#artoria pendragon lancer alter
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your-fave-as-owl · 2 months ago
Artoria Pendragon Lancer Alter
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Artoria Pendragon Lancer Alter from the video game Fate/Grand Order is a Greyish Eagle-Owl (Bubo cinerascens).
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typemoonconfessions · 1 year ago
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typemoonsmashorpass · 1 year ago
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kitsuneharmony · 6 months ago
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Dragon Artoria
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panipancakes · 8 months ago
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Something I drew over that meme image of Sonic and those Amy plushies. This was originally posted a couple months ago when it was a topical twitter meme to do.
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(The original image)
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kikaruuni · 9 months ago
transparent fate heaven's feel collab art images i could find part 2
Nakau collab
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Fuji-Q Highland
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OIOI Collab
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fallinblossoms · 2 years ago
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Fate/Grand Order - Memorial Movie 2023
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shanks · 1 year ago
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Lol Ive got an Artoria Pendragon prompt for both saber Artoria and lancer Artoria. Where a previous male master of hers is summoned as a heroic spirit that she has a romantic relationship with that turned into a marriage after she stayed with him as a familiar after the grail war ended. She's constantly spending time with him and having alone time with him leaving the knights of the round confused on who reader are until they finally ask Artoria and she announces that That The newly summoned servant is her spouse and therefore her queen.
I went in a bit of a more... Chaotic direction for this then I intended...
Still, I had a blast writing it!
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Mordred’s 1000 yard stare bored into the cafeteria wall, coming dangerously close to burning a hole through it.
At the most definitely not round table next to her’s, the knights of the round sans their king were drawing straws to ask Mordred what was wrong.
Now let us all pray for Gawain and thank him for his sacrifice.
Oh, now he was sitting next to Mordred with the same traumatized stare…
Then Lancelot.
Then Bedivere.
Then Tristan.
Then Merlin, who began to laugh his ass off as if he was in on an inside joke.
That left only Gareth, who, upon asking what cursed knowledge caused this, followed them promptly.
That cursed knowledge in question being this.
Mordred heard moans from the king's room, and the king telling the newest Caster of Chaldea “Don’t Stop”
The Knights stealthily watched Artoria and you from across the room, a sense of impending doom hanging over them.
And that sense of impending doom was growing with every second as Artoria began to slowly and very conspicuously scoot closer and closer to you on the couch.
Eventually Artoria was sitting as close to you as she possibly could, a content smile on her face as she began to whisper something to you.
The Knights were quite concerned about this, but there was nothing they could do about it.
Artoria eyed her knights conspicuously watching her as she stealthily slid closer and closer to you with each passing second.
She should probably tell them who you were.
Alternatively, she wanted to keep you to herself as long as she could.
Needless to say, she knew what option she was going with.
This torture of the knights continued for a month.
Mordred saw Artoria share food with you, nearly killing her from the shock of it on the spot.
Gawain saw the king give you a secret kiss on the lips, causing him to faint dead away.
Lancelot has been into the infirmary for head trauma a concerning amount this month from slamming his own head into walls.
Tristan was mostly normal about all of this. Mostly.
Merlin was laughing his ass off.
Gareth had gone into overdrive with making food and sweets to keep her mind off things.
And Bedivere was really just still traumatized by the implications of what happened.
Eventually this all came to a head when Artoria had her fill of fun and called the knights to assemble.
After that things got… chaotic.
Especially when she explained that, through a surprisingly well thought out powerpoint, you were the Queen and then you popped in to say “So that means I’m your mom now Mordred! Technically at least.”
Mordred kinda… checked out after that…
Slowly things began to fall into place, but a certain flower mage wanted to keep his entertainment going for just a while longer.
So, Merlin being Merlin, asked “So then Artoria, how was it to have your bed warmed by your lover again?”
“What do you mean? We haven’t… wait… wait! Oh! HA! HA AHA AH!” you said before beginning to laugh, leaving the knights confused and Artoria blushing as you laughed while falling to the floor, unable to control yourself.
“T-that wasn’t… intercourse…” Artoria said before muttering something under her breath as you howled with laughter on the floor.
“What was that my king~?” Merlin cooed, a mischievous grin on his face.
This when put together with your laughter and her knight’s confused stares led to the inevitable.
Artoria cracked, and, much to her shame, told them exactly what happened.
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Artoria Lancer, unlike many of her other counterparts, can be rather… mischievous at times.
Not to the same effect as Merlin, but she does take some amusement at others' expense on occasion.
And so when you showed up one day and after all of the hugs, kisses, and crying, Artoria knew just what to do.
She was going to introduce her knights to their queen.
Until then however, well, Artoria was going to ensure her knights were kept on their toes.
First up was Mordred, and Artoria’s plan for her was simple.
A hickey on the neck, or what looked like one at least.
The reaction, to be expected, was Mordred completely breaking.
Second was Bedivere who showcased similar results after seeing her exiting your room. 
Next up was Gawain where all she had to do was make a few implications to have him clutching at his proverbial pearls.
Lancelot was next, and he was a slightly tougher nut to crack, at least until she gave you a quick kiss on the cheek.
