#art tip response
overescapeau · 2 years
hello there, im still someone who is new to tumble. in fact a friend reamended it to me, but as i was looking about i came across your art and mini comics and is interested. the thing said ask anything so ill ask this, is it true that comics take a long time to do as well as trying to get the comic to look as good as you can? thanks for reading this comment
Hello and welcome to Tumblr! ^^
And yes. Comics that I personally make usually take as long as my finished art pieces (if I do the whole coloring and rendering portion of it, it takes a couple of hours). However small sketched ones usually take little to no time at all. But either way, you need to plan out the whole thing. Which takes a long, long, time.
Thanks for asking :D
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just-a-drawing-bean · 10 months
Hey bean!! I absolutely adore your animations nd theyve really inspired me to get back into learning how to animate frame by frame again, smth about your animations really feel spectacular, (amazing key poses nd smooth motions even with a lower frame rate!) I frequently come back to them jus to admire it all! I was wondering if you had any tips on animation, or any progress pics of animating! (No pressure though!! I will continue to enjoy your amazin animations while i try to crack your secret 🔨)
Thank you!! i made a whole post about making an animation smooth from a different ask. but! i do have more to say about animation in general that post doesn't talk about everything. I noticed I didn't talk about follow through. which is basically the continuation of a motion. the natural settle of the body into a pose. so once i've done my in-betweens from one pose to the next. i cant just ease out the movement. i have to make sure things like arms, hair, heads, etc, finish their movements to make sure the weight is correct.
here is a little in progress gif of something i'm working on (ignore the ribbons disappearing i'm not done lol)
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so instead of just easing to a stop he does a rock back and his arms and head also follow through their motions and bounce back on a slight delay to the body. the arms and head follow the body movement but lag behind slightly. think of a tail wagging. uhhh its 3am man so ill leave it here. the linked post has a lot of info. but if you have specific questions id love to talk about it i love explaining my animation process id like to make a breakdown of something one day.
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proteesiukkonen · 6 months
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Some recent sketchbook doodles that I like. Been putting her in scenarios.
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upsidedownsmore · 6 months
Hi!! I was wondering if its okay to ask what brushes u normally use in krita? I love your art!!
Thank you so much!!! I only use the ones available in Krita by default and I tend to jump around based on what I think will work best for each piece, but I can give a little rundown on which ones I use the most and what I use them for :)
Here's an image guide with each of the brushes I've used and that I recommend checking out:
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I'll highlight my favorites as well with some examples where they were predominantly used! (though in some cases multiple or even all of these brushes were used)
Marker Details:
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Varying opacity and size makes this one my favorites for sketching, especially since it can easily be nearly transparent or fully opaque which helps with value range.
I also like using it for silhouette sketches!
It can also be used for final linework, but it takes more work to get to a full opaque and its lack of texture makes it a little less interesting than Ink-7 Brush Rough imo.
Ink-7 Brush Rough:
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Really good for linework, especially for comic styled drawings with it's slight texture, varying weight, and opaqueness.
Also good for just filling in entire areas with a single color as well as non-smoothed shading!
Wet Bristles Rough:
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Actually just an amazing brush, its pressure sensitivity is crazy.
Blends strokes like paint and can vary in size and opacity.
Also has a nice subtle texture!
Amazing for smoother coloring and shading, especially if you want a more painterly style.
Watercolor Texture:
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(hard to show examples of this, just assume that I've used it in any piece that has smooth shading lol)
Not the best for painting/drawing on its own, however I've found it to be really useful when set to white or black on an overlay layer for adding extra shading and/or highlighting on top of the shading I've already done.
I usually shade individual figures, objects, and parts separately, but using an overlay layer with Watercolor Texture (or even Shapes Square) on top of everything helps make the entire piece feel more cohesive.
Also adds a hint more texture!
Another thing to note is the importance of layer modes!
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I know that you asked about brushes specifically, but many of these brushes (particularly those to do with effects and textures) work best when experimenting with different layer modes other than Normal. Overlay is generally a safe bet and most of the best for, well, overlaying multiple layers for interesting effects. But please try out all of them at any given opportunity, sometimes things like Burn, Color Dodge, Soft Light, etc can have more interesting effects!
