#as a player of a woodwind instrument this scares me
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inkyucu ¡ 11 months ago
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Flavored reeds.
This idea scares me.
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mysteriesmuse ¡ 2 years ago
Football Player Katsuki + Marching Band Girlfriend
Like all his stupid friends here, he met you at UA University Freshmen Orientation — Group 1-A. The same group of eclectic college kids that are around today all hanging out between the Varisty Sports and Spirit Teams. Still doesn’t understand how you all managed to be put together like that. Katsuki sees you regularly ever since then. Football Player Katsuki who sees you sitting in the university cafeteria sitting with Squeaky, Tape Arms, and Round Cheeks all smiles and giggles or all slouched and complaining. And on game days when he’s got the time he and some of the team go over and sit with y’all. Because Kirishima is real good friends with those two woodwind idiots— so Bakugou initially just gets dragged along. Football Player Katsuki Who always send a big wink and grin your way as he’s running through the tunnel before the start of the game. Who compliments your playing to the rest of the team and the compliments spread like wildfire back to your director and now you’re yelling back about “Katsuki stop complimenting my playing by name. Director Yamada keeps putting me on tunnel duty — at this point he’s gonna make it a permanent thing!” And Katsuki always shrugs watching the way you’re fighting a smile, instrument in hand, but he loves it when you do the pre-game mini pep tunnel thing with him. Always gets the chance to take a pre-game (pre pregame) photo with you. All color-coordinated with his jersey and your marching uniform. Football Player Katsuki Always standing on the sidelines with the other big players Midoriya, Todoroki, and Kirishima as y’all set up for pregame. The four of them taking the time to watch what y’all are doing — even if it’s the same each time. And if he’s part of kick off then he KNOWS he’s about to be running towards y’all as you scramble off the field. And he’s barreling towards the sidelines when he spots you in the crowd. Always making goofy faces at you when he slows down: big old monster hands and downright terrifying snarl of his canines and molars, but LIVES to see you smile bright when you notice him — fellow section members now knowing him by look slapping you on the lapels to grab you attention. For Katsuki to then mime a couple clicks of a paparazzi camera back at you. sauntering over with the rest of his team back to the sideline with a faint shout of “ — you looked good!” Leaves you with a section full of snickers and teases when you’re in the stands.
Football Player Katsuki who steps on your toes all the time for these dangerous and unorthodox training schemes that his denfensive coach Aizawa comes up with. Your director Yamada somehow agreeing to letting the entire defensive team zig-zag through the marching bands box-drill warm-up. Coach Aizawa doesn’t even regulate everyone to specific sections of the “drill” — which is what you band kids read and walk everyday. He lets the team run their laps beforehand to limber up and Bakugous sharp red eyes are always watching as you’re coaching your section on the whole drill. The angst on you and his friends faces makes him wince espically when the drills starts — it’s like a mazey hell of some kinda freaky spooky mind-control shit bc you’re all moving the exact same — and also not.
Bakugou’s a big guy — tall shoulders, broad shoulders, and pretty jacked — and so is the rest of the team. And Bakugou always ends up in your section of the drill: the team and marchers absolutely scared out of their wits. And luckily y’all have your stinking movements memorized for all these turns bc you always end up turning smack dab into his chest — at least once (and no y’all do not have instruments that’d be irresponsible on Director Yamada’s part) — and then being able to maneuver around him with a beaming grin and a polite little shove into a safe spot always pausing in chanting the numbers to say, “better luck next time babe!” 7- 8. And when it’s said and done you and his friends will skip over to him and Kirishima. All laughing and comparing tallies of how many people got in your way — and he can feel his ears steaming with the way you playfully punch his shoulder and say that he’s “always on your dot” whatever the hell that means. Football Player Katsuki who practically has your little band songs memorized for all his plays. And he makes a lot of touchdowns — always waiting on that delayed cheer of your voice coming from the band stands afterwards
— always looking up waiting for your delayed smile and wave, bc you were busy fighting down a smile while playing and dancing to the fight song for the touchdown he just made.
you, Round Cheeks, Squeaky, and Tape Arms always bursting into a song and singing your parts to some band kids tunes whenever some particular trigger word falls from someone’s mouth in conversation.
Like his number? 17? He can’t get past the Seven part because Uraraka starts wailing on an imaginary horn singing the low brass line while you and the two woodwind nerds start throwing down some funky dance moves.
and he hates himself when he’s taking a break on the sidelines and him and current benchwarmer Shinsou start humming some little ditty when Midoriya and Kirishima make a first down on the field. The two of them sharing concerned glares before staring up at y’all laughing and wailing just down the way. “We never speak of this again, got it?” “Got it.”
Football Katsuki whom you always pass on your way to set-up for pregame. The man always covered in dirt and grime with his hairband pushing back his blonde bangs. The little stereotypical thick black paint smudged across his face as you pass by him with a gentle little hand to the back. And he turns around with those red eyes accentuated by those big black smears and gives you a grinning smile. Always attempting to peck his gf’s cheek before you go into place and you always taking a step back with a teasing giggle, “can’t right now ‘Suki I’m in uniform.” And you love watching his nose scrunch and his eyes flutter open, lips still pucked as you blow him a kiss. The student going crazy because the camera man has caught onto y’all a few times. Suki’ always crossing his arms and rolling his eyes shouting “break a leg!” As you prepare. Football Player Katsuki who waits around with his mates before he sees you run over to him. You and your friends now changed into regular clothes and ready to head home and shower. After he’s just helped win the whole thing and you’re walking, stomping, staggering over to him in shambles and you come up and dodge HIS KISS??! Always whining and pointing an accusatory finger like “Suki’ you made my lips hurt!” And he’s always like baby how?? And you’re like too many good touchdowns. I had to play the fight song too many times :(
Has his mates howling!!! ���� he just doesn’t understand :((
Football Player Katsuki who also makes that adorable scrunchy face of confusion when you flip-flop between telling him that’s he’s gonna help take the team all the way to the championship!! And then you pulling back with a fearful face and whispering, “but then I have to go to finals. I have to play at finals. I have to be on the band bus to get to finals.” And he chuckles and naively says oh it can’t be that bad. Only to get a genuine slap to his arm as you glare up at him “never say that again.” A dark energy he can only explain as marching band trama when he sees your frantic pleas of a text when he tells you he’s about to reach the point in the flight where he’s gotta put his phone up. He believes you when y’all show up days later at the venue. All smelly, all angsty, all hangry from the drive over. Has him cooing over you as you mumble and grumble waiting in line with an equally agitated Round Cheeks and Ponytail as the band waits for its 400 or so members to be given room keys. A total sunshine/dark cloud reversal. Always shakes his head at Dance/Cheer Team Friend Mina who’s already been here the same amount of time he has. Short pink curls bouncing over to ask how it’s been only to see everyone else with glare as if her cheery attitude is a death wish. Immediately cowering behind him and cooing and fretting over y’all band kids just the same seriously what happened to y’all? Doesn’t matter, y’all won’t answer. The band bus is still the band bus even in college. Football Player Katsuki who helps drive/walk you home afterwards again getting a flimsy puffy and chapped lipped peck at your door after every game. Being incredibly dramatic as insists he’s in “kiss withdrawal” when you don’t kiss him the next day because your lips are still recovering. LIVES for the day-after when you’re all better. And you finally give him a good fixing of those kisses he’s been missing out on. And he looks so smitten with all your invisible chapstick lip stains and little mosquito pecks; absolutely adorable. And you can’t help but roll your eyes when he pouts up at you, blinking those thick lashes. “Still in a tremendous deficit!” He nods eagerly as you rolls your eyes and start smooching every corner and curve of his face again. Laughing between kisses “seriously suki’ it hurts! you don’t understand”
you’re right he doesn’t, but luckily he’ll wait for his victory kisses. Doesn’t ever wanna put you in more pain after a game day 🥺
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thecrazyworldbuilder ¡ 5 months ago
The long awaited continuation, almost a year later:
A string instrument with a mouth resonator. Also known as, mim, gewgaw, munngiga and Maulgeige. The tone changes depending on the shape of the mouth, as the resonator is held by the teeth of the player - Said resonator is connected to the main body of the instrument via string (the same string that is being played by the bow).
Jaw Harp
Known to me as "brămbazăk", it's a nifty wee thing with a mechanism similar to that of K'ni - With the mouth being the resonator. You might have heard this instrument before and didn't know it wasn't synthesized noise >:D
Fron2 by Fron Reilly
Not entirely sure how it works, but it is similar to the wheelharp at a glance. The sound sounds straight out of the works of C148 - But in this case, is fully acoustic!
Actually an impressive invention, where instead of holes, this woodwind instrument uses a continuous slit, covered by a special "belt" that alters the tone. In the video, it is said that this feature "makes the instrument have a continuous tone - like a violin". This thing would sound lovely in jazz.
The entirety of Electronicos Fantasticos!
Constantly at a loss of words over this ensemble. Peak cassette futurism.
A definite "wow" from me just due to the sheer length of that neck. And the amount of strings (strings scare me, mad respect to all who can play such a beaut).
Kse Diev
A one-string instrument with a resonator chamber meant to be covered by being pressed against the player's chest. Most examples I've found, the instrument sounded tad bit too quiet, and it's hard to imagine it not being played in a solo.
Wheel-bowed fiddle, pretty much a Japanese hurdy-gurdy, albeit with some differences. Sounds pleasant and smooth, in-tone with other East-Asian instruments (I love the traditional chords used there).
And that's about it.
Genuinely, cannot find any more "unique" or otherwise funky instruments, as the majority follows the same base ideas that in the end end up as "reskins" of other instruments around the world. Flutes are the same all across the globe, so are many guitars, many violins, many pianos and harps. Yet, I tried to find the most outstanding ones, ones that I liked the sound or story of. To be most fair, all this kind of inspires me to invent something new, alas I can't do it in my current residential and financial situations.
Also, sorry to @a-wolf-in-bat-wings for accidentally making the continuation through their reblog; I suddenly remembered about this chain of worldbuilding inspirations and to find it quick, used the activity tab rather than the tag search, ending up forgetting to switch to the original post.
Just a dump of unique or otherwise unusual instruments you could include in your worldbuilding project for the funny (pt.1)
FlĂśtenkreis - Flute Circle
Attached to strings, suspended against dead-end tubes of air, the FlĂśtenkreis creates sound via pushing the flutes downwards, forcing air to go through them. Each flute in this case creates only one note, but can be tuned to fit into different harmonies.
One note bamboo flute
Explained here by late Francis Bebey is a way of playing a one note flute solo, rather than stick it into a thingamajig contraption that is one entry above. The tune created is simplistic, but combined with more players and instruments can be like cherry on top of the whole musical cake.
I wouldn't call carnyx a "strange" instrument, but it is making a somewhat rare sound for a war horn, which I enjoy and wished to share.
Inca whistle jar
Demonstrated here are some amazing, monolithic contraptions of clay air chambers, together creating animal sounds in great detail. I love these instruments and really wish I had one home. While they can be used to send cipher sound messages (the "two times owl, one time wolf" kind) or as an aesthetic musical instrument in gardens, I imagine some could be perfect for creating an atmosphere in a stage play, creating the sound of a busy forest, or a dangerous night.
Death whistle
An Aztec invention, this is a whistle of war, used for psychological warfare in a way. Be warned, the sound might actually scare you, since it is meant to resemble human screams of pain.
