#as a side note you can pour one out for a fallen follower even when you have a human shield lmao
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vinkumakkara · 2 years ago
if you ever struggle with how quickly you accumulate high notoriety during sr2 missions (does not apply to situations where notoriety is locked at a certain level) you can just grab a human shield. if you don’t shoot and just stand there the enemy gang members will eventually start attacking the shield on their own and when they die it doesn’t impose a notoriety penalty on you. cops never turn on their own so just bring Johnny with you and he’ll mow them down instead, no penalty
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arcanewhoosh · 2 months ago
hiii how are you? I hope ur doing well!
I dont know if your requests are open or not so if they aren’t feel free to just ignore this :)
i was wondering if you could write a jinx X female reader (if not female gn is totally alright whatever you’re comfortable with) a soulmate au with jinx where it’s the reader who goes to the alternative universe instead of ekko, but instead of just going to one universe, the reader ends up going to multiple ones. she/they find out that jinx is her/their partner in every universe, in every timeline, in every possibility, making them soulmates.
I actually made a post about this idea, asking if anyone could write it, but I also wanted to ask you as well because I just adore your writing so so sooo much. I could honestly read your work for hours without getting bored or tired.
I Think We're Kind of Made for Each Other
This work will be posted (with an additional scene) on AO3 here. Please note that the work posted there will be tagged as Explicit
24.3k words
Proofread? Y/N
Relevant Tags: JinxXReader, Female Reader, Soulmates AU, Multiple timelines, Violence, Major character death, Suicide, Self-Harm, Alcohol consumption, Original side character, Canon compliant, LoL characters
When the anomaly at the Hex Gate transports you and your friends across realities, you're forced to confront the different lives you live in each one. But will you be able to accept a hard truth when you face the only constant thing in every timeline?
A/N: I just wanted to say, that this has to be my magnum opus. I don't think I can write another oneshot this long. To be fair, the idea had been floating in my head for a while, so when the request came, I kinda went crazy. And to think I thought I could write this in a day lol.
Nevertheless, I had a lot of fun writing. I highly encourage you to read some of my other stuff, purely because there are a few references in this story.
Please enjoy. And if you like it, feel free to share with your friends.
The feeling of wetness on the side of your face wakes you up—your entire left side, actually—as a dull ache starts to throb in your head. Barely registering the rain pelting down on you, you open your eyes and try to catch your bearings.
There's a loud ringing in your ears, but you can make out muffled shouting and gunfire, the sizzling in the air followed by a boom. It triggers the fight or flight response in you, but everything is hurting and you can't remember how you even ended up here. You should be doing something right now, but for the life of you, you can't figure out what.
Your hand wipes at your ear as you open your eyes to inspect it, an unsurprising streak of red on your fingers is starting to smear as the rain continues to pour. Your vision swims for a few seconds, and you figure a concussion is going to be added along with the possible ruptured eardrum in your list of injuries.
Thankfully, your gaze focuses on the sight ahead of you. The familiar bridge dividing Piltover and Zaun, cracked and blown off at sections. There are armed people hiding behind a barricade on your side of the bridge, shooting at enforcers at the other end.
You plant your hands on the concrete and try to push yourself up, getting to about knee level before a sharp pain in your foot knocks the wind out of you and fall back down. It only occurs to you now to look down and inspect the rest of you. Banged up, caked in dirt and blood—Whose blood was that?—and your clothes torn at odd places. Your foot is still there, and it's not dangling off at an awkward angle, at least. You grit your teeth and try to move the injured limb. The pain wracks through your body, but your foot moves nonetheless. Sprained, not broken; good.
An explosion next to you pulls you back into reality and starts up your sense of urgency as you crawl your way over to cover. Hiding behind a fallen pillar, you take a second to breathe and get your bearings. A number of people run past you, all carrying guns and explosives from what you can make out—Why are we in a gun fight with the Pilties?—all ignoring you as they erect more barricades and set their weapons up. It might be the adrenaline, but you can't for the life of you remember how you ended up in this situation. What the hell were you doing here?
You close your eyes and try to block out the pain from your head and ankle, willing yourself to recall the events prior this firefight.
This was all planned. Carefully planned over the course of years.
The painstaking effort it took to build weapon factories in the fissures to stay out of Piltover's radar.
the underground hand-to-hand combat classes.
"You know, you say we should feel like we're all one people—"
Expanding Zaun southwards to facilitate growth for the future.
"Is that a wild rune?"
"I have no idea what that is."
Noxus antagonizing you for trying to build a better city for your people.
"No, don't touch it!"
Your thoughts are interrupted when a pair of hands grab you by your shoulders. Your eyes snap open at the figure in front of you, her pink eyes all too familiar. She looks worried—about you, no less—and affection blooms in your chest the same time a feeling of repulsion comes over you. Jinx, you try to say, but you're still reeling from your injuries and your attempt to recall what had just happened, that you're not able to utter a word. She's speaking, but you can barely make out what she's saying because of the ringing in your ears. You try to read her lips, but your mind is too hazy to make sense of her words.
She realizes that you're not understanding her at all, and she spots the blood still coming out of your ear. As she moves to gingerly wipe off some of it with a gloved hand, you instinctively—instinctively??—lean into her touch. She pulls out a small vial with a needle at the end of it. The pink glow of its contents immediately tells you that it's shimmer, as Jinx takes off the cover with her mouth and spits it out to the side.
"No." You say. At least you think you do, you can't really hear yourself. You hand grabs her wrist holding the needle, but she's faster and leans her hand away just out of reach from you. She grabs your own with her free hand, and gives you an apologetic look. You're not sure why, but you can almost tell that she's trying to say this'll help, I promise.
The smile alone is enough to make you relent, and a part of you is bewildered at the fact. Still, you put your hand down and let her stab the needle into your thigh, its contents seeping through.
You lurch forward at the sensation, but she catches you and holds you as you tense up from the high that shimmer delivers with it. You grab onto her as you wait for the effects to subside.
"It's okay, you're okay, I've got you." She whispers into your hair. You relax, slowly but surely. Besides the fogginess you still feel, you're a million gold coins. You gently push yourself away, taking a look around, your sense suddenly heightened. A short side effect of shimmer, if you remember right.
"Jinx." You finally manage. "Are you okay?"
She scoffs, but you know that it's not out of hostility. "Don't you think I should be asking you that?"
She has a point. A part of you wants to contradict her for the fun of it, but this isn't the place, or time. You peek over the side of the pillar, the barricades are holding strong, even gaining ground over Piltover. The momentary safety provided by cover is enough for you pull Jinx and yourself on your feet.
Her face if covered in dirt and grease. She was supposed to be working on Fishbones, away from the front lines. "You're supposed to be on higher ground."
"I'm not gonna sit on my ass while you're all here risking your lives. Besides—" She pushes a rifle onto you. "Fishbones is ready. Once the Noxian's ship is even an inch within range, they're done for."
You shake your head. "You're better if you're—"
"No." She starts. She has a determined look in her eye, the same one she sports when she wants you to drop an argument. And you drop it, every single time.
"I'm just as good as a shot as you. And we're winning." She gestures toward the bridge, where the line of enforcers and Noxians troops are slowly but surely backing away. "We'll need as many boots here as we can. You said it yourself, the hardest part is gonna be holding the line once they call for negotiations."
Your grip tightens on the rifle. You were so close to freeing Zaun. Wait what?
Freeing Zaun? No, you needed to save your tree, with the firelights, and all the refugees. You needed to find Ekko, and Heimerdinger, and Jayce. Jinx… Jinx was the enemy. She killed your friends before, blown up your safehouses, let Silco flood the streets with shimmer—
"The Noxians ships are here!"
You both turn to the east side of the bridge, and spot the fleet approaching. Their pace glacial because of the narrow path on the water. They start deploying smaller boats filled with their soldiers, headed for the small docks on your side of the bridge. You turn back to Jinx, her eyes are still trained on you. She takes a breath, and opens her mouth to say something—
"Cap! We're armed and ready!" A blob of pink hair catches your attention; it's Vi, waving over to you from a distance away. "Give the signal!" You look up to the rooftops above her, a group of people rolling three launchers forward, all trained on the large vessels in the water. The blue glow coming from the HexTech gemstone running through lines on the launchers they were all hauling. One for each ship.
"This is it." You say as you grab Jinx's arm. "Go take cover."
"And leave you here? Fat chance."
"I'm staying." This stubborn little—You sigh, now was not the time for a petty argument. You were about to give the go signal for a possible war-ending—or war escalating—attack. You settle for pulling Jinx with you as you zigzag towards where Vi is, bullets flying everywhere.
"We're armed and ready." She says as she crouches next to you. You know you can't delay the command, but a pit settles in your stomach as the weight of your decisions starts to sink in. The number of lives that'll be lost from this.
But you don't have the luxury in time, not in war. All you have is the culmination of your split second decisions and the consequences that follow.
"Tell them to fire." You state it with such calmness that it surprises the three of you. Vi nods, nonetheless, and gives the signal to the fighters on the rooftop.
In the few seconds that the high pitched screech of the launchers resonate through the air, the battlefields becomes silent. All eyes trained on the rooftops of Zaun, then the Noxian ships.
The first rocket hits a ship. A loud bang is heard as it makes contact, followed by a muffled explosion as smoke starts to billow out of the ship. The vessel groans and slows to a stop, as a line of soldiers dressed in red start abandoning ship as fires start erupting out of doors and windows. The other two ships follow the same fate. A loud bang, an explosion, the smoke, and people desperately trying to get away.
You stare at the horrific sight in front of you. There are no sounds from the guns firing from each side, no bangs from projectiles being launched from mini Hex gates. Everyone has stopped whatever they were doing and were now watching people on ships, trying to escape the inferno quickly building up.
Your head throbs, and you stumble as you try to walk towards the bridge. Jinx catches you as you fall to your knees, your head suddenly as heavy as lead, the ringing in your ears returning, louder this time. Jinx is trying to tell you something, but your vision begins to blur, and you feel like you need to just… shut your eyes for a few moments.
"Hey, Ms. Port Master extraordinaire? Hello?"
The snap of fingers brings you out of your stupor. You blink a few times before clearing your throat.
"Sorry." You try to flash a smile to the woman in front of you. Her eyes scrutinize you for a brief moment, seemingly trying to figure out what was going on in your mind, before her infuriatingly attractive smirk adorns her face.
"Didn't peg you for a lightweight."
You snort as you take a sip from your glass. "I'm not a lightweight."
"The zoning out is kind of a dead giveaway."
"I wasn't zoning out. I was lost in your eyes."
"You weren't even looking at me."
"I had to look away cause I was getting lost in your eyes?"
She lightly punches your arm—damn she's strong—before leaning against the counter of the busy bar. You sit close to each other, citing the noisy atmosphere and the hindrance that would cause during your conversation, but you both know better. You wanted to sit close because she was, pardon your French, too fucking attractive. Hers, you weren't sure yet, but you'd be able to find out eventually.
"I'm guessing you don't get lost in all of your customers' eyes, too?"
"Just yours." You’re not a lightweight, that much you’re certain. Tipsy, however, you very much are. If the brazen flirting wasn’t making it obvious enough.
"And you weren't out last night with some poor girl who also had engine troubles?" You put a hand over your chest.
"You're breaking my heart here, blue." The feigned hurt in your voice does little to deter the eye roll that Powder gives you. You let out a laugh as you put your hands up as a mock sign of peace. "Hey, I swear I was trying my best to be professional earlier, but I'm off the clock now, so I can flirt as much as I want."
"Oh, we're flirting?" You furrow your brows at her.
"Was that not clear?"
"Nah, not really."
"Do you platonically get lost in people's eyes?"
"Maybe. How do I know you don't take girls here every night? I could ask the bartender."
"Go ahead, he's an unbiased party. Besides," You shrug. "Even if I did, I'm a regular here so he wouldn't snitch on me."
"Don't put words in my mouth you muppet." the burly man working behind the bar walks towards the two of you, refilling your drinks. He winks at Powder. "Don't worry love, I'd sell this one for a sack of potatoes—"
"But." He says, a thick eyebrow raised at you. "Lil' missy here isn't a revolving door of lovers. In fact, I don't reckon' she's ever brought someone here. Or landed a date, actually—" Powder snorts into her drink, and you take it as a sign that it's time to usher the barkeep away.
"Okay, thank you Ed, for the refills. I think there's some people asking for you over there." Ed laughs as he lumbers over to the other side of the bar. You keep your eyes on him until you're sure that he's occupied, before turning back to Powder. "I do in fact, get dates. For the record."
"Oh, of course, I totally believe you."
"I mean it."
"Completely believe you."
"Okay, now you're just messing me." Your ego is a bit bruised at Ed's interruption, the shit eating grin on Powder's face isn't helping either. But she's smiling, and for some ungodly reason, you consider it as a win. You shake your head and take a longer sip from your drink, why the hell were you so sappy all of a sudden?
"Okay, okay. Sorry, toots." She nudges you with her shoulder. "No more teasing."
You raise an eyebrow at her. "No more bruising my ego?" She shakes her head and crosses over her heart.
"Nope. Serious questions only, from this point forward."
"Oh? Like what?" You turn to her and prop your chin on your hand.
"Like…" She bites her lip and looks at a random spot on the wall of drinks across from you, momentarily in thought. At this point, you're not even trying to hide your staring. She doesn't call you out on it when she looks back at you, but a small smirk plays at her face. “You’re drunk.”
“Just as drunk as you are.”
“I’m not drunk yet.”
“You’re literally slurring your words right now.”
“…I’m tipsy.”
You do your best to hold back a chuckle. “Hi tipsy—“
“Gods, please don’t.” She groans and hides her face in her hands. “I was just starting to find you attractive.”
“I thought we were done bruising my ego?”
“The dad jokes make you free real estate.”
“Okay, alright.” You laugh. Gently prying her hands away from her face. “Just ask me your question.“
She relents, but doesn’t let go of your hand as she sets her hand down the counter. “Hmm…”
“Did you grow up here?”
“Here? No, I only came here about five years ago. Looking for my great perhaps and all.” A momentary ring in your ear causes your breath to hitch, but Powder doesn’t seem to notice.
“Where are you from?” She continues, her eyes slightly glazed but reflecting her curiosity.
“I’m from—“
The Free Nation of Zaun
The Undercity
Why the hell would I tell you?
“Hey.” Jinx gives your hand a gentle squeeze. You do your damn best not to yank your hand away. “I’m sorry, you don’t have to tell me.”
Bilgewater, you’re from Bilgewater.
“No, it’s okay.” You squeeze her hand back before she has the chance to pull away. "Could you give me a second?"
You wait for her to nod before you push yourself off the stool and make your way to the bathroom. You quickly lock the door and rest your head against it. The ringing in your ears returns, and your breathing becomes ragged. "Where the hell am I?" You look over to the bathroom mirror, and you're surprised to see the figure standing in front of you.
Your hair is different; your face—you look healthier? Not someone who grew up in the Undercity. You walk over to the sink, planting both hands on either side, scrutinizing your features further. It's you alright, somehow. Only it's also not.
Born in Bilgewater, left for adventure, ended up here working at the port.
"No." You shut your eyes as you shake your head. "I was born in the Undercity, I'm a firelight, we came across a wild rune and… now I'm here. I need to find Ekko, and Jayce, and Heimerdinger." You repeat the words a few more times, just to make sure you don't forget. The sound of water flowing out of the faucet as you turn a knob offers little comfort, but the cold sensation of the water when you splash your face helps.
You're about to turn and exit the bathroom when you spot something on your arm.  A small thing, peeking out of your sleeve. You gasp as you pull your sleeve back, the web-like patterns of the wild rune threading a line over your forearm.
You needed to find out what was happening, and why you've already encountered Jinx twice, every time you did whatever you were doing. Were you hallucinating? Did you just hit your head and was currently having a really trippy dream? You decide to think this over once you shake off Jinx, Powder, whoever she is. Easier said than done, since you kept acting like some lovesick fool.
When you return to the bar, Jinx is still there. Her back is turned to you, but her shoulders are slumped in a way that you can immediately tell that she's not in a good mood.
"Oi." Ed flicks your ear, ignoring your protest. "What the hell are you doing, making that sweet lass upset?"
I wouldn't use sweet to describe her.
"Sorry, I—uh, I'll fix it."
"Damn right you will. You come across someone like that once every lifetime." He pushes you toward the bar, before going back to clear a table.
"Sorry about that." Her head whips up in surprise, clearly not expecting you to be back. "Lost myself for a bit there."
"I…I thought you snuck out, honestly. It's no big deal, happens sometimes." She shrugs, her shoulders tense. She's trying to be nonchalant about you suddenly excusing yourself, but she was still slurring her words, and her gestures were becoming uncoordinated, so it wasn't really working. She looked more upset the more she tried to play it off.
You reach over the bar and grab a pitcher of water and a glass, filling it up and handing it over to her. "I'm really sorry about that."
She glares at the glass before reluctantly downing its contents "S'fine." A few beats of silence pass, and you unexpectedly feel guilt start to bubble up in your chest. No. No. No.
“I grew up in Bilgewater.”
"You asked earlier, where I was from? Bilgewater. Terrible place, really." 
She folds her arms on the counter and rests her head on them, closing her eyes. “Why’d you leave?”
“You get sick of the smelly pirates? Though, I do have to give them credit, their wild stories of adventure and conquest is what made me leave in the first place.”
"You didn't just join some random ship?"
You chuckle. "And get myself killed for some dumb mistake? No thanks." You refill her glass with water, before picking up your own and swirling the brown liquid around. You recall working in a bar, up in the higher levels of Bilgewater, where adventurers spent the coin that they made from their exploits, before begrudgingly having to go back down and gather a crew to earn more. A vicious that kept repeating itself. Sometimes, if they were lucky, the whole crew would survive, but those instances were few and far in between.
Memories. You realize. These are all your memories, or, whoever you are here, at least.
A properly functioning Hex Gate was capable of transporting ships across continents in a split second. Does this mean a magically screwed up one could transport you to a different life entirely? Was it because of the remnants of the anomaly on your arm?
You shake your head, this was stuff that Ekko was good at, not you. You needed to find him, fast.
But first, take care of this one.
As if on cue, you hear a light snore come from next to you. Jinx is knocked out, clearly not bothered by how she's awkwardly hunched over the counter. You sigh, you have no idea how to get back home, but you decide to handle that issue tomorrow. Right now, you had a drunk Jinx to take care of.
Thankfully, you remember where you live, because having to haul around a drunk Jinx was difficult enough. Small victories though, as you realize that this is better than being stuck in the middle of a battle field. You settle yourself on your bay window, looking over to Jinx's sleeping form on your bed. Tomorrow, you'd start figuring out a way to get home. For now, you'll try to get your first wink of sleep in Gods know how long.
In the indiscernible amount of time that has passed—for you, at least—you've come to realize the following things: 
You are not hallucinating, nor did you hit your head, you are, in fact, jumping through universes and different versions of yourself.
The first hurdle you had to get through was getting your bearings when you'd get thrown into another universe. It took a few tries, but eventually, you were able to come to your senses immediately after jumping to the next plane of existence you were in. You always repeated the mantra you made back in the second jump you did, the last thing you needed was to forget where you came from. The thought of aimlessly wandering through universes, feeling like you've lost your mind, you can't even imagine how terrible that would be. You needed to find the others as soon as you could.
The length of stay always varied and timelines can repeat, but there are always miniscule variations.
This was still a working theory. You've only repeated a timeline once, but you had enough wits about you to realize that some objects were a different color to their preceding counterpart, or that instead of Ekko explaining something to you, it was Scar. With how long you'd stay, there were a few instances when you'd only stay for a few minutes, but the rest spanned to about a week at the longest.
Somehow, some way, you and Jinx are connected in some way, shape, or form. In every. Single. One.
The last one was especially jarring, considering you had never even met Jinx officially back in your universe. Sure, you’ve had run-ins with her because the Firelights would frequently be trying to intercept shimmer routes, but you don't think barely surviving one of her chompers counted as an introduction. On top of that, she was your enemy back home, but in every single jump you've had so far, the two of you had a somewhat established relationship. This was good, in a way, because at least you didn't have to be on your guard constantly while you tried to figure out a way to get home.
"I can hear you thinking from over here."
Speak of the devil.
You ignore the comment from your friend. Emphasis on friend. In this universe it seemed, the both of you were Academy students in Piltover, mercifully platonic. You decided to do your best to study wild runes and HexTech when you could, but it proved to be difficult when you were distracted by that Other You's feelings for Jinx. At least this place gave you access to a literal sea of books and a clear enough mind.
"Hey, don't ignore me." Jinx opts to lightly tug at the top half of the book you're reading, and you can see her blue eyes peek through the space. That's right, no shimmer exposure in this universe.
"I'm studying." You deadpan, hoping she'll leave you alone. You get a mock imitation of your words, instead.
"No you're not, none of our classes are even looking into dusty old books about runes." She has a point. Truth be told, you're supposed to be studying about ethical practices in the field of body modification for utility uses. Which was close to nothing, really. But you can't really tell Jinx why you're reading about runes, now, can you?
"Have you ever heard of this thing called supplementary reading?" You shake the book off of her fingers, and go back to your futile attempt to learn about magic. Not that this book was any use, there wasn't even a list of runes and their definitions on here. The girl in front of you leans back on her chair and lets out an exasperated sigh.
"Ugh, you're boring. Let's go do something fun!" Her foot kicks at your shoe from under the table, and you have to lift both feet up to avoid her kicks.
"Hey! Not everyone can sleep through every class and still get high marks, Jinx." You scoot your chair out from under the table to put distance between the two of you. "Some of us have to actually study."
"What's studying without any field experience?"
"Pipe down. The librarian is gonna kick us both out, again."
She sticks her tongue out at you, but lowers her voice. "Come on, I'm dying of boredom here!" She splays out her upper half on the table, arms toppling over some of the papers and books you—Very neatly!—stacked for reference.
Your mouth forms a thin line, her rowdy, and playful personality had become apparent to you once you went through a few more universes. She'd get pissed if you ignored her for too long, but the structured environment of the Academy hindered a her from having any outbursts. So you opt to continue reading your books instead of taking the bait, quashing any urge from the You of this universe to make a side comment about her behavior.
She continues with her ranting about you not having any fun or having a stick up your ass. Her jabs get progressively more offensive, but that's how her and the Other You here interact. It's not fun for you yourself, because you didn't have the patience to make a jab at her without losing your cool.
You rub an eyebrow with one your hands, before gripping the book, willing yourself to focus on the next few pages in case they provide any useful information. You try to tune out the other girl, who has thankfully gone quiet.
You move book to book, thankful that this version of you could read and absorb information so fast. Sadly, you couldn't find anything about wild runes. Looks like Piltover was strict about distancing itself from magic as much as they could.
You don't look up from your book until you hear a grumbling from in front of you.
"What was that?" You close your book and pile it onto the Useless pile—which was all of them, really—and raise an eyebrow at Jinx, whose arms are crossed and is looking off to the side.
"doyouwannageticecream" You blink.
"Jinx, I'm not gonna understand a word you say if you keep grumbling like that."
She rolls her eyes. "I said, do you wanna get ice cream? or something."
Huh, how random.
"I made you upset earlier, and ice cream makes people feel better so..."
"I wasn't upset" You were.
"Yeah you were."
"I was annoyed."
"I know your annoyed face from your upset face."
"There's a difference?"
"So you were!" She slams her hand on the table, and is met by an irate librarian shushing her. You're once again taken aback by how different each Jinx behaves from the others. Where you were sure your universe's Jinx would have shot that poor woman, this one sheepishly rubs the back of her neck and throws a peace sign at her. If you weren't exposed to your universe's Jinx, you would have found her behavior cute. But you were exposed, so it absolutely isn't, and you're not going to play along with her to make her feel better.
"Thank for the offer jinx, but I'm not really in the mood to get ice cream." Good. "...and I'm not mad at you, or anything." You swear the last part was added in by Other You. Nonetheless, this seems to work as Jinx relaxes, resigning to making paper airplanes with the notes you had made while you went back to reading.
"Wanna break into Giopara's lab?" She starts.
"I think you'd want to—"
"If you say so." the singsong tone in her voice and the nonchalant shrug sets off alarm bells in your head. She's baiting you again.
Your eyes narrow at her. "You're being weird."
"No I'm not. I just thought—seeing as you're all interested in runes all of a sudden—you'd want to look at Giopara's vast  book collection on that very subject."
"How the hell would you even know that?"
"Cause," She shrugs again. "He keeps saying I'm not living up to my potential and tries to make me read more Hex Tech origin stuff."
Your mouth hangs open, but you manage to close it before Jinx calls you a blubbering fish. "Wait a second. You're saying you've been reading about runes and Hex Tech?"
"So you know that the books here in the library are useless?"
"And you've been letting me waste my time reading through them like an idiot?" 
She sits back in her chair and crosses her arms. "They're not useless. They're just... Not useful."
"You're such a dick sometimes." Your remark is loud enough that the librarian to shush you as well. You whisper a sorry before turning back to Jinx.
"And you always have a stick up your ass." She whispers loudly.
"Yeah cause someone has to keep you from getting yourself killed, or worse, expelled!"
She snorts. "Really toots? Getting expelled is worse than getting killed?"
"The chances of getting expelled are higher with you, unfortunately."
She leans forward conspiratorially, a grin on her face. You don't notice yourself mirror her. "So come with me to break into his office, so I don't get expelled. Don't you want to read all those rune books? He doesn't even keep track of what gets taken out of there."
"Then why don't you just borrow them during lab hours?"
"What fun is that?"
"We'll be quick, five minutes, tops. And you'll have your dumb rune books." You grit your teeth. On one hand, You could just ask her to teach you what she knows. But you've known her—Other You!—your whole life, so you're a hundred percent sure that you'd have to pry that information out of her cold, dead, hands. On the other, Jayce's head was so far up in his own ass that Jinx was probably correct in saying he wouldn't notice any missing books.
I also don't know when I'll be yanked into another universe. There was also that.
"How sure are you that you can get us in and out that fast?"
"A million percent. Dude forgets to lock the door sometimes." She's already standing up and shoving all of your notes into your book bag, your eye twitches just the tiniest bit, before your head snaps up to look at her.
"How do you know that?" You ask as you start carrying the books to the book trolley.
"You're asking too many questions here. Less talking, more walking. Go, go, go." She ushers you out into the hallway, and the both of you start walking towards the east wing of the academy. The sun had already set, so there were much less students loitering. Still, the both of you err on the side of caution and stick to the lesser used hallways where the custodians had already turned off the lights.
You eventually find your way to the front of Jayce's lab, and Jinx wastes no time kneeling on front of the door and pulling out what looked like tools and shoving them into the door knob. This is definitely not her first breaking and entering.
"Where the hell did you get lockpicks?!" You do your best to keep your voice down, the allure of learning about runes slowly dissipating, panic replacing it.
"What did I say about less talking?" She whips around and raises her eyebrows at you, right as she turns the doorknob and opens the previously locked door.
"We're so fucked."
"You know, if we weren't stretched for time, I'd be celebrating you breaking your curse word quota for the day." She yanks her tools out of the door knob, and pushes you into the lab.
The room is nearly pitch black. Thankfully, the unlit hallways were enough for your eyes to adjust to the darkness. The low light from the moon streaming through the windows the only thing helping with your vision. Somehow, Jinx is able to navigate just fine.
"Okay, how often do you actually break in here?"
"How often is underground robot fight club again?" Robot fight club. The only thing Jinx is willing to wake up early for. Wait a second—
"Jinx!" You don't bother lowering your voice. Hoping that the closed room would be enough to muffle any sounds from coming into the hallway.
"That's twice a week!"
"Where did you think we were getting our parts?"
"You said you knew a guy!"
"Clearly." She gestures around the room, where there were plenty of scattered machinery parts. Your face pales slightly; this Jinx was going to get You expelled, surely.
"You made me an accessory!"
"And now you're committing the crime. Congratulations, you've been promoted." She opens another door and theatrically gestures at the room. "Your little rune books await, oh great stuck-up one."
You roll your eyes at her and enter the room without any fanfare. Immediately you see that the all four walls of the room are lined with bookshelves as high as the ceiling. In the middle, a large wooden table with charts and books scattered across. Jinx stops next to you and nudges you with her shoulders. "Told 'ya. Worth the risk, right?"
"That's still up in the air."
She scoffs. "You totally think it is."
You don't want to give her the satisfaction of a reaction, but you don't even notice that you're grinning back at her until she puts an arm around your shoulders and waves her hand flippantly at the shelves. Other You's stomach does a backflip.
No. Absolutely not.
"So what are we looking for?"
You once again quash whatever physical reaction you're having. Now was definitely not the time. You walk out of her arm's reach and resort to looking around the spines of the books, already trying to spot their titles. "Wild runes."
There's a beat of silence before you hear her walking around the carpeted floor. "Wild runes huh? Yeah, I think I've seen a few of those around. Don't think I read them, though."
"That's fine." You start rifling around the shelves. Reading through anything that looked promising.
Jinx is the first to break the silence. She usually is. "So what are these books for, again?"
"I told you, supplementary reading. Also there isn't much to read on out ethics class so might as well fill my time with something fun."
Jinx doesn't reply, and you're happy to keep on reading through your books until you get a nagging feeling that you've just done something wrong.
You turn around to look at Jinx, who was plopped down on the floor and half-heartedly pulling books out, before seemingly placing them somewhere else at random. You mentally kick yourself when you notice that her shoulders are slumped. Opting to put the book search on hold, you walk over to her, hesitating for a moment before sitting down next to her.
"You know you can tell me stuff, right?" Her voice is quiet, and it's unsettling that you have the sudden urge to comfort her.
Yes, yes of course. This version of you felt completely at ease with Jinx. But you can't afford to be distracted by affection that wasn't even yours to begin with. If only you could explain that you've been universe-hopping and that in every single one of them you were in love or falling in love with her, and that you were trying to at least stall in this one so you could get as much information as you could before you got dragged into a different timeline again.
You can't, not really. But you know better than to try to lie to her.
"I think there might be another side to Hex Tech that we haven't discovered yet."
She stops rearranging the books and turns to you slightly. "What do you mean?"
"Like... Equal and opposite reactions."
"You think Hex Tech might have negative effects?" You feel your guilt lift at the curious glint in her eyes as you nod.
"Something like that. It's just a theory, though. I don't have anything to back it up."
"Well," She stands up and heads over to a shelf at the far wall. Pulling out an old looking tome. "I think this is just the book you're looking for." She blows off dust from the cover, coughing lightly from the cloud that forms. You quickly stand up and walk toward her, looking over the tome.
My ticket home—
"I don't care if they think I'm hogging too many testing hours, my methods actually work."
The door in the other room slams shut, you and Jinx immediately crouch down and move to turn the light off. Your eyes barely have time to adjust before Jinx pulls you over to the window.
"Are you crazy? We're on the second floor!" You whisper as she tries to pry it open.
"Less talking, more helping." As if on cue, you hear ruffling near the door. Less talking, more helping.
You help Jinx open the window, one hand still clutching the tome. You pray to every god out there that Jayce actually won't realize he's missing a book. The both of you swing your legs over the edge, and you grab onto the wall, suddenly feeling very nauseous. Jinx on the other hand, is grinning like a maniac.
"Aim for the bushes."
"Aim for the wha—"
You're unable to finish your sentence as Jinx pushes you out the window. You were wrong, the chances of getting killed might actually be higher than getting expelled.
While this was the first time Other You was getting pushed out of a window, this was fortunately—and sadly—not your first. Your instincts kick in and you're able to land on your feet, using the momentum to tuck and roll safely on the ground. All with the tome still clutched on one hand.
You're about to give Jinx a piece of your mind when she mouths catch me and you panic and free up your hands, just in time for her to land right into your arms. Sadly, however, strength doesn't carry over between universes as well as technique. Your knees buckle and you fall backwards. You barely have time to recover before Jinx is tucking the tome under her arm and pulling you up to your feet, already running away from the building.
You follow suit, quickly discovering that cardio was also not transferrable between timelines. Still, you keep running until your legs are burning and you see the dorms come into view, only stopping once you're both safely hidden at its side entrance.
You somehow beat Jinx to the door, your hands on your knees as your chest heaves. She comes to a stop right next to you. Planting a hand on your shoulder and using you for support.
"That was—"
"Fucking stupid."
She slaps your shoulder and laughs, commenting about how she likes this new, cussing, version of you. You take a second to compose yourself, huffing before standing to your full height, ready to give her a piece of your mind. Instead you stop short, your faces only a few inches apart. Thankfully, she seems just as surprised at the proximity, enough that she drops the infuriating grin on her face.
Her eyes flit to your lips, then to your eyes. A pointed look in hers. A challenge more than an invitation, really.
Your mind goes haywire.
There are many, many—actually so many—reasons why you should not, at all, kiss Jinx. Different timeline or not, you, specifically you, cannot do it. It would be the greatest betrayal to your people, your friends, everyone you know and love, your moral code, your promise to take down Silco's empire and clean the Undercity, Ekko, Heimerdinger and Jayce; have you mentioned your friends?
A tug at the front of your shirt, her biting her lip to stop a smile that reaches her eyes anyway, and your resolve begins to slip.
You can feel her breath on your lips.
"Stop thinking."
You will swear on your grave that it's the Other You that grabs her and closes the gap.
Timelines can have profound disparities from each other, but they could also have nearly miniscule, insignificant ones as well. This means that you could jump from one timeline where you were wearing a blue shirt, then a red one in the next, with everything else staying the same. Be a firelight in one, and next thing you know, you're an enforcer.
Sometimes, the big and small changes can mix things up. While they haven't been a huge inconvenience to you in the past—present, future?—they sure as hell were now.
Exhibit A: You're an enforcer.
Exhibit B: You're thrown into the mix on the day of the bridge explosion.
Exhibit C: Instead using a chomper to blow herself up, Jinx rigs the underside of the middle of the bridge with explosives.
At this point, ninety-five jumps in, you should really learn to be more vigilant when it comes to tackling unpredictable situations. Not that you can fully put yourself at fault, of course. You just wanted to make sure Ekko and his friends survived.
…And arrest Jinx so she didn't blow herself up. Then nothing else!
So why the hell am I lugging an unconscious Jinx into my apartment? You wonder as you set Jinx down on your bed. The panic and anxiety of the Other You understandably building up, seeing as she and Jinx haven't met yet. That and you're an enforcer harboring a wanted fugitive. And she killed Other You's friends, so the grief and anger are really making things confusing.
You roll Jinx onto her back, checking to see if she has any injuries. There's a deep cut on her side—courtesy of you while you were fighting—but nothing you couldn't stitch up yourself. Granted she doesn't wake up and shoot you, first.
Lumbering over to your bathroom where you kept your first aid kit, you flip the lights on. There's a semi-concerning pool of red on the front of your jacket, and your undershirt. You turn to the mirror, and spot what looks like a gash right under your breast. No big deal, it'll stop bleeding on its own. Must've been a sharp part of the bridge that nicked you as it collapsed, or maybe you cut yourself while fishing yourself and Jinx out of the harbor. Something I can fix later.
You grab a chair and settle on the side of your bed, taking out your suturing kit and disinfecting your hands. This shouldn't take too long, but that was never the problem. The problem was what would happen after Jinx wakes up.
You initially thought of just taking her to her hideout, but you ran the risk of running into Silco's people. While you could've just left at the docks—well, you don't really have a reason to not have left her at the docks, now do you?
You shake the thought out of your mind and get to work on closing the cut. It wasn't bleeding as much, but leaving it alone could get it infected, plus it would take forever to close.
Not that I care. You futilely tell yourself. As if saving her from dying, carrying her back to your home, and stitching up her wounds were normal activities between an enforcer and a fugitive—a fugitive of your creation!—on any given day. You weren't even originally planning on stopping her from dying. You know she comes back, pumped full of shimmer and allegedly a thousand times faster. Your only concern was getting Ekko to safety, but then one thing led to another, and you had your gun pointed at her as you were telling her she was under arrest. Everything should have worked out fine, if only the bridge didn't blow up.
Once her cut's been stitched up, and you change the bandage on an injury on her leg. You do a once over to check if she has any other life-threatening ailments. Once you deem that there are none, you decide change into a clean set of clothing. After slapping on a bandage over your cut—also bleeding a lot less—and putting on a sweater, your eye catches the mark the wild rune left on your forearm. You're reminded about another discovery you made: The mark was slowly fading.
You hypothesize that it had something to do with the number of times you were jumping through timelines. Did that make it a timer? Or was it a limited number of lives that was counting down to zero? And what does that mean when it runs out? Will you be stuck in that timeline forever? Or will it return you back home?
Learning about Hex Tech and runes was proving to be difficult jumping around to different timelines every few days. You'd have to pick up right where you left off every jump, and even then your access to resources was limited depending on the timeline. Not that you were making any progress, anyway. You were convinced that you needed to be a proper magic user before you could make sense of what you were learning.
You put your first aid kit away and head back into your room. It's not without difficulty, as you feel the adrenaline rush you had back at the bridge slowly ebb away; you're surprised it even lasted this long in the first place. But now you needed to rest a hand against your dresser for support, a feeling of lightheadedness starting to take over. Staying steady was actually becoming a bit difficult.
The hand you're using for support shifts to the side, as you struggle with your balance, and tips over a small container. The familiar rattling of pills catches your attention. You pick up the bottle and rattle it again before reading the label. A nagging feeling at the back of your mind is telling you that you've forgotten about something.
...Iron supplements. It read.
Uh oh.
You suddenly feel like the best course of action is to close your eyes for a bit and sit on the floor to collect yourself, as you vaguely register the pill bottle clattering onto the ground.
Five seconds. That's all you need and you'll be back in tip top shape.
A weight on your stomach, pushing out all the air you're trying to breathe in.
Your eyes open blearily, barely registering the barrel of a gun right in front of your eyes. Your gun, in fact. Panic and dread start to fill your senses, and for the first time since you hopped into this plane of existence, you agree with Other You's
feelings. If this was any of the preceding timelines, you would've been confident that Jinx wouldn't harm a hair on your head.
But not in this one.
You look past your gun and spot blue eyes staring at you. Some of the panic you feel dwindle when you see the curious look in her eyes—you can read her like a book at this point—and the slack of her grip on the gun. At least she isn't planning on shooting you immediately.
"Hello." You croak out, your voice hoarse from sleep. Oh no, were you a mouth breather in this timeline too?
Her hold on the gun straightens; your attention is immediately rapt and trained only on her. "Silco got you in his pocket, or something?"
You hesitantly swallow. Saying yes to buy yourself time was certainly one way to do it, but on the off chance that this was a test, that was a one way ticket to getting a bullet in your cranium.
The tip of the gun leaves your vision for a second, but you're spared no relief when you feel it jammed under your jaw. Wrong answer, then.
She comes into full view, sitting on your stomach—so that's why you couldn't breathe—boots on either side of your chest. "So what, you some kind of sicko? Saving poor 'ol me, patching me up? Or are you one of those delusional Pilties that think you can save some misunderstood girl from the Undercity?" Her head tilts to the side, a lilt in her voice as she says the last part.
"No." You struggle to get the next words out. "I swear." Your hand ball into fists as she jams the gun in deeper. Wait a second, my hands are free. I can take her do—no. No. I am not going to escalate the situation.
An oversight, or a challenge?
"You had a clear shot at me, you didn't shoot. I try to blow you up, you fish me out of the harbor and stitch up my wounds." Your eyes flit to her bandaged side She leans her face closer to yours. "Why?"
Well you see, I think we're kind of made for each other. You're tempted to say, but you doubt she's in any state to believe you. In any case, you'll actually come across as some sicko. Not that Other You would have shot her, either. You could feel the hesitation on her end when you had the gun trained on Jinx. If Marcus hadn't pulled his gun on Kiramman, she might have, but she thankfully had some sense of justice, and seeing the sheriff's true colors come out was enough to view everything with more scrutiny.
You have an inkling feeling that Other You would still end in the situation you're currently in. One way or another.
"I…I don't kno—"
"Liar!" The butt of your pistol connects with your temple, and you're nearly knocked out again. The room spins, and you're barely able to focus on Jinx again before her nails are digging into the skin on your cheeks, forcing you to face her. There's frustration written all over her face, but you know that she's just trying to make sense of the situation, if her shaking hand is any indication. Your fault, really, Other You is confused as hell, too.
She moves a foot back, and shifts so that her knee is carrying her weight—you're half thankful that it's not on your stomach anymore—as she leans forward. Her face closer now.
Your eyes focus back on hers. A mix of emotions swimming on those pools of blue; frustration, hostility, anger. But you also see panic, vulnerability, regret, and confusion. Her grip on you face loosens marginally. And then it hits you.
She didn't want to hurt you.
One thing constant in every timeline that you've been to, is the almost magnetic pull you felt towards her; the need to always have her in near proximity, and the sense of calm that would come over you if she was. And try as you might, you couldn't ignore the wave of affection that you would feel while you were with her.
Is it possible she feels this as well?
It's a risky thing to test, especially since you didn't know what would happen to you if Other You died. But it is kind of your own doing at this point.
You say nothing, hoping that she'll fill in the silence.
Her hand continues to shake, but you can tell that her anger is already wavering. You almost miss her asking you why again, she probably meant to keep it to herself.
"I don't want to hurt you either."
Risky. But you don't have a lot of options left.
She lets out a breath at your words, the gun retracts.
"Who are you?" Her voice is quiet, unsure.
Your soulmate, apparently. "Nobody." You answer semi-honestly. You were, technically, she hasn't had the chance to know you in this timeline yet.
She shakes her head and looks away. "No you're not." The softness of her tone catches you off guard. Her hand moving away from your cheek to clutch the collar of your sweater, doubly so. "You…you're familiar."
"Like we already know each other." Her eyes meet yours again, the surprise in them evident. She said those same words to you in a few past timelines. You always thought they were just little variations in those particular versions of her, but now…this just supports your hypothesis that she also cycles through the same sensations you do.
Your eye catches a faint streak of light manages to slip through your closed curtains, providing a miniscule amount of light into your dark room. "It's morning." You muse out loud, looking back at the still speechless girl on top of you. "Enforcers are going to be everywhere. You need to get out of here."
Her sense of urgency is seemingly stirred by your words, and she pulls you up along with her. Confusion still litters her features, you hope the smile you offer her is enough for comfort.
"Can you walk okay?" her mouth opens and closes a few times, still at a loss for words. You decide to push your luck, slowly reaching a hand over to touch her free arm. "Jinx."
Her brows furrow. The question of your knowledge of her name accusingly reflected in her eyes.
"I heard Kiramman say it, at the bridge." Thank goodness she actually did. Otherwise, this would've been very confusing for Other You in the future.
"I—" She starts. "I have to go."
You nod. "There's a fire escape out the bathroom window. Hold on—" You go to your dresser and pull out a hooded coat, moving to drape it over her, only to stop short when her shoulder tenses. Her eyes are trained on you, a slight air of hostility between them. You don't push to put on the coat, but you don't lower your arm either; waiting for her make the decision for you.
Her eyes flit around the room, seemingly trying to find her words around your home. She lets out a sigh, her shoulders drooping slightly. You take this as a positive sign, and gently place the coat over her shoulders. You see her hand tense around your gun, not in a threatening way, instinctively.
You slowly back away from her to give her space. She looks away from you as she slips her free hand into one of the sleeves, before grabbing the gun and slipper her other arm into the remaining sleeve. It's a little big on her, but the size and the addition of the hood is enough to hide anything that could immediately identify her.
There's uncertainty in her eyes when she looks back at you; she hesitantly lifts the hand holding the gun, the barrel clutched in her hand. "This is yours."
You shake your head. "As much as I hate to say this, you might need it."
She mutters an oh before holstering the gun in her hip. You gesture to an open door and lead her into the bathroom, pulling the window open and checking if there was anyone in the alley below. The sun was slowly but surely rising, it's rays already illuminating the dim streets in the main road.
"Coast is clear, stick to the alleys and you should be fine." You stand aside and let her climb out, her hand resting on the windowsill. The look she gives you tells you that she's trying to find an ounce of deception in your features. But she won't find any, not when it concerns her, not ever.
"I'll…I'll get you your gun back."
"Don't worry about it." You shrug. "I'll find you."
You see the ghost of a smile on her lips as she turns around and climbs down the ladder, disappearing into an adjacent alleyway.
"I always seem to find you." You mutter to yourself.
One Hundred Sixty-Eight
The familiar smell of grease and burnt metal fills your nose as you enter your old workshop. Jayce had been kind enough to hand you the keys after you had asked if you could see the old place. Don't go too crazy he said. You rolled your eyes at his comment, of course. It wasn't as if you were going to steal anything as a souvenir; maybe draw something inappropriate on a whiteboard, sure. But as you drew closer to the lab, you spotted Jinx's car, and well, now you were going there for two reasons. You should have just turned around and not indulged Other You's—not yours!—thoughts. The length of time you spent in each timeline was getting longer on average, and you had to make the best of it while you could, especially with the mark slowly fading with each pass.
You walk towards the wall of the shared space, everything was still as messy as you—Other You—remembered. Diagrams and papers still littered table tops, probably permanent coffee stains on tables. But the hanging photos were new.
The first one was of Viktor and Jayce when they first started working on Hextech, just two young adults that barely knew what they were doing. The second one was of you three right after they had officially hired you. The third one was Jayce, Viktor, Ekko, and Jinx. Your eyes stray back to the middle photo, the one with you in it. The moment felt like lifetimes ago.
It's strange, looking at the person cheekily smiling back at you, already older than you in your original timeline. This body felt terribly tired, like the Other You here went through the ringer trying to get here.
The sound of a chair screeching and shuffling around one of the rooms grabs your attention. Your eyebrows furrow. Jayce didn't say anything about someone else being here, especially nearing midnight. You cautiously make your way to the room, trying not to make too much noise in case they'll think you're an intruder. The door is ajar, letting light seep through the darker main floor. There's a pull in your chest again, and you're reminded of your second objective here. Other You had wanted to speak to Jinx earlier, but couldn't because there was a line of other people that wanted your attention. By the time you broke free from the others, Jinx had already left.
A familiar warmth fills your chest. It looked like she had gone straight back to work after the party, still in her dress, heels discarded on the side, twirling a pencil as she looked over notes. Her headphones were on, and the couch she was lounging on was turned away from the door, so you doubt she'd hear or see you moving around.
