#as an adult: the whole lotr trilogy
silmarillisms · 19 days
Criticizing the Critics: ROP, Sexism, and Racism
This is a bit of an anti-anti-anti post, if that makes sense. Before I get into it, please understand that I am absolutely not saying that there are no sexist or racist criticisms of The Rings of Power. I am also not saying that none of the people viciously critiquing or review-bombing The Rings of Power are sexist or racist. I am certain that there are those among them who are.
My argument is that the majority of individuals criticizing the show are not doing it for those reasons and that painting them all with the same broad brush of "you're just racist or a misogynist" is making the divide in the fandom worse.
Anyway, I argue with a lot of people on both Reddit and Tumblr about The Rings of Power and I'd like to bring to the table some trends that I've noticed among them.
The Peter Jackson trilogy was the introduction to LOTR for most modern fans. Most of them have never seen the Bakshi film or listened to the BBC audio drama.
Fewer still have read the whole trilogy, especially recently. Even fewer have read the other adjacent works like The Silmarillion, History of Middle-Earth, Nature of Middle-Earth, et cetera.
A lot of these people are wrapped up in the nostalgia of Peter Jackson's films. There are huge parts of Tolkien's mythos (there isn't any hard canon for a vast majority of his world, which was a purposeful choice that he made as an author) that have no hard canon at all but rather several competing explanations or interpretations. These are portrayed largely inaccurately or entirely ignored in PJ's films - and I understand why. There's only so much you can do in a limited amount of run time.
The Rings of Power is actively digging into a lot of that ignored or broadly brushed over mythos - mythos that people are not familiar with and do not associate with the franchise, on a large scale. Many people have put up blockers in their mind and have no interest in learning about the actual mythos we are presented with in the main and extended works on Arda.
As an example, someone on Reddit called me pedantic for explaining the difference between Sauron shapeshifting and Sauron's fea being disembodied from his fana, which is what we see in episode one of season two, and for explaining that the black slime that comprises his form is probably a nod to Gandalf saying that Durin's Bane, also a fallen and corrupted maia, took on a similar form when he slew it.
These are simple concepts from the mythos that Tolkien wrote but PJ excluded and they are often the most hotly criticized by people who dislike the show.
I think these objections, for the most part, stem from the fact that PJ's trilogy is what a lot of people know and where their nostalgia is rooted. A different adaptation can feel threatening to something they know and love. Imagine you got into some series as a kid not knowing there was a book series behind it and never reading it. You grow up on it. As an adult, it's remade and it's not like the series you remember. Do you care if it adheres more closely to the original source material that you're not even that familiar with? If the pacing and themes and character choices are different from the series you loved?
Look, I'm not excusing these people from being assholes. I just don't think that most of them are actually upset about strong female or POC characters. Some of them definitely are, but in my experience those aren't the arguments that I'm actually coming across in true droves. Reducing their arguments to racism and sexism does nothing to combat their actual complaints, which in bulk seem to stem from ignorance rather than malice.
It's possible to argue in good faith, but we all have to participate. A bigger fandom is better for everyone. Unless someone is obviously being a bigot, try to extend them a little grace if you reach out to them. You might be surprised by the people who come around.
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I ended up binging the whole LOTR trilogy with my uncle around the time the Ahsoka trailer came out and the idea of Ezra making his grand entrance like Aragorn did at Helm's Deep was too fun an idea to not draw.
Since Filoni said that adult Ahsoka is influenced by Gandalf; what if adult Ezra was influenced by Aragorn? Plus, Aragorn and Ezra are both my favourites so 🤷‍♀️
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tbookblurbs · 9 months
The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkien
5/5 - Whimsical, fun, perfect for children and adults alike, super approachable entrance to the Lord of the Rings universe
The Hobbit is one of my favorite books. My copy is handed down from my dad and its spine is cracked and the corners of the pages are all rounded since it's been read so many times. It has all the high fantasy elements of LotR without so much of the rambling that Tolkien is known for. The plot is much tighter and I find Bilbo to be a super charming main character. He's very reluctantly an adventure MC in that the whole time he's wishing he was at home in bed (relatable) but is also entirely dependable to get his team out of trouble.
I appreciate that the stakes are much lower here than they are in LotR. It makes for a prelude that does not fall victim to the problem that plagues a lot of modern television, for example, where the preludes have to be exactly as dangerous and as world-ending as the main trilogy. Not every story can (or should) have world-ending stakes. It takes away from the danger and impact of the story.
If you're looking to get into the Lord of the Rings and you want more of a taste of what is to come, this is a good place to start (despite the crazy number of named main characters). Gandalf antics, as expected, and a hobbit being hobbit-like.
+ Fun Fact, the Hobbit was originally written as a children's story for Tolkien's son
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sometimesrosy · 9 months
I remember you once saying that you like fantasy books. Do you have any recommendations? Books like Lord of the rings or the Liveship Traders by Robin Hobb?
Thanks in advance!
Aww man, you took my favorite answer!
Robin Hobb is my favorite, especially Liveship Traders. Actually-- have you read the other books in the universe? Because the Assassin books are my fav also. The first trilogy.
I have not read a whole lot of fantasy lately, finding it a bit too stressful for my anxiety and autoimmune disease (reducing stress is actually part of my health care,) so I'm reading historical romance, which IMO shares elements with fantasy but the 'magic' is love.
I did read Fourth Wing and its sequel and enjoyed that although it was a little YA for me and the second one was too long and should probably be either shortened or split into two books. But still fun and a nice mash-up of current YA romantasy trends and Pern by Anne McCaffery. Oh, I suppose technically it's NA, not YA. A magical college, not a boarding school.
Oh heck! Have you read Pern by Anne McCaffrey? It was a majorly formative work for me and technically it's science fiction but it has low/no technology because once the colony landed on the planet they were cut off from the rest of humanity by the dangerous natural disaster of Threads that also made them lose their tech. So it's an alien planet with psionic dragons, but feels like some kind of weird medieval fantasy. Be aware it was first written in like 1968 or something so it's coming from a world where racism and misogyny and classism and homophobia were deeply imbedded in society so there are some archaic cultural concepts but she was definitely TRYING to be accepting and non-racist, especially for the time. The characters are multi-ethnic and they address homosexuality (not real well but it exists) while feminism and classism are still struggling to be defined in the books. Also maybe a little weird dub-con? Like I said. Some archaic concepts. But I can read through them because it's very nostalgic for me.
I think Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo has a bit of a Liveship Traders feel, but crooks instead of pirates. Same same right? The tortured characters and found family is there.
Oh I googled a bit and found Fonda Lee's The GreenBone Saga is good to read. I started it but didn't finish so it's on my list. I think I tried to read it when my anxiety was high and my focus was low so it needs a redo.
Also yes I could Brandon Sanderson also being a good rec for this. I particularly liked Mistborn.
And oh. The Broken Earth trilogy by NK Jemison. It's epic and intriguing and unique.
For an older one more in line with LOTR, have you read The Belgariad, by David Eddings? I haven't read it in a while so am not sure how it holds up and it's been labeled as YA because the main character goes from a little boy to a teenager, and it's probably less graphic than a lot of adult books now but I really loved it as a teen. It's probably a lot softer and less dark than a lot of stuff now. Like as if Eddings read LOTR and said, ok but let's make it less WW1-ish and put a kid in there and a sorceress and a rapscallion wizard and a whole bunch of quirky characters for a mission. It's also as if GRR Martin read the Belgariad and said, "What is this shit? I'm going to take it and add in misery and rape and horror and doom because who likes fluffy families and motherly sorceresses? Make her hot and evil and have her give birth on page to a shadow and now you're talking."
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kalikoris · 1 year
Movie Meme 🍿
Rules: post 7 comfort movies and tag 7 people 
Thank you to @notyouraveragesofia and @gaygingersnaps for tagging me! <3
Spirited Away (2001): This movie feels like home <3 Out of all the Ghibli films this one has always been my favorite. Whenever I rewatch, I always find something new to appreciate.
Lord of the Rings Trilogy: Alright I'm kinda cheating but I really can't just pick one. If I'm watching lotr then I'm gonna marathon the whole thing. Taking a whole day, snuggled up with some blankets, and immersing yourself in the world is peak comfort.
Rogue One (2016): Okay, hear me out. This movie makes me sad but I know it like the back of my hand at this point. The comfort of knowing exactly what you're going to get with no loose ends(sorta). And also this movie has affected my life in a way because it's led me to a community where I've met a lot of cool people!! It's wonderful, honestly.
Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over (2003): This movie is the reason I own 3D glasses. "Somebody ring The Dinkster?" is an inside joke with me and my friends and it always makes me laugh. I really miss this era of movies sometimes.
Scooby-Doo (2002): Really made me wanna eat hot dogs
Barbie as the Princess & the Pauper (2004): I had the dvd and probably watched this movie a thousand times. All the songs are solid, the animation is not bad, still makes me laugh to this day. This is the perfect example of a comfort movie for me.
The Cat in the Hat (2003): I really enjoyed this movie as a kid. And then I watched it as an adult and realized just how BIZARRE it is. This movie is legit a fever dream but in the best way.
(some honorable mentions: The Princess Bride, Whisper of the Heart, Zathura, Coraline, Silent Hill)  
tagging (no pressure!!): @quarantineddreamer, @eatsleepandsing, @luciechat, @lilting-aurora, @coffee-and-uhg, @frostbitepandaaaaa, @youhavereachedtheendofpie
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cai-yue · 1 year
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Thank you @blackmonitor for the tag! Here we go! I kept thinking about how I should make this list because throughout my life I had too many fictional crushes 🤣 So I decided to make a "retrospective" of those who stayed in my mind for a greater time!
(actually, I decided to go crazy and explain the freaking list 😬 I've been working and studying so hard and I miss so much this type of silly fun thing that I completely overdid it 🤭)
1. Luke Skywalker - little me used to be obsessed with him and he remained unmatched in the Star Wars universe for several years until a certain blue guy took his place! But even now he's still a crush of mine.
2. Sirius Black - Sirius remained unmatched not only in the HP universe but for teenager me he was my absolute favorite. It all began when I developed this weird sympathy at the beginning of the 3rd book and the obsession skyrocketed at the end for obvious reasons.
