#artist is linda miller
diioonysus · 2 months
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animals in art: dove
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contentabnormal · 1 year
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This week on Content Abnormal we present Charlotte Manson in the Mollé Mystery Theatre thriller “The Creeper”!
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Mac was a Genius!! A 1961 single sample!! Why not!?
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pascalpvnk · 4 months
take it from me
pairing: bilingual!joel miller x f!afab!reader
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summary: joel is a simple man who simply finds pleasure in pleasing you.
warnings: moodboard used for aesthetic purposes - does not represent the reader description, 18+ MDNI, no timeline, no specified ages, no mention of sarah or ellie, LATINO JOEL (most translations within the text except for some reused pet names/common phrases). This is porn with minimal plot (but unrelated plot I canon—his favorite artist is Linda Ronstadt and I stand by it.), Joel maneuvers reader, manhandling essentially, no other descriptions of reader other than nipple piercings, body worship(?), Joel’s filthy fucking mouth, mention of thigh riding, oral (both receiving), unprotected p in v, multiple orgasms, mentions of intense emotions, aftercare.
word count: 3.3k
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a/n: fun fact, I’m a virgin, so if it seems far fetched it’s probably because it is. anyways, a special shoutout to ramon nomar for being the muse for this piece, another to @mrsswilliams for beta-ing and fueling my horny antics, thank you to my spanish teachers for guiding me to this moment (probably not your intention but I digress), and to you for taking the time to be here and hopefully enjoying! happy reading xx (banners & dividers by @saradika-graphics)
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Addicting is the only word Joel Miller can muster up to describe you as his mind clouds with lust each night he’s alone, bucking into his own fist and spilling his sins after he’d met you. Of course you’re beautiful and charming above all things, but he can’t help the way his cock stirs after simply a phone call from you describing your day. How you miss him and want to meet up again soon.
Joel isn’t the brightest man, which he is very self aware of. But what he craves to learn about you, what your favorite flower is, favorite ice cream, your desires, outranks any level of intelligence a man could hold. He wants to please you, not for a superficial reason to use against you down the line. He enjoys your smile and the way your eyes crinkle, your dimple making an appearance on occasion, and it makes him feel good. The little things shine a light in his chest, ever the people pleaser.
However, he finds a red, hot desire to rouse you, make you squirm under his tender touch. To watch every fiber of control and tension dissipate from your being.
But he’s cautious.
He’s treading on thin ice within himself. He wants to give and give and give, but he’d never forgive himself if he overwhelmed and alarmed you. Your wit keeps him on his toes, tempting and trying his willpower to take things at a palatable pace.
But he’s just a man at his simplest form, a glutton for pleasure wanting to carve himself a home within you and give everything he has to please you. 
You found yourself perched upon his lap, a forgotten movie droning in the background as hands and lips explore new territory. Joel firmly guided your hips, firstly against his own, then he aided you across his denim clad thigh after you wriggled your pants to the floor. 
Choruses of Spanish praises, filth, ‘mamita, use me’, and phrases alike rolled off his tongue effortlessly as he found pleasure within your own. Consuming every moan, gasp, and ‘don’t stop’ you were so eager to give.
He struggled to deny your beautiful pleas to get him off as he had for you. You knew he wanted you to, there was no doubt in your mind considering the prominent bulge straining and begging you to. He reassured you, or rather made excuses for himself to ease the guilt he felt at your subtle disappointment.
I’m not coming in my jeans in front of the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.
You said you had work in the morning, anyhow. We outta get’cha home, preciosa.
Joel kissed you softly as he pulled up your pants, grabbed his keys, opened his truck door for you, waited at red lights, and finally as he dropped you off at your apartment building, sealing the night with melted wax, branding himself on your heart until you meet next.
Made it home okay, sweetheart. Hope to see you again soon.
And he does.
His head is already spinning at the thought of going out with you again. He’s showered, trimmed, even ironed his flannel before making sure it’s buttoned and tucked properly. Well rested is not one of the qualities he’s adorning—no thanks to you running his imagination rampant—but the adrenaline he feels, and the coffee he drank at noon, make up for his lack of preparedness.
At the end of the day, those things don’t even matter. Joel Miller makes it as far as his front door when you ring, bringing you inside with the intention of grabbing his own keys. His hands find you instead, your face in a gentle caress as he compliments your attire, your appearance as a whole, and your waist as he kisses you with increasing fervor. You don’t stop him, and he doesn’t stop himself.
“Ay dios. Couldn’t stop thinkin’ about you all day,” he mumbles against your neck, walking you backwards to his bedroom. His shirt wrinkles under your tight grip, suffocating him until you pop each button open one by one. You leave him in his black undershirt, half untucked in his dark washed jeans.
The back of your knees find his mattress before you even realize, forcing you to sit parallel with his waist. He takes his time, always calculated with his hands on every sweet spot he can reach. Joel cups your jaw, admiring your blown out pupils and the raw lust overtaking your features.
“Wanna take good care of ya, now,” he soothes. “Just say the word and I’ll stop, you know I’ll stop for ya, promise.”
It’s half of a promise to you, half of him asking you to promise to tell him if it becomes too much. You nod, reaching for him once again.
“No, chiquita,” he holds your hand to his chest. “¿Me prometes? You promise me?”
“I promise,” you say clearly and wholeheartedly. “On my life.”
With your renewed consent, he folds himself over to kiss you deeply. His tongue dances with yours, similarly to a few nights prior but with increased desperation. Fingertips graze up your sides, nerves twitching under his subtle touch, only unlatching your lips to lift your top over your head. His eyes fixate on the pebbled flesh and metal protruding your bra, making quick work of the clasp before removing it.
“I knew you had something hiding underneath this,” he muses, toying with the fabric of your bra between his first two fingers. “Just when I thought you couldn’t get any prettier, hm?”
Joel skims his thumbs on the underside of both of your breasts, attaching his mouth to your collarbone. He suckles your delicate skin, committing the taste of your sweet musk and desire to his memory. He softly licks over one of your nipples, taking in how your head tips back with a sigh. He brings it into his mouth, nipping and assuaging the pierced bud until you manage to free his shirt out of his waistline.
“Paciencia, amor. Patience, sweetheart, please,” he pacifies as he guides your hand out of reach from his belt. “Just wanna savor you. Can I?”
You nod and opt to tangle your fingers in his curls. Approval seeps through his smirk as he continues his ministrations for as long as he pleases, feeling accomplished each time your hips chase his.
Joel stands up straight, running his calloused hands over one of your clothed legs, meticulously pulling each shoe and sock off and tossing them to the side to find later. 
“Do I need a condom, baby?” He mutters against your knee, toying with the hemline of your pants.
You tell him no and quickly explain you’re clean and protected. Something in him visibly switches, desire becoming carnal. He clings tight to his sense of control, desperately willing himself to give himself to you, not give into himself.
