#as a step son or son in law who knows (lol)
tj-crochets · 1 year
i’m here for the grandma. prepare to hand her over. i love her and i haven’t even met her
[this is relating to the pride post]
lol welcome, new cousin! I won't hand her over but I will share her, she's a pretty great grandma Some more grandma stories: - she calls getting minor but ridiculous injuries "pulling a TJ" (I was ridiculously clumsy as a kid and am still fairly accident-prone) so she'll call me up and say "Do you want to hear about the TJ I just pulled?". Her latest one was trying to dump the kitchen trash into the outdoor trash can without having to take the bag out of the kitchen trash can by hoisting the kitchen trash can up onto her porch railing and "letting gravity help". She fell halfway into the outdoor trash can (she's okay! she was laughing when she called me) - she feeds stray cats (and occasionally accidentally stray raccoons) and works with the local animal shelters to try to get the kittens acclimated to people and adopted, and she mostly names them after characters from old westerns but also treats some of them like a soap opera? She tells me about all the drama going on in the local stray cat population at least once a week - Her best friend since like the 70s was a butch lesbian named Lottie. Lottie was best friends with both my grandparents, and they moved cross country multiple times to be neighbors. Lottie passed away before I was born but my grandma still considers her the best friend she ever had - My grandma was part of a "hair color of the month" club and I genuinely do not know what her natural hair color was before it turned white
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amareinmortis · 2 years
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So this often happens in my playthrough of Cookie Run Kingdom:
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penkura · 5 months
OP Men Holding Their Firstborn for the First Time
Note: This is in relation to my post of headcanons for these five men and their children. I just started thinking of which ones of them will cry, who will freak out over holding a tiny baby, who may reject the thought at first. And it came to this lol. I think the next one in this series will be names for the kids or babies taking their first steps! The baby fever is strong help. For now, please enjoy these men being soft about their offspring!
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Ace almost has a heart attack when you try to pass your daughter to him, he swears he felt his heart jump into his throat when you ask if he wants to hold her, saying no that he's fine for now, but you insist he should. He doesn't do so for several hours, instead watching you with her as he works up the courage to have her in his arms.
What if my powers activate and I burn her? What if she cries and kicks? Oh lord, what I drop her??
"Ace, please. You need to hold her."
The look on your face, like you're begging him to hold her, finally makes Ace agree, sitting on the edge of your hospital bed to take your hours old daughter from you. You remind him to be careful of her head, make sure to support her, and smile when you finally get to see the two loves of your life together at last.
She doesn't fuss or cry or kick, instead staying fast asleep and seeming like she's snuggling into the warmth Ace radiates thanks to his Devil Fruit powers. He's just amazed by her, her tiny little nose and the beautiful, dark eyelashes that brush her chubby little cheeks. She's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen after you of course.
Ace fights not to cry but can't help the few tears that sneak out, wiping them away on his sleeve quickly, the one time he wears a shirt and it's the day you give birth to the newest love of his life.
Gosh, he always knew you were amazing. Now you've given him a family of his own, how could he ever repay you?
"Thank you for her...she's so perfect."
Ace can't seem to tear his eyes away from your daughter's little face, and that's okay with you. She's his baby too, he needs to have some time with her.
"What do you think we should name her, Ace?"
Oh. Oh crap, she does need a name huh?
Law doesn't even have a chance to think about it, he's holding your son immediately after birth since he was the one to help you deliver obviously. Once your baby boy is wrapped in a towel Law hands him right to you before checking to make sure you're doing all right. Your vitals are all normal and stable, he's relived that you're both fine, while he watches you talk to your crying newborn.
You tell him that it doesn't count that he held your son right away since he's your and the boy's doctor, eventually getting Law to sit down and actually hold him as his father instead. Your son kept fussing and crying until Law finally got to hold him, the newborn quieting after a few moments but keeping his eyes shut tight and his little hands in fists as he kept whining.
Once he finally opens his eyes to stare up at Law, it's probably the cutest thing you've ever seen in your life apart from Bepo.
Especially once you catch sight of a few tears in Law’s eyes, making you smile softly as you lean back to just watch them. He's quick to rub at his eyes and make them stop, but the few sniffles you hear every bit tell you he's trying to stop himself from looking like a bigger baby than your literal baby he's holding.
He's never actually held a baby so tiny, not since Lammy was born. And to know this is his son, it's crazy to think about while he watches your baby boy start to fall asleep.
He really does wish his parents, sister, and Cora-san were there. They'd all love to meet your son, and you know he's thinking that, but you hope realizes that all the Heart Pirates are going to love your little boy just as much as his family would have.
And that eases the sting a bit, especially when they all do get to meet your son, and not a single one of them is without tears, beyond happy for you and their beloved captain.
Penguin almost begs to hold your daughter once she's born and you're both stable. Law tries to push him away while he takes your daughter's vitals and measurements, asking how on earth you dealt with Penguin being so clingy the last nine months, which just makes you laugh.
"Go sit with your wife, damn it, I'll bring her over in a minute."
"But, captain--"
"Penguin, just come over here for now."
Penguin sits beside your bed and pouts until Law finally brings your daughter over, about to hand her to you before you direct him to your husband. Both ask if you're absolutely sure you want Penguin to hold her first, until you confirm it, and Law hands your daughter to her father, showing him the right away to hold her, before he leaves the three of you alone for a few minutes.
Penguin is absolutely enthralled with her. She's still fussy from being born, stretching out her little arms and legs, making cute little sounds, and he just can't believe she's finally here. He feels like you two waited an eternity for her to be born, now she has been! She's so small, she fits perfectly in his arms and it makes him want to cry so much.
"She's so tiny."
"And she looks just like you, Peng."
Due to you having twins, you hold your son while Sanji holds your daughter, blubbering like the baby girl was because he's just so happy to have these babies with you. It makes you want to laugh hearing him cry, watching him kiss your daughter's forehead to try and calm her down while he dotes on her and you give your son attention.
"You're an angel, a perfect little gift from heaven!"
When you finally swap which baby you're each holding, Sanji still cries, happy to have a son too! He never really thought you'd have twins, or that they'd be fraternal on top of it! Both are so precious to him, you're precious to him, this little family you've now built together.
Your daughter has his hair, but your son looks just like you to Sanji. He kisses your son's forehead before looking at you and your newborn daughter, still unable to believe this is going to be his life from now on. You, and him, and your two tiny blessings.
"I love you so, so much."
He can't wait to call Zeff and let him know the good news.
Zoro has no worries or qualms or tears when holding your son for the first time. Actually, it doesn't hit him for a few hours that he has a child now.
Your son is so quiet most of his first day outside the womb, sleeping and eating, only fussing when he needs something, but you're able to calm him down quickly. The way you're able to do that when this is your first baby impresses Zoro more than anything today.
It's only once you're asleep and he's holding your son again that it really gets to him. There's another person depending on him now, this one being his own flesh and blood, his newborn son that already looks just like him. His hands are so tiny, he's not even able to fully get his little fingers around one of Zoro's fingers.
Chopper made sure you both were left alone for the day, Zoro taking a bed next to yours and laying back with your son on his chest that night. That's when he realized just how small your baby is. His hand covered the newborn's back completely, his tiny hand fisting Zoro's shirt as he slept, small coos and whines coming from him every now and then. Zoro looks at you for a moment, before back to your son with a smile.
Your son may not have been planned, but Zoro's more than accepting of how his life is turning out.
Note 2: I am absolutely willing to elaborate on these men and their children. If anyone wants to see something specific, just send me a message! I'll be posting more of my own thoughts too!
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dreamingsnowflake2013 · 11 months
Now, we know why Seo Do Guk is such a prince in a shining armour; he's been brought up by THREE AWESOME QUEENS. If I liked them before, now I utterly adore them, be it the mom, grandma, or sister; while they might be understandably cautious about Yi Joo since she is a woman they have only just met, few minutes in the company of her "family" members is enough to immediately see the new fiancée of their beloved boy has grown up in a vipers' pit and been poisoned by them way too many times to count.
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Seo Do Na is the MOOOOOD.
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Lady, you must have a death wish. You might diss your adoptive daughter in front of everyone, but by giving that condescending look to Cha Yeon Hwa's daughter, you've managed to make an enemy of a woman who even the Seo chairwoman fears in the first five minutes of meeting her. Do Guk's mother looks like she is ready to strangle her on the spot, and she still doesn't even begin to know the worst of her.