Gareth simply received an off-handed comment from Artoria about you being “Someone rather important from her point of view.” This left Gareth confused for a few moments until the dots connected in the way Artoria had predicted.
Tristan was… already in the know… somehow…
 And so, with all her little pieces of chaos sowed, Artoria sat back with you at her side and had some popcorn and a massive buffet of other foods.
However, she eventually ran out of food after… several months.
You were surprised she had that much self control.
You were also surprised when the knights of the round kidnapped you in a very dramatic fashion.
Bag over the head, handcuffs, the whole nine yards.
“WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH MY FATHER YOU HOMEWRECKING RIDER!!!” a very distressed Mordred shouted as she tore the bag off your head, revealing a room covered wall to wall in bulletin boards filled with pictures, red strings, documents and the other, equally distressed Knights of the round..
It seems Artoria’s little mischief has gone a *Tad* too far…
And now Mordred was shaking clarent in your face…
It is probably time to start talking, fast.
Then the door was blown off its proverbial hinges as Chaldea had sliding doors.
And there stood your one and only, Artoria Lancer, looking very, very irate.
One quick ass whooping later, the Knights of the round were sitting on the floor, lumps on their heads and looking very ashamed of themselves.
After all, they had just kidnapped the queen…
And that was a whole other can of worms for Mordred…
Nonetheless, the entire charade came to an end, and you were only slightly disappointed the amusing antics Artoria had caused were over.
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Simply put, there is no pomp or flashiness when Artoria Alter is involved.
When you are summoned she is going to find you, kiss you, and tell everyone in no uncertain terms, that if they were to even think about touching “Her Berserker” she will use their head as a doorstop and feed their bodies to pigs…
After that, she refuses to elaborate and leaves, you following her closely behind.
This left a very scared Chaldea and a very confused Knights of the round.
This is because of the following.
They had just been threatened by a very, very scary lady.
Artoria Saber Alter had just walked up to someone and claimed ownership of them like a lost puppy.
So, the Knights immediately set to trying to track you and her down.
This took a lot longer than any of them thought possible seeing as the two of you had simply disappeared into thin air.
Then everyone heard a massive crash from the material storage room…
On that day Guda was to be found in the fetal position upon finding their entire storage of materials having an absolutely massive chunk bitten out of them when Artoria forced you to eat them in order to have you in your “Final Ascension” as Guda dubbed it. She did this because she wanted you in “The right clothes for my queen.”
This left the Knights in shock, however, Artoria simply went off gallivanting with you again instead of clarifying anything.
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icantthinkyandere · 3 months ago
Hi! Can i request some Yandere Jeanne d'arc, Jeanne D'arc alter and Artoria Pendragon (Lancer) x Master! Reader that is way too good at his job, however they tend to overwork themselves for how focuse they are at the cost to save humanity. Like they rarely sleep and for some reason their performence never faulters. However they are extremely densed at reading feelings and can be clueless. They treat anyone with resoect and kindness but they can also be nonchalant about something and doesn't really takes care of his health all that well.
{Jeanne D'Arc}
While Jeanne deeply admires and loves their passion for saving the world, it's one of the reasons she fell in love in the first place! She can not stand to watch them ruin their body and mind over it.
Even if they don't have any outward issues with their health, it doesn't mean they probably don't have internal ones. Though, she can't conform to this theory since the medical staff keeps doctor-patient confidentiality and won't tell her their condition after checkups
She'll start with the basics, one of which is preparing food. She might not be the best cook, and that's why she'll ask to be taught. There's no hesitation from the kitchen staff or servants who like to cook. They're more than happy to help since the master doesn't care for themselves properly.
She was so into her quest to take care of her master that it wasn't until she got advice and got prepared to take on this caretaker role she forgot that others had taken to the role as well. That added another part to her checklist: tell everyone they don't have to anymore, which is tricky depending on who she has to talk to
Once she believes she's ready to take care of her master, she politely requests a private moment to discuss with them about this new arrangement and how important it is to take care of yourself, and if they won't, she'll do it.
She makes sure that they get regular meals and makes them go to bed early, making sure to sit by their bed until they fall asleep since she can tell if they're faking
Her caretaking is very strict. You eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the same time every day. She tries to make a new dish every day. It's primarily French food from her time that she'd like them to try or more modern food she would like to experience together. It's the same when it comes to the sleeping schedule she made up.
She's pretty much become their assistant at this point. She wants to make sure they have a healthy life, and so she starts to create a work and off-time schedule for them as well. To make sure they don't keep overworking themselves!
She doesn't mind other servants and staff interacting with her master, but sometimes work doesn't allow them to talk to others, and relaxing alone is better than with others.
She expresses her care in such a calm and gentle way that over time, it doesn't even seem like she might overstep sometimes with her schedule. She doesn't need repayment from them, returning her feelings, or realizing her feelings. That's not what she's focused on. She's focused on ensuring they're healthy.
{Jalter/Jeanne D'Arc Alter}
Being the opposite of Ruler, Jeanne doesn't just come with her servant class.