You open the door fully and lean against the frame, deciding to wait until she notices you standing there. Not like you'd go unnoticed long, she probably felt the tugging too.
It's not even a minute before she stops what she's doing and turns around. There's a split second where surprise crosses her features, but she quickly recovers, raising an eyebrow at you instead.
"Come crawling back to the slums have we?" She says as she takes off her headphones and leaves it at her neck. She wears her hair down nowadays. It's also shorter here, only reaching the middle of her back. It's refreshing to see, and you find yourself brushing off the question of whether or not the older Jinx in your timeline would cut her hair the same one day.
"Something like that."
She scoffs, turning back to look at her work. Her words are friendly, but there's tension in the air. You're not sure if you should move into the room, or leave.
"Don't stand there like a creep, come sit." She pats the space next to her. There's no edge to her words either, so maybe the tension is coming from you. You're aware that there's a significant amount of history between her and Other You, but you're not sure whether this is the time or place to be settling past issues. What you do know, is that you shouldn't wait any longer before sitting down next to her.
There's a metal box in the coffee table in front of you, next to where Jinx has propped up her legs. "It's a prototype for a gemstone case." She says before you can ask. She takes the small box and twirls it in her hand, small prongs are protruding on the inside. "The goal is to make sure the gemstones only work if they're in these. So we can start using them for the more dangerous jobs around here; stop people from stealing them, since you have to break the case to get the stone."
You take the box when she offers it, testing the weight of it in your hands. "Did you go straight here after the party?"
"Not much to do there for me." She shrugs. "I'd rather work on this. Besides, you went here after the party, too."
"Fair point." You set the case back down on the table, and watch Jinx place it on a small stand to the side. "You work until midnight often?"
The corners of her lips quirk into a smile. "Talis is drowning in debt with the amount of overtime he has to pay me." You're about to laugh along with her, till you remember Jayce's comment earlier. Jayce you little—
She nudges you with her shoulder. "You're thinking again, that can't be good."
"What about him?"
"Some dumb comment he said earlier when he gave me the keys to here."
"Oh?" A mischievous look in her eyes. "What did my boss say, exactly?" You grimace. This isn't fair, she fully knows Jayce said something completely out of pocket.
"Bull. Tell me so I can take it out of context and bully him into giving me a raise." At this comment you actually laugh. You don't doubt that Jinx has probably done that at least once already. Jayce's tendency to say things without thinking is the worst thing to have when working with someone like Jinx.
"Tell me." She nudges you again, this time with a little more force. "Or else."
"Or else what?"
"I'll kick your ass." Just like that, the tension in the air lifts. You remember the times this version of yourself was at odds with Jinx, only to make up after spending a few minutes together. It's terrifyingly so easy, how fast she can disarm you—literally and figuratively—like it's nothing. How she beckons you over and you oblige with desperate speed. But Other You isn't as experienced in resisting Jinx's charms—ie your souls being tied together, apparently—so you still have the audacity to push her buttons.
"Aren't you too old to be threatening to kick people's asses?" She leans back, mouth agape, you snort at her expression, but the entertainment is short lived as a throw pillow connects with your face. You huff, genuinely surprised that she'd hit you. She throws her head back and barks out a laugh at your expression.
"Can't believe you're still a brat at thirty."
"Watch it, buster. You're the same age as me."
"You know what they say about growing up being a choice." You duck this time when she swings, grabbing the throw pillow next to you and decking her in the face with it. For a second you think that you hit her too hard—and these throw pillows were notorious for being harder than regular pillows—but the second you drop the one in your hand, she tackles you.
You're momentarily disoriented as your back lands on the seat. Jinx hits you a few more times, before she pins you down with the pillow, legs on either side of your waist, chest heaving. You sink further into the couch as she leans in close.
"Take that back."
The logical side of you knows that you should just say sorry, but the prideful side of you refuses to relent. "Which part? Growing up being a choice, or you being a bra—" The pillow thuds against your face. "Ow! Hey! Those things hurt."
You sit up to grab her wrists before she can land another blow. She pushes you in response, getting herself pulled down with you in the process. You lean a bit to side to stop your heads from hitting each other, Jinx pressing flush against you. The last thing Jayce needed was one of his employees getting a concussion because of a pillow fight. Though, you could use that as an excuse to get rid of the old throw pillows, but that would come with the price humiliation for you and Jinx. Not to mention relentless teasing from your other friends.
You shake your head at the train of thought. You were thinking too much about this, you really should have just turned around earlier.
The sound of her laughter brings you out of your musings. The way her chest rumbled with each breath. She rests her head in the crook of your neck, it doesn't even occur to you that you've let go of her hands, instead moving your them to her back and keeping her close—so she doesn't roll off and hurt herself, of course.
You yourself were out of breath, and probably flushed—because you were getting older and tire easy, nothing else!—as you felt yourself laughing with her.
When she lifts her head to look at you, she makes sure that she's still close enough that her lips brush against your jaw. The both of you know it's a proven and effective way for your mind to go blank, for you to focus solely on her. You keep telling yourself you be able to resist it, eventually. You never do.
The logical part of your brain once again reminds you that it's not a good idea to be this close, to prolong the time you two are in close proximity to each other. That you need to prioritize finding a way home, that there are people that depend on you and that this is irresponsible behavior. But for some reason, you find yourself not wanting to listen for once.
Maybe it's just because your souls might be tied to each other. Maybe it's because you spent the last one hundred sixty-seven timelines watching other versions of yourself being in love or falling in love with her. Maybe it's because of the Other You here, and her relationship with this Jinx. The both of you are older in this timeline, you've known each other longer, know each other better, seen each other grow together and apart, only to find your way back to her, over and over again.
It's not just that, though.
It's the softness in her eyes whenever she looks at you, the way she brushes your hair out of your face. It's every time she checks on you if she senses that you're not alright. It's her knowing what you want to say before you say anything. How immersed she gets in her work, drowning out the rest of the world while she works on a project. Every morning that you've had to wake up next to her, watching her sleep peacefully. It's her temper, and how passionate she gets when arguing over something. It's finding her doodles and notes that she's left for you every single timeline. It's the urge to find her when you end up in a timeline where she isn't immediately by your side.
It's her, all one hundred sixty-eight versions of her, and every version after. Honestly, how many variations of yourself do you have to watch love this girl before you finally admit it to yourself?
Too many.
"Got something to say to me?" The corner of her eyes crinkle as she smirks at you.
It's how she knows you.
"I love you." You breathe out. She doesn't try to hide her surprise this time, or isn't able to. She blinks a few times, and you smile at the fact that it's her mind going haywire for once.
You take advantage of her being momentarily stunned, sitting up, keeping your hold on her so she actually doesn't fall over.  She instinctively grabs onto your shoulders for support.
"It's getting late." Her eyebrows furrow at your words.
"You just told me you love me, and now you're dipping?"
"I mean…You haven't answered, and I'm getting sleepy. Plus, the bed at the hotel I got is really ni—"
She doesn't let you finish as she yanks you into a kiss. You happily oblige, sighing and pulling her closer. Sadly, it doesn't last long as she breaks the kiss with a start, pushing your shoulders back when you try to chase after her lips.
"You really need to learn when to shut up sometimes." You take the hint and stay quiet, trying to bite back the smile already forming on your face. She rolls her eyes at your expression, having trouble hiding her own smile.
She doesn't need to say it back, not really. You understand that she hasn't seen Other You in a long time, and although the latter felt the same, your confession was more of a selfish move for yourself, really.
You can wait. As long as she wants, as long as she needs.
Her eyes flit back to your lips, before returning to your eyes. The mischievous glint returning.
"What's this about your hotel room having a nice bed?"
Two Hundred Fourteen
Meetings at the Firelight hideout weren't unusual.
In fact, a lot of your meetings with the group were often held here. Especially once Jinx had found out where you lived. So when you received a message from Ekko asking you to head over there because they had gotten a tip about a shipment of Shimmer, there were no alarm bells ringing in your head. A rookie mistake on your part, really.
To be completely fair, you had taken advantage of the two months you were here. You've never stayed anywhere over ten days, and the fact that you still had some semblance of the mark on your forearm meant that you were still going to get pulled into a different timeline at some point. But in the meantime, you started tinkering with equipment you could use to build your own Hex gate. The only thing missing was a gemstone.
Also in order to be completely fair. You were busy with Jinx, who you were slowly trying to convince to leave Silco's employ entirely. Which was a complicated thing to tackle, because you were an independent contractor that often worked with the Firelights. This meant that when she started showing up to your home unannounced, you had to switch up your dead drops and meet up points with the group, if only to keep the peace while maintaining your most consistent client.
And now you're in this predicament.
Surrounded by Firelights, plus Vi and Caitlyn.
You had hoped, foolishly, that this was as similar to your timeline as it was gonna get, at least with the limited amount of jumps you probably had left. You were lucky enough that Other You here and Jinx had met previously, and already kickstarted the inevitable chain of events that would have brought them together. You thought you had time before Vi and Jinx would meet, which was due in a few days from now.
You thought a lot of things, but at the end of the day, that was all they were. Two Hundred timelines in, and you still had trouble dealing with unpredictable situations.
"Piltover is one bad day away from sending enforcers to find Jinx."
"Damn, I hope they find her, then." Ekko groans, clearly not in the mood for the clueless act. Caitlyn steps forward a bit too abruptly, you draw your gun, everybody draws their weapons. Caitlyn glares at you, daring you to make the first move. You're a good shot yourself, but you know from past experience that there was no way you'd beat her in a gunfight.
"Hey—hey! Easy!" Vi gets between all of you, arms up, trying to lessen the tension. Ekko nods at his people—your people—and they lower their weapons. You shake your head for a second, before lowering yours. Other You was being protective and reckless, you had to control yourself. The last thing you want to do is hurt your people.
Caitlyn keeps her rifle trained on you, you maintain your glare towards her until she puts her gun down. "This is pointless." She looks towards Vi. "I say arrest her, and lure Jinx out."
"Can't arrest me if you're out of a job." Caitlyn narrows her eyes at your response. Fuck, wasn't supposed to know that.
"What, you think I don't have eyes and ears topside?" You're fairly sure that she'll buy your bluff, purely because there's no other explanation for you to know that. Thankfully Vi calls for everyone's attention.
"Look, we won't get anywhere arguing." She looks over to you, a silent plea in her eyes. You feel terrible about all of this, of course. You know she's just trying to find her sister after years of being locked up unfairly, in Stillwater no less!
"I know you care about her, and that you're the reason she's been quiet the last few months." It takes a bit of effort to keep your face neutral, your mind already working to figure out just how exactly they knew about you and Jinx. Had you become careless these past few months? Was she careless?
She moves a bit closer to you, arms in a placating gesture. "But if she doesn't return the gemstone, or worse, Silco gets his grimy hands on it, then Piltover will flood the streets with enforcers, and it'll be another civil war."
You wish you could tell them that Piltover wouldn't be able to handle the Undercity now, not with shimmer already being weaponized.
"I don't know where she is." You answer truthfully. As close as you two were these last couple of months, you didn't make it a point to know her whereabouts at every single hour of the day.
Caitlyn interjects. "Six enforcers are dead because of her, even more people wounded. Are you really going to protect someone who was willing to kill so many people in cold blood?" She makes a move to grab you, but Vi holds her back. Your jaw clenches. You thought you had swayed her enough that she wouldn't have gone through with the Progress Day attack.
Vi looks over to Ekko, who has mercifully stayed quiet. There's a disappointed look on his face, either for your involvement with Jinx, or your indirect betrayal on the Firelights, you're not sure. He nods over to the other FIrelights, who all lunge at you.
You try to fight back, easily sidestepping to avoid the first person to lunge, then using their momentum to launch them into the next person. A third person tries to hit you with their club, and you narrowly duck under their swing, springing to push them off their feet, and make your way to the door. On any other day, this would've been a fun sparring session, but sadly it wasn't any other day. And this was quickly becoming a one-on-seven fight.
Ekko grabs you from behind and bear hugs you. You feel the air being pushed out of your lungs as you struggle out of his grip. You drop to your knees, using his temporary loss of balance as leverage, and swing your body forward, he stumbles enough that his grip loosens, and you throw the rest of him over your shoulders. You turn around to make your way to the door again, before a fist connects right on your jaw. That's right, Vi is here, too
You quickly fall to your knees, the room is already spinning. you pitifully try to maintain your balance while on all fours, hanging onto a nearby chair for support. Two people grab you by the arms and begin to drag you away, you try to pull your arms free, but are met with a kick to the gut. You relent, letting them drag you into a dark room.
Their version of a holding cell, tying you down and taking your holsters and your coat. You're still a bit disoriented, but you're lucid enough to recognize Ekko's shadow when he approaches you.
"I'm sorry it has to come to this," He starts. "But if Silco gets his hands on Hextech, the Undercity will lose a lot more people. Good people."
You feel your chest ache at his words. You've been fighting for the Undercity your entire life, that's the last thing you want. But never in a million lifetimes would you betray Jinx. "You have to let me find her, Ekko." You plead.
"I can't trust your judgment on this."
"Try." He purses his lips, for a second you think he'll let you go. You weren't as close her as you were in your timeline, but you hope that your reliability in this one is enough to convince him.
He sighs, and the spark of hope you have is snuffed out. "This is for the best." He stands up and leaves the room, two guards replacing him.
Normally, you would be flattered. Two people guarding you even though you were already unarmed, and it doesn't even look like they're changing shifts soon. They don't take your eyes off of you either, so you pass the time counting the seconds. They probably already left to go find Jinx, which meant you had to give them at least a half hour head start before you could try to escape.
The minutes pass by quickly, and once you're nearing the thirty minute mark, you start prepping your escape plan.
They took away your coat and your holster with your weapons, but they didn't take away your belt. Which was a good thing because you actually needed it to pull your baggy pants up, but also because you had jammed a blade in between the leather. A knife was also welded into the buckle, built to quick release with the push of a button.
You carefully start to pry the blade out of the leather, being mindful not to cut yourself. You successfully get your knife out, quietly cutting your hands free. your next order of business was your feet. You'd have to time it with taking out both guards, who were both about six steps away from you. If you were lucky, you'd be fast enough to cut your feet loose and take them down at the same time.
You hedge your bets on yourself, and quickly lunge forward, cutting your feet loose in one swift motion. Both guards stand up, and you toss your knife just close enough to one of them that they freeze. You grab your other knife from your buckle, meeting the one still running towards you halfway. You slide downwards, jamming the butt of the knife into his knee, then following up by clocking him in the jaw with it as soon as he falls down. The one that was momentarily stunned launches himself at you, but you expertly roll out of the way and jump from behind him, putting him in a headlock. You tighten your hold, hoping to knock him out quickly. He struggles for a few moments, before his arms go limp, and you let him fall to the floor.
"Not bad." You say to yourself, impressed. You take the keys off of them and their mask, hoping it'll help you sneak out. Thankfully, you find that your stuff is just in the next room, and you hastily put your gear back on before sneaking out to find Jinx.
She wasn't in any of her usual haunts, or any of your haunts for that matter. You realized halfway through your search that she was avoiding you as well. It made sense; you had gotten her to stop with the over the top antics for Silco, and you were sure she knew that you didn't want her to continue working for him anymore. So this… whatever this was, you were probably not supposed to find out. Unfortunately for her, you're keenly aware of at least some of the events about to transpire. Which meant you didn't have a lot of time left; maybe the timeline of events was sped up somehow? The butterfly effect tended to go crazy, who knows what got kicked into gear when you showed up here?
You're halfway to giving up and going straight to Silco when you catch sight of blue smoke come off of one of the taller buildings in The Lanes. A flare?
"She told me that if I lit this up, she'd find me."
"Anywhere. She promised."
Your feet are already kicking the ground before you even register it.
She had to have heard about Vi being back. How the hell did you forget? The most important thing you didn't take into consideration before running around the Undercity like a headless chicken. Of course she would find out. If they had met Ekko this soon, that would've meant that this timeline had an entirely different flow from yours.
So much for considering variations in the timelines.
The entrance to the old building is bolted shut, so you start climb up pipes and rooftops, anything to get there before the others did. Your arms were burning, but you sure as hell preferred that than having to fend off Vi and the others if they got there first. From the last time this happened, Jinx did not have the best reaction.
You're barely able to shout her name once you get half onto the roof, but you push yourself up and run towards her, swatting the flare out of her hands. Her shock lasts only a second before she rams you in the stomach with Pow-pow. It only occurs to you now that you're still wearing a firelight mask.
"It's me, it's me!" She recognizes your voice before you can even take off the mask. Her hostility quickly dissipates, before being replaces with hesitation.
"I—What are you doing here?" Her tone is accusatory, but it's only half meant. You know she's nervous because she thinks you haven't heard about the Progress Day explosion. You pull her into a hug, hoping to provide some comfort, if any, to make sure she doesn't have a panic attack.
"I'll explain later, okay?" You say as you pull back, cupping her cheeks. "We need to get out of here."
There's a smidgen of doubt at the back of your mind that she'll go with you, but thankfully, she nods as you lead her off of the roof.
The both of you head to her hideout. Not the safest place to go to, but your house was definitely the worse option. You're not even there for a minute before you start questioning her.
"Did Silco ask you to do this?" You say as you set down Pow-Pow on a table. She looks away from you, the shame on her face evident. Your gaze softens at the sight, and you remind yourself that this is Silco's fault, not hers.
"Hey," You walk over to her and gently turn her chin to look at you. "You don't have to go through with what he has planned, alright? I'll return the gemstone, Tell them I found it rolling around in an alleyway."
Fear flashes across her features. "I can't." She pushes herself away from you. "I need to finish what he asked me to do. Then we can…"
You're tempted to reach out a hand and hold her, but you stop yourself short, afraid that you'll scare her away. "What is he asking you to do? I'll do it, just…don't go back to doing the dirty work."
She smiles at you sadly. "He wants me to build something with it." Her launcher.
"Jinx." There's a sudden urgency in your voice that catches her off guard. She doesn't know what'll happen if she makes it, but you do. You know who dies, and what happens because of it.
It's instant, how she recognizes what you want to say, just by looking at you. She walks back over to you and pulls you close, until your foreheads are touching. "It'll be okay."
There's a sincerity in her eyes that nearly convinces you. If you hadn't brought with you the knowledge from your own timeline. Your chest aches for her, how sure she is that things will be fine. "We can just drop this, Jinx." You say softly. She shakes her head.
"No. I can't."
"Why not?" There's a storm brewing behind her eyes. You know she doesn't want to do this. Maybe if you just—
"You just have to trust me."
"I do trust you." You pull away from her, ignoring the instant guilt you feel when you see the hurt flash across her face. You run a hand through your hair in frustration, your hand rubbing the side of your brow. "It's Silco I don't trust! We can just toss the stone into the harbor and call it quits—"
"I told you, I can't!"
"Because I can't risk it!" Tears prickle at the corners of her eyes. It takes you a few seconds, silence stretching between the both of you, before it dawns on you.
She was doing this for you.
You shake your head. "No. You are not going to do something you don't want to because of me."
She smiles at you sadly. She wasn't going to budge.
A lightheadedness starts to come over you, and you grab onto the desk for support. All of those timeline you had to go through, only for you to cause one to go through the same path yours did. No, you can't let it happen here. There has to be some way to stop all of this.
A pair of arms grab onto yours, grounding you. "Easy there, jelly legs."
You look up at concerned blue eyes, and a thought occurs to you.
"What if we leave?"
She blinks, taken aback by your question. "What?"
"Leave. Start over. Away from the undercity, from Piltover, everything."
"We can't just leave." She tries to look away from you, but you lean towards her.
"What's stopping us? I can get us an airship. Didn't you say you always wanted to ride one of those things?" For a second, you see hope in her eyes. You want to think that she's imagining a simpler life with you—Other You, you quickly remind yourself—away from everything that's ever caused the both of you pain.
And then It's gone, and she backs away from you. "You should go." She turns away from you, idly looking at her notes.
Anything she wants, anything she needs. Your jaw clenches, but you're dead set on this solution. It's the only way to keep everyone alive in this.
"Tomorrow, at the docks. I'll have an airship ready."  
Tomorrow couldn't come sooner.
It could, actually. Because the time between you leaving Jinx's hideout and waiting on your newly acquired airship seemed to have passed in the blink of an eye. And now you were pacing around the outside, waiting for her to show up.
You shouldn't be this nervous, you know she'll show up. It's nearly guaranteed that she'll show up, nothing's stronger than the bond between the two of you. There's a slight pang of guilt as you consider that you took advantage of this, eliminating her choice in the matter entirely. But it'll be fine, this was the best way to avoid a war.
It isn't long before she shows up. She always does, but you feel the weight of the world lift off of your shoulders anyway. You waste no time running towards her and enveloping her in a hug. She holds you just as tight. You know how much she's leaving behind by agreeing to this, her whole life, her memories of her family, everything.
"We'll be okay." She whispers into your ear. You will be forever thankful for how well she can read you.
You pull away just far enough so you can plant a kiss on her forehead. "As much as I want hold you like this." You start. "You'd best get on the ship so I can untie it."
She chuckles a bit before pulling away—not before placing a chaste kiss on your lips—and disappears through the door. You move to hurriedly untie the cleats for the ship.
This is it. You're almost out.
Almost out.
You whip around and see Ekko, along with some of your Firelight friends. You pull out your gun, absolutely loathing the possibility of having to use it on your own people. The thought of them harming Jinx does little to quell your inner turmoil.
"Just let us go, Ekko." You plead, pride thrown aside. "You and I both know it was Silco who put her up to it."
He shakes his head. "We can't do that. Not when Piltover is threatening to knock down our doors."
"So you're giving up one of your own?!"
"You think I don't understand what that means?" He steps closer to you. "Everything I've done was to help our own. Do you have any idea what it's like having to give up someone you grew up with, to save hundreds more?!"
"So don't give her up, let us leave!"
"She killed half a dozen people—"
"She had no choice!"
"Everyone has a choice!"
"You would've blown up a hundred enforcers if one of them threatened someone you loved!"
"It doesn't change what she did!"
"She only did it because Silco forced her to! Why hell aren't you going after him?" You lift your gun and point it at Ekko, who doesn't back down. All of your Firelight friends lift their own weapons, and you notice some of them gliding around in their hoverboards.
You always wondered what would happen if you died in a timeline.
Maybe it was time to test it out.
"Don't do this." There's hesitation in Ekko's eyes, but the both of you know that there's only one way left for this to end.
His eyes pull away from yours, moving to look at something just behind you.
You hear her call out your name, and you turn, oblige, anything for her.
She smiles at you, The softness in her eyes only reserved for you.
"I love you."
Dread seeps into your bones. There's no reason for her to say it with such finality. You know she loves you, she always does, she always will. You say it back just so she knows that you'll love her in every one, too.
"Take care of Vi for me, okay?" You nod dumbly and she turns around, walking back towards the airship.
The sound of a gunshot echoes across the docks, you think it's you who's been hit, the way the air is knocked out of your lungs, the way your ears start ringing, and everything goes numb.
"It's okay, you're okay, I've got you."
But it isn't you who falls limp onto the floor. It isn't your gun that clatters to the ground. It isn't you who's no longer breathing—not in this timeline.
“I was just starting to find you attractive.”
You stumble towards her, all but falling to your knees.
"Stop thinking."
Tears start to blur your vision as you try to reach for her hand.
"It's like we already know each other."
Your breath catches in your throat, you gently pry the Hextech gemstone from her fingers.
"I love you."
A sob escapes your lips. You can't let anyone see her like this.
"We'll be okay."
Your hands shake as you pull off your coat, draping it over her like a blanket.
You don't hear Ekko tell the Firelights to stand down. You don't hear him tell the Firelights to swear to silence.
You found Jinx before she could escape. You were the one who shot her. That was what they were going to tell everyone.
And you—you sit there, holding her hand, as everything else around you falls apart.
Two hundred fifteen
"You need a top up for that, love?"
"No—" A shaky breath escapes your lips. "No, thank you."
How cruel must the gods be,
"Okay, you need anything else?"
To drag you through hell, then bring you back to the start?
"Love? You alright?"
The tears register a bit late, and you quickly wipe your eyes, meeting the concerned gaze of the man behind the bar.
"Allergies." You blurt out. "They get pretty bad this time of year."
An eyebrow is raised, clearly doubting your poor excuse. You place your hands on your lap, safely out of his view, just so he doesn't see how much they're shaking.
"That so?"
You let out a nervous chuckle. It's taking everything you've got not to randomly break down at The Last Drop in the middle of the day.
"Yeah, yeah. I uh—I think I'll go blow my nose outside, actually."
"Hold on now—"
Whatever Vander says falls on deaf ears as you slide out of your chair, heading for the side door.
A wave of nausea starts blankets over you as you reach for the door and quickly step outside. You try to take a steadying breath, but there's a painful tightness in your chest, and all you can manage are a few stuttered gasps. Your vision starts to swim, legs collapsing from underneath you—the image of her blood spraying in the air replays in your mind—and you lean against the wall for support. Try as you might, a choked sob forces its way out of you. You clamp your hand over your mouth to keep your cries quiet, as your shoulders violently shake.
She died. Because of me. Because I was brash and reckless.
I shouldn't have tried to run.
I should have waited for things to die down.
I fucked up.
If I hadn't interfered, she would still be alive.
It's my fault.
"We'll be okay."
Your fist connects with the wall. The blooming pain in your knuckles provide a welcome distraction from your thoughts. So you punch the wall again, then again, and again, until red starts to coat the once grey cement. Anything to block out the image of her dying. Anything so you don't see her lifeless body when you close your eyes.
You only stop when you can no longer close your hand into a fist.
You hear the door open behind you, someone stepping out to puking on the side. Poor sap.
There's no way to make any coherent conversation with whoever this drunk person is. So instead, you gingerly cover your injured hand with the uninjured one, and push yourself off the ground.
You stiffen when you see who's throwing up in the corner.
What you'd do just so you could speak to him again. You miss your home, your friends, your people, your tree. Hell, even the grimy smell of the tunnels headed there.
When he's done heaving his guts out, he turns around and flops onto the floor, looking up when he notices you, and you lock eyes.
There's a disoriented look in his eyes, one you're extremely familiar with.
The door swings open again.
"One can't go shouting from the rooftops about being thrust into parallel dimensions without—Oh!" Heimerdinger shuts his mouth when he catches sight of you. He tucks the book he was about to hand Ekko under his armpit. "Hello there miss!" He chuckles nervously. "Quite a day we're having, isn't it?"
No way.
"Ekko? Professor?"
It's Heimerdinger who recovers first. "Oh how wonderful!" He exclaims as recognition flashes in his eyes. "It seems the anomaly which dislodged us from our proverbial reality, also scattered us throughout time!" He throws his hands up, dropping Ekko's book to the ground. "But we're all here now, so everything is fine."
Ekko lets out a sigh of relief, before standing up and dusting himself off. "Man, I thought I was going crazy." Heimerdinger shuts the door again and begins explaining what happened to him while he was in this timeline.
Their conversation barely registers with you; tears once again well in your eyes. You walk forward, barely trying to contain the sob that comes out of your mouth as grab Ekko and pull him into a hug. You don't even try to stop yourself from shaking while you're crying into his shoulder.
The Firelights were a tightknit group, but you were always the less emotional, sometimes cynical one. So Ekko is understandably surprised and concerned when you're clutching onto him for dear life and bawling your eyes out. He holds you and rubs circles on your back either way, and lets you cry.
The door swings open a third time. Heimerdinger lets out a surprised squeal.
"Oh—uh sorry."
You flinch at the sound of her voice. Quickly pulling away from Ekko, you step back a few paces, and wipe your eyes. Your eyes stay glued to the ground, you can't bring yourself to look at her. Jinx's final words start replaying again in your head. There's not much you can do to distract yourself but to try and move your injured hand. It works, and the immediate pain keeps your grieving mind at bay.
"Hey, your hand." She speaks up again.
"It's nothing." You put your injured hand behind your back, grimacing as the pain shoots through you. "I…slipped."
A poor excuse, really. You're sure all three of them can see the blood stain on the wall, but you're not looking at any of them. So who knows, maybe they didn't see it.
"I uh—have something to do with Ekko and Professor." You keep your eyes low as you send a pointed look to Heimerdinger. He shrugs in response. "So we should really go—" 
Ekko thankfully mutters in agreement with you, but Powder doesn't budge. "Ekko! Your friend's hurt, and we have a perfectly stocked first aid kit here."
As if on cue, you hiss as pain shoots up from your hand.
"Perhaps it would be better if you allowed Ms. Powder to take a look at your hand." You let out a defeated sigh. Not like you can blame either of them—they don't know what happened to you.
Powder tries to reach for you, but you step away and start walking to the door. She thankfully takes the hint and guides you all through the bar.
You're all ushered into the back room that serves as a storage area for the staff, which just meant Vander's children. Powder sets you down on a chair, while Ekko and Heimerdinger whisper in hushed tones in the opposite corner of the room.
Against your request, it's Powder who cleans your hand, and dress it in bandages. She's also the one to put a bag of ice on it to help with the swelling. You're the one blinking back tears or wiping your eyes, claiming it to be pain from your hand.
She's the one to make small conversations, that you give curt replies to.
She's the one to ask you about yourself, that you shut down immediately, claiming to be uncomfortable with personal questions.
She's the one that reaches out, you're the one to pull away.
You still can't look at her, so you settle on staring at whatever interesting item is off to the side or on the ground.
Eventually she gives up, and leaves you with Ekko and Heimerdinger while she goes back to work, claiming she'll be back in a bit.
"What happened to you?" Ekko rushes over to you as soon as the door closes, concern written all over his face. He gestures to your bandages. "And what happened to your hand?"
You shrug tiredly. You could really use a nap right now. "I jumped through one too many realities."
Heimerdinger pipes up. "One too many?"
"Yeah, like, multiple ones…" Your eyebrows knit at his question. "Have neither of you…"
"No." Ekko shakes his head. Moving his chair to sit next to you. "How many realities have you been to, exactly?"
You blink. "This is two hundred and fifteen."
"Two hundred and fifteen?" Heimerdinger drops his banjo and rushes towards you. "And you're still mentally intact?" He drags a chair towards you and hoists himself up onto the table. Pulling out a pen light, he starts shining it on your eyes. "Your pupils looks normal, and I don't see any burst blood vessels…" He continues ramble to you until Ekko steps in.
"Professor, give her some breathing room."
"Oh right, my apologies." Heimerdinger scratches the back of his head sheepishly as he puts away the pen light.
"Okay then." Ekko sits back in his chair, leaning a bit toward you. "So, does jumping through different realities make you beat up a wall and cry?"
"I…I'm fine."
A sigh escapes your friend's lips as he crosses his arms, a frown on his face. "I've never seen you cry, then suddenly you're a sobbing mess."
You let out a shaky breath at his words, muttering a complaint.
"Look, I can't imagine what could have happened to you in over two hundred timelines. I can't even imagine how much time passed for you—"
"Five years, and a few months?" Ekko's eyes widen at the revelation.
"Five years? No wonder you're acting different." He puts a hand on your shoulder. "I can't help you if you won't talk to me—"
"Yeah, well maybe I don't need help." You quip, shrugging his hand off your shoulder. The expression on his face doesn't turn sour. If any, it becomes sympathetic.
"A friend to listen to you, then." He sends you a small smile, and you immediately regret snapping at him.
You tear your eyes at him to stare at the door Powder went through. "It's…illogical and kind of absurd if we're being honest."
"If I may, my dear. We're in an alternate reality where our lives are drastically different."  Heimerdinger says as he picks up his banjo. "I think we've long departed the realms of logic and coherence."
You're hit with a sudden appreciation for your two companions. The familiarity, and the fact that you finally have people to speak with about your timeline jumping, makes you feel less alone after so long. And Heimerdinger is right, you're long past logic, so why not explain to them that you think you're meant to be with one person for eternity?
You run your uninjured hand down your face. "Do either of you believe in soulmates?" Ekko and Heimerdinger exchange looks, before turning back to you with puzzled expressions.
"Soulmates are a thing?" Your friend asks.
You sigh, trying to find the best way to explain. "I'm not exactly sure." A lie, and you know it. "No, wait, I'm sure. Soulmates are a thing, at least for me. I can't confirm for anyone else."
A look of realization hits Ekko. "Jinx... Wait, Jinx?"
"Yeah, that was my reaction too." You say as you pinch the bridge of your nose.
"So you're saying, you're soulmates with one of the Firelight's biggest enemies?" His eyes are wide, you can almost see the gears in his head move.
"You know, enemies to lovers stories are usually a huge hit."
"You don't even read."
"A lot can happen in five years."
"Alright, children, settle down!" Heimerdinger puts his hands up in a placating manner. "I for one, would like to know how you came to find this out. How fascinating! To know your soul is tied to someone." Yeah, fascinating.
"So, how did you find out?" Ekko nudges you with his elbow. You throw him a scowl in response, before rolling your eyes and looking over to Heimerdinger.
"Every timeline. It was always her." You think back to the first time you jumped. "I remember the first jump I did. I was hurt, and she came running over. I remember feeling safe around her; I was only there for a few minutes before I got dragged somewhere else. And then, every jump after, I was either with her already, or at some point headed there. There was never anyone else."
"Was that all? Relationships that kept spanning across timelines?" The professor asks.
"No, not just that. I felt—" Feel. "—this pull towards her. There were times that I'd know where she was if we were close enough to each other."
"How intriguing." Heimerdinger starts pacing the room. "Never in my long life would I have guessed the existence of soulmates. And I've lived a very long life!"
"So something happened in the last one, then?" Ekko cuts in. Your jaw clenches, the reminder hitting you like a bucket of cold water.
"She died, in the last one. Shot herself, to protect me." His mouth falls open at your words, eyes widening slightly.
A heavy silence falls over the three of you; Heimerdinger sighs and walks over, giving you a pat on your knee. "Loss is already such a confounding and jarring experience. I can't imagine it what it felt like to lose one you're destined to be with."
"I didn't even have time to deal with it. I got pulled here right after it happened." Your run your good hand through your hair. "I feel the grief, but I also feel how happy the me in this timeline is when she sees Jinx."
"You coexist with the version of you in this reality?" The professor cocks a bushy eyebrow. You nod.
"Yes, it took a while to get used to. Even longer to manage."
"Well, if that isn't a shining example of your mental fortitude, then I don't know what is!" His enthusiasm softens as he gives you another pat. "You'll make it through your grief, I promise you that." He throws you a reassuring smile. And you feel your spirits lift a bit.
"You and Jinx, huh?" Ekko rubs his chin thoughtfully. "You know, I could see it." He yelps as you punch him in the shoulder with your good hand. "What? I'm trying to be helpful."
"Well you're not."
Heimerdinger ignores yours and Ekko's antics, curious eyes looking at you in anticipation. "So dear, tell me about these realities. Were all two hundred of them different from each other?" You shake your head.
"Not all of them were different, some timelines have very miniscule variations from each other, but are still the same with everything else that's there." You look up around the room. "I've been to this reality at least thrice."
"Incredible!" Heimerdinger exclaims, jumping up from his seat. "And how many unique realities have you been to?"
"Seventy-one, I think?"
"Was there a pattern you followed?"
"No, I just got jumped from one to another."
"How long were you in each reality?"
"I—usually a little over a week."
"Were there consistent behaviors between timelines?"
"I can hear you thinking from over there."
"Got something to say to me?"
You wince, shaking the memory away. "How big did the variations get?"
"Okay, jelly legs."
"Easy there, jelly legs."
"I don’t—"
"Oh, what about the people! How different were we from ourselves?"
"Okay, professor! Breathing room?" Ekko cuts in. Heimerdinger mutters an apology for his excitement. You pinch the bridge of your nose with your uninjured hand and sigh. So much for a distraction. "You okay?"
You nod despite obviously feeling the opposite—if Ekko of Heimerdinger notice, they mercifully don't bring it up—and sink a little further into your chair.
"Let's take a step back from the reality hopping, alright? We still need to figure out how to get home." He looks towards Heimerdinger, who's taken to plucking a tune on his banjo. "Professor, you said that Hextech doesn't exist here, which means there's no anomaly?"
"Which just means we need to figure out a way to make our own Hextech." The both of them turn to you.
"I'm afraid once just can't go about creating their own Hextech, my dear. Without Jayce's notes, and the crystals—"
"Powder has a stash of them."
"—Excuse me?!"
"—A stash?"
The corner of your lip twitches, and you almost smile. But the crushing reminder that comes with Powder's name quickly grounds you. "She has them at her hideout."
Ekko's eyebrows furrow. "And you know this because…"
You shrug. "She told me, in the other timelines."
"Even so!" The professor gets in between you and Ekko. "Tampering with the Arcane is the reason we're in this very predicament! Who knows what mayhem we'll cause if we try to do it on purpose." Heimerdinger nods over to you. "It's a miracle we didn't have any physical side effects from changing realities."
"Well…" You say before you can stop yourself, causing Heimerdinger's eyebrows shoot up. "I had this thing on my arm." You pull the sleeve of your shirt up, revealing only the faded outline of the mark. "When I first noticed it, it was only my second jump—it was the same pattern as the one on our tree. But now," You run your hand over the faded outline. "It's just this. It was fading every jump I had."
Heimerdinger walks over and pulls out a magnifying glass. "Incredible. To think that the anomaly attached itself to you… Did you take note of any side effects?"
"There weren't any. I was disoriented the first few jumps, but eventually I got used to them."
"Well, if anything. This is a damning reason for us not to further meddle with the Arcane." He pockets the magnifying glass and huffs, Ekko and yourself understandably in disagreement. The latter stands up from his chair, frustrated with the professor.
"We don't belong here, professor. We have people who need us!" Heimerdinger tuts at Ekko and picks up his banjo, idly plucking the strings.
"You two just need to give it time."
"I've been jumping around timelines for five years, I've had more than enough time. I want to go home." The chair you're sitting on screeches as you push yourself off of it, and you start pacing the room. "Besides, I don't know if losing the mark means I stop jumping. I have a little over a week at most. The least I can do is get the both of you out of here."
A frown tugs at Ekko's mouth. "Wait. You mean there's a chance you can't come home with us?"
You sigh. "The conservative answer is yes. Look, we can recreate the anomaly here. We just need the—"
"Am I interrupting smart people discourse?"
You jump at Powder's words, and quickly retreat beside Ekko, eyes glued again to the ground. You don't miss the concerned look your friend gives you.
"Of course not, Ms. Powder." Heimerdinger starts walking to the door, much to yours and Ekko's chagrin. "You two take some time to get situated, clear your minds, and come find me afterwards."
Ekko shrugs from the corner of your eye. "I should get going."
You whip your head around to stare at your friend. "What?"
He puts his hands up. "I have to go uh—look at that thing you told me to check out."
You narrow your eyes at him. Did you miss some code word that was agreed upon? Ekko sighs as he walks behind Powder, you abandoning your quest to avoid looking at the girl in favor of figuring out what the hell your friend is saying.
"You get the thing you told us you needed, and then we can meet back with the professor."
"What?" Ekko looks at you pointedly, then at Powder.
Oh. The Gemstones.
Realization seemingly crosses your features, as Ekko promptly says his goodbye and shuts the door.
Leaving you with Powder. Did they not listen to your grief-filled monologue?
"Well, at least you're finally looking at me." She lets out an awkward chuckle. "Or at least, my general direction."
It's unfair, really; seeing the love of your life die in front of you one second, only for her to stand in front of you—alive and breathing—in the next. Her eyes still alight, curious, inviting.
And you, the mess of you. With your confusion, shock, grief, guilt; melding with relief, and the urge to hold her. The self-conscious look on her face already tearing down the walls you had just put up to protect what was left of your sanity. You couldn't even get away if you tried—and you've tried—because she'd follow you somehow, or you'd inevitably find your way back to her.
The bond of your souls demands to stay intertwined.
"So, do you need help with whatever you were getting?"
You blink. "Huh?"
Her lips curl into an amused smile. "Ekko said you had a thing you needed, that I totally believe exists by the way."
The easiness of how she speaks to you feels like a pair of hands wrapping around your throat. But it was between the friendly approach, or the concerned approach. The latter meant she'd ask why you were crying, so you'll just have to take this one and run with it.
"Uh, yeah." The words come out scratchy, there's an ever-present heaviness in your chest as you look at her, smiling at you. You clear your throat in an attempt to collect yourself. You found Ekko and Heimerdinger, and you have a week to get them—and hopefully yourself—home. You just need to push down the grief until then.
"You know anything about intradimensional travel?"
"So let me get this straight. You think you can create a way to transport anything from point A to B at light speed?"
"Not light speed, that's an entirely different can of worms." Powder rolls her eyes at you, leaning back into her bean bag chair.
It surprisingly took no effort for her to take you to her hideout; she even introduced you to Vi. A part of you wonders if this is because she felt sorry for you, but you can't really complain if it brings you closer to the energy crystals.
"Alright hotshot, what is it then?"
"It's more like—" You wince as you try to gesture with your injured hand. "—teleportation." You slouch into your own chair, resting your hand carefully on your stomach. "With magic."
She scoffs. "Can you do magic?"
"Pfft. Get a load of this guy, sis." Your eyes flit to Vi, sitting in her corner. "Sorry." There's a hint of embarrassment in Powder's eyes when you look back at her scratching the back of her neck. Only a second of confusion before you remember that you're a stranger to her here. "You must think I'm weird, talking to a plush of my dead sister. Which I'm not—I mean, I am talking to her. I meant the weird part, but if you ask my brothers they'd probably say I am weird—"
"I don’t think it's weird."
Another roll of her eyes. "Sure you don't."
"I think it helps." You say firmly, sitting up as best you can in a bean bag chair. "Talking to someone who's died, it keeps their memory alive, keeps me sane. Makes me feel like…everything's still normal, even though it's not."
Her eyes soften at your words; an expression you've seen thousands of times. One that used to give you comfort, now also draping you with the blanket of grief and guilt.
"You lost someone."
You tear your gaze away from her, choosing to stare at the drawer you know the energy crystals are stored. "I got her killed."
There's a shifting from Powder's side, and you turn to find her dragging her bean bag next to you, before flopping down and sighing. A few beats of silence pass before she speaks.
"When my sister died, I blamed myself for a really long time." Her eyes glisten as she looks at the altar she made for Vi, distant. "Back when things were harder for us down here, we did odd jobs from tips we'd get from Ekko."
A story you've heard hundreds of times, every version a bit different than the one before, but you'd listen every single time.
"There were these crystals. They looked valuable to me, so I took 'em. Didn't realize I dropped one and I guess it hit something." She sits up, hugging her knees towards her chest. "Next thing I know, half the apartment's blown up, and Vi…she put me under her so I'd be safe." You hear a sniffle as she suddenly looks away, not so subtly wiping her eyes. "We stopped doing jobs after that, focused on making things better here."
"I'm sorry." She snorts.
"Hey, I'm trying to comfort you, not the other way around." She puts her legs down, knocking her knee onto yours. "Anyway. My point is, she would've hated it if I spent the rest of my life blaming myself for what happened. If I just decided to be miserable all the time." A shrug, and she's standing up and stretching. "I sure as hell wouldn’t want her to blame herself, anyone of my family or friends really, if I was the one that died protecting them."
Forgiveness, handed out so nonchalantly. Completely unaware of the weight of her words. You almost hate feeling the weight lift off your shoulders; her forgiveness hadn't been earned, could never be earned. Not for Jinx.
But she still has the same soul.
"Alright, how exactly are we making your non-magic magic machine?" She says as she offers you a hand.
Still the same soul.
"We'll need to clear out some space." You say as you take her hand.
"How fucking long were we gone?"
"Professor Heimerdinger…"
"There's Noxian's everywhere. What the hell's going on—Ekko!" You grab your friend by the shoulders, shaking him. "We won't have time to mourn the professor if we get sliced in half. We need to get home."
Ekko blinks a few times, before taking a deep breath and nodding. "You're right, you're right." He peeks his head out of the alleyway you're both hiding in, spotting Noxians soldiers pushing people out of their homes. "Why are they all here?"
"Beats me, but this can't be good." He ducks his head back in, unconsciously tucking the Z-Drive closer to him.
"We're you in any timelines where this happened?"
You nod. "Yes, but they were never in the Undercity. We were the ones taking the fight to them and Piltover."
The both of you stick to the wall as a group of Noxians soldiers march past, headed deeper into the Undercity. There was no way the both you could sneak back to the tunnel lines with that many eyes moving around. A curse is muttered at the thought, you needed to know how much time passed, and how much had changed in your absence.
"If only we could've gone back right after we left here." You rub your face in your hands. "I must've messed something up with the runes—"
"Hey, what happened to getting home being the top priority?" Ekko elbows you lightly on your side. "We can refine your rune work later," He points up to the roofs. "If we can't avoid getting to the tunnels from the ground, we'll have to cross the rooftops."
"Rooftops." You nod.
The both of you start climbing up pipes that are sticking out of the ground and around the buildings. Eventually making it onto a balcony, before jumping across the top of a smaller building. It provides you with a clearer view of the Undercity, still looking the same from where you are, despite the obvious changes occurring on the ground. The neon glow from various establishments, the ever present whir of the vents running through the streets, the gloomy allure atmosphere. Hell, even the smell was the same.
Ekko lands next to you, dusting himself off before surveying the skyline. "It's like nothing's changed from up here." He muses, reiterating your thoughts. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.
"We made it back...We actually did it." He looks over to you, putting a hand on your shoulder.
"Welcome back."
"Welcome back to you too, Ekko."  He snorts, giving your shoulder another squeeze before letting go.
"Alright, let's head home." Ekko starts moving towards the next roof, and you follow suit. Each step you take giving you more confidence. Son enough, the both of you are running and leaping across rooftops.
You greedily breathe in the air, not caring at all that most people would consider Undercity air to be polluted. This was home. After spending five years trying to find a way back, who the hell could judge you?
"Hurry up!" Ekko shouts from ahead of you. Grinning, you lean forward and start kicking the ground harder.
"I'm just giving you a head start!" You say as you easily speed past Ekko, who huffs and matches your speed.
For a moment, you forget about all of your worries. You forget about the two hundred and sixteen jumps you did, all of the panic you went through, all of the memories you made, the lives you lived. It's just you and once of your closest friends, running through the rooftops of your city—your city. Not a variation of it in some other timeline. It's the place where you grew up, the place you're trying to fix and make better for the people. You run past familiar stores and landmarks, feeling your nostalgia grow by the second. It's a freeing sensation; leaving for years, then coming back home. Seeing everything be both familiar and new at the same time.