Musical saw
The sound of Halloween, and UFO conspiracy videos for that matter.
A Chinese instrument, it comes with some variation in shape and size, but the idea remains the same. Pleasant sound, somewhat unusual shape.
A cousin to the piano, it is fairly interesting in sound. I believe it would be great for atmospheric value of castles or other noble environments, if not Wild Wild West.
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arachpool ¡ 2 years ago
Mauraders but make it a high school band.
McGonagall is the band director, she has to be. She played saxophone in her high school years and learned the clarinet, trumpet, and piano during her uni years.
Sirius is a trumpet, his mum and dad make him take private lessons (“If you’re going to do something as embarrassing as playing in the damn band, then you’re going to be the best fucking one there.”) so he’s like a god send at it. He fucks around and plays the euphonium and mellophone, but trumpet is his home base. Definitely the main soloist. He also does solos during marching season (competing w James) and never understands how his mic works. He can’t find the on button or the clip never stays on his bell, it’s all around bad. (Remus had to help him once. Remus has never used a solo mic for himself in his marching career)
James is also a trumpet, and also takes private lessons, but by his own accord and want to do so (Monty and Effie go to every band event James has, best band parents ever). Him and Sirius are always fucking around and doing dumb shit during band. He’s always making some extremely inappropriate joke and Sirius always claps back instantly (“Hey, can you do me?” “Oh?? When and where?” *smirk* *zips Sirius’ marching jacket*) He’s the only one that can work a solo mic. Whenever he messes up, he verbalizes some random ass noise before starting again. It pisses Minnie off. Sirius cackles at it every time.
Peter is a piccolo (started on flute) , people get on his ass and make fun of him about it but he’s a damn good piccolo player, he always has the piccolo / flute solos. He’s still mates with James n them and is the very definition of an instigator like yes, yes, play Scatman in the middle of class, go on you two, piss off McGonagall, it’s hilarious. In marching band, he’s always a soloist, and his mic never works (Sirius and James turn it off whenever they have water breaks to fuck with him. Peter doesn’t realize until Minnie yells at him)
Remus is a percussionist, a drummer at Heart. He fucks around with traditional grip sometimes and he’s the best damn one they have. He’s a god at drums, and isn’t as great at mallets but he’s still damn good. He always agrees to learn some dumb meme song to satiate James and Sirius’ dumb pranking needs (They learned the Imperial March once, and played it as Minnie walked out of her office and into the band room. Minnie loves them). He plays the quints in their marching band and plays Jig 2 whenever he can because fuck you its not hard. The rest of the line eat it up. Sirius thinks it’s hot as fuck whenever Remus does some sick lick on the drum or a stick trick (Sirius just has a thing for Remus, honestly). Remus thinks that the brass and woodwind instruments are revolting; he scowls heavily whenever James or Sirius empty their spit onto the floor. The two think it’s hilarious. (“I’m so sorry I emptied my spit onto your precious, pristine floor.” “You should be.”)
Regulus plays clarinet, piano, and alto sax. Walburga and Orion make him take lessons too (same reason) but Reg is much more humble about his skills and isn’t always jumping the gun to take solos. He plays piano for their jazz band and is the best one there. (Regulus has piano player hands too. James spends like half a minute just staring at Reg’s hands as he plays during a practice and after registering that James thinks that Reg is hot, Sirius goes, “And you get on my ass about having a thing for Remus’ hands when he plays? Hypocrite.” James is all blushy for the rest of practice.) The one who wears hoodies to band camp during the summer and scares everyone, Minnie scolds him every year but he never shows up in a short sleeve and shorts. Both Black brothers have to braid their hair for marching band, and sometimes they braid each others hair, just quietly sitting in one of their rooms with each other and relaxing. He pretends he hates his brother but whenever they’re announcing awards or ratings or anything like that, he’s always holding Sirius’ hand anxiously, sitting close enough but not too close. Sirius loves it. (Sirius doesn’t run away and get disowned and all that jazz in this AU, but he practically lives at the Potter’s. He has almost a full wardrobe there, he stays the night there for weeks at a time, and he practically avoids the Black household like it’s the plague, but he still goes home every once in awhile, especially before games or competitions or for trumpet lessons. It’s pretty common for Reg and Sirius to argue whenever Sirius does come home) (One time Reg went to James’ to look for Sirius and was utterly shocked when James let him know that Sirius was at Remus’. Regulus befriended Remus to piss Sirius off and actually stayed mates with him)
Lily plays baritone sax (started on alto). She’s always the first to help the underclassmen and one of Minnie’s obvious favorites (Minnie claims to not take favorites, they all know she’s lying). She used to hate James’ little pranks and now enjoys them a little bit, especially the harmless ones that don’t disrupt practice time. She volunteers all the time, it’s a shock how much time she dedicates to the program. After a while, she realized that James was always volunteering with her and that’s how she realized James had a thing for her. She’s like best buds with Remus and he lets her play the quints all the time (James loves it even though Lily has no sense of rhythm.) She has to braid her hair for band and has no idea how to do it. She always asks around and Reg usually does it for her (James once asked Sirius to teach him how to French braid so he could potentially braid Lily’s hair [“Or Reggie’s?” “Oh my- shut up. Shut up.” “I’m not wrong!” “Shut up!”]. Sirius teaches him but the moment he offers Lily, he fumbles it astronomically bad. He fucks up the braid extremely bad; it’s loose in all the wrong spots and it looks like a fourth grader did it, and Regulus comes and laughs at him before fixing the braid for Lily. Sirius makes fun of him for this for about a week.).
When James and Lily were just about to finally get together, James panicked and went “Just so you know I definitely also have a thing for Regulus Black. Like- like god he’s hot- oh god why did I say that- oh my god- I’m so sorry.” And Lily just stared and went “Oh? Me too.” And then the two manage to bag Reg, somehow. Sirius was pissed for like ten minutes before giving up on caring. (One time during practice, Regulus put his hair up in a ponytail and James tripped over himself Bc he was staring and brought him and Sirius down. Sirius laughed at James for it.)
When Remus and Sirius get together, it shocked no one. Everyone’s like “But I thought you two were already together? You guys cuddle on the bus rides and sneak off together before practices and McGonagall gets on you guys about PDA all the time what do you mean you just now got together? I thought you two have been dating for months.” Sirius thinks it’s hilarious, Remus just wonders how obvious he was being for everyone but Sirius to know for so long.
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annabethy ¡ 4 years ago
Percy Jackson Characters as Band Kids 2.0
based on experiences i WISH i didn’t have. i’ve been proposed to at a game by the opposing piccolo. in honor of my 20k word marching band au being posted tomorrow!
• looks unfairly hot in the marching uniform.
• would definitely be drum major and have all of the band falling in love over him.
• he would also be in the auditorium before a concert and jump off of a 10 foot ledge in the pit because he simply cannot take being in band anymore™️.
• would get up on the drum major podium and start dancing to stand tunes from the other band.
• gives high fives to all of the band right before the half-time show
• carries annabeth like a backpack during third quarter break
• him and annabeth go to meet the other drum majors in the band and are that fierce couple that every band is afraid of
• slut for big ballin
• is nearly murdered when a cheerleader does a backflip into his podium
• before halftime, “What time is it?” “HALFTIME” “What time is it?” “GAME TIME” “half time is game time Half Time Is Game Time HALF TIME IS GAME TIME”
• is the kid that is deadly good at their instrument and will murder you with a single look.
• you do not want to audition for the state band after her because she will tear you to shreds.
• she also happens to be dating the drum major, of course, and has the drum major wrapped around her finger.
• she is terrifying, and also happens to be the other drum major so the little kids have to ask her for help but are scared because she is very scary.
• plays piccolo and goes around telling people to “suck my picc”
• will yell at colorguard when they put a rifle on the wrong yard line during a show while every single woodwind is marching in a backwards curve.
• hates seven nation army with a passion
• flute chant. “flutes and piccs are h-o-t hot, we got something you ain’t got, we’re bad, we know it, we’re here to show it” cue screaming
• is that kid the hot bi. crushing on Annabeth and blatantly tries to steal her from Percy. but she’s just kidding (not really).
• she is the person that proposes to a kid that plays the same instrument from the other band.
• probably plays piccolo because Annabeth does.
• when it’s marching season, she will watch a woodwind step out of line and take down an entire row of clarinets and not move a single muscle. they all learn somehow.
• screams the words to sweet Caroline instead of playing
• “my name is piper. i play the picc. it’s really tiny. just like your di—
• is the band kid who thinks they are the best at their instrument
• they are actually the worst at their instrument
• probably a trumpet
• doesn’t get into all county and is like “but I’m so good it’s rigged” but he actually couldn’t even play his scales double octave oop couldn’t be me
• gets hit by the guard flags during a show and gets a concussion
• crushes on piper who tells him “i only date people good at their instruments.” he goes home and cries before reporting her to the band director for harassment
• fucks up solo at mpa. idk who gave him a solo to begin with
• first and foremost, he is percussion. during concert season, he tries to muffle the gong so he uses his whole body to do so. he succeeds in humping the gong.
• cadences over and over. and over.
• throws a drum stick at annabeth and bonks her on the head
• percy does not like that and takes the drum stick and hurls it at leo. hits him in the eye
• elf hats during the christmas parade
• empties a water bottle at a game by crushing the plastic. chokes as he deepthroats the water
• “Annabeth you are so out of tune you’re making me want to stab my eardrums,” and in response, she says, “I’m going to play a high c right in your ear and teach you what decent fucking music sounds like”
• the one decent kid who apologizes when they run into someone
• helps the freshmen because no one else will
• refuses to participate in senior pranks
• once tries to help a brass player take a valve out but drops the instrument and dents it and starts crying
• brass captain
• he actually tries to save the line of woodwinds when colorguard misplaces a rifle during that backwards curve
• steps in the pile of fire ants. chaos ensues
• sweetheart but lost.
• struggles with marching on beat but once she gets the hang of it, she has so much patience for helping others
• something tame, like the clarinet.
• never squeaks because she is an ICON
• people think she is nice and will sometimes tease her and she’s too nice to do anything but then when someone decides to take her reeds, she full on throws a stand at them.
• speaking of stands, she gets abnormally frustrated when they start to fall in front of her face. slowly slipping. creak. creak. creak.
• always very helpful at the football games. cares for people that pass out of heat stroke. always has a cooling towel just in case
• makes snide remarks to the cheerleaders when they can’t dance in time to crazy train (“it’s not that hard it’s literally 4/4”)(“I thought cheerleaders could at least count to 4?”)
• director thinks she is an angel but actually has no idea she’s constantly on her phone during rehearsal.
• “im using it as a tuner”
• HEY BABY. will point to Annabeth for “I wanna knowwwww if you’ll be my girl” to spite Percy
• laughs bc Percy is conducting and there is simply nothing he can do about it
• “what you gonna do Percy? Cut the band off because you’re jealous? do it I dare you”
• crazy trumpet that runs through the stands and promptly trips and tumbles down the bleachers until he hits the bottom. may kill one or two flutes in the process
• speaking of flutes, he enjoys sacrificing them. particularly annabeth. picks her up over his shoulder and dumps her in a trashcan
• gets on the metal podium during band camp and passes out off of it. a quick and painful journey the 6 feet to the ground.
• to Piper: “One time at band camp, I stuck a flute up my—”
• evil laughter when Annabeth narrowly dodges a guard saber
• he’s the leader of the senior pranks, offering those poor freshman cupcakes with ketchup and mustard frosting
• he also sets up the pentagram with the band directors family photos, and ties percy and annabeth dolls to drum major podiums. don’t ask.
