#art style girlie pops him a little
hindingfromtheworld · 1 month
Figuring out how to draw gaz and my art style is shifting
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A lil Embarrassed to admit it but first attempt at more textured hair in awhile, idk if the curl patter is accurate to him but an attempt was made
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t1ts-4-scattorcio · 1 year
Can you do a "being nat's sister" hc? Like she went with nat to nationals. (Post crash stuff too)
Sister Nat x Reader:
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This was long
TW: Abuse + Substance Issues
Both you and Nat were accident babies but especially you. Her parents had settled with Nat but then you were born.
Nat had a hard time warming up to you. She was only around kids at school and was naturally a loner she didn't have that many friends at an early age so a new baby in her space was weird for sure
She liked her personal space and would side-eye you whenever you wanted her attention especially if it was by making a mess. "God you're so gross" she'd comment eyebrows raising in disgust observing you drool all over yourself on the dining room table. (like Nat girly pop shes a baby 😒 babies gonna be icky and loud).
But she saw how badly your parents resented you for taking up more of their time and money it actually was upsetting for her. Nat vowed to be your #1 protector the day your dad first yelled at you for being upset.
It was a bad day, you just couldn't stop crying and no one knew why. "Fuck she won't shut up! The brat's giving me a headache!" slamming his beer on the countertop turning to your mother who was at her wits end rocking you back and forth the entire afternoon. Nat locked herself in her room tuning out whatever was happening outside until she heard something break and your screaming getting worse
she burst into the kitchen and saw your dad get in your flushed face screeching in your highchair and of course, your mom didn't do anything but sob. Nat pushed him away and stood her ground, he gave her one of the worst beatings of her life but it was worth it to keep you safe.
That was the first night she let you sleep in her bed, and let you sleep with her until you were comfortable enough to be alone
Nat took the brunt of the abuse over the years because she didn't want to expose you to how bad your parents could treat you. She'd force you to stay in her room whenever confrontations happened or walk you to the local park and let you play for a while forget about your troubles, she would even teach you a little bit of soccer if you wanted to.
Doesn't want you around alcohol or drugs (she's a hypocrite I know) but she wanted better for you, she wanted you to succeed to be able to leave and make something out of yourself not feel stuck, and have the same shit (untrue) reputation she had.
Which meant she'd be on your ass at parties, "what are you doing?🤨” shoving your solo cup behind you "nothing.. 😀" nat jeered at you as you swayed back and forth sooo out of it. “You smell like vodka hand it over😡” you rolled your eyes and told her she's no fun but she brushed it off.
Absolute garbage at regular school work but is great with helping you make art projects and anything creative. She definitely asked Lottie or Tai to help you with any classes you were failing.
Will back you up and support anything you do, any performances or recitals you have, she will be there in the first row, she will skip practice to watch you play the sport you're in, stay's up late at night just to help you prepare for presentations
any spare money would go to taking care of you and whatever you needed whether that's school supplies or any new clothes. Your mom insisted Nat give you her hand-me-downs but Nat refused, she wanted you to find your own style.
You weren't home when your dad died, your mom was inconsolable and Nat completely shut herself off, you took care of her for a while and never blamed her for what happened to your dad. (something you had to constantly remind her of).
She's grateful you never judged her, just wanting to keep her safe like she did to you.
Silly sibling things:
Will kill you if you don't let her sleep in late
Interrogates any person you like or want to be in a relationship with. "I will kill you if you hurt them ☺️” all smiley while your S/O is shitting their pants.
Constantly reminds you to be responsible with your S/O. “Y/N don’t do anything stupid, and don't get pregnant. "GOD NAT I WONT 🤬."
Stealing each other's stuff but not fessing up to it or saying it looks better on your or her, (y'all never mean it).
The rest of the team also were your designated sisters, they would help you when nat couldn't.
ghosts you sometimes, she doesn't mean to she has garbage memory and a sense of "what was I gonna do again? syndrome" (which is why the other girls help you out)
You call her out about liking guys esp Travis "you're a girl kisser, you're all goo goo eyed whenever Lot's is around" cue to her stomping her cigarette out and walking away all huffy.
Lottie strut’s up “y/n why did Nat do that??" "she's in love with you Lots 😏" she looks at you like you grew a third head, "HUH" "nevermind 🙃" clueless gf’s for real.
You were her top priority before the crash and especially after it.
Nat had invited you to the trip for support and you were so excited everything was so luxurious. You plopped down next to Nat listening to music with her, dozing off to sleep until you woke up on the floor still attached to your broken seat.
She was terrified when she got out of the plane and couldn't find you, her brain conjuring your death. The worst thing that could happen to you coming true (you being gone would kill her.)
She found you heaving in Lottie's arms, she thanked whatever was listening to her hopes and prayers that you survived.
she never let you go or left your side once for the first few days in the woods, and is the only person that can comfort you when you're about to break down "listen to me everything's going to be ok! You know I'm never wrong."
you'd revert to sleeping with her like when you were a baby, being nervous to ask if you could though "of course you can, you could never annoy me, get in"
She'd ask if you wanted to come to hunt with her whether you could shoot the gun or not she loved your company and liked knowing you're safe.
you both would check in on each other especially when things got really bad (the snackie incident, not finding javi, shauna's traumatic birth).
You'd also back her up when she's calling out Lottie's "Voodoo Bullshit." (even if you believed it👀).
Best 👏🏽Sister 👏🏽Ever
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dvrcos · 5 months
Ive been bothering everyone I possibly can by dropping asks abt Aaron in their inbox soo it's ur turn now
Any Aaron hcs? Your opinion on skater boy Aaron?
And because I love Kevin too, any Kevin hcs? I feel like people tend to forget that Kevin likes photography too canonically besides exy and history
Skater boy Aaron is real and true and canon (to me at least)
He is the poster boy for the early 2000s skater aesthetic
Part of the reason he continues skating in college is because he enjoys the heart attack it gives Kevin
Kevin doesn’t want him getting hurt and jeopardizing the team and his wellbeing
So Aaron makes sure he finds time to skate everyday
Aaron is a lover of pop culture and is just a fucking nerd dude
He loves Lord of the Rings and read Harry Potter as it came out (and also very actively hates JKR in the modern day)
Aaron Minyard is a chronic migraine girly
He’s a med student and athlete who gets very little sleep so his head constantly hurts
And yaknow what he’s a little bitch about it too
He is constantly complaining to Katelyn and using it as an excuse to be an asshole
(I love him so dearly)
I also think he is constantly cold and has terrible blood circulation
His hands and feet are always freezing
Years of drug use and constantly needing to take Advil for his headaches has just shot his cardiovascular system
So he’s constantly cold and doesn’t run a lot because his stamina is shit
He has a raging addiction to caffeine and his vice is RedBulls
His sleep schedule is absolutely wrecked from both Exy and school so he’s rarely ever without a RedBull in hand
I don’t think he cares a lot about his diet but he does try to keep it pretty nutrient packed bc he knows the benefits of it
But he also has a sweet tooth (not as strong as Andrew’s but still strong) and he favors baked goods like cake and banana bread and pastries
His vision is bad and it just keeps getting worse over the years but he doesn’t wear his glasses often
He usually resorts to contacts but has to switch to his glasses late at night or when his head is hurting extra bad
He loves tea
Like has an extensive tea collection and will spend the money to buy teas from around the world
He also has a mug collection (the Foxes start gifting him mugs every holiday when they find out about it)
His favorite mugs are his vintage Trojans mug, a “history is not boring” mug the Foxes gave him when he graduated, and a Hogwarts mug Aaron gave him
(they read the series together :P)
Kevin’s favorite areas of history to study are Ancient Rome and the history of Ireland
He’s fascinated by the Roman Empire and studying Ireland makes him feel more connected to his mother
I think he continues school on the side and eventually gets a doctorate degree and teaches a bit after he retires from Exy
He always tries to sign with teams in or near the cities the other OG Foxes are in because he doesn’t really know how to function without the familiarity of his people
Kevin works a lot on undoing his Raven dietary habits and since he’s surrounded by people who can’t cook he grows a love for frozen food as well as caffeine
I think he takes a few art classes and really enjoys it even though he doesn’t think he’s that great at it
He’s actually not bad at all and makes a lot of really cool pieces
Kevin exclusively wears 5 inch inseam shorts
Anything longer is blasphemous
He has basically zero sense of style and just kind of mimics what the others are wearing
Until Allison forces him to go to the mall with her and they spend hours building him a real wardrobe that is him
Most of his closest still consists of PSU and USC merch though
And truly would this even be me if I didn’t put kevaaron headcanons? No
Kevin is basically a human radiator, especially after practice
And that is a blessing directly from God in Aaron’s eyes
Kevin comes back from night practice and Aaron just clings to him, absorbing all of his heat as they fall asleep
Aaron is a chronic clothes stealer like he just has sticky fingers when it comes to Kevin’s wardrobe
They spend a lot of time together in the library
They’re both in quite intensive and workload heavy majors so they study together a lot
It happened more as an accident tbh like Aaron was heading to the library to study for a midterm
And basically all of PSU’s student body had the same idea so there was no open tables
But low and behold there was Kevin, alone at a table tucked in the back corner, typing away at his laptop
Aaron joins him without asking and it kinda just becomes their thing
Kevin joins Aaron at the library between regular and night practices
They spend most of their weekends there and bring each other caffeinated drinks and snacks
Eventually they’re not even studying half the time, they’re just talking and spending time with each other outside of Exy and the other Foxes curious glances and prying comments
Aaron takes a history class with Kevin but Kevin refuses to take any science class outside of his required credits
He’s not a science person so Aaron doesn’t take it personally
Kevin can never properly wrap his head around how strong Aaron actually is
It just doesn’t compute for him, like how can so much strength be packed into such a small body
But he is most definitely not complaining, especially not when that strength is so clearly but on display or used against him
Kevin is practically drooling anytime he watches Aaron body check a striker twice his size and send them sprawling onto the floor
They become each others partners/marks during practices and it is simultaneously the best and worst thing to ever happen
They’re just excessively flirting while tripping each other and fighting with their racquets
The other Foxes comment on their “weird and disturbing foreplay” every chance they get
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longbobmckenzie · 1 year
THTH2 Episodes 1-3 Thoughts!
Eeeek it's THTH2 (Too Hot to Handle the game) time!! Last season fizzled out halfway through but based on the first few episodes of season 2, I've got hopes that this one will be better!
First of all, it's 15 episodes as opposed to 10 - there's room for development (and more bombshells/dumpings!)
There's more customization! I feel like it's improved, although others have said they had a harder time with it. I'm not a huge fan of the hairstyles and outfits we've been given so far, but we'll get more
In the initial episodes, there are 5 friends and only 4 LIs - that might be a little disappointing at first (especially since the friends are all hot - URGH I want Santiago!!), but this actually fixes some of the problems with the first season
More non-romanceable characters is a good thing because it means there will be more storylines besides MC/LI and Jada/Justin/Carter
A lot of us started to hate Jada after a while because she kept popping up and we were forced to be friends with her. Having more friends is a good thing because we'll be able to talk to more people instead of just one person. I'm hoping there will be some branching involved where some scenes are dependent on who your highest relationship is with, but we'll see!
Less LIs is fine for the reasons above - sure there's less choice up front, but with next to no branching in S1, every route was the same, and there were only 3 couples at the end. It didn't make sense. Plus...
We're already getting at least one bombshell next week! It's highly likely they'll be LI(s), and no doubt there will be more people incoming
In Season 1, all the LIs had hard-ons for MC even when MC didn't show them any interest - so far that doesn't seem to be the case, and I love that. It was weird that 9 people were obsessed with us, honestly. This time, our choices matter more
They're already setting up a love triangle! It makes so much more sense to have a LT early on when everyone's new rather than force it with a bombshell we don't even like midway through the season
The characters so far seem to have more personality traits than just whatever their jobs/interests are. Hopefully I'm not speaking too soon, and there is definitely still some of that, but I feel like I've already had deeper chats with them. And they ask about us too, and we can define a bit more of a personality for ourselves
More under the cut...
I picked Antoine so far (love a Canadian hockey player!!). He's basically an upgraded (yes, I said it) version of Theo (the art style is slightly improved - the smiles aren't as creepy this time!). I wasn't a Theo girlie but so far I'm vibing with Antoine
I was a Liam girlie, but Liam 2.0 (Wesley) doesn't have quite the same appeal. He's still hot, but Idk, he's not my Liam
There's a fun Antoine glitch (not sure if any of the other characters have it) where he's fully naked. It's pretty funny
I've already broken a bunch of rules, mwahaha!
The list of achievements this season is interesting 👀 There's an achievement for getting eliminated, which I will definitely be trying to do. And stuff about the others trusting us (probably a way to earn back money)
They still have the "beach hut" confessionals, but I feel like those episodes are shorter, which is great because they could be a drag on replays before, or when you just want to get to the next episode
Santiago is my boy, I'm loving the representation with him. I'm curious if we'll ever get a chance to get our hands on him even without romance, because we do have a flirty vibe and I would absolutely jump at that chance!