3. Anakin Skywalker - judge all you want but this is a sad truth in my early teen years. He didn't top his son, obviously, but considering Luke wasn't even born 99% of the prequels... I know some people will find this very problematic, but rest assured I don't like this character the way I liked him 20 years ago but I had to list him here because it's part of my story I and think this whole thing quite hilarious today.
4. Aragorn - Aragorn was my LOTR crush back when I was younger! Even though he is not anymore I still understand all the appeal the younger me saw! Totally worth mentioning
5. Sesshoumaru - It was the beginning of my anime/manga era, which lasted many years, and if I had to pick a few crushes Sesshoumaru HAS to be one of them. I read many fics about him and these fics were the reason I managed to learn English 70% on my own (I know, speaking and writing skills are not the best, but reading and listening which are the ones I use the most are ok). I'm not much into anime/manga anymore but every time I look at him I feel I go back in time!
6. Kira Sakuya (Angel Sanctuary) - Even though I would not read this manga again because this is not the type of material I feel good reading anymore I do used to be obsessed about it and this character (be aware of great spoilers if you google it). I had to mention him because back then I had a great time.
7. Elrond - After I don't know how many times rewatching LOTR something was drastically changed (I got a little bit older I guess) inside of me and now Elrond has my heart (I won't say he is unmatched because Tolkien has simply too many characters in all his creation and well... You know...)
8. Solas - I think we finally have a crush that comes from a fully adult phase of my life! When I played Dragon Age: Inquisition I was away from games for a few years and I took this one out of pure intuition from my brother's selection. My intuition was 100% right and after many stressful years I went back to a world that made me feel at home and because Solas was my crush back then I had to mention him!
9. Thrawn - My most recent obsession hahaha. Not so recent though because it's been (at least) 5 years since he appeared in my life and Luke lost his number 1 title. There are way too many things I can say about my history with this character but thinking back to when I first read the old trilogy I think is interesting to note that I remember not liking him that much at first and not considering him crush material. I've never been so wrong 😅
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ncytiri · 1 year
10 characters tag!
10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms, tagged by @p-paradoxa, thank u gav!!!
finn (star wars) - i mean what more can i say about finn that hasn't already been said. truly one of my favorite characters ever, even with all the wasted potential he had, john's performance was just so great to watch and really made finn THE shining star of the sequel trilogy
neytiri (avatar) - my @'s namesake, a defining character in my bisexual awakening, mother to MANY! i absolutely adore neytiri and all of the parts that make her such a beautiful, broken, hopeful character <3
samwise gamgee (lotr) - i can't think about sam without wanting to cry. i see so much of myself in him but also he is the ideal friend!! loyal to no end, kindhearted, strong, samwise is just so beloved to me
essun (the broken earth trilogy) - it's been a while since i read the trilogy but i remember essun being such a wonderfully written but depressing character, from her childhood to her as an adult and so on. she has stuck with me ever since i finished that series a few years ago and i think about her so often 😭
gordo stevens (for all mankind) - MALEWIFE EXTRAORDINAIRE! i mean. yes he wasn't faithful in the 60s but my god was that man in love with tracy... gordo is such a funny guy but everything about him is SO sad... s2 gordo especially, the time skip showing how life has treated him but how he would still go to any lengths to get tracy back :(
jonas kahnwald (dark) - JONAS :(((((((((
shiv roy (succession) - always having to work 100x harder than all the men around her and STILL getting mocked and othered by them just to get ahead of her... shiv roy (and sarah snook) you will always be famous!!
hinata shoyo (haikyuu!!) - my sweet lil volleyball loving angel... he means the world to me...
kirsten raymonde (station eleven) - i need to rewatch to refresh why i love kirsten but something abt her always being so hopeful and trusting but also wary of ppl but full of love for theater as that is the one thing keeping her connected to her old life and jeevan and frank 😭 also her style is so cute and quirky i love it sm
river ward (cyberpunk 2077) - i could rant and rant abt the hate river gets but that is not the point of this tag game lol. for as little as we get of river in the whole game, he became a highlight for me during my first playthrough and i rly loved how complicated of a character he was <3 plus robbie daymond being his VA was another bonus 🤭
i gotta tag 10 other people but i feel like i have tagged too many ppl recently and i dont wanna be annoying so if you see this and also wanna do it, tag me!! <3
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kimmimaru · 2 years
Thoughts about Rings of Power. Overall. Spoilers in this so I stuck it under a cut.
So, I spent this whole season anxious as hell about Rings of Power. I’m not a huge fan of twists in stories that have already been told, and due to my ASD I do have trouble adapting to new content in things I enjoy especially when it comes to LOTR. Does that make me a bad person? I have no idea. I just know that I am extremely fussy and uptight about things I hold close to my heart. Because I’m autistic I have special interests and become obsessed with them to the point where it can, sometimes, be detrimental. I’ve gotten better at managing that as an adult but as a child it was pretty intense. I was obsessed with three things as a kid; Star Wars (original trilogy), Final Fantasy VII and of course Lord of The Rings. I have consumed as much LOTR media as I could get my grubby little hands on. So yes, Rings of Power made me nervous. It would have, to a certain extent, whatever platform it was shown on but in this case it was Amazon. Amazon are well known for being money obsessed and not giving a crap about anything except making Bezos richer. So yes, I think I was pretty justified in being nervous about what was going to happen in Rings of Power. As a whole RoP had it’s ups and downs. I’ll start with the ups: Galadriel was brilliantly cast. She looks exactly like I would imagine a younger Galadriel would look like. I enjoyed her acting. Elrond’s actor was also brilliant, he has such depth and also that lightness that all of Tolkein’s elves were supposed to have. A sort of child-like cheekiness that I felt Peter Jackson’s version lacked. The dwarves...I could go on forever about how the dwarves were portrayed in RoP but for now I will just say: AMAZING. I loved Moria. I loved Prince Durin’s friendship with Elrond. I LOVED Disa. I need more of them.  Costume design was wonderful. Absolutely LOVED Galadriel’s dress in todays episode. Stunning green colour.  Still unsure about how I like the Elves’ home set designs yet. I like what we saw but maybe I would just appreciate seeing more?  Now, the stranger...or wizard as we now know (always knew lol). I was, for reasons unknown even to me, CONVINCED they wouldn’t be allowed to use Gandalf so kind of assumed he was either one of the mysterious ‘blue wizards’ or possibly even Radagast the brown as he IS a nature wizard and given the strangers display of magic through most of his scenes you’d assume his magic was nature orientated. Apparently not. They did scare me when the white robed people were calling him Sauron, I was about to switch it off. Glad I didn’t but I HATE shit like that. Wish they hadn’t pulled that stunt. So yeah that’s a negative for me I’m afraid, although a small one admittedly.  Sadoc’s death was gutting, I really liked his character. So that was sad.  Now. Sauron and the question of who he was. I thought it was the dark haired pointy eared one, everything pointed to him. So unless this was part of Sauron’s overall plot (you know, use dark haired guy as a diversion for the elves/numenor), which I hope it was, that was kind of irritating. Again with the stupid ‘twists’ I hate it so much. I don’t watch stuff to then go away feeling tricked. The fact that the ‘king’ of the south ended up being Sauron was actually very good. I am hoping that the dark haired ‘Uruk’ was actually just acting on Sauron’s orders as a distraction rather than it being a red herring for us the audience, because that would be disappointing. I know some plot twists, if done right, can be very good but RoP is based off of material that has already been written and I just have issues with sticking in stupid red herrings for the audience BUT if he was actually a red herring for the characters then it serves some purpose and I can let that go.  Anyway, overall, despite some mixed feelings over some areas of RoP I think it was pretty good. I would really like to see more of Moria and the Dwarves though, lol. Maybe next season will focus on them getting their rings.  Sorry of the long post, I have many thoughts. More than this even but I think I’ll leave it here for now. As an after thought I will add that no, I have never, nor will I ever read or write LOTR fanfiction. This is because I would never be able to capture the same magic that LOTR carries in my own writing. This is not me hating on LOTR fanfiction, write what you want, enjoy writing what you want. It’s just not for me.
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lightgriffinsect · 1 year
Anti honesty hour: a piece of media you hate!
God I hate FNF so much like actually. Such a stupid little kids game with immature humor and lame music. Those songs get stuck in my head for hours on end it sucks so bad. And I mean look at that ARTSTYLE how could it not be a kids game??? Everyone knows cartoony graphics are for babies! I watch REAL FUNCTIONING ADULT MEMBER OF SOCIETY THINGS like LOTR Rings of Power! Yes I've read the original trilogy! Anyway FNF has so many stupid mods, the only ones that are even somewhat decent are the Pibby mods and Dave and Bambi!!! That's right!!! What the frick is a Psychic Mind Games mod fnf??? That sounds so lame if it turns out anyone actually likes that mod I'll go scream into my pillow. All of you college students who actually like this game need to grow up and go do something productive with your life. I have no idea how all of them are so immature. UGhhuhhghhdf did you know there's so much drama in that community??? Even more than in the Undertale fandom oh my GODDDDDDDD I have no clue how any of those mod devs got so popular. Their music SUCKS even worse than the actual game s2g and the graphics are even worse I hear. Imagine throwing your whole life away because of silly beep men. and ALSO I can't believe anyone would want to stay in that community with how all the big mods get cancelled over petty drama and there are no good mods aside from the ones based on existing IPs ever in the history of existence. There has never been a good fnf mod ever stop lying to yourselves. Improve your taste of music smh and get out of a fandom that has so much drama in it. You know the fact that anyone still likes this game means they endorse the every action of every single creative in that fandom that they have done in their entire lives???? Yeah that's exactly how communities work!!!! You need to find a fandom with exactly ZERO people who have made any kind of mistake ever in their lives. otherwise that's a MORAL FAILING on YOUR PART. UGHGFKJDFKJ thanks for this ask anon I hate this game so much it's so anti-women and existence phobic this game is so problematic I don't know how the creators or anyone in that fandom aren't in PRISON for life omgggggggggggggggggggg
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novelmonger · 2 years
Thoughts on Jedi Apprentice 1: The Rising Force
Star Wars was my first fandom. I was introduced to the original trilogy when I was 8, and immediately fell head-over-heels in love with the story - particularly because Episode I came out shortly after. I'm one of that rare breed of Star Wars fans whose favorite movie is Episode I (it's neck-and-neck with Rogue One, but overall I think The Phantom Menace still pulls ahead). The only Star Wars poster I have in my room is from The Phantom Menace, I was overjoyed when I got a Jar-Jar Binks cake for my ninth birthday, my favorite lightsaber battle by far is Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan vs. Darth Maul, I love the Duel of the Fates and Trade Federation theme music....
