#as adults one of them is casual and the other uses more formal speech patterns
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microwaving-tesilid-argente · 11 months ago
creating a spreadsheet of the trio's lines in the webnovel vs webcomic (as one does), and. i am on the FLOOR their characterisation differs so much from the webnovel and webcomic?!?!??? 😭😭 they took away all of hestio's flavour!!! and Ephael is a lot more stereotypical sunshine too i am losing my mind
In the toy mansion, Ephael said that Tesilid was not just his friend, but his "best friend", so Ailette gave him more food. Hestio got very visibly sad and angry.
Whenever they're in battle, Hestio kind of talks to Ephael like he's a P*kemon ("Ephael, go and bite them!" / "Uh... okay.")
Ephael is pretty quiet and subdued throughout the toy mansion, while in the comic he's very artificially cheery.
Webnovel has BOTH Hestio and Ephael handing over food (in the webcomic only Ephael brought food. I dunno what Hestio was doing there.)
ONLY the webnovel has Hestio's extremely cute "What? Are you going to refuse the food because the rules are important? (annoyed but also genuinely scared)" / ".....I thought I'd have to shove the food down your mouth if you refused. Well, eat up."
The webcomic has Hestio suddenly ruin the entire mood by saying "🙄😒 did you know 🤓 the vatican is taking things out on you bc you refuse to kill heretics. also idc if the heretics are actually evil or not, what matters is that the vatican wants to know if youre on their side." like stfu please 😭 In the webnovel Hestio only brings this up because Ephael went "cheer up! if it werent for the city making a fuss, the vatican wouldn't have done this" and Hestio corrected him bc he wanted Tesilid not to misunderstand his situation with the Vatican.
What did they make comic!Hestio so callous for !!!!! 😭😭😭 Hestio is a SOFTIE with a mean streak and sharp tongue!!!
#a transmigrator's privilege#the perks of being an s class heroine#vatican trio#hestio ligenel#ephael chaletino#CRYING MY EYES OUT#THEIR NOVEL CHARACTERISATION IS SO CUTE THO?!?!??????#spoilers in next tags#on god if they take away hestio shutting up and ephael taking over the convo in the reunion scene i am going to CRY#that scene is so precious to me?!??#novel dynamic of hestio being the one taking the lead and ephael backing him up is so precious to me#anyway if anyone wants access to the spreadsheet lmk.... sobbing#anw i started this mini project bc ora you said that you couldnt tell who was talking in mirror dungeon (so valid)#and i was like oh the more casual one is eph-- ....is it actually? where did i get this impression#im done w the tutorial arc but its alr making me MISERABLE wym their characterisation changes so much 😭😭😭😭#anw in their childhood they both talk in v similar ways#as adults one of them is casual and the other uses more formal speech patterns#also if any one is cussing either ephael or tesilid out its almost definitely hestio. lol.#by the process of elimination (no one else in the party would be so rude to ephael)#and ephael is generally more chill about tesilid#u cant really tell while reading but ephael very rarely says bad things about tesilid#its usually hestio that's mean about it and hes so loud + ephael doesnt disagree with him so its v easy to attribute it to him too#i mean ephael prob also shares the same thoughts. but its usually hestio voicing it and w that much negativity#ephaels just like lol our boy tesilid is up to his usual hijinks again. haha#while hestio is like UGH this ASSHOLE can you fucking BELIEVE HIM. just LOOK at him what does he think he's doing#ephael (neutral): oh tesilid not again#hestio (screaming and full of hate): tesilid not again!!
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1000squid · 5 months ago
Obey Me! personal pronouns of the central cast
A short guide in what personal pronouns everyone in the Obey Me cast uses. Japanese has a variety of variations on the word "I" that you can use to express your personality, mood, and gender. Note that this is just a general guide based mostly on the character songs, and it is quite normal for a person to use different pronouns in different situations. I have not included Raphael, Mephistophelese, or Thirteen since most of this is based on the character songs.
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Lucifer - 俺 "ore" quite masculine, casual, and slightly "rough" sounding. The most common masculine pronoun. Usually paired with masculine speech patterns, and not widely used in a formal settings. Fits Lucifer's aggressive, domineering personality.
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Mammon - 俺 or 俺様 "ore" or "ore-sama" "Ore-sama" is what gets translated as "The Great Mammon". This term is not really used outside of fiction because it's so insanely rude and self-agrandizing that no one in their right mind would use it except as a joke. One does not refer to themselves with honorifics, especially not the super respectful "-sama." The result is super egotistical and self-aggrandizing and, in Mammon's case, a bit stupid.
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Leviathan - 僕 "boku" mostly masculine, but can be used by girls who want to appear tom-boyish as well. Considered semi-casual, but polite, and can be used among colleges. Has a youthful, boyish connotation, but not so much that adult men wouldn't use it among close friends. Leviathan is the eldest to use "boku", even though some of his younger brothers use "ore". Probably self-diminishing on his part.
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Satan - 俺 "ore" While he will use ore generally, Satan seems to largely avoid using first-person pronouns when possible, relying on grammar to imply "I" statements instead. His character song "Read My Heart" manages to completely omit them, a feature of the Japanese language that wouldn't be possible in English.