In addition, mess with filter masks! You can even edit where they apply by drawing on the mask directly! HSV/HSL Adjustment (also accessible with ctrl+u) in particular is INSANELY useful for fiddling with the colors and balance of a piece, from individual layers to whole groups and drawings. I also really like blur filters, often times I'll duplicate a layer and make the bottom one blurred to add a glow affect to something without losing its definition.
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While this latter stuff isn't about brushes specifically, its generally very important to how I use and experiment with all these different brushes!
Anyways I hope this helps!! I kinda went overboard with this post, but I had a lot of fun writing it! Thank you again for the wonderful ask!! :)
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mj-thrush-gxn · 5 months
AHHH TYSM- and also sorry for taking so long to respond- i had to come up with tips😭
honestly what i do is just grind till you can’t grind no more- which is good for pumping out art fast, but it is very very stressful so i dont reccomend that.
as for actual art tips: 
plan out what you want to do before- it’s good to go into something with a plan, even if you end up doing something completely different. 
Pinterest boards for inspo, or really anything like that.
Art Prompts for practice! I love using art prompts- whenever i can’t think of something I usually go and find prompts to build off of.
Experimenting with Colors and Shapes- honestly just using color theory (i’m not very good with color theory- 😭 but ah well).
I honestly think that’s it- I’ve been doing this so long that I don’t really know how to explain it anymore- I really just do whatever feels right and if I don’t like It I try again or power through with colors. sorry if these aren’t very helpful- i feel as thought they aren’t
Once again Thank you so so so so so much and sorry that these aren’t very good tips🫶
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kingkenzieofmold · 1 year
I really like the way you draw the folds on clothing, do you have any tips on how to draw folds? I can't figure it out.
I do better at showing what I do so I hope this helps!
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Tried to explain in drawing, I really do hope this helps!
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21milespastblue · 7 months
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im literally so obssessed with tighnari rn its concerning he is all that in my mind. the vibe here is college but im not as skilled as id like to be and ive never used psd for art pls help
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hffhifjou · 1 year
You are aware you are not God right? It is only normal for your interpretation of already existing fictional characters to look similar to other already existing fictional characters. Openly shaming your followers for not being on your blog 24/7 and know every single thing you approve or don't approve is not cute. "How dare you not compliment my art the way I want you to compliment it?!!??!!" And your reasoning doesn't even make any sense. Simon is not even your OC.
my first hater ‼️‼️‼️
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mrspotatoheads · 1 year
Electra everybody is like get back in state just assume. You are all you need. You just need to persist .I get it. I understand but idk how to put in words and make someone understand that it's so difficult. I can't do it idk how to assume and how to do all this. Ik these methods to be used and 3d isn't real etc. But I can't do it I want something I can't assume it's mine and then not get sad when it isn't happening and then also making sure I don't loose the faith that loa isn't a lie that I'm reading. It's not happening. I want it but there is a breaking point where I'm seeing the loml with someone else and me persisting is getting me no where. Plz don't hate me I just don't know how to express what I'm feeling rn I don't know what to do I'm so stuck
This is going to be a long reply, but I hope you can understand what I’m saying, reread this multiple times if you have to.
I do understand that it’s difficult, I struggled with loa for nearly three years straight. I knew exactly what I needed to do but like you said I just couldn’t assume. Im going to be honest, there isn’t any magical advice, one day it just clicked, I realised that I was the only person holding me back and I understood what loa truly meant. Every person has control over their thoughts, I understand that people have mental disorders etc. but you still have control over how you’re going to react to a certain thought that has popped into your brain. I used to think I didn’t have control over myself because I was getting negative thoughts left right and center but that doesn’t matter.
Don’t purposely go out of your way to check the 3D if you know you’re going to spiral, don’t spiral and go down a rabbit hole of terrible thoughts when you get one negative one. You need to discipline yourself, which is hard for a lot of people, but you can’t just give up when you do something “wrong”. If you spiral don’t tell yourself you’ve fucked all of it up, think in your favour, maybe even tell yourself every time you spiral you’re closer to getting your desire.
Also, don’t be doing every method under the sun just because it worked for someone else. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself to get this and that right now, time isn’t linear. If the dates pasted when you wanted a certain thing to happen continue to assume it did happen, revise, or even manifest that you go back in time and then you can experience it happen. Anything is possible. Spend some time with yourself and even forget you’re trying to manifest, try a couple methods and see which one makes you feel the best and stick to it. I used to like certain methods but wouldn’t do them because people had more success stories with other methods, so I’d do the other methods and I would dread doing them everyday. Manifesting is supposed to be fun, you shouldn’t be stressing out, of course it’s okay to get your emotions out but you shouldn’t be putting yourself through unnecessary stress just go get the things you want in this life.
