asserted. “There are too many and we’re sitting ducks.”
Hongjoong knew he was right, but he returned fire and took out three of them consecutively before addressing it.
“San, do you still carry Babylon’s spellbook pages?”
San fumbled through his pockets until he felt the edges of parchment in his fingers.
Slowly, he nodded. He had promised himself never to use them again, but he had no choice but to grasp them and flinch at the familiarity.
“Is there anything in there that might help us?”
“You’re going to call for help,” Yeosang realised, ducking when a volley of fire sent a particularly large glass shard his direction.
“Yes, I can do it,” San confirmed, leaning over Wooyoung to take out the soldier who grazed him. “Not in the middle of this racket, though.”
“Then run,” Hongjoong ordered. “Get out of town, and get it done. We’ll cover you.”
San bit his lip and glanced at the other two, who nodded him on without hesitation.
This was the only option.
So San holstered his gun while Hongjoong and Wooyoung unleashed fire on the men below and swiftly crossed the window, moving so quickly he was barely a visible flash before he was gone.
“Don’t get shot!” He yelled back, closing the door behind him.
The crown prince’s temporary residence was at the highest point on the island, but it was only a short walk from the inn.
Seonghwa didn’t question his luck when the entrance was only guarded by a chatty pair of men who didn’t notice the shadow slipping past them, but he kept his footfalls silent and his senses alert when he reached Junhee’s bedroom.
He had done his fair share of stealthy break-ins as a teenager.
A curtain separated the sleeping prince from the rest of the world.
Seonghwa silently slid the door shut behind him and cleared his throat quietly. He didn’t want Junhee panicking and summoning the guards on him.
This adventure would be ended quickly if that happened.
“I’ve come home, hyung,” he whispered.
The curtain swung open suddenly and Junhee gaped at him. “What is the meaning of this? Guards—“
“No, wait!” Seonghwa leapt forward and covered the prince’s mouth before he could say any more. “Listen to me first.”
Junhee threw him off and backed up into the curtain. “You’re addressing the crown prince,” he sputtered. “Show the proper respect.”
“I’m sorry, Your Highness,” Seonghwa sighed, hands raised placatingly. “But you’ve been looking for me, haven’t you?”
Junhee’s brow furrowed and his hand stopped where it had been reaching for his sword. “I don’t understand.”
“It’s me,” Seonghwa whispered, surprised at how the words choked him. He hadn’t practiced but then again, this wasn’t the kind of conversation you could practice for. “It’s your little brother.”
Junhee’s face darkened. “You think you’re the first to come claiming to have been stolen from the palace? You’re lying.”
“I’m not, I swear,” Seonghwa pleaded with him, falling to his knees to show he meant no harm at all. “Why do you choose this moment not to see what you’ve been looking for, when it’s right in front of you?”
“I followed his trail,” Junhee said bitterly, tears gathering in his eyes. He backed away even more, as if scared of the person who knelt in front of him. “He died at sea, on a merchant’s ship.”
“No, he survived,” Seonghwa cried, reaching out his hand. “He’s right here in front of you.”
Something shone in Junhee’s eyes. Something that said he wanted to believe it.
“Show me,” he said.
Seonghwa swallowed. He had been stolen at five. There was hardly any knowledge only he could have of his brother or the royal family. He had grown up a commoner with his nurse for his mother.
And then he remembered something she had told him.
“You gave me this scar, hyung,” he gasped, pushing up his hair for the fine line on his forehead to be visible. “You crept into my room when I was an infant, dropped me accidentally, and only three people know. The nurse who stole me, and the two of us.”
Junhee sunk to his knees and took Seonghwa’s face in his hands. He only briefly glanced at the scar, lingering instead on his little brother’s eyes.
“It is you,” he whispered. “It really is.”
Junhee knew what it was like to not be believed, but he had clung to the truth. And that truth had returned to him, crying tears of joy as he entered his arms.
The reunion was interrupted by gunfire.
The brothers pulled back in surprise and Seonghwa stood and went to the window. 
“What’s going on?” Junhee muttered, wiping his tears. “Has a fight broken out?”
Seonghwa didn’t even have to look. He knew who it was and his stomach dropped at the flashes of light coming from its direction.
“The inn.”
Taglist: @serendipityunho @celestial-yunho @nightynightnyx 
A/N: Yay!! I’m done with another term at university :) which means more frequent updates (hopefully) for you guys. This volume is wrapping up, but I have another (at least) in the works and plenty of other stories for you to check out if you so desire. Also I hope the two timelines weren’t too confusing for you. They’ve merged into one now, so everything is happening in succession. Don’t forget to reblog and comment if you enjoyed <3
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endysgirl · 4 years
Sailor Mars Birthday Tribute
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I am so late on posting this but I just did not have time to edit. For Mars I wanted to talk about her 90s anime version and her much better manga version.
Let me start by laying my bias wide open. I never liked Sailor Mars. As a kid I thought she was unnecessarily mean. She was and still is my least favorite, besides ChibiMoon. She’s beautiful, and her powers and attacks are awesome. As for how she fits into the overall scheme of things, I have major issues with how the anime portrayed her compared to how Naoko intentioned her. Frankly, I can’t help but view 90s anime Rei as an imposter and I’ll explain why...
Ok, first let’s talk about 90’s anime-Rei. We know she’s very hard working, goes to an elite girls’s Catholic school and wants to be an independent career woman when she grows up. Yet, for some reason (*cough*patriarchy) she sees Mamoru in season one and thinks he’s perfect so she’s gotta have him. She embarrasses herself going all boy crazy over him (he literally steps on her head and just walks away) and he seems like a typical clueless dude who doesn’t realize she *likes* him. I relate hardcore to Mamoru here. She’s so thirsty and he is so not. Then fast forward to after Endymion gets taken and Rei slaps Usagi calling her a coward. It’s meant to be some great emotional scene that some fans latch on to. Yet, it’s not Rei’s slap that motivates Usagi. It just hurts her. Go watch it again (epi35); it’s the voice of Mask from her memory, gently and patiently encouraging her, as always, that she is strong and can fight that spurs Moon into action. We’ve seen over and over that Usagi responds to patient encouragement over violence, just like when she does when she faces the baddest villains. Yet, the 90s anime always has Rei cutting her down. As far as I’m concerned, it’s just the patriarchy at work, trying to convince young girls that the boy or girl who’s mean to you really does care about you. It’s toxic and just plain stupid.
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Now, am I saying 90s anime Rei doesn’t really care about Usagi? No. Not at all. She’s her Senshi and they share the same heart and the same dream to protect those they love together. Of course she loves Usagi. My issue is how the 90s anime portrays that dynamic. It’s spreading toxicity within female friendships and trying to sell it as genuine. I also understand that Mars’s fiery personality is what a lot of her fans love about her. I’m not saying that’s bad either, even if it’s an inaccurate representation of the character Naoko created. Apparently, it was Ikuhara that wanted the anime to change her cold and aloof personality to “fiery”. To perpetuate the patriarchal tropes I’ve mentioned, the anime tried to paint her as Usagi’s bff of the group, usurping Minako’s place. In the manga, Minako is the Leader of the Senshi and the one closest to Usagi in personality and in her role as the Leader of Serenity’s guards. Yet the anime is constantly trying to make Mars the one that is extra special to Usagi. Case in point, at the end of Stars the first voice we hear address Eternal Moon after she defeats Galaxia is Rei but in the manga, Usagi is drawn hugging Minako first. These little moments bother me, probably a little too much.
Then there’s the love triangle they tried to created with her and Mamoru. Fucking kill me. The love triangle garbage is just typical, patriarchal tropism within the storyline that has no place in the SM story in regards to Mars. Let’s make two friends like the same dude bc that’s drama that people have been conditioned to enjoy. It’s lame as far as I’m concerned. Let’s take a moment to remember the random, stupid and pointless scene in the curry episode where ChibiUsa and Mamoru run into Rei and after a moment of awkwardness they decide to go find Usagi together. Tell me that’s not the patriarchy trying to validate one woman’s place by using another woman as comparison instead of letting her stand on her own. 😒 And they’re trying to backtrack on the whole Rei liking Mamoru episode. This isn’t Rei’s fault obviously, I’m just using this scene to explicate why I don’t like the dynamic the anime created, and why that makes Mars a difficult one for me to get excited about.
