#arvind is the best
protecticarus · 16 days
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the visceral incredible warmth this just made me experience. father dghda himself approves of my silly little virtual shrine. what a sweet moment.
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advocate-arvind · 21 days
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arvinddairy · 3 months
Desi Ghee: Health Benefits OF Consuming Desi Ghee - Arvind Dairy
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Indian food is incomplete without the white purity of Desi Ghee. When the question arises about your health and taste, then it is a big no to compromise. We also care about you and try to provide you with the best and purest Arvind Dairy Desi Ghee, made from fresh milk. Desi Ghee is also known for its rich flavors and Ayurvedic medicines.
Here are some health benefits of consuming desi ghee.
1. Boosts Digestive - Desi ghee can stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes, which helps in the breakdown and absorption of food. Also, the butyric acid present in ghee helps nourish the cells lining the digestive tract, reducing inflammation and supporting overall digestive health.
2.Keeps Heart Healthy - It is also a rich source of healthy cholesterol that our body needs for making new cell membranes, many hormones, and even vitamin D. The presence of good cholesterol is also important for improved heart health. Contrary to some beliefs, moderate consumption of desi ghee can improve heart health by increasing good cholesterol (HDL) levels and reducing bad cholesterol (LDL) levels.
3. Good for Eyes - Ghee is rich in Vitamin A and has lutein, a carotenoid essential for good eye health. Lutein reduces age-related macular disease, which is the leading cause of blindness and vision impairment. It may also reduce dry-eye syndrome, in which your eyes don’t make enough lubrication to protect your eyes.
4. Enhances Skin and Hair Health - Desi ghee can be used to moisturize and nourish the skin and hair, promoting their health and shine. It deeply moisturizes and nourishes the skin, improving elasticity and softness while soothing dry and irritated areas. It is also effective in treating chapped lips and rough patches.
5. Promotes Bone Health - The presence of vitamin K2 in desi ghee helps in calcium absorption, which is crucial for maintaining strong bones.
If you’re willing to choose and purchase the best desi ghee, then worry not. You just have to click and reach the best site to get the most beneficial product online. Visit our site arvind dairy products in delhi and don’t wait to cook, serve, and eat healthy.
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fastphoen · 7 months
Fabricators in Bangalore | Best Fabricator in Bangalore | Heavy Fabricator in Bangalore
Arvind Fabricators is the best for offering the fabrication of Steel Structures , Mezzanine flooring, Multi Story Building Works, Turn Key Projects Fabrication Works, Steel Plant & Chemical Plant Fabrication Works, Machinery Platforms, Heavy Fabrication works, Ware Houses & Industrials Shed works, Dismantling Works, Sky Walk & Connecting Bridge works, Machinery Equipment Fabrication works, Fabrication of Industrial Bins & Trolleys, Racks, Canopy, Pergola works, Truss Work, EOT Cranes, All types of Light and Heavy Fabrication works to clients in Bangalore, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
They have latest inhouse machineries and equipment to fabricate the structures and the best craftsmanship engineers and welders to fabricate inhouse and to fabricate at the site as site work fabrication.
WWW.ARVINDFABRICATOR.COM https://www.arvindgroups.com/
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rajnipoetryvision · 8 months
Ram mera ghar Aayo re
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alexaapeli · 1 year
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Get Your Healthy Spine Back With the Best Scoliosis Surgeon in Mumbai
Dr. Arvind Kulkarni scoliosis treatment India is an internationally recognized leader in scoliosis and spinal deformity care who has won numerous awards recognizing his research and contributions to the field. He’s a board member of the scoliosis research
Overview: If you find someone’s back, you’ll see that the backbone runs straight down the center. When someone has scoliosis, their backbone curves to the side. The angle of the curve may be small, huge, or somewhere in between. However, whatever that measures more than 10 degrees is taken into consideration in scoliosis. Medical doctors might also use the letters “C” and “S” to describe the…
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francesmays · 2 years
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mariacallous · 1 day
Arvind Narayanan, a computer science professor at Princeton University, is best known for calling out the hype surrounding artificial intelligence in his Substack, AI Snake Oil, written with PhD candidate Sayash Kapoor. The two authors recently released a book based on their popular newsletter about AI’s shortcomings.
But don’t get it twisted—they aren’t against using new technology. “It's easy to misconstrue our message as saying that all of AI is harmful or dubious,” Narayanan says. He makes clear, during a conversation with WIRED, that his rebuke is not aimed at the software per say, but rather the culprits who continue to spread misleading claims about artificial intelligence.
In AI Snake Oil, those guilty of perpetuating the current hype cycle are divided into three core groups: the companies selling AI, researchers studying AI, and journalists covering AI.