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Yi Joo's adoptive mother tries to disparage her in the eyes of her future in-laws, but it's them, these virtual strangers to her, especially Do Guk's mom who treat her like a real family - they support her and defend her against her own parents. Actually, his mother looks at her with more motherly love and kindness. her mother has ever done. She barely knows her, but her heart already reaches out to her.
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And so, on this day, Han Yi Joo's Defence Squad / Armada has been established with general Cha Yeon Hwa at its helm and the her two captains Seo Do Na and Lee Tae Ja by her side.
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LOL! Like mother, like son - they are two peas in the same pod. She might have criticized Do Guk for his choice of a bride at first, but no matter how much she tries to deny it, she is already halfway in love with Yi Joo as well.
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Like she is one step from joining her son's campaign to plump her up and cook her meals with him. Seriously, if Do Guk didn't plan to marry Yi Joo, she might have adopted her herself.
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She might deny it all she wants, but beneath that tough as nails exterior, she is a big softie, in fact, all three woman are, and they are exactly what Yi Joo needs in her life.
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novembermorgon · 1 month
After Aerion died, does Myrielle re-marry? And if she does, and her new husband already has kids, how would she, Maegor, and Aenys feel about them? If Myrielle gets pregnant, how do the twins feel about their potential half sibling?
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think smarter not harder . have an affair with your brother in law so you can cash in later
i always kind of liked to think that in a scenario where aerion dies vaguely in line with how+when it happens in canon myrielle does remarry but more for a sense of security than because she's especially enthusiastic at the idea . she likes to feel as if she has something or someone to fall back on i think, and when aerion dies she kind of has the rug pulled out under her in that she doesn't really know where to turn or what to do or where to go . she has a place at court only through her sons then and when they marry she feels as if they too begin to slip away from her . so she scrambles to find that security again by remarrying
& the easiest most comfortable option for her is daeron - she's known him for more than half her life at that point and knows that they're fond of each other (maybe not in any super deep passionate soulmate way but there's a fondness there regardless) and so she locks in on that instead of trying to gamble with other men at court when she knows that it'd be tough to find someone that could avoid making her miserable. not to mention given that he'd be heir at that point he's kind of a step up from aerion just in terms of political value LOL . on a purely personal level i don't know if she would want to marry daeron . she doesn't think he matches her passion and she doesn't find him super attractive and she can't stand the drinking & whoring & general nothingsauce attitude he has towards everything, but again at this point she kind of just needs to settle down again so she can feel secure the way she did being married the first time
i ermrmmmmm . i haven't thought all that hard about daeron's timeline of events in this little universe so subject to change but i imagine he does marry kiera of tyrosh like in canon and she dies in childbirth (which seems kind of likely even in the canonsphere given her miscarriages + never being mentioned again + grrm's love for letting women die giving birth) so he does have vaella hanging around . which is funny because this means myrielle gets her princess daughter technically but again it's WRONG because she isn't hers biologically & vaella ..... hummm ... well in canon she's described as simple and as a fellow part of the club ☝️ i hc that to mean that she had some degree of autism which i don't think myrielle would be very equipped to handle . she doesn't have the patience or understanding so while she's not unkind or dismissive of her the way she is towards aerea i don't know if they'd really bond in any significant way . maybe vaella gets attached to her given she doesn't really have a mom here but myrielle wouldn't know how to give that energy back and so there's always a bit of a wedge inbetween them there .
maegor i feel is probably the most agreeable of the three here . both him and aenys are older than vaella would be so i don't think they'd really be friends in the traditional sense but maegor to me is very open and willing to really make that effort to be agreeable and to make things work so him and vaella are definitely the closest ... takes on the older brother role without any complaints .
unlike aenys who would probably just disregard the whole marriage & daeron & vaella altogether . i imagine he looks up to aerion so much and so strongly that the idea of myrielle remarrying, especially someone like daeron, really kind of peeves him off . it disturbs that already existing family dynamic and he already has a hard time handling aerion's death so it all just kind of piles up and he doesn't make an effort at all . you're not my real dad!!!!
not sure if they'd have any more kids though .. i talked about this in one of the latest asks i answered so it could either go the horror movie esque trapped forever as a wife and mother route or it just doesn't really go anywhere and they end up settling as is . i think given theyre both a bit older at this point it'd be a bit of a struggle but i don't know enough about pregnancy to say . <3 regardless the previous points stand for this potential half sibling . maegor is happy aenys is mad and has to go off and hit something really hard every time he thinks about it
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omelepun · 3 months
General headcanons of mithrun and Kabru’s relations hip ? You can add some past!mithrun ones too 💗
Oooh sure!! Thank you for asking of course!!
- It would take them a couple of years to get together, Kabru realizes how he feels for Mithrun first but waits for the right time to say. Mithrun, however, after years of thinking “he’s a friend, a really really good friend who crosses my mind at least twice every hour, whose smile makes me feel warm, who i will die for” finally understands his affection for Kabru, blurts out his confession immediately.
- They would keep their relationship between closed friends, publicizing it means more trouble for the newly found kingdom and kabru’s prestige and position as the court counselor because people think elves are untrustworthy, they would be like “the advisor is banging an elf?! We’re doomed as a kingdom!” Lol. Kabru doesn’t really care because he loves that man to his grave, but mithrun is worried he will be the downfall of kabru’s career.
- They don’t argue a lot, but when they do Mithrun is usually the one to apologize first because it scares him to death whenever it crosses his mind that this trivial gripe they’re having might be taking up what little time Kabru has left with him due to the lifespan difference. They both desperately want to resolve the fight and get back to being lovey dovey as soon as possible lol.
- Mithrun’s parents know about his relationship, but they don’t care that much as long as he keeps it a secret and doesn’t disgrace his family’s name because in their eyes their son had died 40 years ago. He doesn’t see them a lot, once every 10 years or so, one time Kabru insisted on meeting his family if they are going to get serious, he begrudgingly agreed, a terrible idea as it ended with Mithrun teleporting his soup to spill it on his parent’s head and storming out holding Kabru’s hand after they made snarky comments about Kabru.
- Kabru likes to be the little spoon, Mithrun doesn’t mind this.
And here’s my headcanons for past Mithrun:
- Despite his arrogance, he was extremely self-conscious, always fretting over how people perceived him, how a strand of his hair was out of place. He spent a lot of time on the upkeep of his appearance like doing a 10 step skincare routine twice a day even though elves have naturally flawless skin.
- Most of his ex-lovers were people for whom his brother had feelings, he would specifically court them to “win” over his brother, trying to prove to himself that he is superior. These relationships didn’t last because his partners felt like his love for them only goes so far.
- Ever since he was a child he was made aware of his bastard identity, he was told that because of his silver hair and eyes he was lucky enough to be taken in and brought up as a lawful child. Because of this he hated (and loved) his eyes and hair, even though they were his ticket to life of luxury, he felt like he was reduced to less than a person, he was rather a replacement for their legitimate but flawed son. (Now that you think about it lol his situation was kinda the opposite of Kabru’s, who was literally almost killed by his father’s family for his eyes)
- Because of him being born from infidelity, he had to make up for it by surpassing his brother, in fact he spent a third of his life doing so only to be shipped away to the army in place for his brother. Just like that he was thrown away.
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diminuel · 2 months
Big fan of you just casually throwing children across the the entire grandkids towards various characters because of the insane implications this would have on various family ties.
Dragon being Rogers son and periodically being thrown onto Rogers ship by Garp When he wants some piece and quiet to toughen him up may imply he got to meet Shanks and Buggy at some point, who are kind of sort of but not really but also yes Rogers adoptive kids, which in turn would make them sort of step brothers, which in turn would kind of sort of but not really mean that they are both Crocodiles brothers in law but ALSO sort of Luffys uncles, which I imagine they both would have wildly different reactions too. Not even bringing Ace into this because what the fuck would that even make him in the stinky child au? When the kid you adopted may also be your brother in law and your biological child’s uncle once removed is the literal clown you’re working with. The longer he thinks about it the more he turns into the meme of the woman doing math.
I'm just here to cause chaos I think X'D
Though I think by the time Roger finds Shanks (and I don't know how he comes across Buggy) Dragon is already 17 so he'd probably no longer get thrown on Roger's ship. I think by that time he's probably already been enlisted into the Marines (so now some body else's problem *lol*) But he might still encounter them because Garp will probably continue clashing with Roger because he has no other hobbies.
