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a blog about mystreet by aphmau(jess) but in a war. if I cross any lines please inform me.
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no-bodys-buddy · 4 years ago
My school starts tomorrow and I've been stressing about it to I haven't gotten a chance to do any writing.
I'll be posting soon though I hope.
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no-bodys-buddy · 4 years ago
Zane, vylad, and zenix are all younger.
Well everyone is younger except garroth, Laurence, aphmau, aaron, Katelyn, travis, and maybe a few others.
Garroth is 18.
Zenix is 9/10 ish.
Zane is 3
Vylad is a newborn.
Zianna passes during childbirth with vylad. (Or something. Idk. You can make is as sad or not as you want.)
And garte. Well. I have a lot of reasons he lost custody on his kids but you can make up your own.
And let's just make zenix a orphan after a fire.
You can change their past if you want. But in the end garroth adopted all of them.
Now I've made a bunch of ideas for this so I might post it on my wattpad because this is a blog for my war AU and random stuff I find on this app.
=C maybe I'll make a separate blog for it idk.
I'll post my wattpad if I do write this AU idea out into a story.
Oh and I'll also be making a story with my war AU but I have yet to decide who's side of the story I should start with. Idk give me ideas on that one please.
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no-bodys-buddy · 4 years ago
Two frogs Tuesday
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no-bodys-buddy · 4 years ago
So I recently found out genes natural hair color actually is blue or at least black isn't his natural hair color and so either I'm going to have to change my AU or something because apparently Dante's natural hair color is blue.
It's finnnnnneeeeee!!!....
No one will notice...
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no-bodys-buddy · 4 years ago
I can't just not reblog it.
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no-bodys-buddy · 4 years ago
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I just think it's disappointing we've only gotten 2/3 of the Ro'Meave brothers under the effects of the forever potion aha
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no-bodys-buddy · 4 years ago
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Garroth saying Zenix is "like a son to him" spawned this whole AU just cause,, MyStreet is supposed to be a modern AU of MCD,,, I'll make as many absurd parallels as I want.
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no-bodys-buddy · 4 years ago
help a disabled jewish trans man recover from surgery
ill try to keep this one short bc my last post flopped hard-- my name's joh, i'm a disabled jewish gay trans man who's set to have top surgery and a total hysterectomy in october, which is gonna knock me out and keep my from working for at least a couple months. i lost my last job due to covid, and i've been looking for work, but me & my family are immunocomp so my options are limited. even if/when i find a job, high holy days are coming up and i want to be able to cherish that time with my family, so i'll need to take time off in between working. i need to be able to pay my bills during my recovery, and if i can't find work before my surgery i... really dont know what i'll do. if you can afford it, please consider checking out my gofundme, or: cashapp: $jorielj venmo:@jorieljay if you can't donate, please share
date; august 10th, 2021
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no-bodys-buddy · 4 years ago
Me: *rewatching MCD*
Me: why did I miss Laurence so much? He's a bit of a jerk.
Me: *Sees this*
Me: 0-0 oh yeah- now I remember-
me: i like laurance for his personality
his personality:
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no-bodys-buddy · 4 years ago
Listen. Idk that this isn't MS or MCD or anything aphmau related this is important.
The blood god has cancer...
He'smy idol and this upsets me a lot.
Cancer is absolutely terrible.
I dont know what is going to happen and I'm not going to jinx anything.
I just hope he'll get better soon.
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no-bodys-buddy · 4 years ago
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Me, @ferris-wheelsandcertainblues , and @shadowqnights have a twitch streamer/twitter au where garrance has a kid Malachi and laurance zvahl is a twitch streamer dating verified twitter user garroth ro’meave
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no-bodys-buddy · 4 years ago
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Can't stop thinking about western!MCD and it's making me crazy so have this Sherriff Garroth.
I'm thinking pheonixdrop (or whatever it would be called in this au) would be a small railway town, just a little place for people to stop while traveling to bigger towns.
I think i want to keep magic- but like make it more like a godly blessing if that makes sense. So like the shadow knights(Shadow Cowboys? lol) would be bandits blessed by Shad or Kiki's animal speak would be a gift from Irene.
Idk i'm just having a lot of fun thinking about it, also i can't get the idea of Zane as an uppity 'preacher man' out of my head so i might draw that next...
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no-bodys-buddy · 4 years ago
I love this!
