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kyoryu · 3 months ago
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pass me the sauce that makes you stupid please
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plantboxes · 11 months ago
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the saint of devotion
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bukesstuff · 1 month ago
Dear white never-muslim leftists, stop defending Islām. It literally hates you.
And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah) and (all and every kind of) worship is for Allah (Alone). But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun (the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)
— Al-Baqarah 193
And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter, he will be one of the losers.
— Āli Imrān 85
(Remember) when your Lord inspired the angels, "Verily, I am with you, so keep firm those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who have disbelieved, so strike them over the necks, and smite over all their fingers and toes."
— Al-Anfāl 12
Then when the Sacred Months (the Ist, 7th, 11th, and 12th months of the Islamic calendar) have passed, then kill the Mushrikun wherever you find them, and capture them and besiege them, and prepare for them each and every ambush. But if they repent and perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), and give Zakat, then leave their way free. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
— At-Tawbah 5
Fight against those who believe not in Allah, nor in the Last Day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Islam) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
— At-Tawbah 29
O you who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are close to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who are the Al-Muttaqun (the pious)
— At-Tawbah 123
So, when you meet (in fight Jihad in Allah's Cause), those who disbelieve smite at their necks till when you have killed and wounded many of them, then bind a bond firmly (on them, i.e. take them as captives). Thereafter (is the time) either for generosity (i.e. free them without ransom), or ransom (according to what benefits Islam), until the war lays down its burden. Thus [you are ordered by Allah to continue in carrying out Jihad against the disbelievers till they embrace Islam (i.e. are saved from the punishment in the Hell-fire) or at least come under your protection], but if it had been Allah's Will, He Himself could certainly have punished them (without you). But (He lets you fight), in order to test you, some with others. But those who are killed in the Way of Allah, He will never let their deeds be lost,
— Muhammad 4
Narrated Qais: Jarir said "Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said to me, "Won't you relieve me from Dhul-Khalasa?" I replied, "Yes, (I will relieve you)." So I proceeded along with one-hundred and fifty cavalry from Ahmas tribe who were skillful in riding horses. I used not to sit firm over horses, so I informed the Prophet (ﷺ) of that, and he stroke my chest with his hand till I saw the marks of his hand over my chest and he said, O Allah! Make him firm and one who guides others and is guided (on the right path).' Since then I have never fallen from a horse. Dhul-l--Khulasa was a house in Yemen belonging to the tribe of Khatham and Bajaila, and in it there were idols which were worshipped, and it was called Al-Ka`ba." Jarir went there, burnt it with fire and dismantled it. When Jarir reached Yemen, there was a man who used to foretell and give good omens by casting arrows of divination. Someone said to him. "The messenger of Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) is present here and if he should get hold of you, he would chop off your neck." One day while he was using them (i.e. arrows of divination), Jarir stopped there and said to him, "Break them (i.e. the arrows) and testify that None has the right to be worshipped except Allah, or else I will chop off your neck." So the man broke those arrows and testified that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah. Then Jarir sent a man called Abu Artata from the tribe of Ahmas to the Prophet to convey the good news (of destroying Dhu-l-Khalasa). So when the messenger reached the Prophet, he said, "O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! By Him Who sent you with the Truth, I did not leave it till it was like a scabby camel." Then the Prophet (ﷺ) blessed the horses of Ahmas and their men five times.
— Sahih al-Bukhari 4357
Narrated Abu Hurairah:
That the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "Do not precede the Jews and the Christians with the Salam. And if one you meets one of them in the path, then force him to its narrow portion." [He said:] There are narrations on this topic from Ibn 'Umar, Anas, and Abu Basrah Al-Ghifari the Companion of the Prophet (ﷺ). [Abu 'Eisa said:] This Hadith is Hasan Sahih. And regarding the meaning of this Hadith: "Do not precede the Jews and the Christians": Some of the poeple of knowledge said that it only means that it is disliked because it would be honoring them, and the Muslims were ordered to humiliate them. For this reason, when one of them is met on the path, then the path is not yielded for him, because doing so would amount to honoring them.
— Jami` at-Tirmidhi 1602
In simple words all non-Muslims (Zimmi or others) are not allowed to invite others to follow disbelief, nor to demonstrate it or spread it, i.e. no Christian, Jewish, Buddhist or any other follower of false religion and ideology can spread his false creed in the Islamic State.