Overall, I'm excited to see how this goes! It does seem like they've taken our feedback so far, the initial episodes felt a lot like last season but that's not at all a bad thing - last season started off great, and this one has too. I do think this season has better potential overall and my fingers are crossed that it delivers
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slocumjoe · 1 year
How the Companions would decorate their homes
...and how I would lose my goddamn mind wrestling with Tumblr's formatting nightmare hellworld.
sorry to anon who requested this, I deleted your ask while fighting for my life :[
Cait; The punkest of punk design; whatever the hell makes her happy. Would take interest in things she previously never cared much for, like music, or tinkering, or model making. So, you'll have posters and vinyls of her favorite bands and artists everywhere, tools and materials strewn about flat surfaces. Lots of reds and plaid/flannel. Likes big couches you can sprawl out on and thickly-knit, chunky blankets. Think of pop art with darker colors, chaotic patterns. Loves warm, bright lighting, dim areas remind her of the Combat Zone. Her spaces are messy, but freeing and charismatic. Her style is best described as rocker college dorm room. Reminiscent of Chloe Price's room, but more mature and with less teen melodrama. Would have lots of candles. Has a statement shelf with feature lighting for unique alcohol bottles.
Codsworth; Post-modern. Modern is medium-toned, neutral colored, and somewhat minimalist. Post-modern likes colors, soft shapes, having art as part of the house itself. Bright wood paneling, one-line artwork wallpaper, multiple colors in one room. It's very birds of paradise in color pallet. Brown suede couches are a classic. Lots of plants. It's inspired by 1950s, but with bouncier aesthetics, where 1950s can feel stiff. Codsworth wouldn't want anything too out there, though. Dani Dazey is kinda close to what he'd enjoy, but tone down the amount of color, go less crazy with the decals. But otherwise, bright colors, patterns, textures—that's the vibe. Just a less plastic 1950s, and it doesn't have the Great Depression's fingerprints all over it. I would have said something Colonial, or classic British, but I didn't want to think exclusively about his accent. Codsworth is chipper, he's friendly, he invites people over. Something fun, welcoming, and optimistic is up his alley.
Danse; However he got the house/apartment, it would stay that way. Danse does not provide for himself like that. It wouldn't be until he made friends that his residence would have personality. Nick gets him an orange-patterned bedspread that's a lot more neon than it looked in the store. Cait gets him a retro CD player and wall-mounted CD case displays. Preston and Deacon team up to repaint everything minty green and install walnut wood paneling. The furniture is gone the next day, replaced with lodge-style log-and-leather. Everyone pitches in something different, something from their own tastes. As a result, Danse's space would be a constant visual reminder that he's loved, and gaudy as fuck. Nothing matches. The colors are everywhere. Textures? A nightmare. You could kill Ty Pennington with this house. There's a giant mural of cats having mimosas and he isn't sure how or when it got there. Loves it, but...who...why...
Curie; I really struggled with Curie. I first went with French Provincial, then French Farmhouse, French Country, Rustic Glam, Scandinavian, Flemish, bauhaus, pastel bauhaus...I felt like I was trying to convince myself of everything. Nothing fit her. Eventually I settled on girly vintage. The thing with vintage is that technically, 'vintage' has like 70 years of vastly different styles. So...you get a little bit of Victorian-esque, a little bit of art deco, Hollywood Regency...imagine a really nice Barbie dollhouse. That's the vibe, just make everything blues, greens, and purples instead of pink. Curie has a bit of an older grandma vibe. Floral quilts, Wedgwood china dishware and cabinets, antique paintings. I imagine she'd repaint or reupholster her furniture, if not get it new. Definitely has white or blue painted furniture, rather than open wood. Ornate vanity, seashell wallscone lighting, embroidered curtains, kidney desks, corner cupboards...Curie's style is elegant, a little outdated, cherubic, and somewhat saccharine. Would have naturalistic wallpaper with flora and fauna.
Deacon; Like Danse's, but intentional. He's extremely fond of furniture made to look like other things. Mushroom ottomans. Fried egg light switches. Wall-mounted shelving/hangers that are open, grabbing hands. Toucan table lamps. Surrealist thrifter in style. Goes to yard sales, estate sales, those sales put by storage unit owners when a tenant doesn't pay. Grabs the weirdest shit he finds. A McDonalds sign from Thailand. A taxidermied rabbit. A Bigfoot track mold. His walls are never the same color or wallpaper. The kitchen is mint green, the living room is pink and orange, his bedroom is black and blue. Maximalist. There's a story behind every item in his space and good luck figuring out which are true. The least chaotic room is the bedroom, decorated simply with space/star aesthetics. Most chaotic? The empty hallway filled with wall-phones. Only one of them is real. The others go off only when the real one does. He won't tell you this before housesitting.
Gage; You'd think it'd be a Male Living Space. No. Gage is a mean, old, materialistic [sexuality redacted] man. He has tastes. He has standards. Will act like it's a Male Living Space keep up appearances, but his place is probably one of the more expensive. It's fine, money isn't an issue for him. Favors greens, yellows, browns, lots of swampy colors. Steals streetsigns and hangs them up. Weaved and leather furniture, linens, animal pelts, mounts. Worn teak wood, cream walls, travertine floors. If this sounds luxurious, consider that Gage lives here. Unclean. Has no bed frame, only a mass of sheets and pillows. The most pristine places in his house are the coffee maker's counter, and the spaces for his pet lizard, who roams freely like a small dog. The lizard is the only thing keeping him from smoking indoors. So many fucking books everywhere, all dog-eared to death. Has stolen something from every party he's ever been to. Keeps them on display. Has a worrying amount of wedding cake toppers.
Hancock; Psychedelic culture-nerd hippie meets a grizzled ex-starlet who moonlights as a show girl. Think Whimsigoth, without the victorian influence and a lot more drippy shapes. All light sources are lava lamps. Conversation pit that you could meet God in. Many colors, most of them moody and 'sleepy'. Stereo system through the entire space. Paints on his walls whenever he's feeling creative/high, they're constantly changing. Has to scrape off the paint every so often. Collects movie memorabilia, particularly horror movies. Has masks, outfits, props. His kitchen/dining room is unintentionally Japanese-eqsue in style, in that the table is low, and you sit on beanbags. Really not into dealing with chairs in the morning. Hancock's ideal furniture is made of moldable jelly, him being a cat in spirit. His office is a complete divorce from the other rooms. It's entirely 1700s luxury Colonial in style. Dark mahogany woodwork, deep reds and blues, a (electric) chandelier. Big library.
MacCready; Eclectic. This style is defined by maximilism, mismatched everything, lots of tchotchkes. The core tenent of it is that it takes whatever looks good from other styles. It's magpie core. It's how the gremlin thief in your DnD campaign would style a home. So, lots of different kinds of fabrics, many shelves for trinkets, posters of all kinds on the wall. You ever make a wall with just the posters, signs, etc in your settlements? That's what he does. In canon, MacCready likes midnight blue and leopard print, but I can see olive greens as well. Very messy and busy. Raw wood furniture seems like it would be a good fit for him. Would have a big entertainment center, very nerdy space. I think Rodrick Heffley's and Eddie Munson's bedrooms are a good way of getting an idea. Kind of basementy, kind of glamrock. He's 22, what do you want from him? Very much "baby's first place." Duncan's room would be more child-friendly, lighter colors and softer furniture. His drawings always get hung up wherever there's space.
Nick; Also struggled with this one...I didn't want to just make him Victorian/Gothic, that felt too obvious. But...it's obvious because it's correct. It just is. His name is Valentine. He has a neon pink sign with hearts on it. This man is modern Victorian meets dingy alleyway in a Hollywood noir film. So, we're looking at victorian settees and woodwork (which is when the walls are carved all fancy, by the by), lots of dark colors, leathers, a fireplace to stare into broodily with a glass of whiskey. We'll also need a bit of industrial to blend the Modern Victorian and Urban Night vibes, so some dark brick/stone, perhaps? Or industrial light fixtures. In terms of materials, the aforementioned leather, but also velvet and dasask fabrics, marble, and rosewood, possibly treated to bring out the red, or be made darker. This space is mostly dark and black, with pops of pink, purple, and blues. Would definitely need an LED indirect lighting for mood setting. It's not as dark like X6-88's home, though, it's more intimate and warm. Heavier emphasis on coziness and inviting auras. Nick's home is an older queer man's home, so obviously it's a little extra, a little theatrical. Has a sweet cocktail bar setup, will make you a martini while you unveil your tragic backstory.
Piper; Also eclectic, but brighter and with some intellectualism. So, more vintage, but bolder and more assertive than Curie's vintage. The best thing I can do it point you towards Arianna Danielson's blog, and ask that you imagine most of those pinks to be darker, or just red. Similarly, Dani Klaric and Tay Beep Boop's viral design. That vibe of confidence, a little bit of feminine rebelliousness, and generally just spunky. A crucial item would be book paper lighting shades. It clashes but Piper would be into it. I imagine she'd want the place to be fun for Nat, satisfy that little girl urge for Maximum Colors. Piper would have a messy as hell writing room, papers everywhere, red-string corkboards, coffee cups. Collection of vintage newspapers, lots of plushy rugs and pillows, probably has weird little knickknacks hidden about. The type to have rubber ducks in her fridge and refuse to elaborate. Don't question the writing process.
Preston; Walnut, shiplap, rattan, navy blue. Reeves Connally put me on this combination and now I'm spreading the propaganda. People have feelings on rattan but it deserves more respect, just like Preston. His style is best described as hygge with a beachy edge. Hygge is all about neutrals, extremely soft and squishy fabrics and furniture, warm ambient lighting, and worn wood. Fairy lights everywhere. Cozycore, really. Blue and shiplap walls, walnut flooring, rattan furniture. Blues + white + sandy + rich brown. Best combo. Fucking fight me. Chunky wool blankets, velvet for more decorative cloths, like drapery or the fabric of the seat cushions. For decor, you're looking at handdrawn maps, paper light fixtures/shades, plants kept in colored glass vases, nature photography, a reading nook filled with historical fiction and textbooks. I can also see hanging greenery. Preston's space is refreshing, energizing, but not bombastic. I imagine he has a kitchen island with stools, but no dining table.
X6-88; Dark modernist, hands down. Crucial item is the Zaha Hadid moon sofa, in black. Steel, concrete, and sparingly, brass/brassy wood. Blacks, greys, and with the brass, an inoffensive pop of color. It's a minimalist style that, when darkened, takes inspiration from Gothic and industrial styles, but doesn't lean into them. Also has some futurism elements. X6-88's home is clean, elegant, sharp. It's designed to not be overstimulating, like the Institute's stark white plastic and fluorescent lighting is. LED indirect lighting + metal-caged hanging lights, velvet and taffeta fabrics, glass tables. There is no better kitchen for him then the Modern Kitchen 2020 from Burak LACFI on Behance. For the bathroom, Anna Kolos' work, also on Behance. His bedspread, the Ithaca Sateen set from Sleep by Sānti. I spent three years designing this man's home for a 40k word fanfic and I will hear no opposition.
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thatgirliehan · 5 months
reflection: Her
Description: An idol who loves art and a museum curator who makes art. With their slightly crazy friends, a 9-week deadline , a world tour, and a big secret, what could possibly go wrong?
NOTE: This is a fanfiction. Any resemblance to actual people is a coincidence. This story is from my brain and not real life.
My phone dinged right as I got off the bus. I glanced down as I start walking, it was a calendar alert "BTS concert TOMORROW". My heart skipped a beat and I couldnt help but do a quick happy dance. It's finaly happening, the thing I had been waiting on for MONTHS was finally tomorrow! With that happy reminder in the back of my head I waltzed through the doors of the museum where I worked, ready to start another day, a little happier than normal. "Good morning y/n", said Bill the front door guard "you seem a lot more awake today than normal, finally get coffee before work?" "Ha. Ha. Ha Bill, you're hilarious! The concert I've been waiting absolute months for is finally tomorrow, I'm just super excited!" "Oh, those pretty boys you constantly listen to, right?" said Bill. "Theyre called BTS Bill" I mumbled under my breath. Bill is about 70 years old and is like my work Grandpa. I love him to death, but he doesnt really get the whole kpop thing, he's more of a Willy Nelson type.
"Well, I need to go!" I said as I started walking away. "With the head curator and the other junior curator off at a conference for the rest of the week, I was the one basically running the museum. I was freaking out at first when they told me that they were BOTH going, I mean, I've only been working here 2 years, and I am the junior, JUNIOR curator. That means I get the fun jobs of writing up the placks for the art, or at most dusting the art. I'm not even allowed to touch the art by myself yet, you have to be a junior curator for that.
I get to my desk, because junior JUNIOR curators dont have an office, just a desk in the supply room (closet) and set my purse down on my desk. It was 30 minutes to 10, which was when we opened. I still had time to dust the main exhibit and turn on all the lights before I had to open the doors. My art museum was a small one, but we had a few really good pieces from some very famous artists, so we drew a modest crowd every day. Honestly, I was really lucky to have this job. Not many people get their dream job right out of college. I popped in an airpod and turned on my favorite cleaning playlist. Mic drop shuffled on first so of course I danced the chorus as I dusted, dropping my duster at the end of the song like Suga.