There's a billowing of dark smoke from your periphery. You almost miss it, but you turn your head and spot the smoke growing steadily. Unconsciously, you turn and start heading to where the smoke is. Ekko calls out to you, but starts to follow when he sees it as well.
You stop dead in your tracks when you find the source of the smoke. Dread starts to build in your chest.
The Last Drop, engulfed in flames.
There's no thought process involved before you jump down and enter the burning building, telling Ekko you'll meet him back home. You don't even heed Ekko's calls as you slide through a doorway before it collapses behind you.
Your hands feel around for your gas mask hidden inside your coat, a sigh of relief as your eyes stop watering and you're able to breathe. Navigating The Last Drop is easy enough, you've been here plenty of times in the other timelines. But the problem wasn't finding your way around, it was figuring out why you decided to jump in in the first place.
Was it the thought of someone being stuck inside and needing help? Or was it the feeling of dread creeping up on you?
The sound of crackling wood fills your ears as you look up, a supports beam starts to collapse. You quickly duck out of the way before it falls, having no choice but to push in deeper into the bar. You start to think—hope—that no one is inside, since you haven't seen a single soul as you went from one room to the next.
You feel the pull before you register that it's her.
But this one is different, stronger. Enough that you almost stumble forward, as if it's somehow physically pushing you closer. You feel it wrap around your heart, clutching it tight, almost painfully so. The feeling of longing rushes over you, not the small waves that you felt in the other timelines, but a raging current, crashing through you and sweeping you towards her.
You wonder briefly why the feeling was much more intense. Was it because you were in other timelines? Did your soul know that they were Jinx, but they weren't your Jinx? Will she also feel this when she sees you? If this is what every other version of you felt when they were with their Jinx, their Powder, no wonder they can't keep themselves away from her.
She hasn't even seen you yet.
She has her back turned to you, hands limply at her side. Her hair jaggedly cut short, just above her shoulders, which are slumped in defeat. An almost instinctive need to comfort her enters your mind, but you push it down. The first thing you need to do is get her out of here.
She doesn't react violently when you pull her towards you, telling her that you had to get out of there. Does nothing when you pick her up and bring her out the side of the building. The same alleyway where you two would sneak off to steal kisses in one timeline, and mourned the loss of her in another. She's too stunned to do anything really. Maybe she felt the pull, maybe she was just surprised that someone had gone in to fish her out. But she doesn't do anything as you set her down and take off your gas mask. Nothing when you look over her, covered in soot and grime, to search for any injuries.
The second you meet her eyes, you know, you're sure, that her soul is letting her know who you are. That she's suddenly fallen into that same raging river that you find yourself in right now.
The surprise in her eyes softens, the same look you've seen thousands of times, that you'd try to find wherever you are.
The pull makes itself known again, probably ecstatic that you've found her in your own timeline. Not that you wouldn't have, anyway. Not even the omnipotent force that created every timeline to ever exist can keep you from finding her.
But maybe a broken nose will.
You stagger backward. A hand over your nose, eyes wide from shock and confusion. She's polite enough to not say anything after she punches you. She awkwardly stands there and watches you curse as you push your nose back into place, wiping off the blood with your gloved hand. Yup, definitely broken.
At this point, two hundred and sixteen jumps after, you should really learn to be more vigilant when it comes to tackling unpredictable situations.
You keep a hand on your nose, one hand up on surrender. She still has her hand closed into a fist, but there's a shocked look on her face.
She Blinks a few times, before a look of frustration is on her face. "Who the hell are you?!" Her eyebrows are knit together; if your nose wasn't broken, you would find her confused frustration adorable.
"I thought you needed help." Your voice comes out nasally, and you can almost feel the bruises start to form.
"I don't need your stupid help."
"Well who just stands inside a burning building?!" She huffs crossing her arms over her chest. It's now that you notice she's missing a few things from her usual outfit; her choker, the string marking the X on her top, her gloves—and had she been crying?
"First of all, stop looking at me like that, you creep. Second, it's none of your business."
"I literally just saved your—" The sound of clanking armor, and boots hitting the ground cuts you off.
You grab her hand without thinking, and pull her farther into the alleyway, away from the fire and the soldiers that have started to gather. Again, she's surprised, but doesn't protest. She doesn't let go even after you've stopped running.
"We need to get out of here. I have a safe house but it's a bit far. If we start moving now—"
"My place is closer." She tugs at your hand to get your attention—your eyes flitting down the same time as her—and you both realize that they're still clasped together.
You wait for her to let go of you, throw your hand and call you a creep again. For a moment you think she actually will; you see the conflicting emotions in her eyes. But she still doesn't.
"Just... follow me." She says tiredly, nodding down a road and half dragging you to her hideout. She only lets go of your hand when there's a tight squeeze into a tunnel and it would be too awkward to walk in side by side.
Neither of you talk the entire way there. You don't ask her where her hideout is—not that you need to, you could get there with your eyes closed at this point. She doesn't ask you how you can easily navigate through tricky the walkways and hidden passages.
At first you think she's still processing how she's feeling, but you remember the tear streaks, and the way her shoulders sagged as she looked at The Last Drop burning down. You wonder again how long you've been gone, what had happened to her in the meantime. Even now, she has her head down as she walks. Her demeanor completely different from the last time you saw her.
"I can hear you thinking from over here." She says nonchalantly. She sounds tired, her irritation from earlier long gone. "I'm not leading you to some murder house, if that's what you're wondering."
You shrug out of habit. "I know, I trust you."
Her head tilts up just a bit as she stops walking. She turns her head slightly to the side, just enough that she can see you from the corner of her eye. "You shouldn't." She doesn't wait for an answer before she starts walking again, and you're left to follow her in silence the rest of the way.
There's a hesitation in her step once you reach her hideout, stopping right in front of her desk, hands balled into fists. She tries to take a steadying breath, but it comes out shaky and uneven.
You take a look around her space, noticing how brighter everything is. Not like the other timelines where you meet her as Jinx, not like Powder's either. The space was more cleared out, lights had been added, a makeshift fort had been put over her couch.
She picks up something small on the desk, you recognize it as a smaller version of the robots you two made in a few timelines. Her eyes are distant as she turns it over in her hand, before setting it back down on the table. She doesn't look back at you as she speaks.
"Why'd you help me back there?"
"I would've helped whoever was in there regardless."
She scoffs, turning to face you, leaning against her desk. "Figures with you people."
"What's that supposed to mean?" You ask as you walk closer to her.
"You're a Firelight." You halt in your tracks just a few steps away, a puzzled look on your face. She's never figured that part out in any of the other timelines, either. "I've seen you before." She adds. "You always have your stupid mask on, but," A shrug, as she looks off to the side. "I recognized your eyes."
It's almost funny.
You spent the last five years learning that your soul wanted to be with Jinx, and this entire time, she's probably known hers wanted you.
There's a myriad of questions that pop up in your head, but Jinx is still upset about something, and figuring that out was more important.
"Why'd you burn the place down?" She crosses her arms at your question, keeping her gaze on the ground.
"I was breaking the cycle, or whatever that means." She sits down on a chair, and starts tinkering with a chomper on the desk.
"What were you gonna do after?"
"Haven't figured that part out yet."
"What about—"
"Coast should be clear by now, you can leave if you want." Her tone maintains the same aloofness she's had this entire time, but her shoulders are tense, her movements as she works on the chomper almost robotic.
Even though you’re guaranteed that your souls are entwined in every possible timeline, you find yourself at a loss for words. All the bravado and confidence that you’d carried with you with every other version of her, gone out the window. You really shouldn’t be worried, you know she’ll love you, she always does, she always will. Even when she's kicking you out.
Only this wasn’t the Jinx fighting for Zaun’s liberation, wasn’t the mildly annoying Academy classmate that got you into trouble, nor was she the Jinx that waited for you for years to be ready to come back to her.
This was your Jinx. And you know something is wrong.
"Do you want me to leave?"
Her hands stop moving, but you can see that her grip on her tools has tightened, her knuckles going white.
She knows you. Longer than you've known her in your timeline. You're not leaving her knowing that. So instead, you finish walking the last few steps to get to her, your hand hesitating slightly before resting on her shoulder.
The dam breaks, as she drops her tools, hands closing into fists. "You're not safe here." Her voice cracks as she speaks. "Everyone around me—" She clamps her mouth shut and looks away.
Things start to fall into place. "You lost someone."
She lets out a bitter laugh. "I've lost a lot of someones." You see her blink a few times before she turns to you, shrugging off your hand in the process. "So you best get out of here, toots. I'm no good for you."
"I don't know, I think I've survived you enough times." She shakes her head, turning back to the abandoned chomper.
"You have no idea what you're saying." You sigh, getting down on a knee so your eyes are level with her. She's taken aback by your actions, her eyes reflecting a cautious but curious glint in them.
"I do, actually." A questioning look is the only response you get from her. "I'd explain, but I'll have to ask you to not to think I'm crazy."
Her gaze softens, just a pinch.
"Have you even met me?" Yes, you want to say. I've met you two hundred and sixteen times, and I'll gladly stay here until my knee is sore just so I can explain to you how.
"Not yet," You say instead, you extend your hand. "But I'd like to."
Destined souls or not, you're aware that you're pushing your luck. A smidgen of doubt starts to form in your mind, when she does nothing but stare at your outstretched hand. You can see the conflicting emotions in her eyes. Whoever she lost, it was enough that she doesn't want to keep anyone close to her anymore. A sentiment that you can understand, given that you wanted to stay away from any variation of her after you lost her once. But you don't want to leave her, not like this, not when there's a gnawing feeling in your gut that she's not okay enough to be left alone. So you hold your breath, standing by your decision.
Her eyes flit back to yours, and you hope the determined look in your eye is enough to sway her.
"You're gonna regret this." There's a pleading tone to her words, as if she's begging you to turn away and leave her. Fat chance, really.
A soft, reassuring smile. "We'll cross that bridge when we get there."
She searches your eyes for any trace of doubt, or deceit, but she will find none.
Her hand reaches out to yours, and you wonder if she feels the same spark of electricity that shoots through you when your hands touch.
"Grab a chair." She says, but inconveniently doesn't let go of your hand. "You down on a knee is too intimate."
You laugh, and for the first time since you've met her, you see her relax, a smile on her face.
"Fair enough."
And she listens. About Ekko seeing the anomaly on one of the leaves of your tree, the three of you breaking into Jayce's lab, heading to the Hex gate, you idiotically reaching out to the anomaly. You show her the faded outline that the anomaly left on you, and she gingerly traces the mark with her finger.
You tell her about your first jump, how your mind struggled with the Other You, as you crawled your way to cover. How you she came and saved you. You don't outright say that you're soulmates, simply because you don't want to scare her off. Not even if she probably already knows. She doesn't say anything when you first mention you two meeting, but you see her figure it out by the time you're telling her about your eighth jump. Her eyes narrow, but she lets you continue. Patiently listening as you explain, part by part, that in every reality, in every timeline, it's always you and her. It will always be you and her.
You're able to coax a laugh out of her when you tell her about your misadventures as academy students, she even teases you for being a stickler for the rules. She argues with you when you tell her that you always beat her in hand to hand combat "I could beat you any day, toots." Denies it when you tell her that she tended to sulk if you didn't give her attention, when she's be uncharacteristically thoughtful.
She holds your hand when you tell her how you lost her, how she sacrificed herself for your safety. Squeezes it when you tell her that the next version of herself is the one that pulls you out of your grief.
You explain the pull you feel when she's around, and how much stronger it feels when it's her. She interrupts you, then. Confirming that she had already known about it for a few years, right after she first saw you in a firefight. There's a blush on her cheeks as she confesses that she'd always tried to not hurt you after, and that she'd randomly seek you out to mess with you from time to time.
Eventually, she tells you how long you and your friends have been gone. What's happened to her since, about the attack at the Piltover Memorial, Vi and Caitlyn coming after her. How she met a little girl named Isha, and the strange little family she had formed with her and Sevika. You don't miss the sad, faraway look in her eyes when she recounts the adventures they had, their own little robot fight club, them making over her hideout. How they made a good situation out of everything, despite the Noxians and enforcers occupying Zaun.
You're surprised when she mentions Vander, and the short stint of happiness her and Vi had when their little family was able to reunite. She chokes up when she tells you how short lived it was, how she had been reckless in allowing Isha to come with them, that she finally understood why Vi told her to stay out of a fight all those years ago.
You hold her close to you when the tears come, and she shakes in your arms.
By the end of it all, you're both lying on her couch, and she's passed out on your chest. The physical and emotional exhaustion from the last few weeks finally catching up to her.
You spend the time processing all the information you learned; about the war, Viktor, Jayce. How there was a lot more weight now to the sacrifice Heimerdinger made for you and Ekko. You're sure he's already rallying people to join the fight, but from what Jinx had told you, Zaun won't fully unite until she's on board, too.
She's tired of it all, but she'll probably relent if you ask her. But that's an issue for tomorrow. Right now, you settle on holding her close.
And if only you hadn't asked her.
If only you had kept your mouth shut, and let her rest.
If only you hadn't put her in danger, again.
Your lungs burn as you run through smoke, not caring if your eyes can barely see anything, or that your legs are screaming for you to stop and take a break. You can't, not when you didn’t try hard enough to stop her, not when you could've asked her to stay instead. 
You make it to the Hex Gate, the smell of burnt metal and wiring fills your nose and brings you to a coughing fit. You still shout her name, at the top of your lungs, hoping that she'll hear you. You start to lift debris and stray slabs of concrete. There's only a numbness in your hands as you cut and burn them while digging our rubble. Not a care in the world that there could still be explosive hazards in the area. The only thing on your mind was Jinx.
The desperation starts to build with every passing minute, the pull in your chest is painful, screaming at you to find her. Even as the smoke slowly clears, the momentary reprieve from searching blind not stopping you from your erratic search. You continue to clear the rubble, your hands smearing blood on every piece of debris you touch. This does nothing to bother you, though. You'd paint every inch of this room red before you stop looking for her.
You collapse to your knees, grabbing onto a large piece of rubble for support. This wasn't how things were supposed to go. Just when you find your way back, when you finally have her with you. Five years and hundreds of jumps, only for you to lose her again.
You lay your head against the concrete, as the tears start streaming down your face.
Then a cough, the sound of shifting debris and rock hits your ears.
You bolt upright, ears straining to listen. For a few seconds, there's nothing, and you almost thing that you're getting high from the fumes. But you hear a groan, then you're feet are already kicking the ground.
Smaller pieces of rubble start moving around, and you quickly claw away it, clearing everything away until you catch sight of a hand. You've never been happier to see chipped nail polish in your life.
You ignore the ache in your arms as you lift every piece of heavy rock, until Jinx has enough room to grab onto you and you pull her out.
There's a deep gash on her side, a few cuts, and bruises already forming. She starts coughing, but there's no blood. Good. She's breathing, alive.
"You regret meeting me, yet?" She manages a smile, and your heart soars.
"No, not yet, at least." You wipe your eyes with the back of your palms, sniffling.
"Hey, hey, easy." She puts a hand on your chest to stop you from picking her up. "Your hands are bleeding."
"You have a gash on your stomach."
"I heal quick, you don't." She shoots you a warning glare when you try to pick her up again, and you relent.
"I thought I lost you again." The tears well up in your eyes, and her glare softens. She pulls you closer until your foreheads are touching.
"Sorry to disappoint," She starts. "But you're stuck with me forever."
You fail at stifling your laughter. "Sounds like a good deal to me."
She cups your face in her hands, running a thumb across your cheek, and you instinctively lean into her touch.
"Help me up, yeah?"
You oblige. You always do. You always will.
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rueclfer · 2 months ago
not a lot, just forever // oneshot part one
a/n: keigo's was specifically inspired by this :'-) (im bawling)(the other's will be out sometime later) happy birthday keigo baby <3
keigo takami, touya todoroki, tomura shigaraki
keigo never stopped wincing at the wind chills. even with several layers hung over his shoulders and the thickest coat, nothing stopped his scars from burning against the coastal breeze blitzing past his figure.
today he feels that familiar burning in his stomach as if he's ready to hurl over and release its contents into the sand.
"god, it's really pouring." you mutter towards the waves crashing against the shore.
your grip tightens on the umbrella, making sure the wind doesn't take your only cover with it.
"the first rain of the season is always insane, ya know." keigo murmurs, eyes turning down to his feet, watching his heels dig into the wet sand.
"it's nice though." you softly smile, reaching up and brushing away the ocean spray from the chilled skin of his cheeks.
you two stop for a moment and take in the ambience- the rain bouncing off of your umbrella, the crying seagulls in the distance, and the waves violently folding into one another.
keigo never considered himself religious.
for more nights than not, he finds himself asking how he'd be able to to walk this earth again- if he'll amount to anything ever again. every day is hard. he lost a piece of himself. nothing feels right.
no amount of praying could save him from himself, but you did.
"it is." he returns the smile, raising his gaze to meet yours, making his stomach twist.
you wrap an arm around his waist, pulling him closer under your shared umbrella- barely big enough to shield the both of you.
"are you cold, though? it's chilly." you rub your hand up and down his back, gently running your palm over his scarred shoulder blades.
keigo remembered the first few days without his wings and how cold and haunting it was. uneasiness and vulnerability followed him everywhere, but he found solace and safety plopped right on top of you with your fingers tracing the curves of his back.
he lost everything, and there you were to keep him together.
"we can go back to the car soon, if you want. get home and snuggle?"
he doesn't answer. he takes your arms around from his back and holds your hand in his, running a thumb across your knuckle. keigo was shivering, but nothing was more uncomfortable than the dryness in his throat and the burning flame in his stomach.
you slightly cock your head, and take note of his cold clammy hands and fidgety feet tapping against the wet sand. "actually, let's start heading back, yeah? it's gonna get dark soon."
you start to step away before he pulls you back with a tighter grasp around your hand.
"wait. angel, i-um." he stammers, eyes suddenly going wide. "wait."
keigo never believed in a god. not until now when he lowered his knee to the ground, and whispered a prayer.
"marry me. please."
you turn around and find him kneeling right before you, tears brimming his eyes and raindrops pelting against him.
there's a desperate strain in his voice, a cloud of air escaping his lips with every word. it was you and forever, or nothing at all. keigo had lost everything, everyone, and himself over and over again, but you were his salvation.
he brings your hand to his lips, pressing a soft kiss against your knuckle.
"please." he mutters once more against your cold skin, letting the heat of his exhale warm the back of your hand.
a beat passes. then two.
"i had a whole speech prepared, i swear, and i'm blanking right now because i'm so fucking nervous, but i love you. i love you and i am nothing without you."
you don't notice that your umbrella has fallen off to the side, letting the storm engulf you both.
"for the longest time, i wanted nothing more than to watch the world from above again, but i need you to know that i'd die to walk this earth with you. i want forever with you. i'd sacrifice the skies for that. please."
you fall against him, wrapping your arms around his neck, choking back sobs.
"god, you're so dramatic, kei" you cry into his neck.
he huffs out a hearty laugh, and his shoulders fall in relief as he melts into you.
"if i stuck to the script it would've been ten times more theatrical i'm sorry to disappoint." he mumbles in your hairline.
"yes. it's you and me. yes." you choke out. "let's have forever together."
you pull away from him, watching the beads of water trail down his nose bridge and fall into your lap.
"i love you. i love you, i love you, and i love you." you mutter against his lips, peppering kisses in between every breath. "forever."
keigo tag: @bitchyfestivalbouquet
mha tag: @lotuslovers @babylambdietcoke @0skullyard0
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robynlilyblack · 2 months ago
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Sirius Black x fem! insecure! reader
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Summary: Sirius comforts his girlfriend when she’s feeling insecure
Warnings/tags: swearing, mentions of weight gain, body dysphoria, insecurities, eating, nudity and sex, established relationship, best friends to lovers, Sirius black is the best boyfriend, muggleborn! reader
A/n: 3.8k words, thank you so much for the request, it didn���t trigger me don't worry lovely, i poured a lot of myself into this one, this won’t be everyone's experience but it has been mine post 'recovery', enjoy xxxx
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Navigation | Sirius Black Masterlist 
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The soft jostling of the front door pulls you from your thoughts, the reality of the last couple of hours falling upon you as you look around yourself. There was no point in moving now, nor did you honestly think you would be able to bring yourself to. Sitting in nothing but your underwear at the edge of the bed, surrounded by piles of clothing that lay scattered like fallen soldiers after your battle for the ‘perfect’ outfit. A ridiculous notion wasn’t it? ‘The perfect outfit’? The consequence and impact of such a notion remains less ridiculous though, as you hold the latest victim to your stomach, hiding yourself away for when that door finally opens
After a short eternity, the latch clicks, and the hallway illuminates the land outside your bedroom for a brief moment before it recedes “Hi darling! Just me!” Sirius’ calls out from the darkness, slight jingle following it as he locks the door behind him
He sounds so happy, you think at his chipper tone, your lips quirking up at the sound despite it all before they fall once more, he’s going to be so disappointed 
There's anticipation in the silence that follows his footsteps, he must wonder where you are, if you’re even in or have popped to the shops, maybe he’s searching the fridge for a note. The electric hum of your record player gives it away in the end, even you jump a little as you had forgotten about it, watching it turn before the needle softly falls, the hum becoming a symphony once more
His footsteps approach the bedroom, a curious look at his head pops into frame before the rest of him, most likely expecting you to be dancing, or maybe finishing your hair, anything he can sneakily admire like he normally does. Instead you watch his expression soften into concern, eyes darting around the room. Your bedroom was normally a little messy, but today it was like someone had ransacked your wardrobe… that someone being you. 
When his eyes find you again you wonder what you look like. He must catch the tear stains on your cheeks and puffy eyes, but is your hair as frizzy and frazzled as you feel after all the quick changes? Does he see you the way you see yourself should you dare to glance in a nearby mirror?
“Hi” you impress yourself with how steady your voice is
“Hi” he smile softly at you, voice gentle as he makes his way over to the bed, kneeling down in front of you, hand coming up to brush against your cheek before falling and resting on your knee, tracing soothing circles 
You manage a weak smile back, trying to push away the embarrassment as he has to shift a little to the side due to the buttons of one of your shirts “I’m sorry about the mess” you apologise, keeping one hand on your jumper while the other finds his, fingers intertwining 
He lets out a breathy laugh “Mess? Darlin we both know this is cleaner that my flat has very been” he teases lightly, but then his eyes turn glassy “Oh darling” he coos, wiping away a stray tear you had missed
You never wanted him to see you like this. You’d known each other for years, but he never knew the depth of your struggle, nor how much worse it had gotten now you and he had finally taken your relationship to the next level. No, this was something you had kept to yourself, a battle until now you thought you had under control, thought you were long past
“I’m not doing so great today Siri” you confess, voice small as you lean into his touch
You hold your breath a little as his eyes fall upon the clutched fabric around your stomach. Little did you know he’d noticed this behaviour before when you thought he was asleep. He recalls last week when he woke to find you in front of his mirror, shirt hiked up as you poked and prodded, scrutinising the reflection. He didn’t say anything then, just made sure to show you later how much he adored every inch of you
But now seeing you like this, so defeated, he wishes he had done more
“Yeah?” his tone inflects and you give him a little nod “There’s nothing I can say that's going to make this better is there? Not really?” he wonders, not mad, nor judging you, he’s just him and he understood even if it did hurt 
When he and Remus had dated back at Hogwarts, Sirius had gone about trying to help him in all the wrong ways. Being the hot head he was, sprinkled with youthful arrogance, he used to get so upset at how his boyfriend had spoken of himself. Over the years, and after the relationship has blossomed back into friendship, he and Remus had more productive chats about it all, apologies were said, and Sirius learned more about the thought process that went through his friends head in those moments.
You were different from Remus of course, Sirius didn’t know what drove your insecurities but he knew he would be patient with them, help you in anyway he could, and that started by listening to you
“No” you answer honestly “I wish there was though. A magic word or sentence that could make it all disappear” you confess “But everytime I look in the mirror all I can see is what’s wrong”
“And what is wrong?” he encourages you to continue as he lifts himself up, being careful of your clothes as he joins you on the bed
Your legs fall from their crossed position, head falling onto his shoulder as your knee shifts to touch his “Everything” you admit, tightening your grip on the jumper, while Sirius' arm slips around your back, fingers gliding across your bare skin “No matter what I try on, it never feels…right. Even outfits I was excited about. I take one too many glances in the mirror and poof…” you shrug, throwing your hands up “...suddenly all I can see is my stomach” you look up at him through your eyelashes, nervous of what he’ll think, but instead he wears that fond smile he always did when he looks at you
“Keep going” he nods, leaning down to kiss your forehead 
Your heart swells at the gesture, a tiny downturned smile grazing your features as tears prick your eyes “Why are you being so sweet with me?” you ask, even though you already know the answer, that little girl inside still needs to hear it aloud
His movements never stop on your back and his other hand finds the side of your face, gently caressing your hairline, endlessly tucking that little piece of hair behind your ear “Because I care about you. You’re my best friend” he answers simply “There’s no one else that comes close anymore”
“Not even Prongs?” you ask, eyes lighting up with a tiny smile that always sends his heart into a tizzy
“Not even Prongs” he confirms with a chuckle, tapping your nose, adoring the little scrunch it makes “So” he shifts the subject back “What happened today?”
“Remember last week when we couldn’t sleep, so we watched movies all night?” you prop yourself up
Sirius’ smile widens at the memory “Course, we watched the one that was like us but way less cool and then…ugh i can’t remember but I do remember what we did when the movies got boring” he flirts, wiggling his eyebrows, making you giggle and playful poke his side causing him to yip “You little…”
“Siri!” your giggles turn into laughter as he starts tickling you, hopping onto his knees as you fall back onto the plush of the duvet, squirming under his sweet torture “I yield! I yield!” you squeal, holding your hands up 
He relents “Sorry darlin', I couldn’t resist” he tells you, kicking off his shoes before falling onto the bed beside you, propping himself up on his elbow while his other hand finds your hip, eyes lost in admiration for a moment before they find yours “What were we talking about again…” he looks off to the side, avoiding your hips as not to lose his train of thought once more “...ugh…tickles…getting bored…movies!” he celebrates "The movie" he gets serious again, lips pressing together in a way that tells you he wishes he could say sorry, even though you both know he doesn't need to
You place a sweet kiss to his lips, letting him know it’s okay before shifting onto your side, mirroring him “I couldn’t stop thinking about how cool the outfit the girl wore in the first movie was, so I wanted to try and recreate it for drinks tonight” you explain, eyes widening as you realise the time “Drinks…oh, we’re going to be so late” you sigh, head collapsing into the mattress beside him 
Sirius rubs your back “Darling when are we not late” he chuckles, making you peak out at him 
“I’m still sorry” you needlessly apologise, feeling awful 
“We don’t have to go, you know?” he assures you, his hand sliding up to your head, giving your scalp gentle scratches 
You tilt your head back, humming into his touch “I do want to go” your eyes flick back to his “I just…don’t stop!” you pout at him in mock anger, he really should have known better
He chuckles “Sorry darling” he apologises, placing a quick peck to your forehead before resuming his movements
“Good boy” you can’t help the grin, watching as he shakes his head slightly, now it’s you who should know better about what those words do to him...but then your smile drops “I just wish I could magic myself there without having to choose, like I need to look a certain way” 
“What kind of way?” 
“Honestly?” you shrug, shaking your head “I don’t know anymore. All I know is whatever I try on it never looks or feels right. Like back at Hogwarts, I didn’t tuck in my jumpers because it looked cute. I tucked them in because I thought I looked frumpy with them out” you confess, pit swelling in your stomach
You hated yourself for your thought process, for the years of walking into rooms,and having your night made or ruined based on how your body measured up against others
“That sounds really hard” he says softly while his fingers graze your hairline
Your body relaxes at the validation 
“Why haven’t you ever talked to me about this?” he asks, no pressure behind his words only care
“I didn’t really tell anyone, mostly because I never realised everything I felt and did wasn’t normal until a couple years after we left. I worked hard on it and I thought my days of this…” you gesture to the mess “...was over” you let out a sad sigh
“What happened?” 
Sirius’ heart drops a little bit, this was the part he most worried about, had he brought this back? Had he said something that accidentally had a double meaning for you? 
“A couple weeks ago I found the pair of jeans I wore on our first real date.” your eyes drop to the duvet, hands playing with the slight frill in the material as you recall the memory “They don’t fit anymore Siri” you scrunch your nose attempting to suppress the tears “Nothing fits I’ve…I’m…I don’t like it” you finally get out 
“Oh honey, come ‘ere’” he hithers, holding out his arms
It doesn’t take long for you to fall into his embrace, head nuzzling into his chest as his arms come protectively around you
“I know it’s silly-” you sniffle into him, but he cuts you off sweetly with a soft tut
“It’s not darling and you’re not either” he cups the back of your head, bringing you gaze to his to hone in his latter statement “I don’t think it’s silly at all, I think this is really hard and I wish you didn’t have to go through it all alone” he smiles sadly, pain evident in his eyes 
“Did you notice?” you feel like you already know the answer
He caresses your cheek, eyes a little glassy “Little bit bub” he confesses “I noticed something' was off, but I didn’t want to push it until you were ready”
“Really?” he nods
“Darlin…” his demeanour turns from playful to sincere “...no matter what size or shape you come in, I’m always going to love you. I didn't fall for you because you looked a certain way. I fell for you because you made me feel like I was worth a damn, not just for a night but everyday. You believed in me every time I couldn’t, you put up with me forgetting everything every two seconds, not to mention my grumpy side when I have to wake up early…” you both chuckle together “...and above all you make me feel like the most special person in the entire world every day”
“Because you are special” you say simply to which he taps your nose with his own
“And so are you. So until you believe the version of yourself I see, I will, and I'll help anyway I can…starting…” he grins, uncoupling himself from you and getting off the bed ”...right now!” he gestures for you to join him “Come on love lets see ya” you do as he says, a nervous yet happy smile across your face as you stand near bare before him, no jumper protecting you now “Well whatever you wear has to match the underwear…good godric woman”
His hands find his hips, shaking his head as his eyes track across your frame, drinking you in like man that's been lost in the desert
“Flirt” you smile up at him
“Only for you” he throws you a wink, relishing in your slight fluster before turning to the rest of the room “Okay…let's try something simple” he suggests, scanning the pile of discarded clothes "How about the outfit you wore that day we went to the...aww what's it called, it's one the funny muggle picture places but with the cars"
"The drive-in cinema?" you decipher with a laugh, it was easy to forget Sirius wasn't brought up the same way you were
"That's it!" he cheeses at you "Yeah the sin-e-ma...you wore an outfit kinda similar to her in the movie but way more you"
As Sirius starts raking through one of the piles, you take a moment, glancing in the mirror closest to you, you could only really see your head and tips of your shoulders in this one thankfully, but in your gaze you realise you were right to be worried about the fizz, the many different shirts and jumpers had wreaked their havoc. You move closer, unaware of Sirius finding the clothes you wore that day, nor his adorable struggle to turn one of the legs back from being inside out. 
He soon joins you at the mirror, placing the clothing on the dresser beside you “You know love…I might be a little bias but I think it looks great, it’s messy in a good way…” he smirks earning an eye roll from yourself as you know exactly what kind of messy he's referring to “...though if you're worried about it being too sexy lets..." he grabs a clip and hair tie from your pile, moving behind you and gently gathers the top half of your hair, letting some parts fall to frame face before he secures it with the tie and hides it with the clip "...pin half of it up, that way I can see your pretty face much easier” he kisses your cheek before spinning you around you around, admiring his work as he fixes the front pieces “Perfection” he says to himself with pride
“Yeah? Oh…is it too tight?” his movements stop, resting gently at the base of your jaw
“No, it’s perfect” you smile, glowing under his care “It’s just you probably should have done that after I put my clothes on” 
Sirius laughs as he realises, then shrugs “Ahh well if it falls out I’ll do it again, here I’ll help ya” he moves around you, holding the collar of the top and helping guide it down, avoiding the clip to protect his masterful work
“Hey that worked” you extend the first word, hand going up to check your hair was still in place
“Hey now, my plans always work! Maybe not always as intended but they al…wait no there was that time with Filch's cat…but that was an accident so it doesn’t count” he argues to himself
“Tell that to the cat! Poor girl was bald for months!” you try to counter but end up having to cover your mouth a little as you can't help the giggles 
“Her fur grew back” he hands you some bottoms “Besides, you were the one that mixed the potion darling so if we are casting blame here…” he trails off as does his eyes but you don’t notice that part just yet
“Siri, you…he’s gone isn't he” you say to yourself, shifting your weight from side to side as he admires you shamelessly “Siri” you gently hit him with the fabric in you hands
“Sorry darlin” he scratches the back of his head “Thighs” he shrugs like it was the most forgivable answer in the world
“You’re silly” you giggle before turning around, deciding to hiking up your jumper a little and give him a little show as you slide into your bottoms 
“I love you” he says simply, leaning against the wardrobe beside him as he admires your extra wiggles that are only for his benefit and his heart swells a little with pride as he’s helped you to momentarily forget your worries
When you turn around you find him wearing your favourite smile. The one reserved only for you, both now as two silly adults, and back when you were silly teenagers. You both should have realised far sooner your affections and feelings were more than what they were, but in the end both of you were always happy with the way your story planned out. You both needed that time to become the people you were now, to grow, to become this. 
“I love you more” you challenge sweetly
“Not possible…” he moves closer, finding your hips as he slides his fingers up and under your jumper “...and if you say one more word we really will be late as we won’t be going at all” his fingers find the loops of your trousers, tucking you flush against him
You squeal a little “Fine…you win for now cause we don’t have time…well” you nod your head back and forth considering it before turning back to Sirius “…no no we don’t have time” you shake your thoughts away, causing the man before you to chuckle
Sirius helps you finish off your outfit, picking out some boots that just so happened to be one's your boyfriend was partial to, ones with some lift that he says makes you easier to kiss and your arse look even better, but really he loves them because when you take them off later tonight he gets to pat your head and tease you about being a little shorty. You grab a belt that matches your shoes, along with some other bits of jewellery, particularly the necklace Sirius had gifted you for your birthday after seeing your reaction to it in a vintage store a few months prior. The same gift that led to your first kiss all those months ago, there wasn’t a day you hadn’t worn it since.
Just as you’re admiring the locket Sirius wraps the exact jacket you were thinking of around your shoulders, but before you can say anything he just winks “Can’t reveal all my secrets darling, need to keep up that sexy mystery you fell in love with”
You just give him a small look though the mounted mirror but all he returns with is a pity pout and you concede “You are very sexy and mysterious love” 
He smirks then, all proud of himself that his puppy eyes still work, but as you move to the floor length mirror near the door of your room to check the rest of yourself he stop you
“Nope” he steps in front, obscuring your view of the mirror
“Why?” you tilt your head, confused
“Do you trust me?” he asks
He takes a moment to smile at the ease of your answer before guiding you out of the bedroom “Then come on we’re gonna try something, a little experiment if you will”
You allow him to lead you towards the front door, watching him quietly as he gathers your things, placing them into the bag you had chosen before slipping it onto your frame and fixing the collar of your jacket 
“How do you feel right now in this moment?” he wonders, reaching out to intertwine your hands
“I feel…good” you answer honestly, you felt nice, you had only seen your hair and makeup, things that you could control and for the first time in a while you felt at peace leaving your apartment “I also feel pretty when you look at me like that” you add shyly under his gaze as you watch his eyes slowly drink in your appearance
“Good” he nods “Because you are, ya know, you are so beautiful” he says the words slowly, making sure you know he means them completely before he leans down, placing a soft lingering kiss to your lips “Now, lets go and watch our friends fail miserable at karaoke” he breaks away, smiling at your attempt to chase his lips before he turns away
“Sirius” you come to a slow stop
“Yeah?” he turns back, the softest most natural smile adoring his face
“Thank you, for everything” 
His eyelashes kiss his cheeks. He doesn’t reply, instead he thanks you with a kiss to your cheek…and then one to the other…then your nose...and lips...and well safe to say you were a little late in the end after all
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Thank you for reading ♡
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worldofkuro · 10 months ago
Painted Smile
Painted Smile XX
<- Previous Chapter I Next Chapter ->
Summary: You couldn't wait to meet new friends. What you didn't expect was this smiling little boy, only one year older than you, that would take such a big place in your life.
Notes: I died writing this chapter. This is Alastor's POV since his last chapter. So, please, do tell me your thoughts about it. Beware of: blood,gore, killing, smut and Alastor being ALASTOR. I'm happy with how the chapter came out, Alastor's mind is now available for you to discovered. What he was doing and thinking all this time, now you shall find out!
“ Is he…dead?”
You were so cute, of course his father was finally dead. He was dead, dead, dead, dead. Blood was pouring out of him like a fountain, it was a magnificent sight that he was sharing with you, how beautiful.  You were beautiful. 
He tugged you against his chest, making you dance in the snow. You really did it. You shot his father with him.  You did the worst sin with him. Robbing someone from their life. Were you feeling as powerful as he was feeling right now? 
“ You were perfect, dearest ! I don’t think I could have thought of a better performance !” he kissed your face multiple times without stopping as you laughed heartily. “ Now dearest…” He put you down before taking something out of his pocket and you couldn’t help but gasp as he kneeled in front of you.
He was kneeling in front of you, the only person he would ever show his vulnerable side. It was you, it would always be you. You were his everything, you were the curse of his sanity, everything he did, you were in his thoughts.
“ This is your last chance to run away” he scoffed “ but you know now that I can catch you.. But I’ll let you believe you have a choice.” he smirked at you, opening the box, showing you a golden ring.  He could already see it in your eyes, you were already his. You wouldn’t ever leave him, these thoughts didn’t exist in your mind.
You smiled as he slid the ring on your finger, watching him as he kissed it and then tugged you against him, kissing you like a mad man. He was starving for you. You were beautiful, all bloodied, all his. 
He laid you down on the snow as you pressed your body against his. This kiss tasted like blood, and yet, he couldn’t think of leaving your lips. You were a drug he couldn’t help to indulge. Were you aware of how delicious you looked? Like a fallen angel, all bloodied in the white snow.
He settled between your legs, groaning as he felt your hips push against his pelvis. You little tease. He pushed his tongue against your, devouring every moan that left your lips, even the breaths you were taking were stolen by his mouth. He slid his hand underneath your shirt, he needed to feel your naked skin on him, he needed you more than ever. 
“ Dearest… If you keep sounding like that…” he panted, staring at your face with dilated pupils. He wanted to eat you alive, hearing you begging him for him in more ways than one.He was surprised when he saw you take off your shirt. 
“ I want my dear husband to claim me for himself.”
He took off his hunting jacket before unbuttoning his shirt slowly, never taking his eyes off of you. You were divine, you were mind breaking…
But he knew you were thinking about your books and how you should satisfy him. He didn’t really read these kinds of books, but fortunately he didn’t need to. He would just follow his needs, like he always did with you. He raised an eyebrow when he heard you moan as you saw his torso. Did you like what you were seeing ? Even though he had so many scars on his body, you looked at him like he was the most beautiful man on earth. He could feel a warm sensation in his belly.
He stared at your face as he saw you take off your pants. So he was right, you were trying to do like in your books, nothing you were doing seemed natural. He would have to reassure you.
Alastor’s hand stopped you from taking your panty off as he bent toward your thighs.
“ I’ve always wanted to take a bite of those sinfully thighs of yours.” 
He kissed your thighs, the one that would make him go crazy even when they were hidden by your long dress. Seeing them like this, naked, in his grasp was making him lightheaded. He bit your thigh, marking them multiple times, staring at you. You were moaning but he knew you were thinking about something else, which he wouldn’t accept.
“ I know you are thinking about your stupid books. I’ll stop if you think about anything else but us right now.” he bit your thighs harder, making you moan. 
“But…But how am I supposed to know how to please you..?” you sighed.
“ Like you always did. By being yourself.” he licked the marks he had made on your skin before tilting his head against your smooth thighs. “ What do you wish for ?”
You blushed and before you could hide your face, Alastor took your chin with his hand, forcing you to look at him. He hated when you were trying to hide your emotions from him. He wanted to see any kind of feeling you were experiencing because of him.
“ I want… to touch you…” you whispered. He smiled at you before moving above you.  He didn’t really understand why you always wanted to touch him but as the years passed, he understood that it was your way of showing your emotions to him.
Feeling you so close to him where he was as his worst was overwhelming.  You were accepting him as a killer. He still had blood on his face and yet, you were looking at him like he was the most precious person in your life. It was making him dizzy.
“ Is… is it okay..?” you asked but before you could once push yourself against him you felt him tugged you against his pelvis making you moan. He didn’t even notice he was hard. You looked at him like you thought he didn’t know anything about sex. Which was half true. He never was interested in that kind of experience, but with you? He wanted to try. He wanted to be your first and last. To feel you in a way nobody would ever have the chance to feel. He wanted to own you, be in the deepest of your body.
“ Dearest, you must think I don’t know anything about sex, but, trust me, I know what I want to do to you.” he kissed your lips then trailed down toward your panty. He wanted to taste you, that thought alone was enough to make him crazy.“ And as you know, I’m greedy with what I desire."He kissed your crotch through your panty, making you gasp. “ If you allow me…”
He thought he was going to faint as you spread your legs. You were showing him the most intimate part of your body. He licked you through your panty but he needed more, he needed to feel your bare sex against his tongue. He moaned as he felt your wet lips against his mouth. 
You were divine. Offering yourself to him like some kind of sacrifice the gods have decided to bless him, singing his name again and again. You have been by his side since his youngest years and you were still here. You accepted him as his weakness and here you were accepting him at his best. 
He blinked when he saw you arch your back, your body twitching.  He leaned back from his delicious meal, looking at you as he licked your juices from his lips. You were delicious.
“ How is my wife feeling?” he smirked as he stared at you.  You were beautiful , your legs spread for him, your beautiful chest moving up and down as your breathing wasn’t calming down. He had so much power over you.
Did you know the power you have over him too?
“I want you.” 
If he wasn’t on his knees, he would have fallen at your feet. You took off your bra and he couldn’t help but let his eyes wander on your chest. He never watched someone like he was watching you. If it was anybody else in front of you, he would have just seen a chest , nothing worth fussing about.
But it was you, you were baring yourself to him. 
You sat on him, pressing your naked chest on his torso, kissing him sensually. He was caressing your body, he wanted to dig his nails into you, leaving a permanent mark on you. He stared at you, you were breathtaking, a spirit who came down on earth to steal his sanity. He looked at your eyes, he could see you were thinking about something else.
“ You thought about your books.” 
“ N-no– Well, yes, but I want to.. if you want of course.. Do what you have done to me… I want to suck your… Well..” you blushed looking away. He took your face with his hand while the other was playing with your clit. If you thought you could hide yourself right now, you were more naive than he expected. He could listen to you moaning for hours, you were his best melody.
“ No. Maybe next time you will not think about your books.”
He smirked when he heard you begging for him. You begged. You begged for him. He was going to lose his mind if you were going to keep this up. You were moving against his palm, clinging at his shoulder. You looked so adorable and delicious like this. 
He felt your teeth digging into his shoulder. You were biting him just like he did with you. Were you feeling the same as him? Wanting to mark him as yours ? 
He pinned you underneath, you were going to make him lose his mind. Didn’t he already lose it? He watched as you hurryingly tried to take off his belt. You seemed so eager. He took his member in his hand. He knew that the first time could hurt, he could understand, thrusting something inside someone can always be painful. But he didn’t want you to feel pain, not right now.
“ Darling…” he whispered and he pressed himself against you. You kissed his lips multiple times, your arms around his shoulder. He could feel your body becoming more tense as he penetrated you fully, until his penis settled inside your warm walls.
It was a strange feeling but not an unwelcome one. He was one with you. You let him take your virginity just after killing his father and before your honeymoon. He bit your neck, smiling even more. You were going to be chained to him, body and soul.
But he needed to know you were still okay. No amount of pleasure could stop him from observing you, analyzing your reactions. He kissed your lips, asking if you were okay. He needed you to be okay in that special moment you both were sharing.
“ I’ve never felt better.” you whispered back against his lips. He smiled at you before kissing you languishly.  You were his, completely his, awarely his.
He could feel your nails scratching his back like a reward, you moan being a melody he deserved to hear. You let him taste you, devour you without fighting back. How crazy of you.
“ I want you to come inside me.”
You vile temptress.
Would you be so crazy that you wished for his child right now? It wasn’t the right time, he wanted to be selfish, keep your attention on him a little longer but imagining your body changing to accommodate his child was making him lightheaded. He couldn’t control his body as he came inside you.
He bit you, where your heart was beating. He would give you everything, even a child if that’s what you wished for. But he would always be a glutton for your attention, he hoped you were aware of it. 
His body relaxed as you caressed his back. He kept his head against your chest, listening to your beating heart. Your heart was beating this fast because of him. He was the reason your heart was beating so strongly.
“ I’m just happy..” you said, caressing the side of his face. He took your hand and kissed it, staring at you.
“ So am I.”
He helped you dress yourself, winking at you when he spotted some of his sperm sliding down your thighs. Seeing your flustered face was worth it. Now, he had things to do. He walked toward his dead father and crouched in front of him.
He asked you to go back home, even though he wanted to bask in your warmth, he needed to take care of this. He waited for you to go before going behind a tree and took the shovel he hid before bringing his father here.
He smirked as he began to dig a hole, bigger than necessary for his father but he wasn’t going to be alone. It took him almost all night to dig the hole and kill a deer. He threw his father in the hole after taking your necklace that you had forgotten. He shoved it into his pocket before going with his rifle out in the woods and killed a deer. He dragged it toward the hole, covered his father with dirt and he deemed it enough, he threw the deer inside it.  
The sun began to rise when he finished his task. Now he just needed to get home.
He walked home with the weapon, the knife and your necklace. It seemed like you were talking with his mother because once you were gone, his mother was congratulating him about his proposal but was also scolding him about not waiting for the honeymoon to eat you.
They both sat down in the living room, his mother staring at him with tears in his eyes. He must have bruises on his face, but he didn’t care.
“ He is gone.”
He watched as his mother sobbed. Was she crying because they were finally free? Or was she crying because of what he was going to become? He didn’t know, but what he did know was that when he came toward her to hug her, she embraced him harder than ever.