This means that a non-Muslim resident in the Islamic State can remain on his religion and Muslims are required to avoid hurting him as long as he is committed to his covenant with Muslims. But, this freedom of creed does not entitle him to invite other to his religion. Islam is the religion of truth, and only the one whose heart is closed, whose sight and hearing are sealed will refuse to follow Islam. Thus, it becomes a duty for every Muslim to invite others to Islam and to spread its teachings in all places and at all times. Also, all obstacles, which prevent Islam from being propagated are to be destroyed so that every man on earth receives the message of Islam.
From islamweb.net
Yes, they may preach their religion amongst the non-Muslims but not amongst the Muslims as they are preaching a baatil (false) religion amongst believers. This is unacceptable to us.
From islamqa.org
So whoever refuses to enter Islam should be fought when the Muslims are able to fight, until they either enter Islam or pay the jizyah if they are among the people who may pay jizyah.
Just as a person may be forced to do the duty that he owes to other people even if that is by means of imprisonment or beating, so forcing the kaafirs to believe in Allah alone and enter into the religion of Islam is more important and more essential, because this will lead to their happiness in this world and in the Hereafter.
From islamqa.info
And the correct view is this that polytheists (of today) do not come under the category of “people of the book”, but only Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians are allowed to live by paying Jizya, while Prophet Muhammad killed all the polytheists in Arabia and accepted nothing from them, except Islam.
From binbaz.org
al-Hajjaj's administrators wrote to him that the tax revenues had decreased and that the dhimmis (non-Muslim citizens) had converted to Islam and migrated to the cities. Thus, he wrote to Basra and other places, instructing that those people (i.e. those Dhimmi non-Muslims who converted to Islam, and) with roots in a village should return there, intending to collect the Jizya (from those ex-Dhimmis). The newly converted people (i.e. ex-Dhimmis) started to weep and cry out, "O Muhammad! O Muhammad!" without knowing where to go.
From Alī Ibn al-Athīr
(... the Caliph should order that) It is required that none of them (non-Muslims) should resemble Muslims in their clothing, modes of transportation, or appearance. They should be distinguished by wearing belts (like a distinctive knot) in their waists, and their caps should have distinctive marks. Additionally, they should use only those saddles for riding, which are used to transport woods. Their footwear should have double laces, and they should not imitate the way Muslims dress. Furthermore, their women should be prohibited from riding on saddles.
From Hārūn ar-Rāshīd
They are prohibited from constructing new covenant or church buildings in the city, except those that have been agreed upon and become part of their treaty. If such buildings already exist, they are allowed to keep them and they should not be demolished. .. They are permitted to reside in Muslim territories and their markets, engage in buying and selling, but they are prohibited from trading in wine and pork, and they should not display crosses in Muslim territories. Their clothing should include a distinctive belt, which should be longer in length. It is the responsibility of the authorities to ensure that the people of the treaty adhere to this dress code. This was the directive of Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, to his officials regarding the attire of the people of the treaty, stating that they should be easily distinguishable from Muslims by their attire.
From Abū Yūsuf
After that, do not let a visible cross remain intact in public, but break and obliterate it. Neither should a Jew nor a Christian ride on saddles; they should ride on the hump of the camel. Women among them should not ride on a riding beast, and if they do, it should be on the hump of the camel. You should emphasize this strictly. Christians had started the wearing of turbans (just like Muslims) and abandoned their distinctive clothing in front of you. So a Christian should not wear a Quba'a (a type of head covering) nor a garment made of fine wool or silk. It has been mentioned to me that many Christians in font of you, had adopted the wearing of turbans and abandoned their distinctive clothing, and instead, they used the jamam (a specific type of headdress) and wofur (a type of garment) and abandoned the qass (a type of footwear). By my life, if they had done that before you, it would have been a sign of your weakness, incapability, and incompetence. When they reconsidered and abandoned those practices, it was to know who you are. Therefore, pay attention to everything I have forbidden, and decisively prevent them from doing so. Peace be upon you.
From Umar ibn Abd al-Azīz
They (the Dhimmis) are obliged to comply with Islamic rules that pertain to the safety and indemnity of life, reputation, and property. In addition, they: ... are distinguished from Muslims in dress, wearing a wide cloth belt, are not greeted with As-Salamu Alaykum, must keep to the side of the street, may not build higher than or as high as the Muslims' buildings - though if they acquire a tall house - it is not razed, are forbidden to openly display wine or pork, recite the Torah or Gospel aloud, or make public display of their funerals and feastdays, and are forbidden to build new churches.