I finish up all of my opening tasks and head back to the front desk, as I'm straightening some pamphlets in the front desk, I hear my phone chime. I look down at the screen and see an alert that says "Sorry y/n, I'm throwing up everywhere, I'm not gonna make it to work today. Xoxo Minha" "Greaaaatttttttttttttttttttttttt", I think, my good mood vanishing in a flash, I'm completely alone today. Minha is my friend and a year younger than me, she works the front desk. With her gone, I'm going to have to do her job...and then it hits me. I'm ALONE. And I'm supposed to be researching and writing the placks for the new exhibit thats coming next week. Greattttttttttttt. I check the time, 5 minutes before opening. "Shiitttttttttttttrake mushrooms" I mutter under my breath as I run to my office...ok desk....and frantically grab my laptop, planner, 3 enormous reference books and my pouch and run back to the front desk. Looks like I'm going to be doing both today. "Curse you Minha", I think to myself as I drop everything on the front desk. I check my phone and I still have 3 and a half minutes till opening. Which is good, because since I hadn't expected to be at the front desk, I had only done minimal makeups....and in my personal experience, people were nicer when I had a more girly makeup style. I grabbed my pouch and got out my favorite (fine, only) yves saint laurent lip tint, it was a beautiful shiny coral pink color and it made me feel like I was a member of twice. I popped it on my lips and went to unlock the door. If I was lucky, maybe it would be an extra slow day and I would be able to get the rest of the placks done.
I....was not lucky. It was a very busy morning. So busy that I didn't have a single minute to even look at my reference books until 12:30. There was finally a lull as the morning crowd left so I grabbed my reference books and laptop and got to work typing up those placks. I was so engrossed in my research that I didnt notice someone had walked up to the front desk until I heard "uh, excuse me". I was so startled that I let out a high pitched yelp, jumping out of my chair, knocking it over.
Standing at the front desk was a boy. Man? He was very tall, wearing fashionable street wear, a baseball cap that shieled his eyes and a mask covering the lower half of his face.
"Ohmygoodness, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize anyone was there!" I said quickly, closing my laptop and picking my chair up from the ground.
"Uh...sorry, I didn't mean to surprise you" the man said in a low, soft voice.
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grave-cleric · 10 months
10 fandoms 10 characters!
I have nothing better to do so lets fucking go. Tagged by @skuitti <3 inbefore i have forogtten every character i've ever liked...
Emu Otori from Project Sekai. Starting with a very new addition to the roster, started playing this march and got hooked to a lot of characters but i can't put all of them on this list so i'm putting Emu because she's my colorful little decora gremlin princess. I love her energy and think she should have more extravagant outfits in the game 😤
Goemon Ishikawa XIII from Lupin the 3rd. I am a weak woman, i see a stoic samurai and i fall in love. I just, he's so [incomprihensible screaming]. He's cool and collected and dramatic in the stupidest of ways and his banter with the rest of the gang is amazing. Once again I would put other characters from the series here but i can choose just one so himb
Jester Lavorre from Critical Role, my girlfail cleric <3 I would literally put all of the Mighty Nein here if i could but alas. I love her whimsy and her style is on point. Laura is an amazing actor and how multifeceted Jester is is just a testament to that. Cant wait for the eventual forjester wedding one shot lol
Mitsuri Kanroji from Demon Slayer. My wifeeee, i love her. Just, her!!!! Witness her you fuckers!!!! Cutest and strongest girl just love her and her whole thing
Kurloz Makara from Homestuck. Had to waiit til the middle to put in the homestuck lol. My stupid dubious clown man. He's the worst and i love him for it, like go king be horrible and religiously delusional. Dancestors were so underutilized and i hate it they were all so cool. Tbh this whole list could be full of homestuck characters but i cant do that so yall get my delusional clown.
Rin Hoshizora from Love Live. My whimsical cat girl <3 fun fact i once cosplayed her. She's adorable and i like her personality a lot, also orange/blue girlie love her
Mipha from Breath of the Wild. Fish. I love the zora and Mipha hits the spot i my angst healer soul, good shit good shit. Her design is also so good!! I have the making a champion book an all of her concept art is just <3!
Karamatsu Matsuno form Osomatsusan. Fail man. That's it that's the post. Not the most pathetic out of the group but he's my pathetic little blue man. Originally didn't like him, then i just grabbed him by the neck and didn't let go. Stupid flashy man, i love him.
Legolas Greenleaf from Lord of The Rings. Pretty, slighty stupid men i love them. Also blond men. His dynamic with everyone is just, amazing. Also elf, i love elves. Be glad there aren't more elves on here
Shadowheart from Baldur's Gate 3. One more elf! My baby girl... she's so <3!!!! i don't care what anyone says, love her and her storyline to bits. More on my angst healer list, fits like a glove <3 I seem to have a thing for liking religiously fanatic characters i guees but raugh her storyline with Shar and her memories and!!!!!! Great game recommend
auaag tagging peopleee you don't have to do this if you dont feel like it @snepdragon @neiti-kassiopeia @siniseri aug uh i dont have anymore that pop in mind grauh
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beastboyisbestboy · 2 years
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I posted 201 times in 2022
That's 201 more posts than 2021!
9 posts created (4%)
192 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 103 of my posts in 2022
Only 49% of my posts had no tags
#beast boy - 10 posts
#garfield logan - 9 posts
#yeah this goes on my beast boy sideblog - 7 posts
#teen titans - 6 posts
#i love it - 3 posts
#art - 2 posts
#correct - 2 posts
#teen titans angst - 2 posts
#squealing - 2 posts
#victor stone - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 111 characters
#lmao that moment when you commit several accounts of child torture but you were undercover so it doesn't matter
My Top Posts in 2022:
Set between season two and three of Young Justice. Kaldur goes to talk with Blue Beetle after he messes up a covert mission. 
Kaldur walked out of the late meeting to find Jaime sitting awake on the couch. It was one-forty three in the morning. He opened his mouth to say something but Jaime noticed him, and quickly pressed a finger to his lips. Warning Kaldur to stay silent. As he walked around, Kaldur could see why. 
Lying down with his head Jaime’s lap, Garfield lay asleep. His green tail twitched as he dreamed, a dazed frown crossing his expression. Kaldur sat down on the couch next Jaime so they could talk about what went wrong on the mission without waking the boy. 
Jaime began. Before Kaldur could even open his mouth, the words started slipping out one after another, like a waterfall. 
“He had a nightmare. We all do- me, Bart and Garfield. About The Reach. Being taken. What they . . . what they did to us. We’re all affected but it hit Gar hardest, I think. Maybe because Bart and I have families to run to, but for Gar, the Cave was home. He was supposed to be safe there.”
Jaime’s tone held an accusatory note. 
And Aqualad, realised suddenly, that the Blue Beetle’s performance issues had nothing to do with cockiness or vanity. It was the fact that when push came to shove, Jaime couldn’t really trust that Kaldur had his safety or wellbeing in mind when he ordered them to do something risky. The kind of trust you had to have in a leader. In a club like this. 
“If there’s anything i can do” Kaldur offered. Jaime shrugged. 
“I think that sometimes when you break something you can work to repair it. Glue it piece by piece. But sometimes you break something and . . . it’s broken.”
Garfield muttered something incomprehensible in his sleep. 
14 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
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16 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
The Teen Titans and their taste in Music:
@heaven-ecologist gave me the idea and I couldn’t stop thinking about it, so here you go. 
Beast Boy: Used to have a rave and dubstep hyperfixation but Raven blew up his speaker for playing it too loud. Now he listens to popular white boy music, like Bastille, Ed Sheeran and Billie Eilish. His favourite band is Gorillaz and wants to cameo in a music video as Murdoc’s second cousin. 
Starfire: She’s a Taylor Swift girlie. Cries every time she announces an album release. Listens to Lizzo and Doja Cat when she’s working out.  Listens to Mitski when she’s sad. 
Raven: Has a ferocious need to have the most alternative music taste in the room. Absolutely My Chemical Romance. A little bit of The Crane Wives. Listens to classical music while she’s meditating. Regularly says stuff like “Tiktok is ruining the music industry” and “No-one makes good music anymore.” 
Terra: She and Raven bond over Penelope Scott. If Cyborg hands her the aux, she will only play Mother Mother. Has about twelve “Villain playlists” saved on Spotify and also loves Will Wood. 
Robin (Dick Grayson): When he’s with people, it’s white boy pop. It’s Harry Styles, it’s Justin Timberlake, it’s Elton Joh. When he’s alone, it’s Adele or Regina Spektor and he pretends to be in a sad music video. Will unironically lean his head against a bus window for the drama even though the vibration turns his brains to gravel. 
Cyborg: He listens to rap. I can’t give you specific examples because I don’t listen to rap. 
18 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
Here’s the link to my Beast Boy fic inspired by this  post with @undertheknightwing
It’s 3k words, following the Titans team in the 2017 Judas Contract movie which has perhaps been my favourite Teen Titan line-up thus far. 
The Teen Titans are left in a bad situation when they're captured by an unknown enemy. Even as they equip themselves to escape, an old secret of Beast Boy is spilled- one that can never be unseen again. But despite his true form, will be accepted by his team?
I really enjoyed writing this fic and I hope to get to another one-shot soon. Or even a longer one, if i can manage to buckle down and finish it. 
19 notes - Posted November 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
A fun angst thought I have, is that the body Garfield Logan generally inhabits is not his own. It’s him shapeshifting into the “human” animal, a conservative guess of what he’d look like if he’d remained a normal person and grown up. He’ll never know exactly, what he’d look like at fifteen and thriving, and even that question is tainted by the thick shade of green that washes over everything. But it seems to mollify the crowds that flock to watch the Titans fight, and that’s enough.
His true form is covered in a thick layer of fur, a long green tail and pupil-less eyes, long sharp claws and long sharp teeth. Its a form that reveals how far removed from his personhood he is, how much he truly changed. It’s a form that only a power inhibitor would reveal, or a deep coma. Beast Boy often wonders what he’s more ashamed of; the form, or the fact that he hides it.
34 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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matches-is-meow · 2 years
Hello! I'm here to request a romantic MHA matchup if you could please! I'm a 16 year old female but I look and act mature for my age(due to trauma) so I often get mistaked as an 18 year old or even older sometimes. Some good qualities of mine are maturity, level headedness, and then I can be motherly. Some bad traits can include bluntness, coming off as cold, and stubbornness. I'm an introvert so i hate being around crowds and speaking infront of people I also have social anxiety so that doesn't help... I would much prefer staying at home watching anime and petting my pets than going out... More of my fun and loud side comes out around my friends or the right people. My hobbies or things I enjoy include hanging out with friends, swimming, listening to music, art, laying in bed on my phone, animals(I want to work with animals as a job), watching anime, the ocean(I love water if I could choose a quirk it would be water based), stargazing(I love galaxies, the moon and stars I find everything so fascinating), the colors black, blue, purple, then finally goth/emo style and aesthetic! Some dislikes of mine are bananas, P.E./sports(volleyball is okay tho), and men/father figures in my life-. My music taste includes the artists, The Neighborhood, Girl In Red, The Arctic Monkeys, Billie Eilish, Melanie Martinez, Alec Benjamin, Corpse, and Conan Gray! I'm bisexual/omnisexual so either gender could work but in mha I lean towards having a stronger preference for the guys compared to the girls so do with that what you will. Traits I dislike in others are immaturity, impatience, disrespect, pushing boundaries, and not listening. Traits I look for in others are respect, kindness, understanding, patience, and humor. A bit about my appearance is I have longish black hair, pale skin, freckles, i'm a bit chubby, and tall(5'8). Im also very insecure and I doubt myself a lot but I'm trying to work on that! Some love languages include words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch and sometimes acts of service. I have mental and physical health issues so I would need someone who could accept and be able to handle that. I would also need someone that would accept that I have trauma as well. I would want this relationship to be a two way thing so its very important that they give the same effort I'm giving into the relationship. I would prefer not to be matched with Denki, Bakugou, Iida, Tokoyami or any adult since I'm a minor. I think thats it... I'm sorry if I missed anything you needed or if this is to long! I understand if you don't get to me right away! I hope your having a nice day! Thank you!
alrighhhhtttttt girly pop thanks so much for asking, i really appreciated the specificity in the ask. and look, i know you said that you you leaned to the guys but i feel like you would mesh really well with Tsuyu if you didnt specify a dude. yall have similar vibes. But i eventually just decided against it, but uhhhhh heres your matchup!! i had a ton of fun writing this one.
and your matchup isss…… *drumroll*
Shoto Todoroki (yay!)
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Todoroki made a very conscious effort not to get crushes on anybody, ever. He had seen how damaging relationships could get, and there was always an ambiguous fear that he would turn out like his father. Sooo very celibate he was.
until uh oh spegettio!! you dont choose who you are and what you love in this world!!!
He would not consider himself hot headed; he would not. He would not consider himself cold hearted; he would not. But somehow emotion flowed and ebbed easier with sensible, level headed you around.
or maybe…
maybe it was the time you sat him down and asked him how he was doing. What? Why did you ask him, what favor did you owe him? was this… just your nature? to care about people, care about him?
what probably reallllly did him in was the brief glimpses of affection you gave him. Little shoulder touches here, the touch of an arm there, barely noticeable to anyone not utterly starved of affection.
Todoroki is very starved of affection.
He would pine, long, and yearn for so long before asking you on a date. It would be weeks, months, years, even if he could wait that long.
He would ask you out in a carefully planned scenario with every variable double and triple checked.
he probably wrote a script of what he was going to say and deadass pulled it out to you in front of your face.
hes trying his best honey
He was very awkward at first, but after a couple of dates,,,,, oooh boy, he treats you like a queen.
he is so determined to not be like his dad that he will literally be the textbook definition of ”healthy stable relationship”
Mans opens the door, pulls out the chair, splits the check, after you beg for half of it, glares at mineta, remembers your birthday,, wow.
and. the best thing of all. is how he gets it. he knows how it is to just HATE. your father figure and to have a lot of trauma. he feels just such empathy because hes been there.