The next day, he left to go to work. What a splendid day it was!  He greeted the people who were talking to him, shushed Victor who was being noisy as always. As he broadcast his podcast he couldn’t wait to see you tonight. He knew you were at Alice’s, after an experience like yesterday you would need your..friend.
Alice has been a strange addition in your life. One day it was just the both of you and the next, you brought a blonde blue eyed girl. He didn’t feel threatened by Alice, oh no. He was just wondering why you liked her. She could be amusing when she was in deep trouble but that was it. But oh well.
As the night settled, he walked toward Alice’s house, the butler bringing him into the living where he wasn’t surprised to see Alyzée with you. You were drunk and so were Alice as she let her secret slip so easily. How stupid. Now, he really didn’t care who fancied who.  But it was interesting information.
 An information he could use.
And so as a thank you, he played the piano as you sang, your necklace back in place.
He was doing a podcast for the radio. He was talking into a microphone, chatting with his colleague. He wondered if you were listening to him. Would you be surprised to hear his voice? Oh, he couldn’t wait to see you and ask if you listened to him, once he got back. 
He didn’t expect to see you sitting on a bench all alone with a somber expression. 
“ What is a breathtaking lady like yourself doing outside ? Shouldn’t you be home?”
He bent toward your face, waiting for his kisses. It seemed like you didn’t want to talk about it, it was okay, he could wait. He beamed as you said you heard him on the radio, making him prouder than he was.  He was showing himself off, he would be the perfect husband for you. He didn’t really react much when you walked inside your home and your friends congratulated you both. He was just pleased by your smile, you seemed happy and it was enough.
Your home has always been noisier than his. Everyone was speaking, laughing at your father for being sad of letting his ‘little girl’ go. Was that what was supposed to be a father? Huh.
When Alice began to talk about the cottage he couldn’t help but ask for the price. He wanted to buy this house, far away from people, where you both have been completely naked for each other for the first time. The place where you accepted to be his, as his wife, his partner in crime, his other-half.
He knew you were still nervous about being found out. This feeling only confirmed itself when your father talked to you, explaining his father was reported missing. His mother wasn’t showing anything but your eyes were telling other stories. He could almost taste the panic from you. But he and his mother controlled the situation easily, they were used to worse scenarios.
Your father left, promising he would find out what happened to his father. He almost laughed in his face, in front of your dad were the killers and he couldn’t even see it. It was comical, really.
But what was important was you. He forced you to sit on a chair once his mother and your father left the kitchen. Your hands were shaking and your pupils were dilated. He didn’t want you to faint just because someone reported his father missing.  
“ There is no worry. Trust me.” 
You looked into his eyes, calming yourself and then began to talk about what happened this afternoon.
John huh…
He wasn’t surprised at all, he expected it. But what surprised him was that you were ready to let him go just like that because of the words he had said against you and him. He smirked, he was surprised but also amused. He never doubted you but it was nice seeing his little finacée defending him like that.
“ Alastor, if there is someone who would disrespect you or your mother, even if they are friends of mine, you have to tell me. I don’t want such  people in my life.” he hummed with a smirk.
“ Even Alice?”
“ Alice doesn’t like you because you are you.” you smirked as he rolled his eyes. 
He went back with you to the living room where he watched you and your friends drinked wine. He was more of a whiskey guy. He liked the taste and unlike his father, he could hold his liquor. He watched as your father left to work, you didn’t even see him leave.  Were you drunk or relaxed enough to not care about your surroundings ?
He walked you to the bathroom, wiping your makeup. 
“ Have you done your voodoo’s spell?” 
He coughed against his fist, staring at you eyes wide open, his smile twitching.  What were you asking here, woman? 
“ It’s a spell that needs time… I need to carve runes and other things that your drunk brain would not be able to understand.”
You caged his head between your thighs with a big grin when you saw his pupils dilated. Gosh… You truly were a vile temptress, doing this kind of thing with his mother downstairs.  You were tempting him to carve his name into your skin, to mark you in a way only a mad man would. But what was making him lightheaded was that he knew you would accept his sadistic tendencies. 
You arched your back when you felt his nails dig into your skin. 
“ Darling… You’re playing a dangerous game.” he said, his voice dangerously low. He hasn't tasted you since your first time. You were eagering him on in a game he would love to play. Hunting you with a knife, catching you, watching you submit yourself to him while he had all power over you.
“ We’ll talk about it later, when you’re sober. For now, you need to rest.”
You almost pouted but accepted your fate as he carried you to bed. He knew you wanted to play longer but he didn’t want your mothers to faint because they heard your screams. Your screams were reserved to him.  He put you to bed, joining you soon after once he was dressed to go to bed. Even if you have seen all of himself, he still was used to undressed far from your eyes, something you never reproached him for.
“ Alastor, my father is going to work on the disappearance of your father.”
“ Mhn.”
“ Aren’t you scared?”
“ Is it going to make you leave me?” he tilted his head with a mocking smile, already knowing the answer.
“ No.”
“ Then I’m not. Let the show begin.” he smirked.
The stage was set, so were the actors, he couldn’t wait to see the play.
He tried to summon him. He really tried, but he didn't know why, nothing was happening. He looked at his book once more, making sure everything was perfect for the summoning. 
Papa Legba is the first called in a service, so that he can open the gates to the spirit world, enabling communication with other spirits. No spirits dares show itself without Legba's permission. He controls the crossing over from one world to the other. That meant he needed to communicate with this spirit so he could do the soul binding between the two of you. 
It was 3am, he didn’t have much time in the daytime to summon him so he tried at nights, when his mother was sleeping peacefully. He looked at the tissue with your blood on it, from years ago. He would make this curse, you would be bound in a way nobody ever has. He stared at the vévé, the symbol he made on the wall.
He inhaled before asking once more
“ Papa Legba.” 
He waited but nothing happened if not a slight breeze which probably came from the door. He didn’t really focus on that, he knew the wind could come in the basement because of that door. He frowned, his smile turning into a grimace. He sat on a chair, flipping through the book once more, wasn’t there another spirit that could help him?
He flinched when the book’s pages began to flip alone, before opening on a name that made the atmosphere colder.
“ Kalfu…?”
He jerked his head up when he saw all the candles go out. He didn’t move, looking around before looking at the symbol which seemed to change form. He stood up slowly, reading what this spirit was about.
Legba is paired with his opposite, Kalfu, who also controls the crossroads. He smirked when he read that information, it seemed like he finally found another way to get what he wanted.
Kalfu controls the in-between points of the crossroads, the off-center points. Legba controls the positive spirits of the day; Kalfu controls the malevolent spirits of the night. A respected spirit though he is not liked much, he is the grand master of charms and sorceries and is closely associated with black magic. He chuckled as he closed the book  staring at the vévé with a cunning smirk. He lit up all the candles once more, stood in the middle of the room before speaking, confidently.
“ Kalfu.”
“ Yes.”
He turned around, where he was sitting a second ago. There was an old black man with a menacing smile, a small pipe in his hand, a hat on his head and his foot tapping the floor calmly. His eyes were red and his smile seemed yellowish. 
“ I was waiting to finally meet you, Alastor.”
Alastor kept his smile on his face even if he was feeling a lot of emotion right now. Did he finally make it ? Was he talking with a spirit?  
“ So was I.”
The old man scoffed before standing up, he was ridiculously tall, looming over Alastor with a knowing smile. Alastor almost flinched when the man’s hand touched the cloth where was your blood.
“ I know what you want to do, boy, I can help you with that. But you’ll need more than just one sacrifice.” the spirit said, looking at the dead wild boar on the floor. “ Bounding a soul together… Even after death, you’ll need more than just me.”
Alastor kept his smile on his lips, still acting confident. What did he mean by saying he needed more spirits ? He could already feel tiredness seeping through his body and he just started to talk with the man.
“ Which spirits ?”
“  Ohoh, the one you didn’t manage to summon, my ‘twin’ and of course, our dear friend known as Le Baron Samedi.” he smirked at Alastor, moving around him, observing the man like he was inspecting him. “ He is to the underworld or afterlife what Legba is to life. He controls access. “
Alastor stared at the spirit before reaching to his book who was flipping pages to another spirit’s name, ‘ Ghede.’ 
“ What do you know?”
Kalfu smirked before sitting at a table, crossing his arms.
“ He is the keeper of the cemetery and the primary contact with the dead. Anyone who would seek contact with the dead must first solicit Le Baron Samedi in the same way that Legba is contacted to cross over to the spirit world. He is the spirit of death and resurrection. As keeper of the cemetery he has intimate contact with the dead. He knows what their plans were, what was going on in families, what the connections of things were, and is quite generous with his information. He is an interesting guy.” Kalfu looked at Alastor. “ But you must have seen him, no, boy? Another of Le Baron Samedi’s great powers is as the protector of children. He does not like to see children die. Lastly, since he is the lord of death, he is also the final last resort for healing since he must decide whether to accept the sick person into the dead or allow them to recover.”
Alastor freezed, keeping the book in his hands. He didn’t know if he could trust this spirit but he had to ask.
“ Did my mother work with him?”
“ She sure did. With other spirits too. Now, I think I gave you enough information worth this sacrifice, I shall go, unless you want to work with me?” he asked, his smile turning wicked.
Alastor looked at the man in front of him. He gave him really interesting information. If he could work with Le Baron Samedi, you would be together in death but there would also be a chance he could have the power to heal. What was problematic was that he hadn't met Papa Legba yet. He needed three great powerful spirits to work with him and he didn’t want you to be tangled into this.
“ It would be an honor to work with such a powerful spirit.” he smiled as Kalfu's smile grew wider. He stood up before walking toward Alastor.
“ A deal has to be made.”
Alastor smirked at the spirit, no man or spirit or god was above him. He would trap this spirit into his own conditions, and so would the other two.
“ Grant me the power I wish and I shall kill for you.”
“Mhn.. Kill what?”
Alastor's smile grew, looking almost the same as Kalfu’s.
“ Pigs.”
Kalfu laughed before shaking Alastor’s hands with glee. 
“ Oh, Alastor, we are going to have so much fun together. I shall give you one power, I’ll give you more if I have more… sacrifices.” he smiled before disappearing in front of his eyes, blowing the candles at the same time.
Alastor looked around him before staggered toward the stairs. He felt exhausted, like his body was, for once without you by his side, to fall asleep. He went into his bedroom, looking at Eamon before falling into his bed, falling asleep before being able to see his shadow smiling hideously at him.
He woke up three hours later, rested. He groaned as he sat up on his bed, disgusted when he saw he slept with his clothes on. He took off his top before freezing. He could feel eyes on him, someone was there with him. He slid his hand under his pillow where he could feel his blade, ready to be used.
He turned his head toward the strange feeling and scoffed when he saw Eamon, sitting on his desk as always. But what was unusual was the shadow moving behind the fawn, staring back at him with a wide grin.
Alastor stood up, calmly.
“ Show yourself.”
He stared as the shadow took Eamon with curiosity, holding the plushie above its head. Alastor crossed his arms on his chest, was it the spirit Kalfu had given him? He rolled his eyes before looking in the mirror and saw his eyes flashing red.
Huh, interesting.
He looked once more at the shadow, that looked just like his. He turned around and could see his shadow stretch to the thing holding your plushie. It seemed like the shadow could interact with a material object… Could he use it as a spy? Could he hear what the shadow was hearing, or watch what it was looking at? 
It was getting really interesting.
He tried to control the shadow, it was like an obedient pet sometimes. He just wanted to be amused, just like Alastor himself. Boredom was something they both didn’t want  to feel.
He smirked, he couldn’t wait to show you his new abilities. He looked as his shadow pointed at the mirror next to him, moving it so Alastor could see his own reflection.
Red eyes.
Mhn, was it because his shadow was being used? It would be troublesome to have different eye colors each time… He would have to be careful. He pointed to the floor, making the shadow go back to its normal form, his eyes losing their red color.
He went into the bathroom to prepare himself for today. He couldn’t wait to see you, he needed more time to tell you he finally knew how to bound your soul to his. Would you be overjoyed? Excited like him?
The day passed quickly, his popularity as an radio host was increasing each day, people would greet him in the street if they were to recognize his voice. He clocked off later but still walked toward your home. He climbed the fence, jumping into your little garden in the back of your house. He looked up and smirked when he saw you, once again, let your window open even though it was still winter. 
He looked around him and summoned his shadow which smiled wickedly at him. Was it as excited as him to see you?  Huh.  
He sended the shadow in your bedroom as he easily climbed the tree near your window. You seemed concentrating on what was going on downstairs. You were so cute. He walked quietly toward you before putting his hand on your mouth, loving your body panicking against his. 
“ You’re such an easy prey, dearest.”
You sighed in relief as you closed your eyes. He smirked, delighted that you relaxed as quickly when you heard his voice. 
“ How did you come here?”
“ Well, the window, dear.” 
You scoffed before forcing him to sit on your bed. You sat on his lap and took his hand with yours, playing with his fingers.
“ I have my wedding dress.”   you smirked when you felt his whole body tensed underneath you. “ And you won’t see it, because I left it at Alice’s.” Vile temptress…
“ Do you really need Alice in your life, dearest?” asked Alastor with an amused voice.
“ Yes! Come on Alastor, be honest with me, you enjoy Alice’s company?”
“ Hah ! I enjoy Alice’s contacts nothing more.” he rolled his eyes, pressing you against his body. “ She is useful and she can be amusing, when she is having problems.” he smirked at you, he didn’t care about Alice, if she was here or not, nothing would change in his life. She could be amusing and useful but nothing more.
You began to explain what was going on with his father’s case. He really was amused by this, he was sure no one would find the corpse. He listened to you carefully, pride blooming in his chest when he listened to your comeback to the policeman. You were as savage with your mouth than with a knife. Speaking of knives…
“ Have you felt it again?”
You tilted your head.
“ What?”
“ The need to kill.” he asked you, gripping your waist, pressing your body against his. He almost lost his mind when you confirmed it. You thought about killing John because this insect badmouthed him. He nipped at your neck, wanting to sink his teeth in your skin, carving himself in you. He put his chin against your round chest with an innocent smile.
“ Would you like to kill him?” He needed to know if you wanted to kill him.
“ Alastor, we can’t. There would be too much suspicion on us, we already have your father’s disappearance on us, if we kill John–” he kissed you feverishly making you sigh in the kiss. You were making him dizzy with just words, what a witch you were.
“ Do you hear yourself, darling?” he smiled against your lips. “ In your mind, you are already ready to kill him… ” he sighed against your skin. You were his perfect fiancée. No one could understand him like you did and no one would understand you like he did.
You kissed Alastor on the nose, with an excited smile.
“ Not now.”
He left your room after being sure that your body was marked by his teeth and nails. Before leaving, he took your camera with him. He knew you wanted to develop last Christmas’s photo and he would find a shop that would do it , even if it was night time.
He left by the window and began to walk before stopping near an alley. His smile grew bigger as he recognized Alice and Alyzée kissing each other, both of them drunk. Now, now, wasn’t that a perfect information? He took pictures of the scene,  both women not even aware of what he just did.
He did make enough noise on purpose so they would back away from each other. He was the only one who needed to have this kind of information, not anyone else and he knew you would be upset if Alice was in a scandal. He grinned as his shadow buzzed with excitement as he heard Alice whining about having a date with a Larry guy. 
You were a naive thing, thinking that Alice would never betray you. He trusted your friendship with the lady, but it wasn’t enough. You would stay in your naive world while he would make sure no one would hurt you. He left the alley, chuckling. Larry huh…  He looked down at his shadow who seemed to laugh maniacally.
“ Go fetch information on the man, once it’s done, come back, I’ll have a photo for you to put in his room.”
He walked toward the shop, shadowless with a big smile on his lips. How fun ! If he played his cards well, he would have a victimes to give to Kalfu and he would satisfy his urge to kill. He wondered if you would join him. He entered the shop and asked for the photos to be developed. He stayed in the shop until he had all the pictures. 
Once he went out, the sun wasn’t in the sky yet. A sleepless night, nothing new. He felt his shadow coming back to him, whispering information about his next victim. He nodded with a satisfied smile. Larry would be the perfect victim.
He felt tired once more. He looked at his shadow who was smiling mockingly at him. Using the shadow demanded more strength than he thought. He wanted to send it back to Larry’s mansion but he didn’t know what could happen if he were to faint or fall asleep.
He smirked at his shadow, well, if it wanted to play this game. He gave the photo to the shadow who rushed out once he had its mission. 
He sighed, now he needed to make a contract with Alice, so he could kill him for her, which would make her chain to him in a way. She would be a complicit to his crime, and even if she would never be in jail thanks to her parent’s name, he knew she didn’t want Alyzée to be ashamed because she was in love with another woman. 
And he knew Alyzée enough to know she would feel the same. He chuckled, if he played his cards well, the mayor’s daughter and the richest woman of New Orleans would be in the palm of his hands… And your hand too. He was doing this so your life would be perfect.
He walked toward his work place, the sun was beginning to raise and he needed to do his job right. 
When his shadow came back, he felt like he could faint at any moment. His body was sore, like he ran for hours outside. He gave his shadow a cold glare as it silently laughed at him before melting into its usual form. 
He knew Alice would be on her date in the afternoon, he would have wanted to send his shadow but right now he couldn’t. He didn’t think his body would take it. He needed to build more strength. 
He left his job, after hearing praises from his coworkers, going toward Alice’s place. He needed to know if everything happened like he wished it had happened. He stopped near the portal when he heard screams.
“ This man is just a filthy pig! Touching me like I’m some kind of harlot.”
“ Maybe that’s what you are, kissing the mayor’s daughter like this. What a scoop that would be, unless we come to an agreement of course. I think you would make a darling wife Miss Alice. I’ll let you think about it, and if you need more convincing, I have proof. Now, have a great night ladies.”
Alastor hid himself as Larry walked away, wiping the sweat from his forehead. 
Just as planned.
Everyone was so easy to manipulate, it was almost boring.
Everyone but you. 
You asked Alice if she wanted you to get rid of the pig. You were so… Hha, he wanted to crash into you and kiss you until he couldn’t breathe anymore. You wanted to murder someone, for better reason that he had but it was still thrilling hearing this.
“ Are you serious ?”
“ Seems like she is.”
You both turned around to find Alastor, standing in front of you, the door open.
“ My dear, we don’t talk about taking trash out at the entrance, I taught you better than that.”  he smiled widely at you. “ Is there a place we could talk about getting rid of the trash?” asked Alastor with a beaming grin.
Alice seemed to come back to herself, and she tugged you to her father’s office. He followed the both of you, still smiling. She locked the door behind Alastor, staring at you. 
“ Explanation ?”
“ Nothing too serious. You’ve been caught in a big scoop Alice, and you need us to clean the mess you’ve made!” you paled, asking Alastor how did he know, you looked adorable being so worried about Alice. You didn’t have to worry, he was the one who made the plan after all. “ Oh dear, no, but from Alice’s expression, the only things that could make her so upset would be you or her lovely Alyzée. I took a lucky guess.”
“ Alastor, you are… your father… oh… that explains so much.” Alice let herself drop on her father’s chair. “ So, that’s why you didn’t want me to help to look for his father, because he killed him?” asked Alice, looking at you, confused. Alastor looked at you with a fond gaze.
“ We killed him.”
 “ So, let me get this through, you both killed Alastor’s father and now you want to kill the man who knows I’m in love with Alyzée?”
“ Well, Alice, for once you made your brain work. I would almost be shedding a tear if I cared.” said Alastor as he sipped his drink. “ And furthermore, this man is a pig that needs to be slaughtered.” He already knew what the man was doing in his free time, which disgusted him more than he let on.
“ What are you winning from this?”
“ Nothing–”
“ Doll, I know you don’t want to manipulate me. I know. I’m talking about your murderous husband. He wouldn’t help me freely.”
“ Using your brain for the second time? What a day folks ! It’s simple really, you are at the head of one of the richest families in Louisiana. Having you on my side is a plus.”
“ I’m already at your side–!”
“ No Alice, you could be cutting yourself to prove your faith and I would still doubt you. But a crime, that is a win-win situation. The pig is slaughtered, you are free, my darling and myself are doing what we need and everything is back to normal!” exclaimed Alastor with his usual smile.
“ … Fine.” 
He smirked as he talked with Alice about the crime you were about to commit for her safety and your enjoyment. He was a little surprised she wasn’t crying about how one of her best friends was a murderer and would marry a killer. He looked at you, feeling warmth coming from you. Your eyes were closed, your body way too relaxed for someone who was supposed to be awake.
“ Darling?” 
You gasped as you felt Alastor hand on your shoulder. You seemed so lost, he was worried. What just happened?
“ I’m okay.. I just.. I’m okay.” you nodded, feeling extremely tired all of the sudden. “ Alastor… Where is your father's corpse?”
“ Six feet underground.”
“ I think.. I think we should check it out.”
“ Why dig up dirt from the past?” He tilted his head, staring at you.
“ Because I think someone is trying to dig him up.”
The next morning, he was walking next to you because you were too stubborn to stay at home and rest. You wanted to come with him and who was he to say no to his little brat of fiancée?
“ So, you couldn’t hear me or Alice, and then you heard footsteps and the noise of a shovel digging into the ground?” asked Alastor, keeping his rifle in his left hand, the other keeping yours. 
“ Yes… Do you think I’m crazy? Maybe I fainted for a moment..?” you turned your eyes toward Alastor, wishing to be reassured, he could see it in your eyes. You were scared of what happened.
He was intrigued. He didn’t know if the fact that he was using spirits could affect you. Did a spirit try to show him something but decided to use you instead ? He didn’t like the idea, he needed to have more answers.
“ No, dear. We can’t be both crazy, this town wouldn’t survive it. No, no, I’ll look into it, okay?” he smiled at you with a soft gaze. He kissed the back of your hand. “ Don’t think you can run away by pretending to be crazy, dearest.”
You both looked around to find a trail to follow, which you found. There were footprints but also… Was that dog's paws on the mud? He almost sighed, he didn’t like animals. He asked if a policeman could come here with his dog but you tried to reassure him by saying they needed an authorization, a warrant, to enter someone’s property. You were cute, thinking people followed the law.
“ Let’s follow the trail, we’ll make a conclusion when we see where it ends.” 
You walked, you seemed to have a headache. What was happening to you..?  You sighed in relief when you felt Alastor’s hand on your waist. You both stopped when you reached the place where you’ve killed for the first time.  You looked at Alastor as he gently tugged you toward a big tree and just as you expected, it seemed like someone had tried to dig up a hole.
“ Mhn… They didn’t dig up deep enough.” said Alastor with a mocking tone, they didn’t dig up enough to find the dead deer. He walked around the hole before pointing his gun toward a noise. You smiled when you saw a deer, staring at Alastor then near his feet. You began to walk toward him but Alastor stopped you with his hand. “ Don’t come any closer, there is a bear trap.”
Alastor stared at the animal, it wasn’t a coincidence. He met too many deer with an unusual behavior, this one was clearly warning him about the trap.
The deer stared at Alastor before leaving in the forest.
“ Well… That was odd. But more importantly, a bear trap? Seems like someone really wants to catch us.” he laughed as he crouched in front of the trap. “ Did they not dig deep enough on purpose so we would lower our guard and get caught by the bear trap..?”
“ Do you think they are still here?” you looked around.
“ No, darling. The forest is noisy and I don’t feel eyes upon us. We’re clean, for now. But what is amazing is that.. You saw it coming.  You knew that someone was trying to dig up my father.” It wasn’t something that could happen just like that… Did he create a connection with you when he decided to work with Kalfu to bound your souls together?
Alastor walked toward you.
“ Darling, is there anything strange that happened to you during this week?”  You blinked at him. “ No apparitions ?”
“ Alastor, what in the sweet hell are you talking about?”
“ Well, I’m trying the soul bounding spell. It can take several months to be able to bound a soul to another one, and I was worried that maybe I did something wrong which could have.. made you have that vision.”
You smiled at him, before kissing his lips. He stared at your eyes, you weren’t lying, whatever would come from your lips would not be a lie, he knew it from your eyes. Your eyes were never deceiving him.
“ No Alastor, I didn’t see anything worth mentioning. What should I be worried about?”
“ Nothing serious, if there is something anormal, you would feel it.” he touched your forehead with his own, staring into your eyes. “ So… Do you have an idea how to kill Alice’s future husband ?”
You laughed as you felt Alastar’s arms wrapped around you. You kissed him several times, savoring the moments.
“ Mhn.. What about this? This weekend, we will go to Alice’s cottage and spend the days together, just the two of us thinking about murder?” you teased him, sliding your hands on his torso as you bite your lips. “ You could show me some techniques…”
“ I could show you how to tie someone so they can’t escape.” he smirked as he loomed over you. He could already imagine you completely at his mercy because you chose to. “ But it is a great idea, darling.” He kissed you twice before walking toward the bear trap. “ Also, I’m taking this to your father.” you tilted your head. “ Of course, dear. Someone trespassed into my domain and even put on a weapon that almost wounded me! If this is a policeman who has done this, your father would know. “
“ But.. They would want to understand why it was near a hole, so they are going to investigate the forest.”
“ I’ve never said I found it there, dear.” he smirked at you and you couldn’t help but laugh.” The only person who knows where we found the bear trap are you, my darling , myself and the one we want to catch. I’m just going to provoqued them a little bit.”
He smiled at you, relaxing at your laughter. He looked at his watch, he needed to go to work. He walked you home and then went to work.  After an hour or two, Victor knocked at his door. He turned around as he walked in, seeming uneasy. 
“ Be quick.”
“ Your fiancée is at the hospital, it seems like she fainted in the park– Alastor!”
He was rushing out, he couldn’t hear anything but his heart. How odd, most of the time this organ wasn’t making itself feel. Like you used to tell him, everything that was coming from him was coming from his head, his thoughts, his mind. Feeling his heartbeat more than his thoughts was almost scary. He entered the hospital, his smile twitching. He didn’t know if he could hold himself if someone was trying to keep him away from you. Fortunately for the poor souls here, the nurse gave him your room without a fuss. He quickly walked toward the room, his heartbeat still clouding any other noises.
“ Darling, I’m here.”
He walked toward you, the only person he could see in this storm of emotion he was feeling. You were here, you were okay. He took your hands between his, he needed to feel you right now. You went into his arms, your body relaxing at the same time as him. Everything was okay…
“ You should take better care of your future wife. She is going insane, talking to herself on a bench.”
He tensed. It seemed like you weren’t alone. He turned his head toward John with his usual smile.  The man had his arms crossed over his torso, staring Alastor down. He almost scoffed, did John really think he was intimidating ?
“ From what I have seen, my fiancée is feeling bad when you are around, should I get rid of you?” he smiled with a beaming expression making your father chuckle.
“ The day I see Alastor being violent, is the day I stop working!” he laughed before standing up. “ But John, boy, let’s talk outside.” your father said with a cold expression.
You watched as the two men left your room before feeling Alastor’s hands on your cheeks, forcing you to look at him.
“ Darling, what happened ? Talking alone?” He was confused, he was used to you talking to yourself when you had a lot of things to do so you would do your checklist out loud, but why would you do such a thing in a park?
You shook your head slowly, caressing his cheeks.
“ No, I was with a new acquaintance of mine. I think you should meet, he is very interesting, he is very old though…But then my head started hurting so bad I had to close my eyes and hold my face to calm myself. He must have seen me when I was trying to smooth the pain.”
“ Yes, darling, I’ll meet everyone you want.” he sighed while stroking your hair. “ What is the name of the gentleman who stole my darling’s attention?” he teased you as you stuck your tongue at him.
“ Legba.”
No way.
No fucking way.
No fucking way you were talking with Papa Legba without trying to invoke him. You didn’t know anything about voodoo, how did this happen ? He needed to calm down, maybe there really was a gentleman with such a name. He needed more information as he could feel his shadow buzz.
“ Do you know him..?” you asked.
“ I… I know his name, yes. What do you talk about with him?” he sat next to you, his expression back to usual.
“ I’m the one mostly talking. And we share food! Now that I think about it, I didn’t have the time to give him something to eat today…” you gasped as Alastor helped you stand up.
You didn’t give an offering. You weren’t even aware you have been giving the spirit some offering. He needed to see if you were talking about a man of spirit. Papa Legba was a powerful spirit, why would he come toward you, it wasn’t making any sense.
“ Let’s see if he is still where you left him! I really want to meet him."He kissed your cheeks before taking your things. 
He walked toward the park, looking around, trying to find the mysterious man. 
“ It’s him, do you see him, Alastor?” you walked toward an empty bench. You sat and then closed your eyes before your head dropped. He sat next to you, quietly, staring at you as your lips would sometimes move to say words. 
He could feel the energy next to you. You really were talking with a spirit right now, but you weren't aware of it. How could he say that to you…? He looked at the sky, the night began to own the atmosphere. He looked at you as you gasped, stood up and looked at Alastor.
“ Why didn’t you speak to him? Didn’t you want to meet him?” you crossed your arms on your chest, raising an eyebrow.
“ I’m.. going to explain everything as soon as we get home.” he took your hands and made you walk quickly toward his home. He didn’t even stop for you to greet his mother, he needed to make sure you were okay, that you didn’t make a deal with a spirit without being aware of all the rules they were. He closed his bedroom’s door once you were both inside.
“ Alright darling. When did you meet this man?”
“ What are you playing at?” you asked, sitting on his bed.
“ Please, answer me.”
“ It hasn't even been a week yet.”
“ What does he look like?”
“ You saw him! He was sitting next to me!” you threw your arms in the air, feeling agitated. 
“ No, darling, you were sitting alone.”
He looked at you as you paled. He didn’t want you to panic, he needed you to be calm and tell him everything so he could get everything under control once more.
“ Alastor,” you laughed nervously. “ you saw me.. I was talking with him..”
He approached you and kneeled in front of you, taking your hands in his.
“ You sat on the bench and then closed your eyes. It seemed like you were asleep to me but you were whispering some sentences, I couldn’t hear everything unfortunately.”
He began to explain everything he knew about Papa Legba. You were overwhelmed but you were listening to him. Your hands were shaking but they were gripping on his. Your world was changing but your eyes were still on him, and him only. 
Once you were calm enough he told you who he was working with.  You seemed fascinated as his eyes turned red and the shadow revealed itself. He let it touch you as you petted its head. He explained to you how he needed to kill Alice’s blackmailer, Larry, to gain more power. 
He felt more excited than ever. If you were to work with Legba, he didn’t need to deal with him. He was already working with Kalfu. You only needed Le Baron Samedi and then you would be able to bound your soul.
He stared at you as you walked toward him and kissed him. Ahh, you were once again accepting him fully. How lucky he was to have you by his side. He wrapped his arms around you, you were his everything. How could you bewitch him like that with just your eyes?
He sended the shadow back and he stared at you as you fell asleep on the bed. You did seem very tired… He didn’t ask you to change into night clothes, you had enough emotion for today. He joined you and fell asleep with his arms wrapped possessively around you.
He woke up when he felt a warm energy in the room. His eyes flashed red as he stared at you, standing in front of the mirror, talking to your reflection. He left the bed, quietly, standing behind you, looking at your reflection.
You turned around and saw Alastor behind you.
“ Well, well, well.. Do my eyes deceive me ?”
“ What are you talking about?”
He smiled at you before hugging you from behind, nuzzling his head against your neck, staring at the mirror.
“ Red is really our color, right?”
His smile grew wider as he watched you look at your now red eyes, the same shade as his. He kissed your cheek as you told him you both needed to have a chat with his Mother. He nodded before letting you go and walked downstairs with you by his side.
He asked his mother to sit before explaining everything that had happened since he had found her book in the basement. She seemed more worried than surprised.  She pinched his ears once he told her he was working with Kalfu. He didn’t try to get away, he just smiled at his mother. 
“ Marie, are… are you still working with spirits?” you asked.
“ Why are you asking?”
“ He told me you used to work with a spirit called: Gran Bwa. And… We saw him when we went into the forest. He told me he was disguised as deer…”
So he was right, the deer with the unusual behavior was a spirit… He looked at his mother as she explained she started working with spirits because she wanted to protect him from his Father. He wanted to ask if she ever worked with Le Baron Samedi but he held his tongue, he didn’t need to tell his mother everything, not right now. He was so close to being bound to you and yet he couldn’t ask his mother this question. 
“ Mother, I am still not as experienced as you, but I’m safe in those woods now. Our biggest threat is gone.  Don’t tire yourself.” he smiled at her before standing up. “ Matter of fact, let me bring me something to eat.” 
You stayed at his house all morning. He listened to his mother’s teaching. It seemed like to maintain a connection, you needed to be calm… He looked at his shadow who was being calm, staying in its place. He looked at you as you tried to connect yourself to Papa Legba. His mother left, smiling at him, saying she needed an offering.
He stood up as he stared at you. He could feel the energy around you, always warm. He walked toward you as you opened your eyes, ten minutes after you'd close them. He smiled as he saw your red eyes looking at him.
“ You are beautiful.” 
You tilted your head against his hand, sighing in relief. You looked around, noticing that Marie wasn’t there anymore.
“ What happened ?”
“ Well, you stayed like this for 10 minutes.” he looked at his watch with an excited grin. “ I thought you were asleep but you said something and then you came back with beautiful red eyes.” 
You went toward a mirror and stared at your reflection.  You were breathtaking, were you aware of it?
“ I… He said I’ll have a spirit power but I don’t feel anything right now.” you looked back at Alastor who was looking at you with a big grin. “ What?”
“ I can’t admire you now?” he came toward you with a teasing expression. You smiled when you saw him lean toward you. You held your hand in front of him sticking your tongue at him but before you could do anything, Alastor’s hand hit an invisible surface in front of you. “ What..?”
What was that? He touched the invisible shield in front of him. You seemed as confused as him. Well, you were mostly confused while he was feeling…
He didn’t know what game the spirit were playing, but giving you the ability to dress a shield in front of you, keeping you away was making him feel like he was being punished. Was that on purpose? Was Papa Legba punishing him in some way?
He touched your shoulder when you rubbed your eyes. He almost sighed in relief. 
“ Oh, is she okay Alastor?” asked his mother.
“ Yes and I think you should come and see what she just did.” You looked at Marie as she had a dead rooster in her hand. She was looking at your eyes.
“ Rouge… C’est sa couleur après tout..”
He nodded, Papa Legba and Kalfu’s favorite colors were red and black. Even if they were like the Ying and the Yang, they weren’t that much different from each other… Now, he took a pillow and threw it at your face when he saw you hold your hand once more in front of you. He smirked when the pillow hitted your shield. If you wouldn’t use this power against him, this could be very useful.
He stared at you as you asked the spirit to leave after thanking it. He threw another pillow at you, making you yell at him.
“ I’m not sorry Darling, I just wanted to see if you were unshielded.” he smirked as you took the pillow from the ground.
“ You knew that! My eyes aren’t red anymore!”
“ I just wanted to make sure. And that’s your punishment, how could you create a barrier between the two of us?” he walked toward you, his smile twitching.
“ Alastor! And you call yourself a gentleman?” you crossed your arms in front of your chest, making a surprised face. He leaned toward your ear and whispered.
“ You know I can be worse.” he bit your ears making you flush and turn your eyes toward Marie but the woman was already busy somewhere else. “ But you’ll keep being at my side, right?”
You kissed his cheek before leaning toward his ears.
“ Death wouldn’t be able to tear us apart, Alastor.”
And yet you used a shield against him, you little liar. He didn’t care if it wasn’t on purpose, he knew you by heart. He knew you were going to use it against him.
“ Your eyes are red.”
“ What?” you turned your back to him to look at yourself in the mirror but your eyes were their usual color. “ You liar–!” you squealed when you felt Alastor’s teeth sinking into your neck, making you grip his hair. You felt him suck on your skin, making you moan lightly. You blushed when you saw your reflection staring back at you, you tried to turn your head but Alastor held your chin with his finger, forcing you to look at yourself.
“ Look at us.”
“ Alastor..” you whispered. “ your mother isn’t far..”
“ Look at us.” He said once more. He bit you, kissed your skin, licked it. He wanted you to know you were his, no matter what kind of power you would gain with working with Papa Legba, he was the one that was supposed to haunt your heart and mind.  “ Don’t ever… think about putting that shield of yours against us, do you hear me?”
“ What if I do it again..?” you whispered. You shivered when you heard him chuckling darkly. 
“ You’ll see it for yourself.”
He paid the cab before joining you into Alice’s cottage. You seemed to be very happy, he knew you must have some kind of ideas behind this lovely head of yours. He taunted you, saying your father asked him to be a gentleman with you, you shouldn’t do anything before marriage…Right?
He smirked at you before sitting on the sofa, taking his note from his suitcases before you came back.  He looked up when he heard you coming and stared at your makeup, you were devilishly good looking. 
“ Well, we are going to talk about our next target, right? I want to know how we will kill him.”  he smirked at your words, he already had so many ideas to share with you. 
Unfortunately, like the little brat you used to be when you were younger, you always had to go off script. You decided you would be the bait at a soirée and Mimzy would be the one training you. He almost laughed  out loud. He wouldn’t be surprised if they happened to have more than one victim if someone tried to lay a finger on you.
But he couldn’t say no to you, even more when you were looking at him with blood lust. He would have to be more vigilant than usual, nothing would happen to you. He stood up to make you something to eat when he heard your stomach making more noise than his fans. He walked into the kitchen making you your disgustingly sweet hot chocolate with some pastries on a plate. 
He freezed when he felt once again this warm energy in the living room. What were you scheming..?  He walked back to you with your food and your drink.
“ Dear?”
“ I saw John, not too long ago.” you sighed. Alastor could feel his body tensed at the name. Once again, his name was on your lips.
“ Is that so… What did he want?”
“ Well, he wanted me to marry me and to bear his children.” 
Cutting a tongue wouldn’t kill someone but it could shut them up. 
He wasn’t feeling the cut because of his strength from breaking the mug, he didn't feel the hot chocolate burn his hand as he stared at you. If killing John was a problem, he would just tear his tongue and eyes out. Maybe cutting his hands so he couldn’t write anymore. Mhn… That seemed to be a great idea. 
“ What did you say?”
“ I said, the only man I would marry is you. I said I was going to be your wife and bear your children.”
He relaxed , staring into your red eyes. He walked toward you, but you decided to be a little pest. You put on your shield, which was stronger than last time because he took a couple steps back because of the strength.  He stared at you, smiling widely.
You little adorable pest.
“ Darling, I hope you are not doing what I think you are try to do.”
“ I did not finish talking, Alastor.” you walked toward the plate he brought you. “  I said, you were the only man for me.” you slide the blade against your legs, never cutting the skin. He wished to see you pretty legs red in blood. How delicious you would look, and you would look like this for him only.
“ I said I would be whatever you wanted me to be.” you moved the blade near your breast, watching as Alastor was staring at you, never blinking just like a predator ready to wait for his prey to make a bad move and then devour it. “ I would be the best whore in New Orleans if you desire it. Only for you.” You put some pressure on the blade, cutting you slightly making you bleed a little. He wanted to lick it. “And if he wanted to separate us, I would kill him myself.”
You only had the time to hold your hand once more in front of you, creating your shield around you as Alastor ran toward you. He punched your shield with his fist just one time, staring down at you with a manic expression.
“ Darling, drop the shield.” he panted. He was ready to bash his head against the shield but he knew better, he needed to make it seem like you had the upper hand and then he would drag you back toward him.
You ran away in the kitchen after seeing Alastor summoned his shadow.  He followed you easily, staring at the table that was the only obstacle between the two of you. He smiled at you, his hands twitching with the need to hold you against him.
“ Darling, light of my light, curse of my sanity. Come here.”
“ Why should I?” you grinned, tilting your head.
“ You used your shield even though I told you to never use it to separate myself from you.” he grinned, even though his gaze was menacing. Your attention was on him, perfect. He sended his shadow toward you from underneath the table which made you react, trying to keep it away from you.
With agility, he jumped over the table, shattering the cutlery on the floor and pinned you down on the table. He finally had you where he wanted. 
“ You were saying?” he mocked you, tilting his head.
“ You look beautiful like this.” he said before taking the knife from your hand. You gasped as he licked the sharp edge of the blade, still with your blood on it. “ Now that I caught you, I can do anything I want, right, dearest…”
 You just nodded, kissing the top of his head. You squealed as you felt the blade against your naked thigh. You moaned as Alastor licked the bleeding cut you made on yourself, right above your nipple. You squeezed his waist between your thighs as he bit your chest, before taking your nipple in his mouth.  The blade was caressing your throat, making you tremble with need. 
You were twisted like him.
He was loving every second of this moment. You were like a sacrifice made for him. You let him make you bleed, cut your precious skin, letting him devour you…
“ I want you to carve yourself in me.” you moaned.
Alastor tilted his head back, roaring with laughter and before you could ask him anything he was kissing you madly.  You were making him lose his sanity. You were taking away his ability to think.  
 He was smiling like crazy as he dug the blade against your skin. You arched your back, sighing in bliss. He wasn’t cutting very deep, just enough to make you bleed.
“ You are indescriptible, my dearest. You have me under your spell, robbing me of my thoughts and my sanity.” He was breathing as hard as you, his gaze wasn’t moving from you. “ How did I deserve such a beautiful fiancée?”
“ You deserve me. You deserve so much..” you breathed as you felt the blade dug once more on your skin. You moaned as he kissed your neck, biting into your skin hard enough to hurt but it was so pleasurable. “ Never leave me..”
He chuckled against your neck as he stepped back, staring at your flushed face and your teary eyes. He wasn’t going to leave you, what a funny thought. His eyes were staring at you and only you with affection, fondness, envy, obsession and oh so much insanity but he could see the same in your eyes.
He pressed the blade on your skin to finish his letter, between your chest would be an A that would always belong to Alastor. 
“ Darling, even if I were to die, I would haunt you.”
You both jumped on each other, it wasn’t like your first time. He remembered, even if he had taken your virginity in the forest, on the snow with his father’s corpses not too far away from you, he had tried to be a gentleman. Right now, it was completely different, he was biting you until he could feel the blood from the wound on his tongue. It was animalistic. 
He held your necklace like a leash, strangling you with it, staring at you. You never asked him to stop or slow down, you were giving yourself to him and enjoying it. Your eyes were rolling back while he was taking away your ability to breathe. You were beautiful. Oh, so beautiful, he didn’t know what to do with you. He didn’t know what to do with himself. 
Nothing could make him feel stronger than you.
In the end, he carried you in the bedroom before laying you down. He joined you, caressing your skin as you both talked about your murder and next victims. He closed his eyes with a fond smile, your future looked amazing for the both of you.
“ You look… obscenely delicious my dear.”
Alastor looked at you, you both were in the hotel’s dressing room. He really didn’t want anyone to see you like this, he would rather tear their eyes off but he needed to play his part. He would be your manager and nothing more tonight. He was wearing a deer mask, which hid his face but not his mouth. He gave you a Doe’s mask with a smirk, making you remember you were his. 
You seemed worried about him not being able to contain himself which almost made him laugh. Control was his middle name.  You didn’t need to worry one bit.
You clinged to his arm as he walked toward the hall entrance. He talked with some people while you were playing your part perfectly, you didn’t bring much attention to yourself, which he was thankful for. He didn’t need to kill another man tonight. He didn’t need to go into a killing spree. It would be complicated to cover it up.
A butler came toward him and asked for you to follow him. You stared at Alastor’s eyes which made him smile before you put your hand on your own chest, where his mark was still carved in your skin. He felt his body relaxed before going into the room where everyone was sitting. He remained standing, his arms against his back, looking at the crowd in front of him.
They looked all unaware of danger. But then one face made him smile wider.
He was wearing a suit but he could see his badge on his chest. What was he doing here? Playing the hero? John wasn’t watching the stage where the performance had begun, so why was he here? It seemed like he was looking for someone…
He looked at his shadow which began to move when it felt Alastor’s demand. He sended it toward John, demanding it to listen to the conversation the policeman was having. He was still aware of his surroundings but he could hear the conversation through his shadow.
“ I don’t know, I have less than three months to find out what happened but I can’t find anything.” sighed John. So he was talking about the case huh…
“ Just give up, who cares?”
“ I can’t give up yet. I have a feeling I’m close to finding out a clue, but I don’t know… “
“ Are you not doing this for this girl you love?” 
Alastor almost laughed out loud. Love? How cute.
“ Shut up.. It’s not your business.”
Alastor called back his shadow who had a pissed off expression. What? Was it angry because John was in love with you? Who cared. A dead man can not love, right?
“ And now, our last singer, the Hunter’s Doe!”
He turned his head toward the stage, and there you were, illuminated by the stage’s lights. You began to sing and his eyes were on the crowd once more. He could see those disgusting men looking at you with lust. He could feel his shadow buzzing with fury. He counted every man that stared at you for more than 10 seconds without breaking contact. Some men would just look at you and then drink something or talk with their guests.
45… 89…100… 124.
He sended his shadow toward you which made you play with him. You were dancing above his shadow, making him feel your touch. He knew you were telling him you were his, you were doing this for him, for the both of you. You were arching your back, spreading those delicious legs…He bit his lip, not even caring about the blood that was coming out from the cut his teeth had just made.
No, he couldn’t let others' eyes than himself see you in that state.
He stared at the lights making it flickering before shutting down. The shadow caged you on stage like a prey that needed to be brought back to its hunter. His smile widened as he could hear your heartbeat raising.  He was choking you with his shadow, pressing against your neck, stealing the air from your lungs. He walked toward the stage quietly, he couldn’t even hear the noise around him, people asking what was happening. He was on the stage, next to you but you couldn’t see him. No one could. He stared at your face with a satisfied expression before the lights were back on.
“ Well, well, it seemed like we had a problem, what a shame you couldn’t see my little doe’s performance. But oh well, I know a lucky man who will join her and will be able to see it for himself.” He took you back to the dressing room, not caring about the men’s shout for an encore.
You fell on your chair, looking at him as you took off your mask. He was locking the door, humming to himself while you were fanning yourself.
“ Did someone try to sabotage us ? Who cut the lights off ?”
“ The same person who caged you on stage.” he sang before walking toward you, taking off his mask showing his red eyes. 
“ Alastor, what if–”
“ Don’t.” he smiled widely at you, holding his hand in front of you. “ We are going to forget what happened today because if we don’t, I might kill every man that looked at you tonight.”
“ There are too many, Alastor.” you chuckled, jokingly. Did you really think this little of him?
“ 124.”
“ What..”