Joel drags both layers of bottoms down your legs, watching you challenge him by keeping them clamped together. He exhales heavily through his nose, your limbs relaxing slightly, but just enough for him to retake control.
“Christ, looks like I was wrong again,” he sighs, smoothing his flattened palms over your open thighs. You can get prettier. “Oh she’s pretty, mamita. All this for me?”
A gasp falls between your lips as you’re tugged closer to the edge of the mattress. Your head spins, the only thought crossing it is Joel. His hands. His words. His filthy mouth and how it’s mere centimeters from where you want him to be. Need him to be.
“Joel,” you whine, feeling the scratch of his blunt facial hair on your inner thighs. His lips tease the sensitive skin around your pussy.
“What?” He coos, fingernails biting your flesh. “Dime, baby. Tell me what you want.”
It feels pathetic, you’re completely at his mercy, stripped down on his bed while he remains fully clothed over you. He has you in the palm of his hand, putty waiting to be molded and shaped however he pleases. Bliss has already warped your features, the anticipation of what’s to come already numbing your brain.
“I want you,” you cry simply.
“You have me, don’t ya? I’m gonna need you to be more specific.”
Frustration bubbles in your belly. You’re truly not annoyed, but the tension might snap you in half before he gets the chance to.
“Want you to touch me,” you plead. “Want you to make me come, please.”
Joel hums with content, thumbs pulling your cunt open from the outer lips. A slick, sticky mess you are, hardly touched and begging to come. Arousal seeps from you, finding its way to your tight hole. You watch Joel wet his lips, the self restraint slowly dwindling from his gaze. 
“Show me,” he huffs. “Be good and fuck your hand f’me. Wanna see how you like it.”
The sound of his metal belt buckle clanking against itself is enough for your hand to fly below your hips. Relief floods your nervous system the moment you circle your clit, hips lifting and chasing the friction. Sighs leave your parted lips, eyelids falling shut with pleasure.
“Ah ah,” he corrects. “Eyes on me, beba. Sigue jugando con esa flor bonita. Mírame.” Keep playing with that pretty flower. Look at me.
You comply with his request, half lidded but maintaining eye contact nonetheless. Your fingers toy with your cunt lazily, eyes settling between his burning gaze and his taut boxers. His length strains beneath the thin fabric and his hand twitches at his side.
“I love watching you, mami,” Joel purrs. “Wish y’could see how perfect you look right now…perfectly wrecked just for me.”
His words egg you on, pace quickening on your throbbing clit. Moans spill from you as you watch Joel squeeze at his seemingly uncomfortable erection for his own relief. His other palm keeps your legs spread for him, kneading desperately at your thighs as you work yourself towards the edge.
“¿Quieres que te ayude, mamita?” Do you want me to help you?
Joel settles on his knees, both palms splayed against your skin to keep you pinned down. He licks a broad stripe from your asshole to your clit, sucking harshly on your labia before diving into your weeping cunt, all while audibly sighing with delight at your taste. Your hand instinctively rushes to grip his curls.
“I didn’t tell you to stop,” he grumbles while putting your hand back where he says it belongs. “Keep playing with yourself. Make this pretty pussy cry all over my face, cosa dulce.” Sweet thing. 
Your digits pulse against the nerve bundle, shocked by the sensation of his tongue swirling inside of you. It’s absolutely obscene. He slurps up everything you have to give, edging you until your legs clamp over his ears. Joel sings into your cunt, a delicious melody that sends you into a frenzy. Your walls flutter around him as he guides you through your orgasm, nose nudging your hand out of the way to make more room for himself.
Your gaze drops from the ceiling to his blissful face, thick eyelashes brushing his flushed cheeks as he savors you. It all begins to feel like too much as you grip onto his shirt. You pull the cloth towards you and he gets the hint, dragging his mouth away from your pussy and removing his top.
“So desperate to come, mamita, already finished with me?” He cants, smoothing a thumb over your kneecap.
“No- just need a breath,” you pant. You take in his features, broad shoulders with a strong chest, thick arms. His hair alone has you running laps, the sparseness of it littered on his torso and below his belly button, his curls tousled already from your hands, and his beard—fuck his beard—is absolutely soaked with your arousal. He makes no attempt to wipe it clean before kissing you. The taste of your cunt dances on your tongue as he licks into your mouth.
“Joel,” you sigh, his lips leaving yours and trailing down your neck. “I wanna suck your cock, please.”
“You wanna suck it?” He smirks, slipping his hand beneath his boxers before shoving them off of his thighs. His fingers slip through your folds briefly before he deposits your cum onto the tip of his dick. Mischief plays on his expression as he opens your legs once more.
Joel slowly stuffs his cock into you, not your mouth but your pussy. A gasp escapes you, morphing itself into a moan. Your legs wrap around his waist, heels digging into his ass to pull him in deeper.
“Thought you wanted to suck it,” he grunts with a devilish grin, grinding his hips down into yours.
“Hmm, I’ll suck it later,” you draw out with a smile.
He leans down to suck your bottom lip into his mouth, gently nibbling on the sensitive skin before pulling off. 
“God, mamita,” he exhales. “Love fucking this pussy. Takin’ me so well.”
His hips drive into yours at a devastating pace, only using a portion of his length to massage your pussy. You quickly adjust to him, allowing him to thrust deeper into you. You cry his name while simultaneously having all of the oxygen punched out of your lungs. Joel swallows your wails whole, moaning against your lips in return.
Your legs tense around his body, face twisting up with pleasure under the weight of his. Lips drag against your skin, anywhere he can reach. The room spins around you, eyes rolling back into your head as his hand snakes down to play with your clit. You desperately claw at Joel, gripping his curls in one hand and bruising his back with the other. 
“Dámelo. Give it to me like I want, sugar,” Joel coaxes. 
The bundles of twine prickling your flesh and holding you together in one piece snap, your body completely shattering into a million fragments underneath him. He stays buried inside you as you pulse around his cock, humming into your neck and soothing his hands over your burning skin. 
Joel gently settles onto his side near you, cupping your jaw and kissing you feverishly. You shift your body to face away from him, pushing back against his soaked erection. His eyebrows furrow, grunts of detest coming from him.
“No, mami, I want to look at you while I fuck you. Ven aquí, come here,” he corrects, grasping your arm to guide you to press up chest to chest with him. A brief hiss escapes him as the cool jewelry brushes up against his nipples.
“These’ll be the death of me,” he sighs, latching his mouth to yours once more as he maneuvers you the way he wants. 
His cock slips easily back into your wet heat, arms trapping your upper half against his as his legs anchor to the bed to buck into you. He grips onto your ass for leverage and you find yourself holding onto it with your own palm. It’s slower, intimate, reeling you in to take more, to take it all.
