#arron lycan
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shartfinz · 9 days ago
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koiboyisgay · 10 months ago
Arron Lycan Hater Playlist
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I hate Arron so much. I'm a bigger MCD fan compared to my street and even though he's way better in MCD, he's always pissed me off. He has always felt like the most unnecessary character ever. Like I'm not even a hard-core shipper, he just upset me for existing. Jason self insert can fight me.
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goat-guy-tm · 3 years ago
Jesson are wrong #3;
The the minor villianization of Lily in Mys is a sign that Jesson wanted to erase all proof of Aaron and Aphmau having lives of their own, away from each other.
While MYS was never intended to line up perfectly with MCD, the outright ignoring and villainizin of Lily, who in MCD was Aaron’s ex wife who he had a kid with and love very deeply, is down right sickening.
In my own personal eyes/rewrite, Lily and Aaron would have been one of those genuine high school sweet heart couples, even if Aaron was held back a year and turned into a super senior and Lily graduated.
I have this whole thing where in MYS they end up being teen parents on accident and Aaron for a time dropped out of highschool to help work and take care of Lily, and then when the next school year started he went back to finish up.
This also gives way to him being seen as antisocial, cause all his preexisting friends have graduated and because he is only focusing on graduating with honors to get into a good college to help support his girlfriend and son (Jacob, who existed in MCD).
I could keep going with this, but it starts getting into more rewrite and head canon territory
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apoc-alypticblog · 6 years ago
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Bout to smack that grin off your face boi
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gingerlaurancesupremacy · 4 years ago
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the new season of mystreet looks great
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no-bodys-buddy · 4 years ago
This is gonna be a long one so I'm splitting it up into 2 parts.
Ok ok ok. Garroth is my absolute favorite (when he isn't being a cocky bish) And garrence is a must in my storys but if you're someone who doesn't ship it they can just be really good friends. Either way they have to be very good friends because it's actually important to the story.
But in my AU garroth was presented with the option of irene or arron.
His brothers mean everything to him so they're choice affected his choice greatly. So I gotta explain them a bit.
His little brother zane went with irene dew to both aphmau being his only friend and his belief that irene was a kind and merciful person. (More on zane later). But irene shunned vylad and so vylad was either forced to die or go with arron. So he took the obvious choice. His bestfriends also when with arron dew to a lot of reasons but mostly because of them being shadow Knights and having relationships with shadow Knights (family, friends, partners, ect) or simply wanting to be involved with the war as little as possible.
Garroth knew zane would be safe with irene so despite it being the hardest choice of his life he went with vylad, Laurence, dante, and the og 3 shadow Knights and went with arron.
He didn't know how to handle war but the first time he saw a battle go down and couldn't help he immediately knew he wanted to help. He wanted to fight. To learn to protect his friends and new found family. And so he did.
His first battle let's just say mommy and daddy ro'mave didn't make it out. Most of the familys and people he was traveling with died. He was depressed about it for awhile and still kinda is but he's been coping. He writes in a journal to help deal with his trauma, depression, and anxiety.
Once the Lycan family secret got out garroth was actually the one to suggest the werewolf transform. Aka he begged arron to turn him so that he could have increased speed and strength. Ironically his super strength from the original forever potion doesn't show up until he's 23 and when he turned he was 21 was when he was turned.
Did I mention this started back in high school? Yep. A few weeks after garroth's graduation the war got big and it got bad.
Now garroth is 28 and is looked at as one of the best soldiers in ru'aun. Guns, knives, swords(ironically), and many other weapons have been held and mastered by garroth.
He studied a absolute shit ton of other fighting techniques. Classic hand to hand combat is the best. Our boi is flexible! Like hella flexible. Also over the years of tough, and I mean tough training he gained a very high pain tolerance.
Now garroth was not immediately good at fighting. He sucked ass at guns. The first time he shot one he fell on his ass dew to the recoil. He's been knocked onto his ass more times then he'd like to admit. (Unlike Laurence lol.) But despite that he's trained day and night to get where he is now. But despite that he isn't feared. Yes he has a reputation of being impossible to kill(he is very killable sadly) but his greatest achievement and something he is well known for always doing his damndest to help civilians and refugees. He is known to be kind, skilled, and his strength has it's own storys and theories in and of itself. He is also known to be unbelievably stupid and always throws himself in the frontlines to help and very much will take a bullet for a innocent. Most people see this as heroic but his close friends know. They know.
I'll post pt 2 soon.
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rebloglandfornerds · 4 years ago
How dare you make me look at Arron Lycan, that man has caused me even more trauma than my parents. /Hj
i’ll never forgive whoever showed me of this:
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i left that shit back in middle school don’t make me associate sapnap with the worst written character in a mcrp.
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gingerlaurancesupremacy · 4 years ago
Lawyer: You stand accused of mass murder, how do you plead?
Aaron: I was sad once.
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gingerlaurancesupremacy · 4 years ago
I find it crazy how Aaron literally stabbed Blaze and murdered him, but when Aphmau met him in Minecraft Limbo he was like “nah it’s cool”. Like idk about you, but if someone killed me I’d be kinda mad about it.
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no-bodys-buddy · 4 years ago
Knight howlers info
Ok so.
A normal group of knight howlers has 2 parts. This dose not included the group(gene, garroth, dante, ect.) But it includes most of the knight howler groups including blaze.
2-3 main solders
Then the 2ed part
The half way people.
There are normally two halfway people. They are there specifically if anything goes wrong.
1 medic
1 soldier
Now the main type of missions they go on.
I suggest you go read the territory post I made.
Now arron has small underground bases all over ru'aun. Some in Irene's territory and some in the demon warlocks territory.
People trying to escape the war or just trying to leave Michael's(demon warlock) or irene's territory.
It can get pretty bad.
They have to travel through no mans land to get from the main Lycan bases to either Irene's territory or Michaels to the smaller hidden ones inside of enemy Lines. It can get brutal.
Inside the smaller bases are men women and children all trying to get out of the war.
On Michael's side most people trying to leave are war veterans and prisoners of war who were forced to be soldiers.
On Irene's side it's people with disabilities. Often people with things ranging from mental to physical disabilities and illnesses. She cant heal things like depression or adhd so she throws them aside and life for them becomes hell.
Now it's dangerous to travel through enemy territory let alone with injured men, crying children, and weeping widows. So the halfway people are there for back up basically.
Often in strong held groups who go as far as seeing each other as family one or 2 people basically become the therapist. After all the Lycan family have specialists who do there best to help with the mental health of their soldiers and refugees.
Mental health as well is physical health are some of the top priorities when worrying about soldiers.
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