From Ahmad ibn an-Naqib al-Misri
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laisy · 2 years ago
What’s with Emil Smith Rowe getting a tattoo with “trust the process”in Spanish? Is Artata now branding our boys?  
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qubixo1 · 20 days ago
Champions League: Arsnal v PSV Estateven
ARSENAL VO SPACKS program PSV moves to Arsen’s third looking for miraculous miracles in the competition of Champions League. The gunna redeemed their last opponents of Dutch 7-1 in the first leg from home, few days before Manchester United in Premier League. Michel Artata men were not happy with, no matter how much opportunity to the background. PSV hit the timber of matches and arguments just…
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yuukei-yikes · 3 years ago
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there is not a punchline.
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nullxvii · 7 years ago
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a messy sketch dump of my fan apprentice, Cruz! drawing him is so much fun......
can you guess whos his main love interest??? mmm???
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rdmfavcpls · 8 years ago
Worst Timing
Title: Worst Timing
Category: Digimon
Pairing: Takumi/Yuuko Nokia/Yuugo Ami/Arata
Rating: T
Summary: Ami and Takumi are twins that moved away six years ago. They moved back to where their friends are at and as a reunion, they all go to the beach to celebrate and reconnect. However, four of the friends start dating leaving two of them alone, which they aren’t that mad about
Disclaimer: I do not owe any rights to the digimon franchise.
~~Story Begins~~
~~Six years ago~~
“We will see each other again, right?” a young girl with pink hair spoke crying as they stood at a subway station.
“Of course,” another young girl said with red hair.  “I promise to come back, besides we will keep in touch as well.”
“You had better come back,” the last of the girls said with straight black hair spoke. “I don’t think many people will be as true as a friend you are to me or to my brother.”
“This sucks,”  a boy with long black hair spoke, “Why can’t you two stay here? Why do you have to move?”
The boy with red spiked hair sighed, “We begged to stay, we really did, but Mom and Dad said they have to move for work. I don’t know why we have to move as well.”
“Just don’t forget about us,” the last boy with short black hair said.
“We can’t,” the two red hair twin spoke together. “You are our friends.”
“No one can replace you,” the red haired girl spoke.
“Ami, Takumi, it’s time to go,” a voice shouted from the train causing the two red hair kids to wave good-bye before running towards their parents. 
~~Present Day~~
“Arata!” a female voice spoke before a pink jacket arm wrapped around his white jacket’s arm. The lady was wearing a blue dress and grey stockings, her pink hair done in pigtails and her wrists were covered in bracelets, her grey heels clicking across the sidewalk as she walked alongside the man who never stopped moving. “Guess what?’
Arata had long black ragged looking hair, his grey eyes were narrowed in annoyance at his newfound companion, his white jacket had a hood with blue stitching that matched the body suit he wore underneath, “You’re annoying?” He questioned taking a guess that he knew was wrong. 
“Jerk, I am not annoying!” the female responded with a huff. “I just got a message from Ami.”
“Is she coming to visit again, Nokia?” Arata asked looking at the female.
“Hehe, your attitude always changes when Ami is involved,” Nokia chuckled enjoying the reaction she got from the grumpy Arata who quickly look away. “The answer is no by the way.”
“...” Artata stayed silent.
Nokia spoke between her giggles. “Ami is moving back. Takumi is still thinking about it.”
Arata looked at Nokia as she unwound her arm, “It’s been awhile since any of us saw Takumi, why is Ami moving back?”
“Ami got a job with Kuremi Agency in Nakano,” Nokia spoke. Keeping the thought the grump person next to her could also be another reasoning as to why Ami is moving. “However, Takumi is helping her move so I’m planning a date at the beach with them and the Kamishiro twins. Want to join?”
“I don’t see why not, just don’t expect me to swim,” Arata spoke shoving his hands in the pocket.
“No fun,” Nokia pouted. “Now i just need to find my darling Kamishiro twins and let them know the good news. I’ll see you later.”
Arata smirked, he won’t swim unless she asked him too.
~~On the train~~
“Are you sure about this?” a red spiky hair boy asked, digivice goggles keeping the hair out of his blue eyes, he was wearing a black shirt with two yellow circles featuring AWA Studios and black cargo pants and brown straps.