I’m sure you’ve already been told to “go back to the basics” many times but I’m also going to tell you that. Assume you have it and persist in that assumption. That is as simple as the law gets. Now, you said you were struggling with assuming. We assume all the time, we all do it, this is what creates our reality and our circumstances. Assuming isn’t the problem, it’s persisting. You’re saying that persisting is getting you no where. That is your problem. You’re not truly persisting. If you were persisting you wouldn’t have even typed out this ask to begin with. You don’t have to persist 24/7, I get that there’s going to be times where you do spiral but I’ve already spoke about that. This is what i said in a previous ask which might be useful: Every time you stop persisting and are about to go back to the old story I want you to stop yourself and ask yourself “do I want this?” Because I know damn well you don’t want what’s going on right now. So go back to persisting, you don’t have to do it all the time but go back into the state as much as possible.
Every single one of us is capable of manifesting, we do it all the time, every single one of us is also capable of manifesting the good and the bad. Not a single person is an exception to this. You have become a victim to your own reality, and I’m not shaming you for that at all because I have been there. You need to have the will power and the discipline to get you out of the cycle and mindset that you are in currently, but you can do it. I know that after this you are most likely going to stay on Tumblr and continue to consume a load of loa content waiting for something to click in your brain, but I’m going to be honest, it’s most likely not going to happen. This isn’t something that no loa blogger or post can fix, this is up to you. You know exactly what you have to do, so do it.
I’m literally begging you to get off Tumblr, stop consuming any loa content and just try to assume and persist and do what feels best for you. Everytime you do any method or are persisting I don’t want you to be thinking “how long will this take?” “I wonder if it’s working?” Etc. Etc. That isn’t persisting, it’s not helping you at all. This is your reality, you’re the only one in control so it’s about time you start acting like it.
I know I said to not consume any loa content but if you really want to then I recommend listening (or you can read it on Reddit) all of Edward Art’s work, which is on YouTube. I really hope you understand everything I said, you deserve to have everything you want and it’s not even around the corner, it’s literally within you. You are very much capable of doing this, you could wake up tomorrow with your desires, something that is very much possible. I wish you all the best of luck!
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Hi!! I was wondering how you get your animation so smooth, like butter.
Especially on that lineart, I’m always having trouble but your looks very effortless and consistent, what are your secrets?
-thank you
[sorry if asked before, also hi from TikTok! Thank you for the kind words, I admire your work and its always a treat to see it in my dash (^_^)]
Hello! Thank you <3 honestly there’s a few reasons it’s so smooth. (Get ready for the ramble I love talking about animation)
First on the lineart I use Toonboom to animate and it’s a vector based program. That means I can edit a line’s curves once I draw it. I don’t have to erase it to change it. I can grab a point on the line and stretch it where I want. So that’s why the lines themselves are pretty smooth, I have a lot of control over them.
As for the motions themselves people can think that frame rates equates to smoothness and while having a lot of frames and inbetweens can do that, it’s way more about the movement that makes something smooth. I tend to work on twos, threes, and even fours. This means you see a frame at 12 frames per second, 8fps or even 6fps. But it depends on the timing of the motion. When I animate the fps isn’t consistent. Faster motions tend to get a higher fps meaning you see it for a shorter amount of time. While slower subtle movements I tend to put on 8 or 6 fps which means you see them longer. Easing of the timing of the frames as well as easing of the motions themselves leads to smoother animation.
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Another key point is that objects travel in arcs, always. Unless they are stopped by something. When I animate, I use onion skin religiously. (Onion skin allows me to see previous or future frames on a low opacity) that way I can check my motions and arcs. here I've marked the path of travel for his hand, hips and head ad he bows.
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My method for animation tends to be pose to pose. Meaning I’ll draw all the key frames (the important poses that tell the story) before I fill out the inbetweens. Now inbetweens doesn’t always mean you draw a frame that’s exactly between pose a to pose b. You still have to think about the motion you want to achieve and keep in mind your arcs. Additionally you can add secondary movements or actions to help with believability in actions. Animation is all about performance and exaggeration.