Either way Crocodile is regretting his life choices. Like when he got together with Dragon he probably knew nothing about him. Just a loner guy with no last name but one hell of a mission. And now this? X'D
(Also, this is not taking into consideration what kind of messed up background Crocodile could be from, there are various theories from being Whitebeard's kid to being Rock's kid to being Shakky & Rayleigh's kid to being from a complete no name bloodline. Like... maybe Crocodile is the only "normal" person in that whole circus of a family tree.)
(Side thought about Shanks. I wonder if he had any idea who Luffy was *lol*)
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sakuraaachan · 1 year
REQUESTED - Take it Slow - Izuku M.
Ok, so my request is about Adult!Husband!Prohero Midoriya Izuku x Wife!Kind! Female Reader. They have a daughter who is a baby and Reader is taking care of Izuku after his work with a nice dinner, a bath and a massage and Reader is wearing some lingerie so things get a little hot in there
Sure! I hope you enjoy, I put my soul into this smut lol. Also congratulations on being my first request! (Also my Submission form was kinda bugged when you submitted it so I didn't get to tag you. Sorry!)
Word count: 3482
Izuku Midoriya x Reader
Rating: smut, breeding kink, very very mature. NSFW
Wanna submit a request? Click here
This is the full version of the story!
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“A baba.” You look down at your toddler, she’s got her hands stretched out as she repeats the same words over and over. “A baba, a baba.”
“Okay, okay, I’ll get your baba in a second.” You smile warmly at your daughter before you scan the room for her beloved stuffed rabbit, Baba. It had become her constant companion, providing comfort and security in moments of both joy and distress
As you search through the scattered toys and blankets, you can’t help but remember the day your husband had brought that rabbit home. You had told him not to buy your daughter anymore toys since he spoiled her enough, but his argument was that your daughter's eyes had lit up with excitement when she clutched the fluffy rabbit tightly and they formed an instant bond. So he couldn’t just not buy it.
Finally, you spot Baba peeking out from beneath a pile of colorful blocks. With a sense of relief, you pick up the rabbit and hand it to your daughter, who eagerly takes it into her arms, hugging it tightly.
"A baba," she repeats, her smile widening.
You watch as she runs off, holding Baba close, her tiny legs wobbling with determination. You smile, she definitely gets that from her father. You return to the kitchen to continue cooking, it was the late afternoon and you figured you treat your husband to a surprise tonight.
His mother would be picking up your daughter anytime soon, so it gave you and him the house to yourselves.
As you prepare the ingredients for the special meal, the aroma of spices fills the air, adding to the anticipation of the evening. You can’t help but think about the journey that brought you and your husband here. 
It had been a whirlwind romance, filled with laughter, shared dreams, and a deep connection. From the moment you met, you knew you had found your soulmate. And together you built a life based on trust and love.
As the sound of the doorbell resonates through the house, you quickly wipe your hands on a kitchen towel and rush to greet your mother-in-law. Inko exchanges warm smiles with you, knowing the evening would be a special surprise for her son. 
“You take care now,” she says, she wasn’t as young as she used to be. “Tell Izuku that I said hi.”
“I will mom!” You say, watching her lead your daughter to her car. With her happily settled with her grandmother, you and Izuku would finally have a quiet moment to reconnect. He’s been working heavy overtime lately, and you wanted to give him a chance to relax. You missed him. 
As you check the clock, you realize that time is slipping away, and you want everything to be perfect for Izuku's arrival. You move with focused determination, ensuring that every detail of the meal is in place. The tantalizing aroma of his favorite dishes fills the kitchen, adding to the anticipation that fills the air.
Once everything is set up to your satisfaction, you quickly throw your apron off, tossing it into the laundry room. 
The door opens, and you hear the familiar sound of Izuku's footsteps as he enters the house. You take a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness as you wait for him to finish taking off his boots and enter the room. The moment you've been waiting for has arrived.
With a warm smile, Izuku steps into the kitchen and his eyes widen at the sight before him. The table is beautifully set, the soft glow of candles casting a warm and intimate ambiance. He’s still got his uniform on, halfway unzipped showing off some of his biceps. 
"Welcome home, Izuku," you softly. "I wanted to surprise you and create a special evening, just for us."
He looks at you, his tiredness fading as he takes in the effort you've put into making this moment memorable. You could still see the exhaustion of his workday in his face, but it was fine, tonight was about him anyway. 
"Wow, I can't believe you did all this," he says, “just for me?”
You walk over, smoothing your hands on his shoulders, "yes, just for you," you reply. Voice filled with warmth and affection. "You've been working so hard lately, I wanted to take care of you."
You could tell how fatigued he was by the way his body melted from the small amounts of pressure you put on his skin."I wanted to remind you how much you mean to me," you continue, moving to stand in front of him, you cup his cheeks. "You're my hero, not just in the world of heroes, but in our everyday life as well."
A smile tugs at the corners of Izuku's lips, and he leans down to kiss you. Before his lips could reach yours, you place a finger at his lips, smirking. “Oh wait a second, you’re gonna have to wait for that.”
As his lips move to protest, you start to push his body towards the stairs, he’s quite heavy so most of the movement you’re able to get out of him is really him willingly letting you push him around.
“You need a bath mister.”
Izuku chuckles but he goes along with it, allowing himself to be gently guided toward the stairs. You lead him upstairs, making your way to the bathroom. The room is already prepared, with soft lighting, scented candles, and a warm bath ready to soothe away the stresses of the day. It's a haven of tranquility, inviting him to unwind and rejuvenate.
As you help him undress, your touch lingers on every sensitive spot you know on his body. Most of them deep scars he earned from battles. Each swipe over his skin as you help him remove his gear, conveying tenderness and desire. 
“Enjoy your bath sweetie,” you say with a warm smile, ready to turn around and leave so your husband can enjoy his warm soak. But he grabs your arm.
His grip on your arm is gentle yet firm, preventing you from turning away. You meet his gaze, surprised by the intensity in his eyes.
"I don't want to be alone," Izuku says softly, his voice filled with longing.
Your heart skips a beat at his words, and a surge of warmth courses through your veins. You knew if you had gotten into that tub with him, you’d probably lose control of the course of the entire night, but you couldn’t say no to that face. 
Without a word, you step closer to him, your eyes locked in an unspoken understanding. The desire between you intensifies, and it was his turn to undress you. He sides off your loose blouse and tosses it over with his suit, before your pants go with them. Now you were both naked. 
With a tender touch, Izuku guides you into the bathtub, his arms wrapping around you protectively as the warm water embraces both of you. The steam rises, creating an ethereal atmosphere as you find yourselves immersed in an intimate sanctuary.
The water remained at a perfect temperature, you keep note in your mind that you should probably thank Izuku for having the bathroom warmers installed. Though you had called them useless at first, they came quite in handy.
“How do you feel baby?” You were laid on top of Izuku's chest, some of the bubbled water hitting your face everytime he moved slightly.
“Perfect.” He mumbles, the warm water like a blanket lulling him to sleep. “I love you so much.” You feel his arms tighten around you, creating a sense of safety and comfort.
But the cuteness of the moment is held at a pause as your husband cups your ass, giving it a soft squeeze. You almost squeak at the sudden surprise, and only lift your head to stare him in the eyes.
He’s got an innocent grin on his face, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. You chuckle at the unexpected playfulness, appreciating the way he can effortlessly bring joy and laughter into even the most intimate moments. 
Izuku's hands gently roam, his touch both tender and tantalizing. The warmth of the water and the closeness between you intensify the sensations, creating a delightful mix of pleasure and connection.
“Mm Izuku, too fast,” you mumble. “Tonight is about you.”
“And I wanna touch you,” he says softly. “I wanna take care of my wife.”
"You're incorrigible," you say, shaking your head, your smile widening. "Just enjoy the bath baby, let me take care of you."
He doesn’t respond with anything, put a small pout, and you lay abc onto his chest listening to the rhythmic beat of his heart. The bath continues in serene silence, the atmosphere filled with unspoken words and the bond you share. You cherish these quiet moments, where you can simply be present with each other, without the need for words or actions.
By the time your fingers begin to wrinkle, you know it’s time to leave the comforting embrace of the bathtub. With care, you help Izuku stand and step out, wrapping him in a soft towel. The air feels cooler against your damp skin, but the warmth between you lingers, radiating from within.
You command him to go get dressed and meet you downstairs, despite his want to lay in bed with you in his arms. As Izuku heads off to get dressed, you take a moment to towel off and dig into the further cabinet by the sink, hidden inside was the key to making this a memorable night.