So it should come as no surprise that, when I discovered the Jedi Apprentice series that covers Obi-Wan's apprenticeship with Qui-Gon, I snapped it right up. From the very first scene of TPM, I fell in love with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan's relationship, and I was devastated when Qui-Gon died and I realized we'd never get to see any more of it. Thankfully, there's a whole 18-book series targeted at young adolescent readers featuring that exact relationship! I was smack-dab in the target demographic, and for years (basically, until I discovered LotR and HP when I was 11), that was the only thing I wanted to read, think about, or talk about. When I wasn't doing school, playing Pokemon Yellow, or watching a Star Wars movie for the 10000000000000th time, I was reading these books.
Watching the Obi-Wan Kenobi miniseries has awakened so many feels, old and new, for my favorite character in the saga ;A; While I wait for the last couple episodes to come out (and for my heart to repair itself after Ewan McGregor has trampled all over it in the best possible way), I've decided to reread these old favorites. I haven't read them since my teenage years, but I still have so many fond memories of them. I'm really excited to see what new thoughts I may have, some 20-odd years after that rainy day I wandered into the back corner of the library to see what kind of Star Wars books they might have....
Jedi Apprentice #1: The Rising Force by Dave Wolverton
This is long and rambly, so I'm going to break it up into chapters, so as not to just leave a giant wall of unbroken text - or less so, anyway. (And...for if you want to read along, I guess, though I can't imagine anyone's going to do that.) I don't think I'll necessarily have thoughts for every chapter, but I guess we'll see....
Chapter 1
The book opens with Obi-Wan sparring with another youngling...whose lightsaber is red??? Who missed the memo that only bad guys can use red lightsabers? XD
"Because he was tall and strong for a twelve-year-old..." - Let's...just keep this in mind for later, shall we?
Obi-Wan's opponent in the training exercise is a boy named Bruck Chun. Poor kid. With a name like that, you're going to be relegated to being a bully forever, aren't you?
"Bruck also held grudges. A year ago, Obi-Wan had stumbled in a Temple corridor, tripping Bruck, who had fallen. ... He'd called Obi-Wan an oaf then--Oafy-Wan. The name had stuck." - Okay, that's actually a pretty clever insult for an eleven-year-old *clap clap*
Wolverton's writing of Yoda's speech quirks is...inconsistent. Take this as an example: "To defeat an enemy, you do not have to kill. Defeat the rage that burns in him, and he is your enemy no longer. Rage the true enemy is." Odd. I don't think I really noticed that before.
Chapter 2
"Obi-Wan threw himself back on his sleep-couch. He had let Master Yoda down. He had thrown away his one last chance by letting anger cloud his mind. Now his worst fear had come true. After all his years of training, he was not good enough to be a Jedi Knight." - This hits different, reading it as an adult. Obi-Wan is a month away from his thirteenth birthday, and because no one has chosen him as a Padawan, and because Bruck made it look like Obi-Wan beat him up in anger, unprovoked, he's getting kicked out of the Temple and sent off to a planet in the Outer Rim to be a farmer. Like...I get why they want Padawans to start off early; they need to be teachable, moldable. This is also the age at which children would be sent off to apprenticeships in times past. But...Obi-Wan is twelve. And, when the Temple has a child on their hands who can't make the cut, instead of sending them back to their families (and I happen to remember that he's not an orphan, even in this not-exactly-canon-anymore series written 23 years before the miniseries), they ship him off on his own to become a farmer in the far reaches of space. Beyond being extremely cold-hearted behavior towards a literal child, it's just...irresponsible??? They're sending a Force-sensitive kid to the Outer Rim without supervision because he couldn't control his anger. Uh...Jedi Council, do you want him to turn to the Dark Side????
Bant! I've always loved Bant, though we don't get much of her in this book. She's Obi-Wan's Mon Calamarian best friend in the Temple, and even though I've never found Calamarians particularly attractive to look at, I've always imagined her being...pretty. I think it's because her gentle soul shines through her fishy appearance :3 And she cries when hugging Obi-Wan goodbye :'c
Chapter 4
Okay, so let me get this straight.... At the tail end of Chapter 3, Yoda and Mace Windu are arguing about whether they should give Obi-Wan another chance at being a Padawan. Not a guarantee, just a chance for potential Masters to see him fight and pick him. What decides the argument is a referee droid telling them that Bruck was the one who started the fight that got Obi-Wan in trouble. So...they had a droid watching the entire time...and they took Bruck's story at his word, arranged a job and a transport for Obi-Wan overnight, crushed his hopes and dreams, potentially set him on the path to the Dark Side out of bitterness and anger...before they even checked the evidence?! I mean, what if Bruck had just burned and bruised himself and then went limping to cry wolf, and there had never even been a fight at all? Guys...this is why Palpatine was able to exterminate you. Because you're all as incompetent as a bunch of beetles >:(
"As a child, Obi-Wan had learned by fighting older students to avoid flashy attacks that wasted energy. Instead, he'd been trained to fight defensively, to block blows with small movements, or to avoid them." - Getting "It's over, Anakin! I have the high ground!" vibes here :P
"[Qui-Gon Jinn] was a rebel and a loner, and Obi-Wan wanted to be seen as a rebel, too." - Awww, babbie.... ( ∩ˇωˇ∩)♡
"Qui-Gon shook his head sadly. 'It is better not to train a boy to become a Knight if he has so much anger. There is the risk he will turn to the dark side.'" - Oooh, foreshadowing! Foreshadowing of when Qui-Gon will ask Obi-Wan to train a boy with a lot of anger who will turn to the dark side!
Chapter 5
"'But why send the boy to Bandomeer?' Qui-Gon asked. 'It's a brutal world. If the weather doesn't kill him, the predators will. He'll need all of his skill just to stay alive--never mind the Agri-Corps!'" - THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING!!!!
And in response to that, Yoda just laughs and says that he has faith in Obi-Wan's abilities and that it's a good situation for a young Jedi to grow. Okay, okay, so Yoda has a premonition that Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are destined for each other, and this isn't the end of Obi-Wan's Jedi career...but come on. Sending a twelve-year-old boy to Bandomeer all on his own is child endangerment, Force or no Force!
Chapter 6
The main event of this chapter is Obi-Wan wandering around the ship taking him to Bandomeer, and he runs into a Hutt who unceremoniously throws him against a wall, chokes him, and then punches his lights out. And his cronies wonder aloud if Obi-Wan is carrying bombs in his luggage. OBI-WAN IS TWELVE HE PROBABLY STILL HAS BABY FAT AND WE FIND OUT LATER THAT HIS VOICE STILL CRACKS WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM ;A;
Also...oh my goodness. You have to understand, as much as I love Star Wars, I got into it at a time before I had ready access to much of the EU, and I'm not sure I really had an understanding of what the internet was or what one can do with it. (Besides, I was reading these books several years before Wookiepedia even existed.) So with a few exceptions of species named in the movies like Wookies or immediately-recognizable ones like Twi'leks, I had no idea what any of the species named in these books actually looked like, beyond the brief descriptions that might be provided in the text. This time through, I've been looking up any alien species I'm not familiar with...and this chapter mentions Arconans. This is one of the species that gets a close-up in the cantina scene, but I had no idea what they were called, so I didn't know that. The book describes them as "tall ... with triangular heads and glittering eyes." And...yup, that's what that one dude looks like in the cantina. But because I didn't know that was an Arconan, my nine-year-old brain had to come up with my own visual to latch onto - particularly because a character featured pretty prominently in this book is an Arconan. And I can still vividly remember what my brain cooked up - tall, spindly bodies supporting a huge flat triangle with a face on it! Real Arconans' faces are sort of vaguely shaped like a downward-pointing triangle, but I imagined them as upward-pointing triangles. And their eyes had irises and pupils, unlike real Arconans; they were just...super shiny, like anime eyes. Aww, now I have to shift my mental image....
Chapter 7
"He had to accept the pain, respect it, not fight it. Then he'd have to ask his body to begin to heal." - You know...I think these books went a long way towards preparing me for a life of physical pain. I've been told I have a high pain tolerance, and while I'm sure part of that is just the way my body is and what I'm used to, part of it is also mental. I used to pretend I was a Jedi when I hurt in some way, and I would try to do what's described over and over again in these books: Thank your body for letting you know something's wrong so you can fix it.
Okay, I could almost buy it if the Hutts and Whiphids on board weren't surprised by a twelve-year-old joining a mining operation, because maybe they just find it hard to gauge a Human's age on sight. But now there's a Human woman, Clat'Ha, who's like, "Oh, you must have stumbled on board looking for a job, yep, that's the most believable reason I'm sitting here looking at an actual child...." I guess there were no child labor laws a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.
My assessment of Obi-Wan as a Gryffindor Primary is looking pretty solid: "But he still struggled against Clat'Ha's acceptance of the injustice. He didn't understand it. He had grown up in a world where disputes were mediated and resolved. No obvious injustice was allowed to stand."
Chapter 8
Obi-Wan wakes up all weak and feverish, with Qui-Gon by his bedside, feeling his forehead. "'Is it really you?' Obi-Wan asked, struggling to clear his clouded brain. Qui-Gon smiled. It was the first time Obi-Wan had seen him smile, and he realized that Qui-Gon was not all coolness and judgment. 'Yes, it's really me,' he said." - <3 Exactly the kind of fluff I'm here for :')
And in walks Si Treemba! This is the Arconan character I was talking about, and I love him, even if my initial imagination of his face was...well, pretty cartoony, if we're honest, and now I have to picture him like the guy in the cantina. But Si Treemba is great. Rather timid, but a good friend when Obi-Wan has none, and fun to read because of the Arconans' habit of speaking only in the first-person plural because they have very little sense of individuality. Also, this introduction scene is doubly fun because Si Treemba hero-worships Obi-Wan for standing up to a Hutt, and Qui-Gon is laughing up his sleeve at Obi-Wan's discomfiture ^_^
Confirmation that Obi-Wan is fluent in Huttese. Not surprising; Huttese is a pretty widely spoken language, but still. Good to know.