But another technique is to animate frame by frame instead of pose to pose. People tend to use this method for effect such as water flowing, fire, or in my case I used it when I animated the capes. Since the cape drags behind the animation and is influenced by what the character does. I animated the cape after I animated the character. I went frame after frame thinking about how the cape would move both with gravity in play, and being moved by the character’s actions.
Using reference is a big help when animating. I had to act out actions to make sure I got things right when making it. I even got a towel and threw and shook it around to see how it fell.
Another thing about getting it smooth is I use a lot of easing in and out of my motions. If you are about to punch something, you don’t just move your arm towards what you need to punch, you’ll draw it back first to build up the punch. That’s easing into a motion. When you stop moving your arm you’ll either overshoot and draw it back a little if you moved it fast and stopped abruptly or it slows down to a stop. Things don’t stop abruptly. Think about a car. When a car stops you have to slow down considerably, it’s not immediate. So same with your motions. I always ease into a motion when it starts or ease out. It can definitely make the actions more believable and smooth.
Again, because Toonboom allows me such fine control over my lines. to ease in and out of a motion I will copy and paste the last frame and adjust it slightly, continuing the previous motion so that everything settles nicely. This shows only the previous two frames. you can see I didn't draw any new lines (except for the cape) I just adjusted his pose. This helps me stay away from lines being shaky because I didn't redraw them.
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This last thing I’ll talk about is more subtle. But follow through and secondary actions are so important. In my animation for example, when sun bends down, his body starts moving a lot faster than his head. Sort of like the body goes first and then his head slightly lags behind. It follows the movement of the body. Another example of a secondary action that follows through would be the movement of the little wings of the cape on their chests.
Ok I lied there's something else. SMEARS, I love smear frames. those are great at making things smooth. Usually smears don't stay in view very long and need to show rapid motion so you can stretch a character or pose or show multiple limbs to make motions appear faster. Here I added a ton of arms to show he was wind-milling them around as he fell, and he has a third foot to show the rapid motion of his leg as it swings upwards. Smears can be fun because you can get away with a lot. Be loose with them! I didn't even draw his face here.
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Or this one that's a couple frames before that leads into the fast motion.
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Once you learn and practice all these things (and more, there's more principles of animation!) your stuff will get smoother. I don't always think about all of these every time I animate, I've done it for years so its ingrained into me. Sometimes I'll think about it to make sure I'm getting motion right, but usually its just second nature. it just takes practice and getting used to it.
Hope this helps!
You can also try watching animation analysis videos and I recommend looking at old 2d animated Disney movies. Or go frame by frame on any animation you like. I've analyzed so many animations that I love and just absorbed their techniques.
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cucarachaisgay07 · 10 months
helloo, I absolutely adore your art and art style!! Idk if you've already said this or not but what apps do you use for drawing and animation? And what brushes/color pallettes too? This is my first ask so sorry if it's not that good. <3
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Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy my art! :D and I actually have not told anyone about this so don't worry! I use flipaclip, ibispaint X, and clipstudio paint. All three apps are great and have features for animation. Flipaclip is mainly for animation so I use that, and the others to draw. Ibispaint is better for beginners as clipstudio paint is a bit more advanced. All three apps are free but for clipstudio paint ya can only use it as a trial so If you want the full affect of the app you do have to purchase that. I use those brushes and for color pallets I wasn't sure what you meant so I hope that helps <:) this is a very good question/ ask are you sure its your first one? 🤨🤔🤔
Anyways thanks for the ask and I hope this helps you, if there is something more specific you wanted you can always ask me again! :D
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stormynoelart · 4 months
Stormy Noel is a photographer based in the Pacific Northwest.
