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contenteditor · 4 months ago
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The wonderful grand marble staircase @palazzorealenapoli_ufficiale . Das wunderbare große Marmortreppenhaus im Königspalast von Neapel . . . #napoli #naples #palazzoreale #palazzorealenapoli #church #chapel #vivoartworld #museiitaliani #artemondo_ #staircase #marble | by palace.reflections
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bayreuthtourismus · 4 years ago
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Der Sommer ist zurück und damit ist der Hofgarten in Bayreuth wieder ein beliebter Treffpunkt für alle Gäste, Einheimischen und die Studierenden der Stadt Bayreuth. Der Park liegt mitten in der Stadt, bietet ausreichend Schatten und einfach ein wahres Schmuckstück. Summer is back and the Hofgarten in Bayreuth is once again a popular meeting place for all guests, locals and students in the city of Bayreuth. The park is located in the middle of the city, offers sufficient shade and is simply a real gem. 📷©️: @l_h_t_j #travelcultured #park #prettycitytravel #artemondo_ #ShareGermany #15cities #weltderwilhelmine #markgrafenkultur #bayreuth #bayern #dreamnowtravellater #bucketlist #vivoartworld #traveling_arte #culturetrip #wonderful_places #kings_villages #germanytourism #visitgermany #shareculture #mustdotravels #inspiringplace #visitfranconia #lesphotographes #discovergermanyfromhome #fever_art #kings_luxury #beautifulplace @frommers #europe_perfection @adv.history @houses_phototrip #citybestviews @history @nafiz_emre (hier: Bayreuth Hofgarten) https://www.instagram.com/p/CScbcuUqQ81/?utm_medium=tumblr
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erfigh · 2 years ago
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𝗦𝗮𝗻𝘁’𝗜𝘃𝗼 𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝗦𝗮𝗽𝗶𝗲𝗻𝘇𝗮 (Roma) Francesco Borromini 1642-1660 ✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤ La iglesia de Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza se encuentra dentro del pequeño patio del Palazzo della Sapienza, la antigua Universidad de Roma desde el siglo XV hasta 1935, cuando se convirtió en la sede de los Archivos del Estado. Construida entre 1642 y 1660, la iglesia es obra del genial Francesco Borromini que, en 1632, fue nombrado arquitecto de la Universidad de La Sapienza y fue encargado por el Papa Urbano VIII Barberini para completar el complejo, ya diseñado y parcialmente construido por Giacomo de la puerta. En su momento se completó el trazado del patio y la fachada principal; a pesar de la complejidad de la obra, Borromini crea una obra maestra de extraordinario valor artístico y técnico. La obra del gran arquitecto se inició en la fachada ya existente con la adición del ático, decorado con los símbolos heráldicos de la familia Chigi, las estrellas de ocho rayos y los seis picos, en honor al Papa Alejandro VII. En el ático destaca la majestuosa cúpula polilobulada y la atrevida linterna espiral cuspidada, con antorchas de travertino, culminando en una corona flameada, sobre la que se colocan una esfera, una cruz y una paloma con una rama de olivo en el pico, realizada en forja. planchar. ✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤ #francecoborromini #borromini #traveling_arte #architecture #volgoarte #italia_in_art #vivoartworld #art #artemondo_ #tesori_italiani #italia_super_pics #storiadellarte #volgoroma #barocco #rionesanteustachio #santivoallasapienza #rioniromani #santeustachio #lumix_italia #lumixitalia #romamia #roma_pics #romacaputmundi #romacittaeterna #rome #romelovers #chusayinka discoveringrome #instarome #visitrome (en Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm0yBgAMkIa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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13lionz · 3 years ago
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i&i know somethings I didnt kno before. 🔥🌊🔥🌊🔥🌊🔥🌊🔥🌊🔥🌊🔥🌊🔥 • • • @maria_gabriella7 ✨Unknown Pharaoh✨ Faraone non identificato artist: Damien Hirst (2015) Granito blu, oro e agata bianca / Blue Granite, Gold and white agate #mostra ARCHAEOLOGY NOW 📍 Galleria Borghese, Roma #GalleriaBorghese#roma ❤️ #damienhirst #artexhibition #archaeologynow #museitaliani#volgoarte #traveling_arte#amazingarte #arte#art#kunst#scultura#sculpture #vivoartworld #artemondo_ #total_art_gallery#_arteecultura_ #culturalheritage#artlovers #italia_in_art#museide#rome #beniculturali30 #contemporaryart #artbeauty#artemoderna#blue (at Cartagena, Colombia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZEk1ZfLXMA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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vincens2019-blog · 5 years ago