He draws another orgasm from you. Your heart thrums against his hardened chest, his pounding against the confines of his ribcage. He collapses on his back with a breathy groan, sweat perspiring on his forehead. You push back his sticky curls as he catches his breath this time.
“You still wanna suck it?” He chuckles cheekily, offering but not forcing. 
He’s surprised as you eagerly crawl down his body, curling over his thigh while taking his cock in your fist. Your back is to him once more, but beggars can’t be choosers, especially while he’s stuffed in your mouth so perfectly. His fingers drag along your spine, palm splaying flat to soothe the sensation quickly after. His hand stills and stomach flexes as you take as much of him as you can, pumping your tight fist over the remainder of his length.
“Fuck me,” he shutters mindlessly, “feels so good, amor. Treating me so good.”
The praises fuel you, moaning around his tip as he continues to trace shapeless trails onto your back. Your mind feels cloudy, not thunderstorms and impending doom cloudy, but rather a sunny, breezy, nothing could ever go wrong kind of cloudy. You feel taken care of for once, free to slip into a warm, blissful state with Joel. He feels safe.
“Come back, preciosa,” he grins as you make your way back up his body. He doesn’t hesitate to kiss you deeply once more, running his hands gently all over your skin as you settle on top of him.
“Missed ya,” he chuckles, kissing your swollen pout a few more times before wetting his fingertips with his spit. He reaches down, circling your clit as his cock twitches against your seam. Your head falls beside his, feeling too heavy to hold up on your own.
Joel protrudes your cunt once more, nestling into you carefully at first. You writhe over him at the push and pull of his cock inside your fluttering walls, hips snapping down against his with subtle slaps of skin rejoicing. He picks up his pace beneath you, overwhelming your senses a bit too quickly.
You work your core to sit up, fully sheathed with his length as you grind against him. He grips onto your hips, watching you use him for your own pleasure. 
“Tan bonita, amor,” he hums smugly, his fingertips dancing along your bare thigh, his other hand tucked behind his head to prop himself up. “So pretty, mami, fuck.”
He tweaks his fingers against your nipples, pinching the pebbled flesh carefully as you ride his lap. Tufts of his neat pubic hair scratch at your clit, the friction of everything causing you to soak his lap further. You’re being pushed to your limits, throat dry and voice hoarse. Joel wishes to have put water on his bedside table, he would’ve had he’d known you’d end up here so quickly. 
“Doin’ okay, sweetheart?” He checks in, toying with your fingers that have found a home on his chest. You silently nod, eyelids low and face contoured with bliss.
“Think you can give me one more, bebita? Come on my cock one more time and I’ll give you whatever you need.”
Your voice hardly sounds like your own, but you mean it when you tell him yes, please. He feels it when you clamp down on his length, his thighs tensing so tight they almost cramp. His legs hinge at the knee, body pivoting you forward into his chest. Joel grabs fistfuls of your ass as he fucks up into you, all of the air leaving your lungs.
His grunts and groans become less calculated and intentional, thrusts becoming sloppier and instinctual. You squeeze him tight, toes curling as you already tumble towards your impending high.
“Mierda,” he hisses, strong arms pressing your torso firmly to his. His lips consume your every breath, whine and borderline scream.
“Take it, use me, amor. Dámelo, cariño, and I’ll give you my cum. Take it from me,” he grunts sharply, pressing into you impossibly deeper and faster. Your skin bursts into flames, embers showering your body as he pulls that final high from you. You shutter above him, dead weight against his body as he uses you to finish himself off. He evacuates your warmth and pumps out his load between your sticky, worn out figures with a drawn out groan. 
Joel makes the first move to stand up, cock softening and hanging between his legs. He starts to step towards his en suite bathroom to find a towel, but you reach for him.
“I’m just gettin’ somethin’ to clean you up, honey,” he smiles before seeing a sadness in your eyes, longing for him to come back. Tears prickle your eyes and Joel quickly makes his way back to the bed.
“Okay, okay, I’ll stay, baby, cálmate,” he hushes carefully, holding you close to him. “We’ll getcha cleaned up in a little bit, I’ll make you whatever you fancy for supper and relax with you, sound good?”
A nod suffices his question, knowing you trust him enough to stay rather than run off eases him as he grounds you back to reality with his warm embrace.
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to stay up to date on when I post fics, follow @pascalpvnk-writes and turn on notifications! i hope you enjoyed xx
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usafphantom2 · 9 months
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Aviation artist Mike Machat completed nose art on the 419th Flight Test Squadron’s B-52 #60-0036 2017. The bomber was used in the top-secret test program named Tagboard which developed into the ultra top-secret Senior Bowl. Some of these sorties were launched from Beale Air Force Base while I lived there in the late 1960s - 1971. Very few people knew about the 4200 support squadron; my father, Butch Sheffield, did know about it, as he wrote about in his unpublish book.
After training at Area 51 Groom Lake (‘The Ranch’) with a unit simply known as A Flight, the two D-21 carriers were operated from late 1968 by the 4200th Support Squadron (SS) at Beale Air Force Base (AFB), being kept on a virtual alert status with two ‘birds’ on each B-52H.
After launch from Beale, the B-52Hs flew to Andersen, Hickam or Kadena AFBs, from where operational missions were mounted. Sorties were flown on Nov. 9, 1969, Dec. 16, 1970, Mar. 4, 1971 and Mar. 20, 1971. The first and last drones were lost over enemy territory, and the second and third missions were fruitless because the vital palletised camera hatches containing the mission film were not recovered after being ejected from the drones. All the D-21Bs launched from 4200th SS B-52Hs were dropped from the starboard pylon, with the port station carrying the backup D-21B, which was never used operationally. The program was terminated in Jul. 23, 1971.
We know that one of the D 21s did make it to China because they have it prominently on display in Beijing.
Source Dario Leone of aviationgeek club. Photograph/ illustration from Key Areo
Linda Sheffield Miller
@Habubrats71 via X
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reviewinghiccup · 1 year
Blog Post Series : Breaking Down Hiccup
Title : How to Pick Your Dragon
Ep/Season : Episode 7, Season 1 (Riders of Berk)
Premise :
In short, Stoic, needs a dragon. But he also needs a little convincing.
Parenting Parents
We’ve all been there haven’t we? A day when we needed to teach our parents something, occasionally in tandem to “upgrading” their lives? Yeah. This episode is nothing but relatable. I’m glad it exists because it is one of the few episode we see Hiccup connect w his father.
Stubbornness is inherited, and entrenched in Stoic’s constitution. Hiccup is equally stubborn, but the lesser of the two, which means - he’ll probably give in.