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Asmodeus - 僕 "boku" I was a bit surprised by this! Going off of how Asmo is presented in the translation, I would expect him to use more gender neutral (possible even feminine) terms. There are other ways to express one's gender in Japanese, but that is much harder to pick up on for someone non-fluent, so I can't be sure. However, choosing a "youthful" pronoun is still very much in keeping with Asmo's character.
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Beelzebub - 俺 "ore" the only surprise here is Beel using the more manly "ore" when he's the 2nd youngest of the brothers, as well as his twin using "boku". I do think it fits his sort of sweet-jock personality, though.
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Belphegore - 僕 "boku" Belphie's the baby in the family, so he uses "boku". Would have been a jarring contrast to his yandere personality in the original game's first story arch, but he has since chilled out a huge amount.
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Diavolo - 私 "watashi" flexible and mostly nuetral in formality and gender expression. Often taught to English students as the default "I," but is said to sound a bit stiff. If used in casual speech it can sound slightly feminine or extra polite. As Diavolo is next in line as the ruler of the Devildom, it's fitting that he'd use polite language, and as he seems to be terribly under-socialized, that he'd be overly formal with his friends.
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Barbatos - 私 "watakushi" alternate reading of 私 (watashi). The Most Formal, would sound very stiff and archaic if used in anything other than extremely formal settings. Very fitting for the slightly romantically awkward ultimate butler.
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Solomon - 俺 "ore" Solomon is possibly the oldest living human, and as such is shown to be a little out-of touch with things like manners (and not poisoning your friends with your heinous cooking). He doesn't seem to care what others think of him, and can come off as a little snobbish due to his confidence is his abilities.
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Simeon - 俺 "ore" I would have expected Simeon to use more polite language, but he can be aggressive at times, so it's not completely unfitting. Like Satan, Simeon avoids personal pronouns in his song when possible, though not quite as aggressively.
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Luke - 僕 "boku" No surprise here. Luke's about as "boku" as it gets, being the youngest in the cast save the mc, and definitely the youngest developmentally. He has the appearance and personality of a young boy, so "boku" makes the most sense.
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MC - "君" "kimi" all of the main cast appear to use "kimi" when referring to the player character, which is gender neutral and informal, even affectionate. You would only use this with someone you consider your peer.
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secretsofdbz · 3 years ago
Self-Pronouns in Z
Yo, so, imma gonna nerd out linguistically a little, I hope you'll forgive me.
Now I don't claim to be an expert about Japanese expression, but I know a thing or two about grammar-used-as-conveyor-of-character and while Z is nothing special when it comes to using them, it's worth having a look.
So I'd like to talk about two things: how characters say "I" and how they address others with (or without) honorifics (you know, -san, -kun, etc). Today's part one.
How they say I
Ok if you're here, you probably already know watashi, atashi, ore, boku, etc, and I'm sure you can wiki them if the info is a little old. In most Shonen manga, the "casual", informal speech is favored (it's simply cooler ^^), and z isn't the exception. I'll ignore Super for now, because I've not properly dug into it, so "Adult Gohan" in Super, idk yet.
Most male characters in DB/DBZ use "ore" (which is informal, "with a stronger sense of masculinity"), and most of them go on a first name basis straight up (also because many characters don't have a last name). Some characters adapt depending on who they speak to (Krilin, mostly, uses the formal "watashi" when talking to Roshi).
- Goku who uses the country-side Ora (but he goes Ore in the fusions and when he's serious-SSJ, which explains Gohan's shocked face during the Namek saga). Chichi also uses Ora (which is the BIG CLUE for her identity).
- Uub has a similar speech too (he uses Oira)
- Gohan uses Boku almost all of the time (which is also informal, young man I, but it's slightly more on the younger side and less testosterone (the My in MHA is "Boku")). Future Gohan uses Ore though.
- Goten, Kid Trunks, Teen Future Trunks (+ the one time when he talks to Freeza and Goku when they first meet then he switches to Ore), kid Krilin, Pu'ar, Chaotzu and Dende also use Boku. Gotenks, however, uses Ore.
- Piccolo uses plural-we (Ore-tachi) after fusing with Nail for a short time
- Older characters uses informal, "I'm old" Washi (Enma, Roshi, Korin, King Kai, Dr Briefs, Piccolo Daimao when old..)
- Freeza is the most all over the place one, he changes depending on his mental state, but usually he's watashi or watakushi (more formal!) but he also goes Boku when he's with his "papa" and has a mix between Ore and Boku in his final form.
-C-17 only uses watashi when acting "good Cyborg" with Gero, but then goes Ore.
- Vegeta and Piccolo use the honorific "sama" about themselves when they're pissed (ore-sama). A very "villain" thing to do tbh ^^
- Despite using Ore most of the time, Future Trunks' speech pattern is also more formal than most of the cast, which matches Gohan's general formal attitude (as the "kid" of the gang, he's more formal towards adults, using honorifics and shit, which carries on to Future Gohan's speech, which is how Trunks got it), while the gang in general is more relaxed around each other.
- Blonde Launch uses Ore, which makes her even more badass
- And the regular, formal/neutral Watashi is used by women (Blue Launch, 18, Pan, Panchy, Bulma until she switches to the more informal girly atashi, Videl uses both watashi and atashi) some villains (Pilaf, Tao Pai Pai, younger-Daimao, Cell (with a couple instances of Ore), 19 and 20, Dabura) and other forces of nature (Shenron, Kami, Shin). I can't stress enough that 18 keeps the formal and neutral watashi all of the time.