“Of course I’m sure, Takumi,” the female companion spoke, her red hair pulled into a side pony tail where her digivice goggles wrapped around, she was wearing a yellow shirt with black sleeves and two circles in the same fashion as Takumi’s only in black with AWA Studios, a grey backpack was down on the ground where her grey shoes were at, contrasting against her yellow socks and the short grey skirt. “I miss hanging out with everyone everyday, plus if I wasn’t sure then I wouldn’t take on the job offer.”
“It justs feel weird you making this decision without talking to me about it,” Takumi spoke crossing his arms.
“Than move with me,” Ami spoke not buying the act her brother usually uses to make her feel guilty. “You know for a fact I have always wanted to move back. Besides, you haven’t came back and hang out with us in what a year?”
“What happened a year ago? That fight you had with Arata,” Ami spoke.
“We had a disagreement over something,” Takumi spoke.
“What sort of disagreement?” Ami questioned. “Every time I ask Arata about it, he freezes up and leaves. You don’t usually hold a grudge against someone either.” She received no response. “Fine, but I still want to know what happened. The two of you were super close before.”
“We just don’t see eye-to-eye anymore,” Takumi responded with a roll of his shoulders looking out the window.
~~At the beach~~
Nokia was splashing her friend, Yuuko Kamishiro who was wearing a white swimsuit, Nokia was wearing a two piece swimsuit in a pink color with frills. “Come on Yuuko, fight back!”
“I am holding onto the beach ball, Nokia!” Yuuko responded angrily trying to use the ball as a shield. “Yuugo, hold this!” she threw the ball towards her brother who was wearing black swim trunks, his black hair cut short as his black eyes looked nervously between his blue eyed girlfriend who was looking for a challenge and the angry black eyes of his sister.
Arata Sanada just smirked from his spot on the beach, his white coat on over top of his blue jumpsuit but underneath it, he did have a pair of blue swim trunks on. He leaned against the tree trunk he was near by and watched as his friends played in the inviting looking water.
“I see you haven’t changed much,” a voice spoke from beside him causing Arata to look over to see Takumi.
“So, you decided to join today too?” Arata asked looking back at their friends.
“Mainly to talk to you, I thought I told you to stay away from Ami?” Takumi asked as the one who they were speaking about sneaked up on Nokia and scared her.
“It was a mistake to tell you that I have a crush on her,” Arata spoke. “However, I will not quit hanging out with her. She is still a friend. She keeps asking me about the fight we had a year ago.”
“Same here and she’s still clueless,” Takumi responded. “Who's the one in the white?”
“Yuuko,” Arata commented.
“She’s grown.”
“Usually what happens when you miss out on a year of hanging out with us,” Arata responded.
The two boys were silent watching as the four friends played in the water, “Ami is a hacker now,” Takumi spoke causing the other to look at him.
“You and Nokia are the only two that aren’t then,” Arata responded. “Why are you telling me this?”
“Because it seems like no matter how hard I try, I can’t get the two of you to stay away. Just protect her, okay?”
“Are you giving me permission to date your sister?”
“Absolutely not, but I cannot stop her from hanging out with you alone,” Takumi spoke gritting his teeth.
Arata refrained from laughing, Takumi is acting the same way Yuuko was when Nokia and Yuugo started dating. “Whatever you say, but from the way you are talking, makes me think that my feelings for your sister are returned back to me, which means I have a chance.”
Takumi stomped his foot, “Dangit, I put my stupid foot in my mouth.” Ami looked over upon hearing Arata laugh and seeing her twin brother talking to himself. A smile appeared on her face, hoping that the friendship they had was starting to be repaired.
“Is that Takumi?” Yuuko asked upon seeing the other red haired boy.
“Yes, I tell him he needs to take better care of his hair but he ignores me,” Ami responded throwing the ball towards Nokia who wasn’t paying attention. “Do you want me to go get him?”
“Yes, I would like to have some stern words with him,” Yuuko spoke.
Ami chuckled and got out of the water dodging the beach ball, Nokia had thrown at her, she threw the ball back towards Yuugo and smiled shaking her head, “Takumi!” she called out grabbing her towel. “You promised Mom you would swim.”
“Continue swimming for me,” Takumi spoke back. Ami shook her head. “Seriously?”
“Not my fault, Yuuko wants to scold you, besides if you don’t go, not only are you getting a scold from Yuuko,” Ami said standing in front of her brother, “but you will also have Mom being mad at you. She will take away your games and cancel the preorder of the new Monster game you have been raving about.”
“Ouch, man,” Arata spoke. “That is almost like a sin with all those special pre-order bonuses.”
