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dixiecotton · 2 years ago
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Repost from @deglasse.art • And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about. Haruki Murakam New Original Painting by @deglasse.art #inspirationalartwork #robertpattinsonmovies #robertpattinsonpictures #robertpattinsonmemes #fantasycharacters #brucewaynefanart #rpattinson #expressivepaintings #the_batman #artmessage #portraitdraw #artzoom #portrait_painting #dccharacter #edwardmasencullen #magicpainting #mysteriousart #stormpainting #twilightvampire #mixedmediaportraits #gothicartwork #портретная #портретный_баттл https://www.instagram.com/p/Clbh4SaufQp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jackydrawx · 5 years ago
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Un consejito que da vida, de mí para mí y ustedes 💖✨🥺 lqm. (Debí de subir el dibujo ayer pero terminé publicando hoy 😔✌🏻).
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legitedigiulia · 5 years ago
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Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art
Edimburgo, marzo 2020
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artreev · 6 years ago
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Art Quote Of The Day. Just Because It Is Not A Museum Does Not Mean It Is Not Art. - Whittle Art #artreevquote #art_reev #artquote #quoteoftheday #artmessage #arttext #artwording #artwriting #artscript #artinspires #artmotivates #selfmotivation #inspirational #motivationoftheday #positivevibesonly #allaboutart #artforlife #artdaily (at Singapore) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpQUEG0BCUt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zymykik003or
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ronlouisfoster · 5 years ago
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Williamsburg murals are beautiful. . Another day out getting fit and photographing as I go with my #samsung #galaxys20ultra. . #brooklyn #williamsburg #mural #nyc #newyorkcity #murals #streetart #artmessage #onthewall #newyorkcityphotography #cityscapes #newyorkcitylife #travelphotography #travel #traveler #getfit #excercise #exercisemotivation #excercisedaily #workout #walkingnyc #cyclingnyc (at Williamsburg Bk) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEF1culHLEf/?igshid=9ratv6dvl03x
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kassi-art-fashion · 5 years ago
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Just STOP!!!!❌ #stopkillinganimals #stopanyabuse #stopabuse #stopdestroyingourplanet #stopdestroyingmothernature #stopkilling #stopviolenceagainstwomen #stopanimalabuse #stopviolence #stopwar #stop #saveanimals #saveworld #saveplanet #savelife #stopchildabuse #stopracism #makeart #artmessage #nomoredeaths #nomoreblood https://www.instagram.com/p/CBD5_njJJIV/?igshid=4q4uqr5i5wez
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mwilhelmnart · 4 years ago
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🇪🇸 15 de Junio 🔙 Día mundial de toma de conciencia del abuso y maltrato en la vejez. El maltrato de las personas mayores es un problema social que existe en los países en desarrollo y desarrollados y, por lo general, no se notifica suficientemente en todo el mundo. Tan solo en unos pocos países desarrollados hay tasas de prevalencia o estimaciones, que se sitúan entre un 1% y un 10%. Aunque se desconoce la magnitud del maltrato de los ancianos, su importancia social y moral es indiscutible. Por este motivo, este problema requiere una respuesta mundial multifacética que se centre en la protección de los derechos de las personas de edad. 🇮🇹 Giornata mondiale di presa di coscienza dell'abuso e maltratto degli anziani. #vejez #anziano #vecchiaia #adultosmayores #presadicoscenza #tomadeconciencia #artecontemporáneo #artesociale #humanart #collagecontemporary #artmessage #messaggiodelgiorno #italianportrait #italianità #europeo #portraitoldman #oldpeople #timetolive #mwilhelmnartist (presso Veneto, Veneto, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQLHeu4F7F0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dixiecotton · 2 years ago
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Repost from @deglasse.art • Behind the Mask... There's a troubled soul... aren't we all? Robert Pattinson as Bruce Wayne in the film "The Batman" 2022 Original Portrait Painting. Acrylics, oil pastels, markers, gold ink, water colours #robertpattinsonmovies #thebatmanmovie #mattreevesbatman #thebatman2022 #robssesed #robertthomaspattinson #brucewaynefanart #thebatmanedit #originalpaintingsbyartist #uniquepainting #watercolourportraits #aquarelleportrait #aquarelart #ritrattofineart #kunstværk #expressivepaintings #highlifemovie #goodtimemovie #rpattinson #the_batman #mattreevesthebatman #dcthebatman #artmessage #fantasycharacters #dccharacter https://www.instagram.com/p/ClZ2zdYJpsi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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platform58 · 7 years ago
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#SUPPORTARTISTS @Regranned from @tracy_loves_streetart - While doing research in Rockaway, I found a beautiful, timeless message handwritten in 1968. #artmessage #makelovenotwar #peace #unity #america #heartnyc #brooklyn #rockaway #beautiful #sweet #handwriting ✌️❤️🎨
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smallstudiodesign · 7 years ago