(oh and Mr Popo doesn't use pronouns, he always uses his own name)
Let me know if you'd like me to continue this with honorifics and other relations!
Part 2 is right here
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chibimyumi · 4 years ago
What do you think about OCiel and Vincent? What is their relationship? When we see Vincent he is always with RCiel and he hug him and not our earl, and when OCiel talk about Vincent he call him his predecessor and not his father!
Dear Anon,
That is a very good question because that is indeed very hard to tell. The Book of Flashbacks did last for very long in real time, but we actually only saw the interaction between Vincent and O!Ciel sporadically spread across 4 chapters.
Though it had been short, in the very least there is some level of objectivity because the flashbacks are being told by the omniscient storyteller. It could not have been O!Ciel, R!Ciel or Takana’s subjective pov, because in most scenes at least one of them was missing. However, that it was told by the omniscient storyteller doesn’t mean we have seen everything. Yana does leave things out when its unnecessary like a competent storywriter would. We don’t need to know everything. In storytelling often “less is more”.
Now with that caveat established, let us look at whatever interaction we do see. But before we do so, we must first discuss what “parental love” even is.
What is parental love?
In the flashbacks Vincent’s affection is indeed mostly for his firstborn son. Even though we want to believe all parents love all their children equally and naturally, sometimes parents just love one child a little bit more. Even if parents do love all their children equally, it is also nothing weird that they “like” one child more than the other. Not unlike any other relationship, love between parent and child is also something that grows from building and investing in. Parental love is not a magically natural element in our DNA after all, as researched by Prof. Sarah Blaffer Hrdy on the “social construct of parental love”. Don’t worry, no need for moral panic; that parental love is socially constructed doesn’t make it any less deep or real. It’s just that because parental love too needs building, the more positive interaction you have with a child, the stronger the bond often.
Because O!Ciel was so sickly from age five on it hindered him from normal participation in family activities. Therefore it is only normal that Vincent could bond less with him, making his greater closeness with his elder son quite inevitable.
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Vincent’s closeness with R!Ciel is in fact more out of the ordinary for their time. At least until early 20th century fathers did not have a parental role as we know it now. They were responsible as the “legal owners” of the child, but “parenting” was not part of their duty. It is not for nothing that when we hear “mothering” most people think of “child-rearing, raising and loving”, but when we hear “fathering”, it’s just... impregnating someone. Because that had been the actual definition for centuries!
Vincent’s parental love?
In chapter 131 I would argue we get the best indication of how far Vincent’s love goes for his second son. They had a family trip planned, but due to illness O!Ciel could not participate. In the back Vincent does look appropriately concerned, but we don’t know about what exactly. Put a pin📌 in there, I will come back to this a bit later.
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Rachel judged O!Ciel’s condition too ill to go, and suggested postponing the boat trip, not Vincent. (In Japanese “we can go another time” was spoken in a speech pattern Vincent doesn’t use, so it’s definitely Rachel talking.)
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Vincent doesn’t say anything so we don’t know what he thought about his wife’s proposal. Meanwhile, his seven-year-old had already selflessly offered to stay behind as not to spoil the fun of others.
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What really caught my attention was how there was so little attempt to include O!Ciel. Rachel only said one “but...” and then immediately gave in to a seven-year-old.
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Vincent did not even attempt to not exclude his son. He was like:
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That is what I meant earlier by: “we don’t know about what exactly [he is concerned about]”  where I asked you to put the pin📌. It might as well have been:
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Vincent and Rachel are rich adults, they should be able to judge that them skipping one boat-trip is something they can get over with. Leaving a young child behind who is regularly excluded from everything and clearly so upset having to be excluded again was apparently a less bigger deal than skipping something they could easily afford again. O!Ciel was so used to being excluded he had normalised that for himself, and was forced to learn selfless sacrifice. That is not healthy for any child that young!
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If you can’t tell that this poor child was lying about “everything being fine” you’re actively unseeing it. R!Ciel is but a seven-year-old, so he is blameless. Papa, mama, looking at you though! ( Ò_Ó💢) I mean, dear readers, would any of you have left a sick young child behind to go on a trip??? It could be that Vincent really wanted to bring his recovered wife on a trip and that’s important to him, but to sacrifice your sick child for that?
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We have not seen everything to judge whether in total Rachel was more, equally, or less often ill than O!Ciel. However, from what we have seen, every time O!Ciel was excluded, Rachel in the very least was doing better. This really paints a picture that overall, Rachel misses out on stuff less often than O!Ciel had to. And again, unlike young children, as an adult you can rationalise that. In my opinion if you’re unwilling to reschedule a trip to include everyone while it is within your ability, you are selfish parents. R!Ciel wouldn’t have thrown a tantrum, but even if he did, it’s your literal job as parents to rationalise that with him. So doing it for R!Ciel is no excuse.
“Predecessor” instead of “father”?
Yes that is indeed an interesting point you bring up! After O!Ciel returned as the Earl he indeed only referred to his parents as “father and mother” at the graves one last time. Afterwards she has consistently referred to Vincent as “predecessor”.