You loved the way it fit on you, the snugness of the black lingerie held up everything in a perfect way that made you look absolutely delectable. You slip a comfortable rope over it, the soft fabric hugs your skin, offering a gentle reminder of the intimacy you just shared. With a contented smile, you make your way downstairs, your anticipation building.
You exit the bathroom, Izuku is still dressing himself, so without bringing any attention to your figure, you quickly slip out of the room and head downstairs.
In the living room, you light a few more candles, creating a cozy and intimate ambiance. Soft music fills the air, setting the mood for the evening. The table is already set with your husband's favorite dishes, carefully prepared with love and attention to detail.
As Izuku enters the room, dressed in fresh clothes, he walks into the kitchen immediately taking a seat at the dining table, where his favorite dish sat in front of him. You walk over with two wine glasses, placing one by him and one by your plate. Though Izuku was much for wine, he didn’t mind it for today. 
Taking your seat next to him, you raise your glass in a toast. "To us," you say. Izuku reciprocates the gesture, clinking his glass against yours, and you take a moment to appreciate the love and connection you share.
As you both dig into the delicious meal, the flavors dance on your taste buds, creating a symphony of delight. The conversation flows effortlessly, filled with laughter, shared memories, and plans for the future. Each bite is savored, a celebration of your love and the effort you put into creating this special evening.
The soft music playing in the background adds a touch of romance to the atmosphere, creating a backdrop for your intimate conversations. The flickering candlelight casts a warm and gentle glow, enhancing the sense of closeness between you.
Between bites and sips of wine, you steal glances at Izuku, admiring the way his eyes light up when he talks about his dreams and passions. You listen attentively, cherishing the moments of vulnerability and openness that deepen your connection.
As the night progresses, the plates are cleared away, and dessert is brought out. You share bites of sweetness, feeding each other with affectionate smiles. The conversation becomes softer, more intimate, as you reflect on the journey that brought you here, to this moment of love and togetherness.
With contented hearts and satisfied appetites, you both lean back in your chairs, basking in the afterglow of the evening. The flickering candle flames and the gentle music continue to fill the room, creating an ambiance of peace and serenity.
As the night draws to a close, you rise from the table, a small tug at your robe. As it falls to the floor, revealing the black lingerie you had hidden beneath, Izuku's eyes widen in surprise. His gaze locks with yours, his breath catching in his throat. The atmosphere in the room shifts, charged with anticipation.
A slow smile spreads across your face as you take a step closer to him, your movements infused with confidence and a touch of playfulness. The flickering candlelight casts sensual shadows on your bare skin, accentuating your curves and creating an alluring silhouette.
Izuku's gaze traces every inch of your exposed body, his desire evident in the way his eyes darken with longing. He stands up, unable to tear his eyes away from you, and takes a step closer, closing the distance between you.
“You look..beautiful.” He says. “I’m gonna tear that thing off of you if you make me wait any longer.”
You let out a soft chuckle, you guide Izuku backward, leading him toward the couch. The anticipation builds with each step, your bodies drawn together by a magnetic force. As you reach the plush cushions of the couch, your hands reach out to gently caress his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath your fingertips.
"As much as I can't resist you," you whisper, your voice laced with desire. "Tonight is about you, my love."
You push him down onto the couch, fall with him and straddling his chest. Izuku's breath hitches, his eyes filled with passion and reverence. He nods, understanding the unspoken agreement between you. Tonight, you are determined to focus solely on his pleasure. 
With a slow, tantalizing pace, you begin to undress him, letting your fingers trail along his body, igniting sparks of desire. Each article of clothing falls to the floor, revealing the sculpted contours of his physique. 
As he sits bare underneath you, you take a moment to appreciate the beauty of his form. His muscles ripple with strength and his scars tell stories of his heroic journey. Your hands continue their exploration, tracing a path of pleasure over his skin. Each touch is deliberate, seeking to elicit sighs and shivers of delight from him.
With your eyes locked in a passionate gaze, you lower yourself to your knees in front of him, your hands still caressing his thighs. Your lips brush against his skin, leaving a trail of kisses as you make your way higher. The anticipation builds, the air thick with desire.
As you reach his dick, your touch becomes more purposeful, and you stare at him as you slowly move your hand up and down the shaft. He groans, leaning his head back but not daring to take his eyes off you.
With a small smirk, you lower your lips down to his cock. Your mouth finding a rhythm to bring him pleasure. The room is filled with the sounds of his gasps and moans, the symphony of his pleasure guiding your every movement.
Time seems to lose meaning as you immerse yourself in the act of giving him pleasure. The only thing that matters in this moment is Izuku's satisfaction, his every need and desire met with devotion and skill.
Your tongue feels everything, every vein popping out of his cock, every shiver and every groan. You relished in the vibrations his moans would bring to your mouth, each of them bringing a warm spoke of desire to your cunt. 
As the waves of pleasure crash over him, his hand finds the back of your hand, keeping your lips wrapped around him as he finds release, his body trembling with the intensity of his climax. 
His cum is so smooth it slides down your throat with ease. You gasp for air once you’re finally freed and smile at your husband. You rise to your feet, your eyes meeting his, both of you breathless and satisfied.
Despite the heavy release, his cock is still hard, typical of your husband. With all his energy, he could cum down your throat 5 times and still be able to take more. His hands cup your hips as you straddle him once again.
“You already worked so hard baby, let me take care of you now,” he says, still catching his breath. You grind down a little, hips moving in a hypnotizing way. Izuku seems to lose his words, at the way the soaked panties felt on his bare cock.
“Oh my god you’re wet,” his head fell back, leaning against the back of the wall. 
You giggle at his reaction, gripping his shoulders tightly as you focused on the pleasure just grinding on him was giving you. A small moan emits from your lips as the pleasure starts to build up, but before you could top it off, Izuku stills you.
Izuku's grip on your hips tightens, his touch commanding your attention. You let out a disappointed huff and meet his stern eye, the air heavy with anticipation. 
“As beautiful as you look just getting off by grinding on me,”  he whispers, his voice husky with desire. His hand reaches down there, fiddling with the soaked fabric to pull it to the side and create an opening for him to stick his cock through. “I need you. Right now.”
You nod, a smile playing on your lips. It was quite funny for him to be this needy, since it was usually the opposite on any other night. You shift slightly, settling down and allowing the cock to slide in between your folds. With another push, he’s entered inside you. 
You both moan at the same time, your bodies remaining close, limbs entangled, as you indulge in the slow, deliberate movements that enhance the pleasure you share.
Izuku's hands roam your body, tracing every curve, every contour, as if committing them to memory. His touch is gentle and deliberate, igniting sparks of pleasure that reverberate through your entire being. With each caress, he explores your desires, taking the time to understand and respond to the subtle cues of your body.
“Fuck baby,” he says. “Gonna put another baby in you.”
Your movements become a dance of passion and connection, a symphony of pleasure orchestrated by your shared desires. His hands are glued to your ass, spreading your cheeks every time you push down on his cock.
He groans, panting heavily as your velvety walls spasm around his dick, and he couldn’t take it anymore. His hand holding your back as he easily picks you up and drops you onto the couch. He hits new lengths at this intimate angle, starting up a punishing rhythm.
With every thrust he pulls you back into home with a bruising grip. He brings a hand up and presses it to your sensitive clit, moaning loudly as you tightened up. He relishes in the feeling, and begins to swirl the nub with his fingers.
You mewl at the feel, moans now almost broken as you cry out in oversitulation. He watches as your body quivers, loving the erotic sight of you being stretched around him. He loved how your nails dug into his back, sometimes pressing into his more sensitive scars, it ignited a fire within that couldn’t be put out. 
Your voice eventually gives out from all the screaming, and you're only able to whimper as your orgasm slammed into you. Izuku fingers are now coated with your juices as they seem to splatter everywhere with everyone of his thrusts.
He continued to fuck you through it though, almost losing his mind from the wet sounds of each splatter. As his own climax was approaching he let the music of your sobs carry him through his release. You were too warm to pull out of, so he buried himself inside of your pulsing hole, and flooded you with his thick cum. 
He doesn’t pull out yet, barely holding himself above you as he catches his breath. Your body jolts with spikes of pleasure as each rope of cum spurts out of him. He chuckles at your form, comparing how confident you had looked earlier to how fucked you looked now.
He leans down and licks off the little drool stuck on your lip before finally pulling out. He goes slow so he doesn’t break you, but the movement makes you moan loudly anyway. He strokes out the last bit of cum he’s got onto your stomach. 
With a smirk, he admires his work proudly. “That should be enough to get you pregnant again.”