• he definitely spills coffee on the band room carpet at least once,
• likes to surprise percy and annabeth when they sneak off during sectionals to “practice conducting” (he quickly proves they were, in fact, not practicing conducting)
• trips in the whole and screams about “WHY ARE THERE HOLES IN OUR MARCHING FIELD SOMEONE IS GOING TO DIE”
• chews on a metal can at a game and cuts his mouth open but is too scared to say anything as he bleeds from the mouth because he wasn’t supposed to have a soda can to begin with so he just plays with blood!
• hangs with percy and annabeth, arms around each of them during the football games. loves them dearly.
• has a knack for interrupting percy and annabeth at the worst possible times. they’re in the uniform room? SURPRISE SHAWTY he’s there too “what are you doing? why is annabeth’s hair a mess? didn’t you just do those braids?”
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shostakobitchh ¡ 1 year ago
thank you @thestephanieflora for the tag!
Name: Sam (full name is Samantha but if you call me that I will not be happy)
Sign: Pisces
Time: 8:48PM
Favorite band/artist: I fluctuate a lot but Taylor Swift/Lord Huron
Last Movie: Nightcrawler
Last Show: Real Housewives of New Jersey
When I created this blog: When I was a senior in high school so… 8 years ago? YIKES
Other blogs: none!
Do I get asks: I do! I’m very fortunate to have people in my inbox pretty regularly about my fanfic but I think I scared people off after my post telling one person to fuck off LOL
Average hours of sleep: I get between 6-8 every night
Instruments: sooo I’m an orchestra teacher - my teacher training required me to learn the basics on every instrument, including woodwinds, brass, percussion, and piano, but my main concentration is strings. my primary instrument is violin but I’m also a pretty good viola/cello player. bass is probably my weakest and it’s because I have tiny hands lmao
what I’m wearing; right now it’s pajamas lol
Dream job: I’m living the dream as an elementary orchestra teacher in a great district. I think the only other thing would be an author but I’m not one for original ideas, which is why I stick to fanfic :-)
gently tagging @spicedlantern @kitsunegari0508 @fiokw @snow3dirtyrain @mary-gri and anyone else who wants to participate! i always forget to do these lmao
Thank you for tagging me @puuvillaa :)
Name: jasmine
Sign: taurus
Time: 08:47
Fav band/artist: karkwa and clams casino (could not pick)
Last movie: prisoner of azkaban
Last show: hell's kitchen
When I created this blog: early 2023
Other blogs: @lupinmoonlight @snapeobviously
Do I get asks: mostly requests on my side blog
Average hours of sleep: 6-7 hours
Instruments: no instruments, i am not really the artsy type!
What I’m wearing: black trousers, blue shirt, and a grey cardigan
Dream job: university professor (almost there omg)
I tag @snape-under-my-skin @r0seart @asikubi-soda @smilingformoney and anyone who feels like doing this little ask thing :)
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simpsocial ¡ 4 years ago
Okay so hear me out: Haikyuu marching band head cannons!
Here’s some of mine that just came from literally no where but if they aren’t accurate I’ll be damned:
First off goin through Karasuno players
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Kageyama - this boy is 100% that power-hungry one that got picked as drum major just because they needed someone to conduct halftime since the other one was part of the show and you can’t convince me otherwise!
Hinata - I feel like because of his whole ‘my size won’t stop me’ attitude he’d pic tuba/sousaphone just because it’s the biggest instrument and the bells are really shiny, just sayin
Suga - okay he’s the drum major that worked sooo hard in high school to earn his spot but can’t conduct halftime performances because he’s a like the only flute player so he’s needed in the show but he conducts in the stands most of the time
Daichi - band captain, probably a tenor or baritone saxophonist (idk he gives me low reed vibes), absolutely brutal punishments if you break an instrument or lose your music/dot sheet
Asahi - clarinet, he’s the flute/clarinet section leader since drum majors often run in between sections during things, he’s cried in the stands at a game multiple times and ngl probably tripped while marching a show
Tsukishima - okay hear me out, he’s that snare drummer that thinks he’s soooo talented and that the rest of percussion is sh*t, the kid everyone’s like ashamed to have in band just because of his salty attitude, the band director has totally had to chew him out because of how he’s reflecting poorly on the program
Yamaguchi - let’s see he’d definitely be a flute, the soft shy flute that is the embodiment of his instruments stereotypes, he’s fairly new and still needs to work on his tone quality a bit but is good other than that, is def told to play louder everyday
Tanaka - just gonna say it he’s a percussionist, I feel he’d be on tenors just because he’s the only one good enough to actually do it, he goes ham every time he plays anything, dynamics? never heard à those lol
Nishinoya - as a low brass member I would’ve doing my section dirty if I didn’t say this chaotic gremlin was a trombone, like he’s the trombone, best player in the section, if he’s there none of the other trombones are worried about messing up because he’s got them covered!
Yachi - she may look all fragile n stuff but trust me this girl is a baritone, she is the one and only baritone in this band and is shy as hell about it, she is very scared of the other bands out there but always longs for more baritone buddies silently, she’s definitely got overwhelmed during a halftime show and passed out on the field after throwing up
Kiyoko - okay I’d like to say she’d be a flute but honestly she’s more like a mellophone to me, like if you’ve even heard a mellophone with good tone quality it’s angelic man, she has the tone quality better than some professional players out there man, she helps leadership in spreading info about events and stuff throughout the band and sometimes further out to the common population
Now time for Nekoma because why not
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Kenma - every single band has one (or more) of these guys tbh, I see him as an alto saxophone player that is really good but doesn’t really try, though he’s drum major so that doesn’t really get shown often, he is a conductor that gives an insane amount of cues because he knows the band isn’t counting lmao
Kuroo - band captain that people often forget is in charge, like hes the band captain that will literally break the rules WITH YOU and then punish you alone for it, I just get baritone vibes from him idk why, definitely the type to just start a list of sh*t said/done in the band room and during practices/games on his phone, is the band directors favorite and can get away with almost anything
Lev - okay okay okay sooo it’s about time I put someone on this instrument, he’s a trumpet, it’s the ego oKaY???, you cannot tell me he doesn’t have trumpet ego, he thinks he’s the best trumpet but really he’s only on first part because the band director wanted to spread the sound between the different parts, he’d probably try to be a section leader as a joke and end up actually getting it and panicking
Moving on because I’m not familiar with the rest of that team hahaha, let’s hiiiit Fukurōdani
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Bokuto - okay he’s a band captain that no one knows how the hell he got the position, he’s lively energetic and lowkey got a big ass ego so he is by default a trumpet, first chair ofc and louuud af, you can tell when he isn’t playing because suddenly there’s no more trumpets and the band director is mad lmao, he doesn’t know how to punish ANYONE he leaves that sh*t up to the drum major
Akaashi - as the drum major HES the one that has to deal with alll the bs bokuto doesn’t, when he’s conducting you know that almost all his ques are for the trumpet section because if bo doesn’t get his ques he gets all emo, he strikes me as a clarinet (idk it’s his face)
Okay well time for Shiratorizawa (my personal fav)
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Ushijima - tuba, he IS the baseline, band captain that no one’s really close to but they know not to goof off, when he’s playing he gets all focused and his face looks like he’s constipated, scares all the younger members into staying for practice after school
Tendō - okay don’t be mad but he’s a bass drum that doesn’t know half his part but guesses anyway, you either know he’s extremely wrong or can’t tell that he’s guessing at all, has definitely had the band director tell him to go home and practice his f*cking part
Goshiki - he’s an aspiring bass trombone, he dreams of being able to carry the baseline like Ushijima does except he’s not exactly equipped for it, definitely wants to be the captain someday just because he wants to be like Ushijima
Reon - okay so Reon is definitely a reed player, I think maybe bassoon would fit (though personally never met a bassoonist), he’s the one that’s with Ushijima and swearing to the underclass men that he’s not that scary or mean, does more to help with recruiting and peace keeping than Ushijima just because he has more charisma than him, probably the woodwind leader if I’m being honest
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docholligay ¡ 4 years ago
Requiem for the Grand Consummation
Angstober prompt was: Michiru, breakdown 1900 words, and I hope you....uh, enjoy it? In as much as anyone enjoys Angstober? 
Deep breath in. Deep breath out. It matters little what you feel.The flame might tear and burn, the steam might hiss, but you are a creature of the coldest sea, and to all appearances, you will only ever be calm and shimmering. She had been trained in all of this since she was a young child, the subtle art of composure. 
To compose oneself. She thought of it often, this turn of phrase, this way of putting a smooth coat on the roughness of mortal feelings. One composed a symphony as well, and she could not note that it was too terribly different. The art of taking inelegant bursts of air and furious strokes of string on string, and turning them into something beautiful. Something calming, and erudite, inviting commentary on the art. Perhaps not all people made symphonies of their own emotions, but Michiru Kaioh would note that she was an artist in all things, and perhaps her earliest lesson was in this. 
So Michiru Kaioh dressed in her neat couture, and sat straight as she sipped at champagne in the tea lounges of the upper class, and accepted condolences with that same cool, impersonal affect with which it was given. She composed, and the orchestra played on, and no one could have possibly noted that the young widow was anything other than a perfect example of the stiffly pressed perfection and breeding of the upper classes. 
A sheet of ice covered the sea, and it shimmered and sparkled and did not waver or buckle as the waves churned beneath it. 
But ice can only ever be cold, and be taken as such, whatever may lie beneath, and one can hardly blame those unfamiliar with the sea for seeing little else. 
“Oh, like Michiru even fuckin’ cares.” Mina swigged back a beer, despite being in the middle of what was, ostensibly, a senshi meeting, “since when has she ever kept anything from last season, you know?” 
Mako shrugged and nodded along with Mina, the two guards, one of them telling the truth, and one lying, and both blocking Michiru from a calm exit of the conversation. 
“We need a new Sailor Uranus.” Mako added, though not unkindly. 
The gentleness was meant less for Michiru and more for Usagi, who wailed in protest. 
“We can’t! We can’t let someone else wear her tiara, because, because--” she let out a sniffle and a small sob, “--they won’t be her!!” 
“Indeed,” Michiru added, almost a whisper to herself, “who could be?” 
Rei drew her arms around Usagi. “She wouldn’t be, Usagi.” She kissed Usagi’s temple, “But she’ll be a different Sailor Uranus. But she won’t replace Haruka.” 
Ami touched Usagi’s arm. “Whoever it is already has been given the power. She’s probably scared, Usagi. We can help her. We can teach her.” 
Michiru folded her hands in her lap, and composed herself. Twist the brass into submission. Quell the drums. The strings do not shriek, but sing, in your hands. She softened her eyes and relaxed her face, and her shoulders fell straight and sleek under her silk blouse. 
“So we don’t have a choice anyway.” Mina poured the beer down her throat and crunched the can, “We get to her or the enemy does. Sailor Uranus is dead,” a violin string snapped, “long live Sailor Uranus.” 
Usagi nodded, sobbing into Rei’s shoulder, and Mako rubbed her on the back as the silence settled in, rain falling in the background as the cool wet air sneaked in the cracks old and new, whispering in small holes in sweaters, aching through slender gaps of clothing. 
Michiru rose to her feet, and smoothed her linen skirt. 