I however would argue this has nothing to do with his bond (or lack thereof) with Vincent. He also refers to R!Ciel using the formal term for brother (兄・ani) instead of the better-known “niisan” (big bro). And we know for a fact that they did have a deep bond. I would say that O!Ciel calling Vincent “predecessor” is because he does not wish to be seen as childish because he is trying to be taken as an adult.
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In Japanese “father” as used by O!Ciel is “otousama” (お父様), which is polite but a bit childish. “Otousama” is vocative, meaning it is a word you use to call your own father; like “papa”. In formal company you won’t say to someone: “my papa said...” That sounds very childish and unprofessional. People nowadays do use the common version “otousan” to refer to their own father to others, but that is generally only acceptable in casual company. To my friends I might say: “my papa (otousan) said”, but to my superiours I would NEVER.
As O!Ciel never again addresses his father (because he is dead), it is only logical that he stopped using the vocative “otousama”. For nobles when talking about their late fathers, using “predecessor” is actually standard in Japanese culture. It is just one of the things that are natural in Japanese but get clunky in translation.
For Victorian standards Vincent’s involvement (or lack thereof) with O!Ciel was actually entirely normal. It was his involvement with his elder son that was quite exceptional. Judging from his lack of attempt to not exclude his sick child however, I would say Vincent didn’t love O!Ciel as much as he did R!Ciel. (Or... he just hated missing out on fun more than he loved O!Ciel, which is possible too). Not saying he did not love O!Ciel, just not as much as he did others.
Vincent was raised in a male-supremacist, ableist society, and was probably unaffected by these problems being an able-bodied, smart man himself. We know Vincent is a terrible exploiter and how he treats others, and therefore it would be unsurprising if he would hold his “disabled” male child in lesser regard than his “able” male eldest child. We don’t know why Vincent married Rachel or why he liked her, but women being frail was in fact considered no problem or even “attractive” in the 19th century (as long as she could get babies). For men though? SHAME!
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sugihana-trans · 5 years ago
“Aokute, Itakute, Moroi” Chapter One
So the publisher actually released the first chapter of "Aokute, Itakute, Moroi" online for free as a trial read, so I thought it would be alright for me to share it here.
DISCLAMER: This is not the official English translation. I did it myself, and it`s not for profit.
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“We became adults without forgetting that season.”
All actions has the possibility of causing discomfort to the other person.
That’s what I’ve thought for the past 18 years right up until high school graduation, and have decided to make it my life’s motto as a freshman in University. In other words, don’t get too close to people and try not to speak out against someone else’s opinion. Doing so will reduce the chances of me offending someone, which then reduces the chances of me getting hurt by someone who was offended.
That’s why when I first met Akiyoshi Hisano at the University, I thought that there really are people in the world who are this presumptuous, foolish and slow, and secretly ridiculed her inside.
It was the second Monday of my first year at University. After we’ve picked our courses, we were to begin regularly attending classes starting this week. On a day when college students are supposed to be at their most motivated, I was sitting by myself at the end of the auditorium, not belonging to any circles (*clubs) or joining any freshman recreational activities. In my own way, I wanted a quiet college life.
It was 3rd period, General Education, Peace and Conflict Studies I‌ think. I was flipping through the textbook while waiting, when the professor eventually went up to the podium quietly, and then the room with only freshmen inside became quiet and solemn.
However, during a class which requires an unexperienced 90 minutes of concentration, the students’ minds naturally started relaxing. A buzzing auditorium; I wondered if the professors are already used to it every year as the class proceeded without paying extra attention.
I was probably also zoning out since I’m the type who, in the first place, couldn’t even keep my concentration during classes in highschool. So being in this 90 mins class which seemed to go on forever under a fine spring weather, I never thought I’ll spend the next four years without ever getting rid of that sensation.
The class immediately got boring. I looked outside the window at the end of my seat. The laughter of students without classes and the sound of birds were fusing together with the sunlight.
Then disrupting such a beautiful moment, while I was resting my chin on one hand and my head was down, I heard that voice.
“Excuse me, can I ask a question?”
A loud and lively voice, echoing in the quiet auditorium. Everyone woke up and looked around for the owner of the voice. I was just as interested, but I didn’t have to look around. Because I heard the voice coming from a girl who was one seat away from my seat to the right. Stealing a glance, the girl was sitting up straight with her right hand raised up towards the ceiling as if showing off her own courteousness.
I wasn’t listening to the lecture so I‌ thought the professor had asked for questions. Beyond the girl’s strong gaze however, “I will accept your questions later,” the elderly professor just prompted her to lower her hand with a bored face. Watching her carefully with one eye, I could see that although the girl slowly lowered her hand, she showed such a dissatisfied expression that it must’ve been seen from the podium as well. When the professor said, “But it’s fine now too,” the girl’s expression became lively and she expressed her gratitude in a voice which reached the whole auditorium.
If you think about it, a girl displaying an unthinkable idea to ordinary students, discussing with the professor, the University having such an amazing person, it could’ve been an interesting memory for me as a college student. Then, I’m sure it would’ve just ended there.
But it didn’t.
“I don’t think violence is necessary in this world.”
She started her questioning with those words, as if borrowing a phrase from someone virtuous, like something you learned in a moral class at elementary school. It was kind of embarrassing to hear.