“ 124 men were looking at you. And guess what darling, I know more than 124 methods to kill someone. How lucky !” he smiled as he loomed toward you. He had many ideas, the number 23 would get beheaded. The number 56 would be burned alive. The number–
You caressed his cheeks, looking at him while standing up. His eyes were never leaving your figure. You kissed him softly, conveying all your emotions for him. 
“ You don’t need to worry, I’m not going anywhere.”
“ When did I say I was worried?” Alastor tilted his head with a menacing grin. He wasn’t worried, not at all, he just wanted those pathetic excuses of a man to drop dead because they looked at something they couldn’t have. And they looked at you with disgusting eyes…
He turned his eyes toward the door when he heard a knock. He put his mask on once more and then smiled charmingly at the man behind the door.
“ Yes ?”
“ Oh hello dear gentleman. I’m Sir Larry’s butler. The monsieur would like to rent your employee for the night, would it be okay for you? He is ready to pay a lot.” Alastor hummed, did he still want to continue this plan? No. But he looked at you and you nodded, you wanted to keep going… 
“ Well of course my dear fella! I shall take her to his room. I guess I’ll have the money there.” he held his arm for you to take. You slid your hands around it as you walked in the stairs, going to the top of the hotel. Once you were in front of the door, the butler knocked before entering the room, introducing you to the man.
“ Ah! The brightest star has blessed us with her presence.” Alastor looked at the overweight man who was sweating from doing so little.“ Now mister… Victor, was it ? Here is the money, I will take good care of your jewel.”
Hah ! He could kill him right now if needed, why did he have to let you alone with him? Well.. You didn't have to be left alone anymore. He let his shadow merging with yours and couldn’t help but relax when he saw you noticing it.
“ Please, enjoy this night as if it was your last.”
“ Oh, trust me, I will!” Laughed Larry. 
Alastor kissed the back of your hand before staring at your eyes. You nodded at him before watching him leave with the butler. 
He looked at the butler as he gave him a briefcase with money inside. Should he kill the butler too? Should he take the money? He took the briefcase, thanking the man before making it seem like he was leaving.  
He closed his eyes so he could see what was going on in the chamber. He almost snapped when he saw you underneath the pig, trying to invoke your shield. 
He didn’t know how he did it, but one second he was in the corridor, the next he was inside the pig’s room, walking from the shadows.
“ That’s not how you are supposed to treat a lady, you irrelevant prick.” he spat.
“ Victor ! What..? Just, take care of your woman ! She is crazy, look at what she has done!”
Alastor hummed as he walked toward the wounded man, his arms nicely settled behind his back. He took a look at the man's face who let him. You really did it ! With your heel, how fun. It seemed like the man was too shocked to react correctly to his presence.
“ Oh, it does seem terrible, you shall excuse my woman, she only has done it once. She will get better!” he smiled at the man before taking out a knife from his pocket and plunging it in the chest of the man.  He grimaced, the man was fatter than he expected, the blade didn’t touch any vital organs. Oh well, let’s find another way to kill the pig.
The man tried to tackle Alastor on the ground but he gracefully avoided it with an excited smile. You watched as his shadow came back to him with its hideous smile.
“ My bad, it’s also my second time. I’m still not used to killing pigs.” he laughed as he played the blade with his fingers. He kept making fun of the man as Larry tried to catched him . After a few seconds Larry fell near the sofa on all fours, breathing hard. You walked toward Alastor with a smile. Alastor pecked your lips, he was always feeling better when you were by his side.
“ Come on, we only die once, you should smile more!”
You freezed as Larry took a gun from under the sofa’s cushions and pointed it toward you. 
“ You son of bitches,”  Alastor flinched at the insults but he kept his smile. He would have to make the man’s death even more painful.” I’ll send you back to hell!”
He was so confident in you he didn’t move when the pig shot. He knew you would invoke your shield but you did more than that. The bullet stopped in front of you. It stayed in the air before you gave it back into the man’s thigh.
Did you just telekinesis an object?
The pig shot again and the same thing happened. He was feeling euphoric, you were gorgeous, a divine punishment sent on earth to work with him. 
“ Haha ! What a show, folks! That’s the show I wanted to see!” he laughed as he passed a hand in his hair, walking toward the man who was laying on his back, screaming agony as Alastor’s foot dug into the wound you made with the bullet. “ Isn’t it much more interesting that poor ladies who don't have the choice but to be here?” He nodded as the pig screamed once more. “ You are right ! I’m relieved you’ve finally reached the voice of reason.” he crouched above the man, holding his chin with his gloved hand.
“ Now, give me a big smile~!” he said before carving a smile into the man’s flesh. 
“ Alastor, did you see? Did you see what I did? Did you?” you beamed as he stopped working on his living canvas, staring fondly at you.
“ I did, dearest. You looked delicious.” he smirked as you leaned toward him, asking for a kiss which he gladly gave you.  “ Perfect, now, I just need to let out some steam.  Come on Larry, don’t die on me yet!”
He began to stab Larry multiple times as you laid on the sofa. He encouraged the pig to stay alive, wasn’t it why he was trying to struggle ? He kissed you each time you were asking for it. Of course, how could he refuse you? The kiss was bloody but just like you both liked it. He chuckled against your lips before going back to stabbing the pig. You would clapp with the same rhythm of Alastor’s stab, encouraging Larry to stay alive, that was so cute of you.
The pig died at the 87 stab but Alastor didn’t stop. Each stab was for each man that looked at you tonight, he couldn’t kill them so why not use a pig to let out his fury?
He threw his head back, his face all bloodied.
“ Aahh. I feel better!” he smiled at you, his eyes glinting with madness and fondness. You sat up, stretching yourself with a big grin. He stood up and tugged you toward him, kissing your cheeks. Feeling you against him after a murder was so relaxing.
“ What do we do with the body?”
“ We leave it.”
You looked at Alastor with wide eyes. He kissed your lips, chuckling at your expression. He needed to find a way for you to leave without being seen and as always you found a solution that would make him tear his hair if he wasn’t used to your antics.
“ I could pass through the windows and enter another room?”
“ We are in the highest part of the hotel, light of my life. What are you trying to do?” He raised an eyebrow with a mocking smile.
You winked at him before passing through the windows, putting your feet on the balcony. You would just have to jump on the other balcony and that would be it. You turned toward Alastor who threw you something.
You almost let it drop when you saw it was the pig’s eyes.
“ Alastor !” you seethed.
“ Put it in the other room. See you downstairs, dearest.” he winked at you before lighting a match and throwing it on the bed. With the pig dead, he could feel Kalfu in the room with him, asking him silently what he wanted. He stared at the fire, wishing for it to grow bigger. He changed his outfit as the fire was beginning to be warmer, bigger and more dangerous. He threw his deer’s mask in the fire before taking another one. He walked toward the pig, looking for the photo and smirked when he found it.
Now, no more clues.
He stepped in the shadow before appearing behind you and wrapped an arm around your waist. You were wearing a rabbit’s mask, how cute. He grinned at you before going toward the buffet and gave you a piece of cake. You needed to eat after using your spirit like this. He guided you outside when the policemen urged everyone to go out because a fire had begun upstairs. He chuckled when he saw John run toward the fire. Maybe, if he was lucky, he would die in his flames too?
Alastor and you walked to Alice’s home while chatting about what just had happened. You took off your mask,sighing in relief. You entered Alice’s mansion and sat on the sofa in the living room waiting for your friend to come, which she did, almost tripping on the armchair.
“ Are you okay? I heard there was a fire not too far from here? Does it mean the… the plan is delayed ?” she asked in her pajamas.
“ We know something you don’t know~.” you sang at her. She looked at you, confused. “ The pig is dead, trust us.” you smiled at her and beamed even more when she relaxed in her chair.
“ Thank God… But, the picture..? Is it destroyed?”
“ No worries, you ungrateful pest. I took care of it.” Alastor took a picture from his coat and threw it at Alice. “ This is the only one, I looked everywhere.”
“ What if he had others in his home?” Asked Alice.
“ I’ve looked everywhere,” said Alastor with a wicked grin. “ So, unless you want to worry about nothing, which would amuse me so please do it, there is nothing that can be used against you.”
Alice sighed in relief, thanking you and Alastor multiple times. He really was uninterested, looking at his nails before looking at you.
“ I can not wait to talk about it on my broadcast, tomorrow.” you laughed as he began to tell the tale of how a deer and a doe killed a pig because an annoying bird couldn’t do it itself.
“ Am I the bird?” asked Alice, frowning.
“ Of course, you are as noisy and useless as them.”
“ You–!”
What a good way to end the week, right dearest?
Tag List: @lukneetoonz @martinys-world @littlepoetnova @sirens-and-moonflowers @eris-norwega @tiredflame132 @mo-0-o @vvollerie @sodavizz @boogiemansbitch @tessemerick @slytherin4ever @kammsinn @alastorssimp @t0xic1vi @diamond-almond @fangirlbitch02 @saccharine-nectarine @thenorthnightingale @bibliophile-yomna @itzjustj-1000 @mothraantics @yourdoorisunlocked @phamtasic @karmakillz @holographicage @sarcastic-sourwolf @akuraluna2468 @everwolf-20 @thesunandmoons-blog @songbrita @noraunor @fandomsbookclub @hokkaido97 @catticora @gasiacos
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shadowdaddies · 11 months ago
Hi can I request a nessian x male!reader, where he is deaf and mute. How they met, when did the bond snap, inner circle reactions, maybe they are lerning sign language, and some Cassian scarying him. Maybe also a bit of angst, where they have a little spicy time and he cant say stop or smh. I know its weird, and detailed, but I really want to see this and i know you are an amazing writer and i know you will write it the best🫶🫶
hi, thank you so much for this request! I enjoyed writing this, and I hope I did your idea justice💜
A/N: for anyone who wants to read this without the angst/safe-wording, I've put that part between sets of "***" so you can skip over it if needed
Everything to Me
Nessian x m!Reader
warnings: (this is fluff, smut, and angst) smut below the cut, oral f!receiving, anal sex, use of safe word
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The icy Illyrian air whipped around you, nose and cheeks tinged red from the cold. You felt the new-fallen snow crunch beneath your boots, the chill in your lungs from the wind making you desperate to get back inside quickly.
Pulling back the panel of animal hide that served as the entrance, you ducked down and moved into the healers’ tent. Instant warmth seeped into your bones, muscles relaxing as you sighed with relief.
A motion in the corner caught your eye, gaze drifting to where another healer, Attia, smiled warmly at you. “I made some tea for you,” she signed, turning to pour steaming liquid from the kettle into a cup. 
She held it out for you, nodding politely when you signed a stiff “thank you,” before wrapping your hands around the warm drink. The heat from the vessel alone was enough to lift your spirits, bringing life back to your numb hands.
A small chill hit your back, and you followed Attia’s gaze to the entrance of the tent where two Illyrian males stood. You offered a grin to the one you recognized, hazel eyes meeting yours as he matched your greeting with a nod of his own.
Setting your cup to the side, you freed your hands to talk with him. “Azriel,” you greeted, “how are your wings?”
“Much better, thanks to you,” Az signed back, and only then did you realize who was standing in the tent slightly behind the shadowsinger. 
General Cassian looked on with interest as Azriel turned slightly towards him to speak, signing his words as he did so you could follow the conversation. “This is our new best healer. He is who repaired my wings last year.”
“...And this is Cassian,” Azriel continued as he turned to face you. Your eyes met the general’s, but his eyes did not fall to where you were moving your hands in communication.
Instead, the Lord of Bloodshed stumbled back slightly, his eyes going wide the moment you made eye contact. Sudden fear struck you, unsure of what you did to prompt Cassian’s reaction - but before you could amend the situation, he’d uttered some words to Azriel before disappearing into the cold.
Even the stoic shadowsinger’s eyes flickered with shock before he composed himself. “I am sorry about Cassian - it seems he had somewhere to be.” His gaze swept the room, noting the teapot on the table next to Attia. “Would you mind if I joined you both for some tea?”
You knew his friendliness was a distraction - in the time you’d known the spymaster, you’d learned that while he might be kind at heart, he was not friendly. Nonetheless, you nodded, joining him as you sat on a cushion and enjoyed the conversation.
Several days passed before a familiar face showed in the healers’ tent again, Cassian looking much calmer and more put together than you’d last seen him. A striking female stood next to him - his mate, Nesta, from what you had heard.
There was an air of curiosity about her, silver eyes boring into you as though she were looking for something that not even you could see. Chin raised in a queenly elegance, the female lifted her lips in a graceful smile.
“My name is Nesta. I believe you met my mate, Cassian, already,” she signed, movements a little slow but uncommonly graceful.
Nervously, you looked to the general, your pleasant surprise apparent when he gestured, “it is good to see you again. I am learning sign language.” It was clear he had rehearsed the motions, but you weren’t sure why he had put in the effort after meeting so briefly.
“It is good to see you, too,” you signed back - slower than usual - making sure to give a pleasant smile as you did so.
From then on, Nesta and Cassian would visit you often, joining you for lunch in between training sessions at the camps, practicing their sign language with you - they were kind and supportive, curious about you and your work as a healer. 
You quickly found the both of them to be an integral part of your life, waking up each morning excited to see them. Days were brighter, the newfound friendship filling a void within you that you hadn’t known existed.
It was unlike any other friendship, or even any other relationship that you’d had before. This connection was deeper, and you were pondering how that could be one night outside by the fire with Nesta and Cassian when it hit you.
As your eyes wandered to where their hands were joined, sipping ale while they watched the fire, you realized with a pang of jealousy that you wanted that as well. You wanted their touch, their love, to stop waiting until they visited to be able to see them.
As if sensing your thoughts, Nesta turned to look at you, silver eyes reflecting the flames from the crackling fire when you dropped your drink into the dirt, frothy ale spilling out on the ground.
As easily as the two people in front of you slid into your life like missing pieces, the puzzle was put together before you. Cassian’s shocked reaction when you first met, the pull that you felt towards him and Nesta - everything snapped into place when you felt that odd tug pulling at your rib.
Nesta and Cassian exchanged a glance before turning back towards you, gentle and cautious while they studied your reaction. 
A lump formed in your throat, hands twitching anxiously as the words escaped you, so you signed the only one that seemed to echo through your mind. “Mates?”
You felt your eyes well with emotion, tears threatening to spill over the corners when they both nodded. 
The same overwhelming feeling of love and contentment settled in your soul as the dying embers of the hearth brought you back to the memories of that night. Marking your place in the book you were reading, you turned your head to admire the painting Feyre had gifted you - a perfect recreation of your mating ceremony, with Cassian and Nesta seated on either side of you as you dined and celebrated with friends and family.
You noticed Nesta in the corner of your eye, your mate smiling brightly down at you. “What are you thinking?” she signed, taking a seat next to you on the sofa.
The scent of fire and steel invaded your senses, her alluring aroma slightly darkened as you allowed your gaze to drag over the sight of her in her training leathers. “I am thinking how much I love you,” you signed, smirking at the flush across her cheeks, the way her chest began to rise and fall with more effort. “I’m thinking how I can’t believe I lived so long without you and Cassian,” your lips dragged slowly up her neck, sucking softly on her fluttering pulse before you pulled away. “I am thinking that I need you, now.”
Nesta’s throat bobbed as she signed hastily, “then take me.” 
You wasted no time, hands wrapping around her thighs as her arms wove around your neck, teeth and tongues clashing in a passionate kiss. Your knees hit the mattress, your cue to lay your mate down softly on the bed, her golden brown hair splayed out beneath her.
“You are beautiful,” you told her, dropping your hands to the ties of her pants while she helped you pull them off. Nesta slid backwards to the top of the bed, her head resting against the pillows, hands finding purchase in your hair as you kissed the soft skin of her thighs.
Prying her legs open, the scent of her arousal was intoxicating, removing any semblance of restraint you might have had. Diving into her core, you sucked on her clit, tongue flicking out against the sensitive bud. 
She writhed beneath you, sending your male pride surging as you felt the vibrations of her moans against your face and hands. You brought one finger to curl inside of her, pumping slowly as her slick grew before adding a second.
Keeping your mouth on her clit, you curled and twisted your fingers inside her warmth, biting back a grin as you sent her spiraling into an orgasm in no time. 
Pulling your fingers from Nesta’s pussy, you held them up in the light to let her see her release before bringing them to your lips and sucking. “Delicious,” you signed, cock twitching at the adorable blush on her cheeks at your filthy words.
The change in shadows and Nesta’s glance towards the door drew you from the moment, your eyes following hers to see Cassian standing in the doorframe. His hazel eyes were dark and wild, his own cock straining against his pants.
“Did you enjoy the show?” Nesta asked, back arching with a feline playfulness as she watched your other mate stride towards you.
“I did,” Cassian replied, his signing much more punctuated than Nesta’s satiated movements. “But it looks like you’ve yet to take care of our mate,” he nodded towards where your cock was leaking through your pants.
Nesta arched a dark brow at you, a sultry look on her face as she leaned forward, unbuttoning your shirt while pressing soft kisses to the newly exposed skin. You felt Cassian’s warmth behind you, sensed his movements as he undressed. 
They both helped you remove your pants, the three of you now bare and aching with desire. Cassian must have said something to Nesta, because she returned to her place at the head of the bed, kneeling there with her hair covering her full breasts. “Elbows and knees,” she directed to you, sucking in a breath as you obeyed with leisure, soaking in her expressions as you crawled between her legs, ass in the air for Cassian behind you.
Cassian’s strong hands settled firmly on your ass, working the flesh there as you felt a cold substance poured over your hole. One finger slid inside of you, then two, and your head fell into Nesta’s lap as Cassian worked you open.
Delicate fingers wove through your hair, teasing along the sensitive membrane of your wing in just the right place to leave your body shaking. Collapsing into the sheets, you buried your face once more in Nesta’s wet pussy, eating her out slowly this time as Cassian entered you from behind.
It was ecstasy, to be between your mates like this. You struggled to focus on Nesta, your technique growing sloppy the harder Cassian thrust inside of you. 
Suddenly, you felt Cassian’s hands wrap around your wrists, holding them together behind you to arch your back in a way that let him hit impossibly deeper. You could hardly breathe, the pleasure was too much, or so you thought. 
Cassian continued pounding into you, but you couldn’t breathe pressed against Nesta’s skin. You pulled away as best you could, head instead falling into the sheets at an uncomfortable angle. You could hardly think of anything except that you needed this to stop, needed a break, but you couldn’t sign to them.
As Cassian thrust into you again, fingertips found his wrists, and you dug a nail hard into the skin there, quickly making an attempt to sign “stop.”
All at once, everything stilled, and you felt Nesta move from beneath you to lay at your side, face level with your own. “Are you hurt?”
Shaking your head, you let your now-released hands fall to the mattress as Cassian slid out of you. You turned over so they could both see your hands, and still catching your breath, explained. “I am not hurt. I could not breathe well, and got scared when I couldn’t use my hands.” 
You noticed Cassian’s face crumble with guilt, the general falling back on his heels. Feeling his pain through the bond, you leaned forward, hands finding his cheeks as you pulled him in for a gentle kiss. 
“I am okay. This is just something we need to talk about in the future - a way for us all to still be able to communicate in bed.”
Cass’s gaze softened slightly, visible relief edging at his features. “You are sure you’re alright?” he pressed.
“I am sure. Now, will you please lay with me?” you asked, taking his hand and Nesta’s in each of yours as you guided them to join you under the covers. 
Nesta’s arms wound around your waist, her body curling into your side, one leg hiked across your own. You found Cassian’s hand, intertwining it with your own to press a kiss to the tough skin there. You smiled softly at the feeling of his long onyx hair brushing your neck, soft lips pressed to your cheek before you drifted off to sleep in your mates’ warm embrace.
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gilverrwrites · 6 months ago
Keep Me Forever ♥︎
“I will get you back. Might not be today, might not be any time soon. Hell, if it takes years, I will have you again.”
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Black Mask/Reader, 2.3K Warnings: Non-explicit non-con, spiking, alcohol consumption, mild threats of violence. DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT AN: This senario has been floating around in my head for a few days, and then I was struck by the writing bug in the middle of the night and just had to turn it into something. Side note: Story contains maskless Roman.
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Roman has intentionally been dragging his feet with the divorce proceedings. Which is why you're outright shocked when you find him lingering outside your place of work one morning.
His commitment to maintain even a shred of control over you is almost impressive, you wish he’d shown that kind of adherence to mending your marriage before it was too late. The purposeful delay in signing the paperwork is the latest in a string of stunts to prevent the inevitable. Predictably it had started a lot more confrontationally, with threats of, and often actual acts of violence and criminal damage. He’d had people following you, he’d slandered your name across town, any dirty, underhanded tactic you could think of, he’d tried it. That had been difficult to handle for certain, but his newest strategy of outright ignoring the issue at hand came with its own issues.
Frightful that he's done a 180 and is here to yell and scream and demand you come home again, you spend a long time watching him from afar until you can't put it off any longer without being late for your shift.
“Roman you had better-” You’re disorientated when he greets you with a smile. Not just any smile. A round-cheeked, soft-eyed smile, the kind he used to give you when you'd first fallen for each other.
He pulls you into a hug and holds your face as he tells you that you look good, that he's missed you. “No, not like that, just, uh, yeah…”
There's an endearingly nervous energy to him that you haven't seen in years. He sure knows how to keep you guessing.
“Look, I'm sorry I dropped in on you like this.” His gloved hands gently squeeze yours, holding them against his chest. His dark eyes gaze at you through wispy lashes that you've always admired, if not envied. You've missed calm, close moments like this. “I want to take you out for dinner.”
When you wince, he squeezes you a little harder.
“No, no, no. It's not like that. Please, let me take you out, my treat and we’ll get this whole divorce thing straightened out, okay? I promise.”
Against your better judgement, you bite. As amiable as he’s being, you're certain there’s an ulterior motive at play.
The next night he sends a town car to pick you up, and you're all kinds of rueful when it pulls up outside the lions den; The Riverside condo Roman and you had shared for the majority of your relationship.
“I know, I know, I swear I didn't plan this.” He chuckles playfully when you pull him up on it. He’s dressed casually, or as casual as Roman gets in slacks, a linen button-down, and a novelty apron you’d bought him years ago. As he pulls out your chair and pours your drink you note that he’s removed his gloves and is still wearing his wedding ring. “I just thought it might be nice to stay in. I made your favourite, come on, you can't be mad at that can you?”
No, you suppose not, but you can be mad when he proceeds to spend the next few hours distracting from the dinner's intended subject in favour of trying to wistfully remind you about the good times you've shared, or cooing over how good you look. For all his flaws, Roman is very charming when he wants to be. Between the company, the food, and the drinks, it’s not an unpleasant night, but a trip down memory lane and honeyed flattery is not what you’re here for.
“Look, it's clear you have no intention of actually talking about our separation.” You finally crack over dessert, throwing in your napkin when he attempts to hold your hand.
“Well excuse the fuck outta me for tryina’ mend the bridge you burned.” His skin is growing hot, muscles taut as an all too familiar fury rises to the surface. There's the Roman you served papers too. So typical of him to blame you. To start seeing red the moment you refuse to be twisted around his little finger. 
“Don’t lie.” You cross your arms. “You're not trying to make reparations; you're trying to kiss and make up!”
“Would that be so bad?”
“Yes.” No sooner does the word leave your mouth when he grips the table, lifting it to hurl in anger.
You dart up as well, instinctively grabbing for the plates and cutlery as it topples toward you. Roman’s red wine hits your chest, the sudden wetness causing you to gasp and all of a sudden, the table is back on its legs.
The embrace he wraps you in this time is much more forceful. One arm loops around your back and holds you in place by the elbow while he pats you down with tissues. A purveyor of white suits, Roman knows how to dab at a wine stain, and this is not the correct method. He's just moving it around, likely using it as an excuse to grope the body he's been missing as he murmurs through gritted teeth.
“It's okay, I got it, I got it. Stop fuckin’ squirming, let me help you.”
Eventually, you surrender, growing limp in his arms to get it over with. It's obvious he's taken aback by your sudden compliance but clearly, he appreciates it as evidenced by the smirk that lines his lips by the time he's done.
“I wouldn't have hurt you.” He says quietly, leaning his body close to yours.
“I know.” You lie, too tired of this whole show to fight.
His fingers are too familiar, too intimate as he caresses your jawline, taking advantage of your passivity. His own jaw grows tight when you turn your head to dodge the kiss he tries for.
“I should go.” At your words he lightens his grip, not enough to let you go, but enough for him to rub his hands up and down your back, trying and oddly succeeding to comfort you.
“Don't go yet, please.” Roman doesn't beg, but this might be the closest he's ever come. “Your wardrobe is still full. Get changed, I’ll pour us fresh drinks and we’ll… we’ll talk about the divorce.”
That chestnut is growing old, but if it means never coming back here again, you're willing to take a chance.
An attempt has been made to clean things up from whatever chaos Roman had caused after you left, but your old walk-in wardrobe is barely recognisable. The mirrors are all but gone, empty frames and missed shards litter the walls and floor. Your vanity chair lays on its side, missing all but one leg. About half of the clothes you’d left behind, the pieces that Roman had curated for you have been ripped or discarded on the floor.
It takes a while but eventually, you find something comfortable and undamaged to wear.
With no mirrors to check your reflection in, you detour into your old bedroom, glancing at yourself only briefly before you spot something that causes a funny feeling in your gut. On the bedside table, your bedside table is a singular hoop earring and a handful of hair ties, none of which belong to you.
The green monster can be a funny devil, it grabs you when you least expect it. This doesn't change your feelings, you have no intention of running back to Roman, to ‘reclaim’ him, but the thought of another woman in this room, in his arms, on your side of the bed makes your chest ache. So much so that you find yourself settling on the comforter, toying with the soft fabric you’d picked out as you attempt to process the situation. 
You must be gone for a while because Roman comes looking for you. Other than “Ah! There you are.” He doesn't say anything, just hands you a champagne flute and sits beside you in silence until you point to the foreign objects that litter your former space.
“Oh, erm.” He furrows his brows as he thinks hard. “Probably Candy or maybe Alexa.”
He picks up the earring, turning it over between his lithe fingers. “I think it might even be Francie… or was it Franny? Something with an F.”
You're not sure if it disgusts you that there's been so many women, all evidently interchangeable to him, or pleases you that none seem to have left an impression. A perplexing amalgamation of both, amongst other things.
To ward off the flurry of complex emotions you down the drink in your hand, chugging it all back in one go. The sharp taste and harsh bubbles that scratch your throat on the way down cause you to purse your lips and scrunch your eyes closed. 
Roman laughs at your funny face, not unkindly. It feels earnest, in ways he hadn't expressed in a long time. Affectionate even and you can't help giggling in tandem. The longer it goes on, the more flushed you start to feel. A strange warmth stemming from your stomach spreads throughout your body, making you feel light and giddy.
Roman draws closer and you sigh at his musk. You hadn't noticed earlier but he's wearing the aftershave you'd always fawned over whenever he’d worn it while you were together. 
“You’re as beautiful as the day we meet.” You maybe-kinda-sorta recall him using that line earlier over dinner, but it makes you weak regardless. Determined not to cave however, you shake your head, ignoring how your cheeks feel hot. Tentatively he takes your face in his hands and guides you to look at him. “No matter how you try to deny it, you always were, and always will be mine.” 
The weight in your chest is gone, replaced by the racing of your heart.
Obviously, you'd always thought he was handsome. The best-looking man you'd ever met, but from this angle, this close he’s really… wow.
You do say something in response, but you can hardly remember what.
Lightheaded, you fall back on the bed under the force of Roman’s lips on yours. As he presses you deeper into the sheets with his weight something cold clinks onto your neck, causing you to hiss into the fervid kiss. Roman pulls back to check on you, as he sits up the cold retracts with him. A gold chain has slipped out from beneath his shirt, dangling between your bodies. In lieu of a pendant, the wedding and engagement bands you’d returned to him hang between you.
That's the last thing you remember before you wake, alone, confused, naked, and sore as hell the following morning. You've no idea what he did to you, but it's not hard to put two and two together.
Your legs are weak, and the bright lights hurt your eyes, but you manage to find clothes and stumble down the hallway.
Roman’s voice echoes throughout the apartment, putting you on edge, but eventually, your mind wakes enough to realise he's on a ‘business’ call, which actually provides you with the perfect cover to get out without pursuit.
It doesn't last long, however, like the calm before the storm. Fate only spares you enough time to get home.
Two things are realised as you try to scour the shame from your skin under the hot stream of your shower. Roman realises that you’re gone and starts blowing up your phone with calls and texts, each ping disturbs your safe haven like a 21st-century omen. The second realisation comes when you feel something cool on your scalp as you shampoo your hair. Drawing your hands down to examine the cause, you realise that at some point Roman had returned the rings to your finger.
When the water finally runs cold you reluctantly head to your bedroom. Still damp, you scroll through the flurry of notifications on your phone. Skimming over each text, you can see his downward spiral as he descends from short, well-written messages to paragraphs upon paragraphs brimming with capitalisation. You’re prepared to turn your phone off and ignore him until a series of voice notes pique your morbid interest.
Bracing yourself, you pull the towel tight around your body like a comfort blanket as you press play on the first one.
[New Recording 001] 0:00 〇───── 1:23 ⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
Nothing but a strange tapping can be heard for the first few seconds. You're confused until you hear your voice whining and huffing in sync with what you now realise is the sound of skin on skin. Of Roman’s hips as he drills into you. You must have been excessively wet to make for such a vulgar slapping sound.
[New Recording 002] 0:00 〇───── 1:46 ⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
The second recording begins with Roman’s voice, whispering something low and indecipherable. You cringe when you hear yourself respond with a loud moan, and; “Oh fuck- oh FUCK, I missed your dick, Roman. Missed feeling you deep inside me.”
Heat rises through every inch of your body as you take it all. If Roman could see you now, stone faced and furious, he certainly wouldn’t call you beautiful. 
[New Recording 003] 0:00 〇───── 5:04 ⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
“I love you!” “I love you too baby-” You choke on air, hitting pause on the third recording and taking a break to wallow before letting the rest play. “-you ever gonna leave me again?” “No, nonononono, I’ll never leave you, never ever.”
“Want you to keep me forever.” You sound dazed. Positively fucked. Every word out of your lips is slurred and breathless.  “I know you do; always knew you couldn't keep away from me.”
[New Recording 015] 0:00 〇───── 1:59 ⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
“More? Only if you beg.” Roman sounds elated, like a pig in shit. “Please-”
Whatever he'd slipped you can't have been a roofie, you’re too lucid, too vocal. Possibly an aphrodisiac? He probably paid big bucks for something Ivy had cooked up.
There are so many more, varying in levels of filth and soppiness.
[New Recording 022] 0:00 〇───── 0:47 ⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
In the last one, he asks if you still want a divorce and your drugged-up, sex-hazed, idiot self cries “No, no Roman, I love you. I want to be with you forever.”
He follows it with one last text:
Call me, or I'm sending this to my lawyer.
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darl-ingfics · 6 months ago
Sicktember Day 5: Rogue Organ
Fandom: Seventeen
Sickie: DK/Seokmin (tonsilitis)
Caregiver(s): Vocal Line
Word Count: 1266
Notes: Medical inaccuracies who? Also, for the timeline, we're putting 'late award season' around early January cause I was getting overwhelmed looking at different lists. Also, was this inspired by this post by @btshurtcomfortprompts? Yes, it was, but it clearly took shape for a different group, so I do apologize for that.
“Wait. Are you sick again?” Seungkwan asked after Seokmin’s coughing fit subsided. The older vocalist shrugged noncommittally, rubbing at the base of his throat. “Hyung, that’s like… the fourth time in as many months. That’s not normal.” Seokmin mumbled something unintelligible as his head fell into his arms folded on the table. Seungkwan looked desperately between Jeonghan and Joshua. “Guys, this isn’t normal!” 
The two older members exchanged a glance. No, this certainly wasn’t normal. Seungkwan wasn’t exaggerating: Seokmin had indeed fallen ill several times in the last few months. It had started near the end of award season, when a nasty cold had spread around the whole team. No one had really batted an eye when he was sick again in early February, assuming he’d jumped back into work too fast after bug from January. March had seen the members completing more solo activities, coming and going at such odd hours that his third cold had almost gone completely unnoticed, except for the watchful eye of Soonyoung and Seungkwan, who’d forced him to the doctor for antibiotics. Which had helped. Obviously, temporarily.
Joshua pulled out his phone. “I can call our company doctors and see if they…”
“No, no doctor.” Seokmin cut him off with a violent shake of his head. “I’m fine. It’s probably just overuse.” He missed the way Jeonghan and Joshua’s eyes narrowed at that excuse, how they made eye contact. 
“Okay, first of all, overuse doesn’t cause a cough like that,” Jeonghan argued. He crossed his arms over his chest, worried hyung-mode activated. “Second, you take incredibly good care of your voice so it doesn’t get overused. And third, we haven’t even done anything recently that could even cause…”
“Okay, hyung, I hear you.” There was an edge in Seokmin’s voice none of them were used to hearing. Seungkwan grabbed Joshua’s shoulder, confusion and worry clear on his face. 
“What’s with the attitude?” Jeonghan asked. 
“It’s not an attitude. I just don’t appreciate being treated like a child.” Jeonghan scoffed at that, and Seokmin glared up at him. “I’m serious, hyung! I can make my own health decisions, and I say no doctor.”
“Seokmin, you’re being ridiculous. It can’t hurt to at least see a doctor…” 
“I’M NOT GOING!” Joshua and Seungkwan both jumped at the volume of Seokmin’s voice. Jeonghan flinched away too. All three were frozen in shock as Seokmin bent over coughing again. When the fit finally left him, gasping wheezily, he whispered, “Please don’t make me go. Please.” With those words, Seokmin shrunk in on himself, hiding his face in his hands. The silence that followed was palpable. The remaining three members’ eyes volleyed back and forth.
Joshua moved first, sliding into the chair next to Seokmin. He gently wove his hands with the younger man’s, noting how Seokmin’s muscles tensed at his touch. “Why don’t you want to see a doctor?” Joshua asked, voice quiet, as if they were the only people in the room. 
Seokmin finally raised his eyes. Joshua did his best not to flinch at the tears clouding his friend’s vision. “Cause last time I was there, they said it might be my tonsils and that I’d have to get them out!” The last word was choked by a sob that sent the tears pouring down his face. 
“Oh, honey.” Joshua pulled Seokmin to him, allowing the younger vocalist to completely break down. Seungkwan ran to the other side of Seokmin’s chair, rubbing his friend’s back. 
“It hurts so much,” Seokmin cried, words muffled in Joshua’s shoulder. 
“I’m sure it does, if it’s your tonsils,” Joshua replied. 
“Hyung, it might not be the worst thing to get them out, though,” Seungkwan suggested carefully. “That would stop the pain.”
“But…” Seokmin took a shuddering breath, sitting up from Joshua’s embrace to look at them both. “But what if something goes wrong?” 
“Goes wrong?” Joshua asked. He gently tucked Seokmin’s hair behind his ear, attempting to maintain as much contact as possible. 
Seokmin nodded, clearly trying not to sob again. “What if they ruin my voice and I can’t… I can’t sing any-anymore?!” The hiccup in his voice triggered another cough.  
Joshua smoothed away a tear from Seokmin’s cheek. “Baby, that has to be so rare.” 
“But not impossible!”
“Minnie, look.” Jeonghan, who had appeared without any of them realizing it, thrust his phone between the trio, pointing to a highlighted quote on the screen. “I’ve been doing research and it says that it’s a myth that tonsillectomies change your voice. They don’t even touch your vocal cords.” Seokmin took the phone, rereading the screen several times. He clicked out of the article, scrolling through other articles from Jeonghan’s search. “Plus, if you do get your tonsils out, that means unlimited popsicles.”  
“That’s not helping right now,” Seokmin admitted simply, eyes still glued to the phone. Joshua patted Jeonghan’s back, a ‘thank you’ for trying. 
“Well you know what might help?” Seokmin didn’t even have time to respond before Seungkwan threw his arms around him from behind, crushing him in a hug that nearly squeezed the phone from his hand. With the speed of vipers, Joshua and Jeonghan swooped in, capturing their sunshine from all sides. “What do you say now? Feel any better?”
“A little bit,” Seokmin conceded, even though fresh tears were brimming in his eyes. But that had more to do with the love of his members than the pain in his throat or the fear that came with that pain. “Thank you.”
“What else are we good for?” Jeonghan joked. A ripple of laughter passed through the group hug. 
“But I still don’t want to see the doctor.”
“It’s not a matter of want anymore, hyung,” Seungkwan replied. “
Seokmin rolled his eyes. “I said I didn’t want to, not that I wouldn’t go.” 
“Well now you’re just being difficult.”
“Did I… miss something?”
Instead of breaking apart, the four men assembled in the group hug simply craned their necks to see Jihoon standing in the doorway looking desperately confused. 
“Dokyeomie needs to get his tonsils out,” Jeonghan explained. “So we are providing him moral support and positive vibes.” 
Without a word, Jihoon hurried to join the hug. “I’m so sorry, Kyeomie.” 
“It’s okay. I had a bad feeling it was coming when the doctor said it last month.” He laughed once, a tad of embarrassment hidden in the noise. “And I may or may not have overreacted a bit about it this morning.” 
“What? You? Overreacting? Never!” Jeonghan gasped much to the delight of his dongsaeng who nudged him, shuffling the whole hug in the process. 
“I assume that means you haven’t told anyone about this yet?” Jihoon sighed. 
Joshua shook his head. “It was kinda hard to call a manager with a friend so severely upset.” Seokmin gently rested his forehead against Joshua’s shoulder, a soft ‘thank you’ for the support that shoulder had provided just moments before. 
“So what I’m hearing is that you have no real confirmation that your tonsils need to come out…”
“Hyung, please don’t give me hope. I want to keep my delusions low.”
“I think that’s nearly impossible for you, hyung,” Seungkwan said in reply. “But I admire your delusion in your own delusions.” Seokmin attempted to elbow him, managing to hit Jeonghan instead and setting off a minor skirmish that ended in the breakup of the group hug. But the hug had served its purpose: all five of them, especially their precious Seokmin, were laughing together. And that laughter would carry them through, no matter what the doctor had to say.
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ithaquakisser · 2 years ago
Synopsis; You ponder the meaning of love. The closest answer you can get is, "devotion."
CW; Unhealthy relationship, obsession, emotional manipulation, vague depictions of blood & violence, yandere relationship
WC; ≈833
Note; This was a requested by a lovely follower. I was experimenting with another take on Ithaqua, it was certainly a fun writing exercise. I went through a rollercoaster of emotions writing this for sure! This was a rather short piece but I hope you enjoy anyway! 🫶
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Love, an intense feeling of deep affection for another. Although, what is the true definition of love? Is it whispering sweet-nothings on a cold winter’s day? Or is it holding their hand in yours whilst you both lay? He sets your mind in disarray and when he kisses you, he leaves you in dismay.
Your heart flutters upon hearing him calling out your name as he takes you into an embrace. Platinum waves brushed against your rosy cheeks as his lips met yours. Cold, slender hands taken into your warm ones. Ebony hues fixed onto yours. This is love, isn’t it?
How you’d do anything for this moment to last. For him to look at you with light in his eyes, to caress your skin ever so tenderly under the moonlight whilst snowflakes kissed your cheeks. The cool breeze blowing through h/c and silver locks. Both of your hands intertwined. You could only ponder.. this is love, right?
You’d find yourself on your knees, pleading for forgiveness with tears at the corners of your e/c eyes. Ithaqua would grip your face, digging his sharp nails into your skin as he glowered. “Do you think I’ve gone too far, Y/N?” Questioned Ithaqua, observing as pearls of crimson seeped from your scarlet cheeks.
His gaze softened upon witnessing your face of distress. “Answer me, Y/N..” He demanded. “No... Not at all..” You uttered, wincing as he tightened his grip on you. “Liar.” Ithaqua scowled. This is love, right?
He had let go of you the moment tears began to pour. Each time you cried, he too, wept. “I apologize, Y/N... I did not intend to hurt you.” Ithaqua cooed, leisurely removing his mask as he ran a hand through your hair. You couldn’t help but lean into his touch, despite having tears in your eyes.
“I’m sorry… I’m not any different from him am I?” He spoke, lowering his gaze. Platinum strands of hair draped over his dark eyes. As always, you’d find yourself beside him, consoling him. “You hate me… Don’t you?” Ithaqua mumbled. “I know you do… You’d gouge out my eyes if you could. You’d dispose of me if you had the chance to.”
“Of course not… I would never leave you, Ithaqua.” You’d frequently whisper sweet words of emptiness to him; words that in the end, meant nothing. When will you ever realize you’ve fallen for Judas himself? When will you face the truth itself? Until it is too late, is when you’d realize. You’d realize you’ve fallen for a demon who was barely even human.
He could run a sharp blade down your back, and watch as the crimson spilled. Yet you’d still cry for him. He could gouge out your eyes and leave you blind, yet you’d find yourself eagerly reaching out a hand each time. He could shout at you words of bitterness, and you’d still say “I love you.”
“I love you.” Three words you didn’t quite understand yet you had a feeling this is what love meant. Love to you meant; devoting oneself to another, even if it meant sacrificing it all. Hands intertwined, you’d caress his tear-stained face. You’d console him, even if it pained you to do so. Even if the sword were to cut you deep, you’d find yourself by his side, uttering his name.
If it meant gazing upon his beaming smile once more, you’d take a bite out of the red apple to see his beloved face. You’d kneel at his feet during matches, carmine pouring from your side as you grinned from ear to ear. All of your friends were eliminated relentlessly, and only you remained. Clutching at your wound, maroon droplets threaten to spill from your lips whilst your e/c eyes met his. He’d remove his mask and tenderly plant a kiss on your bloodied lips, whispering an apology under his breath. This is love, is it not?
Three words you didn’t quite understand yet you oh so desperately wished to hear from his lips. Words you’d wish to engrave into your mind the moment you hear it from him, and him alone. You’d plead, beg, and entreat to hear his voice speak those three words. You longed to hear his voice speak out your name, speaking those three empty words whilst you relished in his presence. You yearned for his touch, his embrace, his gaze. If it meant acting like a fool, you’d do so for him.
Acts of service, proclamation, and dedication, are all which you offer to him. Yet, your love seemingly falls to blind eyes and deaf ears. Yet somehow, he still wishes for you to reach out to him. For you to call out his name, even if it caused you pain to do so. In the most selfish way possible, you belonged to him and him alone. You dare not look another person’s way. You dare not even speak another person’s name. Still, you ponder once more, this is love, is it not?
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eddiemunson-mylove · 2 years ago
Tender Loving Hair Care
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author's note -
Hi!! I don't have much to say other than please be gentle!! I haven't written in about 6-7 years so this is my first attempt I suppose.
Huge thank you to @lovejosephquinn for helping me to become inspired to finally write for our dear boy.
warnings -
none :) although I think Eddie says f**k like... once
word count -
The sudden downpour hadn’t been forecast that day. No strong winds gusting from the north. The clouds had been gentle and scarce. But as you rouse from your sleep, still wrapped firmly in the blankets that had shielded your skin from the harsh pricks of the early spring, the worn metal of the Munson trailer rattled under the weight of the raindrops, generous in both size and frequency. 
Idly rolling your head to the right to glance out of Eddie’s window, the makeshift curtain consisting of an old red sheet long fallen on one side, you caught the streams of water racing down the glass. The biting cold of the air was not the only absence of warmth that you had become very suddenly hyperaware of. Your eyes flickered down to the pillow next to you, a hand reaching up to brush over the centre. The pillow was flat, cold to the touch. But most importantly, void of Eddie. 
Reluctantly pulling yourself from the all-encompassing scent of your seemingly missing boyfriend, your feet carried you through the short hallway, the thudding echoed from the hard floors beneath the thinning carpet. The rest of the trailer had only proven to be as vacant as the bedroom, with Wayne already away across state on a construction site, and Eddie whose whereabouts had yet to be made apparent.
Wincing under your breath as your feet made contact with the linoleum in the kitchen, you were quick to stand on the small withered rug placed haphazardly in front of the sink. Reaching out and grabbing a glass from the draining board, you poured some water in order to clear your throat that was still thick from sleep. Leaning your hip against the countertop, you find yourself once again gazing out of the kitchen window, taking in the wide expanse of the park. The rain had not let up, still beating down, droplets bouncing once they hit the floor. 
Sighing deeply, you turn slightly so that your back was now leaning on the cabinets. Nursing your glass and aimlessly flashing your sights over the small kitchenette and over to the cluttered living space. Despite the organised chaos of the Munson men’s attempt at decorating around the home, you did notice a new addition amongst the disarray. 
The half emptied glass now pushed thoughtlessly back next to the sink, you move swiftly over to the coffee table that had piqued your interest. Placed delicately on the table was a scrap of paper, likely torn from a notebook with Eddie’s scribble on it:
‘Princess, I’ve only popped out to get you a little gift. Don’t worry! This one doesn’t involve spending anymore money :) 
I am actually hoping that you’ll still be asleep before I get back (I just left this so you wouldn’t worry) so for my sake can you go back to bed and be totally surprised when I get back?!
Can’t wait to see you… 
Your grin could only be described as lovesick, the tops of your cheeks appearing in your field of vision, lips that were still chapped from your previously dormant state now stretching. Eddie never failed to surprise you with his devoted escapades, always keeping you on your toes, trying to impress you as if you hadn’t already handed over your heart to him. Following his ‘strict’ instructions you carefully place the note back onto the table in an attempt to appease his wishes. Starting the short walk back to his room you take one last passing glance out of the kitchen window but stop when the realisation hits you that his van is still parked where it was left upon returning home the evening prior. 
You’re suspicion only clouds with dread when the sudden gusts of wind howl through the crevices of the aged trailer. Eddie had left home on foot, and if there is one thing that you have gaged from your time together is that this man does not dress for the weather. You make quick work of gathering towels and fresh clothes for his return, even going as far as to setting some water on the stove, ready to turn on when he appeared. Now all that was left was to wait for Eddie to show his face, whatever state he may be in. You settle gently onto the couch, feet strewn carelessly to the side, leaning your head on your hand upon the armrest. Closing your eyes, you started to rehearse how you were going to berate him for leaving in the torrential rain. 
The first drop could’ve been a figment of your imagination. The second was more convincing, accompanied by a soft lull of your name, the voice hoarse but still exuding warmth. The third drop was a certainty, your body being lightly shaken into consciousness. 