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starsreminisce · 4 months
By midmorning, the rime had melted away under the buttery sun to reveal what was suitable for eating. My stomach growled with every step, and Lucien’s red hair gleamed like the leaves above us as he scanned the woods for anything to fill our bellies. His woods, by blood and law. He was a son of this forest, and here … He looked crafted from it. For it. Even that gold eye.
Elain was in the private library. Nesta knew it before she’d cleared the stairs, covered in dust from the library. Her sister’s delicate scent of jasmine and honey lingered in the redstoned hall like a promise of spring, a sparkling river that she followed to the open doors of the chamber.
I don't think a lot of people appreciate that SJM set up another complementary imagery for Elucien either.
Elain is told that she invokes the promise of Spring, while Lucien looks like he is crafted from the forests of Autumn.
Both seasons are harbingers of change. While not in the book, I also find it interesting that we have spring forward and fall back in relation to changing the clocks to allow for more sunlight.
The agricultural cycle is also based on Spring and Autumn as they mark the beginning and end of the growing season. It's even more interesting to me how burning the fields can be considered an important step, as it allows for soil fertility and field preparation.
Happy coincidence? Intentional? Who knows, it's SJM lol.
It just feels like another way SJM tells us just how much Elain and Lucien complement each other.
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cycat-carisi · 10 months
Lonesome Superhero
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Pairing: Gator Tillman x f!reader (not romantic)
Summary: Gator keeps hitting on you and you finally give him a piece of your mind. He's not the sweet boy you once knew anymore - or if he is, it's far too difficult to see.
Tags: No spoilers! Angst. Post episode 1 and 2.
Warnings: language, misogynistic themes from the show
Length: ~1.3k
A/N: This just popped into my head and I needed to get it out. Gator is despicable and unless he has some major character growth, I can't bring myself to romanticize him. I do think his character is super intriguing though. I hope we get to dive deeper into what makes him tick throughout the season. (:
(Plus, I have a theory that Gator may have unintentionally been a witness to his mother's murder as a boy...)
Fic below the cut or on AO3 here
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It's in the way the frosted glass door harshly swings open that immediately lets you know who is behind it. There could only be one person who felt entitled enough to barge into a retirement home like he owned the place.
You swallow thickly. Not again.
Turning around from your medicine cart, you find him standing there in his camouflage cargo pants and a black t-shirt that is two sizes too tight. His hands perch on his hips as his narrowed eyes and cocky smirk aim in your direction.
"Gator, please. Not today," you speak coldly.
His smirk only grows. "Oh, c'mon, babycakes, you don’t know what you're missin'!"
"Gator!" you scold, trying to hush your voice in front of your patients. "Come with me, please." Anger bubbles up inside of you as Gator's face contorts into a triumphant grin. He saunters forward as you lead him toward the back entrance of the small facility.
In the shadow of the building, the fall air nips at your bare arms. The chill, however, is easily quelled by your boiling blood.
"How dare you come to my place of work!" You waste no time laying into the Tillman son.
Your ferocity catches Gator off-guard, causing panic to dart across his features. He takes a half-step back, pulling his head and neck along with it.
Oh, but you’re far from done with him.
"For weeks now, you've been popping up wherever I go, asking me to go out with you in the most degrading ways possible! Every. Single. Time. I have turned you down, yet you clearly cannot take ‘no’ for an answer! And now you have the audacity to show up at where I work and do the same? No! It doesn’t work like that, Gator. I worked hard for my career. I went to college, got my license, and came back here to help my community. I am respected in this building, and I will not tolerate you waltzing in here like God's gift to women and disrespecting me in front of my patients!"
Out of breath and seething, you continue to stare Gator down. He looks downright gobsmacked – a mixture of a wounded pup about to run and a cornered hound ready to bite.
The silence is deafening. You wait for Gator to snap back like he always does – some moronic comeback that's as pathetic as his barbed wire LOL tattoo.
And predictably, he does just that. "What the hell?!!" he cries out, stepping towards you and invading your space. The pungent odor from his last puff of vape wafts off his breath. "I'm the law in this town! I'm a winner! All you ever do is humiliate me! You're fucking awful!"
"I'm awful?!" you scoff, eyebrows shooting skyward. You're about to rip him a new one when you simply stop and shake your head in pity. "What happened to you, Gator?"
Once again, the Tillman son is rendered speechless. His dark brow pinches together in confusion. "Wha-?"
You seize your opportunity to dive a little deeper. "I mean, what happened to the Gator from middle school? The one who used to be my friend? The boy who was sweet and kind and would spend lunch hours reading comic books with me. It's like you suddenly woke up one day and decided to become an asshole, always acting out in class and purposely bullying other kids. Doing reckless shit because your dad could get you out of trouble. And now? I think you've gotten worse! Hell, Mrs. Lakeland told me that you all but pushed Gladys Baker out of the way at the corner store the other day. What the heck is wrong with you? Who do you think you are?"
"I - I -" he stammers, head spinning. Then Gator swallows, puffing up his chest. "I take what's mine! I take what I'm owed. I made it through police training. People in this town owe me their respect, so I take it as I see fit."
"Newsflash! That's not how you get respect, sunshine," you retort. "Respect is earned, and from where I'm standing, all I see is a pathetic man-child whose daddy got him where he is today. 'My father is the sheriff' are the magic words that force people to step out of your way. That's not respect; that's notoriety from being a grade-A asshole!"
Gator's face twists into a snarl while his fists clench and unclench at his sides. You've clearly hit a nerve.
Even though you’d love nothing more than to lay into him some more, you remind yourself that it’s notworth the fight. Instead, your chest constricts with disappointment. "I don’t get it, Gator,” you speak softly. “Why do you let your father run your life? He says to jump and you ask how high. When are you gonna wake up and realize that he's just using you?"
If it wasn’t clear that you’d struck a nerve before, it certainly is now. Gator’s combat boot strikes the gravel, sending up a cloud of dust and dirt, and his cheeks glaze over with a deep red flush. "I don’t – He doesn’t –" Lost for words, Gator simply clamps his jaw shut. He kicks at the ground again and throws his hands to his hair, letting out a frustrated yell.
You hop back in surprise; a fearful gasp escapes you at his sudden outburst.
Gator's head whips back up, and those dark eyes meet yours.
Middle school was a long time ago, yet Gator remembers everything. He remembers how nice you were to him; how one day you saw this quiet boy sitting alone at lunch with a comic book and decided to come over and ask what he was reading. He used to dream of being as invincible as the superheroes in his books – Gator's way of shielding himself from everything that he'd seen. But then you came along and somehow made him feel a little less alone. He adored you and your friendship, eventually developing a little crush. That was, of course, before Gator was taught that girls weren't supposed to like comics, that men lead while women follow, and that his father's word was absolute. If he pleased his father, any situation could go Gator's way. The power sought after by characters in his comic books was right at Gator's fingertips; all he had to do was prove to the senior Tillman that he was worthy. Nothing else mattered.
And now? Gator almost had it. He was so close to having his father's approval. He was certain of it! Why couldn't you see that? Why couldn't you see how awesome he had become? He had buried his crush on you away while you were at college, but now that you were back, there was no reason to hide that he wanted you. And there should be no reason why you wouldn't want him either!
Except…your words today hurt. They made Gator feel puny and pathetic. How could you say that he was just his father's pawn?! He was his own man! A tough and strong and important man in this town...right?
You watch as despair briefly flashes across Gator's face before quickly being replaced by aggravation. He grunts again prior to spinning on his heels and stalking off.
No! Gator is his own man, and you were just the type of woman his father had warned him about! His crush is stupid, and so are you...
As Gator storms off, his ears catch your quiet words laced with pity. "Silly me for thinking that the sweet guy who read comics with me would still be in there.”
For the first time since he was a boy, tears stab at Gator's eyes. He scrunches his eyes closed and shakes his head, instead focusing on the sound of gravel crunching under his boots as he slinks away.
Thanks for reading! Feedback is loved ❤
| Series masterlist | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |
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vodika-vibes · 6 months
Hey! I'm back with a second request, if that’s okay! Would you be able to do platonic Tech x Reader with Amaythst??? (if you don't do platonic then romantic works!) and maybe in the evening? Thanks ❤️
Because It's You
Summary: When you have to go to your ex’s house to pick up the last of your belongings, you invite Tech to come with you. He's always helped you feel brave, after all.