Is this what you call an idealist? After listening to her talk, the professor didn’t bother hiding his scorn and said, “Everyone knows it would be nice if it’s like that.” From inside the auditorium, I heard small voices saying, “wow,” “what was that,” “ouch.” I didn’t imagine them.
The girl shut up after the humiliating conversation with the professor, and even though everyone seems to entirely ignore her existence, the class moved on while still wearing that atmosphere of having ridiculed someone.
I sent her a look again after that, not because I was interested in what someone who interrupts a class to announce their personal opinion would look like. Secretly, it was just funny to see the sullen face of the person who got shot down after making that stupid speech.
So when I glanced at her expression sitting sideways, it wasn’t disappointing, but I was surprised. Because she had a hurt look on her face. I turned towards the front like I’ve been shocked.
I’ve seen similar behavior from other people like her in junior high and highschool before, with that same thought pattern. At any rate, they’re the type of people who only believe in their own words, can’t read their surroundings, and gets taken for an idiot. That’s why it was unexpected when she didn’t show a bad mood from being rejected which is typical for that kind of human being.
Even if I didn’t want to get involved, I’m sure I was interested in her face at that time.
Nevertheless, because that interest was only at the same level as hearing some strange music downtown, it didn’t matter to me anymore by the time the chime rang.
I submitted the one-word evaluation questionnaire confirming my attendance and left my seat. I didn’t have any 4th period classes on Mondays so I decided to head to the cafeteria for a late lunch.
There were already people here at the campus dining room. In a place where I’m still getting used to a new environment, I got the daily set meal on a tray, took a seat by the window in a table for four people, placed my hands together then raised the miso soup to my mouth.
“Hey, are you alone?”
A voice that has nothing to do with you tends to just blend in with the other background noises. Naturally at that time, I didn’t think I was being called so I put a piece of fried white fish in my mouth. It made a nice crunching sound as I bit into it before accidentally dropping it back on the plate in surprise when my shoulder was suddenly poked.
I raised my face while still holding my chopsticks, and was once again surprised. It was the cringey girl I sat next to in the previous class, standing in front of me now with a tray of cutlet curry.
“Hey, are you alone?”
She repeated her question, which made me realized the words from before were definitely aimed at me.
“Oh, uh.”
I didn’t understand why I was being spoken to. There was no need to lie though, so I nodded for the time being. She showed her teeth while smiling, and sat down with her tray in front of me.
“I sat next to you in the previous class. I’m also by myself, so is it alright if I join you?”
Seriously? I thought. Aside from that demeanor which she uses to express her opinions in class, I’m afraid she might also have too much useless self-confidence.
What I couldn’t reject was one of my life’s themes. More than avoiding people, I often put more weight on not going against the opinion of the other person, and that was how I felt on that day. Nothing else.
“Y, yes.”
I used formal speech considering the possibility that she might be a senior. I thought that auditorium only had freshmen, but I could actually be her junior from the way she speaks so casually. And what causes her to suddenly try and have a meal with someone she doesn't even know like it’s normal might not only be because of her cringey personality. I wondered if she was actually a senior student who just have a lot of spare time in her college life.
“You can speak casually, you’re a first-year right?”
“Huh, are you perhaps a senior?”
Seeing her stick out her little tongue and widen her eyes in surprise gave me the feeling that she was indeed a cringey person. It would’ve been nice to run away, but I didn’t want to lie so I just shook my head.
“No, I’m a first-year”
“Ah! I’m glad! I ended up freaking out, rushing to start off my college life.”
She placed a hand on her chest, and expressed her relief exaggeratedly with a breath. I wondered if that was her “rushing” in the previous class.
“Oh, I apologize for being so sudden, but I still don’t know anyone yet. I was feeling anxious when I saw you, and since we sit next to each other in class, I came to talk to you. I’m sorry, were you bothered?”
I was bothered.
“No, it’s alright.”
“Ahh thats good, um, I’m Akiyoshi Hisano.”
A self-introduction right away, I thought, a person with high self-esteem.
“I’m in the Department of Politics, are you as well?”
“No, I’m in the Department of Commerce.”
“I see. Can I ask your name?”
A question I can’t refuse.
“Ah, it’s Tabata.”
“Tabata-kun, although it’s sudden, it’s nice to meet you.”
Akiyoshi bowed her head. Her trimmed hair falling around her shoulders. I also bowed my head along with her. Whenever an unexpected event occurs, it’s usually better to just go along with it.
“By the way, what is Tabata-kun’s first name?”
I hesitated to speak. It’s not like she did anything wrong by asking this very common question.
It’s a personal matter, but I hated my first name. If it was a handsome guy for example, he might be proud of having a name that’s too beautiful. On the other hand, if the gap between that beautiful name and the person’s inferior looks are too far apart, it might be funny. I was hesitant to say my own name which was halfway between the two and didn’t suit me. But of course, I didn’t have the courage to ignore questions from people.
And of course, this complex didn’t really matter from the perspective of the other person.
“Tabata Kaede-kun. An area in a rice field?”
“Ah, the edge.”
Akiyoshi took out a cellphone from her shoulder bag, played around with it and then put it back in her bag. The bag’s strap was digging into her shoulders.