“Well, then, it seems decided,” She took her purse from the table, “Pluto, I assume you will have little trouble locating this person, given your affinity with the power of the moon. You certainly located us easily enough.” She nodded to Mina. “If there’s no further business, madame chairman.” 
“Go on,” she shrugged, “be my fucking guest.” 
Michiru did not allow herself to crescendo to Mina’s anger, simply walked to the door where her umbrella sat waiting, the fine leather of her Italian made shoes spattered so lightly with the rain’s cruelties that you would be forgiven for not noticing them. Fine leather blends well. 
She opened the door, only for a small, insistent hand to close it in her face. She did not turn her head, for there was no need, only that same discordant note wishing to throw off all symphonies as she herself had been. 
“I confess the vagaries of being your guest do somewhat bewilder me.” She shook off her umbrella. “May I help you?” 
Mina took her hand away from the door, her eyes never leaving Michiru’s face. 
“You’re so hollow inside, I wonder if her scream’s still echoing there, or if you just...absorbed it.” MIna shook her head, and their eyes met, “Did you ever love her?” 
“You are a cruel person, at heart, Minako Aino. But I suspect you know that.” She opened the door and her umbrella both, in one fluid motion, “Haruka’s taste was always a bit self-flagellating, wasn’t it? Choosing us.” She stepped out into the rain. “Not all of us are so prone to drunken dramatics.” 
“Fucking leave, Michiru.” 
“Oh, are we precisely certain I have your leave?” 
MIna slapped the door in her face, but Michiru did not justify the cymbal crash with so much as the raise of an eyebrow. 
It took her longer than she might have expected to return to that yawning condo in a sparkling building, the rain settling on the windows in a single sheet, beginning to freeze until it weighed to heavy before dramatically cracking and falling to the ground. 
Her apartment was the same as it ever had been, neatly appointed, and her girl had left a bottle of champagne and a plate of olives and cheese in the fridge, as requested. They said good help was hard to find, but Michiru did not agree with this assessment. Good help was very easy to find, so long as one’s wallet was sufficiently open. 
She popped the bottle with its percussive note, the bubbles rising to the surface of the glass in their high accenting chirps. When had she changed into her robe and gown? She couldn’t remember, but it hardly mattered. It was perfectly acceptable for a woman alone in her apartment to lounge a bit in the evening. 
The glasses went down fast, tonight. Mina had not been wrong to say that she was hollow, for no matter how much she drank, Michiru could not fill that deep, dry well inside of her. Or maybe it had always been full, but full only of the sea, bitter and cold, withering everything that drank it. 
MIna had been right about another thing. She was cruel and a liar, but she hadn’t lied then. That well inside her heard the screams, and it echoed high above the elegiac symphony of her own heart and soul, far beyond taming. It dulled the song and it slipped under the ice, and it screamed and screamed and screamed. 
She staggered to her feet. She was conducting, but the players were beginning to falter, playing their own tunes, Mozart against Tchaikovsky, Salieri coming through the back, a note of Monteverdi, the piano player hammering out Chopin’s softness with an indelicate rage. It was too loud for the small apartment, the clashes and bangs of instruments no longer obeying that leader. What a fool she ever was to believe that she could have brought them to heel with a small stick! 
No one had asked the conductor how she tired, how rebellious the woodwinds, how obstinate the percussion, and how difficult it could possibly be to coordinate it all on a bucking sheet of ice. And who could blame them? They had not seen the difficulty, for Michiru never allowed this to be difficult. It was her own perfection that led to this grand revolution, every carefully chosen note deciding its own fate in this moment, in an apartment which once held something killed by cold, a daisy in December. 
Michiru flung wide the doorway to that elegant balcony, the lines of song which had been straight and true twisting themselves into the wrought iron, mocking her composition. Her composure. She stared at them, glass still in her hand, and they rocked and moved and then they were the waves of the sea, clashing against that ice as the rain fell around her. It built and built and it broke, for how could it not break when there was so much underneath it. The wind rose and whipped under that sheet of ice, and Michiru felt a great crack inside of her, a crack like an explosion. Oh, that great sea ice broke indeed, and it broke with the great thunder of bass and timpani, and the waves became a song again, and twisted, and the sea again, breaking, and then they were her face, her face twisted most of all in those final moments, and Michiru looked up to the sky and she cried out in the one and only vocal solo of her life, accompanied by the horrible orchestra of her own great creation. 
She stopped. Everything stopped. The strings grew still, and the sea ice drifted away, and it all simply stopped. 
Haruka called herself the senshi of the wind. It was silly, and it was a lie, but it was a lovely one, and in the years after she had fallen in love, she continued on with it in her teasing way, telling Michiru how the wind whispered she looked beautiful in that dress, or howled over the discontinuation of a candy bar. 
But she wasn’t lying, and she wasn’t joking, for Michiru could feel her, caressing her face, kissing her lips, brushing tenderly against her collarbone. Haruka had quieted it. She had always quieted it, for the wind was not the great enemy of the sea, but its partner, was it not? It is only the wind that allows the ocean to guide and to bring the world across it. The wind caresses the sea in love, and those are not waves of horror, but of delight. The screams all sound the same. 
Michiru took her glass, and drank deep of it, smiling brightly as she flung it over the side of the balcony, a high, bright note of an angel’s bell below. 
She rested a hand on that iron, and felt it lay still and freeze beneath her hand. The ice, returning. So heavy. Impossible to hold on a building like this one. But there was no need, the wind said to her, to hold it at all. Let the sea rage, and let the song die, and I will carry you in the great unwritten song of the wind. 
Her robe fluttered like a petal as she slipped a leg over that useless, ugly, arrogant iron. She held her hand out to the wind, the wind that came from the sea and still carried the water inside of it, and with a close of her eyes and the whisper of Haruka’s name, she released that flower into the wind. 
When they found her on the car in the misting rain, she was calm and shimmering. 
Just as she’d been taught. 
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worryinglyinnocent ¡ 5 years ago
Fic: Orchestrations
AU-gust Day Twenty-One: Professional Rivals AU Fandom: Once Upon A Time Pairing: Rumbelle
Rated: T
Summary: The members of Storybrooke Chamber Orchestra are taking bets on how long it will be before sworn rivals Belle French (flute and piccolo) and Cam Gold (cello first chair) finally admit their feelings towards each other…
The general membership of Storybrooke Chamber Orchestra were not entirely sure how it was possible to have a rivalry across entirely different sections of the orchestra, and they were impressed that Gold and Belle had managed it. 
Rivalries within instruments weren’t uncommon. There was always someone in the first chair leading the section and there was always someone else who wanted to be in that position instead. 
Rivalries within sections weren’t unheard of, although it was usually a friendly rivalry stemming from the fact that the violins got all the good melodies whilst the cellos were stuck with the harmonies. (Pachelbel’s Canon in D was often brought up as an example whenever these arguments occurred.)
Rivalries between sections themselves… These were not as likely unless rehearsals had gone spectacularly wrong and all the sections were blaming each other for the mistakes. Of course, there was always the casual one-upmanship of strings being better than brass or woodwind being better than strings, but deep, personal rivalries? Definitely not as common. 
Which was why the open professional rivalry between flute player Belle and cello player Gold was so much of a mystery to all of their colleagues. 
Several people wondered if it was not so much a rivalry as personal hostility that had been translated into something more professional for the workplace. 
Trombone first chair Cara Mallory, who had been with the orchestra for longer than most of the other members and who knew Gold very well as a result of their longevity in their current positions, had hit upon another idea. 
“I think they’re flirting.”
Rory looked up from cleaning her flute and raised an eyebrow. The two of them were sitting in the auditorium after rehearsals, watching the interplay on the stage between the two rivals. Well, Mal was watching. Rory had decided, ever since she had joined the orchestra two months ago and been initiated into the strange spectacle that was Belle and Gold, that she wasn’t going to get involved. 
Unfortunately, since it appeared to be the most frequent topic of conversation among the other orchestra members, it was getting increasingly hard to remain detached. She did have to admit that there was something intriguing about the whole affair. 
She looked over at Mal, who was still watching Gold and Belle arguing on the stage. From this distance they couldn’t be heard, but if pushed, Rory would admit that it was entertaining. 
“Are they at it again?” Ursula and Carrie came into the auditorium, taking seats next to Mal. “You know, the next time this happens we really ought to bring popcorn. It’s turning into a wonderful comedy of errors.” Carrie sighed. “Do you think we ought to lock them in a cupboard together to get them to admit their feelings for each other? Then it really would be something out of a film.”
Ursula rolled her eyes. “For at least the fifteenth time, Carrie, no. I’m sure that they’ll come to the realisation that they’re madly in love with each other in their own time. Well, madly in lust at least. The UST is almost palpable.”
“But waiting is so boring!” Carrie groaned as she flopped back in her seat, staring at the ceiling for a while. “I want to start planning their wedding now!”
Mal laughed. “Carrie, don’t you have your own wedding to plan?” Ursula cleared her throat pointedly, and Carrie waved the concerns away.
“Yes, yes, that’s all in hand. That planning is done. Now I need something more! Besides, I don’t think that Belle and Gold would want the kind of nuptials that I’ve been working on for me and Ursula. It would be a challenge to come up with something that suits them both.”
“Anyone would think that you were a professional party planner rather than playing the violin for a living.”
“It always pays to have an extra string to your bow, if you’ll pardon the pun.”
“Are they at it again?” This time Mulan had come into the auditorium, sitting down next to Rory. “Can we draw straws as to who yells ‘just kiss you morons’ at them?”
“No one will be yelling anything at them!” Ursula was getting increasingly frantic. “We need to leave them alone or we’ll scare them off! Whatever happened to watching things in their natural habitat and not interfering? You lot would make the worst naturalists ever. I said naturalists, Carrie, not naturists.” 
Ursula buried her head in her hands as Carrie continued to snigger. 
On stage, whatever the latest feud between Gold and Belle was had finished and Belle had walked off whilst Gold was fastening his cello case. Presently he looked up and saw the gathered crowd in the auditorium, giving a visible sigh. 
“Mal, you’ve got to stop this,” he called. “And you’ve got to stop encouraging everyone else as well.”
“I’ll stop watching you when you stop being such a wonderful spectator sport.” Mal smiled beatifically and Gold stomped angrily off the stage. Carrie sighed. 
“Well, it looks like the show’s over for today.”
With the entertainment over, people started leaving the auditorium, although Rory stayed where she was, mainly because Mal was giving her a lift home and Mal was showing no inclination to move. A couple of minutes later, the two of them were alone again when Gold came out, leaving his cello on the bottom step and trudging up to meet them.
“One of these days I’m going to get back at you for all this,” he said. “I don’t know how yet, but mark my words, it will happen.”
Mal just patted his shoulder. “I know, Gold. You say that every time we catch you playing slap-slap kiss-kiss with Belle. Although you haven’t quite made it to the kissing part yet. I’m sure you’ll get there soon enough though.”
Gold stared at Mal with a very affronted look on his face. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Mal rolled her eyes. “Come off it, Gold. It’s blindingly obvious that you both have a crush on each other and you’re trying to hide it by bickering all the time instead. Rory will back me up here.”
Rory threw her arms up in defence. “I’m staying out of it.” All the same, she was very intrigued to hear what Gold and Belle’s thoughts on the situation were. She just didn’t want to be the one to initiate that conversation. Mal, apparently, knew no fear and was very content to keep poking her friend.