Pairing: TBB Tech & F!Reader
Word Count: 820
Prompt: Amethyst - Courageous Love
Warnings: Implications of a physically abusive relationship (reader mentions having to go to a shelter), reader is divorced
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Thank you for your request! I had a hard time keeping this under my word limit, lol. But I hope you like it, it's kind of the only idea that I had, though I might have missed the prompt mark a bit.
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“I appreciate you doing this for me, Tech.” You say as he pulls the speeder up in front of a clean looking house. Your former house. In the setting sun it looks far worse than you remember.
It still doesn’t feel right that your ex managed to get the house, not when you bought it and paid for it, but at this point you can’t bring yourself to care. You just want this whole situation to be done.
“I am happy to help.” Tech throws the speeder into park and peers at the house, “Will your ex be here?”
“No. His mother will. Part of the court agreement is that he’s not allowed within 500 yards of me.”
Tech turns his concerned gaze over you, “Perhaps, we should have brought Wrecker.”
You laugh and shake your head, “There’s no need. His mother is a very reasonable woman. She’s the one who helped me secure my divorce lawyer and got me to the shelter without my ex knowing.”
“Not a very good divorce lawyer-”
“Sorry, sorry.” He throws open his door and steps out of the speeder, just as the front door opens and a woman steps out. She glances at Tech, and then greets you with a warm smile and a kiss on the cheek.
“Thank you for arranging this so quickly,” you say as she takes your hands and squeezes them.
“Of course. He’ll be gone for the week, so you needn’t worry about him interrupting us. Do you know what you need to get?”
“We have made a list,” Tech interjects as he steps next to you, “He has not sold anything?”
The woman shakes her head, “He believes that he can win her back.”
You shiver and fold your arms around yourself, “Never going to happen.”
“I told him as much, but he doesn’t believe me.” She releases you and claps, “Now, let’s get your stuff all packed and out of here.” She turns and sweeps back into the house, and you sigh as you follow her inside.
“It appears that you got his mother in the divorce,” Tech jokes quietly as he steps into the house, his nose wrinkling as he takes in the state of the house, “Not much of a housekeeper, is he?”
You shake your head as you step over an empty pizza box, “He never was.” You cast your gaze over to your former mother-in-law, who seems to be more than happy to clean up after her son's mess. “The biggest thing is my mother’s jewelry, I hide those in the ceiling. Everything else can be replaced.”
Tech gazes at you for a moment, and then he nods, “Alright, show me where.”
You lead him through the mess of a house and into a relatively clean spare bedroom. There you point at a small panel in the ceiling, “There.”
It’s fortunate that Tech is so tall, and the fact that the house is old so has low ceilings, because he’s easily able to reach up and push the panel out of the way, to pull a small box out of the ceiling, “Is this it?”
“Yeah. That’s the one.”
Tech hands it to you, and you lift the lid to peer at the jewelry inside. And then you sigh, “It’s all here, still.”
“Good.” He puts the panel back into place and watches as you carefully shut the lid and fold your arms around it, “Are you sure that there is nothing else you want from this place?”
You look around the room for a moment, and then you shake your head, “You know…we were happy once.”
Tech doesn’t say anything for a moment, and then he drapes an arm over your shoulder and pulls you into a side hug, “You can be happy again. When you are ready, and not a moment sooner. And on that day, I am sure that you will have plenty of men lining up to date you.”
You laugh and lean against him, “Thank you, Tech. Really. I never would have been able to come back here without your support.”
“Yes you would have. I just made it easier.” He hugs you one more time and then releases you, “If there is nothing else here you want, we should leave. Hunter has probably started pacing the ship already.”
You laugh softly, “He is something of a worrywart, isn’t he?” You ask fondly.
“He is protective of you and Omega. We all are. He is just grumpy that you chose me to escort you over him.”
“Well, Hunter would have killed my ex if he was here. You’re slightly less likely to kill him.”
Tech laughs and tugs on your braid, before he leaves the room. “If that is what you choose to believe.”
You blink after him. “Tech? Tech! You…you wouldn’t have killed him? Right? Tech?” You chase after him, intent on getting your answer.
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itsnotmourn · 2 months
SONG RAMBLES | the curse of milhaven (skidad)
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if there's a song that captures the overall lore of spooky month and skidad as a manipulator and possible god complex, i think it's the curse of milhaven.
you might be familiar it by the band Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds BUT i'm using the polish cover by Bartek Kulas & Katarzyna Groniec specifically (explained below)
i want to note that the lyrics in the video are apparently a little inaccurate so i'm using this translation instead!
Millhaven is a small, colorless town Neighbours treat the cold-hearted with respect Though there are unnerving days When the golden evening sun Burns hearts with a caring kiss I warn against danger Reciting the Bible with devotion
An introduction to the town in Spooky Month and Skidad's feelings towards religion. He's dedicated.
I don't know if he grew up in the cult or joined in his adulthood (I think it's only implied that he met The Eyes as an adult) but regardless, he is dedicated.
You do not know the day nor the hour - only God knows that!
This repeats throughout the song and it's very important. Keep note of it for later!
I'm fifteen years old, though they assume I'm older
I don't actually have any specific opinions on this but I thought it's a fun line for people who think about the cult's motif of immortality; I kinda think Skidad will gain his immorality in the series, or has already gained it pre-series.
You've had to have heard that there's a curse on Millhaven ... Blake's son - Billy, disappeared somewhere ... Priest O'Rye has went crazy ... When someone found the Handyman's cut off head It was splashing around in the town's fountain ... Next, old lady Colgate's soul had left her And before she became one with God She wheezed out, with her last breath Loretta* killed me with her own hands
*Loretta is the MC/singer in the song btw; that's Skidad
All is not as it seems in the small town. There are a number disappearances and murders happening in the area, regardless of age or status. No one is safe.
It is finally revealed that Skidad has been involved or did the crimes above.
I was named the spawn of devil and the town's curse! But it was Millhaven that brought me bad luck ... All fall down to your knees! I know the easiest road to the Lord ... This inquiry is depressing and unfair How do you dare to punish me in the name of the law The earthly passions aren't for me I was the one that crossed the step to eternity I know very well that death is not a game Over the world rings the bell of despair So may God's hand protect you ... It was me that drowned Billy, and while stabbing lady Colgate I unfortunately hesitated for a moment But while I took care of the Handyman I was happy, because I saw The sunrays reflecting on the chainsaw I didn't crucify the dog, though* I always had an A+ for religion class!
Now, he is facing the consequences of his actions... but why are they consequences if he is doing God's work? He is angry; he knows what is right! These people in the court and town do NOT.
In the bold text, it emphases his path to immorality.
I don't exactly believe Skidad is directly involved in the disappearances or child sacrifices for the cult but he's somewhere there.
*Not necessarily related to the Spooky Month lore but this is an interesting thing to think about as, apparently, there's a number of religious believes of animals not having souls; or at least not the same souls as humans (I'm only familiar with Buddhism lol). If the dog was killed, was it not seen as a true murder...?
I'm quite content on the daily the doctor helps me When I fall into depressive states sometimes Electric shots or hypnosis the golden medicine for everything - Prozac And I can imagine my euphoric plans again I dream about fast recovery
A dramatic change from the violent words from before, these ones are soft and soothing, as if to manipulate or gaslight someone... (looks at Lila).
When I get out, I'll show you all
This foreshadows Skidad's eventual arrival in the series; "out" of death's grip.
You do not know the day nor the hour - only I know that
Finally, I can finally talk about the importance of this specific phrase. Throughout this song, Skidad has always been saying it piously; only God knows this and that.
However, with this one, it's finally confirmed that he has had a God complex all this time. He is the God.