There’s no way you can convince me that Mars’s bitchiness wasn’t a direct result of a “male perspective” (as Naoko called it). The idea that female bffs bully each other and cat fight all the time is ludicrous. As a 32yo woman (and lifelong Moonie) with a tight circle of girlfriends, there isn’t a single one of us who would tolerate such toxicity from the other, even at 14yo. It just isn’t realistic, unless it’s a bad relationship. I’ll give the anime credit for getting one thing right - her bravery. In both the manga and the anime, Mars is fearless. She charges into battle and gives it her all. She doesn’t let any doubt get in her way. She does not hesitate or dwell on self-doubt. And that alone is reason enough to love her.
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Now, let’s discuss Manga-Rei. Because Adult-Moonie-Me LOVES manga-Mars. She actually appears in Codename Sailor V outside the arcade. She says the atmosphere is “disquieting” and leaves. In the manga, she’s very quiet and reserved. There is no bickering or cat fighting between her and Usagi. She’s also probably the most objectively beautiful of the Inners. She’s suppose to be “slender”, with long black hair and brown eyes which are sometimes seen as purple. When Usagi first sees her on the bus, she thinks she’s soooo beautiful. And another time, when they’re at the beach/pool, guys keep buying Rei drinks but she’s not flirting or giving them any attention, bc she is not boy crazy. Sis is enjoying those drinks tho.
Her awakening in the manga is very similar to the anime with the exception that’s she sees a premonition of Usagi and Jadeite that makes her go find the bus. Like the other Senshi, she is drawn to Usagi.
In her manga profile, her dislikes are television, modern society (the anime has her immersed in pop culture, going so far as to make her write her own songs and dance at the school festival), canned asparagus and men. It’s implied that she doesn’t like men or care for them bc of her father. He never had time for her and she doesn’t have a good relationship with him. Plus in a short story, she has a guy she likes but he chooses to follow her father’s footsteps into politics. So she kisses him and is like, boy, bye. ✌🏽 She considers men emotionally weak, untrustworthy and is generally disinterested in them, even if they’re buying her drinks and fawning over her. Same, Sis.
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She is described as beautiful and “reserved”, but “scary” when she’s angry. She so beautiful that when Mamoru’s underclassman, Asanuma, sees her, he thinks she would be the perfect girlfriend for Mamoru (who Asanuma thinks is perfect) and that she should be Mamoru’s ideal type. He’s really surprised that Usagi is so *ordinary*.
Rei has strong precognition and has an affinity to fire. Ironically, there is nothing in Shintoism about fire reading, so that must just be a shoutout to the Greek influence on the manga. I love her psychic abilities in both the anime and the manga. Random fun fact: Naoko worked at a Shinto temple for a while before or maybe during college.
Mars is one of the only Senshi, like Michiru, who can use an item as an attack in her civilian and Senshi form. Her “ofuda” (Shinto talismans) are powerful enough to disperse evil and make regular people faint (remember anime epi w/Unazuki’s mouth getting sealed and in the manga/crystal she accidentally “purifies” Usagi, causing her to faint). Mikos (shrine maidens) are known to use archery attacks, so civilian Rei was already proficient in archery before awakening as Mars. Also, just like Jupiter’s earrings stay on her when she transforms, Mars is always wearing a pendant and when she transforms, it attaches at the waist to her fuku.
Mars also, uniquely, has her own guardians: the Crows, Phobos and Deimos. In the anime, the crows never take human form as they do in the manga. In the Dead Moon arc, Jupiter and Mercury power up by speaking with their inner consciousness. But Mars powers up by speaking with the human forms of her crows. This is a great moment in the manga bc Phobos and Deimos basically tell Rei that’s it’s ok to not want or desire men and marriage. She is the asexual goddess everyone overlooks and I love this aspect to her personality. The Crows are the ones to give her the Mars Crystal which is her starseed. We also find out here that Mars pledged a vow of Chastity to Serenity in the SilMill. They don’t explain the reasons behind the vow, but considering Rei’s spirituality and serious conservatism, it’s understandable. Also, while Phobos and Deimos are named after the moons on Mars, in the Stars Arc it’s revealed that they’re from the Coronis and were acquainted with Sailor Lead Crow.
For the most part, Rei in the manga seems more boring than Rei in the 90s anime, but personally, I don’t think so. Reading the manga in middle school and seeing a female not *give*a*fuck* about marriage was awesome to me. She’s also kinder and she has far more respect for Usagi. She’s extremely popular at her school and has her own fan club. She carries herself with a certain dignity that reminds me of Michiru. She’s second in command after Venus. And let me end this by saying that Crystal gave Rei justice, and for that I am happy.
Happy Birthday, Mars! 🔥 🌙 ⭐️
P. S. Check out Allison Yarrow’s book “90’s Bitch: Media, Culture and the Failed Promise of Gender Equality” for more detailed analysis on how women in the 90s who wanted to have a home and a career got turned into the bitchy boss, bitchy girlfriend or bitchy best friend to subvert their quest for gender equality. I think Rei is the perfect example of this narrative. Especially when you consider men changed her nature in the anime from what her female creator intended for her. Also, check out the podcast on it https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/unladylike/id1333193523?i=1000432317654 (podcast name: Unladylike episode 45. how to free the 90s Bitch)
Thanks for reading all this you wonderful Moonies!!!
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chelledoggo · 5 years
[Fanfic] Forgiveness [101 Dalmatian Street]
genre: angst, oneshot with epilouge
age rating: all ages
content warning: family arguments/tensions
After a feud tears a rift between the two brothers, Deepak finds it nearly impossible to forgive Dylan. What will it take to start repairing the broken bridge between them?
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“C'mon, Deepak. It's been almost a week, now. How long are you gonna keep holding this grudge for?”
“At this rate? Probably the rest of my life. Maybe even a little bit into my next life.”
Dolly stood near Deepak's hanging pod bed in the pups' bedroom. The small yogi pup lay curled up inside, with his face buried in the cushioning.
“Look,” Dolly sighed in frustration. “I get that Dylan said a lot of awful stuff to you back there. But he didn't mean any of it. He was having a bad day and just said some stuff out of anger.”
“That's not an excuse,” Deepak returned in a stern voice. “I have bad days, too. Everyone does. It doesn't make it okay to say those kinds of things.  He could've just walked away and meditated for a bit if he was that angry. But, no. He had to run his mouth. Dylan's gone way too far this time. I can't forgive him.”
“So, that's it?” Dolly asked. “Because of one little spat, you're gonna stop loving your brother?”
“Stop...loving?” Deepak turned around and faced Dolly, showing her his red, bloodshot eyes and his tear-soaked face. “Do you think I would still be crying this much if I didn't love Dylan anymore?”
“Well, then, why don't you just forgive him, then?” Dolly responded.
“I can't forgive someone who's not sorry,” Deepak replied as he once again curled into a depressed little ball.
“What are you talking about?” Dolly queried. “Dylan's been trying to make it up to you all week! He's been buying you expensive crystals, your favorite organic dog treats, all those Guru Miaow mantra CDs...And you keep turning them down!”
“Ughh,” Deepak groaned in exasperation. “You just don't get it, do you? You're just like Dylan.”
“Excuse me?” Dolly responded, a bit offended, but still trying to be sympathetic to Deepak.
“All those gifts and favors?” Deepak began. “Those aren't apologies. He hasn't once asked me about how what he said made me feel. He hasn't asked me if I'm doing okay or tried to hear me out. He thinks he can just bribe me into just forgetting all of it and make everything all better again. He doesn't care about me. He's just trying to save face.”
“Of course Dylan cares about you,” Dolly insisted. “I mean, remember when he went through Constantin's crazy cat tests to bring you home? Do you think he'd go through all that if he didn't care?”
“Come on, now,” Deepak scoffed. “You and I both know he only did that because everything was falling apart here without me. Plus, you basically had to talk him into it.”
“How could you even say something like that?” Dolly cried. “He did all that for you!”
“Be honest, Dolly. Do you think he would've bothered trying to bring me back if everything had been fine here without me?” Deepak stared Dolly down with an interrogating expression.
“Of course he would, silly!” Dolly's eyes welled up with tears.
“Yeah, maybe once Mum and Dad realized I was gone and guilted him into bringing me home, right?”
Dolly began to open her mouth to speak, but then held her tongue. Deepak was...kind of right.
“Your silence says it all, sister.” Deepak glared and turned away once again. “Everything Dylan supposedly 'does for us?' He only does it to save his own hide or feed his own ego. He doesn't care about me. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. He's just a selfish pup at the end of the day.”
Dolly didn't even try to speak. She just stared down bleakly at the floor.