“Gold, of all the people to pick fights with, why would you choose a flautist? You cannot have a rivalry with an instrument you can’t play that lives on the opposite side of the orchestra to you.”
“It’s not the instrument that’s the problem, it’s the player,” Gold muttered.
“Hmm. And what exactly is the problem with Belle French?” Mal was evidently very amused by the turn that the conversation was taking; Rory could see how hard she was trying not to laugh.
“She’s just so… so…”
“Beautiful? Witty? Not putting up with any of your nonsense? One of the only people able to go toe to toe with you when you get into one of your moods? Although, you know, I think you’d both get on a lot better if you started talking and stopped just needling each other. Face it, you’re perfect for each other.”
“We are not!” Gold spluttered. “Besides, she probably thinks I’m just some curmudgeonly old man with outdated ideas about orchestra composition, I don’t stand a chance.”
“So, you admit that firstly, you’re a curmudgeonly old man, secondly, you care about what Belle thinks of you, and thirdly, you would like to be in with a chance?”
Gold opened his mouth to say something in his defence, but under the force of Mal’s knowing smile, he visibly crumpled. “Ugh. Yes. Fine. I like Belle French, but we got off on the wrong foot on her first day, so I’ve been forced to keep the charade up ever since. There, are you happy now?”
“Perfectly.” Mal reached out and patted his arm. “Just tell her how you feel, Cam. I’m sure that you can get it all worked out.”
“I can’t if she hates me,” Gold pointed out. “The rivalry does go both ways, you know.”
“Oh, I know. I know. Believe me, we all know. We’ve been watching it for months now, and you’re not the only one we’ve been watching. I think you might be pleasantly surprised by how easy it’ll be to get yourselves straight if you actually have a normal conversation for once.”
Gold sighed. “Are you sure? I very much like playing for this orchestra and I don’t want to have to leave in embarrassment because I can’t face the flute section having laid my heart on my sleeve and had it trampled on.”
Mal rolled her yes. “You are the most dramatic person I know; did you know that? And I know Carrie de Ville, so that’s saying something. You’ll be fine. Trust me. Besides, Rory here happens to sit next to Belle in rehearsals so I’m sure that she can sound out her feelings in the same way that we have sounded out yours.”
“Stop bringing me into this!” Rory protested. Although, that said, having heard one half of the story, she was very intrigued to hear Belle’s point of view. Maybe she could get Mulan to help her tomorrow. The idea of locking the two of them in a cupboard together seemed to be looking ever more likely if they were ever going to get to the bottom of this.
“You and Gold.”
“Yes, what about us?”
“What’s going on there?”
It was the next day and Mulan had readily agreed to help Rory to work out what was going on between Belle and Gold from Belle’s perspective. As aloof as Gold could be at times, he really was a brilliant cellist, and no one actually wanted him to leave the orchestra as a result of romantic humiliation.
“What do you mean? There’s nothing going on there, why would there be, you know we don’t get alone, it’s a professional rivalry, there’s nothing more, it’s just what you see.”
Belle had gone distinctly pink and was avoiding everyone’s eyes as they set up on the woodwind section. Rory saw the moment that her eyes glanced over to Gold in strings and then quickly back to her own instrument on her lap.
“Belle, you can admit that you fancy him,” Mulan said, completely matter of fact. “I think it’s been obvious to everyone for a while now that you keep fighting with each other in an attempt to hide your feelings for each other. Wouldn’t it make life a whole lot easier if everything was out in the open and you didn’t have to keep bickering all the time? You could get onto much nicer things. Like kissing and hand-holding and all the other more licentious aspects of dating. We’d have a true orchestral romance on our hands, like Carrie and Ursula.”
Belle sighed. “Do you really think that would work? I mean, he’s him, and I’m me, and we’ve been on each other’s nerves for so long now that it would look strange for me to now turn around and say that actually, my feelings towards him are very different to the impression he’s been working with for the last few months.”
Rory shook her head. “No, I really think you’ll be fine. Honestly.”
“Honestly?” Belle raised an eyebrow. “Do you have some kind of insider information that I don’t?”
“Well, remember that Gold is good friends with Mal, and Mal is currently my taxi service whilst my bike gets fixed.”
Belle looked from Rory to Mal to Gold in such quick succession that Rory was concerned she’d get whiplash. For a long while, nothing was said, and even when she spoke again, the only word out of her mouth was ‘right’.
At that point, the conductor arrived, and all notions of professional rivalries becoming professional romances were put to the side as rehearsals began.
Despite the fact that, for once, there was nothing happening on the stage, there was still an air of anticipation among those who were hanging around in the auditorium, Rory, Mulan and Mal among them.
“I think I ought to start taking bets,” Mal announced presently. “Who thinks that they’ll make a move tonight, and who thinks that they’ll get cold feet and wait a bit longer?”
“Well, whatever happens, we’re hardly going to see it if we’re in here, are we?” Carrie sighed. “Why are we all in here instead of wherever they are?”
Ursula batted her arm. “We’re giving them some peace and quiet in which to make their anguished declarations of love. I think that’s best done without an audience.”
“We had an audience,” Carrie said.
“Yes, but that’s because you never do anything by halves. Although I do have to admit that proposing on the conductor’s rostrum was a nice touch, as embarrassing as it was at the time.”
“Hey, you said yes. It can’t have been that embarrassing.”
Jefferson raced into the auditorium, no mean feat whilst dragging a double bass along with him, and he waved the gathered group frantically towards the theatre foyer. “All systems are go, we have lift off, it’s happening!”
Everyone looked at each other for a moment before there was a mass exodus from the auditorium, everyone grabbing their instruments and rushing out into the foyer, where Gold and Belle were locked in a kiss that could under no circumstances be classed as chaste.
Rory was not quite sure who started the cheering, but it was probably Carrie and if not her then Mal. Soon everyone was swept up in it, but despite the racket, Belle and Gold didn’t appear to have noticed.
“Well, it took them long enough,” Mal said. “All in all, I think we orchestrated that quite nicely.”
Rory could only agree
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adabassist ¡ 4 years ago
Recently someone asked me how I ended up a bass player. I forget what I told them, but it was short, sweet, and long on understatement. The real answer is a lot more complicated.
My earliest memory is from before I was 2 (yep, 2 - believe it or don’t), sitting at the 70-year-old upright piano we got for free from a garage sale down the street, pounding on the low keys, because they made this GLORIOUSLY ENORMOUS SOUND… To this day, I cannot recall ever hearing an upright piano where the notes were as big sounding, although I’m sure my small ears had a skewed sensory experience compared to later years.
We (I have an older sister and brother) would play a musical piano game called “Thunderstorm”, where we would try to recreate the thunder (lower 1/3 of the keyboard), lightning (middle 1/3), and rain (higher 1/3) associated with a big storm (our parents were thrilled). I remember trying to pound on the higher keys in desperation, wondering why they lacked a powerful sound no matter how hard I hit them. I began to see the notes played in terms of size, with the lowest notes “appearing” to be largest in my mind’s eye.
Before long, I could hear how certain notes sounded good together - just octaves and fifths at first, then other “hip” intervals like a minor 7th (though I had no name for that interval in my head - I just liked the sound). I even wrote a song called “Dun” somewhere along the line, played with the index finger on each hand; left hand stayed on G (same pitch as a G string on a bass), and right hand moved between D, E, and F. “Dun” got its name because I played it so often that my siblings would mock me by singing that song back to me: “DUN DUN DU-DUN DUN DU-DU-DU-DUN DUN….”
You could say that my fate was sealed.
I would regularly sit down at the piano and play whatever my heart desired. Back then I had never taken piano lessons, and had no idea how to read or even what was “proper” to be played on a piano. I just figured stuff out when I felt like it, and otherwise just had fun learning the sonic relationships between the keys. But I thought I was pretty good anyway. I even used to make “tickets” for the family (markers, scissors, and construction paper) and make them “attend my concerts” from time to time. Let’s just say I wasn’t a big hit.
I auditioned for the school talent show in 1st grade, figuring I was a shoo-in, regardless of what my family thought (lousy philistines). I got through to the 2nd audition, and upon completion, the music teacher said, “That’s not what you played for the first audition. Can you play that song?” I said no, because everything I play is all off the top of my head. I didn’t make the talent show, and I remember thinking how “rinky-dink” the songs were by the people who did get to perform…
Somewhere along the line, I learned the names of the notes, and even found out that I could do a neat trick: if my sister played a note on the piano, I could name it - every time. I was so good at it that she was sure I was cheating or peeking, so I was marched into the next room to continue the game. This of course changed nothing; I had discovered that I could simply name the notes upon hearing them. I didn’t know what perfect pitch was, but I had it. When my cousin - well-recognized at his school for being a talented violinist - came to visit, and couldn’t do the same trick as I could, he got more than a little annoyed. But that’s the nature of perfect pitch; you can develop it to a degree, but largely, you either got it or you don’t.
I was about nine when I found a harmonica in a box in our garage, brand-new, no idea what it was doing there. I began to play with it and discovered that the same scale I played on the piano was also recognizable on a harmonica! I had never played another instrument before, and I was enthralled. After a while I got the idea that I could play the harmonica and the piano at the same time, so I went into the living room with the harmonica and sat down at the piano. Blew a C chord on the harp, and played a C note on the piano.
YUCK. That sounded AWFUL.
I couldn’t understand it - the harmonica was clearly marked “C” (this might be what gave me the idea to try them together). But the “C” on the harmonica didn’t sound good at ALL with the “C” on the piano.
Turns out the piano was tuned exactly one half-step flat. Possibly because it had spent most of its life in the salty air near the San Francisco Bay, and the soundboard had rotted just enough that it couldn’t keep strings at tension or pitch anymore. Tuning it so it at least played in tune with itself was a logical decision.
But it forever skewed my sense of what a “C” actually sounded like in my head. To this day, I refer to my condition as “IMPERFECT pitch”.
I did figure out that if I played a Db scale on the piano, it worked well with the harmonica, but it was too difficult to wrap my brain and hands around all of that when the piano was ten feet from the front door, and comings and goings were a constant distraction. So the harmonica went the way of the bread machine you got as a gift sometime around the turn of the 21st century: stashed away in a box, likely never again to see the light of day.
Not long after that, my mother asked me if I’d like to take piano lessons. Just out of the blue. I don’t even remember why she asked, or how she knew the person I was to take lessons from, but I thought it was a brilliant idea! A little structure, a little edification, learning to read and play actual songs instead of the meandering stuff I already knew how to do. Great! I’m sure I was one of the very few kids in my town who was excited about piano lessons. But I enjoyed them, and there’s no doubt they helped me many years down the road, as any professional musician who took piano lessons as a kid can attest to.
One day I was visiting a friend, who had been gifted an old nylon string guitar. He didn’t play it, keep it in tune, or want much of anything to do with it, really. I started messing around with it, and I realized that the frets were the same 1/2 steps I played on the piano! As long as I accounted for the “black keys” by jumping 2 frets instead of 1, I could play a major scale on any single string, no matter how it was tuned or not-tuned. It didn’t matter that I didn’t know how to tune a guitar; just seeing the relationship between frets and 1/2 steps was enough to make me see notes in a whole new light.
