#arthur chatto
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Lady Sarah Chatto, Daniel Chatto Samuel Chatto, Arthur Chatto and Major Johnny Thompson attend the Christmas Day morning church service at St Mary Magdalene Church in Sandringham, Norfolk | December 25, 2024
#chattos#lady sarah chatto#daniel chatto#arthur chatto#samuel chatto#major johnny thompson#christmas walk 2024#december 2024
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Princess Anne, Sir Tim Laurence and Peter Phillips leaving St Mary Magdalene Church in Sandringham after morning service on 25 December 2024
#chatting to the chatto boys#and is that one of their girlfriends?#cute#timothy is so laaarge#good lord#princess anne#princess royal#tim laurence#timothy laurence#peter phillips#arthur chatto#samuel chatto#british royal family#brf
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King Charles, Princess Anne, Sir Tim Laurence, Prince Edward, Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh, David, Lord Snowdon, Lady Sarah Chatto, Arthur Chatto and Samuel Chatto walking to St Mary Magdalene Church to attend the morning mass on 25th December 2023.
#princess anne#princess royal#tim laurence#timothy laurence#king charles iii#prince edward duke of edinburgh#sophie duchess of edinburgh#lady sarah chatto#david lord of snowdon#samuel chatto#arthur chatto
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Which other royals went to Eton?
Prince William, Prince Harry, Prince Richard (Duke of Gloucester), Prince Edward (Duke of Kent), Prince Michael of Kent, George Windsor (Earl of St Andrews), Prince William of Gloucester, James Ogilvy, Alexander Windsor (Earl of Ulster), Lord Frederick Windsor, Edward Windsor (Lord Downpatrick), Samuel Chatto, Arthur Chatto, Charles Armstrong-Jones.
#prince william#royal family#british royal family#british royals#house of windsor#prince of wales#eton college#prince harry#duke of sussex#prince richard duke of gloucester#prince richard#prince edward#duke of kent#prince michael of kent#george windsor#earl of st andrws#prince william of gloucester#james ogilvy#alexander windsor earl of ulster#alexander windsor#earl of ulster#lord frederick windsor#edward windsor#lord downpatrick#samuel chatto#arthur chatto#charles armstrong-jones
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Royal Birthdays for today, February 5th:
Sanjō, Emperor of Japan, 976
Philip II, Duke of Savoy, 1438
René of Châlon, Prince of Orange, 1519
Maria Elisabeth, Archduchess of Austria, 1737
Mary, Queen of Denmark, 1972
Muhammad Ali of Egypt, Prince of the Sa'id, 1979
Peter, Hereditary Prince of Yugoslavia/Serbia, 1980
Arthur Chatto, Grandson of Princess Margaret, 1990
Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck, Crown Prince of Bhutan, 2016
#maria elisabeth of austria#queen mary#Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck#arthur chatto#prince peter#Muhammad Ali of Egypt#rene of chalon#philip ii#emperor sanjo#long live the queue#royal birthdays#Peter Karageorgevitch
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“Princess Margaret’s grandsons Sam, Arthur, and Charles are very hot.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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Wilkinson, Richard and Pickett, Kate, The Spirit Level: Why More Equal SocietiesAlmost Always Do Better, Allen Lane, London,2009.
Winn, Peter (ed.), Victims of the Chilean Miracle: Workers and Neoliberalism in the Pinochet Era, 1973–2002, Duke University Press, Durham and London, 2004.
Wolff, Edward N., Top Heavy: A Study of Increasing Inequality in America, Twentieth Century Fund, 1995
Wolff, Jonathan, Robert Nozick: Property, Justice and the Minimal State, Polity Press, Oxford, 1991.
Wray, L. Randall, Money and Credit in Capitalist Economies: the endogenousmoney approach, Aldershot, Elgar, 1990.
Zinoviev, Grigorii, History of the Bolshevik Party: A Popular Outline, New Park Publications, London, 1973.
#community building#practical anarchy#practical anarchism#anarchist society#practical#faq#anarchy faq#revolution#anarchism#daily posts#communism#anti capitalist#anti capitalism#late stage capitalism#organization#grassroots#grass roots#anarchists#libraries#leftism#social issues#economy#economics#climate change#climate crisis#climate#ecology#anarchy works#environmentalism#environment
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Happy 26th birthday to Arthur Chatto!
Born on February 5th 1999, Arthur Robert Nathaniel Chatto is the youngest son of Lady Sarah Chatto and Danial Chatto, a grandchild to Princess Margaret and a grand nephew to Queen Elizabeth II. He is currently 31st in the line of succession to the British throne and serving with the Royal Marines.