"No doubt Qui-Gon thought him unworthy of the task ahead. But Qui-Gon's hesitations paled next to the Jedi principles. Justice must be sought out." - GRYFFINDOR!
Chapter 11
Okay, so Obi-Wan and Si Treemba go to investigate some sabotaged mining equipment that's making tensions rise between the two mining companies on board the transport. Si Treemba gets caught trespassing, and Obi-Wan turns back to rescue him from the Hutts. And in the middle of the night, Qui-Gon wakes up with the sense that Obi-Wan is in danger! Even though he's not his Padawan yet! I forgot that happened. It's ~destiny~ <3
"Sorry to break up your game." - I'm seeing the beginnings of Obi-Wan's dry wit. It's not super witty yet, but then, he's just a kid. The sarcastic zingers will come in time. (And granted, "Hello there" isn't exactly Shakespeare either....)
Chapter 12
Qui-Gon and Clat'Ha are at the bar drinking "juice." There's consumption of alcohol in the movies, so I don't see why the books need to be squeamish about it. I mean, I could maybe see a Jedi not wanting to get intoxicated, but Clat'Ha? I'm going to keep my eyes open to see if this is a trend in the series.
Aaaaaagh, Qui-Gon's upset with Obi-Wan meddling, fighting a Hutt, and making the tensions worse. "He had hoped to win the Jedi's respect. Instead, he was looked at as a pest, not even worthy of great anger." TAT But before things can get too tense between them...pirates attack! 8D
Chapter 13
Hee hee. Transparisteel. I love sci-fi technological terms :B
"Qui-Gon watched as Obi-Wan sprinted toward the bridge with Si Treemba behind him. Suddenly, the boy looked so young...." - Oh, NOW he looks young, does he?!
"The last of the pirates blasted off into hyperspace, never guessing that they'd been bested by a twelve-year-old boy." - WOOHOO!!!! YEAH!!! GO, OBI-WAN!!!!! ✽-(^▽^)/✽
Chapter 14
Hmm. There's some head-hopping in this book, which seems to get worse the closer to the end it gets. It's a pet peeve of mine, but I'll let it slide. Better authors than Dave Wolverton have been guilty of it.
Before starting this project, I took a stab at Sorting Qui-Gon. My best guess was that he's a Slytherin Primary (jury's still out on both of their Secondaries at this point), and his thoughts in this chapter seem in keeping with that. He thinks broodingly of his angsty backstory with his previous Padawan, whom he lost to the Dark Side. That hinders his ability to trust Obi-Wan or connect with him, because what if he opens his heart to an apprentice who will only break it all over again? So he holds back from Obi-Wan, who's confused and hurt and would really like even just a single word of praise from the Jedi Knight he looks up to. This seems like a Petrified Slytherin to me - his old Padawan was one of the few people he let into his inner circle, and such a pain-filled loss makes it so hard for him to let anyone in again. Can't wait for the un-Petrifying we all know he has to go through :3
Chapter 15
"Jemba shook in amusement like a giant gray worm." - Jemba is a Hutt. He is a giant gray worm.
"Sometimes, the force of friendship could work where the Force could not." - Oooh, I like that.
You know, I really like how the Arconans play into the plot of the story. Jemba swindles the lot of them into working for him by stealing their food source, and because their culture is a strongly communal one (to the point where they don't even use the word "I"), they go along with it because it's what seems to be for the greater good, because it means their people will survive, even if they end up losing their freedom to a cruel master. But then, because Obi-Wan has befriended and helped Si Treemba, he basically can call all of them his friends. Their loyalty to each other extends to him now. And I really like that, as young as Obi-Wan is, he's doing his best to understand where they're coming from and how their culture and life on their planet affects the way they interact with others. He doesn't judge them for being different from him, he just tries to understand. That's the makings of a good ambassador, I think.
Chapter 16
I really like this chapter. It's a quiet moment, a chance for the characters to process and discuss the showdown that just happened. Obi-Wan makes sure Qui-Gon (who was gravely wounded in the battle with the pirates) makes it back to his quarters, and they discuss what they should do next. Obi-Wan is ready to go kill Jemba right then and there, but Qui-Gon cautions him, giving him some good advice and helping him put things in perspective. There's something deep inside him that can't help advising and training Obi-Wan, even though he's trying with everything he has to slam on the brakes and not entertain the thought that maybe this could be his Padawan.
"His heart cried out that Jemba was evil, and that evil had spread to enslave innocent victims. If anyone deserved to meet a bitter fate, it was the Hutt. But he would listen to Qui-Gon." - Further proof that Obi-Wan's a Gryffindor! Also that he learns from his mistakes. He got in trouble before when he went off on his own against Qui-Gon's advice. Now, even though he's itching to do something to solve the problem immediately, he knows better than to disobey Qui-Gon's direct orders again.
"You can't force people to be just and decent. Such qualities must arise from within--they cannot be forced from without. ... I have [killed before] when there was no other choice. But when I kill, I only win a fight. It's a small, small victory. There are greater battles to be won--battles of the heart. Sometimes, with patience and reason and by setting a good example, I have won more than a fight--I have turned my adversary into a friend." - This is why I love Qui-Gon.
"Qui-Gon could see no glistening sign of tears. Instead, he saw the worst kind of defeat. It stung him. After all his noble talk of winning the hearts of enemies, he realized that he had just crushed the heart of a boy who only hoped to become his ally." - ༼☯﹏☯༽
Chapter 17
"It's as if a burden has been lifted from me. Perhaps I could be a good farmer. And to be good...to be a good person is more important than being a Jedi." - This chapter is basically just about Obi-Wan articulating this realization. And what an important, mature realization for such a young boy to come to....
Chapter 23
The climax of this book is so exciting, it's impossible to put it down to write down any thoughts! After an emergency landing on an unknown planet to repair the damage the pirates did to the ship, they take to the hills for fear the rising tide will engulf the ship. Instead, they end up putting themselves in greater danger from these pterodactyl-like creatures roosting on the island. To make matters worse, the Hutts have stolen all of the Arconans' special mineral they need to eat to survive. So Qui-Gon sets out to get it back, climbing a cliff face even though his shoulder is still seriously injured, getting shot at by Hutts and Whiphids and then attacked by the flying creatures, escaping only by jumping onto the back of one. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan is almost single-handedly defending the mouth of the cave where everyone is holed up, fighting scores upon scores of the ferocious creatures.
I still vividly remember the first time I read this book. I remember sitting on the couch in the living room, devouring the whole thing in one sitting. By the time I got to that epic battle in the cave mouth, I was shaking with excitement, oblivious to everything around me. I could see it all so vividly, it's like I was there. I could feel the rain on my skin, I could hear the creatures' cries, I could feel my muscles burning every time Obi-Wan raised his lightsaber. And when I finally put the book down, I was really disappointed that I hadn't checked out any of the other books, and I'd have to wait till the next time we went to the library! Few books can affect me that strongly anymore. I miss that reckless abandon, that ultimate trust in a story to carry me through, to the point that I'm hardly even myself anymore....
The other thing I love about this climax is that Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan reach out to each other with the Force and forge a connection, even though they've both accepted at this point that they're not going to be master and apprentice. It's a connection born of desperate necessity, but also a soul-deep understanding that goes deeper than conscious thought.
"Together, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn fought side by side. The Force pulsed between them. They knew without speaking where the other would move, when the other would strike. When Qui-Gon moved forward, Obi-Wan sprang back to protect his flank. When Obi-Wan leaped to the right, Qui-Gon made sure he was covered to the left." - \ TToTT /
Chapter 24
And here we are at the end. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan have been through a crazy adventure together, but Qui-Gon is still reluctant to ask Obi-Wan to be his Padawan. They have a quiet moment together, talking about Obi-Wan's first experience of letting the Force guide him so completely in such a critical moment, the first time he's been in a life-or-death situation like this. But as Qui-Gon thinks to himself, "The boy would have to be strong to dispel the shadow of the one who had come before."
And I'll close it out with this lovely foreshadowing of things to come: "It was not a simple thing for one Jedi to touch the mind of another. It was an intimate thing, the kind of thing usually done between closest friends. Or between a Knight and his Padawan."
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atamascolily · 3 years
Okay, so the tl;dr version of my thoughts on the new Dune movie is that I think it's a relatively faithful adaptation of the books. Even when I don't like certain changes, I can understand their narrative purpose and role in the story. The score, costumes, and visuals are excellent and evocative. All of the actors do a good job with what they're given. More thought and care went into this film than the entirety of the Star Wars sequel trilogy and it shows.
Unlike the 1984 film, which I had to stop watching after 30 minutes, this version does not drown you in exposition and relies on the audience to figure some things out on their own, which... may have been confusing to people unfamiliar to the books, but was honestly kind of refreshing.
Some things I really liked. Others... I have questions about. Ultimately, what it boils down to is that Denis Villeneuve has a very different #aesthetic and interests than I do--so while he is all for minimalism and shiny surfaces, I'm interested in Gothic Drama in Space and planetary ecology (literal worldbuilding), as well as actual worldbuilding. As a result, he does not make the same choices that I would have made, and while that's not really related to the quality of the movie, it's something I certainly have Opinions about. I lean towards the "make it decadent and WEIRD" school, and this movie is not nearly weird enough, in my opinion. 
Also, I think this a) should have been the first season of a TV series or at least a miniseries, b) should have filmed Parts One and Two at the same time a la LOTR, for pacing and consistency, but that's neither here nor there.
I'm sad we don't see Irulan or any of her writing at ALL in this film; one of the things I love about Dune is how her character is gradually revealed, and there's potential to do some really cool stuff by interpolating her quotes in between the scenes.  
I still believe you should start a Dune adaptation in media res with the gom jabbar scene just like the books, but this is... better than the 1984 version by a long shot.
It's so funny to hear them say HARK-konen when I've been reading it as Har-KO-nen my whole life.
less than 5 minutes into the movie and Paul is shirtless, lol.
"Use the Voice."/"Mom, I just woke up" AHSHFSKJBFSKJGFKJBF ok, that's cute. Writers really working to make Paul a #relatable teen here.