When I was trusted enough to ride my bike downtown (about 3.5 miles from home on roads with sketchy bike lanes), I began renting instruments for a month at a time to see if I could make them sound good. Woodwinds, mostly - clarinet, flute, alto sax. There was that same major scale, easy to play in one key, difficult to figure out in others, plus the weird keys weren’t logical - if I wanted a note to be sharp or flat, I had to press some random key that seemingly had nothing to do with the order of notes. It made no sense to me, I had no idea what I was doing, and at the end of the month, I traded it in for another instrument. This cycle of “lather, rinse, repeat” went on for several months until one day when my brother arrived home with a bass, a guitar, and a big amp.
The sound coming out of his bedroom was INCREDIBLE. Warm yet exciting, like a smoldering fire with a little bit more residual energy than is safe. I was totally enthralled - here was an instrument that I could see made sense already, sounded fabulous, and vaguely reminded me of the lowest notes on the upright piano. I said, “THAT’S what I wanna play!” But my mom said NO - she was not going to have her sons fighting over the same instrument, especially because we already fought over everything else. My brother chose bass first; I got to play the guitar instead.
Playing guitar was pretty cool, actually - it was a cheap japanese red Flying V knockoff, difficult to wield, barely stayed in tune, but it was COOL. A little distortion, a little reverb (only used sparingly because I hated hearing my mistakes echo), and I had a good time. I had my little practice area in the basement next to my brother’s bedroom, and I played an awful lot. But to be honest, it always felt a little… weak. Like trying to throw a cotton ball. Yes, you could get angry and loud, but there was something missing. And every so often, I’d get the urge to sneak into my brother’s room and play his new bass (the first was apparently just a rental) when he wasn’t around. And every so often, I’d get caught, and I’d get “scared straight” for a month or two (my brother was built like a Sherman tank, and I looked more like Chunk with long hair). But the urge would always return, and the cycle would repeat itself. Until one fateful day…
I was in 8th grade, and I took the bus to school. My brother went to the high school half a mile away, so he was always home first. So when I walked in the front door, I could hear his bass booming through the ductwork like always, and like always, that made me want to play my guitar. So, like always, I dumped my school bag, full of assignments that would be ignored until morning like always, by the door and headed for the basement.
I never noticed that the bass notes stopped at some point; all I remember is descending the short staircase that led to the lower level, making a sharp U-turn as I prepared to go down into the basement, and jumping back out of the way because A BASS was flying through the air, up the stairs, right at me. I was fast enough to avoid it, and it hit the floor HARD in front of me. I immediately peeked around the door jamb down the stairs, and saw my brother stomping towards his bedroom door.
So I called down: “Hey - do you want this bass anymore?”
My brother hollered “NOOOOOOO!” and slammed his bedroom door behind him.
I looked back at the bass, and thought, Great!  So I grabbed it and ran downstairs, plugged it into my guitar amp (quietly, I knew better), and for the first time in recorded history, played a bass in my house with something tantamount to permission.
And it was GLORIOUS. Bottom end! Like the piano upstairs, but BIGGER! Notes made sense, I could find my way around because I’d played guitar, and the stuff I’d been trying to play on those other instruments - piano, guitar, clarinet, sax, flute, recorder, even the harmonica - was much better suited for the electric bass, and I finally GOT that. Here was the sound I’d heard in my head for 10 years married to the notes I wanted to play for 10 years, and my fingers were causing it to happen.
And somewhere in that 23-minute span, I remember feeling - not hearing, feeling - a Voice in my head, and it spoke to me with absolute clarity: you remember this moment, because this is what you’re going to do with the rest of your life.
I say 23 minutes because I always got home at 3:20, it took about 2 minutes to shed my coat and bag and head downstairs, and my practice area clock said 3:45 when my brother tore open his door and came around the corner, snarling, “GIMME MY BASS BACK.” And so I did. But the wheels had been set in motion; 23 minutes of bass playing versus years of piano, guitar, and everything else… there was no contest.
So I talked things over with my mom (and mentioned in passing what my brother had done with his beautiful new bass), and that Christmas there was a wonderful new Ibanez Roadstar II bass and a Fender Bassman 20 amp. Within a week I had nickel-sized blisters on 7 different fingertips, and that wasn’t enough to get me to slow down. They started calling me Froggy Fingers when I went back to school after Christmas break. I didn’t care. I finally had to take a scissors to my blisters because callouses were forming over the top of them, the swelling wouldn’t go down, they didn’t hurt at all, and I could barely pick things up because my fingertips were so deformed. But away I went on the bass, spending 6-7 hours every night playing in my corner of the basement (and watching my already piss-poor grades get even worse - I graduated with an academic GPA of 1.6).
This was my solace; this was my everything. All the other things that had gone wrong or were currently going wrong in my life mattered a lot less once I had a bass to play. Maybe that’s why I played so much. There wasn’t much else going on for me to be excited about at that time in my life, and playing music - playing a BASS - gave me an outlet for my passion, my frustration, my energy, my creativity, and created a drive to improve and be really good at something for a change. And I knew it was going to happen because It Made Sense. It still does. Nearly 4 decades later, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
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prodigalsonheadcanons ¡ 5 years ago
You were in marching band? (I am rn, which I think is great). Any good band stories?
Aw no way!! Marching band is so much fun, what instrument do you play?
There are so many, haha. I’m asking around my old friends for some of the best highlights, so there will be more to come! Which is okay because I got a surprising amount of asks asking about these! So here are some I have right now! 
My first performance I was hit square in the face by a flag. My nose and my mouth were gushing blood by the end of it; afterward, when my section leader ran over to me in horror all I mumbled out was, “Did I do good?”One of our tuba players was a scientologist. They were really into it. It was awkward. On one of our trips, I shared a room with a french horn player that was scared of my flat iron. Legitimately. She started crying when she walked into the bathroom and realized it was still on. On another one of our trips, Gary Busey was staying at the same hotel we were. We found this out after he got onto the elevator with us. On that same trip, we went to a theme park and had to stay in groups of four or more. Another tuba player was in our group and at one point we turned around and saw he was gone. We looked for him frantically for twenty minutes. We were just about to go tell our director, when he walked up out of nowhere. When we asked what happened he said, “I was watching the whole time. I just wanted to see what you guys would do if I went missing.” Couple of years later, he did go missing for three days. Again…just to see what people would do. One practice, after a disappointing competition, our director was angry. It was rainy and muddy…we could barely march without slipping but he was so angry he just snapped, “If you marched correctly, you wouldn’t have trouble balancing.” We tried our best. Not even an hour into practice, a saxophone player tripped and fell face-first, onto her instrument. Her reed went down her throat. After that, we got to go back inside. A woodwind player was forced to eat lunch alone every single day during band camp because he had a hair fetish. He was known as ‘Creepy Clarinet Kid.’My director once had a barking match with a dog. It continued for some time. We all just watched, mystified. For one of our biggest performances, one of the assistant directors set up our stage an entire yard line off (which for those of you that don’t know, ruins the entire show in terms of where you march). My group recognized it, because we had to start in a circle around it. We tried to tell her but she was already running off and the drum majors were preparing to start. We all looked at each other in horror; one of the french horn section leaders whispered: “May God have mercy on us all.” Apparently, he did; nobody fell over it somehow.We were banned from senior pranks when a senior class took all the cases in the band room and duct-taped them into one huge wall of instruments that they’d somehow fit into our director’s room, wall-to-wall. It took them ages to figure out how to get inside again. They were not pleased. Our visual coordinator was having an affair with a junior in the clarinet section. As soon as he got fired, our other visual coordinator got arrested for ‘public indecency.’ ….After that, we just stopped trying to get a visual coordinator. 
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ac3has6l00d ¡ 5 years ago
Shit my band director has said
I have been keeping track of a bunch of the funny shit my Band Director has been saying to us since like, halfway though the school year-last year. Here is what I have so far. If it is in reference to a person, I will put their instrument and if It's a song I'll put the song (if I remember it). He is referred to as Barr (an ironic last name). Also don't clock me for spelling I'm not meant to have my phone out during band and yet here we are.
-Highlighter of a thousand suns
-YESSS, Cole (a french horn player) no, BUT YESSSSS
-Dee dee, I'm part of a drum set
-He dead, but a surprise ending
-Haha, I am the sailor, you fell in love with
-Santas Depressed (Minor Alterations)
-Though the woodwinds I heard the buuuRR
-It's the best of all possible worlds, and then they get invaded (Candid Suit)
-harcan back to the yesterday of your, when we had counting issues
-horns, a little more, yes, I am sure
-let it ring
-no, no *disgusted face* no
-do it again!
-can I hit you with some scary knowledge
-this is good enough, thanks, this is never wrong (talking about Dr. Beat)
-the raseing of the prevorial oooohs
-goodjob Joel (a trumpet player), you rythemmaster you
-i can say this because I am one and I'm raising a girl, but boys are weird
-Alright, Angelic fruity boy (in reference to a trumpet player)
-Horns... the heroes instrument
-i actually didn't hear you at all
-did they take your triangle?
-Right notes are also important
- Teacups? It's a small world? *Ian (a french horn player)- Mt. Everest* You got sasquatch on the brain?
-morse code people
-a shade under the tempo
-woofie woofie woofie all the way around
-That isn't our FortĂŠ in the horn section to play lightly (He played french horn)
-can I get a rallintado amen
-tess (flut/piccolo player), Jordan (percussionist) - Jordan tess, Piccolo tambourine, - tambourine Piccolo
- we have plenty loud in this piece, enjoy the soft
-thats when they get invaded (Candid Suit)
-thanks trumpets... yah yeah yeahh
-flute hanger-oner
-Bold, Underlined, and in all caps
-music land
- *impersonates Kristin chenoweth* (Candid Suit)
- coming in from the basement
-were you trying to roast me? i will defend myself
-all a Twitter about arby's or something I dunno
-that was also a bold, all caps email
-unicon has a limp
-where have you been all my tambourine life
-can we agree on right notes then?
-melody melody melody, finnaly finnaly finnaly (trombones getting the melody)
-slip the surely bonds of earth
-ah please, decapitate all the invaders
-good for you... breaking norms
-christmas arrived early for you but not for anybody else
-ill write you an invitation next time
- but shut up
-stare out the window
-you may be alright young man
-seniors is theirs enough of an amen? (Chosing to Play Angel's in the Arcatectur by Frank ticheli)
-if I see that guy in a dark allyway...  I'll play him a recording of Angel's in the arcatectur (To they Guy that gave us a bad score on our MPA)
-whah whah what is like a bad joke on the trombone
-gone fishing be back in a hour 
-im just music roasting you
-i dont like this key HAAAAAAHHHH
-empty that spit
- everyone is still standing, so that's good
- im monolouging, you get that input later
- that's a really anticlimactic chord trumpets
-three f's. And your all thinking rainbows and unicorns
-Joels (a trumpet player) paying attention
- twirling the wherlys (tubes at the beginning and end of AitA)
-i dont mess with my post-its
-dropped mute isn't apart of my score
-i wanna see fire coming from your nostrils... like GOT IT
- it's muddy but we're getting there
-alive and well
-i would expect guys from he middle school band .... that's the only roast I have
-rob (a percussionist), we need to do spinning practice
-the devils intervals
-we can end on an amen
-it's like a great dane with crippling anxiety, its scared of everything. So what do you do, you put it on a treadmill and start popping balloons around it... this is training
-if I cant trust you then give it back to me.
-it's about me not you, me not you.
-for trombones, not toilets
-im going to let the trombones use their new toys (some trombones got plunger mutes (I was not one if them, Bass trombone life, bro))
-like... poof
-the devil in band
- satan himself... in the form of your phone
-welcome to band
-it's kinda hard, if you havent noticed.
