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patchworkmonster · 11 years
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sejient · 11 years
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I'm crying look at this precious bb at the pet store it made me so happy
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petalteeeth · 11 years
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pinkrhinoceros · 11 years
it’s okay to be lost sometimes! You might see beautiful things off the beaten path that you’d never have experienced had you not wandered off the road for a little while.
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babyseraphim · 11 years
my friends are the treasures in my chest called life and they’re more beautiful than diamonds and pearls and glittering gold I love u all so much ; w ;
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arrhythmian · 11 years
What if every blog is a starship? The blogger would be the captain and the followers would be the crew. The name of the starship would be the USS *url*. Every blog is in tumblr fleet.
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vulcansmirk · 11 years
arthurpoo replied to your audio post:just something quick for you guys. a capella,...
bless BLESS
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konnfusion · 11 years
tia's tags on kiliel reblogs give me life
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patchworkmonster · 11 years
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seraphsfire · 11 years
aren't hugs great think about the last really good hug you had, wasn't it amazing? being surrounded by the arms of someone you really like and feeling their warm self being happy and alive next to you isn't it amazing that human beings can embrace each other and they don't need to say anything to show their affection they can just be next to each other
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starhounds · 11 years
oh this is nice
arthurpoo replied to your post: Could anyone ever save a living trage...
!!!!!!!! oh my gosh
i feel like a rusted nail on writing because its been quite a while since i posted one but thank you guys >u>
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babyseraphim · 11 years
guys I have an idea!!! since I’m having surgery over summer and I’ll be stuck in bed for the most part of 6 weeks, I’ll need some people to talk to!! please reblog and I’ll put URLs in a jar and whenever I feel lonely or sad or bored, I’ll pull out a URL and send a message !!!
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meeshnut · 11 years
ahhh one of my new favorite bloggers loves mass effect more than i do and its beautiful sob
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pinkrhinoceros · 11 years
snow white, beauty and the beast, pinocchio, godfather death
Ohhh you even picked four of these! You are lovely anon
Do you consider yourself pretty?
For the most part? Most days I’m content with my appearance. I feel like I look nice in my own eyes, and yes I feel pretty. But somedays when I’m not 100%, I don’t feel pretty. I can’t look in the mirror and say, ‘yes I’m pretty today.’ So it’s a toss-up really, and it depends on the day and my emotional status. for the most part though, I do feel pretty.
What makes a person beautiful in your eyes?
Answered this in Monica’s post :)
What is your greatest wish?
World peace; an end to all malicious mistreatment of others whether it’s racism, sexism, abuse, violence, or just straight-up hurt feelings. I’m 100% serious on this. I really can’t stand people hurting each other in any way. I’ve been mentally, emotionally, and physically abused (not all at once, just at one point or another in my life), and I would never wish that on anybody. I overreact at things dropping because I’m afraid someone is going to get hurt. This is why I really love Tia��and what she does for people. She’s genuinely the most loving, caring person I have ever met and I wish we could all be a little bit more like her. [She’s actually going through a rough time right now, so please do me a favor and either leave her some love or donate to her St. Jude’s fund.]
What qualities do you think make a good parent?
Hmmm, it’s hard to say since each child is different. Like there’s no one way to parent every kid you know? I think that it’s unconditional love for your child. As a parent, you should love your child and in loving them, you should have your child’s interest at heart and they should know that whatever decision you make, you still love them for everything that they are and will always accept them no matter what. In having their best interests at heart, you need to remember that disciplining your child is important too and things like that. Also, they should know that no matter what choice THEY make, you will love them still. Idk, that’s just my opinion because from what I’ve seen and experienced, love and support is incredibly important.
Thank you for these anon
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wraithantilles · 11 years
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desert elf :DDDDD
[painted in gimp over scanned drawing done in micron pen]
*whispers* so this is what i've been up to for the past 3 hours instead of reading about universal salvation
inspired by this post: [X] and this one: [X]
shadows reference photo: [X]
as procrastination tactics go i'd say this is pretty impressive ;p
this is the first digital drawing i've done in this amount of detail and i think the shading turned out pretty well. the pec area needs more work, but i think the face is pretty much finished [except the lips oops]. im not going to color the hair tonight since i have a morning class [and that braid would take FOREVER to finish], and with performances starting up again and my project being due soon idk when i'll get around to the rest of it, but the hair is probably gonna be a dark red-brown, and the inner robe is gonna be blue-green with the outer being orange maybe? idk for sure yet. the background will probably be a blue of some sort.
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