“He doesn't feel the least bit bad about hurting me,” Deepak continued. “He's only trying to 'make it up to me' because he's upset that one of his 'loyal followers' stopped respecting him. It's all about him as usual, and he's done nothing as of yet to convince me otherwise. He's just pressuring me into accepting an apology that I'm not ready to accept. I don't have any reason to think he's sincere.”
“He's...he's really trying...” Dolly whimpered. “He feels really bad...”
“Oh, Dylan feels bad, huh?” Deepak responded sarcastically. “Let me ask you something. Has Dylan ever once voiced any concern for my feelings? Has he said 'I hope Deepak is okay,” or “I shouldn't have said those awful things to Deepak?' Or has he just been wallowing in his own self-pity and trying to haphazardly patch things up without any real thought so life can go back to normal?”
Dolly's head dipped down as far as it could go, as her teardrops pattered against the floor.
“...Is there really nothing I can do to change your mind?” Dolly asked in a weak, wavery voice.
Deepak was silent.
“...Deepak, come on, I--”
“Dolly,” Deepak interrupted. “I'm not mad at you right now, but I highly suggest you leave.”
Dolly sighed in defeat, and walked slowly out of the room.
In the hallway by the door to the bedroom, Dylan was waiting. He lay close to the ground, hiding his face in his paws.
Dolly looked down sympathetically at him.
“...I take it you heard everything?” She asked nervously.
Dylan's only reply was a sad, muffled “Mhm...”
“I'm sorry bro,” Dolly said as she gently stroked her brother's back with her paw. “I tried. I really did.”
Dylan said nothing.
“...Hey, come on, now,” Dolly said with an attempt at a reassuring smile. “I'm...sure Deepak'll get over it eventually.”
Dylan looked up at Dolly with wide, reddend, tear-filed eyes.
He didn't seem to have too much faith in Dolly's sentiment.
Neither did Dolly, honestly.
“...I'll be outside if you need me, okay?” Dolly said quietly as she began to head out. “Just...try to get your mind off it for now.”
Get my mind off it? Dylan thought. How can I? I just listened to one of my siblings go off for five minutes about what a horrible dog I am, and...And he's right.
Dylan sat and contemplated all the things he'd done to try to get back in Deepak's good graces. All the gifts, all the favors. But was he really doing it to help Deepak feel better? Or was it to make himself feel like he'd properly absolved himself of his own wrongdoings? Was he just so focused on looking like a good older brother in Deepak's eyes again that he didn't actually stop to think about what Deepak really wanted from him?
Dylan took in a deep breath and stood up. He poked his head into the bedroom, and saw Deepak still curled up inside his pod, facing away from the world.
“D-Deepak?” Dylan addressed his brother anxiously.
The only response was a loud, disgruntled groan from Deepak, muffled by the bedding inside the pod.
Dylan continued on anyway.
“I...I heard you talking to Dolly, and...you were right. There was absolutely no excuse for me to say the things I said to you. You're my brother. No, not just my brother. You're a canine being who deserves all the respect in the world. No one deserves to be talked to in that way, much less a kind, peaceful, loving pup like you. And...I can't force you to forgive me. Trying to butter you up for forgiveness isn't really showing that I care. I need to stop wallowing in my own guilt and respect you and your feelings.”
“Deepak,” Dylan continued with a sigh. “I totally understand if you want to stay mad at me. I understand if you don't want to forgive me. You shouldn't have to just because we're family or anything. Honestly, I don't deserve it. I wasn't treating you the way family should treat each other. I won't press you for forgiveness anymore. You should only forgive me when and if you feel ready to, and not a moment before. I'll leave you alone now.”
Having said all he could really say, Dylan walked away slowly down the hall.
The elder pup turned around to see Deepak standing near the doorway behind him.
The zen pup wore a stoic expression and avoided eye contact with his older brother.
“Dylan, I...” Deepak began. “I...appreciate that you said that. I...honestly wasn't expecting you to come around like that.”
Dylan gazed at Deepak with teary eyes, hardly believing what he just heard.
Deepak was silent for a moment, then spoke up again.
“Look, I'm...I'm really glad to hear you say that. I won't lie, I'm still hurt, and I'm probably going to hurt for a while. If you really mean everything you just said, and you want to rebuild our brotherly bond...just...give me some time, okay? No more apologies. No more favors. No more gifts. Just give me some space and let me heal for a while, and then let things between us patch up naturally. Is that understood?”
Dylan nodded, as he sniffed and smiled sincerely. “Of course, Deepak.”
“Good.” Deepak responded as he walked away.
“...L...Love you, bro,” Dylan called out weakly.
“...Mhm,” Deepak mumbled, not looking back.
Dylan sighed. He was anxious about how things would work out from here on, but he would try to remain hopeful. Deepak seemed like he was willing to mend things in due time, so all Dylan could do was have faith in his little brother and leave things be.
– – – –
That night, Dylan lay fast asleep on his side of the living room couch.
He was suddenly awoken by the sensation of something small and warm sliding up to him.
He looked over to see that Deepak had snuggled up to him and was curled up to go back to sleep.
“Deepak?” Dylan whispered. “What's wr-”
“I was just a little lonely,” Deepak responded flatly. “That's all.”
“Lonely?” Dylan asked. “In a room with 96 sibl--”
“Just...go back to sleep, okay?” Deepak interrupted grouchily, not looking up at his brother.
“O-okay,” Dylan replied. “G'night, Deepak.”
“Good night,” Deepak muttered. “...Love you.”
Dylan smiled. “L-love you t--”
“Sleep,” Deepak cut him off once again.
“Right,” Dylan acquiesced.
The elder pup smiled as he lay his head back down. It might be a long road to fully repairing the brotherly bond between him and Deepak, but this seemed to be a good start.
As sleep reclaimed its hold on the exhausted Dylan and his eyes slowly slid shut, he thought that, just for a moment, he saw Deepak smiling as well.
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leeholtwrites · 4 years
Magical Girl Reunion Tour - C5
Chloe wiped away the sweat on her forehead and neck with a towel as she turned off her sound system with the remote she left laying near by. Her morning work out was great and necessary, considering her career, yet there were moments that she wished she could just sit on the couch with a giant cinnamon roll and lush coffee with all the fixings. With the towel around her neck, she stared out her loft window and took a swig from water bottle.
Her loft was still relatively empty, brown boxes stacked along the walls, some of them open. She'd only really taken the time to dig out her work out equipment and some of her living essentials like plates and sheets. Today she would really start to unpack.  She hadn't booked any clients, and it wasn't like she needed it to help pay her inflated rent or buy food with the alimony her ex was paying her.
After a shower, she blew out her straight, black hair and applied some mascara. Despite being a personal trainer who spent most of her time a sweaty mess, she was honest with herself about how incredibly vain she is. Her focus on her appearance used to be far more intense, involving heavy foundation to cover the light dusting of freckles along her nose and cheeks. Aging has led her to embrace them. She loved her freckles now and thought them one of her best features.
Her walk in closet was one of her favorite rooms of her loft. She had ensured she took all her clothes in the divorce - as well as everything else she loved - because she adored every piece. For now, only a handful of items had been unpacked and she selected a luxuriously soft matching set of cotton pants and a short sleeve shirt.
Once dressed, she retrieved coffee and a protein bar from the kitchen before returning to the closet to unpack. Unpacking her closet was relatively easy. She had invested in cardboard wardrobes to prevent having to take some of her more sensitive clothing off the hanger. After she hung everything in its place she moved on to the boxes with her shoes and socks and accessories.
She moved a steady rhythm, preparing her closet in exactly how she wanted it. One, two, three empty boxes. Chloe had fallen into her zen. And then she saw it, The Box. She had forgotten where she packed it.
In the bottom of the box under her collection of athletic shoes, was a glittery purple plastic Caboodle with a clear handle and clip. It was so painfully late nineties she immediately got flash backs to her Lisa Frank trapper keeper and the Backstreet Boys. She didn't even know why she had kept it so long since she became a Rainbow Defender at the turn of the new century. There had been so much hope for her future and the future of their world. It was the perfect vessel to stash her wand.
Chloe left her closet for the loft's kitchen where she placed the purple box on the counter. According to the stove, it was much later in the day than she thought. Once she got into the groove, she didn't even bother checking her phone. There was no reason to now. If she got any messages, it was probably her ex begging for mercy, or a client. They could both wait another hour. Then her phone rang, the screen lighting up to say "Shonda."