If you wanna rant, he's there.
you wanna pretend that father figures are just a societal hallucination, he’s there
if you wanna be held close, he’s there.
he thinks your so great, by the way. you ground him with your honesty when he feels like the world is drifting away a bit, and, not to be weird but he feels super happy on the inside that you have social anxiety because he gets a little scared that something bad might happen to you, and he loves quality time with his queen!
Also, sweetie, he has a sixth sense for when you feel insecure so just be prepared to be overly showered in love and affection when every you complain about yourself.
He is definitely a fan of nicknames, kinda gives darling and love kind of vibes.
oh, and one more thing.
he will kill for you.
hey hidey hey! I have no clue what possessed me with the kinda edgy ending there, but Todoroki would not date someone he is not prepared to risk it all for, sooooooo yeah. Tysm internet person, it was a really neat profile to work with.
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bbdaydreams · 4 years
Courage My Love// Semi Eita
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Pairing: Semi Eita x Reader
Summary: You like Semi and come up with a plan to confess to him, unfortunately it takes a turn. You meet again a couple years later by chance.
Chapter Two: How Do You Feel?
Series Masterlist•<previous•next>
The moment you were allowed to leave the auditorium you made your way back to your dorm. A couple people would stop to congratulate you on your win, some being complete strangers. They were nice and thoughtful but right now you weren’t in the right mindset to interact with others. You held your trophy close to your chest so it wouldn’t get damaged but also draw minimal attention mumbling a quick “thank you” from time to time.
“Y/n!” Tendou called your name when you were made it to the building that your dorm was located. You turned to face him and waited for him to catch up. When he made it to you his first instinct was to wipe your tears. “C’mon, no more tears,” he said softly before opening the door to let you in first.
When you made it to your dorm Tendou made his way to his spot on the edge of your bed while you set the guitar case down and put the award somewhere on your desk. Walking to your bed you immediately threw your covers up before getting under them and cocooning yourself with them.
Tendou met you about halfway through your first years when you interrupted their practice to drop something off for Semi. He didn’t know his friend had such a pretty friend. When you asked for Semi he immediately started his teasing which left you blushing, a look that Tendou found entertaining.
When you started getting closer with Semi, you also became more aquatinted with his friends as he did with yours. At first, you definitely thought Tendou was quite the oddball but you were quick to accept him as he was, it’s just Tendou things.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” the redhead spoke.
“I don’t get it. I thought we were closer than this. I don’t know what I’m more hurt by, the fact that he didn’t ask me to be his date or the fact that I had no idea he was even seeing someone.”
“I didn’t even know. Hell, even Wakatoshi was surprised when it wasn’t you he was asking!”
“God next week is gonna be so embarrassing,” you said now burying your face into your pillow.
“Hm? Why’s that?”
“We have our stupid dance next week! And we have that dumb dinner we all agreed to go to before we went to the stupid dance! Everyone is gonna have a date but me! Reon is going with his girlfriend, Ushijima has his date, Semi has miss mysterious, you have your date-“
“I don’t have anyone,” Tendou quickly cut you off.
You furrowed your eyebrows as you turned to look at him. “Why don’t you have a date?”
He shrugged his shoulders before responding, “I don’t know. I was gonna go by myself. I don’t mind being the odd man out.”
“I’ll be your date.”
Tendou turned and looked at you as if you were crazy. He leaned forward and squinted his eyes before leaning back. “Are you sick or something? Weren’t you crying over Semi and now you’re moving on that quick? I know I’m great but still that’s a little too quick for me doll face.”
You laughed as he spoke. “I am heart broken, but you still deserve to go to our last dance with a date. I don’t mind, I’ll go with you, what are friends for?” Once you realized what you said you where quick to apologize. “I mean, you don’t have to go with me if you don’t want to. I know you can ask someone else and they’ll say yeah, it was kinda selfish of me to just offer myself like that especially with all this going on.”
“I’ll take you up on your offer.”
The next morning you decided to text Izumi about her offer. It was the weekend so classes weren’t a huge focus, especially since the year was about to end.
“Girls! She texted!” Izumi exclaimed, raising her phone in the air with excitement.
“No way,” the girl with the attitude responded.
“That’s a good sign!” the soft spoken girl added. “What did she say?”
“She asked if we could talk more about the band.”
“Invite her over, Izumi!”
“Already did. She should be here soon.”
Walking towards the arts building you kept glancing at your phone every few steps. Why hasn’t he texted you? Does he not care about how hurt you were? Semi kept clouding your mind. You guys text regularly and you assumed he would’ve texted by now asking you if you were okay or even just saying a morning. Maybe you should text him first, you thought but that idea went out the window when you made it your destination. You put your phone away and opened the door to focus on finding the room that Izumi told you they’d be in.
When you found the room you knocked on the door waited for someone to answer. You heard voices on the other side for a bit until the door opened to reveal the bathroom girls.
“Welcome!” Izumi greeted, letting you into the room before closing the door behind you. “Thanks for coming, this is the practice room we managed to snag.”
“Hi,” you greeted her before looking at the other girls and saying hello to them as well.
“We didn’t properly introduce ourselves yesterday, now did we?” the main girl spoke. “I’m Yui.” She put her hand out for you two to shake.
“I’m Haruka,” the timid one spoke.
“It’s nice to meet you all.” You took a second to look around the room. It was a pretty much empty room with some supplies and desks but it was all pushed to one side of the room while the open space they created housed their instruments. “How’d you get this room? Eita usually has to go off campus to practice with his mates.”
“I’m close with the music teacher, so she pulled some strings and managed to do this for us,” Yui answered.
“Is Semi your ex?” Haruka asked innocently which made the girls eyes go wide.
“Haru, you can’t just-“
“It’s okay. And no he’s not my ex, we’re just friends. When you guys found me I was just overwhelmed,” you told them. They looked at each other as if using telepathy to communicate with each other. They must’ve unanimously decided not to press you further with their own curiosity and changed the subject.
“So, what kind of music do you listen to?”
“I listen to a little bit of everything but mainly pop punk I guess. It’s hard to label it. What about you guys?”
“I get that and we’re pretty much the same. Haruka is mostly into metal, but she still vibes with all the other stuff,” Izumi answered.
At this you had to laugh a bit. The most innocent and quiet looking one of the group, enjoyed heavy music. “Haruka, no way,” you told her while looking at her.
She leveled her eyes with yours before giving you a closed eye smile and speaking, “I love the lyrics and head banging. It’s fun.”
“I have to agree. What sound are you guys aiming for with the band?” You asked.
“Honestly anything. I don’t think we really have a sound yet, we kinda just play and mess around until we find something we like or we’ll give a topic and try to match something up with that makes sense. You mind listening for a second?” Yui asked making her way towards the bass.
“I’d love to” you responded before taking a seat on one of the empty desks. Izumi made picked up the electric guitar and Haruka sat on the stool behind the drums which was another surprise for you. Don’t judge a book by its cover, you reminded yourself.
Haruka gave the count down with her drum sticks before leading them into the song. Yui joined in and then Izumi followed after. Watching them was entertaining, Haruka’s hair was going all over the place you had to question how she was able to see. Yui seemed to enjoy swaying side to side while occasionally head banging while Izumi seemed a little stiff but was definitely enjoying themself. They seemed to be in sync with each other it made you worry that if you were to join if you would mess up their flow. When they finished they looked up to you.
“So what do you think?” Yui asked.
“I’d like to join, I just don’t wanna mess you guys up. You guys seem pretty in tune with each other are you sure you want me to join?”
The girls immediately started laughing making you question if you said something wrong.
“You’re funny, y/n,” Haruka giggled.
“We’ve been together for a year now and have been practicing almost daily which is why we’re at the level we are,” Izumi stated.
“Listen, yeah we’re alright but we need that missing piece which is you. And we’re picky. We’ve been looking for six months for a lead so when we saw your performance we knew we had to have you. We want you,” Yui added on.
You slipped off the desk and smiled at them before presenting a notebook you brought along with you. “Then I guess I’m in. This is my lyric book, basically what I have to offer besides my voice.”
Yui took the book and flipped through it while Izumi and Haruka looked over the writing as well. Yui and Izumi looked very concentrated while Haruka’s expression showed amazement.
“You’re good!”
“Dude, you’re definitely in. I can’t wait to perform these live in front of others!”
“Damn girly, you really are full of surprises.”
Blushing at their compliments you accepted your journal back. “Thank you, I’ve been writing since my first year.”
“Can I ask why there were some ripped pages?” Izumi asked.
“Oh, those were some songs I wrote for Eita’s band. I felt like they were more his style so I gave them to him.”
You guys continued chatting until it was around lunch time. They wished you goodbye and reminded you to come back tomorrow to start joining them for practice. You left the practice room with a smile on your face, excited for what the future held in store for your new band.
The week went by fast, you basically spent it writing more lyrics since all your school work was already done.
The school dance was tonight and so was the dinner that you were joining. You got out of the shower and threw on some sweats before making your way back to your dorm so that other girls could go take a shower to get ready.
“Hey, Y/n,” Yui greeted when she was stepping out of her dorm with a towel. “You getting ready?”
“Yeah, you’re going to the dance too right?” You told her, taking a step closer to the wall so others could walk by.
“Yep. I assume I’ll see you there. You’re going to that dinner thing with your friends first right?”
You nodded your head up and down. “Mhmm. I’ll probably part ways with them at the dance and try to find you and the others.”
“Sounds good. Remember, if anything happens, you have us to rely on. I know we barely know each other yet but we’re here for you,” she told you honestly. Yui may come off strong, but she really is a reliable human being. “I’m gonna try to find a shower head, see ya.”
When you made it back into your dorm you noticed a package in front of your door. Picking up and making your way inside you inspected it to make sure it was for you before opening it. The label read your name followed by the sender, Rarity Records. Your breath hitched.
You heard rumors that agencies were going to attend the talent show, but you weren’t sure you believed it. You carefully sliced the top of the package using a pair of scissors to unveil the contents. In the package you discovered a letter along with some snacks, stickers, and merch from artists that belonged to the label.
Dear L/n F/n,
We would like to congratulate you on your win last week! Your performance was beautiful and we believe you have a lot of talent. We’d like to invite you to join our label to help make you shine and prosper. Please contact us at this number. We await your call.
Rarity Records
A label wants to sign you! Your wildest dream is on the verge of coming true! You had to tell someone!
“Oh my god, I have to text Eita,” you spoke aloud. Unplugging your phone from the charging cord and unlocking it, you quickly tapped on the conversation and typed out your message. You were about to hit send until you remembered the situation you were in.
Semi still hasn’t contacted you and it made you question if that concluded the end of your friendship. You’re well aware that you directly told him not to speak to you but at the end of the day it’s not like you yelled at him and made it into a huge argument. You missed your best friend. You know you should text him, he probably doesn’t even realize what’s wrong but you were hurting too much internally to reach out to him, even if it was exciting news that you know he’d congratulate you on.
You deleted the message and connected your phone back to it’s cord and made your way to your blow dryer. Once you finished drying your hair you went back to your phone to turn on some music to listen to while you get ready.
You sang along to the song and all the songs after that as you were getting ready. The last step was to put on the dress that you had. It was a stunning red dress with some gems and lace here and there but the glam wasn’t overwhelming.
“Knock, knock. Can I come in?” Tendou asked from behind your door.
“It’s locked and I’m getting dressed! give me a second!” you answered. You had the dress on, just couldn’t zip it up completely. Giving up on your attempts you made your way towards the door to let your friend in. “Hey,” you greeted when you opened the door.
Tendou’s back was leaning against your door before so when you opened it he stumbled back a bit but was quick to catch his balance. He pivoted and looked up from his phone only to be welcomed by your beauty. His eyes went wide before opening his mouth to speak. “I- you look, wow.”
You gave a small chuckle before attempting to greet him again. “Hi, Tendou.”
“Hi..” he answered, still mesmerized. “Sorry, you look really beautiful tonight.”
“Thank you. I was nervous about the bright red but it turned out really nice. Oh, do you mind zipping it up and clasping it for me?” You asked as you twirled around to expose your back to him. He raised his hands to do as you asked, careful not to get the zipper caught. When he was done you turned your body once again and closed your door to leave with him. “Let’s go, I’m starving,” you laughed as you grabbed his wrist to pull him towards the parking lot, failing to notice the bush on his face.
Tendou and you arrived a little late to the dinner due to the fact that you were having too much fun chatting in the car that he missed the turn three times, but eventually you arrived to your destination.
“You’re late, Tendou,” Ushijima said when you both arrived to the table.
“Only fifteen minutes. Here you go, Y/n,” Tendou spoke as he pulled out your chair for you.
“Oh, thank you,” you blushed as he helped you settle into the group. The lineup went as Ushijima’s date, Ushijima, Tendou, and you next to him. On the other side was Semi’s date, Semi, Reon, and then Reon’s girlfriend, the girlfriend being across from you.
Throughout the dinner you had a smile on your face. It was definitely awkward at first since it was the first time you were seeing Semi in the past week. You decided to communicate as little as you needed with him, not to make a point, but to be polite. You didn’t need to somehow ruin anyone’s night in any way. You were all together to have fun and enjoy the little time you all had left together in high school.
While you were enjoying yourself and chatting with the other’s, Semi found himself glancing at you every once in a while. He was right to believe you and Tendou had something going on, Tendou wouldn’t stop bringing you up to him during practice. Tendou always had something positive to say about you and now here he was, at dinner with you as his date.