Hype Super-Spreaders
Companies claiming to predict the future using algorithms are positioned as potentially the most fraudulent. “When predictive AI systems are deployed, the first people they harm are often minorities and those already in poverty,” Narayanan and Kapoor write in the book. For example, an algorithm previously used in the Netherlands by a local government to predict who may commit welfare fraud wrongly targeted women and immigrants who didn’t speak Dutch.
The authors turn a skeptical eye as well toward companies mainly focused on existential risks, like artificial general intelligence, the concept of a super-powerful algorithm better than humans at performing labor. Though, they don’t scoff at the idea of AGI. “When I decided to become a computer scientist, the ability to contribute to AGI was a big part of my own identity and motivation,” says Narayanan. The misalignment comes from companies prioritizing long-term risk factors above the impact AI tools have on people right now, a common refrain I’ve heard from researchers.
Much of the hype and misunderstandings can also be blamed on shoddy, non-reproducible research, the authors claim. “We found that in a large number of fields, the issue of data leakage leads to overoptimistic claims about how well AI works,” says Kapoor. Data leakage is essentially when AI is tested using part of the model’s training data—similar to handing out the answers to students before conducting an exam.
While academics are portrayed in AI Snake Oil as making “textbook errors,” journalists are more maliciously motivated and knowingly in the wrong, according to the Princeton researchers: “Many articles are just reworded press releases laundered as news.” Reporters who sidestep honest reporting in favor of maintaining their relationships with big tech companies and protecting their access to the companies’ executives are noted as especially toxic.
I think the criticisms about access journalism are fair. In retrospect, I could have asked tougher or more savvy questions during some interviews with the stakeholders at the most important companies in AI. But the authors might be oversimplifying the matter here. The fact that big AI companies let me in the door doesn’t prevent me from writing skeptical articles about their technology, or working on investigative pieces I know will piss them off. (Yes, even if they make business deals, like OpenAI did, with the parent company of WIRED.)
And sensational news stories can be misleading about AI’s true capabilities. Narayanan and Kapoor highlight New York Times columnist Kevin Roose’s 2023 chatbot transcript interacting with Microsoft's tool headlined “Bing’s A.I. Chat: ‘I Want to Be Alive. 😈’” as an example of journalists sowing public confusion about sentient algorithms. “Roose was one of the people who wrote these articles,” says Kapoor. “But I think when you see headline after headline that's talking about chatbots wanting to come to life, it can be pretty impactful on the public psyche.” Kapoor mentions the ELIZA chatbot from the 1960s, whose users quickly anthropomorphized a crude AI tool, as a prime example of the lasting urge to project human qualities onto mere algorithms.
Roose declined to comment when reached via email and instead pointed me to a passage from his related column, published separately from the extensive chatbot transcript, where he explicitly states that he knows the AI is not sentient. The introduction to his chatbot transcript focuses on “its secret desire to be human” as well as “thoughts about its creators,” and the comment section is strewn with readers anxious about the chatbot’s power.
Images accompanying news articles are also called into question in AI Snake Oil. Publications often use clichéd visual metaphors, like photos of robots, at the top of a story to represent artificial intelligence features. Another common trope, an illustration of an altered human brain brimming with computer circuitry used to represent the AI’s neural network, irritates the authors. “We're not huge fans of circuit brain,” says Narayanan. “I think that metaphor is so problematic. It just comes out of this idea that intelligence is all about computation.” He suggests images of AI chips or graphics processing units should be used to visually represent reported pieces about artificial intelligence.
Education Is All You Need
The adamant admonishment of the AI hype cycle comes from the authors’ belief that large language models will actually continue to have a significant influence on society and should be discussed with more accuracy. “It's hard to overstate the impact LLMs might have in the next few decades,” says Kapoor. Even if an AI bubble does eventually pop, I agree that aspects of generative tools will be sticky enough to stay around in some form. And the proliferation of generative AI tools, which developers are currently pushing out to the public through smartphone apps and even formatting devices around it, just heightens the necessity for better education on what AI even is and its limitations.
The first step to understanding AI better is coming to terms with the vagueness of the term, which flattens an array of tools and areas of research, like natural language processing, into a tidy, marketable package. AI Snake Oil divides artificial intelligence into two subcategories: predictive AI, which uses data to assess future outcomes; and generative AI, which crafts probable answers to prompts based on past data.
It’s worth it for anyone who encounters AI tools, willingly or not, to spend at least a little time trying to better grasp key concepts, like machine learning and neural networks, to further demystify the technology and inoculate themselves from the bombardment of AI hype.