-please hold for your next representative
- you are playing the elevator muzak version
-some of you are counting... and some of you play the alto. Sax (actual shade ngl)
-the best bond song from one of the stupidest bond movie (this nerd had us playing James Bond music at the end of the school year)
-jordan, finally, a use for your whistling.
-the first thing ella (his daughter) said to me, was flower
-impeckable german
-im going to save you all from this and mute it
- for those of you unitallans
- they chuck 'em
- bread and butter band keys
-there is no humor in marching band
- the fads you kids are into these days.
- our boiiis
- instrament of mass destruction
-ahoy mates
-is there a pre malone
-the newest version of mac... high Ciara (a chick in my Music Production Class)
-your in your pre stages
-thats a great beat son
-were on a bus my child
-if you don't music speak
-where is the beat, I am trying to adjust accordingly
-Ich Bin confused
- if you use the word angelic I will come back there (One of the Horns said it as a joke)
-it's like the piccolo of the percussion section
-mr. Barr is now in his office
-boys, why and no
-why are you whistling Hawaii 5.0?
- yeah, I need a highhat to subdivide too
-we got new old bessy back there (about the new bass drum frame since the old frame broke during the MB season)
-oh I've used dumpsterfire, I've seen quite a few in my day
-dumpsterfire? (I used it and he picked up on it)
-you went even alive, why am I telling you?
-do I sound hip?
-thats the right answer
-if I don't do that to yours, it doesn't mean you are not a great person
-you found 8th position (I'm pretty sure this was him talking to me about bass trombone stuff)
-i see what I did there
- don't get old, you wake up and then you can't feel your leg.
-the sparks were there but it's not raging yet
-long live the king
-i will brb
-thats annoying
-its quitten time y'all
-Barb Peterson (Our lovely Colour Gaurd instucter) Hotline
- please escort this out, I hate it
- is Seth's (Clarinet and Pit) head one of those two way mirrors?
-that's incredable seth
-should I not make spinal tap references?
-nevermind a reference I will put away for this class.
-i now live in fear of that.
-this is bumpen
-im having some real memory issues.
-death star trench run
-think the towel, be the towel
-dont poke the barr
-my wife watches garbage tv when I'm not there
-the most dramatic little people show
-soundtrack, moving on
-twiggles (there is a teacher with the last name of Twig)
-saf to say
-i like you, but not that much
-im going to give you the confused dog look
-this is not open roast time
-i love how it creeped into your subconscious
-what a quick roast of me annie (a very, very, very good clarinetist)
-it's like the end of the commercial where they add all the legal stuff.
- the flex tape tape
-am I going to have to sound really aloof and do commercials
-i love how you are all responsive
-let me finish!
-don't juule
-i have my box o' toys (MTP we were recording sounds for a project so he pulled out a bunch of percussion stuff)
- if i squint I can hear the right thing
-I feel like hot garbage
-if only we lived in the information age
-were hitting the gym annie... I don't know what that means
-the gong is in the room
-i blew up the death star
-25% of people who conduct this come down with this crazy illness
-your like the studio aduiance for like QVC, "what do you do?" "SCRATCH IT OUT!"
-i dont understand your generation
-youve poisoned me. I hope you are happy
-weight not wait
-oh wow
-shut up
-you just lead your sled into a ditch (Midnight sleighride)
-i love his vocal signature, like "I did this song and I'm jason derulo"
-the power of pan
-wait, what's tic-toc
-shut it
-its like a hippo with Ballarina shoes on
-it's thick with a whole bunch of K
-im trying to throw him a gong bone
Yeah I have no clue if he knows he is saying that stuff
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firejugglinghobo ¡ 6 years ago
‘Whisper Its Story’ Soundtrack Commentary
“A Stranger in the Night” - Main Titles, Marco Beltrami I felt that piano was the perfect way to introduce the rainy night that Meggie always remembers.  The slight apprehension of the piece gives us an immediate connection to Meggie, while the melancholy shows us a glimpse of the tragedy that has already taken place when she joins the story.  The harmonica in the end gives us a twang of Dustfinger’s theme as he is recognized and invited inside.
“Going South” - Rocket Launch, Bear McCreary I had originally chosen this piece as the theme for “Going Farther South,” but kept coming back to placing it here instead.  There is slight apprehension in the piece, but its instrumentation is homey and hopeful enough to allow Meggie to drift off to sleep in her familiar van with her father, as if they really are only going to see an eccentric aunt about some books.  At this point, the only magic in the story is the scenery.  The mood shifts at the end of the drive when they arrive at Elinor’s austere old house.
“A House Full of Books” - We Shall Go to War, Lorne Balfe and Rupert Gregson-Williams This is Meggie’s first introduction to Elinor, who is typified by staccato and pizzicato strings.  Although her perception of her aunt changes drastically during the course of the book, her first impression is of austerity and severity.  Something dangerous is lurking on the shelves, and there are a great deal many more rules in this house than at home.  Dustfinger joins her in her conspiracy to get ahold of the book, as can be noticed in the dissonance toward the end of the piece.
“Fire and Stars” - The Longing, Patty Gurdy This piece is part diegetic or source music from Dustfinger’s tape player on Elinor’s back lawn and part score depicting his fire show, which is wild and foreign-feeling to Meggie.  I chose to keep Dustfinger’s instrumentation dissonant throughout the soundtrack to emphasize the ways he does not belong in this world, and to tie him back to a place where these kinds of instruments and harmonies are more at home.
“The Lion’s Den” - Streets of New York, Rupert Gregson-Williams The instrumentation in this piece is mostly Dustfinger’s, with fiddles, banjo, and percussive instruments taking the forefront.  The bass undertones warn Meggie of the dangers that Dustfinger is describing in Capricorn’s village and hint that maybe he himself is not to be trusted.
“A Coward” - The Aerie, Andrew Lloyd-Webber This is a purely romantic theme for the book.  In this scene of Dustfinger’s infatuation with and yet fear of it, its power over all of the characters is typified.
“Going Farther South” - Now We Are Free, Hans Zimmer, Klaus Badelt, and 2CELLOS This is a piece for packing up and driving south to rescue Mo.  I have chosen the cello for Mo’s instrument first and foremost because of its beautiful singing voice, especially known for its similarity to the human voice.  This song is full of sadness and hope, as Meggie misses her father but believes she can get him back with the help of her new friends.
“Capricorn’s Village” - The Punisher Main Titles, Tyler Bates I made a somewhat unconventional choice to use mostly modern rock instruments when dealing with Capricorn and his minions.  I wanted to make a start separation between the instrumentation used for them and the protagonists, specifically Dustfinger.  The modern instruments allow me to give them a more gang-y feeling and exemplify the ways Capricorn has embraced this world for all of the outlets it gives for his darkness.
“A Mission Accomplished” - A New Chapter, Lorne Balfe and Rupert Gregson-Williams The repeated descending line in this piece depicts the sinking feeling Elinor and Meggie experience when they realize they have been betrayed, while soaring, dissonant strings may represent Dustfinger’s guilt.
“Once Upon a Time” - Coming Home, Jeff Russo This piece has an ethereal, misty feeling to it, as a story of long ago is told.  Triumphant, foreboding, and melancholy chords mix as the magic of Mo’s voice brings some uninvited guests into his living room.
“The Betrayer Betrayed” - The Starkiller, John Williams I considered going for an epic suite for this scene, but decided on a more emotional moment as Capricorn’s brutality is displayed for the first time against primarily Dustfinger and secondarily Mo.  The books burning are beautiful, but they are absolutely devastating.
“Treasure Island” - The Prince of Persia, Harry Gregson-Williams No Inkheart soundtrack could be complete without a nod to the Middle East in Farid’s arrival.  This piece, however, can be a companion piece to the entire scene of Mo’s reading.  Strings and choir paint pictures of the island cave treasure in the air just as well as Mo’s voice does, and after a momentary pause, he delves into The Thousand and One Nights and pulls Farid, who is distinguished from the other elements of the story by a solo pipe, out of his book to be examined and led off in the final third of the piece.  This is the first time Meggie has heard her father read aloud, and the first glimpse Farid gets of a brand new world.
“Gloomy Prospects” - Critical Article, Lorne Balfe and Rupert Gregson-Williams This is 100% a sneak song.  Dustfinger breaks the gang out and everybody goes tip-toeing out of the village.  Just when we think they’re safe, they’re spotted and must make a break for it by car!
“Basta” - Panic at the Bistro, Ludwig Goransson More musical telegraphing than an actual, this piece sounds like an erratic heartbeat and a struggle that could easily go either way, as every character is thrust into the fray in a fight for their lives.
“Fenoglio” - Crates of Books, David Arnold and Michael Price Enter Fenoglio, the lovable if a bit bumbling author of Inkheart.  His voice can be heard inside the house, and Meggie’s nervousness builds until he opens the door and reveals that he is quite a kindly old man, and not the intimidating figure Dustfinger’s fears may have led her to imagine.  There is a grandchild in the cupboard and cake on the table and the old writer can barely believe the story Meggie and Mo tell him.
“Shivers Down the Spine and a Foreboding” - The Impossible Planet, Murray Gold This is an other place where I considered a more epic theme but chose to go subtler.  Instead of feeling Dustfinger’s fear here, we experience an outside pity for him.  He feels betrayed and homesick, despite the revelation of what might happen should he ever go home.  This piece most belongs at the end of the chapter.
“Going Home” - Dance of the Knights, Sergei Prokofiev In a macabre, grotesque mockery, Elinor arrives home to find a red rooster hanging in her library and a pile of ash in her back lawn.  As the reader has begun to understand a bit more about Elinor, we realize that she is best identified with classical music.
“Capricorn’s Maid” - Martha’s Theme, Murray Gold I was very intentional to use female vocals for Resa, as her defining feature in Inkheart is voicelessness.  Nevertheless, she gives herself a voice through her kindness and tenacity to reach out and communicate.  The vocals are threaded with cello, as a subtle hint of her identity and a reminder that she is searching for Mo as much as he is searching for her.
“Capricorn’s Secrets” - Window Deduction, David Arnold and Michael Price Fenoglio in Capricorn’s church is the most unlikely of combinations.  He is of course enchanted with the way his characters have sprung off the page as he and Meggie are led through the village.  There is a slight thrill of foreboding when Capricorn himself appears, but Fenoglio couldn’t possibly be actually afraid of his own creation, and gushes despite the threats.
“A Quiet Voice” - Sprouting Potatoes, Harry Gregson-Williams As Meggie becomes more certain of her Silvertongue powers, I chose to have this piece start off with piano, which has linked us to Meggie and the feeling of night since the beginning, and blend into cello, a reminder of Mo and a sign of her growing to become more like him.  There is nighttime magic afoot.
“The Punishment for Traitors” - Burning the Past, Harry Gregson-Williams (Yes, another Gregson-Williams, I’m sorry.  I have a problem...)  In this chapter, Meggie looks up to see Dustfinger slowly emerge from the dark, hanging in a net from the ceiling of the church.  He is represented by the mournful violin, and is replaced by a high choir as Meggie looks past him and sees her mother for the first time.
“The Black Horse of the Night” - Annie, I’m Scared, Ludwig Goransson This chapter is another story of the past, and this time a ghost story.  Long, low, breathy chords punctuated by woodwinds send shivers down the spine as Fenoglio remembers the Shadow.  We can almost feel him coming out of the book with a sudden swell at the end.