“Tell me about it,” Takumi said with a grumble taking the shirt off since he was just wearing his swimming shorts as shorts. “Mom would do it too.”
Ami looked at Arata, “You come too, there is zero reason as to why you shouldn’t be having fun.”
“Obviously,” Arata spoke as Takumi headed towards the ocean, “I am not dressed for it.”
“Obviously, that’s your problem,” Ami spoke putting her hands on her hips as she wore the one piece yellow swimsuit with ease. “You knew we were hanging out at the beach, thus you should have came prepared.” 
Arata smirked at the lady in front of him, “Oh, what would you do if I didn’t come prepare?”
“You would be swimming in that outfit you are wearing,” Ami spoke bending down to where she was level with Arata, “However, I know you came prepared so you are getting into the water.”
“I will, but not right now,” Arata spoke, “Because I really don’t think you want to intervene in that.” He pointed towards their friends causing Ami to turn around.
The sight she saw was Yuugo and Nokia walking away with the beach ball, Nokia laughing behind her hand while Yuugo was shaking his head, trying not to smile at his girlfriend’s comments. Yuuko was right up in Takumi’s face, her hands clenched into her fists as she scolded Takumi.
Ami sighed and sat down next to him, “You’re right, Takumi deserves it through.”
Arata smirked at her, “So, you’re a hacker?”
“Yeah, got introduced into it by Yuuko, when I somehow entered Kowloon. Tried to get me to join Zaxon too, roped Yuugo into trying to recruit me.”
“Didn’t work?” Arata asked looking ahead.
“They wouldn’t have been able to give me the answers I’m looking for,” Ami responded. “You didn’t join either if you are the other “irregular” Yuuko mentioned.”
“You got me,” Arata said placing his hands behind his head. “I didn’t join Zaxon either, went ahead and started my own group. Want to join?”
“Thank you for the offer, but no. I don’t think any group can give me the answers I’m looking for,” Ami spoke.
“Are you on a self-enlightenment journey or something?” Arata questioned as Yuuko got done yelling at Takumi.
“I guess you can call it that,” Ami spoke causing Arata to look at her, her eyes down casted.
Arata nudged her causing her to look at him, “Hey, if I can help you find whatever you are looking for, let me know. I’ll do my best to help.”
Ami smiled, “Thank you, but like I told Kamishiro, Nokia, and my own brother, you wouldn’t believe me.” Arata frowned at her, “Hey, you should let me know what days you are free so you could check out my apartment.”
A change of subject, something that Ami always did when she started showing sadness, Arata smirked at her, “I’m free most days, just got to let me know when you would like me over.”
~~Months later~~ Ami was logged into a private EDEN forum that Arata, Yuuko, and Yuugo had all created together. She was bent down onto one knee as she wrapped some gauze around her Garurumon paw. She heard a ding signalling that someone signed into the forum. 
“There, does that feel better?” Ami asked looking at her Garurumon who tested out its paw before nuzzling Ami who was smiling as she rubbed its head. “That’s good to hear.”
“Life is never dull with you around,” she heard Arata spoke from behind her. He stood next to her, his hands shoved into his pockets. “Got anything planned later on today?”
“No, after the battle and everything that happened today, Kyoko is giving me the rest of the day off, why?” Ami asked as her Gomamon came running up to her which she picked up and held, her arms underneath his front flippers. She dashed the hope that he was going to ask her out on a date instead of just hanging out, it’s even been a month since the two of them just hung out one-on-one.
“Well, I was just wondering if you -” his digivice started to ring causing him to cuss and turning around before answering it. “Hello?”
“Some of Zaxon hackers have leaked our plans for the raid on person of interest 1,” the hacker spoke.
“Shoot, okay, I’ll be there to try and do damage control, just don’t screw it up,” Arata responded hanging up on the call. He turned around to face Ami.
“Most be important if they called you in,” Ami spoke with a smile. “Go ahead and go. They need you.”
Arata ran his fingers through his hair, “Thanks, I’ll try to talk to you later.”
He logged out, heading towards only he knows. Ami held onto her Gomamon tighter, the smile disappearing from her face as she looked over Gomamon’s orange mohawk. Garurumon nudged her back gently before nuzzling her face, feeling the sadness their mistress was feeling.
“Hey,” Gomamon spoke looking up at Ami, “Why don’t we all hang out at the Digital Farm? I can show you all the water tricks I’ve been learning!”