HTTYD is funny
What I find so funny about this episode, is that it is actually really funny. So much genuinely enjoyable dialogue. Executive produces and writers Linda and Mike Teverbaugh wrote for good old hits like The Drew Carey Show and Who’s the Boss? Their family orientated, heart felt messages and comedic gold runs through the veins of the work (as it use to w many good 90s sitcoms).
As a late 90s baby myself, the sense of humour this show carries is an homage to the funny I felt has kinda dwindled away in children adventure stories, like Jimmy Neutron, Fairy Odd Parents, Danny Phantom were.
Furthermore, Hiccup is a very funny person. The self-deprecating humour fits well w it’s nasal, slightly insecure, prone-to-shrugging personality which we know, the actor who voices him is somewhat known for. If you’ve ever watched an interview w Jay Baruchel, you will find that he is very Hiccup-like in person. Like, you know he’s a little awkward but he also seems fine w it, making it all the more endearing.
Baruchel plays the unsung hero / underdog card v well. You can never stop rooting for him. I notice that comedians work great as voice artists. Christopher Mintz-Plasse is another name worth mentioning. And in the movies, we have Kristen Wiig, Jonah Hill (who worked w Mintz-Plasse in Superbad), Craig Ferguson and TJ Miller (who worked w Baruchel on Shes Out of my League, noting though that he is a pretty controversial person now). And not forgetting America Ferrera herself is the Queen of comedy (Superstore anyone?)
Toothless’s first ride w Stoic -
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Toothless after a whole day of chiefing w Stoic -
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Toothless hiding because well, see above -
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I like that it is one of the few episodes we get to see the father-son dynamic play out without the “duties as chief” rhetoric rattling through.
I love how Stoic is one of the first adults to ride a dragon and because of that the others as we know, will soon follow suit. If he can change, so can anyone else in the village (maybe, well, except for Mildew).
Also, it’s nice to have the shot where Hiccup & Stoic spend some father son time together riding dragons into the horizon.
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historyhermann · 2 years
"We wrote her that way": Entrapta and autistic representation in She-Ra
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Entrapta forgives Catra for exiling her to Beast Island at the end of Season 3, and being a jerk to her in the past, in the episode, "Taking Control"
In November of last year, I wrote about Entrapta, one of my favorite characters in the animated series, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, because she is morally gray character, a hacker, and a "smart and quirky chaotic neutral icon." In that post, I examined her character in the first four seasons of the show, noting that she is an autistic character who makes her own decisions, acting as "a princess with prehensile hair who is [also] a scientist and inventor always trying to tinker with ancient technology. " I also criticized some who claimed she is a "hurtful" representation of autistic people, noting that she is sweet and underappreciated, pointing out that Bow is the only one who sees her sympathetically, and that she stays in the Fright Zone by choice. I further noted that she is dedicated to science and research, sticks up for Catra when Hordak wants to send her to Beast Island, and stated that when she is rescued from Beast Island in Season 4 she "goes with them back to Bright Moon because of data and scientific discovery, not because of friendship or anything else." I additionally made a comparison between her and Peridot in Steven Universe, with storyboarder Maya Peterson (the same one who said Peri is asexual and aromatic), said she doesn't interpret Peridot as autistic. I intend this post will be an update from my previous post, talking about her in the show's final (and fifth) season, which started streaming on May 15th.  If you haven't see the new season, please do so because this post is filled with spoilers! It is important to write about this because series creator ND Stevenson confirmed that Entrapta was autistic, basing Entrapta on an autistic person on the SPOP crew, a full-time storyboard artist named Sam Szymanski. [1]
Reprinted from my History Hermann WordPress blog and also Wayback Machine. It was originally published on May 27, 2020.
Most of the commentary about the new season has focused on the mutual confession of romantic feelings by Catra and Adora, shipped as Catradora, who kiss in the show's final episode, with their love literally saving the world (and universe) from destruction. This is the right focus, while some have noted the other LGBTQ characters confirmed like Seahawk (whose ex is named Falcon), Kyle and Rogelio, the relationship between Perfuma and Scorpia, or the romance between Bow and Glimmer, among many other topics. [2] After all, as Lindsey Mantoan, wrote in a CNN opinion, She-Ra is the "best queer representation on television." In the process, however, little has been said about Entrapta. In fact, of many reviews I looked at, only a few even mentioned her in their analyses, despite her pivotal role in at least part of the season. [3] While one reviewer for A.V. Club (Shannon Miller) claimed that the show trades an in-depth look at Entrapta's treatment for "heroics," and saying there could have been "more reflection from those who have outwardly had more difficulty understanding Entrapta’s mindset, " another, for Forbes, Linda Maleh, says the opposite. Maleh argues that Entrapta gets a lot "a lot of screen time as she learns to balance her love of machines with her desire to connect with people," calling her entirely "adorkable," and that her character gives viewers some of the most touching and funny moments of the show. I tend to agree with Maleh more than Miller. Similarly, I think that Heather Hogan of Autostraddle makes a valid point in saying that Wrong Hordak brought out the charming parts of Entrapta, stating that it was nice to see her understanding how to work alongside friends, express herself better, and her feelings, while the princesses "start to understand her for who she really is." Although it is positive these reviewers noted her role in the season, there is clearly a lot more going on about Entrapta than what Miller, Maleh, or Hogan talk about.
Entrapta, who is between the ages 28 and 30, appears in every single episode of the fifth season, apart from episode 10, can be said to be the "smartest" character in the series. In the previous season,  she was rescued from Beast Island by Bow, Adora, and Swift Wind, reminded about her true friends while ancient technology continued to pull her in. In contrast, in this season, she struggles to find a place among the other princesses, as highlighted in the episode "Launch." Since Entrapta has been a morally grey character in the past, it makes sense that the princesses are a bit distrustful. Even Emily, with her name as an obscure reference to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, turns away from Enttapta when it appears that she cares more about tech "than saving their friend." After that episode, the princesses begin to understand her better. She later helps out Adora and Bow save Glimmer from Horde Prime's flagship. Glimmer is transported through space by Catra, in her first likely selfless act. She then helps Adora, Bow, and Glimmer successfully rescue Catra from Prime's flagship, called the Velvet Glove. She even does surgery on Catra, removing the chip in her neck. She, additionally, forgives Catra after she apologizes for treating her terribly. As a reminder, at the end of Season 3, Catra panicked when Entrapta tried to warn Hordak to not start the portal. She then orders her to be sent to Beast Island. She is shocked with what she is done (as is Scorpia by this cruel act against her), beginning her descent down a "dark, dangerous path." Basically, Catra blamed Entrapta for her own mistakes.