With a swipe of her thumb, she lifted it to her ear. "Hey. I didn't expect a call from you today."
"Can you open the door? I’m in the hall. I have a surprise for you."
Chloe couldn't keep the confusion out of her voice. "Besides yourself? You should have told me you caught a flight. I would have picked you up at the airport."
Shonda paused for a moment before saying, "I didn't fly."
The purple box seemed to loom from the counter. "What do you mean you didn't fly?"
"Please, open the door and let us in. It's best I tell you in person." Then she hung up.
Against her thoughts, Chloe immediately ran to the door and tore it open. There in the hall way, just like she said, was Shonda and a dark haired woman she didn't recognize. Then she saw a white robot cat with vivid green eyes wound around the dark haired woman's ankles. Viridian. So that must mean the woman was, "Maggie?"
The woman waived sheepishly. "Uh, hi, Chloe."
What Chloe did next she would try to blame on all the current betrayal in her life, the breaking of her trust by those closest to her. The truth was she was angry and it needed to go somewhere.
Chloe punched Maggie. Or tried to. The other woman had obviously been keeping up with her training somewhat because she easily blocked it before falling into a defensive stance. Chloe tried to take another swing at her, but Shonda shoved her back in to her loft.
"Jesus, Chloe! Use your words," Shonda shouted.
On the counter next to her, she spotted the purple Caboodle. She snapped it open and reached inside. The moment she touched her wand, energy coursed through her. The handle was the green of nature in Spring, the pommel gold like the sun. The fogged crystal on the top was patterned with little gold shields. She held it out and shouted, "Reveal your true form!" It flashed and she held a small shield in her left hand. It was narrow at the bottom and broad at the top, white with gold along the edges,  a green four pointed star in the middle. Only this time, the pommel of a short sword stuck up over the top of the shield, sheathed along the back.
It gave her pause as the other women stepped into the room, their hands up, closing the door behind them. She almost relaxed, but her anger bubbled up at the sight of Maggie. She drew the sword and pointed it at her. "What the hell are you finally doing back?"
"Omira has returned," Maggie said carefully. "I'm sorry I haven't called in years. I was not aware that some of you thought I was dead," she said, glancing at Shonda. "It's looking like today is the day of assault Maggie, and honestly, I just want to apologize and get something to eat. We've got bigger concerns right now. If you want to fight later, then fine." Maggie put her hands down and dropped her purse on the counter, the end of her wand peaking out. "At least it looks like you got a sword out the divorce." She looked around. "And this sweet loft. I love the exposed brick."
Was this the Maggie she knew? Sure, it had been almost twenty years, but there was an edge peaking out from the dry jokes and resignation. She was having difficulty imagining the high energy blond girl with this dark haired woman in jeans and a t-shirt that had seen better days. So, instead of trying to fit the images together, she addressed Shonda, lowering the sword. "You told her about my divorce."
"I didn't give her any specifics. Just caught her up."
"Yeah, I can't believe competitive Chloe became some asshole's hot Asian trophy wife. I always thought it would be the other way around. You, the high powered corporate lawyer, and your hot piece of ass."
Chloe glared at Maggie. "I wasn't talking to you."
Maggie shrugged. "So, what was it? Did he have a tragic dick-slip accident?"
She couldn't help the snort that escaped her. Chloe reigned in the mirth and schooled her face into a stony expression. Still, she answered, "Many times."
"And he's still alive?"
"I made his pocket book cry out for mercy."
"Nice. I never married. I'm a concierge on the Strip in Las Vegas. Live alone. No pets. No kids."
A feeling of disappointment settled within Chloe, tamping down the rage she felt at Maggie's abandonment. Maggie, who had so much promise, lived alone and worked in the service industry. The truth was, Chloe thought Maggie would always be someone in charge, leading the way for anyone who found her light. But that light, it wasn't there anymore.
Chloe sheathed her sword and changed the shield back into her wand. She would question the change in her wand's form later.  "What do you guys want to eat? We can order in." She paused for a minute before adding, "No price limit."
After a brief discussion, Maggie's suggestion of lobster rolls sounded the best to them all, and Chloe put a delivery order in at her favorite place. She would have preferred to go out so that the lobster rolls were fresh, but with the news she'd just heard, being in public didn't appeal to her. While waiting for their food, Chloe gave them a quick tour of her loft. It was one of those high end ones in a converted mill, and she absolutely adored it. She could tell Maggie was a little envious, but for the most part she seemed to enjoy it.
"So, are you living off your husband, or do you do anything for a living?" Maggie finally said.
Chloe felt a flash of irritation, but from her tone, she sounded genuinely curious. "I'm a personal trainer to rich people." She didn't mention she started the business to have something to do when her husband started to ignore her, or that she had used her already existing contacts to get her elite clients.
"That explains all the lycra and tennis shoes. And yoga mats. And all the healthy food."
Shonda rolled her eyes. "No one wears lycra anymore."
Maggie shrugged. "Look, its easier to say than moisture wicking organic stretchy cotton that cost ninety dollars despite that you sweat in it."
Chloe snorted again. She'd forgotten how funny she found Maggie. When they first met, Chloe had thought her glib, thoughtless. A mouth without any substance. Then she had learned that Maggie was all substance. She felt deeply, and believed everything she said to her core. If she said sorry, she meant sorry. Trying to punch her suddenly felt like the exactly wrong response.
Before Chloe could say anything, there was a knock on the door. Their food. Shonda opened it and tipped the delivery guy. They settled on the floor next to her couch covered in boxes and dug in.
"I think we should tell Sarah next. She should be done with her morning classes after we eat."
Maggie nodded, her mouth full of lobster roll. That, more than anything, reminded Chloe of Maggie in high school. She had always consumed food with the goal of putting as much away in a short period of time as possible.
Chloe picked at her fries. It had been so long since she ate fried anything. Normally she just ate the sandwich only when she was feeling indulgent. In the chaos of the almost fight, Chloe had forgot to ask why they were here. "Wait, what do you mean see Sarah? What the hell is going on?"
Viridian straightened, giving up on batting at a crumpled napkin. "I was wondering when you all would stop dawdling and realize there was a purpose. I understand you haven't seen each other in some time. I'm especially ashamed of you Shonda, you have usually been the most diligent task master."
Shonda didn't look amused. "Says the cat robot who was just playing with a napkin."
"Yes, well, I can't do all the mental work." He cleared his throat. "Omira is back. You must all take up your wands, and defeat her once and for all."
Dread seeped through Chloe, making her feel grosser than any container of fries ever could. "Wha-what? Why didn't you tell me that on the phone?"
"I meant to tell you once you let us in the door," Shonda responded. "But we got a little sidetracked."
Chloe ran her hands over her hair. "I'm assuming, that because you two are here, we don’t really have a choice. Like, there aren't any teenage girls coming to the rescue?"
Maggie and Shonda both shook their heads.
"God fucking damn it."
"Pretty much my reaction," Maggie said.
Chloe put her face in her hands, placing her elbows on her knees. Just what she needed, to stop the end of the world. She was still getting over the betrayal of her ex, her divorce, the looks of pity some of her clients gave her. And, her clients. What was she going to do about them? They could be pulled away at any time. Not if they were more active. Not if she only dedicated her life to stopping this woman.
She lifted her head. "Okay, we've got to this as quick as possible. I've got a business to run. Can we get this handled in a month? Do we have somewhere to start?"
"She hasn't struck yet," Viridian said. "I managed to get to Maggie here before an attack."
"He interrupted my dinner yesterday."
"We're lucky for the heads up. Thank you, Viridian." Shonda said. "I also agree we don't have a lot of time. Maggie and I have about two weeks, tops."
"Paid time off," Maggie managed around a full mouth.
It was amazing to Chloe that they were even having this conversation. How do you defeat an evil queen on a schedule without losing your home or your family? Sure, she was living off her alimony for the most part, but Maggie had never been married, let alone to a rich guy, and Shonda helped pay her mortgage and had a husband and kids. How were they going to handle this? Sarah and Kelsey had yet to be told. They too would have to make some kind of arrangements. Sarah would probably have the hardest time with her schedule. She had classes to teach, some to TA, and an dissertation to write.
"So, we have two weeks to take vacation from our lives to defeat Queen Omira, or there is no way in hell our lives aren't going to get completely wrecked trying to juggle everything, am I right?"
"I don't understand," Viridian said, sounding flustered. "Your going to try and schedule your lives around defeating Omira? That is not how this works."