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thesunfyre4446 · 8 months
The lord who support aegon didn't do so because they hate woman, but because they see them as inferior to man. The green's propaganda was based only on misogyny (same the lord who support aegon) , and that funny cause they rely on the same system who basically destroy alicent and haelena's life. I really do not understand female who are team green, they basically based everything on the subjugation of women and their inability to govern and they rely on a system that sees them only as churning out children. Aemond said "rhaenyra may call herself queen but she has women's part", aegon's men cut off Rhaenyra's breasts to awaken Sunfyre, lord borros otto Jasper and many others spend their life claiming a son came before an older daughter (and for what reasons?), lord pike (im not sure of his name but he is one of aegon' supporter who survive the dance) was describe as "a men who fought to prevent the accession of a woman to the throne". It doesn't matter that rhaenyra have bastards cause people were plotting her usurpation wayyy before her marriage (it wouldn't matter if she were jaehaerys himself born again, rhaenyra is a woman. Otto's word on ep. 3. He admit that rhaenyra may have been the perfect princess and thos still wouldn't prevent her from usurpation). Do you really feel represented by them? Rhaenyra may not be a femminist but it's undeniable that her ascension to the throne would have been a great step forward for women and that she had all the cards in order to become a good queen. It is sufficient to see her positions the council in ep 6, how she always manages to remain calm in front of horrible circumstances (such as the driftmark petition or the black council), how she rule peaceably dragonstone for years. Obviously the war, the usurpation and the death of all her children made her lose her head (as is normal). But if that hadn’t happened she would have been a good queen, definitely better than alicent, Aegon or anyone else. And please do not say that this was the vision of the time because things can change, our society is not equal to the medieval
ohhhh i love this ask so much
ok so first of all, different lords supported the greens for different reasons. misogyny was def one of them!! @green-aeggs-and-spam made a really great post about this :
so now let's talk about the greens themselves :
otto : while i do believe that otto is a misogynist , his main reason for wanting aegon on the throne is to be the grandfather of the king = personal interests. like if he was aemma's father you know he'd be selling "equal rights for women" T-shirts lol
alicent : wants aegon on the throne because if rhaenyra will ascend the throne her children will die. the patriarchy might have ruined her life, but she also has something to gain from it - the system supports aegon as king and keeps her children safe. so as much as she hates & was hurt by the westerosi patriarchal system her family's survival is dependent upon upholding it. same with helaena , her own children will also be in danger if rhaenyra ever became queen. (i've made a post about why rhaenyra would have to kill alicent's sons when she ascends the throne : https://www.tumblr.com/thesunfyre4446/739501560667734016/ok-so-ive-been-getting-a-lot-of-rhaenyra-would?source=share)
criston : pre ep 4, he was very much team rhaenyra. he didn't seem to have a problem with her inheriting over aegon, he's dornish, so that might seem very normal to him. criston supports the greens because of his hatred towards rhaenyra & love towards alicent = he's a man driven entirely (some may say a little too much haha) by his feelings.
so of course the greens are going to try and uphold the patriarchy, because - while it also ruined alicent's life - they have everything to gain from that system being kept. their lives are dependent on it & their political power.
no, i don't feel represented by alicent. i don't need to feel represented by a character in order to love & support them. of course that I believes in equal rights & am a feminist. but i don't need the fictional characters i like to represent my values. westeros is not a real place, alicent & rhaenyra are not real people. i don't need to pick the the team who'd be better for the realm - [ though i don't think that the blacks would be better to the realm then the greens]. - i'm going to root for the characters that i find interesting & love.
my main reason for disliking rhaenyra is that i find her character boring and lacks interesting inner conflict. also, as you've said, rhaenyra is not a feminist. rhaenyra is team rhaenyra, and that's fine! she wants the throne for her own personal reasons, and when she's queen she doesn't do anything to help other women - she even refuses other firstborn daughter to be named heirs because it would destabilize the realm = rhaenyra has no intention to "break the wheel". she's not dany. so would her reign have been a step forward to all women? i honestly don't know, because a woman sitting on the throne does challenge the patriarchy, but rhaenyra herself has shown no interest in helping & advancing other women. (not to mention lowborn women).
another great post by @blackcat419.
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sp0o0kylights · 11 months
ohhhh my good dude you have made a Mistake. adopt a jock? whumpverse? merry crisis?? time loop??? you have given me a bounty of choices and buddy I'm about to feast.
starting with number 13. Joyce! tell me your damage! [gleeful]
(feel free to delete or ignore any or all of these, by the way. especially if they get overwhelming, 'cause I don't know how many I'm gonna send; I'm extremely excited for at least half of these, but that doesn't mean I wanna bowl you over with it!)
I'm excited you're excited lol, its a lot of fun to share little tidbits!!!
This one I made after I read the Xmas comic (wherein Hopper warns Steve off of coming in for dinner with the kids, because Joyce was mad at him over the demodog in her fridge.)
I wanted to play with the idea of a Joyce who was damaged by the way she's constantly treated as The Local Crazy Lady amidst the events of S1 and S2, who is still protective and wound up-- and her relationship with Hopper making her realize what she was actually doing was being the kind of adult she always hated. Treating Steve poorly because of his parents and not wanting to hear out his side of events.
(Also a side serving of Hopper having a second chance with Joyce but also this weird, pseudo father figure thing with Steve and that all his wavering on the matter is doing is hurting Steve.)
Monster’s existed long before one had kidnapped her son and Joyce hadn’t needed to see Jonathan’s face to know Steve Harrington was happily following in his father’s footsteps.
That’s the funny thing about small towns, after all. How high school haunted them all, long past when it should matter, when you should have grown past it. 
How it haunts your kids too. 
Joyce didn't get to see the side of Steve the same way the kids did. Didn't really hear about the relationship triangle and the part her eldest played in it, because she was far too busy making sure everyone was safe. 
That the bills were paid, the lights always on and gas available for the cars. That the government didn't snatch away her son (and later, her daughter) for some gruesome program that they were allowed to break laws for. 
Joyce had a lot of regrets--how long it had taken her to stand up to Lonnie, to remove him from her home. The fights she'd had with Jonathan, and how her eldest had taken over as a pseudo parent, stepping up without ever needing to be told to. 
They had love though, and each other, and now…
Now she had Jim.
She just hadn't expected that having Jim, meant she also had Steve.
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leoslosttoolbelt · 1 year
What I think the demigods would major as and why
these are personal head canons dont take them too seriously :)
Percy: Education. I know that we usually hc as a Marin biology kinda guy but I genuinely think that he wouldn't be too fond of the workload but instead want to work towards being a teacher and being the kind of teacher he needed as a kid, y'know? Alternatively, I can see him being into something like baking and pastry art to take over Sally's shop.
Annabeth: Architecture. I really don't think I need to explain this one to y'all but yeah she's an architecture girly. But if we want to branch out I can also see her studying law and working in the area of Child Protection.
Leo: Astrophysics. I have this head canon of him panicking because of the sheer amount of choices that he's presented with and choosing the first one of the alphabetical list. Lucky for him, he's insanely good at it AND it'll pay well in the future. He minors in mechanical engineering and realises that although he has all the practical knowledge because of his father, his theoretical knowledge isn't as strong lol.
Piper: Food Science. I'm trying to be unique here because yeah, she could do environmental studies but I also think it would be super cool to see her learning about food and developing new vegetarian versions of food because it's something she's visibly passionate about in the books.
Nico: I can see him getting a history / philosophy related degree for his bachelors just for him to get a  doctor of philosophy (Ph. D.) in mythology or folklore. His hyperfixation runs deep and he sure as hell is going to fuel it as much as he can.
Jason: Doesn't go to college!! Is severely burnt out <3. No but like idk man I think he'd legitimately want to take it chill if that makes sense? Maybe he'd do a business major just so that he can get a job somewhere but I can't think of somewhere he'd fit in nicely. Jason does have a lot of part time jobs though!!
Frank: Nurse! Nursing school! Despite being the son of Mars I can see him being in the medical field because he wants to help people in need. It's a long journey with lots of ups and downs but finally getting his degree makes it all worth it.
Hazel: Geology because rocks. And also women in STEM!! This one directly correlates to her powers in the books as well as both of her parents! On the other hand, I can see definitely see Hazel studying in the field of archeology with the goal of being an archeologist and then eventually a museum curator :)
Reyna: Psychology!! Listen, I know this seems out of the blue but Reyna gives me the right vibes. Everyone is skeptical at first because they don't think she'd fit the mold of a clinical psychologist but that's okay because Reyna wants to further herself in research! She studies Neuropsychology and becomes a prominent researcher in her field! Please tell me you see the vision.
Will: From what I can see in the books, Emergency Medical Services degree seems like the right field for him. He's already basically a paramedic at Camp Half Blood so he knows it's naturally the right step for him. On the other hand, for something a little different - he seems like the kind of guy who might be interested in studying cinematography or art history maybe.
Travis: He studies Economics because he's so fucking convinced that he can become the next Elon Musk if he studies this. Alternatively, he studies music because he wants to travel the world and like sing with the wind and all that shit.
Connor: he's a communications major because he's a really popular youtube and technically doesn't really need to go to college but oh well he can study communications.
Drew: She goes to cosmetology school as the first step to start her own makeup and skincare empire. She's super nice to all of her clients and helps out all of the other students when they're having trouble with something! I will not tolerate any Drew slander let my girl breathe.