(ngl, I loved that scene as an Establishing Character Moment for both Paul and Jessica and this interpretation of the Voice)
okay, everyone's fashion game is very on point
In general, I dislike the monochrome / dark palette, but this is Villeneuve's entire #aesthetic, Dude knows what he likes and isn't going to change
the cone of silence thing is pretty neat, actually
(I get the ominous vibes, but I'd prefer to have more greenery and trees on Caladan to contrast with the barenness of Arrakis)
all the ocean shots make me think of the desert, which may be the point?
Jason Mamoa = excellent choice for Duncan. I'm cheering for adult!Alia already if we ever get that far.
the bullfighting motif was included, I'm so thrilled!! A++++ GOTHIC SPACE DRAMA GHOST
Oscar Isaac as a supportive space DAD oh my GOD
Apparently House Harkonnen doesn't believe in hair, and House Atreides believes in carefully tailored jackets.Did I get that right?
They do a really good job with the whole "human computers" business, actually--I wish we saw more of the mentats in action or at least a mention of why artificial intelligence is banned.
Jessica asks Yueh to check Paul's heart before the test, which is... okay, I see why they did that.
intercutting Jessica and Paul during the gom jabbar scene. heh.
Hans Zimmer really bringing it home
Jessica's outfit when they arrive on Arrakis is GREAT
That entire Arrakis entrance is so awkward and colonial and then they bring out the BAGPIPES--the dissonance between who they are and the world they're taking over is SO STARK.
holy shit the ornithopters are AMAZING
Oh, hello Mapes! But she pulls out the chrysknife and I didn't see it blooded  before she puts it away ARRGGHHHHH
more sign language YAY  
Okay, so I thought that it was going to be Liet (LEE-et, not LIE-ette) watering the palm trees in the courtyard and that was going to be their establishing character moment but no, it's just a gardener. Cool hat, though.
(also I am sad the conservatory didn't make it into this version, sigh)
the hologram of the plants with the little muad'dib!!!! ahahaha
the hunter-seeker was smaller and the entire scene was over much faster than I expected
Thufir rocking the umbrella! Love it! Though it's annoying because half the time they're like "the sun will literally kill you" and yet no one is sweating and characters leave their faces uncovered???
Sardaukar throat-singing is a nice touch, though I gotta ask if it was necessary to see their planet? I can't really distinguish it from Giedi Prime, tbh--everything is just black and shiny.
The Mentat lip-tatoo thing is nifty
Okay, so Yueh's treachery doesn't get any foreshadowing, it just sort of comes out of nowhere?? But I hear there was a deleted scene, so maybe that's why?
RIP Mapes, we barely knew ye
awww no the trees are on fire :( RIP palms, I love you.
One thing I will say is that this movie is not big on explanations, but it's good about showing, rather than telling. We don't have to know Rabban is the "Beast," we see him slaughtering unarmed prisoners, for instance.
Okay, I wasn't expecting a naked Oscar Isaac in that final scene, but @blue-mint-winter is right, it looks like a baroque painting, right down to the Baron eating the fruit and the artfully placed table to keep this movie’s rating PG-13.  
Duncan is a boss!!
This movie is really good about showing how the shields work!!
the whole Voice sequence in the 'thopter was so tense.  
Have I mentioned I’m so glad Dune subverts the 'dead mom' trope?
Duncan goes down like a boss. Liet... okay, she took a few Sardaukar with her, but... still, ughhhhh. I know why they did it, because it was easier this was, and they can't show off yet how the worm-riding works, but arrgghhh
also we never get a good sense of what her work and purpose is, I hope the next film will explain that through Chani.
Turn off the targeting computer moment with the 'thopter sandstorm, lol.
god that oil bath is creepy af
I look at Rabban and allI can think of is "Drax" and I only watched the first twenty minutes of Guardians of the Galaxy, why is this happening
really should have had more "moonlight" for the night desert walk, it's so dark
love the little muad’dib every time it shows up! And it was trapped in a spider-web in his vision?
oh the canyons
oh the stillsuits
... and then it ends, right at about the part where I thought it would, and I'm just like... well, now we have to wait two more years because the studio execs couldn't get their shit together, sigh. 
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sapphia · 3 years
It’s only really just occurred to me that a lot of the people who say, “Harry Potter wasn’t even that big a deal, they were bad books that just got a bit of hype.” actually don’t really understand the effect that Harry Potter had because they’re too young. They’re born after 2000 and, to them, Harry Potter has just been another fandom like the Avengers or Twilight, that got a bit of a fanbase before publishers and production companies did what they always do and made a slate of movies for.
And I really need to emphasise that that’s NOT the case at all. Harry Potter was massive before things really got massive. Children’s books like Percy Jackson getting movies didn’t really happen before Harry Potter did it first (and the ones that did were often old classic books, or straight to DVD or got cheap BBC miniseries instead. Google Five Children and It trailer. That was the bar for children’s book adaption. Old, and cheap).
Hell, movie series weren’t even a thing back then. This isn’t entirely due to Harry Potter - Lord of the Rings also had a part in this. In the early 2000s, Peter Jackson had to fight tooth and nail in order to get the Lord of the Rings trilogy, three bricks of a book series, made into three whole movies instead of one. The studios were dead set on only having a single movie, thinking that a whole trilogy (THREE movies!) would be too long and commercially unviable. You would never get that these days - even when Jackson came back and made the hobbit, one much smaller book than a single volume of LotR, they split that into three because of how successful series like LotR and HP had been.
Harry Potter must have been one of the earliest books to get a series film deal while the series was still being written, and this is entirely because the books were so popular the producers knew they could get an audience for all seven. And that was so wildly successful that now all you see are series.
If Twilight created the modern day push for YA literature as its own genre, Harry Potter started the renaissance that allowed children’s literature to thrive so much it COULD be split into children and teen audiences. Before Harry Potter, children’s stories were simpler, more child focussed, and appealed only really to children - Harry Potter is one of the only books in recent years that has managed to appeal to both children and adult audiences. (His Dark Materials also does it to an extent but that’s more to do with its mature themes and the nature of fantasy). And that’s a large part of its success - Harry Potter wasn’t considered just a children’s book, it was considered a book. Adults were as invested in Harry Potter as kids. When I bought my preorder copy from a bookstore, after I read it I’d give it to my parents so they could read it too. My childless aunts and uncles had their copies, because it was a story that appealed to them.
This was unprecedented - not since the Hobbit. And that had had a full, adult-orientated series behind it to drive adult interest. Plus it was written 50 years ago when frankly the literature marketed was less genre-fied, and less competitive. The Chronicles of Narnia sort of managed to be considered literature despite being a children’s book, but you’ll notice that that is still classed heavily in the children’s category and not widely read by adults - and this only really happened with one of its books, not all seven.
Harry Potter is credited with getting an entire generation to read. And that’s not entirely an exaggeration - interest was high. I’ve still never seen the preorder hype for ANY book anywhere near that of each of the later Harry Potter books.
It also showed children - and publishers - that they could read and be interested in longer books. Again, twilight wouldn’t exist purely for length purposes had Harry Potter not published longer and longer books, showing there was a market for that even in children’s fiction.
One of my favourite authors is Tamora Pierce, who writes YA. When she took her original manuscript to a publisher, they made her cut it into four parts and basically rewrite the entire story because they didn’t think a lengthy fantasy book would be able to sell. Now, I love Alanna, but you can tell that originally it wasn’t meant as a quartet, even more so than her later books (also published in fours) which are a bit more cohesive. It would be almost fifteen years before she finally got a chance to publish a work as a single, full volume - and she only got to do that because Harry Potter showed publishers that long works can sell.
For a lot of “trends” in publishing, there’s an element of “right place, right time”. For example, witches are popular right now in fantasy, so if you’ve written a witch book, you’ve gotten lucky. It’s very hard to write to trend as books take years to get written and published, by which time the world has likely moved on.
Sometimes people and books create trends - the Hunger Games created YA dystopia, for example. This was a little bit “right place right time”, despite being a very good series, because YA was booming and people were searching for the “next twilight” (hence the focus on love triangles from pop culture - it was the one similarity it had to twilight). Twilight itself was another trend - the first series to do what Harry Potter had done ten years before. But again, it did this because it filled a niche that Harry Potter had left for it- people were looking for “the next Harry Potter” (and twilight appeals to the Harry Potter generation, who’d grown up into teens by this point- not a coincidence). It’s fantasy, it appeals to parents and children alike (even if that’s mostly female), and it has a raw appeal. It’s a story that can be enjoyed by adults despite being simply written enough to be understood by children, or in this case teenagers, it’s primary audience.
So Harry Potter created the niche that twilight filled. But you have to understand, nothing created Harry Potter’s niche. Sure, the tropes and concepts it pulled from had existed and been popular - it followed a long tradition of fantasy stories and was a “natural next step” to a genre that had gone from the Hobbit to Earthsea to Diana Wynne Jones.
But in terms of the publishing niche? Harry Potter created that all for itself. It was a revolution. It literally created a phenomenon in a way we’d never seen before, in such a massive industry and cultural shakeup that I don’t think we’ll see again, at least not on that scale, and not in the near future. It created a millionaire author in just four books. It created an author celebrity. Steven King has spent his entire career working to get a sliver the fame that JKR achieved basically overnight. Harry Potter remains the most successful series ever by a ridiculously large margin, and it didn’t get there by being bad. It didn’t get there by being average. It didn’t get there by being the right book at the right time to fill an existing niche, because that niche didn’t exist. Hell, the idea of niches didn’t really exist, not like they do now.
So that’s some context for you. When people say that Harry Potter revolutionised the book industry and had a huge cultural impact, they don’t mean that they personally read and liked the book. They mean exactly what they say. Harry Potter was a tossed rock into a lake, and all the media you’re consuming today, from 30-movie long comic adaptation universes to the new YA trend, are ripples created by just how enormously huge Harry Potter’s splash was.
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c-c-cherry · 3 years
You said you were obsessed with LOTR at one point, and tbh S A M E that was my first fanbase ever haha. Who's your favorite character, and what's your favorite book/movie??
Ohhh man anytime anyone brings up lotr, its like a tidal wave of happy chemicals rushes into my body because I absolutely love it so much.
I think I have every book Tolkien’s published (including his weird little poetry books.) My grandpa is a huge nerd for this kind of stuff and got me an Elvish dictionary. Which I had no idea even existed but I’m very happy??? I have little shrine of middle-earth related things slowly building up in the corner of my room. Life is perfect when I stare at my little shrine.