More of their work can be found on their Instagram page: stormynoelart
You may provide them with funds to continue creating art through their ko-fi: here
For any inquiries for custom shoots or prints, they can be reached at: [email protected]
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aeide-thea · 1 year
like, someone posted an article recently that was like 'i didn't like these books because the main characters were women who slept with women but weren't sufficiently enlightened about it for me as a queer woman to feel Represented,' and i just felt like. i bet i wouldn't enjoy those books either, judging from the reviewer's description! but faced with a review that's like 'these characters had attitudes i found unpleasant'—iirc a tendency to ironic detachment and internalized fatphobia respectively, which, to be clear, i expect i would also find unpleasant! but those are attitudes that plenty of real young women do have; are we arguing it's only acceptable to tell stories about the sort of people we'd personally want to befriend?—'so i didn't find their stories nourishing,' it's hard for me not to think, okay, fair enough, but—should 'nourishing' really be the definitive metric for art? should 'savory'? an author's job is, after all, to make art, not food…
#like. sometimes art is a door and not a mirror or a meal or whatever.#(also sometimes it might be a mirror for someone who isn't you. or for someone you don't want to be.)#anyway. let's all go reread some cheever and then reconvene.#discussion questions: do you feel represented by neddy merrill's nonmonogamy. is it problematic to set a story in the suburbs.#does it alter your reaction to learn that cheever was queer.#bookblogging#(also like. the thing abt this discussion is like. my feelings ALSO revolt at stuff like this. frequently and vehemently‚ even!#i just think like. it's not sufficient to feel‚ & to then regurgitate that feeling & call it a take; you also have to think.#and‚ like‚ *actually* think (and *re*think if necessary)‚ not just apply a veneer of rationalization to yr original kneejerk reaction.#otherwise—how are we actually better than the conservatives we disdain.#we have to have actual thought-out principles we attempt to consult‚ not just a different set of outraged‚ reactive feelings.)#(this also gets tricky because like. we obviously get to dislike things‚ & to complain abt them! fucked up to suggest otherwise!#but at the same time—there IS a point at which censure tips over into censorship.#like. most people will not feel free to behave in ways that are decried sufficiently strongly by sufficiently many voices.#so if we value freedom—and i hope we do!—i think we have a responsibility to be thoughtful abt how we use our voice.)#(which isn't to say don't do it! sometimes it would be shameful not to!#but power dynamics are complex‚ and sometimes punching a person as hard as you'd punch a system means the blow rebounds#and has knock-on effects you didn't entirely intend and don't‚ perhaps‚ on reflection entirely endorse.)
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magpigment · 1 year
do u have any art tips?
i have a handful, yeah! idk how helpful they'll be because i'll be quite honest, idk what im doing, but i'll sure try to be as cohesive, comprehensive and helpful as i can!
pretty much my number one tip is the most annoying one to hear, which is unfortunate because it's also the most effective, but PRACTICE.
practice is genuinely the one thing that can improve your art like nothing else can.
experiment with your style, your coloring techniques, your poses, your anatomy, your use of perspective and background, anything and everything can and will help! one thing that also helps with that is finding elements of others art (their dynamic scenes/poses, their coloring or lineart style, the palettes they use, etc) and mess around with that until you find something you like.
ive been mostly doing that to try and improve my digital art because boy oh boy am i not great at that yet, and ive already noticed obvious differences between my digital art from a couple months ago to now.
depending on what medium youre using (digital, traditional) my tips would vary, because im still very new to digital art, and i mostly do traditional art.
for digital art if that's what you're using, just mess around with brushes until you find something that works best for you! dont be afraid to mess around w different methods of coloring and shading, and one thing that ive noticed makes art look a lot better digitally is using interesting color palettes and experimenting with the colors you use to shade and highlight. im not super great at this yet, so take this advice with a grain of salt lol.
for traditional art, you’d have to ask about a specific medium because i mess w quite a few and have different techniques for most, but i hope this helped at least a little, and i’d be glad to try and help further if you’d like! but as just a general overview that’s what’s been helping me A LOT lately and i’ve been improving pretty steadily!
i hope you have a great day ^^!
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laidbackmarco · 7 months
Drowning in Responsibility Turning 30 Time to be an Adult
When you’re a kid the weekend is for toiling the free time you have away. As you age up in the world, you also want to avoid weekends. Menial chores and adult responsibilities consume weekends. Although I’m on my grind to make 2024 a great year, I spent Saturday setting up a parking space for my car. I made my last post emotional, do emotional men have a place in this world? Growing up I’ve…
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westywallowing · 1 year
I feel like I should make a psa that may be a little obvious: I am no longer drawing dteam mcyt art! I've felt uncomfortable doing so since the last altercation. I won't voice my own opinion about what happened months ago because I don't believe everything needs to be publicized but yeah. so uh sorry if ur in my ask box asking me to do so- bcuz I will not <3
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