Maggie swirled a fry in some ranch. She took a bite, chewing thoughtfully. When done, she addressed Viridian, all humor gone. "It has to. We're not kids anymore. We don't have our moms to clean up our rooms or pay the bills. We're entirely responsible for our lives now. We don't have the luxury of some prolonged magical war. I know it took three years last time, but we've defeated her once. We've lived that experience, and we can learn from it. We're older now. I’m sure there are some things we learned."
"Wow, you've come a long way from throwing pillows at me yesterday."
"It was a pillow, and you didn't knock."
They finished eating, deciding it was best to call Sarah before they showed up. Maggie especially liked this plan because she was very tired of getting attacked. Chloe couldn't really blame her after she mentioned that Shonda truth mirrored her, which earned a very strange look from Shonda that was half peeved that Maggie had said anything and half shame. Chloe could relate, she felt the same way about trying to punch her.
When done, Chloe slipped on some tennis shoes and grabbed a cute little leather hip bag out of her closet that had a strap for her thigh. She loaded it up with all her essentials - lipstick, mascara, hair ties, tampons, wallet, phone - and met the other two in her living area, camel colored leather jacket in hand. In her other she held a black sweatshirt. She threw it at Maggie. "You're going to need that. It'll at least hid that awful t-shirt."
"Ah, there's Chloe. Couldn't make it a day without insulting my fashion sense. I suppose it was laundry day isn't a good excuse?"
Chloe snorted, repressing her laughter, and pulled out her phone.
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ambistep · 5 years
Rangers & Regenes, pt. 2
(this is stupid long and mega indulgent, everybody is out of character im certain, engage at your own peril. highly non-canon. Part 1)
“Barolthien unveils the dazzlingly radiant cthon-crystal, the prize you claimed from the storm-dragon’s hoard - and turns it over to the Elf Prince. The Elf Prince smiles and takes it gratefully.”
“‘Thank you, heroes, I’ve everything I need to complete the ritual.’”
Daniel cuts in, “Wait, I thought we were trying to stop the ritual.”
“I knew it,” Julia clicks her tongue.
“You did not!” You huff.
“I so did, this always happens.” 
She isn’t wrong. So what? “Anyway. The Elf Prince clasps the cthon-crystal in his hand and the illusion magic falls away - the green and flowering courtyard of the palace is replaced by a smoldering and burnt ruin. The Elf Prince’s form gives way to gleaming obsidian armour and with gold filigree, and the familiar visor of the Ebon Champion of Vak’Tsaroth.”
“Ricardo is not impressed, he’s got his axe ready,” Julia leans forward, nudging Daniel. 
Argent reclines on the couch, mostly watching the television, but occasionally calling over, as now, “Did we get betrayed by the elf guy?”
Daniel puts his hands on his head, “He was an illusion.”
“‘He crushes the cthon-crystal and completes the ritual with the power released, growing in size and obvious power until he towers over even the mighty Ricardo. ‘I owe a great debt to you so-called heroes! I could not have come this far without your unwitting aid but I’ve not the patience for you any longer.  Before the lunar eclipse and my impending apotheosis, I intend to rectify the insult you paid me in Wickhamshire. I will bathe this courtyard with your blood, a sacrifice to my godhead. When my wrath is sated, and I’ve seized my place in the Heavens, I will remake this world, and set right it’s many inequities - maybe I shall spare one of you as witness, so that when all is done, you may finally realize how wrong you were to oppose me.’” 
Ortega raises her hands in surrender, “Ay, alright - enough with the monologue! I get enough of that on the job - that’s not even the corniest one I’ve heard this week.”
You take the jab as a compliment, “Well, I have been practicing a lot lately.”
At that, Argent, sitting over on the couch, almost chokes on her donut, snickering. Ortega looks over toward her, then back at you, “What does that mean?”
“Nothing, Ortega, Jesus.” Angela waves it off, “Whatever, I’m doing a power attack.”
You sigh, “We’re not in combat yet.” Grabbing the handful of player dice, you tumble them over, check the numbers, “Rolling initiative and… okay, fine, Aurum, you’re up.”
She’s back watching her movie, “I’m doing a power attack!”
“Alright, hold on. ‘Aurum is faster than the Ebon Champion, and her ki strikes land true, but the sacred armor of his fel god holds fast, bristling with new magics and protections.’ You hit, but he’s only taking four damage.” You’re rewarded with a sarcastic, silvery middle finger. 
“And the Champion takes his turn, attacking Aurum - she’s in range and just power attacked so…” A tumble of the dice, “He hits, ‘The Champion’s greatsword is swifter than ever, and bites hard on the monk’s exposed flank, tearing open a ragged gash,’ and Aurum is down to 3 HP.”
She puts down her donut, “What? That’s bullshit! I took that Iron Skin thing.”
You get to be a little smug - it’s more fun when she gets irritated, “That’s like one damage resistance.”
“That’s stupid. Shouldn’t call it *Iron* Skin then.”
Maybe she has a point. At any rate, have to keep the combat moving, “Ricardo, you’re up.”
Julia looks up from chatting with Herald, then stands up, “Alright, I’m gonna wrestle him.”
“You mean grapple?”
“Yeah, I’m gonna grapple the Ebon Champion.”
You remind her, “He’s like twice as tall as you, and super strong right now. He’s all hopped up on crystal magic.” Daniel starts to look a little concerned.
“I don’t care, Mina, Ricardo’s no fucking coward, we’re wrestling.”
“Fine, fine,” you know there’s no stopping her, so you roll the dice, “A failure, ‘Ricardo the Barbarian is easily overpowered by the towering black knight, his armor crackling with sorcery that augments his strength.’”
Julia scratches the back of her neck and shrugs a little, seemingly satisfied. 
“Alright, Blackhawk’s next and since he’s not here-”
“Hold up, Mina,” Ortega reaches over the conference table, pushing a button on the intercom.
A voice over the speaker, “Steel here - go ahead, HQ.” 
“Ortega, this -” He pauses and you can hear his suit adjusting as he moves about, “This better be important, I told you I’m helping the Guardians with Alvarez’s security detail.” 
Julia leans back in her chair, hands folded behind her head, “It’s absolutely important, it’s your turn, we’re in combat - so what’s Blackhawk doing?” Poking at Chen like this, Ortega lives for it, You can’t help but enjoy it too.
“Ortega, this is an emergency public safety channel. I told you I was going to be busy - Clarity could show up any moment.” 
Argent locks eyes with you, flashing a wry, toothy grin. You shrink in your seat and make yourself small. You’re a little proud though - Chen maybe sounded worried. A little bit.
“I’m sure you’ve got it under control, Marshall,” Ortega circles around the conversation, “Back to the matter at hand.”
Steel is quiet for a moment - you can tell he’s relocating again. Finding somewhere more isolated to talk? “Fine. What’s the situation?”
“We’re fighting the Ebon Champion.”
“I thought he was dead.”
“No, no, he got the crystal and he’s big now.”
“You let him have the crystal?” The channel goes quiet, and when Steel keys back up, he’s whispering, “I have to go talk to Alvarez. Just, I don’t know, cast Blessing or something.”
Ortega cuts the intercom and sits back in her chair, gesturing to you. You shrug, settling back in, “Alright, Blackhawk invokes Blessing of the Grove, you all get +1 to checks, saves and threats. Barolthien’s up.”
Daniel has his folder open and is looking over his character sheet, and checking the tables he’s printed. “A-alright. I’m advancing to melee range, and I’m… I’m going to swiftcast Acid Touch.”
“Barolthien’s getting up close with him?” You look for confirmation.
He looks to Ortega for reassurance. She shoots him finger guns and feigns innocence when you start eyeing her suspiciously. Daniel nods.
“Alright, that’s a touch attack,” a quick roll, “And that’s a 14, a miss.”
There’s a cough, Ortega interjecting. “No, it’s not.” 
“What? Why not? That’s only a 14.”
Julia leans forward over the conference table, grinning like the cat who ate the canary, “Yeah, but your guy is flat-footed.”
Here it comes. You grimace, “Why would he be flat-footed?”
“He was grappling.”
“You failed to grapple him, remember?”
“Doesn’t matter, he was still grappling.”
Your eyes flit to the left, then the right, trying to remember, “That can’t be right.”
Daniel watches the two of you with anticipation, following the back and forth. Argent yawns, flopping to her side on the sofa, even as Ortega pulls up a PDF on the conference table projector, “It’s in the book. See.”