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Maybe it it’ll all work out? ... “The meek shall inherit the earth” ~ 🌏 ~ [👈🏼 slides] For the few, above & beyond - seem to surpass & survive as #invasivespecies #invaders #survival #survivors #invasion #humanintervention ____________⭐️____________ #art #publicart #sculpture #vancouverart #giants #olympicvillage #sparrow #artmessage #villageatfalsecreek #smallstudiodesign (at Olympic Village, Vancouver)
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artreev · 5 years ago
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Art Quote Of The Day : "True Artist Starts With NOTHING & Ends Up With SOMETHING..!!!" - Art R'eev #art_reev #artquote #artword #arttext #artmessage #artscript #artmotivation #artist #selfmotivate #motivational #positivities #inspirational #passion #artforlife #livingartist #artpeople #artworld #artuniverse #creatives (at Singapore) https://www.instagram.com/p/B81YjHJhqlw/?igshid=1hpkj2g54dts0
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martinlingens · 3 years ago
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Painting Name: "CONFUSION" Material: Acrylic glass, leather straps, epoxy resin, inks and color pigments Size: 50 c. X 100 cm Year: 2021 #myart #myartwork #artwork #Kunstwerk #art #kunst #artist #künstler #aachen #thepenpack #confusion #digitalemotions #smiley #emotions #emoticons #epoxyart #mixmediaart #abstractart #popart #contemporaryart #artmessage #artlove #artsalesonline #artpresentation #kunstzuverkaufen #kunstentsteht #Verwirrung #zuvieleemotionen #künstlerleben #creation (hier: Aachen, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CW0y_TIIlDP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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benoit-artwork · 5 years ago
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Benoit - La fleur au fusil - l’Art n’est pas un crime - 48x33cm On qualifiait ainsi les soldats qui allaient combattre pendant la première guerre mondiale insouciants du sort qui leur était réservé. Ces soldats, sûrs de leur victoire ramassaient des fleurs en chemin pour orner les canons de leurs armes. Notre « soldat » est un guerrier d’un genre nouveau. Son arme, son pouvoir de graffer, sa façon de penser et surtout son envie de le montrer. Une idée, un bout de mur ou de carton dans un endroit public ou privé et c’est parti. Chacun a droit à son interprétation, chacun peut y voir ce qu’il veut, chacun peut aimer ou détester ... c’est finalement là que se situe la liberté. On peut être touché, choqué, émerveillé mais finalement c’est nous qui décidons. Finalement nous sommes les vrais acteurs, les coupables et non les victimes, l’instrument selon notre propre volonté de ce que nous offre l’artiste. Laissons à l’Art le don de nous inspirer mais n’oublions pas que nous sommes seuls maîtres de nos choix. #artengagé ,#engagedart ,#messageart ,#consciousartist ,#stencilartist ,#stencilartwork ,#artisnotcrime ,#streetart ,#urbanart ,#instaart ,#stencils ,#stencilart ,#stencil ,#peace ,#pochoir ,#artisnotacrime ,#graffiti ,#spraypaint ,#peaceful ,#artinspires ,#artspray ,#warart ,#portrait ,#portraitart ,#gunflower ,#artmessage ,#messageart ,#stencilartworks ,#stencil_art ,#pochoirart ,#pochoiriste https://www.instagram.com/p/CB_KwgBl6ko/?igshid=1vmtcrx8atwti
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kassi-art-fashion · 4 years ago
What about true love...?
What about a family?
What happens behind the doors .... ? The reality....
"Love is..." Difficult, strange...?
#artstory #loveanimals #animationart #videoart #artvideo #smokeart #art #artist #loveis #videostory #newmediaart #KassiArtFashion #feelings #expression #artsy #childhood #artistic #artmessage #shortstory #videomessage #animation #visualart #finearts #artstudent #artistsoninstagram #artgram #youtube #contemporaryart @dramaqueen_kassi
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halaburda-artistic-diary · 5 years ago
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A modest tribute to a woman named Anna Jarvis: she wanted this day to be celebrated because her mother made the request just before her death. Indirectly, it’s also dedicated to all the women’s rights worldwide. 🤝 #collageart #artmessage #artforlife #blackandwhitephotography #motherday #happymothersday❤️ #tribute #artforpeace #womenrights #artdealer #artcollectors #art_feed #sharing #creativityeveryday #creativitymatters #hereforyou #here_for_artists #livegenerously #hangyourart #globalcitizen #globalart #frenchartist #tapeart #mixedmedia #mixedmediaart
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vanmadred-blog · 5 years ago
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Today I post an artwork for the awareness week: #itsnotokay. I hope so that the important topic will get more attention against abuse. I think I must not say more about … . . . . . . #drawdraw #drawdrawdraw #againstsexism #notosexism #zeichnungen #zeichnen❤ #zeichnenüben #illus #illustratrice #artoninsta #doodlesoftheworld #geekart #geekartist #nerdart #nerdartist #procreate5 #aware #selfawareness #digital_art #pencildrawingart #pencildrawings✏️ #crazyart #crazyartist #coolart #artmessage #illustree #kunstwerk #skizze #skizzenblock (at Geseke, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8IuR3hiFPa/?igshid=1dxnoconrsjn7
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