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Royal Wind Lore
I based Oscar on Arthur Chatto

Oscar and his father constantly have fart battles when they go out on private trips. His father having not grown up a Royal, sees farting as the ultimate bonding activity.
#eproctophilia#farts#male farts#fart kink#fart#eprocto#gay fart#gay farts#Oscar X Felix RW#Krow Lore
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King Charles and Queen Camilla accompanied by Lady Sarah, Daniel, Samuel and Arthur Chatto, Lord Snowdon and Lady Margarita Armstrong-Jones at a private service held at Crathie Kirk Church in Balmoral to commemorate the first anniversary of the death of Queen Elizabeth II
#queen elizabeth ii#king charles iii#lady sarah chatto#daniel chatto#samuel chatto#arthur chatto#david armstrong-jones#lady margarita armstrong jones#crathie kirk
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Royal Cousins
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The Cedar Tree - ITV - September 20, 1976 - September 24, 1978
Melodrama (119 episodes)
Running Time: 30 minutes / 60 minutes in 1978
Joyce Carey – Lady Alice Bourne, widowed mother of Arthur and Phyllis
Philip Latham – Commander Arthur Bourne (series' 1 & 2)
Susan Engel – Helen Bourne, Arthur's wife
Sally Osborne – Elizabeth Bourne, eldest daughter of Arthur & Helen Bourne
Jennifer Lonsdale – Anne Bourne, middle daughter of Arthur & Helen Bourne
Susan Skipper – Victoria Bourne, youngest daughter of Arthur & Helen Bourne
Kate Coleridge – Phyllis Bourne, Arthur's sister
Cyril Luckham – Charles Ashley, father of Arthur's wife Helen
Gary Raymond – Jack Poole
Carol Royle – Laura Collins, friend of Victoria
Jean Taylor Smith – Nanny
Peter Hill – Gates, the Bourne's chauffeur and general help
Ruth Holden – Mrs. Gates, the Bourne's housekeeper
Shaun Scott – Jim Tapper, assistant to Gates
Alan Browning series 1 & 2/Richard Thorp series 3 – Geoffrey Cartland
Lillias Walker – Rosemary Cartland
John Oxley – Peter Cartland
Tom Chatto – Parsons, the Cartland's butler
John Hug – Gwylym Meredith-Jones
Joan Newell – Winifred Hedges
Patrick Ryecart/Steven Pacey – Klaus Von Heynig
Nigel Havers – Rex Burton-Smith
Jack Watling – Captain Julian Palmer (series 2) / Commander Arthur Bourne (series 3)
Rosemary Nicols – Angela Scott, magazine reporter
Michael Macowan – Doctor Cropper
Pamela Mandell – Miss Pringle, owner of the Copper Kettle tearooms
Richard Vernon – Lord Evelyn Forbes, old flame of Lady Alice Bourne
Peter Egan – Ralph Marsh
#The Cedar Tree#TV#Melodrama#1970's#ITV#Joyce Carey#Philip Latham#Susan Engel#Sally Osborne#Jennifer Lonsdale#Susan Skipper#Kate Coleridge#Cyril Luckham#Gary Raymond#Peter Hill#Jean Taylor Smith
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Attendees of King Charles III & Queen Camilla's Coronation
British Royal Family
The Prince of Wales
The Princess of Wales
Prince George of Wales *
Princess Charlotte of Wales
Prince Louis of Wales
The Duke of Sussex
The Duke of York
The Duke of Edinburgh
The Duchess of Edinburgh
The Princess Royal
Sir Vice Admiral Timothy Laurence
Princess Beatrice, Mrs. Mapple Mozzi
Mr. Eddo Mapple Mozzi
Princess Eugenie, Mrs. Brooksbank
Mr. Jack Brooksbank
The Earl of Wessex
The Lady Louise Mountbatten-Windsor
Mr. Peter Philips
Mrs. Michael Tindall
Mr. Michael Tindall
The 2nd Earl Snowdon
The Viscount Linley
The Lady Margarita Armstrong-Jones
The Lady Sarah Chatto
Mr. Daniel Chatto
Mr. Samuel Chatto
The Duke of Gloucester
The Duchess of Gloucester
The Duke of Kent
The Earl of Ulster
The Earl of St. Andrews
The Lady Davina Windsor
The Lady Rose Gilman
Lady Helen Taylor
Princess Alexandra, The Hon. Lady Ogilvy
Prince Michael of Kent
Princess Michael of Kent
Lord Frederick Windsor
Lady Gabriella Kingston
Mr. James Ogilvy
Ms. Marina Ogilvy
Penny, The Countess of Mountbatten of Burma
Mrs Sarah Troughton-Barclay**
Mr. Peter Barclay
Mr. Edward Tollemnache
Mrs. Sophie Tollemache
Master Ralph Tollemache**
Shand-Parker-Boweles Family
Mr. Tom Parker-Bowles
Mrs. Laura Lopes
Mr. Harry Lopes
Mr. Andrew Parker-Bowels
Miss Lola Parker Bowles**
Mr. Freddy Parker Bowles**
Miss Eliza Lopes**
Mister Louis Lopes**
Mister Gus Lopes**
Mrs. Anabelle Eliot
Mrs. Alice Irwin
Miss Ayesha Shand
Mr. Benjamin Eliot
Mrs. Catherine "Katie" Eliot
Master Arthur Eliot**
**Prince George of Wales, Lord Oliver cholmondeley, Master Nicholas Barclay, Master Ralph Tollemache, Mr Gus Lopes, Mr Louis Lopes, Mr. Freddy Parker-Bowles, Master Arthur Eliot will serve as Pages of Honour during the ceremony, while Queen Camilla's teenage grandchildren will participate in the ceremony in a different way as well.