Good for him, Semi thought to himself. Tendou finally made a move on you and got what he wanted. He was happy for his friends, but he felt uneasy. Why hadn’t you ever expressed your thoughts of his friend to him? You always called him your best friend but you never spoke about Tendou to him, only saying he was a nice guy if asked.
It made him question why you were so upset with him when you asked about his girlfriend. It’s not like you told him about Tendou which is why he didn’t see the need to tell you about his girl. He’d been wanting to talk to you about it but knowing how hot headed you both can be he opted to waiting for you to confront him first. He thought giving you time would be the best option.
“Semi, you should eat more before we go,” his date told him, distracting him from his thoughts.
“Oh, you’re right,” he responded before picking up his utensils to continue eating.
Taking one last glance at your form, he had to admit it was the prettiest he’s ever seen you. Your hair was done differently, your dress looked fitting, and the red really made you look hot. Your smile screamed that you were having a good time, a sight he missed seeing.
“The party has arrived!” Tendou spoke when your group entered the main doors of the gymnasium. You laughed at his silliness until Ushijima spoke.
“We should take pictures.”
“Good idea, buddy,” Tendou agreed. You all made your way over to some props and took turns taking pictures. Some were just the guys, the others just the girls, then group, followed by individual. Luck was favoriting you, you didn’t have to take pictures for Semi because him and Reon partnered up. You and Tendou did multiple poses, Tendou claiming you guys needed one from all angles, as Ushijima took pictures.
As you were getting your pictures taken, Semi was taking pictures for Reon. His eyes kept darting between both parties, lingering more on you than the couple directly in front of him. Semi was lucky his girlfriend didn’t notice but his friend sure did. Reon could tell how bad Semi wanted to talk to you and he couldn’t understand why he didn’t. Semi was never one to keep his thoughts to himself unless if it had potential to hurt someone else.
Reon excused himself from his girlfriend and explained what he was doing to which she responded with a nod. “Can we talk?” Reon asked Semi once they decided they were done taking pictures.
“Come on, let’s dance!” Reon’s girlfriend told Semi’s date before grabbing her hand and dragging her to the dance floor.
“What did you wanna talk about?” a confused Semi asked Reon.
“What’s up with you?”
“What do you mean?”
“You have your girlfriend right next to you and you’re paying more attention to your best friend. That’s not okay dude. You’re lucky they haven’t noticed.”
“What are you talking about? I haven’t given Y/n any attention. We haven’t talked since last week,” Semi countered to which Reon sighed.
“Listen, you may not be aware you’re doing this, but since they joined us at dinner, you haven’t stopped looking at them. Why are your eyes wandering so much when you have a girlfriend right there?”
“I noticed too,” Ushijima spoke up.
“Have I been glancing at them that much?”
“I don’t know what’s going on between you two, but you need to talk it out,” Reon stated. The three boys turned to find you in the sea of people.
“There,” Ushijima spoke while pointing at the red hair that stuck out. “Go.”
With a gentle push from his friends, Semi walked into the crowd, careful not to step on anyone’s feet while saying excuse me to make his way towards you.
“How are you feeling?” Tendou asked you. Both of you were currently swaying back and forth, his hands on your waist as you held his biceps.
“I’m good. Tonight’s been a lot of fun so far,” you smiled at him.
He returned the gesture before removing a hand from your waist to the back of your head to bring you closer to him before putting it back down. “That’s good, but how do you feel?” he asked again, making you realize what he was really asking.
“Hmm.” Taking a deep breath to think you responded. “I still feel hurt, but I can’t find myself to be mad at him. I don’t even care about that girl, I don’t know her and don’t plan to be her friend. I just have to accept that if he wanted me, he would’ve asked me. It’s a tough pill to swallow but it’s the truth. I wish I didn’t hold onto the little hope I had and just opened my eyes to see he clearly wasn’t interested. We were just best friends, erm- friends- we’re just friends.”
Tendou changed his hand placement again. The hand that previously touched your head was back as his other hand rubbed circles between your shoulder blades. You didn’t feel like crying, you already did all of that last week. You had no more tears left in you and you just wanted to move on from the situation.
You and Tendou didn’t speak for a while, just swayed and listened to the song that was playing. “Can I tell you something? Tendou broke the silence.
“Yeah. What is it?” you asked.
“This is probably a bad time to tell you all of this. Semi is a fool, and I’m not saying that just because of his fashion sense. I don’t understand why he didn’t make a move on you because I am about to.”
His last line made you move your head so you were now making eye contact with him. “What?”
“I see your value. You are a treasure. Silly rocker Semi has overlooked what a catch you are. I never interfered because I knew of your feelings for him. I understand I’d just be a second option for you, a rebound if you will, but I’m willing to take any opportunity to get to know you better. I like you, Y/n. Can we get to know each other better?”
You were shocked. You knew Tendou as the friendly sightly crazy middle blocker on the volleyball team. You knew him as a class clown. You knew him as Semi’s friend. You never would’ve expected this moment to ever happen.
Tendou leaned a little closer to you which made you think fast. At the end of the day, you had nothing to lose, you already lost the guy you really loved. Leaning in as well, your lips connected. Unfortunately, it was at that moment Semi reached you both. It was at that moment Semi finally realized how he felt about you, but he didn’t feel like taking away the happiness from his friends for his own selfish feelings.
“Whoa dude, what happened?” Reon asked his teammate when he came back with a scowl on his face.
“I feel like a fucking idiot.”
a/n: damn, this was supposed to be a Semi fic but here I am feeding the Tendou stans. Oopsies. ALSO I DID NOT THINK IT WOULD BE THIS LONG (and poorly edited again so another oopsies)
Tag: @pluviophilefangirl
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Classic sonamy prompt if I may ask, Sonic has just finished up another adventure and is telling Rosy to go home. When she refuses he offers to take her there himself. Except Rosy refuses because she's homeless and too ashamed to tell Sonic so she lies and says her house was robbed! Like the whole thing stolen. Sonic tries to find the house and the lie gets too big until finally Rosy comes clean embarrassed. Sonic not wanting his friend to suffer lets her stay with him and builds a house for her.
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PROMPTS--GUESS WHAT?--THAT’S RIGHT! SHUTDOWN. Don’t send me’em. I’ll tell your mom.
Pajama Blogs - Prompt Requests - Ep 1 (x) - Time where I discussed thoughts on this prompt idea before probably changing the entire concept? (37:05)
Tumbling down from the air, a large explosion blasts the latest Robotnik BossEgg as Classic Sonic lands triumphantly and stands up, holding Rosy the Rascal in his arms, otherwise known as Classic Amy Rose.
Eggman seems to cry out and shake his fist, but breathes smoke in and starts coughing, so he isn’t able to pursue as Sonic smirks up to him and races off.
Eggman turns around and cries out, gripping his head when his ‘mountain base’ suddenly blasts in small degrees, his mustaches--which were metal plates placed on the mountain--droop down to show sorrow and then the whole thing explodes.
Having no where to go... he slumps down and flies off, cursing Sonic’s name and threatening a bigger and even better plan for next time!
“That’ll show’em!” Amy cheers, kicking her legs out as she looks behind Sonic’s shoulder. “Let’s see how he likes his home being trashed up by a bunch of... of... uhh... Well, if robots destroy our home, would living things attacking his be the same counterpart?” she turned back to relax in his arms and put her finger to her mouth, still working on those ‘witty catchphrases and comebacks’ which she had learned was something Sonic was fond of.
To be more adored, she tried to implement them, but it didn’t seem to effect this ‘one-track mind’ hero.
She blinked up at him, seeing he was focused on running, and smiled sweetly with admiration. Her eyes arched and she nestled herself back to being comfortable for the ride. “Nevermind~ We’re both safe, that’s all that counts.”
“Speaking of homes,”
Just as Classic Amy was about to close her eyes, drift off into her dream of Classic Sonic cradling her on his run for hours, letting her soak in that idealized delight; he hard braked and sent her head jerking forward.
“W-woooah!” she clung as a reflex tightly to his head and adjusted to around his arms as he skidded against the ground.
When her squinted eyes blinked wide open again, she looked to see her handsome hero looking down at her.
She waited a second, not having heard much of a ‘peep’ out of him, but having heard of his snarky attitude before. It seems he only really spoke comfortably in front of Eggman--of all people--and his closest friends.
“Where’s yours?” He smiled, capturing her in an array of hearts as twirling flowers floated around her vision, windmilling into her view to drown out reality.
He raised an eyebrow and leaned in a bit when he saw her distracted, “Uhh... Amy?”
She blinked, as though trying to lure him closer.
He frowned, “Lalaland is not considered a home.” he put her down, and she actually did find that a bit funny, though... it was probably meant to be more of an off-handed insult, she knew he wasn’t trying to hurt her feelings in anyway.
He just wasn’t one to let a good joke slip by.
He put a hand to his hip and shook his head up to the clouds, as though silently conversing with them how odd but innocent this girl was.
He looked back to her with a look of disappointment, as though to get her ‘head in the game’ and waited for her to answer him with a sharp, “No offense, but I’d rather get you home safely than concern myself with idle... uh... staring...” he itched his nose and looked down when he noticed she was still glued to him, her hands up by her chin and intertwined together as she openly showed her unwavering crush on him.
He knew he was handsome, but this... was a bit much to ask for.
“Amy...” He looked embarrassed, not sure how to ‘snap’ her out of it, and pulled away to try and create some space between her piercing eyes of sparkling wonder and awe of love... hoping to not have imaginary strings looping around him like a cowgirl to her prized hog.
“You’re my ultimate distraction~” she flirted, “Nothing you can do about that...”
He gruffed.
“And for your information, Lalaland is free of charge~” she moved up and tried to flick his nose, but as he avoided, he struggled to regain balance and started swaying on his one leg.
She giggled as he hopped to the side to get away from her and plant both feet down firmly. He gave her a look like he wasn’t one to just let a girl get the better of him, but she persisted further. “I have a beautiful residency there... If you ever feel like dropping by~” she batted her eyelashes, but moved her hands behind her back and swayed herself, just being girlie and trying to out-smart him.
“I hear rent’s cheap when you’re a squatter.”
“Ah!” she puffed up a cheek and stomped her foot to him, “Well, that’s not a nice thing to say to a pretty girl!”
“Glad you have the confidence. Looks like you don’t need a man, or anyone else for that matter, to tell you it for you.” He dusted himself off, turning away from her before sneaking in a pretty proud grin on his face. He wasn’t going to let her get away with such terrible flirting like that.
“Anyway, I’ve got things to do. Alone.” He folded his arms and faced his back to her, but was sure to stick his nose in the air, just for good measure. “It’s not safe running around this Zone with so many Badniks still afoot.”
“Doesn’t that mean you missed some?”
His face seemed to scrunch at her obvious dig.
“Why not let me help out in getting rid of them?” She cutely turned around to give him her full attention, offering to assist as she knew he loved to ‘clean up the leftovers’ just for sport after beating Robotnik. “I’ve been practicing with my hammer a lot more now and-!” She summoned it out, holding it firmly as memories of training away from towns by trying to knock over trees ran through her mind.
All those long days... the radio on in case of any news of him, and her constant efforts to knock down a firm tree in three blows, which was her first ever combo she learned with her new toy.
Proud to show off her new strength, she began to ramble as Sonic slowly turned his head and looked curiously back at her instrument of destruction.
“A hammer?” he inquired, leaning to look it over, but trying to keep his ‘aloof’ nature present.
“Yeah! I wasn’t too sure if I should it since it might have thrown your running off center, b-but...” she nervously began to feel her heart flutter when he showed interest in her magical item, and began to blush and dip her head down, turning her flushing cheeks away from him and closing her eyes as she continued. “D-do you think you’d like to help me try?”
“...Try and what?” he fully dropped the act and turned around, offering his hands to show he wanted to hold and examine the hammer closer.
She mistook his intent, and excitedly ‘poof’ed the hammer away placed her hands in his own.
He slowly... looked up to her with lowered eyelids to show his annoyance.
She giggled with hearts popping from around her head.
“...You really don’t know when to quit, do you?” he chuckled out, and she realized she was slightly winning him over.
He removed his hands and shook them out, “Alright! One round around the Zones! No more or less!” he wagged his infamous pointer finger to make that statement unquestionable, and then gave her a legendary wink. “Sure you’re up for a few tips and tricks?”
She almost melted fully to the ground out of all the warm feelings he was giving her.
“Uh-huh~” Her agreeance lengthened by her sinking into such happiness, and seeing as her knees had turned to pudding, she offered him her hand and without hesitation he took it and pulled her back up into a bridal carrying position.
He ducked his head and her nose almost skimmed by his left cheek, “You ready?”
She was careful... when she nodded, she made sure her nose continuing to skim up and down his cheek looked like a hurried accident...
They charged through the Zones, having some fun as he taught her to better aim and invision where the target was going to be before throwing the hammer.
At first, her swings were a little klutzy, but he helped steady her balance. “What’cha gotta do is put your feet apart, like this.” she was too absorbed in his encasing hands over her own while she held the hammer out, feeling the cotton of his gloves smooth around her own that were slightly more thinner than his puffy ones, and trembled to try and remain poised while he taught her.
A moment went by of her just intensely watching his hands on her own as he tried to teach her a proper swing, before stopping and lightly loosening his grip.
“Sorry, am I being too much?” he pulled his arms back and Amy quickly shook her head, releasing all her built-up energy from being overly excited at his attentive teaching style.