In the rest of the season, Entrapta continues to help the princesses and tries to disable all the chips before being transported to Prime's flagship. She apologizes to everyone when captured by Prime, literally the head of a cult of mindless drone soldiers. Whether Entrapta has platonic or romantic feelings for Hordak, the latter shipped as Entrapdak by one of of the show's story editors (and some other fans), it is up the viewer. [4] As some fans noted back in March, a few months before the recent season premiered, it is clear that there is "some chemistry between her and Hordak" and some even call their relationship "sweet," although I'm not sure I would go that far. In any case, it does mean that Hordak is more than a one-dimensional villain like in the original She-Ra: Princess of Power series in the 1980s which was used to sell action figures for Mattel. Through some searching, I did find an interview with Stevenson (complete with unfortunate spelling errors by the person who wrote the transcript of her interview responses) where he specifically talks about how Entrapta grows in this season:
I think with a character like Entrapata [sic], we sort of live in a little bit of her own version of the world that the other characters don’t always understand...It's not only Entrapta learning how to empathize and connect with others, but also for others to learn how to empathize and connect with her. And so I think with both sides of that, we see [Entrapta] growing this season. What I think has always been [Entrapta's] strength is that, even if she might struggle with communicating her feelings or understanding other characters when they’re communicating their feelings to her, I think her strength as a character -- kind of her superpower -- is that she sees humanity in everything. Not just in humanoid or organic creatures, but she sees humanity in robots. She sees humanity in the AI that drives ships. She sees humanity in one clone in a million identical clones and knows their personality and knows who they are and knows how to connect with them... I think we see her make a lot of progress on that front, but then we also see her. I think she does more than almost any other character in humanizing characters who have never been humanized before by anyone....It's so much of what is the heart of this show. It seems like that’s what makes Etherea [sic] special in general is that everyone who comes to Etherea [sic] isn’t getting broken by it a little bit. They end up making connections and falling in love in ways they never thought were possible. And I think Entrapta really embodies that."
Furthermore, as a morally grey character, who played a "big hand in some of the Horde-led destruction on Etheria," she still cares about her friends. While some may question her renewal of the individuality or "humanity" of Hordak, becoming his first genuine friend, later leading him to turn against Horde Prime, she clearly had a "unique perspective on the world that not everyone understands." Earlier in the season, when she encounters Hordak before he is freed from Prime's control, in an attempt to access the computer control center of Horde Prime so she can disable the mind-control chips, helped by Swift Wind, she tells Hordak “remember, your imperfections are beautiful!” When the essence of Prime is destroyed by She-Ra, he is freed, and is soon reunited with Entrapta, who says that she is "so glad" to see him back.
By this point, it is clear that Entrapta is not the "worst kind of villain" as some described her and is more than a person who "only cares about the pursuit of knowledge," no matter the consequences, as Brett Elderkin described her, also calling her a "mad scientist," but rather just a morally grey character, or perhaps "chaotic neutral" to use a Dungeons and Dragons term. That brings me to a recent article by Megan Crouse in Den of Geek appropriately titled "She-Ra: In Defense of Entrapta." She states that while Entrapta occasionally embraces the trope of not caring about "people who might be hurt when dangerous experiments go wrong," she is much more than that, and dramatically changes in Season 5. Crouse added that Entrapta in Season 4 was not truly happy as a hermit on Beast Island, although she maintained her fascination with science, missing people, and afraid that "her friends will inevitably abandon her." She then talks about the episode "Launch" where Entrapta's conflict with the fellow princesses reaches a boiling point, putting others in danger, with her actions "extremely, comically risk," wanting to win at no matter the cost. After Mermista accuses Entrapta of not caring about any of them, and not being trustworthy as a result, she responds by saying she didn't realize they were angry at her. She then retreats to apologizing, one of her many defensive mechanisms, stating
I’m not good at people, but I am good at tech. I thought maybe if I could use tech to help you, you’d like me. But I messed that up, too.
As she barrels ahead, Mermista pulls her back by her hair (just as Horde Prime does later), and is finally convinced of her good nature when Entrapta declares “Glimmer needs us!,” indicating she is willing to put herself in harms away as much as anyone else. As Crouse further outlines, while Entrapta's action is similar to what she has done in the past, as she begins to explain how and why she acts and feels the way she does, gaining more friends along the way. Even so, she still clearly has trouble reading people, which is not "magically cured throughout this season." While Crouse says that it would "have been nice to see Entrapta really feel the consequences of her dangerous actions," I would counter and say she did grow a lot in this season. On the other hand, I agree with Crouse that it is "sweeter to see her pursue science and friendship" than just tinkering with technology on Beast Island. While I can see why she argues that Entrapta is annoying, she makes a good point that Entrapta is not letting her "loner tendencies turn into complete isolation, but nor does she have to completely change who she is." As a side note, Entrapta cuts her own bangs, as Stevenson said once, although this is terrifying considering her power tools! Yikes!
Now, lets get to the elephant in the room: Entrapta flirting with technology. The first time this happens is in the episode "Launch," declaring flirtatiously: "Hello. You are very technologically advanced" before almost being blown to smithereens by the Horde robot. Then, in the episode "Stranded" she says: "Darla and I are going to spend some quality time together," again in a flirtatious manner, leading to confused looks from Adora, Bow, and Glimmer. Now, robosexuality, a term seemingly coined and/or popularized by Futurama, means the "love and/or sexuality between a humanoid and a robot." From these two interactions you could say that she is robosexual. Let us consider what Stevenson said about Entrapta: that she is learning to connect and empathize with others, and sees humanity in everything, knowing their personality and how to connect with them. One fan put Entrapta very well, remarking that she is a functional adult who can make full decisions, arguing that she is "chaotic good with a bad moral compass who likes to fuck space nazis," saying she makes bad decisions. I can agree with that to an extent, except to say that it makes sense why she ended up working for the Horde, since the princesses had not really liked/understood her before that point. Another fan noted, correctly, that Entrapta (and Scorpia) but had to earn the trust of the princesses in their own ways.
That's all! Comments are welcome.
© 2020-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
[1] In her first tweet, she responded to a fan who asked if entrapta is autistic, saying that "many of us relate to her and love her so much and it would mean a lot if we could get confirmation of her being autistic." She responded by saying: "yes, we wrote her that way. One of our crewmembers was on the spectrum and related to her specifically, and had a huge part in shaping her story and character!" She further explained that "the crew member was board artist @Sizzlemanski. His first episode was Entrapta’s introductory episode in season 1 [System Failure] and he had a HUGE hand not only in defining her physical acting, but also pitched me several ideas for her arc early on! He basically became our go-to for Entrapta."
[2] As Stevenson stated on Twitter, he hopes that in the future we stop thinking about LGBT representation as a "race or a contest" and as more of a "community effort to uplift voices that have not yet had their stories told," with each individual piece of media as a "broadening of horizons."
