#aryaarianne complains
aryaarianne · 3 years
I remember reading ADwD and thinking am I reading it right, Jon is so passionate about Arya it's like his dormant Targaryen was unleashed. And then the Jonrya letter leaked and I had to reread the books because I had been reading it right.
Sorry, anon - I intended to write about how much I love Jon and his ADWD arc, but I ended up spiraling into a rant about George’s writing and fandom response instead! Hopefully you don’t mind me stepping on the soapbox.
TL;DR: You get me, and all of us who picked up on it have to stick together. :) Mentioned rant is under the cut!
I fully agree - I think the scope and scale of the series overall really allows some people to distance themselves from how, like, unsubtle some of the hints George has dropped in ADWD really are. Because there’s so much text to sift through, people are less inclined to take certain details or patterns as seriously as they deserve. 
Has George’s original storyline mutated over the years? 100% it has. Has it changed so much that Jon and Arya’s dynamic is no longer romantic? I find it difficult to say one way or the other - there’s a lot of factors to consider, end of the day, including marketability. Jonrya just isn’t that popular.
But has the storyline changed so much that Jon and Arya’s dynamic is no longer crucial to the plot and key factors in the arcs of both characters? Absolutely not. They may not be the most important factors in each other’s arcs anymore, maybe, but theirs is certainly the most relevant relationship to their arcs. It’s more or less spelled out for us in their POVs.
George is an incredibly efficient writer. He has no intention to waste the reader’s time, and no patience for mind games. He’s extremely deliberate - his text isn’t simple or straight-forward by any means, but it is constructed with a consciously considered purpose. Honestly, people like to moan about how long George takes to finish his work, but just as many people, and often the same, will discount exactly how meaningful each line of text that he includes is. He spends that long editing and drafting and deliberating each word, and so it seems only fair to assume everything he includes has a specific purpose.
The thing with George is that when he writes POV chapters, the text is neither generally omniscient nor a comprehensive catalogue of the perspective character’s thoughts, feelings, and motivations. Unlike some authors, George doesn’t dissect a character’s unconscious near-explicitly in the text - he gives the readers room to breathe and settle and consider for themselves. He asks more of his readers, and the simple fact is that mainstream audiences, and that includes fandom, read the series just for leisure - not judging, that’s a totally fine way to engage with the text.
And further, the nuances in Jon’s character in particular have suffered from how mainstream audiences have engaged with him. He is easily the most frequently simplified character, and the reduction is one of the most extreme in degrees, as well, especially if you factor in what a big fucking deal he is. What I mean is - take Arianne. While I love the Martells, and Arianne in particular, there is a lot less text dedicated to them and to her than there is to Jon, or even most POV characters. It naturally follows that readers would generalize or simplify her character as easily as they do. (I don’t like it, but it tracks logically.)
In comparison, Jon, with so many POVs and being easily the most important character, perspective or otherwise, to do with the entire Ice half of A Song of Ice and Fire, has had his arc and his themes diluted down to the point they’re near meaningless to the gen fandom, and it is fucking wild to witness! It's hard to really get a grip on as a fan of his, but a big part of it goes back to the fact that George’s writing style is a) relatively dense and b) relatively demanding.
I’m a pretty critical person, but I should say there’s a lot of things I do like about the ASOIAF fandom, and a lot of the time I don’t mind the community around book-accurate Jon, Arya, and their dynamic being smaller, because I think it gives opportunities to more people to voice their thoughts and be heard, and also we’ve got some of the most talented artists, editors, writers, and meta-writers in the fandom, easily. 
But it can be frustrating to have a legitimate view of the text, so much so it’s clearly explicitly supported by textual and meta textual evidence, and yet be dismissed so easily by the wider fandom. But luckily the community has some really great members and allies, and blocking is easy enough - I do it at the drop of a hat, lol!
Agh, I should wrap this up. Thanks for the ask, and it makes me happy that you came to me with the sentiment - I feel you, anon, you get me
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aryaarianne · 4 years
Hate how reading fic that prominently includes Arianne gets me so excited but will 9 times out of 10 leave me incredibly disappointed, esp w/ series completion fics... Why do fic authors feel the need to force Arianne to relearn lessons she has already learned when their favs haven't even begun to learn their lesson in canon? We know why
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aryaarianne · 5 years
roast arys oakheart!
oh my god where to even start — if you removed all of the redeeming features of the himbo meme... the most boring perspective in affc... really is pointless not even touching his creepy ass fixation on arianne... his shitty limp dick thing about hitting sansa "lighter" than the others... only ok thing he ever did was how he die, n it didnt even help anyone!