“That sounds like a great idea,” her Garurumon agreed. “It will be a snap to get you around all of the Digimon Farms you have while riding me.” Ami smiled at her two digimon, “Thank you guys, I would like that but you two will need to rest. I didn’t mean to get the two of you injured. I wonder how Pumpkinmon, Devimon, and Greymon are doing now. I didn’t mean to make them faint during that final battle with Jimiken.”
“They will be happy to see you,” Garurumon spoke sitting down. “Especially Pumpkinmon.” “Than let’s go!” Gomamon said as he pointed his flipper towards the logout area causing Ami to laugh as she followed the direction her digimon was pointing in.
~~Next Day~~
Arata was tired, the battle with the rogue Zaxon hackers taking a toll on his team plus Kerisamon, but they got their damage control and everything will be proceeding as planned.
He walked on the sidewalk, running his fingers through his hair. He wanted to hang out with Ami, without distractions, but of course, something came up and Ami was understanding of him needing to leave. He noticed how nothing truly came up on her end.
He put his hood up and walked on the sidewalk in Shinjuku. He stopped as he noticed Ami talking to a man that seemed calm. Ami placed her hands behind her back with a bright smile on her face. The man just shook his head at her.
“You are a weird one,” the calm man said placing his hands on his hips. “Why do you come out of your way to talk to me? Do you just come here to bug me to get help with your homework?”
“Yep,” Ami responded.
“That will only make people - the police - suspect me more,” the man responded and Arata narrowed his eyes. There was a bad vibe coming from this guy and Ami is just talking to him like normal.
“Sooo?” Ami questioned. “I’m their secret weapon’s assistant and my boss plus Matayoshi can vouch for you. So come on please!”
“Are you like this to everyone you meet after a case?” the man asked.
Ami shook her head, “I don’t know. I’m still new to the whole business but I did some asking around about you. You see, since I have a job, my school allows me to take online classes, but the thing is, there is no class sessions where the teacher explains what the material is over, so I really need help with the material.”
“You found out that I have a teaching degree that I don’t use,” the man said shaking his head.
“You caught me,” Ami said with a smile. “So, please.”
“Fine,” the man said with a sigh. “Saturdays are the only days in which I have off so will Saturday mornings work?”
“Anytime that is fine with you will work with me,” Ami said. “My boss is really easy-going about it unless an emergency case comes up than I will let you know in advance.”
“Never thought I would use my teaching degree, but thanks,” the man said. “Now get out of here.”
“Yes sir!” Ami said before running off.
Arata was so engrossed in eavesdropping on the conversation, that he didn’t notice Nokia sneaking up behind him. “So, did you finally ask her?” Nokia asked causing him to snap his head towards her.
“What are you talking about?” Arata asked narrowing his grey eyes.
“Have you asked Ami out on a date?” Nokia questioned crossing her arms. “Don’t tell me you chickened out again and just asked to hang out with her?”
“Something came up last night, I don’t think I was even with her for three minutes before I got called away,” Arata spoke narrowing his eyes at her.
“You have Takumi’s permission finally after getting my boyfriend involved and you still haven’t asked her,” Nokia said angrily.
“I’m trying,” Arata snapped before walking away, not seeing Nokia’s smirk.
“Good, it’s about time I hit a nerve with that geek,” she said to herself.
~~Later that Day~~
Ami was in her apartment, twirling a pencil in her between her fingers as she tried to find the homework assignment she was working on when there was knocking on her door. She rolled her eyes thinking it was her brother who was supposed to come back for the weekend until Monday due to school.
“It’s unlocked,” she called out writing down the answer she found for the question. The door opened and shut as she automatically found the next answer, “How was cultural fest?”
“Couldn’t tell you, my school doesn’t have it until another month,” a voice spoke from behind her causing her to lean against the couch and look up at her visitor. “I’ll let you know when it’s over.”
“Arata! What are you doing here?”
“Visiting you, I did knock,” Arata said crossing his arms as Ami turned around on the couch.
“I thought you was Takumi, he should be due back today, What can I do for you today?” Ami asked with a smile.
“What’s this about you asking someone for help with your schoolwork?” Arata asked.
“I thought that was you I saw,” Ami said. “Anyway, he’s someone who I encountered on a case that was possess by a Digimon. He’s a good person, just misunderstood.”
“Possess by a digimon?” Arata asked. “Is that even possible?”