[3] When ND Stevenson was interviewed by comicbook.com, Nerdist, Gizmodo, A.V. Club, L.A. Times, Polygon, Digital Spy, GLAAD, EW, and CBR, the interviewers understandably focused on the Catra/Adora slow-burn relationship, but never asked a question about Entrapta. One interviewer for Collider asked "...So we’ve got Bow and Glimmer, we’ve got Sea Hawk and Mermista, we’ve even got kind of an interesting relationship with Entrapta and Hordak, and then obviously CatrAdora. But did you know from the beginning how everybody was going to pair off or is that something that kind of developed over time?" but he never specifically replied about the "relationship with Entrapta and Hordak." Reviews of the show in The Mary Sue, PinkNews, LA Times, tor.com, and ScreenRant do not even mention Entrapta at all!
[4] On Instagram, ND Stevenson said that Entrapta would follow Hordak to Beast Island as his community services for his crimes and as a result, the "two would develop a romantic relationship and reunite with the bot she left behind in Season 4, keeping her promise to return," so it sounds like it is leaning toward romance, as noted in a summary on her fandom page. Also see Emily Hu who noted they did board a scene with Entrapta and Hordak but it never ended up being included. There is clearly a connection between Entrapta and Hordak, but I'm still not sure if it is romantic or friendly. It could really go either way.
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lesterplatt · 8 months
KIA from TOBY MORRIS on Vimeo.
Kia Seltos (Director's Cut)
Director: Toby Morris
Agency/Production Co: Elastic Studios CD: Simon Thomas EP: Briana Miller Producer: Avril Dunn DOP: Gregoire Liere, Ziga Zupancic Production Manager: Nicolanne Cox Production Coordinator: David Bedelis 1st AD: Darin Berlin 2nd AD: Davis Jensen, Frankie Noble-Shelton 1st AC: Steivan Hasler, Rhys Nicholson 2nd AC: Sam Connelly, Claudia Butters Steadicam: Jason Rodrigues Robot Arm Opp: Daniel Miller Gaffer: Jay MacNeill, Yoshi Kwon Best Boy: Felix Maude LX Assists: Balint Major, Aeasitya Sani, Craig Knight, Robert Gray Grip: Kris Wallis Grip Assist: Rob Birtles Production Design: Jamie Morris Art Assist: Pete Tslepi Wardrobe: Caitlin Murray feat. Paul McCann Wardrobe Assist: Libby Spring Hair Stylist: Daren Borthwick, Sophie Roberts Makeup Artist: Linda Jeffries, Jo Cotter Location Manager: Noel Mclaughlin Production Assist: Greer Lindsay Additional Photography: Matty Owers, Thomaz Labanca BTS: Andre Hoo
Edit: Cameron Drew 2D VFX: Tim Eddy, Josh Regoli 3D VFX: James Choe Grade: Matt Campbell
Audio: Sonar Music
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Art Notes column in Flagpole, 22 June 2005, describing Sunaura Taylor’s exhibition and mentioning Elephant 6 members.
There were days in my childhood when rumors of the circus coming to town offered relief from the heat and stillness of summer. Instead of a circus this week, Athens has AthFest 2005. And in conjunction with AthFest, the Lyndon House Arts Center has art to turn your head. With three shows under one roof, there is something for everyone:
Headspinning: Discover “Headspinning: Inspiration from the Canvas to the Album Cover.” This exhibit offers the chance to see the art that inspired album covers. See the drawing from Randy Bewiey’s sketchbook that became the cover of Pylon’s Gyrate, and the trestles from the cover of R.E.M’s Murmur, and Chris Bilheimer’s many Polaroids that became covers for R.E.M., Green Day, Mendoza Line, Toadies and Ben Mize. There are works in the exhibit that hold much more interest than the familiar album cover, such as two of Terry Rowlett’s paintings. A tiny image on the cover of Five Eight’s The Good Nurse, Rowlett’s painting of a nurse holding flowers, standing in a serene Tuscan landscape, is actually large-scale. The detail of the painting is much more satisfying than the cover suggests. Rowlett’s painting on the cover of Kevin Kinney’s Sun Tangled Angel Revival is divided in half. In the painting, baby Jesus (with a cowboy hat) and Mary float above an old Chevy in a Jerusalem- meets-Arizona landscape. On the album cover, the virgin and child are on one side while the Chevy is on the other. On Elf Power's Creatures, Laura Carter's collage appears polished and seamless; but the original is delicate, vulnerable and obviously labored over by hand. A simple pencil drawing by Stephanie Dotson became the cover of the Phosphorescent album. This cover shows how something raw can be manipulated into a finished product. Other highlights from the exhibit include John Hawkins’ “A Young Professional,” from No Time by The Squalls; the R.A. Miller painting that became part of an Elf Power cover, Andy Cherewick’s painting found on the cover of Dream in Sound, and “Heckatie” by Jeff Owens found on a Drive-By Truckers cover. “Headspinning” will be up through Aug. 6.
Loved Ones and Marshmallows: Sunny Taylor has has developed a skillful approach to classical figure painting. Her paintings stand out as misplaced relics from Madrid's Prado Museum. Only recognizing the subjects of the paintings gives away the third millennium as the date of completion. “Robee and Julian,” is a double portrait which shows the two Athens residents who were Music Tapes wearing marching band jackets. A larger-than-life portrait of Jeff Mangum includes the drawings of little creatures always found on his pants; and, his loud laugh can be heard in the smile Taylor has painted on his face. The love the artist has for her subjects can be seen in these paintings, as well as in the portraits of her sister Astra. Two paintings have a slightly more powerful edge about them. Both “Jolly Jumper” and “Butterfly” are self-portraits painted from childhood photographs. These paintings show a bold melancholy, and an intense attention to detail. The lace on the gown of the baby in “Jolly Jumper” involves an incredible manipulation of paint. “Butterfly” combines the creature of freedom and flight with the look of a frustrated child. Michael Lachowski’s work consists of bold, gestural drawings and fashion photographs. Check out last week's Flagpole on-line at www.flagpole.com for more details on his work. This show runs through Aug. 6.
Golden Threads: The 50th Anniversary of the Chattahoochee Handweavers Guild is marked with the Biennial Southeast Regional Juried Show titled “Golden Threads: Connecting Innovation and Tradition.” The exhibit includes works as diverse as Pat Stettler’s wildly-patterned colorful fabric piece, to Linda Harshbarger’s delicate design and subtle colors. Aaron McIntosh from Smithville, TN, has created a fanciful composition with fiber in which an abstracted road, with dashed yellow lines, leads to a castle with smoke-stacks. Another unique piece is by Jeana Eve Klein from Boone, NC, titled “How to Build a Clique; it uses three dimensions to add interest to the figures and diagrams in the composition. Among the highlights of the exhibit are three large city-scapes by Elizabeth Barton, who is from Athens. The Chattahoochee Handweavers Guild has grown out of a group of five Atlanta women who, in 1955, shared an interest in weaving. The guild has remained flexible and has evolved into a contemporary entity. “Golden Threads” is up until July 15.