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España. Comunidad Castilla y León. Salamanca. Béjar. Iglesia de Santa María la Mayor. Reformada en el siglo XVI. Retablo de San Sebastián, renacentista de estilo plateresco. #be_one_sacro  #loryandalpha_arte #vivoartworld   #ars_sacra #fever_allart  #world_of_churches #europe_perfection #thehub_art #hispanic_art_gallery     #traveling_arte #luxury_allworld #total_europe #my_travelimages #volgoarte #artemondo_ #amazingshots_arte    #fever_allart  #churchmypassion   #LOVES_LANDSCAPE #art_photogroup     #_igeuropa  #welcometochurches  #masterpiece #barocco_photogroup #art_photogroup #arte #earthsuperscatti #world_bestangels #takemetochurch_ig #church_masters (en Béjar) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5av1awIbMB/?igshid=wv49tz5y0a5u
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jonathan-papamarenghi · 3 years ago
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⚜️ Alla scoperta di #FarneseSegreto! 🎉 Dal 24 settembre un viaggio inedito tra spazi meravigliosi mai aperti del Palazzo, alla scoperta delle architetture vignolesche, dei loro usi, di grandi Artisti che ne hanno decorato le sale più belle e di un grande Pittore come #RobertDeLonge, del quale esporremo tele normalmente celate nei nostri depositi. DA NON PERDERE! #PiacenzaCultura #DeLonge #RobertDeLonge #Natali #Galeotti #SebastianoGaleotti #Seghizzi #PalazzoFarnese #PalazzoFarnesePiacenza #Piacenza #PiacenzaTurismo @palazzofarnese.piacenza @visitpiacenza.official @visitemilia.official @liberta1883 @touringclubpiacenza @touringclub @archivio_di_stato_piacenza @piacenza2020_2021_official @piacenzamusei @clickfor_piacenza @touringclubpiacenza @piacenzafoto @vivopiacenza @ripensandopiacenza @volgo_piacenza @artribune @italian_artists @art @artedossier @artemondo_ @arteemuseitalia @arteit @flashartitalia @_arteecultura_ @skyarte @volgoarte @finestresullarte @bewonder_andrea_baldini @marstucc (presso Palazzo Farnese (Piacenza)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTjHr_-MSVi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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contenteditor · 7 months ago
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The bedroom of Francesco II, the last King of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, is an impressive example of Neoclassical design.The monumental canopy bed is truly breathtaking, with its majestic gilded lions with wings perched on each corner. The front of the bed showcases intricate carvings of the heads of Pallas Athena and Mars, while the back features a sleeping genie with wings, making the bed a remarkable work of art. . . . #caserta #reggiadicaserta #napoli #campania #kings_luxury #vivoartworld #total_art_gallery #artemondo_ #bedroom #neoclassical @reggiadicaserta | by palace.reflections
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contenteditor · 4 months ago
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A few more pics of the magnificent sunlit marble staircase @palazzorealenapoli_ufficiale . . . #napoli #naples #palazzoreale #palazzorealenapoli #vivoartworld #museiitaliani #artemondo_ #staircase #marble | by palace.reflections
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contenteditor · 4 months ago
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The conclusion of the 19th century representation rooms in the Royal Castle of Caserta is the Council Room, which previously served as the venue for meetings with the ministers of the kingdom. Dominating the center of the room is a magnificent gilded neo-Baroque table, adorned with a stunning porcelain bowl. . . . #caserta #reggiadicaserta #italia #napoli #campania #kings_luxury #vivoartworld #total_art_gallery #artemondo_ #neoclassical | by palace.reflections
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contenteditor · 4 months ago
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The royal palace in Caserta near Naples was built from 1752 onwards by order of King Charles V of Sicily according to plans by architect Luigi Vanvitelli. The monumental 18.50 meter wide marble grand staircase leads to the octagonal upper vestibule, from which the court chapel and the parade rooms are accessible. Two majestic lions, symbolizing the power of reason and arms, guard the staircase - one of the largest of the Baroque period. .
Der Königspalast in Caserta bei Neapel wurde ab 1752 im Auftrag von König Karl V. von Sizilien nach Plänen des Architekten Luigi Vanvitelli errichtet. Über die monumentale, 18,50 Meter breite Prunktreppe aus Marmor gelangt man in das achteckige obere Vestibül, von dem aus die Hofkapelle und die Paraderäume zugänglich sind. Zwei majestätische Löwen, die die Kraft der Vernunft und der Waffen symbolisieren, bewachen das Treppenhaus - eines der größten des Barock.