Once your eyes had cracked open just enough to make sense of the environment, you were promptly made aware of the large figure leaning over the couch. A hand was still resting on your shoulder, the icy temperature almost felt as though your skin was burning. Your gaze flickers upwards, just making out the lopsided grin plastered over the lower half of Eddie’s face. Your eyes continued their journey up, finally meeting the glinting eyes of your boyfriend, his lashes clumped together and damp.
The fourth drop was a catalyst for the memory of your first attempt at rising that morning. Your eyes swiftly drop to your knee, managing to catch sight of the water cascading down towards the couch cushions beneath you. Springing to your feet and startling Eddie in the process, you wordlessly shuffled towards the stack of towels in your drowsy state. Even whilst barely conscious you still had the overwhelming urge to attend to Eddie before yourself.
“Eds… what were you thinking?” you were quick to engulf Eddie in the towel, the perfect excuse to finally hold him in your arms like you had wished for when you had originally woken up. 
“I was thinking that I really wanted to surprise my girl. I couldn’t sleep and thought it was a better use of my time than twiddling my thumbs” Eddie grumbled, his distasteful tone being a direct result of his drenched state rather than aimed towards you.
“You could have at least worn a coat,” you mumble into his shoulder, “It doesn’t matter now anyways, go and get changed,” you twist his body slightly towards his room, “there’s some clothes on the end of your bed.”
Eddie turns in your arms, his own lifting in order to quickly cradle your face on either side, placing a chaste kiss to your forehead in gratitude.
As he sullenly retreats to his bedroom, you pad back into the kitchen to switch on the stove for some tea. Waiting for it to boil, your quick to notice the large glass of water that had been placed on the dining table by the front door. The glass is now being used as a makeshift vase, holding a substantial collection of what could only be handpicked flowers. There was no intricate organisation to how they were bunched together, the aray of colours placed aimlessly in the glass. So perfectly Eddie…
You recognised a few variations of them, having seen them around the park and the surrounding woodlands. You’d even remembered pointing them out to Eddie on numerous occassions, but had assumed that your observations had fallen on deaf ears. 
Your heart rippled in your chest, the warmth spreading down to your stomach and up to your cheeks simultaneously. Never had you experienced such attentiveness. The want to do such beautiful things to put a smile on your face, as opposed to the need in order to keep the peace. Eddie had truly been plucked from the sky and created just for you… a celestial being.
The thumping of feet nearing you tore you out of your sentimental spiral, head naturally following the increasing sound. Eddie appeared once again, slightly less dishevled with a towel in his hands. His eyes gravitate to you immendaitely and he grins, suantering over to you. With one arm snaking its way around your back and pulling you into his chest, your face made contact with the damp of his shirt. His hair falling limp over his shoulders, soaking through the fabric.
You pulled back slightly in order to see his face, nose red from the biting cold. He’s stares out of the kitchen window, a grimace slowly returning to his face as the kettle starts to whistle. Reluctantly parting from his frame, you shift the pot onto the back of the stove, turning the knob to extinguish the flames. You decide that the water should cool slightly before pouring over the tea, so as to avoid the bitter taste that you knew Eddie wouldn’t appreciate.
Turning around to inquire about Eddie’s ‘surpirse’, you’re stopped suddenly in your tracks. Horror flashing across your face as you reach to swat at his hands that had found themselves carelessly shaking his head amongst a scratchy towel.
“What do you think you are doing!” you cry out, jaw dropped and eyes bulging.
“Uhhhh… drying my hair? If you hadn’t noticed princess, I’m dripping water all over the kitchen” he shoots back, head cocking slightly, confused by your outburst.
 Eddie’s oblivious tone had rang red flags all through your brain. This is how he’s been caring for his curls? All this time, he’s been drying his beautiful hair with a starchy, hard towel? You immediately pull the rag from his grasp, flinging it violently towards the sink.
“Will you please tell me what in the ever-loving fuck is going on?” he exclaims, starting to reach for the towel to continue the assault on his head. 
“Eddie, so help me god, please tell me that is not how you dry your hair on a regular basis” you start, pinching your fingers between your eyes.
“What? Like a normal person? What, do you used pressed silk or something?” he smirks, amused by your exasperated manner.
“Eds, please just go and sit on the floor in front of the couch, I’ll be there in a second” you push out followed by a heavy sigh.
“Sit on the floor? What is going-”
“Eddie! The floor” you point to where you had been sat not even 30 minutes ago, “please” you stress slightly.
“How long is this going to take” Eddie shifts again, rocking between each hip as the hard floor took its toll on his joints.
After practically demanding your infuriatingly clueless boyfriend to plop down on the carpet, you had hurriedly poured his tea and handed him his steaming mug before zipping of into his room to collect a cotton t-shirt. With Eddie’s clothes typically strewn on various surfaces, it took a few digs and a few more label checks to find what you needed. With a determined spring in your step, you had made your way back to the couch and clumsily navigated yourself to sit behind Eddie, a leg on either side of him in order to begin your masterpiece.
It had been around 10 minutes of continually squeezing sections of his hair with the shirt, blotting out the extra moisture much more gently than that wretched towel. You would switch between scrunching Eddie’s sections up towards his scalp and wring the clumps around your fingers to try and put some life back into the curl pattern. Years of hair care neglect had left his hair frizzy and dry, and now you had seen first hand why that was the case.
You still adored Eddie’s hair to bits, it being one of the main eye catching attractions when you met. But, Jesus, you had always thought that it could use a little extra TLC. He had no products at all, simply having to rely on the already wet state and your hands to make each ringlet into a somewhat consistent pattern. 
You rolled your eyes at his whining. You knew full well that he was lapping up every second of this special treatment by the way his head would loll when slightly tugged to one side and the small contented sighs that escaped his lips. 
“I’m almost done handsome…” you coo, leaning forward to place a light kiss on his temple. He hummed at the contact and sipped at the last of his cooled tea. The domesticity of the situation you were in made the back of your eyes sting slightly, not enough to produce tears, but enough to feel that warmth spread once again throughout your chest. You allow yourself to wonder whether this would become a regular occurrence, or if this would become a fond memory down the line; the intimacy to be long cherished by the both of you for years to come. 
You reached around to grip the bottom of Eddie’s chin, tilting his head upwards so you could gaze at his face. All the muscles that had been hardened and tense upon his earlier return had now fully softened, nothing left but half-lidded eyes and a lazy smile.
“All done, sweetness” you beam down, lightly stroking his bottom lip with your thumb.
“Does it look good baby?” he prompts, eyes opening just a little more to gage your reaction.
“Oh yeah, totally metal Eds. Got my very own Kirk right here” you both giggle as your eyes locked on one another. You took the sudden initiative to gently lean down to him.
You pressed your lips firmly onto Eddie’s, the feeling making your head spin, the taste only describable as saccharine. He hums into it, quick to return the kiss with just as much fervor. You’re the first to break away, eyes opening to see Eddie still leaned forward with his eyes shut, lashes twitching against his flushed cheeks.
“What was that for sweetheart?” Eddie breathes out, eyelids now hesitantly opening to up gaze at you through his lashes as though you had hung the stars in the night sky.
“I never thanked you for the flowers Eds,” you beamed at him, “So that was my thank you”
Eddie simply grinned and jutted his chin to lean up once more…  
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spacedoutman · 1 year ago
【𝕻𝖞𝖌𝖒𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖔𝖓 | 𝕬 𝖐𝖎𝖘𝖘 𝖆𝖚】
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(𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 4)
Description: Kiss was the perfect name for the infamous bank robbers who kissed everything goodbye to go out in a blaze of glory. Wreaking havoc on 1930s America, what happens when the chase ends?
♥ Paul Stanley x Reader
Note: Paul thinks about you more than you know while doing his job as a farm hand. (He loves you a lot)
Warnings: PTSD, death | This chapter gets very dark! Please proceed with caution!
𝕽𝖊𝖆𝖉 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 5 / 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 3 / / 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 1 / 𝖆𝖔3
Gene jumped, gasping sharply as his eyes widened. Paul shrunk. His brows stuck furrowed so tightly they’d crack. Maybe jerking the wheel that hard was a bad idea. It felt like Paul’s feet jetted off the ground. The truck swung into the gas station, slinging the two so hard Gene crashed into the dash. Paul held himself up by a string. The truck quit—or stopped.
Paul stomped the gas. It rattled before rolling on. Pitch black shimmered like a whole ass star against the moonlight. Paul’s jaw dropped. A sleek model T ford sat, parked criss-cross in one of the lots. Paul couldn’t help but to smile. Your face shimmered in the backs of his lids again. Your face.. Paul’s eyes smiled. His grip lightened.
“Careful—don’t scratch it!” Gene cried worriedly.
Paul’s vision blurred as the truck hobbled into the lot.
A job. Anything could be a job without being paid for it. Heat crawled onto the back of Paul’s neck. Paul scratched it. Gene took the wheel. The car jerked from side to side for a split second. Paul’s heart skipped in his chest like a kid over a jump rope. Rope. Sweat trickled down Paul’s face. Vomit crawled to the top of his throat like a million little spiders.
‘I am for sale! Will take any job! Unemployed five months, if any longer, family will starve!’
The sun drowned them like they were neck deep in the sea. One of the men hit the ground beside him. An old car rolled down the dirt road. The men pushed their signs out. Paul’s legs wobbled under him. He held himself up like there was a stick in his back. His stomach twisted and clenched as hot sweat poured down his face, shooting ice down his spine.
His arms fought him to give out. Another took his shoulder, pulling him up and rolling his sleeves.
Their solemn gazes followed the car as it drove off, leaving a cloud of dust which stung their lungs—if they could even breathe. The air was thick as pudding and muggy as the jungle Whoever was inside didn’t even glance. A couple pedestrians rushed through the small town, their chins clinging to their chests. The buildings looked as if they’d cling to the cracked pavement in a second.
‘Starving! Fought for three years, can speak French, Spanish! College educated, will take any job!’
The sign laid on the ground. One of the pedestrians stepped over it. The fallen man’s groans eventually faded. Paul swayed like a tree in the wind. His throbbing head was lighter than a cloud. His ribs pierced his lungs. His legs ached so badly they’d long went numb. The bottoms of his feet burnt like he stood on a stove on fire.
‘Wanted: A rope to hang myself’
He couldn’t squeeze a thought through his head.
“Paul.” Gene shook him gently. “Paul, please.. please come to.”
Gene’s voice cracked with worry. Paul’s eyes shot wide before relaxing. His head snapped to face Gene, whose brow wrinkled. His large eyes glimmered. “Are you okay?” He said softly, leaning close. Paul’s heart kicked up.
“We’re not going back.” He pushed Gene back. Gene sunk.
Paul rubbed his temple so hard it would break through to his skull. “There’s n-no fucking way we’re going back.” He muttered, his voice shattered like thin ice. His eyes hit the floor.
“Paul.” Gene murmured. Paul’s shoulders curled hard over his chest. He clutched his stomach. “Come on—we’ll deal with that later. Do you need a minute?”
Paul’s heart raced. “I-If I go in here and spend the rest of our money on gas and food, what will we have left?” His stomach turned like a twisted knife.
“Paul. I understand but you’ve got to calm down. If we don’t get gas, we’ll never get home. We’ll be walking for hours...”
Paul grit his teeth. A wildfire exploded deep inside. He stepped out. The car door swung so hard it almost smashed into the ford. “What’s that doing here anyway?” Gene forced lightheartedness into his voice, leaning out Paul’s door. His strained smile shone in the moonlight. Paul clenched his nose bridge and sighed deeply, looking down and away.
“We’re going to rot.” Paul said through a clenched jaw, shaking his fist sharply. “That’s it.”
“Paul. Please.”
Something about Gene’s voice itched him like a million mosquito bites. Paul tensed in the blink of an eye. The night chill settled around him—so why did his body still burn? Why was he trembling?
Fog conquered Paul’s brain. Gene threw himself out of the car. Paul paced violently, yanking off his cap and sweeping his hands through his hair. “Paul, Paul!” Gene eased his hands onto his shoulders, stopping him. “If you keep this up, we’re going to get arrested!” Paul turned with ungodly wide eyes. His chest tightened. His breathing sped up.
“Inmates earn more god-damned money than we do.” He scoffed.
Gene shook him a bit. “D-Don’t think like that!” He almost whispered, horribly panicked. “Come on. Let’s go home. I’ll take care of gas-”
“-And if we break down?” Paul spoke over him, cocking his brow.
“Then we can take care of that later.”
“We came to the station, Gene. It would be stupid if we didn’t get gas.” Paul sarcastically snapped.
He reached into his pocket. “Hell, we could rob the place and still be better off than we are now!” He raved. Gene gasped.
“—Don’t say that so loudly!”
“What are those assholes gonna’ do? Arrest us for talk?” Paul said through a menacing chuckle.
“Paul. Stop. Please.” Gene was as firm as a pillow.
Paul’s brows furrowed. “I might as well do it now-” Gene grabbed his arm.
Paul clasped Gene’s shoulders. Gene stumbled over. The two were almost nose to nose. Night birds whistled quietly. Crickets chirped. Paul’s eyes cut through his soul. Gene froze. “Tell me, Klein. Do you have the money to get gas?” Paul growled. “Cause’ I sure as hell don’t.” Paul’s lips pursed into a little smile.
Gene reached into his jean pocket and fiddled around. His head fell. “That’s what I thought.” Paul hissed. “And how low are we on gas?”
“Almost empty.”
Paul’s eyes widened. His chest caved in, crushing his heart like glass. His voice choked. Tears stung his eyes.
The words sat in his mouth, nailed like boards over a window. Could he pry them out?
“… What are we going to do?” He faltered.
Paul’s gaze retreated. Gene’s expression turned firm. Paul’s breathed like ten thousand pound weights sat on his back. “What are we going to do?” A bit of anger kicked up in Gene. “How the hell are we gonna’ get home? Walk?”
Paul’s brows drew together. His eyes shot up. The ford sat like a five course meal in front of him.
“I have a better idea.”
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one-and-only-mar · 1 year ago
a++ • george karim x fem!reader
while training at fittes, george was always a top student (disregarding his tendencies to not follow orders). of course, there’s one person that always challenged his spot of #1 — his academic rival. what happens when your bickering and competitions linger even after george’s employment at fittes is over?
george sat at his usual table at the archives. various newspapers and reports were littered across it where he was sitting, a small stack of papers weighed down by his portable mug of tea. he had been there for only an hour, but he had worked through so much history already as he knew that time to research was precious when working at lockwood and co.
every so often his glasses would slide down his nose (they always did) and once, his tea was nearly knocked over. he didn’t care all that much, this being a routine, but surely some passersby wouldn’t appreciate tea staining all the documents.
and that exact passerby was you. every time the tea precariously wobbled, you winced. every time george’s glasses slid down you sighed. and every time he nearly caught you looking you had a mini heart attack.
ever since george had left fittes. it hadn’t been the same. your high marks were so much less satisfactory and even getting into a top team hadn’t meant as much to you as it should’ve.
fittes felt empty to you without him.
“ah-hah!” you heard from the boy in question. a breakthrough?
you glanced over at his table to find out only to find him right in front of you.
“i thought i felt some eyes on me. y/n… haven’t seen you since the last time i beat you on that assignment.”
you huffed. “come off it, you beat me by 1.5%. Professor McKinnon was a numbskull and you know it.”
“well, he was smart enough to give me the winning grade, so…”
despite your banter, or maybe because of it, you shared a little laugh.
the two of you moved over to george’s table. you cleared a little space on the surface to set down your book before turning your attention to the plethora of information laid out before you.
“what do we have here?” research was just as alluring to you as it was to george. you were an expert researcher and the positions you were able to get because of it just proved it. after all, you were the head researcher of one of the top teams at fittes.
“just some old case. reportedly, a type two haunting a theater. you know how those can get — the death is probably connected to a play showed there at some point. with all the costumes and props circulating that place it’s hard to see which one has more significance.”
you nodded, scanning the documents. “any time period theories? when the victim died?” you quickly banished a couple papers you found useless to a pile on the edge of the table.
“well… you know me. i’ve got a couple theories up my sleeve.”
the next couple hours were spent working in companionable silence, the two of you pouring over the papers together. it was nice to be researching side by side again.
despite being quite out of character for him, george had fallen asleep at the table. his tea was now gone, long since sipped away, and his glasses were now set on the table.
you sighed. of course he had fallen asleep. and right before you had cracked the case. you got up, walked across the table and were just about to wake him when you saw his face.
he was at the most relaxed state you had seen him in for a while. maybe that change of company had been good for him, taken the edge off the agent life. now that you had seen him sleeping so peacefully you couldn’t possible wake him. you took out a little notecard, scribbled a little quote, arrow, and note. you set it right on top of the paper that had helped you to the answer.
quickly and silently, you took your leave, gathering your bag and checking out your book.maybe you would see him again but for now, you were disappearing without a word.
and when george woke back up, he was pleased to see the answer waiting for him — and a little note saying “i win this one :)”
because you were quite literally paid to be around books and you preferred the archive so much more than the fittes database, you found yourself at george’s usual table more often than you’d like to admit.
half the time, george wasn’t even there. you knew that he was a field agent as well as being the primary researcher, so it’s not like it was unexpected for him to not be there as often as you. however, you couldn’t lie. every time he didn’t show up for a few days, icy fear gripped you and nightmares of agents dying on the job filled your mind.
thankfully, he came back alive and well every time, ready to dive right back into stacks of paperwork, newspaper articles, and other researchable resources.
it had been a couple months now since that first time he had caught you and brought you over to his table. you were now already there nearly every time george came in. sometimes, his coworker and friend, lucy, was there as well.
it was always a delight to have lucy around. first, it was a chance to spend some time with a girl, which seldom happened for you in your male dominated field. second, it stopped you from getting distracted by george so often, as embarrassing as that is.
this time around, lucy wasn’t there to accompany you and george. honestly, you had half a mind to get her over to the archives at once. george looked sickly pale and more exhausted than you had ever seen him.
the case the night before must’ve been especially tough. an agent’s life was filled with injury. or maybe he was coming down with something. or even both. you never could know for sure what was going on with george.
when he finally sat down in his regular chair, his head immediately lolled to the side before catching itself. “…afternoon, y/n”
“it’s really evening by now. are you feeling alright?” you scooted your chair closer than his and placed a head on his forehead. “are you coming down with something or was there a hard job last night?”
his head went down to lay aginst the table and his voice floated into the air, saying, “no, i’m alright. nothing in particular happened.” with the way he was acting, there was absolutely no way that you could believe him. “anyway, i need some records from the late 1800s about asian immigration. would you mind?”
there really was no way that you could say no to him so you went around and gathered the appropriate documents. you set a stack of various papers on the table and then, without even glancing at george, you took your leave.
you were going to come back, though, and soon. you were only going out to grab some donuts or a little snack and some tea for george, who was missing his portable mug today. in his state, he was clearly in need of sustenance.
plus, he was one of the archive’s most loyal borrowers. you didn’t think any of the librarians would be too miffed about him breaking the no food rule and continuing to break the no drinks rule, especially when he looked like he was on death’s door.
when you came back, george was taking a nap. his arms had come up to cushion his head against the table’s hard surface and the papers you had brought him were still balancing precariously at the edge of the table.
you smiled at the sight. despite his clear unwellness, he looked so peaceful in his sleep. his dark curls fell slightly toward his forehead and his glasses were, for once, lying on the table and not on his face. it was certainly a sight to behold.
you set down the box of a half dozen donuts that you had bought (unfortunately not from arif’s although you knew george had an attachment to that shop). the tea that you had bought for george might just have to be yours now. it would get cold and unpleasant if he slept much longer.
while george caught up on some much needed sleep, you started the research.
to be honest, you didn’t really know what he was looking for in particular, so you noted down anything that had even a miniscule chance of being important on a pad of paper. you went through them, annotating and transcribing until the once large pile of work to do dwindled to nothing.
by now, it was probably much past curfew and you had no idea why the staff hadn’t kicked you out yet. surely their shifts were over and the archives were closed.
a clock on the wall told you it was 10:37pm and you knew that george and you had to go home. george had been sleeping soundly for nearly four hours now and it was time to get him into an actual bed that he could sleep in.
giving him a couple more minutes, you quickly sorted and put away the papers you had used and then stuck the pad of paper with your notes into george’s bag.
now, all there was left to do was wake him. if you had learned anything during your time or training together, pretty much nothing woke him. once, you had tried to wake him to compare exam results and he didn’t wake up until the third cup of water splashed on his face.
for a moment, you just sat beside him. it was a shame that you hadn’t talked much today. to be honest, at first it was just nice to catch up with an old friend but now it was delightful to hear about his life in real time. he was so much more free at lockwood and co.
“hey george?” you started gently. “come on, wake up now. we’ve got to go.” every word that spilled from your mouth was sugary sweet and you hoped that they wouldn’t have to turn ugly in order to wake him.
a couple more shakes and you were quickly losing patience. “george. it’s nearly 11:00. we’re gonna get accosted by ghosts so we might as well leave now and have more time to recover,” you said. although this was far gentler than what used to be required to wake him, you hoped it would be enough.
except for it wasn’t enough. of course it wasn’t. “i guess we’re doing this the hard way.”
you picked up the bag that was still slung across his shoulder and safely planted it on the table before grabbing him by the shoulders. you shook him agressively, whisper yelling. “george! george karim! wake up right now or i will tale back the notes i took and leave you here to rot!”
slowly, his eyes open and his hand comes up to ruffle his own hair. “y/n…? oh! y/n. sorry for falling asleep. did you bring the papers?” he stuck his glasses back onto his face and realized that you were just standing and staring at him.
“what? i’ve got things to do, come on now. where’s the papers?”
“it’s almost 11:00. it’s long past curfew now. i’ve got to get you home.” george’s eyes widened.
“but i didn’t even get to do my research! lockwood nearly never lets me fully research and now i’ve wasted all this time! at least let me gather some stuff to check out.” you were already pulling him out of the chair and towards the exit. he trailed after you but resisted slightly.
“it’s fine. just check your bag when you get home. i think another point goes to me, but other than that you should be all set.” george was then pushed out of the archives and into the street. for good measure, you handed him back his bag and settled one hand onto your rapier.
you undid the buckle on your salt bombs, too. you could never be too careful out after dark. “35 portland row, right? i’ll walk you home.”
flashing back to his state at the beginning of the evening, you couldn’t, in good conscience, let him go by himself. he still looked pale and half dead and you couldn’t have his death on your hands.
so, the two of you started to walk back to george’s home on portland row together. goerge leaned against you to hold himself up on particularly tough stretches of your walk, but all was well for the most part. all you had to do was get him home.
surely, his own bed is more comfortable than an archive chair.
a/n: i really wanted to get this out, but a part two will come at some point in the very near future! bye <3
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warningsine · 1 year ago
Mila hadn’t smoked in days but still took cigarette breaks, walking in circles around the elm, kicking sun-bleached butts, half-hoping to find something she could salvage among the filters spilling their stringy insides on the gravel. Her walks had the length of a Winston, even when she wasn’t smoking one. She now smelled the tobacco on her sweaters and the lining of her coat – a scent she didn’t perceive when she could afford to smoke a pack a day.
Her mother was still sitting on the sofa, stroking the left armrest while she talked. She barely looked up when Mila walked into the room – a quick side glance, as if she were driving and had to turn back to the road. She kept staring straight ahead as she spoke.
‘We’re going to try to tuck this worry away. It may not work, but believe me: it’ll smudge the distance that separates us from those who are closest to us. Do you really think this is the way I wanted to define it, to corner it? Well then, you’re wrong. Anger, I told you, is what happens when the little pegs no longer go into the little holes.’
The voice followed Mila into the kitchen. It was never a good sign when her mother stopped talking. There was some rice in a container. There was a bag of Green Giant steamed mixed vegetables in the freezer. There were two eggs in the fridge. She thought she would say ‘here is a nice summer salad’ when she put the bowl down on the table in front of her mother.
The voice followed Mila into her mother’s room. She picked up a nightgown and some underwear in the gloom. The smell of night sweats and confinement hovered over the bed. She turned on the light and saw the Post-it notes covering the walls like scattered scales. Her mother had put them up overnight about a week ago, but Mila couldn’t get used to them. Some were cryptic reminders (‘the envelope is under the thing’), but most looked like snippets of her mother’s never-ending monologue (‘the key is what opens, and what works because it opens’; ‘don’t believe too much in what you can understand’). Mila made the bed.
They hadn’t slept through the night in a while. Sleep came to her mother in spurts. After a restless doze, she would start talking again, her voice issuing from the gray dusk of her room, until she got up to walk around the house, and Mila had to get up as well to keep an eye on her. They had run out of her mother’s sleeping pills. Each evening, Mila gave her a double dose of NyQuil followed by a glass of white wine. Sometimes it helped a little. She kept the wine hidden in the garage. Now she poured herself a glass and drank it, leaning on the car. It had enough gas to get to town but probably not enough to return. Once Mila’s check arrived, she would drive out, cash it, fill her mother’s prescriptions, buy groceries and cigarettes, get gas, and drive back.
‘For there is something else that no one so far, I think, has figured out: the victim always has to be without stain. Now, remember what I told you about the stain: the stain shows what’s hidden behind. To tame God in the snare of desire. And let anxiety rest. I apologize for this detour, because it’s not in this direction that we’ll find the last word on the matter.’
Mila had fallen asleep on the sofa. In her dream, a basketball player slammed a drawer shut with a bang and laughed wildly. She woke up, looked around, and understood that the bang had been her mother falling and the laugh, in fact, her cries of pain. Her mother lay on the floor, bawling, blood gushing from her eyebrow. Her mouth looked darker than usual. She had broken a front tooth.
They watched TV. Her mother spoke a little less, since she had to hold the bag of frozen vegetables to her mouth. Her words seeped through the hole in her teeth with a whistle. The cut on her forehead was small, but she had a big bruise. They drank white wine. Every now and then, her mother made long toasts. Some of the speeches made Mila laugh, and each time this happened, she thought she could glimpse a spark of pride in her mother’s eyes – the pride of having made her daughter happy. They clinked their glasses ceremoniously.
The voice followed Mila into the study. When her father lived in the house, the room was called ‘dad’s office’. He used to spend most of the day in there. Shortly after he left, Mila’s mother started calling it ‘the study’. Mila knew her mother had small amounts of cash hidden throughout the house. When she first moved back to take care of her, Mila had found money rolled up in a sock, buried in a flour canister, and tucked into books. There had to be more, and she was sure it would be in the study. She was going to return it to her mother when she got well. Among her father’s things, she found some photos that made her uncomfortable.
‘There is no love except for a name. We all know this from experience. We can only love a name. And when you say the name of the loved one, you find yourself at a threshold. A door. Something that goes from that little other into history.’
Mila’s cell phone got disconnected. Yet another thing that would have to wait for her check to arrive. She didn’t have anyone in particular to call back home – she lived alone, and her few friends were too busy with family and work to be awaiting news from her – but she missed cycling through her usual websites. She hoped it wouldn’t be necessary to call her mother’s psychiatrist. He never had any concrete advice anyway, aside from telling her to create an ‘emotionally safe environment’, and they had enough refills on file. The drugs were always the same, only the dosage increased with each episode. Each time, Mila had left everything and moved in with her mother.
All they had left was some sort of therapeutic shampoo with a tarry reek, which, at first, she thought was the source of the smell. As she rinsed her hair, she noticed that, behind the faint traces of chlorine in the water dripping down her nose, the smell, rather than fading, was growing stronger. She wrapped herself in a towel and rushed out of the bathroom, running through the living room where her mother sat saying ‘just take this belt and open it, give it a half turn, and fasten it again, and you get something on which an ant walking along passes from one of the sides to the other side, without needing to walk across the edge’, and into the kitchen, where, on a lit burner, she found an empty pot, red hot and charred, its plastic handle reduced to a bubbling puddle on the stovetop.
Another walk around the elm. Through the tree top, Mila stared up at the sky, scratched and torn by the bare branches. For the briefest instant, she found it strange that dawn was working in reverse – that it was getting darker with each passing second – but she dismissed it as one of those quirks of nature. Then, of course, she understood that it was dusk’s twilight, not dawn’s. She was surprised and embarrassed at how readily she had accepted, for that fleeting moment, the impossible situation of a blackening sunrise.
She woke up to find her mother pacing around the living room with a notebook in her hand, taking dictation from her own voice, pausing so that the hand could catch up with the mouth. Mila tried to steer her back into the bedroom, but her mother pushed her back and looked up from the page with a quick angry glance. She started walking and dictating again. Mila went back to the sofa and lay down with a pillow over her head to shut out the footfalls and the voice.
‘She holds out very well, even though it’s exhausting, as I told you the last time. Luckily, as I’ve said, there are vacations, and in a way that is surprising for her. And amusing. Surprisingly and amusingly, she sees that after all, all of this, once it has stopped, doesn’t last very long. She gives herself a shake and thinks about something else. Why? Because after all, she knows very well that he’ll realize that there’s nothing to find.’
They hadn’t received any mail in days. Not even junk mail. Worried that there might be a problem with the delivery just when her check was about to arrive, Mila decided to talk to the neighbor. Knives and scissors had been put away a long time ago, but she shut off the gas before leaving, telling her mother she would be back in a minute. Mila locked the door behind her and jogged over to the house across the street. She played with the neighbor’s dog as he told her everything was all right with his mail.
Her mother sat on the sofa, stroking the left armrest, saying ‘remember that it was not today or yesterday that I told you about the glove, the hood, and that dream that Ella had’. Every now and then, Mila told her, as gently as she could, to try to quiet her mind and relax. Her mother always obeyed but only for a few seconds, after which she started talking again. A few times over the last days, Mila had shouted at her, asking her to shut up. Her mother always obeyed but only for a few seconds, after which she started talking again.
‘It’s this cut that’s opened up and allows something to appear, something that you will understand better when I say the unexpected, the visit, the piece of news.’
Mila sat in the study, looking at her father’s things: obsolete computer accessories and cords, framed pictures of himself, a collection of lanyards and IDs from different work events he had attended over the years, some souvenirs from his travels that had once been ironic but now were just ugly things. She was grateful she couldn’t make out her mother’s words.
The general plan – walk around the block, down to the meadow, and then back – found no purchase on her mother’s mind, no matter how many times Mila repeated it. She tried to get her to dress all morning, but she was passively stiff and irritable. ‘The very day they exchanged vows, with a vague cousin, I don’t remember very well, I didn’t look up the biography, let’s say a vague cousin, some person, one of these young handsome men who have, as they say, an assured future, which means they don’t have any.’ Mila tried to explain to her mother that an open vista would do her good after such a long time indoors. ‘For some time, people haven’t been stubborn about it: the important thing is to be together in the same chimney. The question, when you come out, when you come out together from a chimney, is: who is going to wash his face?’ Close to noon, Mila got her mother dressed, but she refused to leave the house. ‘Another baby in the room is enough for it not to happen.’
The voice followed Mila into the bathroom. She examined her face, thinking she ought to look older than she did. A moment later, she found herself plucking her eyebrows, unaware of the moment when she had started. The short, angry plucks were gratifying. The pain building up in her brow was gratifying. Her eyebrows were getting too thin, but they were still uneven. She would have to keep going a little more.
The can opener didn’t work. Mila banged the can on the counter, which made her mother jump. She was quiet for a moment. ‘But both things are true, even if they aren’t connected: it is precisely for this reason that they are confused and that by confusing them, nothing clear is said about this relationship.’ The can turned, but the blade wouldn’t cut into the tin. She made a hole with a knife. The cutting wheel kept skipping out of the groove. Staring at the can and listening to her mother (‘Of course some people have country houses, and they go there to contemplate their collections of, let’s say, beautiful vases’), Mila found herself saying it. It was so sudden it felt out of time. She had often thought about saying it, hoping it would shock her mother into sanity, but never considered it seriously. She would be too scared to tell such a lie. And yet she did. Her body tingled and she felt weightless and not quite real as the words came out. Mila told her mother, with angry compassion, that her husband, whom they both called ‘dad’, was never coming back because he was dead.
In the daytime, the monologues became intermittent, separated by long silences. Mila thought this was an improvement. Her mother sometimes even spoke to her directly – rather than into space – with sensible questions and practical remarks. She was eating less, though. And refusing to wash. The topic of Mila’s father never came up again. At night, however, the monologues grew longer until they became a continuum interrupted only by sunrise.
‘Let’s move along this path, the path I chose today. And let’s forget how the couple was defined at the beginning. That’s the way it should be: we should take things up along the way, and even maybe at the arrival. But we cannot take them up at the start.’
Mila brought out a knitting basket she had found deep in a closet. The mechanical precision and purpose of her mother’s hands; the all-too-human slackness of her jaw and mumbling lips. It was during one of these knitting sessions that her mother, without ever looking up, asked Mila how he had died. Mila had a story ready: pancreatic cancer; so fast he never had a chance; she hadn’t said anything because she didn’t want to upset her; she was so sorry for having blurted it out like that. Her mother never stopped knitting during their short talk. Her bones had become more visible over the last few days. Mila was horrified to find herself thinking that she might not need to discuss her lie with her father after all.
‘When all is said and done, there is nothing except what is current. I sometimes try to see if somewhere some little question mark is not appearing somewhere. I’m rarely rewarded. That’s why people ask me serious questions. Well then, you can’t blame me for taking advantage of it.’
The doorbell. The voice followed Mila out of the living room and to the front door. It was the neighbor with the dog. After asking about her mother’s health, he told Mila her father had just called him. He had been trying to reach Mila over the last few days, but her phone seemed to be dead. The neighbor looked down at this point and patted the dog’s head. Anyway, Mila’s father had asked him to tell her he was in town, at his friend’s place. He would come by the house after lunch. He wanted to make sure Mila would be in. Throughout this short conversation, the voice never stopped flowing from the living room.
Mila shut off the gas, hid all the sharp objects she could find, left some food in plain sight, and explained to her mother she would have to leave for the day. She thought she detected traces of concern on her mother’s face, which she took as a good sign – any kind of response was positive. Mila kissed her on the cheek and went over to the neighbor’s to ask him for $20 for gas. She rang the bell several times. Inside, the dog barked and scratched the door.
A flock of birds had been flying alongside her car for about a mile. Her foot off the gas pedal, Mila tried to coast as much as possible. The fuel warning dash light turned on about halfway there, but she had driven over thirty miles on empty a few times and was confident she would make it to her father’s friend by noon. The birds were now behind her, speckling the unpopulated horizon in the rearview mirror. She would have to tell him the truth – that she had said he was dead. It had been for her mother’s own good. If he really wanted to help, he would have to stay away. This would give him the chance to feel important without doing anything. After that, he would be happy to give her money for gas. The engine let out a huff. Mila looked around wildly, as if she could reach for something that would help her. The engine gasped. She started hitting the steering wheel (a small portion of her, untouched by despair, thought that she was imitating someone in some film). A hollow silence filled the car. As she drifted toward the shoulder, the flock of birds overtook her and flew out of sight.
0 notes
jungkxook · 4 years ago
—pour up. (m)
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⟶ pairing: jungkook x reader x taehyung
⟶ genre: fuckboy!jungkook / fuckboy!taehyung + smut  
⟶ words: 14,048 (idk how it’s literally just smut)
⟶ rating: 18+
⟶ summary: sleeping with both notorious frat boys kim taehyung and jeon jungkook doesn’t sound so bad ━ especially when you’re drunk and faded.
⟶ warnings: mentions of drug/alcohol use, essentially pwp lol, threesome, double penetration, voyeurism, messy rough sex, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, dry humping, manhandling, doggy style, riding (sort of?), fingering, oral sex (f and m receiving), face riding, face fucking, deepthroating, breast play, slight begging (mostly oc making jungkook beg hehe), brief name calling, dirty talking, unprotected sex, creampie
⟶ note: this is a repost of a fic from my old blog! also shout out to miss jlin @bratkook​ for being the sweetest and for liking this trashy fic of mine, and a happy early birthday present to @onherwings​ miss juno, the resident taekook lover!! 💛
also the accompanying song to this fic is pour up by dean!
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There were times when you were sober where you were persistent about never being in a five foot radius of a frat boy, much less strip yourself of your dignity long enough to sleep with one.
Your appalling disgust and immense irritation of the male species that were frat boys kept you well in tune to your rule ━ until you’re far past the point of drunk and faded. Only then, when your bloodstream is laced with alcohol and your mind is nothing but a hazy cloud of smoke, you shrink into a shameless hypocrite and favour the appeal of a simple hook up. But you have needs too; it isn’t entirely your fault. Kim Taehyung offers you exactly that, with the promise to then act as if nothing happens the very next day so that the two of you can revert to despising one another out in public.
You act as if no one knows about your flings with ultimate frat boy Taehyung almost every weekend, as if they’re just as oblivious as you, but damn near the whole school knows and most certainly the rest of the boys in Beta Tau Sigma, or as Taehyung puts it, his brothers. It’s a useless cycle of bicker, avoid, drink, sex, and repeat, ever since you joined the school as a freshman and the sophomore boy took an interest in you. He’s charming in all the right ways and good looking but his smooth appeal was almost too good to be true and, past his “kind” smiles, you could make him out to be arrogant, vain, and cocky. Maybe you would have given him an actual chance had it not been for his snarkiness but all your brain could truly handle was his dick for a few hours a week.
Unsurprisingly, you always end up crashing at Beta Tau Sigma after one of their raging parties that results in your hook ups with Taehyung; surprisingly, Taehyung is miraculously into pillow talk post-sex and so he doesn’t entirely mind if you stay the night. But, by morning, when the alcohol has all but turned into a terrible hangover, he can hardly care less if you stay or not.
Usually, you wake up on your own, courtesy of past sober you setting an alarm on your phone to make sure you wake up earlier than all the other walkers of shame and anyone else in Beta Tau Sigma. Ideally, it was to help guarantee that no one would ever see you or judge you for stooping low enough to sleep with a fuckboy but you don’t know how well that’s working out for you anymore, if you’re being honest.
That’s why, early one fateful Sunday morning after a night of fun with Taehyung, you awaken with a start to the shrill Marimba tone that rips through the silence of the room and causes you to literally jump out of bed and crash onto the floor. You groan at the sharp pain that shoots up your spine and accompanies your groggy mind as your eyes flicker open only to be greeted with a blinding light that is the sun as it filters through the shut curtains. Littered on the ground are clothes, your clothes, beer bottles, red solo cups, discarded bed sheets, a singular condom wrapper (you thank your past selves for at least being sober enough to remember to use one), and your cell phone.
“Turn that shit off, for fuck sakes,” he grovels.
His hangover, and the early morning, makes his already deep voice even rougher, huskier, and you blame your disoriented mind for thinking he sounds even remotely sexy. He doesn’t bother to lift his head from his pillow or to find where you are in the room, the messy longer-than-usual curls of his hair flopping into his lashes as he flips onto his back. Other bodily remnants remain from the night before, from the mellowing ache between your legs left in the wake of his dick sufficiently railing you to the bite marks on his neck that you had so graciously bestowed him.
Now, you roll your eyes at him instead but dive for your phone nearby and tap the snooze button before it wakes the entire house and rouses the army of fuckboys from the dead.
“Good morning to you too,” You remark. “Is that better, princess?”
You push yourself to your feet and stretch, the stiff joints in your body popping and cracking, before searching for your clothes. You’re certain Taehyung has fallen back asleep as you dig around through the clutter to find your belongings but what else is new? It’s a routine the two of you have come to know well, and one that neither of you mind. You spot some sort of lacy material hidden underneath a few of Taehyung’s dirty laundry laying on the floor and reach for it thinking it’s yours. You’re only mildly disturbed to find that it isn’t yours at all ━ though you’re more concerned about the hygienic purposes of touching some other girl’s thong than you are about the blatant fact Taehyung sleeps with more girls than just you (a fact you swear you could care less for).
“Jesus Christ, your room is a disaster,” You scoff now.
“You could clean it,” Taehyung suggests sluggishly. Now, he’s awake, pretty and hooded eyes fluttering open to find you nearby. He props his hand behind his head to lift his gaze a little higher.
You snort, tossing the underwear away. “You never cease to━”
“Amaze you?”
“Repel me more than when I see the collection of thongs you have hidden in your room,” You correct. Fortunately, you spot your own underwear nearby and scoop it up, quickly slipping into them.
“Aw, baby, is that a bit of jealousy I hear?” Taehyung asks. He runs a hand through his dishevelled dark locks and shoots you a drowsy smirk. “You know you’re my one and only. I can always count on you when I want good head.”
“Please, flatter me some more, Tae,” You quip dryly.
As you hastily slide into your stiff shirt and jeans next and turn to face him, combing your fingers through your hair, Taehyung seems to take your words to heart and tries again. “You look like shit.”
You feign a voluntarily loud and overly dramatic moan. “Ugh, you really do know how to treat a girl━” Your cut off by a shameless snort from Taehyung before you continue on, “You know, you don’t exactly look the hottest right now either.”
“I beg to differ,” he replies nonchalantly. Technically, he isn’t lying, but you refuse to feed his ego any more.
“As if.”
“Funny,” he hums. “Could’ve sworn last night you were calling me hot when you were begging for my dick.”
You don’t bother to reply. Instead, you shake your head as you rub your tired face, uttering, “I need a coffee.”
“You could stay,” he offers. “I can make you one.”
“You don’t even know how to boil water,” You retort. “But thanks for the gesture. Try not to throw up on yourself today, okay?”
Taehyung mumbles something in response but then he’s already flipping over onto his side to fall back asleep again. You grab your bag from the floor and slip into your shoes before tiptoeing out of the room.
The Beta house is just as much a disaster as Taehyung’s room is and you find yourself stepping over more bottles, cups, empty pizza boxes, and hungover passed out people with phallic images doodled on their faces. The sun filters into the ever grand mansion and only illuminates the chaos the frat boys put it through. Everyone is thankfully still asleep as you head downstairs but, as you sneak past the kitchen, you notice two figures rummaging about, boisterous unabashed laughter filling the house that somehow hasn’t woken the others yet.
Jeon Jungkook stands before you with Park Jimin, both fellow Beta brothers, though Jungkook is in the same year as you. They, like most other Beta boys (and especially Taehyung), are well known on campus but Jungkook is perhaps even worse than Taehyung. Now, he’s adorned in only low hanging gray sweatpants that show off the ripples of his toned chest and the happy trail that threatens for your eyes to follow it. He holds a bowl of cereal close to him with the same arm decorated on every inch with tattoos, a snapback pushing his messy hair up and away from his forehead. The best part (and you mean that not at all) ━ or the worst ━ is the fact that he stands on a hoverboard, as if walking is too much for him to handle at nine in the morning. Jimin isn’t far off wearing the same attire, only his look is paired with the fuckboy-essential-starter-pack of socks and Adidas slides, and he’s at least actually using his legs to walk.
“Morning,” Jungkook smirks. “Time for the walk of shame?”
You have to retain a sigh. “I’m surprised you’re up, Jeon. I was sure you were gone past the point of saving last night.”
“A couple of shots do nothing for me,” Jungkook replies, shovelling a spoonful of cereal into his mouth. “I was pretty much sober.”
At this, you sit back on your heels and look him once over skeptically. “You kept trying to hook up with me, called your dick Jungcock, threw up in one of the vases, and then passed out in the bathtub. I wouldn’t have exactly called you sober.”
The smirk remains on Jungkook’s face. If anything, he seems more so amused and it pisses you off. Jimin bursts into a fit of laughter and shakes his head.
“Always a pleasure seeing you, Y/N,” he greets. “Hey, are you coming to the party going down at Lambdas house after exams? It’s pretty exclusive but you and your friends are all invited by courtesy of us.”
“Ugh, I can’t even think about going to another party right now. How do you Beta whores do it?” You grovel. “Besides, why would we come if we know you’re going to be there?”
“‘Cause Tae’s going and you’re probably gonna wanna suck his dick,” Jungkook suggests snidely.
“I was gonna say the free booze,” Jimin offers instead. “Man, you know the Lambdas. They’re all rich pretentious sons of country club owners. They hardly throw parties but, when they do, you know it’s going to be wild. I wouldn’t miss it if I were you.”
“Well,” You say, “thanks for the invitation but we’ll see. Maybe if we have a pre-game where I can get drunk enough to handle your faces and the Lambda boys together.”
“I’ve always said you’re more fun when you’re drunk,” Jungkook hums pensively. Your eyes narrow into a glare and you’re fortunate Jimin is there to block your path from tackling Jungkook.
“Okay, whatever,” You grumble. “I’m out of here. I think if I stay here any longer, I’ll lose all my brain cells.”
Jimin chuckles but hardly seems bothered by your comment. He waves you off as he slips out of the kitchen to retreat into another room, leaving you alone with Jungkook.
“Can I get you anything before you go?” he asks. There’s a cheeky tone laced in his words that makes you blatantly aware he’s trying to suggest something more, like his dick.
“Absolutely not,” You wave him off. “See you around, Jungidiot.”
He grins and shoves another spoonful into his mouth. “Hey, maybe next Saturday you can think about blowing me instead of Tae, yeah?”
He’s met with you jamming your middle finger in his face and it only seems to entertain him further. As you march out of their home, slamming the door behind you, you have one discernable thought amongst your hangover and that is that you’ll definitely need to have that pre-game before you have the audacity to even see Jungkook, or any of the Beta boys for that matter, at the Lambdas.
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That Saturday, you find yourself at the Lambdas house party.
So maybe you had sort of been lying when you said you weren’t so sure of going to it, but the thought was tempting enough and you aren’t one to pass up on a good party, especially when it’s after weeks of headaches and stressing over studying and exams.
Mid-terms come and go and when you finally finish writing your last paper, all you want to do is let loose and party and get dicked down by Taehyung. The Lambdas, despite their pretentious behaviour, looks to be very promising ━ but only after you down a few shots beforehand and have a beer while you’re getting ready. You’re not exactly as drunk or as tipsy as you would have prefered but it still gives you a nice enough buzz that makes you warm and lets the adrenaline pump in your veins and excites you even more for the party. The house you rent is off campus but it’s close to Beta’s and Taehyung offers to give you guys a lift to the Lambdas who are a fifteen minute walk away (but you know Taehyung will do anything to not walk anywhere his penny board can’t take him ━ and it’s not even Taehyung who is driving but his friend, Jin).