Endnotes: Bozeman Pottery has opened at 150 Barrow St. Hours to view the ceramics made from clay dug by Jim Bozeman himself are 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Contact him at [email protected]. Clayton Street Gallery has re-opened with a fresh Perspective and a new gallery committee.
Beth Sale Email art news to [email protected].
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artisticlegshake · 2 years
Colin Bendziewicz - STARS
Austin Aguilar - WAREHOUSE
Trent Grappe - DANCEZONE
Nicholas Bustos - STARS
Mekhi Johnson - DWDE
Oliver Keane - STARS
Seth Hendley - CCJ
Timothy Zvifel - VLAD’S
Daniel Howard - CROSBY-MILLER
Andres Jimenez - ARTISTIC EDGE
Nicholas Moreno - UPSTATE CAROLINA
Hugo Silva - STARS
Alonzo Dock - STARS ELITE
Patricio Hoyo - DANCEFORCE
Cameron Kennedy - LINDA DOBBINS
Alejandro Ruiz - STARS
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Taraneh Alidoosti and Shahab Hosseini in The Salesman (Asghar Farhadi, 2016) Cast: Taraneh Alidoosti, Shahab Hosseini, Babak Karimi, Farid Sajadi Hosseini, Mina Sadati, Sam Valipour, Mojtaba Pirzadeh, Maral Bani Adam. Screenplay: Asghar Farhadi. Cinematography: Hossein Jafarian. Music: Sattar Oraki Protesting an American policy that refuses to distinguish between artists and terrorists, Asghar Farhadi didn't attend the Academy Awards ceremony that gave his film The Salesman an Oscar for best foreign language film. The irony here is that in many ways The Salesman is as critical of the Islamic Republic of Iran as its director's action was of the United States. On the surface, The Salesman is a well-made domestic drama about the stress put on the marriage of Rana (Taraneh Alidoosti) and Emad (Shahab Hosseini) after Rana is assaulted in their own home. It's also a bit of a whodunit, as Emad tries to uncover the identity of the attacker, as well as a problem drama about the nature of revenge. But context is everything, and the context here is a country that seems to be as unstable as the condemned apartment house that Rana and Emad have to flee at the beginning of the film. Throughout The Salesman, the niggling pressures of a state determined to police the private lives of its citizens keep revealing themselves: The production of Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman in which Emad and Rana play Willy and Linda Loman is subject to last-minute cuts demanded by the censors. The class Emad teaches is interrupted by a man telling him that the books he has selected have not been approved -- Emad wearily tells him to throw them in the trash. Worst of all, Rana refuses to trust the police to handle her case, knowing that she'd be subjected to interrogation and public exposure worse than the attack itself. We never learn the full details of what happened to her, whether she was sexually assaulted or just subjected to a terrifying visit from a voyeur -- although the latter, especially in a state that prescribes rigorous standards of modesty from women, is an equivalent violation. We get a hint of the tensions and mistrust between the sexes in Iran in a scene in which Emad shares a taxi with one of his male students and a woman, who first accuses him of what we'd call "manspreading," and then asks to change seats with the student. Afterward, when Emad proclaims his innocence, the student tells him that the woman had probably been molested by a man during a cab ride and is oversensitive to any contact. Official standards of behavior have eroded community standards: Although the apartment Rana and Emad have moved into was once occupied by a prostitute, a profession both strictly illegal and widespread in Iran, the neighbors only gossiped about her, never notifying the authorities. Emad's vigilantism when he discovers the identity of Rana's attacker is the product of a system of justice that has broken down. That Rana and Emad are actors is suggestive: In the film's vision of Iran, everyone is playing a part, concealing their real selves. The social and political subtext is what makes The Salesman a more fascinating and important film than its mere plot, well-handled as it is, would suggest.
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cinemasubterrain · 4 months
March 23rd - Comic Book Documentaries!!!
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Cinema Subterrain Returns for its Spring 2024 screening programme! There will be screenings in March, April and May (more info tba!)
Cinema Subterrain Presents: An Evening of Comic Book Documentaries.
La Mood Comics and Games has graciously hosted Cinema Subterrain since its inception in 2004. To celebrate the medium that built their business, tonight we will be featuring two documentaries on the medium on Comic Books!!!
Comic Book Confidential (1988, dir: Ron Mann).
Ron Mann's Documentary traces the origins of the medium of comics from its inception, through it's moral panics and growing pains; tracing it's growth to being regarded as a legitimate artistic medium. Featuring interviews with comic creators, the film focuses heavily on the emergence of the underground comix scene and the maturing of the medium into a discreet artform. Featuring interviews with Stan Lee, Robert Crumb, Linda Barry, Frank Miller, William Gaines, and more. This is one of the best and definitive documentaries on comics!
She Makes Comics (2014, dir: Marissa Stotter)
This documentary focuses on the crucial role that women have played in the comic book industry since the early 1900s. Much like Mann's film, the film traces the origins of the medium, but with an emphasis on the contributions made by women within comics, from the nacent industry of the 1930s, through the underground comix scene of the 1970s, to the present day.
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contentabnormal · 4 months
22nd Annual Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards!
The ballot for this year's Rondos has been released. If any of you should vote for Content Abnormal contributor Josh Ryals in the write-in category of Best Fan Artist (Linda Miller Award) PLEASE let us know so that we may thank you!
Vote For The Rondos HERE
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February's Theme is NATIVE!
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February's Theme is NATIVE.
Our global theme for February is NATIVE. It was chosen by our Honolulu chapter and illustrated by Jack Soren.
Where you are from shapes who you are. Where you call home influences your worldview. Understanding the traditions of your ancestors can help answer the question, “where do I belong?” Your connections to a place and the past should rightfully be a source of great pride. 
The unique customs, art, and languages of native cultures make the tapestry of human civilization more vibrant. Yet many indigenous communities have faced marginalization, land dispossession, and cultural erasure. How much have we lost and what can be preserved? 
By respecting and celebrating the traditions and achievements of native people everywhere, we can discover a deeper sense of connection and unity. What does our history have to teach us? What can we learn from each other? 
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This month we're invited to commune at Coffee Makes You Black, a mission-led community hub in Milwaukee's Lindsay Heights neighborhood. Rooted in uplifting and empowering the local Black community, CMYB serves as a social, political, and economic resource center fueled by southern comfort inspired cuisine. 
Set your alarms — registration opens next Monday!
Event Details
Date: Friday, February 16th
Time: 8:30 – 10:00am CST
Location: Coffee Makes You Black - 2803 N. Teutonia Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53206
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What better way to get inspired by this month's NATIVE theme than to listen to music by local Milwaukeans?! This month's playlist includes bops from the likes of Grace Weber, Buffalo Nichols, Bryan Cherry, Abbey Jeanne, NilexNile, and Violent Femmes.