“N-no, no, no! Not at all! Don’t let go~” she whispered the last part and looked off and up to the side, her eyes squeezing shut as she hoped he didn’t notice her blushing.
He did...
His eyes almost furled up as though he had been betrayed, forgetting a moment how she was like, and moved away from her.
He tapped his toe, realizing she wasn’t taking any of his advice seriously, and decided to be mad about it. “So, where’s your home again?”
“S-sorry! I’ll behave! I promise!” she shrieked, her hammer disappearing as she waved her arms about. After perfectly being thrown up into the air to then land squarely on a rooming Badnik, Sonic just had some awkward sweat drip down the side of his face.
“Wow, innate learner...” He muttered to himself, seeing as she actually had caught on to some things. He gave her a sideways look, seeing her wail and plea which made him uncomfortable.
Forgiving her, he just turned his head away from her and closed his eyes, “Alright, alright, enough already. It’s not my style to watch people beg.” he scratched his head, not sure what to do with her if she refused to let him take her back. “But it’s getting late, and I don’t feel comfortable leaving you all alone in the open like this.” he earnestly tried to tell her his thoughts and straightened up, playing the noble hero--which was already naturally within his heart--he tried to speak more plainly to her.
“I really should be getting you somewhere safe.”
“Oh, but... Sonic...” She moved closer up to him, making his eyes widened in curiosity at how sincere she looked.
She gently lowered her eyes and smiled, as though trying to create bubbles of light and sparkles around herself, “I’m already safe... right here with you.” she took his hands as he grew nervous, his mouth wagging open on the corners of his lower lip at how direct and unabashed this little girl could be.
“Uhhuhuhhuhh,” He didn’t know how to respond, and it was like his brain was going on a straight line to cut off all activity from her outrageous actions.
She pulled herself a little closer to him, “Maybe... you don’t have to send me anywhere... but we could just gaze up at the stars all night and talk about our future togeth-OFFPH!”
He shoved his head into hers, the hardness of the top of his head smashing her mouth closed as he then pulled away, adjusting his gloves as she rubbed her face in frustration.
“Serves you right for being so shameless.” he knew he hadn’t hurt her, but just shoved her mouth full of quills to silence her continual flirting.
“W-why you...” She twitched an eyebrow, seeing that wooing the man of her dreams might not be as easy as all those fairytale princesses made it out to be.
“If you’re so obsessed with sleeping under the stars, why not fly yourself to the moon?” He stuck out his tongue and dipped his lower-eyelid down. “Waybe when I wouwn’t wave to see yowr wittle wace anywore.” he spoke with his tongue out to taunt her and suddenly she was fuming.
Her arms shook down from her face, as enraged as any tigress, and charged after him. His gleeful expression as he took off and let her chase him lasted for a little while as they played the game of chase.
He kept taunting her, jumping up on a rock and spanking his butt while doing the same mocking gestures to get her to come after him, watching as he would jump and curl up to see the rock he was on get shattered to pieces by her fury.
He uncurled with a few bounces and pulled his arms up as though leisurely jogging, smiling as he was actually testing her further to see how well she really could battle.
‘She’s trying so hard to stay by my side...’ he thought to himself, seeing her calling out with embarrassed fury as she kept swinging and narrowly missing him.
He ducked, freaking out a moment, before sighing in relief, then looking as though happy and proud of her accomplishments. ‘Her aim has increased... Maybe... she was taking my teaching seriously after all.’ It made him glad that he could have moments with her that weren’t just all her feelings, but could be some of his own interests as well.
He plopped himself on another rock and stood like a gymnasts, his two hands positioned in front and below him, which kept him upright, as his legs went straight out ahead of him. “Is that all you got, Rascal?” he teased, smirking widely as he purposefully wore her out to make her more accommodating to his request in sending her homeward.
 “I’m bound... ha... ha... to catch up to you ... ha... ha... someday, Sonic... ha... ha... The Hedgehoooogggg...” she collapsed after making her way over to the boulder, and Sonic’s expression changed to a sweetness as he extended mercy by jumping stylishly off the rock and falling to a knee, offering her his hand. “I.. won’t... give up...” her shoulders bounced as she was on her knees, her arms shaking slightly at their exertion.
Sonic’s eyes bent and in his eyes... he truly knew what she meant.
“I know.” he stated, “But that doesn’t mean a mighty heroine doesn’t deserve a break.”
She was caught by his tender reply and looked over to him, amazed he was acting so kindly again to her.
“W-what happened?” she innocently blinked her eyes, and he laughed at her cuteness.
“I’m just glad you’re having fun.” He stated, and once again shook his arm, “Come on, come on... it’s time to head on back.”
“Ah, you’ll let me stay with you?” her eyes shined.
She felt her whole world crash on her, “W-WHATTT???” she exclaimed, “B-but... we were having a moment...” she did her best ‘shaking hedgie eyes’ to make him reconsider.
“Ah-ah-ah.” He got up and shook his pointer finger, “Haven’t you heard? I’m immune to negotiations.” he played along.
“Even cute ones?” she pouted her lip and tilted her head.
For a moment, when Sonic’s eyes met hers, the rising dark shadows of the skies couldn’t block her gentle enticements of beauty from him.
He felt a breath quicken in through his nose and crawl down his lungs, holding itself there as though lodging itself there and wouldn’t move.
It was so fast that Amy didn’t even notice the momentary pupil dilation before he turned away from her and put his hands on his hips.
“...I already said I was taking you back. I keep my word.”
She felt some form of heartache, realizing that no matter how adorable she tried to look, or breathtakingly gorgeous she thought she must have looked in her mind, he wasn’t ever going to budge in her way.
He took final second to sneak a look behind his shoulder back at her, seeing her cry out that she conceded, and nod that he was right.
“It is late...”
“...Very.” he lowered his eyes, as though meaning she was very- “Ehem!” He cleared his throat, coughing into his hand and looking away again, “Very persistent. I don’t understand how anyone can keep up with you.”
“No one but you.”
He turned back as she sweetly praised him, but rolled it off his shoulders and stood a bit taller... not realizing she had boosted his ego a bit there.
“Naturally.” he smiled wider, rubbing his finger under his nose. “I’m the fastest thing alive, so it’s not uncommon for me to be one step ahead of your scheming.” he then lifted a shoe up and lightly poked her with it, smirking mischievously as though wanting her to chase after him again.
She let little tears build up in her eyes as she pouted, “You’re shooing me away again!”
“Only to keep good little girls like you out of bad little boy’s sights.” he teased again, kicking the foot back behind his other leg and looking like a real slick 90′s kid. “Cool off a little... it’s a compliment.”
“Hmph, I’m sure!” she stomped herself up and dusted off her dress. “Well, you won’t find my house, anyway!”
“Is that so?” He thought she was playing again, but was growing a little annoyed at her stubbornness. “Look, it was fun at first, Amy, but you really gotta tell me what’s going on. Why are you so opposed to going home?”
He buried his head down into his folded arms, trying to look stern on this, and it did intimidate her slightly into realizing he was serious...
She sighed, seeing him soften as she turned away. “It’s... complicated.” she pushed her index fingers together.
“How so?” He wondered... “Eggman..?”
“...N-no...” she didn’t want to lie... but... “Robbers!” She spun around, ‘More than anything... I just want to keep spending more time with you...’ she admitted only to herself in her heart.
“R-robbers?” Sonic broke his stance and suddenly took a step back.
“Thieves of the forest!” she spread her arms out wide, “About twenty of them!”
“...W-what?” He seemed disbelieving, so she nervously looked behind her and thought a second before continuing.
‘He’s not gonna buy this... but it’s worth a try! Hehe! Maybe he’ll think I’m cute for attempting to fool him.’ She turned her head back to him, “It was awful! Ah!” she jumped into his arms as he leaned forward with a perplexed expression before awkwardly having her draped over his chest.
“Come again? Where was this?” he decided to get some details first.
Amy sweated, she didn’t know many places around here... “U-Unimportant. They just came up to me all of a sudden! I was so scared!” she gripped her arms tightly around his back quills, nuzzling herself deeper into his chest as he squirmed from how uncomfortable this was.
“W-wah-what? Inside your house?” he wanted to keep investigating, but the odd sensation of her prickly head and soft cheeks against his underbelly really didn’t make it easy for him to concentrate on her story.
As he flinched and wriggled from the touch, not daring to move her, she smirked with a twinkle in her eye.
‘Got’em!’ she smirked, before pretending to act in distress again. “Ohh! Sonic! You don’t understand!”
“Then help me to understand.” he pulled her away, gently this time, but with added worry. He put his head leveled to hers, so she could focus and look directly in his eyes. “Are you okay?”
She nodded, acting as though she was close to actual tears, pulling her hands in. “We... We can’t go back there, Sonic! I’m too... Ah! Afraid~” she tried to ‘swoon’ into his arms, having her hand lift up to her forehead and have the back of it dramatically positioned there but Sonic caught her from landing on him again.
“Now, hold on. Didn’t you say you felt safe with me?” he blinked with a frown, not going to allow her theatrics to play around much longer.
She pouted, deciding he needed further persuasion...
“Uh... Well... They took the whole house!” she hollered out, “Oh, Sonic, My hero, Hold me~” she cried, turning around to try and better get her arms around his neck but he held her out and slowly reclined back... and that’s when she knew... his annoyed expression...
“You’re just as sneaky as ever...” he puffed out.
“...D-don’t you believe a helpless little-AH!”
He threw her lying behind right up over his shoulder, keeping her there as punishment as she squirmed.
“H-hey! Nooo! Soooonic!! P-put me down, now!”
He yawned, feeling her light pats against his head and back as she ‘struggled’ but knew somewhere deep down she was probably enjoying the further ‘play’ anyway.
He kept one arm down by his hip, but lifted it up to shrug. “Oh well, if you don’t have a home, I guess you’ll have to stay with me the rest of your life, huh, Amy?”
She immediately dropped her pretend, her eyes full of stars as she gleefully grinned. ‘Success!’ she cheered within her mind.
“...Is what you want me to say, right?”
She deflated... “Ohhh....”
“Come on, Amy... Enough games.” He looked back up to her, waiting with his ear turned to her for the truth. “What’s really keeping you so adamant?”
“...Okay, you got me.” She knew she couldn’t keep it up for long. “I... My house... it kinda...”
She then took on a serious expression, pulling out a hankie and blowing into it, “It’s in the sky now, Sonic! Whahaa!”
“...What?” he deadpanned.
“Those robbers they... they cut it up into tiny pieces! It’s gone, Sonic. There’s nothing left of it! My beautiful, beautiful home. Taken before it’s prime!”
He heard her blow into the hankie and shut his mouth.
“...Guess I’ll have to find every last piece of it... and rebuild it myself...” His eyebrow twitched. ‘There has to be a limit to this girl’s presumptuous mannerisms!’
...Had he finally found his match?
Someone to equal his own obscure, reckless nature?
Someone who would consistently not fail to banter till there was no time left on the clock?
“I’ll ask one more time...”
Amy shivered in fear, “You... You wouldn’t do anything ungentlemanly now... w-would you?”
His eyes revealed he was at his limit to her shenanigans.
“Eep!” she threw up the white handkerchief and forfeited, “Okay, okay! In all honesty, I-... I don’t want to part from you, but the reason I won’t tell you where my house is is because... because... I’m... homeless...” she lowered her head.
“That’s it-!” he put both hands on her hips over his shoulder and was about to charge her through a very unpleasant ‘joyride’ to interrogate her into learning some humility but she flailed.
“No, no, wait! This time, it’s the truth!” she waved her arms about, “Please, this time, you gotta believe me! I live on a town’s alley with a box and a blanket!”
He paused...
“You’re not making this up to get pity out of me... right?” he slightly glared back up at her, and she nodded, pulling her hands in and bundling them up by her chin.
“I swear, Sonic. I’m not just kidding around or playing this time... I could show you but...” she looked away, “I wash my clothes because a nice lady thinks I’m sweet and cute... I help her fold her laundry and her children’s bibs in the morning so she pays for my clothes and I secretly sneak out the back and spray the pool water on me while it’s too early for anyone to be up yet...”
He lowered his head, this isn’t what he wanted to hear...
Everything was getting too complicated... She shouldn’t be admitting this to him.
“For food, I usually track berries, but I got here from some traveling gypsies who taught me Tarot cards and treated me very well. They also showed me how to... I don’t steal, so I just performed little fortune tellings here and there to make some money, but it’s only enough for about a week’s worth of food... hence why I help the lady...”
He put her down, “That’s enough.” he stated, closing his eyes. “You didn’t need to tell me all that... I believe you.”
She pulled away, feeling like he may think she’s stinky or pitiful, and scrunched up the ends of her skirt, looking embarrassed.
“I’m sorry... I really do like you, Sonic The Hedgehog... but I’m not much of a ...” her bottom-lip quivered. “Lady... as you deserve.” she was on the verge of tears. “But if I didn’t have such humble beginnings... maybe then... I’d be pretty enough to get you to watch the stars with me one night...” she sucked in her breath, dashing off to avoid any further shame before Sonic immediately caught her mid-turn and pulled her back, not letting her escape. “Ah!”
“... I wash my shoes in the lakes and rivers...”
His voice was... empathetic.
“My best friend is an orphan... the other is the last of his kind.”
He stared at her... no judgement.
Her eyes... shined with the love she could see from his enormous heart.
“We all stay in a roughly build placed by a beach... next to a crashed plane.”