It is. Heck. You slump in your seat. “I can’t believe someone else actually read the book. You’re right, it hits - the armor is magic and gets a save and...” Daniel watches you expectantly, waiting for the resolution, “...fails. ‘Barolthien’s caustic magics -somehow- eat the Ebon Champion’s blessed armor, corroding and consuming, leaving a hissing green haze. He howls in rage.’”
Daniel breathes a sigh of relief, jostled by Ortega’s slap on the back. “Aurum’s tur-”
She doesn’t even look up this time, talking around a chocolate-covered pretzel, “I’m doing a power attack.”
“Should have guessed.” You roll the dice for her and… of course, “he’s flat-footed until his next turn, and he has no armor, so that’s a hit and… And because of the Blessing of the Grove - nice work, Chen - that’s a crit.”
Ortega, smug as ever, points out, “Don’t forget, she’s got Savage Critical too.”
You grimace, “So Aurum does triple damage on the armorless, flat-footed Ebon Champion and… he’s down.” Stupid Rangers. Stupid Ortega. “‘Aurum’s blows strike true, with improbable force and - you get the idea, he’s down.”
Argent passes by you on her way to get more snacks, mumbling, “I want his sword.”
“He’s not dead yet, he’s just down.” You clear your throat, “The Ebon Champion sputters and coughs in repose, ‘This is not the end, you think you’ve won this day - but the ritual is complete, and the eclipse still nigh. Know then tha-’”
“In repose? He’s laying down?” Argent cuts you off, standing over your shoulder with a bowl of more chocolate pretzels and M&Ms. She holds it out for you - and the sustenance is appreciated. Maybe the chocolate will stave off this migraine.
“Yeah, I… I guess.” 
“I coup de grace him.”
“What? Now?”
“Yeah, I coup de grace him, fuck him.”
You put your face in your hands, “How do you even know that’s a thing?”
Argent shrugs, “Ortega told me.” Of course she did. Julia laughs into her hand, relishing in your torment.
“‘Aurum executes the Ebon Champion with her bare hands, I guess-’”
“I take his sword.”
“You’re a monk.”
“I take his sword.”
“‘She takes his sword. A blood red moon passes in front of the sun, casting the palace grounds into darkness. You get the feeling that the Ebon Champion was probably going to say something important, and that this isn’t over, but maybe it is. Who can say for sure? Not me, I’m done.’”
You take the opportunity to stuff a few pretzels in your mouth and fold up your screen, stretching. Julia stands up at her seat, putting a hand over her heart, narrating, “Ricardo strokes his mustache thoughtfully, proud of his companions and the teamwork they displayed. He totally hopes they learned some important lesson about working together tactically, so that Blackhawk doesn’t think this was a total waste of time.”
Herald throws his hands up in celebration. Argent mumbles, “Whatever.”
There’s a migraine coming on, and sure, the Rangers got their man, but… well, maybe it was a little fun. “Next week?”
Ortega shakes her head, “Mission next week.” Good to know - thank you, Ortega. “Two weeks.” Two weeks it is then.
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watercolourferns · 5 years
The Honey Pot, part 1
For @kobresias (Kore) and @finally-romancable-npc (Marcone) Zayn turned out a bit snarkier than normal in this one. XP I promise here will be less witchcraft and more domesticity in the next part! ^^UUUU Marcone x Kore x Zayn | Domestic Fluffy Witchcraft | Polyam | Seeing!Marcone | Modern AU
Overview:   “...I said I was sorry, I didn’t know it was catnip, I thought it was mint!” Zayn groan, making the others laugh again. “But, it could be a good thing to try… what could we summon? A swarm of bees??” he added walking behind Kore. 
“I can’t find it!” “I’m sure it’s somewhere in the pantry, my sweet prince,” Kore’s voice said reassuringly from the living room. The dancer huffed, crawled out from the lower cupboard, bumping his head in the process. “Oh shit!” “Are you alright, my moon??” Marcone’s worried voice came from the mud room as he entered the kitchen from the backyard, hurrying to the tiny figure curled up in front of the opened cupboard door. “Yes…” Zayn groaned, rubbing the top of his head as the man pulled him easily to his feet. “I just bumped my head… and lost my honey pot…” Marcone chuckled and hugged the smaller witch, kissing the place where he had bumped himself. “Oh, Zay. I’m surprised, you fit in that cupboard sitting down perfectly…” he said, stifling another chuckle. “Is he alright? I heard the bump. I’m surprised, too,” Kore said, looking into the kitchen, a playful glint in her eyes, tossing her long gray braid over her shoulder as she settled on a stool in front of the island. “Har har…” Zayn snarked back, making both of them snicker again. “Y’all I’m serious! I lost my honey pot, it was an antique!”
The taller ones subsided and made a collective sigh, finally realising the seriousness of the matter. The woman stood up and wrapped her arms around both of her lovers, kissing them both softly and smiling. “Should we try out a seeking spell?” she asked, excitement barely contained. How she loved to do witchcraft with both of them! Marcone worried his lower lip. “Precious, last time we did something like that all the stray cats of the neighbourhood came meowing at our door, remember?” Kore laughed softly, “It was not my fault, was it, Marc?” She gave Zayn a little nudge as she let them go and walked to the pantry. “...I said I was sorry, I didn’t know it was catnip, I thought it was mint!” Zayn groan, making the others laugh again. “But, it could be a good thing to try… what could we summon? A swarm of bees??” he added walking behind Kore.
“That isn’t a good prospect either way, my moon,” Marcone mumbled pulling out a tray from behind the island with a pestle and mortar and candle holders and placing it on the island’s countertop. “Colour of candles?” “White!” both Kore and Zayn called from the pantry, afterwards coming out with garlic, caraway, and rosemary. “This is going to smell up the house,” the dancer said, opening up the jar of homemade powdered garlic. He sounded cross and distant. Kore looked over at him and ran her fingers through his unsually loose hair, lifting his chin up. “Hey, my love, it will be fine. You’re not useless for losing the pot, you do know that right?” she said, looking him directly in the eyes, eliciting that soft blush she liked so much. The dancer sighed a huffing sigh and nodded, albeit averting his hazel eyes. The woman smiled softly, letting him go knowing it was as much as she was going to get for the moment. Zayn was stubborn when he wanted to be, she knew that very well. He was a little like her in that sense, and even though ti gave them a bit of a headache sometimes, she wouldn’t have him any other way.
Marcone settled the candle holders with fresh white candles and opened the jar of caraway. “What is this one for again? I use them on the rye bread I make sometimes, gives it a fresher taste…” he said, pouring some of the seeds in a crystal candy dish. He was new to witchcraft. Of course he could do magic, but witchcraft was different. It required ritualistic preparations and it harnessed power in a different, more intense way. He wasn’t scared of it, but he practiced a lot of caution around it: he had seen it go wrong and was concerned about that. “Things with caraway in them are thought to be less likely to be stolen…” Zayn said softly, “Garlic is for attraction, some say it’s for passionate attraction, but attraction is attraction and intent is everything…” He took the garlic, poured in in the dish and then took the rosemary Kore gave him. “Rosemary dispels thieves and jogs memory…” “Wait, my moon, do you think-?” “Someone stole my honey pot? Yes, I do. I took it to the baker’s fair last sunday. And it’s mysteriously gone… I remember putting it on the table for decoration and forgetting about it, but I wasn’t the one who packed things back up, it was Lorenzo. I don’t think he took it, he’s too nice for that. But I can’t find it, so I think someone stole it when we weren’t looking…” the tan witch said, looking down at the candy dish. “It’s partially my fault, I let the tiredness get to me; but that doesn’t mean I deserved something getting stolen from me…” Kore nodded, bumping him with her hip. “Well said, darling. But it isn't even your fault at all, partially or full. People need to stop touching things that aren’t theirs…” she said darkly. Marcone smiled nervously. “I don’t want to get on the wrong side of either of you… ever…” he said, chuckling slightly. Both people looked up at him and laughed, too, walking up to him and sitting him down on a stool. “Do we scare you, Marc?” Kore whispered, twirling the wavy salt-and-pepper tresses in her left hand, coiling one around her sixth finger. “Yes, cariño, do we…?” Zayn said, standing in between Marcone’s legs and looking up at him as he caressed the man’s beard. The former soldier gulped and blushed. Was he ever going to get used to having both of these flirts do this to him? Probably not, but he didn’t mind regardless of his pulse racing and his cheeks blushing violently. He felt fortunate to have them both in his life…
“Gods above, you will be the death of me, you two will,” he murmured, first kissing Kore’s lips slowly, then Zayn’s, wrapping an arm around both their waists and bringing them closer. “I will have a heart attack one day if you keep coming onto me like this, you dryads…” “Oi, now, I’m the dryad, Kore-Sidhe is the beautiful fae goddess,” Zayn said, smiling and pulling away from them to get the candle. “Do the honours, teddy bear?” Marcone blushed again, but smiled and touched the wick of the candle with his index finger, making it light up with fire. Zayn placed it on the countertop and sighed, walking around it to the front and placing both hands at either side of the candy dish, kneeling on a stool to reach properly. “Let it be returned What has been stolen For whoever took it Till the wrong has been righted, Will know no peace...”