“I made a note of it~”
With squinted eyes, she smiled showing her teeth, picked up her spoon and took a bite of the cutlet curry like it was a long-awaited treat. After seeing that, I looked away and went back to eating the fried fish on my plate again.
“I got so hungry in class, my belly was rumbling. Did you maybe hear it?”
“Oh, no.”
I didn’t care.
“That’s good. I usually eat a lot more than this, but not as much as Tabata-kun.”
“Quite healthy.”
“A habit from when I played soccer in highschool. I wonder if I should eat less now though.”
In other words, it seems she didn’t come from a strong school that emphasized wins and losses. Deciding to reduce her eating means she probably doesn’t intend to play soccer in University.
“Tabata-kun, do you play any sports? Oh, sorry for asking so many questions.”
Considerate, or at least someone who tries to be. Taking into account what happened in class before, I had imagined she was the type of person who will rudely invade someone’s space, but she seems to be treading carefully for the time being.
“No, it’s alright. I didn’t do much sports when I was in highschool.”
“Culture club?”
“Going-home club.”
“Are you not planning on joining anything in University too?”
“Maybe, seems like it. Ah, how about Akiyoshi-san?”
“I’m thinking of joining something, but there are so many circles including the unofficial ones that I’m a bit lost. I am a bit interested in something like a simulated United Nations though.”
“A simulated UN?”
“Yes yes, it’s amazing,” Akiyoshi responded, using that introduction as a platform to explain the simulated United Nations to me.
To summarize Akiyoshi’s story, it seems like the simulated UN was a club activity that tries to imitate the United Nations, where people who are interested in international issues gather together as representatives of various countries. I see, I was starting to understand her personality a little bit more.
“What do you think of it, Tabata-kun?”
“It feels like a difficult TRPG.”
There was no reason to denounce or affirm this simulated UN so I thought of saying something that doesn’t do either one. This time though, it was Akiyoshi’s turn to repeat my words, “TRPG?” In a similar flow as before, I couldn’t help but to explain TRPG, trying to keep the concept as simple as possible.
“I think it’s similar to a game where like, everyone kinda takes on a role, and so on.”
“Eh! Sounds interesting! I would love to be the hero.”
As if imitating a sword, Akiyoshi held the curry spoon in front of me. I wasn’t expecting her to react that happily, so I was surprised.
“You’re right, the simulated UN might actually be something like that. If you’re interested, would you like to check it out or join together?”
“Eh, um, no, sorry.”
I refused after being invited, and whether or not I looked sorry didn’t matter because I didn’t even want to be sorry.
That being said, declining her offer slightly went against my life’s theme, but of course, she wouldn’t know anything about my inner feelings. With a smile, she said “Hmm, it’s completely alright. I’m sorry about all of this so suddenly,” and placed her hands together in front of her chest. She seems to understand the merits and demerits of her own personality though, which gave me a good impression. Just a little bit.
“No, um, personally, it’s not that I‌ dislike you.”
“Really? I’m glad. I’m the sort of person who gets easily charmed.”
I thought so too, but she didn’t look like the type to care about that because of her cheerfulness, so the relief she showed was surprising. I also figured girls like her tend to know their place, and just follow along according to how the rest of her group feels.
I don’t know if it’s because I said I‌ didn’t dislike her, but it seemed to have made Akiyoshi feel better. This time, she didn’t stop and asked me a lot of questions. I‌ answered to some extent, and got her information in exchange.
Originally from Ibaraki prefecture, active enrollment, living alone, applied for a cram school part-time job, likes shounen manga and Asian Kung-Fu Generation.
She seems like a regular person if you just listen to this information, but because that behavior in class was my first impression, I unfortunately saw everything about her through a cringey filter. And I‌ didn’t bother fixing that warped viewpoint. I‌ thought it wasn’t necessary.
“Then, see you later.”
The classroom for my next class was far so I stood up first and waved at her. “Yeah later” she replied, though I didn’t actually think there would be a “later.” I’m not being a cruel person.
People like Akiyoshi are the type who can talk to anyone, and will soon find someone else better to talk to while forgetting about the person they used in the meantime. I‌’ve been used in similar situations several times before, and understand it’s something that can’t be helped.
That’s why I didn’t think I’ll have a “later” with Akiyoshi, and thought it unnecessary to understand her properly.
I‌ didn’t have to wait for next Monday. During 4th period on Friday, in a classroom fit for 50 people, sitting with a good posture was Akiyoshi who waved her hand at me as I‌ entered from the front of the classroom. She was sitting at the very back by the window, and moved closer next to me.
“Good morning. It’s been awhile, Tabata-kun.”
“Uh, yeah, so you were taking this class too.”
“Right, I‌ also didn’t realize.”
Anyways, I sat down while thinking whether Akiyoshi’s friends were also coming. I‌ wondered whether I‌ should’ve moved.
But i‌t seems I‌ didn’t need to be that considerate.
Akiyoshi happily talked to me about getting that cram school part-time job until the chime rang. It looked like she didn’t make any other acquaintances around her.
When the class started, Akiyoshi stopped chatting and looked straight ahead. I wasn’t as serious, but I‌ also turned to face forward and listen to the lecture. Vaguely in my mind, with this person called Akiyoshi, I‌ thought about whether a “later” existed with her.