NON ROYAL DUKES, Earls and Marquis (All of whom have some coronation role)
The Marquess of Anglesey
The Duke of Westminster
The Earl of Caledon
The Earl of Dundee
The Duke of Norfolk
The Earl of Erroll
The Earl of Crawford and Balcarres
Baroness (Helena) Kennedy of The Shaws
General Sir Patrick Sanders
The Duke of Wellington
The Rt. Reverend and Rt. Hon the Lord Chartres
Baroness (Elizabeth) Manningham-Buller
The Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry
Baroness (Floella) Benjamin
Dame Elizabeth Anionwu
The Marquess of Cholmondeley
The Marchioness of Cholmondeley
Lord Oliver cholmondeley**
Master Nicholas Barclay**
Reigning Royalty
Crown Prince Fredrik
Crown Princess Mary
The King of The Netherlands
Queen of The Netherlands
The Princess of Oranje* ( Precoronation reception only, Source: https://www.royal-house.nl/latest/news/2023/04/17/coronation-of-king-charles-iii-and-queen-camilla)
Princess Beatrix *(Precoronatination reception only, Source: https://www.royal-house.nl/latest/news/2023/04/17/coronation-of-king-charles-iii-and-queen-camilla)
The Crown Prince of Norway
The Crown Princess of Norway
The King of Sweden
The Crown Princess of Sweden
The Sovereign Prince of Monaco
The Princess Consort of Monaco
The Crown Prince of Japan
The Crown Princess of Japan
The King of Spain
The Queen of Spain
The King Emerettius
The Queen Emeritia
The Hereditary Prince of Liechtenstein
The Hereditary Princess of Lichtenstein
The Grand Duke of Luxembourg
The Grandduchess of Luxembourg
The Crown Prince of Bahrain
The Sultan of Brunei
The King of The Belgians
The Queen of Belgium
The Duchess of Brabant*
*reception only
The King of Jordan
The Queen of Jordan
The King of Bhutan
The Queen of Bhutan
The Crown Prince of Kuwait
The King of Lestho
The King of Malaysia
The Queen of Malaysia
The King of Morocco
The Sultan of Oman
The Emir of Qatar
The King of Tonga
The Queen of Greece
The Crown Prince of Greece
The Crown Princess of Greece
The Hereditary Prince of Baden
The King of Bulgaria
The Custodian of The Crown of Romania
The Prince Consort of The Custodian of the Crown of Romania
The Crown Prince of Yugoslavia
The Crown Princess of Yugoslavia
The Emir of Dubai
Other Dignitaries
First Lady Dr. Jill Biden
Miss Finnegan Biden
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Royal Birthdays for today, May 1st:
Rudolf I, King of Germany, 1218
Magnus VI, King of Norway, 1238
Rinchinbal Khan, Emperor of China, 1326
Sidonie, Princess of Bavaria, 1408
Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, 1850
Frederick Charles, Landgrave of Hesse, 1868
Guillaume, Prince of Luxembourg, 1963
Lady Sarah Chatto, Daughter of Princess Margaret, 1964
#lady sarah chatto#prince guillaume#prince arthur#rudolf i#Sidonie of Bavaria#Rinchinbal Khan#magnus vi#Frederick Charles of hesse#royal birthdays#long live the queue
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