During my time covering AI for the past two years, I’ve learned that even if readers grasp a few of the limitations of generative tools, like inaccurate outputs or biased answers, many people are still hazy about all of its weaknesses. For example, in the upcoming season of AI Unlocked, my newsletter designed to help readers experiment with AI and understand it better, we included a whole lesson dedicated to examining whether ChatGPT can be trusted to dispense medical advice based on questions submitted by readers. (And whether it will keep your prompts about that weird toenail fungus private.)
A user may approach the AI’s outputs with more skepticism when they have a better understanding of where the model’s training data came from—often the depths of the internet or Reddit threads—and it may hamper their misplaced trust in the software.
Narayanan believes so strongly in the importance of quality education that he began teaching his children about the benefits and downsides of AI at a very young age. “I think it should start from elementary school,” he says. “As a parent, but also based on my understanding of the research, my approach to this is very tech-forward.”
Generative AI may now be able to write half-decent emails and help you communicate sometimes, but only well-informed humans have the power to correct breakdowns in understanding around this technology and craft a more accurate narrative moving forward.
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thirst4light · 1 year
Thani Oruvan 2 is happening!!!
One of Jayam's Ravi's best work (besides Ponniyin Selvan of course!) was Thani Oruvan. I am so glad that Nayanthara is coming back for the sequel since most of the times directors change the lead actress for sequels which is wrong on so many levels. Would be interesting to see who they bring for the role of the villain as Arvind Swamy was fantastic in the original. Also, looking forward to some great songs as the music was amazing in the last album.
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outerloop · 1 year
An Appetizing Aesthetic: The Food of Thirsty Suitors
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Last week, we talked about the evolution of how our cooking gameplay works in Thirsty Suitors and how the mechanics and narrative come together to help us tell Jala’s story.
We’re continuing further down the rabbit hole of food and cooking in Thirsty Suitors, this time by diving into the actual food you’ll see throughout the game.
Similar to the various forms of iteration that took place to get our Cooking sequences to where they are today, the same is true about the food.
Composing our Recipe Book
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Thirsty Suitors has a variety of South Asian inspired dishes that all hold meaning for Jala, her family, and her exes.
We believe that food is more than just something that sustains us. What we eat also gives insight into our identities, where we come from, socioeconomics, history, and much more. In Jala’s family, her father, Arvind, is Sri Lankan, and her mother, Rukmini, is Indian. 
So, Jala’s grown up with dishes from both countries and these two places compromise the majority of the cooked food you’ll make in Thirsty Suitors.
You’ll be able to cook 13 different South Asian inspired dishes throughout the game, each with their own unique story sequences related to the characters.
In our blog from last week, we talked about the evolution of cooking and our move away from making the act of cooking the recipes 100% accurate in favor of highlighting our narrative goals.
Our Art Department, however, has found unique ways of still making the recipes representative of their real world counterparts. 
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Take a look at the recipe book screenshots and you’ll see that in addition to the gorgeous paintings for each dish in the book, the ingredients on the left-hand side of the screen dynamically change to showcase key aspects of each recipe.
Creating an Appetizing Aesthetic
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Creating great looking food is not an easy feat in any video game. A lot of time and iteration was spent throughout the development of Thirsty Suitors to land on the vibrant, graphic style in the game.
Our Art Director, Vijay Krish, talked a bit about how he approached creating the aesthetic for the food in the game. “First and foremost, the goal was to make the player hungry when they engaged in the cooking segments. Ideally, they’d want to eat the food at the end of every cooking challenge,” Vijay said.
But that isn’t as easy as you might think. Vijay and the team cast a wide net during the research of the various foods in the game to help with representing them in the best light possible: 
“On one hand, we've got such rich source material for the various cultural dishes in the game. They’ve been perfected over many generations which by themselves makes them look visually stunning.  On the other hand, Thirsty Suitors has an incredibly vivid palette and style we’re working within. The challenge was to combine the two and represent the food in such a way where the people who've grown up eating the dishes are able to relate to it. My intent was to represent them as faithfully as possible.”
Nailing the authenticity while also staying true to the exuberant artistic style we landed on for Thirsty Suitors was an interesting challenge. These constraints in design make you think more creatively and force you to find the “heart” of everything you’re making.
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We see this idea even come through in the various cooking utensils you’ll use to make each recipe. While the dishes in Thirsty Suitors use a wide variety of cooking techniques and equipment, it wasn’t possible to include all of them.
We chose to approach this challenge by thinking about what were the key utensils we can highlight that speak to the soul of the dishes we’re representing, while also allowing us to create fun, over-the-top animations for Jala to perform.
The Final Dish
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Another key element during the development of the food in Thirsty Suitors was nailing the look of the final dish.
At the end of each cooking gameplay sequence, Jala presents the final dish to her Mom or Dad for evaluation. Initially, we tried showcasing these dishes by modeling them in 3D, but doing so presented a number of challenges that you might underestimate in the creation of food in games.