I didn’t have to think about it after all. About an hour after the class started, I‌ was able to learn one of the most significant reason amongst my many reasons.
I‌ heard a voice.
“Excuse me, can I ask a question?”
This time as well, I didn’t have to search for the owner of that voice. Seriously? I thought. Once again, I‌ was next to the person but this time, I knew that voice.
I‌ looked to the side, and Akiyoshi was raising her hand just like that time.
The professor was kinder to Akiyoshi compared to the previous one. “Oh, alright. You paid for tuition so you’re a part of this class. What is it?” he asked, forgiving her disruption.
“Thank you very much.”
I could guess what Akiyoshi was going to say after, but I‌ regretted making that prediction when it came true.
With child-like idealism, she spoke with a voice that echoed throughout the classroom, once again posing her own personal opinions as questions.
I didn’t secretly ridicule her this time. However, I‌ was stunned. Although it was just a little bit, I‌ had thought she was a normal person back in the cafeteria.
But I‌ wasn’t the only one who was surprised. From somewhere, I‌ heard something unbelievable.
“How many times is it now?” they said.
I understood what that meant, and felt dread.
No way, is this person doing it in other classes as well……?
I‌ never thought I’d have to change my perception on Akiyoshi.
She wasn’t a cringey person, she was bad news.
Someone I shouldn’t get involved with.
I‌ pretended to take the class seriously, and didn’t try to look at the face of this crazy person sitting next to me. I see, so that’s why no one approached her and she talked to me as if we`re friends. In other words, compared to me, the others were more vigilant towards this dangerous person.
What the heck, will it be like this from now on? I‌ started thinking of ways to escape, glancing sideways at Akiyoshi who was being rebuked by the professor, now wearing a bitter smile just like the previous professor.
For the moment, I’ve decided to just simply run away. I stood up as soon as class ended, submitted my evaluation questionnaire which I’ve already written during class, and left without seeing Akiyoshi. This should be a temporary relief. Next Monday when I’ll have to meet her again for class, I’ll go in just before it begins and sit right away, and do the same with the class just now. While doing that, Akiyoshi should forget all about me. I mean, there are so many people here in the University.
I didn’t see a reason why it had to be me.
Despite all that, I didn`t understand why she would run and follow after me.
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desertdragon · 2 years ago
11, 13
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11. What location do they dislike the most?
New Gridania hate, Gridanthesenutsinyourmouth, NG hater nation rise. They are so fucking racist, the most racist and xenophobic. Their leadership is reliant on unstable and divided spirits whims as well as living in fear of appeasing them, and many excuses are made in their name to continue bigotry more than the other states, who at least are honest about when they’re being discriminating. Their aesthetic fucking sucks, their houses usually are boring for living in the forest and they have that mustard yellow Adder’s standard everywhere. Its confusing to navigate compared to the plains and the desert of La Noscea and Thanalan. She hates feeling closed in and lost and in a space where there are many places others can hide and attack her so she has to be more on guard.
She died for the first time in The Black Shroud, the way they treat Duskwights and Moonkeepers is appalling (its canon that Wood Wailers sometimes sexually assault MK poachers and Kan-E-Senna is like Oh I Didn’t Know That Haha *lets them continue* and the DNC questline blames Duskwights for being oppressed by NG). Hydaelyn gave her the Blessing there. A speech teacher (for learning Common) there tried forcing her to get rid of her native accent with some success because she was too scared to speak up and figured it was how you integrated at the time. Now if she could go back she’d force them to work with her original way of speaking or leave. Her only friend in NG is Mother Miounne, as she considers the leadership cowardly and its people passive aggressive bullies. It fucking sucks even most of the food sucks. Some of it is good though, and some places are beautiful, and sometimes their strong tie to preserving heritage where others may view heritage to be discarded is admirable, but that’s it.
13. What are their speech patterns like? more formal or informal?
Absolutely informal, ceased to give a shit about formality as WoL. As a kid she was similar among peers, but very formal to be mindful of who she was speaking to especially if they were an adult; every adult not her father or siblings was Auntie or Uncle *Name* and sometimes full names, every older sibling was shown the same respect of title for being older than her, regardless of if she agreed with them or not at times. As the WoL however she abandons this, she only uses formality for those she respects. Otherwise you’re gonna hear the full accent contractions and slang and all and you’re not gonna complain and most don’t because she’s WoL; they’re like ok its off putting but this is the strongest guy ever who can save my nation so I will shut up.
For Japanese she would use Ore which shows how casual she is, her masculinity, and plays into when she’s assertive. If you speak another language imagine the most informal personal pronoun you can use and an informal speech style. She makes speech teachers cry, good. Now you may say, “But when you write her dialogue she’s not throwing out ‘ s and shortening every other word and cussing all the time and-” Yes. I know. It’s my fault because I forget, or I’m having her speaking in the scene to someone she wouldn’t do that with. Or she’s using one level of informality rather than the fullest level. This is called Code Switching or Language Alteration (if you want to be formal about it, and it's predominantly associated with people of color or immigrants which is why it used to not be taken seriously in linguistics until the 80s, and especially tied to Black people trying to navigate communication with Whites- history lesson for today) in real life. I have to try using it more, but rest assured she’s in those official meeting cutscenes fucking it up because she doesn’t care about switching to meet their expectations. She’s at the point where she already kills thousands for them on a regular basis she’s allowed to put up her feet.