Normally I do mystreet stuff but I love the DSMP and I've been trying to figure out how to place shroud in my head cannons.
This is a amazing idea. Thank you.
so i do enjoy the takes of shroud not just being a pet. i like him being a hybrid spider its fun to draw. 
but why default to son? tommy said he’s not his son. 
if ya want to push a family dynamic on the two, you know what’s better? 
he’s like a younger brother. 
think about it- tommy, a tailor, teaching shroud how to make things other than webs with his silk. 
tommy teaching shroud the ways of petty crime and being a nuisance- shroud can climb things and that makes things so much fun. 
tommy, i’m pretty certain canonically, was born in a lab. im unsure he had parents- he had wilbur as an older brother. 
but imagine him doing things that wilbur would do for him growing up. and now? he vows to be the best big brother he can be- better than wilbur would’ve become. 
if we’re pushing family dynamics, c’mon at least let it be symbolic. let him be the older brother this time, and let him do it right. 
let him prove to wilbur what you do as a brother. let him take shroud out and get into trouble with him- but tommy takes the fall every time. let him teach shroud different hobbies and build up anything he wants to do along the way. 
let him call shroud big man and shroud call tommy big t and them argue and bicker but laugh. 
let them get mad at each other but make up in 10 minutes because they just cant last that long. 
i mean tommy is still a kid. i doubt in character he’d even know how to parent, let alone be a parent. but he knows what a brother is, and he knows what a good brother can be like, and he knows what not to do. 
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no-bodys-buddy · 4 years ago
Me: *sees a bunch of things on garmau, laurmau, and aarmau.*
Me: *slowly tucks away my otp garrence art*
Me: hehehe... yeahhhh!... ships..
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no-bodys-buddy · 4 years ago
If you noticed (probably not) I put the my inner demons tags on my posts. The characters from my inner demons are in this story. Ava is aphmaus doppelganger but due to her personality and everything else aphmau was the default host for irene.
Somehow or another Michael got his hands on Ava and the boys.
I also put the Minecraft Diaries tag on my post because in my AU everyone is a Reincarnation of someone in Minecraft Diaries and if they are not a reincarnation they are probably a doppelganger or a host but you can be both a host and or doppelganger and still be someone's reincarnation.
(More on this later)
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no-bodys-buddy · 4 years ago
So I designed to draw what vylad sees.
Top is what we would see and the bottom is what vylad would see. He hallucinate almost constantly do to the trauma he has been through.
It's just a flower a seashell and a lamp.
Pink is blood because censoring.
Also no matter what he always has this grey foggy glaze over everything he sees.
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This is just my war AU.
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no-bodys-buddy · 4 years ago
Kawaii chan.
When the war started she didn't know what to do. She was scared. So she clung onto the bravest person she knew. Katelyn. And in turn her and Katelyn got close. She wasn't their for the first battle but after the demon warlock found out about her he took her aswell. Killing most of her family before they could flee to Tu'la.
Nana and kawaii chan are two different people. Kawaii Chan is a reincarnation and Nana is a doppelganger. They met at a extremely young age. Now a doppelganger should never meet their original. Bad things can happen. (More on this later)
There is kawaii~chan. A sweet bubbly cat person who everyone loves. Talks in 3ed person. Would never hurt a fly.
And then there's nana. Basically the opposite. She is smart. Cunning. And she knows how to hurt you. Only Katelyn has ever met nana. And those other then Katelyn that have met nana aren't alive today.
Nana is small and has little muscle so she relies on sneaking around in the dark and using long sharp needle like weapons to hit kill spots with pin point accuracy unlike Katelyn who sticks with her fists and hasn't actually ever killed anybody yet.
She always has a dress on with long sleeves and it covers most of her skin except her stomach sometimes.
Nana has a black jumpsuit thing of sorts that is skin tight. She has her weapons on her at all times.
They extended from claw-like gloves and lay nicely over her hands. Also stole lots and lots of knives and has them hidden all over her body. Even a few in her hair that is always done nicely.
Technically her and Katelyn are treated as if they are princesses in a Castle they aren't looked at as such. Katelyn is looked at like she is nothing more then the bosses angry wife. And KC is seen as her maid. That all. Nothing more sometimes less.
Actually- imma draw that-
I don't know what a my brain told me to make her dummy thick but here we are-
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I would also like the ad the only Jewel thing they both have the obsidian heart on their chest which is surprisingly light due to being Enchanted (more on that later).
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