His voice sounded distant and with an echo as he spoke, taking the candle from the holder and lighting up the herbs in the dish, which sparked burning up rather quickly. “Is… that good?” Marcone asked, ready to douse the dancer should he catch in flames. “It looks like he’s going to singe his lashes…” “Oh, he will be fine. I think the universe is listening to him,” Kore said, smiling, proud of how far the little dancer had come in terms of witchcraft. “Ooooh… Yes, it has!” Zayn had opened his eyes, looking up. They were glowing the trademark blue of the Sparkles that always surrounded him. Both taller ones could feel the electricity in the air, and just as suddenly it was gone, his eyes back to their soft hazel. He sighed as if he had stopped breathing for a long while and relaxed his pose, yawning. “That was amazing, Zay! It really was!” Kore said, kissing his cheek once he had slid off the stool and walked to them. “It looked… like quite something, my beautiful moon. Are you sure you’re alright?” Marcone asked, pulling him into his arms, ever the slightly clingy type. “Yes, I’m just thirsty, I don’t usually use fire in witchcraft, I’m more of a water bender,” he said, winking and laughing softly. “HA! I got that reference!” Kore exclaimed in her own way, pointing at Zayn, who nodded as he poured himself a glass of water. “And now what? We wait?” Marcone asked, putting the tray away, dumping the cinders of the herbs in a coffee can. They would use them, at the end of the month, together with the rest of the ash in there to create black salt. Both witches nodded and pulled him to the living room to snuggle on the sleeper sofa, pushing the ottoman in place to create a comfortable mattress, while they paid no attention to the show on the smart TV. They settled in their respective positions, Marcone spooning Kore who spooned Zayn, and smiled. Suddenly a huff was heard and Danae, Marcone’s huge mastiff poked her head over the sleeper’s edge. He huffed again, getting Zayn in the face, making him laugh and pat the sofa. “Come on then!” he said, making Marcone groan. “You do know she’s going to push someone off the bed and that someone is probably going to be me?” he said, nuzzling Kore’s soft hair. “Lucky for you this isn’t a bed!” Zayn chirped, booping the dog’s nose, making the man groan again. Kore simply chuckled, pulling Zayn closer and snuggling, sandwiched between the two. Two hours later, right after sunset two figures swooshed in through an open window, one of them landing on the sofa, pecking at Zayn’s exposed ear while all three slept. “Hmmm…” he protested, then without looking up he pointed at the fruit bowl in the dining room. “Avocados are there… cut open already… let me sleep, please…” Jawahir cooed, pecked him affectionately again and flew to his fruit bowl, pecking aggressively at the fruit. “Are we going to sleep here…?” Marcone asked stifling a yawn, woken up by the small commotion.
“Yes…” Zayn mumbled, the gray haired witch turning onto her back.
“Maybe,” she whispered and turned again, resting her head on Marcone’s chest. “You two do realise the bed upstairs is bigger and more comfortable…?” the man said again. “My feet don’t dangle there…” “Nobody told you to grow that much…” Zayn groaned, curling up and covering his face with his hair. “If you want us to be upstairs, you’re going to have to carry me…” “Uh, you’re right, bed is better… Is he always this cranky?” Kore asked teasingly, sitting up and starting to untangle her hair. “Or is this a new phase?” “Oh, no, precious… Try waking him up early for an appointment, cranky is an understatement. Alright, my moon, come on…” Marcone said softly, standing up with difficulty and taking Zayn up like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder. The dancer hissed and squirmed but a hand on the small of his back prevented him from falling off. “Unhand me! Unhand me, I tell you!! It’s inhumanly early!” “Zayn, my love, it’s barely 7 in the afternoon!” Kore giggled, pinching his cheek. “You’re too moody for such a fun size, you know?” “I-uh… shush…” Zayn spluttered, blushing furiously, crossing his arms as he stopped fighting, hanging from Marcone’s shoulder as they all walked up stairs. Marcone barked a laugh. “I think you and Danae share one feeling when being woken up,” he said, looking at the dog as she followed them, not at all pleased. Kore patted her gently on the head. “But you’re such a good girl, aren’t you? Aren’t you?” The dog barked softly, wagging her tail at Kore’s compliment as if to say “Yes, I am, you’re right!”. Just then Jawahir circled and landed on Zayn’s butt, making his eep in surprise. “You have no decorum, do you…?” he mumbled as the bird settled there, cooing to Danae softly. Reaching the bedroom, Marcone gently left Zayn on the wooden floor, gracing him with a soft kiss before going in to change. The dancer blushed again, sighed and follow him and Kore, starting to undress. “Just so both of you know, I’m sleeping in the middle tonight, due to all these grievances…” he muttered, tossing his t shirt and jeans in the laundry bin, pulling out and on an oversized tattered shirt, and crawling under the covers, pulling them up to his forehead, like an angry teenager. Kore sighed, shaking her head with a small smile, pulling her silk and lace silver night down, rebraiding her long, soft hair. She looked into the mirror, her bare pretty face looking right back at her, her tattoos contrasting with her skin and her gown in the pale moonlight.
“Have I told you how beautiful you are…?” Marcone said, placing a gentle kiss on her bare shoulder as he passed on his way out of the bathroom, chest bare, plaid flannel trousers on. The woman blushed softly and straightened up, going to the man and kissing a scar on his back. “You say it so prettily I might believe it myself, my handsome knight…” Marcone smiled back at her, and caressed her cheek softly before turning the light off and guiding her to bed, opening the covers for her. Once she was settled he went to his side of the bed, sliding inside it, stretching as he did so. “Are you speaking to us at all…?” Kore said, poking Zayn’s side from under the covers. “Eek! Kore-Sidhe!” Zayn pouted, pulling the covers down. “I’m sorry… I’m just-” “Mad at whoever took your pot. But it wasn’t us, my moon…” Marcone said, laying on his side, propping his head up with a hand, like a roman. “Or was it…?”
Zayn sighed and shook his head. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to be too snarky. Can you please forgive me…?” The other two smiled and hugged him, kissing either side of his face and nodding. “Of course, my darling summer king. I’ll always forgive you if you ask this prettily…” Kore said, nuzzling him gently, a hand playing his with dark locks. Marcone hummed and kissed the dancer’s neck softly. “Marcone… don’t…” the dancer protested. “And why not…? Maybe you could use some… release…?” the man said, his breath hot against the dancer’s tan skin. “Oh, why I hadn’t thought about that…? Maybe you yourself need a bit of a honeying, my love…” Kore purred, snaking a hand under his shirt. “Oi… wait… I…” Zayn mumbled, but then gasped and melted into their touches. “You will have to trade two nights for me, though… Today was my turn,” Marcone growled against Zayn’s stomach. “Fair is fair… Tomorrow we’ll see more about your honey pot, darling…”
The dancer nodded, speechless. Honey pot? What honey pot…? To be continued...
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sinsbymanka · 5 years
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Thank you for the prompt @tuffypelly​! I needed the practice writing Modern!Hawke and Varric!
Prompt: “Don’t you remember the go karting incident?”
Someone broke into Varric’s apartment.
He ran through the list of usual suspects and began crossing them out one by one. Magic was clearly involved, the leftover energy gave him a bit of a shock when he grabbed his doorknob. So Rivaini was off the hook. No sign of blood or whiff of sulfur, which meant Daisy probably hadn’t come by to water the plants she insisted he needed. 
That left three witches. Sunshine would have patiently waited outside, so she could be discounted. Anders... well, it could have been Blondie, but somehow Varric doubted it. Blondie hardly ever came to visit anymore, and never uninvited. His friend was too busy working himself into a frothing rage over the templars in the undercity most of the time.
So. Hawke.