When she came to Chaldea, she absolutely hated everything about them. She honestly could not understand why they care so much and worked so hard on this goal, especially since they weren't getting much, if anything, at all, in return.
She doesn't like interacting with them because of this and doesn't know much about them other than what she hears from other servants and what she sees when they're around her or during missions. She hates to admit she's gotten used to them being around her now.
She still keeps them at an arm's distance (not because she's embarrassed she's starting to like anything). She doesn't think they're overworking themselves until Jeanne mentions it to her. She already thought they were dumb, but she didn't know they were bad enough to put work oversleeping.
She won't immediately start trying to get them to relax like Jeanne. She would say something about their appearance, something like, "You look worse than normal! When was the last time you slept, three years ago?" And when they say no, it's been three days, she'll bully them into taking a nap.
It goes into them eating, the fun, or new things that happen around Chaldea. They're in a dry spell right now, and we already have enough preparation for anything that might occur. So, shut up and eat this meal Emiya made and play video games.
She tries really really hard to make it look like she doesn't care. But even though it seems like she's bullying them, it's evident to anyone who watches her drag them away from work to take care of themselves that it's just her either acting or in denial she cares.
You're oblivious to the fact that she's doing this because she has a crush? Good. Because she doesn't want to acknowledge her feelings, and she doesn't want them to either. You either have to believe she's 100% just bullying them or a really awkward friend.
Jalter is pretty mean about what she does, but it isn't hard for anyone to miss the fact that she gets furious whenever anyone else tries to get the master to eat or sleep. Everyone around them knows the reason why she's doing all this is because she has a crush on them.
She death glares at them and makes up some poor excuse as to why she's upset someone else brought them a snack. The death glares aren't just for whoever steps into her territory. She will also make it the master's problem by making passive-aggressive comments about it. It's not as bad as what the staff or servant gets, but still.
She wants to help because she does care a lot, but she can't get over her previous dislike or her own personal problems before coming to Chaldea. Until she is forced to or the master themselves bring it up, she'll never admit her feelings and will not be nicer.
{(Lancer) Artoria Pendragon}
She is a fellow workaholic. She's had to come a long way into the semi-relaxed place she is in now. Unlike Jeanne, who goes into a caretaker mood, and Jalter, who lightly goes into bullying, Lancer just helps.
You can't reject her offer to help either, mainly because she's the Artoria Pendragon. If anyone knows what they're doing, it's her.
Like Jeanne, working with her is on a schedule, but it's more in line with pacing yourself than making sure to eat and sleep correctly. She throws herself into their work to give advice and take over any task she can so they may work on each other, so it'll go faster.
She'll bring up how their isolation from others is not suitable for their mental health, but her being here to help them will help fix that part of the issue. She'll secretly be very proud of the fact that not only is she being beneficial to them, but is also spending more time with them than anyone else in Chaldea.
With her help comes the help of the rest of the round table knights. At first, a couple don't understand why she's helping so much, with Gawain and Lancelot wondering if the suspected crush their lord has is true. Merlin very quickly confirms that it's accurate, and this is her version of a date.
Even if they don't want to (cough Mordred cough), they start to "help" Artoria continue courting them. They try to talk her up about being a good partner who can provide them with a good life, but that quickly fails if they comment about Artoria's ex-wife.
Everyone does whatever they can to take over work to open up free time or make the master feel like there isn't any more work to do with them stated that now that they were free, their master and king should take a break and talk about anything else over some tea or a lovely candle-lit dinner.
Out of Jeanne, Jalter, and Arturia, she is the most likely actually to have her feelings known.
Anyone would be confused about why the knights keep pushing them to give up work to someone else, convince they don't need to keep trying at something or that it's fine the way it is so they can spend more private time in what seems to be stereotypical romantic scenarios. So, when asking them why they keep talking about how amazing of a partner Arturia can be, one of them will just say why.
Master: Why do you keep telling me about how amazing of a wife Artoria would be?
Gawain: Because she's been courting you for your hand in marriage:)
Master: What? Nooooo.
Gawain: Ask her!
And when asking her, she confirms it pretty casually. Yes, she's into them. She's been trying to prove herself as a good partner by taking on their work with them and spending quality time.
It depends on how they react to the reveal that this has been a month-long courting session. She will politely accept rejection, Merlin won't, and maybe some of the knights won't. She'll ask if they would still like her assistance and will back off if needed.
Artoria sees helping them with their work as a fantastic chance to court the master. She can use her position as the King of Lions as a reason why she is more than capable of helping with anything they need. Not only can she prove she is a good partner, but they’ll also stay away from other servants or staff that might get in the way of their relationship
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call-me-noa · 2 years ago
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This event is a ServaFes sequel, which means we're making manga again! These are the Craft Essences serving as our group's manga covers, like the first ServaFes had. The theme this time is Saberfaces because Cnoc challenges us to see who can make the best Artoria doujin.
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pure-auspex · 5 months ago
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Sabertember Day 19
Girl that is not horse riding gear
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doctorchapatinphd · 6 months ago
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figurecollection · 2 years ago
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cruelangel94 · 18 days ago
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Artist By Lvlapple
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hasmashdoneanythingwrong · 1 year ago
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