“I’ve had a case where a digimon was collecting EDEN accounts,” Ami spoke. “So yes, it is. Digimon aren’t just programs. Nokia seems to believe me.”
“Strange how she became a hacker,” Arata said shaking his head. “You two idiots would believe they have feelings.”
Ami glared at him, “You will understand someday.”
“Yeah, sure,” Arata spoke. “Look, I came here to ask you a question.”
Ami tilted her head, “Oh?”
Just than his digivice went off again causing him to groan, “Not again.” Ami smiled, “Go ahead and go, you are a very popular man.”
Arata walked out with a sigh, thinking his group of hackers were sometimes idiots as they got breached again. “One of these times, I will ask.” Ami sighed as the smile fell, it was getting so easy to hide her emotions from everyone, even her own brother. She couldn’t hide it from her Digimon friends or Kyoko however. Maybe it was better if she didn’t move back close to home.
~~Two Days Later~~ Arata was walking down the streets of the Shibuya, trying to find Ami, his digivice on silent and all missions pressed forward or held back. He was bound determined to finally ask Ami out on a date. Kyoko said she was at the studio records store taking on a case.
He entered the music shop and saw Ami talking to Reiko Tawa, “Let me talk to my manager about it,” Reiko spoke. “If you think staying inside the store will help find the culprit then I’m sure he’s up for it.”
“Thank you,” Ami said bowing slightly.
Reiko left to talk to her manager and Ami was looking at the strange album, “I didn’t know you was into that type of music,” Arata spoke standing next to Ami.
“It’s hard on the ears,” Ami responded, “However, I can see how she likes it.” She looked at him, “Did you come here to buy music?”
“Naw, Kyoko told me where you was since I would like to talk to you,” Arata spoke.
“The last couple of times you said that, your digivice went off,” Ami pointed out. 
Arata’s eyes narrowed, “Yes well, if they screw up than they have to fix it. I am unavailable to them right now.”
Reiko came back with a bright smile, “My manager agreed to it! He’s allowed us to stay the night here.”
“Wait, us?” Ami questioned.
“Well, yeah, I’m joining! I want to meet the person who is making those albums,” Reiko said.
“It could be dangerous,” Ami tried to counter.
“Than all the more reason for me to join you in case you get hurt,” Reiko said. ���Please let me join, I have always wanted to know what it will be like to stay the night here.”
Ami thought about it, “Okay, but if gets too dangerous, you run, okay?” “Okay!” Reiko said excited. “I can’t wait.”
Ami waved bye at her client as Arata and her left the store, “Sounds like fun,” Arata commented.
“I’ll let you know when it’s over,” Ami spoke. “So what did you want to talk to me about?”
Arata shoved his hands in his pockets, “I was wondering if you would like to go out on an actual date with me?”
“A date?” Ami questioned looking at the taller teenager.
“Yes, a date. You know what Nokia, Yuugo, Takumi, and Yuuko do on the nights we usually hang out together,” Arata explained a smirk.
“I know what a date is,” Ami explained, “And I know what they do on a date. I’m not stupid.”
“Now, you are just absent-minded some days,” Arata responded enjoying bantering with her. It was sorely overdue and missed. “So yes or no?”
“Yes,” Ami said happily. “I’ve been waiting for you to ask and I think I just started dashing my hopes in you ever asking.”
“It’s what I’ve been trying to ask and say the last couple of times I’ve talked to alone,” Arata spoke. “Tonight you have that stake-out, tomorrow you have that tutoring with that one man, so how does tomorrow afternoon?
“Tomorrow afternoon sounds perfect,” Ami responded with a smile.
“Good, meet me outside of Broadway,” Arata spoke thinking, “Around 3:00. We’ll decide on what to do then.”
“Sounds good, maybe now Gomamon won’t want to drown you,” Ami said chuckling at Arata’s reaction.
“Shouldn’t that seal be digivolved by now?” Arata asked.
“He can, it will be into a giant walrus but he prefers being held,” Ami said giggling.
“You’re digimon are protective of you,” Arata spoke. “How ever will I gain their trust?”
“Mirel has already talked them down,” Ami said. “She’s good about that. So I’ll see you tomorrow at 3:00. I need to go inform Kyoko of the plans for this case.” She ran off towards the office and Arata went his way, a genuine smile on his face.