You can hear the party at Lambdas before you’re even there. The thump of bass coming from the house isn’t hard to miss, especially not with the way it seems to rattle the ground the closer you get. The house is crammed full to capacity and people have already begun to spill onto the lawn by the time you have arrived. A potent waft of alcohol and weed fill your senses and it is all you could really make out in the rambunctious party. You can hardly hear yourself think, let alone what others are saying to you. Yet, you still found a way to have fun almost instantly, drifting away from the guys to party with your friends.
Most of the night is a blur and a haze of confusion but you can remember drinking and drinking some more until you’re sufficiently smashed. You can’t quite recall where you had lost your friends, though you suspect it was after the intense game of beer pong you were suckered into in which you were certain there were no winners or losers as it was just an excuse to drink even more. It’s nearing 1 a.m. when you finally bump into a familiar face, pulling you back from the unruly party and the adrenaline rush coursing through your veins.
You’ve just slipped outside for some fresh air, perched on the front porch, when you notice Jimin is passed out on the lawn below. The other stragglers gathered outside barely take note of him but maybe that’s because he had chosen to faceplant in the shadows under the porch, tucked safely away from the rest of the party. Just before you can even think to walk over to him and make sure he’s still alive, the front door of the house swings wide open and a frenzied Taehyung bursts outside, shortly followed by an equally dumbfounded Jungkook.
“Where the fuck is he?” Taehyung hisses.
“I don’t know,” Jungkook sighs, disgruntled, “but leave it to him to run off and disappear.”
“Looking for someone?”
The two boys startle at your voice. They whirl around to find you taking a sip of the drink in your hand, as if only just noticing your presence. You hadn’t seen them since you parted ways a handful of hours ago in the party, though you’re fairly certain they’re just as smashed as you.
“Ah, babe!” Taehyung beams wolfishly. “What a pleasure seeing you out here. Uh, you wouldn’t happen to have seen where Jimin went, would you?”
You nod in the direction of the sleeping boy down below. “He’s there. He’s passed out cold, though. What the hell did you do to him?”
“Nothing,” Jungkook says. He grimaces as he hastily follows Taehyung down onto the lawn to stand near Jimin, and you in tow. “Jimin just likes to get out of hand. What should we do, Tae? We can’t just leave him here and Luna’s going to be pissed if she sees him like this.”
Taehyung stares down at Jimin miserably, thinking momentarily. “Well, Luna’s looking for him so we might as well drop him off at her dorm. He can deal with her when he’s sober.”
There’s a brief moment where you spot Jungkook seriously considering this though, as if leaving Jimin on the lawn of a frat house is a safer option than returning him to his girlfriend. Ultimately, he caves and you watch as Taehyung nudges Jimin awake (and by nudge, you mean he slaps the boy across the face) before pulling a very disoriented Jimin to his feet and slinging one of his arms over Taehyung’s neck.
“Fuck, he’s heavy,” Taehyung huffs. “Give me a hand, Jungkook.”
Jungkook nods, stepping forward to take Jimin’s other arm and hook it around his own neck. The two boys seem to be struggling carrying most of Jimin’s body weight, though they’re carrying mostly dead weight as Jimin continues to drift in and out of consciousness.
Before they can leave you offer to help though you don’t know what you can really do so you suspect your inebriated mind just wanted to go with them for the hell of it. Luna’s place isn’t far. It’s a ten minute walk from Lambda’s, but in that ten minutes, none of you talk about anything of real importance except for chuckle and laugh about things that happened at the party.
Eventually you make it to Luna’s, who answers the door angrily after you knock on it as if you’ve disrupted her slumber and frowns when she sees Jimin’s current state. At least she has the decency to thank the three of you. When she shuts the door behind her, the three of you turn to look at one another, almost clueless.
“So, what now?” Taehyung asks. “Head back to the party?”
The thought of making the ten minute walk back to the party in your drunken mind seems like an eternity. That, mixed with the way your feet scream in agony from the heels you’re wearing, you begin to pout and shake your head.
“I can’t walk anymore,” You whine, words drunkenly slurring together. “I’d be fine just sitting here.”
Jungkook’s nose scrunches as he looks at you once over. “How drunk are you?”
“I don’t know.”
“Well, how about we just go back to our place?” Taehyung asks. His arm slides around your waist then, tugging you close to his side. If one thing is for certain, the boy tends to get more handsy the more drunk he is, and you never seem to mind. “I’ve got a fresh bowl we can hit and we can drink there and just chill?”
You and Jungkook consider Taehyung’s offer fleetingly and, to you, it seems much more appealing.
“Sign me up,” You say. “The Lambdas were a bit too over the top for my liking. There’s only so much I can handle.”
Jungkook shrugs and nods in agreement. “Then I guess I’m going with you guys.”
The five minute walk to Beta is short and soon you’re inside the eerily empty house and climbing the steps to Taehyung’s room but not before the three of you raid their cabinets for any type of liquor. Eventually, you’re all lounging in Taehyung’s room, some type of music playing in the background as the three of you pass around a bottle of whisky and the bong Taehyung had promised he had, giggling at each other.
By 2 a.m., you are smashed and faded but blissfully so.
Taehyung and Jungkook are not too far off. It’s Taehyung who comes up with the idea to play strip poker, though with a twist. His version of the game includes: taking a shot anytime one of you loses a round along with either stripping an article of clothing or being allowed to pass it and get dared to do something else, though each person only has three passes.
Jungkook loses the first round, shedding only his jacket. Taehyung and you lose the second round; you decide to strip out of your own cardigan while Taehyung flicks off his hat. Jungkook and Taehyung lose the third round and both kick off their shoes. The game progresses slowly, with the three of you coming up with “clever” loopholes out of the rules, like stripping one sock one round and then another sock the next and all of you are too drunk to really protest. Eventually, the game winds up with Taehyung and Jungkook both in their pants and you still wearing both your shirt and jeans. Both the boys have used one of their passes and are still losing which, you will admit, boosts your confidence ever so slightly especially when you have such a nice view in front of you.
Both boys are toned, with certified gym rat Jungkook’s abs a bit more chiseled, and you know that sober you would cringe at how hard you seem to be drooling over them. Jungkook must notice because he shoots you a wink that has you squirming in your seat.
“Like what you see?” he asks.
“N-No,” You say shortly. “Shut up and go. It’s your turn.”
You end up losing that round, unfortunately, but you have no qualms with stripping out of your jeans and kicking them to the side. The next round, you lose again, except you decide to use one of your passes which has both boys groaning in defeat.
“Remember,” You coo, “play nice boys.”
The two exchange a look and you wait patiently, taking your shot of whisky in the meantime as Taehyung chides you on encouragingly with a cheeky, “Pour up, baby girl.”
You down the shot in one gulp, wincing as it burns down your throat, then chase it quickly with the drink you had stolen from their kitchen. A drowsy smirk tugs at Taehyung’s lips as he takes another rip from the bong, breathing out a cloud of smoke as he hums insouciantly, “I’ve got your dare.”
There’s a split moment where he makes eye contact with you and pushes his hair out of his eyes.
“Come here and kiss me.”
Had you been sober, you might have rolled your eyes at his simple yet assertive dare but, instead, you can’t help but snicker as you lean across to him from your seat on the floor and pull him down for a not so graceful kiss. His whisky coated tongue instantly collides with yours in an open mouthed frenzy that’s full of teeth clashing and wet sounds but it’s hot, too hot, even as Taehyung pulls you closer to him with his hand grasping at your chin. You instinctively react, teeth nipping at his lower lip as you suck hard, momentarily forgetting about Jungkook sitting in the room.
A moan emits from you as your fingers thread through his hair. Jungkook is left to watch but his eyes stay locked on your figure and the way you cave so easily to Taehyung, the way your mouth moves against his. He can’t seem to tear his eyes away from your position on your hands and knees, or the way you arch your back in an attempt to get closer to Taehyung, and he certainly can’t seem to look away from the tempting curve of your ass jutting in his direction. All Jungkook suddenly wants is for you to be kissing him the same way you’re kissing Taehyung.
You’re only interrupted when he finds the nerve to clear his throat after a few moments. “Nah, it’s alright, I’ll just sit here. Do you guys want me to leave?”
He’s being sarcastic, of course, and when you and Taehyung part to look at the boy, he’s scowling. The two of you chuckle lightly but don’t respond, though you remember the game you’re still playing. Taehyung kisses you one last time before you settle back onto the floor, a sheepish giggle bubbling in your chest. Taehyung loses the next round and he decides to strip down into his underwear though he hasn’t lost yet (the goal is nudity and neither of your drunk selves have enough dignity left to give up before then).
The round after that, you lose again. You decide, once more, to use another one of your passes and the two boys pause, thinking of a dare for you as you take a shot (which, you have realized, only get harder to take as time passes).
“I have one,” Taehyung says at long last.
“Bro,” Jungkook groans, “if you just wanna fuck, let me know. I’ll leave. I don’t think I can sit here and watch you dare her to suck your face again.”
Taehyung laughs and shakes his head. “Easy there. I was just gonna suggest that you━” he points at you before nodding toward Jungkook, “give him a lap dance.”
“A what?” Jungkook’s jaw drops open, his eyes widening. “M-Me?”
You glance up at Taehyung, quirking an eyebrow. “Him?”
Taehyung erupts into another fit of laughter but he’s the only one who finds the situation hilarious because you and Jungkook continue to sit there, dumbfounded. When Taehyung calms himself down, he wipes his eyes and shakes his head.
“Are you seriously telling me you haven’t been noticing?” he asks.
“Noticing what?”
“The way Jungkook keeps eye-fucking you,” Taehyung says simply.
Jungkook gaps. “The fuck? I haven’t.”
“Jungkook, you’re not exactly sly,” Taehyung says. “He’s been doing it the whole night, babe. It’s not the first time he’s done it, too. I just figured we could do him a little favour.”
Your turn to look up at Jungkook and purse your lips. He’s seated in Taehyung’s desk chair and has a frown painted on his face. It’s not like it comes as a surprise to you because he’s constantly trying to flirt with you even when you’re sober but his sudden flustered appearance puzzles you slightly. You’ll admit the idea is ludicrous, but Jungkook is undeniably hot, and grinding on his dick sounds more than wonderful to you in your current state. Either way, you stand to your feet.
“I’ll do it,” You say. “Why not?”
“Wh-What?” Jungkook yelps. “You will?”
“Yeah,” You flash him a pearly smirk. “What? Is confident Jungkookie finally shy?”
At the mention of the taunting nickname, he straightens up in his seat and scowls. “No. I’m just surprised you gave in so easily. You must really like me, huh?”
“Keep dreaming, Jeon,” You retort.
The music is still playing in the background as you slink towards Jungkook’s seated figure. Meanwhile, Taehyung is watching with an amused look on his face and sits back, clearly enjoying the view as he tells you that you have three minutes. As you approach Jungkook, he leans back in his seat and watches you with dark eyes. Jungkook’s eyes sweep over your figure, from the way you muse your hands through your messy hair, your tight tank top with one strap falling down your shoulder, your lacy and scantily clad underwear, and your smooth legs. He gulps at the sight and shifts in his seat.
As soon as you’re standing in front of him, you whirl around so that your back is to him and jutt your butt out just enough to catch his attention as you sway your hips to the music. Your hands ghost up your sides just faintly enough so that chills run down your spine and you lock eyes with Taehyung for a split second to see him grinning. You sit back on Jungkook’s lap and his breath hitches in his throat suddenly. He hates to admit how easily you’re driving him crazy and as soon as you are but he takes the time to enjoy the dance anyway, eyes staying trained on your ass as you grind against him in agonizingly slow circles and right against his dick nestled against his thigh. He can’t help it when a moan emits from him.
“Fucking hell,” he grunts, raking his hands through his hair. You snicker at his reaction, craning your neck to look behind at him.
“Enjoying yourself, Kookie?”
“N-No,” he rasps. This is a lie, of course. “Turn around.”
His command only humours you but you don’t disobey. You get up for a second to spin around and face him before climbing back onto his lap, swinging one leg over his. Before you drop your hips completely on him, you’re rocking them back and forth against the thin air, your hands snaking around his neck. His hands suddenly find purchase on your waist and he yanks you down onto him with a sudden neediness that surprises you, though you don’t complain. You continue to grind against his lap and you can’t help your greedy self when your hands reach out to run up and down his toned chest. He shivers at your slightest touch, his jaw clenched, but he keeps his gaze focused on your eyes, as if challenging you for more. Behind you, Taehyung is taking another hit from the bong and laughs lightly at Jungkook’s reactions.
“Let him touch you,” Taehyung says.
You expect Jungkook to listen to Taehyung and reach out to grab onto you but he hesitates, his hands remaining at your hips. So, instead, you take his hands in yours and begin pulling them up, sliding them along your midriff and up to your chest. You don’t even flinch as you let him cup your boobs over your clothes and you watch him slyly as he gulps.
“Is this the first time you’ve actually touched a girl, Jungkook?” You quip. “You’re gawking at my boobs like it is. Not gonna wet yourself, hm?”
“Fuck off,” he growls, though there’s no malice in his voice.
Instead, he focuses his attention on your breasts and the weight of them in his palm. They’re soft and supple and he squeezes them firmly, jiggles the flesh as he fondles at you blatantly. He hates to admit it but he feels as if he’s going to combust at any second, repressing the sudden urge to tear off your shirt and burrow his head in your chest, your boobs in his mouth. He doesn’t know whether the soft moan that slips from your parted pink lips is intentional to mess with him or because you had been getting carried away yourself. Either way, Jungkook’s certain it’s the hottest thing he’s heard in a while, the hottest thing he’s seen in a while, and he hates how his sudden erection forms, how embarrassing it must be. When you feel his hardened length start to poke at your thigh, you look down at him past your lashes and smirk.
“Are you hard already, Kookie?” You giggle.
Taehyung roars with laughter abruptly and the outburst only makes Jungkook redden.
“I━I━” he stammers helplessly.
You shake your head at him and then purposely press your hips a little more firmly against his, gripping at his shoulders now. You’re challenging him now too, and he doesn’t know what you have in mind but you’re wickedly set on making him cum in his pants before Taehyung stops you.
“Time’s up,” he says.
Jungkook almost groans out loud in frustration when you pull away and step off of his lap. He’s embarrassingly hard now but his drunk self doesn’t try very hard to hide it. Taehyung’s stare is settled on Jungkook as you walk back to your seat but, before you can even sit down, Taehyung is beckoning you over.
“Come here, babe,” he hums. You look at him curiously but move in his direction. “What do you say we help Jungkook with his problem, huh?”
“Help? How?” You question.
“Come sit,” Taehyung gestures to his thigh.
Jungkook watches with silent seething jealousy as you take a seat on Taehyung’s thigh and then he’s kissing you, pressing his lips against your neck. You react almost instantly, your head craning to allow him more access and your eyes clamp shut, your mouth hanging open in delight.
“Tae━” You mewl, tugging at his hair, as if to prompt him wordlessly about Jungkook’s presence. But when does it become too much? Every action seems to keep building and building, that you know where the night surely must be heading; that you crave it.
Taehyung’s tongue swirls at your neck, his lips sucking on the sensitive skin, before he peeks one eye open to look at Jungkook.
“Look at him,” Taehyung hums against you. “Look at how jealous he is right now. Look at how bad he wants to be me right now.”
You take a moment to register his words, your head spinning. You struggle to find Jungkook as Taehyung continues to ravish your neck. Jungkook’s stare is hard, his jaw clenched; his hands are balled into tight fists that let you see the bulging veins in his arms. Is he jealous? Angry?
Taehyung suddenly bites down onto your neck and you gasp in surprise, leaning against his chest. His nimble fingers find the hem of your shirt which he lifts and discards on the floor with ease. Next to come off is your bra. You don’t realize your torso is bare until a slight breeze hits your breasts and perks your nipples and Taehyung reaches up to cup the soft tissue in his large hands and Jungkook can’t look away because, fuck, touching you is all he really wants to do.
“Do you see him staring now?” Taehyung asks. “Do you see how desperate he is for you? Look at how bad he wants to touch you right now, baby girl. Will you let him?”
You’re still staring at Jungkook as Taehyung speaks and note how fast Jungkook’s demeanour has changed. He looks helpless, his erection more prominent in his straining jeans which he shamelessly palms at to feel some sort of relief.
“Better yet,” Taehyung hums, averting your attention back to him. He’s sliding one of his hands down your front and in between your legs, pushing your thighs apart. His digits come in contact with your clothed pussy and the sudden touch, light and feathery, makes you jump and gasp. You hadn’t been aware of how wet you had been until he touched you just then and the coil in your stomach only tightens with each passing second. “Will you let him play with you?”
It takes you a second to respond, though that isn’t because you’re struggling to decide. The thought entices you far more than you ever believed it could. Taehyung is suddenly rubbing his fingers against your clothed clit in so very slow circles that it suddenly has you tripping over your own thoughts. You’re biting hard onto your lower lip as you force yourself to nod hastily.
“Do you want him to?” Taehyung asks.
“Fuck, yes,” You whine. “Mmm, Tae━”
Taehyung shifts you in his lap so that your back is pressed against his chest, leaning all your weight against him. It’s hard to focus as one of his hands fondles one of your breasts while his other presses figure eights onto your clit. You’re on full display for Jungkook now, though his eyes fall to the wet spot that forms on your pretty little underwear as your arousal leaks from you.
“How badly do you want him to?” Taehyung asks.
“So badly,” You whimper.
This catches Jungkook’s attention and he leans forward in his seat. Taehyung smirks against you and then he’s moving, withdrawing his hand from between your thighs to hook around the waistband of your underwear. He gives it a quick tug and you fumble to lift your hips so he can pull the useless fabric down your legs. Once it pools at your feet, you kick it off to the side and then Taehyung’s hand returns between your thighs.
“Spread your legs,” he says.
You do as you’re told, pushing your thighs apart but then instinctively squeezing them shut when Taehyung continues to press his fingers against your clit. The sudden stimulation is too much for you and your face begins to heat up so Taehyung uses the chance to push your legs apart for you. He hitches one of your thighs over his own as if to anchor you in place and it works.
“Can you stay like that for me, baby?” Taehyung drawls. “Look at Jungkook for me.”
You nod, your throat dry as you lift your gaze to lock eyes once more with Jungkook. You find the boy gawking at your sex and you moan suddenly. His head snaps up to stare at you with a sudden blazing determination and lust in his eyes before they fall once more to your pussy, admiring the way it pulsates each time Taehyung swipes at your clit or tweaks at your nipples. But the best part? The best part is just how wet you are, your clear juices coating Taehyung’s fingers, spilling onto yours and Taehyung’s thighs with the passing seconds, and suddenly Jungkook is hungry for you. But what he doesn’t know is how you suddenly imagine Jungkook in Taehyung’s place, sat beneath you poised daintily on his lap, his fingers pressing against you.
You twist on top of Taehyung, your own hand reaching up to grasp at your other breast, pinching at the nipple tightly. A delighted moan fumbles from your lips. “Jungkook━ Fuck━”
“It’s nice, yeah?” Taehyung asks aloud to the other boy. “She’s pretty, hm?”
Jungkook nods eagerly and then groans. “She’s dripping. Fuck, it’s so hot.”
Your face burns at his words but you don’t have enough wits to think of a snarky retort like usual.
Taehyung chuckles. “Why don’t you come here then and touch her? Taste her? Is that okay, baby?”
When you realize Taehyung is asking you, you nod eagerly. “Shit, please━ Jungkook, wanna feel you━”
At your request, Jungkook practically tumbles out of his seat. As soon as he’s standing on his feet, the realization seems to hit him and he takes his time, walking to you slowly. His gaze sweeps over your exposed body and he licks his lips, his eyes suddenly darkening. Taehyung doesn’t stop touching you or marking your neck his even as Jungkook walks closer and it hits you in that moment what exactly you’re doing and who you’re with ━ and you fucking love it. Jungkook kneels down in front of you and Taehyung nods in encouragement.
“She’s impatient and feisty,” Taehyung informs. “But that makes her fun to tease.”
“I know how to pleasure a girl,” Jungkook quips.
“But you don’t know how to pleasure Y/N,” Taehyung replies. “You’re too cocky, Jungkookie, and she doesn’t like that. You need to take your time with her and you don’t do that often with girls, do you?”
Jungkook doesn’t respond but, judging by his face, you assume Taehyung is right.
“What do you want me to do?” Jungkook asks. He’s staring at your face now and only your face. His intense stare makes you squirm on Taehyung’s lap, and makes you suck your lower lip between your teeth.
“Touch me,” You rasp. “Touch me, please, Jungkook.”
God, how he loves hearing you moan his name. But the anticipation is killing you. You’ve felt Taehyung’s fingers plenty of time; you’ve never felt Jungkook’s, and the abrupt need seems to grow more intense with each passing second.
“You heard her, Jungkookie,” Taehyung says. He draws his hand away from your heat and kisses your neck softly. “Go on. Touch her. Be gentle, go slow.”
Jungkook is shaking with excitement ━ or maybe it’s just the weed and alcohol in his bloodstream ━ but he eyes you carefully, gnawing down on his lower lip. He reaches out at a tedious pace and hesitates, his fingers hovering over your core. Taehyung is watching with eager eyes whilst planting open mouthed kisses along your shoulders, neck, and jawline. Jungkook finally presses his fingers against your pussy and your reaction is immediate. You toss your head back against Taehyung’s shoulder and jutt your hips forward.
“Nnngh, fuck, Kook━” You whimper. “M-More━ Wanna feel more━”
Jungkook takes that as a good sign and follows after Taehyung, rubbing circles into your clit slowly. He feels just how wet you are, his fingers coating with your cum as they move with ease past your folds, and it’s enough to let the wave of glee wash over him again.
“See? Look how much she loves it already,” Taehyung says. “Keep going.”
Jungkook doesn’t need to be told twice. As he rubs his fingers over your clit, his other hand comes up in a greedy fashion. He can’t stop himself from slipping a finger past your folds and it takes all you can not to moan out loud but you give up on the prospect of remaining quiet when it feels so good to have both boys on you.
“Let him know how you feel, baby,” Taehyung purs. “How he’s making you feel.”
You struggle to find your voice momentarily, too caught up with the lust and desire but then a cry of delight falls from your lips. “Fuck, ah, Jungkook! That feels s-so good━”
Jungkook’s head snaps up to look at you in pure disbelief.
“Holy shit, that’s so fucking hot,” he huffs. “I never thought you’d moan my name and now you’re so wet and tight and for me━”
“And me,” Taehyung admonishes offhandedly.
Jungkook doesn’t reply but that’s mostly because he’s suddenly fixated on curling his finger inside of you and watching your every reaction. Your hips jut forward and you cry out, panting at the blissful feeling but it isn’t enough. You need more, and you need more now. As if Taehyung can read your mind, he chimes in again, disrupting yours and Jungkook’s reverie.
“Why don’t you have a taste of her?” he asks. “You won’t regret it.”
Jungkook’s eyes light up and he watches as you nod eagerly, desperate pleas coming from your mouth. Jungkook lowers himself down between your thighs and you wait with bated breath before he’s licking a clean stripe against your folds with his flattened tongue. The sudden slippery warmth has your body writhing in pleasure.
“Jungkook━” You cry out. “Oh my god━”
Jungkook grins. Then he’s licking at you again, tasting your sweet succulence, and groans into your hot core.
“Shit,” Jungkook huffs. “You taste amazing.”
He nibbles down slightly on your clit without warning and tugs. You instantly jerk into his mouth, a strangled moan ripping from your throat that sounds something like a scold of his name and a desperate plea for more. “Jungkook!”
Taehyung snickers against your neck and you can feel Jungkook’s lips curl into a taunting smirk between your thighs. Jungkook’s finger still curls deep within you as his tongue returns to lapping at your clit and you can feel his nose brushing against you the deeper he burrows into you. Meanwhile, Taehyung is continuing to ravish your neck, his hands tweaking at your nipples. The onslaught of senses is so much for you that you nearly scream when Jungkook’s tongue dips into your heat so suddenly to accompany his finger. He laps at you hungrily and you gasp, your breath stuttering as your hands come down to tug hard in his raven locks, your hips bucking forward and into his mouth. It feels fantastic, too incredible for you to put into words, as you feel the wetness of his tongue lap at your walls and suddenly you’re aware of just how susceptible you are to both of the boys near you.
“Fuck, don’t stop, Jungkook,” You moan.
“Now who’s the needy one?” Jungkook coos against your cunt. “Gonna cum on my tongue?”
“P-Please━ Want it so badly, Kook━”
He smacks his lips against you, taking as much as he can of you into his mouth and sucking hard until all you hear are the lewd wet sounds of his tongue and finger working miracles against you. You’re clutching his hair so tight, pushing him closer into your heat but he doesn’t relent. One of his hands comes up to hold onto your waist, to push you firmly back onto Taehyung’s lap and closer into Jungkook’s mouth. You can feel Taehyung’s budding erection poking against your thigh and it’s enough to make you flustered once more.
In an attempt to help Taehyung, you find yourself grinding not only into Jungkook’s mouth but onto Taehyung’s lap, earning a growl into your neck. Taehyung’s free hand comes up to your chin which he grabs roughly. He forces you to look at him and then he’s smashing his lips onto yours in a heated fashion for an entirely ungraceful kiss. It’s needy and hot, completely open mouthed as your tongues mingle in the air and as Taehyung sucks on your lower lip. Yet you tear your gaze from Taehyung to look down at Jungkook as he buries himself further into your pussy, his nose nuzzling against your clit. You’re dripping by now and you can see your own juices smear onto his lips, dribble down to his chin, and it’s the hottest thing you could ever imagine seeing. He doesn’t seem to care as it spills down his neck and suddenly the mere sight has you squirming again. You part from Taehyung’s mouth with a wet pop that rings in your ears and moan.
“Fuck━ nghn, I━I━ think I’m close,” You whimper.
“Fuuck, yes,” Jungkook growls against you.
“Let it go, baby,” Taehyung hums, nibbling at your ear. “Cum for him, for us.”
Jungkook’s pace quickens, pumping his finger faster in you and sucking at your clit until you have no more strength to hold off. Your hands fumble in his hair, trying desperately to pull him closer, and you hate how badly you want your sweet release already. It doesn’t help when Taehyung twists your body ever so slightly so that he can lean down to your breasts and catch one of your nipples between his teeth. His tongue swishes back and forth against the perked bud and you whimper again, the coil in your stomach tightening and loosening.
You’re so close now and Jungkook can hear it, can feel it, can taste it. You don’t have much longer after that before your orgasm is hitting you hard.
“I’m gonna━” You reach out to grasp at Jungkook’s hair, tugging at the roots. “Fuck, Jungkook━”
You cry out suddenly, the coil in your stomach springing apart. Jungkook moans into your pussy as you cum, pulsating around his tongue and finger and dripping into his mouth. You’re reduced to nothing but a whimpering, writhing mess against Taehyung as you buck back and forth into Jungkook’s mouth to ride out your high. Taehyung pulls apart from you to rub circles into your hips and the seemingly gentle move somehow soothes the intense wave of pleasure into something much sweeter. Fire burns at your core and flicks outward until your whole body is warm and numb and then you collapse against Taehyung’s chest, panting hard. Jungkook drinks up every last bit of you and you begin to cringe at the oversensitivity before you gain some of your wits again. You push his head away hastily and this time he relents.
“Did all your little happy wet dreams finally come true, Jeon?” You snicker languidly.
The boy sits back on his knees and looks up at you, locking gazes with yours. You can finally see his face, his tousled black hair, his swollen red lips, and chin, all of which are covered in your perfect sheen. He licks at his lips and wipes at his chin and neck where his tongue can’t reach and he does all of this without breaking eye contact with you. A small smirk forms on his face and suddenly you’re filled with an intense need for payback.
“Yeah, you act confident now but you seemed to enjoy it when you were riding my face,” Jungkook says. You roll your eyes, about to reply before he adds, “So, you’re welcome.”
“You’re impossible,” You huff, pushing yourself off of Taehyung’s lap.
“Where do you think you’re going, baby?” Taehyung mewls behind you. “We still need you.”
“Oh, I know,” You quip. You reach down to grab onto Jungkook’s chin, forcing him to look up at you. “But it’s my turn, don’t you think, Tae?”
Taehyung chuckles and nods in agreement. Jungkook, however, hardly looks bothered, though he seems a little taken aback by your sudden assertiveness when you begin pulling him up to his feet before pushing him back onto the bed. Taehyung scoots over so that the three of you can fit comfortably on his bed and then you’re moving, crawling over to Jungkook on your hands and knees.
“Are you trying to intimidate me?” Jungkook asks. “Because this is sexier than it is scary.”
You’re hovering over his crotch when he speaks, your greedy hands reaching forward to brush against his hard dick straining in his jeans. He nearly jolts in his seat at the sudden touch and you and Taehyung giggle again.
“Mmm, baby, teach him a lesson,” Taehyung hums. “Suck him off nice and slow but don’t let him cum.”
“Not unless he begs for it,” You say wickedly.
Taehyung stifles a chuckle. “I told you she’s feisty, Jungkookie.”
The younger boy is eyeing you carefully as you busy yourself by undoing the belt buckle on his jeans. He acts unimpressed, unfazed, as you unbutton his jeans and began sliding them off his legs, but you can see the needy and impatient glint in his eyes. Your eyes fall immediately to the ever present straining bulge in his boxers and you gulp in response, licking your lips. You can’t help yourself when you reach out to brush your fingers faintly along his length. He jolts in his seat and grits his teeth, shooting you a hard glare.
“Are you seriously going to tease me?” Jungkook grumbles. “We can skip all of that, y’know━”
“It’s payback, Jeon,” You hum, running your fingers down his dick and then back up again. “Where’s the fun in it if I skip all of the teasing?”
“You know,” Taehyung murmurs from beside you. He’s reclining back, watching you with intense eyes and is completely shameless about his prominent erection contained by his boxers. “I’m surprised the idiot hasn’t referred to his dick yet as Jungcock.”
You giggle, an all too innocent and sweet sound for the way you’re palming at Jungkook’s dick. Jungkook, who is apparently having a rather difficult time keeping up with his surroundings while your fingers continue to work against him, scoffs. His eyebrows knit together as he throws a beady glare at the older boy.
“You’re ruining the mood,” he grunts.
Taehyung clicks his tongue against his teeth, a smirk tugging at his luscious lips. “Of course. I digress.”
You turn your attention back to Jungkook who’s staring down at your hand with parted lips and a crease in his brows. Without warning, you grasp him through his boxers and he groans suddenly, bucking forward. The desperation of his situation only seems to increase in severity when you peel back the elastic band of his boxers and slide them off his legs, finally freeing his dick which springs out from it’s confines. He’s much bigger than you expected, his tip angry and red, leaking with pearly beads that dribble down his length and the bulging veins that line it.
“You’re staring again,” Jungkook hums when he notices you pause, your eyes wide. “Sure you don’t like what you see?”
You shake yourself from your daze and frown. “Shut up.”
The boy starts to chuckle at your flustered expression but yelps when you clasp your fingers around the base of his cock. A beautiful moan falls from his lips and excites you even more. You start pumping him slowly, guiding your hands up and down his length in careful and measured motions, wiping your thumb across his tip each time you reach it. Jungkook shudders in your touch, his teeth coming down to gnaw hard on his lower lip. His eyes are glued to your hands working against him, his face scrunching up in pure euphoria.
“Mmm, fuck,” he grunts, his head lolling back. “Stop teasing me and go faster.”
You don’t listen. If anything, you slow your pace and it has him so frustrated that he lets an involuntary whimper escape him. He bucks into your clenched hand, practically begging for more but remains quiet, safe for his heavy panting.
“You heard her, Kook,” Taehyung says. “Beg for her.”
“There’s no way I’m begging,” Jungkook hisses through gritted teeth. “Never. I never have and never will.”
“Bullshit,” You scoff. You fondle at his balls with your other hand and he moans again. Your hand comes to a complete halt all of a sudden, interrupting Jungkook as he is about to speak. Before he can protest, you lean down and lick at his tip, swirling your tongue around him once to taste his saltiness. His hips rut forward into you but you pull back almost immediately and find Jungkook gaping. You meet his desperate eyes for a steady gaze. “Beg. Just once, Jungkookie.”
Jungkook’s stare wavers as you run your fingers along his tip, squeezing slightly. He tries to compose himself, to remain calm, but when you are relentless, he caves very easily. He only gives in when you kiss the base of his cock. And those eyes ━ fuck, the way your eyes turn so wide and already look so fucked out. How could he resist you?
“Fuck, fuck, okay,” he gasps. “I need more, baby, please. Ah, please━ You feel so fucking good.”
His needy pleas satisfy you and your lips curl into a devious grin. You lower yourself on him suddenly, licking a clean stripe up his length and he moans loudly. You enclose your mouth around his tip and suck, earning a small growl from him as he pushes his hips forward for more. In the next second, you sink your mouth down his length, taking as much of him as you can.
“Fuck!” he moans abruptly. “Ahh, shit, that feels amazing, baby.”
You hollow out your cheeks as you pull your head up and then back down, starting at an even pace that has him moaning and writhing beneath you. He feels much bigger in your mouth but you don’t mind even when he bucks himself into you unexpectedly and hits the back of your throat. The action makes you gag around him and, in return, he curses at the way it feels.
“K-Keep doing that,” he mumbles. “Please, fuck, just like that.”
His fingers thread in your hair and he pulls you down greedily on him but you don’t refuse.
“Can you do it, baby girl?” Taehyung questions. His hand finds his way on your back where he rubs gentle circles into your skin. “Can you take all of him in your mouth?”
You nod carefully around Jungkook’s hardened length.
“Good girl,” Taehyung smirks. “Go slow.”
You follow his orders, sinking gradually onto Jungkook until you feel the tip of him hitting the back of your throat. You gag once more but, instead of pulling back, you shut your eyes and take a few deep breaths in through your nose. In, out, in, out, and then you swallow. Jungkook’s reaction is sudden and intense. He bucks into your mouth unwillingly and moans even louder, his fingers clutching at your roots.
“That’s it, baby,” Taehyung hums and his sudden presence is comforting.
“A-Again,” Jungkook stammers. “Again, please━ holy shit, you feel amazing.”
You swallow again and then a third and each time you can feel yourself sinking lower onto him. Tears prickle at your eyes as your nose is suddenly pressed against his lower abdomen but his reactions are well worth it and so you continue.
“You’re doing so well, baby,” Taehyung says, planting a chaste kiss against your shoulder. “You deserve some more attention, hm?”
His fingers slowly rub circles down your back, his lips following your arch and has you shivering beneath him, before stopping at the dip just above your ass. He’s kneeling behind you now, his fingers massaging into your thighs. You sigh against Jungkook when you feel Taehyung’s fingers continue their trek to your ass, rubbing you carefully. You, in response, push your hips back, waiting for more.
“You’re still so wet, baby,” Taehyung says. “I bet you’d come with one touch of my finger.”
With Jungkook buried hilt deep inside your mouth, you’re hardly prepared for when Taehyung slips his fingers underneath to your folds. It’s embarrassing to admit how right he is. You react instantly, moaning around Jungkook and jutting your hips back for more. The simple vibration has Jungkook groaning, his hips bucking forward. You hadn’t even been aware of just how wet you are before Taehyung pointed it out but then you can feel it, pulsing out of you and dripping down the top of your inner thighs.
“But you need more, don’t you?” Taehyung asks. “How about my cock? Will you let me fuck you, baby girl?”
You nod eagerly, the simple question exciting you even more. Taehyung chuckles and leans down to press a kiss to the arch of your back.
“But you’ll have to be good and keep pleasuring Jungkook too, okay?” Taehyung says.
You hum in response and swallow around Jungkook as if to tell both boys that you have no plans on stopping. Jungkook twitches inside you and scrunches his eyes shut.
“Fuck, Taehyung,” he grumbles. “Hurry up. Any time you touch her, she swallows. It feels so good.”
Taehyung snickers but he takes his time. He runs his fingers up and down your folds until you’re moaning needily against Jungkook. You look over your shoulder to see Taehyung’s fingers wrapped around his own hardened and pulsating erection, pumping himself a few times as he stares at you carefully. He positions himself behind you and takes the chance to run his tip and length along your folds. You whimper suddenly, hoping your desperate noises will spur him on.
“You want more, baby?” Taehyung asks.
You hum again, your voice muffled and hoarse.
“Okay,” he sighs. “Only because you’ve been so good.”
You have no time to brace yourself from the sudden impact of feelings. He doesn’t do much except for push himself into you, past your folds. It’s only just the tip and yet your heart jolts in your chest, the coil in your stomach tightens. It feels so good to finally have something of larger girth in you that you gap, simultaneously sinking down further onto Jungkook. The two boys grunt above you, both of them panting hard.
“You feel so good, baby,” Taehyung mumbles. “Fuck, you’re so wet.”
He leans down to press a kiss against your shoulder, his other hand coming up to rest on the dip of your lower back to guide you. He slowly, so very slowly, pushes himself into you, inch by inch, so you can feel the way he stretches you open, feel the way he buries into you. Your leaking arousal only proves to be of an advantage, letting him easily push into you without any trouble. Your fingers grip the bed sheets beneath you in an ironclad grip and you squeak when he’s finally buried hilt deep within you. You nearly gag around Jungkook again, who’s still panting and writhing above you, but the way Taehyung’s tongue marks patterns into your shoulder comforts you. You whine against Jungkook, pushing your hips back for more and the simplicity of your action has Taehyung’s breath hitching in his throat.
“So warm,” he grunts and then sighs against your back. “You always feel so amazing.”
He still hasn’t moved and you’re beginning to grow impatient, distraught over the feeling of him rock hard inside you but unmoving. You debate pulling apart from Jungkook to yell at Taehyung but you assume he can understand your haste judging by the way your body writhes beneath him, your fingers clench into fists. He pulls out in one languid movement, his breath stuttering, until only his tip is left before he pushes himself back in, equally as slow. He sets at a steady, easy pace that, at the very least, lets you grasp onto some sensible thoughts and pushes you to keep pleasing Jungkook. Jungkook can’t take it anymore; he starts rutting his hips up into your mouth with gritted teeth. It’s a hot, erotic mess of mingled moans and groans but you never want it to stop ━ in fact, you want more.
“You like that, baby?” Taehyung grunts.
You nod hurriedly, humming in response.
“Ah, fuck━” Taehyung groans. “Want it harder?”
You nod once more, this time eagerly. When Taehyung pulls back one more time, he slams himself back into you without any warning and you jerk forward, sinking down onto Jungkook. The younger boy moans, his head lolling back as his fingers twisting in your hair. You don’t expect Taehyung to do the same thing again, pull out slowly and then push himself back in with more force, but he does, and he repeats the action again and again until he abandons it for a whole new pace. Soon, he’s thrusting into you hard and fast but always making sure his hips reconnect with yours before pulling out so you can feel him practically in your throat.
“Like being fucked like this?” Taehyung asks. “You like being used like a little slut?”
His thrusts are relentless suddenly, jerking your body and back and forth until he’s fucking you in a way that has you sucking off Jungkook just right so that you hardly have to put in any effort. Although his hard thrusts feel amazing, each time you’re pushed forward, you sink further down onto Jungkook unwillingly and that, paired with the way Jungkook frantically fucks himself into your mouth, you nearly gag each time as he hits the back of your throat, drool pooling at your lips and dribbling down your chin. Tears prick at your eyes from the feeling and it’s too pleasing to quit, to pull away from Jungkook just yet. Jungkook’s staring down at you when he notices your scrunched up face. You’re surprised when his hand finds your cheek, his thumb brushing reassuringly into your cheekbone.
“You’re doing so━ ah, fuck━ so well, baby,” he rasps.
You can taste the saltiness of precum on the tip of your tongue and you wonder how close he is. You have no qualms in finishing him off then and there but soon the pleasure you’re receiving from Taehyung becomes too much. Soon, he’s hitting you at an angle that shakes something in you. You pull apart from Jungkook with a loud pop, saliva and cum coating his length and your lips, and a gasp wretches from your throat.
“Fuck!” You cry hoarsely. “Ah, T-Taehyung!”
You’re too weak to push yourself up and end up burying your head in Jungkook’s lower abdomen, feeling the heat consume you. You’re near numb, senseless, as you let Taehyung ravish your body, fuck you hard into the mattress and Jungkook. It’s a frantic build up, an intense wave of emotions that you seem to pass through, and you can hardly bring yourself to react. All you can hear is the sound of moaning and skin against skin and the heat seems to make its way up to your head, making you warm and fuzzy. Jungkook gently pulls at your face, lifting you up and bringing you to him so that he can smash his lips onto yours and all you can taste is bitter liquor, you, and him, but that doesn’t stop him from sucking on your lower lip even when you pull apart to moan and gasp.
“T-Tae,” You sob. “Fuck, Tae, I━I’m c━close━”
“Cum for me, baby girl,” he murmurs. “Let me hear you.”
You shake your head frantically at the sensitive sting between your legs still raw from your orgasm from Jungkook, shutting your eyes. Taehyung’s hands find their way onto your hips and he pulls you down his length until you’re balls deep and pauses. He lifts your hips and you can feel him twitch inside you that it even makes your own thighs tremble and shake. You’re sure you’ll collapse on him if he doesn’t hold onto you and he must realize this too because he grips your hips tight to continue thrusting into you. Soon you’re tumbling towards your high. Taehyung’s pumps are frantic, growing sloppy with each passing second, as he pushes you to yours and his high. The coil snaps in your stomach again and you’re in a moment of freefall where you’re stunned by the wave of pleasure. Then, Taehyung is bringing you back down to reality with his hard thrusts, the way he moans, and the lewd wet sounds of him pumping himself into you.
“Ah, T-Tae━” You whimper. “So good, fuck━”
His name falls from your lips in a repeated mantra. You crumble beneath him, collapsing entirely against Jungkook, who’s brushing your hair away from your face. You’re shaking with each touch, your walls pulsing around Taehyung and clenching hard. He moans and curses behind you and you know he must be close to his high because he, too, is fumbling for it. His thrusts are even more hasty and soon he’s reaching his climax. His moans increase in volume and his thrusts become sloppier until he finally pulls his cock from your walls and nearly collapses against your back.
With his hand clenched tightly around his shaft, he jerks himself off until he’s releasing onto your back in white hot spurts. He’s panting hard, sweat coating his forehead, but he takes the time to press chaste kisses along your back and shoulders as the two of you attempt to calm your shrill hearts. It’s silent in the room for a moment despite your panting breaths. Taehyung takes a moment to grab his discarded shirt and wipe at the mess he’s made before he collapses next to you at long last with a huff of air. You moan wearily, rolling off of Jungkook to lay on your back between the two.
“God, you’re amazing,” Taehyung sighs.
You giggle up at the boy and lean towards him to kiss. His fingers rake in your hair and a few silent seconds pass before you’re nearly back to an even breathing pace. That’s when you notice Jungkook, his hand gripped tightly around his still painfully hard dick.
“Jungkook,” You pur his name, catching his attention. “What are you doing?”
“What does it look like?” he quips.
“It’s your turn,” Taehyung points out. Jungkook glances at Taehyung and then down at you, quirking an eyebrow.
“W-Well, I just thought━” Jungkook stammers. “I just thought you’ve had enough. It’s okay, you don’t have to.”
“I call bullshit again,” You scoff.
“Baby girl,” Taehyung hums, “do you want Jungkookie to fuck you?”
You nod eagerly but Jungkook doesn’t seem too convinced, or maybe he’s hesitant. Taehyung’s eyeing him closely, curiously, before he gaps. He bursts out into a fit of chuckles, earning both yours and Jungkook’s attention.
“Shit, of course,” Taehyung grins. “He’s probably gonna let go the minute he’s in you. You’re close, hm?”
“Only because she’s already been down on me,” Jungkook grumbles.
“You know that’s not it,” Taehyung replies. “You’ve been wanting this forever.”
Jungkook’s eyes suddenly darken as he glares at the older boy. “Taehyung.”
“Wait, what?” You ask, turning to gawk at both.
“Jungkook has a little crush on you,” Taehyung smirks. “This is all he’s ever wanted. I bet he’ll bust a nut the second he fucks you and he’s embarrassed.”
You gasp as you turn to face Jungkook who looks entirely disgruntled but you’re more shocked about the fact that Jungkook likes you than anything else. Jungkook, notoriously arrogant fuckboy, who’s seemingly made it his mission to give you a headache every waking moment by trying to flirt with you. And maybe you’ve always sort of known it; maybe you’ve always sort of felt the same.
“That’s not true!” Jungkook protests. “I━I━ Well, Tae hardly finishes when he’s with another girl. He’s jacked off to the thought of you before, too━”
Taehyung starts. “Fuck off━”
You’re stuck between the bickering boys, staring up at both of them with a dumbfounded expression. Before either boy can strangle the other, you’re speaking up and interrupting them.
“I don’t mind,” You say. “I’m just… surprised.”
Both boys are silent now, aggravated probably, and you giggle. You reach up to rake your fingers in Taehyung’s hair and then look up at Jungkook, using your other hand to grab onto his chin once more and force him to face you.
“Come here, you idiot,” You drawl. “I want you to fuck me. Wanna feel your dick.”
Jungkook seems taken aback but then his eyes are sweeping down your body and he writhes in his seat. Before he can protest, you’re pulling him down onto you to kiss. It’s passionate and rough but hot altogether as your lips smack against one anothers. Jungkook’s desperate situation seems to hit him again, especially when you snake one of your hands down to his length and wrap your fingers around him to jerk him off. He pulls apart from you, gulping.
“Fuck, okay, okay,” he gasps. “I need to be in you right now, please.”
You and Taehyung smirk as Jungkook shifts around on the bed to kneel between your legs. He pauses, glancing up at you once more and noting the way you bite your lower lip seductively, before finally pushing himself in. He goes slow, but not as gradual as Taehyung. You can still feel him stretching you open and he groans. He seems to slide the rest of the way in with a lewd squelch sound because of just how wet you are and then he’s buried balls deep, fitting so snug within you.
“Holy shit,” he whines. “You weren’t kidding, Tae. She feels amazing.”
Taehyung hums in agreement. “What does she feel like? Let her know, Kookie.”
Jungkook squeezes his eyes shut momentarily to focus. “Wet,” he hisses through gritted teeth. “Warm, tight ━ fuck, so tight.”