“Sonic...” her eyes shook, realizing...
“I’m not the big-shot hero everyone thinks me to be either,” He took a powerful breath in and held it, showing pride as he looked away, recollected himself, and then narrowed his eyes to her. “There’s no shame in being unwanted, alone, or without anything to your name besides your skills and talents... Regardless of what you think a ‘Lady’ qualifies as to be worthy...” he walked up and lightly patted her head,
“...Lalaland is nothing like a warm bed. I’ll give you all of what I’ve found and have collected over the years, so you can be safe too.”
Her heart expanded, and she never knew a man could love someone as unlady-like as it could get. She was without anything... and yet...
He still built a side shack for her on the beach, inviting her in as she insisted on cooking for the boys, and becoming... apart of their team.
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haledamage · 3 years
10, 30 and 50 from the Get to Know My Character Asks please! For whichever still to be developed SWTOR baby best fits.
I decided to do these with Riykas, Qora, and Siro because it sounded like fun 😁💖
10. Is your character more feminine or masculine?
Riykas is definitely very feminine, dresses and lace and jewelry and “girly” colors, the whole nine yards.
Qora presents more masculine. Short hair, ripped jeans, boots, hoodies (or the GFFA-equivalents thereof). Some of it is because she’s goth af, and some is because she likes to dress practically, but also she just feels more comfortable in a more masculine/androgynous style.
Siro doesn’t care about gender presentation so much as Cool Factor. She will rock a killer ballgown or a three-piece suit and know she looks amazing in both. Most of the time, she just wears a crop top and jeans while she lounges around on her ship.
30. When it comes to the arts (music, film, theater, etc), what does your character like?
Riykas likes new-age, trance, chill electro-pop stuff. Delerium is a perfect real-world example, and maybe also some PVRIS and CHVRCHES.
Qora and Siro both got their taste in music from their dad, so they listen to a lot of the same stuff. I think they’d both be into Dad Rock - the classic stuff like Metallica and Creedence Clearwater Revival and Fleetwood Mac, but also the Millennial Dad Rock like Green Day and Foo Fighters.
50. If your character confessed love to their crush, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc, what would they say?
I skipped Qora for this one because really the in-game “Seeing you happy is enough for me. I care about you, Arcann.” is SO in character for her that I can’t imagine it going any other way.
But Siro’s relationship never really had any “confessions” so much as just a lot of open mutual attraction that eventually led to a relationship, and Rika’s relationship isn’t canon it’s canon in my heart so it was really fun figuring this out for them :3
Riykas would need to make a dramatic declaration because neither of them will ever say anything about it casually. “Zenith, there’s something I need to tell you. I should have told you a long time ago, but I waited too long and I lost you. I don’t want to miss my chance this time. I…” and then words fail her, so she gives up and just plants one on him, full on Big Damn Kiss.
The first time Siro says “I love you” to Lana, it just slips out. Either they’re in a fight and Lana does cool Sith stuff and saves her life, or something little like Lana making her caf in the morning, and she just looks at her and the words come spilling out. I can’t decide which scenario I like better. Either way, she says it a few more times immediately, just to be sure.
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pookiepoodle · 4 years
hello hello :))) i’m not sure if you do soulmate au’s, but if you do, can i request one with kenma? have a good day :p
Hello anon!
I did my best, it’s from Kenma’s perspective and I chose the writing soulmate style aka, whatever you write on your body will appear on your soulmates and vice versa. Please enjoy and check out my masterlist for more content! I don’t own any art. 
Letters on You - Kenma x Reader Soulmate Fic
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Kenma sighed, slightly glaring at his wrist which was suddenly decorated with doodles and flowers. Even a cheesy smiley face.  
He’d had to put up with this since he was a little kid. You weren’t a terrible artist, though he wished you’d maybe cut down on the love hearts. All through school, he’d been teased for the “girly” doodles which dotted his body, only getting worse in his early teens when you began to even write down the names of celebrities, surrounded with hearts. Kuroo would have a field day with him, even going so far as to buy him k-pop merch after some band names appeared on his wrists.
He’d never felt the need to draw on himself and to be honest, he couldn’t be bothered, instead choosing to wear long sleeve shirts and big hoodies to cover up his soulmate’s art work, especially now that he was at university. That was until Kuroo “suggested” an idea.
“Oh come on, Kenma, send them a lil note!” his friend had grinned, making Kenma simply grumble in response, staring at his gaming device. He tended to ignore Kuroo whenever the man insisted on talking about soul-mates.
“Too much work,” he responded, trying to complete a rather difficult level of his newest game. To be honest, he was more nervous than anything else. He wasn’t the “ideal” soulmate that most people wanted and he knew that he would just end up being a disappointment if he tried to reach out to his mystery partner. 
“Jeez, Kenma, I’ll just have to do it,” Kuroo grinned, suddenly grabbing his friend’s outstretched leg and a pen.
“What the- Kuroo, get off me!” Kenma exclaimed, angrily trying to pull away from his friend who was writing something on his leg, but Kuroo had a strong grip on him, cackling with delight.
“All done!” Kuroo laughed, letting go of his friend who immediately went to see what Kuroo had done, his scowl only deepening as he read the message now inked onto his leg.
Hey Cutie! ♡♡
“Kuroo, the fuck… you’re an asshole,” Kenma grumbled, moving to grab his game when he noticed something appearing write below his friend’s writing.
Wait, I have a soulmate?!
He immediately recognised the handwriting. Soft, delicate and pretty. 
“Look, she’s already replied!” Kuroo announced, pleased that his idea had worked. He was totally gonna hold this over Kenma if things went well, which he knew it would. Kuroo knew his friend doubted himself a lot, but he knew that Kenma was a good guy with a great heart. 
Kenma rolled his eyes, but he knew it would be rude to not reply so he grabbed the pen, writing out his response.
Your handwriting changed!
Sorry, dumb friend sent the first one.
Oh… so you didn’t plan on writing to me?
“Kuroo, would you grab some soda?” Kenma asked, trying to sound casual as he thought on how he would respond to the question. He needed to be careful, not wanting to offend the stranger but he wasn’t gonna lie.
“Sure, sure, Casanova,” Kuroo smirked, making his way out the room with a cat-like grin stretched across his face. 
I mean… I dunno.
Omg, I’ve drawn so many things… I am so sorry!
Its fine, just cut it out with the hearts.
Hearts are fun though!
Yeah, but not when the team wouldn’t stop annoying me about it.
Team? Did you play sports?
Oh that’s so cool, I love volleyball, though I prefer gaming.
That sentence made his heart skip a beat. This person liked volleyball and gaming? Was this some kind of sick prank or were they really so similar? The tiniest smile graced Kenma’s face as he replied, feeling a little more confident. 
What games do you like?
Animal Crossing is so good.
I love it too.
Omg really?! We should totally play together, if you wanna!
He took a deep breath, his eyes widening at your boldness. You had no idea who he was, what he was like and yet, you were so confident and eager to talk to him… maybe he wasn’t so terrible after all. Just maybe, you might be worth the effort and time… okay, definitely worth it. So, with a happy feeling filling him up, he wrote his response, much to your delight.
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scribespirare · 4 years
what if deku was coerced by stoner!denki into getting a tramp stamp (he lost a bet) and denki takes him to the shop his bf works at only denki is a Clown and kiri is actually just a piercer so kiri calls up the best mans for the job and deku falls in love immeditaley because katsuki makes fun of him for the super girly butterfly tramp stamp denki picked out. anyway katsuki is like "fuck that, ill draw something even more badass" cause he hates doing copy/pastes
why do you make me do these things loki 
Izuku feels like he’s going to vibrate out of his skin. The man behind the counter clicks his tongue piercing loudly against his teeth and scowls down at the drawing in front of him. “This is garbage,” he says decisively. 
“Well, it’s what he wants,” Kaminari says cheerfully, and Izuku winces. It’s not that he wants it persay, it’s just that he lost a bet and, well, he’s never been one to back down. 
It should have been simple. Kaminari’s current boyfriend, Kirishima, works here, and they were going to come to him. But apparently he only does piercings. In his attempt to please a disappointed Kaminari, he had promised to bring them the shop’s best tattooer. 
Apparently their ‘best’ is a grouchy blonde absolutely covered in metal and ink, whose striking crimson gaze makes Izuku squirm. His arms are bare and his baggy pants are tucked into a thick pair of boots, giving him an almost militant look. The moment he’d walked out of the back room and turned a scornful look on the tiny butterfly Kaminari had picked out for Izuku...well, Izuku hasn’t been able to unglue his tongue from the roof of his mouth. He’s never seen someone so hot in his entire goddamn life.  The man grunts and ignores Kaminari entirely, gaze coming up to focus on Izuku. Izuku who tries not to squeak under the attention. “Follow me,” he says, motioning towards the door into the back of the shop. 
When Kaminari tries to go with Izuku, the man actually physically growls at him and Izuku nearly swoons. “Not you, asshole, it’s not your tattoo. Stay out here.” 
Both of Kaminari’s eyebrows shoot up, but he only gives Izuku a little wave. Swallowing his nerves, Izuku follows the man. The store is bigger than he’d originally thought, with twists and turns into individual rooms, each covered in different art styles and with a padded chair or two for clients to stretch out on. 
The sign outside the room they step into says Katsuki Bakugou. Izuku doesn’t exactly have an eye for art, but even he can tell that the sketches on the walls are impressive. The style is bold and dramatic with bright pops of color that draw the eye, and Izuku finds himself actually kind of hopeful for what the stupid butterfly Kaminari picked out might look like if Katsuki does it. 
Katsuki clears his throat loudly. “This some kind of bet?” 
Izuku blinks at him, taken aback. “Yes?” 
The corner of the man’s mouth twists and he crosses his arms over his chest. The move makes his biceps bulge and Izuku’s mouth goes dry. “Cool, I don’t do bet tattoos. You can hang out back here and make your friend sit out there alone if you want, but I’m not gonna give you a tramp stamp you’re gonna hate.” 
Izuku’s mouth falls into a small ‘o’. Then his tongue moves on its own, as its often want to do. “What if I want a tattoo from you?” 
One blonde eyebrow hikes up, and Katsuki spends a moment just considering Izuku. Then his lips spread into a knowing smirk and Izuku’s stomach goes liquid and warm. “Alright, nerd, I can give you want you want. Sit down, lets talk business. It’s not often I get to ink hot twinks.”
Izuku nearly trips over his own feet.  
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bluinary · 5 years
gag anime that you need to watch maybe
 hi hello my name is juli and i will now gently guide ur attention to some top-notch shows, please pay attanetion
(this list is for people who don’t watch much anime or who are new to it. if ur a fucken weeb youve probably seen it all. dont @ me i want to help the kids)
ONE PUNCH MAN (the obvious 1st choice lol)
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Genre: Action/ Shounen
Expectation: OP protagonist with riveting backstory fights to become the strongest hero, makes many friends along the way who recognize his talents and pure heart, big bad scary villains make him stronger
Reality: OP protagonist is already the strongest hero. His backstory? After fighting a lobster-man with nipples drawn on him with a Sharpie, Saitama decides to do a workout routine every day, and somehow ends up becoming the most powerful known being in the universe. His main issue is that now, he literally can take down any villain with a single punch, and he’s very bored of it.
Best Qualities: Animation is bomb, music is dope, humor is funnie, and Best Boy is a man whose superpower is riding a bicycle. Also Saitama egg head
If you were in a coma for all of 2015, this is the main thing u missed. Moving on.
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun (Monthly Girls’ Nozaki)
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Genre: Romance/ Comedy/ Slice of Life
Expectation: Smol shoujo protag girl grows closer to her oblivious crush through a fated, if awkward, incident which reveals an embarrassing secret that has to be kept at all costs. Through one another they gain more quirky friends, help each other grow, and, eventually, the male lead realizes that what he needs has been beside him all along.
Reality: The crush writes romance manga, and that is literally all the man cares about. It’s not a secret, but when he told people they didn’t believe him. Nozaki and Sakura grow closer, but only because he confuses her confession with a request to be his Beta. They gain quirky friends through one another, but there is zero character development throughout the entire fucking cast. Every episode is run by Idiot Plot. All the characters share a singular brain cell. There’s a tall butch lady turning every girl in the school gay. Please watch
Best Quali-teas: Everyone is baby, lots of gay shenanigans, and toxic masculinity does not exist, the OP is pretty nice, too
I literally heard about this damn show, like, two months ago. This shit was released circa 2015. Pleeze watch
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. / Saiki Kusuo no Psi Nan
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Genre: Shounen/ Supernatural/ Fucking Everything tbh
Expectation: Slice-of-life supernatural where protag has psychic powers, albeit limited ones, and has to keep them a secret at all costs for fear of his safety. He has a few friends he loves and cherishes, and at least two girls who are in love with him that he has to choose between-- all of which are people he wants to protect from his double-life.
Reality: Kusuo is very aware that he is the protagonist of an anime, and he does not want to be. Born with pink hair? He rewrites the human genome to make colored hair normal. End of the world looming? He just keeps rewinding time so he doesn’t have to deal with it. Harem situation? He actively uses his powers to avoid all love interests at all times (see the above). The plot of each episode is him trying to stop the plot as quickly as possible without killing anyone. The main issue is that everyone around him is either dumb or just generally attractive to plot-driving circumstances, and they all, for some reason, want him to be in on their adventures.