My favourite character is SO OUT OF POCKET IM SORRY but its ELROND😭😭 I have no idea why I decided to latch onto him but I’ll fucking ramble on for hours about him if my family members don’t kill me first >:)))) I don’t like the way the movies did him because they made him this mean 2-dimensional dude who’s obsessed with Arwen, but reading the books and scouring through wikis, Elrond is just this badass father dude who rescued baby Aragorn, gave him the most adorable fucking name to keep him safe, (its Estel which means HOPE IN ELVISH LIKE AHFGJDKSGH) practically raised him in Rivendell and taught him everything about healing and language, AND THE MOVIES ARE JUST GONNA IGNORE ALL THIS FATHER/SON FOUND FAMILY SHIT THAT I LOVE???
The whole reason Aragorn is wandering around bathing in his own angst fest for the first two books/movies and NOT taking his place on the throne is probably because he’s still mad at papa Elrond for not telling him about where he really came from until he was an adult. I’d be rightfully pissed. Hell, I’d call myself Strider too if it turned out my name was actually Peach instead of Cherry all these years and I’m also somehow a queen somewhere.
holy shit I need to stop talking about Elrond moving on I’m sorry. Gollum comes in a close second because I think his character is really in-depth and I had no idea whether or not to feel bad for him or hate him the entire time he appeared in the books or on-screen. 
Ok but the second book in the trilogy hits the best. I didn’t like all the non-hobbits at first, but The Two Towers made EVERYONE grow on me so much. I picked up the series sophomore year of high school and I remember being totally obsessed and stayed in the library EVERY DAY to finish them. Did I scramble to eat food 2 minutes before class so I could read about Sam and Frodo instead? Maybe. Did I neglect friendships so I could just read about Legolas and Gimli’s? Also maybe.
I actually find it kinda funny that I can’t recall a single thing that happens in the second movie, but I love the third movie the best because I feel like the action scenes and big fight and all that jazz translated better in film-form for me and I felt everything more compared to when I read it in the third book.
Thank you for letting me dump this on you. I’m taking this obsession to the grave. And for others, I am sorry if you have no idea what’s going on. 
Also fun Cherry fact, my step-grandpa was super smart and got into Oxford back when Tolkien TAUGHT THERE and he took one of Tolkien’s classes and I will forever be jealous. Apparently he was a pretty nervous public speaker and stuttered a lot during lectures so remember:
you don’t have to be good at everything you love. Even Tolkien isn’t good at everything he loves.
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loopy777 · 3 years
Return of the Jedi is often looked upon as the weakest of the original trilogy. If you share that opinion, what do you think would have improved it? Aside from the Ewok thing, I think they could have gone with a different climax that doesn’t involve a second Death Star (maybe an old timey ship-to-ship style battle with the Executor but in space?)
Yeah, having another Death Star is definitely a bit tired. I appreciate that it came with a bunch of different visuals thanks to its half-finished nature, destroying it didn't involve another trench run, and it allowed for the biggest and most technically accomplished space action of the entire series (they did that all with real models and compositing! CGI may look nice, but it's easy), but having another super-weapon -- never mind the exact same thing as the first movie -- feels lazy.
In the early drafts, the creative team had been toying with something involving the Imperial Capital, but the action never really went beyond Death Star-esque space stations and a forest moon. I think something could have been done with the capital planet itself, but that would have required more budget than George Lucas wanted to spend, and his vision possibly wasn't even technically possible at the time.
Also, I do agree that that Ewoks are perhaps a little too kid-friendly. I think the theme works, with the 'primitives' defeating the more technological Empire, and I even think it was implemented in a believable manner. But the whole 'teddy bear picnic' look of it (as Carrie Fisher called it) was probably too much for the aging primary audience, never mind the adult fans, and there didn't need to be so much silliness and comedy with them. It's the same thing that sunk Jar-Jar and the Gungans in Phantom Menace- cute bumbling critters are fine, but then the audience isn't really going to warm to them winning a war. I don't mean that the fight needs to be all gritty and violent, but leaving the slapstick to just Wicket and letting the other Ewoks looks like experienced guerillas would have probably accomplished a lot in endearing the idea to the audience.
More than the teddy bears, though, I think the look of Endor's moon itself doesn't meet Star Wars standards. It's just a forest, the same thing you can see in any low-budget fantasy movie. Sure, there are a few more redwoods in RotJ than in LotR Knockoff #47, but it's still a step down from what came before. Tatooine was probably the most boring-looking planet before that, in terms of environment, but the sci-fi civilization built on the desert made it interesting. Endor's moon is just a forest and the Ewok treehouses. There's no wow-factor, especially after ESB upped the game from the first movie.
Overall, though, I think the main problem with RotJ is one that isn't really visible on the screen. It's the primary culprit behind the lack of enthusiasm people feel for the movie, IMO.
I'm talking, of course, about the pacing.
The first part of the movie, the rescue of Han from Jabba, feels like a stand-alone adventure more appropriate to an episode of a TV series. It has nothing to do with the conflict with the Empire, and has this slow rollout of the cast that definitely feels like it's reintroducing the audience to them, an odd choice for the last movie in a trilogy. Nothing is accomplished by it except reestablishing the status quo, getting the whole cast ready to return to the real story. It's the most visually impressive location in the movie, with the rancor and all the alien costumes, but in the end Luke just fights his way through it. Throwing Luke and company into something a bit more involved, like if Jabba was meeting with another crime lord and Luke played them off against each other or something, would be a bit more engaging. But that would still leave this section of the movie feeling separate from everything else. I'm not sure how to solve that, as it is a bit of business leftover from ESB that has to be tided up in some way, and it's a good example of why playing things by ear can be really hard even for people who are good at it.
The next major problem with the pacing comes on Endor's moon, when Luke and company spend so much time meeting the Ewoks. I don't think it's a long time in actual count of minutes, but it's a slow bit that's probably more drawn out than it needs to be. The original Star Wars was a location-hopping adventure with wonderfully-paced forward momentum buoyed by some fun moments of natural downtime. ESB was a chase sequence spiced up with the ramping romance between Han and Leia, with Luke's powering up and exploration of the Force inter-spaced, culminating in the heroes suffering major dramatic defeats. But RotJ starts with a side-quest, then Luke gets the truth about Vader in a good scene that's still just people sitting around and talking, and after a speeder bike chase (that again is probably too long) the heroes take their time becoming friends with Ewoks in a forest. Star Wars was exhilarating before this, and now it's laboring to the finish line while dithering to clean up its own subplots.
(Note: I do NOT advocate avoiding the due diligence of cleaning up subplots in order to try to maintain a propulsive plot, and the final movie certainly isn't the place to be throwing new subplots in. That's how you get Rise Of Skywalker, and no one wants that.)
When the big finale starts, with Luke confronting Vader and then the Battle of Endor kicking off, the pacing finally gets back on track, IMO. George Lucas knows how to edit together an action sequence, if nothing else, and knows when to cut back to the slower but more emotionally meaty Luke-stuff with the Emperor.
However, I do think the parts with Han and Leia can come across as a little rote, since their action isn't really tied to any story or character arc for them. It's functional enough with them both leading the rebellion, but there's nothing particularly dramatic about it for them, and they're just busting one small bunker, compared to Lando taking on the big examples of Imperial might, the Death Star and the Executor Super Star Destroyer. Han and Leia don't even get to fight one of the big walkers, they just fight the smaller chicken-walkers! And I think Lando's role does feel more like part of his character arc, with him being a respectable leader for the good guys in a nice uniform, and using his cleverness to keep the fleet alive long enough to assault the Death Star.
But, strangely, the moment in the whole Endor battle that feels the most like a culmination is when the Executor Super Star Destroyer is destroyed, and none of the main characters are even involved in that! Sure, blowing up another Death Star is fine, but we've already done it. No one has blown up a Super Star Destroyer before, and that got built up through the whole previous movie.
Fortunately, everything about Luke's big climax with Vader and the Emperor is functionally perfect, and that's the part that people were most interested in, so I don't think that RotJ really stumbles at the end. It succeeds and does deliver a lot of what people had come to like about Star Wars. It just doesn't do it as intensely or smoothly as the previous efforts, so it feels weaker.
So if I were to try to create a 'stronger' RotJ, I'd probably shave the Han Rescue down to a quick action-packed prologue, do the Vader=Father explanation for Luke as a mix of Obi-Wan's explanation with a trippy Force Vision Quest with some interesting visuals, then have the Rebellion assault the Imperial capital in a mix of space and ground battle. I'd get rid of the whole concept of the forest setting and the spear-wielding primitives, since that's the same metaphor as the Empire and Rebellion, anyway. I'd also make the Rebellion fleet smaller and more desperate, connecting it clearly to the losses from the previous movie, and the attack on the capital is some kind of desperate last ploy, motivated by some kind of time limit. Luke still confronts Vader and the Emperor alone. For Han and Leia, I wonder if -- instead of simply having them fight -- they could maybe rally some downtrodden local citizenry to help take down or turn off some big Imperial Plot Thingy, giving them a chance to show leadership and unite the Rebellion with the people it's been fighting for, or something like that. Han could even tell the locals about the Force, something they've never heard of, living on the capital. And Leia gives them the chance at freedom.
Hm, perhaps the first assault against the Imperial Palace fails at first, with a bunch of Rebels dying but Leia and Han escaping, leaving Lando and company stranded in space with the baddies? Then Leia and Han need to find an alternate way to accomplish the goal, giving the 'meet the locals' sequence a bit more intensity and a time limit, but still serving as a bit of downtime between actiony bits. Or the final half of the movie could be all action, with the relative downtime being Luke's part with the Emperor and Vader in the palace. (This is the kind of thing decided in the editing room.) Then the Rebel assault can be continuous, and about to lose when Han and Leia show up with reinforcements. Movie audiences love that. They turn off the Imperial Plot Thingy. Then Lando lands the decisive blow on the Executor, which crashes into the Imperial Palace just after Luke escapes in the wake of Vader's death.
Anyway, that's all off the top of my head. But you see where I'm going with this. Keep it moving, keep it intense, keep it new and interesting, don't get too hung up on the Vietnam War metaphor that inspired certain themes, and try to put more characters arcs into things so that Harrison Ford doesn't spend the next 30 years talking about how much he wanted his character to die.