He marvels at the feeling, wonders how you can still clench so tightly around him despite being stretched wide by Taehyung. He bows his head to rest in the crook of your neck and moans. His words are enough to spur on your own reaction and you whimper against him.
“Oh, fuck, Jungkook━”
The sensitivity you feel in your core met with his hard cock makes you cringe but simultaneously pleases you and you’re bucking your hips for more. He groans at the feeling, his hands flying down to grip your hips. He’s big, stretching you wide, but you feel anything but pain except for the sharp burning sensation as the intensity of your past orgasms start to hit you. He rolls his hips back and then thrusts into you so hard that you yelp and jerk back on the bed.
“Go easy on her, Jungkook,” Taehyung admonishes. “She’s not a doll.”
“I’m sorry,” Jungkook sighs, nipping at your throat. “You just feel so good, Y/N.”
“I’m okay,” You reassure. You feel his length twitch within you and your head lolls back. “Fuck, I feel more than okay.”
“Can we try something?” Taehyung asks.
He receives two weak nods in response. Jungkook pauses, shifts the two of you until he’s on his back and you’re straddling his hips, his dick never once slipping from your core. The older boy grabs onto you and yanks you onto his hips.
“What do you say we give Y/N the pleasure she deserves?” he asks. He pushes his length past your folds and is rewarded by the sound of your moans as your jaw unhinges. “Think you can handle both of us, baby?”
“Fuck, yes,” You gasp.
Jungkook seems just as enticed by this. He’s careful as he pushes his cock into you and your reaction is explosive. With Taehyung already stretching you wide, you wonder how Jungkook will fit but it’s snug and perfect. You can feel him stretching you further, inch by glorious inch, and he hasn’t even begun moving when your walls clench around the two of them. Taehyung hisses in your ear and Jungkook pauses at once, sputtering for air, giving you time to adjust. When Jungkook pushes himself further into your cunt, rubbing against Taehyung’s cock and your own walls, you can’t help the delicious moan that falls from your lips.
“Oh my god,” You whimper. “Fuck, fuck, that feels so fucking good━”
It’s such a sticky, hot mess, and all you can hear is the sound of guttural moans and grunts. You jut your hips forward, a silent plea for something more. Jungkook’s hand grasps at your ass and then he’s pulling out. He growls suddenly, thrusting his hips forward and the sensation suddenly overwhelms you. As he picks up a pace that leaves you breathless, Taehyung slowly thrusts into you and the pleasure becomes too much. Your hands reach out to grab at anything, fingers digging eagerly into Jungkook’s chest, Taehyung’s sides.
“Oh, fuck,” Jungkook grunts. His face is scrunched in pleasure and concentration, his mouth hanging open.
“You’re doing so well, baby,” Taehyung growls. “You like being stretched wide like this, huh? Such a good girl too. Fuck━”
He’s sweating, but so are you, and all you can hear is the sound of yours and the boys’ moans, the vulgar wet slap with each thrust Jungkook makes. It’s only amplified with each small leisurely thrust Taehyung makes into your throbbing pussy, his dick rubbing against Jungkook’s with each thrust. Your walls tighten around Jungkook and Taehyung as the seconds pass and you know you’re already close to your third orgasm of the night but you try to hold off despite the room spinning. All you can do is lay there for Jungkook to ravish and control, for Taehyung to enjoy, too caught up in the moment. Your breasts bounce wildly with each thrust Jungkook makes and his gaze seems fixated on your chest before flickering down to watch himself disappear inside you each time. Taehyung is raking his fingers through your hair, soothing you through your next climax and it’s close.
“Fuck,” Jungkook hisses, panting hard. “I’m not gonna last.”
You push your hips forward as if to probe him on and he growls.
“No, shit, let me enjoy this, baby,” he whines. “Ah, so tight━”
He’s grumbling to himself, cursing under his breath and you smirk tiredly. Jungkook leans his head down to kiss at your chest, catching one of your nipples in his warm mouth. His tongue swishes back and forth over the perked bud and your chest arches into his face. Your fingers are clutching tight at his hair even as he obeys and adds more force with each thrust, slowly picking up his pace. His mouth widens and he sinks lower on your breast, humming against you in pleasure. Taehyung’s own pace quickens. It’s not as relentless as Jungkook’s but he makes sure to help aid you to your high, ramming his hips into yours until both their cocks slip into a seamless pattern. All you can focus on is the crude wetness, the way their dicks threaten to slip from your hold at how sloppy and wrecked your cunt becomes.
“Ah, yes,” You hiss. “Fuck, yes, yes━ So good, oh my god━ Right there━”
Your voice is cut off by a loud moan. You feel the familiar wave hit you once more and this time you hardly have any strength to fight it off or welcome it.
“I can’t━” You wail suddenly. “Fuck, I can’t━ I’m gonna cum━”
You’re fumbling for words to warn him that you’re close before you’re cuming around them. Their names wrench from your throat in no discernible pattern, accompanied by vulgar curses. Your body writhes between the two boys, your chest arching into his mouth, your legs tightening around Jungkook’s waist.
“You’re doing so well, baby,” Jungkook coos. “Come on, wanna feel you cream all over us━”
Stars form behind your eyelids and explode into galaxies as they swirl down your spine and to the tip of your toes, making them and your fingers curl in delight. Your vision grows blurry and tears stream down your face at the build up of pressure finally being released for the third time and you can’t help it when your mantra turns into delighted sobs and whimpers. You’re clenched so tight that Jungkook feels as if he hardly has any space to move and the confinement of his length has him gasping. He pulls apart from your breast to watch your scrunched up face with hooded eyes. He moans again, and desperately leans down to suck at your jawline.
You’re too spent to keep up with him or Taehyung as he helps you further to your high but you know Jungkook is close when his thrusts become messy, quick spurts. You gasp each time he thrusts up into you until he’s finally cuming.
“Shit,” he hisses. “Gonna cum━ Gonna let us fill you up, baby?”
“Please, please, wanna feel it,” You mewl.
He slams his hips into yours and stills for a moment as he releases into you in one hot wave and emits a beautiful moan of your name. You’re panting hard even as he rides out both your highs with a few more incredibly sloppy pumps before he finally collapses against your chest. The two of you are struggling to catch your breaths, your heart beating in your ears.
The room is silent, blissful, and it takes you a few moments of basking in it before you’ve regained your breath. Your fingers rake in Jungkook’s soft and sweaty hair and you hum in content. His mouth presses a few open mouthed and hot kisses along your neck and jawline before connecting with your own mouth. This time, the kiss is chaste and you smile against his lips before he’s pulling out of you. You moan at the missing feeling of his warmth and the way his own cum leaks from your core, down Taehyung’s cock, and your own thighs.
But Taehyung isn’t done. He thrusts up into you to ride out his own high, pushing Jungkook’s release back into you. His pace is steady, deep, and all you can both do is moan and gasp for air.
“Fuck, Tae,” You rasp tiredly. “Cum for me, baby.”
The boy gasps for air, nearly fumbling behind you to reach his high. “Gonna make this pussy mine. Fuuck━”
When Taehyung finally reaches his own high, it’s in another sticky stream of hot cum, each fluid mingling with the other in a pitiful mess. He pulls his slackened length from you and you whimper at sudden the loss, core and legs aching. As you slide onto the bed between the two tired and breathless boys, Jungkook wipes at your glistening core with a shirt and you sigh in content.
“Why haven’t we done that before?” You gasp, earning a chuckle from both. Jungkook lets out a boisterous laugh and you flick his arm. “If you say anything dumb, we’re never having a round two.”
“Round two?” he asks, wriggling his brows. “You want this to happen again?”
You nod, though you can already start to feel yourself succumb to sleep as it creeps upon you. “What do you think, Tae?”
“I think,” The older boy hums, “that’s your best idea yet.”
Jungkook seems surprised, excited even, and you smile sleepily. Taehyung throws his arm over your waist and pulls your back to his chest, wrapping you in his arms as he slips off to sleep. 
Before you fall asleep that night, you snake your arm up Jungkook’s chest and let your hand rest against his beating heart which you can still feel beating shrilly even long after your messy night together.
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You awake to the familiar sound of your alarm.
It’s loud, annoying, and jolts you awake only to toss you into a haze of muddled confusion and an incredibly terrible hangover. Your head throbs and your body aches. Sunlight splashes in from the closed blinds and illuminates your face, making you squint.
“Turn that off, Jesus Christ, Y/N,” Taehyung snaps, his voice muffled and aggravated.
Your mind is too groggy to realize he’s sleeping next to you, too groggy to suddenly remember what happened the night before. Until, of course, you feel your limbs tangled with not only Taehyung’s but another’s. When you crane your neck to look, you see Jeon Jungkook splayed out beside you sleeping peacefully and you gasp.
The events of the night before suddenly flood your mind and everything is hazy up until your wild time with the two boys. Your muddled sober mind alerts your heart and suddenly it’s beating hard and fast in your chest as you register the situation. You’re used to waking up with a naked Taehyung by your side but never were you used to waking up next to a naked Taehyung and Jungkook.
Jungkook stirs in his sleep then and you curse silently, diving for your phone on the floor before realizing your drastic mistake. Your core is still tender and your legs feel so delicate, nearly caving in beneath you as you wobble precariously. Somehow, you manage to grab your phone and tap the snooze button hastily. Taehyung’s still half asleep on his side but Jungkook lays on his back and you’re surprised to see him looking up at you with a quirked eyebrow and a tiny smirk.
“Don’t you dare say anything,” You hiss. “Holy shit, that wasn’t a dream?”
You gnaw on your lower lip and reach down blindly to grab the nearest article of clothing on the floor (one of Taehyung’s shirts) to toss over your bare body. To soothe your aching muscles, you resort to kneeling on the edge of the bed.
“It wasn’t,” Taehyung murmurs.
“Nice to know you think our dicks are dream worthy though,” Jungkook snorts. “So when’s our round two?”
Your promise from the night before dawns on you all too suddenly and, though you feign your usual annoyance for both boys, the potential prospect of another night with the two of them thrills you to no end.  
“I━ I━” You stammer.
“Come back here, baby,” Taehyung muses. “It’s too early to be up right now. You can sleep a bit longer before you pretend you hate the both of us.”
Your eyes flicker down to your phone to check the time: 6 a.m. You can barely walk, let alone function this early in the morning, even without the added stress of your hangover, and sleep seems far too appealing to ignore. Maybe you can stay for a few more hours…
“Fine,” You grumble. You crawl back between them and wiggle around until you’re laying back on the bed. “But you’re making me that cup of coffee when I wake up, Taehyung.”
“Anything else, princess?” Taehyung grins.
“Maybe run me a bath too,” You wince as you settle back against the bed. “Everything hurts.”
“Will do,” Jungkook says. “Gotta do the most to make sure we get that second round. Now, come here━”
The boys snicker and, soon, the three of you have slipped back into a peaceful slumber.
You know that when you wake you’ll profusely deny that the night before and the morning after had ever happened; that you’ll never again find yourself in either Jungkook’s or Taehyung’s bed, much less with the both of them at the same time ━ but you find that you never really listen much to rules anyway.
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⟶ All rights reserved to © jungkxook. I do not allow reposting, translating, or any sort of modifying and reuploading of my work.
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rocorambles · 5 years ago
Mission: Seduce Kuroo Tetsurou
Pair: Kuroo x Reader
Genre: NSFW, Slight Angst, Fluff, Porn With Plot
Warnings: Degradation, Master/Pet Dynamics, Sex Toys, Overstimulation, Cum Play, Nipple Play
Prompt: "Guess I'll just have to cum inside you."
Summary: You really should have just spoken to Kuroo about your insecurities instead of letting everything spiral out of control. But that’s okay, your husband is more than happy to thoroughly remind you that you’re the only woman he’ll ever want.  
Author’s Note: This is my contribution for my HQ Discord Server’s NSFW collaboration. There are so many talented writers on the server and I highly encourage you to check out the collaboration masterlist here to see how everyone decided to run with this spicy prompt. (Masterlist goes live Monday 31st August 11:30pm U.K. time!) 
You stretch your arms over your head as a big yawn rumbles throughout your entire body. It’s too early for any sane person to be up, even the sun is barely creeping in through the windows of your apartment, but your husband has hardly been sane recently with the crazy amount of hours he’s been pouring into work. You’re lucky that you even woke up before he left and you smile as you hear your overgrown house cat rustle around your bathroom and bedroom, getting ready for the day. 
“Tetsurou, hurry up so you have time to eat at least a little breakfast before you head out! You’ve been skipping it too much recently. You wouldn’t want me to leave you for one of those pro-athletes you work so closely with when you become just stick and bones, would you?” 
You bite back a laugh when your husband’s messy bed hair peeks out from around the corner and hazel eyes narrow at you, but you’re not laughing when he finally saunters over to you in his suit and traps you against the kitchen counter between his long arms, leaning in so close your noses are brushing and just when you relax and close your eyes, waiting for him to kiss you, you rapidly blink your eyes open as he gives you a quick light peck before ambling off to pour himself a cup of the green tea you’d brewed. With a pout, you warm up the rice balls you’d bought last night and place them on the dining table, wrinkling your nose in displeasure at the smirk on Kuroo’s face, but it’s all forgotten as the two of you lightly chat over breakfast, Kuroo’s long legs spreading into your space across the table, your calves gently rubbing against each other as you laugh and eat. But all too soon it’s time for him to go and he gives you another loving peck before racing out the door and with a sigh, you wash the dishes before getting ready to leave for work yourself.
You love Kuroo with all your heart. Your feelings for him have only gotten stronger over the years and even after tying the knot with him, you can’t help the way your heart flutters and warmth fills your chest whenever the two of you lock eyes. But when your mind replays the teasing scene from this morning, your thighs clench and you bite your lips. Kuroo’s always been a tease and you love it as much as you hate it. No one knows how to rile you up like he does and he uses that to his advantage, rendering you a desperate, needy mess before finally making good on all his dirty promises. But lately, he hasn’t been following through. You can’t even remember the last time you’d done anything more than heatedly make out. 
At first, you had tried to be patient. You know far too well exactly why he hasn’t been in the mood recently. It’s so obvious to you. It’s obvious in the ever growing and darkening circles underneath his eyes. It’s obvious in the way he can barely stay awake when you do manage to spend some time together when he comes back home from work. It’s obvious in the way he immediately passes out as soon as his head hits the pillow. Hell, even his messy bed hair that usually defies gravity seems to slump more and more with every passing day. He’s exhausted. You’ve always loved how dedicated and hardworking Kuroo is. It’s one of the many reasons you’d fallen for him and you know how important his job is to him, but you wonder if it’s time to intervene as you watch your husband walk around your shared apartment like a zombie. Also, more selfishly, you have needs and it’s been months since you’ve been stuffed full by him and really, this is all Kuroo’s fault for training your body to constantly yearn for him after all the years he spent pleasuring you over and over again. With a determined glint in your eyes, you begin to scheme. Let Mission Seduce Kuroo Tetsurou begin.
You scan yourself in the mirror pleased with how you look in a strappy lingerie set you know drives Kuroo crazy. It’s a delicate and intricate creation of lace and ribbons that barely covers you, only accentuating the curves of your figure, but you know it’s the one strip of ribbon that travels in a single bold line between your breasts and leads up to a delicate lacy red collar wrapped around your neck that will specifically catch Kuroo’s eyes. Checking the time, you excitedly perch yourself on the bed, positioning yourself seductively, candles flickering and enhancing the mood as you wait for him, but a hour passes and you unwillingly succumb to sleep, ignorant of the way your phone buzzes with an apologetic text from Kuroo, letting you know he’d be home even later than usual. Blearily you open your eyes and wince as daylight sears your vision. Wait...daylight? You scramble to sit up and check your surroundings and your shoulders sag in frustration when you find yourself still in your lingerie set, but carefully tucked into bed, blankets wrapped around your body, Kuroo’s side of the bed empty and cold. You reach over to look at your phone, getting up to get dressed for work, when you see a new text from your husband. 
Sorry, kitten. You must have been waiting a long time for me last night. You looked absolutely beautiful. Look! I even took some pictures so I could remember. But maybe next time try not to fall asleep while the candles are still lit ^.^  
Your face heats up at the lewd pictures he’d taken of you while you were fast asleep and your heart warms at his compliment, but you stubbornly shake your head. There’s no time to be distracted. You’re still a woman on a mission. 
Attempt two takes place that weekend and you watch your husband from the shadows, lurking behind him before finally pouncing on him as he sits at his desk, answering a work phone call. You saucily wink at him as you saunter into his view and you smirk at the way he clears his throat and gulps at the sight of you dressed in nothing but his old Nekoma jersey and black thigh highs. And when you sink to your knees and arch your back just so, you almost snicker at the way he hisses when his jersey rides up and your bare ass is displayed. But he collects himself enough to firmly, but gently shove you away from him as you try to pull his boxers down and despite a few more attempts on your end, you instantly stop when he puts his phone on mute and sternly says your full name. 
But Kuroo’s always been weak against your puppy dog eyes and with a slight roll of his eyes, he beckons you to sit on his bare thigh and as he calmly and professionally continues his call, you heavily pant with your tongue lolling out, drool dripping from your mouth as you grind against his strong muscles like a bitch in heat, smearing your arousal everywhere until you’re almost sliding back and forth against the taut surface. And as he clenches his muscles and digs his leg further up into you, your body convulses and he barely has time to end the call before you loudly moan as you ride out your orgasm. He whispers filthy praises into your ear about what a good slut you are, what a desperate pet you are, what a mess you’ve made all over master’s leg, but when you finally exhaustedly slump onto his chest, he peppers butterfly kisses all over your face and holds you for a few minutes before carrying you to the bathroom and washing both of you off despite your protests that you still want to play more. 
He at least has the decency to apologetically kiss you for ending things so abruptly as he throws on slacks and a button-up before rushing off to work to take care of the emergency he had just been on a call about despite the fact that it’s a weekend, but you can’t help the growing insecurity that begins to eat at you as you spend the rest of that Saturday alone. Were you not as attractive as you used to be? Was Kuroo getting tired of you? Why does it feel like you’re trying so hard to get his attention? Does touching you feel like just a husbandly duty for him now? Thought after crippling thought sears through you and you have to hold back the tears that threaten to spill when Kuroo returns late that night and, thinking you’re already asleep, turns on his side with his back facing towards you and instantly falls asleep.        
You muster what little resolve you have left with the last few scraps of your self-confidence for a final attempt. Raking through your mind for memories of what would hopefully bring some passion back between the two of you, you perk up as your eyes scan a black box crammed underneath the bed. Kuroo hates it when you masturbate, when you touch yourself, when you make yourself cum without him being physically present or at least on a call with you to hear all the pretty sounds you make. Surely this would be enough to finally have him fuck you senseless like he always used to. But when you purposefully time everything so that Kuroo enters your bedroom and finds you stuffed full with your favorite dildo, a wand vibrator pressed against your clit, and your back arched as broken cries fill the room, he just gives you a tired smile and sits on the edge of the bed before helping you by thrusting the dildo in and out of your gushing cunt. And it feels so good, but when you see how dull and lifeless Kuroo’s sleep deprived eyes look despite the fact that you’re laid out in an erotic display of lust, you can’t stop the sobs you let out as you climax. 
Thinking you’re just crying from the overwhelming pleasure and too tired to dig further into it, Kuroo absentmindedly tosses the toys to the side and cradles you in his arms as he falls asleep, finding comfort in your familiar scent and figure, ignorant of the way your body continues to tremble as you cry yourself to sleep. And as you try to keep your sobs and sniffles as quiet as possible, you decide to abort this mission, deeming it a complete and utter failure and you struggle to fall asleep that night as self-deprecating thoughts claw at your insides. Of course Kuroo didn’t find you sexy anymore. Your body has changed a lot since your younger days. You should be grateful that you still have a loving husband, a husband who works tirelessly to help provide for the two of you, a husband who always takes care of you, a loyal and devoted husband. And despite the longing pang for something more, something primal, for your base desires to be filled, you tentatively turn in Kuroo’s arms until you're face to face and you nuzzle into his toned chest and finally find peace in the rhythmic rise and fall of his sleeping figure. 
Life goes on normally after that. At least for Kuroo. He's too distracted and exhausted to notice the way your smiles are a little more forced, the way you're more hesitant about touching him, the way you wear more clothes to cover your body as self-consciousness plagues your mind. So it's just business as usual for him to excitedly tell you about the Japan Volleyball Association's annual summer beach party, but he blinks in confusion when you don't return his enthusiasm, mumbling a feeble excuse about not having a swimsuit for the occasion. Brows furrowed, he digs through the drawers of your wardrobe and triumphantly holds up a black bikini set you still have, waving aside your worries that it won't fit and that it won't look good on you anymore and that's how you find yourself a few weeks later, exiting Kuroo's car and walking side by side with him in said bikini, feeling like an ugly troll next to your stunning husband whose lean and toned muscles are on full display with him just sporting a red pair of swim trunks. 
But your insecurities are pushed aside as a loud "hey, hey, hey" echoes even over the sound of the waves crashing on the beach and you can't help but grin as Bokuto runs over slapping Kuroo hard enough on the back to leave a red mark before picking you up and spinning you around as he hugs you. "Alright, that's enough, stop manhandling my wife, you big dumb owl!" Kuroo pretends to grumble at the two of you, but you can tell by the amused glint in his eyes as Bokuto finally lets you go and the reassuring hand he places on your lower back as the three of you mingle with everyone else that he doesn't really mind. But as soon as you reach the thickest part of the crowd, Kuroo quickly kisses your forehead before running off to network with some players and coworkers, leaving you alone with Bokuto. 
The two of you have fun. Bokuto has always been the life of the party and you laugh the hardest you've laughed in a long time. But many drinks later and unable to keep up with his crazy stamina, you excuse yourself and find a quiet corner, drinking a glass of cold water to cool down and sober up a bit. It's been hours and you still haven't seen Kuroo since he separated from you and you're so focused scanning the venue for him that you don't notice the person drawing near you until you feel movement right next to you. Surprised you turn around and are met with a vaguely familiar face. Blond dyed hair. An ever present smirk. You don't realize how long you've been staring, trying to remember where you recognize him from, until he snorts and waves a hand in your face. "I know I'm good looking, but don't you think it's a little rude to just stare at me silently?" 
You try to stutter out an apology as you finally come back to your senses, but he laughs it off and introduces himself. Atsumu. Yes, now you recognize him. Bokuto's teammate. You've seen tons of pictures of him on Bokuto's social media accounts. He's a little rough around the edges and you can feel your face heat up as he blatantly looks you up and down, eyes lingering a bit too long on the swell of your breasts, but you can feel your confidence growing, feeling truly desired for the first time in months. What's the harm in a little flirting? 
The two of you banter back and forth and maybe it's the heat of the sun mixed with the alcohol still running through your veins, but you don't notice the way Atsumu inches closer to you until your thighs are pressed tightly against each other or the way he rests one arm behind you, slyly pressing it against your upper back. And you definitely don't notice how he suddenly swoops in to crash his lips against yours and you move to shove him away from you only to be interrupted by a flurry of motions and you stare in shock at Atsumu sprawled out on the ground and your husband furiously glaring down at him, fists clenched so hard his knuckles are turning white. 
You react just in time to lunge at Kuroo and you tightly wrap your arms around his tense figure as he takes a step towards the blonde setter, holding him still as realization finally dawns on Atsumu when he spots your matching wedding bands and he scampers off with a rushed apology. But even when he’s long gone and nowhere in sight, you still clutch your husband, not letting go until you feel his muscles relax. You let him shake you off as he turns around to tower over you and you whimper at the fire burning in his eyes, hazel eyes almost glowing as they pin you down. You’re thankful for the loud music and lively atmosphere, ensuring no one’s paying any attention to the two of you as he tightly grips your chin and forces you to maintain eye contact. 
“Someone’s been a naughty kitten. I leave you alone for a few hours and you let some other man just place their dirty paws all over you? Let them taste your pretty little mouth? If I hadn’t stopped him, would you have let him fuck your tight cunt too? Mark you up inside and out?” 
You hate the way you grow wet at his words, trembling when Kuroo notices your growing arousal and narrows his eyes in disdain. But it’s the brief flicker of hurt in his eyes that finally has you digging your hands into his waist as denial and reassurances come pouring out of your mouth. 
“Tetsurou, I had no idea he was going to kiss me. It happened so fast. I’m so sorry. Of course I would have stopped him if you hadn’t stepped in! I love you. I only want you.” 
You stare intently into his eyes, trying to portray all your love for him through your gaze and you sigh in relief when his eyes soften at your words, but your breath catches in your throat when his eyes sharpen into a familiar gleam and a dark smirk curves onto his lips. He finally releases your chin and leans down until his hair brushes against the side of your face as he purrs into your ear. 
“Prove it to me.” 
Kuroo has a reputation to uphold and, not wanting to risk anyone seeing what’s about to happen, he grabs your hand and guides you through the dancing crowd, laughing and greeting a few tipsy faces he recognizes in passing, but not once does he stop leading you towards the exit and you’re quivering in anticipation by the time the two of you reach the parking lot and he roughly shoves you into the back of his car. The door has barely closed before he pulls your bottoms down, not even bothering to fully remove them as he also hastily shoves his boxers down just enough for his cock to swing out. And you almost moan at just the sight of what you’ve been lusting for all these months, a small part of you taking pride in the fact that he’s not as unaffected as he makes himself seem behind his angry facade as you unconsciously lick your lips at the sight of his already fully hard length. 
You attempt to sit up and move towards him, desperate for a taste of the pre-cum leaking out of his tip, but you yelp when you’re shoved back down by a hand on your chest and you whine, only for that to quickly turn into a wail as Kuroo slams two of his fingers inside of your throbbing cunt. He growls as he rapidly pistons his digits in and out of you and you should be embarrassed by the way your cries of ecstasy and the sound of your squelching wet pussy fill the car, but you can’t bring yourself to feel any shame as you lose yourself to the delirious pleasure of your husband’s long fingers filling you, stretching you, always sure to rub against that spongy spot inside of you that makes you see stars. But when your hand instinctively reaches down to rub your clit, you’re startled back to reality when it’s slapped away and his fingers are yanked out of you. 
He sneers down at you, a wicked smile twisting his face as he shoves his drenched fingers into your mouth and you obediently suck, making sure to clean every remaining drop of yourself that coats his skin. Satisfied, he finally removes his hand from your mouth and he quirks an eyebrow in amusement as you beg and plead for him to fuck you.
“Tetsurou, please. I need your cock inside of me. Please, I want it so badly. Please fuck me. Please please please. I miss it so much.” 
He mockingly coos down at you as desperate tears well in the corner of your eyes. “Aww is my little kitten crying for my cock? You’re such a fucking whore. You want my big fat cock inside of you so badly that you’d cry and beg for it like a desperate slut? You sure it’s my cock that you miss? I think you’d be happy with any cock fucking you. You’d let anyone stuff you full and moan like a whore, wouldn’t you?” 
And the tears finally fall as you sob and shake your head rapidly. “Only you, Tetsurou. Always only you. Please please please.” You’re still crying and incoherently babbling as he slams his entire shaft inside of you in one swift motion and Kuroo darkly smiles at the way your crying instantly turns to wanton moans at the sudden intrusion. But it’s been far too long since either of you have done this and both of you are so worked up that he knows he doesn’t have much time before you both reach your ends. And sure enough after just a few strokes he can feel your body begin to tighten and he grits his teeth at the sight of your eyes rolling into the back of your head, your head shaking back and forth, and your mouth wide open. But even as dazed as you are, when you feel the way your husband’s thrusts become uneven, you try to voice as much reason as you possibly can, fully aware of your husband’s tendency to paint your body with his fluids. 
“Tetsu-Tetsurou AH- Feels so good. Hngh D-don’t cum on me. Don’t have anything to- AHHH clean it up with and- OH we need to go back to the party.”
Kuroo grunts in displeasure at your words, but he knows you’re right and as much as he loves to see you covered in thick spurts of white, the thought of anyone else seeing that incites rage in him. You get ready for him to pull out and cum down your throat like you always do when you mess around in similarly inconvenient places, ready to swallow down any evidence of your sinful deeds, but you scream when his thrusts get even harder and faster. 
"Guess I'll just have to cum inside you."
And those words are the final shove you need to fall over the peak and Kuroo follows shortly after you as your pussy walls clench and milk his cock. He stays buried inside of you for a few more moments, wanting your tight walls to soak up as much of him as possible, but when he slides out of you, he quickly pulls your bottoms up, not letting a single drop escape, and you whimper as he purposefully tugs them up just a tad too tightly, teasingly wedging the fabric between your folds before finally having some mercy and letting you rearrange them. He opens the car door and steps out first, offering a hand down towards you and you grab it, gingerly standing up only to be pulled swiftly towards him and you stumble into his chest. But before you can fully find your balance, a large hand tugs your hair until you’re forced to stare up into cat-like eyes. 
“I want you to keep my cum inside of you for the rest of the party. I’m not anywhere near done with your punishment. I’ll be checking at home tonight to see if your pretty little pussy is still painted white.”       
The rest of the party is torturous. Kuroo doesn't let you step even a foot away from him as he continues mingling with the crowd and in any other scenario you'd love the attention he showers you with as he affectionately introduces you to countless faces, but not today. Not with your pussy desperately clenching in order not to spill a single drop of the white liquid coating your insides. Not with your touch starved body only yearning for more after getting a taste of what you've wanted all these months. And Kuroo only makes things worse with his subtle teasing. 
You know better than to think any of his touches are accidental or innocent and your body is so in tune with his that it reacts to every single bit of contact he dishes out. His arm grazes over your nipples as he reaches over to grab a drink. He leads you with a hand that just happens to slip from your lower back and land squarely on your ass. He wipes your mouth for you, claiming you have a piece of food on the corner of your mouth, but that doesn't really explain why his fingers briefly slip past your lips. But all hell breaks loose when he reapplies your sunscreen for you and his hands blatantly slip under your bikini set, teasingly close to where you want him most, but always just missing your clit and nipples and when he reaches your neck, a moan escapes you at the feeling of his hand subtly wrapping and tightening around your throat. 
"Tetsurou, stop teasing me! Can we go home? Please take me home. I need you inside of me again. I want you to ruin me." 
Kuroo's the one who's turned you into a needy slutty mess, but it's his turn to feel flushed at the sight of you lewdly begging him to do whatever he wants to you in broad daylight, in front of hundreds of people and finally losing his self-control, he brusquely grabs your hand and once again the two of you are leaving, but this time for good. The car ride is silent, the atmosphere thick and tense between the two of you as you clench your thighs together and Kuroo tries to ignore the growing bulge in his shorts. It's silent as both of you enter your apartment and Kuroo seats himself on your couch. But you break once you close and lock the front door and Kuroo impassively stares at you as you drop to your knees in front of him and beg him to fuck you again. You know you're barely making any sense, fueled only by your cock hungry thoughts, but you pause when Kuroo raises a hand to silence you. 
"Let's see if you were able to follow the one rule I gave you today, kitten." 
Eagerly you nod your head and you raise yourself on your knees, spreading your thighs apart before pulling your bikini bottom to the side and you think you could cum right there and then just from the way Kuroo unabashedly stares at the white trail dripping down your inner thigh as he pushes down his shorts enough to languidly stroke his cock. 
"Good girl. Did you like being my little cum bucket today? Did you like being filled by me? Bet if it were possible, you'd always want your little cunny to be drenched in my cum, right? Come sit on master's lap." 
Kuroo chuckles at the way you clumsily stumble in your haste to reach him as you blather affirmation after affirmation in response to his questions and he lowers his head to affectionately kiss you, lightly nipping your lower lip before he pulls back. He moves one hand to his cock to angle it as his other hand grabs your waist and urges you to move, but you hardly need any encouragement and you both groan as you sink down on his length until you're completely bottomed out and sitting in his lap once again. Immediately you try to bounce, but you whine when strong hands hold you still and you can feel tears of frustration forming as you pout at your husband's smirk. But any annoyance is forgotten when his hands fondle and pinch your nipples through the fabric of your top. 
"Look at you. I've barely done anything and you're already so worked up. Stop moving! Just sit there and take what I give you." You yelp when he roughly pinches your nipples and you cease your attempts to ride him, but you can't help the way your hips roll and grind as he continues. 
"Your nipples are already so hard, kitten. Look how obvious they are even beneath your swimsuit. Were they like this all day? Is that why Atsumu couldn't take his eyes off you? You think every player there saw how slutty your nipples are? Realized what a horny desperate whore you are? I bet they all wanted to get a taste." 
You wail when Kuroo shoves the fabric aside and latches a mouth onto one of your sensitive nubs, while experly flicking and rolling the other between his fingers. He alternates between the two sides and your frazzled mind can barely keep up with his actions as he switches up the motions of his fingers and mouth. He pulls off briefly and sharply tugs at your nipples. "Think you can cum just from your nipples?" You try to deny it, pleading for him to at least rub your clit, but your protests are ignored and you gasp when he dives back down and harshly sucks at one of your puffy nubs. Kuroo knows your body even better than you do and he continues to stimulate your nipples even when you topple over into an orgasm that takes you by surprise and you tightly clench around his cock as your back arches and only when you weakly paw at him to stop does he release your nipple with a lewd pop. 
You playfully smack him when he teases you about what a slut you must be to be able to get off from just your nipples and you hide your face in his neck as he shamelessly thinks out loud about all the nipple clamps, suctions, and vibrators he can use on you to train you even more. But you raise your head in alarm when you feel yourself being repositioned, Kuroo's erect cock still inside of you as he lays you on your back and hovers over you. 
"Tetsurou, st-stop NGH TOO SOON!"
"What did you say, kitten? Sorry, it's hard to understand you when you're moaning like a whore. Weren't you begging for this all day? Shouldn't you be thanking me?"
Kuroo thrusts sharply into you with every word and you can't think of anything other than how well he fills you, how perfectly he fits inside the cunt he's molded and shaped for himself after years of using it, how amazing the drag of his cock against your insides is. You babble thank you, thank you, thank you mindlessly over and over again, incapable of doing anything else as your breasts bounce and your body writhes underneath him. And when his hips finally stutter and he furiously rubs your clit as he adds to the mess inside of you, you break apart once again, your mind going blank as you feel the warmth of his cum sloshing inside of you.
But exhaustion slams into you as you come down from your climax, exhaustion from your third orgasm, exhaustion from being teased all day and all the barriers you’d put up finally come crashing down and Kuroo stares in horror as you sob, nothing like the pleasure filled sobs he usually wrings out of you. No, these are heartbreaking anguished cries for help and he immediately answers the call by tightly clutching you to his chest, your lower bodies still connected as he murmurs words of praise and love into your ear. 
“Hey, what’s wrong, sweetheart? I love you. You know that, right? I love you more than anything or anyone else in this entire world. I’m so lucky to be your husband. You’re so good to me, so loving, so supportive, so loyal, so beautiful.” 
The last word catches your attention and with a sniffle you hesitantly remove your head from his torso and look at him through watery lashes. 
“You think I’m beautiful?” 
Kuroo flounders for a second, disbelief choking the words in his throat, unable to understand how you could think otherwise. But when he sees the insecurity and doubt flooding your eyes he gently cradles your face in his calloused hands. 
“Of course I do. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met, inside and out.” 
Your heart flutters at the sincerity you see in his eyes and that’s all it takes for you to break down in his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck as you tuck your head under his chin, and he silently listens as you reveal all the internal suffering you’d put yourself through over the past months as you let your anxiety and worry mix with your doubts and insecurities, letting them fester and ferment into a self-destructive time bomb. A slow-moving process he’d been too daft to notice, that you’d been too scared to talk to him about for his sake, not wanting to be a bother or another item he needed to check off his to-do list. And while you continue shyly speaking, tears stream down Kuroo’s face and his heart clenches at the thought of how long you’d quietly suffered, putting on a happy facade for him, taking care of his every want and need during the few hours of the week he was home and awake. 
Surprised to feel liquid drops plop down on your face, you quirk your head upwards and panic when you see your husband’s teary eyes and the two of you become a blubbering mess as you both try to wipe each other’s tears and soothe each other. It’s so silly to see two adults trying to out comfort each other that you accidentally snort at the strange image the two of you must make and there’s a slight pause, but then your laughter is joined by Kuroo’s trademark cackle and before you know it, the two of you are wrapped in each other’s arms, feeling the rumble of each other’s laughter through your connected bodies. 
Yes, there’ll be serious conversations later about being more open and transparent with each other when something’s troubling either one of you and discussions on how you can both work on your communication. You’ll jokingly complain that Kuroo is hovering over you too much for weeks after this breakdown as he practically scrutinizes you with those perceptive eyes of his, always making sure you’re really fine. And he’ll never give you any more opportunities to doubt how much he loves every part of you when you’re screaming his name on every surface of your home. But for now, feeling infinitely lighter with all your burdens finally shoved off your shoulders with the help of your husband, you’re content to close your eyes and relish in the warmth of the lean body pressed against you.     
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aetheternity · 4 years ago
Can I have your number?
Synopsis: Armin’s always being asked by shy pretty girls for Eren’s number at parties to the point where when you ask for his number he doesn’t know how to respond. (Italicized words are Armin’s thoughts.)
“Why me?” Armin shrugs his cotton blue hoodie off his shoulders. Fingers grazing over the zipper in earnest contemplation. “Why don’t they ever just go right to him?” 
“I’m sorry to be the one to break this to you, Armin.” Connie begins, finger tracing over the rim of his partially empty glass. “Well actually I’m not. You’re the approachable friend because Eren is so tall and sexy; and you’re puppy cute.” 
“Puppy cute.” Armin spits, eyes uncharacteristically narrowing. 
Sasha plucks the glass from Connie’s hand, “That’s enough outta you.” She huffs pulling the drink far from Connie’s reach. “Sorry Armin, it’s just cause he’s drunk.” 
“But he isn’t wrong.” He replies, Sasha sighs transitioning Connie’s glass to her free hand. She tilts her head apologetically. “He isn’t wrong.” Armin repeats, rolling his eyes. 
Just as he reaches for the glass he can’t stop nursing tonight; a tap on his shoulder stops him. “Hey um..” The girl in front of him is the same as the rest. Gorgeous. Small build fitted out in a white crop top and blue skirt like she was meant to perfectly match with Armin. Her hair was short barely making it to the nape of her neck. She shifted her weight back and forth as she looked up at Armin with pinked cheeks. 
“I really hate to bother you with this..” Then don’t. “Uh..” She steps back so Armin can look out at all the loud party goers and their raucous chatter. “You’re friends with him right?” 
Through the sea of people she manages to point right at Jean. His black vest over a brown tee shirt surprisingly easy to pinpoint as he chatted away with a couple of other guys. His black fingers nails lightly tapping the edges of his glass as he laughed away without a care in the world. Loose hairs of his mullet pulled back with two black hair pins while the rest of his hair was perfectly gelled. 
“Yeah.” Armin replied with a small roll of his eyes. 
“Do you think maybe.. I can have his number?” 
Armin suppresses the urge to snort. “Do you have a pen?” He asks
Sasha ends up being the one that hands one to him and he quickly scribbles Jean’s number onto a piece of paper. He hands it over and she responds with a quick, ‘thank you’ taking her leave as quickly as possible. 
“Woah.. Forgot how bitchy you can be when you’ve had a few.” Sasha giggles though unlike the girl from before Armin’s glare does nothing to sway her. 
“Did I forget to mention sometimes Jean’s girls come to me too?” He sighed
Connie had managed to grab a new glass while Sasha had fallen distracted. He lifted a bottle of vodka over the edge of the counter top, sloppily pouring a bit of it over his hand and onto the table before properly settling into an easy rhythm. 
“No more! I’m serious Connie, you’ve had enough and you’re starting to get vulgar.” She snatched the glass just before he could drink from it, pushing it far away from his grasp. 
“You bitch I have not!” He argues, it takes a second for him to register from the wide eyed expressions surrounding him just how loud and crass he’d been. “Alright I’m sorry.. please take me home.” 
Sasha nods, slapping Connie’s back as she inches him off the stool and to his feet, “Hey I know you’re tired of taking messages tonight but could you maybe..”
“Tell Jean you’re taking Connie home? Sure why the fuck not?” 
Armin sighs wrapping his hand around his own glass before it’s snatched from his palm, “You’ve had enough to.” Sasha points “Don’t you dare have another sip tonight.” And with that she’s stumbling through the crowd with Connie’s arm perched over her shoulder. 
When Armin stands he almost knocks the chair over. I didn’t think I had that much.. He thinks. He yanks his hoodie from where it’s drooping through the empty back of the chair, pushing the furniture back up when it falls on him. And when he’s properly standing he takes a deep breath, staggering toward the direction the girl from before had pointed in. 
Despite how dirty it is and his knowledge of such he rests his pounding skull down on the table upon arrival. The cool wood soothing his overly warm skin. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” Jean asks as Armin exhales gingerly 
“Shut up.” He mutters 
‘Too much bourbon I see.” Jean replies 
Armin hates it. Hates this party. Hates the noise. Hates how Jean’s nails feel so good running through his sweaty blond hair. 
“Come on, talk to me.” 
“Girls think I’m the approachable friend.” Armin replies, standing up straight using the table in front of him for support. 
“Well yeah.” Jean nods “I know but that’s just cause they don’t understand how cute, nice and charming you actually are. Those girls are missing out going to Eren when the real heartthrob is right in front of them.” 
Armin snorts, “You need to stop drinking.” 
“I figured right after I called you cute.” Jean slides his glass away turning his attention back to Armin. “ But I wasn’t lying.” 
Armin shoots up, finger out towards Jean. “At least eight girls in the three hours we’ve been here have asked about Eren. Two asked about you.” 
“Do you know the names of my two?” 
“I think it was, I don’t know and the second was I don’t care.” 
“Ouch.” Jean pressed a finger to his lip, the black nail polish accented in the strobe lighting. He pressed his chin into his palm leaning in closer to Armin. “Have you ever considered changing your hair? Maybe growing it out or cutting it more?” 
“No I-” 
The terrible clatter of glasses shook Armin and Jean from their conversation. Three girls all of whom were laughing at nothing now standing in front of them. “Hey!” One greeted 
“Hello ladies.” Jean replied back while Armin gritted his teeth. 
The girl farthest away snorted, gesturing with her hands to the girl who had spoken up to begin with. “So my friends-” She quickly slapped the third girl on the back who instantly began giggling again. “I’m sorry.” 
Jean just nodded glancing at an unamused Armin. 
“You know him right?” The first girl tried immediately covering her mouth as though she’d said something completely foul. She pointed across the room at Eren who seemed completely unresponsive to a one sided conversation with a random girl. 
“Starting to wish I didn’t..” 
“Huh?!” Yelled the third girl 
“No, no..” The second girl began “It’s just cause these two like him.” The entire gaggle burst into loud giggles. All three of them pushing their hair away from their eyes and bouncing around like small children. 
When the agitating screeching died down the second girl added “We wanna see who he likes best.” She finished 
“Is he seeing anyone?” The first girl chimed in
“Not that I know of.” Armin answered 
“Do you have his number?” The third girl asked 
“I have it.” Jean responded before Armin could even create the sentence in his head. 
Jean promptly jotted the number down giving it to the first girl who didn’t hesitate in snatching it from his hand and heading off. The second girl behind her soon followed by the only one from the group that didn’t leave their manners at home. The third girl smiling with an appreciative farewell. 
Jean made a small noise in his throat, turning back to Armin with the nail of his thumb pressed under his teeth. “Maybe you should go home?.. You know what I’ll leave with you.” 
“Jean, no offense but I don’t want pity.” 
“When do you think Eren is gonna wanna leave?” 
“I don’t know.” He huffed “I’m gonna go use the bathroom.” 
He didn’t wait for Jean’s reply just grabbed his once discarded hoodie and headed through the mess of drunk partygoers towards the bathroom. He didn’t even need to actually use it. Just wanted to be out of sight of all the stupid drunk girls vying for Eren’s affections. Not even realizing that tissue has touched Eren longer than any of them will. 
The bathroom door was closed and maybe that was a good thing because it wasn’t extremely likely that Armin wouldn’t stay in there for a couple hours after the night he’s endured. He lets out a long exhale hunting around for his phone. Blond hair sticking up as he slumps against the wall. 
“Um hey.” Armin doesn’t even bother to look up. “Is someone in there?” 
“Yup.” He grunts 
Armin notes the slight shift in the person in front of him. He looks up completely unsurprised by the fleeting glance, the hands crossed behind their back and head bowed. 
“Ok.” The girl begins but by this point Armin’s attention is redirected to his phone  “My name is Y/N, I wanted to ask you if maybe I could have your number?” 
Armin blinks expression completely unchanged as she hands over her phone. He lets his eyes roll around in his head taking the device and robotically typing in Eren’s number in contacts. When he gives it back to her she lets out a little squeak of excitement. 
“I’ll call you!” She calls before running off 
Wait..  Gears turn like clockwork in his brain. Slowly but surely the situation dawns on him. His number???? Did a girl? Particularly one as cute as her ask for his number?? 
Granted he’d only seen her for a couple seconds but she was most certainly the most put together girl that had approached him tonight. Clothes neat and tidy. No flopping around like a fish out of water at any point during the conversation. Hair done in a ponytail that wasn’t begging for release from its confines. 
And he’d given her Eren’s number.. 
Safe to say Armin bolted. Back down the hall, leaping up to search over the crowding heads all around. Successfully getting weird stares but that was beyond his problems at the moment. Once he’d decided that she wasn’t anywhere around he sprinted through out the door and towards the stairs. 
“Wait! Wait! Wait!” He called, hearing the sound of footsteps. 
His heart collided with his ribcage, loud stomps ensuing as he sprinted around the bend at the bottom of the staircase. She was in his sights, her head turning and eyes making contact with his and just as soon his foot slipped. Body colliding with the first stair, then the second and so on till he’d successfully finished rolling down the entire flight. Slamming into the wall with a hard thud. 
“Oh my god Armin!” She settled onto her knees, reaching out for his face. Delicate palms brushing over his sore cheeks. “Are you ok? Never mind, stupid question, let me call an ambulance.” 
Blond lashes slowly fluttered close then open as she moved to pull her phone from her pocket. “Before you do.” Armin panted still working to catch his breath. “Can I give you my number? For real this time?”  
Ok so this is unedited because I think writers block is trying to take me and I’m trying my hardest to keep it at bay. I have like 5 things in the works at the moment so I really don’t need that.       
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