“A Dark Place” - The Trial of Loki, Brian Tyler Dustfinger begins this scene as he is lowered from the net and led to the crypt with Resa, with low strings representing fear, evil, and darkness.  Toward the end, there are hints of a choir and even some cello as he tries to avoid Resa’s questions and turns to her for comfort.
“Woken in the Dead of Night” - It is Time, Patrick Doyle Piano and cello weave in and out through this piece as Meggie tests her Silvertongue powers and changes a story for the first time.  She sends the little soldier back into his own story, having changed the ending to a happy one.
“The Magpie” - His Name is Napoleon Solo, Daniel Pemberton Mortola is a character from Inkheart whose reaction to this world is somewhere between Dustfinger’s and Capricorn’s.  She doesn’t try to get home while her son is alive and in power, but when her reason to stay is gone, her main goal is to return home.  Likewise, the instrumentation in this piece is a cross between old, dissonant sounds and modern rock instruments.  The music keeps a rigid tempo, but limps slightly within it, just like Mortola.  She is commanding and terrifying in her subservience to her son.
“Basta’s Pride and Dustfinger’s Cunning” - Meet Oswald Kapelput, David Russo In this piece, Dustfinger’s twangy instrumentation plays lightly and tauntingly over increasingly erratic low strings and brass for Basta as predator becomes prey and tension builds.  In the end, everyone is on edge.  Dustfinger escapes with his own life before Basta’s voice has the chance to catch him, leaving his friends behind.
“No Luck for Elinor” - Danse macabre, Camille Saint-Saëns Again, the macabre infiltrates Elinor’s attempts at normalcy.  She is still represented by staccato and pizzicato strings, but her character has become more fleshed out with real emotion that we feel for her failed attempts to reconnect with a world where she feels safe.  Elinor is most at home in classical music settings not only because of her slightly pretentious taste and somewhat haughty demeanor, but because she is the character who most longs for the established safety of this world, although she would have told you otherwise herself.
“A Fragile Little Thing” - Science the S*** Out of This, Harry Gregson-Williams Dustfinger arrives out of breath at Basta’s house, where he is greeted by Basta’s low strings and the fairy that Meggie brought off the pages of Peter Pan.  He is not safe here, and is plagued by guilt for leaving Meggie and Resa behind and fear of what will happen to them.
“Fire” - Mana One, Harry Gregson-Williams (I literally can’t help myself.)  Farid’s solo pipe weaves in and out among the guitars and synths of the Black Jackets.  This is a high-intensity piece, but not an action drama, as things work out exactly according to plan for the pair of arsonists, despite their worries.
“The Shadow” - Mombasa, Hans Zimmer and 2CELLOS The finale is all Meggie’s nerves.  You can feel her hands shaking in this piece as she fumbles for the sheet of paper.  Mo’s crocodile tick-tick-tick signal plays directly into the rhythmic thrust of the piece.  Her heart beats more and more erratically as the Shadow actually listens to her words and comes out of the book to turn on his master.  Of course, this had to be played on cello, as the representation of the power of the voice of a Silvertongue.
“A Deserted Village” - A World on Fire, John Paesano With her task complete, Meggie is back in her own role as a young girl, the nighttime protagonist represented by the piano.  The ashes of the Shadow seem to drift away on the wind just as the memory of all the evil of the now-deserted village fades.  Well, almost all, as Basta grabs Resa in a last-ditch attempt to escape with his life, and leaves to haunt the fears of the protagonists until the next book.
“Homesickness” - The Aerie, Andrew Lloyd-Webber The theme for the book is back, in a mirror image callback to “Coward” at the beginning of the story.  Dustfinger, now aware of the ending to his own story, sneaks in and sneaks the book from its sleeping guardian.  He is no longer haunted by what it may contain and takes it, on the other side of many betrayals, determined that he will get home somehow, even without the help of Silvertongue.
“Going Home” - New Guinea Match, Lorne Balfe and Rupert Gregson-Williams The mist clears on the foreboding of this story, as Meggie and her family gather up the creatures and bring them home to Elinor’s house, now a much less terrifying and austere sight and much more homey and comfortable.  There are pieces to pick up and a life of love and daily adventure to live.
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ironic-flute ¡ 6 years ago
Hi I play trombone can you tell me why I dont think I've seen the woodwinds warm up before?? Like they just lick and duck or whatever on their reeds then start playing. My clarinet friends went explain to me and this really scares me cuz I cant even play with warming up. Pls help.
this is a myth when I practice i warm up for at least 10 minutes... but maybe its different for ppl who play instruments with reeds so reed players pls explain yourselves
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monohart ¡ 7 years ago
wanna one as members of a symphony orchestra.
A/N: as a classical musician myself, i had so much fun doing this! i apologise beforehand if i’ve made errors with any of the instruments.. i would like to think i know enough about an entire orchestra to write about it… but one can never be too sure! (do let me know if there are errors anywhere, please! i will appreciate you iMMENSELY) + purely based on my imagination.
yoon jisung - violin/viola the conductor literally couldn’t find enough viola students in the music institute so he rang up his pal yoon jisung, who is in his final… and i mean, final year of study. jisung was originally a violin player, but could easily adjust to the viola in a short amount of time. it worked out well though, because he really needed the extra orchestra experience/credit points in order to complete his degree. he’d be the responsible one - constantly helping out the other two younger, less experienced violas players. das right you know he’d be flirting with the cello girls much to minhyun’s disgust
ha sungwoon - french horn ok why is this guy still here? the conductor was pretty sure he’s already got his bachelor degree last semester but… voila - he turns up to the first rehearsal like nothing’s changed. uh. i mean.. not that the conductor is complaining or anything, sungwoon’s literally the best french horn player in the entire music institute, so it’s great he’s not already whisked away by the marching band or the rowdy jazz bands. a loyal h*e to the symphony orchestra. grown attached to the younger frenchies so i guess that’s why he’s still sticking around. challenges freshmen to do cover battles with him. everyone loves him (who doesnt tbh)
hwang minhyun - cello he’s nearing his final year of study, but is very lowkey about everything. everyone basically knows him and he basically knows everyone too.. but?? they don’t know much about him apart from the fact that he’s pretty amazing on the cello? super handsome and all the girls and boys lowkey highkey have crushes on him. probably the reason why there’s been an influx of cello players in the orchestra. if only some could pick up the viola smh. is gonna make it to julliard one day. you bet you’d see him in the julliard symphony orchestra on the television one day. y’all just wait and see. secretly in a rock band with the other nu’est boys. but even in a rock band he still plays the cello. yes, an electric cello. 
ong seongwoo - trombone literally friends with everyone!!! the guys, the girls, the strings, the woodwinds, the brass, the conductor… e v e r y o n e !! always makes trombone jokes 25/8. “what do you call an arrogant trombonist? … a brass-hole”. makes the trumpeters laugh though, which is bad because they would go on the laugh for a long time after everyone else stopped… and everyone would know seongwoo was at fault so… he’d be in trouble. but not really. because everyone liked him too much? would attempt to befriend all the freshies, but sometimes scares them away with his jokes. bffs with daniel!! always the one to cover for kangdan’s lateness and missed rehearsals. sometimes want to throw his trombone at his best friend (but obviously doesn’t. it’s too precious to him). named his trombone but tells everyone it’s a secret “of course i can’t tell you!! tina only has eyes for me. oh wait - ”
kim jaehwan - tuba the cool af dude who has a psychopathic scream, plays the one irreplaceable brass instrument of the orchestra!! literally the only tuba in the orchestra after the other tubist graduated last year… so .. he’s on his own!! not that anyone’s complaining.. because he’s skilled af. the conductor discovered him playing simple scales in one of the practice rooms during his freshman year, and decided this boy had potential to go Big, so he personally invited him to join the orchestra (sans audition!!). he wasn’t wrong about jaehwan’s talents. ;^) the marching band had their eyes on him for the longest time but like sungwoon, he’s Loyal™.
kang daniel - clarinet one of the coolest kids in college but was dragged to audition by his high school buddy/best friend seongwoo. he obviously got in because he has them skills!! but when the pink sausage™ duo started goofing around in the first rehearsal, daniel almost regretted joining. stayed for seongwoo and more so because he needed those extra credit points. loves music too much anyway so he’s not complaining. also actually a bit of a goofball. on the Rare occasions when he would turn up to rehearsal on time, you know the clarinet section would be extra !! giggly !! cue kangdan’s Cheesy Pickup Lines™. tbh most of the other clarinet players are girls. i wonder why.
park jihoon - violin freshman. scouted by the conductor during the official orchestra auditions. came in with his best friend woojin and insisted on playing a duet for audition. his request was sadly denied so he had to do a solo. blew the conductor away on the first note!!! played a violin rendition of a chopin nocturne!! wasn’t a tricky piece at all but dAMnMNnn bOII… the feels. the emotions. the passion legit made the conductor tear up. needless to say, he completely aced the audition!!! violin prodigy right here!!! directly landed the position of concertmaster / first desk and shares desk with woojin. often comes to rehearsal as a pink sausage™.
park woojin - violin jihoon’s best friend and desk mate. entertains amazes the rest of the orchestra with their amazing duets. completes the pink sausage™ duo. yes, he comes to rehearsal as a pink sausage™ too. manages the sausages’ youtube cover channel. uploads crack vids of random orchestra members so watch out if woojin comes to rehearsal with a camcorder… he’s probably recording everyone… but mostly jisung tbh. substitute first violin if jihoon ever fell sick on performance days or if he missed rehearsal. the conductor secretly regret assigning them to the same desk. sometimes trolls the rest of the orchestra by tuning them to the wrong note. and gives poor daehwi a heart attack because he thought he broke the piano
bae jinyoung - flute/piccolo that one super cute, tall, gentle freshman in the woodwinds section. blew the conductor away with his audition piece which was a mozart piece for flute. also managed to play a bit of piccolo in high school so guess who’s that one and only piccolo in the orchestra!! (literally jumped in and replaced the existing piccolo player because she’s too swooned by his perfection and talents… and couldn’t stop giggling during the first performance because jinyoung was That Close to her!!! smh. me tbh.) would smile so widely when the conductor compliments him and the violinists would literally grin with him (even if they’re in the strings section gdi) because his smile is just! so! contagious!
lee daehwi - piano another freshman!! nobody expected him to rank first amongst 128374345 other talented pianists who came to the audition, but… he did, and showed everyone who’s boss. sight reading skills is A+++. amazes the heck out of everyone with how fast he learns music… because duhh… he’s lee daehwi, the one who won the hunger games, symph orch piano edition. loved by most of the people in the orchestra, especially the seniors who play the violin, sitting closest to the piano. obvs good friends with the percussionists as well but don’t really know what to do about guanlin tbh.. the freestyler…  daehwi is all about following the music sheet, keeping to rhythm and playing what he practiced. slightly obsessed with jinyoung in the flutes but what’s new tbh
lai guanlin - percussion doesn’t really know why he’s here. confused most of the time, but is a super super fast learner. 1/3 of the percussionists. assigned to be on the timpani so he’s gotta be super on top of everything. in the first rehearsal he missed a beat so he was two bars behind for the entire piece. when everyone else finished, he still had more to play. basically earned himself a mini solo (which he aced and extended it into a five bar freestyle drum solo). almost made everyone deaf and sent half of the tension screws on the drum flying.. guess who had to clean up afterward!! on the conductor’s black list but literally everyone wants to be his friend. such swagger, much loved.
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