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aryaarianne · 5 years
The Starklings as Spice Girls
As analyzed and reported by someone who knows nothing about the Spice Girls, because this isn't a Spice Girls blog.
Baby Stark: Rickon
This is the most obvious choice. Rickon is like, two, or something, and oft forgotten and dismissed by both the fandom and the remaining key players of Westeros - although in fairness, they do think he's dead. Still, underestimating Baby energy, which is feral in disguise as cute, is a mistake that is easy to make, but also easily your undoing. Baby can also have double meanings, for inappropriate implications about adult relationships, but Rickon is like, two, so that means nothing here. What more can you want from me? He's a literal Baby.
Scary Stark: Jon
I can hear everyone arguing now, but I'm here to say that I will not stand for it. Jon is going to possess his albino wolf named Ghost, turn into a literal zombie, and kill his own evil foil - not to mention being a part Dragon and part Wolf himself. He was also raised a bastard, and has a mighty unhealthy fixation on his sister and his blood - hello gothic backstory! I know what you're thinking - OP, he's dead. How Scary can he be? The answer is we don't know, and that's Scariest of all. Jon is terrifying, but that's a large part of why he's hot - truly Scary in spirit.
Sporty Stark: Arya
There's nothing that bothers me more than when people reduce Arya to swords and fighting - she is so much more than that. She is also hot. Running from the police is a work out, kids, and Arya is getting in killer shape. But to dig in seriously to the dynamics of being Sporty, she has had far more coaches and coach figures than anyone else - Syrio, Jaqen, Sandor kind of, The Kindly Man, a good amount of whores, like half the sailors in Braavos, and the entire pantheon of the Old Gods, not to mention her mastery of that classic athletic move - letting your crippling insecurity push you into joining a team you no longer want to be on solely because you won't know what to do with yourself if you quit.
Ginger Stark: Sansa
Admittedly, this is the one I'm expecting the most flak on, but I'll cover that below. The most obvious way to tackle this is to go for the throat - the Ginger hair. Sansa has auburn hair, like her baby brothers, and it's pretty damn important! Auburn coloring is reminiscent of Tully heritage, and key to her mom specifically, a character she shares many parallels with. On the subject of Ginger itself, it is also a delicious spicy flavoring, and we can expect Sansa to be adding plenty of delicious spicy flavoring to the books with her scrumptious Vale plot that you can pry from my cold dead fucking hands.
Posh Stark: Bran
Ah, the most controversial of my choices. I stand by it. Don't let your impression of Ms. Beckham fool you - being Posh is not about marrying abs. It's about being Posh. And what is more Posh than repeated allusions unscoring your place as the Lord of Winterfell? What could possibly be more Posh than first running a castle when most contemporary children your age are watching Finding Nemo? And you know what, even if being Posh was about marrying abs, no one comes into my house and claims that Meera fucking Reed doesn't qualify. Meera is the David to Bran's Victoria. Anyways, he's also Martin's fave, and a damn good kid, so accept him as your Posh and saviour and rejoice.
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aryaarianne · 5 years
tbqh i don’t care what jon or arya look like in edits/fancasts/etc so long as they resemble each other. thats what really bothers me about some fancasts (and the show). 
its sort of like how casting went in the hp movies. like, ok, harry couldn’t have green eyes. that’d be fine if they gave his mom blue eyes too, but then lily had brown eyes, and the thing about him having his mother’s eyes no longer makes sense (cause hell the actress - not her fault - didn’t resemble him at all). 
its like that - the looks aren’t so important as the relationship it represents, but if the looks are out of sync, then we lose that whole effect, which is a pretty crucial element of both characters’ arcs and personalities
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aryaarianne · 5 years
ugh i need to cut my stupid dany x arya fic down so its not obnoxiously long beneath the edit but i poured my heart and soul into it..... maybe i’ll just post an excerpt with a link under the edit and i’ll finally use my dumb ao3 account to post the full version... but its not quite long enough to feel warranted damn lol
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