Now as a regular guy when it’s all over and she’s got her family...mix of both. Around the kids definitely very clear words regardless of which style she’s in. Also her and Yugiri teach them to be polite and respectful which means switching into formal speech when needed. Except they get extremely formal because of how Yugiri talks in the JP dub of the game with a lot of antiquated words and phrases that are a little funny to others because they don't get that serious. Like the kids refer to them as Haha-ue and Chichi-ue which is an old, old, pre 19th century highly formal style of saying Mother and Father that I can't quite capture in English but you can imagine enough given how rarely we use mother or father in English anyway. Yoshino as the eldest is called Ane-ue (Older Sister) by her brothers. It's funny because they have a dad who throws slang everywhere, a mom who's enthusiastically formal to the point of it being a little comical and only goes casual when upset, and they're in the middle with people looking at them like 👀😳
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norowareshimono · 7 years ago
whats your idea of pastallen and the theories? what do you think who is he? p.s. i hope youre getting better !!
Hello, Anon! o/ I’m feeling better, thanks!
This is a very interesting question, and sadly one for which we hardly have information available. As this is a translation blog first and foremost, let’s start with speech patterns. Japanese mangaka’s love for slurring words and other ways to individualize speech has tortured me long enough to realize how important these are. A lot of information ends up lost due to english’s unability to fully translate them.
Our Allen uses 僕 (boku) as a first person pronoun. Masculine, but in a boyish sort of way. It can sounds childish, but it’s also used by tender-hearted men between others. Given that Allen is simply imitating Mana’s speech, it’s probably a mix of both. He uses 君 (kimi) for second person. It’s used with people who are your equals or under you, so it’s neither polite or rude. Allen also uses polite speech (keigo) most of the time. He drops it in essence when talking to himself, with certain characters (Timcanpy, for example, or kids like Jean in the first volume) or when he is particularly upset.
Red uses, funnily enough, exactly the same pronouns as Nea of all people. His first person pronoun is オレ (ore), the most common between male teens and adults, but only used in casual speech. For second person he uses あんた (anta), which refers to people who are close to you, or people under you. Nothing terrible. but definitely rude in most situations. Red slurs words a bit (once again like Nea), is in general forceful and problably wouldn’t be caught using keigo in his life.
Now, Past!Allen uses わたし (watashi) as a first person pronoun and for second pronoun キミ (kimi). At the very least, he doesn’t use keigo as a default and seems perfectly willing to use forceful speech, yet he seems to speak well in general (no slurring). If anything, I would say that he is in between of Allen and Red. Not as polite as the first, not as rude as the latter.
Anyway, watashi is an interesting choice. It’s the neutral pronoun, so to speak: polite and yet casual enough to not be out of place in basically any situation, neither masculine or femenine (although women use it more often). A man that uses watashi in his daily life is most likely often in situations where it’s the only option, so it has become an habit he can’t drop that easily. Other reason for the use of “watashi” in men is to put distance between you and the others using formality. It’s basically a pronoun that distant, professional or very polite men use.
With that said, my personal opinion on this matter under the cut:
Past!Allen and how does he connect with what we know is one of the biggest mysteries in this manga at the moment, but I find what little we have been said to be very interesting. I really can’t wait to know more about him, about what made this boy so loyal to the 14th Noah.
That said, any theory is bound to be grasping at straws at the moment. There is simply not enough information. Please, take this only as my personal read of what little we have. I could be VERY WRONG.
First… For me, it’s clear that Past!Allen didn’t know Cross that much, as I think Cross would recognise him when they met again if they knew each other.They being siblings would be cool, but it’s very unlikely. Also, it’s safe to assume Past!Allen is a scientist and booksmart given both his implied background and how he acts when explaining the Helix of Life.
In other side, Gray Log seems to confirm in Bookman’s extended profile that Nea is involved in the loss of Bookman’s apprentice, but then that could mean either Past!Allen or Cross (both are the only real options, as far as I can see).
To be honest, I do incline myself for Past!Allen for the simple reason I can justify Cross meeting Nea with being an exorcist, or a Black Order scientist. It would also explain why Cross doesn’t seem to like his alliance with Nea very much. They are in this together very begrudgingly, and that fits better the exorcist than the Bookman Junior.
Past!Allen, however? He could be a childhood friend, sure, but I doubt a simple childhood friend would be aware of what’s happening to the degree Past!Allen clearly is. If he ends up being the lost Junior, it would make him a thematic pair with Lavi, as both would be juniors that got too involved, and pairs ARE a thing in this manga as said by Hoshino herself. Hell, Allen and Lavi are already the identity crisis duo! Lavi has Bookman as his “pair”, yes, but we don’t know if overlap between them is possible, so I would leave that door open.
Finnaly, and this is my opinion, I think Allen is a rejuvenated version of Past!Allen. Nea, scar and white hair aside, didn’t seem to find anything out of place in Allen’s looks and I find hard to believe that Allen could resemble another person to that degree without a proper explanation, of which we have none so far. It’s also what Nea, the character that better knows Past!Allen, seems to believe so… I think it has a fair chance of being true.
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