. . . #caserta#reggiadicaserta#napoli#campania#kings_luxury#vivoartworld#total_art_gallery#artemondo_@reggiadicaserta | by palace.reflections
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contenteditor · 4 months ago
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✨Bedroom of the Queen and the Empress 👑 Before Maria di Medial up to Empress Eugenie, all the rulers of France, whether queens or empresses, used this state room. The room thus offers a historical overview of the development of interior design. The ceiling with sirens and floral garlands holding cupids is decorated with a monogram is decorated in its center with a monogram of Anna of Austria, mother of Louis XIV. Austria, the mother of Louis XIV. It was created in the year 1644 by the Parisian art carver Guillaume Noyers. The furniture stand found here corresponds to that of the Premier Empire with the balustrade by Jacob-Desmalter, originally designed delivered in 1804 for the throne room of the Tuileries, the Sphinx armchairs attributed to Jacob Frères, the screen, the consoles and the fireplace screen by Jacob-Desmalter, and the two chests of drawers by Beneman from the neighboring gaming salon, which were placed in the room in 1806. #fontainebleau #ig_ometry #arthistory #be_one_architecture #francetravel #architectureanddesign #empirestyle #architecture_hunter #total_art_gallery #historicarchitecture #traveling_arte #luxury_allworld #château #vivoartworld #palaceliving #amazingshots_arte #artpassion_world #artemondo_ #woodcarving #royal #palaceliving #kings_luxury #barocco #versailles #baroquepearls | by maik.monuments
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contenteditor · 4 months ago
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The bedroom of Francesco II, the last King of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, is an impressive example of Neoclassical design.The monumental canopy bed is truly breathtaking, with its majestic gilded lions with wings perched on each corner. The front of the bed showcases intricate carvings of the heads of Pallas Athena and Mars, while the back features a sleeping genie with wings, making the bed a remarkable work of art. . . . #caserta #reggiadicaserta #napoli #campania #kings_luxury #vivoartworld #total_art_gallery #artemondo_ #bedroom #neoclassical @reggiadicaserta | by palace.reflections
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contenteditor · 4 months ago
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The design of the antechambers in the so-called Old Apartment in the Royal Palace of Caserta is inspired by the course of the seasons. Here, I show you the Spring Room, which served as a reception room. In addition to the frescoes by Antonio de Dominicis, the landscape paintings by the Prussian artist Jakob Philipp Hackert are particularly noteworthy in this room. . . . #caserta #reggiadicaserta #napoli #naples #campania #italy #kings_luxury #vivoartworld #total_art_gallery #artemondo_ #vanvitelli | by palace.reflections
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contenteditor · 4 months ago
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The conclusion of the 19th century representation rooms in the Royal Castle of Caserta is the Council Room, which previously served as the venue for meetings with the ministers of the kingdom. Dominating the center of the room is a magnificent gilded neo-Baroque table, adorned with a stunning porcelain bowl. . . . #caserta #reggiadicaserta #italia #napoli #campania #kings_luxury #vivoartworld #total_art_gallery #artemondo_ #neoclassical | by palace.reflections
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contenteditor · 4 months ago
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Today I show you the bedroom of Joachim Murat in the royal palace of Caserta, Italy. ❓But who was Joachim Murat? 💡 Joachim Murat was a French military officer and politician who rose to prominence during the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars. He went on to become one of Napoleon's most trusted generals and played a key role in the major battles of the Napoleonic Wars, including Austerlitz, Jena, and Borodino. In 1808, Napoleon appointed Murat as the Grand Duke of Berg and Cleves, and later as the King of Naples in 1808. Murat proved to be an effective and popular ruler, introducing several reforms and modernizing the kingdom's infrastructure. . . . #caserta #reggiadicaserta #murat #napoleon #napoli #campania #kings_luxury #vivoartworld #total_art_gallery #artemondo_ #bedroom #empirestyle @reggiadicaserta | by palace.reflections
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contenteditor · 4 months ago
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✨Bedroom of the Queen and the Empress 👑 Before Maria di Medial up to Empress Eugenie, all the rulers of France, whether queens or empresses, used this state room. The room thus offers a historical overview of the development of interior design. The ceiling with sirens and floral garlands holding cupids is decorated with a monogram is decorated in its center with a monogram of Anna of Austria, mother of Louis XIV. Austria, the mother of Louis XIV. It was created in the year 1644 by the Parisian art carver Guillaume Noyers. The furniture stand found here corresponds to that of the Premier Empire with the balustrade by Jacob-Desmalter, originally designed delivered in 1804 for the throne room of the Tuileries, the Sphinx armchairs attributed to Jacob Frères, the screen, the consoles and the fireplace screen by Jacob-Desmalter, and the two chests of drawers by Beneman from the neighboring gaming salon, which were placed in the room in 1806. #fontainebleau #ig_ometry #arthistory #be_one_architecture #francetravel #architectureanddesign #empirestyle #architecture_hunter #total_art_gallery #historicarchitecture #traveling_arte #luxury_allworld #château #vivoartworld #palaceliving #amazingshots_arte #artpassion_world #artemondo_ #woodcarving #royal #palaceliving #kings_luxury #barocco #versailles #baroquepearls | by maik.monuments
Fonte: instagram.com
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