Pollux: Chemical Engineering. He got influenced by watching breaking bad and somehow landed himself a degree in chemical engineering. He doesn't know how he survived that degree but it doesn't matter because he decides to not give a fuck and open a coffee shop that becomes really popular because all the drinks are to die for.
Thalia: I don't really know the right terminology but she has an art related degree / tattoo apprentice so that she can work as a tattoo artist!! It fits with the thalis vision and also she is the eldest daughter who loses it lowkey so she doesn't follow your usual education route. Tattoo artist Thalia for the win!!
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mediumgayitalian · 7 months
HELLO omg i love your solangelo royals AU, their flirtatious enemies to lovers chemistry in part 2 is so cute 😭 not sure if you’re planning to write more in the universe (i’m already so grateful for what you have out!!) but i just gotta say i am so curious about nico seeking asylum, and what the circumstances were when he showed up, and i desperately want to read more of EVERYTHING in this paragraph:
“Will was annoyed with him the first day they met. He was annoyed the second time, seething, really, dragging Nico back to the sterile surgical suite to fix his torn stitches. He was annoyed when Nico first shouted at him, bewilderment at this random physician treating him like he was another resident of the palace, not the only son of Hades. He was annoyed, notably, the one time Nico came to the infirmary after spraining his wrist in sword fighting and, in Will’s words, “breathed too loudly.”
i hit that ao3 subscribe button so fast 🫠
anyway, love your writing and all the snippets you post!!!! thank you!!
hi hi hi!! you have been reblogging my stuff!! i am very grateful for it as it makes me feel appreciated enough to keep posting!!
i am absolutely planning more in-universe 😎😎 i want the main fic to be long, slowburn, and will pov; i have lots of scenes rattling around in my brain but i'm still working on an actual plotline lol. if i figure out a way to start it i'm just gonna start and hope the plot finds me along the way lol
okay so the asylum thing. i have Lore and im so pumped u asked so here is my rambling:
my idea, and this whole spiel is pretty heavily inspired by this royal au series i'm obsessed with by @gatesofember (with a sprinkling of setting inspo from this fic by @percyinpanties), is that each olympian/major god is a House. so like House Zeus, House Apollo, House Hades, etc. i just thought it was way cooler than kingdom lol.
nico has been fighting nonstop w his father since bianca died. just. constantly. notoriously. they do not get along. they argue about EVERYTHING.
one day, Prince Nico of Hades shows up at House Apollo, ass o'clock in the morning, barely clinging to his horse, exhausted, and claims asylum.
uproar. basically. like thats DRAMA.
of course apollo loves drama and also cannot refuse asylum without good reason, so he graciously accepts. some fun details about that:
nico is now, before a prince, an Asylum Seeker. by status, he is not royalty outside of his own House if he steps away from the role, which he lowkey has done by seeking asylum from his own House. he has very little say in anything now.
apollo, however, has granted him shelter in the royal wing of the House, granting him a royal suite of apartments as if he was a visiting diplomat/royal/House Hades representative. this does not, technically, change his official status, but it does make abundantly clear that apollo still considers him of royal status. aside from that, he's still a prince, and no one wants to make an enemy of a prince (since he can still easily return to his throne, essentially? like there are no laws stopping him from doing so. this whole situation is just Odd and Weird and Really Good Gossip), they were all gonna treat him like prince anyway. he has the fancy clothes and still wears his circlet and often sits in on apollo's fancy meetings and shit (apollo likes his nerve).
will could not give any less of a shit.
he is the only person in the entire House and probably beyond who not only does not give a shit, and does not give a shit to nico's face.
this is insane behaviour.
will is the house physician, right. so in term of respect, he has a lot of it, but he has no authority outside his own infirmary, really. he gets a lot more respect than his status calls for because he's prodigiously good at healing. like. people tease that he can raise the dead. he can't, but. you know. apollo is the House of Drama, really, so no surprises there.
will kinda holes himself up in the infirmary?? there are a few reasons for that. one, apollo is a very artistically inclined House, and will is not very artistically inclined, so he started working in the infirmary as a kid and basically stayed there lol. the court physician before him was actually apollo's oldest daughter, hygieia, whom will adored to a million pieces and who doted on him lol. (she got him a little physician's tunic when he was seven and he literally wore it until it was threads). anyways. he feels useful in the infirmary, and its also where he does all his studies, so he mostly stays in that area of the castle. two, he doesnt get boundaries very well. he also thinks hierarchy is deeply, deeply stupid. for his own safety his friends are like hey. maybe dont interact with visiting royals and diplomats and shit. because someone is going to stab you one day. (and will is like 'well i'll just fix myself then' and they're like 'will for the love of the gods. please.') plus the east wing of the castle (where the infirmary is) is rly well lit and beautiful and leads right to the gardens and the library, so will likes it there :)
this would usually be a great mix, right? nico, who has been treated very much as a prince his entire life and has had people either walking on eggshells around him or scared of him, who has never had anyone but his father and maybe his sister defy him in his life, chilling in the centre part of the castle with the rest of the more royal members, and will, mr Authority Who? Don't Tell Me What To Do, chilling out in the east. no need to interact with each other.
nico is a dumbass who got hurt on his way to House Apollo. and did not tell anyone bc thats embarrassing. so he collapses right after asking asylum, and is carried to will's infirmary, who waits with his foot tapping until nico wakes back up and tears into him 😭😭 calling him the biggest dumbass to ever cross these lands and getting quite creative with it, really, absolutely running his mouth, and as soon as nico recovers from being bewildered (does not take long) he is like you??? cannot fucking talk to me like that???? i am the prince of ghosts???? fucker??? who do you think you are talking to??? and will is like i brought you back into this world, you fucker, i will send your ass right back out of it if you dont sit down and shut up and write down these recovery instructions. and nico is like ???? meanwhile the nurses in the infirmery who know will's stubborn ass are GIGGLING. like they think hes gonna die but at least its funny.
everyone lowkey expects nico to tattle to apollo and get will thrown out or something.
nico does not. which is weird, because, like, maybe he usually would?? but will makes him so mad he cant even think straight. the second hes released from the infirmary he stomps to his new quarters, seething. he shows up in the infirmary next day with the full intent to start an argument. instead, will tries to put him to WORK. and then gets irritable when nico refuses and kicks him out.
just absolutely insane behaviour. if anyone talked to nico like that in his House theyd be arrested, if not excecuted. hell, if will says this shit in front of apollo he might still get arrested, because what. but nico keeps going back and continues to get humbled by will basically every day.
and, ho ho, what happens?? does he maybe begin to care about will?? no. of course not. will is a pain in his ass.
insert part two here, blah blah blah, nico very obviously does care about will and its embarrassing
he realises right after this that he cares about will. although theres still a layer of denial over it bc will is his fucking nemesis, a pain in his ass, and also a Whole Ass Guy, so.
will begrudgingly allows nico to drag him out of the infirmary on occasion.
he has to admit, that when nico isnt being a diva, he is.
kind of.
a little.
if he had a knife to his throat, he would admit this.
in terms of falling in love, they fall in love FAST. after that barrier of "you're so fucking annoying" "IM annoying?!?!?!" "yes glad you agree" crumbles, they both go TUMBLING off that cliff bro. will takes a cannon to every single one of the bitchy walls nico put up after his sister died, leaving him heart wrenchingly lonely. he treats nico like a person. and nico treats will like an equal, not someone lesser, in fact he treats will like hes not a prince, not a king, but a god. he reveres him. will has never felt this worthy of anythign in his life.
obviously, though.
its vague ambigious royalty times.
their relationship is forbidden and very, very secret.
nico, as a royal, wouldnt face many consequences, but will...
the issue is that will is the most frustrated by the secrecy. nico has always known that he would have to love in secret, he grew up in that truth. will has never lied about anything in his entire life. the whole royal hierarchy makes no sense in any way and pisses him the hell off. he doesnt like having to be cautious about the way he touches nicos shoulder.
4. wrote too many things in one block and got cut off 💀💀 turns out i DO have a plot omg. thank you for asking. GOD i love them so bad.
5. as for the paragraph you liked -- ME TOO I WAS SO PROUD OF IT. IM GLD YOU LIKED. im seeing now ive kinda mixed the first and second "will was annoyed with him" in my brainstorming but eh. ill iron it out later.
6. anyways!! thank you!! expect more for the royal au soon. not sure if im gonna do what i did on my other blog and start slowly updating & posting the long fic, or if ill add some more short ones as i write the long fic in its entirety before posting, but ill figure it out. i have lots to say about them and theres nothing more fun to me than writing secret relationship and rivals to lovers teehee
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