Varric shoved the door open and peered around his tidy apartment. Sure, he preferred the bustling arts district to the ritzy section his brother favored, but Varric was no starving artist. Everything screamed comfort, from the plush, worn leather sofas to the rich, mahogany bookshelves lined with his eclectic collection. His laptop sat, undisturbed, on his coffee table with his empty mug from the morning still beside it. 
On the other couch, however, the Champion of Kirkwall sat in a nest of her own making. She had wrapped herself up in his comforter like the apartment was freezing, but she hadn’t thought to turn on the heat, which she was more than capable of doing. She had a takeout container opened in front of her, chopsticks impaled in half eaten noodles, and a cartoon featuring brightly colored, implausibly proportioned women playing on his TV. 
“Hawke, if you didn’t save me an eggroll I’m kicking you out.” 
She didn’t turn from her chosen entertainment, but she waved in the direction of his kitchenette. “I brought you a whole damn meal. And beer. You’re welcome.” 
“What are you watching?” He asked, shuffling off his coat and throwing it over the counter. He swaggered to the fridge and opened it, withdrawing the still lukewarm container. Hawke hadn’t been here long, then. 
“Fuck if I know.” Hawke tipped her head to the side like an over-inquisitive parrot. “It’s on one of those strange Nevarran channels you get.” 
He opened the container and peered into the half-eaten remains of his portion of the takeout. He glared playfully at Hawke, who’d finally turned to watch him as he discovered her treachery. 
“I was hungry.” She defended with a sly grin, folding her arms on the back of the couch and resting her head on them. “Where were you?” 
“Tracking down those ingredients Blondie wanted for his ‘make my demon cat less crazy’ spell. Do you know what Sela Petrae is made of?” He muttered darkly. Hawke grinned evilly. 
“Why do you think I said I’d help him find the Drakestone?” 
“I hate you.” He groaned, rubbing his forehead. 
Hawke smiled, suddenly sweet. “No you don’t.” 
He didn’t, but he wasn’t going to admit it after finding out he’d spent all morning asking for crystallized urine. He grabbed his own chopsticks from the counter and ambled over to Hawke on the couch, collapsing beside her. 
“You worried about him?” Hawke asked, slim fingers worrying the frayed edge of his comforter. 
“Nah.” Varric lied easily. “He’ll be fine. He’s just having a mood.” 
“Yeah.” Hawke lied through her teeth too. “I’m not worried either.” 
They needed a change of subject. Varric gestured with his shoddy utensils at the TV screen. “Can’t afford your own cable?” 
“Like you’re paying for cable, serah.” Hawke huffed, settling back into the cushions and resting her head on his shoulder, an easy, light pressure that felt as precious as gold. 
Varric waited, spinning the silence out until Hawke finally relented. “I’ve been having nightmares again.” 
Nightmares. Cards spelling out portents of doom. The same refrain now for weeks. Kirkwall lurching into the next disaster, but none of them any wiser as to what it was. Hawke stared, unseeing, at the TV, while she recounted her dream. “I’m at city hall, standing on top of that awful dome with the naked statue. But the statue isn’t there, it’s me. I’m encased in bronze just like it is, and the metal is melting, scorching my skin. I have wings, but the feathers are falling past my fingertips and I know I’m going to fall. The world is on fire underneath me and I... I’m watching from the center of the flames.” 
“One question.” Varric couldn’t bear to see the strain weighing her down, making her look old beyond her years. Shit, she was just twenty-five. Too young for all this, by far. “That statue on top of city hall is naked Hawke. Out of author’s curiosity...” 
She laughed, like he knew she would, swatting him with the edge of his own blanket. “You’re awful. My premonitions of doom are jokes to you, is that it?” 
They weren’t, he’d seen too many of them come true, but he also knew by now they couldn’t stop them. Worrying themselves into an early grave wouldn’t help. May as well go laughing. 
“Andraste, Varric. Get me out of this place.” She swung the blanket off the couch and stood, a bundle of nervous energy. “I’ll text Fen and Merrill. You grab Bela. Let’s go do something fun.” 
“Hanged Man is right downstairs.” Varric offered. “I think the special tonight is their own special brand of watered down...” 
“For fuck’s sake. No, I don’t want to drink.” She babbled, wrapping strands of dark hair around her fingers. “Let’s do something exciting. Oh! The aquarium, down at the harbor. Let’s...” 
“Rivaini’s banned.” Varric smirked. “Someone caught her teaching a man to fish behind the shark tank, if you catch my drift. Besides, Broody will complain the whole time about the smell.” 
“Ugh. Fine.” Hawke sighed. “The Rose has...” 
“A two for one special for templars right now.” Varric advised cheerfully, careful to note the tension that immediately rose in Hawke’s shoulders. “Best leave Daisy out of it if we go there.” 
“Alright.” She huffed. “The amusement park...” 
Varric held her gaze and raised one solitary eyebrow. “Don’t you remember the go-karting incident?” 
Hawke bristled and crossed her arms over her chest, staring down at him. “That whole thing was blown wildly out of proportion.” 
“I’m still paying bribes for that mess so Aveline doesn’t find out. The fact that you didn’t get tossed in the Gallows that night is a miracle.” 
Hawke waved his concerns away dismissively. “Details.” 
“We’re emphatically not welcome at the amusement park, Hawke. Cops will be called. We’ll have to explain ourselves to Aveline. I’ll develop ulcers.” Varric bemoaned. 
“Your chest hair will wilt and fall out. Dogs will howl in the street.” Hawke collapsed back on the couch, dramatically, half on top of him. She nearly knocked his noodles from his hand. “Varric, I’m dying of boredom. It’s an ignoble end for the champion of Kirkwall. Do something. Anything.” 
He sighed wearily and sat his container on the table while Hawke’s eyes glimmered expectantly. He drummed his fingers on the table lightly, rearranging his schedule in his head. “Bianca.” 
“Varric?” The AI answered brightly. Hawke perked up immediately. 
“I need you to make arrangements to rent a car under one of my pseudonyms. A fast one, something sexy. We’ll bring it back late Sunday night.” Varric rubbed his stubbled jaw thoughtfully. 
“Modified for Dwarven use?” Bianca chirped. 
Varric looked at Hawke. “You gonna drive?” 
“If it’s sexy, of course I will.” Hawke purred playfully. “Where are we going?” 
“I’m gonna let the humans take the wheel, Bianca.” Varric stretched his arms above his head. “Work on cancelling whatever shit is on my calendar tomorrow.” 
He wrapped one heavy arm around Hawke’s shoulders and gave her a comforting squeeze. “We’ll go wherever you want. Caveat is, I’ve gotta be back on Monday.”
“Important meetings to avoid?” She teased, pulling her phone out of her pocket. 
“You know it.” He yawned into his other fist. “There’s a music festival in Ostwick on Saturday. Casinos in Markham are always a good time. I’d even let you drag me to Starkhaven.”
“If we go to Starkhaven, we’ve gotta take Bethy and Sebastian. I could use a damn break from their canoodling.” Hawke tapped away at her phone. “Who’s playing in Ostwick?” 
“Fuck if I know.” He was far too old to be keeping track of that shit. 
“You’re so helpful.” Hawke sighed. “Bianca?” 
“Chantry Oblivion, The Infamous Nugs, Refuse Project, and Tool of Anarchy.” Bianca offered. “There are smaller, lesser known bands at side stages.” 
“Ugh.” Hawke wrinkled her nose. “Markham it is then.” 
“Too much heavy metal?” Varric picked his chopsticks back up with his left hand.
“If I wanted to listen to people screaming I’d go to the Gallows and stand between Orsino and Meredith.” Hawke grumbled. “Bela’s in. So is Merrill.” 
Of course Rivaini was in. She’d be at the door any second, bag already packed. Varric shoveled another bite of noodles into his mouth and watch as Hawke looked up, eyes fastening on the windows lining his apartment, the ones looking out onto the broad swathe of shops and galleries. Her face went slack. 
“You should put a piano there, Varric.” She mumbled. 
He nearly choked on his mouthful of noodles. “What? For stone’s sake, why? Rivaini would just be bringing men in here whenever she wanted the experience of fucking on it instead of making the trek to your place.” 
Hawke shook her head, frowning, before dropping her head back to her phone. “I don’t know.” She sighed, rubbing her temple. “It was a thought. Something with Ostwick. It’s gone now.” 
Thank Andraste for that. Hawke resumed her grin and punched him lightly in the shoulder. “C’mon then. Let’s pack up your chest hair and go.” 
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