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paoloferrarocdd · 8 years ago
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Lo Stato che vìola se stesso e una magistratura che nega il suo medesimo fondamento evoca la propria morte da suicidio morale e storico e solo pietà infinita. "A Socrate, più sano e vegeto che mai, l'ennesima coppa, tempestata di gemme , orlata di miele e contenente l'ultimo veleno insidioso, incolore ed insapore". uò dopo aversi versato calici di amara cicuta a Socrate, più sano e vegeto che mai, porgersi l'ennesima coppa tempestata di gemme , orlata di miele e contenente l'ennesimo ultimo veleno insidioso, incolore ed insapore ?! Una istanza del lontano 3 marzo 2013 , seppure resuscitata ad undici mesi di distanza e sequestrata in arcani depositi, in patente violazione di legge ( “immediatamente “ recita il disposto ), sembrerebbe giustificare la repentina azione del magistrato addetto alla D.G Magistrati dott. Giovanni Ariolli, preceduta da un sms affettuoso di un Sottosegretario del Ministero di Giustizia, a me inviato la mattina del sei gennaio 2014 , potenza infantile del simbolo. SI attiverebbe ora, di corsa, una procedura allora dovuta che parte dal presupposto di una patologia mai esistita, in funzione di una inettitudine per contrappasso comminata , porgendo ad una commissione ex lege convocata, il quesito da sciogliere se a Paolo Ferraro residuino doti capacità e salute che gli consentano “almeno” di svolgere compiti amministrativi e quale e quanto sia il grado della sua “patologia “ . Quella arcana ingenuità sottilmente malevola, e ben vestita della razionalità astratta di norma creata appositamente per i magistrati, che fa ritenere che oggi, già revocata la istanza “cautelativa“ e richiesta due volte al Ministro la semplice e banale Giustizia, si possa percorrere tale strada ancora , sottovalutando sinanche chi si ha di fronte , non merita di essere soppesata . La attitudine più o meno speciale di chi osa scriverLe oggi una ultima volta , signor Ministro, importunandola, è di pubblico dominio e lederei la coscienza e consapevolezza collettiva se piegando morale scelte e valori mi immettessi oggi in un percorso ben congegnato a tutela ma anche oliato ad inganno, se di minorato stato o patologia non si possa neanche fiatare come è evidente a chiunque . La vicenda inane di un potere dello Stato e di un organo di rilevanza costituzionale , che invertendo diritti e regole, colpisca il o uno dei migliori , pur di coprire, la storia della artata costruzione di un profilo inesistente con impiego di mezzi e apparati, non merita di trovare comodo riparo in una soluzione dell'ultima ora , rabberciata, o la soluzione dell'ultimo inganno nel benevolo o nel malevolo caso, comunque. Lo Stato che viola se stesso e una magistratura che nega il suo medesimo fondamento evoca la propria morte da suicidio morale e storico e solo pietà infinita. IL caso Paolo Ferraro da cui si dipana questa ultima micro vicenda è ormai la denuncia di rilievo europeo internazionale di un apparato e cordata eversiva e deviata, ben individuati e ben noti nelle pericolose matrici, metodologie , strumentazioni e genìa. Chiedere a me di interpretare la parte di ennesimo Socrate , di avallare una patologica ed invertita “verità” istituzionale sotto il ricatto della mia sopravvivenza , dopo che solo dieci mesi fa si tentava addirittura di nominare a Paolo Ferraro amministratore di sostegno scrivendo immondizie inventate e dopo una sotterranea propalazioni di diffamazioni da parte di un gruppo ben individuato che fa della falsificazione e maldicenza , ricatto e minaccia lo strumento più antico efficace , è semplicemente assurdo . Resta solo la soluzione politica con gli appigli formali giuridici tanti, in una procedura già orchestrata con radicali violazioni di diritti e garanzie altresì. Colgo l'occasione per porgere a Lei signor Ministro il saluto che compete a chi consapevolmente non può non aver colto, dirigendo il dicastero della Giustizia ed avendo diretto il dicastero del Ministero dell'Interno . E le aggiungo in nota, stralcio da una scheda Voce pubblicata in rete , a partire da parere per la nomina di Cassazione del magistrato che le scrive, e considerazioni brevi aggiunte . Roma 20 gennaio 2014 Paolo Ferraro Maggiori informazioni http://ift.tt/24SlRxf Paolo Ferraro February 10, 2017 at 02:53PM
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kyoryu · 7 months ago
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plantboxes · 6 months ago
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kyoryu · 4 months ago
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kyoryu · 8 months ago
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kyoryu · 3 months ago
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kyoryu · 3 months ago
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