Eventually, we realized that actually creating 2D illustrations opened up a much greater possibility space for our Art Department to experiment and achieve the results they were looking for. 
Vijay shared some thoughts on this process too, “Initially our first iteration of what food would look like started with an illustration of Kiribath. When we took it to a full 3D render with the help of 3D assets from our incredibly talented Character Artist, Emma Koch, we realized we weren't able to control the shadows and the slight hue variations present in the dish to the extent in which we could in 2D.”
In addition to the challenges with shadows and hues, there was a process reason that also helped in making the decision to move to 2D. 
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Game development moves quickly and is very fluid, using 2D illustrations allowed the team to more more swiftly and streamlined the process overall  to take the expertly composited 2D illustrations from our Creative Director, Chandana Ekanayake, and push them to the final versions present today. 
Outerloop Games Recommends
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Step by Bloody Step
We asked Vijay to offer a recommendation to y'all this week, and what better than to highlight a work that is using it's visuals to tell a complex story.
One comic in particular keeps drawing him in Step By Bloody Step by Si Spurrier and Matias Bergara. The series follows armored giant guarding a helpless child through a dangerous overgrown world.
Vijay really appreciates Bergara's visual storytelling, and the entire 4 issue comic is told without the use of written words.
Thirsty Suitors Releases on November 2, 2023
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We recently announced our release date with a sizzling new trailer that we’re excited about. You can check it out below:
Trailer link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LIj46_R62M&t=4s
If you’re excited about Thirsty, we’d appreciate it if you Wishlisted the game on Steam, it helps put the game in front of more eyes. 
Wishlist on steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1617220/Thirsty_Suitors/?snr=1_5_1100__1100
You can also join our Discord, and follow us on Twitter @outerloopgames. 
Thanks for reading, until next time!
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isabelamarina766 · 13 days
If you have made every effort to alleviate your back pain without success, it may be prudent to explore the option of surgical intervention.
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advocate-arvind · 21 days
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arvinddairy · 3 months
Buy Desi Ghee online in Delhi, India
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Arvind Dairy offers premium desi ghee made from 100% pure cow's milk, ensuring an authentic taste and rich aroma. This ghee is packed with essential fatty acids, vitamins A, D, E, and K, and antioxidants, promoting digestion, immunity, and overall well-being. The smooth, golden texture and distinctive, nutty flavor make it a perfect addition to any dish. Shopping for Arvind Dairy’s desi ghee online is seamless and secure, with a user-friendly website
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fastphoen · 7 months
Arvind Fabricators is the best for offering the fabrication of Steel Structures , Mezzanine flooring, Multi Story Building Works, Turn Key Projects Fabrication Works, Steel Plant & Chemical Plant Fabrication Works, Machinery Platforms, Heavy Fabrication works, Ware Houses & Industrials Shed works, Dismantling Works, Sky Walk & Connecting Bridge works, Machinery Equipment Fabrication works, Fabrication of Industrial Bins & Trolleys, Racks, Canopy, Pergola works, Truss Work, EOT Cranes, All types of Light and Heavy Fabrication works to clients in Bangalore, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
They have latest inhouse machineries and equipment to fabricate the structures and the best craftsmanship engineers and welders to fabricate inhouse and to fabricate at the site as site work fabrication.
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studying-with-k · 2 years
Monthly Reads (August to December)
Uni wiped the floor with me so I didn't get to work on this list for a long ass time but here we go
Lukacs Concept of Dialectics by Istvan Meszaros
Songs of Kabir (edited by Arvind Krishna Mehrotra)
Shyam Benegal's Manthan screenplay
Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands by Kate Beaton
The Vegetarian by Han Kang
Gramsci's Thought by EMS Namboodiripad and P. Govinda Pillai
The Theban Plays by Sophocles
Absolutely on Music: conversations with Seiji Ozawa by Murakami
What I talk about when I talk about Running
Coin Locker Babies by Ryu Murakami
The Wall Street Consensus Daniela Gabor
Worker's Profit Participation, Unemployment and the Keynesian Equilibrium by Jaroslav Vanek
Failure of the new Left by Herbert Marcuse
The General Theory of Second Best by Lipsey and Lancaster
Attack on Dalit Panthers (written for EPW)
Nature as a Mode of Accumulation: Capitalism and the Financialization of the Earth (link)
Time To Enclose The Enclosers With Marx and Illich (link)
Atrocities on the Dalit Panthers by Navroz Mody
Dalit Panthers: Another View for EPW
Children of God Become Panthers by S.V
Portrait of the Marxist as a Young Hegelian: Lukács' Theory of the Novel by David H. Miles
Since it's the new year soon I look forward to showing more cool stuff I come across and share cool things I learn!
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