Best Qualities: Heavy “me and the boys” energy, plenty of Idiot Plot, so funny that my 47yo mom who hates anime admitted that it’s funny, meta as fuck, occasionally sweet scenes, equally good dub and sub, Saiki is babie
The fandom for this shit is like. Nonexistent. Apparently it came out the same season as Mob Psycho 100, so that might be why. I almost didn’t watch it, but I got bored and it turned out to be a serious gem. Go watch if ur having a bad day, it will make u cry laughing
Sakamoto Desu Ga/ Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto
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Genre: Slice of life/ Comedy
Expectation: God I don’t even know. I’d say a typical slice of life where the quiet kid is bullied but makes friends, there’s a love triangle as they grow up together through high school, yadda yadda, but look at this dude. I can’t imagine him being anything other than what he is-- a legend.
Reality: The entire show is just a question of how extra one man can be, and how well he can pull it off. Sakamoto is an “average” high school senior (in the sense that he has no supernatural abilities), but he’s....far more than that. He’s Sebastian Michaelis if he’d never been a demon. Everything always works out for him in the most ridiculous of ways-- he’s just that good. He makes a McDonald’s uniform look like Prada. He’s so smooth his bully ends up having a crush on him (and yes, it is a gay crush. no heteros in this show). 
Best Qualities: lots of homo content. the side characters, inspired by Sakamoto’s grace, all become better people, and you root for them. The circumstances are always average, but the presentation is fucking riveting. Watch to send ur depression into remission.
Another one no one talks about????? U all were so busy with ur broku no hero macadamias and ur Nartoes that you slept on this. Now’s the time to take back what was lost. Love yourself and binge this shit. 
Nichijou/ My Ordinary Life
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Genre: Slice of Life/ Comedy
Expectation: Cute girls do cute, girly things and have fun with Their Close Good Friends (TM).
Reality: Cute girls get into very bizarre situations with extremely manic energies. Sometimes, the situations are normal, but the girls react in a bizarre, manic fashion. It will make you alarm-laugh.
Best Qualities: Adorable art style, little continuity, relatable as fuck
A nice little watch if you’re bored. I think the eps are on YouTube.
Pop Team Epic/ Poputepepiku
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Genre: Only God Knows
Expectation: Probably a cutesy 4koma-type thing with 2 schoolgirls having shenanigans.
Reality: A regular acid trip with lesbian icons Popuko and Pipimi who are not schoolgirls, but gods. Like if Eric Andre and Hannibal Buress were turned into omnipotent anime icons. Watch at your own risk.
Best Qualities: Lots of unexpected parodies and references amongst a shitpost of a show. The OP is a bop. Popuko terrifies me, but also empowers me as a young woman because she will not hesitate to kill a bitch. She and Pipimi love each other a whole lot, so it is LGBTQ content, which is always a plus. 
I’m sure you’ve seen this one floating around. It will make you feel fear, and then laugh. Now, finally...
Ouran Highschool Host Club
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Genre: Romance/ Comedy
Expectation: The protagonist is a girl who is mistaken for a boy and must be the servant of six rich, handsome young men, all of which are in love with her, and her secret must be kept at all costs. A reverse harem anime with plenty of fanservice.
Reality: Haruhi is a genderfluid queen who doesn’t give a fuck what others think she is. Because she broke a Conveniently-Placed Vase and is relatably poor, she has to pay off her debt by being a host herself-- which means male-presenting when flirting with her female classmates to make her dough. The six rich, handsome young men all share three brain cells, and most of those cells go to the character who has one line per episode (usually, it’s “Yeah”. I hope that VA got paid well). The only love interest-- the “leader” and most popular of the six men-- is so dead-set on their club being his Found Family, he confuses his romantic feelings for Haruhi with paternal ones. This is obvious to everyone but him. He never gets the brain cells. 
Best Qualities: Trans characters!! Lesbians!! Extreme “me and the boys” energy, except they’re all rich, so shenanigans skyrocket. Many 4th wall breaks. The most powerful Host looks like he’s 5. Any “fanservice” is never played straight. Takes the Found Family trope to a whole new level. Nice Parks & Rec-quality balance between hysterical and sweet. Everyone is in drag at some point.
I know all of us senior citizens grew up on this shit, but you younguns need to watch the classics to appreciate the newfangled stuff. I recommend watching when you’re in a cheesy rom-com mood. 
Honorable Mentions:
I can’t count these as gag anime, but they’re still ridiculously funny.
Mob Psycho 100
Scissor Seven
Kill la Kill
Cells at Work!
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure 
Ones I haven’t seen but have heard a lot about
Himouto! Umaru-chan
Azumanga Daioh
Gin Tama
Sgt. Frog
Okay that is all just limke put this in ur feel-good tag because these shows will make you happy and donut for get to like and describe to my channel, where I post literally nothing at all ever good night.
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pastelbatfandoms · 4 years
ABCs of your OCs
A list of oc questions in alphabetical categories - i made each category based on the first word I could think of in alphabetical order, so enjoy!
Decided to try and answer these using Gifs and Images of My characters (aka who or what reminds me of My character)
.Doing this for My OC Michelle Riley in My Riverdale Fic. 
Michelle is “played by” Ksenia Solo (Teen) &  Kaya Scodelario (Young Adult)
A: Aptitude 1. what are your oc’s natural abilities, things they’ve been doing since young? Writing,solving Mysteries,has always had an interest in the occult and anything different and unusual.
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2. what activities have they participated in? Michelle is a bit of a Loner but she has done Cheer and writes Poetry in her spare time as well as mysteries. She also was a camp counselor & Lifeguard with Betty and Cheryl over the summer. 
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3. what abilities do they have?  She’s human but Michelle knows a bit of Karate and was taught how to fight by FP.
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4. what things are they bad at? Being Honest,Indecisive,
5. what is their most impressive talent? Writing and Dancing
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B: Basics 1. what is their hair color?  Dark brown. Dies Black or wears Blond wigs. 
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2. what is their eye color? Brown but wears Light green or blue contacts
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3. how tall are they? A little shorter than Jughead
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4. how old are they? 15 (Story start) 19 (Story end) October 7 2000
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5. how much do they weigh?
C: Comfort 1. how do they sit in a chair? Usually leaning forward.
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2. in what position do they sleep?
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3. what is their ideal comfort day? Reading or watching TV,eating,doing something creative,learning new things (especially about the occult or conspiracy theories),writing poetry,mainly being by herself on her down time.Although she’s an ambivert so she does like hanging out with her BF or Friends after her alone time. 
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4. what is their major comfort food? um Anything lol She’s literally a female Jughead in more ways than one. Burgers and fries,Milkshakes,Pancakes,Chips and salsa...
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5. who is the best at comforting them when down? Betty or Mom. Most of the time Jughead. (unless it’s about him)
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D: Decoration 1. how would they decorate a house if they had one under their name? Minimalistic with plants,charming and attractive yet simple and comfortable. Small neighborhood.
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2. how would they decorate their child’s room? Michelle doesn’t want kids
3. how do they decorate their own room? Shabby Chic,Girly mixed with rustic. With of course darker undertones. 
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4. what type of clothes and accessories do they wear? Goth,Grunge,Edgy,had a preppy phase. (Casual Artsy in Middle school) 
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5. do they like makeup/nail/beauty trends? Yes.
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E: External Personality 1. does the way they do things portray their internal personality?  Sometimes. She’s not as tough as she portrays. 
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2. do they do things that conform to the norm? Sometimes. If on her own.
3. do they follow trends or do their own thing? No
4. are they up-to-date on the internet fads? Only E-Girl and Mod Goth.
5. do they portray their personality intentionally or let people figure it out on their own? Is shy at first.
F: Fun 1. what do they do for fun? Shopping,Dancing,hanging out at Pop Tates Malt Shop,Drive in movies,Art,watching Horror movies,writing poetry,Solving Mysteries,going out to a club or the biker bar The White Wyrm. 
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2. what is their ideal party? See Above. Dancing,Strobe lights,Band,Underage Drinking/Sex. Unless she’s 18 or 19 then. Decorating for parties and liked having Clue inspired Sleepovers in middle school.
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3. who would they have the most fun with? Her girls. B,V & C.
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4. can they have fun while conforming to rules? When alone yes.
5. do they go out a lot? Yes.
G: Gorgeous 1. what is their most attractive external feature? Her eyes and smile.
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2. what is the most attractive part of their personality? 
3. what benefits come with being their friend?
4. what parts of them do they like and dislike?
5. what parts of others do they envy?  IDK if I’m going to finish this.
H: Heat 1. do they rather a hot or cold room?
2. do they prefer summer or winter? Spring and Fall
3. do they like the snow? Not really.
4. do they have a favorite summer activity? Thrift Shopping and Sleuthing
5. do they have a favorite winter activity? Reading inside or Sleuthing.
I: In-the-closet 
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1. what is their sexuality? Pan Sexual 
2. have they ever questioned their sexuality? yes
3. have they ever questioned their gender? No
4. would/was their family be okay with them being LGBT? Yes they are very open minded.
5. how long would/did it take for them to come out? High School
J: Joy 1. what makes them happy? Art,writing,shopping,mysteries,love,music.
2. who makes them happy? Her Family (Blood and none)
3. are there any songs that bring them joy? Wow I have a whole playlist...
4. are they happy often? More or less
5. what brings them the most joy in the world?
K: Kill 1. have they ever thought about suicide? I don’t write that. They may have dark thoughts but never act on them,this is not 13 reasons why.
2. have they ever thought about homicide? No
3. if they could kill anyone without punishment, would they? who? No
4. who would miss them if they died? Um all her Friends and Family
5. who would be happy they died, anyone? Penny Peabody lbr
L: Lemons 1. what is their favorite fruit? 2. what is their least favorite fruit?
3. are there any foods they hate?
4. do they have any food intolerances?
5. what is their favorite food? Already said. She also really likes Chicken with chips and salsa.
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M: Maternal 
1. would they want a daughter or a son? 
2. how many children do they want? 
3. would they be a good parent? 
4. what would they name a son? 
what would they name a daughter? 
5. would they adopt? Possibly
N: Never Have I Ever
1. what would they never do? Kill Innocents.
2. what have they never done that they want to do? 
3. is there anything they absolutely can’t believe people do? People do alot of shitty things. Killing Kids and animals would be one of them.
4. what is the most embarrassing thing they’ve done? 
5. have they done anything they thought they’d never do? Um get drunk and sleep with her boyfriends Dad??...Or cheat on Jug with Veronica. SPOILERS! But I probably won’t finish this story lbh.
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O: Optimism 1. are they optimistic or pessimistic? Both
2. are they openly optimistic?
3. are they good at giving advice? Yes
4. is there anyone in their life that throws optimism on them? Throws lol I suppose her Mom or Betty. 
5. were they always optimistic? 
>>>P: Personality 1. what is their best personality trait?
2. what is their worst personality trait?
3. what of their personality do others love?
4. what of their personality do others envy?
5. do they hate anything about their personality/about other’s personalities?
<<<Will do this later
Q: Questions 1. do they ask for help? Sometimes
2. do they ask questions in class? She did yes,when she was trying to be a straight A student.
3. do they answer questions that make them a little uncomfortable? Yes
4. do they ask weird questions? Yes
5. are they curious? Yes
R: Rules 1. do they follow rules? Sometimes.
2. would they be a strict or laid-back parent? A good balance.
3. have they ever been consequences for breaking a rule? 
4. have they broken any rules they now regret breaking?
5. do they find any rules they/others follow absolutely ridiculous? Nope
S: Streets 1. are they street-smart? Yes
2. would they give money to someone on the streets? Probably
3. have they ever gotten in a fight on the streets? Yes
4. has anything happened to them on the streets? Other then Fights,no.
5. are they cautious when out? Now yes,but she can take care of herself.
T: Truth 1. are they honest? More so now yes.
2. can they tell if someone is lying? Yes
3. is it obvious when they’re lying? Yes
4. have they lied about anything they regret lying about? Sleeping with FP
5. have they ever been talked about behind their back? I’m sure.
U: Underdog 1. have they been bullied? A couple times but they stopped once she stood her ground,same with standing up for others (like Jughead)
2. have they bullied anyone? No
3. have they been physically attacked? Yes
4. have they ever been doubted? Yes.
5. have they surprised people with being good at something? Yes,alot of Guys (and girls) underestimate her.
V: Vomit 1. do they vomit often? 2. do they get lots of stomach aches? 3. are they good at comforting someone ill? 4. what do they like as far as comfort goes? 5. do they burp, cough, or hiccup most when nauseous? when vomiting?
W: Water 1. do they drink enough water? 2. have they learned to swim? 3. do they like to swim? 4. can they dive? 5. can they swim without holding their nose?
X: Xylophone 1. what is their favorite genre of music? Oldies,Indie & Goth Rock
2. do they have a favorite song? Prince-Die 4 U
3. do they have a favorite band/artist/singer? The Cure,Prince & The Neighborhood.
4. can they sing well? Sure
5. can they rap? No
Y: You 1. how old were you when you created them? It was in 2017. 
2. what inspired you to create them? Watching Riverdale for the first time
3. were they different when they were first created? No
4. do you enjoy writing them more than other characters? No
5. what’s your favorite thing about them? Her style and sarcasm. 
Z: Zebra 1. what’s their favorite animal? Cats and Dogs
2. do they like animals? Yes
3. cats or dogs? Both
4. what’s their dream pet? Panther or Dragon
5. do they have any pets at the moment? Shares a Sheepdog/Mutt with The Serpents,named Hot Dog.
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