Maybe we can have a village of Ewoks living in the capital sewers, along with other Downtroddens. There's no reason not to have any teddy bears.
Star Wars is supposed to be fun, too. And a little silly.
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evanwhosjusthere · 5 years
Wishful Thinking: The Nintendo Cinematic Universe Part 2 Electric Boogaloo
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The Nintendo Cinematic Universe. This an idea/joke/meme that has been thrown around ever since Nintendo in 2016 announced their plan to make movies based off their IP’s again. They have recently joined forces with Illumination Entertainment to create the upcoming Mario movie. Since then I've been thinking about how Nintendo could truly capitalize on this idea. With video game adaptations slightly getting better and better each year (with stuff like Castlevania, Detective Pikachu, Sonic Boom TV Show, etc.), I think this idea while somewhat far fetched could still be somewhat possible. Let’s continue talk about my crazy idea for a Nintendo Cinematic Universe.
The Second Phase:
Let’s look back at the diagram again:
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With phase 1 the general the general theme I laid out was “Recognizable”. Essentially kick starting the NCU. In our hypothetical reality, the first phase of the NCU is a success. Nintendo/Universal succeeded in capturing a consistent audience willing to go see these films. So what to do for phase 2? Well the theme for phase 2 is “First verse, slightly the same as the first”. Let’s get into it:
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The Legend of Zelda 2
Zelda is pretty interesting in terms of continuing it’s storylines. Most Zelda games take place with a different Link, a different Zelda, and a different Hyrule between installments. This isn’t entirely true. For example, the Link from the orignal Legend of Zelda is the same Link that appears in Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link. The Zelda movie sequel will echo this format. Being a direct sequel to the first movie. The basis of the plot would be similar to that of Zelda 2. While Ganon has been defeated. His minions seek the Triforce in order to revive him once more. With this goal in mind, Link, Zelda, and other allies journey off to stop Ganon’s minions from reviving the dark lord. I imagine this film to be more action packed and dark than the first, while not completely throwing out the themes and relationships established in the prior film.
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Super Mario Bros. 3
The third and final film in the Mario movie trilogy. That’s all I really have to say on this.
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Okay I know what your thinking. How the hell would a Kirby movie work? Kirby isn’t the most linguistic character in Nintendo’s roster of heroes. Between the “hai’s”, poyos, and the occasional engrish (see Sm4sh and Smash Ultimate voice clips). But I think what Kirby lacks in words, makes up for in terms of set pieces and visuals. Planet Popstar is a beautiful place and that’s thanks to the strong art design of the Kirby series. But another reason why I think a Kirby movie could work is the “deep lore” of the franchise. In more recent games, the franchise has been experimenting with more story elements. From a heart broken monarch wasp waging war against those who live under her to a mechanical empire ruled by a emotionally destroyed business man. Yeah, those are antagonists from a Kirby game. Not to mention the final battles of Kirby games are visually insane and intense, making for good cinematic material. Is a Kirby movie a bad idea? You be the judge.
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Kid Icarus
This just makes too much sense. Kid Icarus out of most Nintendo franchises I feel would work perfectly on the big screen. The wild and crazy universe that Kid Icarus Uprising explored would be great cinematic material. Not to mention the dialogue and gameplay of Uprising would easily put this movie in the action/adventure genre. Think of something like Pirates of the Caribbean. It would also be a treat if the movie was animated in the style of some of these shorts. 
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Fire Emblem
Let me preface this by saying I know jack all about the Fire Emblem series. Ok that’s not entirely true. I know the general gameplay structure of the series, it’s a tactical JRPG. But besides that I am completely in the dark on the franchise. But what I have seen from trailers of more recent installments, I can say a Fire Emblem movie would be almost Lord of the Rings in nature. And that’s coming from someone who hasn’t watched or read a whole lot of LOTR. I really don’t have much more to say other that a Fire Emblem film would target a more teenager to adult demographic similar to Metroid. Speaking of...
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Metroid 2
Samus returns in the sequel to the first adventure. Again with most sequels, this film will severely raise the stakes. This film would take elements from Metroid Fusion and Prime 3 where a new evil force threatens galactic civilization. Samus would be pushed to limits as a bounty hunter.
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Bonus: Wario spin-off
Who said the NCU can’t have spin-off movies. How I imagine a Wario movie to work is something along the lines of Lupin the 3rd. Wario and Waluigi along with other Warioware characters attempt to carry out a daring heist. Along the way the gang come across various death traps, plot twists, law enforcement, and even Captain Syrup. The treasure hunting/making money aspect of the Wario games would fit perfectly into the heist movie genre.
So to recap, the primary goal of the second phase of the NCU is to continue with the momentum of the previous phase. Continuing or concluding the storylines of previous phase 1 films while also introducing audiences to Nintendo’s beloved but no quite as well known IPs like Kid Icarus or Fire Emblem. So what happens in phase 3? Stay tuned to find out.
Wario and Waluigi fan art by Mast3r-Rainb0w
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periilune · 5 years
Answer all 200
damn okay you asked for it:
(this was asked a long time ago and its just being posted now bc its 200 fuckin questions f u kars jk love you)
1. What is your middle name?
2. Do you have any nicknames?
Liz, Laur, Lau, Squid, Koala, Rhyne, Babe
3. Do you have any allergies?
Not to my knowledge
4. What is the longest your hair has ever been?
Too long,, like I could sit on it
5. Apple or PC?
6. Favorite flavor?
In general probably some kinda cheese but for sweet stuff is cookie dough
7. Have you ever been on a blind date?
Bold of you to assume I’ve even been on a date (no I haven’t)
8. Are you friends with any of your exes?
2 of them actually!
9. What kind of car do you drive?
I can’t even drive,, but I have a Toyota Avalon waiting for me when I can
10. How grammatically correct are you when you text?
It really depends, I’m very correct when texting adults, decent when texting acquaintances, absolute disaster with good friends
11. What foreign country would you most like to visit and why?
Probs the UK or Italy, the UK bc I have several friends there and its very nice, and Italy for good food and good views
12. Creamy or chunky peanut butter?
Creamy all the way
13. Favorite food to pig out on?
14. DC or Marvel?
15. Disney or Nickelodeon?
God idk,, probably Nickelodeon
16. Do you have any stickers on your laptop computer?
Yes, one from Kiawah Island (very nice place) and a couple random ones
17. Name/author of the last book you read cover to cover. Do you recommend it?
The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan, considering that was like my 3rd time reading it yeah I do
18. Do you read any magazines?
19. Coffee or tea?
Not a fan of either, I guess I’d pick coffee
20. What is your go-to Starbucks drink?
Red Velvet Frappucino
21. How many things can do with your weaker hand?
Oh You Know ;) in all honestly not much, I can catch because I used to play softball
22. Last show you binge watched?
Currently binge watching My Hero Academia!
23. Dogs or cats?
24. Favorite Disney princess?
Mulan or Moana I think
25. Do you like fast food?
Generally yeah
26. Favorite thing to cook for yourself?
Pasta and some type of garlic or cheesy or toasted bread
27. Favorite song to sing in the shower?
Currently Morning in America by John Bellion
28. Have you ever butt dialed anyone?
I don’t think so
29. iPhone/iPad or Android?
30. Any styles of music you do not like?
Most country tbh, excluding John Denver n Carrie Underwood they’re both great
31. Have you ever kissed anyone of the same gender? If so, did you like it?
Not quite, but pretty close. We were dating so I’d say I liked it
32. Have you ever gotten a ticket while driving?
I can’t drive so no!
33. Favorite emoji?
💖 or 🍒 I think
34. Showers or baths?
Showers for convenience, but the occasional bath is nice to relax
35. Is there anything you regret buying?
Some clothes I have I don’t like, my fake airpods that don’t work
36. Are you fluent in more than one language?
Not yet, but I’m learning Spanish!
37. Any movie(s) you can watch over and over again and enjoy just as much every time?
Black Panther, The Last Unicorn, any of The Lord of the Rings trilogy
38. What is the heaviest you have ever weighed?
Around 155-160 pounds
39. Do you have any tattoos? If so, how many and where?
Not yet
40. Have you ever uttered a spoken hashtag?
41. Favorite school subject?
I used to love English but not so much anymore, right now in in Psychology and its really cool tbh
42. Favorite non-chocolate candy?
Fuckin uh,, airheads are pretty good
43. Name one celebrity you dislike.
Johnny Depp is a shitty abuser.
44. If you could have one superpower, which one would you most like to have?
Telekinesis I think
45. From 1-10, rate your singing ability.
46. From 1-10, rate your dancing ability.
47. From 1-10, rate your cooking ability.
48. From 1-10, rate your driving ability.
49. Are you religious?
I’m really not sure, I was raised religious but I’m questioning a lot atm
50. Do you drink soda? If so, which one is your favorite?
Yep, I like Cherry Coke
51. Have you ever locked your keys in your car?
No, but I’ve been with someone who has
52. Spring or autumn?
53. Do you play any sports?
Not now, but I’ve played soccer, softball, and basketball in the past
54. Can you play any musical instruments?
55. Are you more introverted or extroverted?
56. How easily do you cry?
My dude,, so easily
57. Last musical artist you saw live?
My Lord and Savior Avi Kaplan
58. Favorite YouTube channel?
Not 2 be That person but I genuinely like Markiplier tbh
59. Star Wars or Star Trek?
Star Wars
60. How long have you known your best friend?
Well 1 of them funnily enough our moms knew each other when he was a baby and I was unborn, but we really met in 6th grade. My other best friend I met  about 3 years ago :)
61. Have you ever voted for a reality show?
I think so
62. Last CD you bought? uhhhhh maybe a pentatonix cd dunno which one 
63. Have you ever ended a romantic relationship?
Nope I’m the one who gets dumped 
64. Have you ever been broken up with? See above (3 times) 
65. Have you ever been in the audience for the taping of a TV show? Nah 
66. How long was your longest relationship? Are you still with that person?
A year and 3 months currently, and yes
67. Have you seen any Broadway plays or musicals?
68. Have you ever acted in a play or a musical?
Yes! I’ve been in The Wizard of Oz (twice!), Little Shop of Horrors, Seussical the Musical, and the Little Mermaid 
69. How flexible are you?
Not very 
70. Have you ever sexted? Yes…  
71. Do you own any clothes from garage sales or thrift stores?
72. Real or fake Christmas trees?
We’ve had a fake one my whole life, but I’d like to have a real one some day
73. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2-3 
74. How well can you write in cursive?
Not great, but I can get the job done 
75. What is your political affiliation?
Not officially affiliated, but rather left 
76. Do you like any boy bands?
The Backstreet Boys duh
77. Have you ever broken any bones?
Just a couple small ones in my toe 
78. Have you ever gotten any stitches?
79. Do you have any piercings in places other than your ears?
Not yet
80. What is the oldest piece of clothing you still wear and how old is it? One of my favorite pairs of shorts is pretty old 
81.Do you like wearing hats?