Is there a local artist you'd like our community to listen to? Email or DM us and we'll add them to our playlist!
Follow us on Spotify at @milwaukee_cm & listen to this month's playlist!
Big thanks to our local partners!
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Support our local chapter!
If your organization or company is inspired by CreativeMornings/Milwaukee and wants to ensure that our events remain free & accessible to the Milwaukee creative community, become a Quarterly or 2024 Annual Partner! Contact us at [email protected]
*We are presently looking for breakfast and fiscal partners ;)Run by an engine of generosity.
Behind all the newsletters, social media posts, giveaways, speaker portraits, check-in tables, and flare is a talented team of volunteers. Do you want to write this newsletter? Interested in capturing our events with video? Let us know!
Big thank you to: Alea Cross, Alexa Seybold, Aly Miller, Annie Werner, Carley Knight, Caroline Ferrero, Hannah Rae Birkholz, Holly Schisler, Kaitlyn Johnson, Kelly Gehringer, Linda Smallpage, and Sarah Schauf. 
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oldisnewradio · 5 months
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Pick a favorite! This week on Everything Old Is New Again Radio Show: A ROUND-UP OF ALBUM RELEASES FROM 2023 from the following artists: Ann Hampton Callaway, John Pizzarelli, The Legendary Count Basie Orchestra, Mary Foster Conklin, Jeff Harnar, Lucy Wijnands & John Di Martino, Stacey Kent, Jonathan Karrant, Merrily We Roll Along, Linda Purl, The Hot Toddies Jazz Band, Eleri Ward, Jack Jones, Cryer & Ford, Maud Hixson, Dick Haymes, Sweeney Todd Broadway: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street, Hannah Gill, Benny Benack III, New York, New York, Douyé, Dane Vannantter, Audrey Silver, Kurt Elling, Maci Miller, The Harry Allen Orchestra, Maria Eva Jacobs, Diego Figueiredo, Robyn Spangler, Danny Jonokuchi, Sylvia Brooks & Christian Jacob, Angie Wells, Ann Hampton Callaway (again) & More!!
Tune in to Tonight at 10PM(ET) to WBAI 99.5 FM New York and streaming at https://www.wbai.org/listen-live/ and Wednesday at 9PM(ET) on The Penthouse at www.thepenthouse.fm
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docrotten · 8 months
THE EXORCIST (1973) – Episode 200 – Decades Of Horror 1970s
“What an excellent day for an exorcism.” You don’t have to say that twice. Join your faithful Grue Crew – Doc Rotten, Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, Jeff Mohr, and guest hosts Daphne Monary-Ernsdorff and Crystal Cleveland – as they finally tackle one of the best and most influential horror movies in history, The Exorcist (1973) from director William Friedkin and writer William Peter Blatty.
Decades of Horror 1970s Episode 200 – The Exorcist (1973)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
Decades of Horror 1970s is partnering with the WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL (https://wickedhorrortv.com/) which now includes video episodes of the podcast and is available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, and its online website across all OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop.
When a young girl is possessed by a mysterious entity, her mother seeks the help of two Catholic priests to save her life.
  Director: William Friedkin
Writer: William Peter Blatty (written for the screen by, from the novel by)
Cinematographer: Owen Roizman; Billy Williams (Mosul sequences)
Editing by: Norman Gay, Evan A. Lottman (as Evan Lottman), Bud S. Smith (Iraq sequence), Jordan Leondopoulos (supervising field editor)
Art Direction-Set Decoration: Bill Malley, Jerry Wunderlich
Sound: Robert Knudson, Christopher Newman
Makeup Department: 
Dick Smith (makeup artist)
Robert Laden (special makeup effects artist) (uncredited)
William A. Farley (hair stylist) (as Bill Farley)
Special Effects: 
Marcel Vercoutere (special effects)
Rick Baker (special effects assistant) (uncredited)
Composer: Jack Nitzsche (composer: additional music)
Selected Cast:
Ellen Burstyn as Chris MacNeil
Max von Sydow as Father Merrin
Lee J. Cobb as Lt. Kinderman
Kitty Winn as Sharon
Jack MacGowran as Burke Dennings
Jason Miller as Father Karras
Linda Blair as Regan
William O’Malley as Father Dyer (credited as Reverend William O’Malley S.J.)
Barton Heyman as Dr. Klein
Peter Masterson as Dr. Barringer – Clinic Director (as Pete Masterson)
Rudolf Schündler as Karl
Gina Petrushka as Willi
Robert Symonds as Dr. Taney
Arthur Storch as Psychiatrist
Thomas Bermingham as Tom – President of University (as Reverend Thomas Bermingham S.J.)
Vasiliki Maliaros as Karras’ Mother
Titos Vandis as Karras’ Uncle
John Mahon as Language Lab Director
Wallace Rooney as Bishop Michael
Ron Faber as Chuck – Assistant Director / Demonic Voice
Donna Mitchell as Mary Jo Perrin
Roy Cooper as Jesuit Dean
Robert Gerringer as Senator at Party
Dick Callinan as Astronaut (uncredited)
Elinore Blair as Nurse (uncredited)
William Peter Blatty as The Producer (uncredited)
Mercedes McCambridge as Demon (voice)
Eileen Dietz as Demon’s Face (uncredited)
Ann Miles as Spiderwalk (uncredited)
Vincent Russell as Subway Vagrant (uncredited)
It’s finally time to discuss The Exorcist (1973). The 70s Grue Crew have waited 200 episodes to tackle what is arguably the most influential horror film of the decade and beyond. The regular cast of “characters” have invited a few friends to enjoy the extra-long conversation: Daphne Monary-Ernsdorff, co-host of The Classic Era; and, Crystal Cleveland, the Livin6Dead6irl, co-host of the 80s. In other words, the whole damn family of Decades of Horror co-hosts are on hand for this one. Settle in for this in-depth look at director William Friedkin’s ultimate fright-fest and join the Grue Crew to celebrate 200 episodes of Decades of Horror 1970s.
At the time of this writing, The Exorcist is available to stream from MAX. The film is also available on physical media as The Exorcist 50th Anniversary Edition – Theatrical & Extended Director’s Cut (4K Ultra HD + Digital).
Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1970s is part of the Decades of Horror two-week rotation with The Classic Era and the 1980s. In two weeks, the next episode, chosen by Chad, will be The Psychic, aka Sette note in nero, aka Murder to the Tune of the Seven Black Notes, aka Seven Notes in Black, released in Italy in 1977. This one is giallo, Fulci-style!
We want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans: comment on the site or email the Decades of Horror 1970s podcast hosts at [email protected]
Check out this episode!
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