Depends on the hat, I have a handful of baseball caps I like 
82. Have you ever dyed your hair?
At one point I had the tips dyed purple, but now I regularly dye it to make it slightly lighter and redder 
83. From 1-10, how competitive are you?
Like 8 probably, I’m not very athletic but I’m competitive about other things   
84. How long have you been at your current job?
Since November 2017   
85. Have you ever studied abroad?
86. Phrase you say the most?
87. Have you ever quit a job?
88. Have you ever gotten fired from a job?
89. Have you ever won a trophy? If so, what for?
Yes! For cheerleading competitions, 3rd place in making a video for a club, in a soccer tournament, and probably some others idk 
90. Have you ever been a Boy/Girl Scout?
I was a girl scout but that was a while ago 
91. Last thing that made you laugh?
Uhh last night some dumb meme my boyfriend showed me
92. Do you eat meat?
93. Are you more of a morning or a night person?
Night person, but I’m also old so it’s hard to stay up late
94. Worst habit?
Chewing fingernails, isolating myself from people when I’m sad
95. Deepest fear?
Uhhh that everyone who says they care about me is actually lying and talking about me behind my back
96. Do you believe in ghosts?
Yeah pretty much
97. If you could take home any animal from the zoo, what animal would you take?
An otter! I love them
98. Do you consider rapping singing?
I wouldn’t say it’s singing bc its different, but it’s certainly an art form and it has every place in the music industry
99. Favorite costume you wore for Halloween? How old were you?
When i was a ninja that was sick, i was probably 12-13
100. Favorite store to shop at?
For clothes? Maybe Plato’s Closet (nice secondhand place) but I also do a lot of online shopping
101. Have you ever given anyone CPR?
102. Favorite Pokémon?
Cresselia is dope but also Eevee
103. Do you own any homemade clothing?
104. Do you drink alcohol at all? If so, what is your drink of choice?
I’ve drunk once, vodka mixed with Hawaiian punch and it was p good
105. Have you ever skinny dipped?
No i’m fat
106. Favorite type of cookie?
Warm chocolate chunk
107. Favorite flavor of ice cream?
Oreo or chocolate chip cookie dough. The best thing i’ve ever had was a red velvet oreo milkshake tho
108. Biggest pet peeve?
When people interrupt or ignore me
109. Are you still friends with anyone from high school?
I mean I just graduated so yes
110. Favorite literary character?
Oohhhh, maybe Sam from LoTR? He was the realest friend ever
111. Are your birth parents still together?
112. Do you wear or have your ever worn glasses?
Nope, 20/20 babeyyyy
113. How many of your Facebook friends do you actually hang out with?
Like 6, one of those being my mom lol
114. Have you ever been the victim of a prank?
Not that I can remember
115. Do you belong to a fraternity or a sorority?
116. Have you ever taken a nude selfie?
117. Are you adopted?
118. Favorite fandom?
Ugh fandoms r gross, maybe the rwby fandom? 
119. Oldest memory?
Trying to strangle myself at pre-school aged 4 lmaoooo
120. Have you ever snorted when you laughed?
A couple times
121. Can you drive stick?
Can’t drive at all!
122. Favorite Disney song?
How Far I’ll Go, or maybe Go The Distance
123. Random boy’s name.
124. Random girls’ name.
125. How often do you eat out at a nice restaurant?
Once a month? Not often, I’ve done it twice in 3 days recently tho bc it was my birthday
126. How many people are in your nuclear family?
3, me and my parents
127. What accent do you consider the most attractive?
Gosh, not to be basic but probably British, although I don’t really know many others
128. What is your Myers-Briggs personality type?
INFP i think? Maybe INFJ
129. What is your astrological sign?
Leo! (capricorn moon and cancer rising)
130. Biggest regret?
Trying to make someone care again who had no intention of doing so
131. What type of shoes do you wear the most?
My checkered vans, I swear I wore them every day of senior year
132. Do you like any soap operas?
133. Do you listen to talk radio?
Not often
134. What sports team(s) do you root for?
SF Giants, Carolina Panthers, Charlotte Hornets, Duke, Kentucky
135. Describe your sense of humor.
Ridiculously stupid, inside jokes
136. Have you ever been hit on by someone of the same gender?
Yeah, my ex-girlfriend lmao
137. Favorite video game?
138. Name a moment in your life when you were pleasantly surprised.
When i got a mf perfect score on my ACT
139. Do you believe in serendipity?
I had to look that up but I guess so
140. Have you ever left a movie theater before the movie was done?
I don’t think so, one time the movie malfunctioned and cut off like an hour in and we had to leave
141. Have you ever felt you were born in the wrong period of history?
Nah, everything has always sucked, but now is somewhat less sucky than before bc we have the internet
142. Is sex before marriage wrong?
143. Have you ever gotten a song you dislike stuck in your head?
Yes omg, fuckin Girls Like You, fuck you Adam Levine
144. Can you handle spicy food?
Only slightly spicy
145. Have you ever called a non-lover a term such as darling, honey, babe, or dear?
I call my friend Ryker babe all the time, and call most of my friends “love”
146. Do you like MTV?
Nah not really
147. Where on your body are you the most ticklish?
Probably ribs area
148. TV show or movie you quote/reference the most?
The Princess Bride is so quotable, so maybe that idk, I quote memes more than anything
149. Have you ever lived with a roommate you didn’t get along with?
Can I say my parents? I’ve never lived not in my house, but I’m about to go to college and I hope I like my roommate
150. Where do you think is the best place to meet a new lover?
Either school or through mutual friends?
151. Have you ever successfully been on a diet?
I mean I’ve lost weight but it wasn’t a diet, just not eating lol
152. Favorite thing to do outside?
Have a photoshoot, jk I love looking at flowers, also swimming is good
153. Where did you go on your last vacation?
Kiawah Island, for grad week
154. Do you say “y'all” at all?
Yes, I live in the south and started using it ironically but now I can’t stop
155. Have you ever lived on a farm?
156. Do you believe in evolution?
There’s scientific evidence for it, so yes
157. What TV channel do you watch the most?
Honestly HGTV those houses are awesome
158. Favorite Beatles song?
Hmmmm, Maybe A Day In The Life or Eleanor Rigby, I Am The Walrus is always good too ngl
159. Have you ever been on TV?
On like the local channels for school awards and such
160. Have you ever been to Disney World or Disneyland?
I went to Disneyland last summer!
161. Do you like horror movies?
Not really, I’m a pussy
162. Do you like to go fishing?
163. Have you ever been hunting?
164. Do you take medication for anything?
Yes, for ye olde depression
165. Name one item from your bucket list.
Get a novel published
166. From 1-10, how much do you like children?
3 maybe, they’re kinda annoying
167. Have you ever thought about your wedding?
Yes, but my ideas have changed over time
168. Have you ever been bungee jumping or skydiving?
No, but I’d like to
169. Favorite flower?
Hmmm Sunflowers? or Snapdragons, or the pink magnolias
170. Do you collect anything?
Enamel pins, and rwby blind box figurines (it’s not an addiction I swear)
171. Who was the last person you told a lie to?
My mom probably
172. Have you ever been a bridesmaid or a groomsman?
173. Have you ever had a fortune cookie fortune come true?
Not that I know of
174. What was your favorite toy to play with when you were a child?
Hmmmm I had this little Narnia figurine set that I loved, also a bunch of littlest pet shop toys
175. How good are you at math?
Pretty good, I took AP Calculus in high school and got an A, doesn’t mean I liked it
176. Have you ever learned anything from a how-to YouTube video?
Not that I can think of right now
177. Have you ever participated in a science fair?
Yes, it was required in 6th grade
178. Have you ever wished you were born the opposite gender?
Womanhood is difficult and I often wish I did not have to bear it, but I’ve made peace with it
179. Have you ever participated in a public protest?
No, I’m scared
180. Do you have a pool at your house?
181. Have you ever hosted a wild party?
No lol, the wildest was probably my birthday party when we all got high and then had a 1 am McDonalds run because munchies
182. Do you like karaoke?
Not really
183. Have you ever written a love letter?
Kind of yes, I’m rather sappy
184. Have you ever ran a marathon?
God no, I’ve done a lot of 5Ks though
185. How often do you get mad at yourself?
So much, I suck
186. Any guilty pleasures?
Probably shitty old Warrior Cats AMVs, those are great when you’re bored and need to remember your roots
187. Fruits or vegetables?
Vegetables solely because potatoes fuckin slap
188. Do you live in a house or an apartment?
In a house, but I’m about to move into a dorm
189. The countryside or the suburbs?
Suburbs, I’ve lived in them my whole life, also listen to Subdivisions by Rush it’s great
190. Worst job you’ve ever had?
I’ve only had 1 job so I guess working at Chick-fil-A
191. Do you hang out with any of your co-workers?
Yes, one of them was my friend from school as well so I hang out with her regularly
192. Were you ever voted homecoming/prom king or queen?
Nope, but my good friends were prom king and queen!
193. Were you voted a “best” or “most likely to” in high school?
No, but I was “Most Likely To Be President - Girl” in elementary school so take that
194. Have you ever gotten detention?
No I’m a good kid
195. Have you ever babysat?
Yes, we watched disney movies and played dress-up
196. Have you ever taken a road trip just for the fun of it?
Nah, but I’d like to
197. How many drinks get you tipsy?
Idk, I was a little funny after 2 vodka spiked punches so
198. Were you a part of any academic clubs in high school or college?
Certainly yes, Technology Student Association, Beta club, Book club
199. Have you ever given a public speech, aside from your schooling?
I did the sermon one Sunday at church, but I’m not a big fan of public speaking
200. How long have you been on tumblr?
5 years in november! (God thats awful)
@officieel i did it bastard
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